Headteacher’s Report Summer Term...

Headteacher’s Report Summer Term 2017

Transcript of Headteacher’s Report Summer Term...

Headteacher’s Report

Summer Term 2017

Headteacher’s Report - Summer 2017

We arrive again at the end of yet another Academic Year with another report celebrating much of

the activity which has taken place this summer term.

Summer term represents somewhat of an emotional journey. Whilst staff and students look forward

to the long Summer break, I am always aware of the hurdles some of our school community still

need to get over; particularly our Year 11 and 13 students. Although the anxieties caused by the

main exam period may now have faded they will soon be taken over by the anticipation of those all

important exam results in August which may decide whether or not they get into the college or

university they have their hearts set on or whether the grades they achieve are the ones required for

the course they want to do.

As a school community, we all have to contend with saying goodbye to our Year 13 students and

many of our Year 11 students who will all go on to pastures new whether it be a different college,

university, apprenticeship or a completely unknown adventure. We will also be saying goodbye to

several colleagues who also move on to achieve new goals in life. Whilst saying goodbye at the

end of term can be difficult we wish all staff and students leaving us the very best for the future and

thank them for being part of the Trinity family. However, at the opposite end of the spectrum, we are

delighted to welcome our new staff and pupils who will be joining us in September and very much

look forward to working with them all.

We are currently working closely with the current Year 6 parents and pupils who will be joining us for

2 Induction days on 4th and 5th July when thy meet their new Form friends and teachers for the first

time. Pupils and their parents are invited to join us on the evening of 5th July for an opportunity to be

updated on important details in the lead up to September. It is an exciting and nervous time for

these families but we hope we can make their transition experience as smooth and enjoyable as


I would like to give a very special thanks at this point to our Sisters of the FCJ who have played

such an important part in supporting and guiding Trinity Catholic College and previously Newlands.

Our celebration on 27th April was a wonderful way to say “thankyou” for everything they have done

for the schools and parishes during their many years in Middlesbrough. Trinity offers each of them a

long and happy time in their new home.

Finally, I would like to thank all staff, pupils and governors for all their hard work over the last year

and special thanks for their work this term towards during very busy and sometimes stressful exam

period. We are confident everyone’s hard work will pay off when we receive the exam results in


May you all have a very safe, happy and enjoyable summer.


An after school club for More Able and Talented students has been running in school since

January. The group is known as 'The Alpha Club' were carefully identified from the most able in the

year group but with a particular emphasis on providing encouragement and enrichment for the more

able children who receive the Pupil Premium. Half of the group identified receive the Pupil


Since January they have taken part in varied sessions including :

explosive chemistry

war games based on the naval battle for the Atlantic,

learning an instrument and forming a band in an hour

German fashion and football

The students involved have really enjoyed sessions and attendance has been outstanding with

students sometimes rushing back from other activities to attend.

Later this term the group will be involved in a project on Wildlife Conservation and will be making an

educational visit to the South Lakes Safari Park.

YEAR 11 2016-2017

As previously mentioned, our Year 11 students have reached the end of their time at Trinity Catholic College and have possibly just experienced one of the most stressful periods of their life to date—GCSE Exams. Thankfully, now the exams are finished we can help them to celebrate and de-stress. A Year 11 day of celebration will be held in school at the end of June; this will signify them officially leaving Year 11 and the start of a new phase in whatever they go on to do.

Year 11 students will be further celebrating at their Prom which will be held at Wynyard Hall on Thursday 13th July. Everyone at Trinity wishes them every success for the future.


2017 has seen our Trinity “mathletes” go from strength to strength. January gave us the results from our Senior Maths Challenge. Trinity achieved eleven medal certificates from our twenty participants, with Ben Zhang going forward to complete the British Maths Olympiad paper. In February it was over to our Year 9’s, 10’s and 11’s. Forty students completed the Intermediate Challenge with an impressive certificate haul of one gold, seven silvers and twelve bronzes. Year 10 Lydia Hastings then went forward to complete the British Maths Olympiad paper. In April forty-six Year 7’s and 8’s completed the Junior Maths Challenge. The results of this were outstanding. Of the forty-five that completed the test forty-three were awarded medal certificates, including a very impressive twenty-one golds. Of these gold awards Cali Foster in Year 8; Noah Brooks, Ella-Mae Spearing, and Phoebe Teasdale from Year 7 all qualified for the final Maths Olympiad paper. With a further eleven completing the Olympiad round one paper. Such strong maths challenge results are rare in any school, and the maths department are incredibly proud of the achievements gained by our students this year. We look forward to competing again next year, and hope that we continue to go from strength to strength.


The Yr 8 students had a fantastic experience at the Teesside University STEM Challenge Day. The activities included...

Robotics- students built and programmed a robot to navigate obstacles.

E-Fit- students used police software to create an image of a 'criminal'.

Vehicle- students designed, built and raced a simple electric car.

Many secondary schools attended the event, our students were excellent advocates of Trinity Catholic College.

