HATCH REINSTATED - University of …led wllh conduct w1becom ln& a teacher. .U a result ol the ca,e,...

H ATCH REINSTATED PRESIDE~"T DREYFUS talking with student.a after ,t.he question and answer aesaion concerning the Ftank Hat<.' h incident, in the Wisconsin Room. Hatch had been ~uspendcd for "conduct unbecoming a teacher" but was later acquitted. (Pendergast Photo} St udents Coofr ont LSD Su bj ect: Hatch ) 8,· CAROL LOHRY on unl~rslt)' propt>rly It was In ··Tue dttlli ion on }"'rnnk Hatc:h the unh·crslty's hands: If It had ill 1.l 11ma te!y be made In my been at home It .. 'OUJd be,, a ch•ll , :t,~." Prtsldcnt l..cc Shoermim Drt}!ps tol d studcnl.1 Thursday 111 ht, om~ and at the Wlscon- ,;n P.Mm. The- s tudcnls had pAr- :m;,atl.'d in the Student Senate ::'l:C!i for f"t'ank ll nlch, After m('eting at the Phy Ed h:iilitng students In the march "-"tilt &round the cnmpus to Old ~!a~, l'rcs!dent OrC)'fUS mt.'.t ..,. ,!h ~11,:ht students ln his olflcc ~id la h'r talked with the others 111 t,1(' W1seon5in Room. Drt~·!us told the eight studcnt.11 li.tt he want«! the facul ty med· !JMn, boan:1 lo gh·" a deter- r.:.in..hon ot fact, mo.kt' some J\qmrnt about It the Incident •~eptabte teaching conduct. m.1 IO come In with some tort or ruldt>h~ from !he faculty rttomlfM' ndation point of view. \ 'ia- l're1ldf'nt of Student S<-n· 1:t. ~l ark Dahl uked Dreytu,i •t..-ther ttport of the cu,.. todlans ehang«i In subst ance al &nf. time. Dreyfus ttplled he d:r!n1 "1:nk so and thf' written :t;.,,rtmatchfflalllpt' rf'«lrdlng ~! t.'it rt port 0..1-J alJO a.s ktd If Hatch'• l1:"1:rN1ctiOn I.Othe mailer was 11) m11:n. Ort>yfus said Hatch oUt rffl lO rttlgn. Later, Vlce- Prnident Haferbecker ttlated that H,, tch asked thf' adminl... ::.t,on if thry wanted his ttJ- l~t:wi, and hf' ..,..f.5 told that ~- did: hut that he could have Ill! Mond.1y to think about It. Hater~ker stated that Satur- ~) m,,rning he let Hatch know he dut not have to rfflan and ir ht' 11. :u1led a hearing he could h.a,-e~. Drt)1u.s said hi• next job Is 11) d"'ide what iratllullonal po- l!tion he will take. He aald. "I h.a,"t iv I.II! atked ..,."t'ther l will ~, e IMti1utlon11I condolf'flce to that lll being 1tandard and ac- CO';,tllble teaching." n~l~f'becktr said he contlnued 10;.•n111111 of Hatch for two rtB· ... °"'"· Hatch thou1ht his con· d.;ct '4':u proper and In Haler- bttktr s judgment it w•ould cauu so.me danger for studenlS 11 lt "''tre to contlnue. l.'io~: .. ~:~h .:d ~~cl= H1t~rh«kf' r · thouif'lt Jt WOllld : i: = l~l~-~;·r:~tyu!! ::i•tlon commi ttee taldni a~ Y.1"-'nuktdllother lnstruct• °'1 hll ~·" to & Wldtt the ume ::; ~ll~t~:e '!:= tllf'cory o, the phrue, "conduct llnbteomini or an tmtructor." Audr,,y O,.,.·en, uked U thett ._ • d\Jferenc• betwttn what 1 flculty membl!r doet on or au c,rnpus_ Drl!yfua answered ~\:t~~to ~= ~~Una~; llld since llll! lncldfflt hfiwened Asked "'hY the students would be, endangf'red II Hatch wa., a\. IO'l ••ed to teach. Ha fcrbeckf'r 1ald not all lludents ..,.. ould be as un· concerned as the girl lm'Oh<f'd and the university might charged with not ha,•lng ada· quate1tanclard1. 'lilt' Student Senatf' stalcment was read .... -hlch askf'd !or lfatch's reinstatement aod slU· dent ln, -olvemcnt on thf' medh•· tloM bo&rd. The a dmin\s1r11tlon ralse,d the point tha t the board under lnw w.U to bl: compo1ed ol only tl! oured raculty mf'm- l><B . President Lee S. Dl'ey!UJ has lllt ed the SWIPf:l'lllon of a dance lnstn.lctor at Ste'l'f'na Point State Unh•eul ty who h11d bffn chal'led wllh conduct w1becom- ln& a t eacher. .U a result ol the ca,e, 1111d Dreyfus. the ,wpended tuchl>r - 1- ~rank Hatch - II more aw1tre or hl, role u a faculty member, anti the university has realflrmed Ii. dedkaOon to aca• demlc freedom. H11tch, a faculty member 11ncel9S7,waa rf'llevedo f hll duUu Feb. 9 al ter tv.'O cwito- dJans re1 ion«I they saw him , lylni on tht> ffoor with 11 !:0-eil In an unllihted dance 1tudlo at the unh·enlty several days be· lore. He denied nny Immorality, his "11e publlcly supported him and, the StU<lcnl So:nate pau ed aresoluthlnasklngthathebe relnstated~S;wcral hundred 11u- dcnts met with Oreylwi Thur s- day afte after an order ly ma rch 10 h olfice. Meanwhlle, a fuculty media- tion commi ttee mt't ll'\'t'n houn on thf' c11se ...,. the first to come before lM (l"OUP since It WU formed M'\"Cral yc11n .. go. 'nll' committee's report wu lran~mitted to Drt'y(u, with Its contents lermed conlldentlal. Presumably, It recommended Hatch's rcln1tatement. thouih Dreyfus was not bound by the committee·, rl od.i.n!s. Said Hatch, "' l think thlnp h!l,·e been really beautiful - the · whole pe.rfDrmanu or tniryonf', thf' student body, ad· mlnbtra!On and !acuity, Thil Is an examp11! ol lhe f'Stabllm- mcnt"1 procedures worklna;. ··T he mediation commiltef' tunctlooed as o mediation com· mlttec In the true ""'" ot the IO.'Ord." Ha1 ch h:i d said before he might leave Stevens' Point at the end of this 1chool )'ear. It was a move. he said, that he h.i.d planned prior la the su.s~lon. ' "My plans all along have l>N;-n 10 get on with m)' doc· tor11l work." he rt' portc.-d. ··There's no pressure o n n'le to lell\'e."" But he hasn't dttlded I o r sure \\'hether he wlll l eave, II Khh IAht, 11nd If h ti dcx•, IO hf' II: not cer111J n If he wlll r,•slgu or 5('("k a le ae of a~ ICncf'. Dreyfus Issued the foliowlng 1t11tementlhlsmomJng: '"I h!Wt' received the le\'l' ni l rt>port 1 and 1ta1c.-menlj relative 10 the susperalon of Pn:,feuor Frank Hat ch and hr we re11d carefully !he flnol report ol the faculty medhatlon commluee. After COtl$Ultntlons with V I c e Pmldent (Gordonl Haferbec rr 11nd Professor Hatch, I now !Ind It a pproprl11 te to termlnatl! 1he temporary 1uspenslon of Mr. H11tch'1 tenchlng duties . li e re turned lo class tod:,y. "Mr. Hatch ls now more aw:irf' of the unh·cntiy·1 con- ccm In publlc matten. The unl- venlty better...-understands the roll! of a teacher of dancf'. Mr. H111ch more clearly 1tt11 the necessity for approprlalf' rf'- 1trnlnt In maintaining his pro- per role a, a teacher. 11le unl· .-erslty ·l'C'afflrnu Ill determi- nation to pro1.ec1 the euenUa.l academic fn.-edoms of \u teach· "It ls my peraonal opinion. SUPJIOtlcd by the llndlngs ol the comml ttl't', thut lhls case lfl'W out of some mutu/11· mi1under- ~tandlngs bet\\'een a faculty memb,:,r and the admlnlstra• lion. ""In my oplnlon. Profeuor ll11tch'1 cooduct was In par! Inappropriate. He and I have reached on undenlllndlng in !his area. HOll>·e\·er, I want to make II ablolutl!ly clear there 1,.-a, not and I, not now any question ot Immorality tn,·olvt'd hert>.Tilt fl ndl n1sof thehea r- !n1 abo support my opinion In this matte r. ··t..a1tly, let me HY that J am co,wlnccd lhat a ll po.rtlf'I concerned - administration, Icu\ty, and s!udents - h II v e gatocd a &ood de11l tnJm !he entire experience." AT LUNCH TIME the WISPAC work1hop dii,cu11ion1 reeeaaed to the Gridiron. The talks drew over two hundred concern ed et udcnte from around the etate. (Goodwin Photo) · Cheerleading Tryouts .. Oiccrlf'adlng teyouu for 197!)- 71 wlll be held on Apr\114 this )'eDr . A meet ing for all lntf'r· e11ed students will be held Wednf'Sday, Mar ch 18 al 7 p.m. In the F1eldh0tae ~m-Louoge. U aoyone can" t make this meeting, they can contact Mn, Taylor at ut. 691 or room U7 at the lleldhous.e. Pr1ctlce St'UloN w\lJ be held March 24-26 a nd AprU 1·9 In the llcldhouse at 4 p.m. TI'lf' meeting place 1>,,tlJ be announced 11lthe M11rch l!meet1n.&:. J udif'I IN:' needed for tht' tryouti lrom tht' lacul!Y and student,. Students from UAB, Sludenl Senate, S Club, l'lHnier, Inter • Fraternity O)uncU. P an Hellenic Coundl aod Retlden« Hall CbuncU who are lntercstf'd In should .end lwD namH 10 Mrs. Taylor. Any !acuity from Admln.ls tra· tlon I, Athlf'llct 6, Physical Ed- ucal lon 5, Danl:f' l or Music l lntercstf'd should aeod their name• to Mn. Tl'.lyJor. WISPAC Talks Problems, Strategy Dy AL .at:NKL'I/S Last weekend WSU·Steverui Point was the host campus for the s«ond Wisconsin Peacf' Actkin Conference, 1 stal.e-'Nide action to dllcuss PQ!itical and soclo-ttonom\c problcnu 11.nd formulate Immediate 11.ra1ea 10 combo.I theW problem, . WJSPAC that orli\nat.cd with the first iatherlni in Dccem• berofl ut yearhf'reatStcven.• Point b a project ol the Ameri- eun Frif'od1 Service Commltt.c-e Md cor-ordlna!ed by AFSC wof'ken fn:,m Milwaukee and the AFSC Regional Olflce for tlllnols and Wlscons.in In Chi- cago. Acting as host WU WSM; WSM supplled both l11cllltle1 on campus and housln&: lor the delegate•. :. 1:;:p,fol::!: 1 ~!en~ eral suminary session. Satu.r· day n11ht everyone had a chance to relax when 10me blues musicians, o~anlied by horp,playe r Russ Bnum1artr1er i nd named (1t the lu1 minutel t he .Jncrcdlble Bulllhlt, did a 1hln1 Jn the Wllconsln Room. Sundlly montlng was spent In "wkshos,s and the afternoon was 1pent In an overa)l · sum- m.ary ol the conft'rence and f~~~~con1!!=e to a~i: and maintain solldarlty lhNU&h- out the suite. The '4'0l'kshops ol the t..,.-o day sesJionl Included; ROTC, logy. Undergn,und and Faci,m, High School Ora:anlzln&, Cul· tural Re,·olutlon. and Womerf• Liberation. Mitch Mi Iler Here Tuesday Many campuses and indeJ}t'od- cn t 011:anlzaUons were reprt'- 1ented, lncludlni: Wisconsin Alll11nce, Curroll College, WSU· Oshkol h, Young Socialist Alll· anct', WSU·Slout, Re\'Olulionary Youth Movement II, Northland College, Newsrttl. and UWM. R.t!prl"Kntallvet met after re- ill tra Uon Friday night to view o newsrttl tllm on the strup: le of lhe Vletname$t' people against American ag~ssk>n. Altcrwards, an tnfonnal rnp sl"SSlon was held until adjourn-- men! at U p.m_. One point to Npeclally men- tion 11 that one or the pl.Ul)l)KI or the conference was and wlll continue to be to bulk! a pol· ltlcal contclousmu amon, ,1u- dent.1 from various campuses throughout me ,ta~. 1lloe ab- se:n...e ol Stevens Point s tudents last wl't'kc.-nd polnu to me fact thatthey,!npartlcular.aretn need of help. Milch MIiie r and his lS-mem- ber orchestra will mix popular llnd cluslcal numbers in a con, cert aod "1lng-along" March 10 at Ste,·ens Poi nt Slate Unlver• Illy, a.r:: Jy:;;:.i~m~n l:e~: time.·· Byagf'slx he was playing thf' Bach two-part Inventions on an enormous square piano his par· ent.1 had purchased for Sl5. Aod when reached high school, '4'hel'C'mus\cal irutn.lmentswere provided, he took up the oboe afte r other puplll had grabbed the mott popular lrui t11.1ment1. Soon he was receiving scholarship lesson.• al the l11mf'd East· man School of Music and pla)'• Ing In the hlih school orchf'stra. Al 15 Mllk•r was chosen to play second oboe In the Eas lman School S)·mphony. ' , He became flr11oboewlththe, Syrat:IISC' S)·mphony when Its ($et- !I.UTOf pa1e 6) house wtll be a special in I h e Arts and Lf'cl~ Serie,, ac- cording to DIN'CIOr Jack Co- han. Tickets al'C' on ule In hil olflce, and !or those with sf'uon :c:e~~rles, the ra~e Ratification Next MIiie r ..,.,iu direct hll on::hes· tra In ··overture I I.all.ans In Al· glers" b)' Rouln.l, "Suite fn:,m the Watf'r Music" by Handel and Hany. "M.atlnccs Musicales Suite" by Bz-lttcn. "South Pa- cllic" by Rogt'n and Bennet, "Mal,quena" by Lccuona a nd Crolf', "Polo,...blan · D&ncf'n . from Prince Igor'" by Borodin. For: New Constitution In the slna;-aloni portion, 1uch old favorltel u "Shine On Har· Vf'Sl Moon." •· u You Kn ew SW1ie:· ·· My Blue Heaven: and ··Q,c.Ui1"' will be put to beat by his orchestra. MUif' r, 59, ii often lint thotJihl of u solely a perform- er ol qld 11\"0rlte funf'S, accord- tni to Cohan, but Ills rile to fame wu flnt due to hi.a rec- OKJ!l lk>n by crtUcs u " th rreate11 oboe player ol our By CAROL LOHRY Student Sf'nate unanimously peu ed their new conslltution they ha\ •e bff n ~-orkina; on for 90me Ume. This consltutlon completely reorianlzf'I student iovernmf' nt on this campus. S,,nate decldNI. It would be ratlliNI. by a slmpll! majority ot · those 1tudents on this capu, ,·otln&" In an al l school referendl,[fll. TIie consUtutlon will be uplalncd Jn an upcomlni artJ. elf' lndlePolater.ll students have questions recan:tinll: the new constitution or would like a copy ol It, they should contact their Sena.tor. Sena.le moved to send two students to be appointed. by the Library Move Scheduled · SCIIEDt1IZ FOB. Llll&ABY MOVE Mu. 11 - .!!Le A.1)1'. I: Unbound periodicals withdrawn from service. Mar. U -UI Api'. I: lnltructlonal Med.la Serv1ees wl.11 be doRd. However, cla.lln In the IMS area wtll mntlnue to meet until th• be,tnnlna: of the Eutu receu. Kar, M: AU Library · aerviccs. except ftaerv• circulation and the RHerve and Pe:r1odlcal Rffdinf Room tadlltJes. wW clOR to pe,nnit the pttpanUon for the move ot the main -.ck colll'C:llon. Mar, 11: All Lea.mlnt Retources fadlitles will cloee, to ffVpen In the new Center on Apr. 6. ln the ewnt inclement weather pffl'fltta the tomplrdon of the mow by Apr. 4, the bldlltla ot the new Center will ttmaln dOMCI trom Apr. 6 unW the move 11 completed. Tha AdmJnla. traUOn h.u qrffd to l'UUR student ualatants on the wort crew trom Apr. & and 7, u UW9e days needed to complete- the~ Senate President and rotified by the ~aU:, to the Faculty M.ediatJon, Board till !hey be- come "'Oting tnt'm~rs. In rttPQnSe to the Sludf' nt. Faculty Welfare O>mmltiee re- pon, Senate , '()led to ffldone Its r ecommendation that j 1P- "3n would be permi tted to Jl\'e In of(<ampus, un approved homing. The Student-Faculty Welfare Cornmlntt also r'f'Qunted Sen- at e pau II resolution 1upport- lng abolltlon ol wo,nen's houri. Such a moUon was J)f't'Sf'ntf'd by Audtty 0,1,-e,111 and paUCd by ~o&tf', \ A ffprt'Sf'ntatlvf' ol the Un.I· verslty ot Wis«lnsin spoke on the sludo?nt s tores.et up there. He said the J)W1)l»e of the store Is to &Ive the lludmts Ori campus 1hc lov.,est price and employ many people. 'n,e store ,sell, the usua l ltema and also RU up chart,r nl&hts and runs a copying mJ1· chine The storf' features notn f rom clutH taken by if*d.1Ja1': OC" rood studenu, and approvNI. by the lnstructon, la be .aid to · students taldn& the course. He llated It doisn"t take too (!luch capita! to set up a a~ and II maltH .a ,ood pro0t. In a ITlfftln1 held the evening bd Ott their recuJar tnfftlJ'l&", Sent1te paucd a modon which had Senate suppon 'he P..aer staff beln&: allowed to , their advbor bun any depart· ment In the univf'nlty, the ep- pGlntment to be subject to ap- 1Jr0Yal bY the .PrnldenL The)' also puHd a modon which bu the Smalt' appolnlin&' a secood edvilo r, Uthe)' chooae, trom any dl!Pl,rlment ot the university and the ap- pointment be 1ubjec1 to ap- proval by Prelldmt. Saturdsy ..,..as the first day of "-orlcshop 1euion: each work• WISPAC Is tentatively Khed- uled to meet again around April 26 with WSU-Oshkolh u the host a1mpus. Watch lor cover• a1e In aimpu, and cornmunl1y INbllcatlons In 1he spring. Point Blank Call 3"1-1251 ht. 2l5 By _ BEV ISUENL"'G WhY do they u.e #UCh a .crewed-up ntethod of daNU'lca,doa ln the unh·enlty Ubn.ry and how exacUy doeia It work! Jane C. . \\-111 the ume 1,-.tetn be med. In the new llbrvyf N.W. Mr. ~ -en Ransom. ChleJ' o1 TechnlcaJ Serv:ICH at the Uni· \'eral!Y Ubney II in t he p roceu of reclauU'yine: Its colll!C'don1 from Dewey Decimal dusUlcatlon to the U brary of coni reu· clual!lcaUon. In 1967, the Statf' Board of Reienta directed all of the librarle. In t he WSU system 10 make t his ehanibecause the Ubrary of Cone:reu sys t em maltes poulble a more detailed. aubject breakdown of mate.rials and Is becqmln&: the standard clualtlcatlon In academlc Ubrarla throue hout the country. Ransom expect.I t he p roject to be c,omple.ted In 1914, or aooner wtth lncre.ued atalf. Until then, thf' library hopes that , lhe adcl!· tt. onal at.ack atta In t he MW Le.a.m ini Re:lources Center 'Nl.1l permit lhf' two cluslf lca1lons to be kept apan and studen ts will be eble to find the book they att lookl n1 for more eu.Uy. For those .studl!nll who don't under1tand how the cluslflca· tlon system works. there ue coplH of the 1969-70 Library cuide avaUa'ble at the ctrculatlon dl!sk. Also, library woritl!n will be happy to explaln t he l)'Stem to you. A.re thue any laws ln ~-ena Point prohlbtUnS" commWIIII Uvtncr It not. wbat GUier pl'Obkrns would we be OOllboldoecl wtUI by tr,1n.r to UH uDder tbf'M CODdlUonaf I would date any acldHloul help you ffll6ht provide as we an aevm very stncere pe,ople. N'ame ...tW14- U the aiudenll were under zf. they wou~ fall u~ r unJv~r- stty houslni re,ulaUons which would not permit oommunal livtna:. However, U lhf'y Wl!re O'l'f'r 21. thf')' would be s ubject to aiate law. U t he stat• of Wlsconsln recorn!U!d common law mamaiies, there would not b& any problem accordlni to CapL Barbe.rs of the S1even1 Point police dep,;rtmenL Since Wlacon- sln does not allow coinmon law marrlare. di!tlcu.lllell would arise. TIie moral lmp1JcaUon1 of why males and femala are IMn1 torether when It ml&ht Just u well be all &uys or firla would be looked into by the . pollce U a complaint about the sl1ustlon was turned into them.. Upon lnve1t11aUon, the. persona anild be tound to tall under action 9".20, suti.ectlon 3, of the. Wlaconsin statutes dtallnl' wtth lewd end luclVious conduct. 'Thil eection s tates &n)'OM who opfflly eohablu and uaodates wtth a person he knows ls not,.hls spouse under drcwmtances which imply sexual lnte.ru>ul'Se may be fined not more than S500 o r lmpriaoned not more than one YNr 1n the coun~y jal.l or both. Vloi.dons o1 the houaint code which ltates that .o much 911uare feet of tloor apace ta nMded for each pe.raon could al.o lsd to an ln,.·esti1aUon. Slnce th1a Is not a "Deu Abby'" column, I don't ·tee1 <1.ualltled to .,._.. the lut put ot your question. ?

