HH Sheikh Abdullah Calls for Intensifying Relations with ...€¦ · HH Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed...

A BIANNUAL MAGAZINE PUBLISHED BY UAEU Arab and Latin American Think Tanks: The Road Ahead HH the President Awards 41,000 Date Palm Seeds to Schools and Mosques HH Sheikh Abdullah Calls for Intensifying Relations with Latin America ISSUE 6, MARCH 2013

Transcript of HH Sheikh Abdullah Calls for Intensifying Relations with ...€¦ · HH Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed...

Page 1: HH Sheikh Abdullah Calls for Intensifying Relations with ...€¦ · HH Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Foreign Minister of UAE attended a dinner hosted by UAEU on the sidelines


Arab and Latin American Think Tanks: The Road Ahead

HH the President Awards 41,000 Date Palm Seeds to Schools and Mosques

HH Sheikh Abdullah Calls for Intensifying Relations with Latin America


Page 2: HH Sheikh Abdullah Calls for Intensifying Relations with ...€¦ · HH Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Foreign Minister of UAE attended a dinner hosted by UAEU on the sidelines

نرفع أسمى آيات التهاني والتبريكات

خليفة بن زايد آل نهيانرئي�س الدولة »حفظه اهلل«

محمد بن راشد آل مكتومنائب رئي�س الدولة رئي�س جمل�س الوزراء حاكم دبي »رعاه اهلل«

وإلى إخوانهما أصحاب السمو الشيوخأعضاء المجلس األعلى لإلتحاد – حكام اإلمارات »حفظهم اهلل«

واإىل �شاحب ال�شمو ال�شيخ

واإىل الفريق اأول �شمو ال�شيخ

محمد بن زايد آل نهيانويل عهد اأبوظبي – نائب القائد الأعلى للقوات امل�شلحة

بمناسبة اليوم الوطني الواحد واألربعيناأعاده اهلل على قيادة و�شعب دولة الإمارات العربية املتحدة بالتقدم والزدهار

اإىل �شاحب ال�شمو ال�شيخ

Page 3: HH Sheikh Abdullah Calls for Intensifying Relations with ...€¦ · HH Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Foreign Minister of UAE attended a dinner hosted by UAEU on the sidelines

‘The assembly of the Political Awareness Forum of University Students reinforces our belief that the way to prosperity and sustainable development relies significantly on political awareness among youth as well as increasing their engagement in the progress of society’.

With these words, HH Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and Chancellor of United Arab Emirates University, inaugurated the Forum, which was jointly organized by the Ministry of Federal National Council Affairs and UAEU, in cooperation with an assembly of national political and academic figures.

We, the people of the United Arab Emirates, are proud of our homeland. Within four decades, UAE has been transformed into an institutional state that harbours a well-educated, cultured generation, with many universities and educational institutions.

We, the people of the United Arab Emirates, declare our commitment to safeguard our homeland, to protect its attainments, and defend all its constituents; we will spare no effort or expense in securing our nation’s territory.

Our virtuous leadership has offered UAE’s populace a flourishing, prosperous standard of living. Our leadership’s continuous series of accomplishments is what gives us, Emiratis, pride in our solidarity, as we stand united behind our leaders, who make possible a secure livelihood.

UAE youth are the nation’s hope and future; they are proud of their leadership and the democratic model it portrays. Their devotion to their homeland is not sudden or random; rather, it runs in their blood; it is part of them. This commitment began with their ancestors, who stood by the leaders of this nation. They took the long journey side by side and made it through hard

We, the People, Are Proud of Our Country

Dr Ali Rashid Al NoaimiVice Chancellor

times to attain the prosperous life we now enjoy and treasure.

Some may wonder at this devotion and fidelity to our leaders, but we say it is an honest and natural reaction to what they have accomplished for us; it mirrors our thanks for their determination to ensure the well-being of their people.

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UAEU Community MagazinePublished by United Arab Emirates University (UAEU)International Classification Number ISBN978-9948-02-149-0

P.O. Box : 15551, Al Ain, UAE Tel : +971 3 755 5557, Fax : +971 3 754 5277 e-mail : [email protected] Website : www.uaeu.ac.ae

All correspondence shall be sent to:Chief Editor Ms. Ghalia Al Ahbabi email : [email protected]

Printing areva advertising & publicity Tel. : +971 2 6395 559 Fax : +971 2 6395 558 e-mail : [email protected]

All issues of the Al Ruwaad Magazine are available on UAEU website: www.uaeu.ac.ae

Welcome to the United Arab Emirates University (UAEU)The National Flagship Research-intensive Comprehensive University in the United Arab Emirates.


Page 5: HH Sheikh Abdullah Calls for Intensifying Relations with ...€¦ · HH Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Foreign Minister of UAE attended a dinner hosted by UAEU on the sidelines

Energy and Environmental Research

Contents16 10


04 08 14

UAEU Welcomes HH Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak Award for Women Athletes57

UAEU Hosts the 1st Conference on Innovation and Creativity30

UAEU – Oxford University Lecture Series36

Nahayan Mabarak: 2013 is the Year of Emiratization48

UAE Participates in the Third International Forum on Dates in Morocco60

44 Seven Steps to Achieve Excellence in the Workplace

22 UAEU’s Renewable Energy Laboratory

Arab and Latin American Think Tanks:The Road Ahead

HH the President Awards 41,000 Date Palm Trees to Schools and Mosques

UAEU Student Committee Elections

‘UAE youth proud of their leadership’ UAEU Celebrates Culture and Heritage

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120 leaders joined forces at the Global Forum on the Relationship between the Arab World and Latin America at the Emirates Palace in Abu dhabi, UAE.

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The Abu dhabi Forum, organized jointly by the United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) and FUNGLOdE sought a strategic vision of enhanced partnership on issues of mutual concerns to the two regions. Their relations date back to the nineteenth century, when migrants, including millions of Arabs from the Middle East emigrated to Latin America and the Caribbean. The two regions also share common advantages and face similar local and international challenges.

The renewed interest in building bridges gained momentum in May 2010, with the first Arab-Latin American partnership event, which took place in the dominican Republic, and that was followed by a second forum in Costa Rica in March 2011, and a third in Colombia in May 2011. The Abu dhabi Forum was the fourth to explore the huge possibilities of the relationship of the Arab World and Latin America.

In his speech, HH Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan stressed that UAE is dedicated to economic integration in the region and a wise and unbiased foreign policy: ‘UAE has also become a role model in sustainable development and protection of the environment. It also contributes massively to the issue of global energy. UAE is indeed a flagship international hub for trade and investment, with a solid economy and a commitment to education, scientific

research, innovation, and the empowerment of human capital’.

HH Sheikh Nahayan also pointed out the significance of the United Arab Emirates University’s organization of this event: ‘It reflects the university’s role in its global interaction with its surroundings and a realization of the importance of education and scientific research as a basis for the mutual cooperation of the Arab world and Latin America’. He elaborated on this theme, indicating that both regions share numerous similarities in their living circumstances, hopes, outlooks,

The Forum commenced its activities under the patronage of HH Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and HE Dr Leonel Fernández, the former President of the Dominican Republic and President of the FUNGLODE.

and development challenges.

He stated: ‘Both regions are the homes of historical civilizations and of rich cultural heritages, and both share aspirations to reach fruitful socio-economic development. And the challenges of this development are also common across both regions; thus, we share the same belief in the importance of political and economic cooperation between our leaders and societies. Together, we are committed to the fulfilment of these objectives and are making available all possible resources to realize them’.

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A Council to be Presided over by HH Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak The forum participants recommend the immediate creation of a Council in order to conceptualize, direct and facilitate further development of an Arab-Latin American partnership

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HH Sheikh Abdullah Calls for Intensifying Relations with Latin America

HH Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Foreign Minister of UAE attended a dinner hosted by UAEU on the sidelines of the Arab Latin-American Forum in Abu dhabi and called for intensifying and promoting cooperation on scientific research with Latin American and Caribbean nations. HH said, “We should consider the possibility of promoting cooperation on scientific research as cooperation should not be limited to economic, cultural or historical aspects”.

نظمته جامعة الإمارات يف العا�شمة ابوظبي

منتدى اآفاق العالقات بني العامل

العربي واأمريكا الالتينية

نهيان مبارك: �سيا�سُتنا اخلارجية

تت�سم باحلكمة والفاعلية واالّتزان

يف دعم التعاون الدويّل

ليونيل فرينانديز: جنحنا يف بناء

موؤ�س�سات اقت�سادية واجتماعية

وثقافية �ساهمت يف تعزيز التعاون

بني املنطقتني

افتتح �شمو ال�شيخ نهيان مبارك اآل نهيان

وزير التعليم العايل والبحث العلمي الرئي�س

الأعلى جلامعة الإمارات العربية املتحدة

بق�شر الإمارات بابوظبي اأعمال منتدى

ابوظبي حول اآفاق العالقات امل�شتقبلية بني

العامل العربي واأمريكا الالتينية بح�شور

فخامة الدكتور ليونيل فرينانديز الرئي�س

ال�شابق جلمهورية الدومنيكان وعدد من

اأ�شحاب ال�شعادة ال�شفراء ممثلي ال�شلك

الدبلوما�شي بالإمارات وم�شاركة اأكرث 120

�شخ�شية ر�شمية ونخبة من اأهل الخت�شا�س

من املنطقتني، على مدى يومي 16 و 17

دي�شمرب املا�شي.

م�شريَاً اإىل اأن دولة الإمارات تتبنى ال�شالم

كو�شيلة وغاية، وتتخذ من الوفاق منهجًا

وطريقة، وحتر�س كل احلر�س على التعاون

والتن�شيق مع كافة دول العامل. كما اأ�شحت

دولة الإمارات منوذج عاملي يحتذى يف حماية

البيئة والتنمية امل�شتدامة، ولها دور مهم يف

�شوؤون الطاقة على م�شتوى العامل، وتت�شم

�شيا�شتها اخلارجية، باحلكمة والتزان.

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HH the President Awards 41,000 Date Palm Trees to Schools and Mosques



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رئي�س الدولة يهدي 41000 نخلة

لكل مدر�سة وم�سجد بالدولة

اأهدى �شاحب ال�شمو ال�شيخ خليفة بن زايد

اآل نهيان رئي�س الدولة )حفظه اهلل( واحد

واأربعني األف ف�شيلة نخيل اإىل كل من وزارة

الرتبية والتعليم، الهيئة العامة لل�شوؤون

الإ�شالمية والأوقاف ، وجمل�س اأبوظبي

للتعليم، ليتم زراعتها يف كل مدر�شة وكل

م�شجد على م�شتوى الدولة. بهدف تر�شيخ

قيمة الحتاد يف نفو�س اأبناء الوطن وتعزيز

مكانته وحثهم على �شرورة العمل والبناء من

اأجل م�شتقبل زاهر للجميع.

اأكد ذلك �شمو ال�شيخ نهيان مبارك اآل نهيان

وزير التعليم العايل والبحث العلمي الرئي�س

الأعلى جلامعة الإمارات رئي�س جمل�س

اأمناء جائزة خليفة الدولية لنخيل التمر،

م�شيدًا بحر�س الوالد �شاحب ال�شمو رئي�س

الدولة )حفظه اهلل( على تعزيز املبادرة

التي اأطلقها �شاحب ال�شمو ال�شيخ حممد بن

را�شد اآل مكتوم نائب رئي�س الدولة رئي�س

جمل�س الوزراء حاكم دبي )رعاه اهلل(

بزراعة »�شجرة الحتاد«، تعبريًا عن روح

الحتاد وربط امل�شاعر الوطنية بعمل رمزي

يعك�س حب الوطن والولء له مبا يعزز الوعي

باحلفاظ على بيئة الدولة ويرمز للخري

والنماء الذي تعي�شه دولة الإمارات.

يذكر اأن ف�شائل النخيل املهداة هي من

اأجود الأ�شناف من اإنتاج خمتربات وحدة

الدرا�شات وبحوث تنمية النخيل والتمور

بجامعة الإمارات العربية املتحدة،

HH Sheikh khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, UAE President, awarded 41,000 date palm trees to the Ministry of Education, General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments, and Abu dhabi Education Council (AdEC) to plant in every school and mosque across UAE.

This was a move to consolidate Union values in the hearts of UAE nationals to enhance its position and encourage them to continue the process of construction and work to secure a prosperous future for all.

The news was announced by HH Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan, who praised the

President’s support of the initiative launched by HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister, and Ruler of dubai, to plant the ‘Union Tree’ as an expression of the Union spirit. The seedlings were produced in the laboratories of the date Palm Research and development Unit of UAEU.

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UAEU Celebrates Culture and Heritage On the Occasion of the 41st National Day

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In cooperation with Abu dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority, dr Ali Rashid Al Noaimi, Chancellor of UAEU, initiated the activities of the ‘Culture and Heritage Festival’ at the university campus in Al Ain.

the Cultural Convoy and the Cavalry Show and included the Folkloric Arts Group and the Corps of Army Music. The celebrations continued at the Art Exhibition and the Cultural Village at the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.

جامعة االإمارات حتتفي

بالثقافة والرتاث باليوم الوطني

احتفاًء باليوم الوطني الـ 41 لدولة

الإمارات العربية املتحدة، افتتح �شعادة

الدكتور علي را�شد النعيمي مدير جامعة

الإمارات، يف مدينة العني، فعاليات

الدورة الثالثة من “مهرجان الثقافة

والرتاث لطلبة جامعة الإمارات”، الذي

اأقيم حتت رعاية �شمو ال�شيخ نهيان

مبارك اآل نهيان وزير التعليم العايل

والبحث العلمي الرئي�س الأعلى جلامعة

الإمارات، بالتعاون مع هيئة اأبوظبي

لل�شياحة والثقافة، وذلك خالل الفرتة

من 26 ولغاية 28 نوفمرب 2013. بح�شور

�شعادة نورة الكعبي ع�شو املجل�س الوطني

الحتادي، وال�شيد عبداهلل القبي�شي مدير

اإدارة الت�شال يف هيئة اأبوظبي لل�شياحة

والثقافة وح�شد من كبار امل�شوؤولني

واأع�شاء الطاقم التدري�شي يف اجلامعة


بداأ الحتفال يف املبنى الهاليل جلامعة

الإمارات با�شتقبال القافلة الرتاثية

وعرو�س اخليالة، وذلك مب�شاحبة

فرق الفنون ال�شعبية والفرقة الع�شكرية

املو�شيقية والأهازيج ال�شعبية، ومعار�س

فنون ت�شكيلية وتراثية.

The inauguration was well attended; top level officials included HE Noura Al kaabi, Member of the Federal National Council (FNC), and Mr. Abdullah al Qubaisi, Head of Communications

at the Abu dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority, as well as faculty members and university students.

The cultural celebrations, which were held at the campus Crescent Building, started with

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Nahayan Mabarak: ‘Our accomplishments are a source of national pride’HH Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, UAEU Chancellor, underlined that the country’s celebrations of its National day will be a historical occasion for all future generations. This celebration commemorates the achievements of the late Sheikh Zayed, the iconic leader who set a unique example in building the nation.


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In his speech, HH Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak affirmed, ‘It is our historical right to take pride in the massive accomplishments of the father of our nation, Sheikh Zayed. And these accomplishments will forever live as a solid proof of our commitment to developing humanity, which is the core of our national renaissance.’

He added, ‘We were raised under Zayed’s auspices and are living in his memory, well protected by the leadership of HH Sheikh khalifa and that of his brother HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum and the rest of the Emirates’ leaders’.

Sheikh Nahayan also confirmed that the education sector is among the top national priorities of the cabinet and HH Sheikh khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan. This commitment to education falls in line with the vision of the late Sheikh Zayed, who laid the foundation for an advanced higher education system.

نهيان مبارك: من حقنا اأن نفتخر

باملنجزات احل�سارية

اأكد �شمو ال�شيخ نهيان مبارك اآل نهيان وزير

التعليم العايل والبحث العلمي يف كلمته

مبنا�شبة احتفالت الدولة باليوم الوطني 41:

نفخر مبا حتقق من منجزات اأن “من حقنا ح�شارية على يدي موؤ�ش�س النه�شة املغفور له

باإذن اهلل تعاىل ال�شيخ زايد، طيب اهلل ثراه،

واأن نباهي العامل بهذا النموذج احل�شاري

الذي تعي�شه دولتنا ونوؤكد للجميع اأن بناء

الإن�شان �شيظل املحور الأ�شيل لهذه النه�شة

فهذه مدر�شة زايد التي تربينا فيها جميعًا

والتي يرعى نهجها ومقا�شدها واأهدافها

النبيلة الوالد �شاحب ال�شمو ال�شيخ خليفة

بن زايد اآل نهيان رئي�س الدولة، حفظه اهلل،

واأخوه �شاحب ال�شمو ال�شيخ حممد بن را�شد

اآل مكتوم نائب رئي�س الدولة رئي�س جمل�س

الوزراء حاكم دبي واإخوانهما اأ�شحاب ال�شمو

ال�شيوخ اأع�شاء املجل�س الأعلى لالحتاد حكام

الإمارات والفريق اأول �شمو ال�شيخ حممد بن

زايد اآل نهيان ويل عهد اأبوظبي نائب القائد

الأعلى للقوات امل�شلحة.

واأ�شار اإىل اأن قطاع التعليم العايل يت�شدر

اأجندة الأولويات الوطنية يف اإ�شرتاتيجية

التمكني للحكومة الر�شيدة التي اأقرها

�شاحب ال�شمو ال�شيخ خليفة بن زايد اآل نهيان

رئي�س الدولة، حفظه اهلل، ويعترب حمور

الإن�شان والتنمية الب�شرية ركيزة اأ�شا�شية يف

م�شرية بناء الإحتاد.

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UAEU Student Committee Elections

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طالب جامعة االإمارات

عا�س طالب وطالبات جامعة

الإمارات العربية املتحدة جتربة

العملية النتخابية الأوىل ملجل�شهم

الطالبي، حيث اأف�شحت اجلامعة

املجال جلميع الطلبة بالرت�شح

لع�شوية املجل�س، واإطالق حمالتهم

الدعائية داخل احلرم اجلامعي،

لينتخب الطلبة ثلث اأع�شاء املجل�س،

وتعني اجلامعة ثلثيهم ممن تنطبق

عليهم �شروط لئحة جمال�س طلبة

التعليم العايل، وقامت عمادة

�شوؤون الطلبة باجلامعة بتهيئة كافة

الظروف املالئمة لنجاح ت�شكيل

املجل�س الطالبي الأول يف اجلامعة .

administration to ensure the smooth functioning of the entire process.

Commenting on the experience, dr Abdulrahman Al Shayeb Al Naqbi, dean of Students at UAEU, said, ‘This marks the very first time that students got to elect their committee at UAEU, thus offering them the practical experience of a democratic system. We aim to engage students in the educational process through their committee representatives, who will serve as one communication channel between the university administration and them’.

Moza Al ketbi, head of the Student Activities and Leadership (SAL) and the supervisor of the Student Committee elections, remarked that ‘the University had generously facilitated the entire process and provided all the needed material and communication to make it a success, beginning with announcing the procedures and timelines via email, Facebook, Twitter, and BlackBerry, to placing signs and billboards on campus. The election process was governed by policies and rules that regulated the campaign phase until voting day. It was a success on all levels’.

UAEU students participated in their first election for the university’s Student Committee. All students had the chance to run for the committee and organized their own campus campaigns.

One-third of the committee’s members were elected and the remaining two-thirds appointed by

the university’s administration. The deanship of Student Affairs worked closely with both the students and

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‘UAE youth proud of their leadership’

Nahayan Mabarak:

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Under the patronage of HH Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, UAEU Chancellor, the ‘Political Awareness Forum’ brought together students from all the country’s universities.

The forum was organized by the Ministry of State for Federal National Council Affairs and UAEU, in cooperation with an assembly of national political and academic figures.

In his address to the Forum, HH Sheikh Nahayan stressed the event’s significance, one which exemplifies the active political involvement of university students in the progress of their society. ‘We believe that the new generation carries the hope for a better future. It will maintain the journey of success our leaders have implemented and will take it further to an international level’.

HH Sheikh Nahayan also referred to a survey of the aspirations and hopes of university students by the National Committee for Scientific Research with the cooperation of certain university professors. HH indicated that its results confirm that UAE’s youth are proud of their leadership and the democratic model it portrays.

The results also show that most of the respondents consider UAE the best country in the world. HH Sheikh Nahayan added, ‘UAE youth are in control of their future and are capable of planning for it in the face of any challenges that may come their way. We share a bright outlook for the future, and we are working together to achieve it’.

�سباب االإمارات يعتز بقيادته ..

افتتح �شمو ال�شيخ نهيان مبارك اآل نهيان

وزير التعليم العايل والبحث العلمي الرئي�س

الأعلى جلامعة الإمارات العربية املتحدة

يف نوفمرب املا�شي فعاليات منتدى بناء

الوعي ال�شيا�شي لطالب اجلامعات الذي

نظمته وزارة الدولة ل�شوؤون املجل�س الوطني

الحتادي بالتعاون مع جامعة الإمارات

ومب�شاركة نخبة من قادة الفكر ال�شيا�شي يف

الدولة. واأكد �شمو ه بهذه املنا�شبة اإن انعقاد

هذا املنتدى اإمنا هو تاأكيد قوي على اأن تنمية

الوعي ال�شيا�شي لطلبة اجلامعات وتعميق

م�شاركتهم يف م�شرية املجتمع هو مدخل اأمني

لال�شتقرار والرخاء والتنمية امل�شتدامة.

وقال �شموه “اإننا ننطلق من قناعة كاملة

باأن الهدف الوطني والأ�شمى هو اأن يكون

الطلبة بالفعل هم اأمل الوطن يوؤكدون

بعملهم وجهدهم مكانة الإمارات املرموقة

على ال�شاحة العاملية ويتمثلون يف ذلك

ما�شيهم الرثي ويفاخرون بواقعهم الزاخر


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UAEU hosted the First National Contest for UAE Energy Leaders sponsored by dubai Electricity and Water Authority (dEWA); the contest witnessed participations from all over the country.


Energy and Environmental Research

dr Reyadh Al Mehaideb, dean of the College of Engineering, stressed the importance of the contest to reinforce the concept of renewable energy and encourage environmental research among students of engineering in the country.

The contest is the first of its kind in UAE, and aims to raise awareness about the pressing issues of energy, environment, and the renewable sources of fuel, which is one of the top priorities of UAE Government and the research centers.

The contest comes in line with UAEU’s initiatives in the field of

energy and environmental research as directed by HH Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and Chancellor of UAEU.

Elaborating on the contest, dr Sulaiman Al Zuhair, Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, head of the organizing committee of the contest, mentioned that students joined from all over the country. The highest number of participants came from Abu dhabi and Sharjah, with eight schools each, followed by RAk with six schools, in addition to three schools from dubai, Al Fujairah and Umm al-Quwain.

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م�سابقة لطلبة املدار�س

يف بحوث الطاقة والبيئة

ا�شت�شافت جامعة الإمارات العربية

املتحدة امل�شابقة الوطنية الأوىل لقادة

الإمارات يف الطاقة، التي نظمتها

جامعة الإمارات مب�شاركة 160 طالبًا

وطالبة من خمتلف موؤ�ش�شات التعليم

يف الدولة برعاية هيئة كهرباء ومياه


وتوؤكد امل�شابقة اأهمية اإعداد الكوادر

الوطنية من اأبناء دولة الإمارات

يف التخ�ش�شات الهند�شية املتعقلة

بالطاقة واأبحاث البيئة، ليكونوا

قادة وخرباء امل�شتقبل يف هذه

التخ�ش�شات النوعية، التي باتت

تفر�س نف�شها يف كافة املجالت

ال�شناعية والبيئية، مما يعزز من

دور ومكانة الكوادر العلمية ذات

املهارات التقنية العالية، ملواكبة

امل�شتجدات يف جمال الطاقة.

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Eco-friendly ‘Micro-filter’

UAEU Students Design

The team that worked on the project consists of Afra Al-darmaki, Haya Al-Nuaimi, and Maitha Al-dhaheri. The project was initially planned by their supervisor dr Mohamed Younes Selim, member of the College of Engineering.

An independent test proved that the micro-filter does not slow down the performance of the engine and saves a considerable quantity of fuel.

A team of students of UAEU’s department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering built and tested an innovative micro-filter for diesel engine exhaust gases. The filter uses reverse engineering to reduce the global warming emissions of existing designs.

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The efficiency ranged between 60% (absorbance of 60% of particulate matter) to 90% (absorbance of 90% of particulate matter). These percentages are determined by horsepower, engine speed, and the type of materials used.

This micro-filter removes 10g of global warming emissions in a diesel generator with a fuel cylinder capacity of half a liter. This reduction results in better fuel mileage, cleaner air, and greater savings.

As one of the world’s leading oil companies, the Abu dhabi National Oil Company (AdNOC) provided funding for this research as part of its commitment to sustainable development, thus ensuring a harmonious balance between human needs and the Earth’s resources.

From a public point of view, this filter lowers consumer costs and protects the environment.

جنحت طالبات من جامعة الإمارات العربية

املتحدة يف ت�شميم وتنفيذ واختبار فلرت جديد

يرّكب فى خط العادم لأي مركبة ديزل )با�س،

�شاحنة( بحيث يقلل بدرجة كبرية ن�شبة الدخان

الأ�شود الذي ينبعث من حمركات الديزل. والتي

متثل عوادم املركبات اأهم ملوثات الهواء على

م�شتوى العامل.

قامت جمموعة الطالبات )هايا النعيمي،

ميثة الظاهري، عفراء الدرمكي( من خالل

م�شروع تخرجهن يف ق�شم الهند�شة امليكانيكية،

بت�شميم وتنفيذ الفكرة التي طرحها م�شرف

امل�شروع د. حممد يون�س ال�شغري، وهي تعديل

الت�شميم احلايل امل�شتخدم يف بع�س مركبات

الديزل وتغيري املادة امل�شتخدمة )باهظة

الثمن( داخل الفلرت التي حتتجز حبيبات

الدخان الأ�شود، يف حني ا�شتخدمن الطالبات

مواد رخي�شة ال�شعر، و�شديقة للبيئة، وهي

عبارة عن خملفات طبيعية. وقد اأثبتت تلك

املواد فاعليتها يف حجز حبيبات الكربون

ال�شلبة الناجتة من عوادم حمركات الديزل.

Effects of increasing torque of engine on the thermal efficiency of filter

Effects of increasing torque of engine on brake power



Torgue vs. BPBP



50 10 15


Waste Cigarette

New Cogarette

Paper Filter



Torgue vs. BP



50 10 15


Waste Cigarette

New Cogarette

Paper Filter

فلرت �سديق للبيئة حلجز الدخان مبحركات الديزل

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UAEU’s Renewable Energy Laboratory HE Tatsuo Watanabe, Japanese Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, expressed his delight following a field visit to the first Renewable Energy Lab founded by UAEU in cooperation with Japan Cooperation Centre on Petroleum (JCCP).

The Lab will produce fuel cells to generate clean energy and safe drinking water at lower cost and with less pollution.

dr Reyadh Al Mehaideb explained that the project’s concept

revolves around the generation of environmentally friendly energy through the chemical reaction of hydrogen, air, and water that produces electricity in hydrogen renewable energy cells.

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The university is examining several methodologies by which hydrogen can be produced, including its generation from plant matter, such as dates and sea algae, or by extracting it from liquefied gas.

Yaichi kimura, President of Japan Cooperation Centre for Petroleum stated, ‘The world is talking today about energy and depletion over the coming decades; scientists are talking about alternatives, provided that such alternatives create clean energy; thus UAEU laboratory, where Japanese and UAE minds join together, provides a significant contribution in this area’.

خمترب الإنتاج الطاقة املتجددة

اأ�شاد �شعادة ال�شفري الياباين لدى الدولة

ال�شيد تات�شووتانابي�شفري بالتعاون املميز

بني دولة الإمارات العربية املتحدة

واليابان جاء ذلك خالل الزيارة امليدانية

التي قام بها �شعادة ال�شفري ملوقع املخترب

الأول للطاقة املتجددة والذي بداأت

اجلامعة بتاأ�شي�شه بالتعاون مع مركز

التعاون الياباين للبرتول والذي �شيقوم

باإنتاج خاليا الوقود والتي �شيتولد عنها

طاقة كهربائية نظيفة ومياه �شاحلة

لل�شرب اإ�شافة اىل تكلفة قليلة واملحافظة

على البيئة من عوامل التلوث.

