Health and Safety Quiz -1

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Transcript of Health and Safety Quiz -1

  • 7/26/2019 Health and Safety Quiz -1


    Week 1- Recap of Health & Safety Quiz

    Write answers under each question, Please askyourutor if there is any ter! you don"t know#

    1-How do we know if there is a $re in the %uildin'When $re alar! oes o( in the %uildin)Hearin the

    sound of $re *lar! %ell

    +-How !any $re eists are there and which one isthe nearest to the class roo! in ran%y .entre'here are four $re eists ) /ne close to sewin class


    0-Where is the asse!%ly point and do you o ho!e

    or stay'he asse!%ly point is outside the at the car park rear

    %uildin of the# we stay

    -Where can you $nd a $rst aid %o'2n the class roo! o3er the ta%le

    4-Where is the nearest $re 5tinuisher located'6ear the class roo!s in the corridor

    7-Why should you always place %as and coats out

    of the way in the class roo!'So you don"t fall o3er) o a3oid accident

    8-Why should you ne3er ha3e drinks near the

    sewin !achine or iron'6ot to cause electrical $re

    9-Who should you report an accident to'o class roo! tutor

    :-Why is it i!portant to switch the iron o( after

    use'So you don"t cause $re#1;- 6a!e a piece of equip!ent that could %e

    har!ful if used incorrectly'Sewin