Transcript of HATCH REINSTATED - University of …led wllh conduct w1becom ln& a teacher. .U a result ol the ca,e,...


PRESIDE~"T DREYFUS talking with student.a after ,t.he question and answer aesaion concerning the Ftank Hat<.' h incident, in the Wisconsin Room. Hatch had been ~uspendcd for "conduct unbecoming a teacher" but was later acquitted. (Pendergast Photo}

Students Coofront LSD Subject: Hatch

) 8,· CAROL LOHRY on unl~rslt)' propt>rly It was In ··Tue dttlli ion on }"'rnnk Hatc:h the unh·crslty's hands: If It had

• ill 1.l11ma te !y be made In my been at home It .. 'OUJd be,, a ch•ll , :t,~." Prtsldcnt l..cc Shoermim Drt}!ps told studcnl.1 Thursday 111 ht, om~ and at the Wlscon­,;n P.Mm. The- s tudcnls had pAr­:m;,atl.'d in the Student Senate ::'l:C!i for f"t'ank llnlch,

After m('eting at the Phy Ed h:iilitng students In the march "-"tilt &round the cnmpus to Old ~!a~, l'rcs!dent OrC)'fUS mt.'.t ..,.,!h ~11,:h t students ln his olflcc ~id lah' r talked with the others 111 t,1(' W1seon5in Room.

Drt~·!us told the eight studcnt.11 li.tt he want«! the facul ty med· !JMn, boan:1 lo gh·" a deter­r.:.in..hon ot fact, mo.kt' some J\qmrnt about It the Incident ~ •~eptabte teaching conduct. m.1 IO come In wi th some tort or ruldt>h~ from !he faculty rttomlfM'ndation point of view.

\'ia- l're1ldf'nt of Student S<-n· 1:t. ~lark Dahl uked Dreytu,i •t..-ther ~ ttport of the cu,.. todlans ehang«i In substance a l &nf. time. Dreyfus ttplled he d:r!n1 "1:nk so and thf' written :t;.,,rtmatchfflalllpt' rf'«lrdlng ~! t.'it rtport

0..1-J alJO a.sktd If Hatch'• l1:"1:rN1ctiOn I.Othe mailer was 11) m11:n. Ort>yfus said Hatch oUt rffl lO rttlgn. Later, Vlce­Prnident Haferbecker ttlated that H,, tch asked thf' adminl ... ::.t,on if thry wanted his ttJ­l~t:wi, and hf' ..,..f.5 told that ~- did: hut that he could have Ill! Mond.1y to think about It. Ha ter~ker stated that Satur­~) m,,rning he let Hatch know he dut not have to rfflan and ir ht' 11. :u1led a hearing he could h.a,-e~.

Drt)1u.s said hi• next job Is 11) d"'ide what iratllullonal po­l!tion he will take. He aald. " I h.a,"t iv I.II! atked ..,."t'ther l will ~,e IMti1utlon11I condolf'flce to that lll being 1tandard and ac­CO';,tllble teaching."

n~l~f'becktr said he contlnued 10;.•n111111 of Hatch for two rtB· ...

°"'"· Hatch thou1ht his con· d.;ct '4':u proper and In Haler­bttktr s judgment it w•ould cauu so.me danger for studenlS 11 lt "''tre to contlnue.

l.'io~: .. ~:~h .:d ~~cl= H1t~rh«kf' r · thouif'lt Jt WOllld

: i:= l~l~-~;·r:~tyu!! ::i•tlon committee taldni a~

Y.1"-'nuktdllother lnstruct• °'1 hll~·" to & Wldtt the ume

::; ~ll~t~:e '!:= tllf'cory o, the phrue, "conduct llnbteomini or an tmtructor."

Audr,,y O,.,.·en, uked U thett ._ • d\Jferenc• betwttn what 1 flculty membl!r doet on or au c,rnpus_ Drl!yfua answered

~\:t~~to ~= ~~Una~; llld since llll! lncldfflt hfiwened

Asked "'hY the students would be, endangf'red II Hatch wa., a\. IO'l••ed to teach. Ha fcrbeckf'r 1ald not all lludents ..,..ould be as un· concerned as the girl lm'Oh<f'd and the university might ~ charged with not ha ,•lng ada· quate1tanclard1.

'lilt' Student Senatf' stalcment was read .... -hlch askf'd !or lfatch's reinstatement aod slU· dent ln, -olvemcnt on thf' medh•· tloM bo&rd. The a dmin\s1r11tlon ralse,d the point tha t the board under lnw w.U to bl: compo1ed ol only tl!oured raculty mf'm­l><B.

President Lee S. Dl'ey!UJ has lllted the SWIPf:l'lllon of a dance lnstn.lctor at Ste'l'f'na Point State Unh•eulty who h11d bffn chal'led wllh conduct w1becom­ln& a teacher.

.U a result ol the ca,e, 1111d Dreyfus. the ,wpended tuchl>r - 1-~rank Hatch - II more aw1tre or hl, role u a faculty member, anti the university has realflrmed Ii. dedkaOon to aca• demlc freedom.

H11 tch, a faculty member 11ncel9S7,waa rf'llevedo f hll duUu Feb. 9 al ter tv.'O cwito­dJans re1ion«I they saw him , lylni on tht> ffoor with 11 !:0-eil In an unllihted dance 1tudlo at the unh·enlty sever al days be· lore.

