HHS Tumbling Unit

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HHS Tumbling Unit. Written Exam. (1) 1.6 Emotional Marta and Javier are preparing to perform their tumbling routine in front of the class. They are nervous before they begin. How can this affect the outcome of their routine? Might miss one of elements. Might perform better than in practice. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of HHS Tumbling Unit

HHS Tumbling Unit

Written ExamHHS Tumbling Unit

(1) 1.6 EmotionalMarta and Javier are preparing to perform their tumbling routine in front of the class. They are nervous before they begin. How can this affect the outcome of their routine?

Might miss one of elements.Might perform better than in practice.Might start of slowly, but after a minute they perform brilliantly.All of the above.

(2) Biomechanical Principles (1.5)For an effective forward roll, the gymnast should use which of the following biomechanical principles?LeverageRotary Motion Reaction TimeTrunk Extension

(3)For an effective V-Sit, the gymnast should use which of the following biomechanical principles?OppositionBalanceProprioceptionAll of the above

(4)For an effective front seat support, the gymnast should use which of the following skill related components of fitness?ForceAgilityReaction TimeSpeed

(5) 1.6 cognitiveSamir has been practicing his cartwheel. He has memorized all of the cues can perform the skill automatically without thinking about it. How will this help his performance in front of the class?No mistakesQuick transitionSmooth transitionAll the above

(6) 1.7 Proprioception is the minds awareness and subtle corrections to the bodys position. Justin notices that when he performs a headstand, he falls over on the left side. He corrects this by shifting his weight to the right and moving his hands away from his head. How did Justin fix his headstand?He watched his friend do a headstand.His brain sensed his body was about to fall so the brain sent signals to the body to make corrections.He watched a video to see what went wrong.His friend told him what he was doing wrong.

(7) 1.8 training practicesZelda just made the cheerleading squad. She wants to get stronger so she is able to perform tumbling activities for the whole game. What type of fitness plan should she follow?Long distance running and stretching.Sprints, squats, jumping practice, stretching.Long distance running, arm curls, lunges.Long and short distance running, core, lower and upper body strength training, and plyometrics.

(8) 1.3 skill componentWhich skill related components of fitness would BEST help a gymnast perform a backward roll?Explosive powerAgilityBoth A & BNeither A & B

(9) 1.3 skill related fitnessIn order to perform a tripod, a gymnast would need which of the below skill related components of fitness the MOST?Reaction time and agilityExplosive power and speed.Balance and coordination.Leverage and rotary motion.

(10) 1.5 biomechanicsA gymnast who wants to perform a handstand would need to utilize which biomechanical principles?Leverage and forceRotary motion and force.Rotary motion, force and opposition.Leverage, force and opposition.

(11) 1.6 physicalWhat are the physical requirements to be able to perform a variety of tumbling activities well?All around muscular strength.Flexibility.Balance and coordination.All of the above.

(12) TrainingJavier and Yoli want to learn some tumbling moves to incorporate with their team dance routine. What should they focus on to be in the best shape possible for upcoming performances?High weights, low reps.Curl ups and planks.Combination of long distance running and sprints.All of the above.

13. Skill-Related Components (1.3)Which of the below skill-related components of fitness would a gymnast need the LEAST to complete a high quality round off?CoordinationBalanceSpeedExplosive Power

14. Biomechanics (1.5)In completing a cartwheel,which biomechanical principle would a gymnast use the LEAST?InertiaRotary MotionAerobic CapacityLeverage

15. Create/modify training plans for skill acquisition (1.9)Shaniqua wants her group to perform well in the class tumbling performance. How should she modify her training plans to make sure everyone is successful in her group?Start with the basic levels, and slowly make elements more challenging and advanced with practice.Start with advanced elements and time the tricks with music.See who can do a flip and have them perform this while everyone else performs log rolls.Focus on matching outfits.

16. Proprioception (1.7)Tomas wants to improve his handstand. He uses his proprioception skills to help him:Build aerobic capacityMake corrections for balance based on feelMaximize forceLeverage for optimal power

17. 1.4 Biomechanical PrincipalsWhich skill below would you MOST need rotary motion?SwitcherooHeadstandForward rollV- Sit

18. What is the definition of speed?Distance traveled divided by time traveled.An even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady.The ability to move and change direction and position of the body quickly and effectively while under control.The organization of the different elements of a complex body or activity so as to enable them to work together effectively.

19. How to modify activities for diverse groups (3.7)Damion really enjoys tumbling. He decides he wants to teach basic tumbling skills to his little brother (age 5). How should he START the tumbling lessons?Cartwheel, round-off and back handspring.Tumbling specific stretches, log rolls, basic level balances and inversions.Tumbling specific stretches, backward roll, log roll, and full headstand.Handstand, head stand, and roundoff.

20. Role of individual attitude, motivation, and determination (3.4)3.4Chun Weng just started learning how to tumble and decided she really enjoys it and wants to improve enough so she can join the schools gymnastics team. She will need all of the below emotional factors to achieve her dream EXCEPT:Overall physical fitnessMotivationDeterminationPositive attitude