Health and Safety Executive IRRS mission to UK Overview IAEA-ENSREG Workshop.

Health and Safety Executive IRRS mission to UK Overview IAEA-ENSREG Workshop

Transcript of Health and Safety Executive IRRS mission to UK Overview IAEA-ENSREG Workshop.

Page 1: Health and Safety Executive IRRS mission to UK Overview IAEA-ENSREG Workshop.

Health and Safety Executive

IRRS mission to UK



Page 2: Health and Safety Executive IRRS mission to UK Overview IAEA-ENSREG Workshop.

Health and Safety ExecutiveHeadlines

• ONR has received a full scope IRRS over 3 parts

• All bar one of the 32 findings outstanding from previous IRRS were considered closed by the 2013 IRRS

• New areas such Waste Management, Decommissioning, Radiation Sources, Occupational Radiation Protection and the UK response to the events at Fukushima were reviewed by the 2013 IRRS

• Policy issues were also followed up and reviewed

• ONR are now addressing the new (25) findings raised by the 2013 IRRS

What does this mean?
Page 3: Health and Safety Executive IRRS mission to UK Overview IAEA-ENSREG Workshop.

Health and Safety ExecutiveHistory

• 2003 – Initiation of Modular Mission to UK

• 2006 – First Mission to UK– Focus on New Build/NPP

• 2009 – Second Mission to UK– Self Assessment– Wider scope NPP/Fuel Cycle– Added Inspection/Enforcement, – Added Emergency Preparedness

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Page 4: Health and Safety Executive IRRS mission to UK Overview IAEA-ENSREG Workshop.

Health and Safety Executive2013 IRRS Scope

• Formal follow-up of the findings from the 2006 and 2009 missions;

• Modules 5 to 9 for waste management and decommissioning facilities;

• Review of occupational radiation protection, within facilities and activities regulated by ONR;

• Review of the control of radioactive discharges and environmental monitoring, with regards to ONR responsibilities only;

• Radiation Sources;

• The Fukushima module.

• Self Assessment for the above.

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Health and Safety Executive

Simple IRRS Programme Timeline – Feb 2013

Self Assessment and Previous Finding report submitted to IAEA


DCI Counterpart Closeout Review Meeting

All areas for Improvement identified

Apr Aug

All Self Assessment Questions Answered

Text drafted for Self Assessment Action Plan

Preparations Complete

Deadline for Advanced Reference MaterialPolicy Write UpsGSR Pt1 ReviewList of ONR Processes

Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan FebMay Jun July

Text drafted regarding all previous findings

FINAL Closeout Review Meeting


Final Report published

Text drafted for Mission Findings Action Plan

Mission Findings Action Plan approved

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Health and Safety Executive2013 Follow Up Aspects

• Process developed to assess progress and close out 2009 action plan – large team, thin spread

• Submitted as Advanced Reference Material

• Same process for policy observations

• Same process for 2009 self assessment findings

• Independent audit and international peer review

• From 2009, around 4 staff years of effort – significant benefit

What does this mean?
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Health and Safety Executive2013 IRRS resources

• In addition to follow up post 2009…

• 3 staff years of technical effort + 1.5 staff years admin

• Including significant self assessment activity

• Around €100k of ‘real’ money

What does this mean?
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Health and Safety Executive2013 IRRS specifics – Preparations

• No issues with guidance

• No issues with Prep Meeting, as engaged well prior

What does this mean?
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Health and Safety Executive2013 IRRS specifics – modular teams

• Mission team leader continuity– Wasted effort covering old ground

• Scope, specifically ONR responsibilities• Status of guides, UK way of working

• Perhaps need for pre-briefing as well as Preparatory Meeting

What does this mean?
Page 10: Health and Safety Executive IRRS mission to UK Overview IAEA-ENSREG Workshop.

Health and Safety Executive2013 IRRS specifics – Self Assessment

• Great benefit from Self Assessment

• Need to secure suitable resources and timescales

• SARIS tool not useful for UK (parallel answering)– Retro fitting to SARIS for reporting

• Little acknowledgement in report of follow up aspects

What does this mean?
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Health and Safety Executive2013 IRRS specifics – ARM

• Advanced Reference Material easily uploaded to Sharepoint

• Great benefit in terms of knowledge repository

• Perception of lack of use prior to Mission (need for Pre-briefing?)

What does this mean?
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Health and Safety Executive2013 IRRS specifics – Mission itself

• Findings mostly of great benefit– Some already achieved– Some of surprise to owners outside ONR

• Useful pragmatic closure of previous findings (only 1 remained open)

What does this mean?
Page 13: Health and Safety Executive IRRS mission to UK Overview IAEA-ENSREG Workshop.

Health and Safety Executive2013 IRRS specifics – Way Forward

• Action plan approved

• Would like to give positive messages (now stale?)

• Ready for and committed to another follow up

What does this mean?
Page 14: Health and Safety Executive IRRS mission to UK Overview IAEA-ENSREG Workshop.

Health and Safety ExecutiveUK Summary

• Achieved– Transparent, independent, in depth, third party


• Could improve– Effectiveness of engagement prior to Mission– Greater focus on self assessment

What does this mean?