He denied nny Immorality, his "11e publlcly supported him and, the StU<lcn l So:nate pau ed aresoluthlnasklngthathebe relnstated~S;wcral hundred 11u­dcnts met with Oreylwi Thurs­day afte after an order ly ma rch 10 h olfice.

Meanwhlle, a fuculty media­tion committee mt't ll'\'t' n houn on thf' c11se ...,. the first to come before lM (l"OUP since It WU formed M'\"Cral yc11 n .. go.

'nll' committee's report wu lran~mi tted to Drt'y(u, with Its contents lermed conlldentlal.

Presumably, It recommended Hatch's rcln1 ta tement. thouih Dreyfus was not bound by the committee·, rlod.i.n!s.

Said Hatch, "' l think thlnp h!l,·e been really beautiful -the · whole pe.rfDrmanu or tniryonf', thf' s tudent body, ad· mlnbtra!On and !acuity, Thil Is an examp11! ol lhe f'Stabllm­mcnt"1 procedures worklna; .

··T he mediation commiltef' tunctlooed as o mediation com· mlttec In the true ""'" ot the IO.'Ord. "

Ha1ch h:id said before he might leave Stevens ' Point a t the end of this 1chool )'ear . It was a move. he said, that he h.i.d planned prior la the su.s~lon.

' "My plans all along have l>N;-n 10 get on with m)' doc· to r11l work." he rt' portc.-d. ··There's no pressure on n'le to lell\'e.""

But he hasn't dttlded I o r sure \\'hether he wlll l eave, IIKh,·h IAht, 11nd If h ti dcx•, IO

hf' II: not cer111Jn If he wlll r,•slgu or 5('("k a lea \· e of a~ ICncf' .

Dreyfus Issued the foliowlng 1t11tementlhlsmomJng:

'"I h!Wt' received the le\'l'ni l rt>port1 and 1ta1c.-menlj relative 10 the susperalon of Pn:,feuor Frank Hatch and hrwe re11d carefully !he flnol report ol the faculty medhatlon commluee. After COtl$Ultntlons with V I c e Pmldent (Gordonl Haferbeck· rr 11 nd Professor Hatch, I now !Ind It a pproprl11 te to termlnatl! 1he temporary 1uspenslon of Mr. H11tch'1 tenchlng duties . lie re turned lo class tod:,y.

"Mr. Hatch ls now more aw:irf' of the unh·cntiy·1 con-

ccm In publlc matten. The unl­venlty better...-understands the roll! of a teacher of dancf'. Mr. H111ch more clearly 1tt11 the necessity for approprlalf' rf'-1trnlnt In maintaining his pro­per role a, a teacher . 11le unl· .-erslty ·l'C'afflrnu Ill determi­nation to pro1.ec1 the euenUa.l academic fn.-edoms of \u teach·

"It ls my peraonal opinion. SUPJIOtlcd by the llndlngs ol the commlttl't', thut lhls case lfl'W out of some mutu/11· mi1under­~tandlngs bet\\'een a faculty memb,:,r and the admlnlstra• lion.

""In my oplnlon. Profeuor ll11tch'1 cooduct was In par! Inappropria te. He and I have reached on undenlllndlng in !his area. HOll>·e\·er, I want to make II ablolutl!ly clear there 1,.-a, not and I, not now any question ot Immorality tn,·olvt'd hert>.Tilt fl ndln1sof thehear­!n1 abo support my opinion In this matte r .

··t..a1tly, let me HY that J am co,wlnccd lhat a ll po.rtlf'I concerned - administra tion, IB· cu\ty, and s!udents - h II v e gatocd a &ood de11l tnJm !he entire experience."

AT LUNCH TIME the WISPAC work1hop dii,cu11ion1 reeeaaed to the Gridiron. The talks drew over two hundred concerned et udcnte from around the etate. (Goodwin Photo) ·

Cheerleading Tryouts ..

Oiccrlf'adlng teyouu for 197!)-71 wlll be held on Apr\114 this )'eDr . A meet ing for all lntf'r· e11ed students will be held Wednf'Sday, Mar ch 18 al 7 p.m. In the F1eldh0tae ~m-Louoge. U aoyone can"t make this meeting, they can contact Mn, Taylor at ut. 691 or room U7 a t the lleldhous.e.

Pr1ctlce St'UloN w\lJ be held March 24-26 a nd AprU 1·9 In the llc ldhouse at 4 p.m. TI'lf' meeting place 1>,,tlJ be announced 11lthe M11rch l!meet1n.&:.

J udif'I IN:' needed for tht' tryouti lro m tht' lacul!Y and student,. Students from UAB, Sludenl Senate, S Club, l'lHnier, Inter • Fraternity O)uncU. P an Hellenic Coundl aod Retlden« Hall CbuncU who are lntercstf'd In ~ should .end lwD namH 10 Mrs. Taylor .

Any !acuity from Admln.ls tra· tlon I, Athlf'llct 6, Physical Ed­uca llon 5, Danl:f' l or Music l lntercstf'd should aeod their name• to Mn. Tl'.lyJor .

WISPAC Talks Problems, Strategy

Dy AL .at:NKL'I/S

Last weekend WSU·Steverui Point was the hos t campus for the s«ond Wisconsin Peacf' Actkin Conference, 1 stal.e-'Nide action to dllcuss PQ!itical and soclo-ttonom\c problcnu 11.nd formulate Immediate 11.ra1ea 10 combo.I theW problem,. WJSPAC that orli\nat.cd with the first iatherlni in Dccem• berofl u t yearhf'reatStcven.• Point b a project ol the Ameri­eun Frif'od1 Service Commltt.c-e Md cor-ordlna!ed by AFSC wof'ken fn:,m Milwaukee and the AFSC Regional Olflce for tlllnols and Wlscons.in In Chi­cago. Acting as host WU WSM ; WSM supplled both l11cllltle1 on campus and housln&: lor the de legate•.

:. 1:;:p,fol::!:1 ~!en~

eral suminary session. Satu.r· day n11ht everyone had a chance to relax when 10me blues musicians, o~anlied by horp,player Russ Bnum1artr1er i nd named (1t the lu1 minutel the .Jncrcdlble Bulllhlt, did a 1hln1 Jn the Wllconsln Room.

Sundlly montlng was spent In "wkshos,s and the afternoon was 1pent In an overa)l · sum­m.ary ol the conft'rence and

f~~~~con1!!=e to a~i: and maintain solldarlty lhNU&h­out the suite.

The '4'0l'kshops ol the t..,.-o day sesJionl Included; ROTC, ~ logy. Undergn,und and Faci,m, High School Ora:anlzln&, Cul· tural Re,·olutlon. and Womerf• Liberation.

Mitch Mi Iler Here Tuesday

Many campuses and indeJ}t'od­cnt 011:anlzaUons were reprt'-1ented, lncludlni: Wisconsin Alll11nce, Curroll College, WSU· Oshkolh, Young Socialist Alll· anct', WSU·Slout, Re\'Olulionary Youth Movement II, Northland College, Newsrttl. and UWM. R.t!prl"Kntallvet met after re­ill tra Uon Friday night to view o newsrttl tllm on the strup:le of lhe Vletname$t' people against American ag~ssk>n. Altcrwards, an tnfonnal rnp sl"SSlon was held until adjourn-­men! at U p.m_.

One point to Npeclally men­tion 11 that one or the pl.Ul)l)KI or the conference was and wlll continue to be to bulk! a pol· ltlcal contclousmu amon, ,1u­dent.1 from various campuses throughout me ,ta~. 1lloe ab­se:n...e ol Stevens Point s tudents last wl't'kc.-nd polnu to me fact thatthey,!npartlcular.aretn need of help. Milch MIiier and his lS-mem­

ber orchestra will mix popular llnd cluslcal numbers in a con, cert aod "1lng-along" March 10 at Ste,·ens Point Slate Unlver• Illy,

a.r:: Jy:;;:.i~m~n l:e~:

time.·· Byagf'slx he was playing thf'

Bach two-part Inventions on an enormous square piano his par· ent.1 had purchased for Sl5. Aod when ~ reached high school, '4'hel'C'mus\cal iru tn.lmentswere provided, he took up the oboe afte r other puplll had grabbed the mott popular lrui t11.1ment1.

Soon he was receiving scholar• ship lesson.• al the l11mf'd East· man School of Music and pla)'• Ing In the hlih school orchf'st ra . Al 15 Mllk•r was chosen to play second oboe In the Easlman School S)·mphony. ' , He became flr11oboewlththe,

Syrat:IISC' S)·mphony when Its ($et- !I.UTOf pa1e 6)

house wtll be a special in I h e Arts and Lf'cl~ Serie,, ac­cording to DIN'CIOr Jack Co­han. Tickets al'C' on ule In hil olflce, and !or those with sf'uon

~~: :c:e~~rles, the ra~e Ratification Next

MIiier ..,.,iu direc t hll on::hes· tra In ··overture I I.a ll.ans In Al· glers" b)' Rouln.l, "Suite fn:,m the Watf'r Music" by Handel and Hany. "M.atlnccs Musicales Suite" by Bz-lttcn. "South Pa­cllic" by Rogt'n and Bennet , " Mal,quena" by Lccuona a nd Crolf', "Polo,...blan · D&ncf'n . from Prince Igor'" by Borodin.

For: New Constitution

In the slna;-aloni portion, 1uch old favorltel u "Shine On Har· Vf'Sl Moon." •·u You Kn e w SW1ie:· ··My Blue Heaven:• and ··Q,c.Ui1"' will be put to beat by his orchestra.

MUif'r , 59, ii often lint thotJih l of u solely a perform­er ol qld 11\"0rlte funf'S, accord­tni to Cohan, but Ills rile to fame wu flnt due to h i.a rec­OKJ!l lk>n by crtUcs u " th • rreate11 oboe player ol our

By CAROL LOHRY Student Sf'nate unanimously

peu ed their new conslltution they ha\•e bffn ~-orkina; on for 90me Ume. This consltutlon completely reorianlzf'I student iovernmf'nt on this campus.

S,,nate decldNI. It would be ratlliNI. by a slmpll! majority ot · those 1tudents on this cam· pu, ,·otln&" In an al l school referendl,[fll.

TIie ~ consUtutlon will be uplalncd Jn an upcomlni artJ. elf' lndlePolater.ll students have questions recan:tinll: the new constitution or would like a copy ol It, they should contact their Sena.tor.

Sena.le moved to send two students to be appoin ted. by the

Library Move Scheduled ·

SCIIEDt1IZ FOB. Llll&ABY MOVE Mu. 11 - .!!Le A.1)1'. I:

Unbound periodicals withdrawn from service. Mar. U -UI Api'. I:

lnltructlonal Med.la Serv1ees wl.11 be doRd. However, cla.lln In the IMS area wtll mntlnue to meet until th• be,tnnlna: of the Eutu receu.

Kar, M: AU Library · aerviccs. except ftaerv• circulation and the RHerve and Pe:r1odlcal Rffdinf Room tadlltJes. wW clOR to pe,nnit the pttpanUon for the move ot the main -.ck colll'C:llon.

Mar, 11: All Lea.mlnt Retources fadlitles will cloee, to ffVpen In the new Center on Apr. 6. •

ln the ewnt inclement weather pffl'fltta the tomplrdon of the mow by Ap r. 4, the bldlltla ot the new Center will ttmaln dOMCI trom Apr. 6 unW the move 11 completed. Tha AdmJnla. traUOn h.u qrffd t o l'UUR student ualatants on the wort crew trom ~ Apr. & and 7, u UW9e days ~ needed to complete- the~

Senate President and rotified by the ~aU:, to the Faculty M.ediatJon, Board till !hey be­come "'Oting tnt'm~rs.

In rttPQnSe to the Sludf'nt. Faculty Welfare O>mmltiee re­pon, Senate , '()led to ffldone Its r ecommendation that j1P­"3n would be permitted to Jl\'e In of(<ampus, u n approved homing.

The Student-Faculty Welfare Cornmlntt a lso r'f'Qunted Sen­ate pau II resolution 1upport­lng aboll tlon ol wo,nen's houri. Such a moUon was J)f't'Sf'ntf'd by Audtty 0,1,-e,111 and paUCd by ~o&tf', \

A ffprt'Sf'ntatlvf' ol the Un.I· verslty ot Wis«lnsin spoke on the sludo?nt s tores.et up there.

He said the J)W1)l»e of the store Is to &Ive the lludmts Ori

campus 1hc lov.,est price and employ many people.

'n,e store ,sell, the usual ltema and also RU up chart,r nl&hts and runs a copying mJ1· chine •

The storf' features notn from clutH taken by if*d.1Ja1': OC" rood studenu, and approvNI. by the lnstructon, la be .aid to

· students taldn& the course. He llated It doisn"t take too

(!luch capita! to set up a a~ and II maltH .a ,ood pro0t.

In a ITlfftln1 held the evening bd Ott their recuJar tnfftlJ'l&", Sent1te paucd a modon which had Senate suppon 'he P..aer staff beln&: allowed to ~ , their advbor bun any depart· ment In the univf'nlty, the ep­pGlntment to be subject to ap-1Jr0Yal bY the .PrnldenL

The)' also puHd a modon which bu the Smalt' appolnlin&' a secood edvilo r , Uthe)' chooae, trom any dl!Pl,rlment ot the university and the ap­pointment be 1ubjec1 to ap­proval by ~ Prelldmt.

