THE SAN FRANCISCO (^L,^^^:-^ HEAD WINDS DO NOT RETARD THE SIERRA southward. The sea- is smooth, and if the fine weather continues.it may be possible in a- few days to tow the derelict into this port. , ..Water Kront_Aoie« The liner Mongolia, which left here August 12 for the orient, was 1,174 miles away at S o'clock' p. m., Au- gust 15. Receipts of lumber yesterday by sea amounted to 1,940,000 feet. "~ The steamer City, of Puebla, which sailed «^Bsterday for Seattle, carried about 200 passengers. The Pacific. Mail liner City of Para is due today from Panama and way ports. , . --- French . Cruiser on Drydoclc VALLKJO, Aug. lß.'-^The French oruißer Montealm came to the Mare island navy yard at noon today and immediately went into the drydock. It is expected to remain' about a week undergoing .an overhauling. Allen Steamahfp Line'Xot S«I«I IX)N V DON Aug. I"6.— Officials of the Canadian Paciric railway here say there is no truth in the report of the purchase by the Canadian Pacific of the Allen line steamship company. By United Wireless Tuesday, August 16. . ; STEAMEB HONGOLIA— Hence Aug. 12 for j Honolulu: Aug. 15; Sp. m., 1,174 miles ofE San Francisco. STEAMER FALCON—Hence ,Aug. 14 for Astoria ; Aug. 15. 8 p. m.. off Point Gorda; strong north : west wind and sea. . U, Si S. McCULLOCHi-Aujr. 15, "p.m., in lati- tude 36 40 north, longitude 12S 35 west; posi- tion of wreck of schooner Phoenix the same; fresh northerly wind; smooth sea and cloudy; wreckage drifting south; Aug. 16, off Fish rock, have seen nothing of importance., i STEAMER HOSE ClTY— Hence Aug. 15 for San Pedro; Aug. 16. 4 a. m.. latitude 34 north, lon- gitude 120 west: barometer 29.90; temperature SS; calm and overcast. j STEAMEE PRESIDENT— Hence for San Diego; Auk. 15. 9 p. m., 25 miles southeast of Pigeon point;. hazy; smooth; all well. x - STEAMEE ENTEEPEISE— Hence Aug. 13 for Hllo; Aug. 15, 8 p. in., 509 miles out; clear; etrong north-northwest wind; heavy northwest swell; rough sea; all well. STEAMEE LTTBLJNE From Honolulu for San. Francisco; Aug. 16, 10:30 a. m., IS4 miles out strong northwest wind and rough sea. STEAMEE WATSON— From Seattle for San Francisco; Aug. 16. 10:20 a. m., sighted small pilothouse, painted white, \u25a0 partly submerged; in latitude 38 23, longitude 123 23 west, re- ported same to U. S. steamer McCulloch. HYDEOGBAFHIC OFFICE Depth at mean low water, entrance to harbor. PLACE | Ft. | Date | Remarks j |1S feet at mean low > Grays Har 17 Aug. 5| water In channel to; S j Aberdeen. ' . \ Wlllapa B| 27 |Ang. 1| ; Colnm. R.I 29 jjuly 231 Bar "buoy to right !of Nehalm R 9 July 10 entrance. ,-' Channel is shifting -to nort h, very narrow. 150 ft. TUlmk B.j 9 Uuly sjChannel shifted 1 mile ' I | ( south In gale Nov. 2S. Yaqnlna B| 12 jJuly S| Siuslaw R| 6 |Ang. 4| .T Umpqua R| 9 'July 1| \u25a0 r. . 12 feet at low tide to Coos Bay. IS June 22 North Bend; 12 feet <: . at low tide to Marsh- fleld. - Coqullle R| 8 |June-30'iChannel straight. ' , Rogue 8.1 3 |Apr. 27jChannel shifting north. Klamtb RI 5 I Aug. I 'Channel shifting to l____' | southward. Hmbldt Bl IS lAug. 1 Shoal 300 feet WNW*. I I I black spar buoy. _ SPedro B|_22 _|Aug. 2jNo change in channel. S Dlego~B| 2SHIApr. llNo change In channelf S Pablo Bj 24 iDec. UDepth in dredged chan- I 1 I nel. Continued on rage 15, Column 5 miiii ii-imr ,j tourists from Hono- lulu, the Oceanic liner was crowded passengers, as usual. The Sierra .also brought a large cargo of island products which included: 5.305 sacks of sugar, 4,052 bunches of bariarfas, 325 rann e^° f « pineapples ' "10,564 cases of rfce Pineapples, and 1,379 sacks of xvaV"rv!i c th i e Passengers on the Sierra Armv C °i°J lel v, Miles of the< Salvation £n£h' nasbeen in the islands in- nflSVPJ 5*5 *- 111 ® " aw aiian branch of the ?m^ iZ^ iOri - Whi!e at Honolulu Colonel ffici^ ted w at a Salvation Army ln ß. On his arrival here Colonel fhVf '•\u2666 * ose hea< iquarters have been in this city for some years, received orders erring hlm to Detroit. lft « fcierra's passengers included: Miss E. Adams h. B. King wV 1 -*,^^ 1"*1 "* i Mrs. Xin S g J• D. Alexander I.a m Sal H. K. Ashford mj ss B- Lanz <- Becnen Mrs. Ixe *\ ?• Blcknf!l Miss L - M - mot > t ?li Boa *' tv F. D. I^uras J. K. Eonnell . Mrs. Lucas and Infant lv tß°t B °^ ae i! "• F - LucES !i •I? < J lrtlcart Mrs. Luhrmefi Ufa* M. T. QntSe Miss L. F. McCarthy s!f* - V Co PC*fa«-ll Mrs. E. MaoFean Xlj^e J. Colbnm Miss O. V. Mapson »;\u25a0 t- Colbßni ! Colonel C. Miles ni iss J. Coiciioiror I E \olson Mis* X. Cook \ mW. Nelson to N - ' r *' i ?hto n | Mrs. I.Onishi and son J. R«y Douglas i Otto Osn V," K ,. Dr r f<l «e < ' Mrs. Oss iJf 6*6 * fe- J**'** -Mrs. N. Palmantecr: -? -.-:: •^tss *5* P utot Ml *• - x - L Potter A*n=. J. Dyer, two ehil- Miss I_ B. Putzman <jren and maid i Miss R. Raphael I'r. F. I». Fairchild* J I) ReM Mrs. Pairchilds Mrs, need L. Ferdt-rbtr (George Reed « . E. Forry jMrs. \V. A. Eideout and 1. M. Kultz 1 child Mr* . Fula pUkM Sailor A. \. Good jxii^s I>. J. BalSafcmr Mif* r. Guppy Ml« A. Santo* Miss a. K. Hallock Mls-s NE. S.-hmyl?r >>. Hametnoto (Miss E. Saaw Mr». li. 1., liartcou W. S. Shearer M^s Harmon D. F. Sullivan i. L. Hill 'Master C. Suuho Mrs. M. B. Hortoa I W. E. Tbistli-waite Tout Chlng Hung ! K. Tre-skow *.• ±iurd 'Mrs. Tivskow and child K. A. Joaes ]J. Wagner <-• J usti I K. S. Winter Tenyo Mara Sails for Far KaM \ _ The Japanese turbine liner Tenyo Ma.ru, with Captain W. C. T. S. Fi lnfer B r temporarily in command, sailed, yester- ."^\u2666"-for the far east with a small cargo but a large number of passengers. Captain Filmer, who was formerly in the company's service but now in busi- riess in this city, is taking Captain Bent s place for one voyage. Captain Bent has been granted sick leave for that length of time. The star passenger on the liner was Baron Kanetake Oura, the Japanese minister of agriculture, ' who is returning to Japan after an ob- servation tour of the world. Many prominent Japanese residents were oh board the steamer to bid their dis- tinguished countryman goodby. Another l^assfenger on the Tenyo was W. Roder- ick Dorssey. United States vice consul at •Shanghai, who is returning to his post. The liner carried a large number of Asiatic passengers, among whom were 41 -Hindus who had been ordered de- purted. Although the Hindus now corn- ing to California are neither worse nor better than the first arrivals, it is only recently that the immigration officials have found any number of them unfit for admission to the country. Those deported yesterday were sent back, some of them because they acknowl- edged themselves polygamists, but most of them on the ground that, they were liable to become public charges. The Tenyo sailed from pier 34, which will be the regular wharf for the T. K. K. ships after the first of next year. Their experience with the new wharf has greatly pleased the company offi- cials. Xot only does the wharf afford ir.ore space and better facilities for handling cargo than the Pacific Mail . company ever found it convenient to offer its ally, but the location of the pier in its relation to the tides makes the docking and departure of the big Fhips a much simpler proposition. The Tenyo got away yesterday in dashing style. The Tenyo's passengers included: For Yokohama Mi«3M. Aisawa. E. Barnby, Charlw! Benjamin, Mi>. Charles Benjamin. A. F. Blaum, Wjiiiara E. Carlin, Mrs. William K. </*rlin. Bftronp** de CUauboulou. Mrs. L. Gug- ! r*chln>«. T. Hori, Mrs. James F. Kfrtwy. Perry H. Keenly, Mrs. E. McKim and maid. Miss E*.: M. Muller. Baron K. Oars, T. Sakai, Mrs. B. : Schweitzer. F. H. Scidmorp, Mrs. F. 11. Sold- ' more, Mr*. E. X." Scidmorp. L. M. Sediswick, Mies E. Sharpie**. K. Takaku. F. M. 'JVgner, ! Gcor?e S. Traoy. Mrs. George S. Tracy, H. W. . Turner, Pcreival yon Kirschtea. Kobe—Her. K. Ibuka, I). D.,* Miss M. Naka- Shanghai— Mr». A. H. AllPn, A. Allison, Mrs. "A. Allison. C. E. Bokay. Mrs. C. E. Bokay. Miss I. R. Br<»thrrton. R H. Chandlcss, Mrs. R. H. Chandlfss, Rev. F. G. Deis, Mrs: F. G. Deis, W. Roderick Dorsey, Charles fl Freer. "Miss Lillian •C. Graeff, A. R. Hager. Mrs. B. Harvey, Miss Marie T. Hasenpflug. Tracy R. Kclley. Mrs. TracT R. Kelley and infant. Rev. R. M. Mateer, Mrs. R. M. Mateer, Charles C. Merlin. Mrs. Charles C. Merwin, Dr. Caroline S. Mervrin, Her. J. A. Miller. Mrs. J. A. Miller, Jamie M'il- l*r. Zenos Miller, Italpli Miller. Paul t Miller, O. Moller, Mrs. O. Moller and amali. II.» Myers. Mrs. H. R. Myers. H. Ollerdessen. Mrs. H. Ol- lerdesscn. Miss M." Ollerdeswni, Miss E. Oiler- dessen, E. M. SatKffe. Mrs. E. M. Sutllffe. S. I». Taekian, <i. E. Tucker, Mrs. G. E. Tucker, Miss L. White. Hongkong Miss Grace E. Barceburp, F. P. Buchanan. Rev. A. J. Fißher. Mrs. A. J. Fisher. In John Elliott Fteber. F. R. Fry, .Mrs. F. R. Fry and maid. Miss Mtbel Gllson, Mrs. F. Gold- . f^htnldt. L. Oußceuhime. Rev. William Harris, Mrs. William Harris, Mlfs Christina Harris, Herbert R. Hare. H. R. Hosch, Miss Harriet Howell, Dr. Georfe H. Jenki., Mrs. George. H. Jf-nks, Dr, Clarence J. Kiup, Mrs. A. W. Mar- shall. Wax* Marshall, Glenn Miller. Mrs. Glenn Mil^r, H. J- Morton, Mrs. H." J. Morton, Mrs. H. M. Paynp. Ka. r PfOpe*1 , Quan \Doon. C. G. Sampson, Fred M. Schults. Mrs. Fred M. Scnolte.' Miss M«y Secrist. S. R. Stern, Mrs. §, R. Stern, br. Andrew TiroberrnHn, Mrs. J. S. V'an'Buren, E Vollbrecht. J. S. Vosburg. Join at Honolulu L. Gets, Mrs. J,. Gets, B. Mcakin. S. H. Warren, Mrs. S. H. W«rren, S. Warren. Miss I. Warren. L,urtftlV ha« a Blsr Carsro The Matson navigation company's steamer Lurline, which was expected to arrive from Honolulu last night about midnight, and will dock early this morning, has a large cargo of island products and a number of pas- sengers. Among the passengers Is L. X CJ Parish, a former Honolulu po- liceman, who is coming to California' to take charge pf an orange ranch' he recently bought. Another passenger Ron the Ivurline is Mrs. M. S. Mack, su- perintendent of the Susannah -Wesley home. She is accompanied by her daughter, M!§s K. Mack, and is going to deliver a series of lectures In this countrs r . Codfl*her Crarlna Arrive* *"rom Xarth The schooner Czarina,' Captain Wall- Ifctedt, arrived yesterday, 13 days .from Sanak with 120,000 codfish. Instead of the' usual tale of hardship, and bad luck, ' Captain Wallstedt came home with a- smile and the news that fishing in the Bering sea was good -and the weather fine. In- addition to the cod- fish the Czarina brought down 200 bar- rels of salmon. Captain Wallstedt re- ported-that the Schooner :.T.'- D.; Spreck- i els which left here June 13, arrived at Sanak July 13. Phoenix WrMkage Dri/linff South According "to a "wireless- received y yesterday from the revenue cutter Mc- Culloch, * the capsized hull of. ..the^ "echooner Phoenix is still in thei same N spite of strong ; head winds and an opposing sea that to most ships would have meant a han- dicap of several knots an hour, the! Oceanic steamship 'company's liner" Si- erra maintained its! schedule speed and arrived early yes- 1 terday morning from Honolulu, hav- ing made the run in '•> days, 16 hoars. Al- though the Korea, a few days ahead of the Sierra, brought a large number of Oceanic Steamship Company's Fast Liner Brings Many Pas- sengers From Honolulu 13 EMF^aYJMEXTJ^\VAkTBC^^ MAX, 18, single,' undorstHndlng;' gardening (vege- ',table), milking and horsefff, wants a situatiou; 1 good, poultryman. ; Address * box 'IS6O, Call.' MACHINIST,'first class *ali:around,' country -pre-" ferred. ;Box'ls/Decoto;;Cal. ; : \>. •'\u25a0\u25a0_. \u25a0\u25a0. \u25a0'.. NICK Japanese boy .wants position as a school- boy. J752 O'Farrell St.; phone v^ West 3467, Home 1767: : ' -.. V , - :•'..'-...\u25a0 . f > NEAT, -.' honest Japanese . schoollwy wants . posl- . tion to work; can speak English. lIITANI/ 3039 Sacramento^ st.; f phone .West 6572. \u0084,;-, WANTED—By .-a; competent l»ok keeper; a small set of Itonks to attend to i evenings. Address . ;box 1253," t Call "office.".: •£?"-> ' ' ' wTnTKD— WockT will do ALBERT HEAVENSTON. 75 3d. St.: YOUNG'man wishes position ' as. ca renter /con- crete form molulng, finishing, concrete work, plasters and complete mechanic. Box 1729, Call office. \u25a0'.:.;' - , . YOUNG man familiar with \u25a0 general office work aud experlpnceU in the newspaper business de- sires S position, I either - rlty ' or country. Ad- flress box. ISSS. : Call office. ; - \ " \u25a0 - \u25a0. ~ KMP^^YjIEXT ; WAIVTEp^-Female^ COMPETENT laundress, best reference, wishes day work. 80x, 1379, Call office.. \u25a0 . CHRISTIA-N 1 woman wants :\u25a0 to care for one. or two children \u25a0 from ' 1 to ; 6 years of, age. , 80 . Rauscb st. near' Howard and 9th. ESTABLISHED dress maker solicits ladies' pat- ronage; perfect fitting; quick and prices 'rea-, r-sonable; at home or by the <iay. Phone Park \u25a0 ' 5233. , . *\u25a0 ' - ; \u25a0 . . .-..-..:,;.• . . '; .; FRENCH pastry. V r an Duesen system, ornament- -«ing, fancy poffee cake, etc.- taught In your* -. own home. Phone Mission 6155, MISS SMITH. FASHIONABLE dress maker, cutter and fitter; IS years' experience; by the day, $2.50. or at home; no r cheap work solicited. MRS. FOLK Y. -\u25a0 1632 Post st. ; phone West , 6336. GERMAN lady with a boy 4 years old. good cook, wishes position as cook or house keeper; more home than wages;- city or- country.' Please call Astoria hotel office, 906 Washing- ton st., Oakland.. - . ; . \'.- r - ' . YOUNG - Japanese woman . wants position as schoolgirl; can help cook aud washing; can not speak English and also desires to learn Eng- lish. Address 1591 •, Post St.; * phone Home 51274. ' fXame Hashle.) . . » - MAI 'E^lßLP^AJVTn^^^^ MURRAY^&^READY, LEADING EMPLOYMENT' AGENTS. 782-754-756 HOWARD ST., BET. 3D AND 4TH STS., San Francisco. PHONES SUTTER 1205 and 1206, Home J1546. . BRANCH. OFFICES: " ...» 7th and Broadway, Opp. S. P. Depot, Oakland. :\u25a0- \u25a0 \u25a0 Phones Oakland 7361, Home A 5745, 2d and H sts., Sacramento. 2d and Main sts. and i 126 Marchesault St., .^ Los Angeles. 52S Jackson St., San Francisco. \u25a0 Men wanted for all classes of work, Ari- \u25a0 zona, Nevada, Mexico, Oregon. -Washington, - Montana and all parts of . California. -- : - -S FREE FARE. NATRON VIA EUGENE. OREGON OREGON. NATRON. ; NATRON. NATRON. Men for R. R. 'work, including station men, teamsters, laborers, drillers,' etc., $2.25 to $2.50 day. 50 TEAMSTERS. -4f 50 LABORERS. ALL FREE FARE. ' SHIP DAILY. NO OFFICE FEE, FREE FARE. KLAMATH FALLS. : OREGON. ;•'/ OREGON. 500 laborers, teamsters, drillers, tunnel men rock men, strappers; splkers, track men, men for steel and baliast gangs on O. & E. R. R.; wastes $2 to $3 day. ALL FREE FARE. NO OFFICE FEE. W. p. R. R. WORK. SPRING GARDEN. FREE FARE. , Laborers, Nevada districts; -free fare. WOOD CHOPPERS. S>: r 20 wood choppers, 'FREE FARE, $2 cord. NO OFFICE FEE. __ FREE FARE. NEVADA LINE. Applegate, Coifax, Auburn, ' Newcastle and Rocklin. -, - -.•".\u25a0 Laborers, teamsters, drillers, rock men, tunnel men; ALL FREE -FARE. . STATION MEN BY CONTRACT. 