Hello Comarades

Hello Comarades ¡ The motive of this letter is to open the communication channels between, jail inmates on both sides of the walls, is of our interest to let you know that inside prison we keep a strong resistance in this social war and have understand that mean wile solidarity exists by getting acknowledge of self owning in this project of liberty they will never be able to dominate us, we will share you a piece of a communicate we wrote once trying to explain in a simple way, the struggle for freedom we face here.Then, if social marginalized have to live in a different place from model citizens, then let be us, the ones that live in the jail- cities, whom decide about ourselves and the administration; and if the state and its moral imposes an non penetrable fence around us, we will assume a life even an eternity here, but as free and autonomous beings , without administrators, without custodians and without the hypocrisy of Human Rights Commission, vile and miserable, because liberty resides in auto determination and its collective projection.Also, we want to tell you that we wrote this letter on day 42 of a Collective Hunger Strike between different prisons, trying in tempting by this, to break the walls on social moral, because prison does not have to exist and the intention is to spread this hunger strike to the States, and to the outside of the country, in a permanent way meaning that, to have RELAYS on different Jails and moments to project the organization, we here endorse the re vindication points of the strike and an example of the Canero , a newspaper, we write from inside prison, to the one we invite you to also write, send us your texts or the ones of other inmate prisoners, and we also invite you to not letting yourself be dominated, because we care about you, cause we are not alone and solidarity between prisoners is not only written word, we invite you to plant and plant freedom seeds and from the important role you are placed in this struggle, we invite you to trespass the walls and open communication and writing each other. A greeting of insubordination and eternal rebellion. - Informal coordination of prisoners in resistance



Transcript of Hello Comarades

Page 1: Hello Comarades

Hello Comarades ¡

The motive of this letter is to open the communication channels between, jail inmates on both

sides of the walls, is of our interest to let you know that inside prison we keep a strong resistance

in this social war and have understand that mean wile solidarity exists by getting acknowledge of

self owning in this project of liberty they will never be able to dominate us, we will share you a

piece of a communicate we wrote once trying to explain in a simple way, the struggle for freedom

we face here.Then, if social marginalized have to live in a different place from model citizens, then

let be us, the ones that live in the jail- cities, whom decide about ourselves and the administration;

and if the state and its moral imposes an non penetrable fence around us, we will assume a life

even an eternity here, but as free and autonomous beings , without administrators, without

custodians and without the hypocrisy of Human Rights Commission, vile and miserable, because

liberty resides in auto determination and its collective projection.”

Also, we want to tell you that we wrote this letter on day 42 of a Collective Hunger Strike between

different prisons, trying in tempting by this, to break the walls on social moral, because prison

does not have to exist and the intention is to spread this hunger strike to the States, and to the

outside of the country, in a permanent way meaning that, to have RELAYS on different Jails and

moments to project the organization, we here endorse the re vindication points of the strike and

an example of the “Canero “, a newspaper, we write from inside prison, to the one we invite you

to also write, send us your texts or the ones of other inmate prisoners, and we also invite you to

not letting yourself be dominated, because we care about you, cause we are not alone and

solidarity between prisoners is not only written word, we invite you to plant and plant freedom

seeds and from the important role you are placed in this struggle, we invite you to trespass the

walls and open communication and writing each other.

A greeting of insubordination and eternal rebellion.

- Informal coordination of prisoners in resistance