Saturdsy ..,..as the first day of "-orlcshop 1euion: each work•

WISPAC Is tentatively Khed­uled to meet again around April 26 with WSU-Oshkolh u the host a1mpus. Watch lor cover• a1e In aimpu, and cornmunl1y INbllcatlons In 1he spring.

Point Blank

~ Call 3"1 -125 1

ht. 2l5


WhY do they u.e #UCh a .crewed-up ntethod of daNU'lca,doa ln the unh·enlty Ubn.ry and how exacUy doeia It work! Jane C. . \\-111 the ume 1,-.tetn be med. In the new llbrvyf N.W.

Mr. ~ -en Ransom. ChleJ' o1 TechnlcaJ Serv:ICH at the Uni· \ 'eral!Y Ubney II in t he p roceu of reclauU'yine: Its colll!C'don1 from Dewey Decimal dusUlcatlon to the U brary of coni reu· clual!lcaUon. In 1967, the Statf' Board of Reienta directed all of the librarle. In the WSU system 10 make this ehani• because the Ubrary of Cone:reu system maltes poulble a more detailed. aubject breakdown of mate.rials and Is becqmln&: the standard clualtlcatlon In academlc Ubrarla throuehout the country.

Ransom expect.I the p roject to be c,omple.ted In 1914, or aooner wtth lncre.ued atalf. Until then, thf' library hopes that , lhe adcl!· tt.onal at.ack atta In the MW Le.a.m ini Re:lources Center 'Nl.1l permit lhf' two cluslf lca1lons to be kept apan and stu den ts will be eble to find the book they att lookln1 for more eu.Uy.

For those .studl!nll who don't under1tand how the cluslflca· tlon system works. there ue coplH of the 1969-70 Library cuide avaUa'ble at the ctrculatlon dl!sk. Also, library woritl!n will be happy to explaln the l)'Stem to you.

A.re thue any laws ln ~-ena Point prohlbtUnS" commWIIII Uvtncr It not. wbat GUier pl'Obkrns would we be OOllboldoecl wtUI by tr,1n.r to UH uDder tbf'M CODdlUonaf I would ~ date any acldHloul help you ffll6ht provide as we an aevm very stncere pe,ople. N'ame ...tW14-

U the aiudenll were under zf. they wou~ fall u~ r unJv~r­stty houslni re,ulaUons which would not permit oommunal livtna:. However, U lhf'y Wl!re O'l'f'r 21. thf')' would be s ubject to aiate law. U the stat• of Wlsconsln recorn!U!d common law mamaiies, there would not b& any problem accordlni to CapL Barbe.rs of the S1even1 Point police dep,;rtmenL Since Wlacon­sln does not allow coinmon law marrlare. di!tlcu.lllell would arise. TIie moral lmp1JcaUon1 of why males and femala are IMn1 torether when It ml&ht Just u well be all &uys or firla would be looked into by the . pollce U a complaint about the sl1ustlon was turned into them..

Upon lnve1t11aUon, the. persona anild be tound to tall under action 9".20, suti.ectlon 3, of the. Wlaconsin statutes dtallnl' wtth lewd end luclVious conduct. 'Thil eection s tates &n)'OM who opfflly eohablu and uaodates wtth a person he knows ls not,.hls spouse under drcwmtances which imply sexual lnte.ru>ul'Se may be fined not more than S500 or lmpriaoned not more than one YNr 1n the coun~y jal.l o r both.

Vloi.dons o1 the houaint code which ltates that .o much 911uare feet of tloor apace ta nMded for each pe.raon could al.o lsd to an ln,.·esti1aUon. Slnce th1a Is not a "Deu Abby'" column, I don't ·tee1 <1.ualltled to .,._.. the lut put ot your question.


Morch 5, 1970

Greek Fires Back DNr r.Mtor :

Thi• le tter do ll with P1me­l• L,ucu' utlcle, "Amerlean Female u Greek," twlnt l!tl In the Feb. 26 lalue of ''the Poln t• ., .. FortW\.lltely forGreekl, but =~r ;:ii:~ ~·r;~n!:: ot Creek life ls in her mind, not In reality.

Tilt tint premlle to be n tal> lllhed ls !hi t Greff IOCIII fra· iem llin and aoro,i tlea are .::>O­la! by niture; their main ol>

:c1~:~::n:=n,-:tV:~1:!~':1~i ii toel• I devekll)ment.

A man or woman who 11 Creek ean and ahoUld be In­wived in (llMr pQlltlcal. aca· demlc and .octal IJ"OUPI· A Greek cqaniutlon II not coL­kt•, but It ca,i be • worthwhile

~ 0~=•!1/1w~~ Cl'ffk ii rvt'l')'thul&, but tha t It thei r penonal problem ; • ma jority ot Creckl do not have 1hl1 han,;.up.

Pamela Lut'lt likened • Creek ~ to • thic ld : her Im· plication wu clear - wearin1 1 pln ii a .oclal crutch. It mlght betruethlt 10meCrttP hide behind thil lhleld 90 II not to think ror thffllHIVfl, but It wu unfa ir of htr to label Greelu u IUCh when the major• lty ot Creelui a re not winl the pln111thlt'ld.

:::e •;i:r °::n~rc;::0,"C

Indeed II lhb ilalttnent , "'~ true It would be I vuy IQ"I 1ltu1t l0n. It would be !ult

11 pl llfu1 for a Pt'l'IOo to Ille r1ce r e llalonorcreed11 1~~

M:lectlfic • mai.e tefor, -1kt,rtna !he lndlvld1al lbt, lltw v,ry f- Crffk Wllllltl

. demand- 1h11 lhelr m•IN bt GrHk.

MIH Luc1t c:l led e,1 bt:ob1t4 e;,iample of two Cre.k llltt11 fl ghllna owr one INY lo U'IOW 1h, 1hor1comlng1 d ll•u,r~...i The IW~plnr a:ell(lti1U1.1t!r.QC


Lucu tJvlva on ••••tt'rltQi.

~=!I• G~:• ~~,:~:.: Greelu ftt l 11ht duirsito,i lhffe HUell, mpelf hw:Ndtd J f ind It ha 10 undtnUAd 'Nhy Pamela Lucu Is IIO ~

d;;tut ~:k ,::""~It; '·; leave the'm; !hey Ul' IO i,.. slgnllkant 1h11 t Ull're 11 Hltlt :.~ ,:,i~:. WWryin1 11.oou,

Miu Luu,, In refer~ 1o Tuesday drtss-up d11YJ , lmplifd her dl11pprov1I, "Prol,r,bly ll!f, mo&1 llnportant of !hf.st 4-. written ruln) b the~ of Crttk011y every~7 • I think drtt5-up d1)·t 1ttPh:m)' u do many other Crttlu bo,. lleve.

&! you IN, P1mel1 lttll tha t the ii correctly ltntnll&, Ina tha t •II Ctffkt U\·t lot dttlt up day. What in.tier 11 ltot P 11 m,11·1or 1tl)'Orle'1-t,1 clothes• peraon Wtll'I GDct,.

lain days or lhelrrt1 tr doing .,,

It Can't Happen Here Letters .To The Editor

Pamela auuested tha1 Greek womt"n ul«la fra tt'mltyplnll • 111tus 1ymbol . HopefWly, wearing a fra tt'mlty pin re­pre~nu. 1uch thin&• u love Ind happUlt'II, not tlllu.l. OrooUnc ollff • rr11temlty pln lslllrt11lrl thowl.111"olf a dl1• mond rinl to her lrlendl. So you aee, Pamela, the meaning behlnd we•rina: a pln depends on the girl; It ls not fair to 1mer11lm: 1h11 Creek women wearplnlfor1IIIU1.

"She (Sarah Sorority) t'an be found th11meles.sly t'ha1lng a f11t1mlty man .•. " - lhb ata te­mc.-nt may be lrUe for some Creek womffl ; ~·evt'r , Pame­la Luca.I 11 Incorrect in Imply­~ that a majorUy ot all C~II: womm bttlavt' thlti way.

I •rrtt with Ptmel, ma, 1t 11 chlldlth for Crttk1 to rnm, tablN In !he union II llrllfpt po,11tlons to lmpt"ttl W<1t Crttlui; II ls Ilk,• sma!ld\lld ycll lna: " I a:et !he wint»,, wht>n rolng for• car rklf ( '. URUSKE

l1M! renwwr.l. i us1.enslon, 11nd "l111rr1111men1 of 10meorthetae­

<.t1y, ha, llkt'n on the pro1lOr­UOns ot • pogrom. The most outstandln~ t'lll'I ha,·t' bttn documented In lhil paper. In s:eneral lheit c:onfron1a 1toru: o,•u t' thkal conduet ha,·t' b«n handled .... 11h • l.11 ck o~ lo= by both sides, which ai: t,o,-. dtrt'd on t'rudlty,

'The Prc1ldent has taken !he llOlltlon tha t hit \·eto p(M'l'r wit\ not be ust'd to fois t II leacher on an unwlll\ng &nd unrt'IIJJII· • l\-e: d\'1>11 rtm1ml.

thl• unlvtnlty. Tht' te11chers, O.vld Rluman hus noted,...._ 1tmblc t ludtnl.l . We no k>n1tt'r have I profes1lon1l dreu code. 11'e )'OUnier f11eult)' let tht'lr hair fl'(M' , llnd the distance, tht' dltt"tttt, )-e:t defined distance b(',.

tWffn the ttudent, the )'ounJ fucu lty member and the oldt'r, more t•nlttnchtd faculty wldenl.

OUr faeul ty ii eompo,lt'd of num who base their pro(es1ion,. nL llvn on unt'trtalnty. Who 11· tempt to quc1tlon the e:xll tln1 10Cl1I and p11yebologlcal mores nndmyths.'Theybue lhelr pro­feulon on the ri1ht to dl1putt' . ¥et 1her1: ls an a 11 !1tJde of In-

It ls no! rii,:ht to for« mt'm- hlbltlon. There 11 a norm 10 con-bt'n of a department to 1cttr,t form to-~ tha t 110rm prole1-• person u • t'Ollcaiuc when • slonlU.sm, tht' purlent men!IIU!y tht>y hn,•e l'x~ a Pl"t'ft'r- ol a j.lnltor. or lht norm ol the enc" against this . Suc:h an 1111- Pre1ldt'nt, .,.,.ho hat , -e:tord selt'C· preach may loll some iood poo, tions made by II department. pit to the f11culty, bUI, In !ho.? 1lte 1c.-n1ltive mind, the t'rl'II• Ion& run. any other approach live mind, the k:lea llstlc mind, would pro, ·t' fa r mott detrlmen• of a f:ieulty membt' r will lind lul to lhe teaching process lhllrl !he Jlrt'SIUre ext' rtt'd from a de-any personnt'l loslt's that may be iiarlmt'nl, an admlnl11r11tlon, or lncu~ as A result of dep,n1· hit fi,e,frt IO knthlome that he menl t'l'l'Or . w\11 ' '-"'k employment el,e..

8ylhc! l'olnten COU11twehave where. klllt fll!Ct'n people In the past t ha,-e: neVt' r he11rd of II f1cu]1y lwo ) 'Cits throu&h 1lrtni. or non- membc.'r leaving bttau.sc he did ttlentlon. ~ outsldt' the not think studenlt """"'"' worth)' r ot1n lu o rfkt' when the COU!l l o l hlti teaching, but I do know of ""'llS madt' t'ould l)Nbably add at le11I Ike people who have an 1ddlllonal number to lht' Je ll thlt lnslllutloa bt't'llUte tht')' "personnel loslt't" - k»ses not could not tolt'rile the atti tude al,.•a)'I due to the error ol tht' of thl1unlveni1y11expttt.St'dln dt'partmcnl. its 11dminl1traOon und II.I dt'­

What lhc 11udent thould be glvt'r I.• !he opPOrtun.ll)' to come In to the wides! pQISlble c:onltlt'l,..lthlntellt'Ctual11nd l(l­" btl environments. We t'xltl In an lsolatt'd. mldv.'fftem unl­\'t'rtlty • to use the Board ol Rt'1:ents l'Upht'mlam. It has no bulldlnp or any permanc:e. no audcmk tradillons or any re­pute. It b a stoppln5: point for ltUdt'nt, .,.,.ho are COtl\'ffltkinal and .... 1u become quite re11ie,e-

t1blt'. ~ The ln~lng' amo t the

t!Udent popula tion ls obvious. Not iu obvloul ls ~ fac:ul ly't brecdlng 1>111er1. by brttdln&. I do not q llc.'l llon file! tha t Jlt'Opfo t'Offlt' from lfel'f!l t (n. 11l1utlon.lorattuo1 tht" natlon, bu! tha t they ha,·t' • particular ,·tew ol lhf educ10onal proc:eu •nd the conduct ol the tH cher u\111i;t'd In that prcxcss. And Iha! this view ls used ln the lt­lN:tlon of new (acuity and the n:lt'ntlon ol thOae hired.

partments . Thesc.- lndlvldual1 ma)' be cl11.1-

111lt'd III mltfits. but !he uni· vcn lly ls the btffdin& ground of lht' mll lit - the man who t'hllllen&CI In hll °"''" way !ht preeonct'pllont Iha! Wt' pollffl, 'Ille tradeu Is that .,.,-e: do not .... -e:kome ~ people we lhun them or makt' life lntolt rablt' lor them.

II ls of fundamt'ntal Imper. tance that the ttudtnt be chal­lengc!d by u a dlverstnt'd • &rwp of professlonal lntellt"eU a, poulblt'. In •nd out ot the c.-lauroom. tor there ii very 111· tit' gt'nulne thouj:hl that 111 11:u 11l11ce durlng•lectun' . lt 111tu­den t takc1 a t"ht11p,11Upld 1hot let him lakes chancH or a blunt, yet Instructive l"t'lui.tlon. A 1tlnglng refui.tlon tha t does not dt'stroy tht' ~e to l"l'lhlnk ' 1h11: problt'm.

