Hierarchical Control Clustering

1 A Clustering Scheme for Hierarchical Control in Multi-hop Wireless Networks Suman Banerjee, Samir Khuller  Abstract —In this paper we present a clusterin g scheme to create a hier - archical control structure for multi-hop wireless networks. A cluster is de- ned as a sub set of vert ices , whose induced grap h is conn ect ed. In additi on, a cluster is requi red to obey certain cons traint s that are usefu l for manage- ment and scalability of the hierar chy . All these constraints canno t be met simult aneousl y for general graphs, but we show how such a cluste ring can be obtained for wireless networ k topologies. Finally , we present an efcie nt distri buted implementati on of our cluste ring algorith m for a set of wire less nodes to create the set of desired clusters. Keywords—Clus tering,Ad-hoc netwo rks,Wireless networ ks, Sensornet- works, Hierarchy I. I NTRODUCTION APID advances in hardware design have greatly reduced cos t, siz e and the power req uir ements of networ k ele men ts. As a consequence, it is now possible to envision networks com- prisi ng of a lar ge number of such smal l devices. In the Smart Dus t pro jec t at UC Ber kel ey [1] and the Wireless Int egr ated Net - work Sensors (WINS) project  1 at UCLA researchers are at- tempting to create a wireless technology, where a large number of mobile devices, with wireless communication capability, can be rapidly deployed and organized into a functional network. Hiera rchic al stru cture s have been used to provide scal able so- lutions in many large networking systems that have been de- signe d [2], [3]. For netwo rks composed of a lar ge number of small, possibly mobile, wireless devices, a static manual cong- uration would not be a practical solution for creating such hi- erarchies. In this paper , we focus on the mechanisms require d for rapid self -asse mbly of a pote ntial ly larg e number of such de- vices. More specically , we present the design and implement a- tion of an algorithm that can be used to organize these wireless nodes into clusters with a set of desirable properties. T ypica lly , each clust er in the netwo rk, would sele ct a “cluster - representative” that is responsible for cluster management — thi s res pon sib ili ty is rotate d amo ng the cap abl e nod es of theclus- ter for load balancing and fault tolerance.  A. T arget Envir onment While our clust erin g scheme can be appli ed to many netwo rk- ing scenarios, our target environment is primarily wireless sen- sor networks [4], and we exploit certain properties of these net- works to make our clustering mechanism efcient in this envi- ronme nt. Thes e netwo rks comp rise of a set of senso r nodes scat- tered arbitrarily over some region. The sensor nodes gather data from the environment and can perform various kinds of activi- ties depending on the applications — which include but is not limi ted to, colla bora tive proce ssin g of the sens or d ata to p roduc e S. Baner jee and S. Khul ler are withthe Depar tmentof Compu ter Scien ce, Uni- versity of Maryland at Coll ege Park. Email :  suman,samir  @cs.umd.edu. S. Khuller is supported by NSF Award CCR-9820965. http://www.janet.ucla.edu/WINS an aggregate view of the environment, re-distributing sensor in- formation within the sensor network, or to other remote sites, and performing synchronized actions based on the sensor data gath ered. Such wirele ss network s can be used to create “smart spac es”, which can be remotely contr olle d, monitor ed as well as adapted for emerging needs.  B. Applicability The clustering scheme provides an useful service that can be leve ragedby diff erentapplications to achie ve scala bili ty . Forex- ample, it can be used to scale a service location and discovery mechanism by distributing the necessary state management to be localized within each cluster . Such a clustering-based tech- nique has be en proposed to provide location management of de- vices for QoS support [5]. Hierarchies based on clustering have also been useful to dene scalable routing solutions for multi- hop wireless networks [6], [7], [8] and [9]. Layer 0 Layer 1 Layer 2 B K A B C D F E J H K G G G Fig. 1. An example of a th ree layer hierarchy The design of our clustering scheme is motivated by the need to generate an applicable hierarchy for multi-hop wireless envi- ronment as dened in the Multi-hop Mobile Wireless Network (MMWN) archi tectu re [5]. Such an architec ture may be used to implement different services in a distributed and scalable man- ner . In this archite cture, wirel ess nodes are either  switches  or endpoints. Only switc hes can route packet s, but both switc hes and endpoi nts can be the source or the destin atio n of data. In wireless sensor networks, all sensor devices deployed will be identical, and hence we treat all nodes as switches, by MMWN terminol ogy . Switc hes are expecte d to autonomous ly group themselves into clusters, each of which functions as a multi-hop packet radio network. A hierarchical contro l structure is illus- trated in Figure 1 with the nodes organized into different  lay-

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