25 men for station work on Rocklin and Col- 1 fax cut-off; good prices. •\u25a0 FREE FARE. , PLASTERERS— FREE FARE 5 plasterers, big Job, south: $5 day; free fare. FREE FARE. - WILLITS— SHERWOOD Tunnelmen and muckers, N. . W. P. R. R., $07.50 to $90. . ••-- '-.... ... . \u25a0 FREE FARE—SHIP DAILY SAWMILLS. LOGGING CAMPS. FREE FARE. ,' lIUMBOLDT, EUREKA, MENDOCrNO. MILLS, -YARDS.':. WOODS. "150 laborers, \u25a0- no \u25a0 experience .\u25a0 required, to i work for the big lumber companies of Hum- I boldt and Mendocino counties; wages $40 and found and $60. > . \u25a0-. , , * , ". . \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 ALL'FREE FARE. :'. _. SHIP ON ALL STEAMERS. ' ALSO FOR ' SHASTA. SISKIYOU. TUOLUMNE. SAN .MA- TEO. SONOMA, MADERA AND FRESNO COUNTIES. * Donkey engineers,' woodsmen, swampersr spool tenders, edgermen, wood choppers and tie makers. 10 teamsters for the woods. $70,' fare paid. LOGGING CAMPS, 20 laborers for a big camp, south, $67.50 to $90. / HERE IS A BIG NEW JOB. * BRICK LAYERS. FREE FARE. .. FREE FARE. Brick mason foreman, $6 day. 10 brick layers for a new Job In San Ber- nardino co., board in hotel, $5 day; long job. MECHANICAL. I Steam shovel engineer and cranesman, $140 ami $100. ' Engineer, dredger, '. near city, $75 and fd. Fireman, oil (dredger).. $45 and.fd. Repair machinist, country, $3 day. . 2 timber f ramers, tunnel, f rt>e '- fare, $90. . 4 millwrights, lumber co., $120. Tinners, garbage cans, piece . work. ; Electrician, mining company. $120. i Tool sharpener and blacksmith, free fare, 500. 5 brick layers, country. . $6 and •$7 day. ; 9 blacksmiths, camps,- ranches and shops, $60 >: to $75 and fd.; $3; to $4 day. \u25a0-"•'.\u25a0\u25a0- ... 3- budders, nursery, country. $2.50 to $3 day. . - RIVETERS/AND RIVET HEATERS. . 10 riveters and rivet heaters, for. a. big r job south, $75 and f d. . . / - CHOREMAN AND WIFE. Man as choreman.- wife "to cook, small vine- yard, boss here, $50 and fd. THESE -TODAY'S '"SPECIALS. Wheelwright. R. R. camp, free fare,' slos. Keystone drillers, free fare/ $9O. . Keeper, country -^shooting club, understand gasoline launch, fare paid, $40 and. found."' Harness maker, act as night. watchman/ $2.50 day. _-^ . 10 laborers, oil company, board In hotel, $2.25 -day. . 5 gutter layers, broken rock, $2.50 ' day. FLUME WORK. 10 handy men to work on flume,- lumber com- P an>> fa np PAID— SHASTA COUNTY. 5 buckers for the woods. $65, fare paid. 1 ' 2 spool tenders, fare paid, $70, - ; -. ' Trimmer jmen, log loaders \u25a0 and bark', peelers, Mendocino county, $75: ' fare paid. \u25a0 :,\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 >* -'i ROUGH CARPENTERS.! V 10 rough csfpenters, -few tools, to' work on R. R. trestle for. a lumber \u25a0 company, south, $67.50 to $90. "\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 •* : LABORERS FACTORY -WORK . \u25a0 . BOARD IN HOTEL.. . ./ 10 laborers,"- no experience required, for"-a large company, short distance' country, $2.25 , per day. ~ S; , ' 150 \u25a0 laborers;. all passes of work, . city and .country, $07.50' t0 -fi s.- \u25a0• ' ... .; , .FREE FARE. - . ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER CO. ~ . ""> Italian and, Austrian '.laborers, $07.50. . - FRUIT? PICKERS. 25 men to. pick." pack iand \u25a0do |general work .-in all kinds of fruit and almonds, $37.50 fd. -FARMS. DAIRIES. ETC. - WORK '\u25a0 AROUND ; THRASHERS.. , 23 laborers -' to pitch bundles and <do, general work . around \u25a0 thrashing machines. $2 day f d. 9 ' 27 farmhands .and teamsters.-. 535 and $40 fd: 15 milkers, *1 \u25a0to S3 fare, !sr?s,! $r?5, $40 fd.. MISCELLANEOUS. : ' .Warehousem an, R.R. company, $60." Lead < burners, brirk burners and m strikeoff men. $2.50 to $3 day. - \u25a0' '\u25a0-..-*-,; \u25a0 '\u25a0:. -." \u25a0 / 10 : laborers, "road \u25a0 work, Mendocino . county , '1 52.50 'day.'"- ' \u25a0\u25a0 " r : - : .\u25a0\u25a0^; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-.;-. '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 . ..-.. 10 laborers, factory . work,'-' near- city,- $2 ! day. Milker and wife to' cook,' $65 and fd. . Cheese , maker and wife* to ' cook, \u25a0 $65 and ' fd.-- . v-GANG; OF HINDOOS.* ; L. , _ Gang of i Hindoo \ laborers^- to -. work -in celery and beans, $1.70 dHy.'.bonrd? yourselves, i' \u25a0•- GROCERY." CLERK., *. \ ' - Exporienred grocery clerk,: country, merchandise store,' $15 week.:\? "\u25a0\u25a0:".*\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0-> : : ; •" . LABCTRERS—CITY \u25a0; V- 10 laborers. * work- in city,-$2.50 daV. FOR HOTELS. : ETC., , v :\u25a0-' \ . .^.BAKERS AND 'OTHERS, v.. Waiter. - nurses', hall.'; $30 fd./, free i fare ; cook \u25a0 and -dish -washer, same, ' country-" restaurant - s6o and $30 fd.; \u25a0;:,.:\u25a0 -v \u25a0 '• Baker.: country shop,' $14 week' and fd. -, " .'• Baker's, helper.' s7 week fd. . . Porter and - help at^bar, \u25a0\u25a0 hotel.- J. 535J .$35 .to $40 and fd. \u25a0:-:.,/- -\ .;.;>;; \u25a0 -.. ; v'-" ' v Cook and w ,walter in : ciuntry resaurant, $50 ' and ' ?35 and f d. .; -• ' \u25a0 -.'-.\u25a0 ' -, " Walter, also vegetifble. man, same : camp..»s.'sO and-fd.;:s flunkies.. RAR. : camp, .s25 -and ; fd. Cook . for -.a * few \u25a0, men ;\u25a0 at : gold mlne.% $40 - and fd.;; cooks.' country.vhotels.' $40 to $60 and fd.'; ' 3 camp cfoks, $50. $60 and:fd.*:>3 : . ranch cooks. :;\u25a0-\u25a0 $40; cooks.", hay: press?rs and] thrashers, $35jto $60 and ' fd." : saushge maker." s4o l f d.: : 2 camp ; waiters. i s3o fd. reporters. ..kitchen' help, and \u25a0 ,dish washers/ $3O to $40 and fd: ;A— '. \u25a0• \u25a0-. 'SEE. OUR BULLETIN: BOARDS." -" ' OUR : DAILY LIST. . '- See i who ' does ' th* > business, j. : •\u25a0- . :,;>\u25a0'\u25a0- MURRAY/ &ft READY/,./ •r= \u25a0 782-784 : 786 r Howard "Street/. '\u0084 WHOLESALE grocery ; bouse wants bill clerk .'ex- ;/:.perleneed In grocery or : slmllar,llpe; . first" class m chance I for- advancement: vreply j in : own '\u25a0 hand- - wrltlng-^gts tingf age. -:experience." phone < num- : ibor;and TSlary^ expected:,^- 80x i1 760.; Call. i- FI RST CLASS ; cook ; for. 12 " »r 14 ' gentlemen : ; cl ty - '.place place : >:ref prences :: *50. :< Apply , in person, ;~ MISS PLUNKETT, .1596. Gutter st.: \u25a0}' ..'. (MALE HELP \VAiVTEP--tContinued ' '".*" '- HOP PICKING: '/» EARN MONEY' AND ENJOY< YOUR' VACATION- PICKING HOPS 'ON OUR RANCHES .NKAR V UKIAH.VrIDEAL r- CAMP/- GROUNDS LOCA- - TKD ON THE BANKS: -OF,* THK. BEAUTI- : FUL RUSSIAN RIVER. TENTS, iVt REWOOD; AND' PURE SPRING ' WATER / FREE.* SPE- CIAL TRAIN LBAVES S MORNING, AUGUST 22. AT 8:15. REDUCED^. RATE .TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT.OUR OFFICK ONLY. CALL AT ONCE^AS ONLY A \u25a0 LIM- ITED NUMBER CAN , BE> SOLD.* ., 'E. -C. :'^ HORST.; CO.. 150 PINE ST..-S: F. N HOP" PICKERS', SPECIAL TRAINS for •\u25a0 both Saaz and" Largo ranches will leave THURSDAY 'MORNING/AUGUST. 18, at 8:15. via Sausa^ lito boat from Ferry building/,foot . of. Market . st. .'Be sure to be on hand early -enough to check your baggage;. SPECIAL RATE, TICK- . ETtj will be on sale at ; OUR OFFICE ONLY, Tuesday ; and I Wednesday, 9 a. ' m. , to 5 p. m. ' AMERICAN HOP AND BARLEY ; COMPANY. ;.. 116 California- st./ : : ; - .. . .\ WANTED—AbIe, bodied men ...for; the; U. S; Marine corps, between, the ;, ages "of. 19 - and 35. Must" be i native born :or - have ./, first . . papers.' Monthly pay $15 to $69. -Additional compensa- tion possible. Food, clothpig. quarters and medi- cal attendance free. /After 30 years' service can retire ' with 75 \u25a0per cent . of pay and allowances. Service ou board ship and : ashore in \u25a0 all parts of the, world.' Apply U; S. Marine corps, Recruit- ing station, ' 9s . Market st., San; Francisco/ Cal. ' ; MEN WANTED, age 18 to 35,, for .firemen, $100 " : .monthly, - and brakemen | $80, ; on ' nearby ' : rall- , roads; experience; unnecessary;., no strike; pro- . motion . to- engineers,; conductors; - railroad, em- ploying hoadijußrters,* over*" soo men sent to positions monthly; states. age; send | stamp. RAILWAY ASSOCIATION, care Call office. WANTED Services Of. a - bright, ' energetic j man i in a growing, business with great; future; this is a fine chance for the' right man; salary to . start $150 and share in business; $3,000 cash Investment in the .company required, i Address 'box 1796, Call office. ; ->\u25a0\u25a0"; ; . "- - " ' ' BOYS wanted over 14 years age. 1461 Polk st. BOYS, wanted; good wages. 25S Montgomery st. MEN and women, learn the barber, trade; .posi- tions guaranteed; we can not supply demand for ' our graduates; expert instructors; we teach in ; R weeks and pay wages while learning. ', Call -and let' us explain jhe Moler system.' 234 3d st. WANTED Experienced | book keeper who also un- : derstands shorthand and stenography, also dry goods and fancy goods . for country ; | not over' . 85 \u25a0\u25a0: years -of. age;-- state references and salary . expected. Box 1738, Call offict. . SHIPPING CLERK wanted; young man who -has had experience in butter, eggs and cheese pre- ferred; good opportunity -for, the right man. "\u25a0\u25a0 Address box 1478, Call office. \* "'" '' WANTED-- A good hardwood floor layer; apply , at President Wheeler's lioune.* on the campus, Berkeley, Cal. F. A: WILLIAMS. 10 BUSHELMEN wanted :must be first.' class men tailors; good : salary: -no others need ap- ply. W. BARON.IIB Geary Bt.>: ; : ,-' DOUGLAS HOUSE, 758 Harrison, near 3d— Now "X. open; 200 hard finished rooms; reading room; shot water; rooms 25c day* $1.25-$4.50 week. AA—\OUNG man about 20 years as book keeper and stenographer. Apply .to HOLDEN-DEU- PREY CO., 12C. West, Mission st. ; WANTED— 6OO men to occupy rooms, 20c to 3Oc per night (free bath); at the NEW YORK, 753 .Howard st. between 3d \u25a0 and 4th.; ;,-- :A / MEN of .-' Ideas " with - some inventive ability. GREELEY &-McINTIRE, Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. C. . : \u25a0\u25a0;-\u25a0\u25a0- EGG CANDLER wanted, j Apply Western Meat ,Company, 6th and, Townsend sts. \u0084-. -', .. MAN wanted to drum for tailor store on good terms. 90S Market st., room 216. FIRST GLASS engraver wanted., Baldwin Jew- elry Co., 33 Kearny st. . -.-'- . WANTED— A sole leather roller. A. B. PAT- RICK CO.. Fairfax ay. ..>,\u25a0 COAT MAKER: wanted for the country. ; Apply ARNSTEIN, SIMON &~ CO. STEADY man to attend cigar stand; experience unnecessary: small security required. 306 12th. BOY with wheel wanted. Apply 10 o'clock, 612 O'Farrell st. PHOTO coupon agents wanted; good proposition. SCHAFFER..72,San Pabloav., Oakland. : NEW WESTERN, 1124 Howard—Single rooms, 15c' and 20c per night; hot -and cold water. MEN wanted at 103 3d st. to have their shoes repaired: sewed soles 75c. done In 10 minutes. . WAXTED TO LEARIf TRADE 1 WASTED—Men at Los "Angeles, /no expense, to Iwtrn trades of electricity, •automobiles, r plumb- Ing, ; brick laying, by actual work on- contract . jobs; .only \u25a0 few months ' required ; : 2oo .students x last year: catalogue free. 1023 Mkt. St.. S. F. FEMALE HELP j WANTED AAAAA— Young, women wanted as by the.Paclflc Telephone and .Telegraph Company; must be/ bright, . neat In" appearance^ between the ages of 18 and 25 years, of fair education and unquestionable character. \u25a0': ;: : V LIGHT AND WELL VENTILATED OPER- ATING' ROOMS. - \u25a0\u25a0-••'• \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0..:\u25a0 v, PLEASANT REST AND LUNCHROOMS. LIBERAL SALARY PAID WHILE LEARN- - - ING."! .-' - ->;; -'-, '\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 •<\u25a0 ••..-\u25a0 '.::- \u25a0- PERMANENT POSITIONS/ ' OPPORTUNITIES? -TO -ADVANCE: .-\u25a0.-\u25a0'-.\u25a0 | For full particulars call, preferably be- tween 8:30 a., m. and 12 noon," at the Operat- ing. School, -Telephone Office, 2015 Steiner st. corner^Plne. ; - :• \ " , ./"\u25a0 COOK, and second-girl,.- same house, city, $35. $30; parlor maid and waitress, city place, $4(«; chamber maid, must be willingto do a little light wash,. family of 2, no company, $35; first class cook that understands foreign cooking. $70; neat, smart seonnd girl, $30; young Ger- man or. Swedish, cook, 2 in family, $40, city; two good cooks, city place,, $40, $50: capable lady's maid, French prcferredy $40; 40. bimse- " work girls,;- fine places, good wages. -Apply in person, MISS,PLUNKETT, 1890 Sutter st. r HOP PICKERS' SPECIAL TRAINS for both Saaz and Largo ranches willleave THURSDAY MORNING. AUGUST 18. at 8:15. via Sauna- lito boat from Ferry building, foot of Market st. Be sure to be , on hand - early ' enough to check your baggage; SPECIAL RATE TICK- ETS will be on sale at OUR OFFICE ONLY, Tuesday and Wednesday, 9 a. m: to 5-p m' AMERICAN HOP AND BARLEY COMPANY, 116 California st. >-.;.' .. '-\u25a0 '. AA Women and girls apply Immediately for •# cutting; and - canning fruit; ' highest; wages, - steady work, healthful and moral: surroundings. CALIFORNIA CANNERIES CO., 18th :, and Minnesota sts. HOP PICKING. READ IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT - RK- GARDIXO; HOP;, PICKING .UNDER MALE HELP WANTED. E. p.* HORST CO. WOMEN and girls' wanted/ to "work on' fruit; Ihighest ." wages . paid; : carfare allowance ;pleas- ant occupation; ; sanitary -workrooms; \u25a0', special inducements to competent- canners and cutters- - SUNLIT FRUIT CO., 4th and . Dwight- way, , : Berkeley.":;^ -'iX^'i- '\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0 * : - .•'..;\u25a0-. '.-.". \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0/*—• AT the Women's ' Employment j Bureau, 202 Pa- cific ; building.' 4th, and ; Market sts.— 3 nursos/ ,',' sanatorium, $35;^ cooks, $35-$4O; dining .'rooii^ \u25a0V;al,' iuKtltntion,; $25; 2o general housework \u25a0^glrJs.gocil; wages.' ••;. ..«....\u25a0 ,-'\u25a0'.;„ ' \u25a0 / " v ,. : : ' .- PLENTY 'of work, good I wages,' for women and SB girls; ; start'v Immediately.; and \u0084work - until ..- No- I vember - 15 ; . cottages ; and ; tents provided. $ Call at once. Central California Canneries, San Lo : -r'.renzo, Alameda county,'; Cal. „.."•.:. •, . '' \u25a0"\u25a0:"*'. "-T- ; OAKLAND.^ - . ' ' GIRLS TO MAKE OVERALLS. PAID SALARY -;;" WHILE i LEARNING. . ' -, LEVI STRAUSS :& C0.." 3p AND CLAY STS: . ;.;.; -;,•\u25a0:•"\u25a0 -APPLY TO: MR.: DAVIS., : _ -_ r SALESLADIES '- In ' candy store ; experience not necessary: those' living" with parents pre- ferred. -Call -Wednesday. 10-11 a. m.v-'GEO." . HAAS ;&- SONS, V r 770 Marketst." . ; > LADIES.Vlearnr hair dressing i at? CALIF. J COI> LEGE OF HAIR DRESSING; and. Beauty Cul- " ture ; diplomas aud * formulas j given ; individual | instruction. ; 967% ' Market st. bet. ' sth , and 6th. LEARN;haIr dressing/? manicuring/' hair.worklng: 19 massage; i special teachers; 'evening classes:- 1 The '. NEW. MILDRED HAIR PARLORS,:i3O Geary: EXPERIENCED ' bonbon % and v chocolate i dipper? f? Apply f GRUENH AGEN'S.-* 137 * Powell ; st.,- bet.'' y*,'i.-11-a.j;m.t and i.l:3ol p.? m.:-_ :'-"'-..-.-/- ; : STENOGRAPHER for ;- law t office;; good chance \u25a0\u25a0 for beginner;. education! and vim.' wanted; ; state ri salary; expected.;?^ Box i 1747,% Ca1l l office. , ' > ,-. I COMPETENT -girl c for;, general' ; housework* in' s/ small ff. family ; ; . good *^ cook ; X wages ' $25. .: 2220 :::> Devisadero ; st. -*5 ".;•"-*\u25a0>:'\u25a0\u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0.