Hatch' s Manifesto For A New Theatre

J)Hr F.ditor, In order to ht' lp 111 of ut ,en­

joy and bentlit to the fUllt'l l lrom thlti lht "Lut AM ual Dance Qlnt't'rl," I 'N'OUld llke 10 m11kt' ,a public 11a1emcn1.

Rt'11e11.t1als and minor publlc 1howln511 of the materials o( lh l1 concer1 be1an three year, 1110 In the 1ummer or 1967 Wi th the.' " Steond Annual," the lin t llml! · ed publle Jhowin& of parts of ~ pttWnt concert.

SUICt' that time .... -e: hnt 111 bffn ptt'p.arlr\g ourselves. yot1 and I, by takln&: dllllc.'S and not 11kln&clau.e111wellulhn>Ugh explora tloN o( our malt'rin lti In •uch ,xen:llt's II the "Creal Pumpkin·· St'rles a nd the many open worklhoi:- ln the.' bUt'mt'nt o r Allen Ccnlt'r and the "E;,i per· !mental Unlven\ty" he ld al lhe old Culllkson 11:a ra&:t' two lprlnll 1,0, ()n OCt'lltiont WI! hneallc:ome to&ethcr to ll")' our things out publicly ln tuch t'\"enlt •• "Boxt'I" and "lkN1y:·

'Ille phllolophy and the form~ la for these prepan,tiOnl • nd for the t'Wmlnatln& performance and Its aflerm11th an: con!aloed In the followlng 1111emcnt pro. pared by Eugene S11&dn, PIY· ehok>e:111 and ~founder ol tM 1Ntl1u1e for Creatlvt' and Art · lstlc Ot'velopmt'nl 111 Berkeley, C..1L~oml1.


In our theatre lhe 1rtlst gives • performance In which !he 1u­dlfflee cannol cllstlnauith whel· he r or not be' ls belni: himself or pinyin& a ••part."

Tralnln& lhe artilt for such • perlorm11ntt requl.rn eollabora. tlonottolent, cl"t'11ivt' uncltt-1tandlng and teehnkal 1kll!J from lhe lit": ld ot educa tion, a rl, 11nd peycholhc.'rapy ...

Tht arWt II trained within a s upporth-e envi ror11n1.!n t IO t'X• pk>tt and become ae:nsl!lve W

hlmtelt, hll total rHOUrttl. w'ithin Md without and lo Ul.i

thlt II hla material•• he cre-1111•1 or tt<l'f'llt't within a par· lkular medium.

• Aa he experlentt'I each of hit emotions. hll cl')'l.nir, hil l.11uxh­tcr. hit poy, hi.I torrow, hls an• Kt>r , he t'XpreHt'I lhc!m In var­ious media. and perlor1111 lhtm and ln tt'rp-t!lel them togelhl:r wllh h!J 11udlt'nce.

Our threatre focuse:1 on dl"­, ·eloplll( creative tHOUttCI and promotln51 sell• dl'\'t'\opment In 1n 1udlt'11Ct" · perlorfflt'r.wlor­mer . atJdlt'ntf' t'nvlronmcnt. When the nrtil l ·ts fully ualng lhil envlroomenl, when he hat become lhet'xpc.-ritnc:t>o[ whkh thc11udlencc.-lsap,1rt,theau­dlcnce re•JlOndl II though to n rellgk>usexr,trlence,c1pre11\ng awt' and wonder, arucleiy, 1111-ger or cOnlu,lon, dePt'ftd,lni; upon how .... -e:11 prepared tht'y arc lor IUt'h 11n t'ncounter.

11 11 Important that tM 11u­dlt'ncfl be riven time to lnte-11: ratr, !hele emotions with Hdl other end the performer. ThlJ; I, the new-,old tht'ltre whkh .... ~ m11 nlfut, 1lt'W 10 our day, old u 11 dl!H bat'k to Cttek 111catr,• . ... tht' performer • audlffltf'

rela tionship II II Important 1111 the perlorfflt' r 'I rel.11 t tonshlp lo h\1 m11tcri1l. Tilc.' Nt'W Tht'nttt emphultes tht a 11il1lc to both hlti malt'rial and the 11udlfflt't'. 111c New Tbt'11tre allt':ml)b It> lntroduee the audience IO the "greatal show on t":arth" Onr.­u U.

II you will read and carelully lnlt'iJ'l telhltl t i.tt'mc.-nt,youw\11 ha\-e: the undtntandlng and the

~r:~nJo~r~~li:~ the " LlJt AM ua l ~rrl" whk h II now In proerell. If )IOU succeed, the t'Olle('rl m11y ne\'t'r t' nd for you.

P "9«1 aad lA,'1! FRANK l lATOII

Pregnant? 11 11 one, of the l1Uure1 or this unl\-e:nlty thal II ls wlUJna: to risk the Jou Of "IOrnt sood p('Ople .. In the hoJ)l1: that nolhlnit wlll OCt'Ut "1\lch It •• dclt'rl­mental tothe tuchln1Pf'OCt'II:

lt lla fa llureto re1 Uze that dt'l tructlon "an bt' a very &rad­ual proc:tu, Fly The Friendly

Strain Your Sand Skies To Hawaii

Tht 11ylt' ot t'duca llon Is ch11"&"ln1 and It Is a dl ftkult problt'm coping with t'han1e, t'l­~clally 1lven the drawbackJ of

nie.,, &d.lklr :

Your Wt baut of -nie Plot· er"g1~ 111 outcryol ~'1 k:leu on relt'vant luut'I 1ud\ u : Lts•ll::inr Abortion. Balancln1 our Population, THmlnating Winter camlval. and RJdk uJina !he Crttlr Girl on Campua.

After re•dlnr lhrourh theM: articles and formW•Una: ldta1, J llked a &ood numbtt of people their lrnp"l't.dons concttn1na: theffl. Tilt 1t"COUnt ol liOa'le of tht'lrT t'plla ii devui.tina. Some Wfft' c o m p le t ely p l ea1e d wi th the arti­c~ jult u they stood. Others 1,1w no justifica tion tor

· mmeolthtmew:n ~ pu:t ~ to prinL Some gave me beauutul ldtu a bout the pro and eon ot themarr . Wlllle~ • • un-

ply IIW no nttd for COIT\!TltfiL Alter llldnj thls Informal ....,..

vey, J became a bit dlslU' ted In the a pathy of lhouahL Either II WH too much of a ha.aMI to thlnlr on their own or they felt ~ M:eUre to melt the\r thou&hta lnto anotbt'n. Y~t thtaelllunrt~uch ot ua 1 battlJnr challenge of tboua;ht to •land behind our greatest rift of lndlvlduaUQ'.

The time to thlnlr ii now. °"" dde whit you. yowwll want to btlltw. Strain these thwgbt, andlttthlabeyou.U)'OUwant

:.r~~e:~=t be IUfllNed It )'OU llnd aomeone · •'-bblna: )'OU In the badr with )'OUr own knlfe.

No u.a 1e1111W ,-, - -


In lhe younc •·ndlcal" 1tatt ol Hawaii a.bortJon hll been lt­plbed. RJght heft In our 1i.te. Auemblyma.n BarlJN or MIL­waull:tt hu lntroduct'd a bill 1lml.lar to the one pused In H• · wall concerning abortion. Bui we all know what happen1 at every lt'slslalive UIIJon, the bWneverget,;olfthe,round,

Early lhu ynr Aa1embly aw A-341 and Smalt, BlU S-30) eon­c,emlna- family piannlng, Wfft':

• ddeated and Ht uidt. Qlntra-. cepttva. ccmtlnue to be " lndt­eftlt" and are suppoaed)y avalJ. able only 1o manitd penona. 1bil II ridkwoul. Anyone able to att over the dniptort oount• er can buy ltw,m. W~ln law ln reaa.rdto

family plannlne, abortion and bl.rth control II the mo1t ,n::hlk (n lhb: ('()Unity. AbortJon thould be I decision ~ the WO!tr' an and her doc:tor: It ll none of the 1i.1e'1 bulintu. or ~ church'• . '11ie Items mentlon4?'1 above are rntnor but !hey mu,t be 11111:tn care of; and aoon.

It'• ume tha t all of our 1tate ofnd als became eon«med about populldon ! Instead of jult a ffW. Wt DHd acUon. Uta put prH1Ure on sornt. of our 11th ctntury lawmallcrs to ..... u up. Othn'wlte. · pt them out ol ol·

""'· Ewryone hu to help. Write leti.en, Join ZPC, or even atone the e,apttol! But, do 10methJna:,


SPO nu;ar

Student Ethics Ot'•r Editor ;

Y.'h)' ii• sya;t.em eon,tantly lie lna: bombarded by •ctklm which do lndffd t'umpllfy !hilt systtm?

· llettntJy. I obsc.'rvtd 1 1tudcnt dt'moNtrallon of IUpport fot JI fat'uky mt'mbt'r ltia t wu, I bt­lle\·e, In ew:ry way l)'plul of a movefflc.'nlaway fromasou&ht aftt'r democratic pt,II010phy. When 1tuden1.1 tillt'n through a door to a confldenllal mft'lln&:, I seethlsatabr-e«hor con­lidenet In the lat'ulty mt'mber lhey'r1: suppor,lna: and In their Ideals. Wht'n lhNe llrnt ltu­denu attk to tape rrconl the t'Onvena.Uotul takin& place with,• In th11s 11 memft'tlnc:wtthou.1 1h(' kno....·lt'd&" 11f the commln~-e membeN and Pt'Ol)lt' Involved, 1h11 stems to me the ultimate In aulnlne 11cj1.

True, a minority of IUPllOrlt'rs took porl In thel(' actions. h(M•. evt'r, I cannotcell(>to .,.,·ondc.' r whcrt' the t'lhle1 of the mt of the troup were. Tht'rt' attms not to bt • lf'OUP eonsd,nce amonrthose .... -hoattau~. ly conet>med ""'ilh the actions of our unl\'t'nlly.

AL Sttl' I

I hi~ ntVt'r lW"Vty«l C~lr .,.,'Omffl on 1h11 ma tter 10 I ca,i

not uy thla for ttrta ln. I 1m tutt that Pamt"la Lucu did not take a t irvty on the loplt' elth­c.-r : l'xM't'ver, Pamf' la 11111 ftt ll thll 1he ii ln !he right to make &;ent'111iutlons on the tol)le .

"Shf: (Sarnh Sorority) .,.,'Ol.lld

However, one" 11.111n I kn;,,i­a rood number of Crrtks w:. Ing the um, vlni1lQl111 u 1 So )'OU"lff Pamt l:11, ,.,,. !Ctftb1 u a wholt' II hoPt I 1111 iu gt'nt'ralWn, 100 much lot )'W

ace not: 11 tonfonnln(. -. thlnklfir , and !)hon)' U )W !hlnk we art. My admt" IO)')I Pamt la, IJ If you tnjoy thrill wr-lllnc. pick• 1oplt "'flllrt )Q;I

do not have to exoii:i:er.re 11111 k('M'rallu to make 1 ;nni

t',d ,'lu,b

Master Builder Masturbated IH'• r FAit.or,

Four nlehts or boring t'nter­la lnment wl'rt preitnled thl1 la.JI week In !he form . at the Henrik Iblt'n·, play, ''TIie! Mat· tt':r Builder." Beset wlth • nur­ry of technlc1l errors pooc­llD)lln& .lllld 1li1)1hod dl~tlng. !he •Udlencu of "The Mlllt'r Bulkier" were treated to lln 11-toundln1t thow or ~loc:rity.

Germain Fan! »-r t;dUor :

Upon c.'tllt'ri nc.,.thlJ unlvt'nily last Scptt'm~. I w11 naive

~!'..~ :!~ w::~1~~ •net and apathy that ii lound In • high school . I antklpatt'd btln&ln1pllcewht'rt' l could fflt't't many people who hid 10me lnl.el~tual capacltin and would t'n jOy dlscus,ln1 IOmt­thln& btt;ldH bttr, boys and ,-...

A ~ mester later , I know bet­ter and can l•ua:h 11 ffl)'IC' lf for my former lir10r11,nee . I found the people are much the ••me u 11 n)"lll•bere elle, and worse In 10me caRS. M0&t of the &Jrlti jult don't know or care 1bou1 · .... mt·, happenlna:, and It any atkmpt wu mad(': to dileut1 an)'lhln1 "'-tth a boy, I lffmt'd to be rq:arded u a trH k. II il true l havemel aft'Wpco. ple with an lnlt'llect, bu! the amount was negU.glblt'.

Uvlng In a residence ha ll 11-.o meant I reetlved our lllua-

: rri:~ =~~~~ lntttetl.ed In re11dln& It. for of. ten In the pu! I would g~ a t It and aetnr nottunc ot lti­trrestwowd tau lt ln the wutt­bukeL lkM-evtt, ont partieulllr column wu aJwaya read, th.at written by D&lTyl Germain. Hll artklt't ..,~e 11.lwaym lnterest1n1 rvcn thou&h I did not alway, avee with wbat wu wrlttt":n.

Tilt Wt 1'4o !slues, which I thouaht WU1! W ry sood, con­t.11.ned lellt'rt t riticlztng Ger­maln's kStas. l thou.ghtthtse, Jt't· k n were well lhoughl out. But the writt'n rnadt • Wrioul mi. i.11:e 1n •'-tinr that Germain

~ridt'~~r::r. fus born their own. ·

Pf:noNl!y, I •ere, with most of bk vitwa of the P'aent ad,.

~tion~ I•~~=-lnc ;;:~~:~~J higher ottldlb deem nec:euary

for "the loocl of the countty." It ii 11. penon'1 duty to t'Xpttn !heir: view$, bt'Cauae the people IUPliOlt'dl)' •re tht IO\'t'mmtnt.

11lt re1l troublemai1:us are tht' onn Who s.lt b,it'lr In thtlr chain watchlnc Lv. and drink· ln1 beoer, not ctvlng a damn abou t fincllnc out wti.1·1 really rolng m, but laid"- In every. thing tNt ls fed to tht'm like a •ponre. Well I ctve • damn but Wha t do I know. l ' m Juai an ,lghteen year old "kid." eon. gra tWadona, 0.IT)'I Germain

!:J!~ 1~mn a.nct lt'ttini


Marriage Seminar

~~5·-:' 9_7_0~-=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~___:_T~H~l~,0~1~H~Tl~R<__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_!'.P~og~•-l:!_ Reader Gropes For 'VINE' [)l.•1rl::dltor,

1 .. ,i. l,i..>~dnit o,·c r l11t "''ttk'• t'II•"'' and N m1,-r ln1 lhla ll­Jll<'",1hl.1JI yt11 r '1 Wlntf'rCar-111,,1 IJJIK', ll 1ttm1 tha t last

:::r:,~~ ':..~~~la: ,WO hll kM·ln& 11.stt'd second ... ,,...JII

s.,, \ atdd lo 11\)'11('\t, 1ince lh<" Pomtt•r 1Macf'd llrst in lta te i;NU'1111) n.- ... ~papera com11e11.

1i,.,n /l~t In rnld l'l~lt compeU-1.111' 1111\ 11onor11lllc mcnlkln In !'lll tl•'" .. 1dl' compC'llllon, )'ou 'd .-,int , llttll' comlsuincy.

'S,) this )'tllr I WU look1na; 1_. th<' u,rNtll wln.nt>ra. Well , l 'll' ltll l Uft' •Wl'Y ..,,.,, about Mr. tt,tch. H'r)' 11"rt lnen t to the UIIH-1'111)' 1 tUf'Md the pt.Ct' ,.i,J r,·~LI 1hr n.>W Nfltor't fflN ... ,, .. an.I tound out l "101 the Nlli w writr nn artic le. A1111 . I w.mJ oot Boris won pancake

t'a tin1 •11tn with a 1Nclurt' ot ·~ls~~an-up C::l'l"w on p 11 e

Cb.aid this be I prt-Vlew of • le1ture on the oext paxet 'Thel'I" It WU! An unc::omplttl'd H\"l"n P•r.1ra l)h ar!lclt in !ht' middle ot the ~It' with one plctul"I! ot llve different ttVt'nU abo,•e It.

The followin1 J)ilXC' •ho<A'1!d 1'lx pictW'H and anotht'r one of llorb't c::1C'11 n-up ..: rcw. lnclud· In& Borb thla tlmC'.

So In de1pt r1Uon. I lhou~ht the paptr mllht live equt l timC' in the Grttk Vine but It wu ellmlnatC'd foe' the lttOnd week In a row. Could an unblUt'd 1tudl"ntne,,,,-.pa,ptrbC'bluC'd1


Edl!Ol'I noct : U FrlC'dle wanu

~1:{S: ;·::'! ~ :::.:1 ~t. ah·e

Master Builder Reviewed

u, S\'1.\' lA. G.u.Kt:

Moderate Types By E LLIE P.£TEK80N'

1l1t'lt' are lhe It"ll - Hcrlbed l)Ul"'l)O&t'• i nd aim, ol one or the l"lt'WHI 1roupa on campu1 -the Rana:u, . ).n IIIIIJIIC' IOC\11 ora:1nlu1lon 1llled 10 R01'C, the R1n1C'l·t t ame ltito beinl In Novtmber ol 196', and bouU 16 ICIIVCt Ind approxi• m•lt' ly 10 plcd&u.

Major John Shepard, 111ia1-ant pro(e..o.- with lhC' OC'part· mmtol M.lll ta ry Scltntt,MrYt't •• adV!IOr. ··We'vt IOI • ROTC procram Coln&' with 1t1ndard CIIW'IC'I ."' ht C'Xpl• lned . .. YC't lhC'l'I" lll'l"J>eOple inttrt'ltt'd In more - out.doonimanlhlp, com­radt ry, IC'1.1m ln1 mllll try tec::h­nlqut'I, conservation of natura l rHOUTCt'I - Ind they decided to form thb orv•nlutlon."

The Ol'janlulion takl'I IU name from the Army'1 Ranier 1nlnin1 Pf'OCl'•m - the ht1hnt torm ol lndlvldual Infantry lra lnllla in the Army today. '"The Ran1tt lab II • very covetC'd 1ward It! the Army," Major Shepard llatC'd. " MOllt ROTC unlu have 1 ll\111tNi or-11nlu tionl llke thl1."

The 1n1 roJuc tlon on the p ~

pmm,· llS """ H olh<'r blts ,UIJ JilULIJt I had rt'ld abou t lh~ r'.A) ,,,umk,1 rnRn't'l<>u!J . 11 w a•

1,~ ;\/l !nvohcd. PJ)'CholOfl;lcal

d:'l,:l by ltMirn. lottdl>d with ·r,1rt11cal 1lgnlfie11m::! ·

Hll" tH'r when \0\rwlng the

p:...~ ll •l'!f I found it hard to f,~ tho.• 5 IOI")'. 0n tht' ..-hole 1:,:: tha t it "'u not e Hedl\'t' ,-.:h to UrT)' the force o(

Ina 11 ha,·ltia an uctn-nt0ry po,..·er , h11 lt'Ar ol beln& r..... spoo1lblt' tor both h.ls and hi, wlft


1 ml11enible II,·"'· hi, aullt for bl111phl'mln.g Cod, and his feRr ut n'trlbutlon. Yet how dot-1 this a ll 111 IOictht'r and what-ts meant b)' the 1trNs on duty brou,ht out by tht wife·, role? ThC' ICC'nN If'(' not cf. foc th-t l"flOUlh 10 bC' conclush·c.

TUE PRELIMINARY closed scaalon meeting between administration and student eenate membeni about the Hatch aJTalr la aho...,11 just as it is breaking up. T he group then went on to the Wliconsln room where P res. Dreyfus addreued the student marchcn. Pictured arc Karen Wa hl, President Dreyfus, Audrey . Owc1U1, Mark Marquardt, Ric h Riggs, Dean Hafcrbeeker, Nancy King. Mike Harper, Len Sipple, Dan Houlihan, Carol Lohry, and Dean Hanford. Not pictur'Cd arc Wally Thiel, and Mark Dahl. (Dominowski P hoto)

Major Shepard ch11rac::1erlzed lhe Sttven1 Polnl ~ngen 11

"moderate IYPN - oot pol ltlcal rad.Jcall or reactlonarle1." Al· thouJh CUITC'ntly 111 the R•nii:· t r1 •re 1bo mtmber1 ol Stev­t'nl Poltit '1 1.0-man ROTC p~ gram, Shepard llf't'lll'd thlt Ranier mtmbC'nhlp II open to a ll . He feel.J that non • ROTC member1. tht' v euorranl:utk:>n for eumpll!, could add a great dHIIOtht'Rana:tr1 lnviewol the lr t'xp,erlence.

1111! Of"lllnlz.Dtlon has be,en "involved In lots of thing,. We avtt111e 1wo meetlna• 1 wttk. Tilere's an enomM>1.u amount ol plannlll&' (or lhe extrclse," Ma j. ShC'panl u ld, rtt lt rrlnr to 1 plannC'd traJnlna mantuvt'r. The Ranieri allO aullt the Ot'par1-

I .,..u lrft puUll!li •OOl.lt just 11~1 11 \IU that " 'a., bothering t~r ~lutrr Builder and that he .. ·u tr)lnl!'. to o,·rrcomr. TI1e ?ll~' 1ttm1 dear "nou~h 111 the t,.>.::11111~

Th/'N' Is ! hi" bumbling O.X-. t'X' •!"•rs 1111t'flth·e 10 the '-futtr Bu1ldrr', Will" . The wile rtrw:l souitht emotion.al com• !,rt from lhl" Doctor ,ince ,hi" r,,-;ti•fd nune from ho!-r hus-

""' n: .. M.allt' r Builder, Ha.h·ard $._!ntJ• "- H Cl"Ul' II)' domlnat• ;•..; uu.,1ng mJs,..ry 10 his em­p:•i('<.tand his wlle bt'caUR of 1~ pi.•rsonal torml'n t he suHer­..i 1! ~ lla!,·ard is beginning t.> t \ Pl~in himsrlf 10 the Doctor .. ~n .,.ho showd comr In but 1·.t ~.,n,h;nl' Glrl.

) ~,... I m really \<ix,ndt>rlng j -..·~1. happenmr. b she for

:,,.:· I< she 10 be a aource ol ,•:,,n~"th for Hah·anl or the c, .... ol his dt>struclloo? Hlldt'

,ll'~t l'I aci, l\kl.' a n ld<'alls tic c~.:J )i'l Uah•a rd. a matured :'::ll! 1akH her 1triously.

~""' Ms lnnt r thoughts come ·.-.I! lll'tl'llsherofhl1 lorbod-

The 1ctln1 IUC' lt was fairly 11:ood , Alan St1lbaum u Ha lvard ~ Din No.tan I.I lhl" Doc1or sui t 1helr rotn wt lJ.

I t'tpttlally n o t iced Ina Pogalnls 111 Aline Solneu. the

wife. She I thooa:hr w111 exct'l· lent, ex.ct!)' like a nutrotlc, defeated woman. AnnC'ttcKw-ek 11 HUdt W&nfC'l WH ,•try. con­,·lnctng, magnetic and emotion­ally strona. 1',oe1 Rou Salford u Raa:n,,r. Ha lvard"1 emplo)·tt ,n.1 oblcutt It first. bt-comll\k , 1ronger Ja1er In !he play. eor­tt•pondlng o:aclly with the dt"'t' iopmt'flf ol hil c::hanicter , Narn;y Hosma11 u Kaja, the mowy, nonde«ript &lrl was noodtacrlpt and J ack Gw:m11n u thC' old man wu old.

As far II IOO\"C:menl ol the play 1oes, lhl" flr1t ac t ,,..111 tood and lhl" $ttOlld act very much bt'ner, a:alnlng momttn· tum • nd lorct' . Bur tht' thlnJ act l'l'U db1ppolnling. Thi" tuJI polt'fllial of the final ICl'nt' ... 1th lfat,·1rd l11tllng from lhl" u,y.·u was not d<'veloped. tf Hildt and Rainar had bet'n more atten­lh't' end had bel.'n watchlni; Halvard on the to..,,er they would not have h11d to ask ·· Wh1t"1 happening! Where did he l[O~"



For Dry In A Dry

Hy DARJffL Of:R.'lAJS ManY IM'Ol>lc 11re wondering

why I hawn·t l'l"pllNi to lhC' n'a"nt crillcbm ffiy \ITilini;: h111 1tlrTed. Well . hold )'OUr , •aricll.a c:hoictt of fruit and Vl'l,':el11bles lor • minute: I lnttnd lo aMwcr )'OUnl)',O,".

ThtrC' Sttml to be this 1trani:r Idea roaming through m11nY we ll- lr, tentkmed minds lnll'ly that "'"' who complain do it too oft r n 11 nd too Intensely. that our e)'l'S are bllndcd IO Im" good 1hin1s in lire, lhat we a re th<' ,·cry pcoi,ie r(.1ponsJblt lor Ir· rational thlnklni:: and m11.11y of the na tion'• Ill, .

It II lndl'ed true that my col· umn'1pur,JOll"l.s lum1.1ke~ pie think. and 1h11 in Ordl:'f" to do this. It somttlmtt 1 a k t' I languaae tha t b Sll'Onier than that \<i'hich our p!tasun1 linlt' ean.11reus,..-d 1ohearlng.

Hopclully, people will look f\<i•lce, and prelen.bly. think more deeply about such pr& blt'na IS war and pover1y ind l'n\·in.mmental control,

Jnordrr1011tt to tha t .. ~ 1oc\ety" we nll wish 10 ste. one mUJt knock the bad thlngl 1tandln11 in the way. l rueu °"" could jultlflably u y that I am an h•bltual romplniner . one who bltcht'I oflen brc.aUlt' he lttls thel'I" art' definite rH· M>N to do IO. one who ''lff'I Wlf Ind trlCI 10 Slop it, IC'e1: wrona: and trlt't to ri&ht It .•• (Thanklully, thcl"t' al"t' people w ho are prtictisini: the 11bo\'t' .,.-on11 end not ju.st talking 11,bout 1hC'm, but why do"'"" 1te lo many of lhnn bC'lng jailed and t,·tn usanlnatC'd!?)


Season llut I ( a n st!ll •to. kel'IOltol

the kOOO 1hlng1 In Ille 1uch 11 11 eold be<"r or tv.-o or mort , onf!''1 l11mUy. the moving mom· enu ot a •wu;ei. bullseuloru. lhl'111l r11culouschangln1:olthe 1euon1. church bell• rln(tna: loud end du r. ind proltlt m\llle composOO for all lO hca.r.

But I chink Wt' can all bl" pn,ctlcal tnough 10 rcallze thllt there are crucial problems that must be lac('d todoy, 11nd lhlll 1ectlng u11 commission a(te r .-001mluiun. 11udy group after study grou11 11 ra the r out of touch .... 11h the urgency ot lhe5t' t lmr,.

Unll"lil Wl· act naw, be-t r bc­l'Onll'S more of an escape 1t11in 11 ctoe. 11 rdreshment 0l()'IO,' man)• tlmts tia,·e "''C' uSt'd It In thal upaclty already?!). OfW:'


1 lllmily breaks up JOOntt thin they ma)' went II to, bull 1n-1ions turn Into army camps. the changltig of the seasol\l will onl)· bC' remembered by the Hll'.l'd nnd 1;.11 lor t he- p()t'U to drea m 11boul , and the r lngina o( church belb announctt more luncrals th:>n jo)'OU5 o«aslofll.

So baby, what b left ? 'nw,, nl05t beautiful thln1 lor ma n . 10 hero r ight -· Is that p~ ten music, ii Paul Ehrlich "' ho calls for Immediate chllf\Kt' It! !his 10elcty'1 a ltitude, just so we can 1un·i,·t, b Georli:e Mc­Gon•m who Ja)'S !he Vietnam w11r m~1 be stopped now, 11 um Lutz and Mr. Dick who kMW llrslhand that the purge ol tc11cher1 Is on, to a G.I. who writes me from the llelds ol VINn11m and uy1 the war Is

ISt't' BRAINS pg1e 61

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Hamburgen THEY'il A * fflA.T *


Velvet Cushion A Pumpkin

•• t had lhrtt pl~s o( llmt'ltone on my dt'lk, but I Wat terri fied 10 (Ind that 1Hey required lo be d us tNi dally. when the fumltul"t' o f my mind wu all unduatNi 1tlll. and I thrtw the m out the wnldow In dlJia:us t."


The pul"J>C*! of !he home man•,ement hOUMl ! Horne Econom­ics 1851 has eludNi mt', despite the neat explana!lon offered b)' the college cataJoa: "tmphaaUI on person.I de"elopmt'nt and

~n!ie'!!! ~l1o':rh~m':n':u:nhd l~!~!r1: ~=-: .. up,e'lntt1 In All home tCOnomks 1tudenta, exC'C'pt dietetics ma,ors. 1Nl

rtqulred to U,•e It! thb houte the RCOnd lt'lllt'lter o f their Junl <>r ye1r. or anyUmC' thei r lt'n lor year. Student~ with ehlldren 1ub1tJ1ute residence In 1he holTlt' man1cemen1 house by havlna their private hofflC'1 open 10 ln11)t'C!lon. AU 1tudent1 muat also attend a class ont"e a Wffk.

J,"or a young woman to -tabllsh her rnldentt for a period or tlve wteks at con11den11ble expeJ\St' for tht' purpose o r le1mlna how to ma.naa:e a hou,e ~nu tir:rribly lrnle,·ant. 11\t' " family" 11 Initia lly a rtlllclal - five Irma.It' college 1tudt'nU and one llna:lt' le.male housekttper. The rfflt per person ls ffl.50 tor the n,-e weeks II lhe 1tudc::nt is not paylne l'l"nt els.ewhere -ellher In • dormitory or olf-camput. An additional cwt (or each resident ls tht prit\" o r food for !he entire household for one ...,"ttk .

Jt ls tncomp""heralb~ 10 me 1h11. In 1hls day o r pollutlon, nts In 1panments. and O\"t' r,produc'llve families, WSU-Steven1 P oint h11 manaKed 10 hold on 10 Its lllt'ral l\•ory tower. With in thll tower, young women ire advllt'd regarding what tht' homt' e,conomlsia deparlmen1 bC'lleve, are life's priorl tlt'S. Some ex· amples: to come In at I~ ••proper" ti~, to lt' I a tabit' "correctly," and 10 Pttl a carrot In the '" right" manne-r, Other leamtn1 experienCH Involve dinln& Russian 1tyle, hemmlna: !he head raldent's ,,..aU han1tn11, or re~lntln& the telt'vhlon 1r1ys. Another task might bl" adjusting the 1hades to the ume ie,·el throu1hout the hOWt'. In order that lht' house will look "'ntc:e·· from t he outside. '

One couldn't pGUlbly learn practical home mana1t'fl'lt'nt In this hOUlt'. CouplNi with the •nUldal family LI the anUldal u- , sl,1tnln1 of duties. For example, the (h·e residents t ake weekly turns Hor th·e weeks ) In the roles o f head cook. assistant cook. laundrt'I.I, upstairs housekeeper , and dowrataln housekeeper. Surely, In an ordinary home, one doesn't plly one role each week, with a changine o r roles ta.ch ' Sunday.

Thi" culmination o f the pseudo '"llvin& experienc:e"' varie1: • re(koal,lt'Jlin1 of the kitchen. a thorou1h cleanlnK" or all llnt'fll: In the hoUSt', or a ~per on '"how to wu: a table." Perh1ps the cut-1nd-pa.ste busy work o f home economics majors II all a plo1 - to kffp home ec::onomlCII majors from think.In&.

U a collt'ge Junior or lt'nlor requlru 1 "Jearnin& experien,c:e." 1uch a. the home man.1~ment hoUSC",. then lndffd, 1he has failed In her previous colleae )'ears IO ex.amlne how and why aht' llve1. U 1u.ch Is the ca.It', however, then what II nttdt'd fi not a coul"lt' In home mana1ement, but one In "how. lo bC' a human beln1."'

Chanae mnns constant re-t"Valu1tlon o r the world we IJve 1n. . Particularly today, this change cont\"ms how l)t'Ople should !Ive.

Because the home manaaement hoult' hu alway, been i!oes not mean It lhould always bC'.

We nttd to re-t'VIIUllt'.




Sherwin-W·illiams Co. IS! l'IIAD,' ST. STEVESS POn,;'T

1 men! of Mlllt1ry Science and try lo mcour1gt ROTC mtm· benhlp.

I . To · encourace a llc1lance and devotion 10 the O>nstltutlon of lhest United Stain and the fundamen1al tru.th1 ol prlnc\pltd democ::rau and frte men,

2. To further tht' U UIC of patrlotllm and revcranet' for our cher llhed \'I IUH, lfflOr\l which arc ll'ffdom. and the In• hc-ttnl equality ol a U men,

3. To ltudy and pnc::tke the arts o( !he ProfHllon ol Am\11 In lhe dtfenl(!' Of these linl!ed StalC'S,

4. To puuu,c the 11udy ol the outdoors. nature. and conlt'r-w-1lon of our nadon1l na turtil rt---. 5. To UllSI lh.e Proft'tlOf of Mllltary Selene~ ·m tht mcom· paulna d.utle, 11soclated with the ROTC procra m,

6. To promote reapect for Wlscoruin Stitt' Unlvtrslty a.nd the starch for u-uth (or which 11 stands.

1. To prov\dC' c::omradery a.nd good ltl lowshlp for the mem· ber1 or the ors1nlu11on, to ex· plore tht' bmdlts ol ll'lmwork,

'""· I. To t nhanc::e !ht' prutl1t of tht' cadet banaUon organlutlon,

'""· 9, To help tra ln mtmber1 ol the or&anlzatlon 10 be bt'tter prtpa.rt'd u oommlulonC'd orn­ct'rl to 1uc::ceulully complett Army Rana:er trllnln1.

WSM Disavows Action Spe1klna on behaiU ot the

members ol lhe Wlsconlln Stu­dtnt Movtment on th is campus, who are ho111ln1 lhll confettnce. "'"l' wish 1o make the rouowl.n1 1tatemcnt :

Our orranlz.atlon II oppo1C'd to any •cllon by thost attending lht' conit~. othtt than ~ •ctlon 1pl"dnc1Uy 1chedult'd ror thlJ Wttkend. •

WC' \lr/0\lld vlt'w any ,uch IC• lion 1S bC'lnr untl~ly i nd not lnk~Mthlhflpurpo,.eol tht'WlsconlinPetceActlonCbn­ftrentt. Anyacllon totakeplltt 1t WStJ.SteVC'flS Point will be in- . itlated, orianlttd and c:o«dln­a tt'd by lht' p,eopk or thll com­munity

Some Fathers (The City)

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Sony w e co11' t octi,el)' porticipote.



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Asian Expert On Vietnam

Sig Eps . Hold Drive

Unl\-erslty rra ternlllH will conduct a "Shamrocks fw Dy• trophy" Tar D1y for Muscular Dy1trophy In S1even1 Point on March 13 and 14, It was an• nounced today by Runl!JI Paul· aen, Wautliu, Prffldent or lhe Wauuu Area O,apler of Mus· qr lar Dy1trophy Asloclatk>N ol

LRC Scheduled For Completion

Campua Plannlne, Raymond Specht : General Service,, Adolph Torzewtkl: and Finan. · clal Aldi , Cbarln La Folle tte ln order to lru;ure a quick and accura te move or the lacUltie,.

tt)' N~"'(,"\' OORD\' Vietnam - lndependen~ or

con1lnua\ auplln.'t51on? Probin& 1he Vleinarn queJlion. ProfL~ sor llugh Walker or lhe hb· 1ory dcµurtment, spoke Man:h 2 on Vlet11am·s s truge!es for lndependenee.

"The stru11:gl11 !or lnlttpeo­dt'nct 11: lhe key to 1,mdc:nla nd, Lng Vlt'lnamc-te hl!itOI')'," Wa lk• u 1mid. It ls thl1 lll'ret' notion· alb tlc pride, he continued, that Ila& sus telncd th,• pco11le of South Vll'tnam ln their µr,1cnt, day strugi;le fur h1dl'f)('od<'nc<' .

Walker111ld il Is false to11a.-1ur..1 Vletl'lamt,it- lnd.-pe1Klence n1oven1enl.l a rc products of lhe twentltth century alone. The 1,e,ople of l hi.!11 Southeasl Asian counll")'!itro,·e forlndependence lonl( before the ~Tench implant , NJ Wetlt•rn d,·ltl:ia tlon In Viel· num during th,,• 19\h century.

Vietnam's real 5trui;gle for lndl' l)('ndl'nee ... a.s the prob.:ab\e rt'&UII ol SO!TW 2000 yenn of O,lnH{' influence. This con· stunt n.olgn of lorcli;n eulture forced Vietnam to eltht'f'-fWlln· lain hl:r Identity or become 11\J,sorbro Into the O,lnese rl\•11, lza11on. Vletnnm did not. how, e,·er, Walker sukl. "adopt the 0-,lntll.' eullllri' "'hole,ale," dr,. dar!ng her lndependenee In 939.

Out the 1,:,rmlnntion of Oll,... cse culture only ga,·e rise to tl'cnch 1oeh1llz:. t lon. F rance's 1,11 le concern In Vle111am wu, to eslnbllsh a Coothold fur econ· omic 01l('rallons with Ollna .

Entangled In the chain of the we1tern ch•illrotion or Vletnnm, France rnonopollzN.i rellgk>n, l lll'l'adlng Cothollebm In the "''llkl' ot o rie nta l th<'bm. This aellon l'\'sullcd In rcllglo1u 11tr• seeu1lons, which "''al In fael, polltkal ven,:,cutlon. And lhl' s truggle lor Independence con• tlnu«I.

Ho 0,1 Minh 15 perhllJl5 the epltomy ol Vietnam'• , 1n.11;1:Je • lor lndt•pendence. Minh pos· snsed the one qu11 llty nt'«'Uary to be proel.:almt'd II naiion.:a.l h ero - '\llldlluntJd. nationalis m. Minh h11d the> \'ital leadership ne«led to consolida~ the ,·11 r·

Be~ty IS

how you feel · You ever have one of those days when e,·eryone says )'OU

look well. but you still don't feel preuy? Maybe it' s because you ' re tired or troubled. Or maybe because it 's the \\TOng time of the month and you just feel un-lovely. That's where Tampa~ tam­pons can help you. They can help take the mopey feeling O\ll of yOW' month. Btcause Tampax tampons are worn internally, there's noth· ing to slip or slide or chafe or show. No more wor- 1 ries about accidents or _ odor.Noself-consci~-ness. On1y complete comfort and protection. Clean, neat . discreet .

T ampax tampons. To help you.Jul beautiful every day of the month .

TAMPAX. -IA,I IT#JfYrM!TtCIIONWOflNl!fT(IIHAU.T _ ... , .......... --..... --... -... ...

DPaders 1':.Digest

~--- '·----

tou, l.ndepN'Klence fa ctlolu of Vietnam.

Dul, aomewhere ln the eoune of hls1ory, Minh'• effortt to

• unite Vlelni.lfl falled and the!'!' now ul11s on amputatN.i Viet­nam nunl11& 11 war which hal "'urld-"'lde eH'ec:Ls.

Walkl' r 11a 1ed thnt !he VIOi· IIDm Wa r ha. left Amt'rle1 with a psyehologleal hana•up on ts· ci,laUon : " If ..,.e only try one more thlrlg we might 1ueeffd. But W O h!.l\'Cll't sucettdcd yt•t !ind we won' t ,"

He continued, 1aylna: that "Vletn.am has niwt>r kmv.11 dl'n10Crac)', We cnn't jud1:e th ll t country by our own pol!Oenl i; tandards.''

Walkl'I' concludt'd that "lhe Vlt•tnamese nre lll'C'd of war, Tht>lr i lnlll:glea for lm;k,pen· dence " ilJ eon,llnue until nil of Vlctnnn, Is Independent."

Amt> rlca, lne.

Mr. Paubt>n ••Id Don 8er11::· man, 1517 Brawley St., Is ch11lr­man ol the 1p,eclal St. Palriek's fund r alsln11:: e ,·ent . ·

Mr. ner11::man Is PJbllc rd•· lions chalrman ol Sl11::ma Phi Epsilon fra 1ernlty which Is 1ponaorlng th1:> ewnt.

All pl'Ol'f!t'<b ralaed will ro trJ lhe WaUSll \l Area Oiapter of Muscular D)·1trophy. The chnp-1er provide, wheelchalni , brac­es. hydrolle llfl!I, phy1kal the.r· 01,y and recreation for palienu In twel\·e nonh • centra l Wis· conslnc,:)Ulltles.

AWSUF Votes On Code Of Ethics

A Cndc o t ethics for the As, M>Cla llon of Wlseons!n State UnlveMlhy Faculllles .. ,11 be up for \'O le Apri l JO rtnd U a t !he group·• 1prln11:: deleg 11 te auem· bly rnttting In Menomonie.

TI1t> e.uoc:latlon repres,mts tcache111 a l the WSU campuae1 In Eau Claire, Menomonie, Riv• er ~~au,, Le.Crosse, Stevens Polnl, Super ior, · OlhkOllh. P\altevll\e, Whitewater and branches In Rkhland Center, Fond du L.:ae, Rlct' Luke and :\IN.i ford.

Besides putt ing the code ln fl· nal form. a n AWSUt~ c:omniltll'(' mC('ting hul w~'t'kend al SteV<'ns Point begon dratting a policy statement de ft nlng po11tlom on the 19i0 pollUeal eampalgn,. President Raymond Anderson of Rl\'e r F alls 1aid eandldates woukl be u ked their stands on sueh luuea as faeully salllrieJ. fringe bencfl t:1, the Kelle tt Com· ml1tee·1 propo,al 10 rl.'Ora:anlze l!'ducalion eollecth·, baJ'i:alnlng

and lhe method tor seledirlK re .. gents.

Anderson nlso r(!porlcd thnt a commlllee has begun drafting a p.,~r on 111lary and fringe ben· eflt r~uesu wlheh the AWSUF ,,.,ill present next 1prin& lo thl' Board or Regenu. J eri")' CUl\·tr ol LaCroue wlU dJ,euu the mnnerwlth 11, eovemor·, advis­ory committee.

"There wu considerable db· cusslon durlne the conl<.'rence about an unu5ually l.:arge num· ber of grle\·ance eolCI In lhe system" he explalnl.'CI. Some of the complolnl.l Wl!'l't' • about " 'a&e•. othert about refusal.I by unl\'enlly adminl1tratiorui Ill erant ~nurl!.

?,In. Mary WUllam, ol Ste .. \'l'ns Point, a member 01 lhc Boord of Regenll, told the grou11 a t a noon luneht'On that a need exl111 forlmpl'OVl!dcommun lca• lions belwl.'t'fl s ludent:I, laeultlt'll nnd regenll . She condemned dis• ruptlveattl\'ltle1u1edtocreate ehange

By NA.NOY' OORDY Tile new Le11rn.ln1 Reaources

Centu 11 1eheduled lor oomple,. 11on on Mar ch 14, Providirll the bulldlll.1 II completed on IChl!d· ule, the move to the lll'W laclll· !It'll will 1taM H IOOn H the 1tate 1lves clearllnet' by acl;lept" tna the bulldlrle from the coo­trae1or.

11\e move will be made com· 11le1ely by the Leamln1 Re­lJOUf'ttl Stall , upported by the maintenance ,tatr and an ex• panded ctt.v of atudent a11bl· an11. nie11afl , both profus'°"" 11 \ and elanlfied,..has a11'ffd IO fort'go their Easter Vacation In order to complete the move by the April 6 deadline.

Dr. F'rederlch Kremple, Dean or Ltarnlng RelOW'ce1, ttlted 1h111 a d(.'llbera te effort hu been made 10 place the move in a period of v.catlon to tt>,

duce to a minimum any l.neon­venlence to lhoM! utlna: the Lenrnlnll: Resource fac llltiH. Dr. Kremplt' •lrffsed that "this ls not a ble-puah movt'; )'Ou eon'tjua11et allthekldsto-11ether on campus llnd do It ln thttt day1."

The operation r,wlve1 around the transporting of shelvlni lo 1hr new loc:1tlon. The Este·• Corporallon, whleh h .. charce ot the •helvine project, e1 ti· mote• that 1600 mar,.power hour,: will be needed to movt the 11acbalone.

The ITIO\'e wllJ be oonducled In a seMe1 of lhrtt phue,. Phate I lnvolvet the rl'moHI of '<ark>us parts or the Ubn.r)' col­lecllon, unbound ptr\odlcals, ttfercmce and main alack ool· \eclkln ond IMS l!'Cl,UlpmmL Phase ll will lnwlve the move of physical equlpmen1 of the llbnry (table,, chain, card ca1a k)l1,etc. J.

TIM! third phase of the moV<! will conct'ntrate on the ttm11.ln­ln11 colltttionl In doeumenll, reserve, boUnd periodicals and 11'!C.

lloperully, the mo,..e will be comp]eled by AprU -t and the new faelllUes rt"ady for 1ervtee on Aprll 6, Ille flrst doy ot oper· a l loru after the Easter ttff'II .

The Learn.Ina: RelOUrces C!n· ter ha1 obtalnl.'d excellent co, operation from the dlrt"cton of

MOON FUN SHOP 1326 Str0n91

Downtown SteYens Point

POSTERS POSTERS We ho,.e hwndred1 to choose frOm. A complete dock of block ond white, c-'ote4 011d blocklite sensitin po.ten.

Blac~lite Room On Display ·


large selection - We carry Jon Sticks, Con01, Cubet, Powder ond Uquld In oil




The Store Is Pa eked· With Fun Items !


fellurina Crow, Soup, Bloomsbury , People, R1w Mui, Tongue, Grme, Tlllb, Hobbils, .SOw's EM, Wheeler l.ockln191.

/ .... Kl S.le Ticketa $J.OO

At Door $4.00 (If ..-olle.S.)

S.RCI clleck to IOCK fESTIVAL, AH. D. C. Mo.._, a...o M....,.I UIIIN, WiKHII• SNN UMon»y, Odak_., Wit. 54901. Mako c:-* ,.,..W. h IOI HAU PltODUCTIOMS.

1be new Leamlni R~i.-ce1 Center wtlJ have an aulanable floor ,paee of a,,oee IQ. 11 .. a~ prwdmllel)' a thrtt - fold In· crt'ase over !ht' old library'• :W,000 IQ, It. The buUdtn, will con,llt ol , lx floor,, each hous· In( separate secllons of the Learnlna Reaource• 1ervlct'1.

The bollom lloor wUl consi.1 mulnly of clauroom facOltie, to 1uppor1 the L.R. eour1es. the IMC u1U11at lon and aervlelng area for non • ~print material ind technical proc:,eul11g faclll· tie• and lhl! documenu depo1I· -· The main i1oor will lrlclude the main e\rculatlon dClk, the r elef'fllel' dl!partment, tht'blbJI. 01r1phy ICCllon and reM"rve cir• culation rtadlna: laclllllea. A Hudent loun&e- which wlll a lao 1erve as an af_ter • houn s tudy will abo be 1i1uated on the main floor.

The ,eoond !Joor will house the periodkal section and the periodical rl!adlrli room, Xerox­Ina 1ervlefl and lhl! admlnblrll· tlve olflees,

The third and lourth floon wlll conta in 1he maln collection of mono,raph material, with rtadln& racllltles lntenpersed with Individual and group st u:1.y areu . A ,lyplng room wlll a lso be k>ca ted on thls, Ooor.

The fifth floor will be de,, VOied to rt'search and e radu­ate ma~rlals with assignable carrtl• for private 11udy, It "'111 aiao Include a facul(y read· Ing room.

The ptnthoule,, loc:a led on the slxth floor extension, of the lloor 1talr towers, will house mechanJc11lf('rv!ee,, 1uch11 air conditkinlnr an d eleetrlca l equipment.

Classified FOR SALE : Ski Boo11. Kati·

lneer Alplno lloot:1 1\ze ll ., , Sl5.00, Kollaeh Champion model ,lie u .. ns.oo. c.11 Al 01 34-1-3468 •.

Would You h.:ave pa.Id lue• for AUlichwllz or D:ich1u! Find out how lo tOOp P.l)in,i: for the ~~~. ol Vie tnam., Call Al,

What more COUid You ask 01 a lamp?

Tum on your own for a mere twelve dollars and lilly cents ~(~~:.price !or the light

SlNOER DAVE BRADSfflEl."'T will perform in I.ht Gi'{dlron all ot next week. Bradstreet's performance r. part of the UAB's "Coffeehouse" seriea.

Astronomical Insights Planned

Four Sunday ofte"'°?"' pl100-111 rlum programs during Man:h will pro,•ldl! lnslghl on altro­nomlcal rt la tlon1hlp1 " 'ith " The Good Earth:'

Plllll('lallum Direc tor Al len Bloehcr 1111d the s ll0'.V5 wm be a l J p.rn . Marc:h 8, 15 and 22 on lhe tecond lloor of the sci· ence building, 11K' natTator will be Mn. Alvin J ohnson, a t lU­dent a.nd wife of a a:co:z-ophy faeul l)' member.

Here a re ,ome ex.:ample, o l fuel Mrs. J ohll50ll will men· lion:

Our atm09phere, unlq~ _In our family of planets, prolec:11 monkind from b6mbardment from gp.1ce-both from the type of flying rubbel commonly knov,·n u "falling ttan" and lelha l rll)'I sent by our sun.

Earth acts a, a dynamo, ere111ing eleetro-ma&nttlc cur· rt:nll lh 111 fix our w11nderln1 pol~. Forres within the earth bulld up its surfa«-, and forect wlthoul comblnt' lo wear down the mountain,.

Tilt' seasons 11re1iml'dby111t rhythm of enrthi'1 nlQ\'tmtii11

The series will recomrntnu after Easter on Aiml 12, 1111L\

~· . .;:~ ~~~!t~ram rnutlt(

Faculty Art Exhibit In Lafollette

The annual S1e,•rm Pun! Sll.~ Unl\'erslly Art DfPffllllftlt ,Faculty Exhibit 1,1iJI oritn Su:-­day with a preview rtte,Jllllft from 1 to 9 p.m. In the Ld'ol­Jen e Lnunie of the l'nl\'tnitr Ccnlt'r.

Paul Ben,Z\·I. &ucr Old)' Dan Fabiano, Gan,· H:iien. He· bert Sandmann. and Jamef Sm will show palnllng, and pottt: R~ rt Boyee . a nev,• te~chtr o1 art hbtory, and Richud StJt. neldtr , ceramle,; Col~ Car, vcy and Ronald. Kwiato,t,'Ul c r n t ts; and Nos-m.lll Knu, seulptures.

'Jl}e exhlbli ... 111 t,.,, OPffl 111 the p1,1bll c! through Marth $.

::::--~-----------:,:,,.,eoi;~~.TlltNatioula. .... ~ .:;;;;

, ... .,, ........... lltlllldll • ..,i...----

Morch 5, 1970

Placement ~:r~ 1

,~:::~,t~::~.waTh~~ ":::n~11\~: ~~~Pia vbltll

aft,•r }:;.1~lf'r IO lnlen•lrw U olltn and aa Wldely aa )'OUI :.~.IY1ty

Tb~~!i1 :.~n% 8~~~:~ant!:~C::11:1::1n~~f:~~t~~ •i:-k ::~~~ ;;~rla::r.:~u~r~:· toS:~~~'i!w~USI have a ml~tm':~

}~~~·, ~1;~0!:s~~~~U:~e!:-:1:~d c:r;:rn)' Wj Ill l~ak ,su•J In cart'4!r opportunltlu. r ma ora lntl'r·

)1.-;:!:t-}1~~' ~~ ~1:;~~i,~~1~n ;.v~r~U:{'('


~~·i.~~~ ~:~::cs~a~:~::m1!-,i~ :~dl:,C:h~/~abuJ sl~u 1rrt11tJ In banking careera. ora n·

~~~ ~:~~ooln Ahl'~~ ;;11~~:;~d~\~1':t.yd~~m,pany, IAII 31,1,IUtni:- 1nd claim,. roceu na.

lf~~'J'.i1t'-:u '!aJoraR· 1:i,:!!~ol~~ ~°:~a~in~~~y ~ m1nai,:l' n1ent opporlunl llea.

WNlllni.l•Y, )~. l1 - . State Fann I nsurance wi ll ,peak w1th :;::J~rll'~~tr~•tt<I In clalrru, audlttni:-, actuarial and aall'I

ni:;:;'r.i'~da~! ~:!l~. !:::.-::ua~a°.T~~ ~~d ~t~ ...-r111 ni: po11tlo11s.

n:i1~ ~;~;ce- ..f:~~~po~~"ni~:.r•nce. AU maJo..; Inter·

nl.lJ"daY, )tar. l! -Wllron1ln Telephone Company'Mllwauktt

:~os~~:,u~!,;~~!:~.:i:n-: o~~~ iflbe~sl:::: ~~:~~~'. mi: r;i.l't"i'r opportunities With the tr.1ephone company.

)loiwlay • .\W. 18 • TUl'lday, M.a.r. 11 - Employers Insurance of \\JUSlU 1.1.111 lntl'l"1ew al l bu1lneu admlnlttrallon, K'Onomlcs. m,1thrma!lrs And olhrr maJora lnterNtl'.d 1n claims, underwr1t ·

:~ S:i~~ S)~~r~m!~~ 1!..~~lna ~1tt1, actu1r1a1 lcil'nce

TU""'1•Y, )lA.r. ll - