Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... ·...

1 to 8 One LD 16 "'---- __...J 'I'f I HE I Receives Is t. Werner SYd[V received an hQn rable discharg and arrived in l maha Tu£:,sday morning. HIS ('r. Mrs. Rebec. a Sydow, Mr. a d Mrs. Irving Ddring and Wil- b r Sydow went to Omaha for hi . He will be witli his mother h r· for a time. I areella of , and Mrs. Em 1 MUlier of cfield, is a me iral patient in al hospital. Sh entered Sat- y, - , I ei NDIDATES ILE IN WAY E COUNTY m, ,J. Misfeldt, qounty commis- sib er in Third filed Tues- on thp repuhlican ticket as e n idate for r,,[ection Hans Tl gen filed Frida on the Ii a tickot as CRn idate for re- ell' tion as sheriff. -- '!Count y pione;r OF S\]PPLY, REPORT Is Held Tue1sday RETURN OF SUPPLY P H 'pROSPECT that. butter wil'l 1 MOST iJvc towns ar< plano ng I asses at ome go to $1,25 to $1.50 pcr Elmer Reeg Away ,mprovements [or ce, >za- - ifs III D Dver Friday After tion as soon as materIa, and I Funeral Conducted. d .J v,:orkmen be com e avaJiable I Afternoon airymen who contend that Ueing III Long S h J more cream wO\!lld thus be di- '. F orJ R. R. Smith. Ilyrrs larged plant, an aIrport R. R Smllh, !warly R7, plOne('r reasonably in accordance with Wayne" passed away in ,Denver dar, DIxon, Dakota, l'llmln and whosp life rl('rmitted him to the law of supply and demand. Friday, February 15. He nad been I p. Wayne counties attf'ndcd th' h""come morf' attl .tl\f' anrl \.\.ilw the grcat(',,· changes In Scarcity of butter IS attributed ,in ill for 15 years and he ans ro tnct dairy meetmg \\hICh \.\.(1 hpJd USeflil. \VIJ}nf> hao; on(' m !jar hlsrory, aWay at hIs homp to maintenance of a ceilmg on entered a hosIHtal in Denver three at Wayne city hall Wpdnesrla evc- pUhllc enterpnse, already start- or Farm rs tv.'. cd and awaltmg developmpnt. about a -"relr a,..;o SInce Nc\\' Year'<; ed at the cream stage, bemg body to Wayne. M. N. Lawntson, C. \V. Col I ar,d I h(l ha,· faJlpri Idpldly. lIe scpme-d Hpnry Obbmk, all of Llnenl plans to complet0 th£' undertak. /:;; med cream by hand and made Rc('g home nnd at 2 from Theophi- mg are ur,der con!'lderatlOn, ;md f'l" JIp \I'jlrd \\llh :vlrs Smith butter in the family churn, keep- Ius church WIth Rf'v D Buelter whIch was t hf' Jlnportancf' 0 ('ffii- II IS hop(od thpy rna:>! be workpd . dturr!ay ar d enjo}ed supper about ing enough for home use and and thp Beckcnhauer mortuary In .. clent productIOn of qualJty d,ury early thIS ypar Some If'<:;ai 5 '.Jt1ock Then he \\('nt to slef'p. marketing the balance. Now chargf' Mrs.' John Mann, Mrs Plans are progrc sing for All products. pOJnts s.. em lm·ohpd, Clnd \\ hi n l AbrJut hp lap:,ed Into unconsclou"- the rule is to separate cream Hug'o Flsd'her and Mrs. D.1Buelter, arrners' day which wllIJ,e held Mr. Lawnl<;on of thp :lgri ness, nrl at the elo<;p of Sunday h{' f ·],.' h d accommanied' hy Mrs. Hubert e{, ou less progrpss will b.... ste ltd JIlto elernal Sahba'h rom ml .... "M'lth a mac inC an II' a Wayne au ltonum al oxtenslon ser\jcp of th .. a rit'ul- miSt I h . f h CI "A I" . J ""I" I tI{ (' rasy. earn IS a so genpr- :r JIlC'f<-t) ntr'S 'vcre condur'",1 sell t e cream. In view 0 teary, S<Jug s ,-CD In ('sus, rIday, March 8, fro 10 a: m, un- tural collpgp, dlscusser] Ih,.,. n tion- t f' ' I m Stlt " d "R k f I <J 109 lJrmany prl\afe Improve- \Vedn,'-',r\aY at :2 from the homf'. price (Ispanty between cream an follow,:e d . °ln t 1 4. p. m. The occ' sion IS spon- al eight-pomt dairy prod ctJOn menlS here as In evcry fOr\vard- Re-.') R PrOf'It \Vae .. ,n char.,,, and butler, the more profitable ,., <- s ed by Wayne Ch'u b"r o[ Com- program. Thes ('Ight pOI S In- lookln 't ',' 11 G d t P lIb <- g communJ y. W:l' dSSlstPd by Re\ P a erce and county f rm oI1gamza- elude: Individual fcedmg pay. hf't- :on l'l'Of Russi'! Anderson ,esophagus w, 'll hav", to be lub- Fischer, Ernest Grone, t ns. A free lunch, program and grasslaknds l?ay, betdte't ha mak- san "\\'nnrlrrful Peace>," \\'nltf'n ... e terlammen l, consis mg of musIc mg pays, cepmg pro uc 10 rec- B ° PI I td th th ' t Honry Koch and Allan po d cd' h h ] US hy, frl' nd r)f Smith, ao.1 rIca e WI some mg mas ' -;.r u. a d other by WaYJ/lC, or spays, ImprO\JIlg 1 (' en loess ans likely to satisfy human craving Elmer I-Ierman Reeg was born a.kefleld, Winside 'and Carrbll quality pays, better plannJll pays "'\h' If> \\llh Prof Albert G and case the imagination. It is in Wayne county December 24, t lent, Will hlghligh the and health protectIOn pa'ys , M d I W Carl" n \\'1<;; aCCOmp,lnlst. Com- recalled that butter was 8 cents 1909. He W3S baptized and con- lenn H04d h Idt . h Mr, Gall, fIeld \,p of a e n ayne milt'l II"' ch:lrgp or Bl:"Ckf'nhaul'r a pound in 1893-96, and hard to flrmr'd in Theophilus church and 0 lIS In C arrfF the American DaIry ns<;ocI tlOn. ,n")r l "r;. f(,]li>\H'd m Green\\QCKi get rld of at that price. had bN'n a faIthful member: He Sh j fe' expla'inpd the program for dw'r- Lm.... lery. P-i'liJf'arf'TS were L. B. _--========--' [attended Vhool in this Vicinity. v t e Using dairy produc!.s. Ifl' e pha- Proposed Changes· Are Told :--'l.cC'1urf', D: ,'Th€'ophilus. Mayor P I DpCP8f·;(:'Id Ipaw's his parents, two f rmer Will be given Ed. JanikI.', SIzed the Importance of hn To City Council Here Ian to Organize maha, will be rna ter of cere- the story of food value of g()()(j Night. Crossland. Lucille of Wayne. A sister, Esther, onies. Larry Brock Wakefield. quality dairy produclt 10 lh C'on- R.ohC'rt P..u,Sscll SmIth \\'as horn I AS 1 . r D·· h f c airman of Six Livestock sumc:, as a mcans 0 maml· mmg" Impro\cmC'nls in \Vayne bU<;I' ,;\!ay :iI, 1R.:i9, in D(>la ..... arp county, n 'ir couting () eders' association, III speak on the d('nlan I for npss dl<;;1nct arc In prosfX'Ct, ac- 10\\0. He \\(lS the 71h of 12 ('hll- Among those here from a dis- vcstock; Don Cun mgham, sec- MY PObb' k h.i f f th h cordmg" to I'Pport<; hrought to the dren, <;jx snns anrl SIX daughtprs, I , --- t. tance for the ritf's w('re Mr. and r tary of SIOUX City Ivestock Ex· f l r. In f 'tic r l ;) rI p n'au cIty council at Its meclmg Thur;- born to Silas H. and Marg-af'('t \\"11- l!.t. W. W. Brock Comes Here c ange. on Livestock SItuatIOns' 0 r 0 1(' sap rpar mpnl dny ('H·nmg. Glenn l{oud('rsheldt son Smith, anr! he was the last of In April to Address fus Howard of LI coIn, on Ne: of OIS,USo.'iPr! 1hp ream wlshps to extend hiS plant to add the family. I b aska Agricultural rt>blems; Dt. gra[dln g lawtand tbhle f('guJatlO nnd alhn e Pcgl"gy cdraocCsknJnogt wd,eSPhartotmseenllt laAnd s Fr.nm S,-turdY AncCtiton. nterested Groups. E. Condra of the tate lJnJver- e.n . pro ems In c npc- I H Ith P tlon wlth thiS law Iip em ph SIZPrl ar/Jolnlng the plnnt. thp council IS Mr Smllh s ancestor'S wert:' God- scouting for boys 15 ye'ars ea rogram si Y, on Your Farm a d What ltV: import;ncp of conr.IP ;Il;on consldf'nng Ihe proposal 10 lea"(' fpannl; pJOnper$ who settled 10 nd older IS heing promoted demeath. among producers, erram h lyrr;; thiS property to Mr. HoudC'rsheldt PcnnsyhAnla In the early days e,f t roug-hout the country to develop 0 P hi- Merchants of WaYTk have made and 'processors In gClllng th job for a term of years. Icn,omzatlon and who hf'lped );;Jy I of young folks m aViatIOn. pen to U Ie p sSlbl? the dUitributlion of hard- done. City offiClals granlpci \\·aynC' Ihe founrlallon" for rugg-C'd Amcn- Lti W. W. Brock of Omaha, who t -get Items such as orveralls. work ----- --- Bprg pprmlSSlon to budd on ttlt' lndlnrlllail;;;m. l1wy made df'- been assigned by the air corps s irts, work shoes, oilcloth, stock- I P<lst 40 fprt of lot 1 hlock 13 thIs c;slOns .<Jnd had thp couragp Ih .. t Ip,dl'vclop aIr scout:.. m Nght i s,ogarlvdansizeod ny Lutherans P a !JPlng {'ast of th(' 1--: S. Brn; I;-EW goe<; \\IIh con' ,Clinn The raml1y will VISIt Wayne Apnl 9. He offH'('. Mr. Bf'rg plans to move hiS IfolItJV.:rd trprd.,> of the timcs and \'fill spPEtk 10 studenls of thC" Clty R II ° W parlor.'i to the sIte. rno' pd \.\.1 ,.,mard HIS parent". WIth school and Hp v.J!J a y In a Thp bUlldlnl:tln which :\lr. Rer.... f rhl!dn n, {"<lmc to f'a::..tC'rn mewl With bUSiness men ;11 noon, now has hI!': husinf'so;:; and Ihe on; Io\\-.\ I,; c,)\er(>-{l \\agon In 1857 and and will address a puhllc gdlhC'llng ake on Mil In whlcn Raymond Ellis has his t"ok up <;trugglps of plon(>f'r in r\('ning e slorr. hpth helongJllg to J G ;\111- life on un,,,,med farm land whrTP ..j\.lr scouling was starlNj beforf' l('r v.dl t ('d - t on Th F.I e\l.1ry f<lrndy had 10 hI" liJrgclv "elf th(, WfJr hut had to t)(' dl.'wonllnucd --- lis 'store the ag p of S."Rnb. a fe'w ypars and IS now brmg F 1m Shown Kiw nis Gives structure.'d The obJect is to organIze Meanine of A.....erican ,- .. al scout troops to crpatf' an In- W f L"t' P . -;----A---l\-II'- d 'pr,cr<; m;>:k ,1 ,nan's domain; cat- teljest JIl :llr serVIce, nnd to study ay 0 I e. airlugs re ...3 e tIe roampd at WIll. and the plo\\- aircraft and mstruments No f1y- 'l1's Your America," a war de- - '" 1 FT ' H sharf' had nr,) dlsturh('d the> pnl.1T!r> 1"1 WIJl be mvolvNI Onc(' E'ac!l ypar p rfment fdm emphaSIzing appre- + 01" our-ney ere :attl"r. Rlrdoot and <;;Jmply riFir! j h youths will havc a wf'ek's en- CI Han of American freedom as _ __ I In home'<,;plln. Hob('rt con(ju('r('d pment al somc largc aIr field, g med from mscriptlOPs on a pen- Playoff of '0' Meets t;; t'he only cnst tlPlng transportal Ion n,]. y' nlans Mon- Likely Be Held During JIll; II,s fatf-.,f'r WI!'" a dp\l)ut man. fmd ahOlll 7() cpnls a day for lond . t'\ This yeal tile Loys go tl) Scott he film pictures AmPrlcan Class B Meet. fl[' d so dler who at flrsl army rei W 1Lloyd ShC'plwnl nf 1'('- II i The youth's att!'n Ion IS eaired I to a Lincoln [Jf'nny hp holds whIch at the rolll'ge gym In \Va::-nf> Ff'h-I Tcx;;;.". lhen a piacc of:) rl'flO, anrl _ w; s compel In 19lR, th' of his rU<lry 27 to L arc a,., fol- 1 f,q':lJ;V pcisfurC.L5 no....- m the'" raryg!' for trw nWI'llll"S ln \VaLnc hi th Another tells him I ,..,,} . 10\,.'''' F('brllan 27. \\'mn(>bd;'J and heart of fl--.·tt Cl f ). i1\Ja- thlt when he comes to understand Carroll, Homcr and Dlxon \\"::\- F,l('onlt-,.. Pjr;Df'PT. terbury \Vayne Prpp I Rohp,t c.;mJth If) Iii'.'.:'!. IC n freedom and he I WIll realize Dakota Clly. Concord, Bpc:T\er il:ld lin 1R,G'1 Ilrl h" . ()O <l riO- f r what he IS fq:;htlnl;. The words ;md wJlI pllY A ... R [Pillure' of Ihp class [) tour hf !r'r, Ii hlln·lnl ,)f 110;,1 Y".lr dS y [A " n.lmenf,PI'11. colleg"f' \\111 ,!p,<;,ng nf th" :'ll""'Jurl be held In rooms and 3 of the Ite. tates 0 . \\"aynp V,lldcats here Ftl(la)', I[ f)n let He gU\P il 11\C'ry m;J:n p s I WISner. heallh couhclls and C'xtension serv- 0 a.ll races. and creC'd helped the hy all LuttH'ran \\'fl;'·'" CIty, TC'kamdh. Soutr SIOUX COUld hn'flk dnrts no far- s I,dler to see i he nffJilatprl WIth th£' l'iallona Lu. Cit), CrPlghton. Bloom- Ihrr tiJ<Jn J:ickson. From therr' hp 0 I. theran CounCIl \\111 he hp.ld t St fwld, :\1adlson and Plercc wtll m{'pt and th{' Ir,llr, CITW \HllkC'd to Pon- ) Later In Great Bnt't. n th(' youth Paul's church ;n \Va .nf' Thu <;;d; : Ial \\'ayne high school Saturda.) at (a. 11«'n !lct'(':i;-;ro 4\\-alked o\('r the pIta I direclor, is ff'atured speaker. ked to a. British sol..I('r who was... 2R, at H ))-m . \\ It h 10 a. m. to make painng"s and (kif''' snow-clad hills to Elm Dr. 1-1 L. Peterka is I chfllrman I terested In England great men. ry r k choos{> rpfere(>s for B dls- c.. \ a pHI viJ1age four mllcs of the program which opens WIth it; led the American to hj)prc- E. Engstrom as fealured s )('a ·[trwl haskNball tournam('nt which (.u:t 'r'l Cn·( ndg-e. reglslratlOn al 9.:30. Dr. J. T. An- ci te. Am?rica's Afler f'r Rcv . En '''lrom has hpen r!(lCU- WIll 1)(' hpld In Wa}11e m lh.-, Clt)' I Mr Sm:,h marricd Etta )Ior- a air rUld, the soldle,r tiv(" of t1w hoard or ome I l\farch 6. 7. R ;>nd 9 rJ,{,n or f..lm City May 9. 1SS1 To ... f, r called parts of LIr:Jc l'1s Getlys- .. f tl L II nO Supl Stuart Balle.,r of \Vayr,.' hleh I them IK,tn ('Io;rht chlldrt'n kil committef'. sppaks' at h rg ,ook npw Y: of school. IS rlirpctor or the 1- I- wh0 du,d i; (1p\'el,md 10 os on ('brnska health commlt- anmg In adVIce tt rppalr the h A ment and J. H Mornson of \\;1\np l' (-;;tl1 now Mrs Ceo Hughps tPe and I, R aclivltles. Mrs. Russell d mage and carry on. e m1erJLcan mlS· collpgp, will be adVisor to Supt. of \\-:aynp.· of Preston la'ks at 10:30 on local In battle tl1.c Arne> ican soldier slOns? t (> ('ran Baller. . !\lmn. HarlfurdJ1. of Rouge Ri\('r. commUni Y health problems. M. C. ws wounded and the who CouncIl. He \\as ,It Far- Lee \\"chb, secretary of the Ne- are \V. D"an, James M. and R SmIth, secretary of the Nebraska c red for him explain'1d the..ffiean- D, In braska state hIgh school athletiC Ren all uf Yankton S D and Stale M9dical aSSOCiatIon, consld- in of "E pluribus u(tuni" which th et semane h C mf Id UIS asSOCIation. has mdicatnl to Supt. now :'\lrs. Oms' of ers medlqal care services at 10:50. IS the Latm for "oneirorn many." tree ye;rs. e ecarr;.e t' Baller the poSSibility that play-offs Ml!ln. Dr. L. H; Hoyle of Denver, U. S. T ('- surgeon told th . youth. that So of champions of four class D To Count)- Early. D. A. nwdlcal adVIsor to the North- ny races and rell Ions \\Clded R' F gu . foumam('nts held In thiS areA.. WIll TIl{' family came from Cedar to ern Great Plams Council tells of in 0 a unity mean Sl rength and tana C'\. ingstro k IS be playC'd a!': a f('ature of the class \Vayne county in iS90 and for s('v. pending ieglslatlon at 11'::.:!(). Dls- ,gl 'e freedom. and deiocracy. h{' las fa s B lournament her£>. 1'/"11 )'f'ars :\!r. Smi'th ,vas,j.n[ the cusslOn closes the mornmg pro- . Laler the A.merica takes part IOn ou .If plans maleriallle. four at CaIT?lI and gram. III the hberatlOn or Eurppe and , l Will be' pla)'cd Wednesda .... "msldr>. 1111' 1 he bought hJS home After lmnehc6n at 12, Graham fr m a French soldierj whose WIfe T R;v·CS. sK h I- and includmg two prpliminal:Y class B l'l' rr ,JS of Be- DaVIS, hOl'pllal director for the h' s been killed and v.lho has hlm- . . ...... c u e 0 an rounds and two class D 'aUse of Mrs.. Smith's ill health. Kellogg foundatIon at Battle se f served in a cbncentration Rev. Curlls Wlhc>rg- of \\.akP1IClrl. four class B Thursday: two the famlh boughl a residenC(' In Cr('pk, MICh, on hospItal C' p, the Amf>ncan learnC'd. that comprise the' local commltt e m class B Friday; two garr:es \Vayne Ill· 1918. Mn>. S'mith died plannmg. Group diSCUSSIOn follows. a y service affords I opportunIty chnrgc of arrangeme>nts. Saturday night to d('terrnine class Jul)· U. 19:22, T. A. Fillpl, who If; WIth the to stand for the on which Rand clas..o;:; D champions, winners Mr. Smith married Jos- slatf' (if'pn.rtr'n('ltt of hpalth, talks A erlca IS founded. Jhrough this Dentist to Come going to the state. ('ph. of an Iowa plonper on public health servIces at 2:40. e r!enee he realized the meanmg Middle of il1arclz family as.. .. ,X"iatpd \\;1h Mr. Smith's Mrs. lola Shrout of thp extension of "In God we J trust," )parnmg the Wayne Properties boyh{l(){]. 2::;, 1925, and SeT\'ICP, an of rural v lue of trustmg God and hIS f('l- Dr CO E Rush, (IPntl"l. \\'111 ppen the;.(> two have continued in the health facllltlC'.'-i In Nebraska at 10 men. an offIce on Ih" ,('{'ond floqrj of Sold at Auction family home. 3:40 and the program closes with film clos('d WIth the Amer- the Larson bUlhling north 0 the FIve Wayne properties \"'ere sold Though unschooled in books, Mr. dISCUSSIOn. I,:OC naSOnldalt",ro'nS P,nlcdwgch"etq ktehe e P Apemoper le - First National hank the mid e of at auction at the court house Mon· (','I·llnt!' don I'ag>.:l "I'WO) _____ __ . H March. Dr. Bush practiced 12 pars day. High bidders and prices are -------- To Omaha IImq)ltut. a strong, free anq csual. at Tdden and was on the d ntal as follows: Lots 16. Ii and 18. To Hold lJleeting Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harrington ean Boyd and Prof! Russel An- stnff at Camp Crowdpr, Mo. the block 20. Coll('ge Hill addition to Of W d D" t " t took their son, ,lohn, from a Nor- d son had charge' of smgmg pa!o't thrtt years. IllS WIfe an two \Vayne. Dr. J. R Johnson. $200, ee l8 rlC folk hospital to Omaha Monday. .. arching Along," "dolumbJa the children WIll mow Iwre m Ju e. lots 13. 11 and 15, block 20, Colleg p 'Annual meeting of W..a.)"t1e coun- He underwent an operation TlIes- rn of the Ocean", and "Star IIdl addItion to Wayne, City of u- noxIous weed district will be day on his nose. The young man S Banner'· MISS Wayne, 5150; lots 6 and 7. block 1, helCl Monday, Fw'bruary'25. at 1:30 received a broken nose- and ann esi es 36 member9' Adon. Jef l - East addition to \Vayne. Haz r ' in tlle city hall. In)'S Stnith of the in a .car accident. His condition is y was a guest of IDr. VIctor croft, waf; cro\\ned quee Bressler, $75; Nih of lot 8, era\.\.- state department of agnculture st, Wm, Kmgston .,vas WIth H. Wayne coll('g"e sWN'thpart rom ford & Brown's oullots to Waynr .' HI be present and win sho\v not as serious as was thought at B. Craven and Dr. Geo. Seeck was which WRS held at the stur/cn -un- Marie Wright, S860; south 150 [eei I.Yr3:':: 'g equipment whiCh is used a uest of the cluh. II of Britlon & Bressler's outlots. F. to spn.t)' 2, 4-D. He v.ill also have who attends cl)llege in Lincoln. r. M, H, Hanawal1lspeaks next \V. Nyberg. S305; lots 13-22. block a few samples or different 2. spent the week-end here and in on "Two qr at Ameri- of Pender. and MISS Mary 9. College Hill addition to \\ta)-ne, chemicals. QUo Sahs. president. with his brother. I Brown of __ __! New Plan Trip to Ef,land. Second ment of subsequent delinquent ta.x- . To Legion Meeting. 'r, and Mrs, Ricba Pinkham Frank Petersen a es and to approval of the distnct ENGINEER COMES hr, L. J .. Kilian, A. L. Swan and re elvcd their passpo t "nd will second operatIOn at the eltnlc '" Judge here this Thursday. I TO CHE'CK LOGAN ,v, A. Lerner, Wayne county serv- Ie ve the first part f May [or Rochester, Mmn, Saturday. I HIS icq officer, went to Grand Island S th Wales to visi relatives, first operation was February 9, His Office to Be Opec. Fred Pierson of the state en- Sunday to attend the Legion mid· y WIll tour Wales and England I' conditIOn is reported as goop. as The revenue office at the p' girteer's office, ''\in be in Waynl! year meeting which Was held plan to be gone rrt of the 'Can be expected_ Mrs. is office in \Vayne will be open lsOOrl to Ulvestigate ,t·e dramage there February 18 and 19. er. . "itb him in the eily. . 1 March 2 and 9. t of Logan "<ea; . Seven Men 1<'01' Al'IllY St'l'vicc of Are IFjled with In Recenl,Days. even Wayne county mon induct- €' for army last week at . Leavenworth are Howard ckcr, Donald EaliPr. RIchard R g, Arthur Grol1lP, Ralph Wai- s K' Aug-ust WIt tiler anrl Floyd Hnson. J onorahle I'eporlpr!. 10 th local draft hoapl reC{'nlly cJIu e th" followinij' John Rl'rry, FranCISco, W;:tllacc Thalken, rkson, Manon Gilass, Randolph, Db aId EbJllgcr arjd lrvlll Omaha, Eldpn Barelman, a efu;,ld, Glenn Olson. Wakefield, R ert Haas, Denver, Lowell Wer- n4r Winside, Waltdr Bleich, Win- sil:! ' Harold Jorgenson, Hollywood, Kr neth Harrison, Verona, Pa. 'J hn Bressler, Wayne, Arthur dIce, Kearney, Leo Stcphpns, ColI, Joseph Zack, jr. -Hum- p y, Ivan Jensen. Carroll, Rex J Wayn('. Melvin Kokssa, B 0 mfleld, Hpnry M<lu and Ar- ij l Mau, Waynp, Lloyd Surber, a nC', Orvillc Sherry, Wayne, E und Martmson, WakefH:'ld, R card Claycomb, 'Wayne', Wm. H* elman, Wakefield, in officer r rv(', Chas Moulton, Wayne, in e rsted reserve. 1·1

Transcript of Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... ·...

Page 1: Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · p~GES l'.~~e-s 1 to 8 LD 16 ~t.'dit)n One "'----__...J 'I'f I HE I ~----'----Receives


l'.~~e-s 1 to 8~t.'dit)n OneLD 16





Receives Disrhar~e.

Is t. Werner SYd[V received anhQn rable discharg and arrivedinl maha Tu£:,sday morning. HISm~ ('r. Mrs. Rebec. a Sydow, Mr.a d Mrs. Irving Ddring and Wil­b r Sydow went to Omaha forhi . He will be witli his motherh r· for a time. I


areella MUIl~r'~daughter of, and Mrs. Em 1 MUlier of

cfield, is a me iral patient inal hospital. Sh entered Sat­y, -

, I


m, ,J. Misfeldt, qounty commis­sib er in Third dlst~ict, filed Tues­d~ on thp repuhlican ticket ase n idate for r,,[ection HansTl gen filed Frida on the repub~Ii a tickot as CRn idate for re­ell' tion as sheriff.

1-Hl-J-~E-It,-I-~-:"""~'-~D'--E-iy-~~-~-f:---F~neral Set~:ice-- L1iJ?;.~~~v'i:Lir~+H '!County


OF S\]PPLY, REPORT Is Held Tue1sday RETURN OF SUPPLY P H'pROSPECT that. butter wil'l 1 MOST iJvc towns ar< plano ng I asses at ome

go to $1,25 to $1.50 pcr Elmer • Reeg Away ,mprovements [or ce, >za- - ~

~~vn(>~ ifsth~i~~~~~~ p~~e j:o~; III D Dver Friday After tion as soon as materIa, and I Funeral Servic~s Conducted.

d .J v,:orkmen be com e avaJiable I Wednesda~ Afternoonairymen who contend that Ueing III Long S h J

more cream wO\!lld thus be di- '. I· r;ct~~~e~f ~ nr;::'\~~~I/~n~, (~_ ForJ R. R. Smith.

~~~ie~rit~cs ~~~:~gbe~~~~rd:;~ M~I~~~ ~er~~~h~e~~e:6'0;0~e~; an~b~~eta~c:~r~(~l~",~~~a~oIlyrrs larged schoo~ plant, an aIrport R. R Smllh, !warly R7, plOne('rreasonably in accordance with Wayne" passed away in ,Denver dar, DIxon, Dakota, l'llmln and ~~~~u~~~~.~'~r~O~~I:~~al~)ltil~~ whosp life ~1l,Ul rl('rmitted him tothe law of supply and demand. Friday, February 15. He nad been I p. Wayne counties attf'ndcd th' dl~- h""come morf' attl ~ .tl\f' anrl \.\.ilw ~~ the grcat(',,· changes In

Scarcity of butter IS attributed ,in ill h('~lth for 15 years and he ans ro re~s tnct dairy meetmg \\hICh \.\.(1 hpJd USeflil. \VIJ}nf> hao; on(' m !jar hlsrory, p::l"~I'd aWay at hIs hompto maintenance of a ceilmg on entered a hosIHtal in Denver three at Wayne city hall Wpdnesrla evc- pUhllc enterpnse, already start- ~m;~·~a~\~<~" ~~r~~(~ra'l~l\~~~~~~ u~~i

:~o~ts ~~o~~ce:m~~~, m~~k ~:'~~~~: ~~~~Sorg~~n~;~,~~~O;:;;:~i~~n~~~ or Farm rs D~y ~i.nfI~~~~~r":~~~·lr~~~~~II~:;tv.'. cd and awaltmg developmpnt. about a -"relr a,..;o SInce Nc\\' Year'<;ed at the cream stage, bemg body to Wayne. M. N. Lawntson, C. \V. Col I ar,d I ~~ \~:~~:~~al ~~.~k J~~~~~:~~ h(l ha,· faJlpri Idpldly. lIe scpme-d

~~: !~~'nO~h::r:~~~~:~' s1il:~ T~~2:~a~tr~o ~~~ f~~d~C~~~ Hpnry Obbmk, all of Llnenl ,d~"- plans to complet0 th£' undertak. ~~;, }~~1~~:\:~'11 /:;; ~~~:\~~dOl~l:med cream by hand and made Rc('g home nnd at 2 from Theophi- ~~~~['r~t~~~~;s o~('l~~~,(' ~ rt~~~ mg are ur,der con!'lderatlOn, ;md f'l" JIp \I'jlrd \\llh :vlrs Smithbutter in the family churn, keep- Ius church WIth Rf'v D Buelter whIch was t hf' Jlnportancf' 0 ('ffii- II IS hop(od thpy rna:>! be workpd . dturr!ay ar d enjo}ed supper abouting enough for home use and and thp Beckcnhauer mortuary In .. clent productIOn of qualJty d,ury ou~ early thIS ypar Some If'<:;ai 5 '.Jt1ock Then he \\('nt to slef' the balance. Now chargf' Mrs.' John Mann, Mrs Plans are progrc sing for All products. pOJnts s..em lm·ohpd, Clnd \\ hi n l AbrJut ~ hp lap:,ed Into unconsclou"-the rule is to separate cream Hug'o Flsd'her and Mrs. D.1Buelter, arrners' day which wllIJ,e held Mr. Lawnl<;on of thp :lgri Jtur~ thts~arhes]ucce"SfUllYsurmount_j ness, nrl at the elo<;p of Sunday h{'f ·],.' h d accommanied' hy Mrs. Hubert Me~ e{, ou less progrpss will b.... ste ltd JIlto elernal Sahba'hrom ml .... "M'lth a mac inC an II' a Wayne ml1nJClntJ.~ au ltonum al oxtenslon ser\jcp of th .. a rit'ul- miSt I

h . f h CI ~ "A I" . J ""I" I tI{ (' rasy. earn IS a so genpr- :r JIlC'f<-t) ntr'S 'vcre condur'",1sell t e cream. In view 0 teary, S<Jug s ,-CD In ('sus, rIday, March 8, fro 10 a: m, un- tural collpgp, dlscusser] Ih,.,. n tion- t f' 'I m Stlt " d "R k f I<J 109 lJrmany prl\afe Improve- \Vedn,'-',r\aY at :2 from the homf'.

price (Ispanty between cream ~crp;:;a" d~~~rttaJan follow,:ed

. °ln t 1 4. p. m. The occ' sion IS spon- al eight-pomt dairy prod ctJOn menlS here as In evcry fOr\vard- Re-.') R PrOf'It \Vae.. ,n char.,,,and butler, the more profitable ,., <- s ed by Wayne Ch'u b"r o[ Com- program. Thes ('Ight pOI S In- lookln 't ','

11 G d t P lIb <- g communJ y. and~(> W:l' dSSlstPd by Re\ Pfeos~rscC~~d~~iO~;e~~~~~\i~~' ~~; w~;~n~~loO ~~~: ;:~~er a W:~~~~~ erce and county f rm oI1gamza- elude: Individual fcedmg pay. hf't- P~a :on l'l'Of Russi'! Anderson

,esophagus w,'ll hav", to be lub- Fischer, Ernest Grone, t ns. A free lunch, program and ~cr grasslaknds l?ay, betdte'tha

mak- san "\\'nnrlrrful Peace>," \\'nltf'n... ~ e terlammen l, consis mg of musIc mg pays, cepmg pro uc 10 rec- B ° PI


t d th th ' t Honry Koch and Allan po dcd' h h ] US hy, frl' nd r)f ~1r Smith, ao.1rIca e WI some mg mas ' -;.r u. a d other features~ by WaYJ/lC, or spays, ImprO\JIlg 1 (' en p3~S. loess anslikely to satisfy human craving Elmer I-Ierman Reeg was born a.kefleld, Winside 'and Carrbll quality pays, better plannJll pays "'\h' If> \\llh ~l(''' Prof Albert Gand case the imagination. It is in Wayne county December 24, t lent, Will hlghligh the affai~. and health protectIOn pa'ys , Md I W Carl" n \\'1<;; aCCOmp,lnlst. Com-recalled that butter was 8 cents 1909. He W3S baptized and con- lenn H04d h Idt . h Mr, Gall, fIeld r('pr('~pnlat \,p of a e n ayne milt'l II"' ch:lrgp or Bl:"Ckf'nhaul'ra pound in 1893-96, and hard to flrmr'd in Theophilus church and 0 arrangem~~~s~ lIS In C arrfF the American DaIry ns<;ocI tlOn. ,n")rl "r;. f(,]li>\H'd m Green\\QCKiget rld of at that price. had bN'n a faIthful member: He Sh j fe' expla'inpd the program for dw'r- Lm .... lery. P-i'liJf'arf'TS were L. B.

~"'c_--========--' [attended Vhool in this Vicinity. v rio~~t pl~~~r=~tI~~ lfro~~:~Sg t e Using dairy produc!.s. Ifl' e pha- Proposed Changes· Are Told :--'l.cC'1urf', D: ,'Th€'ophilus. Mayor

PI DpCP8f·;(:'Id Ipaw's his parents, two f rmer Will be given Ed. JanikI.', SIzed the Importance of hn ~lng To City Council Here i.!=';~r~~I~!{:.::rgse~~rw;.g~Ian to Organize ty:ront~l~rs~f~~~~e,O~n~e~nVee~~i~~~~ maha, will be rna ter of cere- the story of food value of g()()(j ~ursday Night. Crossland.

Lucille of Wayne. A sister, Esther, onies. Larry Brock Wakefield. quality dairy produclt 10 lh C'on- R.ohC'rt P..u,Sscll SmIth \\'as horn

I A S1 1· . r D·· h f c airman of Six Sta~s Livestock sumc:, as a mcans 0 maml· mmg" Impro\cmC'nls in \Vayne bU<;I' ,;\!ay :iI, 1R.:i9, in D(>la .....arp county,n 'ir couting ~~~s:~p~njl~f~~~·gr~~tJ:~th~~yer() eders' association, III speak on ~~~r m{':~~~~; the d('nlan I for npss dl<;;1nct arc In prosfX'Ct, ac- 10\\0. He \\(lS the 71h of 12 ('hll-

Among those here from a dis- vcstock; Don Cun mgham, sec- MY PObb' k h.i f f th h cordmg" to I'Pport<; hrought to the dren, <;jx snns anrl SIX daughtprs,

I, --- t. tance for the ritf's w('re Mr. and r tary of SIOUX City Ivestock Ex· f l r. In f 'tic rl ;) rI p n'au cIty council at Its meclmg Thur;- born to Silas H. and Marg-af'('t \\"11-

l!.t. W. W. Brock Comes Here c ange. on Livestock SItuatIOns' 0 r al~YJng 0 1(' sap rpar mpnl dny ('H·nmg. Glenn l{oud('rsheldt son Smith, anr! he was the last ofIn April to Address ~:;~ ~~n{:~s~~e;f~a~I~~,v~' fus Howard of LI coIn, on Ne: of a~ncultur(', OIS,USo.'iPr! 1hp ream wlshps to extend hiS plant to add the family.

I-~------ b aska Agricultural rt>blems; Dt. gra[dln

glawtand tbhle f('guJatlO nnd alhn

ePcgl"gy cdraocCsknJnogt wd,eSPhartotmseenllt laAnds Fr.nm S,-turdY AncCtiton.

nterested Groups. E. Condra of the tate lJnJver- e.n orc~men . pro ems In c npc-I H Ith P tlon wlth thiS law Iip em ph SIZPrl ar/Jolnlng the plnnt. thp council IS Mr Smllh s ancestor'S wert:' God-

~Air scouting for boys 15 ye'ars ea rogram si Y, on Your Farm a d What Lies~ ltV: ~ import;ncp of conr.IP ;Il;on consldf'nng Ihe proposal 10 lea"(' fpannl; pJOnper$ who settled 10

~ nd older IS heing promoted demeath. among producers, erram h lyrr;; thiS property to Mr. HoudC'rsheldt PcnnsyhAnla In the early days e,ft roug-hout the country to develop 0 P hi- Merchants of WaYTk have made and 'processors In gClllng th job for a term of years. Icn,omzatlon and who hf'lped );;JyI ~€'r{'st of young folks m aViatIOn. pen to U Ie p sSlbl? the dUitributlion of hard- done. City offiClals granlpci \\·aynC' Ihe founrlallon" for rugg-C'd Amcn-Lti W. W. Brock of Omaha, who t -get Items such as orveralls. work ----- --- Bprg pprmlSSlon to budd on ttlt' {,d~ lndlnrlllail;;;m. l1wy made df'-ha~ been assigned by the air corps s irts, work shoes, oilcloth, stock- I P<lst 40 fprt of lot 1 hlock 13 thIs c;slOns .<Jnd had thp couragp Ih .. t

Ip,dl'vclop aIr scout:.. m Nght i s,ogarlvdansizeodPnails~:.eetCn·ny Lutherans Pa !JPlng {'ast of th(' 1--: S. Brn; I;-EW goe<; \\IIh con' ,Clinn The raml1ys~ate>s, will VISIt Wayne Apnl 9. He offH'('. Mr. Bf'rg plans to move hiS IfolItJV.:rd trprd.,> of the timcs and\'fill spPEtk 10 studenls of thC" Clty R II ° W parlor.'i to the sIte. rno' pd \.\.1 ,.,mard HIS parent". WIthschool and lralnin~ ~choo! Hp v.J!J a y In a Thp bUlldlnl:tln which :\lr. Rer.... f ~ rhl!dn n, {"<lmc to f'a::..tC'rnmewl With bUSiness men ;11 noon, now has hI!': husinf'so;:; and Ihe on; Io\\-.\ I,; c,)\er(>-{l \\agon In 1857 andand will address a puhllc gdlhC'llng ake on Mil In whlcn Raymond Ellis has his t"ok up r;.~ <;trugglps of plon(>f'rin ~hc r\('ning e slorr. hpth helongJllg to J G ;\111- life on un,,,,med farm land whrTP

..j\.lr scouling was starlNj beforf' l('r v.dl t ('d - t on Th F.I e\l.1ry f<lrndy had 10 hI" liJrgclv "elfth(, WfJr hut had to t)(' dl.'wonllnucd --- ~ lis 'store ):,~~lnOCC~~YO t:~ e~tI~~ ~u~portm~ ,~t the agp

of S."Rnb.[Q~ a fe'w ypars and IS now brmg F 1m Shown Kiw nis Gives structure. ~~~ ss~~~nn~~~·l~~.~~~<;; pt~~~e'd The obJect is to organIze Meanine of A.....erican ~ ,- scout troops to crpatf' an In- W f L"t' P . -;----A---l\-II'- d 'pr,cr<; m;>:k ,1 ,nan's domain; cat-teljest JIl :llr serVIce, nnd to study ay 0 I e. airlugs re ...3 e tIe roampd at WIll. and the plo\\-aircraft and mstruments No f1y- 'l1's Your America," a war de- - '" 1 FT ' H sharf' had nr,) dlsturh('d the> pnl.1T!r>1"1WIJl be mvolvNI Onc(' E'ac!l ypar p rfment fdm emphaSIzing appre- + 01" our-ney ere :attl"r. Rlrdoot and <;;Jmply riFir!j h youths will havc a wf'ek's en- CI Han of American freedom as _ _ _ I In home'<,;plln. Hob('rt con(ju('r('d

C~I.I pment al somc largc aIr field, g med from mscriptlOPs on a pen- Playoff of '0' Meets Wil1l~~~I~;t;; <;;h:~r~~{'~~ :~~ ~~~ ;~~('~~t'he only cnst tlPlng transportal Ion n,]. y' wbaYSDs~o, wGneof,orSc~eil~a, nlans Mon- Likely Be Held During JIll; II,s fatf-.,f'r WI!'" a dp\l)ut man.fmd ahOlll 7() cpnls a day for lond . t'\

This yeal tile Loys go tl) Scott he film pictures ~n AmPrlcan Class B Meet. ~\~'l.~C~'d, Il~:~"~R.<;h~~~I;t~\~h~f'~~;;~fl[' d so dler who at flrsl dlsllk('~ army rei W

1Lloyd ShC'plwnl nf ~()rfnlk. 1'('- II i The youth's att!'n Ion IS eaired hn~;;\·~~nr~:~o:n:~~h~~~<;;~\~1~:<;~;:Itd I;~.t t~f'·a;~I~·h>= ~~J~f'~ec;~S~~a~~~'~~~~:::~;/~, \~:~~t·~;~(~~t;rl,~~~I'\\f'(,\~)rl() l;l(~~ to a Lincoln [Jf'nny hp holds whIch at the rolll'ge gym In \Va::-nf> Ff'h-I Tcx;;;.". lhen a piacc of:) rl'flO, anrl _

w; s compel In 19lR, th' ~>'f'ar of his rU<lry 27 to ~larch L arc a,., fol- 1 r]-~ f,q':lJ;V pcisfurC.L5 no....- m the'"raryg!' for trw nWI'llll"S ln \VaLnc hi th Another ~oldl9r tells him Il~ ,..,,} . 10\,.'''' F('brllan 27. \\'mn(>bd;'J and heart of fl--.·tt Cl f)./:~t: ~~~~~~II;(;~/)I~'i ~:~r~17;~(;~~',~ i1\Ja- thlt when he comes to understand Carroll, Homcr and Dlxon \\"::\- F,l('onlt-,.. Pjr;Df'PT.

t~ ~ ~~~r~~mO; ~~ewm-~~~~ch~m~l;~ terbury ~nd \Vayne Prpp .I~f'ldl~n I Rohp,t c.;mJth r,~tllrnf(j If) Iii'.'.:'!.IC n freedom and he I WIll realize Dakota Clly. Concord, Bpc:T\er il:ld lin 1R,G'1 Ilrl h" . ()O h,~r<1mp <l riO-

f r what he IS fq:;htlnl;. The words ;~Ulbhh~I:~'c~~~\\ohJ;(~ ;md wJlI pllY ~1~~;·;' Il;.;~:n~(;l::; ~(~h\~~~':\1,7k~:'r::f

trJ'~:l~l~::~?:~('c~~;~~~~~~~h:~l~ ~.I~l ~ u~~e~~~~r ~repI~~~~u~~n~~~ A ... R [Pillure' of Ihp class [) tour hf !r'r, Ii hlln·lnl ,)f 110;,1 Y".lr

d Sy [A " n.lmenf,PI'11. colleg"f' \\111 nH'l'I.III~ flr~1 ,!p,<;,ng nf th" :'ll""'Jurl

be held In rooms ~ and 3 of the Ite. tates 0 me~ca. . \\"aynp V,lldcats here Ftl(la)', I[ w1~ f)n let He gU\P il 11\C'ry m;J:n

~~~~:~:~~~~;~:£~~::~,e~E~~~p ~:~r'~~e ;~:~on ~~ s wrt~~h:'s~ I uth:;~~ :O~;dEn::::~n'llV "1~;;r~sen'ati\ps"m WISner. ;~ri,~,~,~~,~', ~:"r~t:;;'; '~~r'nf,°~e~,;heallh couhclls and C'xtension serv- 0 a.ll races. and creC'd helped the spo~sor('(l hy all LuttH'ran Ch{~h(~~ \\'fl;'·'" CIty, TC'kamdh. Soutr SIOUX "'r~lms COUld hn'flk dnrts no far­

s I,dler ~egm to see i he mcan~ng nffJilatprl WIth th£' l'iallona Lu. Cit), Plal~\lf'w. CrPlghton. Bloom- Ihrr tiJ<Jn J:ickson. From therr' hp~~~\~~O;t~fl~~~;~~~~gMi~~~~~: 0 Amer~ca, I. theran CounCIl \\111 he hp.ld t St fwld, :\1adlson and Plercc wtll m{'pt and th{' Ir,llr, CITW \HllkC'd to Pon-

)Later In Great Bnt't.n th(' youth Paul's church ;n \Va .nf' Thu <;;d; : Ial \\'ayne high school Saturda.) at (a. 11«'n !lct'(':i;-;ro 4\\-alked o\('r the

pIta I direclor, is ff'atured speaker. ~ ked to a. British sol..I('r who was... l'b~a 2R, at H ))-m . \\ It h R('~: 10 a. m. to make painng"s and t· (kif''' snow-clad hills to ElmDr. 1-1 L. Peterka is I chfllrman I terested In England great men. ~ ry r k choos{> rpfere(>s for It~'? cla~s B dls- c.. \ a pHI ,~f'r viJ1age four mllcs

of the program which opens WIth it; led the American to hj)prc- E. Engstrom as fealured s )('a ·[trwl haskNball tournam('nt which (.u:t 'r'l Cn·( ndg-e.reglslratlOn al 9.:30. Dr. J. T. An- ci te. Am?rica's stat~.m{'n. Afler f'rRcv. En '''lrom has hpen r!(lCU- WIll 1)(' hpld In Wa}11e m lh.-, Clt)' I Mr Sm:,h marricd Etta ~f )Ior­~lt'r;;(:)~I~I"V~~a\~~w"I~~oe9mthee"Nt2bOr'als~~ a air rUld, the A~e IC~~ soldle,r tiv(" dlrpcl~r of t1w hoard or ome I~urlJlor:lum l\farch 6. 7. R ;>nd 9 rJ,{,n or f..lm City May 9. 1SS1 To

... f, r called parts of LIr:Jc l'1s Getlys- .. f tl L II nO Supl Stuart Balle.,r of \Vayr,.' hleh I them ~\~'-P IK,tn ('Io;rht chlldrt'nkil lH'altl~ committef'. sppaks' at h rg ndd~ess w~lch ,ook o~ npw ~~:O;~3~ Hl~f"is a~~o1~:~1;~7rn~ Y: of school. IS rlirpctor or the lo~rn 1- r.1"'~n I- wh0 du,d i; (1p\'el,md l~10 os on ('brnska health commlt- anmg In adVIce tt rppalr the h A ment and J. H Mornson of \\;1\np l' (-;;tl1 now Mrs Ceo HughpstPe and I, R aclivltles. Mrs. Russell d mage and carry on. ~. e COn[,mlh",slonN~>n m1erJLcan mlS· collpgp, will be adVisor to Supt. of \\-:aynp.· Geo~(> ~ of H{'rrna~,Preston la'ks at 10:30 on local In battle tl1.c Arne> ican soldier slOns? t (> • <lllO~a ~If ('ran Baller. . !\lmn. HarlfurdJ1. of Rouge Ri\('r.commUni Y health problems. M. C. w s wounded and the urg~on who CouncIl. He \\as ~)rdaJnpd ,It Far- Lee \\"chb, secretary of the Ne- are \V. D"an, James M. and RSmIth, secretary of the Nebraska c red for him explain'1d the..ffiean- ~o':. D, In ~~3-h Afle>~l s('~ng braska state hIgh school athletiC Ren all uf Yankton S D andStale M9dical aSSOCiatIon, consld- in of "E pluribus u(tuni" which thet semane hC ~rc, m f Id ~ UIS asSOCIation. has mdicatnl to Supt. Lul~, now :'\lrs. Oms' Peders~n ofers medlqal care services at 10:50. IS the Latm for "oneirorn many." tree ye;rs. e ecarr;.e t' ~c~e- Baller the poSSibility that play-offs Albcrt~. Ml!ln.Dr. L. H; Hoyle of Denver, U. S. T ('- surgeon told th . youth. that o~1'h:nIO\~':C~~~(:re~(':~~v~ So ~~ of champions of t~e four class D To Count)- Early.D. A. nwdlcal adVIsor to the North- ny races and rell Ions \\Clded R' F gu . foumam('nts held In thiS areA.. WIll TIl{' family came from Cedar toern Great Plams Council tells of in 0 a unity mean Sl rength and tana syn~·d C'\. ingstro k IS be playC'd a!': a f('ature of the class \Vayne county in iS90 and for s('v.pending ieglslatlon at 11'::.:!(). Dls- ,gl 'e freedom. and deiocracy. r('~'~~~C'~ h{' las fa In~ s ~ (>~ B lournament her£>. 1'/"11 )'f'ars :\!r. Smi'th ,vas,j.n[ thecusslOn closes the mornmg pro- . Laler the A.merica takes part ~~Ihe::~ V..~~~d l~c7~:~ IOn ou .If plans maleriallle. four .gil~lf'~ -'~\ator hu~.n(ss at CaIT?lI andgram. III the hberatlOn or Eurppe and , l Will be' pla)'cd Wednesda .... c\enm~. "msldr>. 1111' 1 he bought hJS home

After lmnehc6n at 12, Graham fr m a French soldierj whose WIfe T R;v·CS. sKh

e:(~f I- r~p~~. and RC~ includmg two prpliminal:Y class B I~nn l'l' rr ,JS Wl'~f of \~"a)'TlC' Be­DaVIS, hOl'pllal director for the h' s been killed and v.lho has hlm- . . ...... c u e 0 a~ne. an rounds and two class D gam{'~: 'aUse of Mrs.. Smith's ill health.Kellogg foundatIon at Battle se f served in a cbncentration Rev. Curlls Wlhc>rg- of \\.akP1IClrl. four class B ~arnf'S Thursday: two the famlh boughl a residenC(' In

Cr('pk, MICh, ~ppaks on hospItal C' p, the Amf>ncan learnC'd. that comprise the' local commltt e m class B ~~ames Friday; two garr:es \Vayne Ill· 1918. Mn>. S'mith diedplannmg. Group diSCUSSIOn follows. a y service affords I opportunIty chnrgc of arrangeme>nts. Saturday night to d('terrnine class Jul)· U. 19:22,T. A. Fillpl, who If; WIth the to stand for the Ide~s on which Rand clas..o;:; D champions, winners Mr. Smith married ~lBude Jos-slatf' (if'pn.rtr'n('ltt of hpalth, talks A erlca IS founded. Jhrough this Dentist to Come going to the state. ('ph. df'~Cf'mhnt of an Iowa plonperon public health servIces at 2:40. e r!enee he realized the meanmg Middle of il1arclz family as....,X"iatpd \\;1h Mr. Smith'sMrs. lola Shrout of thp extension of "In God we

Jtrust," )parnmg the Wayne Properties boyh{l(){]. Augu~t 2::;, 1925, and

SeT\'ICP, ~J\es an anal~l~ of rural v lue of trustmg God and hIS f('l- Dr CO E Rush, (IPntl"l. \\'111 ppen the;.(> two have continued in thehealth facllltlC'.'-i In Nebraska at 10 men. an offIce on Ih" ,('{'ond floqrj of Sold at Auction family home.3:40 and the program closes with ~ film clos('d WIth the Amer- the Larson bUlhling north 0 the FIve Wayne properties \"'ere sold Though unschooled in books, Mr.dISCUSSIOn. I,:OC naSOnldalt",ro'nS P,nlcdwgch"etq ktehe

eP Apemoper

le- First National hank the mid e of at auction at the court house Mon· (','I·llnt!' don I'ag>.:l "I'WO)

_____ ~ __ . H March. Dr. Bush practiced 12 pars day. High bidders and prices are --------To Omaha IImq)ltut. a strong, free anq csual. at Tdden and was on the d ntal as follows: Lots 16. Ii and 18. To Hold lJleeting

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harrington ean Boyd and Prof! Russel An- stnff at Camp Crowdpr, Mo. the block 20. Coll('ge Hill addition to Of W d D" t " ttook their son, ,lohn, from a Nor- d son had charge' of smgmg pa!o't thrtt years. IllS WIfe an two \Vayne. Dr. J. R Johnson. $200, ee l8 rlCfolk hospital to Omaha Monday. .. arching Along," "dolumbJa the children WIll mow Iwre m Ju e. lots 13. 11 and 15, block 20, Collegp 'Annual meeting of W..a.)"t1e coun-He underwent an operation TlIes- rn of the Ocean", and "Star IIdl addItion to Wayne, City of u- noxIous weed district will beday on his nose. The young man S ang~d Banner'· MISS ~;rQgI~:nJ~:r~w;m~f Wayne, 5150; lots 6 and 7. block 1, helCl Monday, Fw'bruary'25. at 1:30received a broken nose- and ann esi es 36 member9' Adon. Jef

l- East addition to \Vayne. Hazr ' in tlle city hall. In)'S Stnith of the

in a .car accident. His condition is y was a guest of IDr. VIctor croft, waf; cro\\ned quee Bressler, $75; Nih of lot 8, era\.\.- state department of agnculturest, Wm, Kmgston .,vas WIth H. Wayne coll('g"e sWN'thpart rom ford & Brown's oullots to Waynr .' HI be present and win sho\v

not as serious as was thought at B. Craven and Dr. Geo. Seeck was which WRS held at the stur/cn -un- Marie Wright, S860; south 150 [eei I.Yr3:':: 'g equipment whiCh is used~I:;; ~~~s;~~~~~'~:;rrr~0:anr:s j~~ a uest of the cluh. II ~~~e~Ud~~i~gw~ar~u~7~<;~~:n~; ~~~ of Britlon & Bressler's outlots. F. to spn.t)' 2, 4-D. He v.ill also havewho attends cl)llege in Lincoln. r. M, H, Hanawal1lspeaks next \V. Nyberg. S305; lots 13-22. block a few samples or different 2. ·l~Dspent the week-end here and in ~ ~~,ay on "Two qrat Ameri- of Pender. and MISS Mary 9. College Hill addition to \\ta)-ne, chemicals. QUo Sahs. president.

Norrol~ with his brother. I Brown of Bass~t~. __ __! ~::ek~~25~~S~e;:~~bj~~t t~~;~ ~~i~t:~~~ ~ ~:::tlng. New

Plan Trip to Ef,land. Underg~ Second Opt'~tl0r-. ment of subsequent delinquent ta.x- .To Legion Meeting. 'r, and Mrs, Ricba Pinkham Frank Petersen undcr\\e~t a es and to approval of the distnct ENGINEER COMES ~.,

hr, L. J .. Kilian, A. L. Swan and re elvcd their passpo t "nd will second operatIOn at the eltnlc '" Judge~ here this Thursday. I TO CHE'CK LOGAN,v, A. Lerner, Wayne county serv- Ie ve the first part f May [or Rochester, Mmn, Saturday. IHIS ~icq officer, went to Grand Island S th Wales to visi relatives, first operation was February 9, His Office to Be Opec. Fred Pierson of the state en-Sunday to attend the Legion mid· y WIll tour Wales and England I' conditIOn is reported as goop. as The revenue office at the p' • girteer's office, ''\in be in Waynl!year meeting which Was held plan to be gone rrt of the 'Can be expected_ Mrs. Pete~ is office in \Vayne will be open lsOOrl to Ulvestigate ,t·e dramagethere February 18 and 19. er. . "itb him in the eily. . 1 March 2 and 9. t of Logan cree~ "<ea; .

I,~ducl Seven Men1<'01' Al'IllY St'l'vicc

~~mber of Disc~arges AreIFjled with Loca~'Board

In Recenl,Days.

~., even Wayne county mon induct­

€' for army servlc~ last week at. Leavenworth are Howardckcr, Donald EaliPr. RIchard

R g, Arthur Grol1lP, Ralph Wai-

s K' Aug-ust WIt tiler anrl FloydHnson.

J onorahle dlscha~ges I'eporlpr!. 10th local draft hoapl reC{'nlly JIl~

cJIu e th" followinij' John Rl'rry,S~ FranCISco, W;:tllacc Thalken,cl~ rkson, Manon Gilass, Randolph,Db aId EbJllgcr arjd lrvlll EbJn~

~Omaha, Eldpn Barelman,

a efu;,ld, Glenn Olson. Wakefield,R ert Haas, Denver, Lowell Wer­n4r Winside, Waltdr Bleich, Win­sil:! ' Harold Jorgenson, Hollywood,Kr neth Harrison, Verona, Pa.

'J hn Bressler, Wayne, ArthurH~ dIce, Kearney, Leo Stcphpns,ColI, Joseph Zack, jr. -Hum­p y, Ivan Jensen. Carroll, RexJ ~nson. Wayn('. Melvin Kokssa,B 0 mfleld, Hpnry M<lu and Ar-

ijl Mau, Waynp, Lloyd Surber,a nC', Orvillc Sherry, Wayne,

E und Martmson, WakefH:'ld,R card Claycomb, 'Wayne', Wm.H* elman, Wakefield, in officerr rv(', Chas Moulton, Wayne, ine rsted reserve.


Page 2: Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · p~GES l'.~~e-s 1 to 8 LD 16 ~t.'dit)n One "'----__...J 'I'f I HE I ~----'----Receives


Wayne. Neb.

How to Use Meat toMake Breakfasts HearlyCold days call for hearty bJ'€"3:Kfasts,and ODe of the best ways rye foundto make a breakfast substantial is toinclude some meat in the menu,Heffi-.aCe some favorite v.inter break­fasts that will also make a specialhit for-S-unday brunch.


Tornillo Juice with Lemon \VedgcHot Apple Pancake..<I. Rolled Around

Sausage LinkaWnrm~Syrup CofTC'C (lr COCOtl

APPLE PANCAKES-To 2 cup' of~:eparcc pancake flour. add 2 ('ggsBnd 1 ~~ cue milk beaten together,

c~~~~W~~pl~ti~n~ni ~~fe::Zmelted shortening. Drop by table-

~?:~u~a~~tBaf:~~tir~d~~bl~~break; tum and bake untll goldenbrown. V."rap each pancake arounda well-rooked sausage link. Servehot with warmed syrup. Ser\'e3 6,

ST.UT THI DAY tlGHnBaked \Vinter Pears

Broiled Lamb Chops andHa'9:hed Brown PotatoesToasted English Mufiin

Coffee or J..filk

HASHED BROW:> POTATOES­Melt 3 tablespoons shortening in

~b~p~o{:~~~yP~~ic~fJ=toes, he-aping them. toward the cen­ and BWay from the edges Of theJX.l:n; season to tu!"te. Cover With alid ot hea....y pl1'1te; press down 90that cOver is right on top of the p0.­tatoes, Place a box of sa.1t or rOckon top to give pressure. Cook slowlyand mthoot turning for 15 to 20minutes, or until crusty brown: Turnout onto a warm plate, Cut moo 4or 6 pie-shaped wedges to serve.