-"\u25a0'.\u25a0' : ."-.- i -' ; -'.\u25a0.-\u25a0:-" ./ :'.".;.' GIRL'i for •'. general /.house work ; |no .washing, j Iron- '~. Ing ;or heavy : sweeping : '( wages $25 ; 4 ; in •• f am- ;illy.. \u25a0".•"Boxj22l,"?.Sausallto.T-% -.;? :V.- : \u25a0\u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0/; '.- : '- SPECIAL" rates-^Learn hair dressing.- manicuring. y-',hair ; work: s ohlyi system Jin* 3 i wks. ; *\u25a0 positions i) waiting.! MILDREDhair ' Store. ;1475-Halght:st.' L SPINNERS -wanted-: at iorice: steady iwork-guar- ' anteed.^ Apply ; POßTLAND WOOLEN | MILLS* iv^St.', Jobns/>Ore.*''s/-'-.>r' : % =.;\u25a0-"* i*..^ v -?'7-.';>."cSsi y jJ?!*£ BI G"young t nurse '< girl ; /2 1 children ; Z goodI wages.' v ; 107 .; 3d-; av.?;;;:^; \u25a0>-"\u25a0.- ;;:;^;.r;/ : :.:-:,-.-/\u25a0.-y.'.. \u0084. ,"t .WANTED—Young girl for. general i housework ; and \u25a0j: ': cook I ng. V Ca11 ; a t 948 Guerrero st.*; e0r.1 22d: i:; GlRL*for.L plain* cooking *and-: housework; .wages ;-- $25. .^ Apply,at ; bakery/ 1598. Fulton ; st. .; : ',-', ; . Q-l'J-Lt i""»<" '* |WI'll' 1 1'"'I 1 'LI 1ni" i|j '"" 1 1 1 1 Hn Ihil hi iiIWJIWM|IBL_t 1111 1 AXD SUPPLIES . ': : ' TUNGSTEN ? STEEL!. TUNGSTEN < STEELI - *-; Iron/* as you f all.'know;. .was the first in metal- lurgy; j then - by -later .- discovery \u25a0 the '\u25a0> many differ- ent; steels came into use.V TUNGSTEN STEEL,* the -very \u25a0 latest, presents "' to you ' the r best -. ever. In r f act TUNGSTEN i STEEL RAZORS are > as far ahead of other so called: good i razors as a. Tungsten electric lamp is. versus a candle. vf; We have many. genuine-* testimonials from the most- prominent barbers,', praising- thC\ high- QUALITY of this razor.- We : have* the EXCLUSIVE AGENCY. Price $2.25/ ' :, . ' : " , -DECKELMAN BROS., : INC./ ' - 162-164;Turk;st.,;San? Francisco,'. Cal. , '. TWO chair shop, $200; % Interest $125;; fixtures scofit $500. > COLEMAN, 830 Market st. ; -.r..- ; THHEE t chair I country," shop; only \u25a0 one | in ( town ; -"pop; 1,000; $600 ' takes It; this- week. COLE- •£ MAN; ; B3O Market; st. :•:\u25a0:\u25a0:. X:- r ; ,'.-—-, r: \u25a0 PARTNER, 4 chair sbop on Market; , long , lease; '\u25a0•• $500;? low 'rent; 'a bargain;, partners disagree. COLEMAN/ 830 Market st. ; >'•-' ; " .-,'-'. v /' TWO, chair shop, $300; this' ls a snap; right an heart of city. .COLEMAN, t B3O Market st. \u25a0 y j BARBERS -at » Stolts'/ 731 i Market ; St.— You can ";,-. save - money this week ;on Koken round base hydraulic chairs; also several nonhydraulic . chairs ; \u25a0 French plate s mirrors, tall \u25a0\u25a0 slaes ; . dou- ;ible.-and^ single. 'bowl wash stands with all •j, nickel > trimmings; one": cash- register ;>poles; .' stands/ bottles, \u25a0 etc. ; remember, '.great sav- ing : can be i made this -week ; \u25a0\u25a0 cash or on terms : Xs to , : suit. ;\u25a0 / - .--• ..- , ,•;- ..-, - ••\u25a0- ..' ;' \u25a0_\u25a0. . \u25a0\u25a0:•'.; -^.-j ; BARKER SANITARY CHAIRS.. : . > Sold on installments of $5 PER MONTIL: i CHAIRS, FIXTURES, VIBRATORS or HAIR DRIERS' soId on small monthly payment- and. we will allow you T top: price on' your < old- fixtures in exchange. . Remember, we are not In the trust.' - ._ JAMES BARKER,^ INC.. Phone: Franklin 3899. . ; \u0084 . ;94; 94 Tnrk st...' |950__4 . chair barber., shop \u25a0 in . San ; Jose/, strictly i : up-.to ; date ; . fine -location ; '.- good ' average " bnsl- - ness; cheap rent and 'lease: -belling on account ' : , of. sickness.' , rAddress ;F. H.^B.'p- Call ;" agency,, " , San Jose/- ; : ..*;- i*- ;\u25a0:,. *' .'."* \u25a0•.. : "j >'.V: '.-, •\u25a0-.. '\u25a0'\u0084 -. BARBER shop running 4 chairs steady; rent .only : . $18; good lease;: fine furnltilre; shop worth good money ; '\u25a0 owner ; died lately, \ therefore ; shop can '.be'bought for-$550/ : ; Don't ; mlss. this.:- Inquire , STOLTZ, .73I Market st./. y- . ' ~ ;," ./-; X WANTED— Men ; and , women , to learn j barbering, 'so many have ' left'for- good \u25a0"jobs,, must ;have s 'more beginners; absolutely free to next 10. 'Call ; ,S.i F: BARBER' COLLEGE, 790 Howa rd st. f FOR sale^-2 chair barber shop and baths, near San" Francisco;- Cal. r-r -l Call at BEGKEL & PRESHER,- 373 12th- ~st.; Oakland/ Cal., or 60 6th st.., San, Francisco, Cal. ' $100.. CASH 1 bays i 2 f chair \u25a0 shop, - 3 : living | rooms,' all newly \u25a0 furnished,* with' fine", location; lease; clearing $30 .weekly; balance $100/ easy terms. ' 2231 Clement "st. ; this , week {only. "- TWO chair union- shop; cheap rent; good. Hying; | $100 If sold this w>ek;: other business.- Corner \u25a0-.7th;and -Harrison •streets.'./ :.': .' . ' '.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0• '\u25a0 CHEAPEST new .mirrors -In city;new . barber ': chairs and :- shops -bought >and sold/ Phones \u25a0V Park; 1242, M 2941; 394 -Hayes st: '' -.iK FIRST class 2 chair barber, shop for sale. ln best •town- on- coast. -f Apply-314 /Macdonald aye., Richmond, Cal. ;' T ; v. , _\ - ;. : '' : - GOOD barber wishes 'evenings or nights,- Satur- '-. day noon and : Sunday job. 2239 Sutter st. \u25a0 \u25a0 WANTED^-Experienced .lady.: barber; steady position. 335 Third St. .< WANTED Nonunion barber; good wages. 362 -3d st. -:- '---'. ','.\u25a0 " \u25a0'. > \u25a0" \u25a0 WANTED—First-class barber. 544 Market st. BARBER wanted. . 1018 Kearny st. BARBER, eveniiigß, Saturdays and Sundays; .... steady work. 508 Valencia st. -' \', BOOTBLACK wanted at'l662 Devlsadero «t. cor- •ner Sutter. - : \u25a0: -\u25a0--..-\u25a0 LIVELY barber wanted at 75 per cent; can make good wages. " 821 : Devlsadero st. \u0084 GOOD barber for the rest of tha-week at 3375 Mission st. . \u25a0 . . GET the best, it costs no more, at BAUER'S bar- kers' supplies,- 59 O'Farrell st. . BARBER, country hotel, $50 month and found. \u25a0Apply 8 Sacramento st., 9. a.m. . '' BARGAIN for this week only; $185 cash buy^ ' $500 2 chair shop." 394 Castro st. WANTED— To rent barber shop. San Francisco or . Oakland; state terms. >Box 1745, Call office. 2 CHAIR barber shop: good' location; cheap rent; owner .leaving city.' 2002 Mission St. YOUNG married man" wants steady Job in coun- - try; Al barber. \u0084 Address 1703 Sanchez st. YOUNG -.- barber, -apprentice, to finish trade; \u25a0> good opportunity. 2965 Mission -t., near 26th. BARBER' wanted for Saturday at 547 lGth St., -: corner Clay,, Oakland. ; . ; BARBERS' Protective Union Employment secr<«- tary: W. BARON. 775 Mkt.: phone Kny. 5384: SALESMEN' and SOLICITORS WANTED SALESMAN.,'wanted— BlgQffer to big men! write' '.; : us for particulars: yo« will be Interested. Ad- g dress OREGON NURSERY COMPANY, Orenco, ,:*Ore. .- \-.;,, ;. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0--;\u25a0:,/\u25a0 ; -.; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.<-:-' ,\u25a0 '. CORPORATION > wants salesman who has had . experience with j the sales of stock and bonds. Box 1797, Call office. v SALESMAN I ' for -country work: salary and com- \u25a0' mission; beach property. 14S0 Market" st. -.\u25a0 PHONE PAC. DOUGLAS 30:t2, HOME. C-4665. 531 GRANT AV.— AS'IA EJIPT. OFFICE FUR- NISHES BEST AND COMPETENT JAPANESE AND CHINESE HELP OF ALL KINDS, ~*; AAAA— CANTON Bureau of Information—Chl- : ncse 'servjants; contracts for resorts. Canton , Bank.bldg., 649 Kearny St.: phone Sutter .118.' AAA— . PHONE WEST 1731/ , r Largest Japanese and Chinese employment of- fice In city. i r T. TAMURA CO.. 1012 Lagnna st. AA—OSCAR HATSUMI, Japanese-Chinese Emp. 'Co.; best help with care and guar.'' 1513 Geary St.; phones West 5688. Home S4OSB. ' ; A. S. HORl, '' reliable Japanese-Chinese help . promptly furnished :- open day and night. "-'1748 \u25a0Sutter st. PHONES— WEST 2803. S-2503. J. CANN/ Chinese employment bureau. Phone Douglas ' 3106. ,770 . Clay st:v San Francisco. ) H. W. HONG, Chinese - employment : office; 805 Webster st., Oakland ? phones Pekln 25. A372-V STAR :emp. office; Japanese-Chinese- help.-. W. ~JIKOPATA: r l6OB Gcary;-tel. West 167, S49OS. ROOMS TO LET-^Fur. and Unfnr/^ A COZY home for respectable ladles, 1130 Mar- ket st: near Bth. , under, anspiees of the SAL- '• VATION ARiIY; " elegantly 'furnished ; every : " modern convenience ; .' steam heat, electrfc- light and elevator service;- spotlessly^ idean;. centrally located; thoroughly homelike; telephone Market 1349; prices, very moderate, -ranging ,from;2sc \u25a0 \u25a0 per night \ up; special rates by the week or ; month. ; See matron, room 33. _. AAA—:•-.-;•..;..\u25a0;\u25a0•\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 ;•.- ; -•. r.- -,-"•-'\u25a0 -\u25a0-• r -".. \u25a0 •'\u25a0\u25a0? . Nicely furnished sunny front room, bath. In private family: rent very : ; reasonable; near 3 %', car : lines. ,350.5', 23di st. near .Valencia, ' *• *: : "-v.i: /A— SINGLE : ROOMS-^Nicely,s. furnished,^, steam I heated/- bath/ hot water always, elevator. \u25a0\u25a0 , 1474 Sacramento st.' above. Hyde. - : - , - , BARTLETT , st.,*- 19^i— 3 nice, \u25a0 sunny, * furnished , rooms ;for gentlemen ; ; reasonable, v '-:\u25a0-. -\ BUCHANAN St., 1519,*: near O'Farrell-'-Sunny^ \ furnislietl rooms; in. middle flat.^ , , < BROADWAY, i IS2O, next to Van Ness ar.—Fine, : large, , sunny « front ' room; '\u25a0 others . marine ' view ; "iconvenlent to all cars. :--t"!^ -•:-• ,rt'" ; "\u25a0 . CLARA st.; 164, < near \ sth— 2 I rooms partly | fur-* *' nished; one; room unfurnished; poreh r entrance. DEWEY HOUSE.' '4th . and* Howard— All modern ; . : conveniences ; 200 rooms,' \u25a0 35c to $1 day, $2 ; to './ss:a week;'freebaths;:lloward or, 4th st: cars. DEVISADERO st.T42B, bet. Oak and Fell—Large sunny- furnished rooms; bath; pbone Park 7182; \u25a0handy' to'cara;; $2 week 6 ;up.-:/; --v;,-;-:'; \-- EDDV i st. / 827—3 sunny U rooms, V: with , bay velegantly H furnished ; V walking .-'; dis- "'^ tance ;* board; If: desired Treasonable. -.' - EDDY St., 952—Nicely furnished: single \u25a0>. rooms, '\u25a0 $2 week: walking distance; trauslents 50c .•\u25a0 day ; i, house ; keeping if; desired. \u25a0 :..- . -:> j-r-i S< - EDDY? St., .1112/. opp.' Jefferson f sq.— Nicely fur- K| nished room ; (run. water; " gentlemen pref. ; $10." ELLIS . St.; * -1052—Nicely-- furnished ;' room, •'. with -separate, entrance; i walking distance; $5. "^; / GOLDEN . GATE! ay./ , IOOI.v Aopposite •\u25a0 Jefferson ; : : Square— Sunny, room/ 12 .windows, : bath, ; pbone ; /j every convenience. \u25a0 .. . .; :\u25a0 \u25a0 ;•. GOUGH st./ 1315—Newly, furnished single room; r : $1.50 week ; s bath, \ phone, f 3*' C.;•. ;• -\u0084 -; >. ; . ,/•• \u25a0< HOWARD| st./. 212UA-^-2 j very,sunny ,front| rooms ; H finely 1 furnished •;, and ' comfortable ; ;.; reasonable. i HOWARD wf 5t.. « 2171—Sunny,i- furnished '- front t-.ts room ;; $10 jfor i 1 j person; oosr s $12 i fori 2. RCSJiJdS! HOWARD ; st:/ 2179.'; near, ISth— Nicely * f uralshed,' \',-; sunny, rooms/> 1 -2-3 \u25a0 rooms ; bath in . each. . ; .; . LAGUNA' 5t..'!824/ cor. ; McAllister—Sunny,'- f rtent. :^ "»,bay;.wind_ow,»hkpg^'rooms:.s3.so-per,.woek. f -. LEAVENWORTH ; st.T'i 861,'f near;,' Bush— Sunny .' furnished .' suite, wit b : running; water; , also ' sin- :Vgle: rooms.*: suitable ; < for S- gentlemen;^'? phone;: C" walking; distance.".";.;.,- ;> . ;.;/;: . .-*\u25a0 :\u25a0/..\u25a0*-,--\u25a0 NICELY furnished' room : for :Xsor 2 ' gentlemen. ; : Noe yValley,;; district ; [i quiet t neighborhood ; :;prl- :,. »'\u25a0 family ; *" near '-.; carllne." \u25a0 v For \u25a0 particulars . ;;'address j by.: letter 4030 j 23d ' st.: gi ve " references. OVERLAND ; HOUSE, v S6B ; Sacramento fit.f below : ? Montgomery— Now j open : > 200 \ rooms ; ' < hot ' and £S cold * water \u25a0in \u25a0 every- room ; * 25c : to ' J2 'per :'day ; , . $1.50 to ; ss per,. week:- '; EDW. ~ KOLKIN.;. Prop. PAGE s , st., s - 454,'-, near^. ;. Buchanan-^-Sunny/ 1"1 "^ bay^ <~ window tfront = parlor ; \ priv.s family ; * qulet.^ se-' ;":'\u25a0' lect ? neighborhood : z marine J,view; %$3 l week.i- ; PIERCKI __.?* 120.='. cor.'S Haight—Nicely > furnished ;r 2 ; room \ apartments ; ' $18 ; and .- $20. v; ; ' "; : '.-;.- PINE ; 5t.',11909.' near; Oeta via—^Sunny , front I room : lyk4 > windows,'* fireplace," piano?; bath; '.carpets .and' '. furniture new; aUo buiall-rooms, $B: up.v..^^-"' , . / * ROOMST ? LET--Contlnaed STEINER st.; 909 Fine, large*aunny bsmt. fur- t!\u25a0 nished ; stove ; gas ;. 1-or 2 men ; " $4 each mo. SHOTWELL St.. S74—Large, sunny.. front parlor; \u25a0low 'rent:- gentlemen. - \u25a0 . '\u25a0 ROOMS FOR HOUSE KEEPIXG -'\u25a0 AAA— TURK st.. 1159, bet. Laguna and Bu- , chanan Cozy , little \u25a0 house . keeping I rooms, .$2 '.up;: modern flat: i phone,' bath, laundry. ARMY St., : 3359, near; Mission 2 or 4 furnished : swnnyi'house keeping rooms: gas. bath, regular : kitchen: '. home comforts; reasonable. *T M " ' BAKER st.." 316. opj>. Panhandle 2 sunny front : rooms, all cony., reasonable; single, $6 month. BARTLETTJst..- 419.' near .25th— 2 or 2 house keeping-rooms, -.slo. $!-.>\u25a0 t2O. BELVEDERE st., 133—2 elegant front rooms, furnished, for house- keeping; bath, gas; rea- /sonablo; also furnished room. $0 per month. . CARMELITA ; st. - : 78. •; nr. Duboce park—2 fur- nished bouse keeping rooms, -with use of bath I and laundry ; private family; rent .reasonable. CALIFORNIA st.." S40 Partly fnrn. rear 3 room apt. ;\u25a0 ground -floor; morn."- sun; $15; fnrn. 2 - room apt. : private bath{ no. sun: $22.50; r«f3. DOLORES, 1427 A new sunny front house keep- | ing room/bath and laundry, $12.50, per month. ELLIS st.," 1177 Sunny room, $6 per month; also - house keeping suite,. $20 per month; gas and ;.- bath. ..-:. ' .; •-. '. •" \u25a0 ,'.j\ ' --\u25a0 FILLMORK St., 173S— Suite .of "2 or 3 nx^ms, ' real kitchen., at $2. up;..*lngle-sunny front v:..rbom/ $2 np; electric ,light . and _bath. , GEARY 'st., 1692— Sunny alcove room and -/ kitchen for couple; phone. \u25a0 - GOUGH- st.. 1315— Newly furnished 2 rooms. . complete for^house keeping; $12 month; bat-; i ; both, plwnes. ' ' ' , \u25a0-•- ' HAIGHT, 6t., ' 100V4 House keeping rooms; rea- *-. sonable." \u25a0 ' \u25a0* -..-'-_ ' HOWARD st.,' 563 Front room and kitchen, fur- .- nished, $12;-'2 con.,- gas or coal, $10; others, /single or double, $1.50 per week. LANDERS St., 109-111 A, bet. 15th and 16th I v rooms;. gas; bath; ? 13. 6 small snnny rooms, - gas, yard. $IQ. \u25a0 , . - LYON, "1911;' nr. Sac— 2 sunny "furn. bskpg. .basement rooms; laundry; yardi."very cheap. OCTAVIAst.. 1410—Several fine rooms for house '\u25a0 ? keeplßg;Tednce<l rates; select neighborhood. POST st./ 1632/ near Laguua— Elegantly furn. front parlor anil kitchen; extremely light and -sunny; -very moderti; no other \u25a0 roomers. Phone . ; West 6336. .-."."-.,'' ' . , SCOTT- 8t..-*605. Sutter, cars. West 3141—Large sunny, house- keeping "rooms, complete: single furnished rpoma^reasonable, to. right party. SCOTT. St.. 2040 Snnny single house .keeping room, with closets, bath _nd pnone; West 2014. 'TURK St., 120S--Stnsle basement, rooms, com- . plete house .keeping; sink. : bath/ laundry, gas range;. $1.50. to $2.50 .week.- ' " ; : - . WALLER/it;.