HAWAIIAN GAZETTE. NMnp...a srMax patliW t tarnisha. ill. raw fin, trat she SssASyUZ a ttexc itfce...

m IBUWinAS GAZETTE t S THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE. WEEKLY J0T3BML, DEYOTED HAWAIIAN PROGRESS. 5oartt Tso. X'Hit xr UaetUlsea. tiaMtastssMt NMnp 11 Uet- -i isrh-- M liirtitfAs isiaii C2AWFQSZ MACDOWELL, Uas ttts M Uaee 3 iMAet a ll tM MtM Hafll IXIwxray "WsriSaw-xvx!jt2r,3- arBlsc, MU. ll. iiaNHuaad tfa uHh of Calsaa Third of OolMM.. in linnw . anw fin MLLilS ?!?. AXXTJH Mstfef rials... it ! u ! w mm )!? OidosM n hi m s m atai r ar s. - ....iMa.... .. ta .. aal . xa . asl .. " at as -- . as aalws ..... sa.ta - . Bsatssss Car prfp saw year, Jf altoweJ dlscs(TeTS rates, sUV e Wsaslat tTettata,werM"aVrTW. X.1 B. All farelts MTWtlnswaK aoet t setasMMaa wkea I1.WM aeMs H . via lb pay -- ...- , .V. .In n m ia atrtiTS trsrs rtfn Ihesv T rail otexatsesxe. - Reso4IHaeBs3aia: T I VOL. XV. No. iU HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1S79. WHOLE No. 779. ertlrllou.BaTbs retaltlaM for Aaueara xsa bj AawkaaiiiMisasaat e WtKn4. ! so. aga stamp. BUSINESS NOTICES. BUSINESS NOTICES. BUSINESS NOTICES. INSURANCE NOTICES. INSUHANCE NOTICES jj'OUKlGN NOTICES. - ,. - .iiit.M ISX1HI amm' a j '- - BaVtS feMK . JCa&rCdOaSMal s Sube t; let r aB tajfc iToxy yr& wise wepahtd: llsac. afee, xxbc afctox fee xi joes. Aetsax feba. Tbe -r . sturUm" aaa '( SmStik tie k fcsexi x xfeerzee Ae feonsl Xr.OMstE'a- -: a srMax patliW t tarnish a. ill. r aw fin, trat she SssASyUZ a ttexc it fce pta eo f &e k SaWK Saw: vfll xefore cat be - IW State TTttfCTOT 1W.X rfGati 3z.Sas2s SmKtr aa ike sBTioas xfcr-ft- t- --as so fc""Xaae piil.rr--Sa3W;ia- e -- rii H?c;x ef ann m jMi ill sfi tx Grxtlraian. ras r szs ef few ' till r.faiMi, aad elte ' aateSBX, tod io S3 tuj-- ! is. aaxn. aaat fce pexTtasieei iLe Kg 1 The i ctxEtssastt arere ' Ss uiiia. teetaase be fcd j t.tag a At Qcssc'a trill, j ajrtii Hhx asasc a, 'I'Mrtirif ," I: rf ists ' rsr iwit aip SatxTefcartipp efFereS3 ssl xtn Sece vsaez-- spniam tel 3fjaaJj ofepcaeo. ;mmif rfee htag, cac af Vr. Csa- - i pw T f3. l- - lO it xas xeacsrr cf Fsr-- jj K imam irai x xtu u& ca r , ke fitatxiM acrer be ece Tc bsz, Anbcx, n t s4(kl Its cstctc' naa. se 1 east a. Z iii :iit9aacl nacsset. 'ansaaVaa.as.'saK, I : xcrae arjili yoa ai st TT if .mi aasea grfat-x- T" te- - S3Bixfar. . 2 aasc." gtrtffir-i-!: tie ira- - 3s as: i tTesaieszs, list f 'Sasd, iciifc asciea ta joar ir si TBcrseK, saatsete t liiixj .. II 1 atu jec eiccH xi aiaSbcsof Jtr. Gvrrrag." WloBaiS, I ecaae oaecf iiMiiiiii vn&tt . nfii izw Briish ILeocxl Jocr-- as afear0SjKV'8C-9S0r- t, aneedle is j&e faxsri. It lad nfief die left "aSac Tali szsd tvestr- - aa! Aec aasritijaiiss. Eft bad 3 vst eggtjaUAto Z3J laI tftaKS, : texsr erratag treeaiea. atj- - abe awetSt csxeesd Hs ictrt a. ii atoxsjaxWC idl tliifc'aa staaxm sstssaasc sa. MS A TO IT. HACKFELD JL CO.. EX5Z2AX. COX2ISSIOS AGISTS. Cm !&nL Haweixra. B X. TTSHyt WILLIAJI O. SMITH. i Attorney at iaxr. Ottict riiHnm Src. TftnriTtr. H. oxer . sxOck&rBsr&.Tas. -- a tr ' , G. O. ILALIj A: 0 DtTOSrXXS ACT UXIXXZS ET EASSVA2E Dry lin'i Ttt- -. usi aad InMnlsattattu. TSMs OrCTrTnniKinr?U. DH. F. .IJlKR. ! SURCEON AND ACCOUCHEUR. M as Hr. Hiluil Ursx Stare, Jlctlul ret. IT . Ja. CCJUIUGS. 31. I.. J SC2SE0S AS2 E0KTO5AI3IC IET5: CIAS. 1 M.i CiiorrtJaBeretsaiaa,gorixrx. B. YV. 31AKUEX, M. 3ElX3rsiciJ23. AZ2.C3. StirseoTi " Importers & Commission Merchants - ! Baia. StsAMi iiuu tj JOILA T AVAXEKIlOaJE. I2E?02XXS ASH SSA2.ZS X5 GESXLAL nzcacrazss. T7t QMnizM.Ba&Bla.B.I. 1; i OILLUAUIIAJI JC CO.. ' XJEN2XE2S AS3 ItTM.TSS ET EASmTAEE j Cclirrj. ITj Cfola, Fai met GO. ai Gnera) - 4 IIULLl Wfc CO.. f Shi; Ciirlc ri Coiccr 3ttirtTta. latjionm act Zt3ff is Cc(Si V Kttia!oe.mi vl &.aate. Bivauu !ala4a. 7Z3 15 C. ja. BAKTOU, Anctionrrr. alevaas .x Quo 5xrit. a iftar Ixv CaaLcaaxi E. H. ADA31S. ' Atctioaeer aad Ccaaissioa Kerchiat. A.A.aOXTASO, Pititjr;ler iri Baler is CI iiia eJ Pietit Trsez. Xili aid Ttlrel Cues. Coratrsf Chiul roriftmsa.. llom&Is. rtn WILDEU Jt CO.. I ' Cmct t Ten ui Cti Sctwu Hosoiclc. Lnier. PittTi. Oflt, 5i2i. Silt aid Bildir fM) Jlaseriili cf Ttrr iiad. ' Dn. F. II. K. UEttS Jt J. H. SE31IS. PHYSICIA5S A2fB SUEGZOSS, n OFFICE, xrijixtr. VAC1. It j JUIU II. lATV. ! SOTA2T TCSUZ d C02QOSSI05XE cf DEEDS, Fee sb State fCtlclx&ia. 0 at IW &axk efEj!?) A CBk. Caabaaax Street. Haawjcix. c?S lr ' J.C.MCCIU Utt. UTUt, C. I. CMCI LEWEUS Jc UICKSOrt. IKFOSTESS & DEAL tRS 13" LUSBEK. , Xaialltixi.fBrjJ4iiVi4rvki,rortlrt.HoJciii TK-- lr T. J. BAKES. j Paeiial Arriiit .d BiilitTt I Pla&i ax4 rpprnftrattarrf Scrtitht at reaao&atW tfTxay a.ciiti r- -i Sc, Kofcptilt. H. I. icij- - I CIIAS.T. CLICK. ArsrttsaiAri23VdrsraIiStiCailrxcti -- A CENERAL BUSINESS ACENT. 03e u alatee ., carser Caeca asd KaO.xsazr gtreeti. Haoetrix. TZ It T. CEAWTOSB HAGPOWELL, -- f3b.ttC32rja.Oy- a.t laa"0, t Office Poat Office Bttlldlnr Jl stisl attextaac faaS Ve tbe ixrefttacxt of cccSes ox xvod ercraes- - "& j J. II. At ica-xK- . er. 33 1 20" 23T IVTSu. 33: 33 31, , Alaaea Street. One door t4sa- - Hotel Ssrt. ' Tfirxttsre ofaB deearxpftMX xude acd rtTOlred at rex aaxiXte raea, Bet vartxtai rsarmxtced. cCta It B. r. EULE1LX Jc CO., DEAiEss rs par goods asd geseeal 4 EXZCZASDXSE, ! Fan 51.. abereddd reOavs Hall i7M-- l j TZ. GEOCEEY. EEED STOBE asd BAEERY, Controf Kiz xsd FortilreeU, noso-r- w. rair S. CLEGIIOIU A: Co.. i txrexrxxs xxs TTitrrt rx j Gouornl TVTorrTt nndl fo. Tit lrj xxasxSt..xxdcarxerrertxcdEatelt . . .,..,.. . rjEPOSTEES ASD WHOLESALE DEALEES Is riistoriMc CtfrtXe Hi'i Ca;. Bocts. Soesaxd rwmey ranesr of GeaSlastex'c Fxrxiaticc Coods. Seed's Sosdixc- - 3terrjjLXttreet.neatxlX- - fTT-- lr C AFO.XG. Inporttr, "rTiolerxle and Retail Sealer in General 2erchsndie Aoc CMxa fioaia. la the rire-rrc- cf Sure, esrser cf Erarxao wae Streets. TH aCICIIAUD F. BICKERT05. ATI0E5ETA5DC0TI5SEL0E AT IAT Terxu afiocrti ox tie otter IiUxd J XaoeTS.cxdoaJtrtrxceiaf TreeiiaVU. ilCt,S: SXerrAvxat-treri- . Ziaon froai IK rtaareawaWaTC 31. S. GITEBAr Jt CO.. ncporxss asd veolesale dealess la laaxss&aMe tatxter. nxu. taps, noon, sooes asa j rerr xafitr cs GestWfiBes,s axpecxie Fcrauxlxir store ix 3laxec s Itiyt. r&eea rtreeC. riosinlrls. XI. 1. C. BEEWEE & CO., IT. X. T. CAXTTZ, r-- e. Jena, jx-- . k SHIPP1RG & C0M8IISS.0K MERCHANTS, Hscalcls. Ea-giiit- IsUzdx. it THEO. II. DA VIES. fLxTt Jxnox. C xrxx A Co-- J rSCPOSTTZ ASD COmOSSlOS EZCHAST, xxa Axrx; rox Uarda aad tie Lnrrsool Csdemiters. SrAka aad FcretfX 3Iariae Iaaarasc fjocpaxT. xxd I ertxeraAwaTaaceUtfcraaT. OTT9 IT IIOLLISTEE & CO., Sa. CS Xaaaaa Street, : : : : Honolulu, tsfoxtixj xxatxatxxs zx Choice Cigars, Tobacco and Snuff. & UfftxU fmrSXt JSaveaica 2Ummfpr ?. Lczinird ft Cc't, azd TrUj Pxir IoVircrt, ICzsxfaSSuitrs cf JUtseraJ Wdtrt. c TH I, I. X. CXJTtX. 3- - X. XTEIXTOS. J. r. CCCtE. CASTLE &. COOKE. EExrarse asd coaooesios xeechasts, CCPOETEBS ASD Dealers In'Ceneral Merchandise, So. M Else CTet,KssotxIc, Eas-xCx- a Ixlxr it. ACETTS F?B TxsCaanlxsxrxxc CerarxsTfxx Frxariaco. TcaXev TTcHxtf JEsrgil TJfr IcxxTsace CerapxaT, Bor.os. TA. QregSQ Par Act lixr, lTse stobala Plastxnos, He Jxtxo A doxs CeSxtsxled Tse Saitx PUatxtlax, SfrixiM. VatalxaPUxtatlaa. VaceAar A tTBxax's Seviaz-- , ftini.TTl PllTitHim. llacsixea. .li If) x. m. sraTTipfg. arx.cxxvnr. - WM. G. IKfTIA & CO.. Scgsr Jzctars aad CoaaiissioH Agestx, EOSOLCLC, H. I., SxxieaRxatxaca. HxwxiLfvrextMxalPlsTitsnoTT. Xsd ".'M .- - sxee rxaatanoa. w BSex, FUaxxSox. JWalate PUalaHoa. " ScxrXSls. " exAee Sxr c KsxL iKeaSxPlaatatios, " Crrie AEfc3catCs .rxajfaCx ftTt'.CominctOa. Crdsa Tire xsd Xxrtoe Iassrxao! On. ofXe ZeCssi. f araa Uard txrtae Laxxrxxec Co-- ot ViauxtScxr. StctTTxTaalJfelXrxaeeCs.cf ACSncAee. 73 lr WILLIAM O. SMITH & CO., STOCK BROKERS. iTtHE r.BCKMGSEB RATS erEVEB AX ! t5t on tTsshrEiaax street. Kcjirftfa. tor tae psr-- itneuinif ttsisru;ix;armdoctti, Bonds tot Kbtrs;$N3rian. Skifely ca cnmmirslna, KaTtsr axd expcsieiic rata xaxaxrrsarot T3ams- - raoas..vi!"satc?csffiar Tar3Stofr,csa1ictxT- - xsanaa rexswedax- saca &taet. as easy ee pet to tae- nuv tSJS55S,S?J5JS,,KLS icfea may esurnst bmaaess to xaexn w wfc tbrtr juiiaes. TTi SB ILiiAM O-- SJII FU X CO. F. J. O'BRIEN. 'PBlCnClL AM.C3TOER CAS I11H-K- - atETAi. Koanxs. Skip Worl end Joiiixj prcmriiy cZzxda la. aeon, Xereaautt Stmt, X r jrart Street. CROCER AND PROVISION DEALER. unifii wJi - J ri 11 .ii " .... TIU1 31 ran mttc uwut. LAUE A; CO COMMISSION MERCHANTS Ai Isrortm ttfa4 DeaVn is Dt-- Grata, axi C1 FtuJsr. UeaviaJu. H. L gJy CECIL BRIn3. AIT025ET A5D COC55IXL0E AT XAV. j 50IAET rCBUC. 1 Aai JLpexl far taliztc AcLiMrlf3caMS cflaatrcnvstaaar UcIUaajBTOaSax. J JA3ES 31. JtO.VSARRAT, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Ofic aj J. l. Sowsrs. Qa St, HcooSita. sir a. m. WII1TAKT. W. D.. . .S. Deal Sotsx cs Ten Sscct, OSc l trewtr'r lt mwt rfSiirt asi Tot Strrau. mi W aVa&anw. Hml aurt. jlj E G. HITCHCOCK. ATT0E5ZT AT tA-VT- , EHO, HATAH. S. 3adCa.ST33-XL- , utviktxx ass rat or SIAPtS ASD TAXCT BET G300S, CLOXHISG. SOOTS, EEOES, tt ai urraM x&Kera c; cxirtrves. uoikcb. TC ty i.a.2xr'A' h mow aotmij. JAHES DUD1L.PEOPKIETOB. ' CDSiDS DF FCST JUC3 K3TH. STEEETS. HC.DIUUL 7,Bri.tlMt(JUisnaeaadLaaaff. routaxtr eo Laai. mT Maotw ttata t. ttrf Mnni. 77: It C T. IIOl'3IA. (Laucf CaaaasFaecaSirxTUTrTj j Civil DL3 23.si23.oo2r. Cytcrr OrerUr Ftarppiva3'al(rscrof S rtaiJCnc&astSUTu. I6S j ED. UOFICULAEGER fc CO.. DCP02TZES ASD C0K3OSSI05 KEBCHA5TS, HoMtlc. OiktL. B. I. C3C 1 j A. AV. PE1ECK Jfc CO.. I SWTP CHA5DLEES & C0KKIS5I0X KEECEA5TS j. ascxTs ut xrrj-i- rxa. aaer, KerWi iJrroew: Tlxa. OTka!e!i's a!pptac List. Ae Ac. rss . It jcx-TBrar- x. ar. xexxxrsox WUITXEY & ROBERTSOX, ISmcaxm UB.X. KxCaer-- l suticitn, Psiliiitr. JTesrs Dtslert, d Eoei- - brier. Sfercxat Ssrt, - Hasolsln. AT THOS. G. TUUUS. 'Stationer, News Dealer and Book binder. Xertaaxt Street, Hsadslx. ll-S- Usdl Ccttirr. 3. ! cTXTixxCallrTxpaT xad CcTiEj:, proartlr execxted ox , reaaaaalje te7TXJL 7TS.1t CASTA. E i HATCH, .trtoiraaeys a.t Xja-csr- . "W. R. CASTLE, Srarr PoblSe. xuesd an tte I Coortacf tfce Eiacdcca. ! Pxrtkslxr xttestara raU td tte xexxiatfCE of Loxcx. Oaarerxbrl&r. 0D3efiir.r. etc ts" Mo&eT to loxa oa 1 Of5e :o.sro street, oTtTiaMtatxalCo's Stare, ) BaDoiB3n.aam-xExaiixii- ntir S.SXXXT. T.xoxxxr&ax. GRATT & ROBEKTSO.T, iSxcxocTtUJ.S.atlmC) vouua in ijwrj aa staple J vwhu . cfererrdeKrEptkv, y Orders freaa lie ahtr ltlasd, prmiij attested to. , Cor. Tort and Hotel Six. G. "W. .HACFAnEAAEA: CO.. XXPOETEES ASD COJUUSSIOX 5CEECEASTS, LvtttBs'i Fireproof BsQdisi', Qxeex Street, Hoooixlc, B.I. XCX3TSrs Tic Glaagov asd Rocolxl. Use of Fxcxets. JoXx Uxt A CVs LATerruGl aad foVia FxetcU. T Walixpa PtmTiT.a. 71e Speneer PSaaUtKO. LTQo, Haaiac Plaatalvo, BSm. J!ines. Talt Vanot, rxtar MarHoeTT. TLt PsaloaSieep Exxcx Ooatpaxr, Ti5 tcurn. x. r. xoexsax ALLES KOBnSOS. At BoMmco", trbarf. Dexltrt is Ltier tzA. ill Idsds cf EsiHir yttr-Ii- 't Pxjrri, oat, Stilt, fce feefct., XBtTS Cf SCSOwXXU FTrsyT-- tttivitp EEEACLroEI. lUXTELLKT. rACAIII. CTLAJfA. LEA HI, 73 Heea!xl8.11avxllxaljlacds. It BISHOP & CO., IIOSOLUEU, ti,i RATAJIAX LSLASDS, . . SBAW EICHA5CE OS IEE EHI CF UUFOSXIJI. :: : : $U FEMOKO xxatxxxxASxstsxx Xexr Torlz, Boston, Farts, Auckland, TEE GEIES7JU EUI COapCainOf. : :: LDiKU ASS TZXXX XXaycKXS IX Hoax; Soar;, SjTlncT, aid Helboame, AxdtrassacIxGeseralCaarixr Bodsexx. 739 It CC CHLE.HA.T, BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST, - BOBSE-SHOEIX- CcairsTiasro ocor-lsL- . efce. IT Else St, near firie ACoclVs Stare, a. tfxiTTTx. a. xxctrss G. SEGELUES &. CO.. TI5SMITHS &KD FIUMSESS, Xo. 3 Xanana Street. Eeepeasstxstirox hard a fan axaartsezt ofTIl, EheeJ Irca, xad Coppanrare, GtlTd Irsa aad Lexd Plsclsdia ScJbVer Ease, 4se aTtlls C E. "tTIltVLIAM". DCFOSXES. KA5T77ACTITRES, ITPH0LTEEE2, ASBSEALEETS FiSIlTBK 8f ErEBT BESCRIPTJSI, rrrxJtsrs ITsre-Boiz-as 5o- - ti Tact etreet. TTcrt xaop xt Um old staad oa Hotel Street, Tii; Orders frootlMoasarialaadsrxoaptlTattrBdedteL It HOOLTJLTI IRON WOBZS CO. fSS STKAJS- - ESCIXES. STCAR SIUj i Kf -.-- , . T Machinery of Every Bescription, Order. -- EB PxrtirsltT attftf-e- paid ta Ssip'x SUdasitiisj starters ESalec. cTMljr W.V. JOIMSOX, MZoarola.asx-- e Tailor. Tii Xuiiw ly PARISIAN RESTAURANT, HSTCL STREET. ZkrOJT SrTSASr, : : Proprietor, LawcX-Sa- FrxxctKsa) THIS RESTaCEAXT TtTEX BE SapnUed MeaB. roaltry, FSak, Pratt, Jtc Jtcu. wtdcxcxx be c&alaed.TX2ies xad parries wta be serred at Oeir reSeiiewn Freav tal eitaerdls&e. prepared miraoHnrAcrrAssrxre. W iwai for SaoSKs. SOI j SOMETHING- - EXTRA SALMON BELLIES xx nr bbu A5B so b kitts. JUST AT HAND PERV HONORA, Wis CASTLE COOKE. THOMAS UCE, 3VE ACHIKTIS 37. X. JO rrt Nlrwl, ,n rv rt3 auraj ta all witrx la th 'U3CC GDI iEERERAL REPAIR URL Ke vSS C-- t ttal a&rttioa is cteasisf. rrpaMci aad itgTiitmc stoc Xwalafti, md all otfcec klas of ISc Nac&iaerr aad Jsal Worfc of CTrfy acnaacu JLlao, cn basd sad tar &a c&ap, AVariety of Sewing Machines Gnoa, Pistols, Shot. Ammrmltlon. SEscMae OH, Iffeedlcs, &c, &&, die ifirtic XaSunt Tacfctra, BiXjrra. asj aa ia extra aaAzp&cac-part- i of e&acass sapped oo abort acdoa. AJt Ufgtt tM tXis Ximfrin far TS Bkww sotiaf XacUac. fr to fiX triauSfvTacaiaciat.Iroa fU u:v Hoaoiiartft sea-la- c artlat,fioa flitifO. eIctea)af ancxtras TaT It POETRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY! THE CXDEKMGXKD UA.TIAU SOW all Apparatus and Conveniences for Traveling, la prepared ta Vist any part f ta XaSazua, and do euser rortraiu or Tien to order at aiort oedec FiriJa Work only mtHI be done. Terms Caaa. crdraft oa Cosolfila, wsea t& BecaUrex are riiie. Address 1C I CHASE. Ilooolnlo. &ettit.lTa. tTT Iza . OIL BLACKING.- - l . rfssv ;u x." HASUFACTUKED Si G. S. PIKKHAH & CO.. 5 SQ r KOLCU, KACAI. g IS s BOLLES & Co., Agents, 11 C A .V - It r ay v ONDiovna nio v DOMESTIC PRODUCE. Pioneer Mill, Lahaina. HTCBTOX. PBOPBIETOB. Crepsof Sajxr e.str, oov codccla sad for sale ta Qaatitis to sell fcT TWIT ILHACKTELDAOO KAUPAKTrEA PLANTATION oVT COKIlkC IX and for sale in qcsatsties So sslt parc&xxers dt TSs lr 0- - AFOSO. BAWAHAN SOAP "WOEKS ! GREY & CO., JJamnXactnrcrs and Dealers i ALL KINDS OF SOAPS, L.eIeo,Kln Street, Honololn. Beet VxUoa asd Goat TalkT wutij. Orders left at BaBcs A Cb. Qua Street, will meet wltl prompt attea- - TSJ It SOLE & SADDLE LEATHER, Tanned Goat and Sheep Skins OX HAS D A5BFOB SAXE, from tac veil Aaowa iralmra Txaaerr. J. P. Parker. Frop'r. Hllo tauinerx, F.S. Lrmin. Fpoprlrtor. HI IT A--g. CUXH0B5 A CO, Areatx. JlETKOPOLITA.'t MARKET. C.WALLER, Proprietor, Kins; street. ITM 1t1 Uonolnln. COALS! COALS! COALS! Planters will Take Hotics ! Steamboat AgenU will Take Botlce ! Familiei will Take Botfce ' TTST EECEITED AXDTOBSAEE BTTITE sj Endenltaed at tie Lcnrest Bates SOO Tons ot toe celeorated VeBSajetoa aGne Departure Bay Coal, Sapericr to all Sort Coal Dow la rue. for Steaa xad FxaSr parjuses. xad vorta Ui) per ton more tbxa WxOaead CoJ la tee aa Frxaasco mxrxet. For fxsailT cse It Is aixblT prxed, oeroc so dexa xad rree front Cast, xad bxras to a ahiu xta. ALS0,TOAEEIVE. 