~•••••••: OaJrAtD~ VirUM

: The Homemakers' Bureau= Moth" S4ftu'JrY ~I'rri~:..•..•.......•....•.......•Cocoa"O(h.,." __ .. __ );I~. foeCream of WheaL... :;,~,;: 22cOyster Shell .'"'B~ 79cBlll.White ~:::;':;"h ..'·l,;;: 8cfOPS i?::;~;:~ng :~ t9c





Lb.1Oc5~~~ $1.39

Lb.l4c10·1b. 73c

Mesh Bag

10·lb. 4'9Mesh Bag C




Phone 322

Kugler Electric Co.


We received the following telegl"(~mrecently . ..



227tVnllC'y Gold; halved,

unpeeled, choic'('.

No.2 can

14CCountry Home; golden,

whole kernel, fancy.


Great Northern; dMed,white, large.



Top quality; slicedany th~cknel!s you prefer Lb.

~naturalJy fresh!

Celery Goldenheartor Pascal

Potatoes ~~eSte:

PORK SAUSAGE ~Ji:.1; Lb 3&c

LARD1-lb. Ctn.


S-Ih, Bag


Pure; economical forbakIng cakes, pies,

and cookies.

Suzannn~ Mak:>s fluffy,tempting wnrncs. too.

You don't have buy fancy·cut steaks.or the choicestroasts to be sure b£tender. delicious meats at Safeway.Even our least! expensive cuts-short ribs, boilingmeats and pot iroasts-are unconditionally guaran­teed. Ifyou ever !ret a cut of Safeway meat that faili! toplease, your money back, without return of the meat.

T t J . Sunny Dawn; 46-oz. 0lI)..oma 0 ulee No.2 Can 10c .Can ,~

Coffee AinvI~r~. Bag 20e ~;~ 57cG h 1~18cra ams Nabiseo, erackers Box

C k Premium; . I-lb. 1"'"rae ers salted, soda Box ""

Macaroni ~~aghetti; eutCello2~~g 20cM ··2Ocargarme Oak Grove ,.. . . .. Ctn. .

Matches Book-style .....•...... 50-B~n~ 12c





Vol. R Wayne, N('h., T~r.., Feh. 21, 1946 I No.6

Two old gentle-I walT thjt i~ a de-fly ShOri,t timp, were ~itting light 10 the eye of Thl' I sl heRt youcomfortably in their any ~ man. Be have p lid for wo~ld

easy chairs at Ihe Isure> It is SprC'(I. pay ~h cost o~ 10-

~.W~r_d~~~~~ngcig~l~ ~li~hw~~ ~;mb:agal~H ~~;~~m Ty~l~tlYc:~~n~~~Saill one tq the oth- base. I afford to be with-er, "Every tlme I out H.come here my wifethin},s I'm out chas- 1 -

ing ~om('n. Gad-- "Wha you doin', EVcrY day nowI. \\'I,~h she was chile 7" we ar~1 being askedright. "Nut in', mam- if W~have any

my." barb d wire. We

You don't have to ge~t'frr.' b~tr e Yfit~ ~?\~in. Yasha~~l·llo:~~~oU~dn~o _~rn~S\~~ ~~~~, d < d d y ev'ry ~~d~Ue a~di rh~a;~bps't in heating weightt· Get nowcoals _ not 'when the wi you are ,gb-you can get Bear .,inn. gg ttOh,' "se:.dr,fnOg~. fe:nt'-Cree], for 0 n I y Zonoli e poured .

~~;~ ~s t~h'e ~~~ ~~~~ ~l~ si:~NI~U~that peoplc cornto' prise y u both in "Is 1is the Bonback fOf. So will ~i~te~e njSih:~e~t Ton C} aners 7"you. ".if you try it '-4 "Yes this is mejust once. ~~t ~~ i~:~~m;~~ Bon T "

sulate 0 u row n "Thi Nit-~~dSfnw t~;~~~:~t:~ wit? I my husband

w;{IS t;~o~~u~a~~~~~ ~~~~~: H:a~~n~y~~irritate you. why 1""'''''''''''''*,=''''''='' friends and he saidnot try a coat of they w uld probao-Spred? One coat ly tak hjm to theusually Covers and c;.l e'a n e r·s, but hegives you a beauti- ftidll't ay w h ic hful soft fin ish e d 'one.h

iI -I

_~~~(l~ 1'W~_'=""-""-"""_"""_ ±tF,,==i:=="'=F"":"1==~=~"7''''''''''=''''''''''~~¥E:='''tF~~~'''';'''7~~~==:::=':=r:==~::'~=''=,,=,,"=~---~:---''''''=====--=="';""'=,..,.....,=======Tir;tgE..n :.11.'at.• c.·.h,e.ry·. ". l\ome'af.ter'lI1.tch 1.f ~2.19 Sew. d Mar ArrJ~ge Sched Ie I' We(f(nng Ser~ice and- C~-;:;',od the :o~dmg nng on '--LOCAL NEWS /'

• c street,. Omaha.: The bnde Wore f r D- 1 \\hlte satm pdlow I

.ea.ds 111 'Eeag l n'ch: her gol?g":nay costume a powd" In' ur h Sunday n 1xon uunty Is Held in Olnaha Folio" mg tho ceremony il reeep- Mr and Mrs Elmer AntlersonTiC'tgcn Hat¢hery leads Wu e I blue SUIt with black 1ccessorll'ls. I Com umty commItt emf'n Of ' tlOn was hpld In the church parlors. and Merna of Col~dg(', WPnP Sat~

howling' league" this wC'ek witr' 2 • ] BO~ Mr and M~s. Eveland a - • ..i Dixon ounty wJ!l hoI I t\\-o-dayI' -.- . A thrf'p-twrC'd \Hddmg cake, top~ urday dmn€"r gqests In thf BenWins' nnd s1x J()sscs. Wayne PI'P - MISS Margery Meeu ough tend€' Atkinson ... hl1[lJ. school a d MISS v;erda P ters Becomes meetmg In ('ach towns lP to as- MISS Mary Hinkle Is Bnde ped \\ Ith a miniature bride and Meyer homE'. , I

uce j" sN~on<l',with 11 wins a d Is Bride Here Sun ay Mr velamd is a gra!:l~ate of t eo Brid~ of Ea I R. Davis I ISlst farrrers In WOrklng~ut f<lnn Of Arvid G. Langf,.eldt bridegroom center('d the table. ~f'n Mf'yer and daUghtf'r~Lor-SCV('n los~e-s:\Va,kefjeld hlls:l0~j s Of ARE I schoo~. Mrs. EvelaTIQ,lflnIshed h r 1N rf 1-k I plans fo 1946 As th(' pI' ram thiS 0 Feb ~ Mr Langfeldt I" a graduate- of raInf'. Wf"nt to Fremonf S, ndayfind ~'ight losses; Mqrrison~ Cof~1 e . . ve an . educabon m Wayne 111gh seh ~ ear 0 o. year IS Ifferent from t os(' of thf' I n mary J. Tpchmcal high school of Omaha, when the latter'attended R LuthprShop' nioC' wil1s and nine' loss~' MISS Margf'ry Ann McC Hough, and *tended Wayne .college, ~ e Miss da Pe ers, daughter of iPast, fa ers must see thf'lr local MISS Mary Hmkle da ghtpr of II and was In seIVIC£, 2R months, Jl105t ~ague ral.I.Y.' M:s. Meyer went a.s

" j"U~:';i~C'ss Men ,and Wayne foui~ , daughter of Mr and Mri-i C D had teet) employed J,.fJ the Fl t Mr ~nd Mrs Gorge Peters of caron-lItt men at one of the meet- Afr and Mrs Joe Hmkl of Ran- of that tlme hemg spent OV€"rseas f~r as ~pst Pomt and spent the

I & E!~g, each six wins and 1~ lOR~e . McCullough of W~yne, and Arthur NatlO al hank at WaL9ne the pa t Wayne, nd Earl R DaVIS, son of lings to s,gn for th(> I program Idolph} and Arvid G Lang ('lelt, son II Mrs Langfeldt IS a graduate or time With Mr. and Mrs. August", Don Sund was high scorer wit R Eveland, son or Mrs VI l-t EVf- year nd a half Mr IEveland r: . Mrs So hVt Dav s of Norfolk, )wakefle d townshlp-- will hold I of Arvid T Langff'ldt 0 Omaha, Sholf's She workpd In cn,Ii sprvu~t Hartman. .

22:1. Ruhy 'I-Iueoner Je~the :wome land of Omaha, wJre uOltNI In ma.t- cently reQf>lvplj an h0norable d, - were un ted In arriage Sunday !meetm FphrwHv 22 and 21 at Iwprp marriPd Wednesday f\f'nmg, In Omaha Mr. and \-1rs. H~rry ~o~mson ofwiiJl172. J'wge Sunday at 3 (/c!ock II chargr after servmgl three yea s evemng t 6 o'cJo k at Altona Lu- ithe CltV hall In \\'akf'f(pld ('on- ~Ff'hrUary fJ at St Mark's Luthf'r~ Thf' }OImg folk" kft f Dpnvf' Los Angf'lps. arrived F-nday last

\Vaync Produce and RusinC', s Od1st church In Waynp r VIC- In the. marine corp~ He spent r 2 theran hurch w th Rev Walter cord, F nruar) 22 an~ 23 at an church at ()maha RP;v 1\1. G C010., for a ~hort w~dc;rm tn r: we-ek to .Vl~lt, thl"' .formers mothf'r.Men mep.t Fcbl'uary 25; Tictge tor West performed lilt:' douhle- mon.tH.,s ~V{:r.scas With HIP Four h Bracken~ick perf rm. iog. the dou- rlughes all; Loga~,. F('~rl1f1ry 22, G.('otP pf'rforTnP(J thc -JiIglf>-ring Thf'Y \..·ill li\'e' in Omaha g p IMrs. EffIP. Lund. <:lnd oth(";S. Thpylfntchr-ry and Wayne Poult-ry ring ,ceremony in the prf's nco

Jof marmf dIVISion. hIe-ring candleJig t cerpmony he- at Hugh shall, Conrord.j and Fph- crremony. I ' , .,.' and the r, A_ Su~)pr fflmlly Y.'f'T"'f'

Eggs, F~bruary'26; Wakefield an:) immediatc relatives an C ose Guests from out of town· atten - fore an 'ltar ban ed with gladioli hlary ~ , city hfill in \fIakpfipld; Precpding lhp ('f'rpmony ;vr M;/ng 1\1~. ~()( I~nklc~;d Joy ~un~ay lunchcon g-uests of Mrs.

Mo.rr!ison Coffee Shop, Februa l' ftiend" befm-e,nn alt' ing tht' weddj'nginclU~edMrs. Vi. - and whit, c~ndela: r~. ,,' . Springb. nk, F('b~u,a~y· 2? and.~23, Betty Hinkle, sistC'~ ~f th~ h~i~~~iw~eniioimiaiainiritieiwieiiJnigi·iiuini'iiiiiiiiiii~_27. ' palms, g-ladioli IJnd snl1plrngons la Ev~]and, ~N;. Jack~urphY, Sl.- Prof. G. H. I of IUS, orgaOlst. town h;-d) , A!lpn, Lmf'r on .. ff'h- "Iing 'To Ihf' r nd of Tlm( ,tnrl.' II. ---.---'-.......----- and white l"apf'r" in ('and Jclbras. ter of ;the htldegroom,'and Mr. an played ~Oh('ngjn" ....lwedding ma.rch J118ry 27 rlnr] 23, flff' h ill In I m('r- UJ\f' You Truly Shf' w IS Rrrom~ IMr:~~ J, W. Llth('·rl~nd find RO~ Mrs. Joh.n T. Br-(''r, .ir. pla~f'd ~rs. I[.oycl A. Evcland, all of 0 for the roces~ion I, Me~delssohn'R son. ~~_ fMnlC'f1 hy l\1J"'!o; M G Gf'oll' who I

ney of Lincoln plan to sppnd th s ol'glm mU~l(' pl'f'f'('.nmg find dUl'lng . for Ihe eCf'SSlOna and 0 Perfect I !Iso pI Jyl'd thr pn)( r'S I 1wc('l{-rnrl in t'he Dr...... Ray Brya thr~ cerf'm~ny. MISS D~ 0 es" Me- ----~--- Lovc" durj~·~ the ceremony. - (;Oll~!f' Rural Sf'lJOollNpl"';.. ~(rl'ssl~ndl "Ion I In( Ilind A J. Atkins hom0.' while M'. Nat!. sa~~ I Low> You ru y and SilveJ· Wedding The ushf'rs,' w 0 "nterpd first, BJlly orbJf VPlnnn Hollman Thp hrJ(jr g"l\fn In mArrJdg" hylLith0rll1nd is in O'Neill on businE's. "Always hC'forp th(' con l( C'ntl'r- Ob' d H were R?bert Kei ·ter of Norfolk, and Jud Woo~ls hroughfj Ill! thday !wr L:lfhr-r \\orr i:I whltr "<-lIm I-. _....,.. .. t ed thf' chul'f'h. Mrs. ijres'l r play- servf? ' er and Wm. Peters, r., of Wakefield, trC'ats d f1ng F phruary d Iweddmg- go,,", n The shIITPr) hm!JcC'",,,,,,""lc~ '! F e(1 the processional and nCf"sional. Mr and Mrs Emil Steffen 0 - the latter a COlls n of the bride Each upll had an mdl Idual hox had long pomlf'd slef'V('s Ami a

Candlt>s were lightE'(] y ushers. $('rvpd their 21)jh w~ddlng ann _ IThey w:lre dark Ults and bouton- in whlc hf' re('PIVf'c! al('ntJnC's sV\.('ethf'art neckllOf' ami thp full

G ~ I Jimmy and DWHynf' At i s, sons f F b 19 I t termed tf' a 10 d I

Th tvcrsary 0 (' ruary Sunda meres 0 white ca at Ions n ar ,In Ja gr { s rna P skirt WIiS gathl'rPfl around thf' low.a·y .·ea···'. ,rAI ofrr. Mr~. A. ~. At in '. 1 Dmn0r g-uE'sls jherc ~unday weI MiSS }3ettc Da IS, sister of the plcturcsjto rcprp"pnl <;crt(·s ~n th(', w81slIJnr <lnrl E'xlpn(]pd mto <I llam

.. i 'i,.' ~~ hcr h7at~::.,c·w~~~n :~ ~t';; ~~~g;h Mrs Wm Thl€'lfoldt of TroquOi , bndegrdom, wh entpred {Iext, poem, "·fhe Arf(mhpad' y E.r.'onH' A crdv. n trlmm€"rl In Ilf'arl" hpJd 1i" • • S D, Mrss ~UISC' Voss, the Be lighted the candl s She was at- fIunter • I m fJlacE' thf' tmdc"s fmgf'r1lp and \

WA".NC I gow,: 0.. f.' nf't over 11 f('.rf'pC'1 Vpss annl Wm, VORS famIlies Itm~d m a floor-I ngth ros(' gown iJUdY )'-OOcIA was JO 0Jjnalla J,lst floor-h'nglh \ll'l1s H( r 1'lrm hhu-•• L ~ fa~hlOned WIth a nPl. yn (' Iltf'( HI til H C t j W' f eok. ' "1· I d lh d all', (' cnry arsensam of taffcL,l andw rea corsage 0 I q1Jf'IW<ISofwhll(>roS('<;\~lthwhI1f'

~ ho~li('e;' ong. ~ C'f'V;S an. ~; erC' Koepke famIlies of Pilger, Joh !Whltc C3JnatIons and pearl ('al'l MI~s r,lflP M,I('hrl< ~hO spC'nl sntlO slrC'dmpr<;T d I skIrt. Hn flOg('~lIP Vf'J! Ie I from Rohlffs, Pf'te J(Jns('ns and Ro chps. gl[S of the rIde early t rf'f' of 111(' yf',tr ~hf' was s" \\ p

Wednesday~, hurs ay, a coronet of white' noV\.C'r. She Sommerff'lds Thfl ta~l(' was de MI,,!l elore~ P tPrR of Norfo"lk I servi (' In f<JoIH]d lnlt children MI .Joy Hitlklr ho 5( n d her IFebr. 20~21 I carrird a })ouqtJpt of rf'rl .os s, 11pd orHtrrl With a wedcllrlg cakC' An COU<;lnj the hrJd nnd M:" Lloy(i I any In prpstlng Ihlngs ajhout Ihat ~Ist~r as ~t:Ud-~f-hO~O~ wor~ a I

I wllh whlj(' sa~Jn <;1,1("1I"I/""ls Sh('l two douhle' candle h@lders, Wit Jensen f Norfol ,'frtpnd of lhe slatp ~~\~~s~lf'fOO~-a~ng~f ~~:n(';~worfi a m pk1d('( of pr ,n 1:-; 1,1 d fwarll sl1\('r ('Hndll's on cHrh pnd of th hrldf' ere bndc aids and enter- Mr~ Vallf'r Woo(l" <1od K 11 hie h fJ i\I J rl Re,lrrlng~, a girt of t h(' Ifr d( groom I Ih}p cd t~ge1 h('r MI Peters wore a VJSltpd hool lftst v.. ( pk , f'aUI) ros~ ISS, U Y roy. nm~

Thl' ~1ald of honor, 1\ll'<': RonOlf' < Sun(jdY e',;Plllng (,<llkrs at SIf' pmk gown and ~ JeT'J~cn a yC'l- v..ho sl"'r\f'd :I" IlrJi!f><;m:l1d v.orr:l \F,lyl' Ku~I('1' \\Olf' \ (Iror ]r\nglh ff'n's Included the Frank I.. lwso s 10\\ gown Each vore IX'arl Clip'"', Tn l\fflH" tn Trai ;- yf'llnw f1oor-lf'ngth drp<;s and ~,lr-gown of,hllJ( n/ t nUT t If ph fdsh- of WI$m'r, Mrs Wm A Koppk, gifts of lhC' h1ldc, dnd t'arriC'd drnl Mr <111] I\1r" ThOTndS Illllon of TlPd 1 houqlH·t of yrllov. rO<;f" IIOnf'd wit h I S\\ / t'!hp:lrt n ckllnf' lilt"' Fi C'(] Voss and HermAn K 1 bouqu( Is of \\hlt snapdr agonf' Tnm,m, ho \', f I (. Tn I I It'd l,lst Alh( rt I dngff'ld 1 hI oth( r (r 'hf'and gathprl'd Skill II(rs!1 uldf'r- DlmlllE'<:; MISS Berth<1 Koll MI s MISS Mildred et('l:-; of D('n\'er, .... f'(k \\ II mO\r' soon I In nnr of hrrrll"'groom \\:l.S hf<,,;t Thf'1lent{th bllJ(' or 1 \l'11 f( 1 IOm:l. Annle' Knll, Emil Koll. Mr a fI Colo. Sisler of til brH"ll?, who serv- the tral I rs w( st of tl ' (etllt ge Iolh! r ,111' nd lOt \\,1" NI( k MIl\pr I


coronet of h}uf' flo ..... rfs11 'I' f'or- Mrs G{'ot~f' Coulter and Mn a d ed as malld of hon 1', pn1erNI alone Mr Th( mdS IS dtll n(lln T ('01 It gr' Arm'lnd AliiI'd \', <1S 11<;hprsage wa~ of pmk f'<1lni'lt on Mrf; Otto Stcndf'r of WinSide, a d MISS Peters WAS gO\VJ1ed In aqua Dean C If. Llnddhl his (hllrgp of I Ttl(' hrJdpgroom \~orp hiS <;<lJlor I

Bl'tly Lou McCullough S "tC'r of MI and Mrs ChriS 'Pletgen net o\-cr taffe1a She worf' pparl rent<lls uniform JI(, Was I{'(('nlly dl"charg~ II

the hndf' v. IS IJng 1)(';\ (I Shf' GUf'sts Mond<lY mornmg at S1£' _ earrmgs gifts 0 thf' brldp Hf'r - I ... - pI! from ',PI\ICPworf' a ~h(lr! whiff' ~1'l!1 IO('('S<; (pn s Wf'rp Mr find Mrs Ave y arm boJquC't was of yellow sndp~ Mrs \\Ill PWf)l n';l1l k (d1Pd Sh.lnm AlI.ird nl('(f' of 111(' Is1yle rlrC's" Hpr (,Ol'<-;rlf, \AS of l Jdsp0rspn and fAmll:}i of We t drag-ons Th.ur~dHV. 'II Mr~. E.II."1ITIardC'r'".ihridrgrOOIll. W<lS flo\\"pr girl.. ShC'i":,Ixf'd ~\\ f'etpc-as Sh(' f',lrr f'we! t he POint Mr Imd Mrs Jamc-s Jaspe - Thf' brldf', give m maITJ3ge by Mr. <Jnd Mrs. Hf'rn"rrl f); Iton wpre Iworp an orchid floor-Ipngth dr('~s Inngs on a v.hltf' <;,Jlln III I spn of O'Neill The folks fro her fa1h,",1' wore gown of white therf' Thllrsd:IY I'vl'ning Ihf' 1..a- <1nd cllrrlf'd a haskpl of orchid COl-II

Thf' hII{l~grloonl' "h'nd h1 ('<;;' rrahn Blair \-'vho Wf'J1f' SuntJay visitor, brocadC'd ~atm w th a swppthf'ar1 \'prne Har-d!'r farriry Sun l;-ty after- ored sw(>ctp('as. Gary Crouch.

Lo.yel A 1,\(-,10(, rot r () I.f' rPlurnN] to th::'lr homp Monda n('{'klmp. Aeros, thf' sho'llldf'rs noon an~1 Mr. and :Vfr~. Hln Ifin- neph(,w of tlw hridpgrO~n~,~.~w~"~'~lI!~""~III!III!III!III!III!III!III!I!!IIIIIIIII!III!III!IIIII!!!!I!!!!IIIIIIII~~brl~10gr(Jo.m, ~or(' nr~vy hl 1P t~m Emil S!('fff'n of Omaha, W'S Wf'r(' JjJif's ~f thf' vallf'Y. The lpg~ nerich:{ ~\JI1d:lY ('\"('niIH.;, ! ring hf'ar('r. Up worf' ;;j :-;aJlllr suil 1slfJpt" S~.1I1S with \\'llltf' rn na Ion home for the occasion. o-mUlton slt'e\'es cndNI in pointsboutomllf'~'f'<:;:.. .... ,_._ 0'\'('1' thp hnnds. T ny silOn huttons

~olllf'r<.; flf 110111 11w hfl f' a.nrl COUNTY PI0l\:lEER- dp('oratf'd 111(' ha I< of thp gownhrH'l{'groom \vnrp () whll/' (l'''nli(l()r',j fr(J1ll I'ng-" On',) from thf' nf'ck tot,Plow the v.'aisl-~w('elpf',1s ~lnr1 rNl linf'. Trw skirt watcut on princess

A J':r('jlllOn .fo~lf1wcd th! f'f'!"C'- Slnilh was wpll read. Jrf' had rt linf's tlnd formed long train. Her~ony m nw.I)J'j{j(';; homf' , 1\ Ihrf':- ,lr'tiVf', vigorou'l mind. Hf' like] !':ilk npt finger-ti vf'il was edgedt!prr(] .w(:ddmg c:lkr'. clC'c(lr; 1f'(1.10 'I,WOPff', f'sppcially children. On with 1:lC'p and fell from a crO\VT1 of1110 hl'l(](' s rol.\lr!': of b.llI.f' an V':h.ltf> wintpr he' rppairpd 100 slf'd!':, frc. sp('df'(j pNlrls. Th ; hridp's houqUf't~nd to!ln('~I.W.lth ~ mln.l;llur hl'l~l.('1 of rhargf', hr'('aust' ~c haq hpf'n d(- was o.f Tal.isman rosps tif'u with

Idndhrl(]('gloOnl.(f'nlf'rf'rllh sf'I\-ln.iPd Ihat of Jn1C'rpst from h·t h·ff ·b osing 1rthlf'. pionpf'ring falhf'r who di;l not ha\' W~; ~:lvi~na~'d 0 ~. Fauhp!. jr.,

('h~~~~ ;,t~'~lf' ~1"f'~1 E\:~;~. ~~~ t Imp fo~' ('.hl1clhood'.s play. of Norfolk. ,:·ho I .<;:r\'f'd ,Hi hf'.stn lh I\r! 1· I' I Mr. Smith knrw the sorrows f mf'n, wore dal'k ~UltS. Mr. DenISG~)r(~)]~YrtSSi~t~~r~T/:O(p l.' a\\:~:<:;! 1he Civil \\·111' and 11(' !'('livE'{} tlll' WOfP Talisman ·ms(' boutonniere.k·m

1 ~T·: J M I; ~. . (. .-1 all in tlw las! 1.\vo wan;. They and Rev. B~acl<ensicl< f'nter-~ I nm I IS. . . 0.1(' .. 1 <;cn- During his life span Mr. Smit cd from the vestlrY and mf't th£'m~ 1 1\1 E' I 1 t f had wjlncssp(f great contrasts. bridal party at tt-k altar.<;>h ~. rt,~\ r rS· t '.\ f' rim] p '11 orbrt 8. lad of 9 he drow' ;OiXen to mark t Mothers of the fbridP Ao(~ hride-

Il'~~~~'"---~"~(~«~'~ng~~r~,p~"~n(~~,~~eIgrain, a distance of nine mile" groom wore corsa es of whlt~ g8[-

when the trip, took an entire da df'nias.And h(' lived Ito sec the speed About 75 Tf"la1 W'S ami friend~cars and planes. At ]2 he stepp wpre gupsls in" t~P Ppjl'rs hom/'off rows of corn :md droppC'd t f' at 11 r('('pption fol~owing the cerc­right "numhf'r of kprnpls in ('<1 !~ mony. A thrpp-tie']f'dw('ddingcakP.hlll, amI he was able to sec mp i decorated in the hrirlc's colors,b('rs of his family turn the so 1 aqua and, ycllo\V. cpnlprprl th('and plnnt'conl wilh spf'f'd and 11 ~ hrich"s tahl('. MIss Maxin(' andCUrAcy by usC' of the g-as f'ngin Mi~~ Sylvia :Hillp ~of Norfolk, Misslk mde hors(l.bACk through m d Margu('ri!p RpnniEk of Uncoln,to carry imJlOrtant m(>s~ages. a d and Miss Maria ITpst of Waynp.~l(' wa<; nrivileg-NllospeHk from tI (' frif'nd." of tlw h~idf', ~~f'r\'('(l thpl':mpirc StrltC' hudding in N('w Ym dmnpr. I

and IHIVf' his m(>~sHg(' pickpd tip I Y Mrs. Da\'is WRS! gl"lirluat('n froma ni('C(' in OklahomA City. II s Wayn(' high s('ho I. For t he' pastmother find sistC'rs spun by Jig t 'ypar· and It half ·h(' had heen in~of CAndies I hey made, and he prf'S -I civil sprvkp war at Fitzsimonsed the hul10n to rIood his ho e ,general hospital t Denver. Priorwhh Hght. to that, Mrs. Davi ·Worked in Nor-

Love of homp and loyalty 0 !folk. Mr. Davis wa graduated fromfamily \vt'rc so slrongly implant d Winside high sc 001 and he hasin the Smith family that mpmbe s been fanning ne r Norfolk since.kept in touch through all the ypa s ' , The young folk left on a shortby a round of leIters, the tri s' wedding trip. The wil} mak& theircounting fl{'arly 2,000. hom(' on a farm ju 't outside nlf Nor-

Mr. Smith was a mf'mher of t f' folkpioneer church -\-vhich his fath rhelped huild. He listened to fa - Plan Trip 0 Holland.By prnyers morning And evenin Mr. and Mr:;;. C ris LUf'dp!'s thisHe was a chart('r member of wef'k r<rcC'ived, th 'ir passports for'Coleridge church and in Wayne h R summrr trip to Eindhoven. Hol­joined th." p.resbyterian church, ~ land, to visi1 th latter's time> serving on the board. Jan Van Dalfsf'n, and her hrothers

Mr. Smith !I?aves his wife, chi - r and sisters. They hope- to go In

dren, ]7 grandchildren and 1 IMay nnd expect t be ,away aboutgreat grandchildren. ,three months.

Page 3: Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · p~GES l'.~~e-s 1 to 8 LD 16 ~t.'dit)n One "'----__...J 'I'f I HE I ~----'----Receives




Red Ripe, Fine fl~"or



Fane,. '\ ~I'\Vhcle

§t·ver-bTOMATOESBig 21 22cCan .••••

~~~~~~;:.~.~~~~~ 11c~~~-:.n~~Th;~ 11c

W~~~.~~, No. '2 .• 15eSup:!.b L-Qn;: Thr:arl 1,~ 1J:.cSAcrnERAl.~. No. 2,.;! ~

)'ii;;:s LillIan De.Jczie-r \of P...;;:;­cto~;th. <ina DO:l Stl"". ,:·m of P...;:,.rt­in.;;t-On. were married Februarv 10.

:\!rs. El\'OD Bowen bought ~IaryDUf':::sm2.n·;;: cafe at P':i'rce.


·If you're lookingfor the drama



~OU," find itift'THE LOST WEEKENOJ

A Paramaunl Picture

ChoJee~ ~


NO. 10 FRUITS::\IQnd.D8' Llch& 5....PRUIES ..... 6Ji




4 ~~g 190l~29c

Guardian of the Fa.mily Food Budget

me 21 OU"CE llcSLICED LOAF ...•.••••.



cRE.ul Of' -6l'L'i'ACB

CAMBEU.'S SOUP10~' Ounce CnD •••••• , ••••,••••

E YE:" PtL'>S in his Sc"\'"cn ~e Boots c::ao't keep opwith the great strides made by the Council Oak

'Stores in the field of food merchandising:. For 28;;-ears {~oUDcil Oak has operated on the basic policy that"1\ Plc::.sed Cu.stLlmer is a Priceless AsseL" 'C-J:Dncil Oakht.s b~en quick to reco~e new foods of 1 merit., newttictbH!S of handling and protection c! foods, up-to-dates10re arrangements. customer conv~ and manrother changes that have marked the p~ years. The t" ,;..,.,~_future \;.;11 present many more startling improvements in _1"'\.the proanc1.ion, pr.ocessing and hand~ of foods, As fast ~--as these new foods and many old fa"'oriles 11mt hav-e· " f

~en off the· market are a.'ailable, you're ~

pretty sure to find them at your dependable ';<~.IIlJ!·~"'~::;:tiiiii!II!"~_...1n'L\· prieed:-, ~



5 Ihd!ll'sh bag 3ge 10 lb. bag-"-~1- IJR!Sl'fIBM ifA:BBA&£, lb. . ......•.. 4c

CUP-I.l' ENDIVE., I~. bUlICh IDcI !l:HltERG !LETTUOE, head lIe

mm R!\i';!SHES, 2 bunches 11eGE!,!:.RY CARBAGE, pound '.' .•... 12~Vmn~(A RF.F.TS, ? !lunches 13cY(l!jr;G C~R~OTS, ~ bunches ......•. 15cP-ilOOCOU. 11111I011 23<:j)~Sf;l\" e.El~RY. Ige. stalk 23cWIH~SAP APPI.U, 2 Ibs. 21cf\'J"!MDOS. 2 .. ,., 35!:

-!~~'nl"us.elB POTATOES ~4~' 1 Red

10lb Mesh Bag _..S1c * 10 lb. Bag ... - - .. 42c11' it. &g ....$~S9 100 lb. Bag •...$Sa9S


115 W 1st.



We Will Pay

GrahamICE CREAM 00.

. Wayne





c,ook!Look·l(JD/(, WHAT I moo:/

Let ber boast! YOU know, same aJ

mcc:essful Nutrena feeders through,out the midd1cwcst know~ that it',good care ond GOOD FEED thargets you LOTS o'f bi" premium~quality eggs! Be Sure, Be Safe. BeTbrifrv! Feed EI;i Masbor Egg Masb Pellers!' .'


Entertain t Party.Bill, Jack ~n Paul :Fenske

('ntertained ,;sa~u]ay evening at\Valter, Fenske,s. Prizes went toMeta Strate, lior ne Langenberg,Junior ,Fleer apd!Norris L~ngen­berg. I!.uncheon Vi as ser\"ed~

Entert8Jn FJ;iday.Arlene and Eln \Valker cnter-\

tained Friday pt Awalt \Valker'sat a Valentine jpa y. Prizes wentt.o Betty- Ann Sch urich, La\vrenceJodlf:'ns. Valentin motif WaS us­ed in luncheon·'i

'Get Tog., er Clnb.Mrs. !Mattie i· \ oss ¢ntertained

.Get "r.qgether: . Febru~ry 14., Mt:s. Ernest ' er 'was. a' guest.

~ ~~~~~her onjri::~LU~~~:eon wa1 carried ut in 'the !Valen­tine motif. Mrs. ritest PuIs enter·tains ~areh'1.4: i

~' TrIple '1'h Club. I '

Tripl Thre.e. e.. I b met Fr~d.ttY.3tOliver iesau's.. uests were theClaren e Soh . e",;, Llo~. Beh­mers, Walter enskes, WalterGutzm of No dIk. and !Arnold

. vli.ttleT' priZ~ .. :~nt to Mr~, and

".1:11 I

23cIf Slu

4 fur





25~ Size




M~UI~SON la~ric


Juice1Clr.anges1,6 Si7R-



Ora.ll,ge Juice::~7.. 49c





~ie('s'lO 10 ]8.


Thi5 l'l)(lrlHllllking hia~ fut drr'~5 in 'Joll1. l,rN'1y

('TII}'on "l~jpt',,'is Ily JOYCE BUnnITE.ll} ~rpulnlm;'lltto her M:ljf'~IY: Thr. .l\'lwtifan Girl. St'T111.fluuf nJojJ.-l \,jlh

t·jJr.i"el1)" .!-flt'uking" ~1(,f"\'I's and Pr(·fj~l· pll'ah ,d, lai·

i: Jor. ihr skjrt In Iwrr"f:11()1] In ~lrlikillg ndr,r

('ofjdlinaljun~, ",'pllr<lI('J _IJ)' hJnd~ of ",Jljl~~.


, Cauliflow r

NJw Texas Ca bage


freen P€p~hsIi ...Ileen onli1ns

Tesh Radi·shes

russel Sprbuts

l'esh Turni 11S



~ " H.any; Strate~-Eric -;~~e~.;tC\:":~-;~~'~~~h~~~Y . o;"'-~'~-l~~-ri:~ .~~; -- '~--~~;::;\ ;~i;~;~nd ~!fs. K~nneth :l:ne 'ry, Mr. 'and Mrs. \Valter Gu!.Z- world: I v,'e are sure~ Will hles G 3.., and vooted m the John Ream i and wn lit Ft. Collins, Colo.• he­

m nct Lyle !Marotz. The Ed! Kol- you for your geDel"'05.lty. Let the l'.ome until :Monday '\1I.ilen they 1fore retuming to Wflyne. Ann Ahl-=~=~;;;j<'1"'==~=W-==:====;'===.p.=====!'Ia hs enterHlin March 1. good \l'ork continue. went t? ~. fi("ld. Colo., where. ·..ers re~ined ......jth her grandpar.

T:;;;:==~~=:~;;;;;=j:;;:~;;;:=;;;:;~==*;;";~;;;;~;;;;;;;;+;;;.1 t' I I .\ t -- You are always wl"lcorne at our- Ithe offICer wIll be stationed. ; €"nts, ~1r': and '~trs. tt1. N, Foster.

l\.'1<Jr.l.ha ... n. JI:'. '. h.a~. bc{m il. ',' for Mr. a.nd !\Irs. .arJ,.Uinzm.a.n in T\S.'o Are Di§charK~d. !;en:.icps. --,Thp Fr('] J nns wefe a !John \Vaync Sunday. , esse SoHl and Wesley Sohl, , - . 'I -"H~1"e from Wf"olrt, I ~ Dhictlarge,Mann's at V.,i'j • idp Sun, ay.! Mr. arid Mrs. A; H.: Hir~cbman, so s of Rev. ,and Mrs. E. H. SohI. Trinit)' E'·an. :Luth. Chun-h. T. -Sgt. Arnold ~la1.J amw'd Feb- Prc. Raymond R S(·asongood.

Louis B. u n Iwas i irfolkIM:s. Ceo. Langeol)erg and.Sh;lrlee, he' recejved honorable dJ~- IRe\-"_ fL F. PAttorl,..;-stor! .. Iruary 7 from Camp BP~le. Cal, to-1 son of Dr. and "Irs. R. Sea.songoodV/pdnp>,fjla. a ( Thurs ay. iI l\~JSS E\'flyn .Carl~on w:d l:t~nry c 'rges ~r\."ing with the Sunday, Ft.'b:uary _4:, _ Dl"me ;;pend a furlough In hJ __ parental ~ of Carroll. will "oon TC'('(>lH" an

,) Jf's,<.:f' S hi . Jf.wt thd we If-end ~~ngenbT.rg, Jr., '1'ere ~ SIOUX m rchant mari£lE>S mor.e than SenlCl;'S In Enghsh at l(J 45 Sun- \ Henry :Mau. sr homp lie IS now! honorable dlscharg'e Inducted mi I 'it Her1ry oh' at Sew*rct. 'i CJty Tuesday. th £..'e years.· Jesse arrived 'Monaay da} schOQ:l at 10 - dischargf'd and WIll jr'aH' thp lat- i June 1943 Pfc Seaso-ngood 5€'T\-

:rvlr. and "M s E. O. Rehm r vis- Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Winter, Mrs. a is worfing for Ezra Jochen:.. Instructlon Saturday at 9 tel' part of Februat} to go to Cali- ed 'alth the aIr corps before ~m·H('d AJhcrt B·' m('TS StJnda}.: Jack Davenport aOd sons were in 1\11 .. and ~rs:l \Vc5ley Sohl and Everyo~ I~ as-~ed to bn~g formatobeempJoyed lmgan anatlOn cadet He was then

Hf'lIhe'n !Fa land Ft.'d orC'nz Ihe Ernest MachniHlcr home at .J nJcP arrived Sunday and will clothmg and commnciaHy canrn d I -~ tran.;;;feTTei:J to the 97th mfantryi w('rp in Wins ( (' V/pon+>da: Norfolk Friday et-rening for a f;. nd severa! days here. !oc"-j,, to I hp pdTOChlaJ <:chool fQr-1 Recei\~ Discha.r:e- dl\ l£1On As a SP1"'oIC€, company

IN('il lIilI n ~oJ'folk !sPf'n ! Sat- Li.rlhday party, ' I- uropean n·JIP; CM3C Rex Johnson a!"TI'.ied home tMlCk drJ' pte Sea~ngood

urrf:'lY 'wilh .J" .' :Witl~!<:1;H1t. VaTptJ1inp dinnC'r', guests at ~u- S tI1lmer Wedding \\(J{'I)rnJ' In fnnlt) Tuesda) evenlOg Ja~t vN'k from earned the Cf;Jmbat mIanf.r!.man

) J\Jr-;, Esth(~' l.owry M ?'-f rfn1k, hpn F.lJk·s W('T(> Mr. and'Mrs, H·I PI ed by Coup'''' -~ - ~ I~~ ~~~,~~~t~nlnJnh~."cO'ra·ntb~.~ ~~ud:rP :'~:~~n~Scinz~~:.s? ~p("nj S"luI'd·:1' at I~'. C, F:.Jl ~s. ,e FrJik. L<iVern and Lawrence, ann t-e - _... 'J;o <. 1-". '-'-- v.a .......

r 'Ph(, Ll·..:j"f ar1f.h (amiJ) h:Hl 1:\'1r, ~1r:~. H<olrold Falk and Lt.1

~.lrs, :!\1attie \'055 announced on IdlSl:-harge F£Obr<.lLi.=-:. ]f). He ;"F'{"Pnt· Aft!', hc.!:!lZ cbcha.rgpd h·e> \.~Jll

Sun(hy ~;,ur~pt :It (;1.1<; 1.-Tafl 'n'!.;. IJune> I-IaH..sC'n of Omaha. . v.t.Jknline d8'y lh(' (,ng<tF;Cmf'.nt (Jf '~~h~~u~~:~:~fT'~~:'Y~~;~~3~~: ~~~;:~:-~~ h~" ("!J1J~3tion at ,\rayneI !'I,1J~';'- (;·jd r fif llf"! Ttl(; Ly.nn I.shms of Carmi!. werr'jhCV youngE'S! dau;,;hkr, ;\,11S;, E;;- is th£" son of Dr. and :\lrs. J_ P_

II ;;.;~~~~. :j 1 Jl. (',1


: I ~thr~;I~~::<;ri~;~~;~~t~~~yE'\~::~E'~·1 ~if~m;:~~('3~~:J~:~~e~~],p'.s(;a;~i·'~;; Johnson. PI!g~e~25-Y~2.Tn-an-

!'.'Jr., 11, C, J':,11k W;l" in }.. r!n]ph lFrmks Sunday, and Vern Frjnk.sia~d Mr.s. Rf"-";I~ald C~.ll(..:-; of G;en~ chi:;e LO a n2.t:;.ra] cam:;)2....'1y.I JndJ" n ~l"r~'j' ,J! ~\r.,drol.l;; 1rhUr.~·' w"p' thpre Sunday f''Vpning", I daUe, The wl·etamg v;ill letkt: fJlac.. Gpts Dio;.char-g-f'.,d:ty . I , . i! i Th;' II:,n,; Asmu!' family visited.' in I mi(lsUmIner. :\ \-0."" ha." b0en l!);f~~na~~d}; ~~~ar~~i;btr t~l~.-~;:I :'1.n, En.', ]fl. -l.n(.'l.l ,\'..J:"il.d. i;\l1_ r" I;ll .Jkrrn;Jn Upf(~,r's Y;,,:Pdn.esda} In G.. Jf'nda.Ie.' Ih(' .P<l..". f0.~r years worth whe~ the soldl":'r will ro::--i Emma {·Jrld~ ; I WinsJd(' \\r'(lfl('}:- {'\'i'nmg.' Mrs. HC'fnl'l)' Vos!'. Mrs, P is £>mploYf.'d a~ laboratory C('l\"{' hjs discharge, Tn€' ynung

j d<lKir~. RosR ;Y, 'lwkms ~Ind.~. II. ~~(~~n7~(';;~,h~<;%u~h~eT~~~C~Pf:~'~:: 'or~~o~es.a~lr.l~:~)JL~;:n~ ~~~:;, '5ERVICE NEWS ('(Jupk plart to ;op~nd a f,=,·,~· day:~!Rarnl','-, \\H'(' ~J1 E E. pO.'.1(>rl",sun~ Frtday. .. . C.hforn.ian <Jnd L"i,lmlployt-<] <:itIdHY, :\lr, 8.nd ::Vlrs, Herman Klug and I Van dp Grlft'l; sJ-.:J tJut In Ln., HoOlf' frnm ~('n·i(·f",

ITh(, (' 11. :alkf'l's i;tnd Erwin! I11']la J'V1;l\'j' of ;...·orfolk. and Mrs. J A~g"I"s .1'lhn E,'p,=sjr'r, III. who h;:;d spr;·

CInch" \'\',"/(' ;,t (;,.().·\\i·,jll{~rl." l()r:~.:r.L V;llt-,,~~(Org of Ar]mg1on, wer~1 i • ~ - ~ • ('d HI Ha\':all. r(·'-·r.-'r\"l--rj hi" h0!10r-

Sl1nr!;JY dlnnr'l". . :, i : =-:unday ,nlnnn gU{,.."ts al ,G~", IVelC.~ LIZ H OSklnS ''-Illlr' dJ!'.char::l· ;,.:nd <lrrr,pd hvIT1E'(';II:l Pf('11 .LcqtJf·lln" ,JnrlLBobhy :SchmHlt s for ;yII;-i. Schrnldti'il i . S,.h If W k Sund~y,

(,f (j'~f'Jl), "l'ill,'01 T'vtr<;, 1\1"1:il l ' I )'lrlhrJ"JV. ' . I I C 00 or ee iEr:.ww ?VIonda " i ' I Ttl(' ·Lf'slf'r 7\1arjj('n family had ITr(J:~kJn" if~j::!h s('non] "nd ::!r8fh·" Rp...ewn·s Di~-harg*".

LOlli." CHin(' F'11Jrn('rl s:litUrda~.' 'I Sund;Jy ('\('nint:; dinner. with .M.r~, (1!1.5sr.rved. Lincoln's bir1,bd;1Y v,-itha Sgt· lr\'ill :.1a.a." \\f--nt to ,Fr...rtfrom /'Imswort .Wh('r(' n0 hfld \J~- iJ!ITman :vlarten. ~r. Mrs. E."t?e.rlpr~ogram E{rma Stn<t£· k·d In. lPa"~~'n,,\-'drth '..Vf'dn(-'~ay to <;et an11f's! hJ" dau~Jl {-J'. ',' Lt·nshoof. :\lr.s. Totn HIll and );eiJ 1h1-· flag :-.atutE' , Songs ·...'en' ,,"ung h(jn()Tahl~ (]:o:char2:'" ;,fltT

:'\1r,". 11 (' F;J!k Ij8.\"(,~t1 :,nrl lof ;>';or[olk. h:ld .SaturddY supper land ~~1rs_ \\'. J. Shi\'t'ly g.a1:e a l,llk hIS ,\'iff' h'·r" 'j.hou1 a \\·(·"k·,L;!\~'l'{'n('(' W('!" ;1\ \\.n'J, RMtkr'" \':Jlh ),,1[':;. Mart,C'n_ ' pI~('parC'd a~ an JnH'ry}~'\'; With'

:'\"nrf:M, Su dily :. I ,Lt, .June J-Iansf"n I of Omaha., LJ~GuJn, . ,i _ ,f.s in San nif"'go.Th,' ('hilS :;\' ('(;!'iHI(' r;t0d.... ,-,f ('elmf'i\londay to sT)('n(l ,:"cveraJ I !1\lrr;, Shlliely was ufI<.;r,J,-. 1fJ! t"'·f.. \ :n.::d L. HfJf,·lrjl. son (Jf

Cr'n\'(' \\'1'['(' ;11: I<n~·in 1.")_ (hy..; In the Reuben Falk hom{'. 'I 1{-'pch Monda\' .flP('<Jusrr (If an ulc(·r· I H'n-r:. 1I';f.r'ldl.·~, pnll,,-if,lj In

rl('h'" Mnrl!h~ />\('r1I11S':! .sht' is on leave <l.ftl>r two ~~(:~r~ in !;j~t.d touth. l\~r!-'. Lloyd ShfjJi..lnl Of: O1~!rin(';. an,d 1~,.,\fiJJn~,m::,) at S;,or i\l!wrl F"'nit j'n ~Inr! :\11 i. f fdl;l if ni.J\'y hO~fJJlal Itl Caltforola and! ?\/flrjolk. suhstltUl~'d. ,I-)l~·grJ. ,11JS -lcldl'~" I" J It. ~·1 R. u.-!~:a.r(pmrr\t I:j t' 'iPI"(·(', 'l.1"i1~'~1 ':It un:' ;.(';!r in Guam., . 'I. iEd. Kollath dl'rnon."lral(o(} .mak~I:\1 C.I~·, S::.ln J)J"~n 41, Ce.,].


( ... 11" MHr~t'l1 f Mond",\·.' I ,~. fhc Gpo. L<lng~>nhergs had as 1Jn~ knOb for class, I . ~ -~-,h'ssl' Sold ; wi RI'ldwn iTf'nH'D :,und,ly ultlnpr gU+Slf' the farnJllP:" : Grade Sehoul ?\:ow". H. TP fTrlm Oklahoma.

lof l'dL"/'r, \ 'fT Fn,d.'.IY l.dmlll'r ~ riC \\' F. Lan::',.,.lberg . Waller 11 tupib found .:\lon(b.y lh.i.Jt thr· i .1":1,'. ~'.1i;,!(>rd, Hardman <tITiw·dIglW..;l" ;It Hr'! b 'n F;J1k ~ i I, VIl'I'r, ~, D, Lan ('nber~ an? Ar· rlLm in thp room kid dl"d. i Su.ndd) la_~l, '.\p:,k fro~ .F,~lrt S:~1.

I :\Jr'. .. L."." . p,r.,r~"t r~lIrh nf. '.jC!ld. \\ ill kr.. Mr ..1."".. n. a \\ It.~ ler I I.J.~n(}.~I('t. s.. 00. 'h.. (' lifp of Lncoln ~ ()k]a:: 10 ,!';J~._ n~ .nn ?R--,d.<ij. 1 u~:oU:h


St:llll0n \\"~l !t(.J'(> Sl!nd;j~.: wdh ;lnd Ra.....mond, :!\-JJ'~ E\'('lyn Carl- \q'rr';marle I Jn hl.~ !Jc;,{rJl.d Lm.l Bar,1m",ntH':. hnllh('f', Alhf'!'l v.. nl~'n~J:r~ . and AI. HlrSc lmah, \-.~tl{'ntinp bonl:lI fo: wrr" O1,1(1p, I, hr~mf'. H·_· \'.ill IC'[1'..1'1 a.t Fc.rt Urd,

J h,' LrI, i\I.·.,; lind I1arry(£trl-lll' Sunda",' elmn/'r U(Jhtfoi at Fred lNonna Flay I\IPlspn, Donna Rap IC·d. ~ .famdl"s \\d r' SllndFlY Himwr J .Joc!l('ns' wt'r,e thp Gilbert .Joch€'ns Ftmk. Gl'ne C1Tlch. \"{'rnp tTlnch.: --. ' Coming-Gay Theatre-Jfarch. 3-4-5

j gUr';>.IS IIi 11('!' l'llf;fhl'" Jtl, :";'lr· I'lamllY

of Pw}"ce, Ray Jochen.<: D('lores Rtrate and Marn Mann -~iiHiPireifN~'im~'iGiPOirg>aii'ir~i;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~:::~:::a~folic I ramiiy. ;'Mr. and Mr:s. Herman han' theIr ::.;rJ(,j]ln::; WJp"r:; on the Lt, rmd Mr;;, \emll' Broc an

II Tlw En\ In '1·PH'rhl'lll'Y i'tll(,.wm, i. .Jodl("n~.; Mr, ;~nd Mr:s,J Adolph IbulJetm hoard,\\'f'..;II',"" f:trndll": and I l)d~lf' jS',d"w "Jr/Ch('ne; Clnd ("<:Irl Jochf'[J~ andtnd Stlnd:,:. dHlll!'l' :lt

l,'!.L/!';l;farIiiI Y .(JfNlJrfOlk,'!TheGeo.wag - Pf"lJ..,",PRt'.fuMnPl!ChllTr'h. WE9RE GOING FORWARDII

nf>/"s \\"I'r~ supp.'r ~Ut~st!" IRC'\' C H RI"dp~(·!

:i'lr ;u I. '.1 J"I~I'~ 'Trllm,m :\!;lny i:ltl('nde tlrl.f' wf'-d~ing ('hun'h "('n~('l's ;It Sunday:\-1)"- \, \\' of (brIef' of MI'. and, r.S"Cha.<;, Kan- school at IfJA:!

1)]";1.'<lI11 rfll, 'i~.'.j,.d ;11 \\';1. n~. ;Jl.Illl.1- i !:'r, ~r., O.f Plf'l"c.e'f,IIFrbruar.y .1.~. 0' . ~hp you_~g fWOP!p'" .('1'1.<;~ sang... (ni " 1hi" \\.{' , ,King s park In No oJk. Mr;. Kan· fnr Nlrs, (alii :'\llrn]-,l'r~ and Mrs,

\lr :lr,d :'\lr, l.rtl(,-t FI'Tlh:/, nt· If'" JS tht· formpr June Tlmpf'rly. :Ld, Fuhrman Sunday.

~~'~~~I;'(; J'~!II1JTI1!rt~~!·I'lr..~;~;~'\;:,I,'.f'~.~,T.\;,~:~,TI~h~,()~~~t,:~ll~I:ll: m::-d ll~:~tn~~ E\.an~elkal Chnr('h.

\ ,iT",] :'\1r 1'(1. (\ (;·I!·;io'r'" Drdtk(' ffip1iliE's llf ~orfolk. Mr, iReY. Ezra H. $"hl. pa....tor)\11'. and 7, I.l. AtlTrlll .l;,t.l.c.;(,n. nf., ;Jlld ::\In. Henna~ Buss, Mr. and £.ible >-chool a1 10 and dJvine

;'>.:'-',rj,-,lk. :\1 "'i J"r! \\'111(,nll(·r?! ;";nL 'Herman Net zke. Mr. and wi-Jrshlp Cit 11. ;-";:0 E''.'t'ning sen:.Arn.(lld IF1'-.'.1 ;tlvl J.~,r.J1Y \\'('T'("~. ;Vu·s, Herman. f'uJ . Mr. and Mrs: lees

I ill r;u;o Sdm it'" !\lron(f;I\' , IE. (I, Bphmer' w$'E" Sunday {'ve· ,'\-'omen's, i\lis.sionary society IThe F. (l. )chn1f'r,'" :l~d Llnnj', ning guests 10: tJie Gus Schmidt mppts Thursday aflprnoon \,'jth I

Rf'hm(TS '0':,' '(' at FJ'/'d FI'f'\'I'ri'~ i hom(> at cards B.nd luncheon. :-.trs, Wm. Rottler in Norfolk. \Vpnl'ar \\·aynpj'rU(",..:day 1:J~1: wp"k i HI'\', and Mrs. ¢. H, Sohl went f'~~re"s apprf'cialion for thf' many;]nd a1I"Il(j,-, j 11"11' A]f.r,,(j: SydllV:1 to Seward \VC'dnE$day 10 visit in ar1lclf-'s of \\'('ann~ apparel that I,..;;tlr' : t hf' '}J('nry Sohl h/:lme. Thursday, were hrf1ught 10 church the PCl~t

Th,- ;11 j HI'''', Sohl attpndEid a church f'X- --~.~----,---

rllnrl"l' tlw:t('n::!nn hoard mpl!'tmg at Mur- (I

f(('uh('tl I I!rwk Thf' Soh1.s j\.iSI1f'd Harold(.lw'I'n rlr.: Link." in Lincoln Th.ursda~·' flight I( JIll;l!l:l. I ;lnd reI urnr,(j Fnd ly

Thp Ld II'i/'r1II>nry :It)'d P.,'u-I AIrs. Minnip r, us.,'" ('.alh~r" in· 1


!ll'n I'll]" f:l ,Inri J)'('~i(' S~~ clud('d Mr. and rs. Aug. Speng·1

'i~._••••"~••--I·-I'I-·I·_·I'-I-I·I·"j""'--J-a-·iI-t.·-1'1-.I-II--I·~~.--i'i(i'Oi"i·i"i"i"inid~--i"i;~i··il-'i"i·'li~~i~;i'·'i;i·~li"i"i~I~~:~'r;'(f:~,nl't~p~,ll~~lS1~~.,~t'Bi:II~~~(;1III I":: r;l1I .... (', Mrs st If'f LO\\TY of I, ! :":nrfl)lk, Mr<., . ·;d Wlttl'nhf'n:: Of. 1 II

Arlmg-lon. Mrs~ --I rman Bus.". :\1rand \1rF-. (,ha", F hrmCln and Ar·Il'l1r,'. and ;\lr~ r eSl Puis,

Among 1hnsf' ! ('Iping :\1r. anr:lAIrs. Frank K. n ~ of 0or.folk, ob­serve thclr gol £1 weddmg Feb­ruarv 14 wen' ]\- r. and Mrs. ErnestPUls~ Mrs. Lou sa ~tratc, Emma.Ernest and Wa te Strate. thC' Er­win and Reube uls families. Mr.and Mrt. Lloyd PIs, Mr, nml Mr;:;,Emil P~Js and " Sam tHtich.

ArnOT)g call("r f t Clydf' Wil5wn'swer(' MrK Ed, G ('en. Mrs. Fred,J()ch~·n!oj. Mrs. d ~:in !vI('ierhenry. i

Mrs. 'IElsie Man k . Mrs, Peter Ul­rich of :'V/inside rs, Gus Martenand B1<l.nch,', r, am] Mr:". R A\V<ltson of Atki s n. Mr. and ;;.Tn;l\lanley WiJso 1. Mrs. HermanNeitzkc. Miss na Schultz andMrs. Aug, Mei nry.

Mr. and Mrs. H rry Bruntu']5 of

Randolph, Mr, an Mrs. Frank She-rry Bros ProduceMarten, Ernes olloth family.. .,Fred Brumel5 fa Uy. Mr, andMrs. Ernc~t P 15, Mrs. Erwin Ul- Phone 206rich, Mrs. Reu n Falk and Mary,Mrs. SamuE'J tIlri ~, Mrs, LouisaStrate Visited ~Tr" August Brum·('Is Sunday. Olrp la~ week call­prs welle Mrs, Mi nie KrausC' andMurgcrb-·, Loui."lt <ljng(".nhrrg, Mrs..

.~;~'~~h ~:~~.,,~: Ir~t;~~~:lt. Bf>h-

I, I

Page 4: Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · p~GES l'.~~e-s 1 to 8 LD 16 ~t.'dit)n One "'----__...J 'I'f I HE I ~----'----Receives


Classrc: cardigan suit,back again by request!Dress it up or down-it'sa suit wdrdrobe in one.All wool shetland inSpring's new colors. Size5


Wool suits designed inthe new manner, withwing sleeves, tiny waists,the "rounded" look.Beaulifully lailored in100% wool sheJiand.

Sizes 12-18... $2495


Fun for c-one;cOotword'robe is the belted shortie;It tops everything Fromslacks to formals; ; : itdmmolizes the smallwaist, broad shoulders;~OO%wool, sizes 12-18.


~ ... 01 '00" 0"" '"'" "0 do"bf~Fea!ure. There are the ever·

smarl classics, the Chesler~eld

coal and the casual cardigan

suit • ; ; there are Ihe newest

high Fashions, the belted shortie

and the wing-sleeve suit ; ; ;

ond they're 011 here 01 Gambles.

•••• 11

The",Spring- Chesterfieldneeds no introduction,; ;:It"salavorite! The new'46version has roundedlapels, deeper armhole"Pure wool' in lusciouS

colon, Sizes ~i8.4()

[ I


i I . . -1 hl

d I LOCAL NEWS lie R.ewinkle visited in his home of Thurston..Mr. and Nixson!extended to the relatives. A.-::-;.to belie~e? . Really, wh tlis I}ln: f' e- ': LOsh!tLES·i early Friday evening. and three children reeently moved Erickson also attended the funeral


part.Il1.entw.111 give' $5 t r i.Wha~ lt co: .. ld~.ra Th'e Lin'coln' J~rna1 cd:mmis- Thursday. February 28, chicken Mr. and Mrs. Emil Miller and to the former Alfred Lundberg services for his sister, Mrs. Ang-the, bes answer, expr Bsed ln ,no. metre erat~s with 4ngelesfoVer its pie supper at Presbyterian church. Elton and Mrs. Tillie Rewinkle farm from Pender. and we wel- ster and accompanied the Edoff

I l;::,I~~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1than 25 lords_ We wi! ~e the sol J dge. lack 10f SUfism ~ in eontrast: f21tl spent Saturday in Sioux City. The: come them to the community. IErickson family of MarquetteAn~werlsl should reach -us not tat than with INebrask,a rose landscape Mr. and Mrs. Ralph 'Austin mov- men attended the banquet at Ma- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Erickson Ihome and then to North PlatteMarch 10. has more sunny'days per year ed Thursd:t'y to Mrs. Julia Perdue's sonrc Temple in honor of Clinton were in Wausa Thursday to attend where he attended funeral serv-

than' the noisy! california me- farm. ~ Anderson. funeral services for his aunt, Mrs. ices Saturday for his brother.EncOuraging news arne in the ep6rt tropo)is. The JOl!rnal mentions' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stading, Mr, To remind Mr. and Mrs. Ken- Anna Angster. The Angster family Charles. Erickson, who passed

th t th t I ·k d that ~ mid-wes~blizzard recent- and Mrs. Marvin Ruschmann, Ron- neth Packer of another wedding an- lived in the Park Hill conunun'ity away 34 hours "fler his twin sister.Sunday a e s ee snide wtas 0 than. ly vi~ited Los Angeles and per- nie and .Terry of Hubbard, were nivel'5ary a group of rel~tiv':S several years ago and sympathy is I Mrs. Angst('rthat 750,000, workers w u re urn . elr suaded, inhabitants to don ear- spent a social Thursday evenmg m .jobs. So many lines of production I pend muffs and hea{,y flarlnels. The Saturday evening dinner guest." at their horne and served a coopera-on steel that end of the shut-down III en- Journal says: "Californians have F. W. Franzen's for Karroll Stad- tive many other ind,us ries to res rpe or swalloWed thei~ own propagan-' ing's birtrday. The Kenneth Packer family werespeed operations. It i. hoped ~h. ~trike da, ~nd so t~y have built Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bush called Saturday supper guests of Mr. and

fever is generally at an nd, and It I safe ~~~~;~~~~'1~::~;0 f:~i~i~ ~u~~~~ee~e::e~iW~~ ~i~i/~f Mrs. ~~rt~H?I~?e~~ in ho~o;h 0ibet that!strikers feel as d.eePlY.. reli I ed as market in"bat ing suits, often Carroll, and C. J. Perrins caJled ;';irsAUS~i: Ri~~~ T~~ ~rda~as :nother groups. Reconv rsion and econ- weaIl fur C6ats.~ver these." De- there Monday. out-of~town guest.struction have been b gged '!,-'oow, sinc~ partirtg from: t e weather, the Monday evening guests in theearly la~t fall by thou. apds ',hi vo ulntary Journal does little boasting Nixson home were Mr. and MI"'5.idlers, and the public had becorrt~'.c pro~ in this fashion:: "Nebraska. also r IClifford Nixson and family, Mrs.foundly incensed. D'is ppearance Ii the, rates some ot~er titles gener- orthwestW.akefield Virgil Nixson and Homer Nixson,strike nightmare will b 'ng things ut ently ally accorded tf 'ot~'er states. (By Mrs. W. C. Ring) all from Pender, and Francis 1£-needed for civilian u e. It is h, ed a say!'3! H. c. FHfey. It produces venboffky of Belleville. Kan.

d .. t h d j tWica as much ,creamery butter Mr. and Mrs. /}.lbert Sunden andbrighter ay IS JUS a e . I as ali of New F$1gland plus New Pupils at Park Hill school enjoy- Lawrence and Mr. and Mrs. Emll

I York; New Jerl;ey and Pennsyl- ed a Valentine exchange Thurs- Anderson and Alvern were Sunday'§Ya~i iid).~rdci~,lnc~g~~'tl~IX$~'5l:~rr~;teo:r,~u:rnl~cf Not in many years ave there e~n so vani~. It raisd as many chick- day. dinner and 'supper guests in theIslx mOD h~ 1

75 e(ln fol' three mbnths. Oti~sld~ coun many sales of rural and town prope es as ens as does tThe whole Pacific Mr. and Mrs. Wallac€' Ring vis- Joseph Erickson home to help Mrs._~tlea men ioned: $3;0 pel] ¥.e r All PllYllble" n a vu;nce, there hav~ been in ree nt months.: ,rices coast; more hogs than tht> 11' .ited Mr. and Mrs. Art Meyer Mon. Sundell celebrate her birthday.'I. ". h"rsa 'y, February 21, 19.!i6~', are high, and doubtle's those w d sell, states west of it; mOre cattle day evening. The Leo Schultz ·family were,I


h' I th h h k P r: bl than: the great range states of Mrs. Ernest Packer went to Sunday dinner guests in thc Vir-' , ' TIONS fl thO tIn' ey ave reac e a pea, 0 a y M t d "_I d Th ' d fLIck' IN RIM.It'!A. ew I.e thofle who buy, have a ecling they! ill go on ana an L.D ora o. at s Sioux City Tuc!iday to visit rl~la- gil Eckherg home an a ternoon I~ ',' ~' : -. andt~st Inl Washmgto.)) the pa~~ higher. "Wl}ether perso s who reU e from ~:~~~:alik~~~c~~,~te there is ti~~ea f~~r~~~~· Wol!f>r family ~~~~St~nh:l~e~~;~ne:n~ta;J:~

'I. Q'Ul S wee. oV,er ~he I.cke~..PauleYdlp.~h farm Jife or who rna e to dista t farm Th I '. h delle Blattert celehrate their.1 " den ,'. Tr.~ InomlnatI~nof E w~~ areas w~ll be S' tisfied only;rqxpel"- W:?t~r U~~~~Yho;~~nIng In t (' birthdays. I

I W. ,p~lleY. as~aSS:iHint se~retaIW of t . ience wIll uetermllle. \Vhethcl~ o~c who day eVf'ning lust week vi,c;itors at Mr. and Mrs. Cleve ~vturphy of As ai farewell courtesy to the!In~vy OUH~~ a qld L. Ick~s, then sech.. I sells in town to reloc, te elHewhert i.<oJ;' to Frevert's. Belden were Friday dinner gupsts Weldon Mortenson family who't-ary 0, the, 111 er .dr~ to testIfy before t ~ get away from hard r utine will ItlWr in- +-, of Mr. and Mrs. Ern('~t Packer. will mow from this community,,se.'llate',1 n.~v.a.I . 0 m."I. ee ·that .pa~.leY ~a,d! cremw cOlltent or \vill f ellike kiCkq,J. g him- To \\'C1l4in" Rire~. The Clarence Woller f8miIy close neighbors and frwnds came'appro 'c e,d hI • It the suggestIOn ~had~ self, is another ques ion imposs~b:le to Mr. and Mrs. H. \V. Bergt. Mr. were Sunday !'iupper guests in the to their home Friday evening for$300,0 () ~:p ca;rhp ~gn~UndS could Ibe rame, settIe in advance. i: [' and Mrs. ~rt ~olters, Mr. and Howard Morris home at Carroll. a social time. The visitors servedfrom 1 en if t e g vernment would not .-----0 Mrs. Elmer Bergt a.nd Jacquie, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Olson '~,::, tidelan IS il title. suit~ Pauley . '* and Mrs. A. F. ~ergt, Mrs. Roy were Sunday dinner guests of his I Mrs Jess Brownell was in theI

'd'! ': ,..misrn ~rs~ood and wa's mistak- RepublIcan Founde ~ day lag iweek Daniels and Jerold, Miss Flora and mother, Mrs. Mary Ol.son a. nd Miss ' Oscar·JDhn~o~ home MOnday. ~ft-..':.~·T e:P~.hO w '8;Ickes' resign~tion, and W~R a ge~-togethe~ occ SlOn for sta e1.,. lead- Miss Clara Bergit were in York Ida. ernoon to VI.<;Jt Mrs. Henry Erick­

II~.',he' re ':U'd' sep,re.t ry''i'- .sharpl';{-worded ex- ers: ActIve c.andld, ates for gover .r a!1d Sunday to aqen~ the .wedding of Mr. and Mrs. ErnJi MJllf'r and son and Nonnan of Aurella, la.1I I,; ~ "'I U It d States senator roused spe,pal In Miss Mildred Mueller and Walter Mrs. Tillie Rewinkle visi' .... d Mr. ,Norman is home on leave. coming,


Plan 'to t e oun ry:. .. n e ~. ,"" , ." 11 I. .~ Brockmann of ~t. Louis. Miss and Mrs. Wm. H. Meyer Thursday from Seattle. He has recently been I

'! poin eTf.!n r1tU.::isJo~~.k~~,~n ..t~ ~l:ti~~~ ;:'~~~~i~dl ~:t~r~~~lf~ o~~tb;;,::~pt~~.' tl~. i:~~l~e~~~ granfldaughter of Mrs. ('v;;~.g·Clarcnee Wolter. attended st~l:ed~be~in~JatehfOrd was I[

:' ment 'e. p 'esiden anld ~ckes contra.. the stature of well- ~Ian.ced. ~tUrIty. ~ a shower for Mrs. ~('rmlt Turner hostess to the Park Hill ClU.b Wed-,dieted e' ~h 0 her. 'he fo::mer secretal7 ~e~ator H~gh ~utler, ho m ~~ktnlg~for a Sunday afternoon In the Clare nesday afternoon when all mem-

II' emplo etlJ:Ibs r ustgm~tY aCid lan¥,uag~ In second tel "I?' has t~e dvantage 9~, ~oth Walter horne. . . bers were present. The time was'I'ha'ndli '1fltne c isis a:nd for the fIrst tlme farm and CIty experJcn e. He knows farm WIL UR M~. an~ Mrs. Ben. Lund .J0med ~pent. in visiting and Red Cross','!. 'his ';blic ca eerth~ was able, on accorunt values, an<;l underfo;tan s what a .I,furmer (By Staff C rrespondent) relatIves In the Paulm: and CJar- sewing. The hostf'5;S served at theIi ~~ the: public interest invol~ved, to ,gain needs to InSure larg st prospelJ~J{ and enee Hypse home for Sunday dln- close! of the afternoon. Mrs. Ther-

: J.,p.opul t~ BU.. ppo -to . greatest content. ner and supIX'r. J d on Culton will entertain the club' 'j, I I", ~I • th 'd Jt d' l' d 0·- The Lloyd Du klaus spent Sun- J"mMmr·"eanadndM~ddi~ssLi~~o.:nrgellwa('~(' in March. .·:'!\.:":~:::':oI.'i ' c: es says e prest en lSC aHpe , . day eVening at ussell Beckman's. d] d

\rt:~.':;.{rte,ed an investigl'ati,on by tt

hejustice.tdt e- opI.nA"onreocnenctonGg'arellsusp,'on ,olla! (,ste"onnSintoK.'r' Psutbrllcict Mrs.. Emil Bra er spent Monday SAundday dinhner guests in the Ernest guSe~~ ~~ th~m~~n ~~sons~~~

;.'..~.-'>'.·.'.·.partm nt of. au .ey s sena e,. ee e n erson orne.b h t d h d~"'4 afternoon with rs. Will Hansen. Mr. and Mrs.. Kenneth Packer v,,'cre her. parents, ;VIr. and Mrs. G' . t tOm' sug"etted y t e re Ire unions and prevent str kcs s owe ~ per '"

: e~ 1 ,ny, as P. I Mr. and Mrsjl Leslie Phillips and ch,'ldr,'n w"r". ',n th" 11."'n H. Schnlf'r of Bancroft. Mr. and'I ," t r It·[ doub ful if sufficient Tru' 'cent in favor of doing s . It was fo, d the " , ," tt~~~~~tt~~~d~f~J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_.1 secre '. Y'.' 18 '. - "'..(Te in Randol h Saturday eve- Johnson home' Fnday e\ocning for' Mr::>. L8wrence Johnson an a~-man S l?port can bel arraY,ed ag~inst .the not again:it rganized lal~or, but Ding. lvalyn's birtl1day. ily of Pender and Herbert SchDier.opposi jOl1 to secur~ Irauley ~ conflrmatlO~. against a wholesale tiEl-Up of indu~try. as The Rudolph Greunkes spf'nt Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lc>ssman. Mr.

l'l·perha s th.e easiest ~'ay out for t.he pre~l- has been experienced 0' late. Sunda)' evening at Wm. Racher· and Mrs. Theron CultGn and M.<l.r- ,.--.;'--------------------..:-------------1:, dent o~d ha~e bee~ ,to persu~de Pauley -~---'O--l-.-- -".~ baumer's. jean spent Sunday evening in the ~, to wit draw hlmselfl as a candidate. But In explaining that Henry Waillace is Mr. and Mrs. ohn Dunklau vis- Mrs. Minnie Miller home. G

·!!'eviden ly the president preferre~ to run the only left-winger re aining in t~e cabi- ited at Herhert E htenkamp's Sun. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blatchford1 the ch nce of defeat•. The. result IS nQt re- net, the Norfolk Daily News predictS that dayallernoon. entertained at Sunday dinner and'asSuri g for ~he ,adlministration. It will Wallace 'will take to he stump fbr left- lona Dirks Of oleridg~, college supper Mr. and Mrs. Don MaskellI increa 'e difficulties which had already wing congressional ca didates th~A, Y,ear, student Rpent th> week-end in the and famliy of Hafting-ton.I becom tough.. , and thus put himself i shape to cast his Max A~h home. Mrs. Alhrrt Stpuhc an_d Loyal

~ ~ hat into the presidentia ring in 1948; Mrs. Charles un, August a'nd ;~: ~;~a~O~dr;.~'Y:~~~~:C':~~~~~[I.. 1 Mi' isters(apd qthe~!5,~p~akgli~l.. Y ~f sin. ------0 Carl Thun calle. Sunday evemng 'i,n the Kenneth Packer homC'.,What as conSidered·Sillful a half. century The boy who lea es home PI1 the at Herbert Thun . v Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ErICkson'iago is spft-pedaled ot freated indifferently ground that he wants 0 live his own life Mr. and Mrs. ·enneth Dunklau 'and children were Friday evening[today. "Remember the SabbatIi day to usually gets back befor he becom~s hope- and June Gay w re Sun~ay dinner 'guests in the earl Sundell home to

Ikeep i hqly." How does one do that" Go lessly damaged, He oon realiz~s that gU""Ls at Lloyd unklau s. 'help him observe his 'ch rch and thenl sit in a cotner and home advantages und ympathies abound Mr. and Mrs. sHe Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Packer and

k . nowhere else. daughters of Al n, were Sunday :,the Kenneth Packer ffl.mily enjoy-m~ml~ ize Itf~e \~~11tPtm:eSk?f !Jr

dt; De a rldke ---0- .._~,~_ ... dinner guests at Will HansC'n's. ed birthday supper with Men\'yn

or p tf, go. ISl a SIC flen. 0 wor 1 Mr. and Mrs. iHerman Echtt'n- 'Packer Sunday in the Lel.'inus1 on the eXCUse one is just getting an ox out One who offers def "nce ahead of any- kamp and famil* called at Ru- !Parker home.

I,of the Uitch? Is tb.!nking evil thoughts a thing to defy, is just onstitution, lly un- dolph Greunkc'~ Suoday artrr-' To help Hans .Jensen of F.mrr­, sin? ovetousness corrodes consdence, but suited to get al'ong agr eably with fellow- 11oon., son ohser\le his 84th birlhrl.<l.Y Mr.

'j'. ".! .is it a much of a sin as oldsterBlwelre led travelers. I Mr. and Mrs, ~ohn Posl <lnr! Mr. anr! Mrs. Emil Miller and Mrs. Til- >

r anrl Mrs. Lelanrl ThomflSon and _"_______ __.~",i"I' I. , sons spent Sundn In the Leslie:F,i.·.i.I'.·"i,I' ,,; day Sun(lay With a cooperatlvc dm- lunch III he Roland Chflse homt> Phlillps homeB nero In Mornm sJde, Saturday after· Mr and Mrs ~Jllald BlcC'ke and

~. and Mrs Mome Lundahl at· noon I sons were at W, J Lutt 5 Saturdaj

y rs M B Willian) ten cd d. bndge party at C R Mrs A Anderson, ~arold and evenmg The L tts were at Otto. . . Mit hells III Allen, last week. Mildred elson were a ng those Lutt s Sunday e enmg.

'~""-+"""'''''--''''---'I r. and Mrs. GIlbert Carlson and who enJo ed an oyster supp<>r In Mr and Mrs Otto Sahs wereThe ussell Parks ~amily spent ~o on of SIOUX City, were Sunday the Nonn n Anderson orne Frl- guests En the I 'c Reed home one

Sunday in the Jack Parks home. dm er 8;nd supper guests at Harry day event g d day last week ohn- Ahern calledThe B Killion ~amily spent JohQson s Mr an Mrs EmJl R dgers en- at Reed's Tues ay afternoon last

Thursd y' ev~mng In t~,e Roy I:Iolm :Mr. and Mrs. Marvm Felt were JOyed a arewell partyj In their week! home., q'" IB-m~ng those ,who he!ped Rosella home Fr' ay evening.! ~eighbors Sunday last !"'("f>k callers at: Mrs. arie 'Rodgers was a visi-' Jen~en.c~le?r8:te her birthday Sun- brought] nch and prese?tcd them Irve Reed's Mrs. G. J. 1-'.less.~ .tor in the Emil ger$ home da?hev~mg, H:li. . th with a mi or. I S.•1. Benson, Hrrlan VonSeggern'I··sundar : Tho~as Sr~rlckklOn~o~~rc ~:ida; Mr. an I Mrs. Fr.anklin Clo.ugh rind Mrs. ROSCoe] ,Jon('~, the last of

Mrs. ussell Parks visited her eve'in h'elpin' Mr Sherlock cele_[Of Emers n, were gu('sl~ for Sun- Carroll. . .. , in the ho~pital in Sioux b i. ~. b' th~ . day dinn r in the Moni~ Lundahl Saturday evenmg dmner guestsCity F iday , ra ,e iDS Ir Id aB

y,· h d S d' home. Th )mas Sherlock Iand fam- at lrve R('ed's were Mr. and Mrs.

'" , Mjrs. 0t:'a I. elt an an 1a . f I h r Otto Sahs Mr 'mel Mrs. FredG.' E. Johnso~ . :etu:ned home speryt Friday e~ening until Sunday Ily were.1. erc or u~c .! . Vahlk"am ., and' M~. ;-lnd Mrs. Ros-

Sunday after vlsltmg 10 ,the J. J. noon in. the G~orge Jensen home, Mr. HO{ Mrs. MonlC L~ndahl flC- J P fellKilli,on orne the past ,wejek. DO~ld Beith came Sa~urday night. compani('( ~.Mr.. a~d MrS.J'ln.... in .';e- cO~r.~nL~ ~ra~r)~~g· and Mrs. Al-

The eubcn Holm family helped . 'r. and Mrs, ~omc Lundahl, t('rsOl~ 10 IOUX .CJt~ Sal rc~ay. llw bel"l I"uoss spent Wcdribsday aft('r~RoseliaiJensen celebrate her birth- Mr.. and Mrs. Irwm Peterson had men <ltt~! ded d banquc~ at noon noon last wep!{ at Lloyd Dunklau's.

I ~n~al~1I Ii ard SecretarY'jAnderson Mrs, R~ssell Beckman and children'l,p, . ~ spent Thursday afternoon at Dun-!

M,r.. and M~~. George J nsC'n had klau's. Mrs. KenCleth Dunklau and'as VISitor.. thIS week: Mr; and MI"S, June Gay called st Dunklau's Fri-'AI~red M ·ers, Mr. and' rs: Frank day afternoon and the John Dun-'Belth, M . and Mrs. Mi me Lun- klaus called there Saturday e\'e~

~~l,a~~r ~~ ~~~r~~ H~~~~: ning.Mr. and v1rs. Emil Ekl berg, Mr. I;::::::::::::::::::===::';:::::::T::::E=::::::::::;:and Mrs. Ed. BOkemper~'and fam- RUSSIANS VO .ily, Mr. a d Mrs. Earl Singer and Russia's first national elec-children nd ele of So til Sioux tion iry' eight . year's was pro-

City. ~~~i~~e~, ~ho~~~n;R~rf> ~:~s C~n~;--._-..__._-- one set of candidates in the

fjeld, and those who opposed theT 'TON4', regi\l1e, had to scratch the tic·L ket to express themselves. Time

b magazine mentions it as theS ff corr~spond~nt ''biggest" most meaningless clee-

II ;'----1-----7-....,.-= II tion on earth." But Candidate

~Joseph' Stalin made grateful

Mr. an Mrs. Albert reenwald acknowledgment just as strongcalled S nday aftern in the as though 9PpOSition had bcenJohn Re g home neal' I skins. possible. HW~~i$?ch praised the

M.r. an Mr.s. Bruno S. Ii.ttgerber soviet gove~l1}ent as the bestwere din er guests in the Wm. in ~~l,? wort~r1in~ expressed fearStark ho e at Stanton ,Sunday. of ~pit~1i~ .crfl,sroachments, ap­

Miss arcella Stark df Stanton, parently @yerlooking the force::-pent Sa urday eveningliand Sun- offered by cap~ialist democracyd~y in e Bruno S.Hlittgerber in saving it f m defeat earlyhome. ;!!in the la te war I' In bragging to

a d Mrs.; Valeri~s Damme his people" Stalin told how Rus~hters and Mr.:]and Mrs. sia would go JQrward and sur~

littgerber weW supper ~O~ldotph;:pa~t~oi' ~~e~ai~;:

I lb;;;~:'Gf,;~t~eek FridaYliin the AI- I~ald home. eventuality. The nited States.ildred Peters r turned, to most resourcef~l country in the

11- -',-,-'-' -"TUesday eve: ng after world, has beeni g60d enough to

.·•. ll.t~;;j!~~~;~a week in the eorge Pe- pour men jand '.lI~ons in money, DIP into the Oefe~ of freedom at, W~s . e ore eters of a m;sterltlc.·a uncture, Russiapent last week nd at Pe- ,has queer w.: .of showing.ap,preClation, Th World-Heraldsuggests "deal1 g finnly. b~t


, Fe~~a;io~s.u~rl,·· .......: '

Page 5: Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · p~GES l'.~~e-s 1 to 8 LD 16 ~t.'dit)n One "'----__...J 'I'f I HE I ~----'----Receives




S l - ,wan 5

, .

AI'PAUEL rtt1: MEn


En~~~~~I~~U~;lhW ]\11S' Lr)'-

r::, i\1l:- ..: Oui, J....ot,..l'- ancl\1!,-·· I"\" !{Ol)ert" enr('t-taln"! am' r v; clul, Tu!'~-

d<l-' <',;cnm;:: I,!'" \.v":,,k \Vhen I\1r:Lll~\ ~ ..."J' ]\1,- L;-j\,m;J Hlitorelm' illr-· .'-1I' I :.-an·, piannoc; pp­

;"'~:dJrjn1'.'n' ~n( ~rout' atT",nCi"(i f 11'! n"j;, I)"ll'~ilt ;:<1IT1£': <JT:(:

r"tunlfC t, tIl' \\·omer.' 'Clur,rOlom (0- IUW·tlPOr. 1\11S;-' Bonn!'I:U~,"" ',I'" TJr<"~lden; r)ecam~

IJr<:'~ld'~n' Ie, "uc("~P(: 2\lJs.- 1\lar­~., MeC t..:]lOU;:1 v;m, wa:-. mar­'!'"I"(, SOnaa'. ~\ dmner l~ plannedF "oruar\ 1t a' Hot~i il-lqrrJ~on

i\1, iU~T1<'t1i" Fou;:;: Nbs:, f!-'2'r­D!f" Lan;!~nllnn:: J\11~~ VlrgmJ<''~;drL 1\11.'0- lrm,~ Bad: 1\11.<;,f"l\Jl"n Iprn"; 1\11<;' TJrJrI:'1(""lf\';"1 i1nrl j\lL'i j;1~1' :'\oval:J,.I\' tna,;,' '"fn' pn,;::;ran. wil'I" II '1Ilar;!' n' j\11' HIlII Hi\"t:.~j,,,c rLI'_'ano" Ln\';an! aml 1.\115:J\~I"n'! Hnlilfl

Altok 1st TT Luth. Churt'h.R<'\: () r.:. 5;::nJ>.:cn; pasto:" ,

I..ngjj:sr .'':':IT"''IC':";' a' ~'i... Tr., F,~tr

rU~'~r,d:-JI'eht>aT.:>a a: ~, 1) Jr.. Fel.­,lla-' :..11

TII,,-,,IJhllu" 1,\1t~f'11(~l! (;hurdl IH~' I Iotll"!t,.· pd,JO I

l' I)rfldr\ :!; I

s" ... ~C' r(,.....rm,lTl 1(.l n. Ir..,un d sChno If • n,. I'

1/1 II' snr\lCf 11 ., n(0111

1,In{' \\Or-;;n1f'\',llJ u, I

~tl~fa,.,.... (',funlk Chureh. II H, '. \Vn; K('urn:- 'O<!.'itor I

'F"o uar\" ~M S'!.'xugf'Slmaf' Sun­d.a:. :\hs" 'm v\'~;'"li!" P fl~c.lock, ~on­f('!'isla ' 5aturo;:ty at ,,3U. Catp- I

,ct1Jm' ~mi ~ne(lictlOn aftCT mass. Ii\lonr,ay . th~ Feast of 51. :i\la1-.

th"\', 1hf' Apostle

bnmanuel E\. Lllthc1'aJl Church. I"1(1\ F C lJnctor. pastor' !

S<:'r"r:c~ m En~lIsl' Sunda) ail

~1:Lt:"n:\i~U::l';;~:~t"O.~h:t~~::..'1::11 : ',lU, It' Ill/' church parlors I

Wat hfjl' Lcagw' \vJlJ m~t

'ThursSny al S p m. '

:o~~B~~~.;1;~;~:~~:~~'~t~':UPY Oliver n, Proett. mimster)

Sun ia\', F'l?bruan :.!·1Ch~tl schoo: ifl a. rn. Dr. WIn mm. sUp<"rmtendent.

Jun 0, church. 1] a. m.W ShIP, 11 a. m. Thp sennon.

Ib~ th(j pas-tot", 1:; nPredestination."Then: will lK' mUSLC by quartet and

!organ. .

!Tn;~e; t~t~~~:l :e~~~~~fth t:~~!reI yo th as,guest. The topic: ''TheInfluc cc of the ,Bible in America."

You arP most heartily invited toparti pate m. all lour 'services.

:First~C-'eRev 1to~ p,.~ulldeY, pastm")~Ne ska Baptists are observing­

camp. :M~ll ~ this Sunday.CampI Merrill. I ted at 'Funer· ,ton, i onE: :o~ the ,inest of:its.1tina.:


wnyn 'BBP.lists ".re. jOining. withtheir_ rethnln m lUllS observance.

~:..J ~rl1l F taken in the I

"t junior ChOirltrovi.~thel':---h----\--::""~....~-+~_M"""' ...................~~....~"0W!~- 11-.'



! ""I'WI'


\.\"111 j\j, r <trllar: "I'll'

11m' \', ,j ~ -ii,"n' H dIJJIl!- Hacj

'rtJ~- ~<'\'. m:.. '\-in I: f (uf"\':J1 enJ'~rta" ,'lar~1 '1 \;;tl'!T_\In· '1 ::: .Hool v,d na\'~ tn'prf)~ran 01 .t-~m~rJC<lT ac~

Grac-e- Aid l\leets,Grac" An: m0: la,,' !\\qdll'2.""

I dil~. It' ttl' ('huretl parlor' wltL111':--- Arnol(i \.'"h!l\amT','JHml j\lr~

C<..l" \'I('lo1',.Jr h(}~tes1'te:s :i\lrsAl\ lt1 Tf?mm, i\lr:-t ()scnr J\lanr~lIlfl Mrs Ld HalNr w~t''' guest:­and 1\11'", T<'mml iOlnt~d Rp'.\'.'jl!l~r lIrac]{rtl:-iLck, stlol{'",'-.,1111(1;1) 101" FUll DOl;' "

Acnw in Meetin~.

Vv·ith Mr::.. Gulliver.i\lr :\ T (,ulin"!' \,;a

C',~_ If J\iJn'_'-\" ,:1\11, MOml,l\ afl­",,1"1), \'.·Il"!1 , prf);:;.-an or s~,

"Ilr" ,!To( InY'.'ntJfJ1' prolUdr..-r n:jliT V. (f)-Y"l Wi', nr£'~'-'J1:

• f P' l\j, , I. .Iqnn"m. ,\i,:­'~ol;' 1',"-.1'" ,Inc ;\i, T

'.J j. .\1 ~ :; \' ,'o~t':?!l5at

l"7""ldJrI ALn·'.'1

For Mondav Club.,'\1, -: GJlJ0."J)I~ f'IlH,rLi.llll-

"[ "Ionll,l\ CIUt nl'~ml)cr:- <..lnt:;~u .. ..,. j\lr" .in·" Gau"\.\"f}f)(., J\l()J> .

[:.]' ,l!I'?rll'JOI to: curr<:?n'£ ""'ll' nl,·nlll:;'" Tn' 11f)~t~~ 1'0',"""r; l\l1"' Ie " V, "leI anr. I\lr:

fj':nlWIl \,.l! "nt"-(d!T, ii'

f" !II"! 1llt1,rl' OJ i\lar'l .; H,

111' Illrnl'"

.,.:. .;t- ,;.'

F OT Ruth Wolters., i\it lJll(1 :i\ln l\rl ViollpI':- eJ'-

l<'rtalTJf'(! ttl! fnllowm~ guest5­1 W>o;d'l\ rvcnm~ for l\lis:- RUtilV.nllfn:--- of Lo-. J\n<",.4"cJcs !llls:­l\Orm.l 1\1(':-'Ct i\iorman .Klu<:?l'­de,' l.\'I!s~ lJorJ", Kluender, 1\1ranci !l\lrs LeslH' YoungmeterLeon .l\i"yel J\bs,." Verneid~

r~in:,>'er ,Jeraid I)ilD!cl.s :i\lr andi\l,,, Hnberj Bc-Tgl ami ·1'l.ll.ssLn:-lyn Carbon

LaPorte Meeting.LaPart" mcmbl'r,~ J.Vf~n' enlcr­

tamed last "vf'el, Wedn:e.<;da) nlIh" honw of .i\Irl- S.1 Hale1\11'':: .10hn 'Grimm anc1 !Mr.:, Ed.Sandahl assisted, 'l\ln-; .1 C.Bressler of Pender and .Mrs.Harry Beckner wen' guests. Afl­e1' noon dinner. poem." wer;:" gl\'1:?Tltor roll call ami fi'lrs, Otto Luttand .Mn- Carl Thomsen,conducl­cd games. TnI' club me~ts 1\larch13 \\Ill n 1\lr:; Harry We~t At:-omml tl eL' \viil ,serve noon run­ner.

I '* * .'i·For Mihired -Uunck.I Abrmt ';)0 attended ttip shm...-er1 for Mls~ Mildred .1unek at St.i Paul !Lutheran church iast week! \Vednesday: ntis!" nunck daugh­I tel' of ]\11'. and IMrs.: CharlesI .~TUnC};' of Cq.rroll. \rill bU'marneo.

in t~c near futu"" t GilbeIttsunllllhl. ·sim of !Mr. . MrS.WJu. ~undahJ of 1NDrf\>ll< -:rileshow r wa.~ giVlbY her~moth "'Mrs A olph [Donnan,and a;unts. !Mrs Ike BraghU,

Mrs 1(AuguSt ;p an~rs. DEt.Heltllbld. Mrs. 1\11 Tvm ohameand lilrs AuilUst r en. 11 .B1~~''Jeffrey aISO~SSiS ed. T~blwat 5ses !were Ila. n 'Dorman. Margkret Ann loon anJan e 'Junek Xa 'Jo

sen Ii ~t mIe Jon. dl


Honor Mrs. As


Fm St. Pe.ul At·.~ ~',Iul :\!f' r11' '~nUr-(1i"

~.\ :~-~'C~i~ll~~l~I:, 1"~~1; \'i~:~,;~l~~m~~:~ 1

]\1,,. v: 'F' TtH) ,j', anr j\i,La?/I' 1"'1<',-,''':' I IJ'1".""'!., I~"" ":.J ~' S'~h1jld' lUI( til' Bihb ."IUl" I'

I\ln .'-, L Sam l"!sm iltl(, M, '!.Harolr Gi!C1~~rs f~0\" ;:,1" ttl':'



- I-----+-I----l ..ean, rUcat-"


I 1*'>1


fJ nl ,~t: i','

I,', ,: AS!

iL ;I'" nfJnlfl' tn' n"v

n ~ 1

Pork Cbops, "eT 35c




Page 6: Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · p~GES l'.~~e-s 1 to 8 LD 16 ~t.'dit)n One "'----__...J 'I'f I HE I ~----'----Receives

According to ~cientist!", "it pay,': to feC'(} thf'he:-:t." Scientific feeding' and proper r~lr.l'

will a~sure you of healthier hjrd~ and a~~I­mal:;:;, '\'\-hich in rpturn hring.' mort' pr~d It_.Make SHERRY BROS. PRODUCE rour l~~'!and marketing headquarters.; .


DJstrict 66. I

(Ardyth Johnson, telldlcrpPupils attended the drc~s at

Norfolk Dec~mber 7. j'Those who had perfect .at~end­

ance the past month arf' Jaqquc­lyn and Darr.el Hanson, KatlilC'pnand Madeline Echtenkamp i andBar:bara BartC'ls.

j. ' . '" 11

'1 I'll", ..' {. ". '; . I • I 4.i~ ~~J\¥NE BEBA;UJ. W.A11N~, BRA. A; TUUBRDAY, FEBBlJARY 21. 19411. ,_,. ~

, ,~.

;~ressed ,;,t'h c0!1cUtio~ 'i~ ~he di~y S~turday for ~he dinner hon- ah?, Kay San~ re~~e Mys-' ~und :now totals 593,761. The goall Mrs. J. R. Allen anti Ja;~ Fitch.east. He s~c!'t FrIday Jf.ght ,,~th oHng ~cr.etary Clinton Anderson, I tery of the \Vhite Kmght by Rad~ IS 8290.000. l11he Harrisons '.-isited at Dr. Cas-the Everett Ring famny~ in S oux: 1J8OO tickets bein~ sold. Jeanine: ford. ' MiSs lralane Schulz and Ger- per's MondayCity. t' .1 'l! 'Llundahl accompamed them and! 'Thus far 16 men in district 47 hardt Carsten were married at __0 __--'-_. •• 0

1 Mrs. LQ ~hc~ Fischer land' rs. r+maine~ till Sunday at Lester i hp,ve. been discharged from service, Pier~! February .10. I;V.ow':jw;",,_Lawrence. Ring were ~J11ong five ~'undahl s. They brought her home makmg 16 gOld. stars on the blue ~lI~..S Esther VWagneF ~came the i~QSteilses who setved Jdresh nts a~.d were supper .~ests. ohe on the -servIce flag. b~de, of Herman Hilkeman at I

t Salem church parfors Thur 'day Mr, and Mrs. Fritz Leuders and Ple-rce Tuesday last week.~vening when D~rcas me ers Jerry visited. at R?ll!e Lon~e:s Dl..-tri£1; 66. MiSs Ln,is \Vendte o~ Ponca. and Ie1rtertaioed their' husba'iids t a Monday evelling. Frld,._, evenm~ (Ardyth L. Johnson, teached Haro!d \\ endt of 0VIsner, were isocial time. Mrs. C: R. Ash, who dinner guests were Rev; 9-nd. Mrs. Students with perfect attend- maIT~ed Sunday last week_ Iis' vice reside·nt. of the orga iza- T. J, C. Schuldt. and ~amil.y of ance the- past month include Made-- Thurston, Dakota and Burt Iti'· P ·ded.' Val t' t'f wayne. Faye Sandahl asslsted line and Kathleen Echtenkamp, coun.ty farm bureau members h0ld Ion. presi. en me 0 1 '. ., ' . \-1 F b 19

cd ' with ~ervmg. Joinmg the group Barbara Bartels and Jacquelyn and a Inl'qtmg at _:ICY e ruar:y .was us . M1r. 'to spend the evening were Mrs. Dwayne Hanson. :-'1155 Eleanor Patterson of Em- i'fMr. .:::,.:s. Carl Sundelld Mr. AJhert LJnge and tht- Leslie The 3rd graders are learning the e~ni and Glen Tren::ayne of \Valt- i'!nd,-7dgar Blodgett, Mr.1 and Btudlgan famdy and Mr and poem, Wynken, Blynken and Noel. hill, WPrc maITJ('d rebruary 2.Mrs E W Lpndahl were in. SIOUX Mrs Carl Brudigan and Raymond. The 2nd graders finishe-d the EI~ _~ _- I ~~~~~~~~--~~ son Gray basic reader in reading. I oeAL i\'"EWS

R'h' . IShh-- ~l N--'~'~~-~ N:~aor;~~got~~~Ci~~~~~ i~n~:: ,.lr~"nd ~lrs. Thoma" E ",welrlura I ~ 00 ews in~~::~arje Wright visiterl. 17~/);;:,:::aMc;,~~: ~an~~,V(ek.cnd in

, DI~ Jil, i('a~;;~(r h~;;;:b ;70;~~yDrp;:m~~ I

presid€'nt.: Ed~ar Baird. secretary, Th(eL~~~~~:;;Sh~~d\.e~~:~l at~ 'I ~:'f~~~;~~C'~.n(ia~,lr~ii~~ i~~~~~~~ ISludC'nts who earn~d t~e mo~t: ~ndance for January: Robl'rt, _ Here:s La:.~Tl'n(·f' PJ"f;ck from

paper mo.ney .fOT thC'IT anthmetlc Mary Jean Richard, Donald' and WAN'rED. P' d .. ' kin T. "hl'ars. Wakefle!d. );('h_. ~~l'nl~J IJn'''~kj1tand 'siX"lhng grades were Ellen G 'Ch . F - - all' ~J pm ;. of thf" ;";('hrnska Lin' :--,lo('k h"('d-Schulz, first.; DarreJ] Troutman, ary K?IJ. ,aries Stamm dnd ~1r!'_ Rf"uocn Carbon, (drroll. ers' .4"soci;~'jrm, L:J\\ rronr'p \\'i;j, rJllsecond; Judith Troutman, third. Patty Llhf'ngood. . , ~ thf" Sir)lJ)( ClI) .rrmrkf'1 \\:th a In.;.:rl

. . ,", In quarterly pxammaltoos Mary -- --;-- -- ---- 'I lof fat "tf'C"r.-; wnr-n Ihe PW'Uyr' '~.Supt. Mane Wrlght \Jslted Jean Koll ranked high wilh an av- \\.&!·ne :\larket~, Fe-b. _0. 'snapped. Thp. ST<?i.'p., :L! hr':J,] r;1 ~


last ~e('~,... ,erage of 96. Elaine Libengood (PrIces <;uhj("ct to change) -I·em. 3.vera g.e.. d .L191 poun.. ri::Ro?ert 1. Moses rcal.d l;leJdl by! ranked second with an average of Corn S1.ClO5 scorerl the Tn<lx.;mum" f"T

Spyn, and Darrel! Troutman N'adl 94. Bar1£'y S1.05 price of $17 6::J per hunrln'"rl\"-"l\rlDIAtrict 22. "Rf'uutiful Joc" by Saunders. . A f.arewe.1J p~rty held Fe.. lr 1_ Oats 6;:;c --SIOUX CIty P.J1dio ,~ll!lpl"rr,

(Miss Elfa Miller, f(>ach('~) ruary 1 for Elarne, 0lancy and Pat- -------- - ------~~-.-~Both 1st and 2nd graul:'rs! arc DJr,.trif"..! 32. ty Libengood who are moving .

beltinning neW books in rf"adiog. (Lorrninp Grpenwald. tPDchl'r) ar:ay. Each was presented a gIft,Students in art ar~ making ~now Slurlf'nts having perfect. attend- YiSltOrs mclude Mn;. Lawn'nee I

scen('s and snow men. ancf' for December are Ellen and Llbengood and Larry SwcJgard.The 7th and 8th graders i are Paul Biennann, Don BareJman,

studying about narcs>tics and 1rugs Jimmy Stewart and Anna Marie Dilrtrk-t h~giene class. , ; Downey. Don Earelman and Ellen (Doris Voge-L teacher)

DiKtrkt 84. ~;~~ ~~f~ln~~~~~~~ ~haev~:aar~ per- Je~~e~a;~dNci:~~~i~E' ~~~~n~~(Miss Vel):na Allar, tc,l("heT,I) \\~innt'r;.; in the fwo division perfect attendance the pag! month.

Donald Claussen, Jaml's .lonps spelling confpst were: Upner di- New club officers are Gary !':"?'l-and Joann(> Cudwell had perfr'ct \"i~:inn,' EJlpn Dierm,1nn ,md lr)\l.'f"r son, presid('nt; Jackie Ruh<':<ck. \'ic('attendance the past month.. divi"ion. Anna :vIari(' Down('y. prC'sident: Dai~y Let' !\"elson, '-.('C-

Side." havc bcpn chosen in hfalth For nrt pupils haw:, hpC"n dr<'l:W- n.tary.insf.lCction and will rf'm< th(l ing wintp)' scpnp$ of ~k~t('rs, farms nr,hert Dec Jen"pn and Gf'rald­Ra!TIe until the wepk of Valf."ntinp's and Ip:JfJr-ss frp!,s. Lowf>r grar]C's ine Swanson have had pocrfcC't at­day. The losing hide will t.hen trf"!lt hn\'r: h~r'n making snfJ\...· flak£' d('- t('ndancc so far this year.the winning side 10 a party. sigris. ;,\'ew library book.s, flag, die-I

The room is decorated wi!h :hoys }.;'pwly f"lf"ctf"Q OrfiCPfS nf ftlp lionary and waste hasket ".-pre

~~~Ii~~ISa~~ii~~~t~~SI;;'~n;~~::~~ ~ill/t;~rl~'lJ~t~~J;r;i('!'~~~:if~~;~:', ~~~: ~~~~~~.S('d with fair and program

bl>('n made in art. : I' I/;,r Hir~rman; sf;'CTe1ary. Margaret Kf"nnit Benshoof and GeraldineThe 7th guade is now on rafP in Joan Downey. Swanson won the spelling contesL Qv.·en Jenkin.!', \\-·inside, ;o;pb.. picturpri hr rp \\ 11h 1)._",-

grnMm.mril'::'n· 'foe Allar wa." 0 ,.Isilor DI-trj"t 15. Gloria Swanso!1 was a visitor. \ViJliam :\talmberg-, \'l"ltpd In SiOUX Cl1y r('(,"l'ntly ;"lfl" J¥.. ., u ,i " ... ._ sale of 6:2 mogs he shipped to that markC't from hi" fl'l (\1" 1,0.:>

this month. I (Donna Nplson, teacher) Dldrid 62. averaged :243 pound~ and earned 51:(;5 ~~:~u~~d~~~~~J!SUi'pJ"M{'nlPf'rff'f"t atfC'ndance r£>cords for (June Pearson. teacher) _;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;;..~:;;;;~_;;;_~_.;;;~;;;._:;;;;~;;-;;-;;-;;;_~::..~...;.;;;....;....;.__...;._

the month wpre earned by Rich- I'-;orrna Lee and JO}o'ce Volwiler ..:lrd <lnd RnJanri Temmp, ("Jeora and Daryl Cranfif'ld wpre on the IBnkp\" Marilyn Da:v, Marknf' sl;-jH for 1h(' schqoJ paJY'r. . ''Thun, .Jonn !,:plson, Gladys TC'm- Thl' club p)r>ctC'd O"ryl GrrlnflPld!nnf". F"lhf'r Fuos~, GN"Unke. ,I. prpsident. JoycP VJlwLle~. \'ice pres-IClrollnC' Tprnmp and Tf'udy l'uos'." id('nt, Norma I..f'{' VOIv.llf'r spcre­

Bnol.; n'ports, arC' giv£>n ('aCh;J tary and Phylli~ HHnse-n. rhp~1month_ For PRch honk rpad 11. min- leflde-r. Scrapbook" of hobhl~ ~re

ialul'p hook foldpr if' placed on a! hfoing made. !'forma LeI' Volwllerlrirgf' ('hart. ReJXIrts hH\'C' bf"pn gi\'- is rnakin~ a pillow lop with herf'h this month hy \Vilma Temm£>, huttons. Daryl GTanfield is string-Patty Morris, Gladys Temm(', Mar-, ing his huttons. .ilyn Day, Marlene Thun, Jonn Nl'I- Phyllis Hansen \1,(on the spellmgson, ("a.rolin£' .T('mme, Teddy Fuoss contest, and she and :Korma Lee Iand Dennis Greunke. Volwiler won the health contest.

A Vall'ntine box was made in A New Year's dinner was sen.·ed I

ar!. January 4 to take the place of the 1

["'('rfect .!'core~ in spelling were' Christmas dinner which had to be Iearned for the month by Richard cancelled because of illness.Tl'mme and f{}an Nelson. Part of the procf>eds of 1hp pro-

Miss Mari~ W~ght visitf'rI. gram will be Ilsed for ,an oil stove,

Di~triM 7ft.(OarlolfC' Dillon, pa}ilor)

ThOSf' wilh pf'rff'cl 1It!(>ndancc in Charles A. Petf'rson, 76. Wayne,J,lnual'y arf" I WillArr} Kl<'f'n~Ang, resident in the 90's. died in Winner.J )on;J1d Johll<;on and u'on Chap- Mjss Sophia Paasch. 58. died atm;lll. ?'.Iarlin Tinning's at \Visncr, Fl'b- I

Ilr mw.. j(' Ch)Sli studrnts l£>arncd ruary 3. 1wO/7ds and thP'story of thf' nA.tiQn- Mrs. J. J. Thif'man. 64. rf'sident

al <J~1h('m. Students are also play- df Randal.Ph. 44 years, died MOnday!. .. 1ing word gnmeS, u~ing letters of last week. ,

thp noles on the music staff. ca~r:'itS~nJe,',,:irC"mLoa\;~ie~n~t ~~~~ IThe 15t g~ders finished a farm "" <:: '-. '-.

uni~ in reading' and language. They February 8. I 'also made a farm scene in the sand \Vest Point memorial hospital ~ 0 __~_

table. ~~~wMuIIn ~rd grade language, booklets~' , iifflenlilled "Me" were made. Free- • • IlllII - ..hand j:llustrations were used,

i':.·· .::.::The 5th graders al'f' making freehand health posters after studying

te;;I~~ f~ tr~d~a:r~;~~~tiC cIa" •• B kYo'ur Chi-~ks Now' worl,ing with geometric figure,. :: 00 . .. • .5.5'

All gave for the March of Dimcs.! ••

~ ,=: ••I: (Joyce~a+~;,2;;aCher). ;: Our choice dates from March 15 to the last of 55: Students bavirg perfect attend:: are rapidly being solei out. If. you wish chick~ at thlS ::• ance the past month arc qjarle •• bl t d te" ••: Gildersleeve, Arthur, Arlen~ an:: time, we have :;;ome chicks avalla e on cer am . a ~ ••: ~:~w~~s';,":.e and Larry and Ron 55 ... but don't put it off, order them now so you WI!! be 55

Arl~ne Gre-ve, IGlenn Longe~ Dor I '... ::

othy Nuernb4rger and Ronald I:: sure to get them. ..Sampson won Ute spellins conte~ !.. ::

Betty Longe, 'Arlene and How-:: U. S. pullorum CODtro·IIe.d ::ard Greve had perfect health.. ••charts for the month. I j:: ::

Betty Longe and Ron.ld SainI>-! •• All our Purina Embryo Fed Cbicks are from U. S. P,:,llor- ••son each tf(>at~d the teacher a":4 :: ••.- Controlled flocks, which insures you of th.e fmest, ••pupils to candy bars for l.hel~.. - cit' k 11 k ::birthdays. , ,:: sturdied chick5 you can buy. These Ie S ';1 rna e g--" t

Pnper dolls docorale the walls. •• uno<! layers this 'fali when you can sell high prIced eggs. ..The Busy Bee club officers 3:: - .. t

Betty Longe, president; How.. ==Gre"e, vice president: Ronal,:: Chick Supplies :: fSampson, secretary. Each member _: ::was appointed Ii. special duty. i:. d Oil B d Peat Moss ••

First grade students are making •• W·e carry a complete line of E.lectric an roo en ... " d Feed- ••.ABC booklets. All other students :: H Litter" . 3 & 4 gal. Chick Waterers ••• Galvanize ==arc making bealth posters. Som~ •••• ••• y-g~ • D ft Sh' Ids Thenno- ::will be sent to the faIr. 1.. era .•• Stove Pipe ••• ~tove Pipe Caps. •• ~a Ie F • ". '1 and ••

• Mrs~ Emil ~ve and Merl'.. meter.a ••• Wafers, HEor all brooders" ••• Corldene • ". unJo... ::

=were visitors. ':, == many oth'er items for :rout baby chicks. ••

• ,- =: ==• Disb,"ict 47. •• ••:: (Mrs. Ray Agler, jr., teacher) •• fllDS ==

, : FupUs have.,be<~ ,reading ,boOk ;= - ••• from tihe Wayne,library. AfJ;er ,th == We expect .t'0 take care of f-eed requiremen.15 for hBaby :::. :student gives a Q~k report, he r. •• I H t ery ::• cci\:es ,a colored flOg of paper. Thl :: Chick. that have been purchased "at the Co son .a ~ I . ••=he- pu~s on ·his chain of riQgs... Pt~ce your order fl"oW for chicks ... Don t e ay. :=.' 'The '7th nnd 81h geogra,p!ly d. :: ••:: 'has fiQished th, study of Euro •• ;; '==

S.upplies 5:an~i~~~';,dB~bdC,";g~::''turn~dre 55 ,C~lsOD' Bat'chery 55I ' . • centlyl from a trIp to Cahforma. := ••

I= Varner VJctor ha~ had ~rfce •• .~' ::

' , ! t i hi. ! I, : :at~~~~C~ahn \va. a~ vl~ ii ~ , I! . -", I, 214 S MAIN ;';: ::

a F .., ·itor. .. ,,( PAONE 134 I _'.11

11I : wf i:' ~ -il~:fdt~~ir~~.ii~~:II \' ,2::

I I • the teacher. L j -I i' WAYN


NEB :' Janet Louise Ramsey read ~b, , , r' · PintQrony

by rrney, Larry Emf'I ~ ~ 'I-. I. 'I. - , .. I .. ~ • ad ndy Jac on, Boy Soldie J

19i~miiliiiiili~jlii~@i~~i~mj~~iIi~I[,Ii~nm'I!,."!" ······I'·'·~~I' I·~··I·II·~·~ II·········,";~··I~·'\'~·I••~..."I··· • ••• Ire 1I1I ' c.'..•'';, ·j.o. ,,,t!l. iiln~lliiHit:i!iIViJj~ :1''t.;,:lt till III 1, 'I JIIII I I "~ I I J I~I.. • .. ,t,,_,:.~~~,"',,;'_:"'1 ~",:""


!' ! r.~~ts, rire were']Nisp fri<jal\ i?~ei'&fedt§f I.' ;ne 15 .for ren~~n({'rs. C. L" ra and· and rs: Henzw :S-

f supper glN, Thurs- r;novin there: S~',\!~Uifsqn"s,· observ- after on with'e birthday, l .lUng, ,

I "rifant s~n : of the Mr. and Mrs'i JJa n1?~s. was ba ~,zed at were erc from i~l:I d~~ ;morning s rrice ~t to se Mrs. Jaclf" '~:!a:s~ ~~~C~i dhcr and ~:~~~ S~dSh:~t!~~n,

a tt wer~ in the Em IIRodgers favor ble. They caU

o d F id~Y evening fo fneigh- Olson IQO f ewell piu-t~., Sun ay di!tner !andj ~. od rs. Roy PIC:, on were in th Dick Samdagu ~s ~If t e John Grosk, th home Mr. a d Mrs. Gusrri ~y rye in!? and spen I ~turday four ons of Amm,~v ~ng ,at Shirley spra9'~ s. Art nnscn R.nd: Ca.;i _ ural S ciety member, and a vcr ,J hnson, Mrs.fe ¥uests went to the R d Cross also isitcd there. :TO s to few Tuesday aHernoon. " J... 'C.'.o.'e perativ· luncheon w~.'enjOyed. T~~ LO.rel1c~ and' raul FIsc~eri r, and Mrs. Art Iforg and famJll S (mJoye~l 1 .coop:ratlve

~a ghters, i Mr. and M~S' James lunch on an? socIal tIme In theh Ji1bers~'nd Donald w re dinner Mrs... K. FIs~her ~.Ime Saturday

'.in supper guests in the ,Lawrence c;:em g, comphmentlpg Pvt. Gene

~' a l*on ho e Sunday. F lSC~ r ~ho l('f~ S nday ,at the

d Roberts is Jnpoying ~: stin ,ing, .whose p4J1ent.s are t.erm: ~tlOn of hIS f lough.0: Ith,S ~eave in 1he p~tcntal Ray n lahO~ CIty for a N ek, was MI: and Mrs. Helgren en-~ ,~rtS h 'fl und~:y inner guest hi he Law- tertal ed at sup Wednesday.n.~ be ~o.l~~ei..onre family spen.t te ce Ring hom.e. His bf h.daY of eveni g for Mr. a Mrs. OscarWe esday evem g in the Albert Sa urda'Y as observed'i Peter. on, Mr, and rs. AbnerKn Ion home. I: 1'. and. Mrs. W. C. 1 ing- and Pearg n, all of W ne, Mr. and

rs. ~..harlotte LU.ndahl was a .M reel we t to Sioux c~. Satur- Mrs. yron Heydo d M;, anddin e~ llefrt-in~le E J Lundahl' '~a, to me Merle, wh f'tl.,Jrned Mrs. arl Helgren akefleld.h- I' Sgl 'il ' . ro I For~eavenwortn, here he Mr. and Mrs. E Olson and

() ,,~~cays Ie of Pender a gone or induction: i Miss aVerne Olson Vf: to W;t-setall d~Y r~. d:y ~n the Ed:' III .~rry erts. and walt. Chinns hoo . unday (~ftC.. rn. and were~ sP d hllh ' lJ'lt oded a farewell par~ at Emil suppC' guegts 111 the orne Pear-, a ,~arM ~r~. Y' Agrer, jt" vis~ 'r;Bj r~lund' Friday ev,ening and son h m~. All Iwere Ithaca in

He i in t.he Chau cey AgIl?"r home .~~.C e: at N~lS B.10rklUn(JSI Monday the e €'nmg to h¢ar t.. la.ckwoodSil d afternoon .1 v njng o. erving her . i~thday. broth rs; male:, qu rt~t, at the

. 1:. O. Carpenter returned ,He, Ru ol~ Kay fam 1 was at comm mty hall. ~.. •to e, W.alter .Ch~nn hpme Frriday I. o. nnle K y s to spen.l SUnPay Mr". ~d. Sandahl . sSlstf¥l, Unue her vI·sit. pv ning. Mo..nday eve lrg they John GrImm at ~r mg 1 0clo~k

, '! 'ldred and .J".elma ,Agler of ~~ e .in th~ Otto ~eye~ 9r:ne near lunch on to thE:" "ort.e club m'~r~ ont, were Sunday visitors in IF Side, c~le.bratmg hi. f:rthday. the S .1. Hale hom Wednesday~the: ay Agler, hohte. ,I ' r. and Mrs. Edgar jl gett of Mrs.,. C. Bre5sl~r I nd Mrs. Har-

;j "SUber has been promot:ed to ~a kton, came to the C, I Sundell ry ckner weN' I; among the

)11 .'. B.'.C'>' and. move.d. 'to. Diego i.


'0 ne Frida.y t? Observe.•...,!, is bi~t~-... guest A~l mf>mbe~R. were pres-fro' Bre-merton WasIl" . 1 a lhat (~venmg. The p~m MIIII- enl E'. ('(Optmg ~WO. t .i :r. and Mrs. 'w. C: Ring were I.e family joined in t~e c('lebrn- 1 Ei~ tc-:n nE'lghbor gllthf>~e? 10

Su fly dinner guests In the Frank tl() '! I, , t he ~ m( r Lun~b('rg hom£> Fnday,,1'a ker home at Pender. I r. and' Mrs. Robert Andcrsolll ('ven.1t g as a farewf"-I {IS 1.hC'y are

r.' and Mrs. R. A. -Nimrod' IJ sons 't'ere ,supper~ ~u('st~ at IcaVl ~ M,arch.1 f I' theIr new

we. ~.' Sunday eve.ning . visitors in I•.i-:l en•.. cc FI.:SChcr s Sund ~ c. Vl'nmgl., homc In MISSOU.rJ w.~rc th~y pur­th~ :Lawrence Ring home. ~Vl . und Mrs. P. N. Obug', Harold chaRt' j a farm. The, ostC'ss hlrth-

has. Ruoff anq Arlene of Sioux '~!n ;!30bby joined thom fOf tho day as also ObS<;fV , . Games andCit' were Sunday supper guests in I v'nmg. , i I lunch n w('re en.JOYl1'd.the'Jack'Soderb~rg home. r. and~Mrs. Carl Sllln~f'll were M. Art Borg.w~s 3';1?ne: the

, TV ,Gene q.\;rJsolil~s birthday I: t Cleo. A strope's Thtd-liday ev€:'- gu.est at a .party m he Ene Fred-of . riday was celebrated with a, !.. ni gl for t e triplC' celqb~.alion of crlck.?n h. o.m",. s.a~.~ y:. afternoonpa y at hh:;.home that evening. th It! ~ay, h~ Aistr?pe la,nd Lamb ~o~p 1f~1('nll~g M~ s. ,n\ In Lubber­

I r. and Mrs. ~arl Sundell and fd~mg ~nntversan('s i fInd Mr. st('dt ,\ho JS rno\:n 10 the coun-th If guests were dirtner guests IAi ttope's birt.hday. .' try, H so. :vJr~. IrWin 1ronh(lr~ 8nel Dlstrkt 26. ,

Su tiay in the Don Miilil~en home'jl r. an Mrs. HarrYI !Anderson ~I~, n~,~~a /(:,~~~~l~J~'~~ Je~~~:~~ (Mrs. Elria Smidt. teach('~)II'. anel MrR. Wesley Rubeck, 'an ,Glady: were hf're rom Oma- p . - The 1st gradl' is (Jlm()~t rb<Hly

Jo rin a.nd Jack \kre Snnday SUP:t1!a Friday' visiting in he Allwrt. sn~. 1:vI' V, '1 tI R mfiey for anoth('r reader.p.e guests in the C. F. Sandahl 's ~el1 home. Thf"Y a"If moving ~ r. < • 1. .J..I/CS~ .a C't In geography clas::;, lhf' Slh; nnrlhd' '"t:'o ,.:, _ . ~o enver!where B~b a ~ his fam-i ~~nd;: ayn~~Si~\;~lg~e i~' 1h~ouxHe~/y 6th gmdf'rs arp studying the! Pa-

r. ,and Mrs. Joe Beckenhauer tl). ave b~en for some Itoe-· : L b hi' Th h t cific fi1atps and 7th and RIll gl";Jd-an sons visite"d in the E:ph Beck-. t Iva' Johnson's ¢dleilfa1in~1 alut. "Maug'n, 'O~'~;. 1 ,Ph os, ers are ;.;tudying the BaJki.ln.qoun-en auer home 1ast 'ThJ.csday eve- J. , ' :8rl - I w 10 1 rs. Hlms£'). R )J at ('r, Te- tries.

.1"15 ,." "_: : ",' v lyns 6J,h birthday, rday eve-: turneI with thpm t<) spend Mon· The ;'jlh and 61h gradl's nrC'm, . , .J.d M M' ~ d. nj gI, wer i Mr. llnd Mrk Leonard day. That evening all were at studying the Revolul ionary

r. l;l.Jl rs. Art UJI'lnon an ., rsch and Vivian, M~hnd Mrs., .. . . ' ,'. La .C''ri-011'ltook Contey to.:SklU.X. City I, " hlb d Wmsl e to VISit .M~... ChllS u- f}{'riod in history and tllr' 7thi andT ursd~Y on his' ret~'n t-o Great !~ ul D;;thlgren ~nd ~ .r(>n an (enra gh and Miss 41m3. 8th b'Taders arc revieWIng that p0-

kes ' jth Kenneth Packer C rrilly. Bailey Bard wns a dinnl'r guest riod. 'r:' and Mrs. 1M. V. Crawford, iTS· .Ha;rry- Wert w s among'Surld y of Pvl. M~ron Olson at Larry Lubberstl'dt will no long-

an Mr and Mrs'; Wa1t~1' He~an th }adles :who !'pent 'I1ue~day e~e- his h me. They drd\"l' to Colum- er be in school as he is movi1~ tovi ited 'in the R~y Pierson home':ni ~.Wjth:Mrs.


C. A. Bard whl~e bus, i the afternoon to meet t.he Dixon. Wauneita, Lorminp, 1 La­Sunday evening, th it husbands Werc a,t: St. Pa~l Slatter s brother, Glc!l1, who recelV- Vonne and Joan ~ickoJs are -rho\'-

r. and Mrs. Aug. Slahn and, B o~herhr-'" Mrs~ Lawr~nce Rmg ed a honorable d~kharg"e fTom ing away also.D nna were at, L~urel:' Sunday ,W s ian afternoon ~unch,()n guest. ~ the n vy at Astoria, ~re. He spentaf.•,ernoon as supper ~est.s hl~ -the! rs.. c. L. ~ard waSI.Wit.h Mrs.: a fe days Visiu.. ng , ichard Lund Dh,trlrt 81. ,Ft d Jarvis home. ; ". !L wrence :Ring while Itheir hu&- at AI meda, Calif.,. nroute home. (Darlene Deck, teacher) i

: r. and Mrs.· Amrof' Swanson, b nds were at t.he fam buteau Ge e Lund arnVi Saturday Ellen Schulz. LProy Mf')Tr: nnrlM's. Go.rdon Bard an B'.lrbara'" m epng Tuesday evcnirg. E. W. after Don from Altl~ehOro, Mass., Leroy Schulz had Pf'rfpct Httr. nrI-

. A' n w'ere Sunday suPI;)' r guests in L naah!, ~mother memp~r of the wher he spent aho 11. a month anc(' last month.tl1 C. L Bard h<!Jrne. Ib ,.~d, jOlDC'd the groun ot lunch- visiti g his hrolhc I R('v, Dale The followmg- \\-('re f"lcctf"djnr\\'

rs. Art Borg was hos1ess to e n'l Lund He sow m,lnylplaces of hiS-I offlcf'rs of 1hC' rlull Cdr} r (llllthl} Study Cucle last 'I1uesdny aft· Mrs. Mf,lry Schahf'r tame '!'Om tOflC! I Hller('sl Ilnd '""",IS fdvOr,thly man, Plf'Slfh nl, Rolwrl M(J<.,I S I\ II I!r _ -~f;~u..r;••¢~:;~;; ;~::'~:~..~:~:~:~..'";

.: I!5 I Give You· " -,•

i, ! Glrea~er Profit:=i I•.,

51""...,:!I• il


Page 7: Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · p~GES l'.~~e-s 1 to 8 LD 16 ~t.'dit)n One "'----__...J 'I'f I HE I ~----'----Receives

6 Ducks


Lunrh "'agOD ou.~'. i., ~ ., .

~l.~ppUcarrt must havegood car willing to -use in con­nect~on with work. Should ha\·e ~

some salf"S experience. Howt?\'er,yOU 'Will receivE special training.Gamble·s. f21tl


lIouseho14 G0e4s

4 Head Cattle

3 Head Horses

Machinery, Etc.

Monday, Feb. 2S

~1;"0 dressers. Day bed with SiD!m:onss~ Bufie.t. Fourchairs ~l1d tabJe. IIIAhg1II!:tY liti!lt. 3-btIrlfr ke-roselne ston,h'or)' and black trim. "aeutu:a F carpet sw~per. :!\Iany othersmall articles. '

160 mack AustralftTp Pidlets

6-ft. mOWf'r. Disc culth·sror. Raj' rake. ,Jt'Jkn D{'('re'planter. Single row TUltrratot:. 8-n. disc~ G.o-de'rll. 'Ye:edel.Traile}" ""~n Wt'led burner, new. Fuel barrels. so-.gallon •reed cooker. l.awn mower, ~La"'aJ cream'SepaTStor. TWef'toil burnine; bruodf"r. 'Mc<'dr'mick,-Dee'ctftg I6-inm burt mill.wifb elevator. 15-gaUon chicken ,"<·sterer. ~ (~er,

new. -l--section harrow evener. Wood barrel.-; \lith hor; waterattachment.s.. ~mli<"k"DH1'fng8-lt. binder, .-\-1. t>nndition.John Dfo~l'e fi..ft. rno'o\'M'. 'St-'t"ape:r. Rand ('om !'.heUer. Pumpjack. Internati?na.J gas en~ne.. 8 h. po John ~~ Janni.ngmilL 260-gallon luel tank. new. 4--st>-C'tion drag. Set 01 hillersto fit John Deere tracktr ·('t!Jt'Wator, Li~t("r rom trou~b forJohn Deere culti,·ator. Ml"CO'rIRiC"k-D('('rirq: e-nd~tl(" ~f':("(Jer.

S~le row ll!l:ter. John DN"re tractor li~tt'r \lith damm~r-s..

Warner electric broo<ler. Chicken f"'qwpment. Other artk-lestoo nwnerou5 to mehU-oo.

Gtwmsp~· row. 5 r~" old, miIk:IDg ftfm-.. .Jf"MOeY <'Ow, rniIkiJq;:now. Jf'rse~··Sbotthil)m ("ow, .. )"elll's old,. to r~Mn ~b.rt"b 4­

Hpifer, 9 months old

BJ.a.rk mart". 10 yea~ old, weight 1400. Brown horse. 'Smoothmouth. wei~ht 14-00. '&y~ tB:ILre~ \H'i.J;"bt 900, running"alker Rnd jd~al ror f"1n"ldft'JI. ~ of harne.... ana('ollaf"'!t.

Ha'inli1:~ 'my place SAd am "fUittiag f.a.'!"RllJIg, I wiD 1M"'lI therollo\\iIlK df'S('ribe-d property at publk- auction at thf' rann)()0f'3.ted ] "2 Illiles ~ufb -01 An MI. 'S'rb., on Jrrg'bW'8.)· 'So. 9, on-

•:••SAYE1·. $13.95




. "



,,;:, , ", .', 'l'IWiltO;' M oindale'Sblrthday df,'taf and~iss 'r4-' P·lall 'ffJf" O~!J office' 'f The CJ.,.k 6f sald Cdnrt,! Wayne.e;r:;:::,'NobraSka. I~. .... "\- .... .. 'j'lit . t m I k ,ikId that day. ! yerne O~SDn ~na arold Fisher. A; • p~~£-"..~ - - ,Tn. the !court hoUse in \\'ay?e. in to satisfy t~~rOTesai~decree.:. the _

If", f!!a, .,.",.. I I I Miss Mar·o ie Roberts returned pooperatlve birth ay lunch w~s: Qf W UtSzde ,Store said .county, sell to the high.est·1 amo.unt due he.. reon beIng. $1,3 i9.3I-:i Id_..".. ~'.BJ.'r,i~.jPI~ISJ.0..• n),1 ·1, h.ome SUD.d evening;'after visit- ~njoyed. !,; Grand opening of the WinSide; bid~erifot:' cash, the fol~owing de-l~ith tnteres 'and cOsts a1'l:d accru- I _; .:= J:'L.*+-,L~ . ~! .• , I, 1 login the 'hi eOfherlbrdther, the I ~I branch of B. J. Brandstetter & mtnbed ;real estate, to-WIt: ling t'oSls. . ALCOHOLICS AL'\!ON'V.lOUS-A

" ~mger 1\ir'e"er :snPnt ThOr~~ ReV. Donul oberts, alt Sioux City I Remetnbe'":"1 n ~~' 1 Son implement finn is planned' Nort~ ·forty-nine feet (N 49 D~te<l a'f a.Yn~,-.N'ebraska, thL" I natjonal organiza'tion of problem I'" r-.) ~;I~ 1he- past we .. Mrs. Geo. A:lst ope JTJVJted t : Wednesday February Z7 .The pub-' fLl Of Outlot _seven (7) i.n 19th· day of FE[btttaI"Y, 1946. drinkers, as a group -in .Wake- I1he Wlfl· H. ~viejre-r hoin~. . . ~ following relative to the A1stro llic is invited to free mo~1es at the CraWford an'd BroWn's Outlots :f!.ANS~. field and, Pender. Strict]y hu_ILOCAL SALES~~ OVER 40 -m 1'!Jmtod went to Omaha. ,Joi?n~~ I:~ e de~nd a Mis~Sow~Ut~~ ~ome. on the g -of Februa~!. auditmium at 2, and to .:Iuncheoo' 'to the Ci."Y. of W-ay~, • _.~t5-- Sheriff. i manitarian. NO. 'Foney In:.O.I\'ed. Ind.epe.ndenee. W.lth ~~. income

F a~, to vHat, IhlS SIster, returnmg- Mrs. Keqn t Turner ih the Clair '14 to help Mr. A strope ce-lebl'a: e, at the store afterward The fRm' . - - I For ronfide'nt18J partiCUlars f-rem »Deral COnUnISSlOnS and

'h ('ITuesday" Walters h) Sunday afternoon. ~i5 h.lrthd8

Y o~ th t day: Mr. a .d~'theWE.>lI knO'W"'n. JonnDeere U!.". W---. I.A ii5l v..:nteP. O. Box, 5, Wakefield, C?8neE> for. ry..'."Tl business. Essen-

I. I r. and Mrry. Chas Ple!rson were Mr and s Ellis Johnson and ¥-rs. Ora-s. He:rke. and Rayoma f- Ime. Clarence A. Apking is man~ . , AI' 05 ~ebr. f7eow fial r?Of mal~tenance products

Idl ~e~ gU(~S!S Sunday of MISS Ruth r::,_ Alfn'(J lchn"on v,lf>rE' Sunday Wayne. Fred Bar els of HUbbarfi" agel' I ' --.--- --I soJ.di:hrect bUlJdlnl; owners of all

• N ~ ~>o!h In S,~.*x Clty ~ P I Mr. and Mrs. Ca I Sundell, M~. . . :., : I:'.SV'LATE ~OW-Ha"<;'e our fac- kinds Including farmers. Altrac-. r. Hay q:~'ltS <lnd Mrs Cath- d~fiternoon I cheon guests m the LettIe Harmon a d C. W. Long~.1 Chimney Bums Out - I ' tory traiJ1.f-d CrM';" in<mlale your tiw,', DignifJE>d. Pleasant f'X('{'U-

I1t" w~ C' Friday aftpl'noon EIfel Johns ho~me i.'. I, - ~ • homev:ithGamble'sHompguard. tive sellmg-. Exclusi\'e. PprIT18-,nLoth:l Ad NMunrod Lc"O,m

,(' R1'r:rs' ~t~o~~~h<:e;eilr~~~~~~~onf~;;'~ J'or Mr~ I jorkiund. ChJmney b~rn~ out at the wIn : . ':\!fJistUIT and fire-resistant.-Ver- nent territory Home ew'ry night.

ng~ an rs I.e Mr. and Mrs. G o. Magnuson a~.d Lutt home SIX mIles northw~ of ... 'mm proof. Our gUarantee ('avers Celebrating 40th anniverSary In

n wei~ Sunday dmm~; 1100n Vl5ltO in the R A NImrod ~amny of Laurel Mr. and M • Wayne early ,Wednesday ,!,~ng.· ~id"wan settHng' and condensa- the trade this year-thoroughly

: ~~dth~~. ~rtA;~~~~ h\~~~. ~~~:. r;:,IS

I"r t~;':v:e~_::dme from ffr;;1 i::,~~~o~:t ::gm:~ ~~;h ~ ~~nd~;~~d:sUltod. Wayne fIfO- ~.'~.~..".1., : .,~, ~~u~t ~e~08 Main S1. ~~~~f ~i~~'g;:i~: ~~~ si=a~:~:; ~~~ b:;~:a~~~·EVt1C~l~~~

~ Fred ,jJtccht and Mr. and I Mrs B Fredrickson att~nd~ all of Wayne, W _ e Sunday af~.e_, ~ offer which eX):iires March 15. five years as !;{)On as possible.l ed a parry 1 the ErIC Fredetnck Funeral rites We're held at R;m. < I ~ FOR SALEt Cedar oats. gennina·

don Ba!relman Sunday ('\e~ . ~ 1,lOon visitors and supper guests' n tion 98 ~25 rv>r bushel. A.ISO v.~y pay, eXarbita.ot . priCE'.S to Box 1766. Clf'I,·eland. OhionJ ¢ 80n home . turday afternoon In the Nefs Bjor'klu d homelfor M doJph for Mrs. Lucinda Jones. 82, FOR SALE: Linc~ln brame, state ,I" have thiS needPd Job done"" f21t1p

I . nd Mrs H Ij Oak Phyl honor of I 5 Hannah Johnson Bjorklu~drs birt ay of: Mon : who djed at Hastings. te:;ted. Herbert \perry. fZ1 tlp hrome g-1' _"5. germination ~. 15c Gamble's. f21tflj'li ~~da.1C;r'V IWl!r:~SundHy'gue-:;l~ and Mrs in Stromberg T I lb. Phone:l607. Fred Spot-'nr12. 3 ~-"'=='-:::==:=<~=7'ld the BlIl·~<;:;mlth home at Cole. noFun"c~~md,~n a ,e'f r,l'h(,~I\Pb~rt~h~ofana' la~g:U;;::~~ ~fb~~i_~d"~:'~~;::; i~ Mis, Berlh. Smith of Allen. and FOR SALE' Re~sterPd Spotted mile' ',ou,h of Altona f2112p; ~. '. . ,,: i iJJiIjj!tJ.~¥/iIWI($7ll~ge " the Brorklund no e Monday ("'('~ Dalp French of Laurel, weT.. mar- POhU1d bred gil s. W. J. Kieper. FOR SALF:~]\j(). ]10 John DePrE'! ~ WElP~D.'i-l1 ~-"':'::-::::========'-

IMr: ilnd M!h; Frpd JHhd<' and ~Ugh~~~ :h ~~(>:n~a(~/~~~sa~d nlOg for a SOCIal Ume and servtd ~)~F~;;;ary 10 and Wtn lIVe In j31tf combinati ferod mill likE" n~·,l, . . .' . 1 Charge for Cards of Thanks isD?'1a1? were ~ull.da" (',,('nlOg .VIS'.· D.TSTIliS I!; . econd daughter. cooperatl'vl€' bIrth ay lunch. FOR SALE: ROund Oak Al~o 2x6 yPress waf(>r tank. j. \\ ()Mf3.; or g1rls lntl:'"d In pm-11Oc per li~.1C1:rt/. In the llpme of Mrs. Btld!r M dRS d]] M t h('aling sto....e. Fanske's JE'Y/elry. Ezra BO€' e-nhauf'T.] 1 2 ml SQ. 1 pI0}"Tl1<>-nt are a~koE'd fo apply in -----.-------·M~:r(" L'I' I r. an rs. 0)". un p, r --1---· -- -- Plans are hemg made fo raIse f2ltl and 6 pas of \~"a)"TI(,. f14t2 pprson at Ben Franklin s1:0n'. Card er ThaDk"l.j: M'r. d M~ E I u-onardl dnd and Mrs s plf"rson Mr and • fP~1 ~~5 ()()() to .construct a new 5t I 04tf I I want to .hank all who S£'nt

"~D&a~ ~~~re' S;ndd~r nmnn gu(>sh Mrs Carl deTson ...... f'H' pnter- UI~U Paul ~ E\angehcal Luthenmc1rurch ~)R-SAi:~';Danl:'jstackeT and ~. F(jR SALE C05S3Ck Grimm and II c-,rd5 and \'isJted mE' whilE' I was~rtth~HCnJ)bckdndcrhomene:ltriti;€ James j mEmen;on h<ly·sweep. Hrnry Brudigam. Dakota .a:lf8!'.E:"Pd: ;:jlso rPd'~... ~. '. JJnthE'hosp1ta]--Rl{:hardP!~fY"n-Bancroft IChambPr<: ~o e Frlnay f'\f'nmg. I Rookg A Read. Wayne. \ f21t1p clovr-r 1mb SV,f'f't do\"rr "r-PrjI~~~~ stock. f..'111p

BM1q ,ind Mrs Paul E\.-('rJn~· Mrs Ehls Olson has peen as- Among hook r~port", are Mar-, John D Papenhausen: 78 of ---\ Me'!\/" I'· Supt:TIor Hyhnd s=-<j' ....:...~~~ham were- W1neSd8Y ('vpomg dm.! 50lstrng In t e Jack Park h(Jme d~r-I !f'lf" Barplman, d stnct 42 HeIdi; Laurel dH~d January 31 In Wayne FOR SJ\LE: 32-VCflt ~-djo. At 'Mc· ~or~f·\Z·: e-field Farm_ ~ip- i . ~ - - - - - . Ca.rlI'or 1'b:ank... ,n~r guest:- In he Mpl Evermgham I mg the we Mr and Mrs ?'lPP Ilbur Benshoof. 1. LIttle Jeanne from efff>cts of a brbken hlP !;uf~ .GUigan radio ~t;JP. Harold -Stol- ment Co. "' f7t4 i\\'2~~ut~~o~ cotton ratfu m; :~\,.t~ot:~tk c:l~:·~~~,·1~i(~:~h!ftrlJe In ~IOU City Park Wf1Te t ere Sunda) and vrs- f FrancC', Gear e Schuetz, 31, fere4 In a fall a f(Ow weeks par}jf>t' tenberg. J fZltlp I ,~

1M)';, ioIhd Ml Fred HarrlsOn and ited Mr~ P k In the hospital dur-, ....he Story of Poe hontas - - ~----- FOR SAI.:.E An im oved 80-aCTE' -."" ...~D.-~=-·"'h--:-'---=M-=--.:-- ers during my 5ta~.. In the ho.:;pitalth ft ,,- M J B PI t be f E FOR SALE: ;tlbbler potatoes fann'" loe €'d 8 €'s southwest vv A,,, l L lJJS W8.SItt"(~. omson1-Mrs. F~ Rus.eT f21tlp

MI~' Ru,.,spll TaJrlson \\ere Sioux Ing' e a oon. I f rs . an pn rg ~ mer- CoffE Shop See Svhna o~mc"t \1"1101S [U(.'SdHY Mr Harrl- Mr and rs C J :'\lmroo and

lDitrtrl 1"8. son v.ho J"epr€'sents Nebra!';ka Shepherd pups. Arthur Dransel- of \\-ay"T1 Ji. very' gCX>d eighty ·e . - I -. ra ' Ttta.nloL

sqnll1ad stock on the market. sons and 1'Irnrod \\prE' Sun~ (Mrs Chao; olps tf>8chpr) Am('Tlcan LeglOn Auxllia.ry wac ka, 26F22.' f21tlp ....)th a. fa set of i,mpro\.ements.! - _ _.__ mtl r v.;sh In ~a~k .. 11 uno q'n' mpIM~ dnd M S~Bp.rn'lrd K:mTley (1a:y~mn('r ests:;;;E'R~An~~~;::-LB{tt) Kpnny. I",'rlnc) FlckJe, onp of the host('£l';PS at the annual FOP. SALE Yearling Shorthorn Can .glvei ~'S!':.esslon Marc~] IWA~TF:IJ' ~tg-hr gnll r()ok :\1nr-'C'ard", Jd.'CT, .. anrl f.l-n\\"r<- ,jurin-

aJ~ famlly p ( Sunday dmm'r rod omp ~ T an ,rs f' d-!l{iChard FI('kJe aid LorraIne An~ dmnpr of the women s patrIOtICI h~ll AJe"X F:d~(> 3 rnl west 3 -:~artm L1_Rmg-eT'. fL1111 ns(,n Cr,ffr·f' Shop SE-f' ~.1r J)P' I my rnN'n' '.;jy In (hr, h,,~,',lill" ("~. '" t"" an HU"joy bom't",mn dW'lc..~a H"rlm~hn \J"I1or<:. nn ("r~" "d,t"'1 the J"n"'~ry '"h .......' conf€'Tence on national defE'TIs.P In ~ t f'lItllto> ,~,' , ..... LI ,- .... ,-- " u '"''- UUI Vla,h,nuton D C January 25. nn of Carroll ' f21t1p FO.R ~t,nricc11y .C'O----Opt"'ralh.-·p nrc. I' 'u, ,M_n; .John. Rr-n;;,m,n f..!l T lm .1,<ck:-.nn lit d <lmlJy galht-nng Jomf' t H' "t unr Ipaper, ,.,... J hf L d , d

MJ ilnd Mr Jeromt> Pearson of Mr and J. rs Fred Harnson. Do(ly Fwklf' a~d John Pa(Wtein ~ FOR SALE Yearnng Roan Short.: Sl~~:::g. I:~nonorvo~m~~ 1;; 'I ~fr/ 1J rldf to Frpm~'.~lt P~I\~on ( (~rrl of Thank....Wahoo \\,cfPI at thf' ,lack Park BMIC and. rs jPaUl


Tt;haml ~r(' flnlo.:htng 1h(,l~ fIrst F:l-=.onr('ad-~~ I horn hull ClaJr Swanwn Phcnf'1 k· d W E R' h hat H\ mnmmg L>1 fnl; ..... rm 1 ....,,,h 1,-, thank all 'i'iM r""""<>r!"'-

homo Tllul<;da~ \lsltmg Mrs PClrk \\-('IT f ntl r:t mec at lnn~'r U~- ('I' I ~~~ Ron 4 at Carroll f21111 ~~rand~"\.bra~ka s7~:;n ~~ 5lfi II phrm, 3-;)-] ( en1l Ibrr-d mf \\ th ('"<:Ird..." If T1cr-, ... (JV.-

In ~ V,Ta:;,-ne ho!..;pltal dUring tht' aft- day e\('nln~ In the P'uso.;£, I Harn- I Babf> rlckl£"' wj<; w£'!comf'd back - - FOR SALE '41 QllveT 70 tractor v,.·ayne ~ebj, or can 3.'58W \\ ILL Pl·Y fur beanng amInal, p;: ~nd ,\J" r,~/ur1~£; mi .. 1<1\ ne~(~n I son homt /fa pllmenfar) 10 Btrll£'" aft! r a lono dln(' li;RERIFF'~SALE and - cultl't.ator Qwnten Er-Nm fltf un:.kinnfd dunng\ cold ~e-ather ,t e asp t",. r, ~ -I "\-l~y('r

1~'~,hC Paul E\enngham w('nt to ,.-\ho hp e for f1\E' days h. By VlrtUfl of an OrdPT of Sale to C d Ph 122F- f21t1 I EJnar Larsen. Wa}-'ne j24tSp I L1tlp!'t '~t:port SUnrRY morning to VISJt Mr and 11 rs John Barden al~ Dis 77 mf' dJrf'cted ISsoed hy the Clerk j onoor one::) PI F(JR SALE Modem homE' at 71)61 . I Card of 11tank~ _,i~~he paren al Albert E"f'rJng~ tP~d~ H J~ e\\('~ I~a~t) for :rJ ' (F.J!(,E'n Klpfln ang . tf-'arkerl of the DI!'ltriCt Court of Wayne I FOR SALE Loom for We3\,ng \-lam H ,.,P ha" ~n rpcentl) V. A~TI:~ _ \:r,.al1ress' Expenence I v.l<;h to thank ni" hbo~ andb' home re urmng here Monday Ian ~~ d er un P~~Jn t el'l Ladonna Sta rn and Sandra Count) Nebraska upon a d£'crf"P


rugs, good condition IT'asonable rpcondltl ed and m good re- I not nP("e,,"-~T) !tlornson Cnffffo·frlend .. "ho \lsJ'F-d ~1 and wno:, .1' ek ng I J_ I horne 1 n flf ('"I. ~Jng L ed~art)1 \VcJ('h had rwrfe attendance for TPnderC'd therem a1 the ~eptl"mber pnce Geo Stolz C8TT'01I f21t1p I pall' A t o-,toT") home"'" Jl h 3 I _ Shop &~_~~h~~ ....e1~_!~ ~ I <:.ent mp ~ani'- dnd flov. ('~ dunng:k II and M Is. Bernard IKlnnpy \-\as n. so 1', rs un erg 'thp month 1945. f('rm theTe"Qf m an actIOn 1--- _ I bedrf)()ms and bath on 2nd fl(~r I\\'()'ME' WA>--rED t'nu.uq] op-I m'l, ,ta) In thp ~p:tal 'tlS..-, \-lar~ I a t Q.('d 1he une-raJ of Mr~. Km-I birthday a l\0rsar} (,f 1ha t nay A farewell par )- held Janu- pendmg In !;8ld coun wheT'f'm Th(' IFOR SALE Hou!ll' at j20 Logan A fm{' ci e In locatl0n Lot f:JX - f h "h T I 'rM 'Ff(jf ldt f)1 1l: n' aunt t plat€' ?\'Ir!l, Jc:hn I - n P ~ry 18 for Don'A' P..df Frmk who City of Wayne Nf"lrraska was I See R HeroS'S. 7'"2 north 4 150 For prIce seP ~lartl~ L. f{):t~~;t~oo~~n: f~r rt:'ot r=~t ga ~ - , pf: Hjart.~1E't. age 42, In SIOUX i City, I F. H~,e darf'~f', arty•. JmO\"f'd to 1I(J~kin. plalntlff and Bf>7Tlffl Fitch Smtth mll('i: west Address, Laurt'l I Ringer L1t11 ('"osmf'llC con<;ultant" In WaYne Canl o-f 'l'tnLft.afi . ·T l~~~day. ' ! .rH:·n~ :-'1<l rp 1]tl\'('S ~urprrsp WlTln('rs of 1 hf'alth C'on1€'st pI Ell Wf'rf' cJMendant, I v. III on I f7t3p FOR SALEI PoultrY and hno- ff'f'd I \\ nle room 234 V. aJdorf h~lel I Wp \\-I<m to eKp!'E'SS our mn,t!'- JVJi'. ::md ~'rs. John MC'aorkiT1~ Emil B.lor I n~ FrIday p'H'nmg h~ 'Wl're (1lar]f'n(' l! 11. ]\1ar"an'l ~HalJ th T h d f M h 1946 t 10 I ~ J, ...., , I CPN' th k t all fj fi