- 339,: near. Fillmore— Nicely fura. .' ;house- keeping room; bath, : gas. phone; $14 v per mo. ;'also furn. . room for man. $-S per mo. VAN NESS ay., 311, cor. Grove furnished sunny \ suites/ $2O; single rooms, $2.50 to $3 per week; gas, running water and phone. . 6TH St., 365 House keeping and single rooms; $1.25 per. week; bath, not and cold water in every room. ' OAKLAND HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS FOR. rent— 4 or 5 rooms and bath, furnished for house* keeping; 4 rooms, $22.50: 5 rooms. $27. These room 3are conveniently located to both Southern Pacific and Key Route " ferries and streetcar lilies. 1202 Sth St., corner Mairnolla. AT 24th St., 471. bet. Broadway and Telegraph 3 bouse keeping rooms, furnished complete; /regular kitchen, gas, bath, electricity; $25. NICE sunny bouse keeping rooms to let at 272 4th st. ; very reasonable. ; 2 SUNNY rooms, furnished for house keeping. 770 10th st. near W»at. ' " AAA— (*OUPLE wanted' to rent front and back parlor; -two gentlemen; everything -is strictly first class, mod. cony. 2517 California st., apt. 6. . \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0-' - ! AAA— THK WEMPE. 419 Oak St.—Single and double rooms with board. $30 per month up. BOARD and room; rooms suitable for 1 or 2; call and see me. 95S Ellis st. , . CALIF.. 1541— St. Margaret's _ club for" jrlrK ," teachers, students, bus. .women, tourlats; sun- ny rooms: excellent -board: rates reas. Ph. Franklin 3292; Home C-569. FOR ll»t of inspected rooms see DOMO DIREC- TORY. Saves time. 11 to 2, 522 Crocker big. HAVES, 9S* Rooms and board, $5.50 to $7 wk., $25 to $30 mo.? piano. Home, phone 53256. JACKSON st., 1558 Very . desirable sunny rooms with board. . OCTAVIA st., 192t5, cor. Sacramento Splendid . location, facing Lafayette sq.; large, cheerful .-; sunny rms. ; excellent board; references;- pbone. O'FARRELL St.. 1235-^Front alcove room; also side room ; excellent borne cooking. PACIFIC av./;i7l6 Large, -sunny, front room; "choice* table; reasonable; references. SCOTT st.. 1541— 2 nicely furnished double rooms wltfc board; running- water: reasonable.-' ..,- ST. FRANCIS Girls' Directory. Central ay. and , Waller \u25a0\u25a0 st., San | Francisco— A beautiful home. .'where old ladles, young girls and little chil- dren can board . very reaxonable. SUNNY rooms/ with board, for 2. gentlemen. 52S Jones St., Oakland. .- > SUNNY .front :. room; . nicely furnished; with or without board. 1021 Lagnna st. SHRADER St.. > 52ft—Newly furnished snnny _ rooms, with or without hoard: terma rea*. BERKELEY ROOMS AXD BOARD NOKTHGATE. ISO9 Euclid aTT^TßerkTleisT north entrance of . university campus Apart- ments with private baths; single rooms: at^am heat and callbell In every room; sleeping porches :. first cUss tab'e board; special sum- mer rates. M. M. HENRY.V ' y APARTMENTS '' AAA— Aparts. of 1 to 4 rooms, prlfate bath, cleg. \u25a0 furn.: sunny: electric light, hot water, heat, elevator, janitor service, linen; beautiful read- in? lobby; 1 rm.. $15' np: 2 rms., $27.50 up: 3 - rms., $40 up; 4 rms.. $50 up; Haigbt st. cars. "Rosemont," 214 Haight; phone Park 559. LUNDY APTS./ Stanyan st. at Frederick— The ..most complete In the city: hot and cold water. electric lights, .baths, elevator service, janitor service; everr^room in house light: rent reas. AA—VAN NESS APARTMENTS. 2128 Van Ness nr." Broadway Elegantly furnished apts. of 3 , and 4 rooms; steam heat. elec. light, elevator; marine' view; reasonable. Pbone |Franklin 2590. A—YEKBA BUENA "APTS.. 1114 SUTTER ST.. . NR. LARKIN—ELEGANT- SUITES i OF 2-3 RMS... BATH; COMPLETELY FURN.; REFS. TWO and .1 apts.: 2 elegant double beds; hotel \u25a0 service; lights, linen, soap," etc.. free; as low as $45. Ellis Hotel Apts.. 45U KIIUat Jones. CASTLEREAGH AITS.. 1373 Clay bet. Jones and Leavenworth— 3-4 room apts. :' steam heat, hot \ water,- elevator, white , marble ,. front entrance. KNICKERBOCKER apts./ just completed; 2 rooms and bath: hardwood fi.»ors;. disappearing bedji. 1380 Pine st.' near Hyde. CHISMCRE Apts.. SE. cor." Bush and Jones— l-2- •; 3-4 rooms; all modern convealences; now ready. ST. DOMINIC APARTMENTS, Bush st. at Jones * -'. —Up .to date , in/ every respect ;.. 1-2-3-4 rooms. BEST I modern ; 4 room * apts.. ' furn. . :and \u25a0 unfora.. v-' for . the money, at the , Maryland, . 3tt3 ' Page st. EL FOREST apts.. 525 Bnsh near Taylor—3 and ; ,4; rooms." furnished or unfurnished. ". THE. CORING.. 24OO .Van Ness, cor. : Oveen^- i I Sunny furn. : and unf urn,- apts.. ; 3 and '4 rooms? EUREKA. APTS./ Mkt:* ami 17th ; sts.— BeninI fill :\u25a0 ;-. 3s3 s &"4 rm. apts. ; | phone.' Janitor service-; | sunny. A—Oakhurst , Apts." Washington & Tayior--Nlce- ;--,Iy\u25a0 furnr.3-rms/ &,b.: new. 1 snnny^ mod."; reas. NEW Pilcher Apts., : 1«518 ; Polk^ nr.' Sacramento :, Well . furu." apts.; ,-4-,;car lines; single -rooms. ST. " ELMO. < 1452 Devisadero st.—Fnrn. ; front or v single suites; 1 bath, phone; all cony.. $12 to $40. THE FILLMORE BRANCH OF THE CALL IS \u25a0 AT. 18.-.1 FILLMORE ST. . r . v; HOTELS HOTEL ARGONAUT. 4th and Market st*.—Ffcm- r ily and T commercial: hotel;. room with detached bath. $1"/ per day;' rooms (wlth' private," bath, . $1.50, per> day; .restaurant attached:; moderate rrVprices; free bus'meets all tralnsand st'inshlps. HOTKL FILLMORK. 1714' O'Karrell—Newly, fur- A." nished *rooms:" day, .week or month; from 50c <.%to : $l.CO:tconntry : trade 'solicited.'-.; •' MISSION BHANCII O*' THE CALL.. BI^AKE'S \u25a0 \u25a0 BAZAAR. 110S VALKNCIA^ST.' . ' '\u25a0:'-r, \u25a0;. v '-\u25a0.'• -I^I'ATS TO LET GET MOORK'S FREK RENTING UST. - . ; ' \u25a0>•"--*..\u25a0? U'i CONTAINING; INFORMATION* ABOUT ; ..; 3 n»oin. flats : and 'apartments .at, $IS. . •-•,- A :. 4 room .flats';aait. apartments at $b2.sO.^^^» -. - s^; room ; flats an>l apartments- at- $27.50. ' .._.' li.': 7 and S-.KH 1 -!!), , $30 and up.'-. ••? iA 3 room flat."- all- furuishe<l for $75: rent * HARRY -J.^ MOORE FURNITURE* COMPANY* >J^^ r -^:'',4*> t O'Farreir i Bt.T;near: Market. : . *- TO "'•\u25a0 1et— 2351 - Devlsadero"'? «t..--"cor."i Jackson. " S -^*rooms; and : modern "la>p.T;2737' Clay. st.. near -;; Pierce, -. opposite . par- . . 9 \ rooms and moderate '.' improvement*. ;\u25a0 12 flats.". 4 ; rooms each/, modern '-"Unprcvements. at 14 :' and IR; Sanders st.. ur. 14th ".and J Church.' * Z large buildings. !one 262 ,s' 7th 7 st."T one - 70."{ . Harrison- st.. and one "1162 '•\u25a0> Mission ; , st. i:\ GEORGE :K. - FRINK. ' 1320 Mer- i-j chants' exchange.'; rv :~, : v^.V.."V- *- "/ -.-. \u25a0 : - POTRERO -av..; 938,',:nr.r215t . st.— New modern •"-*r» t rpon» ; flat,"!batli. lßas.l Bas. 3 block* public scnool; r ; $20 - mouth. : j- - - - ---" -J ...--...-,.,.? \u0084 .FLATS TO LET Continued *" J. W. WRIGHT k. CO.. 223 MONTGOMERY ST., 1 MILLS BLDG.. '•\u25a0 PHONES \u25a0• i DOUGLAS 4130 , CTB2S ' REAL ESTATE AND INSCRATCB ' AUCTIONEERS ' RENTS COLLECTED 4 - FULL CHARGE TAKEN .OF PBOPBBTT i."*f FLATS NORTH OF MARKETJT. Space In this column I* open to owners \u25a0 of flats, apartments. \ honses, stores, etc.. KREE OF CHARGE. We will advertH« them . FREE OF CHARGE every day until rented. CALL ANDJSEE US. $47 mo.—S r. and b. Splendid sunny flat. 13-5 McAllister, nr. Steincr st. ?^O mo. 6 r. and b. and store room; modera upper Oat. 134S Leavenwortb st.. nr. Clay. ?5O mo. B r. ami b.. cor. npper flat: modem, up to date; fine neighborhood.: attrac- tive bldg. : convenient to ears and trades- people. 1605 Washington st.. tor. Larkln. $42.50 mo. « r. an«l b. lfiHO Devlsadero St., cor Turk. Splendid corner flat. 540 mo.—-0 r. and b.; laundry. 1183 Devisader* st., cor Eddy; lower corner flat, baxrt- wtood floors; will tint and paint to suit tenant. . ' r $40 mo.—7 r, and b. Fine lower flat. 1347 Mc- Allister, nr. Stein-r st. $35 mo. t". r. and _. Tine nlddle flat. 115 A Fell. nr. Scott st. $1S do. t r. and b. New lower flat. 2314 Octavia. nr. Filbert st. $18 mo. St. and b. 240 Ivy aye., nr. Frank- lin st. $15 mo. 3 r. and. b. 1651 Golden Gate ay».. nr. Deviaadero st.; lower flat with yard. APARTMENTS NORTH OF MAEKET ST. $37.50 mo.— l r. and b. 13fiS Pine St., nf. Hyd>», . Modern apartment flat. $30, $32.50 mo.— » r. and b. eaefc. 1081 Lea- venwurth >*t.. nr. California; modern. $35 mo. t r. and K. - every modern' conveni- ence; _ Marl* Antoinette apts., 1201 Pine st., car. Leavenwortb. $30 to $42.50 cio. t r.-and b. New and beantl- fully appointed apts. : every possible con- venience: just completed. Redding apt*., IS7O Clay st. near Polk. $20 mo. 2 r. and b. :beautiful modern apt >. Marie Antoinette apts.. 1201 Pine St., ene. Leavenworth. * $IS-$23.5O 3 r. and b.; sunny modern apart- ments; every convenience; NE. cor Pa- cific aud Lftrktn sts. FURNISHED FLATS AND APARTMENTS. $80 mo. 8 r. and b., laundry*' etc. 11«1 Devls- adero St., cor. Eddy; completely fur- « nished. piano: all outside sunny rms. ; stone steps; marble vestibule. -^ . $22.50 mo.—2 r. »nd _.; beautifully furnished. Marie Antoinette apts.; 1201 Pine st. - cor. Leavenwortb. $155 mo. 12 apt*. 10 of 3 r. and 2 of 2 r.. 3 baths; 7 toilets; beater for baths; <wn-_ pletely' furnished; will give long leas# to good tenant; nr. Jackson and Leaven- worth sts. HOUSES NORTH OF* MABKt.1 1 $S5 mo. 9 r. and b. Splendid neighborhood. 3902 Clay nr. Cherry st.. Presidio Heights Dl st. Open for inspection from 1 to 5 \u25a0 o'clock p. m. STORES NORTH OF MARKET ST. $250 mo. Size 19x90 ft. Very light: S.entraoees. . - rear and front: large bsmt-- splendid lo- cation. 125-127 Sutter. nr. Montg. St. $75 each 2 fine new stores. 843 Washington. nr. Kearoy st. \u2666FURNISHED HOUSES. $150 mo. House 9 r. and 2- baths; bssst.; ttn- obstrncted marine view; bcautifaily - . equipped bom*. Jackson St.. nr. Pre- sidio aye. ' . - FLATS SOUTH OF MARKET ST. .}. APABTMENTS SOUTH OF MABKBT ST. HOUSESSOUTH OF MARKET AND MISSION $1S mo.— Fine double bouse. 6 r. - and b. 384 - #- San "Jose ave.,., nr. 25th St. STORES, ETC., SOUTH OF MARKET r ST. ,- AND MISSION , $75 mo.— Lars* light* one half store. 22 Ist - ' -st.. nr. \u25a0 Market. . - - - $75 mo.—Stable of 25 stalls. 2&-Stanford »L. ,nr. Folsom.. $30 mo. each 3 stores. 3oat_we&t comer '3th ' and Clara" sts./ . -...."'\u25a0'. \u25a0' \u25a0 \u25a0 : - » - J. W. WRIGHT & CO.. -'.;"; 22S MONTGOMEBT STBEET. ' ; \u0084 -MIIX3 BUILDING. Continued on livxt Pace . MEETINGS Lodges CALIFORNIA onsistory No, 5. A. "~^Xgr & A. S. «.. 1859 <;pßrv rt. Thlr- fii'"«lffA ty-first (\^rff THIS (WEDNES- E*isJvm I'AYi EVENING at S o'clock. KsJKsBfty VWitinsr bretbern c-ordially iv- |£_ra!H__3f CHAS. JELLINEK, ' \u25a0 Registrar. * . stEa f SAN FRANCISCO chapter No. 1. Royal £??jn!<_f Anh Masons, uippk THIS EVEN- <t3^«f ING, Ist ay. ami Clement st. Htisi- Oiyijf ness only. H. G. PRINCE, S<-c. \>fc&l CHOCKKTT lodge No. 139, F. &A. M.. j* 2135 Sutter pt.— Third degree THIS •«#%• (WEDNESDAY) EVENING at 7:30 /k^ o'clock. By order of the W. M. \u25a0 ' ~ ' .. It. H. McPIIERSON. Secretary. EXCELSIOR lodge No. 1(56. F. & A. M.— « Third degree THIS (WEDNESDAY) ,__%_, EVENING at 7:SO o'clock. J^_K H. J. OWEN. Secretary. ' /^TX MISSION lodge No. 169, F. & A. M— A Special meeting THIS (WEDNESDAY) «-/V_, EVENING, at 7:.T0 o'clock. , Third de- J\JK gree. FRANK W. SMITH. Sec. '^r\ STARR KING lodge No. 344,- F. &A.M/. A . 1739 Fillmore st. Second degree THIS ~#U~ (WEDNESDAY* EVENING, at 7:30 /\^ oVlock. 11. F. WRIGHT. Sec. ' \ AUSTRIAN Military and. Benevolent as- vJ-V-* sw-lation will ,irill THIS (WEDNES- wSerla DAYi EVENING. Aiir. 17. 3010. 56« StW Fulton St.. S o'clock. Every member "*»*\u25a0 is requested to be present and to receive in-, stmetions regarding our target' shooting for gold medals, and also report from the commit- tee on parade. Sept. 9, 1910, Admission day festival. By order of S. RAICEVICH. Captain. MICHAEL HAUGHEY. First Sergeant. CALIFORNIA council No. 530. N. >jss_i_Si_V U.. meots THIS (WEDNESDAY) A^KKM EVENING at S o'clock iv Memo- f.£ro£_rar.\ rial hall. Odd Fellows' building, (~«sO?_f74* 7th and Market, fits. *3s&&/Vaf J. H. BERESFORD, Pies. *4j£pSy F. H. COST, Speaker. . MARINE engineers' beneficial association No. 35 Officers and members are hereby requested to attend the funeral*of our late Bro.. THOMAS T. HOUSTON. Wednesday. August 17. at 2 o'clock; from I. O. O. F. hall, 7th and Market sts., S. F. By order E. J. POWERS. President. JOHN M. POWELL. Secretary. LOST AXD FOUXD IF YOU LOSE ANYTHING— Advertise itj here. It will be returned to you If an honest person' finds. It. Remarkable recoveries are brought about every day through this column. IF YOU FIND ANYTHING BRING IT to The f j San Francisco Call . "; .' ; Lout and Found Bureau 1 I Third and Market Street* . Get a claim check. Have it advertised. Reclaim It If the owner does not. *THE LAW People wEßTflnd lost articles are interested In knowing that' the state law Is strict lv requiring them. to seek the owners through advertisements and otherwise, and that failure to do so. If proof can be shown, involves a severe penalty. . ; LOST in Berkeley Saturday, Aug. 13—Gold watch open faced; U. C. .pln.'UG attached to silk fob; reward. Address 2211 ' Durant ay., Berkeley; phone Berkeley 141. " \u25a0' LOST Saturday, small chamois bag containing three diamond rings; reward; tel. Berkeley 3210. or address 1608 Le . Roy aye., Berkeley. LOST Jersey cow; color yellow; branded "A." Return to J. T. HOLLAND, 318 Railroad ay., and receive suitable reward. , \u25a0 . LOST Round mosaic pin, keepsake; reward. Stewart hotel. . *\u25a0. . '~ LOST String -gold beads. Return 333 Carl 6t.; pbooe Park 635; reward, :;.': ;.' \u25a0\u25a0 . LOST Black pocketbook. For reward return to J. M. HIND, 310 California street. .. GOLD locket, engraved \u25a0 Stanley; .leave- with cashier -Call office and receive reward. -\u25a0 EMPI.OVMEXT WAXTED— MaIe ACCOUNTANT keeps small sets of books/ day workiOnly. Address P. OJ^box 283. Berkeley. BARBER, wants a position " in '- a -. country town." 1755 Stockton st. ;:- v: ' CARPENTER and builder wants work; new. oW or remodeling. Address J. -A. WILLIAMS, - 508 Gmgh st., or phone Market 5743.' , . \u25a0' ."\u25a0 ; FOREIGN- ; , Businessman,- German, .4o,; Englisb-Spanisb office experience. - conversant . with •• Spanish custom house tariffs, desires engagement October \u25a0 1 with first class . import house •\u25a0 In : ; Spanish ' America or.U. S. colonies, or as .representative for export . flrm or corporation ,In \u25a0 need 'of executive services: city references. Address \ KOSMOS, box j 1757. Call office: FIRST class Chinese cook In hotel/: restaurant, * boardings house, hospital,".: family;- springs.- \u25a0 Call or address 950 Stockton street,'! room.49. I GOOD Japanese boy \ wants position; cook/. wait ..at table on housework^ in:small family; city of . country. .36 Clement st. ; ' phon*i Pacific \u25a0 2135.' r f GOOD alli around ' man wan ts^. position 'as coacb/- j-niin , or.' man ' about place;.. understands ; garden-; . ingr can" milk;- good '/Address 'box* , .1-1732/. Call -office... •-U-'---; \u25a0? y y >;.. ; > JAPANESE schoolboy; wants : i>osltioi( : near " the ,\u25a0 California \u25a0.Scbi»tl: of Design; experiences -~cook, r V. O.,;l»J17/Guuj;h st.*-; , ". '