2,500 ton Beit Quality Wallsend'CoaL For sale la lots to salt purchasers, AT THE LOWEST RATES. 7 tf AXXEX A RSBIXS8X PIANOS! PIANOS! .EX- - 'MARTHA DAVIS,' A fear focre of tsose SUPERIOR PIANOS Tmsi tie clsutshetl firm of WOOD VTAKD & BEOWS' Cf BsxagaOO. JUST RECEIVED. Tbe FUikx cf tins mike ln1rsoM la thlnsxrtet hare gtrta good tkfciJoa. and we re prgptreC to c3tb rire hiJUiM to parriiiert. T)?e canot be nadeocM fcy aa too la Hoaohals, Pianos on Exhibition. rata Oastle Sc Cooke. KIN HINC, V5TXT, BE rXxEiSHBTO ATTETB TO edcrArri dreo Wki X r PonnJtx. eH2ier tram Ktfr or Plwcocruaba. vliScb h rnxnie to &a- - Uh ta irfjte to teilt hi paJrsa, maA ?M fc tFFOi PWrrtpri tf 05(3 ta Bagsa's HxS. H9txtSf,Tf malrin. ;TMsi Bastes Baard er Uatlcrwriters. for the Uawallan lalaada, AGKXTS C. KWia k CO. PBiladclpWa Bsard er raderwritf rs. GKXTS far the narrallan Ialanda, .A 713-l.- C.SESWIXACO, ClUFORSIA INSURANCE COMPANY. CXDKRSIGXED, AGKXTS OP THE THK CVtraaT. aare t aatarixe4 ta lasare rHta cs Cargo, FreljUt tai Treoanr, froa Il&ooiaU ta aa raru ftf Um wwrld, axd Tie raraa. T H. HACKFELD 1 CO. F. A. SCSlAEFlfli. ofBrmrn Board of Cndcrtrrltcrs, Arext of TVnaa Board ef Cadtrvrttera. CSaraa ariat Icnraac OMaraak vttsla tk. larlnlktiox cfta aban Board of tradtrarttrra, will kar to fc rertt eJUVitaWr.ratUtttitaaTI!A psi ly HAM KII KG XTXIKSTr&E-XXr-VXKTXSY- 7 nmiE rXDERSlGSED noTlnt; ben ap-J- L tiaat Arrxts oTt abore 0atfaaT xr rrerared ta luor. riifa Xfabut sre. ao Stone aad Brick Bullri-l&EX,aa- MerchandUa atdrrd taereia,ot tbaaaost frcraUUrBa. ror aruc&Ur apple xt the .Sec of TK It r. A. SCHAEIXK I CO. TRASSaTUilTIC FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. ar HAHBUBG. RrSIiR IXSA-RE- F OX BniSIMiN, asd fteraltsre, oa Qoerxl terms, br a;MJX n. UA.CS.TKL0 A CO.. Artnts. HAMBURC-MACDEBUR- C PIKE INSUEANCE COMPANY, OP HAMBCBG. BrXLBntG5l. HEBCnASDrSE. FTRXI. lasared xcalast Flreoat&e out farorxti: tnal A. JAECER. ArMtfjctnoHxwxaaa Islands. : IT UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OF SAX FB.AXCI8CO. IVXorizio. I5COBPOBATED, 1S0S CASTLE & COOKE, ACENTS TS7 For too Hatrallaa Islands. It Insurance Notice. THE AGEST FOB. THE BU1TISH For. Maris. Ixiaraare GompaaT, (Lialled). L Itatrectior, to rtduce tbe rates of lataraDC Utea Uscnlslx aad Furts ia txa Padtc, acd la now pre- pared to Urce PuOcSe. at ta. bnt rates, with a tptciU redscrUa oa freight per itexsers. TltEa IL DATIEJ, 1tJT Arenl Brit. Tor. Mar. lax. Co Limited SOETH BRITISH AND KEECAHIILB INSURANCE CO., OF LO.VDOS AXO EDISBCRGQ. ESTABLISHED 1K. CAPITAL. Xl.097.2IS Accumulated and Invested Fnod. 3,635,118 rriUE E.VDERSlG.VED HAVE DEEX AP- - JL POUTED XQKiTj for lie SiaJ.Kh UUada, aad xr. aataorUed to iaMir. mg lat Fire apoa Ceorabla tercu. Ei-- txtea la aaj part vf the Itlxsison stose and Woodeo BxiUI&rsaad nerxLaadi. tred tLerela. Drellise llocies aad FcrxUxre, Tixtber, CmIx, Ships la hxrbor Vila or villi 001 cargoes, or wstr repair. Tai It EP. HarrSCHLAEQEBACO UIMIOIV Fire and Marine Insurance Company or itll ZLLS.AJLXD. CAPITAL. : : : : 910.000,000 HATIXG ESTABLISnED AX AGEXtTT at for lae llawxi!xa Islands, tbe tiader sirred are prepared to accept nabs solnst fire In dareS-las- s, stores, sad taercbaodise, oa fxrorxble terais. Marine Elska oa carro, freights, bottomxrr, profits and commlssoox. Eoases proraptlx adjmted and payitble bere. TtalT VOLG. 1EWK A Co. FIREMAN'S FU5D INSURANCE COMPANY. OF SAX FTtATfCISCO. Iro AX23.d Marino, Caxu Capital. Gold. 8300,000. Dwelling Risks n Specialitr- - Detxcerd dnlllExs xad ronteau fxrored fora period cf tares jearfl, for two la adrxsce. Bj vrinar snail Uses oa cxrerslr selected tuts well dlstrTboted, ofiers IXDESIX1TT ECO.VO TO XOXE. Losses Promptly Adjusted. BISHOP A. CO., 773 It Acexts fi ta. Havxtiao IsUadi. THE Swiss Lloyd Marine Insurance Co. OP WIXTEUTUCB, T HE toiaanr. CXOEBSIGXEO are AUTHORIZED On Cargo, Freight and Treasure Froat Hoaolola toxll pxrti of ihsxrorld, xadcpoa Coaaters, tty Special Penmiaalon Oa th. roost farorable tenax. "W. O. IBWTS A CO . 7Mt A ceats for tbe Havaliaa Ixlaads. Rhenish Westphalian Lloyd INSURANCE COMPANY, OF S. GLADBACII. RnenUb Prusla, Aachen and Leipzig Insurance Co., Limited, OF AACHEX. f C1.AIKS FOR PAIITICEEAB AEt saitalaed or Goods arrlrlnr here, sad iasored Xa tae xaoTft Companies, axre to be made with tne of xad cenlaed to bT the oodersfgaed. la order to be Tafcd. (7t Irl J-- C. ULAOC Axeot, WILDER & CO., Asenta lor tbe xlatrallaa Islands, or THE Mutual life Insurance Co. OF SEW TOEK, Largest, Safest and Most ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO. IN THE WORLD! Assets as)-$80,000,000 ATiTi OA.SB. How is a Good Time to Insure Sons bat First-Clx- Eilks Taken, -s- s-Jb, THE New Englanii Mutual Life Insiraioe Co. OF BOSTON, MAES IXCOKPeEATEB, IS35. 7he Oldest Purely Mutual life Jhturancc Co. in the United Stales. Poliriex Ifssed oa tie sett feTsnMs Tfrrar. Ezaaaple orXon-Forf- el tare Fran, T5SVBXB AX3E. TEAE3-0ED- AKT LITE FLAX 1 ApitbsI presslgxa coBUaaas PoHrr 2 Tsxrs g dsrs 2 Aaaaal prasslass coat laaea Pfisicr Tsrs U dsrs 3 Aaaaal prrasism cxailaoe. PoKcr a Tears 27 oaTS 4 Aaaaal presslass coxtlaoes Pcelrr 8 Trarsit dsTs 5 AsssxIprcaDmeocHiBeesPoHcTldTesrs&sdsTf .ajssots. :: 913,500,000! Eosxeo Paid IkroHra AToaolnla AfreaeT, 849,000 ! CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTS 77 FGK THK HAWAHAX IS L ASUS. Ij J", Bitoytiuxifc SuX2L-- easf J$-- h t ' KT3BTRr TxTOItUB: LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY TSrsriVFOTOXX assal szpsst. ASSETS (Cnsn) -- 3s,ogo eoe AXXDAI. IXCOME. . s.eee,ee CASU SIBI'LI- S- . T.oee.ooo H. HACKFELD & CO. GENERAL ACENTS, C. O. BER&ER, Special Agent For the Hawaiian Islands. The only Co.snpa.nr lata teste. Tontine Investment Policies, Bnr prxrrkxStT-a- a Sadownreat PcHcj-xtt- asnxl Life Kstex. Til lr THE UVERPQQL mi LONDON am! GLOBE INSURANCE CO. Assets, $26,740,105,70 ESTABUxHBB AX AUEXCX IX noXOLCLC for Ue HawalUa Isamds, xad tbe aadersicned xnt prepared to write rbtxs xzxlast FIRE OX BUILDINGS, MERCM.UISE AKB DWELLINGS Oa tXTorxble terms. Dsrelllns Rlaat. a Special lly. Detached dwelUnca and cooteata iuored for a rerlod of tbre. Tars for tvo premlams la adrance. Eoaaea promptljr sidjttated .ad pajable here. .c BISHOP A Co. RUPTURE SafsaflLvSjar CURED CALIFORNIA ELASTIC TRUSS x godtni (a au. fur It enure lj cared mr painrol roptar. la nine (rerts, from which I ha ve seffira fur Ore reara. I toot: Toor adnce and war. It dxr and afcbt. rTcMcrTfalirirrexaK,ra5i"cA accrnf ny sTsrUxdc. Mas U.K.S. LxTHxor, Sxa Jose, CALIFORNIA ELASTIC TRUSS ca.iaubstautlallT cared me or a bad raae of rBpiureofSOTear, standing I hare tried all kinds of traces, both steel sod elastic and neTer recelred sut petmxmeat relief ootil I tried roars. I feel thai I am perfectly cured main J. bcbsk, chief aiaOelerk S. K. Riili- - ZWai- -j fat. Send for caialojne. California ElasticTrussCo emoT4 from Sacnunento Street to 726 Market Stmt, Saa Francisco. 7K IT RNOWLES' STEAM ASD Vacuum Pumps. rip HE UXnERSIGXED IIITE JEST BE-- CKTVED per Amr Turner, rrom Boston, a full as- sortment or these celebrated Pumps, which are cssiso-ter- d to be cheaper and better ihxa anj other iiile of pomp Imported. We call the atlentioa of planter, partlc nlarlr to the Vacoom Pomp, which is less compllcxted sad more serviceable hxa other pomps. 7t3m & linEWEB x CO SALAMANDER FELTING Covering Boilers, Sttm Pipes ETC ETC. Saves 25 per Cent, of Fuel PEICE SEDUCED TO $7.50 BBL. THEO. H. DAVIES, 7C te Afenf. CONFECTIONERY ! Ho. 71 Fort St, above Hotel St., KEEPS ALWAYS ON HAND Aa assortment of tbe best French sad California man factored n"h!cu be offers for sale to the Trade, or xt BetxB, AT REDUCED PRICES! TUE BEST BRANDS OF CHOICE CIGARS To be bad In tbe market. THE BEST ICE CREAB, SODA WATER S CORDIALS AXD TBY THES.-- in it Truth is Mighty and will Pre vail. THE EXDERSIGXED IS SOT TITE Bole Arent of tbe Waliham or xa7 other American iWalcli Co- - bit Is prepared to sell all Watches, es idSpecZxIlT these of Amencxo mann&etnre- - on ih. lowest possible terms. To prore this, b. obIt asks tha pcbllc to price his Stock before parchxxlor elsewhere. TValtlxaxxi TVntelies, A SFECXAETT. Watches, Clock, aod Jeelrj cleaned xad repxlred.xnd axrraated. Cbxrtei rexsonsble. Watch C'rj-xtal- s Inserted tor 35 Cents. BsTlar secured the serriees of a flnt-dxs- s Jeweler. I am now prepared to mxsafxetare sll kinds or Gold Jewelry, Setti, Chain-.- ' lockets. EracdcU, Eixgt, Cuffemd Collar Bu tost, laAo and Seal Siagt, Etc., Etc., Saiul Hat Jewelry ia taj D eared Style. Shells mounted In Gold or BUier to salt Cuitomers. Diamond Sstouc a spedsltT. All orders will recdre prompt xttention. Hlxhest mar- ket price for old Cold or Sllrer. eflee 17XercluBtKtr D.W.CLARK. I HATE SECURES A FIRST-CLAS- S HORSE -- SEOEE I Aad asa Breaared to tnxxj oa this Bzaaeas ol a xaaaaeraaUa. factory to tar Fasreau. OWNERS OF FINE STOCK Will da well to give Ke a CalL Horses sent to my King St. Shop WIU befm&fully attended to. C. WEST. Hoaalata,AsrBiT,ls7t. 7H tm NEW ZEAL ASD POTATOES, PER EAST STEAMER FROif A WtTRAEIA. ywttaaeby gOLLa A 00. WOECESTEBSHIBB SAUCE, prpuns am MAr-rixT-.- y atjhr 03P JaJaX V JMJaXVflNflp4aV. 1 1 1 at 1 1 t at I Mix 1 r a j 1 .. 1 c 7 WILLIAMS, ULASCHARD C. SMrrixH, amI CeMMloeloB MerckM TS 311 CxlhVrala Street, 8sa Trsoshex, rf iitiaai wsaa. WAKB .t L1PXAK, Expert Cemmrsslon Merehtvt. Orders for Amerkxa Xtsafaftatw a Soeeattr. ysreara Ooods porcbased oa coawtkatoa. lis soma TMnl Street, gliHaaesfata. W-- 5. 0R0B6XAH ft 110 , COMMISSION MERCHANTS, m CB.taber Street. Xew York. jrrroHT-Ca- U. A Cooke, asd J. T. Watoraeaso. I1T H. W. SEVERANCE, C8SSCE, M CaVefaraia ., HAWAIIAN Saa rrsaelsco. faraaaiiie aaa Cemmk. AgMt tor Tt3 SANDWICH rSLAXD AXD OTHER rROBCCTS. IT tSHTABEKHEB, 1SS' INDIA RICE MILL, CORNER OF Miwonand Freaoat Sts., S&a JraMHM, CAuresxiA. IXBIA KICK MILE, aRer M year. TBE practical experience, and tmproeTmeot, Itaasr ibeotarestto perfection of xayottho MoaarawoftlM world, la thoroBshatss of Cleansing and Polishing II stands nnrlrxlled: xad In jleld of cJesaed amcsaal. xbla lUc. from th Fxddr, Prodaeea troaa 3 to S per ceaU Xar. thsB the Cetetrxted AtUls of Amsterdam. TBS IKDIA RICE VI ILL PJ XOW IX PERFSCT XUX. XUiO ORDER FOB THE lulling and Dressing of Paddy XD UNCLEANED RICE Frost U HswaHxa Isixnds. to whlca It Is taecaBy. adapted. Consignments of Paddy and Bulled Riot Will receiT. prompt aad cxrefttl sttentloiu. war. m. aRExjivrooo, General Commission Merchant xad Proprietor of India Rice MI1L TU lax BR. J. C8LLIS BRSWNE'S iiOnoi'3rK-i- i 13 THE ORIGINAL ASD OHLY SSXinsX. a CHL6EODT5E Is admitted bT th profession to bs the most wonderful xad Txluabls remedy aer dUcorered. CHEOBOBTXE la the best remedT knows fat Cooxba, Coosamptloa, Broocblas, Asthma. OIEOBOBTXE effrclaxllr checks aad arrests then too ofleu ratal diseases; Diphtheria, FeTer.Croop, A sue. C1IEOBODTXE acts like a charm In Warrbcfs, snd Is the onlT specific In Cholera xad Dritntery. CIIEOROBTXE effectcallr cuts abort all attacks of KpllepeT. IlTtterla, rxlpltatlon, and apasms. CUEOEDDTXE la thi onlT palliative ta Xsnrilftx, Rbeumxtlam, Gout, Cancer, Tooth- ache. Meoinsltts, c From W. Tessllns Peuicrew.M. D.. formerlr Lrcterat xtSt.Oeorx'xlIospllxl,Londont 4Ihsre bo hetltstloa la sutlnt that I have aerer net with anj medicine so tS cxdoas ax an A sad cedxtlTe. I bxss med It la CoosnmptloB, Astbmx, Dlxrrbcea, and other diseases, sad am pertVctli sallifled with the retaltx." " Earl Ruxrell commonlcated to the College of Pbjslc. Uns tbst he axd recelred a dispatch from Her Majeslj's Consul xt ilsnila to tha effect that cholera has beta rec- tor fearfullT, aad that tbe oalr rtedf of xbt serrlc. wxt CtrtoxooTxa "See Aaacs', 1st December. IMi. CAUTT0X. Bxwxax or Puirr asa lurraTJosx. The pobUc are further cautioned ; a furtesy of the tor. eminent stsmp axsur come to the knowledge of tbe Board wf Inland Rerenae. CAOT10S Sir Pass Wood lUtid last Da. J. CoLtlsBEOsrsr was undoubtedly tbe Insentor of CntoaoDTsa; Ibxt tbe storr of lue defendant wis dellb-ersie-lT nntrue. which, be rrxretted to sst, bad been awora to. face Tci. July 10. IMI. SoUInBottlat li.ljl., Ia, td.. la, 6J. snd lis. esc h. None Is renala. wilboat th. words "Dr. J, COLUa BROWNE" oa lb. OoTera&unt Stsmn. OTsrwhstmluff medical testlmoDT acccmpaoles each bottl. Sole Msanfsctsrsr J. T. UAVEXFORT, S3, a rest Buscll 8L, Bloomiknry, London. A rests in Nsw Tort, W. H. ecaixT'tta A Co , sui J 0 Wilis. ;m sa THE RIDflN iKwiomsfDin Comer Beale and Howard Sts., BAN FRASCTSC0.CALIF0R31A. W.H. TAT10B, Pres'L JOSEPH X80B2. S,'t BUILDERS OF STEAM MACHINIST TX ALL ITS BRASCUKS, Steamboat, Steamship, Land ENGINES AND BOILERS nion presscbe os compouxd. STEAX TESSEE8, of xl kinds, hull t coataleU wtsa IlnUs of Wood, Iron or Composlta, ORBIXART EXGIXES compounded when xdrls-ab-le. STEAM EACXCHES. Bxrges aad StesBt Tofs with reference to tbe Trade In which they srs to be. employed. Speed, toaaxzs xad draft of watar cvxrxoteed. STEAX B0IXERS. FxrUcnlxixttentlonstrrn to tte quality of th, material xad workmanship, and noo. bat llrstclxas work prodnced. BCUAst XIELS AXB BEaAR-MAKIX- XA. CIIIXERT mxd after the most tpprorrS aSaaa, Also sll BoDer Iron Work connected therewith. WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of any six.. mxd In salubl. lenrtbs for connecting- - together, or 8beets rolled, peached and packed for soioaMst, reaay tu be rlrtled on th ground. BTBRACUCEITETIXG. BonrrWork aad Water Pips made by tbn istabllxbmeat, rlre'ed by HydrsaUc Elretlor Kxctlne ry. that qoxllty of wort ataxr au aa. perlor to hand work. SHIP WORK. Ship and Steam Cxpstxaa, nim Winches, Air xad Circulating Pumps, made after laa most spprored plans. PUMPS. Direct Acting Pomps, for Irrigation or OtT Water Works porposes, built wlta tbe celebrated Bary Vslre Jfotloo, xspcrlor to xny other jrsaw. 79 ass "Ko Hawaii Pae iina," THE SEW HAWAIIAX JTSERXAE. Hs4aar msnsgemeat of tax nnd.rstceed, who for IM past twelr.Txrs has bxdla. chxrg.of ta. 'Eoecox,'1 basa . Weekly Cketilalla f 3,759 Ceftw. And IsstexdBylssrea star. Uln silrinawin .k aa. no coax oa raw axwaaaa tssaaax, JOMPS V. KlWAIXTr. t3 Jsaarfatstxaa Swxtar. TO THE PUBLIC. I MATE KHiAaH TJiR MsaV ticbh ata arxveaasa VPtfOITatstBst V area seed a. da ssr uaetc a. eaaa tf waaellaowaa4lsitisasaasr. owasiaswwi . .. aarlac .- - - j T.r 1r ,t1r "" " " -- " " ""T i.r J. h. Btnr. j. 7AMILT MA1SXT. Jaaettoa at Hotel asea Vaioa fHrnta. a WALLXbV .... PBOrvTBrTOm. CSeoleHdst Xosvt. Iroas aha rrsyaad How. Fash, raxutrr, Taavtaoass. ewt. fs. adsb.dtaswaar. Ettras-Tsiia- sys aad Taata. 1 1 Frtdae s. Fan : Oaodara. Laeak. aalaw-aaha- was ofaaraL Taa iosviaaer harlna laaaatt xWaaafr aad CMtsaadloas Vetakle, FraU xad paaltry Maraat, xdjoralat tbe Family Meat aarkt.sr be prepafwd aa promptly aad nllaHilocBy ag orAcni aWsratrlalnxTa. xaliHi ta niiiiawi taa taatas wttb all tax aaaataaaal. xa. Dirllrsaass taa eoaatry.saaitax. aT Mbspalar aeaaflaa S1'!?- - 1Max,4,,alataaaasiWiafta ear with extra caaraa, - Haij

Transcript of HAWAIIAN GAZETTE. NMnp...a srMax patliW t tarnisha. ill. raw fin, trat she SssASyUZ a ttexc itfce...

  • m


    t S


    5oartt Tso.X'Hit xr UaetUlsea. tiaMtastssMt NMnp

    11 Uet- -i isrh-- M liirtitfAs isiaiiC2AWFQSZ MACDOWELL, Uas tttsM Uaee 3 iMAet a ll tM MtM HafllIXIwxray "WsriSaw-xvx!jt2r,3- arBlsc, MU. ll. iiaNHuaad tfauHh of CalsaaThird of OolMM.. in linnw . anwfin MLLilS ?!?. AXXTJH Mstfef rials... it ! u ! w mm )!?OidosM n hi m s m atai r ar s. -

    ....iMa.... .. ta.. aal. xa. asl.. "at as-- . as aalws..... sa.ta-. Bsatssss Car prfp saw year, JfaltoweJ dlscs(TeTS rates, sUV e WsaslattTettata,werM"aVrTW.

    X.1B. All farelts MTWtlnswaK aoet t setasMMaawkea I1.WM aeMs H .via lb pay --...- , .V..In n m ia atrtiTS trsrs rtfnIhesv T rail otexatsesxe.- Reso4IHaeBs3aia:



    VOL. XV. No. iU HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1S79. WHOLE No. 779. ertlrllou.BaTbsretaltlaM for Aauearaxsa bjAawkaaiiiMisasaate WtKn4. ! so.aga stamp.


    .iiit.M ISX1HI

    amm' a j '- -

    BaVtS feMK. JCa&rCdOaSMal

    s Sube

    t; let

    r aB tajfc iToxy yr&wise wepahtd:

    llsac. afee,

    xxbc afctox fee xi joes.Aetsax feba. Tbe-r . sturUm"aaa '( SmStik tiek fcsexi x xfeerzee Ae

    feonsl Xr.OMstE'a- -:a srMax patliW

    t tarnisha. ill.

    r aw fin, trat she SssASyUZ

    a ttexc it fce pta eo f &e

    k SaWK Saw: vfll xeforecat be- IW

    State TTttfCTOT1W.X rfGati3z.Sas2s

    SmKtraa ike sBTioas

    xfcr-ft- t- --as so fc""Xaaepiil.rr--Sa3W;ia-


    --rii H?c;x efann m jMi ill sfitx Grxtlraian.

    ras r szs ef few 'till r.faiMi, aad elte '

    aateSBX, tod io S3 tuj--!is. aaxn. aaat fce pexTtasieei iLe Kg 1

    The i ctxEtssastt arere '

    Ss uiiia. teetaase be fcd jt.tag a At Qcssc'a trill, j

    ajrtii Hhx asasc a, 'I'Mrtirif ," I:rf ists 'rsr iwit aip SatxTefcartipp efFereS3

    ssl xtn Sece vsaez--spniam tel 3fjaaJj ofepcaeo.

    ;mmif rfee htag,cac af Vr. Csa-- i

    pw T f3. l-- lOit xas xeacsrr cf Fsr--jj K imam irai x xtu u& ca r

    , ke fitatxiM acrer be eceTc bsz, Anbcx, n

    t s4(kl Its cstctc'naa. se 1 east a. Z iii:iit9aacl nacsset.'ansaaVaa.as.'saK, I : xcrae arjili yoa ai

    st TT if .mi aasea grfat-x- T" te--S3Bixfar.

    . 2 aasc." gtrtffir-i-!: tie ira- -3s as: i tTesaieszs, listf 'Sasd, iciifc asciea ta joar

    ir si TBcrseK, saatsetet liiixj .. II 1 atu jec eiccH xi

    aiaSbcsof Jtr. Gvrrrag."

    WloBaiS, Iecaae oaecf

    iiMiiiiii vn&tt . nfii izwBriish ILeocxl Jocr--

    as afear0SjKV'8C-9S0r-

    t, aneedleis j&e faxsri. It lad

    nfief die left"aSac Tali szsd tvestr- -

    aa! Aec aasritijaiiss. Eft bad3 vst eggtjaUAto Z3J laI tftaKS,

    : texsr erratag treeaiea.atj-- abe awetSt csxeesd Hs ictrt







    sa. MS

    A TO


    Cm !&nL Haweixra. B X. TTSHytWILLIAJI O. SMITH. iAttorney at iaxr.Ottict riiHnm Src. TftnriTtr. H. oxer .sxOck&rBsr&.Tas. -- a tr ',


    Dry lin'i Ttt--. usi aad InMnlsattattu.TSMs OrCTrTnniKinr?U.


    M as Hr. Hiluil Ursx Stare, Jlctlul ret.IT. Ja. CCJUIUGS. 31. I.. J

    SC2SE0S AS2 E0KTO5AI3IC IET5: CIAS. 1M.i CiiorrtJaBeretsaiaa,gorixrx.

    B. YV. 31AKUEX, M.3ElX3rsiciJ23. AZ2.C3. StirseoTi "

    Importers & Commission Merchants-! Baia. StsAMi iiuu tjJOILA T AVAXEKIlOaJE.

    I2E?02XXS ASH SSA2.ZS X5 GESXLALnzcacrazss.

    T7t QMnizM.Ba&Bla.B.I. 1; iOILLUAUIIAJI JC CO.. '

    XJEN2XE2S AS3 ItTM.TSS ET EASmTAEE jCclirrj. ITj Cfola, Fai met GO. ai Gnera) - 4

    IIULLl Wfc CO.. fShi; Ciirlc ri Coiccr 3ttirtTta.

    latjionm act Zt3ff is Cc(Si V Kttia!oe.mi vl&.aate. Bivauu !ala4a. 7Z3 15C. ja. BAKTOU, Anctionrrr.

    alevaas .x Quo 5xrit. a iftar Ixv CaaLcaaxi

    E. H. ADA31S. 'Atctioaeer aad Ccaaissioa Kerchiat.

    A.A.aOXTASO,Pititjr;ler iri Baler is CI iiia eJ Pietit

    Trsez. Xili aid Ttlrel Cues.Coratrsf Chiul roriftmsa.. llom&Is. rtn

    WILDEU Jt CO.. I'Cmct t Ten ui Cti Sctwu Hosoiclc.Lnier. PittTi. Oflt, 5i2i. Silt aid BildirfM) Jlaseriili cf Ttrr iiad. '


    n OFFICE, xrijixtr. VAC1. It jJUIU II. lATV. !

    SOTA2T TCSUZ d C02QOSSI05XE cf DEEDS,Fee sb State fCtlclx&ia. 0 at IW &axk efEj!?) A

    CBk. Caabaaax Street. Haawjcix. c?S lr '


    IKFOSTESS & DEAL tRS 13" LUSBEK. ,Xaialltixi.fBrjJ4iiVi4rvki,rortlrt.HoJciii

    TK-- lr

    T. J. BAKES. jPaeiial Arriiit .d BiilitTt I

    Pla&i ax4 rpprnftrattarrf Scrtitht at reaao&atW tfTxaya.ciiti r--i Sc, Kofcptilt. H. I. icij--


    CIIAS.T. CLICK.ArsrttsaiAri23VdrsraIiStiCailrxcti

    -- A

    CENERAL BUSINESS ACENT.03e u alatee ., carser Caeca asd KaO.xsazr

    gtreeti. Haoetrix. TZ ItT. CEAWTOSB HAGPOWELL,

    --f3b.ttC32rja.Oy- a.t laa"0, tOffice Poat Office Bttlldlnr

    Jl stisl attextaac faaS Ve tbe ixrefttacxt of cccSes oxxvod ercraes-- "& j

    J. II. At ica-xK- .er.33 1 20" 23T IVTSu. 33: 33 31, ,Alaaea Street.One door t4sa-- Hotel Ssrt. '

    Tfirxttsre ofaB deearxpftMX xude acd rtTOlred at rexaaxiXte raea, Bet vartxtai rsarmxtced. cCta It

    B. r. EULE1LX Jc CO.,DEAiEss rs par goods asd geseeal 4

    EXZCZASDXSE, !Fan 51.. abereddd reOavs Hall i7M-- l j


    Controf Kiz xsd FortilreeU,noso-r- w. rair

    S. CLEGIIOIU A: Co.. itxrexrxxs xxs TTitrrt rx

    jGouornl TVTorrTt nndl fo.Tit lrj xxasxSt..xxdcarxerrertxcdEatelt


    Is riistoriMc CtfrtXe Hi'i Ca;. Bocts. Soesaxdrwmey ranesr of GeaSlastex'c Fxrxiaticc Coods. Seed'sSosdixc- - 3terrjjLXttreet.neatxlX- - fTT-- lr

    C AFO.XG.Inporttr, "rTiolerxle and Retail Sealer

    in General 2erchsndieAoc CMxa fioaia. la the rire-rrc- cf Sure, esrser cf

    Erarxao wae Streets. THaCICIIAUD F. BICKERT05.

    ATI0E5ETA5DC0TI5SEL0E AT IATTerxu afiocrti ox tie otter IiUxd J

    XaoeTS.cxdoaJtrtrxceiaf TreeiiaVU. ilCt,S:SXerrAvxat-treri- . Ziaon froai IK rtaareawaWaTC

    31. S. GITEBAr Jt CO..ncporxss asd veolesale dealessla laaxss&aMe tatxter. nxu. taps, noon, sooes asa jrerr xafitr cs GestWfiBes,s axpecxie Fcrauxlxir

    store ix 3laxec s Itiyt. r&eea rtreeC. riosinlrls. XI. 1.


    r-- e. Jena, jx-- . k

    SHIPP1RG & C0M8IISS.0K MERCHANTS,Hscalcls. Ea-giiit- IsUzdx. itTHEO. II. DAVIES.


    xxa Axrx; roxUarda aad tie Lnrrsool Csdemiters.SrAka aad FcretfX 3Iariae Iaaarasc fjocpaxT. xxd I

    ertxeraAwaTaaceUtfcraaT. OTT9 IT

    IIOLLISTEE & CO.,Sa. CS Xaaaaa Street, : : : : Honolulu,

    tsfoxtixj xxatxatxxs zxChoice Cigars, Tobacco and Snuff.

    & UfftxU fmrSXt JSaveaica 2Ummfpr?. Lczinird ft Cc't, azd TrUj Pxir IoVircrt,

    ICzsxfaSSuitrs cf JUtseraJ Wdtrt. cTH I,

    I. X. CXJTtX. 3- - X. XTEIXTOS. J. r. CCCtE.CASTLE &. COOKE.

    EExrarse asd coaooesios xeechasts,CCPOETEBS ASD

    Dealers In'Ceneral Merchandise,So. M Else CTet,KssotxIc, Eas-xCx- a Ixlxrit.

    ACETTS F?BTxsCaanlxsxrxxc CerarxsTfxx Frxariaco. TcaXevTTcHxtf JEsrgil TJfr IcxxTsace CerapxaT, Bor.os.TA. QregSQ ParAct lixr, lTse stobala Plastxnos,He Jxtxo A doxs CeSxtsxled Tse Saitx PUatxtlax,

    SfrixiM. VatalxaPUxtatlaa.VaceAar A tTBxax's Seviaz--, ftini.TTl PllTitHim.

    llacsixea. .li If)x. m. sraTTipfg. arx.cxxvnr.

    - WM. G. IKfTIA & CO..Scgsr Jzctars aad CoaaiissioH Agestx,

    EOSOLCLC, H. I.,SxxieaRxatxaca. HxwxiLfvrextMxalPlsTitsnoTT. Xsd".'M .- - sxee rxaatanoa. wBSex, FUaxxSox. JWalate PUalaHoa. "ScxrXSls. " exAee Sxr c KsxLiKeaSxPlaatatios, "

    Crrie AEfc3catCs .rxajfaCx ftTt'.CominctOa.Crdsa Tire xsd Xxrtoe Iassrxao! On. ofXe ZeCssi.faraa Uard txrtae Laxxrxxec Co-- ot ViauxtScxr.StctTTxTaalJfelXrxaeeCs.cf ACSncAee.