The following students attend the event and received a certificate for their participation...Hollie Brackenby, Alyssa Martinez, Daniel Atfi, Cali Foster, Alyssa Carr, Michael Olone, Thomas Hogg, Georgia Laverick, Jamie Yarker and Andrew Hoyland

YEAR 7 and YEAR 8


This term a cross-curricular homework project was set for all Year 7 and Year 8 students. The

theme of the project was ‘Middlesbrough; A Premier Place’. The project resulted in some

outstanding pieces of work being produced. The end of the project was celebrated with a special

assembly on 13th June when the work was celebrated and prizes were awarded to those students

who had really embraced the theme. The assembly celebrated ability and hopefully encouraged

children to realise that it is not necessarily the ability you have that is important but more what you

do with that ability.

Some terrific Art work was produced including the beautiful painting on the front cover of this report

(Acklam Hall).

Year 10 - Young Enterprise

Year 10 students ‘Framez’ got through to the area finals after impressing the judges with their product and profit. The group made it through to the finals after beating mainly 6th Form students in the heats and their picture frame business has an outstanding profit of nearly £400.00. They went to the Regional Finals held at the Marriott in Gateshead and came back with two awards, Best Leadership and Best Presentation. They didn't make it through to the National awards, but were really happy and proud that they had come so far in less than 4 months.

Year 10 - Building My Skills - Mock Interviews at St James Park, Newcastle At the end of a year long programme, including assemblies and tasks based around raising the career aspirations of students. 44 students were taken forward to mock interview with 50 companies from around the north east. This was fantastic for developing interview skills and raising confidence.

Year 8 Money Matters A guest speaker from a Credit Union has been in to school to complete tasks with every Year 8 form. They have started to look at the value of money and the difference between want and need. This will continue until the end of the academic year.


Students from Trinity again joined this year’s Diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes during the May

half-term holiday.


The Year 9 Guided Group have been taking the opportunity to learn about ’the Good Life’ on an

allotment near school. They have been clearing it away and planting potatoes, courgettes, beans,

onions, sprouts and pumpkins. First crop of potatoes should be ready in enrichment week. They

have been working really well as a group and as you can see from the pictures it needed a lot of



Students working in the convent building continue to work on many of the challenges they face

including trying to change their perceptions on behaviour and confidence. The Marie Madeleine

centre is where they find much support.

There are currently an array of intervention groups working with the students:


Lions quest

Gardening club

Wild life trust

Intervention teaching group

MFC foundation

The intervention teaching group is in its infancy, currently students are accessing Science, English,

Leadership and Product Design as well as attending lessons in the main building. In September we

hope to have students based in the convent full time on a six week basis.

Gardening club students have applied to the Key Fund for funding. They recently held their

presentations for the bid and have passed the criteria with flying colours. The group will receive

£500 to fund the gardening club and to plan a small trip. Headstart will match this funding, giving us

a pot of £1000. We currently have beans, cabbage, carrots, pumpkins and strawberries growing

and are

looking forward to when the first harvest is



Key Stage 3 recently held their evening of celebration and awards during an event attended by

students, parents and staff. The evening was a success with some students picking up more than

one award. Well done also to all those students who were nominated.


160 pupils were nominated by staff for dedication to their studies or pastoral ethos. They were

rewarded with ice cream and drinks which were enjoyed in the sun during Form Time.


We are delighted to formally announce the list of Prefects who have been selected for the 2017-18 academic year.

Congratulations to all those who have been selected for these positions which play a pivotal role in the life of the school. No doubt each of our Prefects will do a sterling job of representing the rest of the student body through providing feedback to staff and setting a good example to their peers.

Catherine Burns Laila Kaid Ben Winstanley Finolla McGee Nicholas Kelly Zoe Kendall Katie Jordinson Morgan Ellwood Mairead Hudson Corey Proudman Phoebe Irvine Christie Mills Leah Hall Lydia Hastings Ellie Myers Callum Mcnulty Olivia Hogg Max Kelly Holly Seidle Poppy Hill Curtis Noon Lucy Williams Yousuf Nasleem Esme Traylen Erin Beth Campbell Catherine Burnsila


As is so often the case, these reports are collated with still a few weeks to go before the end of the

term. The summer term will be a busy time with staff involved in organising several events. Here

are brief details if just a few of them.


3rd—7th July.


The 4th and 5th July will be our Induction days for Year 6 pupils starting with us in Year 7 in

September. Day 1 will be spent in same school groups following a timetable of five sessions

including music activities, Dance, Problem solving and Coping strategies. Day 2 is always an

exciting time when the children find out which Form group they will be in and who they will be

spending much of their time with in lessons. There will be a Parent & Pupil evening on the 5th July

when families will have a further chance to discuss their child’s transition and find out some of the

finer details concerning transport and uniform.


Tuesday 10th and Wednesday 11th July will see Trinity Catholic College present 'School of Rock'

the musical, by Andrew Lloyd Webber.