Page 1: HEAD WINDS RETARDTHESIERRA - …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1910-08-17/ed-1/seq-13.pdf · immediately went into the drydock. It ... .also brought a large cargo of island



southward. The sea- is smooth, and ifthe fine weather continues.it may bepossible in a- few days to tow thederelict into this port.,

..Water Kront_Aoie«The liner Mongolia, which left here

August 12 for the orient, was 1,174miles away at S o'clock' p. m., Au-gust 15.

Receipts of lumber yesterday by seaamounted to 1,940,000 feet. "~

The steamer City, of Puebla, whichsailed «^Bsterday for Seattle, carriedabout 200 passengers. •

The Pacific. Mail liner City of Parais due today from Panama and wayports. , .

---French . Cruiser on Drydoclc

VALLKJO, Aug. lß.'-^The Frenchoruißer Montealm came to the Mareisland navy yard at noon today andimmediately went into the drydock. Itis expected to remain' about a weekundergoing .an overhauling.

Allen Steamahfp Line'Xot S«I«IIX)NVDON Aug. I"6.—Officials of the

Canadian Paciric railway here say thereis no truth in the report of the purchaseby the Canadian Pacific of the Allenline steamship company.

By United WirelessTuesday, August 16. .

;STEAMEB HONGOLIA—Hence Aug. 12 forj Honolulu: Aug. 15;Sp. m., 1,174 miles ofE San

Francisco.STEAMER FALCON—Hence ,Aug. 14 for Astoria;

Aug. 15. 8p. m.. off Point Gorda; strong north:west wind and sea. .

U, Si S. McCULLOCHi-Aujr. 15, "p.m., in lati-tude 36 40 north, longitude 12S 35 west; posi-tion of wreck of schooner Phoenix the same;fresh northerly wind; smooth sea and cloudy;wreckage drifting south; Aug. 16, off Fishrock, have seen nothing of importance., i

STEAMER HOSE ClTY—Hence Aug. 15 for SanPedro; Aug. 16. 4 a. m.. latitude 34 north, lon-gitude 120 west: barometer 29.90; temperatureSS; calm and overcast. j

STEAMEE PRESIDENT— Hence for San Diego;Auk. 15. 9 p. m., 25 miles southeast of Pigeonpoint;.hazy; smooth; all well. x

-STEAMEE ENTEEPEISE— Hence Aug. 13 for

Hllo; Aug. 15, 8 p. in., 509 miles out; clear;etrong north-northwest wind; heavy northwestswell; rough sea; all well.


From Honolulu for San.Francisco; Aug. 16, 10:30 a. m., IS4 miles outstrong northwest wind and rough sea.

STEAMEE WATSON—From Seattle for SanFrancisco; Aug. 16. 10:20 a. m., sighted smallpilothouse, painted white, \u25a0 partly submerged;in latitude 38 23, longitude 123 23 west, re-ported same to U. S. steamer McCulloch.


Depth at mean low water, entrance to harbor.

PLACE |Ft. | Date | Remarks j|1S feet at mean low >

Grays Har 17 Aug. 5| water In channel to;S j Aberdeen. '. \

Wlllapa B| 27 |Ang. 1| ;

Colnm. R.I 29 jjuly 231Bar "buoy to right !of

Nehalm R 9 July 10 entrance. ,-' Channel isshifting -to nort h,very narrow. 150 ft.

TUlmk B.j 9 Uuly sjChannel shifted 1 mile'I | ( south In gale Nov. 2S.

Yaqnlna B| 12 jJuly S|

Siuslaw R| 6 |Ang. 4| .TUmpqua R| 9 'July 1| \u25a0 r..

12 feet at low tide toCoos Bay. IS June 22 North Bend; 12 feet

<: . at low tide to Marsh-fleld. -

Coqullle R| 8 |June-30'iChannel straight.',

Rogue 8.1 3 |Apr. 27jChannel shifting north.Klamtb RI 5 IAug. I'Channel shifting to

l____' | southward.Hmbldt Bl IS lAug. 1Shoal 300 feet WNW*.

I I I black spar buoy. _SPedro B|_22 _|Aug. 2jNo change in channel.S Dlego~B| 2SHIApr. llNo change In channelfS Pablo Bj24 iDec. UDepth in dredged chan-

I 1 I nel.

Continued on rage 15, Column 5

miiiiii-imr ,j tourists from Hono-lulu, the Oceanic liner was crowdedpassengers, as usual. The Sierra

.also brought a large cargo of islandproducts which included: 5.305 sacks ofsugar, 4,052 bunches of bariarfas, 325ranne^°f

« pineapples ' "10,564 cases ofrfce Pineapples, and 1,379 sacks of

xvaV"rv!ic thie Passengers on the Sierra


v,Miles of the< Salvation

£n£h' nasbeen in the islands in-nflSVPJ 5*5 *-111 ®

"awaiian branch of the

?m^ iZ^iOri-

Whi!e at Honolulu Colonelffici^ted

w at a Salvation Armylnß. On his arrival here Colonel

fhVf '•\u2666 *ose hea< iquarters have been inthis city for some years, received orderserring hlm to Detroit.

lft« fcierra's passengers included:Miss E. Adams h. B. KingwV1-*,^ 1"*1"* iMrs. XinS


J• D. Alexander I.am SalH. K. Ashford mjss B- Lanz<- Becnen Mrs. Ixe*\ ?• Blcknf!l Miss L- M


t ?liBoa *'tv F. D. I^urasJ. K. Eonnell . Mrs. Lucas and Infantlv tß°tB° aei! "• F


!i••I? <

Jlrtlcart Mrs. LuhrmefiUfa* M. T. QntSe Miss L. F. McCarthys!f*

-V CoPC*fa«-ll Mrs. E. MaoFeanXlj^e J. Colbnm Miss O. V. Mapson

»; \u25a0 t- Colbßni !Colonel C. Milesniiss J. Coiciioiror IE \olsonMis* X. Cook \mW. Nelson


- 'r*'i?hton |Mrs. I.Onishi and sonJ. R«y Douglas iOtto Osn

V," K,.Drrf<l«e <

'Mrs. Oss

iJf6*6* fe- J**'** -Mrs. N. Palmantecr: -?-.-::•^tss *5* Putot Ml*• -x- L PotterA*n=. J. Dyer, two ehil- Miss I_ B. Putzman<jren and maid iMiss R. RaphaelI'r.F. I». Fairchild* J I) ReMMrs. Pairchilds Mrs, needL. Ferdt-rbtr (George Reed« . E. Forry jMrs. \V. A. Eideout and1. M. Kultz 1 childMr*. Fula pUkM SailorA. \.Good jxii^s I>. J. BalSafcmrMif*r. Guppy Ml« A. Santo*Miss a. K. Hallock Mls-s NE. S.-hmyl?r>>. Hametnoto (Miss E. SaawMr». li.1., liartcou W. S. ShearerM^s Harmon D. F. Sullivani.L. Hill 'Master C. SuuhoMrs. M. B. Hortoa IW. E. Tbistli-waiteTout Chlng Hung !K. Tre-skow*.• ±iurd 'Mrs. Tivskow and child

K. A. Joaes ]J. Wagner<-• Justi IK. S. WinterTenyo Mara Sails for Far KaM \• _ The Japanese turbine liner Tenyo

Ma.ru, with Captain W. C. T. S. Filnfer

Br temporarily in command, sailed, yester-."^\u2666"-for the far east with a small cargobut a large number of passengers.Captain Filmer, who was formerly inthe company's service but now in busi-riess in this city, is taking CaptainBent s place for one voyage. CaptainBent has been granted sick leave forthat length of time. The star passengeron the liner was Baron Kanetake Oura,the Japanese minister of agriculture,'who is returning to Japan after an ob-servation tour of the world. Manyprominent Japanese residents were ohboard the steamer to bid their dis-tinguished countryman goodby. Anotherl^assfenger on the Tenyo was W. Roder-ick Dorssey. United States vice consul at

•Shanghai, who is returning to his post.The liner carried a large number of

Asiatic passengers, among whom were41 -Hindus who had been ordered de-purted. Although the Hindus now corn-ing to California are neither worse norbetter than the first arrivals, it is onlyrecently that the immigration officialshave found any number of them unfitfor admission to the country. Thosedeported yesterday were sent back,some of them because they acknowl-edged themselves polygamists, butmost of them on the ground that, theywere liable to become public charges.

The Tenyo sailed from pier 34, whichwill be the regular wharf for the T. K.K. ships after the first of next year.Their experience with the new wharfhas greatly pleased the company offi-cials. Xot only does the wharf affordir.ore space and better facilities forhandling cargo than the Pacific Mail.company ever found it convenient tooffer its ally, but the location of thepier in its relation to the tides makesthe docking and departure of the bigFhips a much simpler proposition. TheTenyo got away yesterday in dashingstyle.

The Tenyo's passengers included:For Yokohama

—Mi«3M. Aisawa. E. Barnby,

Charlw! Benjamin, Mi>. Charles Benjamin. A.F.Blaum, Wjiiiara E. Carlin, Mrs. William K.</*rlin. Bftronp** de CUauboulou. Mrs. L. Gug- !r*chln>«. T. Hori, Mrs. James F. Kfrtwy. PerryH. Keenly, Mrs. E. McKim and maid. Miss E*.:M. Muller. Baron K. Oars, T. Sakai, Mrs. B.:Schweitzer. F. H. Scidmorp, Mrs. F. 11. Sold-

'more, Mr*. E. X." Scidmorp. L. M. Sediswick,Mies E. Sharpie**. K. Takaku. F. M. 'JVgner, !

Gcor?e S. Traoy. Mrs. George S. Tracy, H. W.. Turner, Pcreival yon Kirschtea.Kobe—Her. K. Ibuka, I). D.,* Miss M. Naka-

Shanghai— Mr». A. H. AllPn, A. Allison, Mrs."A. Allison. C. E. Bokay. Mrs. C. E. Bokay. MissI.R. Br<»thrrton. R H. Chandlcss, Mrs. R. H.Chandlfss, Rev. F. G. Deis, Mrs: F. G. Deis, W.Roderick Dorsey, Charles fl Freer. "Miss Lillian

•C. Graeff, A. R. Hager. Mrs. B. Harvey, MissMarie T. Hasenpflug. Tracy R. Kclley. Mrs.TracT R. Kelley and infant. Rev. R. M. Mateer,Mrs. R. M. Mateer, Charles C. Merlin. Mrs.Charles C. Merwin, Dr. Caroline S. Mervrin,Her. J. A. Miller. Mrs. J. A. Miller, Jamie M'il-l*r. Zenos Miller, Italpli Miller. Paul t

Miller, O.Moller, Mrs. O. Moller and amali. II.» Myers.Mrs. H. R. Myers. H. Ollerdessen. Mrs. H. Ol-lerdesscn. Miss M." Ollerdeswni, Miss E. Oiler-dessen, E. M. SatKffe. Mrs. E. M. Sutllffe. S.I». Taekian, <i. E. Tucker, Mrs. G. E. Tucker,Miss L.White.


Miss Grace E. Barceburp, F. P.Buchanan. Rev. A. J. Fißher. Mrs. A. J. Fisher.

In John Elliott Fteber. F. R. Fry, .Mrs. F. R. Fryand maid. Miss Mtbel Gllson, Mrs. F. Gold-. f^htnldt. L. Oußceuhime. Rev. William Harris,Mrs. William Harris, Mlfs Christina Harris,Herbert R. Hare. H. R. Hosch, Miss HarrietHowell, Dr. Georfe H. Jenki., Mrs. George. H.Jf-nks, Dr, Clarence J. Kiup, Mrs. A. W. Mar-shall. Wax* Marshall, Glenn Miller. Mrs. GlennMil^r,H. J- Morton, Mrs. H." J. Morton, Mrs.H. M. Paynp. Ka.r PfOpe*1, Quan \Doon. C. G.Sampson, Fred M. Schults. Mrs. Fred M. Scnolte.'Miss M«y Secrist. S. R. Stern, Mrs. §, R. Stern,br. Andrew TiroberrnHn, Mrs. J. S. V'an'Buren,E Vollbrecht. J. S. Vosburg.

Join at Honolulu—

L. Gets, Mrs. J,. Gets, B.Mcakin. S. H. Warren, Mrs. S. H. W«rren, S.Warren. Miss I.Warren.• L,urtftlV ha« a Blsr Carsro

The Matson navigation company'ssteamer Lurline, which was expectedto arrive from Honolulu last nightabout midnight, and will dock earlythis morning, has a large cargo ofisland products and a number of pas-sengers. Among the passengers Is L.X CJ Parish, a former Honolulu po-liceman, who is coming to California'to take charge pf an orange ranch' herecently bought. Another passenger

Ronthe Ivurline is Mrs. M. S. Mack, su-

perintendent of the Susannah -Wesleyhome. She is accompanied by herdaughter, M!§s K. Mack, and is going

to deliver a series of lectures In thiscountrs r.Codfl*her Crarlna Arrive**"rom Xarth

The schooner Czarina,' Captain Wall-

Ifctedt, arrived yesterday, 13 days .fromSanak with 120,000 codfish. Insteadof the' usual tale of hardship, and badluck, 'Captain Wallstedt came homewith a- smile and the news that fishing

in the Bering sea was good -and theweather fine. In-addition to the cod-fish the Czarina brought down 200 bar-rels of salmon. Captain Wallstedt re-ported-that the Schooner :.T.'- D.;Spreck-

i els which left here June 13, arrived atSanak July 13.

Phoenix WrMkage Dri/linffSouthAccording "to a "wireless- received

y yesterday from the revenue cutter Mc-Culloch,

*the capsized hull of. ..the^

"echooner Phoenix is still in thei same

N spite of strong;head winds and anopposing sea that tomost ships wouldhave meant a han-dicap of severalknots an hour, the!Oceanic steamship'company's liner"Si-erra maintained its!schedule speed andarrived early yes- 1

terday morningfrom Honolulu, hav-ing made the run in'•> days, 16 hoars. Al-though the Korea, afew days ahead ofthe Sierra, broughta large number of

Oceanic Steamship Company'sFast Liner Brings Many Pas-

sengers From Honolulu


EMF^aYJMEXTJ^\VAkTBC^^MAX,18, single,' undorstHndlng;' gardening (vege-',table), milkingand horsefff, wants a situatiou; 1

good, poultryman. ;Address*box 'IS6O, Call.'

MACHINIST,'first class *ali:around,' country -pre-"ferred. ;Box'ls/Decoto;;Cal. „ ;:\>. •'\u25a0\u25a0_. \u25a0\u25a0. \u25a0'..

NICK Japanese boy .wants position as a school-boy. J752 O'Farrell St.; phone v^West 3467,Home 1767: :

'-.. V ,

-:•'..'-...\u25a0 . f >

NEAT,-.' honest Japanese . schoollwy wants .posl-. tion to work; can speak English. lIITANI/3039 Sacramento^ st.; f phone .West 6572. \u0084,;-,

WANTED—By.-a; competent l»ok keeper; a smallset of Itonks to attend to ievenings. Address. ;box 1253," tCall "office.".:

—•£?"-> • ' '• '

wTnTKD—WockT will do ALBERTHEAVENSTON. 75 3d.St.:

YOUNG'man wishes position 'as.ca renter /con-

crete form molulng, finishing, concrete work,plasters and complete mechanic. Box 1729,Call office. \u25a0'.:.;'

-, .

YOUNG man familiar with \u25a0 general office workaud experlpnceU in the newspaper business de-sires S position, Ieither -rlty'or • country. Ad-flress box. ISSS. :Call office. ;





COMPETENT laundress, best reference, wishesday work. 80x,1379, Call office.. \u25a0 .

CHRISTIA-N1 woman wants :\u25a0 to care for one. ortwo children \u25a0 from

'1 to ;6 years of,age. , 80. Rauscb st. near' Howard and 9th.

ESTABLISHED dress maker solicits ladies' pat-ronage; perfect fitting; quick and prices 'rea-,

r-sonable; at home or by the <iay. Phone Park\u25a0

'5233. , . *\u25a0 ' - ; \u25a0 . ..-..-..:,;.• .. '; .;

FRENCH pastry. Vran Duesen system, ornament--«ing, fancy poffee cake, • etc.- taught In your*-. own home. Phone Mission 6155, MISS SMITH.

FASHIONABLE dress maker, cutter and fitter;IS years' experience; by the day, $2.50. orat home; no rcheap work solicited. MRS.FOLKY.-\u25a0 1632 Post st.; phone West ,6336.