    73 lr


    iTtHE r.BCKMGSEB RATS erEVEB AX! t5t on tTsshrEiaax street. Kcjirftfa. tor tae psr--itneuinif ttsisru;ix;armdoctti,

    Bonds tot Kbtrs;$N3rian. Skifely ca cnmmirslna,KaTtsr axd expcsieiic rata xaxaxrrsarot T3ams- -

    raoas..vi!"satc?csffiar Tar3Stofr,csa1ictxT- -xsanaa rexswedax- saca &taet. as easy ee pet to tae- nuvtSJS55S,S?J5JS,,KLS

    icfea may esurnst bmaaess to xaexn w wfc tbrtr juiiaes.TTi SB ILiiAM O-- SJII FU X CO.


    atETAi. Koanxs.Skip Worl end Joiiixj prcmriiy cZzxda la.

    aeon, Xereaautt Stmt, X r jrart Street.

    CROCER AND PROVISION DEALER.unifii wJi - Jri 11 .ii" ....

    TIU1 31 ran mttc uwut.LAUE A; CO

    COMMISSION MERCHANTSAi Isrortm ttfa4 DeaVn is Dt-- Grata, axiC1FtuJsr. UeaviaJu. H. L gJy


    50IAET rCBUC. 1

    Aai JLpexl far taliztc AcLiMrlf3caMS cflaatrcnvstaaarUcIUaajBTOaSax. J

    JA3ES 31. JtO.VSARRAT,Attorney and Counsellor at Law.

    Ofic aj J. l. Sowsrs. Qa St, HcooSita.sira. m. WII1TAKT. W. D.. . .S.

    Deal Sotsx cs Ten Sscct,OSc l trewtr'r lt mwt rfSiirt asi Tot Strrau.mi W aVa&anw. Hml aurt. jlj


    S. 3adCa.ST33-XL- ,utviktxx ass rat orSIAPtS ASD TAXCT BET G300S, CLOXHISG.

    SOOTS, EEOES, ttai urraM x&Kera c; cxirtrves. uoikcb.TC ty


    7,Bri.tlMt(JUisnaeaadLaaaff. routaxtr eo Laai.mT Maotw ttata t. ttrf Mnni. 77: It

    C T. IIOl'3IA.(Laucf CaaaasFaecaSirxTUTrTj j

    Civil DL3 23.si23.oo2r.Cytcrr OrerUr Ftarppiva3'al(rscrofS rtaiJCnc&astSUTu. I6S jED. UOFICULAEGER fc CO..

    DCP02TZES ASD C0K3OSSI05 KEBCHA5TS,HoMtlc. OiktL. B. I. C3C 1j


    j. ascxTs utxrrj-i- rxa. aaer,

    KerWi iJrroew: Tlxa.OTka!e!i's a!pptac List. Ae Ac.

    rss . Itjcx-TBrar- x. ar. xexxxrsox

    WUITXEY & ROBERTSOX,ISmcaxm UB.X. KxCaer-- l

    suticitn, Psiliiitr. JTesrs Dtslert, d Eoei- -brier.

    Sfercxat Ssrt, - Hasolsln. ATTHOS. G. TUUUS.

    'Stationer, News Dealer and Bookbinder.

    Xertaaxt Street, Hsadslx. ll-S- Usdl Ccttirr. 3. !cTXTixxCallrTxpaT xad CcTiEj:, proartlr execxted ox ,reaaaaalje te7TXJL 7TS.1t

    CASTA. E i HATCH,.trtoiraaeys a.t Xja-csr-."W. R. CASTLE, Srarr PoblSe. xuesd an tte I

    Coortacf tfce Eiacdcca. !Pxrtkslxr xttestara raU td tte xexxiatfCE of Loxcx.

    Oaarerxbrl&r. 0D3efiir.r. etc ts" Mo&eT to loxa oa 1Of5e :o.sro street, oTtTiaMtatxalCo's Stare, )

    BaDoiB3n.aam-xExaiixii- ntirS.SXXXT. T.xoxxxr&ax.

    GRATT & ROBEKTSO.T,iSxcxocTtUJ.S.atlmC)

    vouua in ijwrj aa staple J vwhu .cfererrdeKrEptkv, y

    Orders freaa lie ahtr ltlasd, prmiij attested to. ,Cor. Tort and Hotel Six.


    LvtttBs'i Fireproof BsQdisi',Qxeex Street, Hoooixlc, B.I.

    XCX3TSrsTic Glaagov asd Rocolxl. Use of Fxcxets.JoXx Uxt A CVs LATerruGl aad foVia FxetcU.T Walixpa PtmTiT.a.71e Speneer PSaaUtKO. LTQo,Haaiac Plaatalvo, BSm.J!ines. Talt Vanot, rxtar MarHoeTT.TLt PsaloaSieep Exxcx Ooatpaxr, Ti5

    tcurn. x. r. xoexsaxALLES KOBnSOS.At BoMmco", trbarf.

    Dexltrt is Ltier tzA. ill Idsds cf EsiHiryttr-Ii- 't Pxjrri, oat, Stilt, fce feefct.,





    73 Heea!xl8.11avxllxaljlacds. It


    xxatxxxxASxstsxxXexr Torlz,


    Auckland,TEE GEIES7JU EUI COapCainOf. : : : LDiKU

    ASS TZXXX XXaycKXS IXHoax; Soar;,

    SjTlncT, aidHelboame,

    AxdtrassacIxGeseralCaarixr Bodsexx. 739 ItC C CHLE.HA.T,

    BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST,- BOBSE-SHOEIX-CcairsTiasro ocor-lsL- . efce.IT Else St, near firie ACoclVs Stare,a. tfxiTTTx. a. xxctrss


    Xo. 3 Xanana Street.Eeepeasstxstirox hard a fan axaartsezt ofTIl, EheeJ

    Irca, xad Coppanrare,GtlTd Irsa aad Lexd Plsclsdia ScJbVer Ease, 4se




    rrrxJtsrs ITsre-Boiz-as 5o-- ti Tact etreet. TTcrt xaop xtUm old staad oa Hotel Street,

    Tii; Orders frootlMoasarialaadsrxoaptlTattrBdedteL It


    - ESCIXES. STCAR SIUji Kf -.-- , . TMachinery of Every Bescription,

    Order. -- EBPxrtirsltT attftf-e- paid ta Ssip'x SUdasitiisj

    starters ESalec. cTMljr

    W.V. JOIMSOX,MZoarola.asx-- e Tailor.Tii Xuiiw lyPARISIAN RESTAURANT,

    HSTCL STREET.ZkrOJT SrTSASr, : : Proprietor,

    LawcX-Sa- FrxxctKsa)

    THIS RESTaCEAXT TtTEX BE SapnUedMeaB. roaltry, FSak, Pratt, Jtc Jtcu.wtdcxcxx be c&alaed.TX2ies xad parries wta be serredat Oeir reSeiiewn Freav tal eitaerdls&e. preparedmiraoHnrAcrrAssrxre. W iwai for SaoSKs.


    SALMON BELLIESxx nr bbu A5B so b kitts.



    3VE ACHIKTIS 37.X. JO rrt Nlrwl, ,n rvrt3 auraj ta all witrx la th

    'U3CC GDI iEERERAL REPAIR URLKe vSS C--t ttal a&rttioa is cteasisf. rrpaMciaad itgTiitmc stoc Xwalafti, md all otfcec klas of

    ISc Nac&iaerr aad Jsal Worfc of CTrfy acnaacuJLlao, cn basd sad tar &a c&ap,

    AVariety ofSewing MachinesGnoa, Pistols, Shot. Ammrmltlon.

    SEscMae OH, Iffeedlcs, &c, &&, dieifirtic XaSunt Tacfctra, BiXjrra. asj aa ia extraaaAzp&cac-part- i of e&acass sapped oo abort acdoa.

    AJt Ufgtt tM tXis Ximfrin farTS Bkww sotiaf XacUac. fr to fiXtriauSfvTacaiaciat.Iroa fU u:vHoaoiiartft sea-la-c artlat,fioa flitifO.eIctea)af ancxtras TaT It



    THE CXDEKMGXKD UA.TIAU SOW allApparatus and Conveniences

    for Traveling,la prepared ta Vist any part f ta XaSazua, and doeuser rortraiu or Tien to order at aiort oedecFiriJa Work only mtHI be done.

    Terms Caaa. crdraft oa Cosolfila, wsea t& BecaUrexare riiie. Address

    1C I CHASE. Ilooolnlo.&ettit.lTa. tTT Iza

    . OIL BLACKING.- - l .rfssv ;ux."


    SiG. S. PIKKHAH & CO.. 5



    BOLLES & Co., Agents,


    C A.V -

    It r ayvONDiovna nio vDOMESTIC PRODUCE.

    Pioneer Mill, Lahaina.HTCBTOX. PBOPBIETOB. Crepsof Sajxre.str, oov codccla sad for sale taQaatitis to sell fcT


    KAUPAKTrEA PLANTATIONoVT COKIlkC IX and for sale inqcsatsties So sslt parc&xxers dt


    GREY & CO.,JJamnXactnrcrs and Dealers i

    ALL KINDS OF SOAPS,L.eIeo,Kln Street, Honololn.

    Beet VxUoa asd Goat TalkT wutij. Orders left atBaBcs A Cb. Qua Street, will meet wltl prompt attea- -


    Tanned Goat and Sheep SkinsOX HAS D A5BFOB SAXE,from tac veil Aaowa

    iralmra Txaaerr. J. P. Parker. Frop'r.Hllo tauinerx, F.S. Lrmin. Fpoprlrtor.HI IT A--g. CUXH0B5 A CO, Areatx.


    Kins; street. ITM 1t1 Uonolnln.

    COALS! COALS! COALS!Planters will Take Hotics !

    Steamboat AgenU will Take Botlce !Familiei will Take Botfce '

    TTST EECEITED AXDTOBSAEE BTTITEsj Endenltaed at tie Lcnrest Bates SOO Tons ottoe celeorated VeBSajetoa aGneDeparture Bay Coal,

    Sapericr to all Sort Coal Dow la rue. for Steaa xad FxaSrparjuses. xad vorta Ui) per ton more tbxa WxOaeadCoJ la tee aa Frxaasco mxrxet. For fxsailT cse It IsaixblT prxed, oeroc so dexa xad rree front Cast, xadbxras to a ahiu xta.


    2,500 ton Beit Quality Wallsend'CoaLFor sale la lots to salt purchasers,



    'MARTHA DAVIS,'A fear focre of tsose

    SUPERIOR PIANOSTmsi tie clsutshetl firm of WOOD VTAKD & BEOWS'

    Cf BsxagaOO.

    JUST RECEIVED.Tbe FUikx cf tins mike ln1rsoM la thlnsxrtet

    hare gtrta good tkfciJoa. and we re prgptreC to c3tbrire hiJUiM to parriiiert. T)?e canot be nadeocM fcyaa too la Hoaohals,

    Pianos on Exhibition.rata Oastle Sc Cooke.

    KIN HINC,V5TXT, BE rXxEiSHBTO ATTETB TOedcrArri dreo Wki X r PonnJtx. eH2ier tramKtfr or Plwcocruaba. vliScb h rnxnie to &a- -Uh ta irfjte to teilt hi paJrsa, maA ?M fc tFFOi PWrrtpri tf

    05(3 ta Bagsa's HxS. H9txtSf,Tf malrin. ;TMsi

    Bastes Baard er Uatlcrwriters.for the Uawallan lalaada,AGKXTS C. KWia k CO.

    PBiladclpWa Bsard er raderwritf rs.GKXTS far the narrallan Ialanda,.A 713-l.- C.SESWIXACO,


    CXDKRSIGXED, AGKXTS OP THETHK CVtraaT. aare t aatarixe4 ta lasare rHtacs Cargo, FreljUt tai Treoanr, froa Il&ooiaUta aa raru ftf Um wwrld, axd Tie raraa.


    F. A. SCSlAEFlfli.ofBrmrn Board of Cndcrtrrltcrs,

    Arext of TVnaa Board ef Cadtrvrttera.CSaraa ariat Icnraac OMaraak vttsla tk. larlnlktiox

    cfta aban Board of tradtrarttrra, will kar to fc rertteJUVitaWr.ratUtttitaaTI!A psi ly


    nmiE rXDERSlGSED noTlnt; ben ap-J- Ltiaat Arrxts oTt abore 0atfaaT xr rrerared

    ta luor. riifa Xfabut sre. ao Stone aad Brick Bullri-l&EX,aa-MerchandUa atdrrd taereia,ot tbaaaost

    frcraUUrBa. ror aruc&Ur apple xt the .Sec ofTK It r. A. SCHAEIXK I CO.


    F OX BniSIMiN,asd fteraltsre, oa Qoerxl terms, br



    BrXLBntG5l. HEBCnASDrSE. FTRXI.lasared xcalast Flreoat&eout farorxti: tnalA. JAECER. ArMtfjctnoHxwxaaa Islands.: IT


    IVXorizio.I5COBPOBATED, 1S0S

    CASTLE & COOKE, ACENTSTS7 For too Hatrallaa Islands. It

    Insurance Notice.THE AGEST FOB. THE BU1TISH For.Maris. Ixiaraare GompaaT, (Lialled). L

    Itatrectior, to rtduce tbe rates of lataraDCUtea Uscnlslx aad Furts ia txa Padtc, acd la now pre-pared to Urce PuOcSe. at ta. bnt rates, with a tptciUredscrUa oa freight per itexsers.

    TltEa IL DATIEJ,1tJT Arenl Brit. Tor. Mar. lax. Co LimitedSOETH BRITISH AND KEECAHIILB


    ESTABLISHED 1K.CAPITAL. Xl.097.2ISAccumulated and Invested Fnod. 3,635,118

    rriUE E.VDERSlG.VED HAVE DEEX AP--JL POUTED XQKiTj for lie SiaJ.Kh UUada, aad xr.

    aataorUed to iaMir. mg lat Fire apoa Ceorabla tercu.Ei-- txtea la aaj part vf the Itlxsison stose and Woodeo

    BxiUI&rsaad nerxLaadi. tred tLerela. Drellise llociesaad FcrxUxre, Tixtber, CmIx, Ships la hxrbor Vila or villi001 cargoes, or wstr repair.


    UIMIOIVFire and Marine Insurance Company

    or itll ZLLS.AJLXD.CAPITAL. : : : : 910.000,000

    HATIXG ESTABLISnED AX AGEXtTT atfor lae llawxi!xa Islands, tbe tiadersirred are prepared to accept nabs solnst fire In dareS-las- s,

    stores, sad taercbaodise, oa fxrorxbleterais.

    Marine Elska oa carro, freights, bottomxrr, profitsand commlssoox.Eoases proraptlx adjmted and payitble bere.

    TtalT VOLG. 1EWK A Co.



    Iro AX23.d Marino,Caxu Capital. Gold. 8300,000.Dwelling Risks n Specialitr-- Detxcerd dnlllExsxad ronteau fxrored fora period cf tares jearfl, for two

    la adrxsce.Bj vrinar snail Uses oa cxrerslr selected tuts well

    dlstrTboted, ofiers

    IXDESIX1TT ECO.VO TO XOXE.Losses Promptly Adjusted.

    BISHOP A. CO.,773 It Acexts fi ta. Havxtiao IsUadi.


    Swiss Lloyd Marine Insurance Co.OP WIXTEUTUCB,

    THEtoiaanr.CXOEBSIGXEO are AUTHORIZEDOn Cargo, Freight and Treasure

    Froat Hoaolola toxll pxrti of ihsxrorld,xadcpoa

    Coaaters, tty Special PenmiaalonOa th. roost farorable tenax.

    "W. O. IBWTS A CO .7Mt A ceats for tbe Havaliaa Ixlaads.

    Rhenish Westphalian LloydINSURANCE COMPANY,

    OF S. GLADBACII. RnenUb Prusla,Aachen and Leipzig Insurance Co.,


    OF AACHEX. f

    C1.AIKS FOR PAIITICEEABAEt saitalaed or Goods arrlrlnr here, sad iasoredXa tae xaoTft Companies, axre to be made with tne

    of xad cenlaed to bT the oodersfgaed. la order tobe Tafcd. (7t Irl J-- C. ULAOC Axeot,

    WILDER & CO.,Asenta lor tbe xlatrallaa Islands,

    or THE

    Mutual life Insurance Co.OF SEW TOEK,

    Largest, Safest and Most


    Assets as)-$80,000,000ATiTi OA.SB.

    How is a Good Time to InsureSons bat First-Clx- Eilks Taken,



    New Englanii Mutual Life Insiraioe Co.OF BOSTON, MAES

    IXCOKPeEATEB, IS35.7he Oldest Purely Mutual life Jhturancc Co. in

    the United Stales.

    Poliriex Ifssed oa tie sett feTsnMs Tfrrar.Ezaaaple orXon-Forf- el tare Fran,

    T5SVBXB AX3E. TEAE3-0ED- AKT LITE FLAX1 ApitbsI presslgxa coBUaaas PoHrr 2 Tsxrs g dsrs2 Aaaaal prasslass coat laaea Pfisicr Tsrs U dsrs3 Aaaaal prrasism cxailaoe. PoKcr a Tears 27 oaTS4 Aaaaal presslass coxtlaoes Pcelrr 8 Trarsit dsTs5 AsssxIprcaDmeocHiBeesPoHcTldTesrs&sdsTf

    .ajssots. : : 913,500,000!Eosxeo Paid IkroHra AToaolnla AfreaeT,

    849,000 !CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTS


    J",Bitoytiuxifc SuX2L-- easf J$--h t '



    TSrsriVFOTOXX assal szpsst.ASSETS (Cnsn) -- 3s,ogo eoeAXXDAI. IXCOME. . s.eee,eeCASU SIBI'LI- S- . T.oee.ooo


    C. O. BER&ER, Special AgentFor the Hawaiian Islands.The only Co.snpa.nr lata teste.

    Tontine Investment Policies,Bnr prxrrkxStT-a- a Sadownreat PcHcj-xtt- asnxl

    Life Kstex. Til lrT H E


    Assets, $26,740,105,70ESTABUxHBB AX AUEXCX IX

    noXOLCLC for Ue HawalUa Isamds, xad tbeaadersicned xnt prepared to write rbtxs xzxlast


    Oa tXTorxble terms. Dsrelllns Rlaat. a Speciallly. Detached dwelUnca and cooteata iuored for a rerlodof tbre. Tars for tvo premlams la adrance. Eoaaeapromptljr sidjttated .ad pajable here..c BISHOP A Co.



    x godtni (a au. fur It enure lj cared mrpainrol roptar. la nine (rerts, from which I ha ve seffirafur Ore reara. I toot: Toor adnce and war. It dxr andafcbt. rTcMcrTfalirirrexaK,ra5i"cAaccrnf ny sTsrUxdc. Mas U.K.S. LxTHxor, Sxa Jose,

    CALIFORNIA ELASTIC TRUSSca.iaubstautlallT cared me or a bad raae ofrBpiureofSOTear, standing I hare tried all kinds oftraces, both steel sod elastic and neTer recelred sutpetmxmeat relief ootil I tried roars. I feel thai I amperfectly cured main J. bcbsk, chief aiaOelerk S.K. Riili- - ZWai- -j fat. Send for caialojne.California ElasticTrussCo

    emoT4 from Sacnunento Street to726 Market Stmt, Saa Francisco.

    7K IT


    Vacuum Pumps.rip HE UXnERSIGXED IIITE JEST BE--

    CKTVED per Amr Turner, rrom Boston, a full as-sortment or these celebrated Pumps, which are cssiso-ter- d

    to be cheaper and better ihxa anj other iiile ofpomp Imported. We call the atlentioa of planter, partlcnlarlr to the Vacoom Pomp, which is less compllcxtedsad more serviceable hxa other pomps.

    7t3m & linEWEB x CO


    Covering Boilers, Sttm PipesETC ETC.

    Saves 25 per Cent, of Fuel


    7C te Afenf.


    Ho. 71 Fort St, above Hotel St.,KEEPS ALWAYS ON HAND

    Aa assortment of tbe best French sadCalifornia man factored

    n"h!cu be offers for sale to the Trade, or xt BetxB,


    TUE BEST BRANDS OF CHOICE CIGARSTo be bad In tbe market.


    AXD TBY THES.--in it

    Truth is Mighty and will Prevail.THE EXDERSIGXED IS SOT TITE

    Bole Arent of tbe Waliham or xa7 other AmericaniWalcli Co-- bit Is prepared to sell all Watches, es

    idSpecZxIlT these of Amencxo mann&etnre- - on ih.lowest possible terms. To prore this, b. obIt asks thapcbllc to price his Stock before parchxxlor elsewhere.

    TValtlxaxxi TVntelies,A SFECXAETT.

    Watches, Clock, aod Jeelrj cleaned xad repxlred.xndaxrraated. Cbxrtei rexsonsble.

    Watch C'rj-xtal- s Inserted tor 35 Cents.BsTlar secured the serriees of a flnt-dxs- s Jeweler. Iam now prepared to mxsafxetare sll kinds or

    Gold Jewelry, Setti, Chain-.- ' lockets.EracdcU, Eixgt, Cuffemd Collar Bu tost,

    laAo and Seal Siagt, Etc., Etc.,Saiul Hat Jewelry ia taj D eared Style.

    Shells mounted In Gold or BUier to salt Cuitomers.Diamond Sstouc a spedsltT.All orders will recdre prompt xttention. Hlxhest mar-

    ket price for old Cold or Sllrer.eflee 17XercluBtKtr



    Aad asa Breaared to tnxxj oa this Bzaaeasol a xaaaaeraaUa.

    factory to tar Fasreau.

    OWNERS OF FINE STOCKWill da well to give Ke a CalL

    Horses sent to my King St. ShopWIU befm&fully attended to.

    C. WEST.Hoaalata,AsrBiT,ls7t. 7H tm


    WOECESTEBSHIBB SAUCE,prpuns am MAr-rixT-.- y atjhr

    03P JaJaX V JMJaXVflNflp4aV.1 1 1 at 1 1 t at I Mix










    WILLIAMS, ULASCHARD C.SMrrixH, amI CeMMloeloB MerckM

    TS 311 CxlhVrala Street, 8sa Trsoshex, rfiitiaai wsaa.

    WAKB .t L1PXAK,Expert Cemmrsslon Merehtvt.

    Orders for Amerkxa Xtsafaftatw a Soeeattr. ysrearaOoods porcbased oa coawtkatoa.

    lis soma TMnl Street, gliHaaesfata.


    m CB.taber Street. Xew York.jrrroHT-Ca- U. A Cooke, asd J. T. Watoraeaso.


    C8SSCE, M CaVefaraia .,HAWAIIAN Saa rrsaelsco.faraaaiiie aaa Cemmk. AgMt




    Miwonand Freaoat Sts., S&a JraMHM,CAuresxiA.

    IXBIA KICK MILE, aRer M year.TBEpractical experience, and tmproeTmeot, Itaasribeotarestto perfection of xayottho MoaarawoftlMworld, la thoroBshatss of

    Cleansing and PolishingII stands nnrlrxlled: xad In jleld of cJesaed amcsaal.xbla lUc. from th Fxddr,

    Prodaeea troaa 3 to S per ceaU Xar.thsB the Cetetrxted AtUls of Amsterdam.


    lulling and Dressing of PaddyXD

    UNCLEANED RICEFrost U HswaHxa Isixnds. to whlca It Is taecaBy.


    Consignments of Paddy and Bulled RiotWill receiT. prompt aad cxrefttl sttentloiu.

    war. m. aRExjivrooo,General Commission Merchant xad Proprietor of India

    Rice MI1L TU lax

    BR. J. C8LLIS BRSWNE'SiiOnoi'3rK-i- i


    CHL6EODT5E Is admitted bT th profession to bsthe most wonderful xad Txluablsremedy aer dUcorered.

    CHEOBOBTXE la the best remedT knows fatCooxba, Coosamptloa, Broocblas,Asthma.

    OIEOBOBTXE effrclaxllr checks aad arrests thentoo ofleu ratal diseases; Diphtheria,FeTer.Croop, A sue.

    C1IEOBODTXE acts like a charm In Warrbcfs, sndIs the onlT specific In Cholera xadDritntery.

    CIIEOROBTXE effectcallr cuts abort all attacks ofKpllepeT. IlTtterla, rxlpltatlon, andapasms.

    CUEOEDDTXE la thi onlT palliative ta Xsnrilftx,Rbeumxtlam, Gout, Cancer, Tooth-ache. Meoinsltts, c

    From W. Tessllns Peuicrew.M. D.. formerlr LrcteratxtSt.Oeorx'xlIospllxl,Londont 4Ihsre bo hetltstloala sutlnt that I have aerer net with anj medicine so tScxdoas ax an A sad cedxtlTe. I bxss medIt la CoosnmptloB, Astbmx, Dlxrrbcea, and other diseases,sad am pertVctli sallifled with the retaltx."

    " Earl Ruxrell commonlcated to the College of Pbjslc.Uns tbst he axd recelred a dispatch from Her Majeslj'sConsul xt ilsnila to tha effect that cholera has beta rec-tor fearfullT, aad that tbe oalr rtedf of xbt serrlc. wxtCtrtoxooTxa "See Aaacs', 1st December. IMi.

    CAUTT0X. Bxwxax or Puirr asa lurraTJosx.The pobUc are further cautioned ; a furtesy of the tor.eminent stsmp axsur come to the knowledge of tbeBoard wf Inland Rerenae.

    CAOT10S Sir Pass Wood lUtid lastDa. J. CoLtlsBEOsrsr was undoubtedly tbe Insentor ofCntoaoDTsa; Ibxt tbe storr of lue defendant wis dellb-ersie-lT

    nntrue. which, be rrxretted to sst, bad beenawora to. face Tci. July 10. IMI.

    SoUInBottlat li.ljl., Ia, td.. la, 6J. snd lis. esch.None Is renala. wilboat th. words "Dr. J, COLUaBROWNE" oa lb. OoTera&unt Stsmn. OTsrwhstmluffmedical testlmoDT acccmpaoles each bottl.

    Sole Msanfsctsrsr J. T. UAVEXFORT,S3, a rest Buscll 8L, Bloomiknry, London.

    A rests in Nsw Tort, W. H. ecaixT'tta A Co , sui J 0Wilis. ;m sa

    THE RIDflNiKwiomsfDin

    Comer Beale and Howard Sts.,BAN FRASCTSC0.CALIF0R31A.



    Steamboat, Steamship, Land

    ENGINES AND BOILERSnion presscbe os compouxd.

    STEAX TESSEE8, of xl kinds, hull t coataleU wtsaIlnUs of Wood, Iron or Composlta,

    ORBIXART EXGIXES compounded when xdrls-ab-le.

    STEAM EACXCHES. Bxrges aad StesBt Tofswith reference to tbe Trade In which they srs

    to be. employed. Speed, toaaxzs xad draft of watarcvxrxoteed.

    STEAX B0IXERS. FxrUcnlxixttentlonstrrn to ttequality of th, material xad workmanship, and noo. batllrstclxas work prodnced.

    BCUAst XIELS AXB BEaAR-MAKIX- XA.CIIIXERT mxd after the most tpprorrS aSaaa,Also sll BoDer Iron Work connected therewith.

    WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of any six..mxd In salubl. lenrtbs for connecting- - together, or8beets rolled, peached and packed for soioaMst, reaaytu be rlrtled on th ground.

    BTBRACUCEITETIXG. BonrrWork aad WaterPips made by tbn istabllxbmeat, rlre'ed by HydrsaUcElretlor Kxctlne ry. that qoxllty of wort ataxr au aa.perlor to hand work.

    SHIP WORK. Ship and Steam Cxpstxaa, nimWinches, Air xad Circulating Pumps, made after laamost spprored plans.

    PUMPS. Direct Acting Pomps, for Irrigation or OtTWater Works porposes, built wlta tbe celebrated BaryVslre Jfotloo, xspcrlor to xny other jrsaw.

    79 ass

    "Ko Hawaii Pae iina,"THE SEW HAWAIIAX JTSERXAE. Hs4aarmsnsgemeat of tax nnd.rstceed, who for IMpast twelr.Txrs has bxdla. chxrg.of ta. 'Eoecox,'1basa .

    Weekly Cketilalla f 3,759 Ceftw.And IsstexdBylssrea star. Uln silrinawin .kaa. no coax oa raw axwaaaa tssaaax,

    JOMPS V. KlWAIXTr.t3 Jsaarfatstxaa Swxtar.TO THE PUBLIC.

    I MATE KHiAaH TJiR MsaVticbh ata arxveaasa VPtfOITatstBst

    V area seed a. da ssr uaetc a. eaaa tfwaaellaowaa4lsitisasaasr. owasiaswwi. .. aarlac.-- -j T.r 1r ,t1r"" " " -- " """Ti.r J. h. Btnr. j.

    7AMILT MA1SXT.Jaaettoa at Hotel asea Vaioa fHrnta.

    a WALLXbV .... PBOrvTBrTOm.CSeoleHdst Xosvt. Iroas aha rrsyaad

    How. Fash, raxutrr, Taavtaoass. ewt. fs.adsb.dtaswaar. Ettras-Tsiia- sys aad Taata.1 1 Frtdaes. Fan : Oaodara. Laeak. aalaw-aaha-

    was ofaaraL Taa iosviaaer harlna laaaatt xWaaafraad CMtsaadloas Vetakle, FraU xad paaltry Maraat,xdjoralat tbe Family Meat aarkt.sr be prepafwd aapromptly aad nllaHilocBy ag orAcni aWsratrlalnxTa.xaliHi ta niiiiawi taa taatas wttb all tax aaaataaaal. xa.Dirllrsaass taa eoaatry.saaitax. aT Mbspalar aeaaflaaS1'!?- - 1Max,4,,alataaaasiWiaftaear with extra caaraa, -Haij

  • I

    t jLtrraeRtxi.

    K,ra. "C-- K Mac fcaa na ay Ajn?nl Foimd

    ArrAHKAS. Jilul of HnO,tlaS.XJMw rraars, ucfijcp.cormuM of Hems, j

    g--x- .Haw. H--. s. lara. Tit IitT a-- aAaaaTfejb-t- t: Appointed lent

    i Ctrac! forAborlat,. -&. s Interior

    een.iKi.Kt rtitis tbe out LrftiMXlnwwa SSrvcTAeci teTTXt03a Klecttoa j

    ft i in Ofttrt&w irer.xeau ref i-'- seawyA-xt. ? ort&g pan Art ceaicaaied Jar

    Sa'WjsH- -3U dc:a&, EBa Scaool Hottse, Orto- -

    tw TUmu Ctcr: Bcsse, TTAJpio; ecoolHoeee. Wsharnc 5c at Hock.


    Krx - a s Bent. EaVsa.I Dwljut. HoocecA.Tfn tri Hww. Vakihlac.u(fu-iiHilMucruc- !U.


    eafTat.Hn Ceb- -t Be Ter.slnaH r- -i ' uhim ne H okeb ,

    : at WaIkc. ixsn How. sks . Cbcrt3r3i cnt Kocw HibnaMIlfSlli Jl Htsv Ea : &ec( Boe.iHmi-iIiiii'Ii.-1 CtcnSrost. Pskno. Vo- -

    . h aaaiaa . m olllooae. hom . ;ia'.

    OaBT--Ba. TIiroitTT, at tl frost

    ValaTs FinrS Bocae. WaiawAIIM'M.'SllUM.

    iem. trta.-- e of Hkm. al-- tr al.

    f smE?.t-- i Cot- -i Bene, aTaaea.ICAX.

    T Citon fxtri Beet. Tibn ; ScolEscae. ne : Ec ol Becae, ,

    'ats ii cticn Boon. Btoix : schtt-- i EoctcBn"i MVT. S . Iyrrwer of Inierlor.

    "aVnrri ef aE GcTers eat Ke o ' taAe sacftss wi . jrosxTrteaj-- . tse i r at.

    r. rS.lX: & l wl ate tbe rstBi(wesSimM beeW -- K SUITS. fceereT '

    &m.Iire.klCl. rrtJtI

    rtoKfCTtr GeatnTi OScv.Serecsbfr IS. 1KJ. j

    St mrar af !B IxrrtrDcj-- x&r Xteborr of Ftaac,immilSnT sou aJI CdOob Cooi. wtra bass- -

    tatfc. ja sa brlr t rTpwrfc.iiUhiml,! i i.f xfe rzll tASn. vBI bend.

    : ff tts rxvraiasa ti tit KttJFrodyw r. AUix,

    C&Scctor CcrBlOsbexcr Ocsrn OScc.

    OTralr , tSIS.f " Tast&ner ts lasBsrr tX rtsAoc. '

    a AUrroteA ot Btor.eUmlottoAaf fsvSart at coczstrj wtia wtteh

    la 'StrAtr Tlitti m:t accctj.a-e- -c Oea&ai irott mLj,aj brr crfntj- -

    AU.K2C,CoCrctur Ocscnl. I


    tm&e f Crrmafst L. Ioat-- . Jwc-cix-T atx t i: o'doct ooot t th Ipat noVTirf RsV.-v- be --fi AJ jmbSe

    rm&Tiilr LnaesKi'liicrt'-aABUrt- .

    .K..3t.X,3!. SSS.7S.se. XTC JTi 3T.met. ;S1 lppric. D0.,cm.w 34saxsj,u;.K.sn,

    CA.HL Cr. t -- ASS.Aia.js 3ls.s.s. r ptk. f ;ao mtb"i I mi i at t "t a trrtrrt csmiABkY ttxtArc Sssewv t& nw 7 GtTrBom.t

    itovii at ?aw deAffwif 10 baW fjer at Aermsc

    SoBiASAi3wcA.Aa IB tarre jeAri. vi aiii in.Aq S jwr tvkS 72ctCA( oa tie prvpejtr.Xjo acJSm cxftesAe cf Vbe prc Aer.

    4VX.e. wicaesl aait of ta Iiterior.. Sot . HTS HJ

    t AortiAn. I

    .AiuiroaeirA,of AHoni ,teontetbtjii8: j

    0 !aniieAa sai osassur?!. X. rjeexe. KO j

    r.sni awns. 1. Cpsrt aiTot . lwleal mfiliaw. a. TJ pncSkawax r It-- . I CP tl 113SBeSMEHWiWM s be ntacrc: to OpoaU per cent.

    W JW1 ellJawaawr J CAVr UAT - , n AxoVaAji

    obm t emainelss a lorfHt ndraa jbe wbcle otaa avae a Ti s sajr. Xcber 3RX wtea tie LesaewtarcAo 3kr cVaVmj.unt wmKE. m-lA- of tt Irtener.

    T. ss. wn. nUoZ IXca-- r. Kxplrl- n- 1b Decern.

    Iter. ls?9. 'II'fajkiw aSar rr- - t aB TJceuaeu rinet be An--j Af t. ' s soifnoToace. am: aa puwi art 'A. .ww itMoc Uceoan, and '

    r exs bare loAtracltaos to MOMnnaiaw. Aara.3panleeaotArbSA!nea

    EAlTt-- WIXDER.Jtiiliierol tbe Icterior.

    Sraeaoc-AiSa- JLJcSSVIST.

    OaJass-KCTA- lt.

    rV!ecIrfiIXlmcrt. Booobrc- lo See. 39wAwzai MTtn, . -3n1aAfAK.fortrree"M, Wool ill, t0 eaw tgrert.

    iwllMig.. AsBaA Srm.mTTrK, -T waK - tm eArwt.

    JS ,. .A. j. i.i.i m warn,s JAC VsaaiaA.aTow. ViTekA groet,

    1 !. SJtat sereec. Hani.t JJIujsmC. tMTAAtca.

    3Haltatc:Ok,XikiTSAa3avaA WaSeix,


    SfCTJ . 4Twp BavaXSA.

    VIUUALZIXO.CJatawav XAfov.EilTprtri. Oabx.'S9eMACvA SsevM.

    3(. A4. WAasacai. Mas.SI IU3Da.VAAaA.tAkc

    ST7CBEZ.3t Z Csra. tAliita. KaaS.

    In a3sa. fyTCiEk. TEZsaiZXQ.

    I ZxiKax rsi.,w. aTaa'.FIEEAXXa.


    X.ficwesxaars. Ssw

    TheCxarand Ilia ITmcIe.Tb nea3stAee tea: tte Eutiaa Cxir. Aceora-$KB- !j

    xm GraAd Dakc CoeatACtine. reccntljy wwd vktevvxi; crfa&- - s tkeir way to St. Feters-ar- j.WiQ Virx a rlay ttforJe two Ler, dsriar; wbicb

    'Soso&aw aTber nseiroj sor paid asj ii:, issafaaeual acrolArto prorake dtrcj eotsiaeci.2x away sf eCTe adciz of e cxptacAtion which'onaiae 4rFr.re at of aB ftsJCAl aitxiicance; bat

    ii rnf Kb tie of ki4 atd edin mil irwoexfcv tkat cxvea bwea lb Crar andat CsE Caxpcr-- r. it orawM aeca. la to AlwencTavt.AWtrA.A- -, that the fact of there bavin, j

    kHi-M- kn ta. ...kiAsme. eocha --era iauaio a rK..e ad air a. icbl. rU--

    xfca. mart -a-arkAV. eu.mat.Ae. 'ita l recent estabJ'ub- -

    afAiArflsrci was and uKlm equiralratAliaagiH' aatoera AAtria nd Gerefe.nT. And

    ocns&asvtHSA ajtanc BA&x!etcd towArd each other1 bw X aaara cs Geraaa jass, it asAaoe an as--a

    cx a.lsci: tab rvred anth ABXtetT beajfc - twfarf tbed irt aaetof tbaxcaetcfta-- "it --AaElfAle nlanritj.

    2 r r .. ad Ban's Corters, Onrae. laidSkS itl2, as iscrat 5crdjy. tbat ifany ofafy;t iSeolE-Tv- 'e CVrtarr dei e to Andl.rttk st Tbe ws r lor terj d" aik-'ice.Is j Aua t-- it. Ba bad a datfttcrHflbam mx1! camy axat ald raiocr a eex

    ter m 'to cnb ttc ia ib wrlor rca tra. EasATseacr katf wa b that tieaarT aaTnArAA4e xU tie ACT parraxrkiir'.niii. su-- d be tnsad to this war i.

    f yaatsrfaraA. aTaW b did cut want hi3-- a; toatfsd tc tbetrr, b woid c t rub ibetsA3! teJJaTt-- 1 ' j. ic rea. eat 'MAled tbat be bad inMvmtC tc sal bursd t eves in Sosdxy crenincaesftilAt ad riararlily irusie as wealdtefea--e tr-e-rr faB A aacred Co ECtrtx. TbjagirCiiejarsitkttcaiaAxaA-ri- rCtiriiTamM f$ as lim cigrfmc ftar, -a- w-tri- a

    rmmiMyM i f . a

    To Tfaoae Indebted to U.Persons knowing themselves indebted to the

    Gaixtte oSce, either for subscriptions or jobwork, will please settle their accounts pre-vious to the 31st of December next, as ray con-nection with the Gazette as Editor and Pub-lisher, will cease after that date. I am anx- -ions to have all accounts settled with the doteof rie.vear, preparatory to living the King- -doro. T. CBAWTonn JTACnowEii.


    T. CRAWFORD iIACDOTELL.TnEDXESD--i- r. D--C. 17, 1S79.

    :'oi Tree.It has been repreented to us by several

    persons, residents of this city, that there areat present from fifty to siity cases of the ma-larial fever anions the Chinese residents, andthat there are no licensed Chinese physiciansto attend to their countrymen. tVe have putour? elves to the trouble to procure the truthnpon this subject, and find ihe above state-ments are incorrect. The real facU as de-tailed to us by a competent authority, uponwhom we can rely, are, that there has been, alltold, since the fever made its appearance,about sixty cases among the Chinese residents,and but two deaths, and that the number atthis present writing (Monday the 15th inst.)is nine. We also learn that there are three, ifnot four, regularly licensed Chinese physi-cians in full practice in this city.

    It is painful to contemplate the fact, thatthere are men in this community who prefer topromulgate a lie to the truth, merely for thepurpose of finding fault, or to gratify theirmalignity against their neighbors. Such pen- -

    . I , ..,., , ,.pic ic uiceuers ui roiscuiei, ana maiignanisworse than a pestilence itself. Surely it isenough that disease is in our midst, withoutadding to its horrors a tissue of untruths toalarm the people hose aSictions are to bedeplored. The man or woman w ho by lyingtungne seeks to increase public alarm at sucha time as this, is worse than a demon w hocloau on human woe.

    Public Duly.When a great calamity such as the preva- -

    lence o! epidemic disease in a cnmmnnitv oc- -tj exli.cv ealU f.,r viril.nr r--

    """.' "" J'4' m cuirusieii. mr lue limebeing, with the sanitary regulations of the lo- -calitr viEitfd.. At snrti timi it.. i .Tfxir.ffw1--- .. nv .vthat every suggestion made for the amehora- -licra of the condition of the people should beh eded and adopted, if for no other purposethan ro pmve the igilanco and trutorthi-nes- s

    of public guardians of the health of thecitireas. Two weeks ago we made a simplesuggestion, based upon the experience of thepast in the city of Xew Orleans, which was toprocure a few barrels of tar to be burned atnight throughout the city for the purpose offumigating the atmosphere and diiving thedeadly miasma away, or at least neutralizingits deadly efiects.

    To that suggestion not the slightest atten-tion has been paid, although the remedy iswithin the reach of the health authorities.2?otwitbstandfc the sullen snpineness mani-fested bt the Bturd of Health, and thr iiiriiflVr- -

    . .. ... ... ... . ," ""'- - ' ""lcuV uiem, we will discharge our duty in thepremises by making another suscestion. IfTi . TtinY nrtT.lK t. r..r..- -. Mi.itu miii imji uj vuoiuiaigating procesa as previously suggested, let thatbody cause each householder to procure atlet tl.lf a 1. nat.nl nf vl. 1S J 7a...;. mu a uuBUd DUtKCU IIUJC AUU EpnQ'

    'e laal amount in each cesspool in the city.Then cause some slacked lime to be distributedwherever there is i damp spot on the premi-ses of any householder. The lime processhre-n-f finnrcwi Vmn1i4 V ln . !.. J;.' - " "- -.Uon r tia householder, bat should be at--tended to under the direction of an efiicient,?.,. . - . .... ...inieiiigeni omcer, who should be compelled torenort tn ,1.. R-- .- r di.i, t, r1 vau w. MVdtiU IUC ll.lUICa Ulall persuns who have complied with the regu-lation. The foregoing suggestion is a practi-cal one, and should not be neglected. Inmaking it we have dischand what we con-sider a duty we owe to this aSicted commu-nity, and if the authorities, referred to, disre-gard such practical as well as essential pre-cautions, they should be made to answer notonly at the bar of public opinion, but at thebar of the proper legal tribunal for a grossand criminal neglect of duty at a time whenthe health and lives of the citizens are in thegreatest jeopardy.

    We are aware that we use on the presentoccasion strong and incisive language, but weare home out in view of the fact, that the pes-tilence that has stalked abroad in this commu-nity for months, has had immunity from theneglect of the health authorities of this city,and therefore, mild language is out of thequestion. The fact is, that the time has ar-rival, when "forbearance ceases to be a vir-tue, and toleration a crime."

    America Coratosr apoa the Scese oftBroprun Politics.A good deal of interest is felt just at pre-

    sent in reference to the attitude lately assumedby the American Government at Washington,wilh regard to the recognition of BoamanZa'sindependence: On this subject the AmtrictnQrrapndence nnder date ol November 1stens:

    Swae excitement has been prod need la tbe diplo-matic con os of tVArhux-te- bj w. dupAtcbea

    from arp with rtlerenco to Americantcienenlivo ia E .ropean aEairt. Sam ambasiadorslast oo time ia calling spaa tte SeereUij of Mat toleel the ground And Ascertain wbefber these is anjrasAd-tio- n far tbe dirfatcnea ia question ; bnt Mr.Er.rts bj rbawn At Lett the Abtutr And disereti.nwhich w were ibe rst to repr-a- -h b.m fr not paa.!?"? "" -- T Jlr. .....?jp"" "" " Vw". - 'to ofietUe'?rrS1 T -- .t epitt

    A lKr' ""'--erer, exuu ofth orobabiiUT of ibis mt. whichw-- nld be. as it won--, a protest Afxinst lb Altitude ofinor orapa Cabinets which decline to resogrnulb tbdepeedeBre f UoanSAaiA unit! ebo baa etnctljeai-lH-- wuk Aitk!e tl of lb Treatj ..f Keilia andaeevrded to all IsraeUiei within her lemiorr. with--l

    dtetiactioa. all tbe pnvileres eii-je- d bj otherlb GrernoAut of VT.shisxtaa has alwavs

    AboABttsell tbepratee-o- r of lb Bamaai.n Jews.partiesIartT in lSJt-S- . when it was represented AtBoehareai by Mr. E jaia Peix-tl- o. II. tberef-r- e,tbe rsuted SIaIc sbaaid rccogoix tbe lodepcadeneeorUtoraniA.it will bt Lecau-- e she aekaowle-l- ftbat 4e BrAtiana Cabinet, now in power.baa daoc all thai it e.nld poasiblj- - do At prt-en- t br

    rifhisof caiiienship. if cot to al. Atleast to tb treat body of ta Urac-iic-s and br orer-c.a.i-

    tb pp ituin rada bj tb RrnTnanisnCbaaaUera ta tbat measarc.

    TL xoaelt lnrated br tb( Eeeratarr nfiba?i.t--b Embassy, At Pans, who lefl tte table whenair. zral wax Aaed, as a baoqaet, to rerpnod to aioAt in b-- orf tbe Latin Republics uf Amenea."propsa-e- bj tbe drplrrsatic rrpreseautire of Alra--- r,

    tax Also cAExed conxtderabl exntaeat atWasni-gte- a. Tb rpreeotatira ia question, Mr.Torres Cs ieedo is a agroAt d pkaologist rat--ej ttxa

    KAtes&xe, aad cartxialr ta idea. f faraisiiej toaVody as ojjrtea- - u ieaak Sftis, sctk .

    terrd a mini. Mr. Zorilli, tseKorer. wis careTalnot lo do to ettn after tbe ininttins depArtara of theStertUrj of Sptnlth Lerilias. Tbe arroBt attltndoof thii ktooderinp oEcisl will not eonrioec the Rcpab-liCAti-

    Amerlcthtthej ODdtrinj obliffttlaoU eonfurm ta tte whia of titor whe look dowa withcontempt upon tbe repsblies of tbe 'ew World, sodEpaia will serer neeeed. by raeaaf f eh a difplajot incAricity on tbe prt of iu diplomitic nprefea-Uttr- ei

    brd, in prnsiiing tbe world tbit iunt btre ibt real ioiention, for latlAOce,

    to mate a practical application ol tbe liberal RforatprocUizned bj ilartisex-Comp- oi for Coba.

    CoBimerclal Iro5rrcAs evidence of the avidity with which a

    wise nation seizes every available opportunityto extend her commercial relations with othernations, it is only necessary to mention the

    set that the French General Trans-Atlant- icCompany has quite recently concluded a con-tract with the French Government for the newmail routes from Algeria and Tunis including

    the following lines : First Two direct linesweekly from Marseilles to Algiers. Second

    A weekly line from Marseilles to La Calle andTunis. Third Two direct lines from Mar:seilles to Phillippeville. Fourth A weeklyline from Marseilles to Oran. Fifth Twoweekly lines from Port Teredres, one to Al-giers, and the uther to Oran. The AmericanCbrrespondact, on this new postal and com-mercial arrangement, says:

    Azsosc tbe proTitioni for the Usei, a tebedaleof Qtntmoci pee4 u prescribed fur each. To tbecommercial conmoLitj, as veil Aa tbe Americanpablie in geeerol. tbe Toloable cerricea of tte Gen-eral Inntallialie Compativ are alreadj well known.Tber feel an interut In ita development ad J tacceta,sod arc gratified bj tbe esubliahment of the newline knowior;. ai the do, tbatit will bo of tereiceto tbem. tbougb indirect!', and tbat it will lead lomore exteoiire taeicaotile relation! between theUnited State and tbe Xerth Arncan coat in the notdutant future. Tbe .afeoacw Vwaco .aMericai batadroitlj taben advantage of thejjpportumty to fur-n- ub

    a lUt of tbe General Transatlantic Companj'aSeel. wbeb number 30 tarre fteamers or 72.000 tonebartben and IS,000 horse-powe- r. Tne Enjtt.'h

    eonld nut furnish better account, and it willnt be without its oe in this counlrj uf practicalhabits, where tbe results and development ofeicrjnnderuktnc are measured by its SbcceAt.

    We have been induced to allude to this sub-ject not so much to publish the fact of such acontract being concluded, as to point out themore significant fact, that as already remark-ed, all wisely governed nations avail them-selves of every opportunity to enlarge thearea of their commercial relations with everycountry with which commercial communica-tions can be funned, for the simplest of allreasons, namely : that in proportion as a nationor a people enlarge their cjmmercial relationswith the outside world, do they enhance thewell being of their own nation. It does --notrequire an extra amount of intelligence tocomprehend the soundness of the theory justindicated, and therefore we hope that theHauaiian Government txill see that in estab-lishing new commercial and postal relationswith China, through Senor Celso Ciesar Moreno it will be but following to a logical con-clusion an almost self-evid- proposition. "Aword to the wise is sufficient "

    Queen's MofpiUil.To HZ rxttXlrmcy tie Jtautcr of tit aenor

    Ma t I bare t&e banur to fcmUb this tbe Forty.First Setui Annna Beport of the Treasurer of tbeQueen's Hospital, .huwior; the receipts and disburse-ments durior; the half Jear ending lhe30lbofXo-resibe- r,

    and of tbe present financial condition of tbecvrpvratiun :

    sxcztrra.Jcce Jth. lETS Balance Cuh la Bank. 5,t3 COOrelr 3rth. 1FT9rrora pat patjeols. lx mitbs eodiof

    tliut d.te --SVTOTOJnan U.UiKaTrtAoxv acoaiut lla

    WmlAa HUS abd pArnxvr taXrSSur in Ux mo.tli eoaiac: 33ih 9ep- -tnkerU.1 7,15107

    FiOot CLpns Intere-to-n Lecj laud &S 0'ioat lloo ttitt Wo Quia d uatka, oftlic Cctoms cbarfva rcoUtcd bia CO

    -- 10,e) 33nrsAcxunxxTA.

    XoTnaber SOtb, 1S79- -rorsaUrTtXpbisaAa fur six months

    to du 7W 00For saUrr of ascutanl pbjslcxan to

    (Site . SIFor war, cf urrejwr, serranu and

    pri lAtor 1.S51 SiFur bedding, fuel, light, prOTuloo,

    raedTjaes coans. a?c 4S? S3Arnwcat T. J. sUXr boiidinc nrtb

    wine; as per cuniract, t,W0, lor ex-tras, aJ.llou, Alterttsous. ami laaProremrnts as Prr axreeaeot hM . C.S30 00

    Tor r--s tulnf Pip, water pip Unew aiic 1S3 Tl

    Foramocnt refaadrd the ladies' -Tcarat Sudetr, Jjr tlU talce col-lected S

    IlLTK SODeceaber sth, Cash ta Bank this date, 6 Go

    f 1S.MD 4--liWSassrra.

    AralUUe Jtnmrj 1st, 15.-- aCl becub is rued S Si3 (0

    Fruot aj raticnta by e.tlmal W 00From TreasorT', Hawaiian seameo aad

    paseagM- taxes the qosrlrr end.lAf 31st December, br etlat.u. 300 00- uiz u,tti.rtrt.

    Current expenses for December, bjtim.t. ,. ,.,. 133 00Iron LerVtAds and furniture, new

    winj. tc .. ,,, 350 00--f I.TM 00

    Ket assets bj .tiw..t. ,... e 43 gaThere is in the Department of lb Interior, a bal-

    ance to tbe credit of the appropriation for aidto the Queen's HospitAl, of l0.Co7.eS. which thatfar has not been drawn opoa since October oflaityear, but it is probable that a portion of it will berequired to support the Institution, daring the inter-fa- !

    following tbe close of tbe Biennial period, andtbe passage of the Appropriation Bill for tbe suc-ceeding period.

    Betpectfallr submitted.Job H. Patt,

    Treasurer Qjten's Jiuspiul.Bcsolala, December Stb, IS7S.

    Hucolnln, Dee. 1st, IS79.To tit Tnutttt of lit Qaeea's Uotpilal

    Gistulxix : I bare the honor to submit thereport for tbe qomer ending the 30th

    The total ensber of patient at present ia tb Hos-pital is 71. rixtil Hawauaoi 31 males and Stfsmalex and 18 foreigner (15 pajing). The numberuf adatiAriont during tfats beriii was 100, ru s 5iHawaiian; 32 as cs, end !S frmes. And 45

    DircbArgrd St. vis : 46 Uaaaiian 2S malesand IS femxlet and 36 fureignerx. Deaths 3 melesand 1 fetnA'e Uawaiians And 5 torrirneia ; i Pulmo- -carr consumption; 1 !lemrbac.e; I Suicide; I Vj-c- e

    ma; 1 Bora. Tb bigbeal number uf indoorfluents was 71. lb lowest 50, d.117 arerare 57,number ot prescription 4141. The numberof patientstrea'ed in tbe liospiul was ax fallaws ; SeptemberSi ; October 85; 95. Calls at tb dispeasary4J5, Lew caiwou 69.

    KesptclJullj Eobmitted.ilcKtsiia, H. D.

    lord ITartlatua ota axllh Policy.At tbe Vancbejter Liberal demonstration recestly

    Lord liArungtan bad lb manliness Andmoral eoraga t state with great frankness tometruths eatealatrd to be extreme! snpaUlabl U thatciass ot Kngli,hmen who bore been captiraied bjLord BeAeanvfieU'x showy nnd theAtrical poliej offlattering Brili.h ruity br tb preteore of wieldinga powerful ikSaenee in CantioentAl Affairs. All wellinformed persons know that th pnt-nde- l rietorj ofBntisb diplomae At tie Berlin Cangrex bxi proredbarren of results. Be eonsSeld and Sxlisburr claimedthat tbe bad secured tb integnt And independeneofTsrke. Tel Austria bai sriled upon Bos nix andIlenegoeina. nnd tbe line of the Balkans Una longergaardeJ by Tarkisb troops, la taet, tb power ollb SsiUa in Kuropean Turie is bat a shadow, andthe arowed policy of EngUnd has been defeated.Lord Hartiigton did not tmj all this, bat be impliedit And mora, when he boldly. declAred tbat England"is leu Sued by pontion and lb nature cf ber re-sources than any other Power for a policy ol military--dmiaixtrAUoo," and especially when b added:'EocUad is less prepared lhaa any other Power for

    lha rt campaign, .lad no Minuter oogbt to threatenwar or to go to war unless be asks binuUf lb nuex--tion whether the cans is obrxonxly juaC ia tb eyesof tbe whole people."

    These an cnpelalible trntts, and no deabt theTory papers will proaoanoe them disgraecfally

    Sat His lima that tb people of Englandshould hear the , aad it is wall that oaa gnat partyItsdff fiinmieai a sort 4 patratkgi todeakro

    "?SK s mmtmmmAZmwm 'ZiXSKLWtBJJ- f


    srH woru) rtcpectfvu.tAir. tbe utealioa of tbe public 10 kuFine and Choice Selection

    FRESH GROCERIES!Just Received

    Prom. San Fruncisco and EuropeJ.S FOLLOWS

    Golden Gate Family Flour.Graham Flour. Corn Meal,

    Oxt --leal. Cracked Wheat,

    HOMINY, AVENA. &C.. &C..Tins of Wine Cracker. Sodas.

    Milk, Boston, Wafer, Xiexnaek.Ginger, Graham , Jenny Ltnd Craekert,

    .Also, sua assortment ot Cracker

    From the Celebrated Factory at rt,Mas.

    The Following Spices:Ground Ginger. Allspice, Cloves, Sage,

    Thyme. Sweet Marjoram, Mixed Spice,Cinnamon, Cassia. Pepper,

    English and French Hastard, -- e

    S.TJOI5 :Worcestershire, pints and halt-pin- ts ;

    Tobaxco, Mango, Relish. Imperial,Murbroom, Anchory, Tomato, Ac.

    PICKLES:Mixed. Gherkins. Onions, Walnuts.

    Olives, ia oil ; Olive., plain ;Staffed Peppers,

    Comprising afull assortment ofAmerican, English and French Fickles.

    yEGETABLES :Green Oira, String and Lima Bexns,

    Succotash. French Peas, finest quality;Amer.etn and Kngli.h Peas. Mushrooms,

    Trufies, in tin And glass;Turnips, Beets, Onions, Tomatoes,

    California, Island aad Oregon Potatoes.A FDLL LISE OF

    TABLE & PIE FRUITS !ia tins and glass, such ax

    Peaches. Pears. Piom, Apples,Cherries, Apruots. Grapes, Rhubarb,

    Gooseberries, do., Ac, Ac.

    American and English Jams and Jellies,a complete assortment, in 1 and 3 lb. tins.

