HEA FCKENS >SNII*JUNL 0--N 44historicnewspapers.sc.edu/lccn/sn93067659/1903-06-18/ed-1/seq-1.pdf ·...

0--N x~. 44 HE FCKENS >SNII*JUNL SEteied April 28, 1908 at Piekens, S. 0. as sbQoud clp matter under ac of Congress of Marh 8, 1879.- T PIK PIC. .,NS SUN. 18,N9L, VO.bXtXXhe 1821. NO 4 'r I -~POI ' .lolT1NA L. Nstabli bed: 1891.E S ' THY S.OP 1-:, JUPIC1,K08 Mother's Ear A WORD IN MNOTIfIe EAR i WHEN NUREIN AN INPANT, AND IN TM MONH N THAT coMe WEPQRE THAT SCOTT' EMULSION euPPate rH lTxrnA OTMENT AND NiOURti*HMENTi so NExcN~A,,~y pdEw THN HNALTH QO w0TH MOTHER AND CHILD. Send for free sample. SCOTT & DOWNE, Chemists, 409-415 Pearl Street, NewYork. Soc. and $S.oo; all druggists. FOR BETTER ROADS. LABOR UNIONS AND AUTOMOBILE, MANUFACTURERS JOIN HANDS. The Use of Prison Labor In Dailding Publie Highwaym - A Labor Lead- - er's Plan For the Employment of Convicts In This Work. Tile convention of American road- makers which met in Detroit was re- markable in tills respect, that Mr. George Burns, the great labor leader and president of the Michigan Labor union, advocated the use of prison labor either \ln building roads or in preparing material to be'used for hard- ening their surfaces. le Is the first great labor leade' to advocate this course, although it has been suggested by many speakers and writers on this question during the past ten years. Mr. Burns sees that it would be clearly in the interest of such prison labor and also in the interest of free labor to have the great army of prisoners now in the jails In the various states who are doing no good for themselves and adding nothing; to the common wealth applied to ty 1 road proposition in some formi G,' y"Idra Many people object to a suggestion of this kind because they say that the use of such labor for such a purpose would have a contaminating influence in the community where the work is done. But to avoid such a result Mr. Burns showed that this labor could be applied in the preparation of material, either brick or broken stohe, where tlye prisoners could be worked in inclo- sures as they now are. The products so produced would not-come in contact with free labor as the articles general- ly produced by such labor do. Conse- quently by this course you avoid com- petition with the manufacturer who offers for sale the manufactured arti- cle or conipetitioin with the free labor- er who works to produce these articles, and at the same time the prisoner is teceiving more useful instruction, hav- ins healthful exercise and adding gi in the course of years to the co wealth. If Mr. Burns' idea, soupd---mid- wvholesome on iould be adopted by the labor unions of this countvy gener- ally, it would bring to the road cause great aid. % The great meeting of the automobile manufacturers of America held in Chi- cago soon after this Detroit convention developed the fact that all of the auto- mobile manufacturers of America are heartily in favor of some general plan of road building that shall be applica- ble to all the states in the Union. Be- inlg unanimous ini tIls view, they adopted a resolution indorsing the pas- sage .of tihe Brownlow bill, which pro- vides for a system of nlationlal, state and local co-operation iln tihe perma- nenit improvemenlt of thle pulblic high- ways. It is very evident from the logic of evenlts thlat the time is rapidly ap- preaching whlenl tihe friends of the good roads cause will be able to unite many forces in favor of tile general plan of road improvemuent thtat hlave hlitherto been eiher indifferenit or hostile. Thie labor leaders generally have been hlostilo to the idea of applying the prison labor to tis work, but no0w one of tihe most progressive leaders of or- ganized labor hlas comle forward and indorsed in tile most hearty amnd intelli- gent way the idea of applying tis Ia- i bor to tile general welfare of the comn- mniity by building up thle public roads. Iln order, however, thlat this shall be made possIble thle road building au- thorities in thle various states and counties must be provided with neces- sary funds in order to obtain proper mnachlinery, enginieering skill an~d eX- pert labor so as to make use of the army of prisoners who would be put at their disposal under tile now plan. Iorder to seemy this necessary fund aid igee &ubre evident that tile, adotenational governmenC~t shlould be caijed in to supply a portion of tile mone . This l's all provided for by tile Blrow low bill, whlich was not only in- dorsd by the Chicago convention, but also by the Detroit convention of American roadmakers. Every conven- tion mlet to consider tis qulestionl since tihe Brownlow bill was inttroduced in congress has1 in..sed tile bill anid urged its passage. -Hion. Martin Dodge. Sick H eadache ? Food doesn't digest well? Appetite poor? Bowels constipated? Tongue coated? It's your liver! Ayer's Pills are liver pills; they cure dys- pepsia, biliousness. 25c. Alt druggists. vant yor mous or board a beautiful BUKIGAMSDYE WA., Ho0w to Care For Hard Wood Floor. Few hlousekeepers unlderstanid htow to care for hard wood floors. Simple or elegant, there Is but 0110 mode of treatment. Never put a drop of oil of any kind uponl thlem. If soiled, rub them off th~Oroughlly with a flannel clothl wet withl turpentinle. Whlen dry, apply a preparation of wax. When tis is finished an~d dry, polish themn ~ withl a cloth or brush imade for the -purpese unltil clear an~d sining, as the qiuality of the floor wvill admit. This carefully done will keep a wooden floor In perfect. condition. 4,. T W..L Boste a h idYuHeAwgBg REMINISCEN The members 6f this association are known as Misei nary Baptists, but from the records their efforte were never very great nor theit operations. very extensive. We trust that the small beginning may have a layge ending, that the seed planted by our fathers may -nulti- ply one hundred fold and more. The first mention of. Missions was in 1847 when a resolution was passed to organize a Home Missiol Board, the duty of which "shall b( to employ a: minister or minister to preach the gospel in such field' as they shall designate, having firsl in view the more destitute pqrtionE of this association.'' The Board was not appointed and no furthei -mention is. made of Missionary work until 1853 when a report waE made showing that the Board had received $39.00, and they with that inoney employed five different brethren who performed fifty-five days work (preaching,) and was paid fifty cents per day. These efforts continued at intervals; iometimes Missionary work would be done and then again there would be years elapse and nothing done. [In all this time nothing was said and no efforts made to send the gospel beyond the bounds of the association. In 1875 a great Mis- sionary rally took place at Cathey's Creek church in North Carolina, for it was there the assooiation held its meeting that year. I say "greatV because it was the longest step taken by the association during its existence for the spread of the gospel. And I surmise that Rev. A. W. Lamar had a great deal to Jo with infusing such zeal into the brethren. At that meeting the issociation decided to aid State, Rome and Foreign Missions and .hey appointed committees to look ifter and report upon these inter- ists. The first year after this the mm of $94.95 was raised for State dfissions which shows that the ipirit which took hold of them at 3athey's Creek had not diminished. The association has never done what she could do along this line, indeed I do not believe that she has done one-tenth of what she could or should do, for besides being the largest denromina- tion in the county, they are the wealthiest. But in the early years there was opposition to Missiona~ry work, indeed there were members of the churches who did not believe in supporting the pastors. They were in this sense hardshells anid it was a great draw back to the Cause of Christ. And I am ashamed to say that we have some among us today who believe the same way, because there are many who do niot contribute from one end of the year to the next one cent for any purpose. And if we take the re, ports of the churches a large per oentage of the members do not be- lieve in supporting the pastors or contributing to M issions. Christians aan have their honest differences as to methods of work, but this should not lessen our interest in the cause of Missions. While we are wrang, ling over methods and plans souls are going into eternity unsaved, and their blood will be required at our hands. The watch word and great cry of- this year should be Missions. No matter how you send the money so it gets there. Another important matter the Baptists of this section-was a little slow in-education. They have manifested some interest along this line, hut have been and are now in some respects behind thieir brethren of other -sections ot the