GERMAN lady with a boy 4 years old. goodcook, wishes position as cook or house keeper;more home than wages;- city or- country.'Please call Astoria hotel office, 906 Washing-ton st., Oakland..

- . ; . \'.-r- '.

YOUNG- Japanese woman . wants position asschoolgirl; can help cook aud washing; can notspeak English and also desires to learn Eng-lish. Address 1591 •,Post St.; * phone Home51274. '

fXame Hashle.) . . »-


782-754-756 HOWARD ST.,BET. 3D AND 4TH STS., San Francisco.

PHONES SUTTER 1205 and 1206, Home J1546..BRANCH. OFFICES:"

...»7th and Broadway, Opp. S. P. Depot, •

Oakland. :\u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0

Phones Oakland 7361, Home A5745,2d and H sts., Sacramento.

2d and Main sts. and i126 Marchesault St.,.^ Los Angeles.

52S Jackson St., San Francisco.\u25a0 Men wanted for all classes of work, Ari-\u25a0 zona, Nevada, Mexico, Oregon. -Washington,- Montana and all parts of.California.





NATRON. ;NATRON. NATRON.Men for R. R. 'work, including station men,teamsters, laborers, drillers,' etc., $2.25 to$2.50 day.50 TEAMSTERS. -4f 50 LABORERS.ALL FREE FARE. ' SHIP DAILY.


OREGON. ;•'/ OREGON.500 laborers, teamsters, drillers, tunnel menrock men, strappers; splkers, track men, menfor steel and baliast gangs on O. & E. R.R.; wastes $2 to $3 day.ALLFREE FARE. NO OFFICE FEE.W. p. R. R. WORK. SPRING GARDEN.

FREE FARE. ,Laborers, Nevada districts; -free fare.

WOOD CHOPPERS. S>: r20 wood choppers, 'FREE FARE, $2 cord.NO OFFICE FEE.


NEVADA LINE.Applegate, Coifax, Auburn,

'Newcastle and

Rocklin. -,-

-.•".\u25a0Laborers, teamsters, drillers, rock men, tunnelmen; ALL FREE -FARE. .

STATION MEN BY CONTRACT.25 men for station work on Rocklin and Col- 1fax cut-off; good prices. •\u25a0


5 plasterers, big Job, south: $5 day; free fare.FREE FARE.-

WILLITS—SHERWOODTunnelmen and muckers, N.. W. P. R. R.,$07.50 to $90. . ••-- '-..... . .. \u25a0




"150 laborers, \u25a0- no \u25a0 experience .\u25a0 required, toiwork for the big lumber companies of Hum-Iboldt and Mendocino counties; wages $40 andfound and $60. > . \u25a0-. , ,

*, ".. \u25a0







Donkey engineers,' woodsmen, swampersrspool tenders, edgermen, wood choppers andtie makers.10 teamsters for the woods. $70,' fare paid.

LOGGING CAMPS,20 laborers for a big camp, south, $67.50to $90. /


Brick mason foreman, $6 day.10 brick layers for a new Job In San Ber-nardino co., board in hotel, $5 day; long job.

MECHANICAL. ISteam shovel engineer and cranesman, $140ami $100. 'Engineer, dredger, '. near city, $75 and fd.Fireman, oil (dredger).. $45 and.fd.Repair machinist, country, $3 • day. .2 timber framers, tunnel, frt>e

'- fare, $90..4 millwrights, lumber co., $120.Tinners, garbage cans, piece . work. ;

Electrician, mining company. $120. iTool sharpener and blacksmith, free fare, 500.5 brick layers, country. .$6 and •$7 day. ;9 blacksmiths, camps,- ranches and shops, $60

>: to $75 and fd.; $3; to $4 day. \u25a0-"•'.\u25a0\u25a0- ...3- budders, nursery, country. $2.50 to $3 day.


10 riveters and rivet heaters, for. a.bigr

jobsouth, $75 and fd.. • • . • /-CHOREMAN AND WIFE.Man as choreman.- wife "to cook, small vine-yard, boss here, $50 and fd.

THESE -TODAY'S '"SPECIALS.Wheelwright. R. R. camp, free fare,' slos.Keystone drillers, free fare/ $9O.

.Keeper, country -^shooting club, understandgasoline launch, fare paid, $40 and. found."'Harness maker, act as night.watchman/ $2.50day. _-^ .10 laborers, oil company, board In hotel, $2.25

-day. .5 gutter layers, broken rock, $2.50 'day.

FLUME WORK.10 handy men to work on flume,- • lumber com-Pan>>

fanp PAID—SHASTA COUNTY.5 buckers for the woods. $65, fare paid.

1'2 spool tenders, fare paid, $70, - ; -. '• Trimmer jmen, log loaders \u25a0 and bark', peelers,Mendocino county, $75:

'fare paid. \u25a0 :,\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 >* -'i

ROUGH CARPENTERS.! V10 rough csfpenters, -few tools, to' work onR. R. trestle for. a lumber \u25a0 company, south,$67.50 to $90. "\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 •* :


10 laborers,"- no experience required, for"-alarge company, short distance' country, $2.25

, per day.~

S; • ,'150 \u25a0 laborers;. •all passes of work,. city and

.country, $07.50' t0-fis.- \u25a0•

' ... .;,.FREE FARE.


~. ""> Italian and, Austrian '.laborers, $07.50. .- FRUIT? PICKERS.

25 men to. pick." pack iand \u25a0do |general work.-in all kinds of fruit and almonds, $37.50 fd.


WORK '\u25a0 AROUND;THRASHERS..,23 laborers -' to pitch bundles and <do, generalwork. around \u25a0 thrashing machines. $2 day fd.9

'27 farmhands .and teamsters.-. 535 and $40 fd:15 milkers, *1\u25a0to S3 fare, !sr?s,! $r?5, $40 fd..

MISCELLANEOUS. :'.Warehousem an, R.R. company, $60."Lead •<burners, brirk burners andmstrikeoffmen. $2.50 to $3 day.

-\u25a0''\u25a0-..-*-,;\u25a0 '\u25a0:.-." •

\u25a0 /

10 :laborers, "road \u25a0 work, Mendocino .county,'152.50 'day.'"-'


" r :-:.\u25a0\u25a0^; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-.;-. '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 . ..-..

10 laborers, factory .work,'-' near- city,- $2 !day.Milker and wife to' cook,' $65 and fd. .Cheese ,maker and wife* to

'cook, \u25a0 $65 and

'fd.--. v-GANG;OF HINDOOS.* ; L.,_Gang ofiHindoo \ laborers^- to -. work -in celery

and beans, $1.70 dHy.'.bonrd? yourselves, i'\u25a0•- GROCERY." CLERK.,*. \

'- Exporienred grocery clerk,: country, merchandise• store,' $15 week.:\? "\u25a0\u25a0:".*\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0-> : : ;• ". LABCTRERS—CITY \u25a0; V-

10 laborers.*

work- in city,-$2.50 daV.FOR HOTELS. :ETC., ,v :\u25a0-'

\ . .^.BAKERS AND 'OTHERS, v..Waiter.

-nurses', hall.'; $30 fd./, free ifare ; cook

\u25a0 and -dish -washer, same, 'country-"restaurant-

s6o and $30 fd.; \u25a0;:,.:\u25a0 -v \u25a0

• '• Baker.: country shop,' $14 week' and fd. -, " .'•Baker's, helper.' s7 week fd. • . .Porter and

-help at^bar, \u25a0\u25a0 hotel.- J.535J.$35

.to $40 and fd. \u25a0:-:.,/- -\.;.;>;; \u25a0 -.. ;v'-"'v Cook and w,walter in:ciuntry resaurant, $50'• and '?35 and fd..;-•

'\u25a0 -.'-.\u25a0

' -,"Walter, also vegetifble. man, same :camp..»s.'sOand-fd.;:s flunkies.. RAR.:camp, .s25 -and;fd.

-» Cook . for -.a*

few \u25a0, men ;\u25a0 at:gold mlne.% $40 -and• fd.;;cooks.' country.vhotels.' $40 to $60 and fd.';'

3 camp cfoks, $50. $60 and:fd.*:>3 :.ranch cooks.:;\u25a0-\u25a0 $40; cooks.", hay:press?rs and] thrashers, $35jto

$60 and 'fd.":saushge maker." s4o lfd.::2 camp;waiters. is3o fd. reporters. ..kitchen' help, and\u25a0,dish washers/ $3O to $40 and fd: ;A— '.\u25a0• \u25a0-.

'SEE. OUR BULLETIN:BOARDS." -" 'OUR:DAILY LIST..'-See iwho' does 'th*> business, j.:•\u25a0-

•. :,;>\u25a0'\u25a0- MURRAY/&ftREADY/,./ •r= \u25a0

782-784:786 r Howard "Street/. '\u0084WHOLESALE grocery ;bouse wants bill clerk .'ex-

;/:.perleneed In grocery or:slmllar,llpe; . first"classmchance Ifor- advancement: vreplyjin:own '\u25a0 hand--wrltlng-^gts tingfage. -:experience." phone <num-

:ibor;and TSlary^ expected:,^- 80xi1760.; Call. i-FIRST CLASS ;cook;for.12

"»r 14

'gentlemen :;clty- '.place place:>:refprences ::*50. :< Apply,in person,;~ MISS PLUNKETT, .1596. Gutter st.: \u25a0}' ..'.

(MALE HELP \VAiVTEP--tContinued '






:'^ HORST.;CO.. 150 PINE ST..-S: F. NHOP" PICKERS', SPECIAL TRAINS for •\u25a0 both

Saaz and" Largo ranches will leave THURSDAY'MORNING/AUGUST. 18, at 8:15. via Sausa^

lito boat from Ferry building/,foot.of. Market. st. .'Be sure to be on hand early -enough tocheck your baggage;. SPECIAL RATE,TICK-.ETtj will be on sale at;OUR OFFICE ONLY,Tuesday ;and IWednesday, 9 a.'m.,to 5 p. m.


AMERICAN HOP AND BARLEY;COMPANY.;.. 116 California- st./ : : ;

- .. . .\WANTED—AbIe, bodied men ...for; the; U. S;

Marine corps, between, the ;, ages "of. 19 -and 35.Must" be inative born :or -have ./, first ..papers.'Monthly pay $15 to $69. -Additional compensa-tion possible. Food, clothpig. quarters and medi-cal attendance free. /After 30 years' service canretire ' with 75 \u25a0per cent .of pay and allowances.Service ou board ship and :ashore in \u25a0 all parts ofthe, world.' Apply U; S. Marine corps, Recruit-ing station,

'9s.Market st., San; Francisco/ Cal.


MEN WANTED, age 18 to 35,,for.firemen, $100":.monthly,

-and brakemen |$80, ;on

'nearby ':rall-,roads; experience; unnecessary;., no strike; pro-

.motion . to- engineers,; conductors;-railroad, em-

ploying hoadijußrters,* over*"soo men sent topositions monthly; states. age; send | stamp.RAILWAY ASSOCIATION, care Call office.


Services Of.a-bright,'energetic jman

iin a growing, business with great; future; thisis a fine chance for the' right man; salary to. start $150 and share in business; $3,000 cashInvestment in the .company required, iAddress

'box 1796, Call office.; ->\u25a0\u25a0"; ; . "- -

*»" ' '

BOYS wanted over 14 years age. 1461 Polk st.

BOYS, wanted; good wages. 25S Montgomery st.

MEN and women, learn the barber, trade; .posi-tions guaranteed; we can not supply demand for'our graduates; expert instructors; we teach in

; R weeks and pay wages while learning. ', Call-and let'us explain jhe Moler system.' 234 3d st.

WANTED—Experienced |book keeper who also un-

:derstands shorthand and stenography, also drygoods and fancy goods . for country;|not over'.85 \u25a0\u25a0: years -of. age;-- state references and salary. expected. Box 1738, Call offict. .

SHIPPING CLERK wanted; young man who -hashad experience in butter, eggs and cheese pre-ferred; good opportunity -for, the right man.

"\u25a0\u25a0 Address box 1478, Call office. \*"'"' ' •

WANTED--A good hardwood floor layer; apply,at President Wheeler's lioune.* on the campus,

Berkeley, Cal. F. A: WILLIAMS.10 BUSHELMEN wanted :must be first.'class

men tailors; good :salary: -no others need ap-ply. W.BARON.IIB Geary Bt.>: ;: ,-'

DOUGLAS HOUSE, 758 Harrison, near 3d— Now"X.open; 200 hard finished rooms; reading room;shot water; rooms 25c day* $1.25-$4.50 week.

AA—\OUNG man about 20 years as book keeperand stenographer. Apply.to HOLDEN-DEU-PREY CO., 12C. West, Mission st. ;

WANTED—6OO men to occupy rooms, 20c to 3Ocper night (free bath); at the NEW YORK, 753

.Howard st. between 3d \u25a0 and 4th.; ;,-- :A/MEN of.-' Ideas

"with -

some inventive ability.GREELEY &-McINTIRE, Patent Attorneys,Washington, D. C. . : \u25a0\u25a0;-\u25a0\u25a0-

EGG CANDLER wanted, jApply Western Meat,Company, 6th and, Townsend sts. \u0084-. -', . .MAN wanted to drum for tailor store on good

terms. 90S Market st., room 216.

FIRST GLASS engraver wanted., Baldwin Jew-elry Co., 33 Kearny st. . -.-'- .

WANTED—A sole leather roller. A. B. PAT-RICK CO.. Fairfax ay. ..>,\u25a0

COAT MAKER:wanted for the country. ;ApplyARNSTEIN, SIMON &~ CO.

STEADY man to attend cigar stand; experienceunnecessary: small security required. 306 12th.

BOY with wheel wanted. Apply 10 o'clock, 612O'Farrell st.

PHOTO coupon agents wanted; good proposition.SCHAFFER..72,San Pabloav., Oakland. :

NEW WESTERN, 1124 Howard—Single rooms,15c' and 20c per night; hot -and cold water.

MEN wanted at 103 3d st. to have their shoes• repaired: sewed soles 75c. done In 10 minutes.


1 WASTED—Men at Los "Angeles, /no expense, toIwtrn trades of electricity, •automobiles, rplumb-Ing,;brick laying, by actual work on- contract. jobs;.only \u25a0 few months

'required ;:2oo .studentsx last year: catalogue free. 1023 Mkt. St.. S. F.


AAAAA—Young, women wanted as bythe.Paclflc Telephone and .Telegraph Company;must be/ bright,.neat In"appearance^ betweenthe ages of 18 and 25 years, of fair educationand unquestionable character. \u25a0': ;::


-\u25a0\u25a0-••'• \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0..:\u25a0 v,


-->;; -'-, '\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 •<\u25a0 ••..-\u25a0 '.::- \u25a0-


OPPORTUNITIES? -TO -ADVANCE:.-\u25a0.-\u25a0'-.\u25a0 |For full particulars call, preferably be-

tween 8:30 a., m. and 12 noon," at the Operat-ing.School, -Telephone Office, 2015 Steiner st.corner^Plne. ;

-:• \

", ./"\u25a0

COOK, and second-girl,.- same house, city, $35.$30; parlor maid and waitress, city place, $4(«;chamber maid, must be willingto do a littlelight wash,. family of 2, no company, $35; firstclass cook that understands foreign cooking.$70; neat, smart seonnd girl, $30; young Ger-man or. Swedish, cook, 2 in family, $40, city;two•good cooks, city place,, $40, $50: capablelady's maid, French prcferredy $40; 40. bimse-"work girls,;- fine places, good wages. -Apply inperson, MISS,PLUNKETT, 1890 Sutter st. r

HOP PICKERS' SPECIAL TRAINS for bothSaaz and Largo ranches willleave THURSDAYMORNING. AUGUST 18. at 8:15. via Sauna-lito boat from Ferry building, foot of Marketst. Be sure to • be ,on hand -

early'enough to

check your baggage; SPECIAL RATE TICK-ETS will be on sale at OUR OFFICE ONLY,Tuesday and Wednesday, 9 a. m: to 5-p m'AMERICAN HOP AND BARLEY COMPANY,116 California st. >-.;.' .. '-\u25a0 '.


Women and girls apply Immediately for•#cutting; and - canning fruit; 'highest; wages,- steady work, healthful and moral: surroundings.

CALIFORNIA CANNERIES CO., 18th:,andMinnesota sts.



WOMEN and girls' wanted/ to "work on' fruit;Ihighest ." wages .paid;:carfare allowance ;pleas-

ant occupation; ;sanitary -workrooms; \u25a0', specialinducements to competent- canners and cutters-- SUNLIT FRUIT CO., 4th and . Dwight- way,

,: Berkeley.":;^ -'iX^'i- '\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0*:- .•'..;\u25a0-. '.-.". \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0/*—•

AT the Women's 'Employment jBureau, 202 Pa-cific;building.' 4th, and ;Market sts.— 3 nursos/,',' sanatorium, $35;^ cooks, $35-$4O; dining.'rooii^\u25a0V;al,' iuKtltntion,; $25; 2o general housework

\u25a0^glrJs.gocil; wages.' ••;. ..«....\u25a0 ,-'\u25a0'.;„'


/"v,.::' .-

PLENTY 'of work, goodIwages,' for women andSB girls;;start'v Immediately.; and \u0084work

-until..- No-


15;.cottages ;and ;tents provided. $Callat once. Central California Canneries, San Lo:

-r'.renzo, Alameda county,'; Cal. „.."•.:. •, . ''\u25a0"\u25a0:"*'. "-T- ; OAKLAND.^

- .' '


LEVI STRAUSS :& C0.." 3p AND CLAY STS:. ;.;.; -;,•\u25a0:•"\u25a0 -APPLY TO:MR.:DAVIS., : _ -_ r

SALESLADIES '- In 'candy store; experience notnecessary: those' living" with parents pre-ferred. -Call -Wednesday. 10-11 a. m.v-'GEO.". HAAS;&-SONS, Vr770 Marketst." . ;>

LADIES.Vlearnr hair dressing iat? CALIF. J COI>LEGE OF HAIR DRESSING; and. Beauty Cul-"ture;diplomas aud

*formulas jgiven;individual

|instruction. ;967%'Market st. bet.'sth,and 6th.

LEARN;haIr dressing/? manicuring/' hair.worklng:19 massage; ispecial teachers; 'evening classes:- 1The'. NEW.MILDRED HAIR PARLORS,:i3O Geary:


bonbon % and vchocolate idipper?f?ApplyfGRUENH AGEN'S.-* 137 *Powell ;st.,- bet.''

y*,'i.-11-a.j;m.t and i.l:3olp.? m.:-_ :'-"'-..-.-/- ; :

STENOGRAPHER for ;-law t office;;good chance\u25a0\u25a0 for beginner;. education! and vim.' wanted; ;staterisalary; expected.;?^ Box i1747,% Ca1lloffice.,'>,-.ICOMPETENT -girlc for;, general' ;housework* in'

s/ small ff.family;;. good *^cook;X wages '$25. .:2220:::>Devisadero ;st. -*5 ".;•"-*\u25a0>:'\u25a0\u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0.-"\u25a0'.\u25a0' :."-.-i• -'

;-'.\u25a0.-\u25a0:-" ./ :'.".;.'