I N cj lhp h h mf f r ..,. £"' It Fl) 0 arc 1] I F()R $ALr All V. hIt£' f'namel I soybPan ~pal' mIll fN'd" In fact I In ~orfolk fhl" ~ef'k f2111p ~n "'n S 0 or;;, "f;" ,·oinpd 1 p Wilton Mc orkin-I ga nnl:': ...n ~s n . 0 H ,<"O('la .:lnrl Si-mdrH \\-'I'IC' 0 (') ....... k ~ rn at the r'loor of thP! mflnj- klndn~~ and ~=ons

~~~,.' ·f;""·'I.y f' ',ur"l ,.,' ,".'unday tlmp anrJ ~Iel ·lr g a ("()of)f'rntl': Th" ('Iuh ."1'''1 ,I nff,·•.pr-. ~-.O- Vt < :\olonarf'h rang£' morl}' n(,9>' e\crythrn in the fPf"d hnp Why . I ~~t'.....".,..U, Li: L ,;, {r ' ,." ~ 11\". Of{l(-'f' of the Clf'rk of <;akl Court Call 414 ~t 7th Geo \\'Itmpr I not cont ct Mr Add' and gpt \\A ....nn Sa}f:><;rnpn 'o~1J 001'ld-I Of sympath\ at the tun.e of our

f1 d r nfr In the Roy OWf'n 110m" in tWO-('OIJrSf', n h. \'<In Stamm i~ C'sidO'Tlt. Charl~n£' ITl 1hp ('ourt hons£' In Wayne Inl f~1tlp our I lCP~ fo/ graJO be-I JOg matpnal~ IOsuJatlon rorn- hoPT"f'a\f'TTlpnt Mr aMMrs GeorgeII ~ITJ:lIerson ltl hSf'!"vance of Mrs. ll"~ ~T ~ d }f;:dl \'i('(' pn'sid nt and LaDO~a s<lld ('ountv sf'11 to thp ~lghPst _ _ _ fore pa~ e~ HI" wnold like to 109 \l,pafh....r::-trrp €'Ie on m"tall-j PO"t and Mr and Mr:. John Post.f.",;:"'I-4-' - .. '~~. I, 1"1'. QPrson. ,S1amm,~f'rr('lal'yrrf'<l~ur(>r. totrld£'"r for ('8sh ftlf'fonowmgde-1TRA.1L.fRBOX Alm~tnMl.t\.\-o- y d'l J th ~C'dh<l~J;; ThJ" IS an e-s-tabhshPd f.21tlp

fJ ,-r A group!o f1E'lghbor ladu's !,pf'n! I FIT's I grudf't's ~Vf' a nf'W read. be-d 1 t f ttl meet ~o an rar e W1 ynu - - -- - - - -

ISaturday 'frelTlOl'm with Mt's. sen rpa E'S a €' o-Wl. I heel tralle-r box G()f)('I f~oor. DOIT FC'('{l Mill d2ntr •••••••••••••••••••••••••••_ IAI ., h ,. I Lots thIrteen. fourtePTI. flfrf'f<TI hf'avily constructed. Gamblp s ~_~___ •';:" ,-';- A 1 iN TIN IG "Ernf'::;t AntI rson to help Ilf'r c('I~'. 01. rt 88. and SiXtE'f'D (13.14.15 and Hil f2111 FOR SALE: Modpn'l WarTH' home. :

~1 ' brate h('1' b rlhday. A coopf'ralJ\e'. (Mabel Ball:"r. teaCh.,'!"). in Block 'Iv/('nty-one, /21 I Col- , !'i rooms: and bath. all on one •. adf) lunchc>on \lI' s served. Eva Map Ahl an. Sally Bf'C'K n- If'g'£' Hi]] Fi~l Addition to Thf' i F(~:~ SALE l'pright Hohart M flOOT. FU1] mSE'TTIf'nt \-..'ith "tnkpr. : A U· S 1

P.a' fJ·er H.u·ngi""g Cp-l l'at;nj-rt1K1ay. ham.'.r and R~V, r!y ~innf'Y ~re \~~y of Wayne. Waynf' County (8hlp pl~no and h£"'nc~. Mrs. ha~£'TT'lf'nt dhid£"'d into 4 r()()m;:;.l· '.. DC: 0.8 a'. en I M d' W J F d . k~ makmg farms It the sand tahle :,\"phraskll, I Frank Hick!';, phcme 18F_2. r hou,(' in~riE'et conditlOn and 10I:

I r. ~nD1 .Tl;·M a t;:r ri?der; ; They are also mpking farm hook· tn satisfy the afOTesairl dNlf'f>. th~ I nlt1p a very d sirable part of tov.71.•

t _ •• E fi' ·t son an 0 IS '1 ae. r. an §:lets ,- amo.unt due thereon h€'inR $827.9fl:. FOR SALE'. John ~-r" N'o. 0 ~'I_ Double rage. Jet 5Oxl.00. If y.otl .••PrOml) alftJ f men C. L. Bard.. , Mr. ,and M,:,. Bern.ea I' S·a'fp'y po,'~ w('re made and d d 1JC'l:" L. ;;} ... ~ \

G I f d M Art' HOw.Ith ir'lteN'st an cost" an 8(,CMJ~'1 ,"nder corn snene'"r with nev.· snap a.T€' looki g 'for somethmg. chOice -.,u.s a s('m ra. 'N. nUr an be' d ~ blal"kbtJard d

C.'NYDE .SUl'.-rnt. )sen wetre r~~~ai~ed, :.f ?ID11e ';~~d€'T'.mg U!ll(' ." a 11112: ("('J!"'\s. .. .1 corn cylinder. Clarence SchHnes. m a one. stary. t~o be roam -;:, l'U thursday 'E' eOlng 10 thE".E1iL Gus' . ~. ... ...'1 DatPd at Wayne. Nebraska, thm Wakefield. . f21t1p house th$ may be ,L Pr-icP $8.- •

. ' ..." 'r:;;' Mr~ Leslie SwmTley 'lSlku 19th day of Ff"hruary. 1946. - 000. Marlin 'I.... Ringer. f21tl I:"Phone 490-J ',,"ayne, N~b,'ciifso~ ·hom ~or Faith:s bitt~da, sch~l· Janu~ry 5. 01hPr vis·itors HANS TIETGEK A:'\JIFREEZE DRUMS, :;-';ev.' 55- •

.~~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiilii~;jii~~~Of Friday.· rlday evemng V.lsltorS WE're Elainf'. Pa fy and Nancy U- f::!1t5 Sheriff.] gal. 'drum~. Can two u~ for many D"-'ELLIN FOR SALE:. On€' of :I _._._ we~~., ~:..~ _d_~.=s~__~. A. ~!n:_r_~ bE>ngood, ~ __ ._ _ __ I purposrs !\1ake ldf'~l g:Jrhage fhe bcs:1 n "'arm -. C'o::~!~~. of ~ i.JI.IIIl1.D1I1R1••••••IrIl.III1.mDI::U:lDDlilIli,1f1ll1l)r •••••••••Ill..... For oPf'mng: f');('rCI<;('<; Bptt\ SH'I':RtFF'S S."LE . cans. Gamhle·s: f2111 r0nm!' 0 l~t door .. :-. tlnlshp(] I:;: '~ Swmnf''I; 1s1 g:rHtlf' has hf'€'n N'Hd Pv \'ir!\ll' of .:In Orrlpr of Salf'.1-_ --- .----:----- ------,-, roor:n:s a d 'g.<Iragf' In h:l~('m('nt I.• I RECENTLY· PURCHASED THE S. J. ICKLJIR i 109 T1ddlps Toan lRpck(>nhaupr 8th trJ ~f' dirt>ctNi. lssuf'd by lh€' Clrrk Ir OR SALE. 41 rntern~tlOnal 1 2 Fmlshl?d 3t.tIC. Gag hot wa. ter I:-I ' , grad£' ha<.; brf'frf'<Idmg Sky IIJ; f h D' tric1 C rt f \\" . f> ton truck. Al condItion. Elmf'r heat and S(J.ff. watf'r, Large ga- •: ,BLACKSMITH SHOP AND AM AD'V TO DO land and ReH'r y Swmnf') r'id ~ou~t~" ~braska:~ponoa de~~ ~rlck'Wn. 321 E 6th. ~hon{'O ragf'. Pin hf'f"s ,,,nd finC' Salf' Start .. at 1:00 o'rlock: k : grade ha<; rf'8d (>~OD Fable.. rPndeTPd thereoin at the September. 273W. f21t1p lx>ryon f that lS 150 f~. b~ 150 :" BI'~~" S":'-'."thi· a'_..II : Joan R",d,pnh UPI' read Treas\lrf' ]94') tpnn thf'rPof in an action H()G FF:E.lJF:R On(> 5(I-hu. s:1('('1 f1. lIousk and g-rounrj~ m r'X('PI·I.! .•• a:.. !! Islann by Rol)('r LoUIS Slevpn~on ~'n·.d·m.g In :<>aid COUM W.hf'T('in Thf' tm:--e hog f('f'drT I rptJ\'lly con- lpn! sha.:t~.;. I...oc:" ....rt :'It 412 E.•

':.! W . IW' k : n"'rut "~H. Soutb ,~Ii,;;nt~~f ~~~YZ~rl ~~~'~~hn;~~s ;:c~~';~r,'~'t'~~~,.'2~lt">-J~;~' ;~;,~,,~n(,'S~: c,,"n"f~8:5i l .. alon . I' ! IArl.f'ne s~Jen, teacher). Ipt al.. wpre d('fendanfs. I will. onl Gamblc·s. (21t1 FOR 5AL~: !Th.Tee 8-piece dining I.

l:..";:':' .' Verda::-<llema nandLtoyd~('1_lthf'27thdayofM8rch.1946.atl01 room S 5.' 2 sludio couches.:',.,:;:~,,~··'~.=':,i FJlectric & Acetylelle elbing -I S(ln hnw', b,ld prfect at1pnda cc Io'clock a. m .. at lhe door of th.P I FOR SA.JX: ...8-room: all mode-r:n cream a d 'black enameled cook.

:: so far thiS year.. office of the C1erk of said Court. d~'elllng at_ 121 Mam ~t.. Lot IS stove. h~enametf'd cook s:tov£", :~;., "'~:=! :i .pupn!' made Ff'bruary d~ ra- in the court house in Wayne. In lOOLt.,by 1~ ft. HO~~5001SIn

eagocxl 2 good baby bugg1e~. new _

1'1, '. .·i.. t~on" and have dompleted a \. a E'n- said county, .selJ 10 the .highest conUltlOn~Priced at o:w. .'. ~- baby ~u '. 2 .~. strollers.. 2 :,. Bri·ng in. Your l IlKS :' tme box. . bIdder for cash. the foll()Q.-·ing de- naugn. "Aayne. f2-tf good 9xl~.001 rogs. 3 good pn>- •

~iW 5: . ,.'! ! ,. ::II~e:;lstr;~dere~dlngc1~~~m-SCrib€'drea)E'Sfa:tE'.to-Wft. FOR SALE· Lefz230 and Letz wa-rmod bedroomsuites.,€,v.:

• I .' P e an Ie: neTT")' Eas:t fifty (pet (E 50 ft-' of 310 B th ~ Y ~ood. Hf'3YV stalk f'T?1 odd dN'~~(,r-s <Inri chE'!'t of •• •.. before you. need hem ., Happy BUild rs duh elf'l€'d. lot 'f--A'enty (20) in Taytor and . t t a erR d·cs BICKERT dr~wrrs...· Jars from 20 :

'". ': j>.'.. :J!' Warren HOI.tgr ;t,-... presldentJnd I \Vachob's Addition to the Clry ~~RME'~~·RV~~.·Wayne's Ford gallon.'. win hN:l..-. springs and •We, ,have one man ~harpeningasea steadily.) Elml"r Brummu d. s('crelary-t as- of Waynf'. Wayne County. Ne~ Tractor Dealer. f21tl nrrlrtrr'<;s.. W:lyn(' ;\13t1rE'sS =:! urer. ~ .. ,. I. hraska, . Shop , f21H •

.' A ValE'nllOE' parI) \\3.5 liteld to satisfy thp aforf"Said (Jecree. Ihp FOR SALE: V-8 '35 Fo"qttnlck.'I '. i Thursday. 1amount due thet'Nm being $3b569 Four n~ 7.00x20 lO-pla) rayonL = Steel and. Wood Tongu Hmvns .. The 7th g raphy dass Ihas wI~h mterest and costs and accru- tirei'>. Completely overhauled

I=completed the tUdy of EUrVP€' 109 emts froq, front to back. D~on

, ..',' Wood·en Neck' Yo',L- I M1 aps afddJffec nt caun,,,,,,~ave Dated al Wayne. Nebraska this KV<lls, Wisner. n4t2p LOST p k t ., I~ )een rna (' ]9th day of Fr>bruary. 1946 : c age can ammg wo

IJumpmg Jac s \\cre made' Ur~ HANS TIETGEN FOR ISALE: 7-room dwelling. 4 wool blankets Sun .. Feb. 17. Re-

S,T A R PIL 0 W LAY S mg several clu ~ meelmgs pils f21t5 Sheriff roo's dO\\-"D -Stairs. 3 up stairs.. ward. ck T£'i!'bken, Wisn(lr.have named th m Ogcar J ko. La e garage. Lot 75 (t. by 150 f21t1p

C U L- T I V A TOR Jerry and (J sHERIFF"~"ALE .. • .: ca~~~:~~rsB~: ~~~ Allce ;VIae and Bv " Irto£' of an Order of Sale, to :

• me dlTE'cted. ISSOPd by the Clerk U f 1nard •· C -, R M ., Vprd.a NIE'm~n S .and M1SS So- of thf' District Court of \Vayne se U . warI eel·· .. ' .= den's birthda.yS 'ore nbFcrved alir- County, Nebraska, upon a decree .• ! ihg the month. ' I rendered therein at the"September.: I,ll Neo.r swi~ tere put 4P onl the 1945. term thereof. in an action.. ..-................................. _-..! playground. ' pending in said court Wherein TtW

~iliiiiiiliiiiiiiii.jiiiili••iiiiii••iiiiiiiii.liiii.iiiiiii.~JCityof Wayn£'. Nf.:.bta~ka, wasi' ~ plamtiff and Siriannl B.runo, et al..I Wf>re def(lndants. I will, on the 27th

A C'·' d" 0 · f b 07 ~~~~fa~~~hd~~~f at~~'{)Of~'i~OCO~~ ·uran ... .. pl.Oln.,. e .;" ~~~~::~~~n~ S:~a~~:t:i:?

~. for eash, the follOWing described Rad,·o BBattreal estate, to-Wit:

O· ·f' Wi· ~-Ide 1,·Stor·e :;::;;:y-s~~:::f:;;;;;~~;~:~: Heavy Daty . . . .....$1.85ty-n;nc and forty, (35. 36, 3'7, Standard ,.... ...$1.5938, 39 and 40) all in Block' Radio Packs ..- ..'$5..95

Yotlrilohn Dee~eDetilerWill Have An B"~l:.~i~1;~~1rtY:;! ! TIll, Is '·a1oe. ba.N1on IDaTke1 later on

·@,tmrtingL....,li'ebr··--.'27braska,...ILf"-" Vall' NUl·" to sa1isfy th(>'b'rott>said~decre(',the. BUY N·;~' W' A N DI

, amount due thOf'OOn being $352.12 • . ~(y. .' I.. 'MOVIES AT WINSIDE btn AUDItORIUM AT 2:00 ~, M, with inl"""sf and costs and occru- ELECTRIC ClUCK a,ROOD.ERS .f..

ing costs.:=: I

1ft U1NCH'A~r l'-HJi: NEW' IStt)'RE FoDLOWI,NG THE. MOt.rIES Dated at Wayne, Nebraska Ihis. OIL CHICK BROODERS-- ,I 19th day of Fe~1~~: i Stand....d, delN"'dable .

~u. ~ f2115 Sheriff.,: CAR'DEN & Maln'i' f'£NCE, H

"'.. mana er, ftlru be . . ,. POULTRYN£fflillG--:eome y .U I SHEBIFFS SjRE = Jso·ft. roll J8-ift. light J-in. ...$4.00 , _I

By vil'ttle ()f an Order of Sale, to. I!IG PANg.....HeaVy·ddt'y . '_"'_"'85<: TER."-<;:.~ .". """~ -.., Alli~ m_ be,me Qi""'tl!d,tssllOd'by tho C1_ Of' settled for before nmo<al from tbe p_theD~tri<ltbJur't .of W :: :tT ,• S ':.! ""'ur Store Shop!" II·County,: Nebra:ska. upOn B. &reree. ~ .... 'U ;

~.,,. IIlI III'II",~IiI~i ••,,, , ••~~I[(~t1tJ-t~;~.I~~·~~~::i:~IL.' .1.1!1:,I,illi!"i.ii~,j;:<I,;jlij:il;iUi~llitljiillIJ.

Page 8: Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · p~GES l'.~~e-s 1 to 8 LD 16 ~t.'dit)n One "'----__...J 'I'f I HE I ~----'----Receives


You']] ha"e a deligbtfulnew room as if by magicwhen you use DURA­

TONE ... the finish thatmakes a ;'garne" out ofpainting. It's loads offun ... and so easy to ap­ply that little .Jean orJimmy can help you deco­rate.

Onl' ('oal C"OfV'rll most !'lurr~('eg

. , , p.<"1intNi w"ll.o::., w"llho.1rd.


Dric.s in Oru' Itour ... yOl1 canredecorate Hnd U.!lC the room thosame day. r.;o unpleasant paintodor. Cleans with mild soap and .water~

Fn..1U:onnblt> .flat fini3h ••• the

D~~-%~b~W:::your rooma.

Music by




A Quick.drying Floor Finish.

Here i •• highFIOIlI'I. "'0.",,,,,,""1'InR fini~h fnt your(~Jt. b,11U" rugs..(~ic.l. .dr} Iflli' ' ••.\11 ...,1 crlK'k <WdUl"" Pm_l. ., S:Jc


GR.nUet'f~'Hf:: ~ ',,J;k;;;,ltt .


Friday, February 22

"Where the Good Bands Pia)'''

Adm~~ion - 62c, plus 12c tax

West Randolph Ballroom

-.Kay Mills and His Orchestra



One Gallon

1 I

$249Quart ... Only 69c


DURA·ToNE is econom­ical ... one gallonthinned with watermakes one and one-halfgallons of paint­enough for an averagesize room (1O! ,x12 feet,including ceiling).

DURA-TONE enables you to be your owndecorator ... you can transform drab roomseasily and quickly-the soft pastel shadesblend beautifully with your decorationscheme. Choose from eight lovely colors andwhite.. J

DURA-TONE contains a resin-oi] base andquality' pigments like those in regular oilpaints. And the government "scrub" testproves DURA'TONE tougher, more durablethan similar types o·f paints.

(Sold Exclusively at Gambles)

L'.' I, J

.'~.. fUrlJt.1M,.;'; ~ I' .\ T':" ,,1, ~, L. :·1 ~ 4-:, -I~"'lf 1»'1' i'~:f"~,tJ~_:lf S.1l!~~ C""''<f~~

~~:lil'~ .~'11l' "'~r·" I'ltloo ~blrh,_ 'fIrIl: !1:*'llIIlt~. M.....'.·, I'~ j,;: 'I '1;-1" I": l: -I'r"" i I'~

'.,q" ,;, I,

J', ,/,,"



:\,.,,,rn Tp-nor Plea.sp~.

A ]nrw' crowd at tended the rc­cital hy John Anglin, nf'gro tenor,givC'n iit tlw collrogp auditorium~10nd<-lY (>\·roning, Kellpj' \\')'a tt ac­companied Mr. Anglin. ThC' pro­gram eon.',istl'r1 of np~ro spirituals,an urii-i Hnd nlhl'r sell'ction:-..

LOf:ALNEWSW~IU~r,--~,,\I,~2aker spent Monday I.It

WOIllt'n's club chick('-n piro !'iUP­p<'r 1rhursday, Fehruary 2R atPresbyterian church. f~lll

Mr, :Hnd Mrs. Frank Griffith, jr.,and l\1rs. Carl Victor, .iI"., were inSioux iCity Tuesday,

Mr. I and Mrs. E. W. Lc!hmkuhlWt're hp.te from Norfolk T1lu'srlay,

n. ~1. was her'(' f!'Om

Pla.iO\.Jh~WThr> C,nU"~I'1John~1m nfCll~'k 10f~~tW.d~. ~I t


,.()PPI1<; ,\rp Fi:1f'(1.

Prr'J!(!rl:. dl'pdr; fllpfJ In \V;lynecOUIlly Include thl' follOWIng

Sherif! to S. A. Clnrl GrRcro\\,plsh L\II~ron, II for$:!(jl, 101:-. :n, :lR iJnd :!:),('011cg(' IIIIJ ,!dditlOn to \VilYIW

MullJnl Ikll"fil lnsurancl'('0. It) I [(',lry I) Vi'h-

I.! f, "~I ~11 ,~}(I(I, :'\"\'.': 1 flf



1001bs. 90c

1001bs. 90e

1001bs. $3,25




Norco Prime Steel' Cubes


FITCHFeed and IProduce


.I; LAYING MASH ." " ..

"STOCK SALT ""..... .. .


it':oop EYESIGHT with proper !glasses pays big dividends in? good health and happiness.I:! .- Ncar-sightedness Is acquired <'Ind can be corrected withglasses, but glasses do not remov~ the cause.'i Have you a child whose schobl work is.not up to par" IfI~o~ bring him to us for consultation and examination. 11 is this

ffice that worked out th(' cause of these deficiencies and it lScre you will find the answers.

I Dr. Griffin will he in Wllyne llt Dr, Kilian's Offin, Friday,!lharl'h 1. Hours--9 8. m. to 5 I), .,.


;~08 T~)y Bank Bldg'. Sioux (~Ity, Iowa

'1 To Observ~ Holiday


' ashington's birthday, Frid~y, February 22, will be

observed as a holiday 'by Wayne banks.

State National First NationalBank Bank

Cru'de Carbolic Acid...!. gal. 89cI 'In5 Il'al. lois-gal. 80e

, ~ime ~ Sulphur Solution gal. 49c; ffalaclde ..... . .. '.. gal. 1.85

Wood treatment for mitesOdorless when dry. Dbes not darken wood.

"Enh'rtuin ('abiript.Y\vTI\ :'\1rs. R P, CIJff.

\11'';. !\1 Sln'('1 anr},,':Vlrs. :i\1. IIIIanil\\",dl, ('nt('~;lined ten cahinrolnH'ml)('rl> ;\ I dlnnror I \\·('(Jnp.<.;d:1Yrovcnlng III Mrco_ Cliff's! apartrnpnt.After djllnt'r. :l' IJusirwc;s ses"'ionfnllowl'rJ In Ifw Y~\'('A'cluh room<.;.Thos(' pr('c;~'nt wprp Marl ha Crel­lin, Vlrqlni;i I [:-Irm ... , Helr'n KillIon.

~~•••••••••••••••••i ••••~~IIV;JrI<'ll(' .J()hn_~on, I':-ilnnr SO(]I't'-----<-,~.--,. ----~---~~."- hl'Il--;, ).LlxJllI· (;~lllth\ln \1ill'llynAt!(,Jltl(' I'1'ck, Fr'rn I'ru­!\largaf'('! ;\'l[lcklin

A sare and eftecllv~ insecticide When m;f>;d III tho1)F0lmr form and. strenJ.,-th 'for:tc, purJ)osc intended,

We Have DDT in All For s and StrengthsI '

,II I5! ~eemllLl8ion , $1.00& $2.00I· for !I'eating cold .Jmptoms in poultry

I I, . 11M" In drlnkln" wa;h or lnl~ with leell.

'.= !VallO S~ray .. ). 7~c • $1.25· $2.00III "

III fOT llll:r.!::i~:toductionI _ "".,••"", !"'" 10111

7:'t(" • $2.. $7.50t-....,~··~~'"'I---f"''-''I-- .."'l..M'' 1"t!".I~_,,","--"'_---

!~~ 'fI':~". '~,,!' QI'II,' UII 'It:, ~iIilI·""!ft<l.", "'1*1'1«'11

, llh lit.. 'g'e.1Inun.ity! I'bthatete~e~~rs anfdhmi iste", S.hOluld ream Maintai J Dodder Is Found ~ dlstrlctThl, gadve a Valentme pro-I h-- w- ---',·'---BIRTH RECORD-' ~n-; ~-;-~";'~e~om~r.i~Ha~.,·J"" , . ,.. ..... e~ ngl~~e/'S 0 u n Impu ses . d f IW· I G . S I gram urs ay evenIng. Lunch ort east ayne A daughter h' 7 ds I I T

,'1'117.'.'..' '·c··· oil T.a·lk an.. ',shou,l,d. be di.reet rs of youth. ecor 0, " tnS n rntn amp e was sold. . . . , we'g mg poun .. recent y returned from service inOpl . . - ~..,. 2 ounces, was born Monday {'v'e.1 Europe. ', :'. '.: " ,is,S Patr,.icia: Powe .sang,"Love. Wayne prep basket a'.II team A number of fa~ers hav Mr and Mrs John Beh~n of (B Staff,..~ dent> . MI I · r '. y ~"""'Q!""n Inmg to r. and ~rs. Glenn Walk-! \1r and M EI' B--I" .. :80. k' hi ,Brahms. iss Martha maintain~ its record ~ ,,'all wins brought plant and gram sampI Wolbach, w,ho had been VISiting at er at a local h 'tal I ~. _!"S. wm enson of '; t W Add 1 Th w OSPl Los Angeles, and Mr and Mrsr\:. 0:r, I . e.~,:', "re~uses, Cri' in ~as accompa ist. for the se son 'Tuesday ~ening by to . the 1 county .exten~ion offJ eo Itt s, returned to theIr' e Harry Beckners spent Sun~ A dau"bteT, weighing 7 pounds Blake Benson and Inez of O'NeIll'

evocation atl;,College p' defeaUng Pierce, a clas ,B team, which h':lve been Ident~fle~ as dodl home Sunday. I da afternoon last week at Gordon 1_4ounce-s, wao; horn S4turda)' Ispl:nt a fe.... days last week With':. ': . L. W ,RL PRAYE DAY here 39-3 . Pierce led b '17-16 at der. ThiS plant parasite IS one 0 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jahde and IF ebruar... 16 I I h I I

,Tues~ay·MorJlng. ,'SERVICE CO DUCTED the half, and Wayne as out in the secondary noxious weed Plant~ Darold, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Buskirk B er·s. :\ . J In a DCa r.-plta to I Mrs G J Hess and her mother,J JlI _1. . N b k 0 dd fa w S d J h e Paul Lessmans spent W, d- I \',I,r and Mrs Arnold Lehman of \1rs S ] Benson Elv.ln. who was

,.~." Dr, .V.,icto.r 'West s~,oke on. ·.·liU~ Wesley;a~ Foundat on, Lutheran front 27- at the cn~ 0 the third In ~ r~~ a. d 0, ~rS nt~ ShOU~. J e~e S.UR a~ une eon. v~jtors at nes ay last week II) the ~ax II01~: -~-<lAynel~' ! II a merch,Jnt manne, spent almo<;tman )genuity" for cf.lIege conv«r Stddent a~sociation, Iy. W. C. A. quarter. ahe was hlgh sforer for not e a owe to see as t ey wil . 0 n ~evers. do home (~ut;." Pr, ,) lljid I:\Y In' w~s I t'.'.o )d"'iW__ In the southwest Pd-cati'o Tuesday morni g. He stated and Y. M. C. A. sponsored World Wayne w th 13 and Re d led for destroy the sale value of any farrJ1 ~r. and Mrs. Henry B::.lrelman, Eld L bhe t'lt Iborn Fcoru>lrj' j lrl :'Ir dnd \1r.-; C"lflr Hp \~ l" In Lmgayan gulf du _

·,that 1'church and' choal arc at Da~ of Prayer servicje at the din- Pierce. ; seed crop, Farmers $hould be on ~IS and Angela. Mr. and Mrs. AI- e er u rs (( s sprnt Wm A B(nCh( IJ qf Crm0 Cdl In'7lnr rwork :the same tash of tea.ching ing room of the stude~t-unionSun- .waynlsecond team J.won over the a.lert to avoi.d purchasing a.nq. vm ~ohnson were a,t Her~ert Fre- Su day ~oon last week at Ea- Mrs Be"chpJ] JS the Mugh t f t I', Inf ]',Ion <fnd v. as chl(f elec-and I spiring .youth'I'1f ~yerybody da~ afternoon. The Pi"gram includ- PJerce T esday, by 22-1~. plantmg any seed' that conta!os vert,S SU, evenlng-.' 511 sbu s.* IDr and Mrs S 13 Shlve// ~f ;1~~a7o°(jkh/;;J:,::at a~de :::~'> /~~%~ere,1 learned" there wo'uld, be- no ed ~ mu~ical prelude, Elinor Soder- Wayne' last game of the sea- dodder seed. It is foun~ i~ alfalf,al The ~mll Grev.e: John Greve and I rand Mr John Swver.-; £[X'nt I Wayne IdurJn'7 Thr '\ h IIlI.eed.' i: schools t.o. Likewise ber,.g; prayer, palme. Root; group son b~for the'h.,nt is with red clove.c,. flax and .s.lmll~r cro~ J?e Wllson famJ!~es attended a SUlJday after last week at I -~-- - - h 1 ~ p ,oon nf'Z Bensonif ev r one were gJOd, churches singing of hymns, "For the Beauty Pender' h re thIS Friday. seed. Farmers should submlt sam" blrt~day gathermg Wednesday w~rp Vahlkam s I LOCAI~ NEWS t~~ paS~nfl~( 1", DO~g~~~Jn~JI~C~wou] ot have to e:tigt, of .the Eal'lth" and "Dear Lord of -- : pies of pUrchased seeds of these evemng for John Holst. r. and Mrs Henry Brundlcck Mr and "\1r<; R v: Hahn of Co- Angeles and Okla ElWin ami

'Ne d exists for thl~klng and ac- Father of Mankind." led by Vir- WAYN IS WINNE~ crops tc 'the,state seed laborator~ Geo, Buskirk 'and, Th:o. Witt sOfh

PI'dlgehr, vHilted In the E F Jumbus came ~onda\ ?nd \1>ilt un- Inez Benson arro no phew and OJ('Cetion "n'Jhe lives of' people, Dr, girlia Harms; sc~i~ture lesson, V'::'R NEWCASTLE before pla,ntmg t.hem unle~s the~ attende~ th~ Farmers Union state e s orne last week : tll today In thro D(a~ H H Harn of ~rs Hps~Westl continued. These ,agencies Martha Crellin; resp'onsive prayer Waynel high, basketpall team,; kn?w tHe,seller IS unquestIOnably contentIOn In Omaha Wednesday r and Mrs Emil Ctecht callrod! _try t g.'et peo.pIe to act in properIOf..


thanksgiving I,e~. by Gloria d.CfPuteu Newcastle here Tuesday ~:hablC' and has state seed test on and Thursday la~~ week m£the ca.rl. F Meyer home- Sun- I'l ••••••••••••••chan els. "'I~eachers and minfs~ Mqore; message on ~ the Lord's evening, [the first t('arn by 50-39 samples. Mrs, L. J. Bressler, Inez. Tom:n~ da afternoon last week. i:ters re leaders in helping people Prayer by Dr. M. H. Hanawalt; and the Ispcond by 25~9. Wayne --.------ a~d Bett~ attended the Ladles , rs. Vlrgrl K"rdell and Janr't Gold Medal1'Callle falle

'to 1;'.' e.., useful. -aggr.essivel"p.t-ayer ~erfect" bY ..!Stcn~n, SUnglfirst tearn led by ::!1-12 .at the half AI.d ,m~etlng" at. Mrs. Allan Sal- sP~t Wednesday aftt'Tnoon I.<ist • nerand. rb.wing. Th.ese leaders helPI byl Patricia Powers, went and second teum. led 9.'-3 at theI SHOLES Iman s I.n WakefIeld ThUrs.'da

y.. we k in the Harold Gunnarson

to pre ent deJinQuency and failure. to the World Studen~ SerVIce fund. half.' Mr. and Mrs. Art Meyer and bo e at Concord. 18% Prolel·" Pell ls" 'a(Iers need to stimUlate and . ------t-.~-~- ..---,---------------J--- by Mard~ll~, Mr. and Mrs, Everett The Glenn Sampsons were Sun- 0 e

utiliz human ingenuity of those Reenlist in S~rvke. Rf't>I~n.'J Ali Survdyor. Mrs. Martin Madsen ~an Cleave and son of W~kefleld, datast week visitors at G('o, Mf' i".1struQted," stated Dr. West. I S.. Sg1. Francis Hamer nnel n. M,. ll. ickcrt resigned a.s county _ ?ercW~~nd~~ luncheon visitors at er' . George Aevermann Callf'.d 58-t- A vailable at"Peo Je- neetJ fo examine them- T.,Sgt. Arvid Harne/", sons of the sur\'('yor,'commissioneq accepting Mr. and Mrs. Ray Nelson. R~b~ o~r. Ja~odntrs. Fred Jahde were ur ay afternoon at Meyer'.;,; Wayne Produceselve' to evaluate and improve Da~e Hamers of Wayne, have re- the rt'sl~nati()n TUf"'>ida~, . " ro Gust KrHJ'mror J!r-r""-- nth-eir',efficie-ncy." e~lsted' the former for thrc(' ert and Dean wcre Sioux City Friday supper vislt0rs at Harry FU' s; and 'Franklm F1egr fam'j'il';':: ~D~' West Stated that leaders in ye rs and the latter for one. S. RNtiyps Medkal (:;llr(>. visitors Monday. Stolle's_ Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Bress~ s~t Sundaye\'ening at Harn: DICK PINKHAM •

sch s,must foster abilities of stu~ S ,to and Mrs. Franc~s Hamer and l~n~.'r,a,ntaCly.111-:c.:dZaye~vt~nrc,.ndgtao' Wr<>:cY"nv~ Mr. and Mrs. Martin MFidseO ler, Joy, T?mmy..J-,Iarold and Bette Ba e~'s. Miss Anita. Kr.::lemer 1~ 121 Logan Ph 21'3 :d.ent~ The.y,ShOUld avoid building sop arrived TUeSday.: from Illinois "'" . }. ",,' L L L-L- L- were Sunday guests in the Everett were evening VISI ors sp ndmg a few days In the P.>dker I one •barr, rs against the proper use of tol,visit bE'folL' going to Ft. Worth, medical Care Robins home ncar Coleridgr>. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. RU_'ikirk were ho c. :••••• !!••~..!~!I••••••••••••• a ••• .lI' •••••••••••••••••• :

a st dent's talents. They should Tex. T, S~t, and Mr$. Arvid Hi-lm~ ~. -~~--J---_ Mr, and Mrs, Ivo Fredericks of guests at the Frank Parker home the Harry Baker:;;;_ spent SunrJ"J::, •••••• i1I1I1.llfll.II••••••••••••••II•••••••••••••••••••-


give ervice and information, stim- er will be here until May and they I ~a.\'{':i IhIS()ital Randolph, were Sunday guests iIi in Pcn(lc'r SundHy at a turkey din- ('v101"!g Ipst week In the Gust::I ulate and cooperate. are in the EdwarCls apartment Mrs. Dtck Ranist'pr l~,it .R local the Mrs. Anna Carlson homr- ' ~f;~. ~~;~h ~~~~~~~r.'i~~~O C~~l:~e~~ Klf3-emer home at Con~r)rd. io h.. ip'. DANCE

I, _Dr. ~~~~a~.!L~~school. hnspit:J! TUl'S£!HY. Slw had been a Elmer Rees and son. Dick, of ill M9]vin ann Kenneth Kr3PrTlf'r co·l,=,- :medICal jJatjront. \Vayne, were Sunday e\·enlng \·is· br~e their birthdays. The B«kr.r:; •

. ._ itors in the Chub Smith home, l\1r. and Mrs. Otto Tpst and sp nt Thursd . th J h B k •RNl"pl\"P~ l\Ipdkal learf'. Mr. an-d Mrs. Roley born and Juni~r, Mr. an~ Mrs. Herman ho e. ay In eon a (.r,:

Eik'('n Van Lent of, Emerson, family . were Sunday dinner Brudlgan and LOl:;, Mr. and Mrs. e Harry Bak:n; mO\'cd \fon-:,.entered a \Vayne hosl=!ital Sl1tur- guests in the Harry Retzlaff hom¢ and. Paul J-.le~SC.hke da~ to a fann near ~.a.k.f'fielrl· :"orr_ :day to receive medical care. at Pierce. ~;~~.d at Rudolph Longe s last Ian Mrs. Henry Bush of southwest :

Mr. and Mrs. F. J, Hopkin~, . of Wayne WIll rno\'(' 10 fhp pl-'lC'P •For Court Hou~e ~taff. Earl and Robert Hall, all of Dixon. 11rs. ;\1ary Hansen and family va ated by thf' BakPr<; )-lr Bu ... h :

Frank Erxlebf'n ttreated the were Sunday dinner guests in th.r and Juilus Meyer ~.\·cre to SIOUX wa~ suddenly t<lkf'n ill :"'.lonrhy;,.court house staff Tuesday in ap- Isidor Kuhl home. CIty ~nday _on busmess. Sund~y ev ning an,Si entpred a local ho~- i:prpcialrnn for f1owors HPot on his Mr. and Mrs. Harry Neisen and they v.ere dinner guests at En-'JO IPit I Tuesday. 'J1;:)th weddmg annih'rsary family were Sunday afternoon C,linkenbeard's in Thurston, as, ::

guests in the Herman Brockman ""as Henry Korth. I" L-nde~oe1i Opf'f"'"dtion. !.home ncar Winside. Mr, an~l. :"olrs. Frf'd Jahrle were Mrs. Emil Roebf'r unr:!ror.n·nt aI:

Mr. and Mrs. V, G. McFndden FndC:lY VISitors at .JOf' WIlson's major operation in <I ~J()UX C'1l".!.and Mr. and Mrs, LeRoy Thomp- while I?arold aHP_nded a Valenbne hotpital February 7. :'o1r. Cind :"ofr;.I:son werE:' Sunday cvening gupsts in party m dIstrIct 1.3. A coo[X'ratl\'e Ben Hollman and family and :'\"or-I.thf' Howarrl Marsh homp. lunchron ""as pnJu)pd Darold m~n Roeber spent Sund<l) j;'oj<;;f:

Mr. and :vTrs. Arvid Langfpldt of brought l({ rrri:im / .... eek With Mrs Rocber In SIOUX •

~~:.~h~·il~;,d ~vnt.., ?~~\~tr t~~n~~~;c~~ :\1;h:ndI-',~~~s c~i:;~rn~<;('nSl~~~~~n City : ••••••••••~!!.!..••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••('nrl in the Jnp Hinkle hnmr \\rre <It tfw pdrrntal John SlcvrorSI

Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Thnmp:"0n home S Iturrli-iY t \cnlng" In retnem-and Mr. nnd Mr!i. Lloyd :McFarJdr>ri branc{' of the birthday of Mrs ,.. IJ IJI»Aand sons were SUndilY rlJnn(~r S1f\(r<.; \Irs I'lUI Chll ((ns('n IS \3~~~gupsl.'i in the V. G ~1cF;ldd('n \ j<;ltJng In ( dllfornlB.homC". Mr. rind l\lrs_ Geo, nU'iklrk W("fC'1

::\Tr<;. Alfred Greiner nnd Mrr> among Iho...(' nttt'ndmg the 'mcrot-Keith :'\hrtindalp of Sioux City. ing In SiOUX ('ny Salurrli-iY al lh(',

Clnd ;\1r. an.d M. r~. Rohl(!ff iJnd film- :\1;.ISfJnIC tem.. pI.e wherp t.h.C.. SIOUX I'ily of R<lndolph, werro Sunday dm- C'lty Ch:--J.nlh("'r of Cnmm(Tc(' r!ntN-nl'r gupst!; In the :'-ilck Greiner 1;l.lnNI al dinner :-md Sr'crMi-l:ry ofh0nle. J\grl('lJI1urr' ClInton Andpr.'il.>n g,.I\e

:'\lr'_ and Mrs. E;lrl :\llll('r nlO\erJ Ithf' ;uldrr·_' ....tlwlr [llrnltUrl' to l\"orfrdk Thur"'j ;'I.1r, ;mrl :vIr.... _ 1!(,rm:--J.n Stollro,lday Clnd <-ire in 1Iw Rrx :\lilkr :"o1r. ;In<1 :'>Irs Harry Stolle at-

~~J~(~r~~t~;:.el~~.~f~)U;J~'1:~rs\-a~~J~(;;~j ~~;~~~;~ i fl~~l(:;f~~ ."~(~;·l~~l~ \:::~Jd~~; I~~into till' Earl, :Mlliror housc \\'hj(;h ('OIJ.<.;lns of I/H' men who WIT!? kdl-

~~;: ~~:~~~h~~i~?erreii(~~t~~;~~r.h~~'~ I~adp.~hl~tl~~·/f~:;~;e~ontr~~~:p~~~ ~~I~mi:idp 1heir home there for the paBt Ihnu"f' t hCit WilS demolishpd was.1H years, I rlwnc·d hv thplr aunt. f)arlpne

Mrs. R:-:IY Nel"on ilnn Mr~, :\Ia:T- Sloll,· W(l-" \~·lth hpr grandparentstin :\1il(lsPll accornp<JnJcd Mr" nnd lat \\·In.'.If!c!VTrs_ L('Roy Thonlp~nn In \\';lynl' ~ ~ _

~,':;lc:,t~('~Ctl;I(~~d:~~t~lr~~I:IJ~~,(,~~-~~(I';\~ i~,~ ,WAKEFI ELD~lllrln'd Jllnl'k, hl'id ..-t(J~lH' (Jf (;)1-1 ..{lnt.:· ... J).llut{ht(.:", tn ~1(~pf. I

Clht:)\:1 T"ll1llklll<';. '1;,J III hert ~IJn[];lhl, al the 11:1."'('n)('rl1 (t!: hlllj..; S !J.1IJghlr·r<., of (hrl~tlC1nI\11'rTill (; .'-'I(·h, VI'IJI'\l;!I-\' 1:', lor SI_ JlillJl's I,ultwriln r-T1IJITh :'\11 I l'lrl\Jlrh wdl lTWf'! tIllS Thur<.f!iiY$ !.::!(JlJ, 1«1 lll, Tilylf!t~ A" \\'-,H'llfllJ :-Jml Mrs. Th.flrTl P9ln rcm;l1nr'd r(lrl!l 11'rnr.".m J~. 1h.:' ,C.hl.".Ch parlor:;.addilion If) W<I.'I"lll· a longlT vi<.;j( with rf'lati\('s 'in ~1~, Hny '\\lgg:-llns aIld IVIr;;;, \Val-

LC'Il;] .J (;nt/, ;Inrl l hH ... !l;Hlri 10 W',,'n,'. Ian' Hrn.g wJlI he ho::;tcss('1'. IW;J1I,or n;IS)(lrJ<, h'htlJilr'y 11 for$1 ;]nr] ottwr ['OnSlrlt'rntIOf1, S\V',j ('Inh ~~It'f'b.. SOUTHEAST WAYNEof 1~J·:l5~;) Thp Plc<lsHnl Hour club mro! at I Guests in the Elmf'r Bak('r1 homP

M:Jhel F()n;] I'l al .. 1,0 C'1('m~ 1hro h.omC' of M. r::;. L('o Frpr!priC.k<. nrar \\':-:IkefiplrJ for SU[ld:-:lY dinnrorent [1, and (ornnp MeC uJlrlllgh, Thursd<ly ilftrorn0on. Aflrr f'hro wrre Mr. ann :\1rs, Alhf'rt Dammf',F'rbruClry H:i 11Ir S4.0nO. llit 11, husinross meeting" luncheon wasl Ben Dammt' and thro :\1el\'jn RD.-Iblocl{ (i, I\·orth addl1ion to w.;[).,ne'l s('I'\-('d by M. r.s ..F.rrdricks. kpr;;;, :'\Ir. Rnd .\1r;;;. Will,.sehrOedPrj

Henry Hnd Uora L~ln('h to _ and Mlss Irf'ne Dammc were aft-IllS E 2nd Phone 193-J GeorgI"' and Dora Stolz, Yrhru:-:Iry Observp Birthday. ('rnoon!i.J 16 for lti90n, lot 9, block 1, onglnal To surprisC' Carl Jenspn on~i'i ~- --- -.- ----- I

~~!~~.~,~~!IlI!I!!~.~~I!IIII!III~.~l!IIIlIII~IIII'~lcarrOI1 , . birthday, " group of n('ighhors ,nd WILBURw. II. Putna,nl a~dlwlfc to _Car- friends callep lin the LC'n Fred r- For lI('nry lIanspns.,.it .a... hart Lumlwr (0_, t ebruary 1.1 for ieks homp Tupsdny (,vf'plng I st The 30th wedding annl\"('r~<lr\" f• : $l,SOn, l\lh :':1. L~, L:~ Hnd ~,~, hlock week. Guests were Mr. lind r:". Mr. amI Mrs. Henry Han~cn ~\·~s: A I ,4, Coll('gp Hill :2nd aurhllUrl to Carl .Jronsen, Mr. Hnd Mr·s. Alff.Cd 1 ohscrvrd .sunday when liinner: nima an;'d PoulJlry Waynr'. . Dad('n and Mr, ;lOd Mrs. Les ('f .c;uesls at lhpir homC' were Mr. and• ' 'tI Lf'RClY n. OWI'n and \\'If'''. to Grf'pno and son, ('nn!.'i wpre eli-I Mr:;. Reinhard Eng('lharl. Mr. and

= Health Nle.eds ~;~:;T~:;~I'~:' i~H~,~O~~(,'7:l:I' I~~/:~,tI7~ ~;:.IOP~e~'~lr~~~:O;n:~lf'~~:~·('d [hY ~~:: ~:~~rt~~:~pa:~t~~~:7;r~ ~~r.df['C't of lot J, hlock 11. BnllQn & I - 'and Mrs. Harry Schock an~ sons.Bressler addil inn 10 Waynp. l'"or Shower. i Mr. and Mrs. Harland wil t and

FTf:d Re('f'; and wife' to Fn·d and Ahoul ~() relatives ~nd frj~dS Judy of Bancroft. Mrs, La,urence IMathlJrlC' Rppg, Februiiry 14 for gathered in the Joe Hmkle h me Hamen and Verna Mae, Don and$1 }'IOO othrr cr>n;;irlC'ri-ltion, I\'EI,4 Saturday afternoon for a mi r1- Dean Pippitt, Mr. and Mrs. Les.lieof ;)-26-,3, . . laneous Shower. for Mr:". Affi·id. Johnson and daughters v.·ere after·

VictOr Johnson and wife to Langfeldt of Omaha, the fa er noon guests.I\'else O. <lnd Elvina Gr"nquist, Miss Mary Hinkle, who Was ar- _Frobruary 1.", fOl' $10.750. I\'L:l of ried recently. Game!i Wf'rp di (If- CARROLLNr;\,~ 'of 11-26-2, except acre ler s.ion with prizes gn'rn to th(> hr rJ(· The Enos Williams family w{'re'school. A mock wcdding, was gi\,pnthY Sunday evening supper guests at

Ciir~art Lumber Co., to Walden Sholrs school girl.1'. Lun("'hl'nn 'fl~ IrvC'n Graves'.T. an~ Kathryn Lou FelbN, Fph- served hy Mrs. Hinkle and a c m· l\fr. and Mrs. Edward Bawnan

~~?,' ~'i fS°[..I,~,820~' ~~~~_o3r. NE 1',1 of mittee._________ I - of Sidney, wpre last week-endL _ .c;ursts in th("' -LafimC'r Richards

ES11 :~J~~'~ ~~. ~~~;len~o~~~o i~'i~~~~ I

L LIE folk ("arHer in the we{'k. Mrs. BHU-<By Mrs, Grace Buskirk) I, man and M. I·S. Richards :-:Ire sislers'l

Sunday dlOn("'r gucsl:; at John~----------il-'IHor:;{man s wpre Mr. ami Mrs,

Harold Fischer has rf'ntf'd Ithe Art Holt of Dalton. Mr. ann Mrs..Jim Callnhan farm, vacated by Malt Holt. sr" Mr. and Mrs, An­August Kai. l' drrw Parker and Mr. and Mrs.

Mrs. Geo. Buskirk wns fl ed- Matt Holt. jr., and Donna Mac.nesday luncheon viSitor of rs. The' Art Holts were overnightArt Wollers. ' guests at Horstman's.

Hclntiw'S' werr ill HlP Gus L.~asc --- ,--~,--I10rne Salurday in rcrnernhrane!> of NORTHWEST WAY<N£hi~ bir1hdtly. 'C1an'nC"(' Spindrn of \\hn~idp

!'\1n; .. 'rtl('o. Kli ('C'khralell!h('r ,\\.·n~ at ~'r<'d Hainps S::1lurday <inc. IlJlrl,hdl.y ~u"rlay nnd (Ill' S\"('f ~on ;Sunlhvtlis ~1ondil"', ; ."k~ Haul!''' "q1 11" n~ht ~nN",

Tlu' to J: HH'_~:~!N t,lHllj~ h;ll! !',\!l,n;tn \\h('11 b· 1,.. 0 ;tl \'ch,ql.!din~tl!f' [11 Bury En ',H'r":\. F:II' ,,!·ild,,·'-, ,1.<; r,' !",j'ltl:::l",-d

Page 9: Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · p~GES l'.~~e-s 1 to 8 LD 16 ~t.'dit)n One "'----__...J 'I'f I HE I ~----'----Receives

P"ge,; 1 to 8

Section Two

1'1 I"'I 'f': 1]IIf"f'''I'llli'l "1"1'1', i,1 1"".1i 11',,' ,I~ ! I II "I I"~ ,i :I ,I

"II. I I'i Ii,, i I I, J

I • I I I

'.W~~,t Poi It Is '~II: I

• ~lnne :Frida HERALD, Mp-cb. ,ayne Her .. ---__ -'-..L...-. __ ,---- J

, .Inll~.r·l.dkaeytb ,.thGt,atne I SIXT~.TJ!URDIY. ~-----l- _~ --j- WAYNE, NEB ASKAI THURSDAY, BRtJARY 21, 1946. "T;~Jr~r';I{ FORTY-O:-.t·;, . , --B(')BGIBB ELElCTEO 1 --- DAN THOMAS-BUYS f - - - . ~ ---------- --...----

way~1 ,fllgh bas tball team Jo;1. R f·~ .L A ' B ISE MAN OFIYEAR RECREATION PARLOR F b W thto Wes Point at st pdinl. Fri, e rl Ira-.;;'ors re Bob ibb. formet atblelte,coach Dan Thomas of Gal\a, la,. e ruary arm

, go.y~~ ~f1~J~~ s 6 rt~ ~~sa~9t~~ f at Way e and Crete high scllools. bought the recreation parlor from.' ~t Ne CI d· AI I( was rcc nUy selected as "man of Harry Kmder and WIll take pqsses- H I U Ihalf. S hlJ was igh for, Wayne I . '~the yea ' for 1945 by vote of 'civic slOn March L Mr. Thomas WIll be

with 7.1 West. P_D nt second tea~ . e In a 5 a clubs of oise, Idaho,iwhere he has Plans Are V'Prog essing at in the home of hIS nICCc. Mrs AJ- ere 5 ~usuawon byl23 to 11. J been dl ector of athletics in the f d K I' f' '1i •.Wisnet plays h r~' Friday eve ct '$ School for Ye r Book re op In, or a time. The plansnlng. I' , I. • highsch 1 for several years. ~'And Banq et ~~f~,Jt:ndMrs.KInderarcnot!yct 0-,·----- -- ------ ---

, I' InPoUo. ~ent. L I Snowballs in. I 0 Angeles me on Stony Island A\ie"(lUe?" • Nebraska Has Nineteenth thiS \Icmi'y o\er 60 yf'ars, died ,n'The cty schod rade twirlind Forbidden {ut uzzle "You must have run into mJ.tWin. WI"I cats Ta~'e Wayne pn~p defeat d Laurel 32- Birthday as State in \\'akcflcld Fehruary 11, 1930 He

corps~:rrformed: twee~ halves . L Of 'c brother, Warren," said Patr Iman 27 to win the inVitatt:nal tOllrna- Tra~edy VI"cll"ms Early Period. was onc of the earhesl settlers 10at the QUO be e t b sketball aw I e s. Chester Doonan, "He's a rp,ffic ~ mdnt at Winside Fri ay evening. = \Vayne esday ev ni g la. t week~ I Jack Fly, St. aul Minn" a officer over there. Go ahead bud- G me at rete Wayne won over Di on in first Eariy Days from the \\'H.~ne Dr L F. Perry <lnd \-lIS'; Ikr-In the arching or s we e: Fla~ salesman for an ]ecl ical supply dy, one ticket IS enough. Uujt: don't round and over Rand lph 31-30 in Have Folks Her'e Herald for February 20, 193fJ nlcc H<.t;::Tr, \\ ho were m<irned af

, bearer, onald W ~ tmalJ; slo~a~ company, has bee ass gned a new forget your slicker." I I -- second round. i Not smce 1913 have Ill''' hlnh Lincoln Fpl!rudry 15, 1930, ..... Illbearer, l~aUI KopI n'; bugll:Jrs, Paut territory, selling' efr gerators to - Wayne' Hands Doane Cagers Box scores for thelthree Prep tf'rP{X'r<itures of Februarv f'ql1<::Jl;d makt.! theIr home In Wayne,Einung~1 ,gd Tom ~tBahq: drum.. Eskimos. "It gets old in St. Paul. The' luckiest army pas1enger See nd Defeat of Year games are:. Two Children Are Crushed th'lSe of the past few weeks \\'10- Glronn GIJdl'rs]eP\(', formerlY of'rners, wan Wi~ and Jerry too," said Mr, FI~as e prepared aboard the 1ranspoT1t lIerr$itage Wayne 58, Di n 31. J dows and doors havp benn 0IJl:n; Waynp, has been name-d su[X'nlsor

~ Stirtz; rUm maj r te,.' Lois Rus-: to take over his HiS a sales ter- which docked at Seattle, Wa~~, re- riday Evening. I fg ft pf When Water Tower F Us hc;>\y clothmg has been n'ducl rl, of mU<'IC In Dela\',are.,..-- sell; t rlcts, J c clm~ Ander- ritory, 'rand peop e h rc buy re~ cpntly was T4 Dale sue~h of BahC', f 7 J-4 1 ~ In Council Bluffs. ! ane lIttle fIre has been np, cS,:, Lr';

sen, EI ne Olte, ell Blurnham" frigerators.", York, Pa, Because he was t e 100 Wayn Wjldcats handcd Doane Shively, f 5 1',1 3 I I fo' comfort. If rmld rlement ... mf'-1.11 1,-' J/I",~~(u'''':t,On"ocfmpa::n,aJenrd wMe'r"e' mLea'or-_Mary. Izabeth .j ~' Karlene, _ thowmndth man to 1ihip out I f the cageni a second defC"at this S8<iSOn Mo . 7 0.1 2 B9cky Cadf', 3, and Judy Sc;hott, J •hi" ~~ '« .~ , L ,

· Skeaha , Sharon 1 a son, Judy Wm. H, Stakes.orE poria, Kan" port of Nagoya, Japan, he ws re~ ~;n:~nyn ~f_4~f I~;Icl~:r ~~I~a~c:;;~ Su:;~~~ng c . 1 0-0 0 4 m0nth1i, who were killed Thurs- err y sprmg \',It out any .?ter '!Jr- fled FeLruary 18,1930.Mcyer, Yvonne K~ I ,Patty Jef-, a marine veteran of uadalcanal, licved of KP duty and all otI1cr de- t-, Echff'nkamp, g 0 0-0 0 d<iy afternoon when a \',atpr tow- ~~j~~n~'\~~t~~~r~~~s;~~n~ ~~ .:~~:~; I Rp\ lOy L. Stager of Omahafrey, CO/'alyn Pri e, irg'mia Pro-I isn't sure how hIS leat erneck bud- tails aboard shIp. W~;7~nt ~~~d2~_~~n~t5~:~1.half: Penn, f -' 3 1-2 0 er It1 CouncJl Bluffs crashed. were !'pllng will m('an a g"~d start' ,n Ifornwrly (If \\'<1:'-:](', Will go 10 To-

, ett, JO~'IPa~eJsl{, a ilJ1jn Hene-I (lies are going to 'fef' about thIS. GilJespiC', f 0 0-0 1 grand nieces of Geo, K(){'sl:er of farmlOg, buildmg and other mrlu~- pck" KrlJI, to "I'["\C a church.gar, Pat y Wldoe, (' RoJ morge'n, He has enlisted in th army. A St. Paul, Mmn" man, lorg on Wuyn 's box score follows: Bressler, c 1 12 3 Wakefield. and Mrs. B. Grone of try I A~n \~ l, hfJrn to Mr and Mr;;.Betty , U MeCull ugh, Sally Ltv-I _ foreSight thougb shott on s~clling 19 ft pf Hall, g __ 1 0:0 1 Wayne. Mrs, Geo. S~hott, 29,nind R 'B t F b 13eringho~rSe. BettllJean Rogge,: Snow in Los Ange ('s1 Rldicu- and 'punctuation, returned ·a l mar- Andcrso , f .... 0 O~O 1 Killion, g • j 2 0-0 0 Mrs. J,ame-s Cade, .2;). mothe'rfs of FA.~:r:~~~('~:ha~~~SP~'1~)lrna~:--:~I 'J~ L. ;JnlS er e ruary .~ariaI11 Kugler, lq.ria Ahl~;rs. lous, but five youths w rei detained riage license to Cletrk Bjat,c K. Lctheby. f 5 1~3 1 "'ayne 31." Rand rph 30. ~~~~~~~gr~nimWp~~ I~tul~eed car~t,a~~ W';-ym', ~lated that th'2 v 1'J In G~m Stone, 29, son of :'wir andPatsy ~Idoc, ~rd raper, sang No by sheriff's deputies r ~llegedly Wasmuth of district court wi thiS Fnlz, f ....3 6~8 1 J' f ft f strengthen and ad\ance rural' lifro MIs Frf'd Stone. dlPd FebruaryC:an Do., ~i~,d ?o tOJ; Lawyer, I~-I Violating a st,ate law which pro- letter: "Dear Clerk: The I cness Rlefert, 1 O~O 2 Bahe, f 'g 15 P3 the 100-foot tower, whIch broke i3 tf' apply latest mC'thods f)f farm- 13,1 30, at DDeon afU'r a short 111-dIan Chl/?f. MISS zel Reeve dl~ hibltS throwing of all t IrJlg~, snow- that I have purces are bean ric turn Fitch, c 2 6~7 4 Shively, f 2 1-2 5' in two, and 100,000 gallons 'of wa- in'~ and merchandIsing. Mr. ('rook;, ness ~·Jth pneumonIa. He lea\cs h.'ir;ected t*e. feature. " , I balls, at automobiles. Mfs. Doro- for cancal me and thC" part~ has Whorlo ,g 3 1~3 5 Morrison, c 5 1- 3 ter and ice crushed the home of em;Jhasizes the advantaJ!,> or h1.\'- Wlfr ~nd Ihre.. sons.

Two ~hOS of 0 Ig' stor,les by;, th",a Dallon, who com lalned, ".aId disagreed em the mader thIS wJ11 Redlaff, g 5 O~O 3 -2 Mrs. Ceo Burh<im, grl'lOdmother . \1 \1 J h f... Surber, gOO1 1 in~ bC'tter merchanls, bet1"r faTl"'1- . I';S • rnJm I) nson. onnerlyQth gra. er-s arc 0 tllsplay 111 the furthermore that th ~nowballs save a d('vorce It IS true that I ~_.- --- ~--- - of the chlldrcn <ind moth£'r of th£' fWd r 1m d Rh d f

d I T b k f would rathpr sce thIS now before R . Ie· EchtC'nkamp, g. 0 0-0 0 two women M • R h ' er'i and better consumC"r~ nll j11Jli- i 0, a)n l' ,In .r on oa ('S 0

gra e I rary. e ,00 0 mys- were real enough t beak her..., US. 13 (0; ...1 ven Pf>nn, f 0 0-1 0 . rs. ur ,man IS a In!.; together for Increa:-"j pnl::.-1 ( hlcag0, \\ ,II be marnC'd. June I!,teries h~<J a con~ n~iona1izt!d cov.. windshIeld, The Cham eIj of Com- we have gone to fair." • GllIesPJ€ f t 0 0-0 0 ~~~~re of Mr, Koester dnd Mrs. pt>-Ity and hIgher standards r;[ 11.- 1930.

~r~~~t~rmted tl Ie done by BOID merce hasn't be~ hea cl~from yet. A Los Angeles f.i1rCrnft engineer H :olp hy America ~~~~,sl~r, g .. :" i g g~g 2 JUd~ Schott was in the front Ir'}:tV, \'1,'. E. Bralstrd CUll g'lze"l:h 11)~I(~~I~~~rr'~::~e:tr:;~~I~e~~~:High I Cjhool Jib afY has 011 its University of Grego enllemen who said he was t~red of bei~* call~ tl -- Killion g uk' 2 0-0 1 room of the Burham home and hfe of,Ab.raham Lincoln as a W0r- ar)' 19, 1330

byll,ej.iflJ 0,ard tw fine mountJi~g$ prefer rl;'dheads right n w, and ed a t ramp has fIled a petlllon In Robert McLean Describes' . Becky Cade was in the kitchen thy example for model,ng on""" },TbS Lucille Da\ IS, daughter ofof the d p;endages of'~the cray fJsh~ here's why. Tickets to the campus SuperIOr court to change- his name \Vayne 32, La 1 27. WJth Mrs. SchotL Mrs. Cade was - J

This wO'k! wcls do e by Karl Otte krazy Kopy Krawl d ncb at Eu- to Wm F. Cramer, He said I)e ha<; Ser ices Through Iran "I fg ft pf in her own home next door W,lb ;;;Zn \:f~c~~~sf~;1~;;;y<l~da;0; ~~: ~~e~~ro~ ~~~hO, S;~~~~IY ~~VI~:a~~in Mrs; IC~ l'I. L'nd hI's biology irene cOSot $116 for a ar escort- taken a nhhing from ftJCnds y Anny Men. Bahe, f ! 5 0-4 4 her was another daughter, Joyce, mg passIOn. roll, \~ ,'" ~arned tn Millard Brad-class, M~~ntings y tearl Otteland fng a redhead, $1.27 fo alguy WIth throughout hiS '17 years, an~ hp's D h J f Shively, f 2 2-2 5 1. When she henrd the crash, Mrs, Mr. and Mrs John R Morri::; of :ey f)f l'ortland. Fcbru<iry 1, EIJ(1Wesley tickenha erlare also 1I'} the a blonde and $134 or the boys had enough of it. HIS name IS Wm, Whf'~r~~ t~;z~<;a~,~~a~~~t~~I~;r~~ ~U~b~~~~ c 6 0·0 3 Cade dashed toward thp Burham Carroll, were honored on theIr ~11<;,; !\1ahd Th8mle;.' and J n,gr~de Ii F~r 1 f b k . with brunettes. Inclde tailly, on the Ft'rdinand Tramp, and Rus w. fnced serious threats, Echtenkamp, g ~ g-~ ~ home to reSCue Recky The Cade 57th w('ddlllg annl\ersary F'ehru- ~run"On \.... rore marTied at Concord,

ever 'I unro ea 00 s, ,a01- pack of the ticket is a ad for h:ur Ernest Knox, 67, in jail serving America sent a constant stream of Penn f 0 0'0 0 house was dflmaged but Joyce was ary 19, 1930 Mr Morns IS 79 and FC'lJrudr)' 11. 1930.mated umber bo ks for primary dye. supplies y railroad and motor car Gi1le~ple, f 4 not hvrt. Mrs, Burham was visiting Mrs Morns 78. Wallf r R ... rhoop .and MISS !'('ld'lpupils, ,ere adde to thc grade-li- '- out a $150 fmC', admi'ltcd his forc- transpor through the Persian gulf Bressler c J' g g-g ga neIghbor at the tUTic of the ac- Mr and Mrs. Wm. Lilje oOM'rwd Korth we.':' nK~Ilrd February 21),

brary, I ' ! The national safet councli of Sight hadn't worked any cure, cornman to P'"elwvc the soviets Hall, g" T - ciqent and hurripd homp to hplp. theIr golden weddmg ann'Hrs8ry 1930. Throug~ congrets~an K~l $tef~ Chicago, inspired by t e comIc Val- Knox, a railroad car cleaner, was Robert oLean, who was With the Kill . +.. 0 0-0 0 SHe said she saw Mrs. Schott crawl February 22, 1930. . Charlros. ~rdas of ne<lr WInSide,

an, mudh valuabl J materIal on entine spint, offered 0 ('s to guilty found \\'Ith 79 boxes of cough drops speCial tvlce hranch In Iran for "IOn, g, . ,~, 0-0 0 from a basement wmdow. Melvm Chichester and MISS suffC'reQ lnJUrJf'S when a load of· South ari Centr~ lAmeI1ica, was motorists in its cam Blgn to re- He said hiS girl frIend from DE'S thrC'e yc re.;, told of this and de- C:0nservmg Wild !LIfe is the E'uneral ntes for thC' two chi 1- Laura \Vacker were marned Feb- hay lJp"rot \..·]th hIm.

til!' ~ecurcd~f r tho Il r*ry and IS b:~ duce the traffic tplt ne, to 5U!- Momes was coming to VISit him' anrl sCI'Jbed ifc Ifl the middle east movie shown to prep ~ssembly and dren WHe held 10 Coun,Ji Bluffs ruary 19, 1930. n :\lls<; ;o.;n a !{ooker (,f Allen, and, l~g usc by MIs oUean Larsen S cide Sam, read: '~You speed-crazy was "allergiC to colds." He s.ald hp Thursday evening for Wayne all grades last Wedn~day. at 5t John's Evangelical chl.l:rch MISS MamIc Isom and Earl Fltc~ ....udolph Thom.<;en of WakC'Cleld,

hIstory lass. fiend, you would slill rid up dcnd, took the cough drops to gIve to her. branch o~ A, A. U. W. at the Wom- Jumors met Mon~a)/ last week to Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Koester of were married February 8: 1930 "'vcre m<lrnrd r-ebruary 20, 193D" Juitior Hi1h Notes. if the tread on y~ur Ires was as en'R clutl room. get.a report on thelr~ar!yand,to Wakefield, and the B. Grone fam- 1\1. B. Coleman of Pender, frac. FLC' ~idrtlng from a defectl\C'

:.'Junio~»igh aga n 'observed Val- thick as y6ur head." 1\"'0 year'" ago Will R. Pl:'rkms ~ begm plans for the JUnlor-semor 'Iy we . th tt d' I.ur-A a heel when n' " Jumped off cr,lmnej damaged the Rudolph Kaycntine y with s clet Valentines. --J. of Hogansvllil', Ga, repO! ted hiS It wa a long, hard tas~ to sup~ banquet. Myra Ah;lerstn , Lois Wes- I re among ose ~ en 109. t.-u

, .~, d 'I; ply Russ a for American ships had . a loaJ of cmders. home nroa:r W.1ke!leldEach P pili was s n on a al Y Lester Belgrave of hicago, got dog, Fill, h:Hi !>('f'n sto]('n, Now he eloh and Jannene Gr ffith report- G ld W dd- Geo . kopf 63 fonner reSl- MJ"S Lon,tta 1 trcht, 1R, daugh-treasur~ hlunt by !lis unknownipaI. a ticket for faili g t rt'oew hiS feels then' has be('n a setllement. to make

JI:ltJout 20,000 miles WIth ed, 0 en e eng dent of ayne: d.led at Norfolk tef 0/ IIr and RIchard Utecht

IdentitHjs 'were nevealed .Valen~ auto safety stlck r. few hours He r('cently found a note on thC" each cargo, gOing around Africa to Arel Lewis, AI. BJhe and Earl To Be Observed February 7 1930 of \ ]kdl('ld Oled February 16tine's drtY" ~ later, on another st et, he Was door of hiS homc and! a puppy Iy- India and then to Iran. One raiI- Echtenkamp met Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs, F. W. Vahlkam'p John 1 GUire,' 89 resident of \1 0

"' dfter undergomg two opera-. Junia !J~igh wa ~nvitcd JJy the stopped ~gain and Que tionpd about Ing on the porch. The nole said: road and one highway led across plan for the annual t . tit no;;

hIgh sc 0 I to hel lobserve Cour- the same offense. "T JS is perse- "I took your 1I1tle rlog, but am Iran to t!he CaspIan sea to connect. Amovie "Puppet~f"was shown :~i~eb:S~; ~~e~~~~~~enF::::'r;.; --- ;\II<,s L"t~(f Krel and Sterl 150m~e8Y W~k This i el~ded the mat- CfltIGn," Mr, Belgra e declared. leaving you a lillIe puppy 10 place WIth Ru~slan supply serviees. ~ 'Friday.' I • 'S. of S~{\l('~ were marned Februarymee da c Thur.d;y afternoon, "What about that tic et you gave of it." 1504 mJle ,mllroad across the coun- Pep ralhes were heI1 Wednesday, 28, from 2 to 5, by hoJding'oP€'n Wed ng erVlce 1-,l!llO,Bob S it~ of th th grade and --- --- try has 130 tunnels and young boys Thursday and Friday. I house at their horne in Wayne for I H II . J }f WIOfJln'r. father of L. R.

d th t T k relatives and friends. Thp anniver- I "• Vivian I 1: feld~ 0 ithe 7th were Johnson, MarYolO Ku Ipr, Bobhy Marine Cpl Charles R. Wfliters manne e rams. ruc s were Prep basketball te~m won from sary dA.te IS February 25 Sl e ( In o\",a Win·"gA..T' 01 Wayne"died February

CbOoUnr0l.reeOd ~~bObyemagn 'lgm,Cr1d ItnheJ'Umnol'osrt Baller, Paul Andf'tsen GlOria Ahl- of EJlsnor~, Mo" bound for Great assembled, loaded and start~d o,ff Winside at Winside I last week 1r, 1930. In Alliance, aged 64.

'" Lakps, 111 ,'for dl!'ichargr, made thr over the hnzar~ous mountams 10 Monday. Seniors of nbther school --.------ • -.- . .\orrls ~chroedf'r of Hoskms hashigh J v~rs, Charles Messers lllmdt, Bc1- most of hi$ troop Iram'~ dc-lay fit a mattror of minutes, these also played. Action Is Taken MISS EI a Miller Is Bnde been ch'lsen ndlO announce~ fo~

A 'Dr I: Q. skit ~n the topic of ty Lou. M.c,?ullou~h, ~velyn ,Roh- KH.nS8S City, KH.n. He gol hiS com- driven by young, alert American G'radp, Six Nows. Bet G Of El eanan Roberts of !'tation KFEL of Denver.' l\lr.eourtes ,~as prcs~nted~ at the id;ts, VIrginia Prodtl, @rdon Zapp, manding ~fficcr's permission to boys WIth lots of 100tmtive, Alice And('rson, Fried FC'ldman. Y oun Y roup, Schr d tud Ddance t ~unJor h~gh pupils. Jerry' obby Ulnch and Je ry Korff, VISit his flance. MIS!" Ada Marie The Importance of supplying GlOria Johnson and -i.iack Killion Wayne County Ruml School N ar Randolph. De er 'S 5 jln;;:: vOice In en-Stirtz roiv-ed verY~ble as Dr. 1. From Third (Muir,. Golden, Then thry got marned, Russia through a southern all-year dramatized the story, I~Lincoiln, the Roard association, in sC'sslon at MiSS E~t :i\111ler, daughter of Mr... e~lr<; Fred Fagpr of Crofton.Q, Ma y 'Carhart a ted as his'sec- IBobby Sieckmann a.s 9 ycnrs port W'l5 l'eallzC'd early Mr Mc Surveyor" February 112 Winside February 3, wC'nt on f('C- and Mrs. aul Miller of Homl'c1• who"e 8-.\·roar-old son wa<; klll~...l b_vrctal'y, IShirley rt as, a~drd 10 d Sunday fmd trqalC' I all Mond<iy Ben W. Alpmf'r, state reprC'sf'nt- Lean a~~ived< In' Iran In Dece~ber~ Natura'lization procedure was ord as opposing change in the nor- Ia, and heanan Roberts, son ;;r Ia car In February. 1930, IS th~-Ufor_dist'ribll~or and Pa I Emung, i~h- to chocolale cup CRke, , al iV(', Kan1akC'p, Ill, placed a 1!J4:2, and he found that some portrayed by a dramatization glv- mal trainmg high school law, fa- Mr. and rs. Everett Roberts of mer illanche Frye of Wm..<;lde.ard Jo~sen, Ca r II Tbom spn, . A .new Skl.~1 prC'se[11t d wns mul· "card of t '1Oks" in the Kanl{akC'e Americans had been there 14 en on Valentine's dayjby Lois Har- vormg state aid but opposing the Randolph, were married Sunday MISS Hare Hornby has beenTommy I Buhe and uclt 'F'ishc las llplymg by ~ Tho c); RS has ma,'i- Dally Jour al which read: "To my months then, Tehera~, th~ cap,ital de!", Ruth McPherran1i Gayle Thie-]- $40 average d.uly attendance pr~ evening la t week al St John's Lu- CritIcally 111 ~t \VmsldC'.

· JiSSistaf'lS statione ~n the nudi nce t('red carry 109 in th one's and frlcnds Wh~ called my phone m of Iran, was one hour s flYing lime man and Janet Wait. posal and recommending that Ne- theran ch~rch Of ClImbmg Hill, I t:arl} County NMU., to sncu 'e contest n,s. 10's places,. , . pprson, I {roslrc 10 thank you for from Stalingrad, and if the nazis The Valentine maHI box wfs braska rural school board aSf;OC!fl- la, With v W. A. Klrk [X'rform- From W' ,11' Herald for Fphnl-

'T,he th grade s enjoyed their The class IS sbnb g a und on your klndn 'ss in calling relative to had bombed the supply routes the opened during the last half te r lions be organized in all coUnties, ing the d ~bl(,-Tlng ceremony. Iary 23, ]91] G G Hallpr wId hi'>secret cart pal \ ebk. Billie Jane histQry.of transporta~on in north- my passin away. The fact IS I situatIOn would have been more Friday. Fred Feldman. PhIl p The group opposed the proposed Rev Sc rocder of lAwton, la" , profX'rty hrorp and IS movmg tp aRobert made th I~ngest trail to {'!lstern Nebr~skaJ PI neeI'S camp never was in hettrr health, so grave. FUEsier and Jack ,Killion h$d law that would compel graduates sang "The ord's Prayer" and "Oh, Ifarm nC'ar Rlillr . GlL'ita"\ Alhcrtfollow. The mo t original notes to Nebra!'lka In cover wagons so please omlU flowers." Iranians were described by the charge of the mail. I of normal training high schools to PerfC'Ct L v(''' for the servires. and MISS :"'otartha Haveman of H~-were \\~I'tten by len Doughty. ·this means of tr~r~p rtation will speaker as small, dark, sharp-fea- Fifty per cent of !he students attend college before they would Mrs. Schr der was accompanist. kms, W('fe marrieG February Hi,"

, Sixth Om. e Note.s. be given first co~tH:le atIon. His· Municipal Judge A. E, Wheclock tured people WIth very white teeth. ma,de a perfect score on the fmal bj?' certified to teach m rural Mrs. Klrk*layed the processulnal 1911 .. , Rey. Alexander CorkeyVale tihes w r e exchanged. to:y StoriC'S of Ne , ra a, by Clara of Portland, Ore" asked the de- Their diet ~f coarse bread rolled spelling test last F iday. Nolle schools. The assoczatiOn feels that and recc!'s onal. went to Poole. !\"eb, to lecture on

Dwayn~ Atkins and Walter Gilbert WIlson, W11l be used a reference:>;, fcndant, charged with Intoxication, around !'~e greens seems to help missed more than thr e words, such a requirement would ptbduce Thc brl wore a noor-Ie'ngth Ireland ... Burl Craig ex{X'ch 10trcate{l'the class Ito ,brownies and Children are trying to gf'l the hIS occupatIon "Interior decorflt. their teet. They lIve in\ mud Fifth Grade e\,~"S, a shortage of teachers, while satl

lgown. the waist' of rna\'(' to !'inrth Dakof<i ,H V,

Valent~tJe cookies'l names of Wayne ou ty rC'sldents 109," rrplied the prlsnnf'r. "Post- homes w Ich are built In small . Harold Surber bra ght a lar

t(' The group opposed tHe S40 p<'r which \.\<is of hand C'mhroldeIT'd Garwood of Carro'L went to :--:..w-

Mrs,:: Barns $o,rensen visited who came by covdrrd wllgon. man's holldny, eh?" rrmarkQd thp c~us1ers S rrounddd bY,high wa1l~. horseshoe magnet fo~ sciC"nce a d average dally attendance stat!' aid l"ce Her mg('r-t1p vC'z] fell from comers Town. OhIO, 1Il1911 for thC"Thursd~"'Y. . Third graders ('fio ed a Valrn· junge, and fmed hall $20 for too F,ach vlll ge has a leader who IS Joyce Ingram broug~t a sm 11 proposal because It does not pro- a while' JQliet C<ip. She carned a funeral of hIS mother. F:"'o1

Pcrf&t papers n' a test on sub- ,tme party ThUrS~~y. Delila Gil- much interior d('caratlng," usually co rupt in,dcmand(ng gifts magnet, a compass al)d a dry b3lt- vide a method lo raise the money hOUl1ud 01 peach colored gladiolI. Skeen \Ioent to SIOU.X CIly to un-tr~etio~ of {raeti n~, were written ?ert treated aH to, Va entine cook- or tipS, an the government in turn terY. ,'1 and does not assure the taxpayer She \....ore string of pearls, a gift dprgo an operation, .. Mrs. Lo\,-'ryby Dw' yrilC ~tkln 'IDICk Cantllng, les. I At San Dicgo, Cal, Poli¢eman docs the same WIth these leaders. 'Sunshine club had a combjn~d that thIS will nol be an addItIOnal Of the bri egroom. died <it WlIlside, February 22.1911,Bob Ca hart, Jam ~ CoJson, Loren Second Gra!de ores. Athos Sada and Howard Holway BeSIdes tl30se in villages, many Lilncoln and Valentine prograJi" property tax, The proposal does l\IlsS VI let MIller, who served leanng her husband and two sonsEllis, arrell Fr nzen, .Toan KSi- Each child had ~ t rn In dis- are willing to ITly hereaf(c-r (m Iranians arc nomads and eke out The program comrnll~ee consisted not relieve the small and weak dJS- h{'r slstf'r ~~ maid of honor, wore FIre of undetermmed ongmbisch, David lMey r, Pelores Nid- tril;mting Valentin 1 < t the party standard cquipmc-nL SL'<lr('hing for a liVIng by wandering lhrough the of Jracqueline Victor, ShIrley tricts because the cost of education a white t ffeta formal. Her bou- d('~trojerl the S. E, Bradford resi­/,>en, .10 Ann Pau sen and Alice Thursday, Lois La ~a ger brou~ht a mlssmg boy, they were advised mountaln~ with their families and ston and Tommy M)ler. The V 1- is based on Instructional demands quet was f lavC''nder sweetP<'as. dc-nce III the wr",t part of to~'n.Denthack. caI1dy bars and ir Inl<!l Hughes by the lad');; aunt to try at an ad- stock. Fo\j.r have an opportumty to entine box committeJ.' was Jea _ instead of on attcndance, The MISS Mine a Roberts. sister of the Pees and ;"11"5. U, S. Conn went

, In hi$tQgraphy t<jRt high s~ore~ brought heart.shaped cookIes for dre!'s Which she gave them. The attend school, hut they "'do well eHe McPherran, RutJ1 Beeks aqd group feels that the tax would fall bndegroo ,sen:ed as bridesmalrl, to Mobll,." Ala., to attend a meet­, were c",-rned by D clf> Canning, ~otl their Valentines. , officers seQ.rehed In vain for the when given a chance. The people Jon Ronnfeldt. on property to raIse nme million Her forma 'was of baby bJue taf~ I :ng of s<:hool men, .. Evangehsts.

Carhart, D~vld ~eyer, D nnib V Pupils wro~e ori¥in rhymes for address and went back to tell the arc faithful to theIr Mohammedan The 5th grade contlributed $2,~0 ~~~~~edand~s:~~~lsbet~e:ul~na~~i~~~feta, She ried a bouquet of rcu [art <::.nd :-'1agann of Fairbury. Ill,SkC"ahain and Alice Benthack. alentines they mad, Larry Ho~ aunt there was no such place The re!tglOn, and they arc mbst hos- to the March of Dim$.. I swC€tp€'as. wdl il lId a serIes of meetings in a

" !-Iealt~ and hygi~rle has repl~li:e4' feldt made. up th~ ost rhymes. boy reappeared .;..hJle the Woman pltable, fClties of the western interior of benefactors. The bnd groom wore a blue-gray tabernacle north of the BaptlstsCience.! ~ .' Goraly~ PrIce had th most, clever was confidently tellmg th('rh the One Ir~nian boy of 16, Ronnie, t e United States are the center The group went on record as lit- SUIL church .. Fred H, Wolter and

Perfej::t scores n spellmg liI1as~ Valentme. address cotlldn'{ be wrong She got whom Mr, McLean and other Gl's 0 interest in geogra~hy. A graph voring organizatIOns in every C'oun- Earl Mil cr, brothe} of the bridC', M1SS Emma Lilje were married< tery test Vl.:cre car efJ by Dick ~an- Charles Mellorl a d VIrgmia It from hen oUIJa board helped, ex!Jlects to come to Amer- has been made showing the rela- ty to promote better rural schools was best an. He wore a dark February ~2, 1911 ... Wm. C'ross-

ning, !f~~garet S nney, Bar ara iUgheS were rr years d and trt'at- _. Ica later. als father is dead and his tlve sIze of 16 of the!f cities. and to faCIlitate legislative ptotec- brown SUIt Each wore a white car- land of \Vayne, student at Nebras-, D~bus"t"~irle,y w szus, De ores d aU to Ice cream ars and cup A Los Atge)es man returned to mother is willmg that he,co~e be- I Grade Four. - tion. nation bou onniere.· ka \Vesleyan 10 Lincoln. won the

i:elsen~ Betty . ansen, lEvan akes With candles nday Mrs hiS car pa ked In front of a flf(:' cause of the opportunity It wlll af- ~Lincoln pictures were used on Followm the ceremony, a [C- honor or r(':Jresenting the state at

~ ughe1sl nNelt Bu n am, Ida ['Mae . W'IHughes and M s Wm. McJ· plug and ound a traffIC offense rord her son, though she dreads t e bulletin boards; stories about James Callaway was reelected ceptlon w held at the home of the IIlter-state oratOrIcal contestlon:e I

Iordn El is Donnie Skea- lor VISited. He also fund hiS car wlOdows the partfng. Mr, McLean expects ~ncoln were read: and facts about head of Randolph school. the bride's parents. A three~tle!red in SIOUX Cily.

han, a b Icathartr alter Gllb~rt~ I I First Grade ell'S. broken FlremC'n had to run theIr the youth to visit here eventually, h s life were used in class dISCUS~ weddlOg c e was decorated in ''"Ie In Dixon County FUes.DwaYJ AtHjins, x Sala, DaI\'Id Mrs. Schwarz~JlJb ch VISited hose lhrouJ;:h the wmdows to ex- the sp¢aker reported that the sons . Johnson brought the ValelJllne bride's ch sen colon;, blue 81.d From Korthern Nebraska Jour-MeYe;tff::r~mes Co s n and Allee thu~d~Ywhen Rober treated the tmgUlsh an apartment house blaze greatest Ienemy of American sol- ) Dr: M, B. Street's class observed box. I white. nal, Ponca, for Febru"ry 11, 1886:Benth ~~ dlass rto Valentme co kr,S and Ice diers In han was monotony, He aj hlStOry lesson Thu"f'iiday. Miss Grauer is using the Hcfhn Mrs. Ro rts, who is teaching, Seward is stricken with the diph-

Darr. H Frnnzc oved to Wm- crea~bars for hiS 7t hi thday. A question of who owns Park mentionqcl that one time it was 14 IThe class went to the college readers. Chlldren are interested in will contIn e throughout th~ school theria scourge ... Nebraska eele.ISide F~~d Y Gal Theo Balhlte s rved Val- avenue in Haup, Kan" has finally months efore he .Ieft the post to qill for Valentine party rcfresh- a tram unit. . year, The nuple will bf' at home brates her 19th birthday as a state

The 81 grane c vers defeated enUn ~okies Thurf'd y. been setllqd. F'or years there has go to t wn. MOVlCS, sports, etc" II}ents. Our WritIng CQrnpendium by on a farm south of Randolph. March 1 ,. The latest esttrnate7th gJ·<\.fl five 8- nday In Ibas· Bet'lC I R.,1e BensQn entered the been argument as to whetht?r the were pr VI dedi but even, so ,the II Socond Grade News. Savage has aided in manuScript of the cost of water works at Hast-l,etbuJl~ l class Mdlnday. She <.]< e rrom Pen~ 70-fool Wide street 10 front of Fort strain '1" s hard to bear. Mr, Mc- Children elected Donald Sherry wTlting. ings lS S:93,llO. . Ground has

~I I from GI'2 1 Five. dH w~th he!' parentis ho recertly Hayes State college was owrted by Lean s<!ti that the greatest thrill ~tor of the next i~sue of the Spel!ing, written and oral" is Miss C oe C. Baldridg<', state been purchasci::1 for the new public

GC'or C' Otte, B II Pallmer, Ra~ moved} ~o the hoUs~r they bought the city or state. Nt'?w Cltyl Man. was reqe \/lng the paper which told -rt.umpet, their bi-m.5r!1thly paper. mueh Improved. Many are getting director 0 rural and ele~!l('ntaryI)-,uilding ~t Nebraska Clty at.a !z;'0n J ~~\ n ~nd 1i u ~ene ,Pile ere from p*. S. A. Lut9c agel" Virgil Basgall solved thjques- that he: as to return. to tlie states, ,Miss Byerly' ,nd .1'fliss Schmidt perfect papers now. education rom 1927-43 anr' pres- cost of ~ OOC .. A movement ischoso n~(lectors fa thQ week Klnd4~rgartef. ews. tlOn by unearthing an old docu- anJ;! hl~ ext big thrill was to see hpd a Valentin(J' party'with the 2nd Kindergarten News. ent Sewa county superintendent, on foot among t '? colleges of Ne-

JacjJ;l! )<o,rff, P t y Jeffreyl and Judy ISutherlanq b ought treats ment slgned by Govrrnor apper hiS httl tlaught~r wno was born g)"ade ThurSday. JerrY McPherran 'The stu~nts received a letter has flied f r the office of <:tatf" ~ 1- tbraska to orgamze the presidents, Barba.I~ t~lhS car e the rating of ~on heir eth birtrhday, ebruary 13. in 1918 conveymg thq street to the after h~ l¢ft the states. brought the Valentine bpx. from their fr:jend, Mary Alice Ae- perintende t on the non-political and professors into a stale organ-

. rtlasle Ils~rgeant. I Mrs. J. ,W. Sutherllnn was a vis- CIty So now Park avenue WIll be MISS ~_ ~ettal Hackenbetg intro- !The 3rd grade won a soccer ball gerter of Des Moines, who told ticket. . Baldridge directed 1 u-I izRtion for mutual improvementVal ~tl ('5 wer ¢xehangedl and itor. paved by the city duced t~ ~Ispeaker from 2nd grade last Fnday about the thmgs she has been do- ral educa n at Peru college be- anf: benef;;.... The town on the

Jim AitWins I tr~tCd all to cup 'AIl~enjOYed the Va entine party ~' uth Williams presented b~ 16 to 10. ing smce she left Wayne. Mary fore enteri g the state office. ShE:. railroad \\, st of V"ayiu~ will beca:k('s.l I . in eft h Iclass Thur~sa . Los Angeles pollee heard a dC"- MISS me Johnson who played a ~ Band has finished percussion Alice also sent eaeh pupil a Val- ih'saSahr::"rAdU. te. froofmKNeaernbraseYkCOa I\~~:;~ ~'IIOalyt,edltanbdasIO'"~nWlc-lalIl'ebed l~ol'nsld i~~

Let~clrJng has I •Cen start~d it) Mya Lueders b a ght a ijook pal'tment store wasl putlin 200 purno s >to, "Romance" study. Now pupils &.re learning entine. '" {Vo-:> U l}Cl;:" Wart. ::f.' ... I about a tram In ch each car, pairs of nY10n hose OQ sale, s~ they ¥ISS IOrettal Hackenberg, Mrs. about the reed fami11TwO groups Caroline Bickert brought books leyan and her mR<;ter's from the. . The total population. of Ne·

.' I~urth G d!" News., after the correlatm tory is read, sent two triot cars just Ill

rcase, Cl"ra ~ ylmun, MiSS Ruth Paden, aft: learning to play e tonette. which ,,*re read, A song, "A VaJ- University· of Nebraska. S~e has 'braska I? 1885\\<lS y40,64S:as com·

Vlr~i la Proett tr~ated all tp, ice may be attached t form a long They repo~ted 800 wpmen, n cas- M~, R • Cuff and Mrs:. G. W. J On Lincoln's birth ay the class entine for Mother," in a mag;:azine had a year ~ work tmyard hL'r' ~oc~ pared wlth 452,4C2 In,lggo... , . The

~.!eY~~l' '~Iar' fokr he blrthaa,Y 'I'l}u,rs- $f:taGnadr-YUI'SltrraJahnand.lSl'~~d'a w~er. ualtles __~n no more nylons. CO~'llesrs' nessslCerveBd'oyce atnounCCd rfad a story of Ius ltf¢. 11 she brought, was learned. torate at ncoln. MlSS Baldripge ~rd of t~tees o~eied theWh - 1 Second graders ~re out fo~ The flag salute started the Val- SUpervISed pubhcation of st~dY bwldmg of a sidewalk m front of

r :~l I I ker TwInS" is 1;Idlng I ommy Beckner, 1 rpy Sch ldt, Pia Demons ra~on. . til t t?e ~xt meeting will e a din- s~.irnens in s~iencel which they entU;1e party. Valentine songs\ were courses fo rural and elementary tte court house block .•. The plan


,,' ~ nd De.ta,ld Nielsen b ()U$'ht ate-I E H 1JI ppert ex enSlOn hortl- ner Wit c n use in ani~l sJdy. \ sung and a parade with' na~ fol- schools. If- the new bnck hotel to be buIltNe:;1 mspectors chosen are ar~ ial about lIthmgs h ~ go." cUIt~ri;t as h~re Th!,lr5 ay to ' First Gi'ade ews. lowed, The students exch~d at Ponca by l\rz:. Saulpa~ has

ir'd H ~ gar. Ma cia Witmer -r Jimmf Bales, la Lueders, meet With County gent . R. H<>U liS BOUGHT First grade enjoy a Valenti~e Valentines. They served I jello Is ng Divorce. Ibeen pttpared ~y G. G. BiiliIwm.

, n J ' told, Glo la Ablvets, w- ommy Bcckncr, Ilfo~d PriCC I'Hardcr in makmg pans lor farm rCLARE BUiSKIRK Pjlrty. Pupils m~de thetr val~- 'I\1hich they made. When the party ,Ro;<ema Mintz fiI\'d petillO~ m Ion~ of SIOUX Clty'~ archlteCls •••~ V Eve! Roberts. I nd Jimmy Schuld ro~ght story landscapln demonstration w rk. l\1:t, Mrs. Clare B~skirk 01 tfes in sehool nd \earn"l! SO e was oyer. pupils washed andj Wl/'" dIstrict co Febroary 14 seelfnglTlje parties ,,:ho recently strock a

a es wer exchahfed at ~ lOOkS to be read. . 1 ne~r efield, bought IMiss A. s ngs lor the d .' Th~y a1sp lea • ed the. dishes. ' , divorce I Wm. O. Mmtz.. se'ien-I~ot vern 01 coal in Cedarr~ urfday, I Boys I se~edl "Comb anq See/ he_lread~'e~Sl Sp sat'V,nsi~e. Le1V1s' pertyat915:Mainande Dixie. I II DonaldRussel1hasfedth~f~~., i cr"mtyaremakingane~Z~:ti:tftl I. look, hJ-s been nearly eO$plet. Dl' S. B Shively g:,lYe I th ad- plan t ove to it. Consideration I' r'Wally Bressle:r brought so~e Gary Blecke has watered thelsand Jo Comes Today. , t .... In the bounty offeredveIn f coalt~ 1 SCOres in spellJhg maS-I Pupils are beginni g a h alth dress fot" t ¢ LinCOlnbda¥ p gram waS $5 , Dr. J. R,1.J0Ton and eetpeas. ]; 0t and Patricia SWeigard water;d"i}le District udge F. IL Pollockh~vl!rer of a p4)'lng 0



l, wil~e altrt

leli by Urry ni~II' 'I ," I I tal Wins,d seh"":!!"e

l~utryl .2i farrUy in the rOT' , I • Mrs. JOhns01 vls]led. IS plants. - I il ?c here ~u~~. In lithe s~re;

~'~!'~:I~';ljl~:~~1 L',II'~' I~ i~~lll ~!i '( i rl 'JI II i; J ; : "r I' I' J), ~ ~Hllj' l.~~ r ,t. _.,.,.,,,; ...2""'I,''i;;;,

Page 10: Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · p~GES l'.~~e-s 1 to 8 LD 16 ~t.'dit)n One "'----__...J 'I'f I HE I ~----'----Receives

ItdJt!n'1 take a war to proIe the '!'petfrl1t'01 the Gas Refrigerator.r.but It he peifYes-during four lang ~n of war, m ­lions of 'S-ervCl- Gas Raj:crators we~t ongiving pedect rddcerab D •• "'1 • WIthoutbrea:kdoWll or n.eed for or replace­

.ments. ThiI recDrd iI only possible becausothe Serve! o.peralel with a tiny gas aa-­has no moYJ,nC p)lnJi to tF or J:e; oat oforder. Oede; )W:l;cltCW . AS ReIl'Iieral<n:NOW' 7

! II I

et [the I n~w

SEVLE~.A5 '1~~~'TQr




You May Now See lhe.

wr Now H"ve Them on Display

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When ydur radio needs, ca~1us for prompt, dependable service.We pickup your radio and deliver it.

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Use MedicrudeFo more than a qUarterof a century, livestofk us­er. have depended' uponM dicrude for tretmentnf maIiy types of ail entsco mon to hogs, cattlean poultry. Eachl yearbr ngs reports of new uses,ye this all-around aid forhe Ithy farm animals andfo Is costs less to use be-

ca se Medicrude J'. at ,a price far elowm ny remedial prpd cts.

. So d on a generollS. . o~ey

So d .on a genero.... oneyback -guarant

de Is one.of the DtaDf'"iamond products



11 ·',1il I. ,I




,L- 111 ~T -r- ready for safe Cribbin~. jSettle- Mrs. ullen-Visited Mr.'~~d Mrs: ~o~e-the ~s-t-~~ek-~o-~~Mr. Jr- home and Sunday in the John.' -1 'ra, ~ 1.i1 WS p1ents are made at the.t~e of de- Aldernooen wis at Tilden, in he afti. spn who has been ill were the fatn- Horstman home at Carnoll.livery, 'giving" farme:rs db~tional Hies of EvC'rpft Larspn, Mel~in I ;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;~

A re et:1t lUbli opi' n poll I cash returns aV8i1.8bl€' i. tl1.e fall, St. ary's Guild will ~ nn<;l1r a Lar~('n, ~aYm(.mrl Florine and G~n [.

p.S~;~: ~~r~. ~~~~~~~~r~h.tek~~~'I ~~~~i~~t:~';'iC~~ ~~ed htl ~~;major ~~~~~ ;;~r ~\ ~t~ ~1I~u ~~'~i~j g~~~'t~t~ ~l:d 7J~.1:':h~o;::1 r~ YOUR, that. public.Ii, raries are I~pported Farme~ who plan to d$c pop be se ed. f21 tl ine of Wak('flf'ld, 11r. and M.. V -t _

by local tuxes. You pay, fdr your corn should contract en ir acrc- Mr. od Mrs. L('\"jn Johnron and Fr;qnk Jf'LsC'n and Mrs. Emma P.e- I' amiDpublic library. Are. you using its .f~ age. This guaranfi?es the r ~e and Mrs. . O. Mitchf'll w('Tc·tn Nor- terson of Emerson. iresources fOTJ entertain ent, Iqr ~ I insures immediate Qelive in the M. r. and Mrs. Arthur H.olt of D 1· Store

~.. / folk S nday, the first two'to \'jsit

. , , ,J': ~;~r~:t~~:~ib~kf1~~~~ ? Ift n:.j>,.t.)- :~:~ i~~;',;n~~PisC~~~ab1e i ~e;~ ~:::: :ii~ ~~I~~:~ga~~dM~~~ B1::~ ~:~S~ni~ f~~e~r.~~~:a.;; t ~ FOR ALLportunities. I I I H II ho . way and every farmer t rested Kulp. Andrew Parker home. Other gue. S BRANDS

Some of the neL, book you c'n :{ Glen anson, W IS now~ a in growing pop corn sh 1 write M d M EI F Friday in the Parkpr home were.w a fr ht . t t t HarIa I r. n rs. . wayne~ lc£'t- ~r

ce~i~~~~:;~e:~, t °U~;~~p~~ i= ~~~~~rt~~ ~~~I~~~a;Kis w ~~,~~~ gu~;~] ~~OU'~t:~eJ~a'f,!' ;,rlw~ f]~':" i~O£W~cn~;~. Mr. ~~s~~ immediately. f7tl :~c I ~trS~i~~~~~orW;;111~:'\';'~;; ri,;,~t~~~m~a·an~~:·td~D~.olpl~h'naJOr·f' ~rr'~ GRIESSment office, in il)-J" rfolk, Februa The Friendly Per~uasion by Jes- serv s at a Va~entme dance. Rer visited with his w.reni81 at La\,l.rel LOCAL NE S the U iversily of SOlllhf'm Cali-, ,- \.~ RexallStore15, under the di ction of Trac y samyn Wel3t, Jess BirdWIll, nur- fresp ents were ser\qd d adn~ ffJew back to Har an Thurs- l. fornia. The feJlks will Ii\"(' jn ,JIul- roll. Thf' samp group were gue' s'uedam'and W. A. Steffen, area i- seryJJlan of 19th ¢entury Indiana, Gl IS of troop Two, lIed by Mr'l aya ternooon. Mrs, Chas. Lapham !·~TJ Miss Iywood t Saturday in the Matt Holt. j .,

Javed a good h.o~e., and altho.ugh Leon rk:l Strong, heard Mrs, Chrlsr John Gustaf, fbrmC'r flight in- Nell Fox /-ipent Monday ·in Sioux G I R 1 Ire~;~s A and B ,ertainingito tl1is this was con..<;ldeted of dubIOUS tme )~J1on gJIVe mfll>rmatlOn o~ stnuctor :at Wayn~~ ·flew in Thurs- City. ~'d('~'~~sda;·wi~f7~~~~~~~.. ;'J~~~; ~

I f II f ·II· d t Quaker propriety,! relish d a fast. fm:;t lj:llast Wednesday, at the Clt~ day even!ing., Mr, (j.i-ustafLis now in- Miss Barbara Strahan of Frc- and d ughter, Mrs, Rnh,'rt Cr;J- '."1 I I I'trainihg must')~ u:y 1 e au brush on the road. His Wife, Eliza, Echo 1 1Mrs DIllon did nursmg If} structing: at floldr~ge. Alter spend.- ~ ham w a sppnt thp rlCly in V/riyn(l ~-' •~~oU:'{;f7e~~~~y~~(te:. ~~~t~~~~ not only a ,Quaker, but a 'minister, Chic~g? ~bout 25 years. . : ing thp evening in Wa&ne he re- ~~snst'M:~i~:v~·~~k-end ,g cst of Mrs. ers is visitinl: in 11)(' Wm. !l1 ,""~'will b.e a.vailable.~a the service Qf~ was rel~eved when Jess ~aded his ,B~~\YnlelS o~ .troop Three, Wl1.~ turned to Holdrp4e Fri,day, Other Mr. and Mrs. Willard J nson Clover and \Valff'r ROl:f'rs homf's \~~ of this Cle , Famify Newspaper!icC' after Febru~r 20. ~orm A £la.ShY~aY geldjng for <.1 C;I iet. ham- Mrssi R;uth Willlmns leader, had Q. visitors ~1. t.he WaiYne airport w¢re were guests Sunday evenin -in the until t e' lasf of this WN'V.: THE r"YTnT~"''''''' S M'must be made ou't in triplicat.e and mer-he dcd mare. Yet FJiZH was Vale tine' party Thursday at thq Clair Blakeman qf Norfolk, ,on J, K. Johnson home. Gues s Sunday in lJ)(~ .Tohn I" '~ '-'\f'4 CIENCE ONlTOR

e f ~ d t th U S demure y pleased WhP)l,! for the trainin~ ~cho?l. Joy~e. Ingra3 Friday and Har(lld Wyant and Rememher the eh,'cken p e sup- IReam. r., h. omC' in honor of Ll_ and F f . d·Ona1 F f:'~~)l~i::w~t o~ j~e i:: ~orf~]k: first tl e, the deceptlve Ii .tle marc operr d~thlS ~dh nn' ,lIu"tra!c Donald Hi,h of sioux City, Sa'or- per Thursday, February '.. all,e Brockman were ~I,'. bia:~. ':r" .~~~:_n=';';I·,. ~r:''': ';ftr;:Form 13 is made t in quaArupli- took th~m flying past the h.ev.erend poen~ I alentlne.s iW.ere (>xchange, day, , Presbyterian church. f21l1 and M !';. C. B. Crt'go of r)nko!A. «he truth about world cvent!JtI own world-wide staJf of cor~

I"" Godley' Black Prince, All the ,and' rffl'cshme,nts scrvC'u afte~ Bill Banister of 'Wayne, took his C M J rk db' th d .cate anrJ three cQP es forwalj'ded to B1rdwe Is, Jes~, Eliza, and their ,gamf ". . i dual cross ootln1ry to Sioux City, Major Chas. Richards of ,Joa~, 6:~~n ~. ~l~;: J)~~ E~'MI;:osh7;~(ln\:, :d'y=la:il~.~ch.0~;S ed:WS.ith :i~~=:l~gf:nirO:'1he state departm nt of voep,t.iona) brood ~SiX' lived accordipg to the: ~ wnles, WIth Mrs. Pa~l.Pawcl+ Yankton' and return on Saturday. Ip." spent Sunday and Mon ' y In HIM J k R a d I to clip and keep.l-ehabilitation. ~ is bein" done way of William Penn, but there 'ski. ' atler, ~bs€!h-~d ':irglOl€:l._ Prof Bill mad€' his solo, cross country t~e T. S. Hook home. JU~~ym r ane rs ne "e m an I r--------....--- make certain 11 yeterans un- etlSl1~th blrth~ay WIth a Valen Md' M' C t] . ChI _T!ul~.-.T.~~..!.~u~ 7 DPle~~t_tPnpl.&Qpin Idel' Oll-t.he-job-t i in~ program of were ti f'S when their human na~ I ' t on ay mornmg. ISS a terme .avanaug. w 0 Mrs Detlr>f Bah,j(I mil Ern0st .~... _................... _'. oj Th, ChrUJ;.. Sdn&, ,

. ture cq Id not be denied. The Bird- Itine a ty at. th. city SC,.hOOl Thursi, Fred BradC'r of Winsidc" took his teaches in Fremont spent thlw-cek- B",hde, thf' ) ltlcr of Wakpf)f'Jrl I Ii MDsiJf~ni~i~~~lTh~~eCh~ g~ ~n~otiP:~g:~ Wells' 'ill soon become a famolL'; [day v ning. Each gave steps of ~ solo eros>! country:to Yankton Sat- end at her home here. ' were I Fn'mont Thursd<-:ly 10 at I .I&" , •••••••••••••••~....... or. IrNI tap" hut is int odoced in order Americ n family. Perhaps you dane or roll call. Mrs. 0. B. Pro; urday morning. Mr. and Mrs. J, A, B(> and tf'nd t e funC'raI of Mrs Bahdr "I ", .p"'_:;:. _.~.._:._.: _..~.._ _ _~_.. :_:::~:_~.._.. ~_:::_:: _D__:;_~:.7'._~.:.1~_·O·7_.._~('Ithat vpt('ram; rf'cjei!v.e proper train~ heard rs. R. A. Speece rdview this Ie-tt r f'd ice ~rcam bars, cakeH Mr, :md Mrs. Boy SR.1tzpr 'of Ray of Sioux City., sJ?Pnt ~i.Jn.daY COUSin, Mr:-; Marl€' DO!Jf'r From ~ _ 0- ...,....00..-,ing. Employers are aliso asked to book f r the Naomi circle of the land o¢tkies. The girls answer rplt Wisner, flew to J!Iastings and re- in the F. S, Berry hOl!ne.: there t fly \\('nt to ("u};--lr Bluff" , F7t7

' Method;st church. call iih selections of songs th~ turn~rI Sunday. T~y spf'nt the dav Rill, Paul and Joan Kay u}:onard where hf'y \lsltf'f1 In thf' hom\' of,i~I,:~r~~r~~I,y teP°

r1Jspertaimng The Unsuspected, by Charlotte IThu ?ay.. ,. visiHng- Mr, Saltzer's father 'of of lWakdield, spent the we¥k-end Mrs B hde's brothC'r John Luh-

Armstrong, has been prepicted to' Se ](~: gIrl Rcouts rec~Iv{'d s('n.lO~ that city. in -the Myron Colson home. i' ker AGDITn)t':-i RF.PORTAll 1950 form~ received aftE'r be the most popular SUSpenSE' story ;.scou1"I· fl lnS, The n.lursqay evening Clyde Ff'hliman"pf Beemer, made Calle In th(l Fr 10k 1 nrs(ln SI "ur \RY 0'- OTi

T'T('R' 0T \Ty"lF"."TFebruary 1 by the state depart f. h t hId Carl Pfeil, Boh and .J.acqIJeline .., ..... ,.. ...

'< t -v..n. d th f - of the year, It is not a! mystpry ,m~teh lie at t, e .Cl YTS,CeOO open£'). his first ~olo fliglit fat wayne'Mair of O'Neill, spent Sunday andi.Mon- I ... '\LL {or 11 Of 1-1< ~_"rrwnt are no P1"'I"A"sse; eve ore story, fo.r the re-.ader alwaws lmows' !.~I. f't oup slngmg. ~'., sC'rvicr Sunday '0 ternoon. r.employers must s1Jbmit application. who thc guilty perSall tirs. Very, plr I Scouts Are We, ,.was ~ntr01 FC'hliman is anothl;'r of Nebraska's day in the W. E. Lindsay hf:C' ,\\a.. nf" {OU[]t~ \\aYJ1P",~pbraska

The sprvic(' officer of this dis- quickly we realize that t f' horri- idU~e(~ and a pa~t. of ,t!, le~rneo~. flying farmer~. Mrs. Roscoe Dempster an~Tom-lrkt attended th~midwinterAmer- ble charmer under pxami ation is This ~~ng won fIrst prize at thQ -------------'---- my of LaureL sppnt Saturd aft- I«(Junt~ Tr~a:u~('; ~_~~,') to 12-31l-4-.;------~------~-;~7'~ndLef;~~~u~~~~~ti~~t19Gr~~ ~tlsut~~~b~e';'':;U~erci~t:;:s;ko;:~i~.~~~~ls~IQu1i~~~;~~~'.~~~~Igf~~~~e~i. Order Wlf·ndbprleak . er;:;.na~~ ~~.~~. ~:~s~ :~re ~:~:~~~'{)~~ hand 12~31-44! S~~'i~~ ~~first day was schbol for service of- every word and action. The young an pUenmg g.uest. Heart slst?rS Trees or antlng Saturday afternoon and lUl'heon Ui;-;hun(-rrwnL" 5f)H.~67_17ficf'r:-: conducted' by Ivan Mar~h man and woman w~o ar.e Ir+ing to for ~~e cvpnmf? were. detennmed.·.', Kont Jackson of Winsidp, John guests in the Russell Lindsay orne. BalH.n('('d()O hand I 3OL'.f65 L'1and Elmf'r \Vebh., The last day was prove·,·-but cannot prow- ~j hat thC' :~y orrespon~,lng pJElces of. [.:. M. ~et('rS0n and r. II. Marri:-: of Joe Lutgen \vas in Lincoln:J from Feps 'In flOPS earned and Cn'dJt"d t,! C'·nl'T<i 1 Fund 7.]49 H7po!'t commander and adjutant gUil\f; one is guilty are faced with bro eII hea~t.. l...ater, .the gJrls: Carroll. Frod SI·ph.]"v of PI·]ger. Saturday to Tu('sday visitingt ·n·ng t tV(' c mr l menfary: <. , ..J IC"unty ("Jprl, ]-1--4.') to JZ-31-45

TEll I . the ri11iant, sinister, twistf'd mind wro ,.~ppreeIa 1 -, o. J I : and C K C'orhit of Vlayne a;r f~if'nds who were in S('r\-'ic'-l with Rf'gulnr f('Ps f'arn/'d , $1 ,7R';" S:JMr. ~-;~d·-Mrs. Art Wood and Mr. of a man whose influ0ncc over ,~ale :t~!1.~ notes tu thclr guests find! planni~~g in imprnv(' Ihf'[r f'arm-' hlm


. John Lundahl and i T ~u- R.{'gl!lar fl.('s ITmlttf'd , 1."11-:';" :i.")

nnd Mrs. Erskin 'Wood of Los An- thos¢ :lo!':.f'~t 10 ,him amo.lmts to lC'ar~, S!IS ers. II J M· I stf'ad wimlhrC'tlks this :-:pring. Thry r"nce of Allen. '''cro Fr,'day ~"UI'- I C/,rtlfl(';l1(1 of Tillr' FN'S ,'jlrm'r1 tiKi I IIIhYP~,SIS. IllS reglmf' of .qUiet, sllf~ Mr"fji' ~u~t.l aglyam . ISS Jearl huv(' or(]f'r"d 1.725 Clark(l-McNary <.. .... <. ~ Rr'miltevl tn Sla1e' L')j-j.:.:'lI

vc'lt's, who had ',been in Beaver foca 109 cruelty seems Impcnct~n- ,Lars~'¢r d.",?SlstPrl With foJik .and mO,d-~ tn'('s for windhrcak and WOGdlot per and evcning guests in th~ My- I{r'mlltl.d \.0 County :!:\CI XI)Cros,~ing, Nc:b" ,!,isiting th~,men's ble h.ose who love and adrnirf' hm1 ,ern ~t1cJng. s.urJllrlse treatS'>! 1 . F. . I d d ron Colson home.par('nt~, .~pent TJJesday last week ca~n t ~nd will not believE' -('v('.n furn· hlPd by Miss Marybelle: p antJnfs. f .\~rgrf'~ns ar(' mc U e Dr. and Mrs. Chas. Ingha~ and ('If'rk .. r Distrid ('ourt 4-1- ..1.') to iJ'!-31-45}wr(' with the Geo. Sherbahns and uni peachahle ('vidflnct'. 1I(' IS Schnih1, th(' leadJr, a brief candle-: lO mOR 0 t (' or f'rs. f two sons of Norfol.k. were utur- FI'{'S ('arnl'd $1-;74,7Sotll1'i·s. MrK ~rtlWoPd is the for- bold, evil incautious, and mf'rei- ;}igh.".I·.cerem.o.n y. was climaxed bY.:. ,Earl. Maxwell, ~,state orester. day (,vf>ning dinner guests i;n the Fl'pl'> rC'mlltt.d.J 674"1:)mp]" ,Jun(' GaU ~ones. The four less ' singitlg the taps in a wishing ring.: who sh,owpd co~orf'd scenes of R h " __plann0-d to leave Sunday on their I .. ~ _----- ~ ...,___ : farm wmdhr£'aks: at thf' county A.M~·D,O~}Sh~~:ill 11(' in ~jnn('- ("nllnty .Judgp 5-]-45 to 12-3J-45r0turn to the we t M C---tDO--t Cl ,1.1:r_. Sh" ped fllrm bureau annual mee1ing ,at apoUs 'for thr' annual mC'etf"g of F('h, rnlkCl(>d 1,04S_93. C ann 0 lree Ofrtlnu lP , Waynp recently, statf:~d 1hat mqr~ F('('<.; rC'milled J 1.l)4~,93

ARROW S ACE LINES Work, for Senatort '(/'0 Ch~ne8e HQrri~si n~,~~tb:::~~;~~~~~~e~oa~~0::J~~ ~~ ~~~~;U~~y.c~~s~S~~f' org iza- __~~(~~__~!~~~ ~~d remiltf-~___ __. . 195.00BUS sc' EDULE Rifhard H. ('Dick" McCann, di- AI,ppa, Naomi an,d W. P., B. c~r-! morf' f'vergreens s,lhould be used, in Mrs. Frank Morgan was in' ioux ("ounty Sh.Prifl 5-]-45 to 12-31-4

51 •

rectQr of sports and speejal ('vents cles c>f. th.p Ml'thoolst church s~~p-: northeast Nehras1{a wilidbreaks~ City from Wednesday to iday I F('('_'i I'<lrm.rl £74.75Wayne ~ Omaha for rttdio :-tation KBON, in Omaha, pf'd dldthm~ last ":,e~k to faml!les~ C1arke-McNary' tr('es arC' avail- visiting' in the home of her ugh- Fl'l's T('mll1l,rJ 74_75

\v Daily ervice 820 will direct the radio and public of. th~C'[' Chm~se mlTIlsters who arc! ahlr' <It cost by fUing nn appllca- ter, Mrs. Don Simpson. -- ~ --- ---- - ----- ._-- i--~~: Fr~:;"~)~t ::::::10:30 ::~: spea ing aclivities in the campaign f~lCn~s, of M,ss Marga",' Seeck, , tion at thc county agenl's offi«. Mr. nnd Mrs. Vcrlyn La . b of C"unt" Su,Jerin!endent 5-1-40 to P-31-45 . ~lI,n 76A 0 h 114e;.m of S nator Hugh Butler for reelec- ~$lS{RI\tldf.Dr. \.rC? Sf'eek of Wayne.! Thesfl trees can br used for wilild- Sioux City,·spent Sunday in Ihe T. BaJan('f' on hand 5-1-45 .L '_)').<.0

r. ma a _. 12:3 a . tion 0 the Unit(>d States senate. "'he a;ttve, have college; brf'aks and woodlots only. S. Hook home visiting the J,HtC'r's Hf'('('ipls _ oJ

Ar. Lin~:~!~rn Sch~d'~e: op.m. M. McCann has heen granted a and eologlcal trammg. One fam-J '_.____ grandmothpr, Mrs. Mary H~ok. Pi~hun-:('mf'~ts d t 1~'~Lv,Omfl.ha :6:00 p.m. four onths' -leave of absehce from ily h Sf six. childTen, another four! p C G' , Dr. and Mrs. c. A. Chlub~£'r of __~_a~~ ~~ ~n ~_ ___,~. _Lv. Lineciln . 5:45<p.m. his. resent position., an.d t t' third t~o. All haw' been! Op orn ,rown Seward, were Sunday cl:lnner Jouble~lIct;on ,Lv, Fremont . 7:45p.m. a close, personal friend of drive !from their h0r:tes and they! Is Goo~ 'Cash Cro1p guDre.stChs]iUnbethrel'sDeatiherfoBthaohrdeOfP.oMmr:: Statutor~ Statf'mpntAr. Wayne 10:15 p.m. Sena or Butler, Mr. M;cCann knows have '1~d to spU clothmg to secure, . ', <. ....O'•• 11A,.lt~mresc.~,i,~rt,sf,.:,ln.'.1 dishu~em('rl:- wpre clH'ckcc}.. in all offirf'!' ::md

the eat importanceia.nd~vaJueto food. ~he clothing has heen ship-1 The p:lce of .pop corn ll'llhe Bahde,~' <.n'" 0..: v ,--.

' Wayne to Sioltx City Neb aska of Senator tutldr's work }Wd t 'a missionary who will take, highest In a~d pop COrn Mr. and Mrs. Er\-'ing D ring, 1.'~ This i" to ('('rlif\" that nn <lut·1

lind f'xamination of lh(' hooks andLv, Wayne __.8:20 a.m. and eniorHy in the t:Jnited States it to 'China with hf'r and deliver: grown on contract,wlth a reputable Wilbur Sydow and Mrs. ecca 'IOOU(I J ~ r('('.ordS of all, ('ouniy offices ,of \V<lyne ("o~unty .. ::f'brClska. hal; bt'eDLv, Wayne. .. -.. -.. 2:20p.m. sena 'eo Mr. McCann W<lS also ac- it in prrson, ShC' 1pav('s February: pop ~orn dC'aler should pro.vl':' more Sydow werp Sundl1Y e\'enin~, sup- maek h .... my Cllrf'CIIOn a~ provui(' by laVo·. (haplC'r 26. Sl'cllOn 1309 ofLv. Wayne . 6:05 p.m. iive'n the campaign in 1940. Re- 28. i'. : profilahlC' than other gram c~dps rwr g'Uf'sts of ,Mr. and Mrs. 1!lfred Ill(' l~j9 Cornpl!ptl Slatlllf'S of Tphraska a!' <Jmf'ndl'd by L. B. .110

Lv. \iVn~~e to N~~~.o~OO p.m. fore I('ntering lhe radio filf'ld with .W'I P, B. ('Irclp mC't WpdnC'sday! farmers ca~ plant. The AmeJ11c;m Si('\·(TS. Gr,·e s Rexall Sto·re ;:;:~~~:ls~J;I'~~nrli~t}~-~PrC~Qen~n~e~;r~c~fs~m~~;[~}t~~~,l'r:r:rtt~l~~. ll~~L W 7 10 KBdN, hp sf'rv('d 17 years rl.': <I Np- With ,rs. Yale KC'ssl('r to pack Pop Corn Companev --wbose a. dv(t~- Mr. and Mrs, Maurie£' Lif,'dsay

v, ayne .... -.. -... -- .. -.. : p.m. .I t 'I oChl M' hi h th fik in this uffice. 'Lv. \Vayne 10:05 p.m. bras~a educator. good~ or Rf'v. .r su Ra -. ng. rs. ~Isem('nt a'pp(>a~s ~- sC'w e~{' In IS of Winside, the' Clarenc(' P I stan TN(

-- G. L. ogPrs If'd (1{>votlons, Mrs. ISSUe' dpslres contrac1s With fartn- family and Merlin PrC'ston Iwerf' ~ Dated at Lincoln, Kebra,<;ka, February 8. 1946.Arrow Stage Lines ,S*.nton raised $~20 for the polio (Ed. 'ljis" Mrs. Conrad ~f'Yf'r and ers for planlj'}g a. c<; nU'"!lb,er Sund<ly dinner guests of M~r and ~ (S~gned) RAY C. JOHNSON,~,:;;;~:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;~~fu~n~d~I;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,l1v1iSS ~usle $nudf'rs aSSlst('d Mrs. of acres of theIr special, high Y1erd~ Mr~. H. A. Preston. DRIIO SlUE F21tl i~-Auditor of Public Accountsf. Kessl 't. ing, C'arly maturing, variety of pop Mr. and Mrs. A. H. OWf'nsjwcre

Al p cirC'1emptwilh Mrs. Gr>r- corn for which this firm will sup- in Wakefield Sunday tovis1t 1n the STA S S'ILENT LAS S LONGERRees L. RichQrds Says: trudC'1 }lIuocor\{, Mrs, s. C. Fox anfl ply 1hC' sE'ed. V, H. R. Hanson home and attendReturning 1!eterans are proudly count- Mrs. erie Tif'lsort assl,ting. Mrs. Pop coro is not a difficult crop the baptism of Becky Jane. daugh- -.

Victo iWe~st had devotions. and: to raise as it is pl&nted, cultivated, ter o~ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. un a college education fcpr that Mrs. .i F. Good present<'d LUl~ LY-i and harvested wi~h regular farm~ Mr: and Mrs. Roy Mull£> andnew son or ,daughter they are jt,l8t now bos 'Callao, S. 'A., in a talk. Mrs'i ing equipment. ro]corn is deliver... Dorothy Were Sunday 'nn£>racqtlainted kNith. Bankers Life modern Dave'ITheoPhilus entertains MarCh;. ed on the ear and. elivery is ma~e guests in the Dr. A.. D. Lewis plans will h-elp yom make ~3. ~', I. in the early fall hen the crop IS' Dr. and Mrs. Lewls and M . and

that job a oertainty. Na mi circle mp-t with Mrs. L. Ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~1Write or See A. F nslH>, assi~tcd bv Mrs. C, L.

REES L, RICHARDS ~~:1~: ~rsr~';'p~]fr:nn~!C~;~:, .' I I509 So. 6lJJ St. SpecIal Agent Norfoik. Nebr. ~:~e~r.dr~;~~~o:~..·n~:~l~n;~ McG~'I·gan., Rad,·o Sho~'

Bankers Life Ins. Co. of-NebrasJ{1t - Assets ,()ver'$4'7,O~OjOOO SpeeaeirevlCwpd (l Hook Mrs. Le- U ' :·~~~~~==••••~::ljl~::~~~~=~IJand ElJis e~:~~ch. ,!. i. Co .~vation Plan 319 Main 51· Telephone 3 1 I

,s Palling on Far WtYNE, NEBRASKA I ICo tour farming and use of

barn ,ard manure' enabled Paull~ to realize 60-bushel corni _ ••pn ng land a half ruBe northi/l ee west of Allen, according;~o t Howard Gillaspie. ~

contour planting and in-!in soil fertility Were part of J

nn conservation plan whlch idester worked out with the!!Dixon county soil conserva-!hnicians. The ~oll was erod- \

~ng a was lIght colored when the!:prac s started Mr Koester's 'Ipro rh. consisted of growmgswee Clover crop with each oats~rop, tlbe use on fIelds of all barn-IlYard lnianure, rotation that hasrn1y·loqe year of corn, at a tIme,j"eeditgl.::In gullies to grass, c-ontour1.plant -n~ of all crops and construc- J

~ion f, diversion terra~g. 1Th, u h the program is just,

star~d Mr. Koester ha~ alreadylfreali r. much in larger crops· andlsoil r tection. iwJ, /It Make Tests!

. With FertiliZedj!be~~ Cu f~~~~et~~e;~~~~Z;e~~~~leoun Agent Howard Gillaspie ofl!Dixo cQl,1nty. recommends care-if.UI e rimentation :with thein. HE'j] t IIISIlgg s s divid,inj< a field into strips IN W KEFIEL? ~ Y.ou may carryall'abou. 0 feet wide wit)l stakes at, YOUr.f dios and other electric appliances!the n. For one striQ he recom..-i to the WakefieLd Farm Equipment Co.,Imen S,manure, next strip no treat-'ll Wake ield, Nebr. 1men ~Jhird strip commercial fer- !" \ .i!titiz . fourth no tr:eapnent. fifth,

ia co ination of manure and comj IN E14ERSON -'- See your B & E Hard- IIlpter 'a~ fertilizer, sixt~ ',no t.reat- f

d .h t~ ware ~tore at Ell/l.erson, Nebl'., .. or. y<>urmen a sev,en I,l~ anc~ er cammer ' T J:

.~.aI, 1tl.IiZer. This sy.s em. give.s a. radio and el~ctJ~e.ll1 service. , i

lee ·1D results. 1 , i J- - . I \ I i

M 1 find ~rs. S. P. l'etersen ofl 'stop IN A~D SEE I~ESE'DEAi~FOR -V:OUR'Stan"". observe their gOldenl/woo-\ F1.RM E 'IPME;NT AND' HARDWARE \liEding ruary 24. I I I' : :'

. M. Ros. Polly. '60: orponcaJll~~~"•••" •••' ••••••~••••""'1died hrtlll~ 5;I -

Page 11: Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · p~GES l'.~~e-s 1 to 8 LD 16 ~t.'dit)n One "'----__...J 'I'f I HE I ~----'----Receives

25 50 100 500 1000$3.00 $6.00 $11.00 $55.00 $110.00.$3.50 $6.50 .$12.00 $60,0.1l $120_60

R'NOWIit:amin Fed

CHICKSUP-to-D~te H-atcherg in NefJJ'OJJke

hicks Hf11/;cJwd Weekly

chery ,Grade! $6.00 ~1.l;00 .$33.00 .$55;()0 :$110.00Grade . $6.25 $11.50 $34.50 $57.50 $115.00

AA Grade $6.75 $13.50 $40.50 $67.50 $135.00


II i Order [Vow --:, ~

NOfJFILK" NAtCH,ERYI ; orfolk, ~ebra8ka ,-

PJlQ.e 2P-',.! Li,l16-llS0S0.'8rd


S'liRA GHT RUN .dliICK PRICESThese .are chic on which nl, sexing has been done


i 50 '100 "300 SOD 1000

s. ,C. Will e Leghorn,s . Ha Ch.ery.Grade.: $5.5e :$10.50 $.3'1.50 "$52.;50 ,$1.oti;e.0A A -Gr.ade $6.00 $11.-00 ,$33.00 $5ii.OO ,$110.00A AA Grade ,$7;00 :$13;00 $39.00$65:00 ~130.00


s.. C..~R'0 e ISland.' 'RedsBuff 11" gton ,Wbite1~ outh RocksWhite 11'1' :a;ndotteSBlack f tI:alQ;r, ..

Austrai, ILe,g-'R'tck

District 35.(Mrs. Earl Wade. teacher)

Grades received in the seme~ter

tests were quite satisfactory.Larry ,and LeRoy Topp are hav-

:ijl f!III 'I::I! if',!!'" :[I! Ii I'"~ 'III



, UW,e cari,not tell ali! • .' the co~plete service forall ma~es of,carsat the MEYER 0lL COMPANY isTOWNI TALK. Com to us with co~fidence for fast, ,dependable service. I


111,1illll'!'''' .,!, 'I, I,

._ ,,, ,.... """ I' 'jtt. ...._,._ '__"_"'="""9"":"==F=n¥·A;;~:;,,':,:rE;':;.J~;::t::D;;'''':''::''A:;;f·~~·::.,·:N:;lE~t:;:R:;Al::::SK::;::A~.~;:;;;;;:A~,';;FE:';::::R;:";:U:::AR~Y~:n~,':;l:::!Wl;;.==~,~~==",*=""'T'=~ ========="'i7'====~";J'~~~.~,Jnm~.~m'J~

NC I l~'~ I WS- "~~~~d~;'~: ~"~~'nin*"-J~ -~-~~~~-- I.or t ,~;; Meeti' iwm ~ he aj at }l..I..a. ing~ ading co t~;~ each 1Waller and S :Ie Maben ha per- Beau Y. Wal~r Block, T1;le Little;KU ~blrthda.Y5 of Mlelvn ',nd Kenne . m. and 8 m. A praytrol,.meetitlg perfect eSBon eae receives a s~ar. feet attendan f J"au~. Dick Pep endjl;low~y.Gz:Pw._ac-" ILuncheon follow d cant~ a will prec~ the evening service.; I At pres nt, they e even. Swanson, Noe~ • Ge1:3ld rug~ quel OlsQl?-;"The Twins.

, 0)= , .. flJ.,fj, II III gnmcs. The mid week praye meeting Merl n Topp i ured, three fin- ger and San aller ;b .bad: J:)are Alilu:l.on;"Tbe Wind Wag-""-1 .....·1--·..., I --'! will be con uct('d 8 p. ~., Wedn~s- geT!'; 'v i1e skatin on ice. perfect attend ~ the firs on, J y AndeTS9ll; Blacky Daw , lady says she free f st h

I i I ];:'or I..o'\'~el NygTE.'I!L I I day. . StUde ts have new basketball. months! La Block. as and she s thea ch 0n:cisKI'~1 lid .'Otll '. ~'llli j It1tl'l'1I.~~f;.:illl t:U~'~It.~ ~f 1\:1S.~ elM;) Mr. and lVII's. Raymond E,'ick! These m eting"s are for you. Carol Rathman as had ]00 in LorrctinelI~ j "Janice S sotl ~ue to taking kB-HELP~Her

Mnl'i~i~ll~ \- ~lIbl1~l: • .I dll!> '( l~tlIng and sOn~ und ~1r nd MrsJAlb~' t Come and hear the g$pel pItD- spelbng thIS mon . and Shirley M had hi av· Th Vern Chnstensen home and meals agree~ her. ,Np W ort 1111,1'1 I" f~ (~hltl~ll(!(' I'nut !i(> I :";unfil! ~ ) Iimnf>t' ,nnd lImch;on Nygrpn and G(,lrwv i WPl'e g esls I claimed In kong and me~sage. ... TIp th and 6t 'geography ~tu~ erages for the [tho cont ts we$! of Pierce were de- .. b.l.oa, ' .''''' '. ~. Hea~ ami

. I~i~ . 111 'II'ijm~t ll~ k-lllItd'l\ ~ 1Ylmr'~1" '11 J.Udolflh ~wum;on S,\H'T"E I til{' .1olm N)-grcn lomp Suqday I 1 donts a e rnakmg aps The 7th ani 8 h graders de stray by fire last \Vednesday' co~f,p.tWn;u:, W?~. '€;)Jt! :-"hat,< HullHl h AW.Jn~I>n (1llJitd m~ ltll~ Mj~lon .John~on" J'.mil ]1l1~' Ihonor of Lowtlll's blrthda~ wh R 'I SdJOOJ Glen a \Vade cel\,ed a grade bookleu. on IT'l.Qps of Eurqpe. 'they morn g. ;:ru;:. states this lady.. ~y

M f.< ~l!'d.h Iwun, ~f I f:llnll\ {lnel f11~" LorC'ttn Jo.hnson 'V><t" SatUlddY I ,••_r9 . S of 100 I a hlsipry est and VaLera are now st~~ la. ~~et E ~p~pstI~tiOnr <lllli (0 bi Jon !\iattl."~ v,. H' Tom !l\1cC 19bt was a Sunday -- . ut P SplJttg rb~r had 0 In an anth~ Lorna Bru~rra5 a r.ece t Vl&- La y's SW11W.Ch WlUJ ERB-HELP taiDs 12 t

n1 ~ dollih . ~ ~m~on's "·('d~I'!'(lay. dlrrtnf'r guP~ In the C, J Magnu Move W ~mcord. I . . metlC t t. hoI' j 17 ,. G Fact . herbs' they - ~, lj \\lll ] Ill1likr.lls Wt'l l ,s;u d<1Y <;on honlf' ;1 Thc' Kpnnplh ()I"on Thp I, <II Andprspn family mo~ d I ea ~LStI:lct 58. Mls~ ane Vlrl t VISited school The 3rd gz:ai:le nave be n ki LIZ e a:ll8 or1/~ gas h-01P- sto ' - ,

1 db (" gll~'L.,t I m Ow Cit nn f\ml "'f·1 p t herCi 10 till' dq( moon an to town 'lftPrhaVlOgafarjrnsap(Jn ompson, t~acher) las I m~J th I read "More Streets and Roo " M 8 Turn2d to GaS liver and -ki .lW (' fi's-l tunrh -7 last wf'{'k Marlanfschroed~r h e IStudf>nts who had perfject attend- II,.I~ Suehl (In rR Wade eaeq Students havefad€ S :wbal] __ pIe;;non feel ,_ . t,~t.oy~SO

rand MI'ls: Biray Hank 1)("01 Ml and ~~I"'S Cen']p l>il\.lnaugh muved to ! he And Thon falim I - ar)ce the Pft mon~ .{JDOlucte Marl- treatu] the f;f1hOo for 1helr bJrfh_1 nwn. health jX>$te and;8. IOn- On lady Bald recently that her don t ,go on stfie;nng. Get ~J3-rJdny f'\ I'nu1g til ("Ill Dol'- h,1\ P mll\ ('[~ 10 lhp bousp on til( gtl Pc'ar~on h<l~ ](~ntcrl tl1e £-.1 IYjn A<;mu belaHlP MIller, Leon days ,tudf'nis s g the birthday chaIr flowers ·duI'l art cJ I starn ch used to be- like a "gas HELP. Sqld. at ,all 4Fw; l?'to.=

sr ,~fs. I IIt>nrj. And~'~son f.U1l1 Just ('<151 0 \aC,ItNj hy 1h0 S hrocdprs. I ~smus, C 01 A~mus, LaVonne song arid plaYf'd ames Janice SW~ treated 11 to facto !" That is, Wben she ate a here in Waype1 ~.H'%I;MIld~qSWOnsonlr!tl'I1f>dtm\nAlclfIISf'I\lnPISLlrrnllJgthl ----<-- I vo(cksan Ga1'"yKantGary.Kant I candybarsOl) hI' bIrth y of •••••_ _ ' _Lii

to nry Da !l,rg,s etJtel a '{!f·k l«lId the-II'I (.).hSAf"\.·.· l~l.N.hdny. has had rJi(>Iff.ct at1endance thu~ t Duotri·t 4.5. January 12 aera'fi Brugger reat- .. 01(>. NIl';; Rol Jrt Elr\\ln and Lol Mr C1nd MIS D~ A P,ilJJI t fLlr 1hJ~ yl'a.r 11\1/<; Eal'! R~, c;nes teacher) led all to lCe\!cr~~ bars n hIS = DORR'S FEE S ':

IS LoiS ii.e-T'Of Om~lh[~. pen1 r,Lle C.:JJIPd11n Ow Irv.ln l~rxll'h(' and Mrs GJpnn ~aul and Nd I Sfl,ldents haH' startptI a health Stud nts had farev...('1l par1:y lJlrthday of J~nUfry 24 MISs. . . ._las week in e parental F~e Ru- .h11p1e <-11 W yne, Saturddf aftf'r and Mr and Ml~ Wm Haskell progmm :People who have tbf' for C!e and Hel n Shufelt who QUe treated ~~ents to andy = i ~se home. I n~on 10 "N' Mrs Lloyd Erxlel}(' sons spf'nt Tuesdar eWllIng of l 1 least checks on the-II' score card at moved way bars January Zr. I • We have just receWeB. another ~oacI ol ..

I h' Carl ~( son faml)~ qf )Car- \..\:ltlo IS \lSl~lng thtcr.. \\(>('k In the John mcIlr,lth hom the end of 130 days receive a prIze Studqnts are d lhg fmger pamt·1 "Grandpa S Lltle Girls ..own:: .. d f d, d F pi' -•..:.&.1.. •ro~ lad dm,~ In till' Oldf ~{'b(Jn Mr and IS hal' Andc'f'<;on an( honor of MJS Mdlrath S I.lUthdia - mg m~lJ gradps They are alRO Up' IS bemg 'rea for ()pelg ex- _ JDlXe ee s an . can tlDW sup Y :Y01 ---p,....... .:

I hdl Thursdr 'MdT il) n M and Mrs Albert J'.:y ----r------- I I Distrk·t S. • rnakln masks f m clay models erCiSes. = any of the followmg: .:

is Mar <fLlcl Vollp!·s rqttjITIC'rl gr~'n ,md 1\ and MT~ Eobl'rt Lr~ ~tuJ'nsfroqJJloS:pita.'l. n.,aVerda Rombptg,lteacher) Thf 11; gr'dders Jored Jargf' caH;1 1= •..,1 to ncoln tJ day afl!'l sWqdmg wm find L Id M.clp slwnl Suncla)( Mr>; F'u'd RUS~ returned to h Du,me SI)htlgerber has had per- for rooJh dpcoratl n~ and ~rd grad~ ~ 74. ~. CliJOK. STARTE~ .:

la ("k at h e I(,H~mg- at I ymorc Wallm S I homfl Tuesday I~s w('('k af1(~r II fect attendance for the year ers maUp a smal faml for 1he (Mrs MaI'l~n !ass, teach r) 1- ....

II and ~ ~ Anld Pet Jrson VJ:-,}/ors he PdSt v,('C'k 10 1hEt dE'rgomg a malO operatldn l~ Dale Waehler treated pupIls and sandta111(' JImmie Al1de on and ura -= U\'IIIC NASH -=I sp Monda of lds1 \\cck 14 the Flrcd Ru"er home \\pr(' r,r and SIOUX CI1y: ho"pl1 Shl' "pent fl10 teacher to candy bars on hls 7th Studi!n1~ ftnl~h rf'admg "Dar~ Block had petfee attenda~ for .. ~

E. n Peters n home , Mrs Andre},! Johnson Mr v.. L. Sunday until Tuesday 111 the hd blrthday JIlg Wllflg!': <.InrI a (' startt'd 'Un- the month = LA¥I!lC J4A;SH CONCENTRAT~ '=iria and ~~e-rj.t Sv.ansnn 4p!'nt I"YlsChhof, rs RUdolph Ropbcl!' of hl'I ,Slskr Mrs, Fred Woltf'-f In quartf'rly e-xammatJons Dua:nf' df"r lhf

rLllacs" Good English clUb met J nuary : ;.

ISU () y vtlul blPU gJ~mdp~ulents, and Mrs ·tnest Lchl(nk111np I J)J:'wn !JrfOl(' rp1LllnlIlg homc. Sphltgf"l'horr- receIved 100111 all I TlH Id grad h maklIlg' a ~ and elected I~ren An erson _ OY--STER SHELLS ~JM nd Mrs A I:iC'isot Mr and l\{Ir" Aldpn SE'l\rmr Mr, - --+----- subwcts hooklr i of [drm ldc!lmcry and prpsldflnt JlITtm~'e Anderso vICe· PROTEIN HOG FEEDS r..I 'f2' Gf'ne~i- "~KardC'IJ of Jma- anr} Mrs Qf'Jcje Kd'IMla~gh and ror lIoldoJ!1' Familv. Eaph pupl! who rf'Cf'lves a grad(' tdOls [ftr geogra ~ presJdent' JaCqu yn Olson secr-e- := ~


h8. sent Ins (pk v"lth he p<1r-IMPrlP Brd'(kman \\..t'TI "upprt Ahout 3') frwnds clnd neJghb~' of 90 or aho\(' III an1hmetJc re- I In rlJh s1uden volf'd to buy a tary~trea~ureI'! ura BltIC news. MINERAL ".en Mr dn Mr" Chd!,; Ka 'c!pll g'UPS!S lJ1 thl' l\laurlCC! ..K<l~,lnclug~ I ~"ajhf'r ed In thf' Mf:lX Holdorf hb ceJ\ies a tank sticker Itow"] ]Ck and . per towels WIth reporter SpeJlaJ numbers 1 t;l;eFe = ::

t~ LouK' 1*(' t('1 sand !lnc'J Ihomp ilt L,lIUlf'1 Sundt! \ (\ ('nlng 1\\ C'dnpsddY nl,l'ht p.s cl LupwC'Il' f A spclIml{ word hospJtal IS uSf'd Imom '. {r 1\ c·d f the C"hnstma.,<; gJ\ en by Laura I¥ock and ~cque- : SALT-Cnu.bed Or modi: .aSt~IS \\('11'01 SUnddY aftenoon The Gpo \'011('rs Llmlh \\(If1the I!()ldorf<; v....tlq arC' mo\mq to motl\'atespelhng lfapupJ1has progrrt C,tudf' s al~o hOUghillVOOlson ~ _ ::\1.'.;[ ifs In tN_~ Ij'lod MatthlC'~ 0111P ISunday dlhfwl' and ~upprr glJl'c;1 Id relrm nor th of t~p TIptop SCh(1) a ppr(f'ct >;pellmg If''i!>on hI" "uc- StOl \ t o(Jks dod, Ilrgp f;d of - "BaeutJful :.Toe' 1S bemg read :: t SOY BEAN MEAL III

I r j and ~fs~ Cerel€' Kavn al1~h, m th0 ()I JI Nelwn honH' t'h( EJ I' housC' \",hll'h thry hough1 <.;b CN.'<is In remammg out of the hos~ modl'!Jryg ("le\:" I"Sallmg" and" Amenca" are .. DTHER MILL FEEQS ~IWieeldmner Ih1.Ie~t~ gf MIS/S lI\tlar~I1':{'lson fdm,ly John V"cwrsh{u<;p 1

1J1np ago ]n gan1rs Mrs HoW I' pJtal ~ DPW songs 1

1m d Wolf ahd oJd :: -;II

ga ti K<'l\a m D1XOt'l Sun- and L)dld VV<'I{' (\Cnlng \I'dlil'; ,mel Mr<; JUIIU<'; Kllehner w Mrs Bruno SplJ11gerbpr and I Distr 4-0. \\Ilch are ne ga es _ ~da . I ~~ II pnzp<; 1'h0 groupl prl'"entpd thT Mrs 'Valtcr Splittgerb{'r and Gan ("'11lmrt AIie' ,nn tC' I Losers III a re mg cooteSt fur- -: W G' C'_ lJ ...

".S Hf'r aftiJ M.eyel \"I~slon, Cull on fBlrthd.ln' \'.111'1 dn p]('ctrlc tdlll(' llm.p LUnj' \\ere 'Jsltbrs Tho~t hfl'lng erf('ct attend- nlshed treats fOia valentu,.e par- • ' e uy "a~ll-Ok:e ,8 :.

I;M' llyn and ~ilbur" c rf' }.1ondd\ 1 A rlumb( r of frJenrb <1m! nl J~h \\ IS Slr\CU . I ~. ancc t~(' past 1h are Larry I ty -: I Bef S ~l· :'-- •-('v VISI 1,"$ In lhr. Geo \ ol-! (~lldl on ;\115 l' F ]-- __ hl --, Distrirt 8. BobhJf' Ifwd Be\ 1 MJ1lJkpn. LOIS All pupils ad perfect spellmg: ore eL.lng ".:I]e~home. .' I df1Clnoon In (J]) cn lTl(r or Fur (' H~Nf'I"On . (Ro~alw Hoeman tf'acherl Jankf'.IDonald stf'rhaus, PaUl scores last m nt _ •. ,hp EmIl' \vanson faml1))'lwr'I'f>! l:ha.'(_. If. Nf'lso f'f.'lf.'h\-atpd;)1 Jane! Lar~n, .Joan Grimm, De-IDan.~hdrg and MAnn Hoeman'j Sixth graders re writing buSi~ - -=mlthp Olaf <:'~s()n hon~r S1-tUr.dHYI ----... -- 8Gths hlr1hday S:.I,da) :r1 IllS hom( lorq~ CrunkC"'. Mildred Korn and Bc\'('t1y 1\~ilJik _ and Mj~" Allf'- ness letters. t :: D F ~ MiiU ':

" evr ~ng. he~ , n:g-, ~1 r. >-.1' bf~,. C' k- , 'For Ann.i\·.~r:'\ar:\'. ~',)rt h o~ .'.'.)Wn_ ('.~.~<;1 ~, f r,).r til(' ~ft Marian'cr had pf'rfcc1 at 1pn.d- rn,mn qbq'rvf'fl t l~·jr bi rt hday t hI' I All have ha.d ~.pers on toe bul- • - I,ftrr ee ~. ;.,- .b~1 Q hIS hIT' hp<n. . ' III "T'Tr·".]- n'rl lYLa-,1 thll-~' '\';!!; p]("1."" 1(I nOnJ,) dllli SUJlfJl I V,( rf. )Jr. <If anel:' for l~h(' manU], past m4m1h. )etin board~.I' eatnf"SS and for = 'V :=

. ~Il·,.and r$, Emil (·;lll.~on and(i ant Iy .,-;ul'pds('d Mondll.\ ;~ft('rn()()D I)\!rs. rh.o,;., Erwl~, Mr. and ~'I .Joan Grlmn: f'a~r:f'd 100 in hl;':- \'isilrPJ'<; Wf')"'f' Ll'oma and having grad ab ve 90. I" ltober.t oS. Addy, Manager -G't',':-':.jE,.v(' J ht".son W('I'(, l:lfnl~nJ~ IllY a gr.oup :,•. of la,{.'ji('S v,:ho I(';J 11)(' 11' II }'I.m.('~ Nf'lf'on. Mr~.. and l\1f'!';.'" U- I' 1ory. LInd .readln.b III qU;trlerly c-x.·- Olind'J.:narnf'r I:l d MarH' \l.;right. Laura Bloc t· ate<! all td CandY. ~ . . •th ¢ who l.lendf'd Jh(' \.'('rldlllgJ.!wlp Iwr dbsf'l'\( Iwr l;!I·thdd~, !'n('(' rutt]{', MI', !a~rl Mrs, GIl', amini;l1iom; find ManJ,·!lf' LanwrJ !'P\\, I .'-;Pf.lling workbook .. WPTI;' bars on her 1 th irthday. .• ~one'60 W.ayne, .Nebr. .:of '1~rold q 1 I~{)n ;lnd tlr<Jnor! LUllCh('Of] \va.<: ~on'l'd. ' \1dl-,'1lUSOn am!i farmly. MIT', n~. rf'('PJ\'pd JOO in hisiol·y. purChit'le'd for th' 1st. :Jnd and Gth Book." read ec ntly were: Black' ~._ ••__._.IU! aaa.JUiI.I __ _.:a_ :Gr4ffJs al tlh4' .l...rli'an 'Ccnter I ' ----~ I :\lr·". Waldo ~JOhnton and ;1 )f'n!,~:-> "A Girl of th£" Lirnl)f'rlo~!" ,is gr;:I(j(,<; ---~- - - -~ -. \ _._--,~h rch Salu dpy. , . For:'fwo nirtl11l.I~~·~. _ il\lr. and ]\III,'s. \/0']('1' N('I~l)n. "i r being H'ad [or, ulwrung px.erc.Jses. Tlw.$chool i<; dl'cora1pd with : •••••_._•••••-.-......-_•• ._•••_ ••_•••_a............m..........J1J,_.


f- and 1 r. Gl'org(' A*{krs~n ,A. 'numtle'r of ~'.I;dlYI'~ and l OlnrJ Mr~... 1,,,11' r.,lf...~land 'lIl1.d G. Pupils pn.jOY~'d eooperdtIV.('lhot F:S.kjiJTl~ ;lnd snO.'ITlf'n po".,.rrs Hnd • i .'.-tcj~I;;M;;;";;;, ;;;a;;;n#~I;;;,.;;}i.;;;;;;G;;;";;;I'I;;;.o;;;n;;, 't'~;;;II;;;v,;;;n;;;';;;1,;;;;,;;;,n;;,d.;;';;;';;;V0;;;'F0;;a;;;';;;;;;G;;;U;;;S;1;;;;:K;I;ir;;;aem;;;;;;,;;.,~" II;, '11. Mr" ;-~nrl J\1 rSj ()s~<J1' Bprg atl luncheon January 21. -- frep.hafd dra ....~s. I: .~I, 1. A. Nf bon. ',i, ]\;e\\'s was gathered hy Mardelle "Kam" were changpd for vaL-I~ lJ-

1; ; , ,----+- I ~ Larspn, pn1 JII(, Ry. A hall h contest war; I. ~, Com'ordm Llltb.~urcb. Mildred Korn rf'ad "Franz. A in prog pss in w eh II1£' lo<.:ing side: =

~ : I rRf'\ ..]c,hll J.,. ~uU1Pr]and. iPaRlt,. Dog of thp Poliet· ... and DE'lores dpcor,llrd a Valqnfinf' hox !. •Thul'<:r!ay. rf'l-lruary ~. t.1 Ann Grunke read "The Hermit of: For qprning ('''lercj<;(·s I\1Is~ AJIf'-lil •

, I \\l (~ 1h( L;cll( sAId m('ptf at tlh Proud Hill ' Imann l~dS hf'l n rpfl-dmg- thl' hooj.: : -: :r ('hurch dt ~ 0 clock Mrs Gem1g "Llllda I Carlton s Ihland AdH'n-l- -a1 I(l1"on cLBd Mrs AI RulJel~ ~r District 10. ItUl:e . I: •

'1; h()<;l('~"ps I (Hclpn Mann lfach"r) ........ '. ~I' I'hr I ut h(', tn Btpl1)f'rhnnd mf'&1j . '. II I 1 R 11 II f' I Thcj<;(' hl\lng pcrff'C'1 Lltlf'nclancp Dl<;tn(t 68 II I

,. ;ll('''h~\1 ~~" ~:'ll:l~~~hl T(I.:~;nn('~: Ith!:' pa~t month clrf' Ho\\al'd, LoiS I ('{'lOlel A ll'f UjI. tf'achC'l) : :Tl B ~ r P I I (> Harold and Mardellf' F1PeIr Mar-! St ud1nts \\ Jth I pcrf('ct attend-. •

1~~~\\n)~f'('J:(' r()I~~~To\I~;:~rl~~(¥>~ gant ann M<trj. Ann Claus and ance rjcords 1hd ,past monlh m- : :II l I h \\ I IBonme' In..d nf \\ d\ nf' F(~o!p ( udf' Jj0clnp't Sn{I'~l J lnlC0 Safll'~ I- ~'ON n.CTUnrs ·

II r:tll;~.l( F(~\)ru~:l\,y(r:!~n ;::lJ(~; Mary Ann Claus dnd Mardellf' lind }~d,lith,Johnspn.. Roam'y Str.lth

l= r'1. -_ Y1; . tU: ~ ;:

I "t' . ht) t ~1 Flf'pr pCi.nwd a I)(>rfect record.lfr l~ .Ih(, onl\' onc '~.I1h perfect at- • ,.~~gu~,~rch~l;~~~~aJY~~~a1 81 ~'cl kt spelling. tf'nrIa~¢e for t~~~ft'• t ~ve m~~mths. : G TL __,,- ::

F.riday . F('hruar.y 22, the Lu;Xe1 Howard F1eer and Larry Wes- PUPI~S .a~f' r.ldtn In the 1'= . 1n. ay! '~r-e ofI,f\. 1 1 R - t 'tennan earnE'd an avcrage of A for arlthm¢Uc race., -aom1 JohrwOT1 , I_ ,II t-.l~2~<;~~~ni~ Er~:i:·'p~n;:~o~:.fcl· JanuaD) work. ridi.nOg ~ honl', tla. a 10-mile l~ad. ,C .~

('T', Mis,,; IIr,jr'n Carbnn. hostess. Hamid Fl('{'r tr('a:E'd. .!he 1p<Ich·! _I",l'wlof.flcpr" of hI" IIarlT!:: EI~h1 • ch Served AfJter Show ::; j";"~L~\ Salurd"<ftv Fl'.brlu.ary ')~ choir t.(,l er and pUJllls on hl.S D1rthday OflCJtJZenf,}llP club:' r(': JanJ~e S~.f,-I: ~,i :g~,:-.:~IJ1("'lr"('<; ;11' Rpm ~" I January 21. ley. prrsid{'~1: ;1'0 ISS AllvIn. \'lcej_ 'WelCQme.. ~_",.,'.._.....',~.,,·.:.·.',',:;,',-:.'~~ ~'l;o~, S I" Ft.. ') 1 h ~ PJar,s f.or a \-a]('nt inC' party w('rf'1 pn':Sld(".ll; l' ('.rn :.N ohr, c,(,cretarY-I_ _.-.. ",....-~,-. -:i.s('hr~(~;r ~:~1~1 I~t:~:,J,ft(~",,;~ .. lr~ <Il~I~C madp. ~ tr0asur1er; Nuo.m i ,Johnson, ChC('f- i '~~T:~ '.Holy l'ommunion 11 a. m. . N('w ilbrilry And song hooks are leH~er hnd f;ont,1,!c1cr. • l =

".S{'r'l< yf' .1l'IHI\'i.lh wJ~ill" h(' nirt . !lC'},ng ,c,.njOyf'cJ... ' " \,,;;~ht~J(' ;!m\~; it~l~-d Eonn.1 MOhr l: 6- B:edh' t ::t.lPfmlfld:f'.allVI'.UP011hlDl:\\,hilf"h.'. Mig of l\1ystf'ry: Mountam ..¢ce '.. - , ; 'I " .e·.., •. .." I,' -, I' -~·G - shall ~OOIl IJI' completed. JLlnHle Saflc~ t.r :ded all to can- _ IE

I.'; nCill. ,,,11,11 .l.)_). i . . d h ~ h I ~'. th 1 . f J • •

Db-t~t 34. a~y ~i~: ~~or:J_~bh:5~~ 0 tre~~ : WI""'I"" ',"'''B. ~(:on('or(1 Fltf\(' Ohunj:ll. 1 :nJiO/ "17.., l~ •(Rf'v P,ItJl \V Nt"lsnn Pf.st0r)~ (H1.1rrie! Lempke', teacher) f'~f'ryofE' to ic(' ~rc:am hal'S for he,r : .."But God f(!rlllrl jtlwt I "hotI! For perf€"ct hpalth inspection blrthd' y of Janfaf.-· 26. • ..

e:lon <;2Vf' In t h( (t os<; of our 14 each student got hili ticket punc~_- "Thd Foldin,gP<ty" a~d "Hidden : .::J( sus ("lJnsj h\ ,~hom th(' wor1 cd to ride on the train to Health- Gold" ,"VCT{> Tec~n~ books read .for. •1:-> cruclfH'd un1{1 ml' md I unto th ville. '! opcnin~ ('xe-rd~~:i S1~Jdcnl<; enjoy :II.__ _~. • ••~••__ _ __ _ ••'" orld . Noel Bennet1 can writE' and· books from thPj~iCl~Y I1hrary.

I The L.:'1dll:'s' ChrIs11an F€!llq\\..l- count nUin~ers to 2~. He can also i t'~I ship circle> will conduct their seJ"\1- count by 5 s aD~ 10 s to- ,100. I .Dl'i ¢t 24. J

iCI'I a1 the homC' of Mrs. Emil Carl- Thf" 4th and :1th graders mern- ~ ermta. : !.ljf'; leae.her)son a1 2 p. nL Thursday, Fl'bruar~' orized "The Childr.en'~ Hour" in Janl e. Marll t,n ,Ilnd Dick SwaD~21. : ' language. son. N ('I KOCh1,IGc'rald and JCrtnne>

Fri{'laY•. j 8 p, m .., 1hc you~g peob.It StUden.t.s in ~lh grade. kept. a Brugg r. Clad !Rhudy. San~~~I~~~:J1;Oh~i~omm~e,tingat ,the If"ce - :::;::;h~~art m connectIon W'ItJh F4tedl g Hclfe... r .&tockt-lelfere r

Breeding Helfe' 'StockCoWI'The Bihl.C inslruc1ion !'la.s" \~'i I C01t.on snowmen,. he>alth posters I Wet rnFeedin ,H,.." Feoding.CO~1

mpC't lit the parsonagf' at :! p. [, and wm!.cr (]eeorallOns WC'Te> made I-ORDER' LlelTED !Saturday. I' in art. An Eskimo scene was placed d

Sunday, February 2,1. 1hI!' ~un a~ on 1hc sand table. B. T if.. RPE Co. ,.school hour opens at 1(l fl. m. "Daring Wmgs" was read Jor l ~rvE &TOjr BROKERS

.~~~~~~~~~~t-:~~~~~i"~=~~~~~:f~C'la~!'I's al'p c'ondll{'!l'{l for f'\, ry oppning ('xercisc's. I:~·~g~gr~e~p",,~~,§Dn~§e8§~4~4l~l2~S:;$,l~e§~.c§err~;~~::;~~~.y~Ba':.t~.~,II. ~-----~---fl"':' 'RogeHC and KarC'n June Longpand Everett, Eugene and JuniorBaier had perfect attendance 'thc ; I 'past month. Ne6r'aska


Cf";lnt~uflding Tile\\'~snJ. N I r~. Phone 3:214

9FFIOk ~ 'd PLANT:

7 ~es n~ ~\ est of \\'isneri on IIrl wa.y 15 '

Page 12: Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · p~GES l'.~~e-s 1 to 8 LD 16 ~t.'dit)n One "'----__...J 'I'f I HE I ~----'----Receives


1 mile cast

Some Grain

75-ft. 7-in. special bammer millbelt

25-ft. 4-in. belt

Electric fencer

3 50-gal. .teel fuel barrel.

1 30-gal. oil barrel with pump

2-wheel trailer

Combination emery stone

Hoof clipper

McCormick-Dee;ring creamseparator with 1/3 h.p. motor

Dining room table and somechairs

ToolsMany other articles too numerous

to mention

2 Stacks of Alfalfa Hay


25 Bales Straw

5020 head Spotted Poland China brood sows, farrow

around April 1, vaccinated. 30 head Poland China

fall'pigs, vaccinated.


Eckert, Owner ... if.; . W~ide Si ate BaTJk, F'~'rkll,


I . !., 'ith clerk of .a,It No property to be removed until settled for.

3 wagons with boxes complete

ay rack, complete

ading chute

4 feed bunks


11 .teel tank.

2 fuel bu,rning tank beaters

1 j-h.p . electric motor with

21 self f~eders, wood and steel,lone a rotating feeder

~ sets of: 2"ood wo~k harness

tt leath,l.r fly neb

j "

____~-~~- ~/I~

Splittger6er. families were Sunday day was observed last Wednesdaylast weeI{ dinner guests at Monta evenjng when about 25 enjoyed aBomer's. ' social time with her.

The Ray Gambles were Satur-day sl,lpper guests at Martin Lage's .J. O. B. Has Party.and Sun<~ay dinner guests at Carl J 0 R members and thr'lr fam-Bronzynsld·~. llJe~ {nJoypd a party Friday cvp~

Ceo. Meillck of Battle Creek, nlng In the Clarence Baker home.spent las~ .w('r:k-cn.d here with the IThe ('lull h<ls ~n all. day m('('tingCarl MellJcks. All were Sunday this ThlJrsd;IY In t hf' Frank BrudJ­guests atiEmil ,Swanson's. gam homf'. IIu<..hands are to ue

The Fr1tnk Lindsa,ys were among guests <:it n'J'Jrl dinm'r.guests ;1ursctay at a shower [or - _

~~~S~O~:hJI)~~S~~~r ~jn~~dec. Geo. LOCAL NEWSMr. and Mrs. Matt Finri <lnp The (11Clr]( ~ Franz~'n family

family of Norfolk, were at Fred move? SaturrJ;ly tt) a f:trm m:urThun's 1jhursday. The Alvin Vo- Winside.gels calh~d at Thun's Sunday last Miss Myla JUnr· rJ-lOmas, whoweek. Itcachps at In·I',n. I,t., was horn'!

The Henry Schmitz and William for, the weck-('nrlVahlkamp families were at Louis Mr. and Mrs. Wm, AnrlrrsC'n and

I;-~+---+-_.:-+--; [Test's Sunday evening last week. sons of Lyons, ~rJ('nl Sunrl.'JY hereJames Thompson of Dakota City, In the frank \\'('1)('1' )HJ!J1r·

calle-d. ' Mr:;. Allil. I luphnn and Huh W('nt.. Mr. anti Mrs. Doug'las Russell It? Sioux (l,ty \;1:-[ ThuI",-,(j;IY til ,-('I'

I'--+----+----+_.!Iand Donald spent ;"1:onday e\"C'nlOg [L1C formf'rs brotfwr "'\\(1 1'- ill.and Mr. flnd Mrs. Hpnry R('cg Clnd F f' Mr:-:. HtJ~d Jnd ;;()n. :'ldrt ,n. \-11'.'.BernIta $. Ilnday p\'('.nin g la<;t WC'l....k I·:~m('r. ~~\eJlOg and. :;on (J! :--;H.. U".at Glenn' Granqu1st's. CIty, \ISlkd here r nih;. f",II\1n;..:-

Th H' wllh :\-11'. and Mr". \Tqt(d1 li,ltrlne ,arry Granqu:sts and MhS I~1-1i:l.rtJn HUHl and ~1['. HJi1t.111 ~('n'- .....

L:na Nleman ~pi:'nl Saturday ('v('-. ed 0\"('1'5('3" lO'7ethe .eve- nmg,.Jas; week ~t ~vC':('tl \ .... I~If"S I ~1r. and ~lr~. JU~;U'-' IIJnncri{'h~

at \\msl,df>. The) h~d Sund3y 5uP-1 and Helen of Carroll. Mr. Clnd \1't.~Mon- per at Lyle Gamble 5. I Jame:, .:\liJlpr rind ~.lrs. \tV. P. C{J'~~

lbcrt I' James, JU. n..lor Cln. r1 Cr,t'w Thomp- i. nlng (,;l.ll->;d \\.-,'?nC'.. 'rl.a.y on \-Tr ;Jr...".son of Dakota il.nel .Ytanlyn i ~,lrs_ R:ch;lrd P1"lK>Jlstock a.nd ;v] 1'<;ere. at Test were Sunday \'.t'('k dJn- F:lla I brdl'T ;"11<:.0; Ruhy Hlnnf'r~

'en109 1 ~~~~~j:S~~.~ t~h~~~U;n ()~f~~8ar~~:' ;~~~;'r~~·H.OY ~,Tr-y('r Wl'TL' ~~Il;i-. AI-II cently discharged.Sun- Offi('p in lIo"",

Dr, S, A. hils h1s offlcf'mest lJirth- In thf' W;l)nr: Phone 61.



ERMS: Cash or make arr ngements

t ,

,IHer a


.om.Hughes, Aucti neerI .

ase tractor CC 1936 mode!. rubber in front. Just overhauledlast sprin&" and in A-I con~ition

ase tractor cultivator I: ­

ase tractor plow, 16..inch ~

cConnic.k-Deering ha~in~rmillwith feed table, 1942 m04el

cCormick-Deering e~dgatJseeder, I

obn Deere 12·ft. tractor di~c

harrows, '4-section and 3-s~ction

·ft. Deering binder iohn Deere corn planter, 160 rrOds

of'\VireJ'1U l, .'

2.ft~,MloCormick.DeerlDgHayr~Jt~) ne~rly new r


1. I am going to quit fa~1 g, I will sell at P['blic Auction the following property at m} farm

~nd 4lj2 miles south of Win ide; 3 mil~s east fud 6 1/2 miles nortb of Stanton spur, on


Sunday at I!l'1ryI

I. I'

~HE WA~IlInRl~, W

Under/{ocs Opera Ion.Mrs. Rudy Vlasak un en-vent an

operation Thursday in a I\<"orfolkhospital and is doing w II.

Lions \\-'iIl I\-IP, ·t.Lions club will mpet R Ihe Davis

cafe llC':o:t Tue::>day even ng.

Carroll SchoolItems for Week

Fourttl six-week per! d in Car­roll school closes this Ii" iday. Ex­aminations are bein~ g' cn Wed­nesday and Thursday a d reportsgo out Friday.

ThC' basketbaH team I t to­dolph in first round of t e Winsidemeet Wednesday. ]n th consola­tions Carroll "Iost to D xon by astngle point Thursday.

The school paper goe out thisThursday.

Seniors are selecting heir play.News in Gnu .

All grade rooms had Valpntineparties Thursday aHem n. In pri­mary ropm Earline Fit h treatedall to Vl.ilentine cookies and Mrs,Norman ,Clark served c C'.

New l~brary books ha e been re­ceived by all grade roo s. The 5thgraders are giving I' ports' oftheirs.

June' Gay Wagner w ote to in­termediate students f om N~w

Mexico. 'IThe 6th arilhme't,{c Cit: sis­

ing a study of areas of ectangles.Primary pupils made Washing­

ton border of cherries a d hatchetsin art.

Are Leav;n~ 8~n,ARM3C .John Suhs, ho is here

at A. C. Sahs', leaves nc t, Mondayfor Wa:"hingt.on, D. C. t. WalTenSllhs, homp on terminal !f><Ive, willsoon go to Lincoln to a cept a po-sition. !

4rthur dlass and Mrs. ve Jones neral rites fOr the former's aun , files 1 d giants of Afnca WIll be4ntertai~ in March. Mrs, James Bowers. Sh0~ y Rev, Proett. This WIll be

For B~daYS' -, ~ Iwe~:sa:/6~1~~\v~~~:~a~~~~rls ab~u '~~o~h:g ~~~1J~h~~el~~lt::e! Birth y club observe the an- Friday. The Williams farruly spc t com ty who have been In SC'J"V-

~i~ersari s of ~r. tj.nd . Tom that (evening at Lem Jones', Ice 1 ~ nned at the church Fnday&berts od Dave Theo hilus Fri- Mr and Mrs. Frank CrIfff h evenln ,March 1. at 8 Rev Procttday eve ing with dinn r at the were at Evan Hamer's Sunday f r WllI~ ak and other features wlllRoberts orne. Mr. and rs. Clair dinner. Mrs Sydna Jones and 0 be a ned, Luncheon will beTheophiIus, Mr. and M s. Gerald en were ther~ m the evenmg serv d ,Swihart and M". and rs. HUgh Mr and Mrs E t, Pearson a d Ai eets ne;xt week WednesdayEngstro~ were guests. June were at Claude Stanley's Su - whe t e committees of Mrs John

day afternoon. The first two call d Gus Johnsonon Dr. A. Texley that evening. ,

Roy P-earson and Leonard M,t-

~oan;n~~h~X:~~~ts~:~~~a~~r:eo~nt~~former's uncle, E. L. Pearsol;' i

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Noel1e arid

sons 'went to Elgin to visit l'.~;:g~~~,Okk;iu~~ya~~d~~s~d~;~. '

The Elmo Jenkins family we tto pon Gilmer's at Pon('(J, 111 tWednesday tIP' spend several do. .Mr. Jenkins ~s helping pick CO$'

The Wesley Rubecks were in t eTony Garratto home at Sioux Cit,Saturday. The Rubecks were at ~.

F. Sandahl's at Wakefield, for Su(l-

da~~~hperf~rI'('Ss, nephew of M~'.Ivor Morris, has C'"!rolled at Mi'­souri UniversHy at Columbia. erecently' received his dischar efrom service.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lyons f4urel, Mr. and Mrs. Warden L ­ons' of Wisner, and Junior Pete ­son Wdre at :Geo. H. Reuter's f I'

Sunday dinner.Mr. and Mrs. John Gettmil.n, r.

and Mrs. Gus Paulsen, Mr. Kr;'!U eand daughters, Miss Ada and l\li sEdith. were Sunday evening guc sat Ed. Trautwein's.

Mr. and Mts. Henry Voss of H~­kins, spentSaturday night at W I­ter Rethwisch's. They and eh'r­lene Rethwisch were Sunday di -ner guests at Lynn 150m's. i

Friday. sup.per guests at ROhttB. Jones' wQre the Will Shufel tfamily, Mr. *nd Mrs. Shufelt a dVirgil, Dot R~!ston family, Mr. a dMrs. Cilfford Parker and On'al fPotter., !

Mrs. Earl Ploog and conili·eKaye, Miss : Dorothy Black a, dBernie Fleshman of Ogal.lala, w rehere from Fnday to Monday wi hLhe women's ;parents, Mr. and M .Ot to Black. '

Mr. and M;rs. Marion Fi~h('r a d iDon Fisher of Albion, Mr.. aoc.! M "1

CARROLL LO AU ~~u~~~. i:~k~~n:;~n~'~~~del~The' Henna.$ Thuns w rc in Nor- 'Jin

folk Tuesday. WeTe Sunday last we~k pin rMrs. ]vor Morris wasi with Mrs. guests at Sam Jenkins'.

WIll MorrIS FrIda Mr. and ~rs. John Gettm n,Mr and Mrs J~hn ~aVIS were Blame Getttlnan and Mrs EI t'r

at Art Glass' Friday ev nJng ~:~ll~~e;et~~l~r~:O~:m~~Ym;~~~:The \Varley Benshoo s and Don ed stock Mr and Mrs Gettman

Q~~~SO~l~J~~~O~~~~!l ~~t~~~~~ were 10 Norfol~ FndayhBd Sunda)- dlOner at G F Jones" Lt Warren Sahs, Mr dnd :vlt:;

Mr arad Mrs Ward W Ihams and IGlenn GranqUist and Kan n~Ofo I t II II WI' sWayne, Mr and Mrs Blame Ge t-IdIm \\C're a 0 IS I lams un- man and Barry of Uown. \\ re I

a~h r I K t d' t L T Tuesday e\enlOg dlOner guests 1 ste ~C ennys \-ISI ¢ il, week at John Gettman s.

:~:IPn sat Rmclolph, ~unday ev('- Mr and Mrs John Bush Wl.'f(> at

I fh Ll 1M! I h d A C Sahs' WC'dne<;d 1y, ,Inri 1"(' U)-{ olnS aml y a d M H B h MAt

Sund8.y dmnf'f In th!"' T P Roberts ~n k rs i dC'nryht us, rs ~h I'

homf' no 'I~~: c~~~ f;:;;l~y "p ~~Mrs 1 R ITpftl was IWith Mrs

Herman: Sund in Waynq last Wed·nesday. t

D. J. Davis was in W nside Sun­day to attend the runer I of AllenWaller.

The A. Bruggemans ~rIOSkins,;~~~,~Undaydinner gute at Edw.

The Henry Haase fa ily fippntSunday at Aug. Ha se's ncarWayne.

The NJelvin Manz fa ily of Dix­on, spen~ Friday evenin at ClaudeStanley's.

Mr. ann Mrs. Leo St phons andson arc Rpf'nding this, w( kat Wm.$wansotll's. !

Mrs. '1::mma Bartels liS visi ling

of Delmar

~. Society ••

Fqr T",'o Birthdays.1VI s. Tom Roberts' birthday of

Frid y and Gerald Swihart's ofSat rday were obs'crved Sunday atcoop rative dinner in the TomRob rts home. Others there wereMr. nd Mrs. Gerald Swihart, Mr.and' rs. M. 1. Swihart, the' GlennJen ins family, Mrs. Evan Hamerand enneth.

Moo's club met Thursday

wit Mrs. James Hampton. Mrs.T. Roberts led'the study on Ne­bras a water supply, and she andMrs Levi Roberts showed soil con­serv tion slides. Guests werc Mrs.Han Rethwisch, Mrs. GertrudeHan ock. Mrs. Dave Theophilu:"and rs. Ismael Hughes of WayneMrs Tom Roberts entertains inMar h.

Sbo er for Bride.s. Roy' Johnston, the formerorrell of Wayne. was honor­

ed ursday afternoon at a mis­cell neous shower for about 40gue ts in the Ceo. Johnston home,

LAJIID HERE IS SOLD hos sses bemg Mrs Ted Youn~,TO SOREN NIELSEN MJrs Ora Wax, Mrs Steve Nettlc-

Special Se~vices. Cond",eted Here

Carroll church is co­operating with others of the areain cotlducting sp¢cial evangelisticservices through March 1. Cottageprayer services are held each after­noon, and beginning next Sundayevangelistic meet;ings will be con­ducted each evening. Rev, E. E.Golay and Rev. t., A. Kiel arc as­sisting Rev. F. J. Schank. Youthstory hour is e-ath day at 5 andyoung people's dinic each eveningat 7:15. I CanUidatesFor Offices Here

~eiTY Johnso~, Ed. Trautwein,

Ea I Fitch and q.aude Bailey wereno iri8ted candidates for the vil­lag~ board at th~ caucus held lastWedn~sday evenipg. Two will beelecttjd .April 2, and the tenns ofthe first two expire'. Gus JoHnson,poIi.c~ judge, was nominated ascanpidate for reelection.

The 'school caucus will be heldsoon.

" " "I~'

Ma y Will~ ove

~! 5ere T 's Spring

T e pproach 0 pring, brings a Social Forecast.num of movin . Mr, and Mts. ~uxiliaJ;'y meets February 26Victor Johnson a Miss ~Ianche wi J;1 Mrs. T. P. Roberts.JOh~j moved tq- orfolk !Friday'· O. T. meets this Thursday

,whe ~ they bougM home iat 917 wi~h Mrs, Glenn Jenkins.sout th'. Mr. Job on has tanned fyallNeighbOr meeting plannedU, Wa !1e countY1 yearS and thi Tuesday was postponed.s~n~ he past 35 e rs on his home' --pla'c, bout seve, iles' west of J SociaLWayjn . He sold t e 80 this spring W;Fu Meets. ,to Mrl, and}vtrs. els Granquist . e~Fu met Tuesday evenmgwhot are moving it from near WI h Mrs, Robert Johnson.

W~~l Jenkins. w wa's recentlYj ~ AttQhn G"-rter H~me.disc 'arged, will mo c to. the' pla'c e 500 play~rs met in. the JohnRoy !:f.ndanger lef. The Jepkin Gr er home Friday evcnmg whenfam~ YI has been at . L1 Pearson's Mrfs:~· C. Sahs and John GettmanMt- pnd Mrs. Har .Nelson go t ha~,hJgh scores.the !!~. R. .Smith f rm southe:/s!1 t" -The iN Isons are no liVing in ~r.~1 E rtain Delta Dek.roll." ,r, and Mrs~ Henry BUlSl1l s. Joy Tucker, Mrs. H. H.m~ from therelt Wayne. ~ Hop y and Mrs. Ed. Trautwein en-

G lb~.t S.undahl has rented th.ES telf.t ined Del ta Dek members andfa ayman 01 k will vacat~ hU$b nds Tuesday evening in theaftE! is sale this Thursday. The Trl;m wein home.Clar;k !family plans! to go to Cali~ j -fornia. : E rtains Guests.

Ltnh-Crowcll-~Cj1d a good farm 0 ce Stanley entertained fromsate! I,.~tT QUrSdll*He moves to F~d ly t? Sunday for t~e followin.gan acre e near ij. alie. The Steve D~o girls: Esther LUlgrcn, 'LoiSNettlet s come ~o the J. C. Woods KefU y, Alice Winegartner, Ellenfarm. wh h the t~owellS leave. Ank ny and Bernadine Davids;)n.. J.: N. and Fay I ndanger ,go to

the 'f~'m John G ier, jr., ,leaves, F~ Frank GrUfith. rthe cpr ers moving , Carroll. Fred- s. Frank Griffith entertainedrick; ;ieman, recently discharged, Fr d y evening [or Mr. Griffith'sgoes to the farm f..andangers va- blrjt day. Guests were Mrs. Winniecate. :', " I . Joh , Mr. and Mrs. Dave Grif­

~ Da~'.'N.elson moJ.1es into Winside, fitt,Mrs. Evan Hamer and Ken·and ar~nce NelsQn moves to the ne h 'and the families of Stanleyfarm aeated. I Gr f ith, Earl Davis and Ed:·Jones.

Fia " Graffis 01 Belden, comesto t~el f.a....rm east 0 Carroll, Where. Wftl Mrs. Jones.Ben FtIemings ha e lived The ? Ita Dek members, also Mrs.Flemililg$ 'move w,ere Louis MIl- Lep Jordan, Mrs. Earl Fitch andlers l~aye when t~'e Millers go to M~s. Ellen Robbins were guests ofa farrn!J. near Wa~e. Mrs. G. E. Jones Friday when

TheJFloyd Andrews family moves priz s ·went to Mrs. Chas. \Vhit~to ~hif farm theyj bought .near ney, Mrs. T. P. Roberts and Mrs.WaYne. 'Ray Ha'npeier moves to Levi Roberts. Mrs. Tom Roberts

'the 1pl~ce they le<}ve. The John ente tains March 1.Reegs; now: on th~ Andrews place

.~~a~l~~:i'ng~~b~~~:a~ov~~;~near Wayne where Wm, SchnoorsHve.

Thd Herbert Conyers family goto the Clarence Klahler farm nearWayne, a~d Evan Jones to theplace Conyers vae.ate. Stid Isomsof Shcles, bought: the fann theEvans, family leaVes.


On ~ific Coast. !

t.e.wis Morgan Hiller, sonl of theD ..~ Hillers,)s now on the Pa­cific cast. He went from acoma,W~sl., to Seattle., and va~ouver,ca~~~ a, and then down th coastto :a.n Fran~isco and Los , geles.He i.& making a trip ~o Guaterrtala,Ce tral America.

l·· -

Page 13: Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · p~GES l'.~~e-s 1 to 8 LD 16 ~t.'dit)n One "'----__...J 'I'f I HE I ~----'----Receives


Goldenrod Meeting,Goldenroc1 club meets March

with Mrs. James Hansen.

2 beds with springs andmattresses

Some chairs

McCormick-Deering 8-5cream separator

Tbree-eorner cupboard

2 davenports

Sewing machine

Gas lamp and !las lanternLarge Round Oak heater

Quaker oil burner, 12-inch

Monarch enameled cook stove,preoowar

·Fruit jars

25-gal. .toDe jarOther articles too numerolU

to mention



20 head Cattle

7 mozen White Leghorn pullets. 5 dozen WhiteWyandotte pullets. 2 dozen Black Australorp pur.lets. 7 gray guineas.

HAY10 tons of alfalfa hay, ~irst and second cuttings.

7 milch cows, 3 fresh now and other 4 in the sum­m~r. 8 yearling heifers and steers, on feed 50 days.5 bucket calves.

,If ,I

Y, FEBRUARY, 21, 1946..

flay rack ~nd gear·'

2 box wagons

30 steel posts

:to wooden posts

$ome phmk. and board.¢rib flooring

:} roll. of cribbing

~ roll. hog wire

Some barb ~ire

~ome chicl~en wire

, Chicken feeder~

>,ft\UJlp jack

,,~eed bunk

Mog troughs

2 sets harness


Sale Begins


1.1 I'; , I,II' ,II I



McCormi~k-Deering 30 tractoron rubber.

16 head', Hogs .I I

2 brood sows to farrow last of March. 2 Chestel'White boars. 12 early fall ~igs. All vaccinated farcholera i . ;r- ,

Maethihery,I 2Sj good, f1~,ets


Sad Ie I

2 5 des :

'I WiT auger I

I Sho,lel.

I5 pi~ch for'" II'

8ee~ fork

'I Silage fork I

5 fuM oil ba""\'ls

I Som~ small torls i

i ~~:~~.~,?OOS!Lt"r~ry table i ( i

As I am going to quit farm ng, I will sell at Public Aucltion on the place known as the ,R. R. SmithI 'farm located 6 miles west f Wayne on highway 98, :) miles south and 3 east of Carroll 4 miles north

and 2 east of Winside, on I


ayI Irelbruary 26t 1 o'clock I Lunch on Grounds

G,a~ld;~~~~Old'~~OrB~:~;ng,6 yrars ol~, wt. 1600, Sorrel gelding, smooth mouth,wt. 1:300. Roan mare, 10 yea~'s old, wt, 1300. .

TjR.lfS: Cash 9' ma. e a\wngemen18 with de'~,_A It Pfpe,ty'to be ...ttred for before being ",~oed.

--:ry !P_,'~~11-

John Deere '45 tractor plow

McCormick-Deering tractor(:ultivator

McCormick Deering single-rowfornpicker with powertake-off

Dee~ing 8-ft. binder

John Deere 10-ft. disc4-se~tion harrow

3-se¢tion harrow

Ha'rkeye ".\,1"\1 planterNew Century single row


Johr 'Deere''hay rakeHor e hay sweep

,.Irw· ,.I-.!',! '"aynDI.

! ~! i'-!"


Staff Correspondent

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lueders ~nd

Jerry were at Gus Stuthman'sThursday evening.

Miss Marjorie Caauwe spent :U:Jeweek-end in South Sioux City ~ith

Miss Shitley Randol.Miss Mildred Peters carne ftom

Denver last Wednesday to spenid aweek in, her J)arental Geo. Petershome, ,J ! I

Miss Rut.h Wolters of Los An­geles, and Mrs. Artqur Wolten;were last Wednesday guests in heHerbert Bergt home. ~iss Wol ersarrived Monday last we~1qtosp nda couple of weeks with!her fat er,Carl Wolters, .and brothet. Art ur I

Wolters.' ,1-

Club Iin Moeting.Altona Social club met with

Alfred Baier Thursday. Mrs.ence Carlson and Mrs. Fre'a

P ~llis JU~Ck ~$iOUX CitYl andpn JepSE1n. J y¢e Peters andK nneth flanso of Emerson.

Mr. and Mrs.. m. Thomse af)dr. ,and Mrs. Jo Mattes wer last

w ek Sunday 'noer gues s atwrence Thorn en's at W yne.e Thom$enS~nd Mr. and ·MIIS.

attes were a Felix Jelire~'sursday eveni to help Mr" Jeli­

n k observe his I birthday.JMr. and MrS. ,A. R., Andrews of

N,brfolk, and Capt. an~ ,Mrs. C~a¥­tdn Andrews, who had been Visit­ing in Norfolk, 'visited at ElmerF~lt's Wednesday evening la5twieck. A. R. Andrews came to heptescnt for th(> ,V. F. W. me~tjnght1d in Wakc{ield that evening.

Mrs. John Hctnson left Tw?sdaymorning for Seattle, Wash., td vigit

~~~ ~;~.rj.~~si<~e:;S~na~dntr~~c mpany her parents, Mr., and

rs. C. A. Kintley, sr., home ,'aft~rt ey spent the wihler th('r('.: MJ:.<;sPhyllis Kinney, went to Seattlewith her parents 'but she wlll J1E'­main in Seattle.

Christian (,h~Jrch,)Bible school at ]0. C'ommunion

at ] 1.Choir rphcarsal Tuesda>, at 8:30.Christian Endlcavor Sundav cve~

ning at 6:JU. •

at Pospis~l' Wednesday vening. Walfred Carlson's Wednesday aft-\ day iast week. dinner gues~ at RaY,The Martiljl smussens we there emoon. I Surber's. ~ .r'February 3. The Joe Pinkelmans spent Sun- The John Reegs were at Russell

Mrs. Ed'. ieman and r. and. day last week at. Herman Lenzen's Pryor's Mond,ay evening.1ast weekMrs. FredJ\i Nieman we ~ ,Wed"': in Randolph. and the Arno1d Reegs were;at Joh~n~sda.y lun~l)eon guests l~ .the The E. H. Glassmeyers called in Reeg's Wednesday evening.DIetrich Meyer home at InSide. the John Ream home Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heier and

, . . The Artie risher family of W~n- eve-ning last week., Miss Martha ilfeier moved Monday

or~hw" I'st ,WI,'ayneIe~. ~o., whe slde~ and th~ Henry Wa .er, Jr., The Reuben Goldbergs were to·Wayne. The Fred Heier, jr., fam-II. e In a out· a week. famIly of Cvroll, were t s Sun- Thursday Supper guests in the ily comes to the Heier farm.I ~l anMdr"IVa"nnd,wMere day dinner guests at He WackM Lawrence Backstrom home. Rev. and Mrs. Walter Bracken-

(By Stafi '"irres~ndent) ~ t C. E. N~lson's in er's. I Mr. and Mrs. Har'li~ Reibold sick and fam.1ly and ~r. and Mrs.t-----..;...-------' IWinside, Wedn dayeverung. ,The Franlj:: Longes we Satur- wer£' Sunday last week supper Art Magdanz were Sunday lastThe Tony Jolmsonf spent Sun- Mrs. Ruth son of Randolph, day supper !guests .at Ca I Dam- guests at Ervin Hageman's at Pen- week dinner guests at Alvin Tem-

d y last !Week at: Geo~ Harder'&. and Mrs. E a Bart.els of Car- me'~. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schroe- der. me's.Th W S h~ d ' t C roll, Were We day dinner guests del' called at Danune's Su ay last Mrs. E. H. Glassmeyer visited

A P;csto~;s ~d~~a~f~~~·~t last at Gep. Bartels week. Mrs. Mary Thompson and ,Mrs.k fc Mr~ anq M Floyd Glassmeyer Thursday after-

w '~o~othY <lind ~e'lbe . Longe were ~r~. 'Rebbeea Fat Anniversary.' Frank Longe,s TI ursday eve- ThY OWd were Relatives and friends he ped Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Goshorn '"and

. urs , Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Goshorn werenmg. Mr. and M Lawrence Heikes and Mrs.' Frank- Longe observe F .d Infant Baptized.

The Ed. Ahlmlans spent Sunday and Sharon of Obert, visited at their 37th Iwedtling an 'versary H~a:~' supper guests at O. B. James Russell, son of Mr..and]a~t week at the;Wm. James home Wm. Schroede's Saturday and Monday eveninglast wee. Miss Henrietta Vahlkamp oflMrs. Russell Pryor, was baptIZed:

atll~e;~:~('SMabens /'JX'nt Sunday su~~;~ ~a~tdw ~;kamp was with I Hcmpr ~~ooma ~ierc(', tr:nt last ~~~-~nd~nJhe: ~~ySi~~~e~ut~;ra~~~ur~~iU~lal't week in the f~rilz Dinklagc Mrs. :Arnold J nke Tuesday and' Sunday last ~eek dl ner and A~~~s~ V<te~ll~:;~ . ~ r. an rs. I Schuldt. DinneF guests at Pryor'shdme at Wi5ner. wilh Mrs. H rman Vahlkamp luncheon gUests !n ~he erman I-, .p . Ithat day we~ the families of Wal~

Dean, Violet, !Donna and Doro- Thunday after oon. R~eg home at "'mslde, 0 honor The Arnold \ ahlkamps were 10 I frpd Carlson, Donald Carlson andR h d Reba h I ft b thf' Herman Vahlkamp, jr.. hnrn(', Gilbert Dangberg.

thy Alh'in W:('re at Geo. Shufelt·s The; Erwin Vahlkamps were l~cfoa/servi~ j:c1~de~ th eAr;;:,~~ Sunday and at Art lJran....elka·s I _.SUnday last w('ck. TYlursday even g guests at Leon- Korn Henr{Reeg and A m P.".('eg Wednesday cvening. I For DennIs DangbFrg.

Mr. and Mrs.lw. R. Schmidt of anI Pospishil's nd. h~d Friday sup- families, Mrc and Mrs. Fr d'Repg. The Arnold Vahlkamps and Hf'r-I GuesLs at Gilbert Dangocrg's\\1isner, caJkd Sunday evening la:;t per at Walter 1~lch s. Miss VerdelI€' Niemann nd Miss ITian V~hlkamps WPrE' at AI,\'Jn I Thursday e\-ening ,for Dennis' 2ndwE'ck at Fred Rt'eg's., Patty A:nn . effrey spent last Delpha HorSbnan. Temme.<; Fnday ew'nmg. The \II. cr~ I birthday were the Guy St?vens ~

Lee Smith pf Albert Lea, Minn., ~('('k~end m th Floyd Hupp hom£>. ner Mann.s were at Temme's Tu{:s~ i famdy of Winside. Mr. and ::\lrs.and Dean Smith of Yankton. called' and thr> H pps were at Erv/jn day ('H'nmg. i Walfred Carlson and Evelyn, RusMMonday last ,wcek at James Han- \ Clhlkamp's F 'day evening-. I I The Albert ,laegr>r<; wen' Th1Jrs- i sell Pryor family. Dona1d CarlsonSf"h·s. I'Clul Hac,k c me from, Omaha to II', South,vest W ync day (,wnlng ~'.lpper gm's,ts at Aug.1 family, :".lrs. ,Clarence Carlson and

Mr. al1d Mrs. Lawrence Victor sfx'nu the ek-end at W. E. : . \rahlkamp s tv honur pte, EdwlO I daw;hters. Fred freve-rt and Hen.of Redondo Beauh, Cal., were Mon- Back's. H1S w fe and daughter,: (iBy.St.itf Correspond nt) 'IYahlkamp. horne- on furlough from I ry Koch lCist wE'('k 'dinner guests at JUdy. r('\urned with him Sunday. I Fort ;\1e}er. Va. - ~--__

En~. St. Joh 'f! LU~h, Chu~h. Gr;-o. Bartels'. The Erv,:in 'ahlkamps were at The Clarence Becks we e at OS-I ~e J-L W Wint.f'rsteins. Hamld, MISS Ruth Swanberg and DonaldIRev. Robt>r Kruse. pastor) Oscar and Art Mann returned EJhardt Pospis iI's Sunday evening Icar Hoemao's Thursday +\·enlOg. QUInns. Donal.d Qumns. J. \\-'. Go:'ih-! Clements w{'re mamed at Erner-

sun~aYSChO~andaibl('.cL~satliTh~u~r~Sd~.~Y~M~T~n~~~g~f~r~o~m~N~eW~I~~~\~C~~~'~IW~'~~~k~,~an~d~h~e~F~r~~~R~e~eg~S~.~'~ff~e~,~Th~e~D~O~na~l~d~C~a~rl~s~on~'~!.~'~eIT~a~t~o~rn~s~.~n~d~\~"~~~~~~~~h~orn~'~"~T~IT~S~Un~,~,~w~n~s~u~nd~,~,~,~.~n~W~~~k~'~~~~10. Services at tlO:4:j. ~~---

Church school Saturday aftcrMnoon at 1:30. I

J·reshv1:('Jria.n ('hunh.IR('\'. ehas·. fL."1i]('nberg. pastor1Sunday ;.;chonl at Hi, Morning

worshIp at 11. \Vcstmim:ter Fellow­ship al 6.

Community y:outh .'i('T\'icp Thurs­day at 7;30 at ChristJian.chulf'ch,

Two sound films, "Pygmies ofAfrica" and "Giant People of A~riM

ca," wl!l be shown in the Presby­LE'rian church Thursday night at815,

What-50-Ever !'ociety will meetThursday afternoon at the- c~urch.

Hostf'sSCS will be Mrs. MargaretKoontz and Mrs. Hazel Rolston.

Salem Lutheran ('hun·h.(Re\·. Curtis W. \Vibprg, pastor)Choir rphearsal tonight, Thurs-!

day at R:3fl o'clock.Saturday. 1 p. rn" ca!echetical

instruclion class.Saturday. 1 p. m., Junior Mis­

sionary society. Commi1tp€; BillAnderson, Anjenean Brock, Bet tyBrock, Jacqueline Brock, JudithBrock and Wallace Felt.

Sunday school and Bible classesat 1U a. m.

Divine worship at 11 a. m.Vpsper sPr\:ice at i:.l(J p. In.

Luthpr l.A~agu(' Will mN't In 11lf'church pllrlor'.'i TUP'idClY, F('hruary:In, k p. m

Women's Missionary SOCJ(·ty willmeet Thursdcty, FC'hruary 28, 2 p.m.

You <irl"' cordially invited to 0.1­tt'nd Gur SeT\·lef'S.


Loan Groll'. Mf'f'b;.

Annual rlinner of the Dlxon­V·layne National Farm Loan 'lSSO­

cia lion will be held at \\lakefieldhigh school auditorium this Thurs­day even~ng. Salem Lutheran la­dies will Serve.

\V. C. T. rt Meets,W. C. T] b. met Friday 81 Salem

Lutheran ,dhurch for the Frances

Willard M~orial m£'eting. Ladiesre~ponded: 0 roll call by giving aquotation ,om the writings ofFrances 'illard. ),.1rs. WBlt('rFredricksl' gave a reading on thelifE:', of Fra,' ces Willa, rd. Mrs. Chas

~~nb~~;rs~ h:~. ~~v('o~~:~. m~~~~~~'will be Mil ch 15 With Mrs. S;. \V.\iVlberg. i

Move to Wakefield.Mr. anti Mrs. T. M. Gustafson

moved frttlfn their fann northeastof \iVake~i€'ld into t.heir home inWakefield tRe first part of lastweek. Thr Otto Nelsons moved to t

the place' \.:acated by the Gustaf­sons which thpy!purchas('d.

I • , -

lebratel Birthday.)11;'5. :raul ¥-rickson celebrated~ birthday Wednesday evening~liJen neighbor ladies aJ!ld fricndsailed in hcr home. CoopcrativeuftCheon was served.

ror Blrthdny..~o heln Mrs. Chas. Rabenherg

observe, hh birthday, ladies caUedin: her holine ¥lednesday evehingla$t WE'ek~ Cooperative luncheon

as servod.

(1}ommittee 1\Ie~ts.

Executive committee of Amcri~

can Legiot:! Auxiliay met Saturdayevening 10 make pLans to serveLions club at thc meeting Febru­ary 26.

• rldge Cil/Ih Moots..nridgc club mt'l Thursday with

Mrs. Clarence Hendrickson. Mrs.C. E. ,Johnson, Mrs. C. G. Jordana:n~ Mrs. Mark j Williams wonprizes.

JI~re from Norfolk. 1\fls~lon (:o'\"Mta-nt Churl'h.I Soria) JrOf'''(~ast. Al. Manl;ke who came from Nor- IR('v. Et'vil Guslar!'on. paf;tor)

J \\'{']('olllc-!n club wlll. m('ct fol\<, is nl!'w spction Corpman for Community youlh !<.f'rvicf' will be1fhursciay. J<~('bruary ~8, \\'Ith Mn>. til(' railrQad hO're. His family mov- at Christian church Thursday ('vc-Clair Walt'{'t'. . cd to WaikcHeld a fcw days ago. ning at 7:30.

Jolly Bidders will meet thiS Senior Y. P. will meet ThurS-lilay

~1~Jrrf~garo:\~esni~;st;~~~ Mrs. Bert Chaptet to Meet. Ievening at 8:15. The prog"ram willI Purp~e'Heart chapter will meN feature two surprise numbers. Re-

~ Monday evening, F:bruary 25, to freshments will be served an~ hr)st-Social. conduct tegular busmess. esses are MrS. ErIC Frednckfion

P. E. 0, M("RtS. __'_ and Mrs, Alvin Fredrickson.P. IE· O. mf't Monday evening Lloti;',to Meet. Confinnation class Saturday at

\~... it!h :tvlrs. V. H. R HanSotl as hostM Lions tlub will meet Tuesday, 2 p. m.e1ss. FE'brua~ 26. Sunday school at 10. Morning

worship at 11. Evening g'ospel serv·ices at 7:30.

Bible s1 udy and prayer \V('dnes­day, February 27, at 8 p. m. '

Mary Martha Cirelp Will meetThursday. Ft'bruary 28, at 2 p.: Mrs. Eric Fredrickson's. Ple'as('note the change of date.

You always w('1come atsprviccs.

I '8' • t.'. ,ocley ••...

I1bja: s Whinersi , f ~ ,sker' TitleT~,e,I,veske~ba~1 Teams

ITo Pa icipate i Meett1er1 This Mo' tho

filh thel defeat of ~e Stantonq inlet at.s,' ,~ntOi1' Fri ayeveningb; eld ITroja s, 36-33.Wkkefield r ceived the champion~

shJp of the I l1Skcr corl er~ncf. Upto.i Friday ening WakefIeld and

'Wa)tne higJ school lied (or' theehampionshl·p. Howeve-f, Waynew~s i defeate by West Point thateV~J1ing, th s the championship go-

in&~~ :Ii~, [:::~d~corc of the 5tao-l. tcp1-iW~kcfi Id g'tmc was 18-15 int~ fa~Qr of \ r1dk('fieldd, Sttahnton dthenr

gained H lIW ,an E\ teen 0

~,,~ lJ1e third qtlart('r the score .S1.oodW' 2~-22 in StaJUlon's fa\'or. Fob Enck-I, s~n was high for \Vakeficld with

r ~~~~~F1eti~'I"(~ player) Randolph at\V:akcfi{>ld 'nUCSdilY night, and willf.lJay A1Jr'n !Ulf'Tl: Friday evening.~VakMieldwill he host to the disM

tri."', class, c~ask£,tball touma­mt'nt \;\Ihl('h' i. scheduled for Feb-roory 2t 1:0 M rch 2. Th~ 12 schoolsp~"rticiPatll1lr, are Allen," Bancroft,Decatur, E erson, Pender, Pilger,Ponca~ Sta ton, 'VVinsl(jle, Thurs­,or, Wa1thl~1 and Wakefield, Supt,ROyral Cra ley will have charge.Reptesentatives from ~ach schoolpa,rticiPat!n~ met MonUay evenmg,at \\TakeClc d to dctennine thetournament, schedule.Sophomo~eswere hosts to an all­

s'1hool party Tuesday ('vcning lastwe,ek. Dane~ng was entertainment.Mrs: Leona Brt and James Koontzate sophom re class sponsors. g-

dd d Hlt 'e$>ter Men Meet.Mrs'. Ro~al Cra\\"ley'a resseWakefield 'high school s1 udchl Group I· of the American Lr­b0dy Friday on "RacE" Relation-, gion Auxihary served luncheon toships." She,also t.old of her teach- a group Oflmcn who met Monday

~,: _ .in."g. e-xpericices in Fisk university afternoon for Ian InternationalK at Nashvilj , TenD. Harvester comjpany machinery

I~' Wakefie P,MT. A. met Wednes- meeting W ich \'l'as held in Wak('·: day at the school. Movies and mu- field at tile Legip'~ hall. Mrs, Wal-

ter carlso~w¢lsi chairman of the:, ~~:~.numbt'rs comprised the pr~ group and rs. ¢lifford Busby was~ cl:rchairma .

CYlzaptJr FormedFOI'IVeterans Here

Veterans of Foreign Wars organ­ized a neW post in WakefieldWednesday evening last weekAhout i1 men werT' presentto clcct anrl install the followingn('w offiC'('r~: \Vm. Hugelman, jr:,

vic: co~m,q.ndcr: Harold Holm, ~:eivesfEDi~bai"gt't,s~nlol' \'ICC, ~omm.ander; Eugene Mr. and Mrs. ale Anderson ar-S~'a~son. ::unJor vice :?ommande-r; rived the irst art of this weekAius-t1O Rmg, chaplam; Albert I from Key i West, Fla.; when' Mr.Beck, quarfennaster. .Thos~ here Anderson had been stationed. Hefro~ o~t-or~~O~'T1 to assist \vlth or- now has <lin, honorable disehargf'.gamzatlOn Included .Har~ V. The And¢rsons will make their

~~o~('O~~~I~J~f~~~:;te~tlO~~~:~~~~home in Wakefield.

Ralph E. Andrews of Omaha, stale.rE'ercation offic('r of the orgnnrza­Uon and A. R. Andrews of Norfolk.di~trict commander. The group wil I~e~t soon 'to plect more 'officers.

Page 14: Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · p~GES l'.~~e-s 1 to 8 LD 16 ~t.'dit)n One "'----__...J 'I'f I HE I ~----'----Receives




G. A. Lamlwrlo;ol1

Plant an acreage 01 our !Ile:ial early maturingvariety of pop corn ~n your farm thill year as aCBJh crap.. This par.tlcular varJety Is ad",r;:ted foryour locality, and YIelds, much better than othervarieties, Prn;e and del'very 'S guarante~d, Suc­cessfully planted. cuilivate:l. and harv<;sted withyour regular farm mach,nery. Write U's at once10r particulars about thiS money-ma"l,-,g crop.

I "

! )



toa. m.10



4 p. m. lWa ne MunFpal 'Auditorium

j I -----+-1-------

Free Lurich ,- Prdgram- Entertainment....;~....,". win e-;.. "t Moo., 'OM ""'- r.·..-h, W._, W",,","ld. W;",.", .., """'" T.l••'

Shorl::laforma"io~ill T~1ks ,.00 fariou5 P~ohlemsConfronHn9 Farmers·E~, JANIKE. OMA~~ MASTER OF CEREMONIES

•• w...~, ..!:!."!Ir.!b!.•.:t Are By BlIFll~3'..2:"ARD


onlY CU'NN1'{VGHAM DB.G. E. CONDRASecre:ta.ry. of Sioux City ~tvestock Exchange . of ,the Statri ITnin-rsity


Merchants .,f Wf'¥'le have m~ P'1ssib:1e the distributloDnf items, .uch

as overalls.. work shirts, wort, :'shoe~, oil clo'th, stccking-s, 8fl~~E;d p,ails, etc. a: ••

Be sure to. ,,:I>e.. tsent sowe. ,Fr- ~ ..w. y.ou m,t,purchase these ite~s;,

'Sponsored~yWar,jeCh~mb~r_~~~Commerce" an} Coun~y far:m .Q'-9afl~zatl()'!'s

I =' ..,

I I'' I'

I / 'I

.1 LI

March lSI

NeE!Veteran5 of ore~gn Wars Past 5291

. 'QE~' FIT DA.NCEFti_.I I"


IW,I' Hear IU6kROW

!1I your favorite tunes pJa~ed the way you li~e them

• ,,' • You are sure ,to have a onderful timtj at the

Veterans (}f 'f''oreign Wars be efit dance • • • Danc­

" il'lg tp the scintillating rhyth Qf "JUG" BRpWN

and His Orchertr~.

, I


I ~

'i tRI' t ~ in day din er guests ~t 'Rev. H. M. were FriciJV evening t t-l- d-'-, "'p':3f ' n:t I (I'Y e Hilpert' Wrn B ,~i&' gues s ';l, ~n Jimmie ViSited :Yiartin Jensen


' ,; ",,: ,,~:, ',' . 'i ',II"" .... ' ," '," ,I , . da;hecv ~~~v ~~~~r:er:t~ r:~ , M;ss ~:sb :::;." spent 8aturd,:-v II ~st :,~oe~ c~~. h:~it%r~{)~~F' 'h ' in SH)~X City, whrfc she spent the H('lcr and \lrs. Pf'tcr J('n~pn ami

'. . BY ,MISS MiELYN .GRt ....ITH .1SC er . day wIth ~r slstf'f, Mrs. Chffrles JJmmie \'i~ill'd Mr. Jpn"sl'n \"ed-

lS' I ! Orval Anderson, of Norf lk, R btl' I "

f t' I -. spent S nday evening at Tho aid 0 er s, 0 ,,..Jmaha. n('"da) 1;1~1 Wt'f'k.

Fa~ ral ryice SO'Cle~ty ~e~ ~~~~~1O~r~~~, HMI~n \f<~~~~~: Wa,ne P,rep' 'Is I !.:;;'e~:J.h~' they lreated PUPilS, and Ja~~se '~ Mrs Lou Walde nd so~II,:~~ ~~~~~~nJa~~:~nA~:I:;~1-~------"-"-"_'..;'''...;;I'';.;";;.'' ..I;:;:;;.;'..;'''...;;.;;:;M I b M L

lfl' M ., II d F 'd Saturday sUpper gUf'sts at Bu'"II 'I ~ " a m erg, rs. avern Lel1S AD9 Valerti eo party was held .Febru- atTy." a e n ay evening at S

II He ,\Q·"'D.I-v t Mrs Don Gillespie Mr.<;, Jile shoal Meet ~hampl' rf 14 ichard Knaub was the Carl,RI 's, a;~"hc],S In Wayne, I CAVANAUGH

~.,;u ~~ .1 89 ial li'ore(',ast. won guest pnze Mrs. over &" on itlg, I«afY Craig was the queen Dr: d Mrs. A. P, Herbs of earl BronzynsklS spent Fri-1 I Reockah 1 dge WIll meet th18 FranCIS hajd hIgh score. ~u cheop . nd B~foh} Ebling and Mary I-Iu- Nprfolk called Sunday even.n at da~ evening at August Bronzyn- INSURANCE and

IA. M ~i~l.l~a'1"es Friday Fr;;'1.1 t.:'~~~~gw~il th~e~~111 Friday, ;;,~~ ~:~~f The club tneets in 'Dixon Wins' frorp.' (:oncord tIle wle pagcs, Oi~eG ;;::~an DIilkemanns of ~~;,;j'S ~~:~":'"::e~:n:aul LlhPn-


REAL ESTATE) ~t I m$1de. 0t.e Af,ter MarCh


with Mrs II G Knaub _ Tq TaIre,CoD$)la.uons I i.e -- Hadar, aIled Sunday afternoo at Mr. nno i Mr:". Pf:'t0r r. ,Tnns('n ~=::==I:'h:,:,n:p:~:,::::=::, I 1 Being I L ng. SOd~.I Cln~lc member'S and their For NeigbboJ:ing C~cIe. Here 'F.rid~.y. I I .J ave for West. George oll'!>. I.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;.;;;;.;;;;;~;;;: i -,I t. ianHlJ oS IWlll hdve a 7 0 clock dln- NpJghbormg Circle met Thurs~ Mr ~'Ild Mrs Jens P Jensen Mr. nd Mrs. Alvin Sch I- < -

IFun servJ.c~w~r.c held Sun· ner at F1red b-'lckbon'S thiS Frldtly ddY al Mrs Otto Stender'j WIth Wayne prep was champIOn of tOld t e4t household gooqs Satur- and son of Lincoln, visited at ' WaVlne I-Iosnital Dt~ E. }..l. IIal-vev

day a IMethodis church In WIn-- evenin I 11 membhs and the fonowmg Wmsldc's mV:ltatlOn basketball ay af ('~roon and lefl Sunday for Carr's' unday. .; r I-


,side, f, Allen M r:au Waller, agE:d L 1· N ~hb b d guests present Mrs Wm Koepke Imeet by WlDQmg over iLa,w-el Fn ong e~ch' Calif, to makc their Mrs, yott Rhudy and Mrs. :,iPhone 61 Veterinarian 0.1

75 yea 5, 5 mon hs p.od 11 days, fam~-ij s IW1~; caJfrsInmet'~e ('r;Ie~n Mrs Ernest Muehlmeler, Mrs: da-y ev,enmg by 32M27. Wayne le{i I orne and Mrs. l-Iarry Jensen Wylie ere Thursday evening 122 F..1..''>t S(·(·''lnd SI rcetwho pp. sed awa Fjruary 15 at Anelel on I th F d ry Chns WeIble, Mrs LOUIS Kahl and 24-17 at the half. Prep missed all pf Wayrt, took them as far as tors at Francis Wylie's, Wayne, Nebra I \-Vaync, j\',.'br.

Ih!s h9 e In WInS de Rev Mrs C. nmg t hc;Pn~~cm IS h'T1 dy t~vc~\ MI>is Gnldi" Coulter Missl Anna Its SIX free throws in the la~t half ~{'mont C L Imel bought the Mrs, Ed. Lindberg visite a5U, Day Ph. 75 - :SiKht Ph. 460';1. DU~o offlclat a d Gaebler & 25th d I 0 S('T\C ('Ir Cdr<;tpns had charge of ent~rtam4 Morrison was high scorer for ouse In which thp Jensens had niece, rs. Merri! May, in a ·nr- ------------

J Nee~y uneral hqmel had charge. (' ~ tng- nnm\Pr<;aIY mpnt Prlze<; went to Mrs, Hans Wayne With 12 and Tolles for Lau- een livmg and the Impls Will folk ho pltal Thursday I I - 1


BurIal as ma,dq Monday at St. ' Wo ern S alub WI]] mpcl thiS C"lrstf'nS, Mr~ Ernest Muefmeler, rel WIth 13 move $oon mlo their property Mr nd Mrs Alfred Bnden of I Marfin L. Rin-(J'erEdwaIJid 1 , Thurg ay wlth Mrs Burt LC'WlS Mrs Herman Koll and Mrs LOUIS DIxon won the consolatIOns hy -- Randol h, Wert" Sunday afterlnon I 0

IThe hOlr sang "We Shall Meet Mrs I E S~m,<ln, Mrs J[ If Huf- K<-Jhl The next meetmg III be defeatulg Concord 26-24 In thf'1' n~ To Hf!ar Sec t guests tWO Smith's IREAL EStATE F\R:\o1 LOA~S

. Beyon the RIver" land "AbIde faker nd NtI"1 Wm MIsf( Idl \\ill March 11 \'I.lth Mrs August Speck day fmals Concord led 14M9 a1 thr I TI till W re aTY· Mr nd Mrs Gf'Qrgp G )1r-r \Vntrs "Jcry kmrl of msuran('c Real Estate and All Kinll" of

IWlMth ·"11 'I d have harge of the progl,lln hals Mrs Ham; Carstc s wl1i half Stanley led scormg for Dixon ~n ~~ol.l~ ~~nygsa~~~~d:ym;Onwheaerc wC'lr : ursday, afternoon VISI urs I except 11ft S"""'clal atteotlon to (nsurance F..xCPllt l..iJe

r, a er suJ.' ere a stroke - h h' f WIth 11 n~ H It' f C r "t'll C ,'- W"yne "b k


th, d I... dve c <tIgt' 0 enLcrtamm nt a~ a Ig or oncord Clmton Anderson secretary f L1 r~ agner sat arroll q ,j,,,e ras afU~e ~~o~e~:% ~~e ~~:dha~ecnneveJlrl o. Eo • MN>.t~<t(·ia.1. -- • WIth 10 l"'gTlcultutc who spoke at a dl~- Mrs Helen WClhle and 1rs IFann and


Automobile Immrant.>.-e 1~~ ~ -:,c j P t I 0 All games f 8t 0 d f h I" [ Gene IT wpnt to Lmroln • un- '! - 1


the w few wec~s. I I (J T S IlH t Monday eV('l1mg ,It OS S rganlze In lr r un n t (' nC'r m¢p mg on agricultural prob- ', , AUe ,:!Marau W,.aEler, son O,f 1hr- hpll fOI Trg,'U1.1l busllj(<;~ Her,e,for Vetetn..s meet last V..'ednesdaye\emng ""'frc Irms p"rt<llnmg to lJvpstock Rus- daY 10 ISl1 relatives a fe\\ day" ! I

Georg~. and L()UlsJ Wall('r, was " _ \U'~ lop;l~ed Laur!"'l dpfeatcCl C~n{;ord Imus Rlsmusspn, Cclrl Troutman, Ruth A~n Troutman <;prnt ~un- i Benthack JIospital'iborn t Scranton~ P$,. Septemher \V. s: Ie, s. Mef>t". \'('lc>rans nf Foreign W rs orM 57~23, Randolph won OVf'r < <lrloll IArt Atlkf>r, Will Cary Ilcr HanSl'n d8.Y ov rnlght \Vllh her cotl<;in. i

4, 187 ~'tl t the age. df.8 years" he . W. S. c. S, mp1 Tur'sdlly evening ganizf'd a. nc,w post in rinsidc 41-18, Wayne prep heat Dixon ;'jR~ <md Jdmfi>s Troutman IVancf', In the Vern Troutfan :phone 106came. ',', ennSYlya~,latoAlhlO,n. m th,O church I,',arJOrs wilh Mrs, Tu(>Sday ~., ~~ When 31. and WinSide defeated Rlldpn 1 -~ home I'11,,he.r • der Oflh15 lfe Was spent Harry Ti(lrick fl.S hoStC>-:5. the f()llO\\,ln g new Dfflect,' .were 44~21 High 5cor"rs were BrJck for I( W~NSIDE LOCALS Mr nd Mrs Ole Bro r 1 306 Pparl St. \Vayop, Xeb.

NIl 1 ( B M f I R:'lndolph, Waller for Carroll B<lhe If I f D ~ en am

In e a" the last year and a __ I" PC ('(: . . lS edt, co mand- for Wayne pep Kuhl f D I Lloyd Meyers ~pent Thursday In amI y alton wen' 'h('dne da.y ~:;;:::;::;:;;:~=:;=:::;;:::half.i side. ,ua"lf.

artYlIe-re. er; Ch£'st('r Misfeldt, sem r vice r,. or Ixon, Norfolllr last we k guests 10 the Gus 1-: off-

M u, 1 . d comm·mdpr· H ld Rt '. Schellenberg for Wmslde, Bull for M" 'I man ~o e I': r.~'", a er war utute _in mar- ,Fe rated Women's club had a . < .• aro i ze JUnior Belden. ISS H, rna Lautenhough was In ./nage Qvembcr. 8, *896, to Mar- bene;it party Tuescby C'1,!('ning to vice c?mmander; Dan ffman, d Wayne Sp.turday. Mr nd Mrs Loren Phllb of Dr. iT. T. JOllesg.,~.TI!t ~haffer at St ..' Ed,ward. T? buy di.,~;hes.' Lor lhc ,uH1i1orium, Chil.Plarn; Gcorg~ Farran: uarterM 30WTahynedPrep edge Randolph :n- The Oho Schnelders were 10 SIOUX Ity, Wf'r(' Sunday a terM ~LtblS u on were bor;J six sons and _~_ mnslpr. An adjutant Will be ap- urs ay e'enmg m thl' mo<;t WaynO Thursday • noon a d eVenmg VISItors at ob- Ostcpyathlc 1,1~~eL'S.TwOdfhlschiidren ·Contn~('t ~I('f'ts. poinler! hy lhl' command r at a hectIC gam: of the .tournnm(nt. M. r:. SWihart of Carroll was in ert Joh sons. ' I' Eyes Ex.a#Ined - Glasses Fittedprece, ·hlm ,in death, ~nna Ruth, Contmct met Fl'1(lay lafternoon latpr clal~. ~ha~1 sCcOhraCngtclcdd 'h;,,'n'{'..1

ns tl1m2 '"tS,mn~t.j. II]lnf' Wi.nSid.c 11'.hursday. ' I The Leon'a,rd Mm1('ns fa ',Iy

who pa.ssed away, AprIl 15, ]898, \vith Mr<;, Bf'n fknshdof. MrR. . Men, f1 om Ol~t. of town y.·ho as- ' \l'~::vr d M L W K hland A,l1e~ ,G., who passed H\Vay Otto,'G.,r;j('f v,'as H The C)ll.b sl,stC.';l ,I~ ..o~g;~nJZlng 1h£' I~al post other game~ Thursday Laurel dp- in 'rJ~rl:~k F~~ay· . a were ,and M ry Alice and Helen \ ylic I'":1.i;ilP.~"~~~.~I".ilq.illOctober, 11,,·J932. m{'f'(s' in two w1111 l\1rc; \\0f{. H<1rry \. Hood.Qf 0 ha, e-x- feated Winside 53-LL; Concord bcn l i\I Py 11 Rh d F·

For a number of years Mr. \Va]- N. L, OClilrnan . t~n:-;~nn dlt'l'clol' of tlw dep rtment Belden 26M2l' and Dixon won from ~s, Ow ~ u y spent nday D Le· & Le . Iler was a carpenter, but he WilS ~ of .i\eurasb, Halph E. Anqrew's llf Carroll 29-28', High scoring Thurs- cV;nJng at m. Wylie's. I rs "-7)S I , TIS Ien d' {; . II r t' Omahl ,,1,1 \ t' W f day was donf' by Bahe anrl,'Murr'i- d'l~hPv~~~or St.onders called ?\;10n- CHIROPRACTORS Iyegage IIJJl t~rm;nJrp1E' ~St ff'w For AjnJ1ivel1lia.ry, , tlw I,. ,:,(' r(,('rta \onAo~ce~o !'on for Wayne, Adams fnr'Ran- ':"," ._OJ g at Adolph Rohlff!'. (1::51.1914)

, ars., .. e a em c 1 res yerian GU{'Hs in II he Lcollnrd iAndprson, . ant..'. n- dolph, Chodf'rqujst for Laurel. So- . [hI' Petf', I.Ianscns were Sunday 1 Ichurc&. home Th"lr$day nif-';ht 'tn Iwl[1 ~Norf~lk: distrl?t com- dlnnrr gU('<.;1 t N I J ' N urocaJometer ServiceDec~ased l~aves his wife and 1he t1.1ef,n iobs~)'\',(' llwir sC'qon,d wcd- mander. ~() df'fl~ltf' meet.U1g date, r~'3n for Winsidf', Fisher anr! H<lllig The Adoi I~ ~ohl~f: worge,nsen."". 112 East 4th 81. j

f911oWH.l:g chlldr:n: Robf'rt L. of dll'W,T IfH1nn,prsary.. incl~c.kd llw for th(' organizatIon have bf'C'n set. Ie..'-' Concord, Bull and McClain Kni Il'~ . t l· 11 f ~9r~ ,d ~111 Phone 49 Wayne,,Carr?lI, Mr~s. Ml1dred W .. Conger Clwst1r Wylit's, P C .Tf'~'1<.;('ns, An- ~ 1Bc.'dcn, Stanley for Dixon and Wal- nl'/ ,a .\fro or un ay tn-

!i'.:."of SlQUX CIty, Mrs. Margarel w. rln'\\' ,Ant!nsons :lnd 1-:11-111.1' I !:Jl)- Tn "·od{lin~ Ritm;.,. llL'r for Carroll. ,'1;11(' Wm. Wylies were Sunday;;;.! '¥ennjl of Grand Island, Lpland H, s('n, \11'. ;!tvl :\11'~ 1;;~l',,',1 l'lnch ----- dinner gU1'.':1s ·It Leon'lrd M OR J T

of Wipsjde, Winford W. of O'Neill, C'(jr;...; ;J1111 'Ir' :\T:", ()f1·,:l '\' Rec'eln's Di.,...ha,rl{f". lrn<;' " " ar_


U...Vern jE. tif Los Angeles, Mrs.Ylor- AnXilittry MN'tf'. ThOm;\",.' \','I'I~1 l,U DHS:-,('! 1 3.HtU."d<lY ",., ~:\13C Walt.?r Bh:']~h, son t.)f i. Th.P._ D.l\H' ;'>,;('.J:.;ons w.('n"> Stlnd'l fol'LLE'SPI'Eepce W, AlbC'ro of Omaha, Domlld Am rican tn :ll1t'nrl l:l" \w'rldin~ nf Al~slm 1',11". Dora Bleich, arrived home: evpning vi"itors at ()sr"ir Sw,'yE oflWmslde and Mrs Alta 1\1a Satur lay ~11 T!lor\ald Thomas, I'n' J'1'j t r Mrs:. L'II ieh ItStt~trday ,chvenm1

gfrom d

theP2CtIIC:! SOr!'" . " . <In- Optometrz'st

newt FIsh of Chico, Cal Helca',"s ,lnd ;VII', :lrl··'. ,Cll:Hi Mt~s Bar- lea re,\\ ere lC serve forrn:lllY"1 '\ '. ., I..J... >-:cn's with 11 'nwmlH'n.; pr'e.'-.,pnt, I n nth I' hILI "lIs!) Gldrlys Mpttlpn spent hst16 g'l"'ndchlldren, one SIster, Mrs OnE'-CoUl<;(' lunch{on \HIS sPr\(d bam Bn;:; : 1 Ru.. .':', ;"\lE;lb. The l.~ S. --:ll' now as an lOnor.J.u C: \'.'('ck·-~nd In the \-Va'lte~ F('n~l~e A '

]...uana Hosluns of \Voodbutn. Ore. The (hIll lll{'(ts :vIirch 111 .It :\11<;, ~JT'I.d(' I;" tl,'l' ~l~W~!ller of lVlr. and dLcharge. __ ; home, C'fMPLETE VISUAl1,ahd.a brbther. EdWin \Valler' Of[C'IH\Slf'r \\'illl '\'1r< \" (. ,MI"" Ie, \, Bl1g~s of Rose. The • I :'.Ir. and Mrs" G. A. Lf'\Vl<; Wf'rf' I ANALYSIS 1PerriS, Cal. TWQ, ,", J)anipl J('IlS('1l ;I.S I (''''ip)!' \\;lS ~113rn~d at Eva.ngeJiCal

l Program Is GlVBn!. dinnt'r gtWsls at Burt Phone 305-J for 'and Harry, 'pre('e~ .him in dp.atil. I(:l lir('!l of nosC', \\' -Rev. l<enncth In L~al School I ' Appointment

,PaBhflare,llSWer(' f~ur sons, Roh- FOI' '.jnttlpran Ai(l. I(';l~,.n.,,{)n rcrfo,rrmng- ~he doublcM ,,~'(,.<'., ". :\-li<;r TIl1111 IlosCort! <lnd Misseft L!, Leland, B.. WlI1ford W, ,,<lOll ',I'ri tl. II. Y Lut heran Ll~,(11('S' Airl, :.11> c.e;:err,o~::, .• Jt'lr. ~and !\Irs. ,S~udents m \VII~~:Ide ~ch~o,~ oo-!\ Llllf'l. Pl.", o,C()1 I were in S10ux City I 111 WeRt Second Stre~tDonald.E., a grandson, :8\"e1'('11 E, mel ,WrdlH'Hby al 1ht, ('hurch frJr!.:1 flD T,.omns were >, served Abraham Lin.coin s blrtnday IS;ItUrj::1w Way e, Nq-br.~allQ.r, and. a son-i.n~law, .C,.'harl('S j~\J("s~ r\;IY Wll h a!loul ~{(.' I' I, I.H' hndegroo~ ,.recently -returned .Feb,=,ry .11, bY' ha\'mg a P,rogrn.m.. The! Carl Troutm;rns wpr.. Sun- AMERICAN POP COR" CO. SiOUX Gill. JOWA

C.K~~ ~1rs,iNIJrl·i~W('il)l('ll;I(1 tlftrolnthep~fica~a~ere}~DO~~~'R~~n~er~ndJj~~.~.~~-~~~~~~·i~~~~;~~~~~~_~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~ThOSt'. from out of town.~llo at- 1111',. ~ror;ram ~,anrl. 1\11'", . s'.nld 1wo years. , Frese :~ang "God B~ess Uur~ , - --------------

tended ,the, funeral :were Mr, and KrUth cr. refreshmC'nts. Thf' nr'xt I -- 'Natl~e.'Land. Dolores B~,lrd gaveMrs: ,J'ilhn Taverna, Mr. and Mrs.' rneeti g will be ~Ial'ch n al lhc I RN'ehreg Di5cbarge.. ~~e- GettY,SbU~ Ad~ss foJlow- ,How1rd LcaplC'y, Mr. and Mrs·lchurcf'1 JlrtrlOl's \\"Ilh Mr:~. Adolph T:,1 Lowell Werner arrfw.J b~ a,'plano solo God Bless·, ":··,FA R'Jal~e Ic.asal,' Mr. and 1\.I1's. ,Ev('rr1. t HOhl.f. ;,,, htY~l ('s.s, h.nnlP ThUI'Sd',lY ('wning from the, Am,er~~~ by r:?nna, I<oc~., DC" s,~.Gng~s,; Ir~ Griggs, Mr, Clnd MI"".j' L,lrO!H':11l 1hl'atre,. where he !;;erved IB. Sh1\c1y of Vv <lyTiC C~~l('gl iHarold GrIgg-s, Mn. <lind Mrs. Lloyd HH\"(" F<Hf'\\'l'1l Party. ,J .yt'ar, to hE' In IllS parental W. B, ~he , Clos?d ~Jth (·n-;F.ish :anfl Mr, and Mrs. Earl sut.M· Cp 101' CII'CIt' lI1t'nihl\rs 'Illd [\\I't"IHT hor.nt'. Hl' nnw has an tIre assembly :::Jng-lDg- ,"Billt,I~1!€Jn, f'lI of Bcldeljl, ",Mr. and Mrs. {amirr l'S hold a farpw('ll pa,rtv' f,or hotlorahl(~ dl.scharw_'. Hymr:t of the Republlc," Lincoln's;Ray ripll of Page!, Mrs. Mary EdM Mrs. ~HrJ Rilz(' at hpr bom.. 'fill">,...I --~ fn\'"o:11~ song, lward· anu daug!itcr, Sarah, Mr. day ev~ning". rommittp.E:'s h~d . ~(':hnol Board :\feet". .w:~n:ld~~~~:k('c~~~d:I(,>::J~,~~,\~;:~11and ¥rs. Dave Eawards, Mr. and charg, fhp Rttzf'S ar" moving Wlnside !'chool hoard Wli11 meet W· ~ t C II ~ F'd g. iMrs, Harry Evnns, Mr, and Mrs. from 1hf'ir farm 10 anolher w("-.:l Mnnd<JY, Ft~bruilry L5. The d.lte \ .m~1 erose s ano pre 'r! ay,S t'lnf.

Y. 'C' "ff·'h M 1'- '. II' . , - eV('nlng and COllcord comes 11I'r£'

.. " ~ III I, rf;, ,V,ll1 a- or w, nSUll'., Mr. and Mr" \Villis Ifo]' 1hi' sCho,n} Cf}IWUS will h(' spt" I~er. Jqhn I·lan1f'r, .John MOl'd>i, lUlz(' and -.;rm \\1I1 1l1OVi' "tll Ill;' at lhi" lillW T~\rms--of Dr, Ft,'E. tt? ~lH~,e... g.;ll,n~'--.: tlonday 1'\'('-

f',' ":!.~.,-Odn yj T~lqtn,ls, M. 1. SwihOll'l and rlHc~: v:[(';] 1('rJ hv (';[1'1 Hit 1(', 'C(j)'m!t·y ,HId \Vm. <, 'arv f'xpirf', nJn~., Jl adf.,s. ]lId}. ,,11, l: c

.}iran {Grlffi'th, all of CaTToll.· . ~.drroll ll<.1skE'lhdd lc..Irn camp to I·

~ Co~~r f' 1\l~ets. --- lIomf' from ,To.qpital. ~~;~~~gr:~l~i~~ ~;!~::;r{;~on C1ndl.. I: (mpl!~)~~~., Cotl'j'ip club m("f Thursrlay ,11 Mr<;, Ella Perrin ret.urned home High RC'IIOHI News.

.Wdllam l,I(,f'r :IS: l~JlrOvlIlg. at IMrs: m. M1S[0Idl'>i with,lht' f,)l .. Friday from a Sioux City hospital Girls in G. A. A. donated POP-jhJS ~o~c aflf'r Siuff.ertng a hght low,ln f gUl~sts prc~f'nl: l\-liss RUlly wht'r,:' sh,p re~eive<1. treatwent for corn and sold i1 at the tournarnent.jstroke Tuesday evenmg. Reed!, Mrs. N. L. DlIman, I\1r~;. a senous eye InfectIOn. Girls sold ice cream Friday night,'

In the sociology test for the six;weeks, Virginia Lettmann, receivedA plus; La,Jeane Miller, Leslie Nie-,"mann, Marian Schroeder, DicklWade and Patsy Waller, A.

Freshmen arc enjoying reading"Coronet" magazine. I

Supt. Ray Ebmeier is jet\ching!puhlic speaking, Emphasis is beinglplnced on extemporaneous speech.Students will soon begin work on Ithe senior class play.

The general science class has IcompJeted 1he study of diseasesand hoW to combat them.

Students 1n biology have heen:stUdying mammals and have found I

much supplementary ,reading on Ithe sub-jeCt. ,Each member of the!class has· choSen one mammal to!stuQY and each will prepare a spe-Ici,'al report for the class. I

F1~rine Graef, Janice Hilpert,Earl Thies and . Everett Schuetz,'are Jlunning close competi Uon in!geom.etry, '

·Gramma.r'Room Notes.A ,program was held Tuesday last

week to celebrate Lincoln's birth-!day, I

Stj,.ldents had a Valentine partyThlltsday afternoon. Doris Mn~Boulting· Stanley Housel were.queen'" .and .king ,and Norma JParl\Cary.. Bradley warncmu~e, I1~Smith and Bob Miller we e pnges,Students exchanged V lentine~

and played games. Lunch n was'served, ,'.' \ i J

Mary Alice Wylie and Dpris Ma~1Boulting .have had"}\.) plus, in Eng~',lish ,the past two w!fks. J :da~~U<lePts,?(\d, pl,'dlkes t!ken Frii',

B\lIiI,@gs :plaiY~ Sacre~ Hearlf"ri4~,Y JlU.d Wa,YJ1e Prt:PfMond8:~ .

ev~:~~u:~~,~'~"natu,re stOrie,s:. '''Old 'Mot ,er wes.W!d" for students to re d durinope g, exerciSes, I

,,8 udents had a Valen\ineaftern0611. CYn hia

Illl>Pl );J~..

~I1fS. '" ..•. "I I!-Ii... u.. ro,t,'.Jil!1'...~..i,n'l!]Pli.lfs \theh,I.'g.:hI-.•..:.

,~Ati'ilepl:eS;;~ 'njlllle y/Shar~FI"I:,'.r, R...UU.s.. sell. E.bel"inll:. nd ~n.•r'.'.~4~~t$t,nna'~nd:G """es. ,I,,;'

, ha .~,

'b .'

Page 15: Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · p~GES l'.~~e-s 1 to 8 LD 16 ~t.'dit)n One "'----__...J 'I'f I HE I ~----'----Receives





On Paved Highw..y No. 275

Wisner, Nebr.

Sal,; Start. at 1:00 P. M. Sharp


At Wisner Sales Pavilion

Stuthman's Duroe

'Bred Gill:



Henry Stulhman, Jr.Arnold Stuthman

Albert StuUunan


, Write for Catalog

ARN~D STUTHMAN, Wisner, Nebr.I ,

Tbis Offering' Vaccinated and Considered Illllf'un'e

6 Head Selling 60

Tues., Feb. 26

Yet So


6:30 p. m.

vtb:;-' license should Dot be granted to be published once each 'week,tp said executor. to- sell the aboYe for three successiya weeks. in thede-scr.ibed real estate for the afore- Wayne Her<yd;",ci-legal pewspaper,sf'id purpose. p'rinle\l, p!,lhliEhed and circulated

IT IS FURTH<;R' OlIDERED jJ) said CoWlty of Wayrte.that a copy of this order be &erv- L¥LE E. JACIS:SON.etl upon all persons, interested in Judge of tlhe Districtsaid estate, by causing the same f14t3 Court.


March 1


530 p. m,}


Why DDt stop in. and let us check your car or truck so tha.t you ma~i ~~~~i~~1.

sW"~ you are getting the most service at the most economical P""~~;~,"---­While here try our NOURSE friction proof oils and greases. They a]·ways satisfy and you will come back for mare.

Februa!')' 28

Dakot.l< ?Ity .. }. ::6:45 p. m_ i··.. ~~- -." ~~~ ,JConcord :-- ..

Basketball TournamentF,"ru~ry27 l:o March 2

College Gy~......... Wayne, Nebr.

February 27Wlinnebago .. }

6:30 p.m.Carroll

~_ _ IBelden



Lallrel Sales PavilionLAUREL, NEBRASKA


'~.L. Paap, Owner

This ~ffering will Iconsist of about 30 head of

heavy I~pringingShprthom, HolsteiQ and Guero.sey 'claws and heifers, all 'TB and Bangs tested

and' graranteed as represented.





1;,.:..4,:..:.-..;4-+-+--+......-+:-.,...,. !" '13ederbergs.. were.' 'nt' .t\rt~~jr~gt. Arn6ih. Mau of Camp CO;Inch re~ueSHn~ a. h,W... '..1~in$' per,"! fO?OWl.· g 1desc~~bec;l, to-; _~gainst saii;l estate is three month..c;near 'o/akefiO\d, ;FriiJ;ly e~ening. 'Beale. Cal.. and Mr. and Mrs. nut to budd .~bU1ldin.r ',25 feet by, ,,,It; from the ~~thdaYDf March. 1946.. MrS.,Euge~,e ~el$J'en and DOT;l-; How;ird Mau anl;li.s~ns. 40 feet on th~ east ,40 feet of :Lot Lots 3,14 a;nd 15, in Block 4" and the titne limited. for :p~yq1enta.ld, and Dean' Mey~_r 'were Th.urs-' Mrs. Gereon AHvm and Mrs. I, Block 13. qri~na~ Town, of fir.e- Drigi al 'J:~wn o~ Winside, in -of debts is lone year from Said '15th

•.,.4+-If-......-++-+~--....,~: day supp0r guests lat Aaron Hel-' bert Damme spent fro~ 1lroof ~onstructlOn. : Wa .coun~'y, N.ebE~a. day of Feb;ruary, 1{¥,t6.:,~ gren's. 8 until Thursday ~ evenmg .MotIOn w~ ma~ by Brug~er' Said real estaOO:, is assessed in Witness~'mY hand an? the: seal

" ,- ~;~, I~ 1:-Io\\'a. d ~ll .nbergs were at TIw Ro?('rt Whif.fe6 and Homer Ed. Cording hom.l at Hebron, and se.conded by Sulnd that a pe:r-. the 1)8 e of J¥atri.ce Motson and. of said co ' ty court, this 15th day·!Le. I t -Lutt's F 'id' y evening. Knudsen!> of Sioux Cit}', w~re Sun- Mrs. Cording is J;he former Ruth mit be granted to Mr. Berg- to' others. The time for the cedemp- of Feb , 1946.

. "_', 9Lcsterl L tt called SUif1day day last w€'l'k dinne!r guests at Ben Heidenreich. Margaret Cording' build.. ) tion of said will expire, (Seal) J. M. CHERRY,' .18ft..noon la·s.1 c(' { at...Don" Lutt's..Nissen's. . . 1st birthday was observed Febru Motion was' put by mayor and on, three OJlthS from.' the dat~ of the' f21t3 County Judge.

: ,j 1Ii. RUdy. . ng~s sMnt Th.urs- , Mr. and 'Mrs. Leon Thompson, ary 11. roll call the ~ollowing voted ye.a:_ last pu licatioh of this notice on

I da~ dh'ning 'r,t a mond LarSen's'.': Larry nnd Gene, spent Sunday -eve- ' SUDd. Beckenhauer, McClure, HIS-~ Februa y 21st, 1946, or on May NOrIIcE OF PROBA'IE-J\lIiS~ Her!l'i. t a ahlk~lmI~ spent .nin.g last week in the Leslie Phil- JPor Johft Holst. cox a~d Brug~er. 21st, 1. 46, after which date the In the county court of Wayne

ISa: Jlt1ay c. 'c ling at Arthur lips horne. About 25 were in the Mrs.' Mar Mot~on caITl~d. undersI eel will apply to the Coun- cpunty, Nebraska.1M n~s. 1 I The Gilbert Maus <raIled in the tin Holst home last Wednesda Motion to ad:}oum. .ty trea urer of Wayne county, Ne- III the matter of the estate of

t. J's. Paul eaJ.e-r Spf'n1 In.)'t wN'k- H('n~Y.~ M.HU' .'ir" Thursday evening for John Holst's birthday 'Motion carried. br~ska, for. a Tr.. " easurer's deed for Phyllis SbeITy. deceased.ien in Omahjl, jn 1he Nels Jorg-{'n~ l'venmg: to help Henry Mau observe H~RMAN LUNDBE~, said re I estate. T~ state o~ Nebraska. to all!sen, h:r'me. : I his hJrthdav. Home frorq. Hospital. ATTEST~ Mayor. _Dat thIS. 5th day of February, persons interested in said estate;i lr ,Hl'nry\.B~trlmann~ called a1. Mr. and ·Mrs. Henry Relleke Mlrs. Adolph Claussen ,fretum WALTER S. BRESSLER, 11946. You are hereby notified that,Or-'!~ijJ H(j1"("l~~lnh'!' Sundny ('Vl? went ~o Sioux City Sunday to al· hom(> the laf;t of the weC"k from f21t1 City Clerk. f7t3 R. W. HARSTAD ville Sherry has filed a petition in:jDS~\1W'l<. ,,!. lend funeral rites [or a nephew, local hospital where she had un I said court alleging that Phyllis

" r.· and I1'VIrs.IDon lJult call(~d. ilt Rohert Stukas. dergone an operation February 5 ~, NO~"CE OF INC;REA8E IN Sherry departed this life intestate:R'1f*t; '(111 Lt It's I Tupsday ('venlng The Don Lutls spent Saturday 'J;$ZrliAJi..WlJf/f''I!! CAPITAL STOCK on or about the day of De-Jc:IS~'\o'\'('-ole ~ , i0\'0ning Ja5t w('C'k at Emil Bud Observe Birthday. J"'t'". -~. _" .',~ .. J ' Noti e is hereby given that the cemher, 1944, and praying that

"... r:.. an. ".' M. r~s.l GC'Clrc:-p

Ft('\ Fr)f'nl ILutl's and T.hursday evenmg at Mrs. \i\-'illJam Racherbaumer' NOTICE OF lP:ROBAfl OF WI,LL Fanne State Bank, Carroll, Ne- Orville S~_ be appointed ad-'SU ay',(·1fen~·ng last v.:oC'k a1 L!'-j Har.'ey Lutt's. birthday was ohserved Thursda The state .of Nebraska, Wayne 'bl"aSka:frhas increased its Capital ministrator Qf sajd estate. Hear,.

. i't,i.'11 ,orth':;;. I . Mr. lind Mrs. Clinton Prf'ston evening when guests at her hom county, ss. Stock I the sum of $7,700.00 from ing will be had on said petition be­' r. and ¥rk Er]. Fr('Vf'rf: ad, wprf' Thur:-:day ~nd Friday last were the families of Otto B. Mill At a county court, held at the $17,30000 to $25,000.00. On Janu- fore me at the county court room"Fa4neil S!Wnll Munday (,VI'nin~ ,last Iw('C'k guesis in the Earl Pr('~ton ('r, Edmond Longe, Amos Echten county court room, in and for said ary ~'11946. and the SurpJus has in Wayne. Nebraska. on the 23rd

,;,ti ....'Wtk ' at Erv.r)nIFJ~eT"s. IhomC' at Coleridge. kamp and Dplmar Paulson. Luneh counly of Wayne on the 16th day been l~creased so that the Total day of February, 194G, at 10 I.HI' - f\.. 1r . Hnd It.'lrk. Fl"'lnk. JJC.'tl.. fWhk(' Thf' Ar.t Hagema.ns 'Wf'l"'e at' Ed- eon wa:; .served. of February. 1946. Capltall structure as of thIS date 15: o'clock a. ffi. I_


Elclqw ~rf~nt Wf'dneSo.'l.v ('V('- mond -Longe's SW1da~ last WE'f~k, In the matter of the-estat-e of G. C<JPllal .... ,.$25,000.00 (£eal) J. M. CHERRY,.:nin at F. 0. j"I;~mmt'r'-'" and the Bruno SplIttgerbers wprc For Vamer Victor. G. Haller, deceased, Sul"'P us 5,500.00 f7t3 County JUdge',1

r. and Mrsj Honry RW1ekc yis- a1 l,..onge's Monda~'r evening. Varner Victor's, 7th hirthday wa On reading'and 'filing the -peti-ite,l; "·VpcJncsd!.u,· f'\Jetling last \H'f'k I Miss lrmfl. and Mis.s Anita RaWlS obs('J'\'C'd Thursd~y when ('venin tion of Ella~. Haller, pra.ying that To al'- $30.50000 11M TIfE DISTRICT C...ot.TRT OFf:hi I he Gilhert ,RilUS>; hom£'. and Mr. arid Mrs. Giilbert Rauss gupst.s at the Marvin Vidor hom the instrument -filed on the 16th Farmers State Bank, MAYNE I: OUNTl'. KESRA8KA I:

of ~ J;;k~;p~!:1~';;~::;('1'1~~~~;~7'~'(,r: ~:~~~] i;v;~~~~~ry ~~~;~~~':n~~Sl ,;;,:;eL~~~~,~;~~]~;c~r~~~s~~~,~:~ ;;:;::t~~~~b~"~~1~~1 ':~ ~U:d Carro]]. NebraSka. j3lt4 ~~~~er~heC1'~;'~twnI!cr on dt l\f\lq)n lIplgn'ns I Mr and Mrs Leroy Thompson ry Barte-l,; family of Wakefi('}, testamentof,saiddecease<l,maybf' NOTI"E OF SETTLEME~TOF of George Roggenbach, Executor of I:

1e Don IJuO SffH,nt Fnda'. I~\('- of Los Angeles, and Mr and Mrs Hollis Williams and Gerhard Wack proved and apowed as the last will 1 ACCOUNT the Estate of RoOE'rt Roggenbach.!.ni ,. at G('nrgf" l'llln til h{ lp Mr .I('ns 'I11ompson werp Thursday er families of Curroll, and Mr. and testament of said G. G. Haller. In t~e county court of Wayne deceased, for I:.icense to ·Sell Real i:Br ns cr>]( bJ1<lIf' IS JJlrl hd,l) SlIPPf'r gU('sts at LC'land Thomp- Nora Schwartz. Luncheon follow deceased, anti that the execution countYi Nebraska. Es-ta1e. •

11c Elmer lh lS(mS and AJdon snn's e-d gameS. of said instrument' may be .c~mlmit- The~st~e of Nebraska, Wayne Now on this 9th day, of Febru- :--~ -- --------- ~ - -I T'1P Arnold Hamnwrs were at ted to Rens W. Haller, admmistra- county s~ . . ary; 1946, thi~ cause came for •· d Rol)('rl Nf'lson's Vledncl:'da." e\('- Lt. Hmvard Clausen, 24, son 0 tor \vith will annexed. To ,1 pers~ns mterested In the hearing upon the petition, under:

, nln<" Tlw HammpTS were at Ken- Mrs. Ethel Cla-uscn of Randolp, ORDERED, That March 9, 1946, estate iof LoUIe ~orge Koch. de- oath,. of George Roggenbach, cx- !-, jn('li~ Rlkers Monday ('\emng last reportl'd missing over the Englis at 10 o'clock a. m., is assign€'d for ceased

t.. ecutor of the F...state of Robert;

v.eek channel D('cember 27,1944, is pre hearing said petition, when all per- You are hereby noilfled that on Roggenbach. deceased, prayinJ::' forThe' ErWin Fleer farruly and sumed to haw' died. <;on.<; interested may appear at the the 5! day of .February.. 1946, license to sell the Northeast Quar.

IThoma'S" Han.sen were Sunday la.<:;t ------ ,--------. --. I county court room in Wayne, allJd Caroll e, Koc~, .flled he~ fl~al ~c- tel' (NE14') of Section TIlirty-six

;~~~~I~~~·~··~~~:week dinner guests at Peter liB· The Le(' liquor store andO"Ge('l show cause why the prayer of tmE'lcount nd.petltion ~or dlStributJO~ (36), Townshjp Twenty-five (25),

herer's to help Mrs. Haberer cele- ing implement finn at Ponca, wer pf'titioner should not be granted: of th~ e,sldue of saJd .estate. a de North. Range Three (3), East of----I brate h('r birthday. entered ?nd rohbed Friday. Febr and that noti€€' of the pendency of t~rmm~tlOn of ~he he~rs and for a the 6th P. M., in 'h'ayne County,

=!, . I i Mrs. ?, M. Bennett of Red Oak. aTy R Liquor taken was valued a said petitiolJ and the hearing there~IdI~Cha~ge. Heanng had· on Nebraska. belonging to said estate,

. >rn IJ ~~~~n~r~l~~rk~~n~~: ~~~. ~:~g~~ $l.rn:n

. -------l ~~' ~ :~~n~~t~~~;S~ii~~~~~st~.~~~dnt~1 ~~~ii ;:c~ %tJ~c:yn~~ ~~~ ~:x t~~dP~~~~i ~<;t.~.~teT~~~~

. .

'. '11

homf'. 5.11(' also .ViSitCd her mother, (:OrX('IL PROCEEDINGS I copy of this order in the Wayne hraska~ on th.e 8th day of March, other costs, for the re-awn that

111"D'g 1 Mrs. Tillman Young. HpraJd. fl weekly newspappr priDl_11946, ~t 10 .0 dock a. m.. when there is not now suffiCIent amountThC' OlIo Fleers called Sunday Wayne, Nf'hra!'ka pel in said county, three sucepssivC' all pcry;ons mtereited may appear of personal property in the p(}S';;l;."S-

1, I nflornnon last week a-1 Henry To John A. ~~~~~::y ~:~~: wf'pks prior to said day of hParing... to show.cause why the prdycT of sion of said executor, belonging to

~ I Flo(']"'s at Winside. The Flcf'rs (Spa!) J. M. CHERR¥. thf' pdJtIO~er be not granted. said estate, to pay said items.y Time i spf'nl Tlwsrlay pveninJ! laM week Sund, L. B. McClure', W. A. His f2113 County Judgf' Datdd thiS 15th day of February. IT IS, THEREFORE. ORb~R-

, ',al Frf'd WHcl{cr's. at Winside. cox, John Brugger, and Wm. Beck 11946. , ED that all persons interE'Sted in l\.Uf:tiQlleers: Col. H. A. McMurray. CoL Ed. Lutber •o AiJn

yPlace Mr. and Mrs. Henr.y Mau, .ir.. of ;:~h~t~~J~n~~~~{~~r~~~~~city coun NOTICE OF l"lALE OF (Seal)! J. M. CHERRY, said estate appear before me. at elf'TI.:: Fanners SatWnaJ Bank, Pilger =.

Ai Y Amount IM(m1.gomer~·., AlB" and Lou Bakpr h h REAf~ ESTATE f21t3 I COWlt)' Judge.. Chambers, in my office at Neligh... I F 0 . You and each of you are ere FieWJnen: Elton C. Mahon, Dul'OC New§ andi 'wprf' .-eqruap·, ("0 supper gu('sts 10 f h·]1 be . Noticp is here-by given that the f Nebraska, on the 11th day of •

D-' ;o'.rr ,thf> (~dhprt Mall homC'. -:'v1r. Mau ~Oe~t~~~ t~t~ee~~t;lcounc~lS~=~J~ city of ¥layne, Nebraska, by ordi- N TIeE TO CREDITORS March, 1946, at 10:00 o'clock a. m., LawI'ence Buller. NebraMa. Farmer :

j recently ree£'~ved a discharge. 10 meet Ff'hruary J4. 1946, at nance duly enacted and published, The ,sta-tM of Nebr.aska, Wayne to show cause, if any there be•••••••••••••••••••••••••~ _ _ .

F'e~'d ·Ml-.11 i The RUi.;~('Jl Lutts we're last week o'clock p. m" for the generaJ war has sold to French Penn for the co~~tth:\inatter of the estate of 11•••••••" .

- '1


~;;'lnU.I.rl(·J·,.}(·,."'·n'nc~ri~.g. STuhP!('Lruglut.'~s:.:ear~ of the council anet any and alU cash sum of Tv.'o thousand two . a . .' ..H ~."'" '" v; <:- business that may come before the hundrpd fifty dollars th(' following Rlchar, OtiS Str~nger, deceased. -=IsOflJl('r gUP~l1'i .at Me-l\'in Longp's ("ouncil. d('scrihed rPFlI estate localpd in Credlit?rs of SBJd .est.ate ~re here- •

ISunday ('\'('nilng la~t Wf'("k. (Spall HERMAN LC::..a)BERQ. said city of \i\-Tayne, in. v,lavnelbY nodf,e~, that I ";l11 SIt at t~e •i Sunday dinn('r gu('sls at GilhC'rt ATTEST: Mayor county. N0hraska, to-wit· Com- eo~nty, coiurt ro~ In1'ia~e, l~ :I :.\'l~Ju·." \l'el"(' ,]\'1r. and Mrs. Henry \IV AL11',j{ S. BRESSLERj, mpncHlg forty rods Wf>st of the- ~~~rc~!flUl[l9%6 o~ 10 o'cJ~k :y:: - :

'-f.-io'---'-I-I-""""----....,.; J\'bu, SI·.. l\!J-. ,find Mrs. Hpnl'Y Mau, City Clerk1. south~ast ('nrner of th(' South\\'e~tI:" , d f J i946·1.-- ~ "-----:=t::=::- ---- \Ve-. IhC' members of the citj' of Spction se'fen, Town_j~na on. the 1st ay 0 un:" ':

I 1iI1l••iUiI'E1GiHiI'WIl1iI8Ii1mSDIlIIIIEl'R1f1 DIID••1I ('ounC'il of Waynp. Nebraska. hen? ship twenty-six, Range' four. as a:,dl 10.0 clock a. ~., to ree.en''''. a~d~_.

~H COW ~ALE : placf' of beginning, thence north. c-:amlnP all cl.aIrns ag~mst .s81d •iCI : by a('oppt this, and give our S('f\-'· forty-four rods and six f:f;*t, thpnce estate, With a view to thel~ adJt:'st- t:ices. wp!':t !':evC'nteen rod!': and tWf'lvp mf'nt, and allowance. ~e tIme l~m-l.

~.~. ~~g~E ff'Pt, the-nce south forty~four rods ited for t~e prese-n~atlOn of claIms i:enday 'iC'ebr .... 5 WM. BECKENHAUER and six f('('t. thf'ncE" east on thp agamst said estate IS three months:, E • l1li JOHN A. MEISTER south line of said quarter section from the .1st d.ay of March, 1946, •

f . I liERMAN SUND spventeen rods and twelve feet to and "the tunc limUed for pa~ent Immencing at 1 :00 P. M" at the JOHN H. BRUGGER the plilC'e of h('ginning, which said of ?ebts is on(' year f6ro~ saJd 8th _

rPal estatf' Is now ownC"rl by said da) ,?f Fpbruary, 194 . :Wayne. Nl'braska cify, ir-; not uspd in thf' oDf'rafion \i\-Itne-ss my hand an~ lhp seal JI

February 14, 1946 of any. publiC' lltililie-s, said city to of sajd c~unty court, thiS 8th day EThe cjty council met pursuant tp pay all unpaid taxe-s and sfX'cial of Fe-bruary, 1946. M C'HERR¥'

call in Ihf' city clC'rk's office in tht' flSSf>SsmC'nts against said real ;feal) J'Co~nt .IUd e: :

munic]pa~ audiforium with the fol- ('state, and the same 10 Ix> convey- 4t3 y g.lowing mf'mhf'rs pre-senl. to-wit· C'd by said city by quit claim deer! :S.()TlCE ro .c~lroBS :May 0 r Lundb{'rg, Councilmen to said' pUN'hRser. Said sale will Th t f N b ska Wayne •Sund, BockenhauL'r, McClure. Hi~- bf' final and pffectivf' 1Lmle~ are. e.1 sta e 0 ~ era.. :cox and Brugger. monstrance against the sam~, si~- co~t~jlf"SS~tter of the estate of .:

Waller S. Brrssler, city clerk, ed bv.kgal electors ?' SaId City Anna P Nuss. deceased. : Tank Wagon Service ConvenieDt Loading Dockspresent, C'Qual m nwpber to .thirty per cent Creditors of.said estate are here- • •

Meister abR<.'nt. of the elec~ors vot;iqgo jat t1)e last b tTed th t 1 will sit at the • •The meeting was called to ordEjr ~unicj~al eJ,ec.tia? held thenein, .is C;U~~)f1 ~o~rt :oom in Wayne, in : •

hy the mayor and the minutes c)f fJ1ed wlth -'!:he Clty cl~k of- saId s·d b t on the 11th day of • C II A 0·' C :tbe last rpgular meeting of Janu- dty within fl:hirty days from Janu· ~~rc~, u1n9%6 at 10 o'clock a. m., : • orye .ULO- I O. :ary 29, 1946, were rf'ad and aJll- arv 31, ]946. and o~ the 11th day of June, 1946 • 1; •proved. Dated F~hrt,1arY 1, 1946. at 10 D'clock a., lin., to receive and .: :

am~:df:~~w~ei~i:':s :Z~;de;; Atte.t: H~~WNOOJia~~; ::a,;,~r~i~~'~~':.o :;:;~n:~j:~~ 5 P~ :ws-w Wayne, Nebr. 5Beckenhauer and seconded by His- WALTER S..~~SLER. ment ~nd allowtanc~ The time lirn- • .•cox that. the claims he allowed $S f7f3 City Clerk. ited i r the pr~sent~tion of claims~ u ~•••••••••• I1 .

~~~i~nd warrants ordered drawh, NOTICE OF I1£J'EBU'S SALE 11 ,.••••••••,.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••11 .11.Motion was put by t.he mayor Notice iSI he,reby ~v.en that 'by~

and on roll call the following vot¢d '-'ir1ue- of an order of the Districtyea: SUijd, Bcckenhauer, McClur1c, Court of WaYne County, Npbraska.Hiscox <~nd Brugger, made and e,ntened on the 24th day

Motioo declared carried. of ,JanwIryj 1946, for the sale ofLindsay Auto Servioe, rc- th~ real esrtate, he.reLDafter o€'-

pa-irs on GMC truck .__ .$ 12.~5 scnibl'd, in an action pe.nding- inL. W. MtNatt, light dept. said court wherein I-~rma.n Korff

supplies 27.80 is plaintiff ,and Anna ,Soe}mer, etCarhart Lbr. Co., coal for at,' are defendants lMhlt:h action

pumps . {L69 is ~.. 'ase No. 5224. I w.i1l. on theSorensen Radiator & Weld. 4.tli. day .of March, 1946. at the\.

Shop, welding 1.~0 bo~r of 2:00 o'clock in the after-\rVayne Chamber of Com- ,noon of said day, at t1hf:' East front

merce! Jan. dues door of the Courthou~e in the CityE. H: Merchant, gas and of Wayne, Wayne County, Nebra~-

kerosEjne 9.t73 ka, sel) at pUblic auc/tion, for ca.shThe Warne Creamery, re- to the highest bidder;lthe following

Se~~7~:'lo&~t=S~p·~·· 37.31 described real estate, to-wit:Al401foe~Looft Lo°nteTw(1)1 $rn2d). NBolocrth

kply Cq., clean towels for <:"1. dlight Jl>lant . 5.96 Twelve (Ul. Original Town of

D~~~i~nS~~~ngCo., 369.ho. ;;r:~~:: Wayne County, Ne-

WhIte E~ec. Co , to correct I Said real E'~te wU1 :qe offered;as •error made 1-8-46 8 ~O • whole: t~e E.ast11 thert10f ':

Interstate Mach & Supply I will also be of:te,md Mv: the •Co.• b<1lts and gauge, West 100 f~ ~\lf w.W I#so lJe :bladeS! ' _ _t • -. 7p4 offered se~tely~,t seij real,.

KendnCi Oil Co., car DIesel estate will be$~ .b method .=fuel.. . ._ ..._. 363 3)1s will~ die ~.. llwn £Or .1

Walter . Bressler, cityclerk, freight, express,lIght t sIgn

Page 16: Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950... · p~GES l'.~~e-s 1 to 8 LD 16 ~t.'dit)n One "'----__...J 'I'f I HE I ~----'----Receives


·1 '



2 for 25c

You'll hr pleased WiTh li1;~

[inC' quality. Another Itemthat is hard to find

S£'e thj:- unusual valll(,~

Nice quality whites



about the ";(",,,dedulway you ~ook- in thi::

floral patterned .ier:"p,\-.

The:..;e beautie:-; arc in

nice fitting half ,..;iZf_'.";.

;';uch Pretty

Speeches ..



White Hanks





at La r son's

at La rs on's

at La rs 0 n' s

-)I:\I~ Fl.OOR-

-~I:\ I S


• Pa... trl ..

• Whit('~



• Ilea,,')' Weight• LonR' Sle~"e

• Anlde Length

98c to :ti1.98


S('t off ynUl' "prin;.:; 011! fit With an

(' .... tra bit of f13tter)

Squares& Scarfs

at La rson' s\ ~'v""..,.



It might be getting warmer.but there arc colder days ahea<,LYou can't afford to pass thISheavy weight cotton union suitat this reasonable wice.






1 _----------------,


plus 20% tax

These arc mad} in a 100',wool and style in all thespnng pastel co ors.

Sizes 11 ~o 1.')I

and 1:d to :20


iLs that a~1 designedf r both,s art street

w ar and in ormal ac­e sians. Th fie suitsh~ve the exqpisite styl­ing and distInctive or­namentation that makewomen go forth proud­ly., confident in the per­fection·of their appear­ance.


25-in. Suit Case ... $ Overnight .. $1.3911.iIi.~ Train B01< ' . $2.19Zipper Bag .. , ... $1.89


We have just received a large',s~IPment of reasopably priced

luggage. Suitable for travelingnb~r and far.


at ta rs on s



• nad~er Oil T1nnf"d

1$10~9qi\gain we ~re offering sJmethi,ng thatwe bave' n~. t been ~ble tt o~tain d~r­ing the la~t few years. 16-lOch high

cut lace boots .. oiled tanuppl-rs, leath I' sole. fullleather gusset.


at L a r 8 o,n ' s



at La rson' s

-.\1.-\1:-0 PLOOR-

o \Yhitc"i • Colorso Lont.:' SIN'v£>.,

• Shnrt Slef'\,(~s





atHi 12 to :20

• Ela:-ltic' Waist


Sir_es 11 to 1;)


Tllf.f {liCItlY'!' 1£>lls thf'slnry with tfw eXl'P[J­tlon of having an upI'ntf)£': Come.' in and tryon nul' nl'W ~pnng

"Connie" shoes. ~

It's the first time fnrmany months thilt wehave been able to mnkct his outstanding offer ofboys' knit shorts withelastic waists, so reason- \'ably priced.

The Suit


Remf'mbcr, you'll a!\l,:ayslook 10veJjrf in a new springthree-picce suit made of I

smart lines and expert wurk­mamhip. I




I 1

A match1ing three-som", ifaulUeHS~y tailored in a I

100 (;1 all wool ... and

offered in these ne\v

spring c~lors of fuchsia, '

lime gre~n, blaek check. '



Esquire Socks

at La rson' s

BOY~ _

Knit Briefs

at La rson' s

-:\lAIS FJ.()()R-

39co Elnstk "1'01) Anldets

-:\IAI~ FLO()R~ II

'------- --!-I .....'-[ YOU'LL LIKE LARS01'S CAREFUL FITTING

,p==~~----------,, Iat La r son's 'at La r son's

BROWN and WHITE I ~.~.r;'

Wedgie Saddles ~'?'?~

I Blouses

-[" YOU CAN US U..---..:....-- , _-1----------+---,

An, edifice costing $560,000 andproviding an auditorium, recrea- I:ition hall, lihrary, lpunge and com- til

mittee rooJTlS is to be erected I:across from Lincoln park in Long IEll

Beach as a memorial to veterans,:of World Wars I and II, writes iiiMiss Laura Lyons. The Legion post :is starting a drive for funds Febru- _ar 1. :

iss Lyons says.~~~~=.!~~ ~


New LongBeachEdifice Planned

As War Memorial

D•Teat'hers Are !If\rf'. 11

"Stanton and Wayne COllllty EIteachers were FIt the cnllrl hOlJ~e ~

here Saturday for one of Ow im- Pprovement of inst ruction programs. ~



Returns to Home.Mrs, Rolilc Ley returned to Iwr

home Sunday from a local hos­pital.


W~~~#==#",,===~~==F=M~~FF;;;;¥~~~ff9¥¥;:"';:;~~¥F===fJ=:#==F=~===-'~======/~ntit1bd' ·'Faith T!,i~Ph- Sum .:,5, is b, ck in the states aft~ of~aYne. is~ Long g~ch sani- Lula, h-~~~~;;;;~o~-~~~'~~:'-Mildred Hanna,-~;ertain~d

~.)*r a~ tll~I' Chur.c.h Sunday eve· er se 19 overseaso__ J.a~um. daughter and LeRoy L€y, jr., who the CUllen family Christmas tL.1f"",~=;+::;:..-= 1ning A hyn1nalogue entitled "My Th , riter' was also interested iss Lyons ·t~s that many re- makes his home with them in In- honor Dr Edward R Cullen wh~

Fait Looks iup t'Q'Thee,n was also in the n tivity seene at Wayne col- gr t the passing of Mrs. Alice Ley glewood and is stUdying engineer- served rn~ny months ~s lieutenantsh~ ,no The 'fourth episode will be ~ege. aJ1lpus. ~~s. Burton Chace at~EnCin~tas. Re .~D. Walker c~n- iog at the u~iver:;ity: were- among commander with the:navy on Sa-S~o, n March 17. mstlg t,ect a., SImIlar. portrayal at du ted rJtes a the Met~odIst those attending. t.he nte,s. Alice and moa. Others prese.nt were Mrs. Ed.' T e~e were about 250 in attend- the ethodJst churqh in Long ch reh and ~ y floral trIbutes her ~1Us~and and the lIttle daugh- Cullen and children, Loretta Ann,

<t-TIee qt'Sunday services. Be-ae . 11 at ested to hlg ~steem for her. tel' lIve In Encinitas. Patrick and Timothy, DII. and Mrs,Ch ey Goldl£.', native of Wayne, M~s, Ley had e Joyed her flower Miss Lyons recently visited the Bernard CUllen, Michael, Mary and

I ~etbodl;Church. n' ,the chorus on th.e Nelson ga.fden so much nd was es~ciallyIMerle Roc family a. t Bellflo.wer. Patricia, K.a.lhrYn Hanna and Myr-(R1

v. Mrs· C. T. DilIoJ), pastor) unday program. , pr ud of a new canna which she The Roes used to 1m:' at Carrol1. tie Leary of Harbor City. All are

'Bert Brown, also formerly PI' pagated. He ., granddaughter, Miss Loretta ·Cullen and Sister, former WmSlfjro residents.

m••••••••B•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••3 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••



~FI\e~erof: Ribb6n {

I . (X

I II 1


~: teac'h,p '. "rpe :ting. , ,Mitt~l$ dt,: w~o h s :be~nut, n' n10 th, i,s ree verirtg

I'and wa::~ downtown, Satur·k the firs ,:tirne inl"~ month.IVern Tro tm~m(we e Sun·

ay nner gues '5 -at Clin,t l Trout.a 5 Soren N else~ an1 ~rs.

en Nielsen e I~ed there :Fndayit iOOri ., s,ervIces *11, brmgmg a message

',1' Jj~ Tro tmans were Sun~ of the d*Y of the church 10 thIS

~y l ~!1riafU~S ~rn~~n,~~~ ~:~ CC~~a~tu~f Christ EvangelisticrO t ans.and isfeldts called at meetings will be 8 o'clockrt uker's. February 24 to. Marth 1. Rev. J.T, Hugo Fi chers an~ Mrs. W. Rayourn of Creighton, wille ~ th Ecker' called 'Friday preach. Rev. L. W. Mullis of

1 ve I~ g at W~l er ,UlriCh'~. 'The O'Neill, will, be song leader anda ~ folks ~e at Gustay Koll's Rev. Mrs. Sarah Ives of Belgrade,u~ y evemng.. wilJ assist,S .. ~da.y last w ekl caller.s!ctt Jim Children's meetings will be held

ro tman's wet the car~Trout· at the church each afternoon at 4

. '~~..'SIH~~~~d T~1"~~7.,' a~~d ~Jh.rild.~~~ p. ~'e entire community is invited •f e"den, Soren Nielsen aTld Clint to attend Ujese meetings. :

ro tman.·, i.Tfq Wm, Wyl es and Alvin" Von Hold"! Successful Salp-.~eggir!'1' the 1 tter of ~Visner. An exceptionally large crowd al- ..

tCi' Sunday inner gUEists at tended the Roosevelt Peterson sale


C.0 ~rd Marte 'to honor. Alvin of household goods Saturday. Tomo Seggern whlo left Mon~ay for Hughes officiated, Mr. Pet(,I'Son's D

'~l plans are not definite. The Clar~ SJ;~.~i~·au?~~n~~,;~eis~~luJ~d ~r~ ~~~~e I;~~~~r~h~~~~~s;~~ h~~i~j~~ ~andl ~ s, DOnalr Quinn and the moved in this week. c

f,~rl Farran Ben Benshoof, lEi

ere Farran, Mark B.~nshoof Hear Secretary Ande.rson. :nd I orlcy BelhoDf fami~ies. ROWb~r~s·,HTa.rp(]e.rR~bC?tsS,·yAdrOtM~~....

I' r. and Mrs. Geo. Gabler wereFri, .ay dinner g ~sts in the Jake and AI. Thomas are among those I"

H'~ from here who went to Sioux City:jia'r1man, jr., orne to h~lp Mr. Saturday to hear Secretary of Ag- E!and l\:'Irs. Jake abelman, sr., 01;'- riculture Clinton Anderson. Mayor =

~rt '. their 48th. wedding a:nniver-

ar , That aftc noon the Gablers haCnadrdMtrhs~ s}plccramk~rn. Lundberg also ,,:

~O~~I ~a:::~o; l to Vi~it the _~__~_.~ .... _~__~ m, r's. Lulu Fqote, George and To HOSPItal I'osition, gDelijelrt Foote w!llc,.re Sunday after- Miss Evelyn Noakes, daughter of Dho n 'callers at;, W. B. Werner's. Mr. and Mni. W. D. Noakp" of Lin- §

: U'He Ted Footes iwcr~ Sunclay din- ~~Jt's~~~~~~~~:ni~r~~'ci~~~~~,~ :..I, .he~' guests at W.,.errrer's, ar.'d Bill


1..... county hospital in Omaha. She f('~ Ii!!

~hI and Ralph meyer cal,.ed Fri- cently returned from service in :

a, morning td see T/4 ,Lowelle~ner, home 1furlough. Englan~~ - --- 561J'~e Louis Ro .ekOh.rS of Meadow Road Contrads ut. IJl

r~re, were i' hursday dinner The state board Jet contract fnr :

~~-a~ ~r=: ~·p~·*.'~~~I~ltS:~~~~' p~:~ ~~.~:~l:i~0[0~t.u~~nJ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ie , were Sundaly, dinner guests at City, for $88,846. Contract for 4.9 l!

Mi elsta9Jis, ard Mr. antl Mrs. miles of mat from Stanton north.AI n Schmode ~nd Wayne of Lin- also went to Johnson for $62,129,

·ICO~l'~'r~:~~~ ~~s~~~~J~re~o~h~ is on' Re-"'-r-n;-;·~~-U~coJ-~.te inaI'leave, krisited from Wed- Archie Wert who had b~n in theIne : ay to Fridrin Wayn~ in the veternns' hospital in Lincoln for


hO e of her gra (1.n;Iother, Mrs. Gus check-up, returned home Satur­W ndt. Stte ha 'been her~ in the day, February 9. Specialists said


Edt_Weible hornri and left Wednes- his trouble is due to nerves,I.daf this week f r Spokanel to visit

'Ihe 'sister, Mrs. iRoss Wellis. -L-~~~;~-s-pi-ta-I-.-

·1 unday dinnet-I guests at Martin Miss Margaret Hofeldt left a 10-I.Je1.


sen's at Ma*t.,insburg • to honor cal hospital Monday after under­IAr ene and Rodney Ham;en of that going an operation February 7. She:pl ce, who ~eq~ confirmed Sun- is now in the home of her brother,


da}'j;. wt're M,r. a!nd Mrs. Peter C. Lester Hofeldt.Je~sen 'and Jimmie and Mr. and . _MrS. Chester v.lylie and family,land Mr. and lVllrs. Wayne Ander­Ism and Terry qf Wayne.I -4-

i ."Io;;nrlnl' ",n....rlirllinl/"l.1"'II

Trirlity II...u ,cran. Chprch. ;~( . H. G. n~!-1b, 'p~stor) ,\

;-' Y !)C~O ~ )r1-; 19~, ~¥o~ifl,g G-••-.-to-V-j-rK-in-jn-.-

•w ~~;'~fJ~.j\fti~~Ji4~~~iW: EdWin Vahlkamp letl Fri-'uther Leag4~ will meet Wed· day for Fort Meyer, Va., '.ft('r

ne day eveningillt the .church. spending a lO-day furlough in hisratherhood fthursday evening parental August Vahlkamr home,

1at'~;'.firmationf'.i. C.lass Saturdayaf ernoon at 1: p.'

enten .servi ¢s will begin AshW dnesday, M rch 6, at 7:45 inth evening. I i

. +-I I St. Paul Lu :beran Chur(~h.: I~Rev. H. M. :t--Iilpert, pastor)" Fhoir rehear al Thursday eve-


ni gat 8. .aturday sch bl 1..u.nday schoo :. at 10. Services in

th- English la,guage at 10:30.'8(' vices in Ger an at 11:30.

ev. Hilper;t iShowed' the thirde isode of the ~fe of the Apostle