    Barataria ShrimpsChocoUte Cream, in jtrs; Meuier Chocolate,

    Epps Cocoa, in j And i Ib. packages ;Coffee and link, in tins ; Cocoa And Milk,

    Cranberry Since, ia glass nnd tins.Apple Saaee, Condensed Milk. Eagle and Am. brand

    Potted. & Devilled Meats & Game-- SUCH A5- -

    Haa, Tongue. Duck. Chicken, Turkey,Partridge, Salmon, Lobiter, ic.

    Preserved Meats:Mackerel. 1 And 2 lb; Salmon, 1 and lb ;Lobsters, 1 and 2 lb ; Oysters, 1 and 2 lb ;Clams, land 21b;Libby MiXed's Pressed Cora Beef, Tongue, Ham,

    Spieel and Plain Pig's Feet,HAM SAUSAGES, in tins ;Cocked Spice Beef, ia tins ; Misccd Meat,Sausage ileal. Oxford ant Cambridge Saasxgei,EoAtt Tartey and Chicken, Boast Mutton.Beef, aatorted Meats of all kinds.

    Richards & Robbins' Boned Tur-key "and Chicken,


    Herrings, preserred And smoked ;Codfish Balls, Bolton Baked Beans,CIaoj and Fish Chowder. Pickled Sardines,Tins of Cooked Uams, Riast Pfteasaat, Grouse,Assorted Soaps, in 20 different rarieties ;Russian Sardines, in glass ; Piskled Sardines,Sardines, ia oil ; Sardines, in mustard:Pate do foi gras. SarJtlls, SaoiAges, andOther Meat Delicacies ia great rariety.

    Cube and Island Sugars.Pea Flour, Split Peas. Pearl Tapioca, Barley, Sago,Maeearoni. Vermicelli, Honey, in glass, uaII comb;Candies, Orange Citron and Lemon Peel,Almonds aod Raisins, in bottles ;Fresh California And Eiam Cheese,Flam. Padding, all sites.

    Extract Lemon, Vaoila, Cinnamon, Orange, Straw-berry. P100 Apple. Celery, Ac.

    ffe'itiae tn Lare an I S nailUtnt't Silid Odla Pints and Half-pint-Dr KiUktr'. Celebrated Salnl Cream.Car Pvt&lcrln Tins Aad Bottles.

    Corn stares, Laaudry starch. Celery Salt,Salt, in bigs and billies.Baron Liebig's Extract Beef,

    ahuu Ltyers. in I and 1 .b. boxes ; Sultana dittoin tins And jars ; Currants, in A. 7 and 11 lb tins

    Aide. Dried Fruits,SUCH AS

    Pitted Cherries. Dried HueMeberries,Dried Blackberries', Plums, Peart aad Peaches.

    Barrels Fresh CranberriesMaltby's Prepared Coeoannt.Uams And Bacon. Smoked Beef and Salmon.Eastern CodS.h. and 10 lbs. Pail, of Lard,Brown's Cider Vinegar, Syrup,Hawaiiaa and Blue Mattel Snap. Candles, Ac.Also Bbls aad balfbUs Beer And Park,

    Bblj nnd half bbls Salmon, kits Salmon BelliesKits Mackerel, Sounds and Tongues.

    Ly Stock Comprises too Great aVariety

    to bo enclosed ia a Sewrptper Adrertisetaeat, andwhich I am determined to

    Sell at the Lowest Market Rates,K0T EXCLUDISU -

    Auction Prices for CashS A Liberal Discount will bo isade.

    My Goods are

    fmum Ta m nmad in every respeei First Clan.

    Orders from the other Irian Js respectfully solicitedaad great car will ho rued la packing aad shippingthe fame.

    A. W. BUSH,-- 0. 2 a 5. Fort tret


    Tgisi-w- wlij.!,! iatAislfciiy tt.i saw. iriMbaai afc Tfr - ilf mi. 1w ni .i ja .ntpi ma.is


    ITor Sale or 01iaterThe Fast At Copper Fastened Schooner

    'Joseph Woolley,"WEtl. reUXB AND REABT roR SEA.

    TnilbbcldorCnarttred. Tor pArtlcuUrx, apply toCHAS. T. nCUCR, or

    77 Capt. ROBT. BWOOi.


    Well Fottnd. Rcaily tor S.to Apply to II. H.VCKFKLn A CO.PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY

    For San Francisco.THE SPkXDID STEJLX8HIP

    3KBEne.CITY of NE W YORE


    On or about Monday, Dec. 22nd.




    On or about Monday, Dec. 29th.For Freight And lAssAxe, apply toTSSJm U. HACKFELD JtCO..Atntl.Gooda lor Shlpmeut per Stcmuer can now

    be Stared. Free at Ctiarrre. Iu th FireproulWarcbouae near Use .Steamer tttnrr.

    ?irs ?-3- ISor.TEAME11LKE1E.

    BEY.V01.DS. t s t I HAJsrEK

    Tnesday, Dee IS, I p m HlloTuesday, Dec SO, a p m Urcnlt or IIaa all

    Car Jfo Crettlt for Pstsanfe Moury. --snWe poslUTely refuse to open Acconnu lor FAAsaxes.

    and we cadi the Attention of tbe trareUngpublic to tbe necraalty ol baTlnc Bacrage and FrelentpiAtuty marced ; tbe Steamer will not bo responsible forany nnmarked barrage or for Any Frcbrbt or Parcels no.lesa Uecelpled tor.

    Freight --Coney Das on Demand.In all exses f Freight f.ir parties not responsible or no.

    known, the Freight Jlooer will be reo,nlred In adrlhice.Ana we decline All responsibility as regards tbe lAiidlng ofUrestocK. We will use all care, t.nt will not guaranteethe tires of Horses, Cattle and ilnles.JPACitAUES or LIQUORS and 1VIXES MCSl

    be ii..vi.vi.t markedFor tbe party wbom they axe for, or plainly stated In t ereceipt to whom tbey are Cunslgued.

    AUdemAoda for DAmage or lass, must be made w Itan one month.

    In no way liable for Losa or Accident to Live stock.ta Hack Drivers. Boys, and aucn like, will not boaJlowed on board the Steamer npon ArriVAl, until After toepaasuxvrs nave been landed.;m wilder a co.

    Regular Packet forjilo & Kaupakuea.Tbe nipper Schooner

    SlHALEAKALA!For Freight or applr toTftS 3m ALU-- N BOBIKbON, AgenU.


    CUSTARD LINE!Established 1840.

    Two Sailings Everv "Week.FOR I.IVCUPUOL:

    From New York-era- y Wednesday,From Boston every Saturday,

    RATES OF PASSACE:Cabin 880, sand 8100 Uold

    According to AcconunodAtlon.

    BETOBK tickets ox favorable teems.Steerage , 838 Cnrrenew

    Good AccommodAtlons cao always be seenred on appU.frifvi to

    WILLI AILS, BLAKCHAllD & Co..Sao franclsco.

    JAS. ALEXANDER,V9 Slate St., Boston,

    c. o. VRxvcKiny.4 Bowllog areen, ITew Tork.

    VoHca to PAuengeri from AnstrallA, See ZealAnd andHonotnlo. Tbe CortArd Lloe aXTorda more tban usual fa.dlltles lo through passengers from trans-Pacif- porta, thefreqoencyoriu nailing precluding All possibility of delayIn New Tork.

    Good accommodAtlona Always referred.C. O. FBAXCRLTX,

    7 IT s BowlincOreen.SewTork.


    C. Brewer Co. Agents. ;QfcrABk1W Aieat Iwafe Aa.ata,ta.at Gwaw 3 aa kVT

    Ci mJ onhIpmnliby thUl.n.aj u. litt-- H Jin- - tu.


    C. Brewer & Co. Agents. 3&m4e for ttorajre nJ .btitmeDtof Oil, IVpe.Wool, Hldeiand othtr Merchsntlli to Xew Bedford. Bofton, Ntw Torkan. thcrEters Porti. h AdTDcemd.




    Buggies, Wagons, Carriages!DILLINGHAM Co.,'

    M 8eteattata for Hawaiian Istaada.

    Tire Bisks on Cane Fields,- -npiIE U5DEKSIOXED, AGESCTSFOB TUG

    ea-- r.o "--Fire as. Marine InsaraBce Cepay,

    of 2ew Za2Aai3tAre astord to Aecrpt Fire Bisks on Socar Cropa a

    tae FSrid. For panlmlarA- - Apply toWU. O. IRWIS k co

    T7 tax Aceota for Uawailao It Ida,

    For Sale.THE TWO-STOK.- Y BESIBESCCail ate oa School And Emma eutets. Honotola. Is In excellent order And rtnalr. wltfe:

    good ACd aaflWen t paslorage for 1 or 3 horses. Haift epurc-a- ae moaer mar remaia oa montage for two or

    Esquire ofTIIOJfAS SSOWX,

    T7Itf At tlie Beg-t- er OBee.

    FOR REHT,g THE COTTJOE AT FBESE3T fCCTT.1 fuo far capt. os ippirto -- j.ii.wojd.jm a

    WOUCE.aATTSG PBBCTKEB FROX C8I XAIIthe n breeder of the Best Cat Be

    And Horses, tne Best. Formal known for Fed arJflleb Cava, we are Prepared to foralsh tne Feed totaose wao rraJre It, lo ijnAotlUes to salt At tl to per 100poend. Aa tils Feed Is made firm tile best rrsilaproeai-H- e. we WArnat It to be all at la repaired to enable tbe owner of tie cow lo proccre ab absBdanca ofrich mfllc.And to laaore a healthy food for tbe cow. Par-U-

    wlA-l- sc toefr owa grata grsead aad prepared, canbare 14 deae at abort settee, ettber for bcrss or cow feed.; a laixe oe.

    WJihM uiipMft nmm 'iw Mwffn $mmmmtmll'rBmlt'tl!)'tttt3ftfc'Kllk





    IT. 3EIORN, ,Practical Confectioner and Pastry Cook,


    Having added to his Candy Factory a STEAM MANUFACTURING- -CANDY APPARATUS, New Moulds and Machines of

    the Newest Designs and Patterns,

    Parents, Guardians of Children, and my customers generally arguaranteed that all candies made at Horn's Steam

    Candy Factory are

    STRICTLY PURE!And free from all poisonous substances, such as Terra Alba, or "White

    Earth, and all mercurial colors, as Paris Green, PrussianBlue, Chrome Yellow, and other injurious substances

    so extensively used ia the manufacture ofForeign Candies.

    ivcy g-um- : dropsAre No Imitation, like the Imported,

    But are made of the finest quality of Gum Arabic-- "BaS? Please takeparticular notice that my pure and wholesome home-

    made candies are sold


    WEDDING CAKESMade of the Richest Mixtures and Flavors, and Ornamented in the

    highest style of art.

    American. Crcucli, fioglisk k Gemma Pastries:Leic2. to



    The Greatest




    Assortment of


    . -


    RiciL and Plain Fruit, Pound.

    Sponge and JeUy.GakeEver shown in Honolulu, of the finest quality, Ornamented and Plain,

    all made of the very best material, and


    J Is


    -- i?i


  • mm usees mi yj.; TfF



    COW M.XX.CIJLI...Bwasoiizc. riTrrjrrg it. ura.

    a illiii. i I'lniiii ill i i l T r ii i i i D)aTtlcfSaaaaeawa Hsw rm iTaaCaTeaac Cbcr dswist pro- -

    anafl tart fw lftm f featrtaisai tcfif tl Period Jsul

    ant bar S&TDa&,Mil mi asarlaf3tUk)S.aa4tlMl7 S

    n ip mm . arsssffitawrtauaaea Island. Vc ttav111 I 11 rt SawaB, Cspt- -

    239 laasaieraala ar

    n miaanC aasoae tbat Car. Wwd tlii will miiii BrvMoc StaraalUrtl onjb

    eseaeaaaaaTSsaaBseeeeaeava weal, XaaarffTaH aJao

    mmi iiajaJsaMesMasreaa-vwtjBa&Awetb- X.HBrr&bam,

    ateaarstie export-- "liHini-a-

    kol la E.7Tswaa.as -- W aaaiiiaMi cr

    t.naamaa1C3 qaant.. far Uanaafmi aw mmt est tbe In.

    BMMttaflBaaalaaaa iSJalssSi" JSsasriaaacew foiwd. Tbessaaatase mi an i i an i as i..sxinn a rM

    kajaBaaisaeastaSanls aarra M la pnaseeswa- -la iiiTaWaliaal TTTi ti "i'i" T f,a ar s'aiswujsaa ' y 1ks a&s instable

    1.. j aa( ejuatral a1aiai liar t la.II sag -- twntrtaf tbe put

    law m1 1 Ifl il" J -- " ' 1 'aT urn efai a a a tasfl.iirj tsetwes;aaaa? aiar I sslj la Hmriric baa eo or

    v xwi smc expeet ranch aI aa. ara&a masts art ta.U --" "f

    lb a.aj.liie.M alcalaaaaaaBaaaaa-- -t m a ? Hi rliiim Is janporUsn to "in an in 1 afaw Sto ,aafh-a--- t X but fcw. end

    reiae 11st JI CUB rcr lott.

    J3T03LS OI SOjXOIi'O'IiIT.

    I il laan ami i Irii - - fWttrfcai arm Jaaaaaai H hIiimi tfaaai HaiatiwMt.rn m I Him in -- -

    in a i ,a tiiiiain.--t-J-.'ija- -r'HJL Waai H I fflluM--r - -

    ,n I- ,- ItnatiaMl aaK--B.m. T i. -

    lalliil-- l Ilaiia a.aai.l.aw-nT- .a raTHijm tti gathla

    r. T --aR- ----.aargaaaa-aaamlaw- i 4 1w

    aaSr i "l-T- . Ian Ja'sK, VnTI Ir--laaH TT,tm.

    Ml HaaiTiii iiili t- -a. ,. WOJi-- t.ataaaajaaMMMvK. lar rani

    aumtTai I - - JaaH ,.lr.lji. tar rna-- a.ma,- - --lr raj-"- -. imm ytarSas RnrirriWariaa4aja, Car laala

    Tin i am. rn T- - fltrt- rTIi i - t t"''

    aaai it ii " "i-- r g "- ---y -rn-- la If

    1 1- - - lataa akaxab.aiaaT.aii Tma.ittUa


    aamialii iiih.,1 aa a man iliilml 3Aiaaaaa.aai.lat ka-- 31t ey. 1S"

    i jt " -- " '- - f as Xf Taaraaj Tniniin.Ihc U-3- 44.i ft tnmlr, SO

    aaaaa aaT aamat" a. 1 S.a; iatiwc. 1 lax taoua.faaaa. W Jlal art. H--t K HIlaaaajlliaa - r asa astu ku &4 ct. ctala.

    aaSam.ZBa- - laraar. : PCfc, TWaf --,!. I n WiKa uutsu ua

    4 aa aaaat. --a -- v "x laa hrLs cat. T


    1333X35.tianfcaa. XMC II JIT

    aaaaaaji11l Sk tt aam i vvav? . Via vtialefcet, JT tecs

    aa I. C liana ZMcIt tSnatiaiid3BS waff m, wh"

    2X2SBES.. lac XI r B BaKlcU.

    titTlataiTr.lVc It Mrrwiuaa ii SraaatXsrJXasawCrAltstclit,

    aaaaaaaatI t It g X 6 JackxuThJe

    varCJCaTrax.XacII 5 at rraacv,- - - - aama.iXSm f IPBrrrtEerT, O A

    .TliTriilaaf.Tt KaiaaUa. "ia Saauclc.

    SSEX- -

    (a ajaaa sa aaaaazaae tta, a abr mSr ef Kr Isce

    " " " "TtTfli - j

    rr r. s wMp..,. Ji

    aar Tae. Zhtt. malarial ferer.raT X Hete---eera- n. ated

    aaaaans.Haaa aaVaaatSdaa. araayaEUie alncB jt jSasj zrac.

    " BaraMFt. rarefriii m i I rn niir--r tmi.T't fcaaaaawaaaaallarm wiara

    BJSjaajaiaaattal-a'aai- 'atwn lul'a uucuie. W It areljM

    fxtaaasT!! aw auaaaiiwaal 1 arala!. , ai Jamas Dsrfrlt.

    tJHaasat a "C Ikneeataa-- Uth, XxrjfllKuMnlTiallT! "ii Tin " -

    ffiaaiflawa.waa TaaTaaarefl,

    9iearSiaaWariHn,tnsatnafe a lleaaaa. I

    m Will aHlaTtllHIg.laHiiHiS .ulaiajW- -

    -- -'-- ;"

    gaaa aaas Ha taiiiC- -

    gi.aa iwaaaaasraag

    ti in ilaTJi-n- - ftrrasxOSaWS at. kaaaa

    " A..Tit irr T" Hawaiian bark

    1TaE. xirtved la Ibis port on tbeTteHawaB leftJalult

    UfV ep.Ve Hat passage W ne- - a aansa nest. Trwa land to una- -

    SJaaW rv j jjoai beahh 2SS lmm- l- iTwo births and

    . . . ti it ijnu-tair- c waeouic

    t sc aasafC jitsrtti&ts for 22 days.s satlrx of prime necea- -

    abt yaaikage te Tbe time for whichwrtaiminf . arsd Capt. Wood was

    ecaaiac far awnaietbe passageftqClwwf ajare. Had anyiaS- -

    c Hawaii aff wlacb ber passagetJaaUHsVB QDaavW iaVafCaa lefefceaetl lo ay fortr days.

    Hk zaeast of siZencg tunIt is a ZMXter for eongratnla- -

    tasctn abtzCaaK. awd arboijboiotJy agoodsea--&g: a. mas of rood sense and

    i tx. a&iajse efue Sawafi, wrbo by bisracste(ss bmsEbt tat ship

    RMk aatttffaaaEaaaasSB aBS3a,saR cxSetj to part without taf--lli mi irrinnii iar wtaci be deserves tie bigb- -

    "aVetave oat bees able up toi irea To steuio diU-b- whicb

    im. rN ljiaiEbt bj tba HawaiL-!' cfxS scTaa and of both sexes.

    itaT a : cSasa we czsnot pveaiajxyve stated. We learn

    s sBsfC TConi " be expeiieaesd aome; Tbe ptae. bat tbe Hawaii

    n ii.ai.iTaisr xat rni&i srrtTStfsI vovx-- e. WelaataaAaarstiisaa: e. aVajoC tut lis Hawaiian brig- -miiaajiinu nfnf wsassBaSis day or two afterTaHTifai rsV ft' Kaaaa30Besectof lmmlgraoU

    aaS ssarr 3Ta5eJl bere In a few(ajna. CefC atatfasas aste fa casmand of the


    aaasa: Ttsogxct! laa etcaiotai of tbe aboveroc tuard tbe HawaiL Tbe

    tor ate ierrth f Sie itlsas taken fori istsaela tozsaax 2x Irrp we are enable5aS X is a. siazurlsr coExratnUUou ttat

    aaiflBie beeatrsit- -lmni araOTlieix)efive totbeGov-eiiiai- ivllWaaa& EiaBsaaty the ailcbuer ottbe

    .! BaU neiar! 1A theXcTisltiive ASSCia(ft kK scatSr arSE aearc ail tbe facta coanedrd

    saiJtasi turner Sea. iilatderslo Ibcaela- -Itsaae wtM'Ootstti pertona tonnisc that

    aaaguuaillcj gxpeujTe experiment, but weMiWISJimaT UK CIQllaCaa34M3 va c fVMt aku

    aa-- ana- - aatsaia (X OCT OWO OT the SC- r-4et ssne liiairy isapcb omwwwSawaiiasaKOnBOira par-- t

    TtiLwHl twed expUnaJlon,caSBic xxi Jiitrtctea ttrtai tbe proper Use

    srrr'imnix wE. be called, for.

    SOTES OF XIIK WCCk.X3T The P. M. S. City of Kew TortwIH be due

    from She Colonies on Monday next, it vblcb timemill will be dispatched to tbe Coast and the East.

    X3T Tbe funeral of Mr. James Dwlgbt on Bon-d-aybut was larjcelj attended. Tbe Blfiimen (Co.

    B ), Firemen, Knight or Pythias, and Red Men,were present In good delegation, and a large concocrte of friend turned ont to pa; their lift

    Mr. Dwlgbt vn a young man nbo com-manded nnnsnsl respect in tbla community and bisdeath U Terj generall) ri"grctted.

    Corctet a grand Tocal and Instrumental con-cert will be held at tbe KaumaLapUi Church onSaturday evening next, tinder the patronage andImmediate supervision olll E.U. Princess ni.

    Tbe proceed lo be appropriated to tbepurpose of defraying tbe expensea Incurred at thejubilee of the. Sunday School) of tbla Island, to beheld in tbla city on tbe first da; of January next.It k hoped that a liberal patronage will be extendedto tbia concert, and thereby encourage and assist anoble and praiseworthy object. Let tbe peopjegeoeraUy turn ont.

    13" Tbe drinking water paucd through a filtererbaTing been analyzed by an Analytical Cbemiet oftbia aty, and ascertained to contain tome foreign

    oiaonona anbstance, roiling tbe drinking of itunhealthy, pertona abouldabttaio as much as possl- -ble from nslng It. A good anbstltute laaoda water,

    fine article of which can be obtained at Hollister'iCo's., en Numnn street, in qnantitles to suitpurchaser. A glasa of solid aoda (no froth) is cer-tainly a refreaning beverage, and HoIlister& Co'a. Isthe place to gel It.

    WBrSnoCLD He Not? We understand that in-asmuch aa Mr. James Dodd the proprietor of thePantheon Livery Stables, cannot have tbe sameXaeltTiiea that are accorded tootber citizens fromtbose engaged in tbe borse feed bnslnesi behas determined not only to import all his own sup-ply of bone feed hcremlter, bnt nlll keep constantlyod band a supply which be will sell to bis fellowcitizens at cost and carriage. This Is Josl as Itshould be and we commend Mr. Dodd for hi cou-rage and busineas liberality, and we know thatevery good citizen will look upon bis action lo thismatter in a similar light. It won't do to crowd abrave man like Dodd to tbe wall, for as sure asgrass grows be will show light and "paddle bisown canoe."

    Great Acctios Sale or Christmas Fbesests.Mr. M. Mclueruy will offer for sale at auction at

    Mr. Bartow's salesroom, on Saturday evening De-cember 20th, at 7 o'clock a large invoice ofelegant quadrupled plated silverware ofthe neniststyle, lrom tbe celebrated MIddletown. Connecticnt,Manulactnnng Company, embracing about 300pieces infnll tea seta and seperate pieces. If tbeseta are sot sold assets they will be broken andsold In seperate pieces to suit purchasers aa Mr.Mclnerny la determined to close out tbe Invoicewithout reserve on tbe occasion. Tbe above willafford a floe opportunity to our citizens to procureme moi elegant ana usclll unristmas presents.and therefore w e bope there will be a large atten-dance of liberal purchasers.

    S S Lackawanna, CapL IL Chan-dler, arrived in this port from tbe Eamoin Inlandson Thursday morning last, after a passage ol 5S day s,all well on board. Tbe Lackawanna is 2,200 tons,and carries 11 guns and a compliment of 193 officersand men. The following is a list ol her officers:

    Captain Ralph Chandler,Lieut. Cammaoder Tate StirlingAJectenaaU John J ilrici, John B BrlgE Kelson T

    Eiatoa.Slaiten JeranUh C Bamett, Benjamin F Rlofhart.Cadt JliJ.hir.mcn-CSiIca- .ln. J K JleDonuelLEarcmo E S MaUhewAuL bargMMi Francis S ICaah.Yijmmtttr Frauk 11 litntnan.Chief Engineer Itlcbard M Bartleman.

    U Engineer Ceo Fn;derCadet Eociueer Charles L Wight.Seeuad laeotenantoTMariDea James D'ilerrUlj.BtaUwaln Jamea rarrelLGunner Warren Barnard.ballm.ler Uilliam Keditone.IHyClerk WJ Larkln.

    Tnx Health or Uoolulu. The ravages of tbefever are unabated aud still tbe same apatby seemsto pervade the Health Department. Victims areborne to their graves daily and new cases are occur-ring hourly, and still there is no move towards ar-resting tbe progress of the disease. There Is grosscriminal neglect somewhere which it behooves ourcitizens to notice in some public and emphatic man-ner. Tbe excuse ol tbe Board of Health that tbeyhive no aulbonty to step outside a beaten track isno excuse at alk Tbe exegencles of the case andtbe deadly nature of tbe pestilence that Is decima- -Hug the population Is warrant sufficient for tbemost extreme measure on the part of the Board ofHealth, aud to bait longer In tbe performance of aplain duty to the people is nothing less than crimi-nal. Tbe public health should not be trifled withand if tbose composing tbe Board of Health do notfeel themselves competent to the task, in this tryingemergency, tbey should vocate their places, and let

    !.i i . i .. ..oiuer allien a tep in wuo woniu at least mke anesurt to reiorm the present nntiealtliy condition othe city, and abate tbe many nuisances that are soprevalent. Procrastination In this business IsInviting death into every family. " Delats are al- -waya dangerous1' and therefore prompt action Isdemanded by tbe crying needs of tbe people of thiscity under present circumstances.

    Tee Asgei. or Death. During tbe past weektbe Angel ol Death has visited a number of familiesIn this city, aud baa stricken down tbe young, tbemiddle aged and tbe aged, and In bis visitation hasbeen no rcspector of persous. Within a few monthsquite a number of our best and most worthy citizenshave been removed from the places that knew themaod tbe friends who loved them, to that betterland beyond this Tale of tears and cares. It Is sadto reflect that among tbe list just mentioned wehave been called upon to mourn tbe loss not onlyofthe good and wise, but some of the best andmwit energetic ol our business men, whose losswuu ustij in buuoi. auiuuk IUCU1 wc rci;rci

    aaaWtnatJ this if TfiVlH X D t..m n aa .a aC ln..-..- . w..uuu iihii,iiiuiciiuik.rn U..W - .. r.i. t. .i. Mt ..," "u-- i "" "Ji "uoseueaiu occur- -" nl resiaence onjiuuanu street on the 15tb

    in ait Th lati fr "Rrpr nuti rllirn nf trrour..- - ,...,...nuuuiuu uij;uij ce.cciucu .u IU1B culUQiuulljr lorhis many sterling qualities. His deatb at so earlyau age, for he was but a young man, Is a positivelos to the community, but to bis stricken wife andchildren it is an irreparable loss. May be " whotempers tbe winds to tbe shorn lambs " pour con-solation Into the wounded heaits of tbe bereavedwidow and fatherless children, as well as Into tbehearts of his other relatives by whom be waa be-loved in life, aod will be lamented now that he is nomore among men. Tbe late Mr. Brewer fell a vic-tim to the fever cow desolating so many house-hold lo this community, after a protracted illnessof aome weeks. His youth and manly vigor strug-gled long with the Destroyer, bnt at last had tosuccumb for bis hour of departure bad come tbeflat bad gone forth and the Angel of Death bore bisspirit to a land of light, beatitude and rest. Helike many more of our cUIaena was stricken dowciu tbe full vigor of bis manhood, and thus anothervoid has been made in tbe thinned aud thinningracks of our people. Such scenes as we have faint-ly outlined are calculated to admonish tbose of uswho are spared of the uncertainty of life and tbecertainly of death, and should teach us tbe neces-sity of making our peace with him, who rule'.h andreignetb for ever and ever, the same unchangeableGod over alk

    Truly, "Tbe apider'a most attenuated threadla cord 'tis cable to man's tender tieThat breaks at every breeze."

    "Who can boast of J" is a pertinentquestion at such a time and under such tryingcircumstances as those by which this communityIs at present surrounded. Life at best is but astruggle aod when we least expect It, tbe Angel ofDeath demands our exit and bis dread summonsall must obey.

    "God moves in a mysterious way,His wooden to perform.

    He plants His footseps lu the seaAnd rides upon the storm.

    Bis purposes are ripening fast,Improving every hour;

    Tbe bud miy have a bitter taste,But sweet will be the flower.

    Blind tmbellef I snte tn rrr,Aud scan bis works iu vain;

    God is bis own interpreter.And lie will make it jikin."

    Christmas Sport. Bf reference to onr adver-tising columns, it will be seen that there Is quite aprogramme of sports provided for Christmas day,in tbe way of swimming matches, tc. In which theyoung folks may bave the most ample opportunityto Indulge In tbelr favorite part-tim- e. We can easilyimagine bow much real fun may be had by a largeturn out and liberal participation In tbe swimmingmatches on Christmas day. Here Is a chance fortbe best swimmers and divers of both sexes to showwhat tbey can do In the water, and we anticipate arare treat oo that occasion. Let there be a largeturnout, and a hearty in tbe athleticsports on Christmas day.

    Aioso the Whaef. Monday morning we tooka short stroll along the wharf and were pleased tonote tbe unusual activity among the shipping.What with coasting steamers and schooners load-ing and unloading cargoes, and foreign ships of alldenominations and Elzrs, we conld not help fecllnzgratelul to see so many busy men at work and tbeevidences of a healthful trade going on. Were itnot for tbe Ilsbt wlnda whlcb bave prevailed duringtbe past two or three weeks, we would have wit-nessed still busier scenes on tbe wbarves, bnt evenas it is tbe activity and busineas bum we noticed oothe occasion of this visit, was calculated to giveheart and bope, to sec all who lore to see men en-gaged in tbe active pursuits of a buisy life. Whenwe reflected also upon tbe great increase of Busi-ness on oar wharves wltbin the past two years andtbe prospect of a still greater Increase in tbe nearfnlure, by tbe establishment of a new line of Chinasteamera In prospect, we said to ourselves, truly,there Is In store for Honolulu and these Islandsa future big with promise lor Hawaii neL It Isonly necesssry for this Government to nvill Itselfor every chance presented of enlarging tbe area ofIts commercial relations with tbe outside world, toreap a ricli reward fur liberality and forecast, thatwill aslonlah the most apathetic among us.

    The Cleaslikess or the Citt. It is said withgreat truth, tbit "cleanliness is next to godliness,"but this aphorism Is too often, if not always, ap-plied to persons, whereas It Is alike applicable toplscea (localities). We have beard it remarked byseveral persous lately that Honoluln Is a clean city,but if any one, curious to verify tbe opposite fact,will take tbe trouble lo walk alone tbe Esplanadewharf of a morning or evening, and take a fewwhlls of tbe effluvia arising lrom tbe mountain ofeffete mitter deposited In that delectable locality,be will soon become convluced that Honolulu isvery far from being either a clean or a healthy city.Tbe locality e speak of his been made the deposi-tory forull tbe reeking Glib or tbe city, incjudingnumberless poisoned dogs and a mass of unhealthyoffall which with tbe action of the water, the

    at night, and the hot rays of tbe sunduring tbe day, causes decomposition to go onwith great rapidity, sending up a atench of un-healthy gases that cannot be productive or anythingelse but dlsesse and deatb. When we take into ac-count tbe fact, that for months tbe winds have pre-vailed from tbe South and Southeast, sending thispoisoned effluvia back into tbe city and carrying Itup the valliys even to tbe base of tbe mountain,we have a complete explanation lor tbe prevalenceol the lever in the heretofore more healthy be-cause of being higher localities. And yet n 1th allthis light oo the subject, the ssplent Board ofHealth of this city, has not seen tbe necessity of adopting one of the most effective methods of counteracting the unwholesome atmosphereby fumigating it with tar smoke in tbe places n herethe disease has its origin and breeding place. It is .painfully evident, we think, that "none are soblind as those who will not see," and the Board ofHealth seem to be so biind or ignorant as not toEercilvc that which every Intelligent citizen sees,and talks about in every quarter of tbe city.There Is a fearlul accountability resting somewhere,and ne arc prone to believe a very large share ol itrests at the door of the Board of Health of Hono-lulu.


    DiHcnfvctuut.Tbe odIjt perfect dbenfectaot is ele&Dlineis. Tbe

    cheapest material for disenfecttng cess pools, etc.. iione pound of copper duiolred in a gallon of water jor one pound of chloride of lime in a gallon of watertbrown about in no home plaees ; or for email plaecf.one ounce of chlorinated loda to a quart of water ; or15 grain creilde permanganate of potasta to a quartof water; or one ounce carbolic acid to a gallon ofwater. Powdered charcoal and fresh lime half andhalf make an excellent absorbent.

    CAUTION TOTHE PUBLIC.To avoid Imposition, purchaser ,0! Walth&m Watctaea

    wilt observe that every geumne watcb, whether gold orsliver, bears our trade marie on both case aud movement.

    Gold cases are stamped MA. W. Cu." and guaranteecertlQcates accompanr tbem. Silver cases are stamped'Am. Watch Co.. W altham. Mass , Merlin p Mirer." and

    are accompanied by guarantee certificates, signed IL E.Robbins, Treasurer. Fee name U altham' Is plainlyengraved upon all movements, lrrspectlve of either

    marks.Ttiis caution Is rendered necessary by reason of the fact

    that our cases are frequently separated from our more-men- uaod put Into worthless morements of other makers,

    aud vice , thus affecting injuriously the performanceof the watcbfft and vitiating: our guarantee, which is ntended to cover only our complete watches wholly madeby ns. It in necessary, also, because It Is so notorious asto be a public scandal, that there Is great fiaud In tbmrtal quality of both cold and silver cases as now gene-rally sold. We he demonstrated by frequent assaysthat mauy gold and silver canes offered In the market aredebased from from 10 to 20 per cent from the qualitythey assume to be. This ts a fraud upon the purchaser, andaccounts lor tbe low price at wliicli such cased watcheshave been .

    We take thti occasion to announce that we have re-cently entirely remodelled the very popular prudes of fullplate movements, known by tbe marks Win.

    Tmcy & Oo ," Waltbam Watch C o., P S.Bartlett," and Broadway," giving to tbem not ojly ahichly improved appearance, but great additional Value.W e embody in them sncli of tbe best results of our expe-rience and study f r twenty years as can be useful in thispopn'ar form of watch. We give these new model watchesspecial recommendation to all who look for good per-formance and solid excellence at moderate cost. TbeaJteratons bare been made with the view of pleasingprucUcal watch makers, aa well as watch wearers.

    We avail irurselvt-s- , too, of this occasion to warn tbepublic against cheap watches. The superiority ofWaltbam goods. In all grades, 1' now so generally ac-knowledged that our competitors, Swiss and American,seem to bave no resource but vo present the attraction oflow price. Tbelr goods being luferlur to ars, tbey haveto sell thrn. for what they can get. Times are turd, andpeople generally nut knowing a good watch from a badone, very often allow a small prlc lo decide them.

    MorrU. the eminent English Lecturer on Art andLabor Topics. In a recent lecture delivered before the

    Trades Guild says :I know that the public In general are set upon having

    things th-a- being so Ignorant that they do nut knowwhen they get tbem nasty, also so Ignorant that tbeynttiner .no norcare wnemer iney give a man his due.I know that the manufacturers. so called, are so set oncarrying out competition to Its utmost, competition ofcheapness, not of excellence, that they meet the bargainhunters half way, and cheerfully furnish them with nastywares at tbe cheap price tbey are asked for, bv means ofwhat can bf railed by no pre 1 tier name than fraud."

    We are much mistaken If this Is what the public wantor expects, of ai. at least. Good watches cannot be madewhen neither workman nor employer has pride In his oc-cupation ; Interest and pleasure In the work are bothwanting, and both are esa ntial In good watch makingLow price, especially to watches, vuuni lev quality, wthlow perorotanct end ktgh rrpaxrt

    Our mhalon was. and our business Is. to make goodwatches, whatever the cost; holding firmly to this tinglepurpose, we have seen Improvement in quality and reduclion In cost, by means of discoveries and Improrements Inmachinery and by natural causes, go steadily on together,until we can truly ay, Waltbam Watches In their r.spectre grades, are the best watches made; and m to tnelower grades, they are withla the reach of everybodywho earns wages. Oar prices are as low as tney ought tobe, and a low as tbey will be. Watche cannot be madetor nothing, even by machinery. We say to tbe public,buy a good watch while you are about It, and pay a pi operprice fur It. The more yon pay au honest dealer the btter satisfied you will be In the end 1 dou't be deceived, bycbtpnea--4uallt- y descends foster than price

    For American Watch Ox, or Waltham, Mass.ROBBINS & APPLETON,

    760 ly General Agents, New Tort, D. & A.B3-- AU the above line of Waltham Watches for sale at


    Solo Agent for this King-dom,

    Also, Agent for the GOEtlAM: STERLING SILVER-WARE. The Trade aupphed at the LOWEST riUOES.



    Christmas & New Year's Gifts

    For Sale at Very Low Eatesa FOR THE

    E:or.zrA's-s- !A Few Fine Toned

    Piano, Organs, several styles, Wilcox &Gibbs' Automatic Sewing Machines,

    Singer's Hew Family Machines,Wheeler & Wilson's Hew Ifo 8 Machine.

    We will sell any of the Organs and Sewing-- Stac&loes forthe next month at 10 par cent discount and i per centdiscount on Pianos.

    Castle & Cooke.771 it

    JSjSi jjfc

    JKS" SPECIAL. "Sag . .Zjr

    CHEAP--8- OF




    MELL.S & FISHEL. Proprietors.

    Corner of 776NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.

    Christmas Sports"


    gCIiristmas Holidays!

    Swiming Eaces !. Boat Eaces !

    Diving Eaces !

    Lots of Prizes ! Lots of Fun !

    For Everybody.

    100 yard Swlmint Race, for all comers nnder 18, forChristmas prize, tla. Entrance-l-

    Ladles Race, for all comers under 18 years. Prise IS.Entrance f 1.

    Tacbt Race, tbree miles and return. Parse $100. Foar ormore boats Ui start. Entrance $20.

    Ilalf mile Canoe Race, open to all corners. Hawaiian purse15. Entrance SI. 50.

    Tradesmen's Purse :s. 00 yards, for all amateurs.nuirance f i. -

    Foundry Tnrse. 1st prize Zi ; second prize 1 10.

    Race aeainit Time- - longest distance In 80 minutes ; opento all comers. Entrance -.

    Tbe teamen's Purse, for ship's boata, open to all comera,X mile. Prize tH. Entrance S2.S0 each boat.

    Champion Purse, for ail comers. K mile. Prise, coldmedal and f 25. Entrance i.

    Children' Purse, for children nnder 12 years. 7& yards.Prize 3. Entrance 50 cents.

    Champion Ladies Purse, open to all. 300 yards. Firstprize t: