High mountain lakes: extreme habitats and witnesses of … · EXTREME HABITATS Living in highly...

INTRODUCTION High mountain lakes are among the ecosystems with larger similarities throughout the planet. The low permeability of crystalline bedrocks favours the presence of lakes and, because oro- genesis is the main source of this bedrock type, most of the large and high ranges of the World (the Alps, the Pyrenees, Sierra Nevada, the Scandinavian mountains, the Tatras, the Caucasus, the Pamirs, the Hindu Kush, Karakorum, Himalayas, Rocky Moun- tains, the Andes, the Kenya, Rwenzori, Kili- manjaro, the Carsteusz mountains, Ruapehu, among others) have an associated lake district. Most of the existing high mountain lakes origi- nated during the last glaciation due to the action of ice upon those hard bedrocks, there- fore, mountain lakes are generally young eco- systems. Despite their apparent marginal role in the Earth system, high-mountain lakes are particularly suitable for studies on certain envi- ronmental and ecological topics, and for this reason, the scientific community have paid attention to them beyond to what could be expected from their quantitative relevance. High mountain lakes: extreme habitats and witnesses of environmental changes Jordi Catalan 1,5 , Lluís Camarero 1,5 , Marisol Felip 2,5 , Sergi Pla 3 , Marc Ventura 4 , Teresa Buchaca 4 , Frederic Bartumeus 1,5 , Guillermo de Mendoza 1,5 , Alexandre Miró 5 , Emilio O. Casamayor 1,5 , Juan Manuel Medina-Sánchez 1,5,6 , Montserrat Bacardit 1,5 , Maddi Altuna 1,5 , Mireia Bartrons 1,5 , Daniel Díaz de Quijano 1,5 1 Centre d’Estudis Avançats de Blanes, CSIC, Blanes, Spain. 2 Departament d’Ecologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. 3 Department of Geography, University of Loughborough, Leicestershire, United Kingdom. 4 National Environmental Research Institute, Silkeborg, Denmark. 5 Unitat de Limnologia (UB-CSIC). Centre de Recerca d’Alta Muntanya, Universitat de Barcelona, Vielha, Spain. 6 Departamento de Ecología, Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain. ABSTRACT High mountain lakes offer research opportunities beyond what could be expected from their quantitative relevance in the Earth system. In this article we present a brief summary of the research carried out in the lakes of the Pyrenees in the last twenty years by the group of limnology of the Centre for High Mountain Research (CRAM) of the University of Barcelona. The stu- dies can be included in three main topics: life in extreme conditions, catchment-lake relationships and environmental changes. Keywords: alpine lakes, extreme habitats, catchment-lake relationships, long-range atmospheric pollution, climate change. RESUMEN Los lagos de montaña ofrecen oportunidades de estudio que van mucho más allá de lo que su disposición en el territorio y abundancia pudieran sugerir. En este artículo presentamos un breve resumen de los temas que hemos abordado a lo largo de poco más de veinte años de investigación en los lagos de los Pirineos por parte del grupo de limnología del Centro de Investigaciones de Alta Montaña (CRAM) de la Universidad de Barcelona. Los estudios se enmarcan fundamentalmente en tres líneas generales: la vida en condiciones extremas, las relaciones cuenca-lago y los cambios ambientales. Palabras clave: lagos alpinos, vida en hábitats extremos, relaciones cuenca-lago, contaminación atmosférica difusa, cambio climático. Limnetica, 25(1-2): 551-584 (2006) The ecology of the Iberian inland waters: Homage to Ramon Margalef © Asociación Española de Limnología, Madrid. Spain. ISSN: 0213-8409

Transcript of High mountain lakes: extreme habitats and witnesses of … · EXTREME HABITATS Living in highly...

Page 1: High mountain lakes: extreme habitats and witnesses of … · EXTREME HABITATS Living in highly diluted waters Species segregation Rock weathering of crystalline bedrocks is extre-mely


High mountain lakes are among the ecosystemswith larger similarities throughout the planet.The low permeability of crystalline bedrocksfavours the presence of lakes and, because oro-genesis is the main source of this bedrocktype, most of the large and high ranges ofthe World (the Alps, the Pyrenees, SierraNevada, the Scandinavian mountains, theTatras, the Caucasus, the Pamirs, the HinduKush, Karakorum, Himalayas, Rocky Moun-tains, the Andes, the Kenya, Rwenzori, Kili-

manjaro, the Carsteusz mountains, Ruapehu,among others) have an associated lake district.Most of the existing high mountain lakes origi-nated during the last glaciation due to theaction of ice upon those hard bedrocks, there-fore, mountain lakes are generally young eco-systems. Despite their apparent marginal rolein the Earth system, high-mountain lakes areparticularly suitable for studies on certain envi-ronmental and ecological topics, and for thisreason, the scientif ic community have paidattention to them beyond to what could beexpected from their quantitative relevance.

High mountain lakes: extreme habitats and witnesses of environmental changes

Jordi Catalan1,5, Lluís Camarero1,5, Marisol Felip2,5, Sergi Pla3, Marc Ventura4, Teresa Buchaca4, Frederic Bartumeus1,5, Guillermo de Mendoza1,5, Alexandre Miró5,Emilio O. Casamayor1,5, Juan Manuel Medina-Sánchez1,5,6, Montserrat Bacardit1,5, Maddi Altuna1,5, Mireia Bartrons1,5, Daniel Díaz de Quijano1,5

1Centre d’Estudis Avançats de Blanes, CSIC, Blanes, Spain.2Departament d’Ecologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.3Department of Geography, University of Loughborough, Leicestershire, United Kingdom.4National Environmental Research Institute, Silkeborg, Denmark.5Unitat de Limnologia (UB-CSIC). Centre de Recerca d’Alta Muntanya, Universitat de Barcelona, Vielha, Spain.6Departamento de Ecología, Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain.


High mountain lakes offer research opportunities beyond what could be expected from their quantitative relevance in the Earthsystem. In this article we present a brief summary of the research carried out in the lakes of the Pyrenees in the last twentyyears by the group of limnology of the Centre for High Mountain Research (CRAM) of the University of Barcelona. The stu-dies can be included in three main topics: life in extreme conditions, catchment-lake relationships and environmental changes.

Keywords: alpine lakes, extreme habitats, catchment-lake relationships, long-range atmospheric pollution, climate change.


Los lagos de montaña ofrecen oportunidades de estudio que van mucho más allá de lo que su disposición en el territorio yabundancia pudieran sugerir. En este artículo presentamos un breve resumen de los temas que hemos abordado a lo largo depoco más de veinte años de investigación en los lagos de los Pirineos por parte del grupo de limnología del Centrode Investigaciones de Alta Montaña (CRAM) de la Universidad de Barcelona. Los estudios se enmarcan fundamentalmente entres líneas generales: la vida en condiciones extremas, las relaciones cuenca-lago y los cambios ambientales.

Palabras clave: lagos alpinos, vida en hábitats extremos, relaciones cuenca-lago, contaminación atmosférica difusa, cambioclimático.

Limnetica, 25(1-2): 551-584 (2006)The ecology of the Iberian inland waters: Homage to Ramon Margalef© Asociación Española de Limnología, Madrid. Spain. ISSN: 0213-8409

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Our group started these type of studies in theearly 80’s, when Dr. Margalef suggested tostudy some lake in the Pyrenees taking advan-tage of the new f ield station built by theUniversity of Barcelona in the CentralPyrenees (Centre de Recerca d’Alta Muntanya,CRAM). In this paper, we summarise some ofthe studies carried out by our group in the highmountain lakes of the Pyrenees, particularly,on Lake Redon (formerly Lake Redó) (42o

38’N, 0o 46’E, 2240 m a.s.l.). Our researchinterests, initially focused on planktonic lakeprocesses, grew and diversified progressivelyas the number of members of the group increa-sed. As a consequence, the themes addressed inthis paper may appear miscellaneous at firstglance, but they actually give account of ouractivities in three main research areas in whichhigh mountain lakes are particularly suitable asfield sites or model systems.

The particular location of high mountainlakes determines a number of environmentalconditions that are traditionally consideredextreme for life. Low rock weathering and limi-ted soil development determine highly dilutedwaters, both in major salt components andnutrients. As a consequence, organisms facechallenges related to that extreme dilution:osmoregulation, oligotrophy, low encounteringrates, etc. On the other hand, altitude is a factorof multiple consequences. Because the thinneratmosphere, radiation and particularly the UV-Bfraction increases, thus lake biota is alternativelysubjected to harmful high radiations during theice free period and to light limited conditions inwinter. The formation and development of an iceand snow cover, which may last for manymonths, is a distinctive dynamical feature ofthese lake ecosystems. Finally, altitude alsodetermines remoteness, if colonisation may be ageneral key process in assembling local commu-nities of organisms, in high mountain lakes itmay become even more relevant because theheadwater nature of the lakes, high elevationwatersheds and relative isolation of the moun-tain ranges in a matrix of low land territory. Thedegree of those extreme conditions changesfrom place to place and, thus, high mountain

lake districts are usually a mosaic of highlydivers lakes, diversity which is highly coherentwith the characteristics of their catchments,because mountain lakes are small water bodieswhere matter loadings from the catchment arefundamental in determining the lake characteris-tics. Catchments are relatively small compare tolow land lakes, as a consequence, atmosphericloadings tend to be also significant to determinethe characteristics of water runoff, and thus lakewater ones. If we combine the sensitivity ofmountain lake ecosystems to external forcingwith their remoteness from areas of high humanactivity, it turns out that high mountain lakes areexcellent sentinels and recorders of past and pre-sent environmental changes. In summary, highmountain lakes are particularly suitable for stu-dies on life in extreme environments, lake-catchment interactions and large-scale environ-mental changes. The manuscript is organized inbrief accounts of our past and present activitiesin those three main research fields.


Living in highly diluted waters

Species segregation

Rock weathering of crystalline bedrocks is extre-mely slow, particularly, if soil development isscarce or null, as a consequence, high mountainlake waters are poor in dissolved salts. This saltdilution has some biological consequences of dif-ferent nature. In extreme cases, it may result in aphysiological limitation for survival, such aswhat happens to fish in the lakes with the lowestcalcium concentrations. More often, variation inmajor water components results in species segre-gation, particularly, with primary producers. It iswell known how diatom species segregate alongpH gradients related to changes in acid neutrali-sing capacity (ANC) (Battarbee et al., 2001),which in turn is mostly due to Ca2+ concentra-tion, the main cation produced by chemical wea-thering of a large variety of rocks (Psenner &Catalan, 1994). In the studies carried out in the

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Pyrenees, it was also found that the main envi-ronmental axis of segregation for chrysophyteswas related to ANC, and thus to bedrock natureof the catchments (Pla et al., 2003). The segrega-tion throughout the ANC gradient is not restric-ted to microalgal forms. Among macrophytes,isoetids (Isoetes lacustris, I. setacea, Subulariaaquatica) prevailed in softwater lakes and pota-mids (Potamogeton spp., Ranunculus spp.) inrelatively hardwater lakes (Gacia et al., 1994).

Microbial life

The low salt content also applies to microcom-ponents of the water chemical composition.High mountain lakes are usually oligotrophic,phytoplankton growth is limited and thus watertransparency is high. Nevertheless, a rich micro-planktonic community is commonly present, inwhich species composition and biomass valuesvary seasonally driven by the changes in thephysical forcing of the lake and internal dyna-mics of the planktonic community (Felip et al.,1999a; Felip & Catalan, 2000). Although there isa large variability, characteristic biomass ratiosbetween the distinct microplankton componentsare 10:2:2:1, for phytoplankton, bacteria, hetero-

trophic flagellates and ciliates, respectively(Felip et al., 1999a). During winter the percenta-ge of strict heterotrophic biomass increases andprotozoa become eventually dominant (Fig. 1). Arelevant fraction of phytoplankton in high moun-tain lakes is composed of mixotrophic organisms(Gymnodinium, Chromulina, Ochromonas,Dinobryon, Cryptomonas), which can behaveeither as autotrophs or heterotrophs. Bacterialabundance and biomass are usually low compa-red to other lakes and show little changethroughout the year. Some size segregation canoccur when the lake is stratified, with larger bac-teria appearing in the upper layers (Felip et al.,1999a). The use of modern molecular techniquesto identify bacterial populations has recentlydemonstrated large diversity of prokaryotes inhigh mountain lake plankton. The variability ofthe distinct groups clearly exceeds the fluctua-tions of the total bacterial assemblage, sugges-ting that the stability of total abundances do notproperly reflect a highly dynamic planktoniccomponent (Pernthaler et al., 1998). The infor-mation is still scarce, nevertheless it appearsnoteworthy the dominance of Actinobacteriagroups and the common presence of Archaea(Warnecke et al., 2005; Medina-Sánchez et al.,

The mountain lakes of the Pyrenees 553

Figure 1. Microplankton biomass distribution (% of carbon content) among phytoplankton, heterotrophic flagellates and ciliates inLake Redon (Pyrenees) during a complete seasonal cycle of 1984-85. Distribución de la biomasa en el microplancton (% de con-tenido en carbono) entre fitoplancton, flagelados heterotróficos y ciliados en el Lago Redon (Pirineos) durante un ciclo estacionalcompleto, 1984-85.

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2005). Future research in microplankton interac-tions and dynamics points to applying a single-cell approach. But these ultraoligotrophic envi-ronments are not always the most suitable to besingle-cell analysed, so a methodological effortis being made in adapting techniques such asCARD-FISH (Catalysed Reporter Deposition-Fluorescent In Situ Hybridisation) (Medina-Sánchez et al., 2005) , ELF97 phosphate subs-trate (Enzyme-Labelled Fluorescence) andMAR-FISH (Micro AutoRadiography-FISH),without disregarding possible improvements inXRMA (X-Ray Micro Analysis) or the combina-tion of some of these techniques.


According to the total phosphorus (TP) concen-tration measured on a survey performed alongthe Pyrenees in summer year 2000, more than70 % of the lakes could be classified as ultraoli-gotrophic (TP < 4.7 µg L-1), 22 % as oligotro-phic (4.7 < TP < 9.3 µg L-1 ) and 6 % as meso-trophic (9.3 < TP < 31 µg L-1). The algal groupcomposition estimated using pigment-basedmethods along the surveyed lakes showed thatcryptophytes were associated to lakes with grea-ter phosphorus concentration whereas chryso-phytes predominate at the opposite extreme ofthe trophic gradient (Buchaca, 2005). The othertypically present algal groups (chlorophytes,diatoms, dinoflagellates) and cyanobacteriawere independent of the trophic gradient.Studies carried out in Lake Redon showed thatthe seasonal phytoplankton dynamics was dri-ven by light availability and internal nutrientloading related to mixing patterns, following thetypical pattern in oligotrophic lakes with pro-duction maxima when mixing reaches the depthwhere the fine and nutrient rich sediment islocated (below 25 m in the particular case ofLake Redon) (Catalan & Camarero, 1991).Despite the existence of a large inter-annualvariability, four main production phases aretypically present in those alpine lakes (Venturaet al., 2000; Catalan et al., 2002b), with varyingrelative intensity: spring and autumn overturns,upper hypolimnion during summer stratification

and under the ice at the beginning of the ice-covered period. The four periods have contras-ting combinations of nutrient and light regimes,which lead to particular acclimation responsesby phytoplankton, such as changes in cell pig-ment content and pigment ratios (Felip &Catalan, 2000; Buchaca , 2005).


High mountain lakes are not only nutrient poorbut also there is usually a large elemental imba-lance respect the ideal proportions for life. Theintra-specific and inter-specific variability in ele-mental composition of organisms provides amethod to compare life histories in a commonecological stoichiometry framework (Sterner &Elser, 2002). In a recent study, we compared thelife histories of the three crustacean zooplanktonspecies of Lake Redon (a cladoceran, Daphniapulicaria, a cyclopoid copepod, Cyclops abysso-rum, and a calanoid copepod, Diaptomus cya-neus) (Ventura & Catalan, 2005). The three spe-cies had contrasting reproduction strategies,although they were all iteroparous annual spe-cies. The production of a single cohort was acommon feature, while they differed in their dia-pausing strategy. Daphnia showed both diapau-sing and non-diapausing strategies. Coincidingwith the end of the autumn overturn and the startof the ice-cover, adult males appeared and ephip-pia were subsequently produced. However, mostadult females survived below the ice-cover, wait-ing to reproduce until next ice-free period.Cyclops adults also survived below the ice-cover,probably synchronising its life cycle with theDaphnia, as the former prey on the latter(Gliwicz et al., 2001). Diaptomus was the onlystrict diapausing species, completing its lifecycle within a short period. In Lake Redon,Diaptomus emergence coincided with the springproduction maxima and during their presence inthe plankton of the lake they completely domina-ted the zooplankton biomass. The elementalcomposition of the three species was typical ofcrustacean zooplankton, having the two cope-pods higher nitrogen and lower phosphorus con-tent than the cladoceran. However, the three spe-

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cies had relatively high carbon content, as aresult of being enriched in lipid content, as hasalso been found in marine copepods inhabitingcold areas (Lee & Hirota, 1973). Daphnia hadalso a relatively low phosphorus content compa-red with other species of the same genus, whichhas been interpreted as an adaptation to inhabitan ultra-oligotrophic environment such as LakeRedon. For the three species, reproduction wasthe main cause of intra-specific elemental varia-bility (Fig. 2). Adult females of the three specieslost from 32 to 48 % of their initial absolute Cand H content during reproduction, which

corresponded to a similar decrease in their lipidand carbohydrate content. The N content did notchange in any of the three species; nor did theprotein and chitin content. Daphnia andDiaptomus lost 35 % and 56 %, respectively, oftheir initial absolute P content during reproduc-tion, while Cyclops’ P content did not change.The three species stored energy compoundsunder unfavourable conditions for later use inoffspring production, but only Diaptomus andDaphnia mobilised stored P. Corresponding stoi-chiometric changes with reproduction included(Fig. 2): a decrease in C:N ratio for the three spe-

The mountain lakes of the Pyrenees 555

Figure 2. Dry weight, elemental content, and atomic ratios (by atoms) before and after reproduction for adult females ofDiaptomus cyaneus (D.c.f.), Cyclops abyssorum (C.a.f.) and Daphnia pulicaria (D.p.f.) and adult males of Diaptomus cyaneus(D.c.m.) from Lake Redon. * and ** indicates significant differences between before and during/after reproduction at p<0.05 and p< 0.005, respectively; ns = not significant. Modified from Ventura and Catalan (2005). Peso seco, contenido elemental y relacionesatómicas (en átomos) antes y después de la reproducción en hembras adultas de Diaptomus cyaneus (D.c.f.), Cyclops abyssorum(C.a.f.) y Daphnia pulicaria (D.p.f.) y machos adultos de Diaptomus cyaneus (D.c.m.) en el lago Redon. * y ** indican las diferen-cias significativas entre antes y después de la reproducción a p<0.05 y p < 0.005, respectivamente; ns = no significativo.Modificado de Ventura & Catalan (2005).

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cies; an increase in N:P ratio for Daphnia adultfemales and adults of Diaptomus; and a C:P ratioincrease in Diaptomus females and decline inCyclops females. Differences in C:P ratio chan-ges corresponded with differences in allocationto their respective reproductive tissues.Diaptomus males and Daphnia females did notchange their C:P ratio with reproduction. Theelemental composition of adult males differedbetween the three species. The dry weight ofadult Cyclops did not change significantly duringthe period they were present in the lake and, asfor Daphnia, their composition remained thesame as that of pre-adult instars. In contrast, thedry weight of Diaptomus adult males decreasedand their elemental composition changed simi-larly to that of adult females during reproduction(Fig. 2); thus, they yielded a reproduction effortcomparable to that of adult females. The reasonfor these differences is probably related to a dif-ference in mating requirements of the two cope-pod groups. Cyclopoid females need to beimpregnated only once during their lifetimes(Whitehouse and Lewis, 1973), while most cala-noid females, however, must mate repeatedly inorder to maintain their fertility (Watras andHaney, 1980). This study of the three crustaceansis a good example on how elemental economyin organisms is tied to life-strategies, establish-ing a bridge between demographic and biogeo-chemical approaches to ecosystem dynamics.

Encounter rates

Quality of food is important, but even more criti-cal can be to find that food. In extremely oligo-trophic environments, the density of organism isquite low and consumers face a first problem,finding their food. Hence, encounter rates play acentral position in foraging theory (Jumars,1993). Encounter rates also govern reaction ratesof ecosystems by determining which and howmany individuals, populations, and/or speciescan interact strongly with each other at specificlocations. Despite of their relevance the existen-ce, and possible consequences, of limitation inthe rate of encounters is not thoroughly addres-sed in ecological studies. Overall, low concentra-

tion and/or low sensorial capabilities of orga-nisms in any ecosystem may enhance encounterrate limitation, and thus organisms evolving insuch conditions might experience specific selec-tion pressures and new adaptive pathways. Inclassical population biology, ecological dyna-mics rely on the assumption of perfectly mixedinteracting entities in a spaceless world. The so-called mean field assumption, implies thatencounter rates are driven exclusively by changesin the density of the interacting entities (Levin &Durret, 1996). However, some authors, inspiredin planktonic interactions in diluted environ-ments, have studied encounter rates by means ofequations that consider explicit geometricalrepresentations of the encounter scenario toge-ther with some physical insights into the processof encounter, e.g., size and velocity of the inter-acting particles (Gerritsen & Strickler, 1977;Rothschild & Osborn, 1988; MacKenzie &Kiorboe, 1995; Kiorboe, 1997; Catalan, 1999).Although these encounter rate equations investi-gate encounter rates beyond changes in density,they do not take explicitly into account the statis-tical properties emerging from particle’s trajecto-ries (e.g., the chances of covering differentregions of space, the probability of revisiting asite, etc.). In particular, the statistical propertiesof movement are relevant when organisms areinvolved in random search processes (Viswa-nathan et al., 1999; Bartumeus et al., 2005). Insuch situations, organisms must attempt to movein such a way so as to optimise their “chances oflocating resources” by increasing their “chancesof covering appropriate regions”. Typically, thediffusion of particles through space has beenaddressed by means of random walk models(Okubo, 1980; Berg, 1983). Different classes ofrandom walk models involve different types ofdiffusion and different statistical properties(Mandelbrot, 1977, Shlesinger et al., 1995).Recent studies have shown that the ability tooptimise the encounter rates in a random searchprocess can only exist if the motion involves twobasic statistical properties: superdiffusion (i.e.,root mean square displacement scaling non-line-arly with time) and fractality (i.e., power-lawmove lengths distribution) (Bartumeus et al.,

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2005). A specific class of random walk models,named Lévy walks, incorporates both properties.Such properties allow the emergence of a rangeof optimal solutions to the encounter problem indifferent scenarios (Viswanathan et al., 1999;Bartumeus, et al., 2002; Raposo et al., 2003;Santos et al., 2004). Lévy walks properties havebeen observed in planktonic organisms (Bar-tumeus et al., 2002) as well as in other types oforganism, from protozoa (Levandowsky et al.,1988a; 1988b; 1997; Bartumeus et al., 2003) tomammals (Viswanathan et al., 1996; Atkinson etal., 2002; Austin et al., 2004; Ramos-Fernandezet al., 2004). Overall, these results suggest thatsome animals may have evolved the ability ofperforming Lévy walks as adaptive strategies inorder to face search uncertainties, and this mightbe specially relevant in diluted ecosystems.

Irradiance: extremely low, extremely high

Deep and shallow lakes

During the ice-free season, light penetrationinto the water column in high mountain lakes isvery high. On a survey performed along thePyrenees on summer year 2000, 75% of thelakes had more than 1 % subsurface light arri-ving to the surface of the sediment (Fig. 3).Such light availability supports the developmentof an autotrophic biofilm in the upper sediment

of many of these lakes. The pigment composi-tion of this upper sediments indicates a gradientfrom autotrophic biofilms (dominated by dia-toms and cyanobacteria pigment signals) toheterotrophic biofilms (dominated by crypto-phytes, chlorophytes and zooplankton markerpigment signal). The pigment ratio (alloxan-thin/diatoxanthin) is a good indicator of therelative contribution to the overall primary pro-duction of the two environments (planktonicand benthic) in lakes where diatoms are not arelevant plankton component. The molar ratiobetween these two marker pigments was positi-vely correlated with lake depth (r2 = 0.49,p<0.001). Thus, in general, we can distinguishbetween two types of high mountain lakes ofcontrasting biotic characteristics, shallow lakes(maximum depth < 10-15 m) and deep lakes;distinction that is of broadly application to allalpine lakes and constitute an ecological thres-hold, in the sense that around these lake depthrange we find more changes in species commu-nities than above or below them.

Nutrient vs. light limitation

In high mountain lakes, irradiance is extremelyfluctuating between extremely high and lowvalues. These fluctuations happen at seasonal todaily scales, therefore, there is plenty of oppor-tunities to investigate acclimative and adaptive

The mountain lakes of the Pyrenees 557

Figure 3. Distributions of the percentage of light reaching the sediment surface at the maximum lake depth (I0(Zmax)) in the lakesof the Pyrenees during a year 2000 survey. The cumulative percentage is also indicated. Distribución del porcentaje de luz quellega a la superficie del sedimento en la parte más profunda de los lagos (I0(Zmax)) de los Pirineos en un muestreo del año 2000. Elporcentaje acumulado también se indica.

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responses to those extremes and fluctuations.When lakes freeze, the accumulation of snow onthe surface of the lake reduces underwater irra-diance below compensatory levels for phyto-plankton; condition that may last for severalmonths. However, at the beginning of the icecovered period, 1% of the subsurface irradiancemay reach a depth of 10 m (Catalan, 1992). InLake Redon, algae growing below the ice-coverwere found to increase the chlorophyll concen-tration per cell (Felip & Catalan, 2000; Buchaca

et al., 2005), as a photoacclimation response(Geider, 1987). However, samples below thethermocline growing at similar or even lowerirradiance values did not show the same respon-se. The ratios between the marker pigmentscorresponding to each algal group and biovolu-me were fairly stable for all samples within thephotic zone (> 1 % subsurface irradiance)during the ice free period (Fig. 4). Only in avery few samples below the photic zone did theratios increase to levels similar to those found in

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Figure 4. Relationship between ratio values of marker pigment to corresponding algal group biovolume and percentage of subsur-face irradiance at the depth of the sample (I(z)). The horizontal dashed line indicates I(z) = 1%, the vertical dashed line representsthe calculated mean ratio value for samples above I(z) = 1%. Symbols represent periods of contrasting physical properties in thewater column: stratified periods above thermocline (open squares); stratified periods below thermocline (filled squares); duringthe initial ice-covered period, December-96 (circles) and before ice formation, December-97 (triangles). Relación del cocienteentre pigmento indicador y biovolumen algal con el porcentaje de radiación subsuperficial a la profundidad de la muestra (I(z)).La líneas horizontales discontinuas indican I(z) = 1%. Los símbolos indican períodos de características físicas contrastadas en lacolumna de agua: períodos de estratificación por encima de la termoclina (cuadrados); períodos de estratificación por debajo dela termoclina (cuadrados rellenos); período inicial bajo el hielo durante diciembre de 1996 (círculos) y antes de formarse, diciem-bre de 1997 (triángulos).

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surface layers below the ice. The lack of pig-ment increase per cell with decreasing lightregime in the ice-free period can be interpretedas a consequence of the growth limitation bynutrient availability, rather than light (Geider etal., 1997). In contrast, the populations at thebeginning of the ice-covered period did show aphotoacclimation response in the form of anincrease in pigment content per biovolumebecause these populations were growing innutrient-replete conditions during the prioroverturn mixing (Catalan, 1992).

UV radiation

Despite a high frequency of cloudy days and thepresence of an ice cover during winter, organismsin high mountain lakes may be exposed to highultraviolet radiation (UVR) doses (Sommaruga,2001), because of its natural increase with eleva-tion. In addition, there is a larger relative increaseof the most damaging part, UV-B (Sommaruga &Psenner, 1997). High mountain lakes are usuallyhighly transparent to UVR, yielding low attenua-tion of short wavelength (Fig. 5). The high trans-parency is due to low dissolved organic carbon(DOC) concentration (Morris et al., 1995) becau-se of decreasing soil development, vegetationcover and catchment size with altitude (Som-maruga et al., 1999). As a consequence of thelow DOC concentrations, its composition andoptical properties as well as the algal abundancebecome essential parameters to understand UVattenuation in high mountain lakes (Laurion etal., 2000). A general accepted view of the solarUVR effects on live in high mountain lakes isstill missing because of different studies eviden-ced controversial results. For instance, Carrillo etal. (2002) showed a significant inhibition of pri-mary and bacterial production by UVR in short-term experiments, whereas Halac et al. (1997)found no UVR effects on phytoplankton growthrate and on species composition in a long-termenclosure experiment. The solar spectral regionconsidered (UVA and/or UVB), the selected timescale, the biological process measured, the abio-tic and biotic factors interaction, the specific tar-get and their different sensitivity to UVA and

UVB linked to photoprotection and photorepara-tion mechanisms, could account for such contro-versy. Different mechanisms to avoid, protect orrecover from UVR damage have been describedin organisms living in high mountain lakes: thesynthesis of compounds that directly or indirectlyabsorb UV photons, such as melanin, carote-noids, scytonemin, and mycosporine-like aminoacids (MAAs) (Sommaruga, 2001); efficientDNA-photorepair mechanisms (Medina-Sánchezet al., 2002); behavioural strategies, for instance,daily migrations (Felip & Medina-Sánchez, inprep.); metabolic strategies, as enhanced photo-synthetic carbon excretion (Carrillo et al., 2002;Medina-Sánchez et al., 2006), or mixotrophicfeeding (Medina-Sánchez et al., 2004).

The mountain lakes of the Pyrenees 559

Figure 5. Depth changes in UV irradiance at 305, 320, and380 nm in Lake Redon measured on 22 July 2005 (13:00 h)with a radiometer BIC 2104. The attenuation coefficients (Kd)are also indicated. Cambios en profundidad de radiación UV a305, 320 y 380 nm en el Lago Redó medidos el 22 de julio de2005 (13:00 h) con un radiómetro BIC 2104. Los coeficientesde atenuación (Kd) también se indican.

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Long winters: opportunity for alternativehabitats

Ice and snow cover dynamics

During winter an ice and snow cover forms inmost high mountain lakes, which may last formore than half a year at mid-latitude, dependingon altitude. When the lake water freezes at thebeginning of the winter, the ice formed is veryclear and light can penetrate deep into the lake.Because of the optical effect, this ice is knownas black ice. On top of it, snow accumulates, itsweight pushes the whole cover down and lakewater floods the snow layer until a hydrostaticequilibrium is reached, forming a slush layer.These slush layers may occasionally freeze,forming an opaque ice, known as white ice. Newsnowfalls provide new layers, and the process offlooding, slush forming and freezing may repeatseveral types during winter, producing a com-plex structure of layers of distinct nature in theice cover (Catalan, 1989). Overall, the amountof lake water equivalent in the ice cover provi-ded by lake water flooding is higher than theamount provided by snowfalls. The maximumthickness of the ice cover is achieved duringspring (April), and then a progressive meltingstarts from top downwards. Large temporaryshallow pools may form on top of the cover,before large cracks divide it. During the meltingperiod, thawing in the catchment maintains alarge water flow of the water through the lakeand, occasionally, through some of the lakecover layers. Transformations in the physicalstructure of the snow and ice cover have a paral-lel in the changes of the chemical compositionof the distinct layers (Granberg, 1985;Johannesen & Henriksen, 1978; Tsiouris et al.,1985). During freezing salts tend to be excludedfrom the ice and are released to water or con-centrate on the outer layers of the ice grains andcrystals. During the earlier stage of melting,these outer layers melt first and most of salts arereleased. In a later stage, the remaining solute-impoverished ice yields very diluted meltingwater. The chemical evolution of the snow coverof Lake Redon monitored during the winter

1991-92 illustrates these changes. During theformation of the black ice on the lake, salts werevery efficiently exsolved from the ice, and thewater right under it became more concentrated.Later on, when the snow accumulated onto theblack ice sheet and the lake water intruded intothe cover producing slush, two phases could bedistinguished: the liquid phase (flooding water),and the solid phase (ice as both compact layersand grains). In the solid phase two clearly che-mically characterized zones could be distingui-shed: above and below the water level. Above,the salt content was higher, basically reflectingthe composition of atmospheric deposition.Below, the ice was washed out of salts, and theliquid phase was more concentrated as a resultof the migration of salts from the ice. Duringthe first stages of the cover, the liquid phase wasmarkedly enriched by the exclusion of saltsfrom the black ice. Later on, the concentrationdecreased but was still 3 to 4-fold that of ice,maintained by the scavenged salts coming fromthe newly deposited snow on the lake and thecatchment. This situation lasted until the abla-tion period. In this moment, diluted meltingwater from the catchment circulated through theice cover massively. The diluted water is theresult of the melting of the snow cover of thecatchment, which has previously lost solutesduring the season by partial melting. The quan-titative changes in the solute content are alsoaccompanied by qualitative changes. Not allions are excluded from the ice phases at thesame rate. Thus, for instance, in the ice andsnow layer above the water level the ratio stronganions/base cations tended to decrease withtime after the major deposition events. Thisindicates a relatively preferential mobilisationof anions. In the lower layers, both liquid andsolid, there was an increasing trend of the stronganions/base cations ratio possibly reflecting thepreferential migration of anions from the upperlayer, but also the increasing volume of watercoming from the snow cover of the catchment,which had elevated values of the quotient. Thehighest values are reached during the massivecirculation of the melting water coming fromthe catchment. The pH of surface snow was con-

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sistent with the strong anions/base cations quo-tient: snow with a higher percentage of anionshad a lower pH than snow with more cations.Below the water level, the pH of ice was moreconstant. In water, the pH was also constant andmore neutral, except for the melting periodwhen there was a remarkable decrease.

Slush microbial life

The presence of highly active microbial com-munities in the slush layers of the winter coverhas been described in high mountain lakes ofthe Pyrenees and the Alps (Felip et al., 1995).Bacteria and many taxa of autotrophic andheterotrophic flagellates and ciliates inhabitslush layers and pools produced on top of thewinter cover during late spring. A detailedstudy in Lake Redon (Pyrenees) showed thattemporal changes in microbial assemblages arestrongly affected by the physical transforma-tion of the lake cover and the snow pack in thecatchment (Felip et al., 1999b). Further studiesconfirmed that similar changes occur in theAlps (Felip et al., 2002) and a general patterncan be established. After an initial phase,during which the ice sheet forms and the snowstarts to accumulate, with little or no develop-

ment of slush layers (formation period), thereare two stages of microbial assemblages, whichcoincide with the two main phases in the physi-cal changes of the cover, i.e. the growth andthe ablation period (Fig. 6). During the growthperiod, broadly from approximately January tomid-April (Pyrenees) or from January to mid-May (Alps) microbial assemblages of the iceand snow cover are characterized by theinfluence of lake water organisms. Surfacelake water, which floods the cover as a result ofthe hydrostatic adjustment after each snowfall,acts as an inoculum for the slush layers.Potential mixotrophic (mainly chrysophytesand cryptophytes) and heterotrophic flagella-ted species grow and peak at different slushlayers over time. Throughout the winter periodof cover growth, the assemblages becomepoorer in terms of density and diversity, reach-ing minimum values at the end of this period.The growth period of the winter cover resultsin an increased separation of the lake from theouter world, and during this period less than0.1 % of the incident light may reach the lakewater (Catalan, 1992). The winter cover growthperiod represents then a transition from auto-trophic to heterotrophic conditions for the lakewater and the deeper layers of the cover.

The mountain lakes of the Pyrenees 561

Figure 6. Summary of the main processes involved in the physico-chemical structure of the ice and snow cover and in determiningchanges in the microbial assemblages (modified from Felip et al., 2002). Resumen de los principales procesos involucrados en laestructura físico-química de la cubierta de hielo y nieve y en determinar cambios en la comunidad microbiana (modificado deFelip et al., 2002).

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During ablation, the rate of change in the spe-cies composition of the cover is higher andmicrobial assemblages are characterized by thevertical segregation and by the appearance ofnew species (dinoflagellates, i.e. Gymnodi-nium), some of which are typically non-plank-tonic (large ciliates typical of benthic sites orlarge red volvocales typical of snow habitats).During this time, the cover is influenced by thelarge amount of melting water coming from thesnow pack in the catchment. The cover appearsto be more dynamic and sporadically richer inorganisms’ density and biomass than the watercolumn (Felip et al., 2002). Similar observa-tions in Arctic marine ice communities showedthat variability of phytoplankton distribution,species diversity and cell numbers were higherin the ice cover than in the water column(Hsiao, 1992). The use of molecular biologicalmethods to identify bacterial populationsshows that abundance of filamentous bacteriaand some bacterial phylotypes clearly differsbetween slush layers and water column(Alfreider et al., 1996). The mutual influencebetween lake water and cover assemblagesaffects only the upper 1-2 m of the watercolumn, which shows a high rate of temporalchange. Microbial composition in deeperlayers is poorly related to cover assemblagesand temporal changes are slow.

Remote localities difficult to reach

The location of mountain lakes at high altitudeand at headwaters of the river systems does notfacilitate colonisation. The challenges to reachthese lakes may vary from organism to organismaccording to the dispersal mechanisms and abi-lities. Comparative studies among main phylo-genetically related groups are now one of ourfocuses of attention. Here we comment in twocontrasting major groups: picoplankton andmacroinvertebrates.

Picoplankton distribution

Picoplankton (i.e., cells smaller than 3 µm) is alargely unknown biological fraction in any

aquatic ecosystems and mainly in high moun-tain lakes. The picoplankton components (bothprokaryotes- Bacteria and Archaea- and euka-ryotes) are difficult to distinguish by micros-copy because of their small size and the lack ofmorphological characters. They constitute, byfar, the largest reservoir of life and encompassthe major part of physiological and phylogene-tic diversity (Woese, 1987) but traditionalmicrobiological approaches using well-definedculturing methods have failed to offer a con-vincing view on the biological structure ofpicoplankton because the low cultivability ofmicroorganisms. Thus, picoplankton assembla-ges have been considered as a “black box” ofdifferent species with different physiologiesand ecologies very difficult to tell apart. In thelast decade our perception of microbial diver-sity has dramatically changed by retrievingribosomal RNA genes (mostly 16S rRNA and18S rRNA) from the environment, without theneed to have pure cultures for examination(e.g., Casamayor et al., 2000; 2002). Althoughmicrobial diversity studies are carried out withentities that are not strictly species, theserRNA genes can be used as a proxy of micro-bial species composition and have allowedmicrobial ecologists to develop a more ecolo-gical thinking on bacterial (Bacteria andArchaea) ecology. This approach results extre-mely helpful to bridge the existing gap betwe-en ecologists of tall and tiny (Pedrós-Alió &Guerrero, 1994). High mountain lakes exem-plify very well remote systems that can be con-sidered as islands within a “sea” of land diffi-cult to reach for most of the microbes. Inaddition, they are also extreme environmentswith persistent low temperatures, low nutrientavailability and high UV exposure along theyear that might hold an adapted specialistmicrobiota. Microbes have been considered tobe cosmopolitans and because of their highdispersal rates and tremendous population sizethey are easily transported to very distant pla-ces. If that is the case, we should find similarpicoplankton assemblages in similar highmountain lakes worldwide. Certainly, highmountain lakes are a source of new and inte-

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resting microbial taxa as well as naturalmodels to increase communication between theecological and microbiological scientific com-munities. Our present studies focus in twomain lines of research. In the first approach weanalyse the composition of bacterial assembla-ges in situ by isolating the total DNA from thesample, amplifying the genes of interest(usually the genes coding for the 16S rRNA),and cloning these genes. After sequencing, arelatively unbiased picture of the microbialdiversity from natural samples can be obtained.Recent advances in molecular techniques andincreased communication between the ecologi-cal and microbiological scientific communitiesnow allow us to examine patterns of bacterialrichness along environmental gradients and tolook for predictor variables. The available stu-dies seem to indicate that picoplankton fromhigh mountain lakes show a high dominance ofa few bacterial taxa (Reche et al., 2005;Warnecke et al., 2005) mainly Beta-Proteo-bacteria and Actinobacteria (Zwart et al.,2002). Archaea have been detected in differenthigh mountain lakes areas but within a range of5-10% of total DAPI counts (Pernthaler et al.,1998; Medina-Sánchez et al., 2005). Sincenone of these freshwater archaea has been iso-lated in pure culture their metabolism and theirrole in high mountain lakes ecosystems is un-known. Pelagic prokaryotic communities inlakes contain representatives from the samemajor phyla as marine microbial communitiesbut detailed sequence analyses have revealedthat most phylotypes obtained from freshwatercommunities form distinct phylogenetic clus-ters that represent species that appear to beunique to freshwaters. In addition, from thestudy carried out in Sierra Nevada, the bacte-rial composition among lakes appeared to bequite heterogeneous, with a high number ofsite-specific phylotypes (Reche et al., 2005).We are now involved in a more complete studycovering wider regions in the Pyrenees, Alps,Sierra Nevada, Patagonia, Arctic and Antarctic.The second line of thinking uses general ecolo-gists’ statistical techniques to investigate theapplicability of ecological concepts to bacteria

in the natural environment (Reche et al.,2005). In a recent study in high mountain lakesof Sierra Nevada (Spain), it was found a solidpattern between lake area and bacterial phy-lotypes richness. The bacterial richness–arearelationship showed a low slope value asis common for organisms with high dispersionrates. Consequently, lake remoteness did notappear to affect the number of bacterialphylotypes found there, although the distri-bution of lakes influenced bacterial communi-ties yielding similar bacterial phylotypescomposition in nearby lakes.

Macroinvertebrate distribution

Macroinvertebrates inhabiting the littoral ofhigh mountain lakes include a wide spectrum oforganisms that differ greatly in their biologicalcycles, feeding behaviour, and dispersal strate-gies. In the context of mountain lakes as remotelocalities difficult to reach, the dispersal strate-gies of different macroinvertebrate groups playa critical role, especially as altitude increasesand lakes become more remote. Dispersal abili-ties vary greatly among macroinvertebrategroups: whereas all aquatic insects have a flyingadult stage, which allows them to overcomelong distances, other macroinvertebrate groupssuch as worms, snails, and water mites do nothave such flying stage and, therefore, exhibit aslow dispersal process which often needs of atransportation vector. For instance, in the caseof water mites, chironomids are not only used asa feeding resource, but also as a vector for dis-persal (Smith & Oliver, 1976). In the case of oli-gochaetes, dispersal could be achieved passivelyor actively through phreatic water, artif icialchannels, and flooded land, or just passively byair (cysts and cocoons) under moist and coolweather (Timm, 1980). Similarly, adult move-ment and passive transportation of coccoons arepossible within triclads (Young & Reynoldson,1999). From a survey of 82 lakes from the Pyre-nees (which were selected to be representativeof the whole altitudinal range), we observed thatamong the main groups of macroinvertebratesfound (i.e. those present in at least 10 % of

The mountain lakes of the Pyrenees 563

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lakes) negative relations to altitude, and therefo-re to remoteness, were quite frequent (Table 1).However, this is not likely to be purely conse-quence of the difficulty to reach high altitudelakes. Low altitude lakes are warmer and gene-rally more productive, and often hold macro-phytes (Gacia et al., 1994), enhancing habitatheterogeneity and refugee against predation(e.g. Gilinsky, 1984). In this sense, high altitudelakes could just be more unfavourable environ-ments, which are only preferred by cold-steno-thermal groups. In fact, the distributions of non-flying dispersers are often unaffected byaltitude, even within those groups having onlyone single species (i.e. the snail Ancylus fluvia-tilis in Ancylidae, and the water mite Hygro-bates foreli in Hygrobatidae). Water mites (i.e.Hydrachnidia) such as Hygrobatidae, provide agood example of the efficiency of the passivedispersal process. With the same survey of lakes

(but only considering those lakes where watermites were present), the species richness for anygiven number of lakes was obtained by sam-pled-based rarefaction (Gotelli & Colwell,2001) (Fig. 7). Then, it was plotted the hypothe-tical accumulation of richness that would beobserved if lakes were arranged by increasingavailability of chironomids (which serve both asa feeding resource and as a vector of transporta-tion for water mites), and also by increasingavailability of oligochaetes and nematodes(which could similarly serve as a food resource,but not as a vector of transportation). The num-ber of water mite species increased faster in the‘chironomid-based’ accumulation curve than inthe other two cases, and differed significantlyfrom what it could be expected by chance. Thisresult suggests that the passive dispersal processcould still contribute to the maintenance of localdiversity in high mountain lakes.

564 Catalan et al.

Table 1. Main groups of macroinvertebrates inhabiting the littoral zone of mountain lakes from the Pyrenees. S = slow dispersal, F = relativelyfast dispersal, * = only one species found within the family, f = frequency of appearance in a survey of 82 altitudinally representative lakes, n.s.= not significant (two-tailed Student-t test). Principales grupos de macroinvertebrados propios del litoral de los lagos de montaña de losPirineos. S = dispersión lenta, F = dispersión relativamente rápida, * = familia con sólo una especie, f = frecuencia de aparición en un mues-treo de 82 lagos representativos de la variación altitudinal, n.s. = no significativo (test t-Student de dos colas).

Family / Subfamily f Relation Most frequent genera within the family or subfamilyto altitude in Pyrenean lakes

Hydridae (S) 0.20 Negative HydraPlanariidae (S) 0.12 Positive PhagocattaLumbriculidae (S) 0.72 n.s. Lumbriculus, StylodrilusNaididae (S) 0.83 Negative Chaetogaster, Nais, Specaria, VejdovskyellaEnchytraeidae (S) 0.89 n.s. Cernosvitoviella, CognettiaGlossiphoniidae (S) 0.12 Negative HelobdellaAncylidae (S) * 0.18 n.s. AncylusLymnaeidae (S) * 0.26 Negative LymnaeaSphaeriidae (S) 0.50 Negative PisidiumLebertiidae (S) 0.41 n.s. LebertiaHygrobatidae (S) * 0.17 n.s. HygrobatesPionidae (S) 0.10 n.s. PionaBaetidae (F) 0.23 n.s. CloëonCorixidae (F) 0.10 n.s. ArctocorisaSialidae (F) * 0.56 Negative SialisDytiscidae (F) 0.49 n.s. Hydroporus, AgabusChironomidae (sF. Tanypodinae) (F) 0.94 n.s. Ablabesmyia, Macropelopia, Procladius, ZavrelimyiaChironomidae (sF. Orthocladiinae) (F) 0.98 n.s. Corynoneura, Heterotrissocladius, PsectrocladiusChironomidae (sF. Chironominae) (F) 0.96 n.s. Micropsectra, Paratanytarsus, TanytarsusPolycentropodidae (F) 0.52 n.s. Plectrocnemia, PolycentropusLimnephilidae (F) 0.43 n.s. Annitella, DrususLeptoceridae (F) 0.16 Negative Mystacides

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Rock, soil and lake water chemistry

Multivariate statistical analysis of data on waterchemistry of alpine lakes (Camarero et al.,1995) reveals that the main sources of variabi-lity are related to catchment lithological compo-sition, amount and biological activity of soils inthe catchment, and atmospheric deposition ofboth natural (sea salts) and anthropogenic (Nand S compounds) solutes. Lithological compo-sition is the feature determining the largest dif-ferences in chemistry (Catalan et al., 1993) as aconsequence of weathering of rocks of differentmineralogical and chemical composition. Themain groups of rocks found in the Pyrenees areplutonic rocks (granites and granodiorites),sedimentary limestones, metamorphic slatesand schists, detrital sandstones, and, more scar-cely, some volcanic rocks. Differences betweenlakes lying on the main types of bedrock areclear, as it could be expected. More remarkableis the variability between granodiorite batho-liths of similar mineral composition, as shownin Table 2 for lakes in the southern slope ofCentral and Eastern Pyrenees. The largest che-mical differences are found in the base cationscontent, mainly Ca2+, and the alkalinity. Thereis a close relationship between alkalinity and the

percentage of the different rocks found inthe catchment that allows the prediction of therange of alkalinity for a lake, based only onthe lithology, with good accuracy and confiden-ce. For the strong anions, usually SO4

2- domina-tes the ion balance, because it can be supplied in

The mountain lakes of the Pyrenees 565

Figure 7. Sample-based rarefaction curves (95 % confidenceintervals) for water mite species (i.e. Hydrachnidia) across thesurvey of lakes from the Pyrenees, only lakes where water miteswere present were considered, n=41. Species richness accumula-tion was also plotted for lakes arranged by increasing number ofChironomidae, Oligochaeta and Nematoda, respectively. Curvasde rarefacción basadas en muestras (intervalos de confianza del95 %) para especies de ácaros (i.e. Hydrachnidia) a lo largo deun muestreo de lagos pirenaicos, sólo los lagos con presenciade ácaros fueron considerados, n=41. Acumulación de riquezade especies para los lagos ordenados en número creciente deChironomidae, Oligochaeta y Nematoda, respectivamente.

Table 2. Mean values of chemical variables for lakes on different bedrock. Valores medios de variables químicas para lagos en distintos sus-tratos rocosos.

Granidoritic batholithsCambro-

Montlluís Ordovician Devonian Silurian Maladeta Bassiers Marimanha Andorra schists limestones slates

Conductivity µS cm-1 21.6 4.7 20.2 27.7 11.1 44.2 40.9pH 7.40 5.80 6.95 6.98 6.17 7.24 4.50Alkalinity µeq l-1 155 31 140 249 42 333 <0SO4

2- µeq l-1 38 21 26 47 47 53 236Cl- µeq l-1 11 7 11 13 10 22 11NO3

- µeq l-1 8.6 3.7 10.5 15.6 14.9 10.9 5.3NO2

- µeq l-1 0.11 0.06 0.14 0.15 0.09 0.21 0.03NH4

+ µeq l-1 1.4 0.9 1.6 1.6 1.3 3.2 2.3Ca2+ µeq l-1 168 21 150 206 55 353 44Mg2+ µeq l-1 10 5 13 27 11 31 28Na+ µeq l-1 23 11 29 42 20 23 28K+ µeq l-1 7 2 6 9 5 19 3Total P µmol l-1 0.29 0.18 0.27 0.40 0.15 1.47 0.14

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large amounts by some rocks. Lakes with a con-centration of SO4

2- less than c. 50 µeq l-1 haveno significant geological supply of sulphur,being most of it of atmospheric origin. Abovethis limit, rock-derived SO4

2- becomes often themajor fraction, and the SO4

2- concentration canalso be reasonably predicted on the basis of thepercentual composition of rocks in the catch-ment. Dissolved Si has an almost exclusivelygeological origin. There is a significant rela-tionship between concentration of dissolved Siand some features of the catchments as the per-centage of plutonic rocks, the percentage of gla-cial deposits, the altitude of the lake (negativelycorrelated), and the catchment area. The propor-tion of siliceous plutonic rocks has an obviousweight on the Si found in the lakes. Theother variables can be interpreted as indicatorsof conditions that favour their weathering: gla-cial deposits are areas of fragmented rocks thatincrease the surface exposed to weathering; lar-ger catchment areas mean also more surfaceweathered, and the negative correlation withaltitude may have the same meaning, in thesense that lower lakes lie generally in largercatchments; another possible effect of altitudeis higher temperatures at lower altitude enhan-cing the weathering reactions.

The soils found in the catchment play also animportant role in determining the chemistry ofthe lakes. Regarding physico-chemical proces-

ses, soils act as a cation exchange complex sto-ring or releasing base cations previously weathe-red from rocks or atmospherically deposited,depending on the environmental conditions (e. g.quantity and chemistry of precipitation, tempe-rature). From this point of view, the key soilparameters are their cation exchange capacity(CEC) and the percentage of base saturation(BS %). Both parameters are related to somefeatures of the catchments. Results from a sur-vey of 13 catchments (35 soil pits sampled),selected in order to get a representation of allmain lithologies and lake water chemistries overthe Pyrenean range, showed that CEC can bepredicted on the basis of the total organic carbon(TOC) of the soil and a lithological parameter(Camarero, unpublished data). To compute thelithological parameter, the different kind ofrocks were ranked from less to more solubility asindicator of the capacity of supplying cations,and the parameter was then computed as an ave-rage of the ranking, weighted by the proportionof each type of rocks in the catchment. TOC canbe in turn predicted based on percentage of thecatchment covered by soil, the orientation of thevalley (deviation from N), the amount of precipi-tation, and the percentage of relatively solubleplutonic rocks and carbonated rocks. The BS %was correlated with the lithological parameterand the orientation of the valley. In this context,orientation of the valley may be interpreted as a

566 Catalan et al.

Figure 8. Variability of total organic carbon and nitrate concentrations among catchments with a distinct degree of vegetation.Variabilidad de carbono orgánico total y nitratos en cuencas con distinto grado de vegetación.

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surrogate for insolation and temperature.Predictions of CEC based on the catchment cha-racteristics are less accurate than those of BS %,but sufficient nonetheless for biogeochemicalmodelling of lake water chemistry. Soils holdalso a biological activity that influences the che-mistry of water. Related to this, it has been founda positive correlation between the percentage ofthe catchment covered by soil and dissolvedorganic carbon (DOC), dissolved organic nitro-gen (DON), and total phosphorus (TP), whereasthis correlation is negative with NO3

- (Fig. 8).This inverse relationship may be the result ofindependent processes active in the catchmentrelated to amount of soil and the water residencetime in it (larger DOC production and largerNO3

- consumption with more soil determining alonger residence time; Kopacek et al., 2005), orthe result of direct interaction between C and N.For example, NO3

- consumption by denitrifica-tion in the catchment may be limited by DOCavailability (Goodale et al., 2005).

Long term changes in lake productivity

At long time scales (i.e. from a few decades tomillennia) the key element controlling primaryproduction in mountain lakes is the coupling oflake dynamics with the catchment biogeoche-mistry. Phosphorus is an scarce element at thosealtitudes, therefore, it is efficiently retained byvegetation. A reconstruction of the productivitychanges throughout the Holocene in LakeRedon showed that there was an initial phase ofa few thousand years of high productivity, butafterwards the productivity decreased and stabi-lised during more than six thousand years, withslight fluctuations although there were relevantoscillations in climate. Only since 1500 yearsBP onwards, the lake productivity increasedagain in parallel to an increase in sedimentationrates of detrital material. This increase has beeninterpreted as soil erosion after the onset ofsheep grazing activity (Buchaca, 2005), despitethat it is restricted to a few days per year. Thelake is still highly oligotrophic nowadays, butthe study shows how sensitive those ultraoligo-trophic lakes are to a small increase in phospho-

rus loading and, on the other hand, how efficientin retaining phosphorus is the vegetation-soilcomplex, when it is not mechanically affected.


Recent direct anthropic alterations

Despite their remoteness, high mountain lakeshave been affected by some direct anthropicalterations. Historically was deforestation anderosion related to pasturing activities was relati-vely low, except in the lowest lakes locatedbelow treeline. In recent times, direct alterationsare related to hydropower exploitations (Catalanet al., 1997) and lake stocking with fish (Miró& Ventura, 2004). Abrupt changes in waterlevel, as a result of impounding, may affect allthe littoral biota and particularly the survival ofmacrophyte populations (Gacia & Ballesteros,1996). The introduction of fish, due to theirestablishment as top predators may affect and,eventually, suppress some species typical ofthese high altitude sites (Bradford et al., 1998;Knapp et al., 2001). Fish were not able to reachnaturally most of these high altitude lakes,because of the existence of steep slopes andsubterranean parts in the streams flowing fromthe lakes. Therefore, the actual presence of fishin most lakes can only be attributed to artificialstocking. In order to identify the origin, the his-torical utilisation, and the present status of thefish species distribution in the lakes of theAigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici NationalPark, we performed an extensive bibliographicsearch in historical archives and personal inter-views to local elderly people. The NationalPark, situated in the Central Pyrenees, hasapproximately 200 lakes larger than 0.5 ha,which represents a 20 % of all the lakes of thePyrenees. The first documented records of fishintroductions in the lakes of the National Parkhave been dated to the end of the sixteenth cen-tury. However, in other Pyrenean areas therehave been very old citations going back to thebeginning of the fifteenth century –1423–

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which refers to fishing rights of a lake. There isa scarcity of direct written evidences of fishintroductions to the lakes of the National Parkduring the middle Ages, but these showed thatfish introductions in the Pyrenean lakes datedback at least from those times (Valls-Taberner,1988). These initial introductions were donewith individuals of autochthonous brown trout(Salmo trutta), which were fished from nearbystreams and were restricted to the lowest lakesdue to their easiest access. The main purpose ofthese initial introductions was related with ali-mentary requirements of the local communities,but also they were used as a complementaryeconomic resource. This traditional use drasti-cally changed during the second half of the lastcentury (Fig. 9a), when widespread introduc-tions related with leisure fishing activities wererecorded. Introductions consisted of allochtho-nous stocks of brown trout but also of other exo-tic salmonids such as rainbow trout(Oncorhynchus mykiss), brook trout (Salvelinusfontinalis) and the cyprinid European minnow(Phoxinus phoxinus). In some cases, these intro-ductions were financed by the hydroelectricalcompanies in order to compensate local com-munities for the potential loss of fishing resour-ces associated with the hydroelectrical activityand implied a drastic change in the stockingpolicy. As a result, only a 28 % of the lakes have

remained fish-less nowadays in the NationalPark. This percentage is even more striking forsome lake-size categories (Fig. 9b), since mostof the lakes above 3 ha in the National Park havesuffered fish introductions.

Long distance pollution transport and toxification of nature

Our society has a tendency to increase the use ofnatural resources and to externalise wastes. Theconcern about the changes that this behaviourmay originate in nature and to our own place init did not grow in parallel with the timing andmagnitude of those changes. The closer thesystems affected were, the earlier was the recog-nition of the problems. This is well illustrated byeutrophication and acidification (Psenner andCatalan 1994). Measures against eutrophicationstarted with a delay of about 10 years after theonset of ecosystem decline. However, it tookabout one century to implement sulphur emis-sion reductions, since acidification started. Ifwe consider heavy metal pollution, we see thatthe delay in reacting has even taken longer.Nowadays, in addition to those pollutants,which are merely natural wastes, nature facesalso an increasing loading of new substances,since industrialisation brought also a revolutionin organic chemistry, which leads to a global

568 Catalan et al.

Figure 9. Non-native fish introduction history (a) and present status (b) in the lakes larger than 0.5 ha of Aigüestortes i Estany deSant Maurici National Parc (Central Pyrenees). Empty circles and bars stand for lakes without fish and filled circles or bars standfor lakes where non-native fish has been introduced (salmonids only in a, and all fish groups in b). Modified from Miró andVentura (2004). Registro histórico de la introducción de peces no nativos (a) y su estado presente (b) en los lagos de más de 0.5 haen el Parque Nacional de Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici (Pirineos Centrales). Los círculos y barras en blanco indicanlagos sin peces y los círculos y barras negros indican lagos donde peces no nativos se han introducido (sólo salmónidos en a, ypara todos los grupos de peces en b). Modificado de Miró & Ventura (2004).

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toxification of nature. Remote ecosystems arethe appropriate places to study the magnitudeand eventual consequences of this persistentspreading of toxicants. In that sense, highmountain lakes throughout Europe have beenstudied in relation to acidifying agents, metalsand persistent organic pollutants.

Heavy metal atmospheric pollution

The oldest long-range atmospheric pollution wasthat of heavy metals. The term ‘heavy metal’ iscommonly used in environmental issues in a widesense and it includes metalloids such as arsenic(As) and selenium (Se), because of their similarcontaminant origin and toxicity. The dispersal ofheavy metals into the environment has causedgreat concern relatively in recent times. This con-cern was mainly due to the large amounts of lead(Pb) emitted from leaded gasoline in internalcombustion engines, and which also warned

about other heavy metals that have been identifiedas diffuse urban and industrial pollutants (Nriagu,1996; Van de Velde et al., 2000a,b). However, thestudy of paleorecords has shown that long-rangemetal pollution is an old issue. Regarding thePyrenees, lake sediments revealed heavy metalpollution since the onset of intensive mining andsmelting in old Greek and Roman times(Camarero et al., 1998; Aries, 2001). In a sedi-ment core from Lake Redon a surface peak oflead concentration that was c. 10 times higherthan the background level was found (Fig. 10).This peak is attributed to the mining activities inthe area since the beginning of this century, on thebasis of the similarity between the isotopic com-position of lead in the sediments and lead in theores from the mines. Although lead pollution dueto the combustion of gasoline was expected to bepresent, no evidence could be deduced from thelead isotope ratios of sediment due to the maskingeffect of lead from mines. A second peak appea-

The mountain lakes of the Pyrenees 569

Figure 10. Total extractable and catchment-originated (natural) lead (as estimated from Al concentrations) and the 206Pb/207Pbratio plotted against the sediment depth and time scales obtained by 210Pb and 14C dating in sediments of Lake Redon (Modifiedfrom Camarero et al., 1998). Plomo total extractable y plomo originado en la cuenca (estimado a partir de la concentraciones dealuminio) y cociente 206Pb/207Pb con relación a escalas de tiempo y profundidad en el sedimento para el lago Redon (Modificadode Camarero et al., 1998).

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red in a deeper layer, with a maximum lead con-centration of ca. 17-fold higher than the back-ground level. The date of this peak is ca. 658 AD.Coincident isotopic signatures revealed that leadin both peaks must have the same origin. Non-documented mining and smelting at a relativelarge scale should have then taken place in thesurrounding area during post-Roman times. Therise of anthropogenic lead in sediments startedaround 670 BC, in good agreement with theaccepted chronologies for lead pollution at a largeEuropean scale (Shotyk et al., 1998).

The comparison of the concentration ofheavy metals in contemporary and pre-indus-trial sediments obtained from sediment cores ofa number of lakes across the Pyrenees allows toassess the present day status of regional pollu-tion (Camarero, 2003). The analyses showedthat the concentration of trace metals and meta-lloids is significantly high in the modern sedi-ments of these relative remote, pristine lakes,comparable to those found in moderately pollu-ted sediments. Arsenic presents remarkablyhigh concentrations in the Pyrenees. The sedi-mentary processes in these lakes, given theirparticular characteristics (slow sedimentationrates, rich organic content, small particle size),tend to concentrate metals in their sediments.This results in a natural enrichment in heavymetals (Table 3) compared to the source rocks(Arranz, 1991). In addition to this naturalenrichment, heavy metal concentrations are fur-ther enhanced in contemporary sediments by

atmospheric pollution. Overall, more than 75 %of lakes showed enrichment factors (EF) formost metals above 1.5. EF being calculated asthe ratio between metal concentration in con-temporary and pre-industrial sediments afternormalisation by titanium (Ti). The correlationsamong heavy metals in the surface sedimentswere stronger than for pre-industrial sediments,evidencing their common origin as pollutants incontemporary sediments, by opposition to lowercorrelations in pre-industrial sediments. Mapsof the EF’s show that Central and EasternPyrenees clearly present higher pollution levelsthan the Western part (Fig. 11). One current lineof research in the group is the study of thedeposition, mobility and redistribution of heavymetals in high mountain catchments and theaquatic ecosystems. Heavy metals fluxes to(atmospheric deposition) and within (transferfrom the land to the lakes) catchments, and theirinventories in the different biotic (terrestrialvegetation and aquatic food webs) and abiotic(rocks, soils and lake sediments) ecosystemcompartments are being quantified and model-led at several sites in the Pyrenees, as well as inother European mountain ranges (Tatras andTyrolean Alps) for comparison. The study sitesare disposed in an altitudinal gradient encom-passing gradients of temperature and precipita-tion. This experimental set-up allows us to testthe effects of different climatic regimes on theheavy metal biogeochemical cycling, and toassess the possible impacts of climate change.

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Table 3. Heavy metals content of pre-industrial lake sediments (this study) and granites (Arranz, 1991) from the Maladeta batholith, in theCentral Pyrenees. Both absolute concentration and concentration normalised to Ti are shown. Values are the median and the range of the mea-surements in 19 rock samples and 8 lakes. Contenido en metales pesados en sedimentos lacustres pre-industriales (este estudio) y granitos(Arranz 1991) del batolito de la Maladeta en los Pirineos Centrales. Se indican las concentraciones absolutas y las normalizadas con relaciónal Ti. Los valores corresponden a la mediana y rango para medidas en 19 muestras de rocas y 8 de lagos.

concentration (ppm) normalized to Ti (‰)rock sediments rock sediments

Ti 3117 (300 - 6235) 2224 (1024 - 2967)Pb 2 (<2 - 61) 51 (25 - 86) 1.2 (<0.1 - 203.5) 24.5 (10.6 - 35.8)Zn 62 (5 - 113) 102 (63 - 160) 18.6 (7.1 - 43.6) 54.8 (22.6 - 75.0)Cu 2.2 (1.4 - 47.2) 19.2 (8.6 - 30.4) 0.9 (0.4 - 7.6) 10.1 (2.9 - 25.8)Hg 0.008 (<0.005 - 0.014) 0.067 (<0.010 - 1.041) 0.002 (<0.002 - 0.030) 0.027 (<0.002 - 1.016)As 1.6 (0.2-15.0) 47.8 (8.4 - 827.8) 0.4 (<0.1 - 14.5) 18.6 (3.3 - 45.8)Se < 0.5 2.1 (< 1.0 - 3.5) < 0.2 1.0 (<0.5 - 2.6)

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Most of the lakes in the Pyrenees are sensitive toacidification, because they lie on crystallinebedrocks of low solubility producing waters of apoor acid buffering capacity (Fig. 12). Butatmospheric deposition in the Pyrenees has notin general an acidic character. The levels of theacid pollutants NO3

- and SO42- are in the same

range than those in other European mountainregions receiving more acidic precipitation;however, the deposition of base cations in thePyrenees is higher and neutralises the acid con-tributions (Camarero & Catalan, 1993; TheMOLAR chemistry group, 1999). The wet airmasses originating precipitation over the CentralPyrenees come in about equal amounts from twomain directions: NW (Atlantic) and SE(Mediterranean). Precipitation coming from theMediterranean tends to be richer in base cations,whereas precipitation from the Atlantic has astronger marine influence and carries more aci-dic S and N compounds (Camarero & Catalan,1993; 1996). Thus, dust from the IberianPeninsula and Sahara seems to be an importantsource of base cations in the Pyrenees that neu-tralises the acidifying effect of the pollutantsemitted. In consonance with the non-acidic cha-racter of mean deposition, the Pyrenean lakes donot present symptoms of damage caused by aci-dification (Catalan et al., 1993). Yet, despite the

inputs of base cations, chemical acidification asa result of pollution has presumably taken place.Very sensitive-to-acidification lakes (those withpH between 5.5 and 6.5, and alkalinity less than50 µeq l-1) are estimated to be ca. 15-20 % of alllakes in the Pyrenees. Modelling of the regionalalkalinity of the lakes, taken into account theestimated changes in acid loading over time,indicates that by 1987 an average loss of alkali-nity of 35 µeq l-1 had occurred since 1900(Camarero & Catalan, 1998). This has hadlittle effect in terms of a real acidification oflakes, but the buffering capacity of soils (i.e.their exchangeable cation pool) has been signifi-cantly depleted, and replenishment is takingplace at a slow rate (Wright et al., 2005), enhan-cing the sensitivity of the catchments. At thepresent day in the Pyrenees, and despite thereduction in the sulphur oxides emissions to theatmosphere and subsequent deposition (Moselloet al., 2002), the acid deposition still exceeds thecritical load in ca. 10-12 % of lakes according tomodels (Curtis et al., 2005). Nitrogen depositionis more important than sulphur deposition incausing exceedance for most sites, highlightingthe need to incorporate nitrogen processes incritical loads models for this region. Other dri-vers may also affect the processes determiningthe acid-base balance in the Pyrenean lakes, asfor instance weathering rates enhanced by cli-mate warming (Camarero et al., 2004).

The mountain lakes of the Pyrenees 571

Figure 11. Geographic distribution of the enrichment factor for lead over the Pyrenees. Distribución geográfica del factor de enri-quecimiento en plomo a lo largo de los Pirineos.

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Persistent organic pollutants

For the first time in the history of the life, theorganisms are submitted to low doses of a com-plex cocktail of toxic substances, many of themnonexistent before. The distribution and biocon-centration of these substances are not uniform,because the emission points are different andthe facility of transport, accumulation and des-truction vary among them. In the last decade, ithas been observed that some organic pollutantssuch as the semi-volatile organochlorine (OCs)compounds are transferred from temperedareas, where they were produced and used, tocold distant points without significant dilution(Breivik et al., 2002). The natural processes of

volatilisation and absorption along with theatmospheric transport give rise to their accumu-lation in ecosystems and organisms of high lati-tudes (Wania and Mackay, 1993). In this con-text, it has been demonstrated that there is also atendency to the accumulation of these com-pounds in altitude due to decreasing temperatu-res with elevation (Grimalt et al., 2001). Thepatterns of deposition of these compounds pro-bably will be under the influence of the climaticchange in the immediate future, since its reten-tion in the zones of fresh water accumulationafter the atmospheric transport depends on localweather conditions (Carrera et al., 2002; VanDrooge et al., 2004; Meijer et al., 2006).

The analysis of OCs in muscle of fish fromhigh mountain lakes shows that part of theirvariability depends on fish age and lake altitude.The interesting point is that the degree of depen-dency decreases with the vapour pressure of thecompound (Vp), thus the distribution of OC withVp < 10-2.5 are mostly determined by these twovariables (Vives et al., 2004). Altitude gradientsmainly respond to temperature differences, andabsorption effects as suggested by the global dis-tillation theory can partially explain the results.However, OC accumulation in fish is higher thanpredicted from theoretical absorption and solu-bilisation enthalpies, which implies that there isan additional temperature-dependent amplifica-tion mechanisms, which is at present one of ourresearch objectives (Catalan et al., 2004). At pre-sent trophic relations are studied following analtitudinal gradient. In these small and oligotro-phic systems food webs are short and the inter-actions between the different compartments aresuitable to be traced. Bioenergetics models andstable isotopes are used to provide energy flow-based measures of food web structure, whilesome OCs are used as tracers of bioconcentra-tion and biomagnification processes.

The overall environmental concentrations ofpolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) haveincreased extensively in the 20th century as aresult of a general increase of the combustionprocesses. These compounds and their metaboli-tes have been studied widely because of theircarcinogenic and mutagenic properties. In this

572 Catalan et al.

Figure 12. Diagram pH - Alkalinity for lakes in the Pyrenees.The graph was divided in four areas, according to the acid sta-tus of lakes enclosed: 1 - acid lakes (acid neutralizing capacityexhausted); 2 - very sensitive lakes (acidification may affectsome organisms); 3 - sensitive lakes (susceptible to reach occa-sionally low pH); 4 - Non-sensitive lakes. Diagrama pH-Alcalinidad para lagos de los Pirineos. El gráfico se ha dividi-do en cuatro sectores relacionados con el estado de acidez delos lagos incluidos: 1- lagos ácidos (con la capacidad neutrali-zadora de ácidos agotada); 2 – lagos muy sensibles (la acidifi-cación puede afectar a algunos organismos); 3 – lagos sensi-bles (susceptibles de alcanzar ocasionalmente un pH bajo);4 – lagos no sensibles.

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respect, recent studies on sediments, water, andair have demonstrated that these compounds aresignificant pollutants of high mountain lakeareas (Fernández et al., 2003). PAHs transportto remote areas depends on the dust depositionand therefore is under the influence of climaticvariations. Whereas fish possess mixed-functionoxygenase systems that rapidly metabolisePAHs, these enzymes are poorly developed insome invertebrates and, as a consequence, theyhave a lower rate of metabolic degradation.Therefore, low PAH concentrations in fish donot necessarily imply that they are not receivingsignificant pollutant fluxes and they are free ofstress. High mountain lakes offer unique envi-ronments for the assessment of the transfermechanisms of atmospherically transportedpollutants into biota. In lake Redon, we investi-gated the contents of PAHs in the food weborganisms included in the diet of brown trout(Vives et al., 2005). The preferential habitat andtrophic level of the component species wereassessed from the signature of stable isotopes(�13C and �15N). Most of the organisms exhibitPAH distributions largely dominated by phe-nanthrene, which agrees with its predominancein atmospheric deposition, water, and suspendedparticles. Total PAH levels are higher in theorganisms from the littoral habitat that from thedeep sediments or the pelagic water column.Therefore, PAH levels in trout highly depend onorganisms living in the littoral areas. Fish expo-sure to PAH, therefore, may vary from lake tolake according to the relative contribution of lit-toral organisms to their diet. The reasons whyPAH concentrations are higher in littoral orga-nisms still need to be elucidated.

Climate change(s)

Development of new proxies

Climate change research has taken additionalrelevance with the realisation that human activi-ties can accelerate climate changes. Hence long-term records are necessary to assess climatefluctuations. However, long-term instrumentalmeteorological records are scarce. That need

have increased the interest to develop new tech-niques to reconstruct past climatic fluctuationsusing a diversity of proxies (ice cores, speleo-thems, boreholes, tree rings, paleolimnology,pollen, etc). During the last decades palaeolim-nology has largely been used to assess andreconstruct environmental problems related toacidification and eutrophication in a quantitati-ve way. The methods developed in this approachare now being applied to reconstruct pass clima-tic conditions complementing more traditionalapproaches (Battarbee, 2000). Although chan-ges in algal assemblages are relatively straight-forward linked to changes in some limnologicalconditions (e.g. pH, phosphorus), translationinto climatic information and direct reconstruc-tion of climate components are more difficult.For instance, diatoms have been used as a clima-te proxy indirectly by their response to conduc-tivity changes, assuming that they are ultimatelyrelated to changes in the balance between preci-pitation and evaporation (Fritz et al., 1991) andchanges in diatom inferred pH have been relatedto past climatic conditions (Psenner & Schmidt,1992). There is no an ideal proxy for climatereconstruction, each proxy has also its advanta-ges and shortcomings; properties such as sensi-tivity, reproducibility, local availability and con-tinuity through time differ among them (Mann,2002). As a consequence, it is worth to use dif-ferent approaches to reconstruct climate. In thatline, in our group we have recently dedicatedsome effort to improve the use of chrysophytecysts for climate reconstructions.

Chrysophytes (Classes Chrysophyceae andSynurophyceae) are often a key component ofphytoplankton in temperate oligotrophic andmountain lakes, where they exhibit a distinctseasonality and are present in a wide range ofenvironmental conditions. Their siliceous restingstages, referred to as cysts or stomatocysts, arecommon in lake sediment and the compositionof the assemblages often reflects their surroun-ding physico-chemical environment. As a result,chrysophyte cyst stages have been used in paleo-limnological studies to assist in environmentalreconstructions. Climate fluctuations can affectthe abundance and composition of chrysophytes

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by influencing water temperature, modifyingresource availability (light, nutrients), other lim-nological conditions (pH, alkalinity, redox) orthe physical system (extent of ice cover, durationof summer stratification, mixing patterns) (Smol& Cumming, 2000). Given the number of factorsand the complexity of the processes involved, amechanistic model relating a climatic parameter(e.g. air temperature) to chrysophyte cyst com-position becomes intractable at the present.However, statistical approaches are possible andattends have been done. In a recent paper (Pla &Catalan, 2005), we studied the cyst distributionsin modern surface sediment samples from a setof high mountain lakes in the Pyrenees. Thelakes studied covered a broad range of altitude,size, and bedrock and vegetation types. Altitudecan be considered a surrogate for climate (lapserates), therefore with a series of multivariateanalyses we tested whether altitude was a signi-ficant factor in determining chrysophyte cystdistributions, and to what extent it is indepen-dent from other factors. Interestingly, altitudeappeared to be orthogonal to the first axis ofvariability defined by different bedrocks. Inother words, a significant part of the variabilityin the distribution of chrysophyte cysts was rela-ted to altitude and was independent of the che-mical characteristics of the water, which areusually the main factor of stomatocysts variabi-lity (Pla et al., 2003). Therefore, in the course ofthe history of a lake, in which the range of thewater chemical fluctuations is certainly narrowerthan in the set of lakes surveyed, we could expectthat changes in chrysophyte cysts could be relia-ble indicators of changes in climate. Based onthese results, we developed a model to recons-truct altitude anomalies using cyst sedimentrecords. The chrysophyte cysts assemblages inhigh mountain lakes appear related towinter/spring climate components that determi-ne the length of the ice cover. Therefore, the useof the chrysophyte cyst records for climatereconstructions may provide a valuable comple-ment to other proxies that are more influencedby the conditions during the warm season, suchis the case of terrestrial vegetation. Moreoverconversion to mean winter/spring temperatures

can be intended using present lapse rates(Agusti-Panareda & Thompson, 2002). Althoughthere is no guarantee that those lapse rates wereconstant throughout long time periods.

The method was applied to a Holocene recordfrom a lake in the Pyrenees showing the sub-millennial climatic variability in this northwes-tern Mediterranean zone. A warming trend waspresent from the early Holocene to 4 ky BP.Comparison with pollen-based reconstructionsof summer temperatures denoted a contrastingdecrease in continentality between the two partsof the Holocene. Oscillations of one cycle perca. 2000 years appeared throughout the record.The warmest Holocene winters were recordedduring the Medieval Warm Period at ca. AD 900and 450 and the Roman Warm Period (2.7-2.4 kyBP). Winters in the period AD 1050-1175 wereinferred to be as cold as in the Little Ice Age.The period between 3 and 7 ky BP showed lowerintensity in the fluctuations than early and lateHolocene. The 8200 years ago cold event appea-red embedded in a warm fluctuation. Anothercold fluctuation was recorded around 9 ky BP, inagreement with Irish and Greenland records(Fig. 13). At present, our research in this topicfocuses in combining this method with otherproxies to obtain a reconstruction of the seasonalcomponents of climate in the Pyrenees throug-hout the Holocene and Late Glacial periods.

Present climate change

There is an increasing recognition that alpineaquatic ecosystems are influenced by present cli-mate change (Battarbee et al., 2002a). The inter-action between climate and lake dynamics, howe-ver, is complex and involves many direct andindirect catchment mediated processes. For a par-ticular lake, some clues may be given by statisti-cal comparison between the instrumental meteo-rological records and a high-resolution study ofthe sediment record. This was the approachundertaken in the European Mountain LakeResearch project, MOLAR (Battarbee et al.,2002b). In the case of the Pyrenees, the ecosys-tem response of Lake Redon to fluctuations inseasonal air temperature during the last two cen-

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turies was investigated (Catalan et al., 2002a).Fine slicing allowed a resolution of 3 to 6 yearsaccording to the 210Pb dating, which was still notenough to easily investigate the response to airtemperature forcing, since extreme fluctuationsin temperature occur on the interannual time sca-les. However, the resolution was sufficient toshow up responses on decadal and century scales.An overall tendency to warming in mean annualtemperature in the Central Pyrenees has been

caused by summer and in particular by autumnincreases. Many of the measured sediment varia-bles apparently responded to these long-termtrends, but the significance of the relationshipswas highly conditioned by the structure of thedata. The variables responding most on the finertime scales were the microfossils. For diatomsand chironomids, the main variability correlatedto summer and to autumn temperatures. For twoplanktonic species, Fragilaria nanana and

The mountain lakes of the Pyrenees 575

Figure 13. Comparison of the detrended altitude anomaly in Lake Redon throughout the Holocene (core RCA94) with d18O data ofthe CC3 speleothem record in Ireland (McDermott et al. 2001) and the GISP2 ice-core bidecadal record from Greenland (Stuiver etal., 1997). Comparación de la anomalía de altitud a lo largo del Holoceno en el lago Redon, extraída la tendencia, con registros ded18O de espeleotemas en Irlanda (McDermott et al. 2001) y del testimonio de hielo GISP2 de Groenlandia (Stuiver et al., 1997).

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Cyclotella pseudostelligera, we found a link oftheir variability with temperature fluctuations intheir growing months (September and October,respectively). This relationship appeared at cer-tain point during a general warming trend, indica-ting a threshold in the response. On the otherhand, no significant changes in the dominant spe-cies could be linked to temperature, or in any sig-nificant subgroup of the 180 diatom species pre-sent in the core. Increase in planktonic diatomshave been observed all over the north hemispherefrom Arctic to Alpine lakes and some authorssuggest that lake stratification periods couldbe the driving factor (Sorvari & Korhola, 1998).But in the Arctic there are also several alterna-tive explanations, such as the existence of an ice-free season or not; permafrost degradation or not;lake change from monomictic to polimictic(Smol et al., 2005). In the lakes located inthe Rock Mountains (USA), the raise in plank-tonic diatoms was related to nitrogen depositionincrease (Saros et al., 2003; Wolfe et al., 2003)or other sources of atmospheric pollution(Solovieva et al., 2002). For most chironomids(particularly Paratanytarsus austriacus, Hetero-trissocladius marcidus and Micropsectraradialis) a negative relationship with summer

temperature extended throughout the studyperiod. This response of the whole group suggestthat chironomids can be particularly robust roleas indicators of temperature changes on longtime scales (e.g. through the Holocene) and forlake signal inter-comparison. Chrysophyte cystswere correlated with April-May air temperatures(Fig. 14). Weather during this period of timeduring spring determines the timing of ice out inlake Redon, which influences chlorophyll distri-bution patterns in the lake throughout the gro-wing season (Ventura et al., 2000; Catalan,2000). Finally, our results indicated that in allcases, there was a high resistance to occasionalextreme fluctuations, the whole system showinga large hysteresis in its response. Although wewere dealing with organisms with one or manygenerations per year, their populations seemed tofollow the decadal trends in air temperature. Ifwe extrapolate those results to long living orga-nisms, we have to assume that populations’ chan-ges in response to present climate change will behardly detectable at their initial stages for somedecades, unless non-linear dynamics resulted intounpredictable abrupt changes. Behavioural andphenological responses can provide better earlyclues (Peñuelas and Filella, 2003).

576 Catalan et al.

Figure 14. Comparison between mean monthly air temperature of May, smoothed (LOESS span 0.063) temperatures and therecord for chrysophyte cysts growing during spring and summer in Lake Redon. Comparación entre la temperatura media del airepara el mes de mayo, la misma señal suavizada (LOESS span 0.063) y el registo de cistes de crisófitas que crecen durante prima-vera y verano en el lago Redon.

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Since Dr. Margalef stirred up our research in thelakes of the Pyrenees in the early 80’s, he evol-ved from being our adviser to become a confi-dent to share victories and miseries, enthusiasmand ironies. We miss him very much. All wehave done in the past and all we could do in thefuture is a tribute to him. The authors of the pre-sent paper integrated the research group whenwe started the manuscript. In addition to them,other researchers have contributed significantlyto the activities of the group during the last 20years, in particular, we want to mention EnricBallesteros, Esperança Gacia, John Donato,Silvana Halac and Jaume Piera. We want also toacknowledge the myriad of researchers fromother institutions that have co-authored publica-tions and with many of whom a friendship wasbuilt during several years of cooperation.


AGUSTI-PANAREDA, A. & R. THOMPSON. 2002.Retrodiction of air temperature at eleven remotealpine and arctic lake in Europe from 1781 to1997. J. Paleolimnol., 28: 7-23.

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BATTARBEE, R. W., V. J. JONES, R. J. FLOWER,N. G. CAMERON, H. BENNION, L. CARVAL-HO & S. JUGGINS. 2001. Diatoms. In: Terrestial,Algal and Siliceous Indicators. J. P. Smol, H. J. B.Birks, & W. M. Last (eds.): 203-224. KluwerAcademic Publishers, Dordrecht.

BATTARBEE, R. W., R. THOMPSON, J. CATA-LAN, J. A. GRYTNES & H. J. B. BIRKS. 2002b.Climate variability and ecosystem dynamics ofremote alpine and arctic lakes: the MOLAR pro-ject. J. Paleolimnol., 28: 1-6.

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BREIVIK, K., A. SWEETMAN, J. M. PACYNA & K.C. JONES. 2002. Towards a global historical emis-sion inventory for selected PCB congeners– a massbalance approach. Sci. Total Environ., 290: 181-198.

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lume estimates of phytoplankton groups in an oli-gotrophic lake. J. Plankton Res., 27: 91-101.

BUCHACA, T. 2005. Pigments indicadors: estudi delsenyal en estanys dels Pirineus I de la seva aplica-ció en paleolimnologia. Tesi doctoral. Universitatde Barcelona. Barcelona. 212 pp.

CAMARERO, L. 2003. Spreading of trace metalsand metalloids pollution in lake sediments overthe Pyrenees. J. Phys. IV France, 107: 249-253

CAMARERO, L. & J. CATALAN. 1993. Chemistryof bulk precipitation in the Central and EasternPyrenees (Northeast Spain). Atmos. Environ.,27A: 83-94.

CAMARERO, L. & J. CATALAN. 1996. Variabilityin the chemistry of precipitation in the Pyrenees(northeastern Spain): Dominance of storm originand lack of altitude influence. J. Geophys. Res.,101: 29491-29498.

CAMARERO, L. & J. CATALAN. 1998. A simplemodel of regional acidification for high mountainlakes: Application to the Pyrenean lakes (North-East Spain). Wat. Res., 32: 1126-1136.

CAMARERO, L., J. CATALAN, A. BOGGERO, A.MARCHETTO, R. MOSELLO & R. PSENNER.1995. Acidification in high mountain lakes inCentral, Southwest and Southeast Europe (Alps,Pyrenees, Pirin). Limnologica, 25: 141-156.

CAMARERO, L., P. MASQUÉ, W. DEVOS, I. ANI-RAGOLTA, J. CATALAN, H.C. MOOR, S. PLA& J.A. SÁNCHEZ-CABEZA. 1998. Historicalvariations in lead fluxes in the Pyrenees (NESpain) from a dated lake sediment core. Wat. AirSoil Pol., 105: 439-449.

CAMARERO, L., R. F. WRIGHT, J. CATALAN &M. VENTURA. 2004. Application of MAGIC toLake Redo (Central Pyrenees): an assessment ofthe effects of possible climate driven changes inatmospheric precipitation, base cation deposition,and weathering rates on lake water chemistry. J.Limnol., 63: 123-132.

CARRERA, G., P. FERNÁNDEZ, J. O. GRIMALT,M. VENTURA, L. CAMARERO, J. CATALAN,U. NICKUS, H. THIES & R. PSENNER. 2002.Atmospheric deposition of organochlorine com-pounds to remote high mountain lakes of Europe.Environ. Sci. Technol., 36: 2581-2588.

CARRILLO, P., J. M. MEDINA-SÁNCHEZ & M.VILLAR-ARGAIZ. 2002. The interaction ofphytoplankton and bacteria in a high mountainlake: importance of the spectral composition ofsolar radiation. Limnol. Oceanogr., 47: 1294-1306.

CASAMAYOR, E. O., C. PEDRÓS-ALIÓ, G. MUY-ZER & R. AMANN. 2002. Microheterogeneity in16S rDNA-defined bacterial populations from astratif ied planktonic environment is related totemporal changes and to ecological adaptations.Appl. Environ. Microb., 68: 1706-1714.

CASAMAYOR, E. O., H. SCHÄFER, L. BAÑERAS,C. PEDRÓS-ALIÓ & G. MUYZER. 2000. Iden-tification of and spatio-temporal differences bet-ween microbial assemblages from two neighbo-ring sulfurous lakes: comparison by microscopyand denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. Appl.Environ. Microb., 66: 499-508.

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CATALAN, J. 2000. Primary production in a highmountain lake: an overview from minutes to kilo-years. Atti della Associazione Italiana di Ocea-nologia e Limnologia, 13: 1-21.

CATALAN, J., E. BALLESTEROS, E. GACIA, A.PALAU & L. CAMARERO. 1993 Chemical com-position of disturbed and undisturbed high moun-tain lakes in the Pyrenees: a reference for acidi-fied sites. Wat. Res., 27: 133-141.

CATALAN, J. & L. CAMARERO. 1991. Ergoclinesand biological processes in high mountain lakes:similarities between summer stratification and theice-forming periods in Lake Redo. Verh. Internat.Verein. Limnol., 24: 1011-1015.

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VARI, F. SPORKA, O. STRUNECKY & M.TORO. 2002b. Seasonal ecosystem variability inremote mountain lakes: implications for detectingclimatic signals in sediment records. J.Paleolimnol., 28: 25-46.

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