There are over 50 pupils in the cast, to which 32 of those are 'main cast' and many more in the

orchestra and behind the scenes.

Principal performers are: Sam Cummins (10) as Dewey, Megan Wilkin (11) as Principal Mullins

and Colleen Insuya (9) as Summer Hathaway

During lunch times and after school, if you visited the Performing Arts department, you would not be

surprised to hear songs such as "You're in the Band" or "Stick it to the Man." It is the busiest time of

the year for the cast, orchestra and staff but the most enjoyable and exciting too. Everyone is work-

ing very hard to ensure the best show possible will be presented - we are even coming in on two



The last week of term will be taken over with ‘Enrichment Week’ during which students across the

College will take part in many activities including:

Monday 17th July Focus Day & Fun Run

Tuesday 18th July Sports Day

Wednesday 19th July Trips Day

A ‘Carrot Rewards’ competition ran between 17th May and 16th June to give students the

opportunity to win £10 and £5 vouchers redeemable against the cost of their Enrichment Week

trip. Prizes will be awarded to the Top Ten highest Carrot Reward sticker winners in each year. Five

runners up in each year group will win a pen.


Trinity Catholic College has recently been awarded the Youth Sport Trust Bronze Quality Mark for its commitment to Physical Education (PE) and school sport. The Youth Sport Trust is a national charity that is building a brighter future for young people through the power of sport. The Quality Mark is an online self-review tool which provides schools with a nationally recognised award for the quality of their PE and school sport. The tool supports schools to audit their PE provision and identify priorities for their development. Trinity has been very successful this year with Girls’ Netball and Boys’ Football competitions together with the Health and Wellbeing clubs run within the College. Schools are awarded Bronze, Silver and Gold status, which reflects their efforts in using PE and school sport to raise achievement across the College. Headteacher, Mr Peter Coady said, “We are absolutely thrilled to have been awarded the Bronze Quality Mark from the Youth Sport Trust, which recognises our commitment to delivering the best possible sporting experiences for the young people at our school. There are a whole range of educational, health and well-being benefits from delivering high quality PE and school sport and we see on a regular basis that when it is delivered well it can transform the lives of all pupils.” Ali Oliver, Chief Executive at the Youth Sport Trust said: “Congratulations to Trinity Catholic College for achieving the Youth Sport Trust Bronze Quality Mark. Schools which achieve the Quality Mark, share our belief in the value of high quality PE and sport and the positive impact it has on young people’s journey through education.” “PE and school sport helps young people to live healthy and active lives and through it, helps them achieve their personal best in school and life. We are delighted to be working with thousands of schools across the country that recognise the competitive advantage this gives to their pupils”.

SUMMER SPORTS In confirmation of the strong sporting ethos of Trinity Catholic College, ‘Summer’ sports clubs have been running during the term. Clubs are well advertised and ready to welcome all students who want to take part. His term the clubs included Tennis, Athletics, Cricket and Rounders.


Having won the Middlesbrough Schools' Y7 Boys League and finishing runners-up in the

Middlesbrough Schools' Y7 Town Cup last year, the Y8 boys football team managed to go one

step further this year by retaining the league and winning the Middlesbrough Schools' Town Cup.

The boys retained the league on a head-to-head ruling against Macmillan. After both teams ended

the season with 7 wins and just one loss, Trinity came out as league champions after having a

superior head-to-head record against Macmillan thanks to a 5-2 win against them back in October.

The team came out 4-1 winners against Acklam Grange in the Middlesbrough Schools' Cup Final

at Hurworth back in May which ensured they had double the reason to celebrate this season.

They went close to making it a treble after reaching the final of the Cleveland Schools' Y8 County

Cup, only to beaten by a solid Laurence Jackson team 3-0.



Sixth form students at Trinity Catholic College have signed up to be potential lifesavers as part of a

campaign to educate young people about blood, organ, and stem cell donation.

An amazing 67 lifesaving students joined the Anthony Nolan stem cell donor register at an event in

the college on 31/3/17, following a presentation on the importance of donating. Anthony Nolan

uses its register to match potential donors to blood cancer patients in desperate need of a lifesaving

stem cell transplant.

Several members of the college community have been affected by serious blood disorders and

have a personal interest in the work of the charity. They shared their experiences as part of the

initial presentation by Anthony Nolan which prompted the students to register. Head of Sixth Form,

Nic Smith said: “We are overwhelmed by the support from our students and very proud of each and

every one of them for registering.”

All of the sixth form students have been educated about lifesaving donation and if those that

registered are found to be a match, they could go on to save the life of a blood cancer patient.

Lynsey Dickson, Regional Recruitment Development Manager at Anthony Nolan, said: “Trinity

Catholic College gave us fantastic support. There are lots of myths about donation and we aim to

dispel those and encourage more people to join the donor register. We’re really grateful to the

schools and colleges who give us the opportunity to do that.”

To find out more about the education programme and stem cell donation, please visit https://