State. The first effort to establish a denominational school was in 1884, when the Tuokaseige Asso- ciation sent a delegation to this association requesting that the two bodies meot together by their representatives "in connsel to con- sult upon the propriety or impro- priety of establishing a literary school." fhe request was not granted, for what reason is not known.. Nothing more was done along this line until 1875 when the members ifecame so much inter- ested in the cause of Missions at Cathey's Creek church as above re- lated, when among the many reso- lutions that passed the Executive Committee was authorized "to de- vise somos plan by which a good Baptist High School may be ,es tablished in our bounds for "the eduo ition of our sons and daurgh. This committee reported ty neit sainn. ta~ht teare wa..6...re CES- of the Twelve Mile River Baptist Association..... need- of more education u the bounds of the association and re- ferred the matter to the churches with a request that they report their views on the subject to the next session. And this was the end of the matter until 1888 Whea. an effort was made by this and the Piedmont Association to purchase the Piedmont Institute located at Pickens for school purposes. A good deal of money was subscribed for this purpose but not enough to meet the demands and the pro- ject failed. The 'last effort made was last year when the trustees of the North Greenville High School offered to allow us an.-interest in that property if we would build a dormitory. This also was rejected. In their failure to buy the prop, orty at Pickens the Baptiats of this county lost one of the greatest op. portunities of their lives. We are a great people in many respects, but the old time worn volume of ininutes show that we are especi- illy noted for passing resolutions. If resolutions can make a people great or wealthy then the Baptists of this county are at the head of the list. The "Circular Letter''vas from the beginning and is today a great feature, and a very interesting one, of the proceedings of the body. This "letter" would be prepared by a brother appointed at the previous session and would be a dissertation ul'on some religious subject. There are several printed in the minutes upon the subject of "'Church Dis- cipline." The brethren in the'early years seems to have been much concerned about discipline. They were more careful of the conduct and strict in dealing with disor- derly brethren than we are today. And I believe if the churches had continued the practices of their fathers along this line and been more strict in receiving members into the churches,:the standard of church membership and of religion would have been much higher than it is. Don't all say Amen at oncel There have been various dfforts to divide the association, the first of these was at the session of 1874, when, in pursuance of a resolution a meeting was appointed to be held at Salem church on Saturday before the fifth Sunday in Novem- ber of the same year, for the pur- pose of holding a consultation with regard to forming a new associa- tion. Nothing ever camne of this movement. In 1878 George's Creek, Mount Carmel, Mount Pisgah, Mount Tabor, Beaver Dam, Enon, Flat Rock, Mountain Springs, Ens- Icy, Filoamn and ILberty asked for letters of dismnission for the pur,= pose of organizing the Piedmont; and after they had been granted such letters, Capt. J. A. Griffin of. fered the following resolution wvhich wvas adopted: "Resolved, That we, the Twelve Mile River Baptist Association, wivxle regret- ting that they see fit to absolve their connection from us, hereby tender them our sincere prayers for their future happiness and prosper- ity in their new organization, hop.. ing and believing that our irropar- able loss wvill be their spiritnal gain." And no doubt the Pied- mont has accomphished more in its now relation than it would, had it remained with us. Sirece the Piedmont was organ- ized there still remained a feelirng that the Twelve Mile was too large, that it could do more effective work in two bodies than one, and from time to time the question was talked of and agitated, but not un- til last year did it moterialize, Then it was that four churches- Pickens, Mountain Grove, Peter's Creek and Oolenioy drew cut and formed the Pickens Association. The brethren of the new organizia- tion believe that it was the right step to take, that the baby associa- tion will do as much as the old has been doing; if so, it will be a bless- ing. They are very few in numbers now, but hope for other churches to unite with them from the Twelve Mile, Piedmont and North Green, ville Associations. Much more could be written about the Twelve Mile and her off- springs, but for fear your readers will tire, and with my apologies for taking tip so much of your space with matters and thih gs that concern one sm ill ,baud of chris- tians, and with apoio les to the reading public for the treespasenon them and their time, -an d for th~e imperfectness of the matter writ- ten, I write Fline. ,A BAPTrST. p ([The End] ABOLSH RURAL ROUTES. Hundreds Estabtished by Machen tol'Iease Members of Congrels. The investigation made by Fourth Assistant Postmaster Gen- eral Bristow of the affaira of the free delivery division, formerly conducted by Superintendent Ma- Cben, who was summarily dismissed and arrested on a charge of hrib- ery just a week ago, has resulted in the discovery that in order to restore the service to a proper state it will be nocessary to abolish one- third of the rural free delivory routes now in operation in the southern states and about one- fifth of those established in the northern states. 'The investigation shows that routes have been established with- out any possible excuse save as a matter of -favor to membPra of Congress, and that money appro- priated by Congress for this pur- pose has been expended with al- most criminal extravagance. ,On many of these routes the receipts do not average $5 a month, and on others the receipts do not begin to justify the existence of the routes. The southern states which will suffer the most from the aboli4h- mont of the routes are South Car- olina, Georgia, Tennessee, Mississ- ippi and Ala. In the North Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire will be deprived of about one-fifth of the routes now in operation. Oth. er northern and eastern states will lose routes but in smaller. propor- 4 tion. But fow changes will be made in New York state. Postmaster General Payne said this afternoon that no acti.>n. would be taken to reduce the num- ber of rural routes until a full test t has been made (if each individual ase and the results noted. Then t whatever routes are found unwar- ranted will be discontinued. At present he declined to make an es-' imate as to the probable number f these routes. "I have been troubled for .onme time with indigestion and sour stomach," says Mrs. Sarah IV. Curtis, of Lee. Mwss., "and have been taking Chamberlain's ] 3toiach and Liver Tablets which have 4 cielped me very miuch so that now I can at many things that before I could not." [f you have any trouble with your itomach why not take these Tablets and got well? For sale by Dr. G. IV. Earle Pickens, and Dr. R. F. Smith, Easley. Boys ARE SMOTHERED. i'hey Wore Playing In a Wheat 111n at Nashvinle. Tern n. Two boys were s mothere I to leath while playing in the wheat )in of the Gallatini mills at Nash- ,ille, Tenn., last week. A search wvas instituted the( iame evening when the boys failed I to put in an appearance for sup- I er, and it wvas not until the next ifternoon that their lifeless and ( 2aked bodies were found at the .ottom of tile bin intr which they iad been drawn by the suction saused by the rapid exhaustion of ~he grain through tihe elevator shute. The boys' names weret Fionry Smith and Hugh Lanier,i mnd they were between 8 and 9 * t'ears of age. Chamlberlain's Stomach and Liver I'ablets are just what you need when you have no appetite, feel dull after eat-I ng and wake up withl a bad taste in your mouth. They will improve your ippetite, cleanse and invigorate your Itomlach and give you a relish for your rood. For sale by Dr. G. W. Earle'. Pickens, and Dr. R. F. Smith, Easley. MUST MOVE TO GET WORK. Flood Sufferers ECannot Stay on the P'aoo- let. The work of relief for the suffer- era is progresamng satisfactorily in Spartanburg. Tents and rations furnished by the WVar Department arrived last week, and the local committees are doing effective work. The chief object now is to re- rnove the thousands of operatives to other points. Ton mills in this State and North Carolhna h ive al- ready agreed to take care of severe l hundred families. Some h ave al- ready gonle. The Southern Railway has most generously offered free transporta- tion to this army of workers. Worst or all E~xpveruecue. (Jan anything be worse th~an to feel that every minute wvill be your hasi? Suchm was the experience of Mrs S. HI. Newson, Decatur, Ala. ''For thlree years" she writes, "I endured insuffer- able pain from Indigestion, stomach and bowel trouble. Death seemed Inevita- ble when doctors and all remedies failed At length I was induced to try Electric Bitters and the resuls was miraculous. I improved at onoe and now I'm complete-, i ecoveredt." For Liver, Kidnet. Stoml-i achi d Bowel troubles Eleotriot Bitters Is th only medicine. 0 $ 500. It's guar teed by Pickens Dr g Co., drug- AFFIDAVITS FOR TILLMAK. Are Filed by His Attorneys to Get a bhange ufVenue. The counsel for James H. Till- mai,, charged with the murder of N. G. Gonzales, editor of The State, took their first step to se. cure a change of venue by filing With the commonwealth's attoineys affidavits of a number of persons in this county that they believed it would be impossible to obtain a fair trial }ere. Mr. Tillman's attoroicys urged the solicitor not to mak., the affi- davits public until tho argument is made before the judge eight days hence, and to this the state's attor- neys agreed. In a statement made this afternoon Mr. Tillman's attor- neys say they do not wish public opinion to be formed or influenced by the publication of their affida- vits and the case prejudged by the newspapers in Columbia; that one )f the causes for their moving for ) change is the hostile criticisms 3y Columbia newspapers. In an editorial, the Evening Record says that since the killing, Ahe State, whose editor was killed, has positively refrained from refer- 3iee to the case, and that the Reo- )rd has not influenced or attempt- d to influence public opinion. It leclares there is no evidence or istility in this county. tartiling Evidence. Fresh testimony in great quantity is :onstantly coming in, declaring Dr. Cing's New Discovery for Consumption .)ughs and Colds to be une ualed. A ecent expression from T. J. McFarland lentorville, Va., serves as example. He Orites: "I had Bronchitis for three rears and doctored all the time without teing benefitted. Then I begaL takingr )r. Kings New Discovery, and a few iottles wnolly cured me." Equally ef- ective in curing all Lung and Throat roubles, Consumption, Poeumonia and rip. Guaranteed by Pickens Drug Co. )ruggist. Trial bottles free, regular izes 00c, and $1.00. ORDERED SOLO. Expected Coast Line and Southern Wil Buy Thea In. A decree was issued in the Uni- .od-States Circuit court in Charles. on last week for the sale of the Past Shore Terminal Railroad Jom pany and the Commercial Jom press and Wharf properties to atisfy mortgages aggregating $1,- 100,000 on tho railroad and $22,718 n the other properties. Tho receiver of the properties is 1V. E . Huger. They in reality be- aug to the Atlantic Coast Line Liud Southern Railways, though an ndependence has always been naintained for themi. The sale is irdered for July 14. T1he East Shore Terminal Com- >nity controls almnost tile entire joopeor river water front of Char eston. T'hat it will be bought in >y the Atlaintic Coast Line and iouthern syste.ns is a foregane Eils Last hfope Ilealized. (Fromi the Sentinel, (Gebo, Mont.) Ini the first opening of Oklahomja to ettlers in 1889, the editor of this paper vas among the many seekers after for- une who made the big race one fine day n April. During his traveling about nd afterwards his camping upon his laimi, he encountered much bad water, vlhich, together with the severe heat, ave him a very severe diarrhoea which Sseemed almost Impossible to check, ndl along in June the case became so ad he expected to die. One day one of is neighbors brought him one small ottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ndl Diarrhoea Re.medy as a last hope. t hig dose wvas given him wvhile lie was olling about on the ground in great gony, and in a few minutes the dose vas repeated. The good eff(et of tile nedicine was soon noticed and within ,n hour theo patient wvas taking his first ound sleep for a tortnight. That one ittle bottle workedi a complete cure, and te cannot help but foul grateful. TIhe cason for bowel disorders being at hand uggests this item. For sale by Dr. 0. Earle, Pickens, and Dr. Rt. F. Smith, Casley. anme's 3usthel Gettina- enalley. This legislature knows beans at all ovenits. It has changed the legal weight of a bushel of that fruit from sixty. two to sixty pounds. This was a chiange demanded for time sake of unii- formuity ahd In tihe interest of an im- plortanlt line of trade. In other states the legal weight has long been sixty pounds, while Mnine has stuck at the larger number for no particular reaisonm. Thme result has been to handicap and embarrass the Maine dealer. Bearing in imindl the extra two p~oundls, in order to guamrd against loss he was obliged to qulote his b~eans a lIttle higher thanm thme Boston mnarket, for example. Conse- quienitly purchasers, seeinlg thme dliffer- ence in price and( unmindful of the dif- forencee ini weight, would buy In Blos- ton.-P'ortland Press. That Thtrobbing Hleadae ~roubl quickly leave you, if you used )r. King's New Life Pills. Thousandls: >f suiterera haive proved their m-titeios 'merit for Sick and Nervous lleadaches.| l'hey make pure blood and build tour health. Only 25 cents, money back f not cured. Sold by Pickeno Drug Co., hrugalat. TUMBLED ON TRACK. Side of a Mountain Caved Upon the South- ern. Another Crack May Mean An- other Slide. Tihousands of Tong of Dirt and Hck Fined up a DOep Cut in N. 0. The side of a mountain caved in on the S->uthern tracks between Spartanburg and Asheville at noon last Friday. Thousands of tots of rock and dirt plunged downward completely filling one of the largest railroad cuts in the mountains of Western North Carolina and effec- thally cutting of all traffic from the' south . The land slide occured near Try, on, N. C., just at the foot of Salu- da mountain. The road had just succeeded in resuming operation of trains, which were blocked by washouts in Spartanburg county last woek, Thursday being the first day that regular schednles were in effect. The present disaster will cause annullment of all trains on this road for at least seven days, as the authorities say it will be im- possible to clear the track before that time. It is also given out that another crack is seen in the mountai-i just in the rear of the cliff from which Friday's avalanche descended, and it'is predicted that another tumble ot'earth and rock will occur, in which event the railroad people say that it will be at least twelvc days before the running of through trains can be resumed. The train from Asheville for Columbia was wrecked within two miles of Hendersonville Friday. The engii.e, baggag, mail and express car and one passenger coach were derailod. Postal Clerk Horace G. Oliff received se- vere and painful bruises and the fireman was also injured. The cause of the wreck is un- known. BLOODY FIGHT IN GREENWOOD. One of the Inlients of a High School Entertainment and Church Fes- Uval Combined. News has rcached here of a bloody cutting aflray at Phoenix, in Greenwood county last Friday 1 night at a school ontertainment., John D. Williams had his face t slashed almost beyond recognmtion t by J. Buck Ward. Both are well I known white farmers and Mr. Ward's son, Dr. J. L. WVard, mar- ried Mr. William's daughter, The I fanmilies have always been on good E terms and the cutting wVas the re- I suIt of a row that stairted last a night. There was a high school C entertainment at the Phoenix school1 house and ice cr-eamn festival was given by the ladies of the church. Mr. Willhams was so well r- pleased with the singin~g of some u little girls that ho ordered some e ice cream for them at the close of ~ the entertainment. When the cream wazs brought the little girls y could not be found at once, havine 8 gone to another part of the build- ing, and so, the eyewvitnesses say Mr. Ward told the waiter to give the cream to some little boys~ standing near which was done.- As soon as Mr. Willhams found out what had been done he became an- gry and the twvo bngan quarrelling. The lie was passed and, witnessis say, Mr. Williams knocked Ward down and jumped on him. Ward then began to use his knife, Mr. William's nose was entirely cut< loose fr-om his face, both lips ( sliced in two, and a long gash made in his throat, besides many other outs on his cheek and neck. While the wounds are not necessa- 1 rily fatal, yet the unfortunatei man will be disfigured for life and I have a painful time of it before I the wounds are healed,( Mr. Metts, an eyewitness, says that during the excitement Mr. Ward left and was not at home I yesterday. Mr. Williams has three sons, grown young meon, and it is not known what may be the Ihearness cannot be Curedl by loci applications as they cannot i-each the diseased portion of the ear. rThere is only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitutional remodies. Deaf- ness is caused by tn inflamed condition of the mucous limang of the Eustachian Tube. When this tubo la inflamed you have a rumbling sound or -imperfect hieariing, anld when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result, and unless the in. flamation canm be taken out and this tube restored to ita nior-mal condition, hearing] will be dest royed forever; nine eases out of ten are cause-d by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the1 mucous servicec.- \Ve will give One H-undred Dollars for any case of Deafness (ca used by estarrh) thant cannot be cuired by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Sond for circmulars, free. F. J. CHI ENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sol b al Dugists,Thc.bet Subscrctbe for The -niImi MUST SERVE SENTENCE. The Judgment of the Lewer Court in the Wilcox Case Was Aftirmed Jamts Wilcox, the murderer of Nellie Cropsey of Elizabeth City, N. C., will have to serve his sen. tonce of thirty years in the state prison ft Raleigh, N. C. He was tried twice. The first time he was convicted of murder in the first degree and sentenced to be hanged. 'He was given a new trial by the Supreme Court be- cause the spectators at the trial made a demonstration when Wil.. cOx's lawyer arose to speak. In the second trial he was tried in a different county and convicted of murder in the second degree and sentenced to serve thirty years in the penitentiary. From this judg- ment Wilcox appealed. This judg mont the Supreme Court afliimed in an opinion embracing thirty tyl)ewritten pages. The defendant's attorney's urged that Wilcox should have been given a new trial because most of the eYideot'-e was sufficient to have been sLImitted to the jury, second, that the suicide theory was as reasonable as any other theory, I The court wont into detail in I the consideration of these points. t [t said after reviewing the argu- ment of the defendant's counsel bhat the deceased had the oppor- tunity, the motive and the time to Irown herself: "This line 'f thougit, has been itrongly preshed upo I na 1Y the lefondant's able "anIncr-* lounsel. To the adoption of this new there are several serious dif. iculties. There can be no doubt ,hat the deceased was greatly (rieved and distressed by the con- luct of the defendant; that her af.. ections were trifled with. Her 3onduct showed her to be a young wornan of deep and strong feel- e ing. * * * "The testimony shows that the r 3ondition of the river at and near c to the front of the Cropsey resi- C lence, with its receding shores, is J Iuch as to make it necessary for F 1er, if drowned there, to go out I eventy-five feet from the shore v )eforo reaching water four feet 1 leep. The testimony in respect b o the river all conflict with the heory that she could have thrown r Lerself in the water.'' In conclusion the opinion says: ''We think that in this case, C aeasured by the standards pro- a cribed by law, the evidence was >roperly submitted to the jury, o ud we cannot say they have reach- t) d an incorrect conclusion.'' . Chiamberina' Colic, Choiera and Diarrhoen Rtemedly s everywhere recognized as the oneI emiedy that can always ho depended v p)0n and that is pleasant to take. It is i speociaily valuable for summer diar- t oea in chilidren and is undoubtediy the eans of saving the lives of a groat d tany children each year. For sale by V Ii. G. W. Earle, Pickens, and Dr. R. F. y ith, Easley. CHARGED WITH MURDER. Ian and WVoman Arrested In North Oaro- lina Charged with EIning M. J. t Johnson at Dnilon. Fannie Johnson and Alex 1-ill, rhite, are being hold at Fayette- !llle, N. 0., on the charge of the nurder of M. J. Johnson near )illon, Marion county, Junow 6, Lnd they will be brought back to his State and tried as soon as re- 1iisition papers aire honored by I' )overnor Aycock. C Johnson was shot near Dillon on| he afternoon of June 6, and the ( >ody found that night. He had ) 'en seen in company with his vife, Fannie Johnson, and her I >rother, Alex Hill, about an hour f efore the shooting and at the in- tuost testimony was given that howed that a short while after t he shot had been fired, tihe north- C >ound train near Dillon had boon c lagged and two parties answvering ho description of Mrs. Johnson nd Hill had boarded it. These ( acts were sent to the governor by Joroner J. HI. Beorry, with requestt 'or instructions.t Early this morning Berry tele. raptlhed the governor that the chief( >f police at Fayette ville had notified iimi of the arrest of the Johnson vomnan and Hill. The governor at once wired Governor Aycock o0 instruct the chief to hold the >rlsoners for further orders and hat a re:juest for requisitioni pa pers vould be forwarded at once. Governor Heyward thon tele- graphet Coroner Berry to send roper instructions so that the ro- Iuest could be made out at once. The pair will be brought back L ihIs State at once to stand trial, -a.olumibia Rennrd. 1Qth ns -G. W. Croft, leading . cou for J. H. Tillman, stated last w that an attempt would be in to get a change of venue. P were filed serving potioe oli prosecuting attorneys. --L. F. Martin, of Berkely coun ty, has been acquitted of the clargqt" f murder. He killed his broth"' some time ago because his broth 'ad heen intimate with his wifilf., rhe defense wag that the brother.. I ad been too intimate with Mars' Jin's wife and that Martin simnplip4- ?ode eighteen miles to the field iin Nhich the brother was ploughing md shot him dead. -The engineer of the negro ,urion train which was wrecked vith loss of life near Cane Sav'n. iah below Sumter last week, in his eOstimony before the coroner's jury', iaid that he did not stop when igualled at Cane Savannah be. 3ause he was 1unning under orders ot to slow down for signals at any lag station; that he observed the vash-out before he reached it and Lpplied his emergency brakes, but o no avail. -Wednesday morning a young nan purchased a set of harness rom M. E. Alverson, in Spartan. urg, for $8.50, giving in payment check for $25 00 signed with the iame of "J. P. Clarey." He re. .eived the difference in money r Mr. Alverson and left. When he cresented at t >ank it was foun at J'. ~P 'larey" was an ounknown quan. ity"-and the young man had left or parts unknown. --Mrs. Harrell, of the Camp xround section of Spartanburg ounty, who recently disappeared 'lysteriously from her home, has eturned to the hmoband and Ghret hildren whom ibe left. She had loped with a "Holiness" preacher, . P. Byars, and they had gone to. ether to Tennessee, where Mrs Iarrell attempted to secure a di. orce. The husband of the truant rife found them there and brought is wife home. -A special from Union says the sport of casualities in the accident n Broad river bridge, on the South- rn railroad, three miles north of arlisie, in Union County, was ex- gorat ed. The combination, the ile-driver, loccomotive engine and lie flat car, wvent into the river by ce trestle givmng away, whenihe ile driver attempted to go out on Sto drive a pile, where about 400 act of the trestle on that side 3ading to the bridge had been 'ashed awayr. it was thought that he three or four bonts standing were safe, but they had been nn- ermined. The three men who ~ere on the pile driver went down !ith it, but no one was killed. FRIEE Sono0LAIPS. The following scholarships are ow open and will be awarded by- lhe South Carolina Federation of Vonmen's Clumbs: (Con verse College-Three Schmol. rahips, each valued at $100 a year, r four years, academic work in ollego. Methodist Collego for Womn- !olumibia, S. C. -One Scholarship >r four years, academic work ini ollege, Grheenville College for Women-. )ne Scholarship of free tuition. The Southern Kindergarten Train. ng and Normal Inistitute-Chars eston, S. C.-One Scholarship of re tuition for each county in the state. The South Carolina Kindergar- ein Association Traininig School- lharloiston, S. C.-Ono Scholarship If free tuition. Mrs, L. A. Smith's School for fon ais-hretn S. C.-. )ne Scholarship of free tuition. Alumnme Club School of Domes- ic Science-Louisville, Ky.-Ono scholarship) of free tuition. Chifford 'Semi nary-Union, S. J.--Oiie Scholarship of free tuition. The examinations for these Schol- wrships will boe hold( in each county ruly 10th. All applicants must ile their names before July 1st w'ith Miss Liouiea B. Popponhim, C hairmuan Educi onal Dept. S. 3. Federation of Women's Clubs,. 11 Meoting Street, Charleston, S. Many School Claiidrent areic Ekly. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children, aked by Mothie Gray, a nin r'ie Ia (Ichile's 110omo ewi York, Break un Colds~ I 2-5 hiours cure Fe. ertlahness, tienchiche, Stomach trounic Tecth. . an-a don. destroyWorm AL..Ru ita

Transcript of HEA FCKENS >SNII*JUNL 0--N 44historicnewspapers.sc.edu/lccn/sn93067659/1903-06-18/ed-1/seq-1.pdf ·...

Page 1: HEA FCKENS >SNII*JUNL 0--N 44historicnewspapers.sc.edu/lccn/sn93067659/1903-06-18/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · offers for sale the manufactured arti-cle or conipetitioin with the free labor-er


SEteied April 28, 1908 at Piekens, S. 0. as sbQoud clp matter under ac of Congress of Marh 8, 1879.-


PIKPIC. .,NS SUN. 18,N9L, VO.bXtXXhe 1821.

NO 4'r I -~POI ' .lolT1NAL. Nstabli bed: 1891.E S 'THY S.OP1-:,JUPIC1,K08




Send for free sample.SCOTT & DOWNE, Chemists,

409-415 Pearl Street, NewYork.Soc. and $S.oo; all druggists.



The Use of Prison Labor In DaildingPublie Highwaym - A Labor Lead- -

er's Plan For the Employment ofConvicts In This Work.

Tile convention of American road-makers which met in Detroit was re-markable in tills respect, that Mr.George Burns, the great labor leaderand president of the Michigan Laborunion, advocated the use of prisonlabor either \ln building roads or inpreparing material to be'used for hard-ening their surfaces. le Is the firstgreat labor leade' to advocate thiscourse, although it has been suggestedby many speakers and writers on thisquestion during the past ten years. Mr.Burns sees that it would be clearly inthe interest of such prison labor andalso in the interest of free labor tohave the great army of prisoners nowin the jails In the various states whoare doing no good for themselves andadding nothing; to the common wealthapplied to ty1 road proposition in someformi G,'y"IdraMany people object to a suggestion

of this kind because they say that theuse of such labor for such a purposewould have a contaminating influencein the community where the work isdone. But to avoid such a result Mr.Burns showed that this labor could beapplied in the preparation of material,either brick or broken stohe, where tlyeprisoners could be worked in inclo-sures as they now are. The productsso produced would not-come in contactwith free labor as the articles general-ly produced by such labor do. Conse-quently by this course you avoid com-petition with the manufacturer whooffers for sale the manufactured arti-cle or conipetitioin with the free labor-er who works to produce these articles,and at the same time the prisoner isteceiving more useful instruction, hav-ins healthful exercise and addinggi in the course of years to theco wealth. If Mr. Burns' idea,

soupd---mid-wvholesome on iould be adopted bythe labor unions of this countvy gener-ally, it would bring to the road causegreat aid. %

The great meeting of the automobilemanufacturers of America held in Chi-cago soon after this Detroit conventiondeveloped the fact that all of the auto-mobile manufacturers of America areheartily in favor of some general planof road building that shall be applica-ble to all the states in the Union. Be-inlg unanimous ini tIls view, theyadopted a resolution indorsing the pas-sage .of tihe Brownlow bill, which pro-vides for a system of nlationlal, stateand local co-operation iln tihe perma-nenit improvemenlt of thle pulblic high-ways. It is very evident from the logicof evenlts thlat the time is rapidly ap-preaching whlenl tihe friends of the goodroads cause will be able to unite manyforces in favor of tile general plan ofroad improvemuent thtat hlave hlithertobeen eiher indifferenit or hostile.

Thie labor leaders generally havebeen hlostilo to the idea of applying theprison labor to tis work, but no0w oneof tihe most progressive leaders of or-ganized labor hlas comle forward andindorsed in tile most hearty amnd intelli-gent way the idea of applying tis Ia-

i bor to tile general welfare of the comn-mniity by building up thle public roads.Iln order, however, thlat this shall bemade possIble thle road building au-thorities in thle various states andcounties must be provided with neces-sary funds in order to obtain propermnachlinery, enginieering skill an~d eX-pert labor so as to make use of thearmy of prisoners who would be put attheir disposal under tile now plan.

Iorder to seemy this necessary fundaid igee &ubre evident that tile,

adotenational governmenC~t shlouldbe caijed in to supply a portion of tilemone . This l's all provided for by tileBlrow low bill, whlich was not only in-dorsd by the Chicago convention, butalso by the Detroit convention ofAmerican roadmakers. Every conven-tion mlet to consider tis qulestionl sincetihe Brownlow bill was inttroduced incongress has1 in..sed tile bill anidurged its passage. -Hion. Martin Dodge.

Sick Headache?Food doesn't digest well?Appetite poor? Bowelsconstipated? Tongue coated?It's your liver! Ayer's Pillsare liver pills; they cure dys-pepsia, biliousness.

25c. Alt druggists.

vant yor mous or board a beautiful


Ho0w to Care For Hard Wood Floor.Few hlousekeepers unlderstanid htow

to care for hard wood floors. Simpleor elegant, there Is but 0110 mode oftreatment. Never put a drop of oil ofany kind uponl thlem. If soiled, rubthem off th~Oroughlly with a flannelclothl wet withl turpentinle. Whlen dry,apply a preparation of wax. Whentis is finished an~d dry, polish themn

~withl a cloth or brush imade for the-purpese unltil clear an~d sining, as the

qiuality of the floor wvill admit. Thiscarefully done will keep a wooden floorIn perfect. condition.

4,. T W..LBoste a h idYuHeAwgBg

REMINISCENThe members 6f this association

are known as Misei nary Baptists,but from the records their effortewere never very great nor theitoperations. very extensive. Wetrust that the small beginning mayhave a layge ending, that the seedplanted by our fathers may -nulti-ply one hundred fold and more.The first mention of. Missions wasin 1847 when a resolution was

passed to organize a Home MissiolBoard, the duty of which "shall b(to employ a: minister or ministerto preach the gospel in such field'as they shall designate, having firslin view the more destitute pqrtionEof this association.'' The Boardwas not appointed and no furthei-mention is. made of Missionarywork until 1853 when a report waE

made showing that the Board hadreceived $39.00, and they with thatinoney employed five differentbrethren who performed fifty-fivedays work (preaching,) and was

paid fifty cents per day. Theseefforts continued at intervals;iometimes Missionary work wouldbe done and then again there wouldbe years elapse and nothing done.[In all this time nothing was saidand no efforts made to send thegospel beyond the bounds of theassociation. In 1875 a great Mis-sionary rally took place at Cathey'sCreek church in North Carolina,for it was there the assooiation heldits meeting that year. I say "greatVbecause it was the longest steptaken by the association during itsexistence for the spread of thegospel. And I surmise that Rev.A. W. Lamar had a great deal toJo with infusing such zeal into thebrethren. At that meeting theissociation decided to aid State,Rome and Foreign Missions and.hey appointed committees to lookifter and report upon these inter-ists. The first year after this themm of $94.95 was raised for Statedfissions which shows that theipirit which took hold of them at3athey's Creek had not diminished.The association has never done

what she could do along this line,indeed I do not believe that shehas done one-tenth of what shecould or should do, for besidesbeing the largest denromina-tion in the county, they are thewealthiest. But in the early yearsthere was opposition to Missiona~rywork, indeed there were membersof the churches who did not believein supporting the pastors. Theywere in this sense hardshells anid itwas a great draw back to the Causeof Christ. And I am ashamed tosay that we have some among ustoday who believe the same way,because there are many who doniot contribute from one end of the

year to the next one cent for anypurpose. And if we take the re,ports of the churches a large peroentage of the members do not be-lieve in supporting the pastors orcontributing to Missions. Christiansaan have their honest differences asto methods of work, but this shouldnot lessen our interest in the causeof Missions. While we are wrang,ling over methods and plans soulsare going into eternity unsaved,and their blood will be required atour hands. The watch word andgreat cry of- this year should beMissions. No matter how yousend the money so it gets there.Another important matter the

Baptists of this section-was a littleslow in-education. They havemanifested some interest alongthis line, hut have been and arenow in some respects behind thieirbrethren of other -sections ot theState. The first effort to establisha denominational school was in1884, when the Tuokaseige Asso-ciation sent a delegation to this

association requesting that the

two bodies meot together by their

representatives "in connsel to con-

sult upon the propriety or impro-

priety of establishing a literaryschool." fhe request was notgranted, for what reason is notknown.. Nothing more was donealong this line until 1875 when themembers ifecame so much inter-ested in the cause of Missions atCathey's Creek church as above re-lated, when among the many reso-lutions that passed the Executive

Committee was authorized "to de-

vise somos plan by which a good

Baptist High School may be ,established in our bounds for "the

eduo ition of our sons and daurgh.

This committee reported tyneit sainn. ta~ht teare wa..6...re

CES- of the Twelve Mile RiverBaptist Association.....need- of more education u thebounds of the association and re-

ferred the matter to the churcheswith a request that they reporttheir views on the subject to thenext session. And this was theend of the matter until 1888 Whea.an effort was made by this and thePiedmont Association to purchasethe Piedmont Institute located atPickens for school purposes. Agood deal of money was subscribedfor this purpose but not enoughto meet the demands and the pro-ject failed. The 'last effort madewas last year when the trustees ofthe North Greenville High Schooloffered to allow us an.-interest inthat property if we would build a

dormitory. This also was rejected.In their failure to buy the prop,orty at Pickens the Baptiats of thiscounty lost one of the greatest op.portunities of their lives. We area great people in many respects,but the old time worn volume ofininutes show that we are especi-illy noted for passing resolutions.If resolutions can make a peoplegreat or wealthy then the Baptistsof this county are at the head ofthe list.The "Circular Letter''vas from

the beginning and is today a greatfeature, and a very interesting one,of the proceedings of the body.This "letter" would be prepared bya brother appointed at the previoussession and would be a dissertationul'on some religious subject. Thereare several printed in the minutesupon the subject of "'Church Dis-cipline." The brethren in the'earlyyears seems to have been muchconcerned about discipline. Theywere more careful of the conductand strict in dealing with disor-derly brethren than we are today.And I believe if the churches hadcontinued the practices of theirfathers along this line and beenmore strict in receiving membersinto the churches,:the standard ofchurch membership and of religionwould have been much higher thanit is. Don't all say Amen at oncel

There have been various dffortsto divide the association, the firstof these was at the session of 1874,when, in pursuance of a resolutiona meeting was appointed to beheld at Salem church on Saturdaybefore the fifth Sunday in Novem-ber of the same year, for the pur-pose of holding a consultation withregard to forming a new associa-tion. Nothing ever camne of thismovement. In 1878 George's Creek,Mount Carmel, Mount Pisgah,Mount Tabor, Beaver Dam, Enon,Flat Rock, Mountain Springs, Ens-Icy, Filoamn and ILberty asked forletters of dismnission for the pur,=pose of organizing the Piedmont;and after they had been grantedsuch letters, Capt. J. A. Griffin of.fered the following resolutionwvhich wvas adopted: "Resolved,That we, the Twelve Mile RiverBaptist Association, wivxle regret-ting that they see fit to absolvetheir connection from us, herebytender them our sincere prayers fortheir future happiness and prosper-ity in their new organization, hop..ing and believing that our irropar-able loss wvill be their spiritnalgain." And no doubt the Pied-mont has accomphished more in itsnow relation than it would, hadit remained with us.

Sirece the Piedmont was organ-ized there still remained a feelirngthat the Twelve Mile was too large,that it could do more effective workin two bodies than one, and fromtime to time the question wastalked of and agitated, but not un-til last year did it moterialize,Then it was that four churches-Pickens, Mountain Grove, Peter'sCreek and Oolenioy drew cut andformed the Pickens Association.The brethren of the new organizia-tion believe that it was the rightstep to take, that the baby associa-tion will do as much as the old hasbeen doing; if so, it will be a bless-ing. They are very few in numbersnow, but hope for other churchesto unite with them from the TwelveMile, Piedmont and North Green,ville Associations.Much more could be written

about the Twelve Mile and her off-springs, but for fear your readerswill tire, and with my apologiesfor taking tip so much of yourspace with matters and thihgs thatconcern one sm ill ,baud of chris-tians, and with apoio les to thereading public for the treespasenonthem and their time, -and for th~eimperfectness of the matter writ-ten, I write Fline. ,A BAPTrST.p ([The End]

ABOLSH RURAL ROUTES.Hundreds Estabtished by Machen tol'Iease

Members of Congrels.

The investigation made byFourth Assistant Postmaster Gen-eral Bristow of the affaira of thefree delivery division, formerlyconducted by Superintendent Ma-Cben, who was summarily dismissedand arrested on a charge of hrib-ery just a week ago, has resultedin the discovery that in order torestore the service to a proper stateit will be nocessary to abolish one-third of the rural free delivoryroutes now in operation in thesouthern states and about one-fifth of those established in thenorthern states.

'The investigation shows thatroutes have been established with-out any possible excuse save as a

matter of -favor to membPra ofCongress, and that money appro-priated by Congress for this pur-pose has been expended with al-most criminal extravagance. ,Onmany of these routes the receiptsdo not average $5 a month, andon others the receipts do notbegin to justify the existence ofthe routes.The southern states which will

suffer the most from the aboli4h-mont of the routes are South Car-olina, Georgia, Tennessee, Mississ-ippi and Ala. In the North Maine,Vermont and New Hampshire willbe deprived of about one-fifth ofthe routes now in operation. Oth.er northern and eastern states willlose routes but in smaller. propor- 4tion. But fow changes will bemade in New York state.Postmaster General Payne said

this afternoon that no acti.>n.would be taken to reduce the num-ber of rural routes until a full test thas been made (if each individual

aseand the results noted. Then t

whatever routes are found unwar-ranted will be discontinued. Atpresent he declined to make an es-'imate as to the probable numberf these routes.

"I have been troubled for .onme timewith indigestion and sour stomach," saysMrs. Sarah IV. Curtis, of Lee. Mwss.,"and have been taking Chamberlain's ]3toiach and Liver Tablets which have 4cielped me very miuch so that now I canat many things that before I could not."

[f you have any trouble with youritomach why not take these Tablets andgot well? For sale by Dr. G. IV. EarlePickens, and Dr. R. F. Smith, Easley.

Boys ARE SMOTHERED.i'hey Wore Playing In a Wheat 111n at

Nashvinle. Tern n.

Two boys were smothere I toleath while playing in the wheat)in of the Gallatini mills at Nash-,ille, Tenn., last week.A search wvas instituted the(

iame evening when the boys failed I

to put in an appearance for sup- Ier, and it wvas not until the nextifternoon that their lifeless and (

2aked bodies were found at the.ottom of tile bin intr which theyiad been drawn by the suctionsaused by the rapid exhaustion of~he grain through tihe elevatorshute. The boys' names weretFionry Smith and Hugh Lanier,i

mnd they were between 8 and 9 *

t'ears of age.

Chamlberlain's Stomach and LiverI'ablets are just what you need when

you have no appetite, feel dull after eat-Ing and wake up withl a bad taste inyour mouth. They will improve yourippetite, cleanse and invigorate yourItomlach and give you a relish for your

rood. For sale by Dr. G. W. Earle'.Pickens, and Dr. R. F. Smith, Easley.

MUST MOVE TO GET WORK.Flood Sufferers ECannot Stay on the P'aoo-


The work of relief for the suffer-era is progresamng satisfactorily inSpartanburg. Tents and rationsfurnished by the WVar Departmentarrived last week, and the localcommittees are doing effectivework.The chief object now is to re-

rnove the thousands of operatives

to other points. Ton mills in this

State and North Carolhna h ive al-

ready agreed to take care of severe l

hundred families. Some have al-

ready gonle.

The Southern Railway has most

generously offered free transporta-

tion to this army of workers.Worst or all E~xpveruecue.

(Jan anything be worse th~an to feelthat every minute wvill be your hasi?Suchm was the experience of Mrs S. HI.

Newson, Decatur, Ala. ''For thlreeyears" she writes, "I endured insuffer-able pain from Indigestion, stomach and

bowel trouble. Death seemed Inevita-

ble when doctors and all remedies failed

At length I was induced to try ElectricBitters and the resuls was miraculous. Iimproved at onoe and now I'm complete-,

i ecoveredt." For Liver, Kidnet. Stoml-iachi d Bowel troubles Eleotriot Bitters

Is th only medicine. 0 $ 500. It's

guar teed by Pickens Dr g Co., drug-

AFFIDAVITS FOR TILLMAK.Are Filed by His Attorneys to Get a

bhange ufVenue.

The counsel for James H. Till-mai,, charged with the murder ofN. G. Gonzales, editor of TheState, took their first step to se.cure a change of venue by filingWith the commonwealth's attoineysaffidavits of a number of personsin this county that they believed itwould be impossible to obtain afair trial }ere.Mr. Tillman's attoroicys urged

the solicitor not to mak., the affi-davits public until tho argument ismade before the judge eight dayshence, and to this the state's attor-neys agreed. In a statement madethis afternoon Mr. Tillman's attor-neys say they do not wish publicopinion to be formed or influencedby the publication of their affida-vits and the case prejudged by thenewspapers in Columbia; that one)f the causes for their moving for) change is the hostile criticisms3y Columbia newspapers.In an editorial, the Evening

Record says that since the killing,Ahe State, whose editor was killed,has positively refrained from refer-3iee to the case, and that the Reo-)rd has not influenced or attempt-d to influence public opinion. Itleclares there is no evidence or

istility in this county.

tartiling Evidence.Fresh testimony in great quantity is:onstantly coming in, declaring Dr.Cing's New Discovery for Consumption

.)ughs and Colds to be une ualed. Aecent expression from T. J. McFarlandlentorville, Va., serves as example. HeOrites: "I had Bronchitis for threerears and doctored all the time withoutteing benefitted. Then I begaL takingr)r. Kings New Discovery, and a fewiottles wnolly cured me." Equally ef-ective in curing all Lung and Throatroubles, Consumption, Poeumonia andrip. Guaranteed by Pickens Drug Co.

)ruggist. Trial bottles free, regularizes 00c, and $1.00.

ORDERED SOLO.Expected Coast Line and Southern Wil

Buy Thea In.

A decree was issued in the Uni-.od-States Circuit court in Charles.on last week for the sale of thePast Shore Terminal RailroadJom pany and the CommercialJom press and Wharf properties toatisfy mortgages aggregating $1,-100,000 on tho railroad and $22,718n the other properties.Tho receiver of the properties is

1V. E . Huger. They in reality be-aug to the Atlantic Coast LineLiud Southern Railways, though anndependence has always beennaintained for themi. The sale isirdered for July 14.T1he East Shore Terminal Com-

>nity controls almnost tile entirejoopeor river water front of Chareston. T'hat it will be bought in>y the Atlaintic Coast Line and

iouthern syste.ns is a foregane

Eils Last hfope Ilealized.(Fromi the Sentinel, (Gebo, Mont.)

Ini the first opening of Oklahomja toettlers in 1889, the editor of this papervas among the many seekers after for-une who made the big race one fine dayn April. During his traveling aboutnd afterwards his camping upon hislaimi, he encountered much bad water,vlhich, together with the severe heat,ave him a very severe diarrhoea whichSseemed almost Impossible to check,ndl along in June the case became soad he expected to die. One day one ofis neighbors brought him one smallottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholerandl Diarrhoea Re.medy as a last hope.t hig dose wvas given him wvhile lie wasolling about on the ground in greatgony, and in a few minutes the dosevas repeated. The good eff(et of tilenedicine was soon noticed and within,n hour theo patient wvas taking his firstound sleep for a tortnight. That oneittle bottle workedi a complete cure, andte cannot help but foul grateful. TIhecason for bowel disorders being at handuggests this item. For sale by Dr. 0.

Earle, Pickens, and Dr. Rt. F. Smith,


anme's 3usthel Gettina- enalley.This legislature knows beans at all

ovenits. It has changed the legal weightof a bushel of that fruit from sixty.

two to sixty pounds. This was achiange demanded for time sake of unii-

formuity ahd In tihe interest of an im-

plortanlt line of trade. In other states

the legal weight has long been sixty

pounds, while Mnine has stuck at the

larger number for no particular reaisonm.

Thme result has been to handicap and

embarrass the Maine dealer. Bearing

in imindl the extra two p~oundls, in orderto guamrd against loss he was obliged to

qulote his b~eans a lIttle higher thanm thme

Boston mnarket, for example. Conse-

quienitly purchasers, seeinlg thme dliffer-

ence in price and( unmindful of the dif-

forencee ini weight, would buy In Blos-

ton.-P'ortland Press.

That Thtrobbing Hleadae~roubl quickly leave you, if you used)r. King's New Life Pills. Thousandls:

>f suiterera haive proved their m-titeios

'merit for Sick and Nervous lleadaches.|l'hey make pure blood and build

tour health. Only 25 cents, money back

f not cured. Sold by Pickeno Drug Co.,hrugalat.

TUMBLED ON TRACK.Side of a Mountain Caved Upon the South-

ern. Another Crack May Mean An-other Slide. Tihousands of

Tong of Dirt and HckFined up a DOepCut in N. 0.

The side of a mountain caved inon the S->uthern tracks betweenSpartanburg and Asheville at noonlast Friday. Thousands of totsof rock and dirt plunged downwardcompletely filling one of the largestrailroad cuts in the mountains ofWestern North Carolina and effec-thally cutting of all traffic from the'south .

The land slide occured near Try,on, N. C., just at the foot of Salu-da mountain. The road had justsucceeded in resuming operationof trains, which were blocked bywashouts in Spartanburg countylast woek, Thursday being the firstday that regular schednles were ineffect.The present disaster will cause

annullment of all trains on thisroad for at least seven days, asthe authorities say it will be im-possible to clear the track beforethat time.

It is also given out that anothercrack is seen in the mountai-i justin the rear of the cliff from whichFriday's avalanche descended, andit'is predicted that another tumbleot'earth and rock will occur, inwhich event the railroad peoplesay that it will be at least twelvcdays before the running of throughtrains can be resumed.The train from Asheville for

Columbia was wrecked within twomiles of Hendersonville Friday.The engii.e, baggag, mail and

express car and one passengercoach were derailod. PostalClerk Horace G. Oliff received se-vere and painful bruises and thefireman was also injured.The cause of the wreck is un-



One of the Inlients of a High SchoolEntertainment and Church Fes-

Uval Combined.

News has rcached here of a

bloody cutting aflray at Phoenix,in Greenwood county last Friday 1night at a school ontertainment.,John D. Williams had his face tslashed almost beyond recognmtion tby J. Buck Ward. Both are well Iknown white farmers and Mr.Ward's son, Dr. J. L. WVard, mar-ried Mr. William's daughter, The Ifanmilies have always been on good Eterms and the cutting wVas the re- IsuIt of a row that stairted last anight. There was a high school Centertainment at the Phoenixschool1 house and ice cr-eamn festivalwas given by the ladies of thechurch. Mr. Willhams was so well r-pleased with the singin~g of some ulittle girls that ho ordered some eice cream for them at the close of~the entertainment. When thecream wazs brought the little girls ycould not be found at once, havine 8gone to another part of the build-ing, and so, the eyewvitnesses sayMr. Ward told the waiter to givethe cream to some little boys~standing near which was done.-As soon as Mr. Willhams found outwhat had been done he became an-gry and the twvo bngan quarrelling.The lie was passed and, witnessissay, Mr. Williams knocked Warddown and jumped on him. Wardthen began to use his knife, Mr.William's nose was entirely cut<loose fr-om his face, both lips (sliced in two, and a long gashmade in his throat, besides manyother outs on his cheek and neck.While the wounds are not necessa- 1rily fatal, yet the unfortunateiman will be disfigured for life and Ihave a painful time of it before Ithe wounds are healed,(Mr. Metts, an eyewitness, says

that during the excitement Mr.Ward left and was not at home Iyesterday. Mr. Williams hasthree sons, grown young meon, andit is not known what may be the

Ihearness cannot be Curedlby loci applications as they cannot i-eachthe diseased portion of the ear. rThereis only one way to cure deafness, andthat Is by constitutional remodies. Deaf-ness is caused by tn inflamed conditionof the mucous limang of the EustachianTube. When this tubo la inflamed youhave a rumbling sound or -imperfecthieariing, anld when it is entirely closed.Deafness is the result, and unless the in.flamation canm be taken out and this tuberestored to ita nior-mal condition, hearing]will be destroyed forever; nine eases outof ten are cause-d by Catarrh, which isnothing but an inflamed condition of the1mucous servicec.-\Ve will give One H-undred Dollars for

any case of Deafness (ca used by estarrh)thant cannot be cuired by Hall's CatarrhCure. Sond for circmulars, free.

F. J. CHIENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.Solb al Dugists,Thc.bet

Subscrctbe for The -niImi

MUST SERVE SENTENCE.The Judgment of the Lewer Court in the

Wilcox Case Was AftirmedJamts Wilcox, the murderer of

Nellie Cropsey of Elizabeth City,N. C., will have to serve his sen.tonce of thirty years in the stateprison ft Raleigh, N. C.He was tried twice. The first

time he was convicted of murderin the first degree and sentenced tobe hanged. 'He was given a newtrial by the Supreme Court be-cause the spectators at the trialmade a demonstration when Wil..cOx's lawyer arose to speak.

In the second trial he was triedin a different county and convictedof murder in the second degree andsentenced to serve thirty years inthe penitentiary. From this judg-ment Wilcox appealed. This judgmont the Supreme Court afliimedin an opinion embracing thirtytyl)ewritten pages.The defendant's attorney's urged

that Wilcox should have been givena new trial because most of theeYideot'-e was sufficient to havebeen sLImitted to the jury, second,that the suicide theory was asreasonable as any other theory, I

The court wont into detail in Ithe consideration of these points. t[t said after reviewing the argu-ment of the defendant's counselbhat the deceased had the oppor-tunity, the motive and the time toIrown herself:"This line 'f thougit, has been

itrongly preshed upo I na 1Y thelefondant's able "anIncr-*lounsel. To the adoption of thisnew there are several serious dif.

iculties. There can be no doubt,hat the deceased was greatly(rieved and distressed by the con-luct of the defendant; that her af..ections were trifled with. Her3onduct showed her to be a youngwornan of deep and strong feel- e

ing. * * *

"The testimony shows that the r

3ondition of the river at and near c

to the front of the Cropsey resi- C

lence, with its receding shores, is JIuch as to make it necessary for F1er, if drowned there, to go out Ieventy-five feet from the shore v

)eforo reaching water four feet 1

leep. The testimony in respect bo the river all conflict with theheory that she could have thrown rLerself in the water.''In conclusion the opinion says:''We think that in this case, C

aeasured by the standards pro- acribed by law, the evidence was>roperly submitted to the jury, oud we cannot say they have reach- t)d an incorrect conclusion.'' .

Chiamberina' Colic, Choiera andDiarrhoen Rtemedly

s everywhere recognized as the oneIemiedy that can always ho depended vp)0n and that is pleasant to take. It is ispeociaily valuable for summer diar-

t oea in chilidren and is undoubtediy theeans of saving the lives of a groat dtany children each year. For sale by V

Ii. G. W. Earle, Pickens, and Dr. R. F. yith, Easley.

CHARGED WITH MURDER.Ian and WVoman Arrested In North Oaro-

lina Charged with EIning M. J. tJohnson at Dnilon.

Fannie Johnson and Alex 1-ill,rhite, are being hold at Fayette-!llle, N. 0., on the charge of the

nurder of M. J. Johnson near

)illon, Marion county, Junow 6,Lnd they will be brought back tohis State and tried as soon as re-

1iisition papers aire honored by I')overnor Aycock. CJohnson was shot near Dillon on|

he afternoon of June 6, and the (>ody found that night. He had) 'en seen in company with hisvife, Fannie Johnson, and her I>rother, Alex Hill, about an hour fefore the shooting and at the in-tuost testimony was given that

howed that a short while after the shot had been fired, tihe north- C>ound train near Dillon had boon c

lagged and two parties answvering

ho description of Mrs. Johnsonnd Hill had boarded it. These (acts were sent to the governor by

Joroner J. HI. Beorry, with requestt

'or instructions.tEarly this morning Berry tele.

raptlhed the governor that the chief(

>f police at Fayette ville had notified

iimi of the arrest of the Johnson

vomnan and Hill. The governor

at once wired Governor Aycocko0 instruct the chief to hold the>rlsoners for further orders andhat a re:juest for requisitioni papersvould be forwarded at once.Governor Heyward thon tele-graphet Coroner Berry to sendroper instructions so that the ro-Iuest could be made out at once.

The pair will be brought backL ihIs State at once to stand trial,

-a.olumibia Rennrd. 1Qth ns

-G. W. Croft, leading . coufor J. H. Tillman, stated last wthat an attempt would be into get a change of venue. Pwere filed serving potioe oliprosecuting attorneys.

--L. F. Martin, of Berkely county, has been acquitted of the clargqt"f murder. He killed his broth"'some time ago because his broth'ad heen intimate with his wifilf.,rhe defense wag that the brother.. Iad been too intimate with Mars'

Jin's wife and that Martin simnplip4-?ode eighteen miles to the field iinNhich the brother was ploughingmd shot him dead.-The engineer of the negro

,urion train which was wreckedvith loss of life near Cane Sav'n.iah below Sumter last week, in hiseOstimony before the coroner's jury',iaid that he did not stop whenigualled at Cane Savannah be.3ause he was 1unning under ordersot to slow down for signals at anylag station; that he observed thevash-out before he reached it andLpplied his emergency brakes, buto no avail.

-Wednesday morning a youngnan purchased a set of harnessrom M. E. Alverson, in Spartan.urg, for $8.50, giving in paymentcheck for $25 00 signed with the

iame of "J. P. Clarey." He re..eived the difference in moneyr Mr. Alverson and left. Whenhe cresented at t>ank it was foun at J'.~P'larey" was an ounknown quan.ity"-and the young man had leftor parts unknown.--Mrs. Harrell, of the Campxround section of Spartanburgounty, who recently disappeared'lysteriously from her home, haseturned to the hmoband and Ghret

hildren whomibe left. She hadloped with a "Holiness" preacher,. P. Byars, and they had gone to.ether to Tennessee, where MrsIarrell attempted to secure a di.orce. The husband of the truantrife found them there and broughtis wife home.-A special from Union says thesport of casualities in the accidentn Broad river bridge, on the South-rn railroad, three miles north ofarlisie, in Union County, was ex-gorat ed. The combination, theile-driver, loccomotive engine andlie flat car, wvent into the river byce trestle givmng away, whenihe

ile driver attempted to go out onSto drive a pile, where about 400act of the trestle on that side

3ading to the bridge had been'ashed awayr. it was thought thathe three or four bonts standingwere safe, but they had been nn-ermined. The three men who~ere on the pile driver went down!ith it, but no one was killed.

FRIEE Sono0LAIPS.The following scholarships areow open and will be awarded by-lhe South Carolina Federation ofVonmen's Clumbs:(Con verse College-Three Schmol.

rahips, each valued at $100 a year,r four years, academic work inollego.Methodist Collego for Womn-

!olumibia, S. C. -One Scholarship>r four years, academic work iniollege,Grheenville College for Women-.

)ne Scholarship of free tuition.The Southern Kindergarten Train.

ng and Normal Inistitute-Charseston, S. C.-One Scholarship ofre tuition for each county in thestate.The South Carolina Kindergar-

ein Association Traininig School-lharloiston, S. C.-Ono ScholarshipIf free tuition.Mrs, L. A. Smith's School forfon ais-hretn S. C.-.

)ne Scholarship of free tuition.

Alumnme Club School of Domes-

ic Science-Louisville, Ky.-Ono

scholarship) of free tuition.

Chifford 'Semi nary-Union, S.J.--Oiie Scholarship of free tuition.The examinations for these Schol-

wrships will boe hold( in each countyruly 10th. All applicants mustile their names before July 1stw'ith

Miss Liouiea B. Popponhim,C hairmuan Educi onal Dept. S.

3. Federation of Women's Clubs,.

11Meoting Street, Charleston, S.

Many School Claiidrent areic Ekly.Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children,aked by Mothie Gray, a nin r'ie Ia (Ichile's 110omoewi York, Break un Colds~ I 2-5 hiours cure Fe.ertlahness, tienchiche, Stomach trounic Tecth. .

an-adon.destroyWorm AL..Ru ita