GIRL'ifor •'. general /.house work;|no .washing, jIron-'~. Ing;or heavy:sweeping:'( wages •$25;•4;in•• fam-;illy..\u25a0".•"Boxj22l,"?.Sausallto.T-% -.;? :V.- :\u25a0\u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0/; '.- : '-

SPECIAL" rates-^Learn hair dressing.- manicuring.y-',hair;work:s ohlyisystem Jin*3iwks.;*\u25a0 positionsi) waiting.!MILDREDhair'Store. ;1475-Halght:st.' L

SPINNERS -wanted-: at iorice: steady iwork-guar-'anteed.^ Apply;POßTLAND WOOLEN |MILLS*iv^St.', Jobns/>Ore.*''s/-'-.>r' :% =.;\u25a0-"* i*.. v-?'7-.';>."cSsi yjJ?!*£

BIG"young tnurse '<girl;/21children;Z goodIwages.'v;107 .;3d-;av.?;;;:^; \u25a0>-"\u25a0.- ;;:;^;.r;/::.:-:,-.-/\u25a0.-y.'.. \u0084. ,"t

.WANTED—Young girl for.general ihousework ;and\u25a0j: ':cookIng.V Ca11 ;a t 948 Guerrero st.*;e0r.1 22d:i:;

GlRL*for.Lplain*cooking *and-:housework; .wages;--$25. .^Apply,at;bakery/1598. Fulton ;st. .;:',-', ; .

Q-l'J-Lt i""»<"'*|WI'll'11'"'I1'LI1ni"i|j'""

1111HnIhilhiiiIWJIWM|IBL_t 11111 AXD SUPPLIES . ':



*-;Iron/* as you fall.'know;..was the first in metal-lurgy;jthen-by-later .- discovery \u25a0 the '\u25a0> many differ-

ent;steels came into use.V TUNGSTEN STEEL,*the -very \u25a0 latest, presents

"'to •you

'the rbest -.ever.

Inrfact TUNGSTENiSTEEL RAZORS are >as farahead of other so called: goodirazors as a.Tungsten

•electric lamp is.versus a candle. vf;We have many.genuine-*testimonials from the most- prominentbarbers,', praising- thC\ high-QUALITY of thisrazor.- We :have* the EXCLUSIVE AGENCY.Price $2.25/ ' :, . '

:", -DECKELMAN BROS., :INC./'- 162-164;Turk;st.,;San? Francisco,'. Cal.,'.

TWO chair shop, $200; % Interest $125;; fixturesscofit $500. > COLEMAN, 830 Market st. ;-.r..- ;

THHEE tchair Icountry," shop; only\u25a0 one |in (town;-"pop; 1,000; $600'takes It;this- week. COLE-

•£ MAN;;B3O Market;st. :•:\u25a0:\u25a0:. X:-r;,'.-—-, r: \u25a0

PARTNER, 4 chair sbop on Market;,long,lease;'\u25a0•• $500;? low 'rent; 'a bargain;, partners disagree.

COLEMAN/ 830 Market st. ;>'•-';".-,'-'. v /'

TWO,chair shop, $300; this' ls a snap; rightanheart of city. .COLEMAN,

tB3O Market st. \u25a0 y j

BARBERS -at» Stolts'/ 731 iMarket ;St.— You can";,-. save

-money this week ;on Koken round base

hydraulic chairs; also several nonhydraulic. chairs ;\u25a0French • plate s mirrors, tall \u25a0\u25a0 slaes ;.dou-;ible.-and^ single. 'bowl wash stands with all•j,nickel > trimmings; one": cash- register ;>poles;.' stands/ bottles, \u25a0 etc.; remember, '.great sav-• ing:can be imade this •-week ;\u25a0\u25a0 cash or on terms:Xs to ,:suit. ;\u25a0 /

-.--• ..- ,,•;- ..-,-••\u25a0- ..' ;'\u25a0_\u25a0.. \u25a0\u25a0:•'.; -^.-j

; BARKER SANITARY CHAIRS.. : .>Sold on installments of $5 PER MONTIL: i

CHAIRS, FIXTURES, VIBRATORS or HAIRDRIERS' soId on small monthly payment- and. wewill allow youT top:price on' your <old- fixtures inexchange. .Remember, we are not In the trust.'


Phone: Franklin 3899. . ; \u0084 . ;94;94 Tnrk st...'|950__4 . chair barber., shop \u25a0 in.San ;Jose/, strictlyi:up-.to;date ;.fine -location;'.-good 'average "bnsl--

ness; cheap rent and 'lease: -belling on account':,of. sickness.' ,rAddress ;F. •H.^B.'p- Call ;"agency,,",San Jose/- ;:..*;- i*-;\u25a0:,.

*'.'."* \u25a0•..:"j>'.V: '.-, •\u25a0-.. '\u25a0'\u0084 -.

BARBER shop running 4 chairs steady; rent .only:. $18; good lease;: fine furnltilre; shop worth good• money;'\u25a0 owner;died lately,\ therefore ;shop can •

'.be'bought for-$550/:;Don't ;mlss. this.:- Inquire,STOLTZ,.73I Market st./. y- .'~ ;,"./-; XWANTED—Men ;and ,women ,to learn jbarbering,'so many have

'left'for- good \u25a0"jobs,, must ;have

s 'more beginners; absolutely free to next 10.'Call;,S.iF: BARBER' COLLEGE, 790 Howa rd st. f

FOR sale^-2 chair barber shop and baths, nearSan" Francisco;- Cal. r-r-lCall at BEGKEL &PRESHER,- 373 12th-~st.; Oakland/ Cal., or60 6th st.., San, Francisco, Cal.


$100.. CASH1baysi2 fchair \u25a0 shop,-3 :living|rooms,'

all newly \u25a0 furnished,* with' fine",location; lease;clearing $30 .weekly; balance $100/ easy terms.'2231 Clement "st.;this , week {only. "-

TWO chair union- shop; cheap rent; good. Hying;|$100 Ifsold this w>ek;:other business.- Corner\u25a0-.7th;and -Harrison •streets.'./ :.':.' . '

'.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0• '\u25a0

CHEAPEST new .mirrors -In• city;new . barber': chairs and :- shops -bought >and sold/ • Phones\u25a0V Park;1242, M2941; 394 -Hayes st:

' '-.iK

FIRST class 2 chair barber, shop for sale. ln best•town- on- coast. -fApply-314 /Macdonald aye., •

Richmond, Cal.;'T ; v. , _\-

;. :'': -GOOD barber wishes 'evenings or nights,- Satur-'-.day noon and :Sunday job. 2239 Sutter st. \u25a0


WANTED^-Experienced .lady.: barber; steadyposition. 335 Third St. .<


Nonunion barber; good wages. 362-3d st. -:- '---'. ','.\u25a0

"\u25a0'. > \u25a0" •


WANTED—First-class barber. 544 Market st.

BARBER wanted. . 1018 Kearny st.BARBER, eveniiigß, Saturdays and Sundays;.... steady work. 508 Valencia st. -' \',

BOOTBLACK wanted at'l662 Devlsadero «t. cor-•ner Sutter. - : \u25a0: -\u25a0--..-\u25a0

LIVELYbarber wanted at 75 per cent; can makegood wages.

"821 :Devlsadero st. \u0084

GOOD barber for the rest of tha-week at 3375Mission st. . \u25a0 . .

GET the best, it costs no more, at BAUER'S bar-kers' supplies,- 59 O'Farrell st. .BARBER, country hotel, $50 month and found.

\u25a0Apply 8 Sacramento st., 9. a.m. . ' '

BARGAIN for this week only; $185 cash buy^'$500 2 chair shop." 394 Castro st.

WANTED—To rent barber shop. San Francisco or. Oakland; state terms. >Box 1745, Call office.2 CHAIR barber shop: good' location; cheap

rent; owner .leaving city.' 2002 Mission St.YOUNG married man" wants steady Job in coun-- try; Al barber. \u0084 Address 1703 Sanchez st.YOUNG -.- barber, -apprentice, to finish trade;

\u25a0> good opportunity. 2965 Mission -t., near 26th.BARBER' wanted for Saturday at 547 lGth St.,-:corner Clay,, Oakland. ;. ;

BARBERS' Protective Union—

Employment secr<«-tary: W. BARON. 775 Mkt.: phone Kny. 5384:

SALESMEN' and SOLICITORS WANTEDSALESMAN.,'wanted— BlgQffer to big men! write'

'.;:us for particulars: yo« willbe Interested. Ad-g dress OREGON NURSERY COMPANY, Orenco,,:*Ore. .- \-.;,, ;. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0--;\u25a0:,/\u25a0 ;-.; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.<-:-' ,\u25a0 '.

CORPORATION > wants salesman who has had. experience withjthe sales of stock and bonds.Box 1797, Call office. v

SALESMANI'for -country work: salary and com-

\u25a0' mission; beach property. • 14S0 Market"st. -.\u25a0


AAAA—CANTON Bureau of • Information—Chl-:ncse 'servjants; contracts for resorts. Canton, Bank.bldg., 649 Kearny St.: phone Sutter .118.'

AAA— . PHONE WEST 1731/ ,• r Largest Japanese and Chinese employment of-

fice In city.irT. TAMURA CO.. 1012 Lagnna st.

AA—OSCAR HATSUMI, Japanese-Chinese Emp.'Co.; best help with care and guar.'' 1513 Geary

St.; phones West 5688. Home S4OSB.';

A. S. HORl,''

reliable Japanese-Chinese help. promptly furnished :-open day and night. "-'1748\u25a0Sutter st. PHONES— WEST 2803. S-2503.

J. CANN/ Chinese employment bureau. PhoneDouglas '

3106. ,770 .Clay st:v San Francisco. )

H. W. HONG, Chinese - employment :office; 805Webster st.,Oakland ? phones Pekln 25. A372-V

STAR:emp. office; Japanese-Chinese- help.-.W.~JIKOPATA:rl6OB Gcary;-tel. West 167, S49OS.

ROOMS TO LET-^Fur. and Unfnr/^A COZY home for respectable ladles, 1130 Mar-

ket st: near Bth.,under, anspiees of the SAL-'• VATION ARiIY; "elegantly 'furnished; every:

"modern convenience ;.'steam heat, electrfc- lightand elevator service;- spotlessly^ idean;. centrallylocated; thoroughly homelike; telephone Market1349; prices, very moderate, -ranging ,from;2sc


\u25a0 per night \up; special rates by the week or;month. ;See matron, room 33. _.

AAA— :•-.-;•..;..\u25a0;\u25a0•\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 ;•.-;-•. r.- -,-"•-'\u25a0 -\u25a0-•r-".. \u25a0 •'\u25a0\u25a0?. Nicely furnished sunny front room, bath. Inprivate family: rent very:;reasonable; near 3

%', car :lines. ,350.5', 23dist. near .Valencia, ' *•*::"-v.i:/A—SINGLE :ROOMS-^Nicely,s. furnished,^, steamIheated/- bath/ hot water always, elevator. \u25a0\u25a0,1474

Sacramento st.' above. Hyde.- • • : - , -

,BARTLETT, st.,*-19^i—3 nice, \u25a0 sunny, * furnished, rooms ;for gentlemen ;;reasonable, v '-:\u25a0-. -\BUCHANAN St., 1519,*:near O'Farrell-'-Sunny^

\ furnislietl rooms; in.middle flat.^ , , <

BROADWAY,iIS2O, next to Van Ness ar.—Fine,: large, ,sunny «front

'room;'\u25a0 others.marine


"iconvenlent to all cars. :--t"!^ -•:-• ,rt'";"\u25a0 • .CLARA st.; 164, <near \sth— 2Irooms partly|fur-**'nished; one; room unfurnished; poreh rentrance.

DEWEY HOUSE.' '4th.and* Howard— All modern;.:conveniences ;200 rooms,' \u25a0 35c to $1 day, $2 ;to'./ss:a week;'freebaths;:lloward or,4th st: cars.DEVISADERO st.T42B, bet. Oak and Fell—Large

sunny- furnished rooms; bath; pbone Park 7182;\u25a0handy' to'cara;; $2 week 6;up.-:/; --v;,-;-:'; \--

EDDVist./ 827—3 • sunny Urooms, •V: with ,bay

velegantly H furnished ;Vwalking.-'; dis-"'^tance ;*board; If:desired Treasonable. -.'-

EDDY St., 952—Nicely furnished: single \u25a0>. rooms,'\u25a0 $2 week: walking distance; trauslents 50c

.•\u25a0 day;i, house ;keeping if;desired. \u25a0:..- .-:> j-r-iS<-EDDY? St., .1112/. opp.' Jefferson fsq.— Nicely • fur-

K|nished room;(run. water;"gentlemen pref.;$10."ELLIS.St.; *

-1052—Nicely-- furnished ;'room, •'. with-separate, entrance; iwalking distance; $5."^;/

GOLDEN. GATE!ay./,IOOI.vAopposite •\u25a0 Jefferson;::Square— Sunny, room/ 12 .windows,:bath, ;pbone;/jevery •convenience. \u25a0 . . . .; : \u25a0

\u25a0 ;•.

GOUGH st./ 1315—Newly,furnished single room;r: $1.50 week ;sbath, \ phone,f3*'C.;•.;• -\u0084 -;>.;.,/••\u25a0<

HOWARD|st./. 212UA-^-2 jvery,sunny ,front|rooms;Hfinely1furnished •;,and 'comfortable ;;.;reasonable.

iHOWARD wf 5t..«2171—Sunny,i-furnished '- frontt-.ts room;;$10 jfori1jperson; oosrs $12ifori2.RCSJiJdS!HOWARD ;st:/ 2179.'; near,ISth—Nicely


\',-;sunny, rooms/> 1-2-3 \u25a0 rooms ;bath in.each. . ;• .;.LAGUNA'5t..'!824/ cor.;McAllister—Sunny,'- frtent.

:^ "»,bay;.wind_ow,»hkpg^'rooms:.s3.so-per,.woek. f -.LEAVENWORTH;st.T'i 861,'f near;,' Bush— Sunny.' furnished .'suite, witb:running;water;,also '

sin-:Vgle: rooms.*: suitable ;<for S- gentlemen;^'? phone;:C"walking;distance.".";.;.,- ;> . ;.;/;: . .-*\u25a0 :\u25a0/..\u25a0*-,--\u25a0

NICELY •furnished' room:for:Xsor •2'gentlemen.;:Noe yValley,;;district;[iquiet tneighborhood ;:;prl-:,. »'\u25a0 family;*"near '-.;carllne." \u25a0 vFor \u25a0 particulars.;;'address jby.:letter 4030 j23d'st.: give


OVERLAND;HOUSE, vS6B ;Sacramento fit.fbelow*»:?Montgomery—Now jopen:>200 \rooms;

'<hot 'and£S cold

*water \u25a0in \u25a0 every-room;*25c :to

'J2 'per:'day ;,. $1.50 to;ss per,. week:- ';EDW. ~ KOLKIN.;.Prop.

PAGE s,st.,s-454,'-, near^. ;.Buchanan-^-Sunny/ 1"1"^bay^<~ window tfront = parlor;\priv.s family;* qulet.^ se-'

;":'\u25a0' lect ? neighborhood :zmarine J,view;%$3 lweek.i-;PIERCKI__.?* 120.='. cor.'S Haight—Nicely>furnished;r2;room \apartments ;

'$18;and .- $20. v; ;'";: '.-;.-

PINE;5t.',11909.' near; Oeta via—^Sunny,frontIroom:lyk4 > windows,'* fireplace," piano?; bath; '.carpets .and''.furniture new; aUo buiall-rooms, $B:up.v..^^-"',

. /* ROOMST ? LET--Contlnaed

STEINER st.; 909—

Fine, large*aunny bsmt. fur-t!\u25a0 nished ;stove ;gas ;.1-or 2 men;" $4 each mo.

SHOTWELL St.. S74— Large, sunny.. front parlor;\u25a0low 'rent:- gentlemen.

-\u25a0 . '\u25a0

ROOMS FOR HOUSE KEEPIXG -'\u25a0AAA—TURK st.. 1159, bet. Laguna and Bu-,chanan

—Cozy ,little \u25a0 house . keeping Irooms, .$2

'.up;:modern flat:iphone,' bath, laundry.

ARMY St., :3359, near; Mission—

2 or 4 furnished•: swnnyi'house keeping rooms: gas. bath, regular: kitchen: '. home comforts; reasonable. *T M

" '

BAKER st.." 316. opj>. Panhandle—

2 sunny front:rooms, all cony., reasonable; single, $6 month.

BARTLETTJst..- 419.' near .25th—2 or 2 housekeeping-rooms, -.slo. $!-.>\u25a0 t2O. •

BELVEDERE st., 133—2 elegant front rooms,furnished, for house- keeping; bath, gas; rea-

/sonablo; also furnished room. $0 per month. .CARMELITA;st.

-:78. •; nr. Duboce park—2 fur-

nished bouse keeping rooms, -with use of bathI and laundry ;private family; rent .reasonable.


Partly fnrn. rear 3 roomapt. ;\u25a0 ground -floor; morn."-sun; $15; fnrn. 2- room apt.:private bath{ no. sun: $22.50; r«f3.

DOLORES, 1427—

A new sunny front house keep-| ing room/bath and laundry, $12.50, per month.

ELLIS st.," 1177—

Sunny room, $6 per month; also- house keeping suite,. $20 per month; gas and;.- bath. ..-:.

'.; •-. '. •"

\u25a0 ,'.j\ ' •--\u25a0

FILLMORK St., 173S— Suite .of"2 or 3 nx^ms,'

real kitchen., at $2. up;..*lngle-sunny frontv:..rbom/ $2 np; electric,light.and _bath. ,

GEARY 'st., 1692— Sunny alcove room and-/ kitchen for couple; phone. \u25a0

-GOUGH- st.. 1315—Newly furnished 2 rooms.. complete for^house keeping; $12 month; bat-;

i;both, plwnes.' ' ' ,\u25a0-•-




House keeping rooms; rea-*-. sonable." \u25a0

'\u25a0* -..-'-_ '

HOWARD st.,' 563—

Front room and kitchen, fur-.-nished, $12;-'2 con.,- gas or coal, $10; others,/single or double, $1.50 per week.

LANDERS St., 109-111 A, bet. 15th and 16th—I

v rooms;. gas; bath; ? 13. 6 small snnny rooms,-gas, yard. $IQ. \u25a0 ,.

-LYON, "1911;' nr. Sac— 2 sunny "furn. bskpg.

.basement rooms; laundry; yardi."very cheap.

OCTAVIAst.. 1410—Several fine rooms for house'\u25a0 ? keeplßg;Tednce<l rates; select neighborhood.