تتلخ�س فكرة هذا امل�شروع كما يو�شحها

الدكتور ريا�س املهيدب، عميد كلية

الهند�شة يف جامعة الإمارات “اإن هذا

امل�شروع يعمل على توليد طاقة �شديقة

للبيئة من خالل عن�شر الهيدروجني

ومن خالل عملية تفاعل كيمائي بني

الهيدروجني والهواء واملاء يوؤدي ذلك اىل

انتاج طاقة كهربائية من خالل خاليا

الوقود املتجددة املنتجة من الهيدروجني

هذا العن�شر الذي ت�شعى اجلامعة بتوفريه

عرب عدد من الأبحاث التي ي�شرف عليها

جمموعة من الأ�شاتذة ومب�شاركة الطلبة

حيث ميكن توفري الهيدروجني من بقايا

النباتات كبقايا التمر او النباتات البحرية

كالطحالب اأو توليد الهيدروجني من الغاز


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بحث اإن�ساء

احتاد للجامعات اخلليجية

�شارك الدكتور علي را�شد النعيمي مدير

جامعة الإمارات العربية املتحدة روؤ�شاء

ومديري املوؤ�ش�شات التعليمية واجلامعات

بدول جمل�س التعاون اخلليجية،

اجتماعهم الثاين للجنة امل�شغرة املكلفة

مناق�شة مقرتح اإن�شاء احتاد للجامعات

اخلليجية ودرا�شة الالئحة الإدارية

واملالية ملوؤ�ش�شات التعليم العايل بدول

جمل�س التعاون، يف جامعة امللك عبد

العزيز اآل �شعود بجدة يف اململكة العربية


UAEU Participates in GCC Meetings in Jeddah


In his capacity as the Vice Chancellor of the United Arab Emirates University, dr Ali Rashid Al Noaimi participated in the second meeting of the Higher Education Committee of the Gulf Cooperation Council states. The meeting was held at the king Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, kSA.

The meeting brought together the presidents of universities and the heads of educational institutions in the Gulf to discuss administrative and financial regulations for the committee, the establishment of an Association of Gulf Universities, and the funding of the current,

shared educational programs.

dr Al Noaimi visited the University and examined its facilities, including the Research Center and University Hospital, where he met the members of the Faculty of Medicine and a number of students.

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تحت رعاية سمو الشيخ نهيان مبارك آل نهيانوزير التعليم العايل والبحث العلمي، رئي�س جمل�س اأمناء جائزة خليفة الدولية لنخيل التمر

INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITIONParticipation open from 01/07/2013 to 31/12/2013

Results will be announced during February, 2014

FIFTH SESSION 2014النـسخـة الخـامسـة Deadline for participation December 31-2013آخر موعد للمشاركة ديسمبر – 31 2013

أول مسابقة دولية متخصصة بتصوير النخلة تنظمها جائزة خليفة الدولية لنخيل التمربالتعاون مع رابطة ابوظبي الدولية للتصوير الفوتوغرافي

[email protected] ترسل االعمال حصريًا عبر البريد االلكترونيAll materials to be addressed to [email protected] www.kidpa.ae

Photograph by : Amena Zenl Hamadi – United Arab Emirates عدسة : آمنة زينل الحمادي – اإلمارات العربية المتحدة

باالضافة الى درع تذكاري وشهادة تقدير

First Winner AED 20 000 الفــائــز األولSecond Winner AED 15 000 الفــائــز الثـانيThird Winner AED 10 000 الفــائــز الثــالـثWith a trophy and a certificate

مســابقـة دولية لـلـتصـوير الفــوتوغـــرافــي باب المشاركة مفتوح للهواة والمحترفين اعتبارًا من 01 / 07 / 2013 ولغاية 31 / 12 / 2013

تعلن النتائج في شهر فبراير 2014

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March 2013 26

“UAEU fosters academic excellence through its fervent commitment to create opportunities for students.”

Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan

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�سرور بن حممد يثّمن رعاية

رئي�س الدولة مل�سرية التنمية

ثّمن �شمّو ال�شيخ �شرور بن حممد اآل نهيان

الرعاية الكرمية التي يوليها �شاحب ال�شمو

ال�شيخ خليفة بن زايد اآل نهيان رئي�س الدولة

حفظه اهلل للم�شرية التنموية ال�شاملة للبالد

وما اأفرزته من اإجنازات ح�شارية كربى يف

خمتلف املجالت.

واأكد �شموه اإثر جولة تفقدية قام بها للحرم

اجلامعي اجلديد يف املقام على اأن تلك

الرعاية الكرمية ل�شاحب ال�شمّو رئي�س

الدولة كان لها بالغ الأثر يف تلك الطفرة

الكبرية التي ي�شهدها قطاع التعليم العايل

بوجه خا�س.

during his visit to UAEU, HH Sheikh Suroor Bin Mohammed praised the special attention of HH Sheikh khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of UAE, to the comprehensive development process in the country.

HH Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and Chancellor of UAEU, welcomed HH Sheikh Suroor and briefed him on the structure of the new Crescent Building on campus, in addition to the role of the university in serving the society. HH Sheikh Suroor stressed during his tour that the educational sector is experiencing

substantial improvements, due to Sheikh khalifa’s dedicated sponsorship to the progress of higher education in UAE.

HH Sheikh Suroor also underlined the key role UAEU plays in molding the new generation into well-equipped national cadres in all specializations to fulfill the needs of the accelerating development in UAE.

Suroor Bin MohammedPraises the Comprehensive Development Process

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�سعودي واإماراتي يف اأم�سية �سعرية

�شهد مدير جامعة الإمارات، الدكتور علي

را�شد النعيمي، ختام فعاليات مهرجان

قيم باحلرم ُالثقافة والرتاث، الذي اأ

اجلامعي برعاية هيئة اأبوظبي لل�شياحة

والثقافة، تزامنًا مع احتفالت الدولة باليوم

الوطني الـ 41 . حيث �شهد اليوم الأخري

م�شية �شعرية اأحياها ال�شاعر ال�شعودي ُاأ

د. حممد بن مريبد العازمي، متغنيًا

باإجنازات الدولة وقادتها وبالحتاد الذي

اأبهر العامل. كما حظيت ق�شائد ال�شاعر

الإماراتي حممد بن النوه املنهايل، بتقدير

كبري من احل�شور.

An Evening Embellished with

In cooperation with Abu dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority, dr Ali Rashid Al Noaimi, Vice Chancellor of the United Arab Emirates University (UAEU), concluded the activities of the Culture and Heritage Festival held on the new campus in celebration of the 41st UAE National day.

The Festival concluded with a Poetry Recital Night that featured the Saudi poet, dr Mohamed Bin Mraibid Al Azmi, who is well known in Gulf countries for Nabati poetry. His poems described UAE’s achievements, leadership, and union.

The famous poem ‘Grief of the Century’, about late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, was presented by the official poet of the Ministry of Interior, the Emirati poet Mohamed Hammad Al kaabi.


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UAEU Hosts the 1st Conference on Innovation and Creativitydr Ali Rashid Al Noaimi, UAEU Vice Chancellor, inaugurated the first Conference on Creativity and Innovation, organized by the Students deanship under the theme of ‘The Mark of the Inventor’.

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حتت �سعار »ب�سمة مبتكر«

�شمن احتفالت الدولة باليوم الوطني

الـ 41 افتتحت جامعة الإمارات فعاليات

املوؤمتر الأول لالإبداع والبتكار، حتت

رعاية �شمو ال�شيخ نهيان بن مبارك اآل

نهيان، وزير التعليم العايل والبحث

العلمي، الرئي�س الأعلى للجامعة، حتت

�شعار “ب�شمة مبتكر”.

�شم املعر�س اأكرث من 60 اخرتاعًا،

يف جمالت علمية تطبيقية، وقام

مدير اجلامعة بتفقد اأجنحة معر�س

البتكارات وتكرمي اجلهات الراعية،

اإ�شافة اإىل تكرمي ابرز امل�شاركني

من املبتكرين، ويف مقدمتهم املبتكر

الإماراتي ال�شغري الطالب اأديب �شليمان

البلو�شي، الذي قدم حما�شرة بعنوان

الخرتاع”. عامل يف dr Ali Rashid Al Noaimi, Vice Chancellor“جتربتي

The officials who participated in the inauguration included Major General Mohammed Ahmed Al Marri, director-General of the dubai General department for Residency and Foreigner Affairs; dr Al khouri, director General of the Emirates Identity Authority; dr Mohamed Yousef Baniyas, UAEU Provost and Chief Academic Officer; Professor Sehamuddin Galadari, Vice Provost for Research and Graduate Studies; and dr Abdulrahman Al Shayeb, dean of Students.

The exhibition included more than 60 inventions and concluded with awards presented to top young inventors, led by the student Adeeb Al Baloushi.

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طالب الهند�سة وتقنية املعلومات

يح�سدون جوائز»االإبداع«

ح�شد طالب وطالبات كلية الهند�شة وتقنية

املعلومات يف جامعة الإمارات، جوائز املوؤمتر

الوطني الأول لالإبداع والبتكار، حيث ا�شتد

التناف�س بني اأكرث من 200 مبدع ومبتكر من

طالب موؤ�ش�شات التعليم العايل واملوؤ�ش�شات

ال�شناعية احلكومية واخلا�شة، من داخل

الدولة وخارجها على مدى يومني.

وبعد فرز الأعمال وتقييمها، فازت باملركز

الأول ثالث طالبات، من كلية تقنية املعلومات

بجامعة الإمارات، هن نورة حممد، مرمي

ح�شن، نورة علي، ويف املركز الثاين فاز

الطالب يو�شف �شالح اجلا�شم، من كلية

الهند�شة، ويف املركز الثالث فاز كل من

الطالب، �شلطان حممد، �شامل خمي�س، نا�شر

را�شد من كلية الهند�شة.

Students from the College of Engineering and the Institute for IT and Communications at UAEU received the top three Awards of the first Innovation and Creativity Conference.

