Hideaway analysis


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Page 1: Hideaway analysis

Single cover – “Hideaway”

Sound of a woman Tour announcement - advert

Album cover – “Sound of a woman”

Page 2: Hideaway analysis

This is the single cover for hideaway, it follows a lot of the traditional conventions that are expected, of a single cover. The colours, fonts, images and the layout are all things that need to be considered.

The name of the artist, is in the top right hand side of the cover. this is very important to create an image for the artist, and allows the audience to associate the alum with the artist. In this case the artists name “Kiesza” is a vibrant pink/red colure so it stands out, agenised the blue and white (sky) background. As well as that the artists name is written in a different font to the single name, to make sure that it stands out and draws the eye and it leaves a lasting impression.

The single tittle is also on the cover it is below the artists name but it is a much larger but more of a tame font signifying that its just as or even a little less important. Than the artists name. and makes it more memorable which is the goal I think its also white so its fits the colour scheme so it compliments the overall look.

The colour scheme is quite simplistic, as the cover is mainly made up of light blue and white. there aren't a lot of bold contrasting colours, accept when needed. for example for the artists name. Also the light colours give the audience an idea, of what the song its like quite uplifting and upbeat, rather than slow and emotional.

The main image is of the artist although she has been edited so a building is coming out if her head I think this puts across maybe the meaning of the song but also it puts across the artists style. Also whatshe is wearing in this image is the same, as in the video so the two can be relate in that repect.

Page 3: Hideaway analysis

This album cover is quite unconventional in the respect that there is no writing, it doesn’t say the artists name or the name of the album. I think that this is quite a bold move, as it leaves her image and style to speak for itself. Kiesza clearly has faith in her music and her audience as only people who have seen her before would know who she is.

The colour scheme is again quite a simple one, the main colours used are back (for the background) and skin colour, as the main image is of herself. I think by having a fully black background, it makes the cover look much more dramatic and it means that we are not distracted by a busy background, and the eye Is drawn straight to the central image of Kiesza. But as well as these simple colours there are also some bright colourful ones which add to the overall appearance, there a is a multi coloured border, which also draws the eye. but along with her sparkly nails, they give the audience an idea of the verity of different types of song on the album.

The main image is of Kiesza she is pulling a very serious face which tells us that she takes her music very seriously, and it isn’t just a hobby for her it is her life. She is also looking straight at the audience as when the image was taken she was looking straight into the camera. This gives the album more of a personal appeal, we fee like she is looking at us. Another interesting theme is that in both her single cover and her album cover, her body has been edited to look distorted in a way in this she doesn’t have a body its just her head and hands.

Page 4: Hideaway analysis

This is the tour announcement advert it looks quite similar to the album cover, though is has aspects of both. For example the same image of the artist is used on the advert, as well as the album cover so the audience can relate the two. As well as that the same font is used for Kiesza’s name that is used on the singe cover this has been done so that the audience will always associate this font with the artist and its part of her branding. Also Kiesza’s name is the largest thing on the advert so we know that she is the most important thing.

The colour scheme is quite similar to the album cover its mainly made up of clack and white I think that a black background has been used so that all the attention is drawn to the text and not what's going on in the background the key information is written in lilac I think this has been done so its draw the attention as its new information that hasn’t been seen before on any of the other covers. Differently from the album cover there is not multi coloured border as all the viewers attention is meant for the text also the image if Kiesza is smaller than the text telling us the order of impotence.

There is also the social media platforms and website on the bottom of the advert highlighted by a lilac banner. As they are on the bottom of the adverts it makes it clear that after looking at this then they should check these platforms for more information.