POST st./ 1632/ near Laguua— Elegantly furn.front parlor anil kitchen; extremely light and

-sunny; -very moderti; no other \u25a0 roomers. Phone.;West 6336. .-."."-.,''' . ,

SCOTT- 8t..-*605. Sutter, cars. West 3141—Largesunny, house- keeping "rooms, complete: singlefurnished rpoma^reasonable, to.right party.

SCOTT. St.. 2040—

Snnny single house .keepingroom, with closets, bath _nd pnone; West 2014.

'TURK St., 120S--Stnsle basement, rooms, com-. plete house .keeping; sink.:bath/ laundry, gasrange;. $1.50. to $2.50 .week.-

' ";:

- .WALLER/it;.- 339,: near. Fillmore— Nicely fura..';house- keeping room; bath, :gas. phone; $14v per mo.;'also furn..room for man. $-S per mo.VAN NESS ay., 311, cor. Grove

—furnished sunny

\suites/ $2O; single rooms, $2.50 to $3 per week;gas, running water and phone. .

6TH St., 365—

House keeping and single rooms;$1.25 per. week; bath, not and cold water inevery room.



FOR.rent—4 or 5 rooms and bath, furnished forhouse* keeping; 4 rooms, $22.50: 5 rooms. $27.These room 3are conveniently located to bothSouthern Pacific and Key Route

" ferries andstreetcar lilies. 1202 Sth St., corner Mairnolla.

AT 24th St., 471. bet. Broadway and Telegraph—

3 bouse keeping rooms, furnished complete;/regular kitchen, gas, bath, electricity; $25.

NICE sunny bouse keeping rooms to let at 2724th st.; very reasonable. ;

2 SUNNY rooms, furnished for house keeping.770 10th st. near W»at.

' "

AAA—(*OUPLE wanted' to rent front and backparlor; -two gentlemen; everything -is strictlyfirst class, mod. cony. 2517 California st.,apt. 6. . \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0-' -!

AAA—THK WEMPE. 419 Oak St.—Single anddouble rooms with board. $30 per month up.

BOARD and room; rooms suitable for 1or 2;call and see me. 95S Ellis st. , .

CALIF.. 1541— St. Margaret's _club for" jrlrK," teachers, students, bus. .women, tourlats; sun-

ny rooms: excellent -board: rates reas. Ph.Franklin 3292; Home C-569.

FOR ll»t of inspected rooms see DOMO DIREC-TORY. Saves time. 11 to 2, 522 Crocker big.


Rooms and board, $5.50 to $7 wk.,$25 to $30 mo.? piano. Home, phone 53256.

JACKSON st., 1558—

Very .desirable sunny roomswith board. .

OCTAVIA st., 192t5, cor. Sacramento—

Splendid. location, facing Lafayette sq.; large, cheerful.-; sunny rms. ;excellent board; references;- pbone.

O'FARRELL St.. 1235-^Front alcove room; alsoside room;excellent borne cooking.

PACIFIC av./;i7l6—Large, -sunny, front room;

"choice* table; reasonable; references.

SCOTT st.. 1541— 2 nicely furnished double roomswltfc board; •running- water: reasonable.-' ..,-

ST. FRANCIS Girls' Directory. Central ay. and,Waller \u25a0\u25a0 st., San |Francisco— A beautiful home..'where old ladles, young girls and little chil-

dren can board . very reaxonable.SUNNY •

rooms/ with board, for 2. gentlemen.52S Jones St., Oakland. .- >

SUNNY.front :. room;. nicely furnished; with orwithout board. 1021 Lagnna st.

SHRADER St.. > 52ft—Newly furnished snnny_ rooms, with or without hoard: terma rea*.


north entrance of .university campus—

Apart-ments with private baths; single rooms: at^amheat and callbell In every room; sleepingporches :.first cUss tab'e board; special sum-mer rates. M. M. HENRY.V '


AAA—Aparts. of1to 4 rooms, prlfate bath, cleg.\u25a0 furn.: sunny: electric light, hot water, heat,

elevator, janitor service, linen; beautiful read-in? lobby; 1rm.. $15' np: 2 rms., $27.50 up: 3-rms., $40 up; 4 rms.. $50 up; Haigbt st. cars."Rosemont," 214 Haight; phone Park 559.

LUNDY APTS./ Stanyan st. at Frederick— The..most complete In the city: hot and cold water.• electric lights,.baths, elevator service, janitor

service; everr^room in house light: rent reas.AA—VAN NESS APARTMENTS. 2128 Van Ness

nr." Broadway—

Elegantly furnished apts. of 3,and 4 rooms; steam heat. elec. light,elevator;marine' view; reasonable. Pbone |Franklin 2590.


TWO and .1 apts.: 2 elegant double beds; hotel\u25a0 service; lights, linen, soap," etc.. free; as low

as $45. Ellis Hotel Apts.. 45U KIIUat Jones.

CASTLEREAGH AITS..1373 Clay bet. Jones andLeavenworth— 3-4 room apts. :'steam heat, hot

\ water,- elevator, white,marble ,.front entrance.

KNICKERBOCKER apts./ just completed; 2rooms and bath: hardwood fi.»ors;. disappearingbedji. 1380 Pine st.' near Hyde.

CHISMCRE Apts.. SE. cor."Bush and Jones— l-2-•;3-4 rooms; all modern convealences; now ready.

ST. DOMINIC APARTMENTS, Bush st. at Jones*-'.—Up .to date ,in/ every respect ;..1-2-3-4 rooms.BEST Imodern ;4 room


'furn..:and \u25a0 unfora..

v-' for. the money, at the ,Maryland,. 3tt3 'Page st.EL FOREST apts.. 525 Bnsh near Taylor—3 and;,4; rooms." furnished or unfurnished. ".

THE.CORING.. 24OO .Van Ness, cor.:Oveen^-iISunny furn.:and unfurn,- apts..;3 and '4 rooms?EUREKA.APTS./ Mkt:*ami 17th;sts.— BeninIfill

:\u25a0 ;-. 3s3s&"4 rm. apts.;|phone.' Janitor service-; |sunny.

A—Oakhurst ,Apts."Washington & Tayior--Nlce-;--,Iy \u25a0 furnr.3-rms/ &,b.: new. 1snnny^ mod."; reas.NEW Pilcher Apts.,:1«518 ;Polk^ nr.' Sacramento

—:, Well.furu." apts.; ,-4-,;car lines; single -rooms.ST. "

ELMO.< 1452 Devisadero st.—Fnrn. ;front orv single suites; 1bath, phone; all cony.. $12 to $40.


v;HOTELSHOTEL ARGONAUT. 4th and Market st*.—Ffcm-r ilyand Tcommercial: hotel;. room with detached• bath. $1"/ per day;' rooms

(wlth' private," bath,. $1.50, per> day; .restaurant attached:; moderaterrVprices; free bus'meets all tralnsand st'inshlps.

HOTKL FILLMORK. 1714' O'Karrell—Newly,fur-A." nished *rooms:" day, .week or month; from 50c<.%to :$l.CO:tconntry :trade 'solicited.'-.; •'


\u25a0 BAZAAR. 110S VALKNCIA^ST.' . '

'\u25a0:'-r, \u25a0;. v'-\u25a0.'• -I^I'ATS TO LET


\u25a0>•"--*..\u25a0? U'iCONTAINING;INFORMATION*ABOUT;..;3 n»oin.flats :and 'apartments .at, $IS. •. •-•,- A:.4 room .flats';aait. apartments at $b2.sO.^^^»-. - s^; room;flats an>l apartments- at- $27.50. • '.._.' li.': 7 and S-.KH1-!!),,$30 and up.'-. ••?

iA 3 room flat."- all- furuishe<l for $75: rent*

HARRY -J.^ MOORE FURNITURE*COMPANY*>J^^r-^:'',4*> tO'FarreiriBt.T;near: Market. : . *-

TO "'•\u25a0 1et—2351-

Devlsadero"'? «t..--"cor."i Jackson. "S-^*rooms; and :modern "la>p.T;2737' Clay. st.. near-;;Pierce, -.opposite.par-..9 \rooms and moderate• '.' improvement*. ;\u25a0 12 flats.". 4;rooms each/, modern'-"Unprcvements. at 14 :'and IR;Sanders st.. ur.•

14th".and J Church.' *Z large buildings.!one 262,s' 7th 7 st."T one

-70."{.Harrison- st.. and one "1162

'•\u25a0> Mission ;,st. i:\GEORGE :K.-FRINK.

'1320 Mer-i-jchants' exchange.'; rv:~,:v^.V.."V-*-"/ -.-. \u25a0 :

-POTRERO -av..; 938,',:nr.r215t .st.—New modern

•"-*r»t rpon»;flat,"!batli. lßas.l Bas. 3 block* public scnool;r;$20

-mouth. •:j-

- - - ---"-J ...--...-,.,.? \u0084




223 MONTGOMERY ST.,1MILLS BLDG..'•\u25a0 PHONES \u25a0• i





Space In this columnI* open to owners \u25a0

of flats, apartments. \honses, stores, etc..KREE OF CHARGE.We will advertH« them. FREE OF CHARGEevery day until rented.


$47 mo.—S r. and b. Splendid sunny flat. 13-5McAllister,nr. Steincr st.

?^O mo.—

6 r. and b. and store room; moderaupper Oat. 134S Leavenwortb st.. nr.Clay.

?5O mo.—

B r. ami b.. cor. npper flat: modem,up to date; fine neighborhood.: attrac-tive bldg.:convenient to ears and trades-people. 1605 Washington st.. tor. Larkln.

$42.50 mo.—

« r. an«l b. lfiHODevlsadero St., corTurk. Splendid corner flat.

540 mo.—-0 r. and b.; laundry. 1183 Devisader*st., cor Eddy; lower corner flat, baxrt-wtood floors; will tint and paint to suittenant. . '

r$40 mo.—7 r, and b. Fine lower flat. 1347 Mc-

Allister,nr. Stein-r st.$35 mo.

—t". r. and _. Tine nlddle flat. 115 A

Fell. nr. Scott st.$1S do.

—t r. and b. New lower flat. 2314

Octavia. nr. Filbert st.$18 mo.—St. and b. 240 Ivy aye., nr. Frank-

lin st.$15 mo.

—3 r. and. b. 1651 Golden Gate ay»..

nr. Deviaadero st.; lower flat with yard.

APARTMENTS NORTH OF MAEKETST.$37.50 mo.—lr. and b. 13fiS Pine St., nf. Hyd>»,.Modern apartment flat.$30, $32.50 mo.—» r. and b. eaefc. 1081 Lea-

venwurth >*t.. nr. California; modern.$35 mo.

—t r. and K.

-every modern' conveni-

ence;_Marl* Antoinette apts., 1201 Pine

st., car. Leavenwortb.$30 to $42.50 cio.

—t r.-and b. New and beantl-

fully appointed apts.:every possible con-venience: just completed. Redding apt*.,IS7O Clay st. near Polk.$20 mo.

—2 r. and b.:beautiful modern apt>.

Marie Antoinette apts.. 1201 Pine St., ene.Leavenworth. *


3 r. and b.; sunny modern apart-ments; every convenience; NE. cor Pa-cific aud Lftrktn sts.


—8 r. and b., laundry*' etc. 11«1 Devls-

adero St., cor. Eddy; completely fur-« nished. piano: all outside sunny rms.;

stone steps; marble vestibule. -^.$22.50 mo.—2 r. »nd _.; beautifully furnished.

Marie Antoinette apts.; 1201 Pine st.-cor. Leavenwortb.

$155 mo.—

12 apt*. 10 of 3 r. and 2 of 2 r.. 3baths; 7 toilets; beater for baths; <wn-_pletely' furnished; will give long leas#to good tenant; nr. Jackson and Leaven-worth sts.


$S5 mo.—

9 r. and b. Splendid neighborhood.3902 Clay nr. Cherry st.. Presidio HeightsDlst. Open for inspection from 1 to 5

\u25a0 o'clock p. m.


—Size 19x90 ft. Very light:S.entraoees..

-rear and front: large bsmt-- splendid lo-cation. 125-127 Sutter. nr. Montg. St.

$75 each—

2 fine new stores. 843 Washington.nr. Kearoy st.


$150 mo.—

House 9 r. and 2- baths; bssst.; ttn-obstrncted marine view; bcautifaily- . equipped bom*. Jackson St.. nr. Pre-sidio aye.

'. -



HOUSESSOUTH OF MARKET AND MISSION$1S mo.—Fine double bouse. 6 r.

-and b. 384-

#- San "Jose ave.,., nr. 25th St.


$75 mo.— Lars* light*one half store. 22 Ist- '-st.. nr. \u25a0Market. . - - -

$75 mo.—Stable of 25 stalls. 2&-Stanford »L.,nr. Folsom..

$30 mo. each—

3 stores. 3oat_we&t comer '3th' and Clara"sts./ .



\u25a0 :- »



; \u0084 -MIIX3BUILDING.

Continued on livxtPace



CALIFORNIA onsistory No, 5. A. "~^Xgr& A. S. «.. 1859 <;pßrv rt.

—Thlr- fii'"«lffA

ty-first (\^rff THIS (WEDNES- E*isJvmI'AYi EVENING at S o'clock. KsJKsBftyVWitinsr bretbern c-ordially iv- |£_ra!H__3f


\u25a0 Registrar.* . stEaf

SAN FRANCISCO chapter No. 1. Royal £??jn!<_fAnh Masons, uippk THIS EVEN- <t3^«fING, Ist ay. ami Clement st. Htisi- Oiyijfness only. H. G. PRINCE, S<-c. \>fc&l

CHOCKKTT lodge No. 139, F. &A. M.. j*2135 Sutter pt.—Third degree THIS •«#%•(WEDNESDAY) EVENING at 7:30 /k^o'clock. By order of the W. M. \u25a0

' ~ '. . It.H. McPIIERSON. Secretary.

EXCELSIOR lodge No. 1(56. F. & A. M.— «Third degree THIS (WEDNESDAY) ,__%_,EVENING at 7:SO o'clock. J^_K

H. J. OWEN. Secretary. '/^TXMISSION lodge No. 169, F. & A. M— A

Special meeting THIS (WEDNESDAY) «-/V_,EVENING, at 7:.T0 o'clock.,Third de- J\JKgree. FRANK W. SMITH. Sec. '^r\

STARR KING lodge No. 344,- F. &A.M/. A .1739 Fillmore st. Second degree THIS ~#U~(WEDNESDAY* EVENING, at 7:30 /\^oVlock. 11. F. WRIGHT. Sec.

' \

AUSTRIAN Military and. Benevolent as- vJ-V-*sw-lation will ,irill THIS (WEDNES- wSerlaDAYi EVENING. Aiir. 17. 3010. 56« StWFulton St.. S o'clock. Every member "*»*\u25a0is requested to be present and to receive in-,stmetions regarding our target' shooting forgold medals, and also report from the commit-tee on parade. Sept. 9, 1910, Admission dayfestival. By order of

S. RAICEVICH. Captain.MICHAEL HAUGHEY. First Sergeant.

CALIFORNIA council No. 530. N. >jss_i_Si_VU.. meots THIS (WEDNESDAY) A^KKMEVENING at S o'clock iv Memo- f.£ro£_rar.\rial hall. Odd Fellows' building, (~«sO?_f74*7th and Market, fits. *3s&&/Vaf

J. H. BERESFORD, Pies. *4j£pSyF. H. COST, Speaker. .

MARINE engineers' beneficial association No. 35—Officers and members are hereby requested to

attend the funeral*of our late Bro.. THOMAST. HOUSTON. Wednesday. August 17. at 2o'clock; from I.O. O. F. hall, 7th and Marketsts., S. F. By order

E. J. POWERS. President.JOHN M. POWELL. Secretary.


IF YOU LOSE ANYTHING—Advertise itjhere. It willbe returned to you Ifan honestperson' finds.It. Remarkable recoveries arebrought about every day through this column.


j San Francisco Call . ";.'; Lout and Found Bureau 1

IThirdand Market Street*. Get a claim check. Have it advertised.Reclaim It If the owner does not.


People wEßTflnd lost articlesare interested In knowing that' the state lawIs strict lv requiring them. to seek the ownersthrough advertisements and otherwise, andthat failure to do so. Ifproof can be shown,involves a severe penalty. . ;

LOST in Berkeley Saturday, Aug. 13—Gold watchopen faced; U. C. .pln.'UG attached to silk fob;reward. Address 2211

'Durant ay., Berkeley;

phone Berkeley 141. "\u25a0'


Saturday, small chamois bag containingthree diamond rings; reward; tel. Berkeley3210. or address 1608 Le.Roy aye., Berkeley.


Jersey cow; color yellow; branded "A."Return to J. T. HOLLAND, 318 Railroad ay.,and receive suitable reward. , \u25a0


—Round mosaic pin, keepsake; reward.

Stewart hotel. . *\u25a0. . '~


String -gold beads. Return 333 Carl 6t.;pbooe Park 635; reward, :;.': ;.' \u25a0\u25a0 .


Black pocketbook. For reward return toJ. M. HIND,310 California street. . .

GOLD locket, engraved \u25a0 Stanley; .leave- withcashier -Call office and receive reward. -\u25a0

EMPI.OVMEXT WAXTED—MaIeACCOUNTANT keeps small sets of books/ day

workiOnly. Address P. OJ^box 283. Berkeley.BARBER, wants a position "

in'- a -.country town."1755 Stockton st. ;:-v:


CARPENTER and builder wants work; new. oWor remodeling. Address J. -A. WILLIAMS,- 508 Gmgh st., or phone Market 5743.' , .

\u25a0' ."\u25a0 ; FOREIGN- ; ,Businessman,- German, .4o,; Englisb-Spanisb office


conversant . with •• Spanish customhouse tariffs, desires engagement October \u25a0 1with first • class . import house •\u25a0 In:;Spanish'America or.U. S. colonies, or as .representativefor export. flrm or corporation ,In \u25a0 need 'ofexecutive • services: city references. Address

\KOSMOS, box j1757. Call office:

FIRST class Chinese cook In hotel/: restaurant,* boardings house, hospital,".: family;- springs.-\u25a0 Call or address 950 Stockton street,'! room.49. I

GOOD Japanese boy\ wants position;cook/. wait..at table on housework^ in:small family; city of. country. .36 Clement st.;'phon*iPacific \u25a02135.' rfGOOD alliaround

'man wants^.position 'as coacb/-

j-niin,or.'man 'about place;.. understands ;garden-;. ingr can" milk;- good '/Address 'box*,.1-1732/. Call -office...•-U-'---; \u25a0? yy >;..;>

JAPANESE schoolboy; wants : i>osltioi(:near"

the, \u25a0 California \u25a0.Scbi»tl: of Design; experiences -~cook,rV. O.,;l»J17/Guuj;h st.*-; , ".