The winners were filtered out of more than 200 innovators and creative individuals from higher educational institutes and industrial entities in the country. Noora Mohammed, Mariyam Hasan and Noora Ali from the Institute

of IT shared the first place prize, while Yousef Saleh Al Jasim came in second, followed in third place by Sultan Mohammed, Salem khamis and Nasser Rashed from the College of Engineering.

Engineering and IT Students win Creativity Awards


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A UAEU student delegation participated in the doha Goals Forum in Qatar, under the patronage of HH Sheikh Hamad bin khalifa Al Thani and his wife HH Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned. The Forum attracted 400 student participants who came from over 50 countries.

طلبة جامعة االإمارات ميثلون الدولة

يف منتدى الدوحة

�شارك وفد ريا�شي طالبي من جامعة

الإمارات، يف فعاليات منتدى الدوحة الريا�شي،

الذي عقد يف قطر برعاية وح�شور ال�شيخ حمد

بن خليفة اآل ثاين وحرمه ال�شيخة موزة بنت

نا�شر امل�شند، وتعترب امل�شاركة من قبل طالب

اجلامعة مهمة ونوعية يف مثل هذا املنتدى

الريا�شي الذي �شم وفودًا من اأكرث من 50 دولة

منهم 400 طالب من خمتلف طالب اجلامعات

والثانويات . وتاأتي م�شاركة اجلامعة يف هذا

املنتدى من خالل وفد ي�شم 6 طالب لهم

اهتمامات ريا�شية خمتلفة.

Students Represent UAE in Doha Goals Forum

Mr. Ibrahim Mokhtar Ahmad, director of Sports Activities at UAEU Students deanship and head of the participating delegation said, ‘UAEU involvement in this

Forum included six students with different athletic interests and involved meetings with athletic delegations, networking, and interacting with regional athletes’.


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On the occasion of the graduation of the 30th and 31st cohorts, UAEU presents the following statistics which provide both current and historical profiles of the graduates for the period 1980/1981 to 2010/2011.


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Humanities Science Education Business Law Food & Agr.

Engineering Medicine Info. Tech. Tutorial Ex. St.

Diploma Master Me. Lab. Tech. Prog.
















566 951

2465 2107


Total UAEU Graduates By College / Nationality/ GenderAcademic Years 1980-81 through 2010-11

All Graduates

Non- National -14%

Male Graduates

Non- National - 21%

Female Graduates

Non- National- 11%

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Under the Patronage of HH Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and Chancellor of the United Arab Emirates University (UAEU), a series of lectures were conducted on campus in cooperation with Oxford University.

Lecture Title: ‘Perception, Art, and Illusion from Ibn Al-Haytham to the Present Day’

Presenter: Brian Rogers, Professor of Experimental Psychology and Fellow and Tutor in Psychology, Pembroke College, University of Oxford.

The lecture explored the works of Ibn Al-Haytham’, one of a group of Arab scholars who transformed our understanding of astronomy, mathematics, medicine, and physics several hundred years before comparable advancements in the West. The lecture discussed his

ideas and observations and their influence on our understanding of art, illusion, and science in the twenty-first century.Lecture Title: ‘Research for Health: Universities Can Help Build a Healthier Society’

Presenter: Dame Valerie Beral, Professor of Epidemiology at the University of Oxford.

This lecture discussed the critical role of research in building healthier societies through collaboration between universities and health services in dealing with the global epidemic of chronic non-

UAEU- Oxford University Lecture Series


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تعزيز التوا�سل االأكادميي

خلدمة املجتمع املحلي

بتوجيهات وح�شور �شمو ال�شيخ نهيان مبارك

اآل نهيان، وزير التعليم العايل والبحث العلمي

الرئي�س الأعلى جلامعة الإمارات العربية

املتحدة، اأطلقت جامعة الإمارات بالتعاون

مع جامعة اأك�شفورد باململكة املتحدة �شل�شلة

من املحا�شرات العلمية ا�شت�شافت فيها

)عامي 2011 و 2012( نخبة من الأكادمييني

واملخت�شني يف خمتلف علوم احلياة. بح�شور

عدد من اأ�شحاب القرار واأهل الخت�شا�س.

املحا�شرة اخلام�شة: 30 �شبتمرب2012

الربوفي�شور براين روجرز، بعنوان )الفن

والوهم من زمن ابن الهيثم حتى الآن(.

املحا�شرة الرابعة: 26 فرباير 2012

الربوفي�شورة فالريى بريال بعنوان )البحث

العلمي من اأجل ال�شحة وخدمة املجتمع(.

املحا�شرة الثالثة: 25 �شبتمرب 2011

الربوفي�شور اميون مولوي بعنوان )بناء عامل

الغد التحدي املتمثل يف امل�شاريع العمالقة(.

املحا�شرة الثانية: 17 مايو 2011

الربوفي�شور رودين فيليب�س بعنوان )ا�شتخدام

علم الوراثية يف فهم الأمرا�س الب�شرية(.

املحا�شرة الأوىل: 27 مار�س 2011

الربوفي�شور كني مايهو بعنوان )التعليم

العايل الأكادميي واملهني: حتقيق التوازن(.

communicable diseases, including cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. drawing on over forty years of experience in cancer research at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the University of Oxford, dr Beral illustrated the vital role of research in improving public health.Lecture Title: ‘Building Tomorrow’s World: The Challenge of Mega-Projects’

Presenter: Eamonn Molloy, Tutorial Fellow in Management Studies at the University of Oxford and Research director at the BT Centre for Major Programme Management at the Said Business School.

The lecture discussed unprecedented global challenges of tomorrow’s world, including population growth, food and energy security, the need for infrastructural and basic services, employment, access to education and health services, poverty alleviation, climatic change, and global financial crises. Present policy makers and business leaders face difficult decisions and critical trade-offs. A diverse set of solutions were presented for developing better forecast models, data, trained forecasters, and in improving reality checks at the planning stage and levels of political and economic accountability.

Lecture Title: “The Use of Genetic Engineering in the Understanding of Human Diseases”

Presenter: Rodney Phillips, Professor of Medicine at the University of Oxford and co-director of the Institute for Emerging Infections based in Uk Oxford University.

The lecture discussed findings of retroviral research on genetic variations in HTLV-I, the first human retrovirus to be isolated. It also highlighted the effects of smoking where the average smoker’s life expectancy is no more than 35-44 years.

Lecture Title: ‘Diversifying Economy: Academic and Vocational Higher Education: Achieving Balance’

Presenter: Ken Mayhew, Fellow and Professor in Economics, Pembroke College, University of Oxford.

The lecture reviewed different types of postgraduate education in relation to labour, the market, and public policy, concentrating on the knowledge-based economy.

It also presented case studies of economically developed and under-developed countries that highlighted their respective production standards and quality controls.

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�سراكة اإ�سرتاتيجية

الإجناح التعليم التقني

تنفيذًا لتوجيهات �شمو ال�شيخ

نهيان مبارك اآل نهيان وزير

التعليم العايل والبحث العلمي

الرئي�س الأعلى جلامعة الإمارات

العربية املتحدة حول اإدخال

التقنية احلديثة يف التعليم

اجلامعي وجعلها مقرتنة مبفهوم

التعلم قامت كل من جامعة

الإمارات وكليات التقنية العليا

وجامعة زايد بعقد �شراكة

اإ�شرتاتيجية وتعاون مكثف لإجناح

هذه املبادرة املهمة والتي بنجاحها

�شتحدث تغيريًا جذريًا يف احلياة

اجلامعية ومفهوم التعليم اجلامعي

ب�شكل عام وقد جنحت اجلامعات

الثالث باإدخال مفهوم التعليم

با�شتخدام التكنولوجيا يف حياة

14000 من الطلبة واأع�شاء هيئة التدري�س.

More than 14,000 students began using iPads in classrooms as part of their classroom learning experience.

HH Sheikh Nahayan Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and Chancellor of UAEU stated that massive investments by United Arab Emirates University (UAEU), Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT) and Zayed University backed this first-of-its-kind initiative in the country.

The faculty and student body of these institutions are being trained to employ advanced technologies in a quest for the best quality education. A series of workshops boosted the benefits of this initiative.

The first workshop, which was moderated by Apple’s group of experts and education specialists, showcased the most recent educational iPad applications, provided technical support, and stressed on the importance of student and faculty training to ensure optimized benefits. dr Mohamed Baniyas, Provost and Chief Academic Officer, delivered the welcome address and emphasized the importance of mobile learning in UAE educational development.

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Getting to know yASSER AL-NEyADI

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How did you start working in acting and film production?

I was a member of the school theatre and participated in numerous acting roles. However, my passion for film production started when I was still a child, when I enjoyed filming my own homemade movies using an old camera my father gave me.

You are now working as an actor and film producer. Is there a connection between the two?

I’m studying TV production and taking courses in journalism, as I’m trying to become a well-rounded journalist. I believe there is a strong connection between the two; journalism is the profession of delivering reality, which is an infinite source of material worthy of depicting in art, and this is what I’m trying to reflect on in my work as a director.

What is it that you are trying to achieve?

My ultimate goal is to win the Oscar for best foreign movie. This is the least I could do for UAE.

What are you working on right now?

I’m getting ready to take part in a new TV series, while also preparing for a documentary movie and a short film. I’m still adding my final touches to the script and looking for a producer.

Which of your works is closest to your heart?

I can say all of them! Each project I took up, whether in directing, production, or acting, has its own

Yasser Al-Neyadi, the young and talented student, talks about his passion and offers valuable insights into how young people can succeed in the integrated industries of film and acting in UAE.

bittersweet story and a collection of lessons I learned along the way.

What is your vision as a director?

I always aim to portray a realistic and spontaneous reflection of life in my movies – I like to provoke the viewer and trigger their senses with stories from everyday life, and characters in flesh and blood that they can relate to.

What do you think of the film festivals hosted in UAE?

Film festivals are venues that provide unique opportunities to share expertise and learn more about what is new in the movie industry. We are lucky to have some of the most important regional movie festivals taking place here in UAE. I’m a loyal participant in almost all of them and I make sure I watch all the featured movies, as much as my credit card allows me to buy tickets for!

What are the awards you won for your work and how do you feel about them?

Awards are meant to honour the winner for an achievement, yet it does add to the pressure and responsibility – my focus is always on what comes next and how I can make it better. I have won several awards for my performance on stage in addition to a number of awards in cinema, like best documentary film in the Middle East International Film Festival 2008 and second-best short film from UAE, as well as best script, in the festival’s 2011 session, for the movie Ahlam Bil Arz.

Have you ever participated in any foreign film festival?

Yes, I participated once in the International Bali Film Festival for Student Films.

Do you think there are enough opportunities for UAE youth to prove their capabilities in this field?

There is always an opportunity for the one who seeks it. Emirati youth can create their own opportunities if they truly believe in their capabilities and are determined to leave their mark, in this industry or any other.

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The committee meeting, held on the new campus, included UAEU delegation, headed by dr Mohamed Yousef Baniyas, UAEU Provost and Chief Academic Officer, and Professor Sehamuddin Galadari, Vice Provost for Research and Graduate Studies; the SQU delegation was led by dr Hamed bin Suleiman Al-Salmi, deputy Vice Chancellor for Administrative and Financial Affairs.

The meeting largely focused on research projects, since it has been decided to fund and supervise research in various fields of mutual interest. The committee also recommended holding meetings of deans and researchers every two

years to exchange expertise, raise research standards and promote mutual cooperation. Finally, the committee decided on a student exchange program that will include 25 students at the next convention in Salalah, Oman.

جامعة االإمارات حتت�سن

اللجنة امل�سرتكة بدورتها الـ 25

عقدت اللجنة امل�شرتكة بني جامعة الإمارات

العربية املتحدة وجامعة ال�شلطان قابو�س

الجتماع اخلام�س والع�شرين يف احلرم

اجلامعي اجلديد دي�شمرب 2012 وتراأ�س

وفد جامعة الإمارات الدكتور حممد يو�شف

بني يا�س نائب مدير اجلامعة مدير ال�شوؤون

الأكادميية فيما تراأ�س وفد جامعة ال�شلطان

قابو�س الدكتور حمد بن �شليمان ال�شاملي نائب

مدير اجلامعة لل�شوؤون الإدارية والأكادميية،

ركز امل�شاركون خالل الجتماع على امل�شاريع

البحثية حيث مت التفاق على تقدمي البحوث

الكرث حاجة يف املجالت املجتمعية وذات

الهتمامات امل�شرتكة بني اجلانبني ليتم

متويلها والإ�شراف على تنفيذها.


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The newly established National Water Centre (NCW) of the United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) hosted an International Water Summit in Abu dhabi, which was attended by participants and stakeholders of the water sector from around the world.

Prominent speakers included Professor Peter Werner, dean of the College of Science at UAEU and a renowned water expert.

The convention was held in cooperation with the British Council, Cranfield University (Uk), West Britain University, Sanaa University (Yemen), and Sultan Qaboos

University (Sultanate of Oman). The topics for discussion included water challenges in the gulf, bridging the gap between water requirements and availability in arid and semi-arid regions, and the cooperation of water supply and treatment companies with other businesses and scientific institutions.

االأمن املائي يف دول اخلليج العربي

نظم املركز الوطني للمياه بجامعة

الإمارات العربية املتحدة اجتماع اخلرباء

حول الو�شع احلايل وامل�شتقبلي ملياه الري

يف دول اخلليج العربي واليمن: )نحو

اإ�شرتاتيجية طويلة املدى لالأمن املائي( 13

و14 يناير 2013.

يهدف الجتماع اإىل التعرف وفهم

العنا�شر الرئي�شة لالقت�شاد ال�شيا�شي

ومياه الزراعة ونظام الغذاء يف دول جمل�س

التعاون اخلليجي واليمن من اأجل الو�شول

اإىل الأمن املائي، و�شيتم الرتكيز على

اليمن و�شلطنة عمان ودولة الإمارات.

Water Security in Gulf Countries


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Seven Steps to Achieve Excellence in the Workplace


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In an evening lecture organized by the students of the ‘Leadership and Community Program’ at UAEU, more than 900 students gathered to learn about the qualities of performance excellence.

In the lecture, dr Ahmed Al Najjar, director of Leadership and Society Program at UAEU, explained the seven determinants of excellence: individual motivation; self-censorship; persistence; clarity of vision and goals; the ability to implement positive change; the capacity to understand personal weaknesses and strengths; and management expertise in such areas as planning, organizing, and directing, and self-censorship. In addition to the seven determinants,

dr Najjar also indicated that the main qualities of an excellent employee are consistency in goal achievement, dedication, a sense of honour, positive thinking, the continual development of personal skills, and empathy towards colleagues. Furthermore, dr Najjar pointed out that pessimism, negativity toward the successes of colleagues, overt sensitivity, and negative perfectionism are negative employee qualities that should be eschewed.

اخلطوات ال�سبع

املتميز”هو الأداء لقمة ال�شبع “اخلطوات عنوان الأم�شية التي نظمتها طالبات برنامج

القيادة واملجتمع يف جامعة الإمارات،

وجتاوز عدد ح�شورها 900 طالب وطالبة،

ومن اأهم حماورها ال�شبل والآليات الكفيلة

بتطوير الذات الب�شرية يف ظل املتغريات

التي يعي�شها عامل اليوم من خالل التقدم

العلمي والتقني الكبري، واأ�شاليب تكيف الفرد

مع هذه املتغريات. اأو�شح املحا�شر الدكتور

اأحمد النجار، رئي�س برنامج القيادة واملجتمع

يف جامعة الإمارات، اأ�ش�س �شناعة التميز،

قائاًل: �شناعة التميز تعتمد على �شبعة

حمددات اأولها توفر الدافعية والإرادة، وتوفر

الإ�شرار، وو�شوح الروؤية والأهداف ومدى

القدرة على تفعيل عملية التغيري الإيجابي،

وكذلك القدرة على فهم الذات واإدارتها.

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1. College of Humanities and Social Sciences

CHSS is the largest College in the University; it brings together 12 academic departments, 17 Bachelor programs, a Phd program and a growing number of Masters Programs. At the undergraduate

level, the College offers programs in humanities, in social sciences, in interdisciplinary fields of study and in professional preparation, including Arabic Language and Literature, English Literature, History and Archaeology, Linguistics, Mass Communication, Philosophy, Translation Studies, Geography and Urban Planning, Political Sciences,

Psychology, Social Work, Sociology, Leadership and Society Program.

2. College of Science The College supports five undergraduate programs (Mathematical Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Geology) and a graduate program in



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جامعة االإمارات العربية املتحدة


كليات اجلامعة والتخ�ش�شات املتاحة فيها:

كلية العلوم الإن�شانية والجتماعية:

كلية العلوم:

كلية الرتبية:

كلية الإدارة والقت�شاد:

كلية القانون:

كلية الأغذية والزراعة:

كلية الهند�شة:

كلية الطب والعلوم ال�شحية:

كلية تقنية املعلومات:

كلية ال�شريعة والدرا�شات الإ�شالمية:

Environmental Sciences. College faculties and students also participate in other Masters Programs in Material Science and Engineering, Petroleum Science and Engineering, Water Resources, Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems.

3. College of Education

The college supports undergraduate studies in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education (Islamic Studies and Arabic, Mathematics and Science, Social Studies and Civics and English) and Special Education (Mild/ Moderate disabilities, Severe disabilities, and Sensory Impairments, and Talent and excellence).

The college also offers a Professional diploma in Teaching.

4. College of Business and EconomicsThe college supports undergraduate studies in Accounting, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Finance and Banking, Human Resource Management and development, Management Information Systems, Marketing, Statistics, and Supply Chain Management and Logistics.

5. College of LawThe college offers Bachelor degrees in Law.

6. College of Food and AgricultureThe college supports undergraduate studies in Horticulture, Marine Fisheries and Animal Science, Agribusiness, Food Sciences, dietetics, Nutritional Sciences, and Consumer Sciences.

7. College of EngineeringThe college supports undergraduate studies in Architectural Engineering, Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Communication Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering.

8. College of Medicine and Health SciencesThe college offers Bachelor’s degree in Medicine and Health Sciences.

9. College of Information TechnologyThe college supports undergraduate studies in Computer Systems design, Electronic Commerce, Enterprise Systems, Information Security, Intelligent Systems, Networking and Software development.

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Nahayan Mabarak: ‘2013 is the year of Emiratization’

HH Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and Chancellor of United Arab Emirates University, announced the new members of the Coordination Council for Public Higher Education Institutions, including United Arab Emirates University, Zayed University, and the Higher Colleges of Technology.


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2013 عام التوطني يف جامعاتنا

اأعلن �شمو ال�شيخ نهيان مبارك اآل نهيان

وزير التعليم العايل والبحث العلمي، الت�شكيل

اجلديد ملجل�س التن�شيق بني موؤ�ش�شات التعليم

العايل احلكومية ممثلة بجامعة الإمارات

العربية املتحدة وجامعة زايد وكليات التقنية

العليا، وذلك بهدف حتقيق التكامل يف

الربامج والأهداف �شمن منظومة �شاملة

للتعليم العايل يف الدولة.

وتراأ�س �شموه الجتماع الأول للمجل�س يف

جامعة زايد باأبوظبي نوفمرب املا�شي،

بح�شور كل من الدكتور �شعيد حمد احل�شاين

وكيل وزارة التعليم العايل والبحث العلمي،

والدكتور علي را�شد النعيمي مدير جامعة

الإمارات العربية املتحدة، والدكتور �شليمان

اجلا�شم مدير جامعة زايد والدكتور طيب

كمايل مدير كليات التقنية العليا.

واأكد �شموه اأهمية دور ور�شالة هذا املجل�س

يف حتقيق التن�شيق التام على خمتلف ال�شعد

يف طرح الربامج والدرجات الأكادمييِة وفق

معايري اجلودة والتن�شيق لرفع م�شتوى الطلبة

املقبولني، يف املوؤ�ش�شات الثالث.

واأكد �شموه التزام موؤ�ش�شات التعليم العايل

بدورها الوطني وريادتها يف التنمية الب�شرية

وحر�شها على تنفيذ توجيهات القيادة

الر�شيدة باأن يكون عام 2013 عامًا للتوطني،

كما اأن اأحد اأهم اأولويات العمل يف جامعاتنا

هو ا�شتقطاب مواطني الدولة، للعمل يف هذه

اجلامعات وتوفري فر�س النجاح والرقي.

The new assembly seeks the full integration of the three institutions in programs and objectives within the comprehensive higher education framework of the country.

HH Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan presided over the first meeting of the council at Zayed University in Abu dhabi, in the presence of dr Saeed Hamad Saeed Al Hassani, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research; dr Ali Rashid Al Noaimi, Vice Chancellor of United Arab Emirates University; dr Sulaiman Al Jasim, Vice President of Zayed University; and dr Tayeb kamali, Vice Chancellor of the Higher Colleges of Technology.

HH Sheikh Nahayan stressed the importance of the role and the mission of the council in achieving full coordination in annual budgets, according to the policies and procedures of the Ministry of Presidential Affairs and the Ministry of Finance. In addition, it will oversee the synchronization of the three educational institutions with respect to programs and academic degrees. The council will also ensure quality and mutually manage student acceptance policies and admission tests, as well as

integrating all financial expenses, procurements, human resources, and information technologies in all three institutions.

HH also emphasized the commitment of all higher education institutions to national human resources development, in line with the directions of UAE’s head of state to make 2013 the Year of Nationalization. Assisting UAE nationals to find jobs and succeed are among these institutions’ top priorities.

He also acknowledged that all three institutions are well aware of their mission to those students who are protective of their society’s social norms and treasured beliefs, loyal to their national Arab and Islamic heritage, and are proud of their national identity.

HH Sheikh Nahayan concluded that the timing of the council’s meeting around the celebrations of the 41st National day carries much significance and exemplifies the commitment of the three institutions to fulfilling the directions of HH Sheikh khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan in developing the new generation and arming it with the knowledge to build for the future of this prosperous country.

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“UAEU Fosters an awareness and appreciation of community participation especially in environmental issues and social responsibility”

Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan

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UAEU theatre ensemble performed “Silence of the Graveyard” and won the Merit Award at the International Tangier Festival for University Theatre in Tangiers, Morocco.

The International Tangier Festival attracted 14 theatre ensembles from ten countries including USA, Britain, France and Spain.

The play “Silence of the Graveyard” portrays myths and folklore stories about witchcraft and black magic and fortune tellers.

The three talented UAEU students who lead the performance were; Yaser Al-Nyadi, Ismail Al-Hosani and Abdullah Al Manai. In addition to Rami al Roumi who was the light technician, and Ahmed Shahin, the Audiographer, and director Hassan Youssef.

طالب جامعة االإمارات

االأف�سل يف “طنجة”

�شاركت فرقة م�شرح جامعة الإمارات يف

مهرجان طنجة الدويل للم�شرح اجلامعي

يف اململكة املغربية، ويعترب هذا املهرجان

ملتقى الفرق امل�شرحية اجلامعية، التي بلغ

عددها 14 فرقة من 10 دول عربية وعاملية،

وح�شل وفد جامعة الإمارات على جائزة

م�شاركته عن “ا�شتحقاق” املهرجان، مب�شرحية “�شمت القبور”، التي تك�شف

حقيقة امل�شعوذين، والعرافني والإميان

بال�شحرة وغريها من العتقادات اخلاطئة،

وال�شائدة بني النا�س.

Theatre Ensemble Earns Merit Award at Tangier Festival

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The Housing and Residential Life department of UAEU organized a talent competition, titled ‘UAEU Got Talent’.

Students displayed a range of talent and creativity, including works of fine art and performances (singing, theatre and acting, and poetry). dr Al Shayeb observed that ‘the competition among the finalists was very strong, revealing many creativities, which included a gospel song by Mohamed Abdulla Ismail and Ahmed Mohamed Ayoob, Nabati poetry and formal Arabic poetry by Mustafa Baker, songs by Islam Mohamed and Mustafa Ahmed Turkomani, and wonderful plays that gained the admiration of the audience’.

The winners were announced, following voting by the public (online) and the jury. The first winner of a dh5000 Prize was ‘Al dhalam’ (darkness) – a play about marital problems and solutions – that was sponsored by the Marriage Fund of UAE. The second winner received prize money of dh3000 for the comic play ‘Al dunia Helwa’ (‘Life is Beautiful’). Mohamed Hamdan Al derei received the dh2000 Third Place Prize for his presentation of folk songs.

االأوىل "“الظالم“ امل�سرحية يف م�سابقة “مواهب“

نظمت اإدارة الإ�شكان اجلامعي بجامعة

الإمارات م�شابقة اأطلقت عليها

على نوعها من الأوىل وهي “مواهب”، �شعيد اجلامعة، �شملت خمتلف الفنون

الغنائية وال�شعرية والر�شم وفنون

التمثيل وامل�شرح والإن�شاد الديني،

وقررت جلنة التحكيم يف نهاية امل�شابقة

منح م�شرحية “الظالم” املركز الأول،

وذلك بعد الت�شويت الإلكرتوين،

امل�شرحية تناولت م�شكلة العنو�شة

واملغالة يف املهور، وما يقدمه �شندوق

الزواج يف الدولة من حلول لل�شباب يف

هذا ال�شدد.

Al Dhalam (The Darkness) wins first place in UAEU Got Talent

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The Forum was well attended by students and faculty members. dr Ali Rashid Al Noaimi, Vice Chancellor of UAEU, praised the network members for their effort in organizing the event, which corresponds to the university’s initiative to develop student talent and expertise in media and communication. The Forum also encourages students to unleash

their creativity and showcase their abilities in extracurricular activities that are tied to their career goals.

In his speech to the forum audience, Professor Ibrahim Al Abed, head of the National Media Council, spoke of the historic timeline of media in UAE, underlining the scope that the country has granted to diverse media channels, marking UAE as an international global media hub.

نحو اإعالم هادف ومتخ�س�س

اأطلقت �شبكة التكامل الأكادميي “عني” يف

عمادة �شوؤون الطلبة بجامعة الإمارات نوفمرب

املا�شي، الدورة الثانية للملتقى الإعالمي

للجامعة حتت �شعار “نحو اإعالم هادف

ومتخ�ش�س” مب�شاركة طلبة ال�شبكة الذين

ي�شكلون العن�شر الرئي�س يف تنظيم احلدث.

واألقى الأ�شتاذ اإبراهيم العابد مدير عام

املجل�س الوطني لالإعالم كلمة حتدث فيها

عن م�شرية الإعالم يف الدولة، م�شريًا اإىل

اهتمام دولة الحتاد مبو�شوع الإعالم

وال�شحف واملجالت والقنوات الف�شائية،

حتى اأ�شبحت الإمارات مبدنها الإعالمية

مق�شدا للكثري من املوؤ�ش�شات العاملية الكبرية

املتخ�ش�شة يف هذا املجال.

واأثنى الدكتور علي را�شد النعيمي مدير

اجلامعة على جهود الطلبة يف تنظيم مثل

هذه امللتقيات الإعالمية، م�شريًا اإىل اأن

امللتقى ياأتي �شمن مبادرات تنمية مواهبهم

وقدراتهم وخا�شة الإعالمية منها.

discusses Challenges Facing Sector



The Academic Integration Network (AIN) of UAEU organized the second session of the Media Forum, under the slogan ‘Towards Specialized Purposeful Media’. The event held under the patronage of HH Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and Chancellor of United Arab Emirates University.

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The Award’s mission is derived from the vision of HH Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak ‘Mother of Emirates’, Supreme Chairperson of Family development Foundation (FdF) Chairperson of the General Women’s Union (GWU) and Chairperson of the Supreme Council of Motherhood and Childhood.

Sheikha Mohamed Al Jabri, the

Media Office Manager of the Family development Foundation and the Promotion Officer explained the role of the Award in supporting and promoting women in sports as part of the community development.

The award supports and encourages female athletes and motivates them to develop their skills in different fields of sports.

جائزة ال�سيخة فاطمة

للمراأة الريا�سية

زار وفد من “جائزة ال�شيخة فاطمة بنت مبارك

للمراأة الريا�شية” جامعة الإمارات يوم 18

نوفمرب املا�شي بغر�س الرتويج لهذه اجلائزة التي

تعترب الأوىل من نوعها يف العامل حيث تكت�شب

اجلائزة اأهميتها كونها منبثقة من فكر وروؤية

�شمو ال�شيخة فاطمة بنت مبارك رئي�شة الحتاد

الن�شائي العام الرئي�شة الأعلى ملوؤ�ش�شة التنمية

الأ�شرية رئي�شة املجل�س الأعلى لالأمومة والطفولة.

تعترب اجلائزة مثاًل حيًا لهتمام دولة الإمارات

باملراأة واإعطائها الدور الذي ت�شتحقه. واأن

م�شاركتها الفاعلة يف املجال الريا�شي خطوة لبد

منها لتحقيق هدف الرتقاء بالريا�شة يف الدولة

عمومًا ولتاأكيد املكانة امل�شرفة التي بلغتها املراأة


UAEU Welcomes HH Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak Award for Women Athletes


A delegation from ‘Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak Award for Women Athletes’ visited UAEU to promote the objectives of the award to students.

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The two-day symposium on ‘The Present and Future Status of E-Books in the GCC States’ was recently launched by HH Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Nahayan at the United Arab Emirates University (UAEU).

The symposium conforms to UAEU’s goals and objectives for developing a national scientific and cultural cadre and in highlighting the role of the new generation in increasing human knowledge and innovation.

The topics for discussion included the wide use of information technology in the GCC states in the first decade of the current century in

an impressive array of projects, such as electronic books and publications.

The symposium was organized by UAEU Libraries deanship; the Centres for Research and documentation, the Central Libraries of the GCC, organizations of the Arab countries and representatives from the United States and France.

The Future of E-Books in the GCC States

م�ستقبل الكتاب االإلكرتوين

يف دول التعاون

ا�شت�شافت جامعة الإمارات اأعمال ندوة

)واقع الكتاب الإلكرتوين يف دول جمل�س

التعاون لدول اخلليج العربية( التي نظمتها

عمادة �شوؤون املكتبات يف اجلامعة مب�شاركة

عدد كبري من مراكز البحوث والتوثيق

والدرا�شات واملكتبات املركزية ومن داخل

الدولة ومن دول املجل�س وبع�س الدول العربية

والوليات املتحدة الأمريكية وفرن�شا.

تناولت الندوة واقع الكتاب الإلكرتوين يف

دول جمل�س التعاون لدول اخلليج العربية

باعتباره ق�شية معرفية يهتم بها العامل اأجمع

وتتمثل يف مواكبة التقنية احلديثة والرتباط

باأدواتها لتعزيز التعليم والبحث العلمي.

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The deanship of Student Affairs of UAEU prepares students for professional careers by hiring them in their specialties after graduation.

dr Abdulrahman Al Shayeb, dean of Student Affairs, remarked that the initiative aims at training students during the transition from university to professional life.

The initiative was successfully tested where students were divided into eight groups, provided guidance and an overview of their work.



ت�سغيل اخلريجني

باجلامعة الإعدادهم ل�سوق العمل

اأطلقت عمادة �شوؤون الطلبة بجامعة

الإمارات العربية املتحدة يف اإطار

اإ�شرتاتيجية اإعادة هيكلة القطاع، عددًا

من املبادرات التطويرية اجلديدة لتح�شني

ورفع كفاءة اخلدمات القائمة، واإدخال

خدمات جديدة اأخرى مبتكرة، تت�شمن

ت�شغيل الطلبة اخلريجني مبختلف اإدارات

واأق�شام اجلامعة، كمرحلة انتقالية

لإعدادهم ل�شوق العمل.

هذه املبادرة تهدف اإىل توفري التدريب

الالزم للطلبة خالل مرحلة النتقال، من

احلياة الدرا�شية اإىل احلياة العملية.

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UAE Participates in the Third International Forum on Dates in Morocco


For the third year in a row, the date Palm Research and development Program at the United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) participated in the International Forum on dates, which was held in Morocco under the patronage of HE Aziz Akhannouch, the Moroccan Minister of Agriculture, in the presence of Mr Saeed Al kutbi, Advisor at UAE Embassy in Morocco.

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The Forum brought together 26 entities that specialize in date palms in 15 countries. dr Abdelouahhab Zaid, Project director of date Palm Research and development Program at UAEU underlined the importance of UAE’s participation in the Forum, which helps support the development of date palm cultivation in the country. dr Zaid added that it enjoys the special attention of HH Sheikh khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan and HM king Mohammed VI of Morocco because of the significance of date palms in the culture and heritage of both nations.

االإمارات ت�سارك يف امللتقى

الدويل الثالث للتمر باململكة


�شاركت وحدة درا�شات وبحوث تنمية

النخيل والتمور )خمترب زراعة الأن�شجة

النباتية( بجامعة الإمارات العربية

املتحدة للعام الثالث على التوايل يف

امللتقى الدويل للتمر باململكة املغربية

2012 حيث افتتح املعر�س معايل عزيز

اآخنو�س وزير الفالحة وال�شيد البحري

باململكة املغربية، بح�شور �شعيد مهري

الكتبي م�شت�شار �شفارة دولة الإمارات

العربية املتحدة يف اململكة املغربية،

مب�شاركة 15 دولة متثلها 26 جهة

متخ�ش�شة يف �شوؤون التمر. ويحظى

امللتقى باهتمام خا�س ورعاية �شامية من

جاللة امللك حممد ال�شاد�س ملك اململكة

املغربية، ملا متثله ال�شجرة املباركة من

اأهمية اقت�شادية واجتماعية وثقافية.

March 2013 61

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United Arab Emirates UniversityAddress : United Arab Emirates University P.O.Box 15551, Al Ain United Arab Emirates

Tel : +971 3 7673333 Fax : +971 3 7134926 E-mail : [email protected]

Enrollment Deanship (Deans Office)Tel : +971 3 7134344Fax : +971 3 7134959Email :[email protected]

Enrollment Deanship (Admissions Department)Tel : +971 3 7134355Fax : +971 3 7134989Email: [email protected] [email protected]

Admission Contact Information

The Cultural Section of UAE Embassy Cairo, Egypt, UAEU AffairsTel : +202 3461008 +202 7603501 +202 3641033 +202 3641030 Fax : +202 3461044, +202 3461032 Address : United Arab Emirates University Office 71 Shehab St. Al-Muhandeseen – Giza, Cairo – Egypt

UAEU International Offices/ WashingtonCultural Counselor : dr Husam Al Ulama Academic Counselor : dr Zahratul kamar Ahmud Tel : 202-243-4423 Fax : 202-243-4422 Email : [email protected] Address : Embassy of UAE, Cultural division United Arab Emirates University Office 3522 International Court, NW, Suite 202 P.O.Box 39305, Washington d.C. 20008, USA

Enrollment Deanship Academic Records and Registration (Male)Tel : +971 3 7134289Fax : +971 3 7134940Email : [email protected]

Enrollment Deanship Academic Records and Registration (Female)Tel : +971 3 7136759Fax : +971 3 7134925Email : [email protected]

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Continuous Education Center (Al Ain – Main Office)Address : Continuing Education Center UAEU, P.O. Box 15551 Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates Tel : +971 3 7135555 Fax : +971 3 7134955 E-mail : [email protected]

CEC Contact Information


Student Affairs

Continuous Education Center


Contact Information

Student Affairs DeanshipTel : +971 3 7135988Fax : +971 3 7134909E-mail : [email protected]

Tel : +971 3 7135842 Fax : +971 3 7136978 Email : [email protected]

Address : UAEU Alumni department, UAEU, P.O.Box 15551 Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates New Campus (Crescent Building)Tel : +971 3 7134466 Fax : +971 3 7134904 E-mail : [email protected]


Abu Dhabi (Branch)Tel : +971 2 6672453Fax : +971 2 6672449

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UAEU’s Civil and Environmental Engineering department at the College of Engineering has been ranked among the world’s 200 best by QS World University Rankings.

Professor Reyadh Al Mehaideb, College dean, indicated that this honour is a major achievement for the entire faculty. Al Mehaideb added that this accomplishment falls in line with the directions of HH Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and Chancellor of United Arab Emirates University.

The QS World University Rankings, which employs Quacquarelli Symonds to assess the world’s top 700 universities, has been published annually

since 2004. It is regarded as one of the three most influential and widely followed international rankings, along with The Times Higher Education World University Rankings and the Academic Ranking of World Universities.

Professor Amr Al deeb, member of faculty, pointed out that this milestone is a positive

acknowledgement that will encourage the department to maintain the high standards required.

وفق منظمة QS لت�سنيف اجلامعات

هند�سة جامعة االإمارات �سمن

اأف�سل 200 ق�سم عامليًا

ح�شل ق�شم الهند�شة املدنية والبيئية نوفمرب

املا�شي، بكلية الهند�شة يف جامعة الإمارات،

على ترتيب متقدم بني اأق�شام الهند�شة

املدنية والبيئية بجامعات العامل، ح�شب

QS املنظمة العاملية لت�شنيف اجلامعات

التي و�شعته �شمن اأف�شل 200 ق�شم على

م�شتوى العامل. هذا الت�شنيف العاملي املتقدم

يعد نقلة نوعية جديدة للكية عامة والق�شم

خا�شة، لفتًا حيث اأن املنظمة تعتمد يف

تقييمها على معايري و�شروط �شارمة لتقييم

اجلامعات والكليات والأق�شام، وتعتمد نظامًا

دقيقًا لإطالق ت�شنيفاتها، يت�شمن و�شع

اجلامعات حتت املراقبة بني 3 و 5 �شنوات

بني للوقوف على مدى �شهرة اجلامعة

الأو�شاط الأكادميية، اإ�شافة

اإىل م�شتوى اأداء خريجيها

وكفاءتهم، ومدى اإفادة

اجلامعات واملوؤ�ش�شات

العاملية املعنية من

اإ�شهاماتها يف

جمال البحث


QS World University RankingsPlaces UAEU’s Engineering Faculty among the World’s 200 Best

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The late Sheikh Zayed at the United Arab Emirates University graduation ceremony of 1986, in presence

of Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan and Dr Abdul Hafiz Mohammed Kurdi, UAEU Chancellor.

المغفور له بإذن اهلل الشيخ زايد بن سلطان آل نهيان )طيب اهلل ثراه(أثناء تخريج الدفعة الخامسة من طلبة جامعة اإلمارات 1986

بحضور سمو الشيخ نهيان مبارك آل نهيان وزير التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي الرئيس األعلى لجامعة اإلمارات

ومدير الجامعة الدكتور عبد الحافظ محمد الكردي

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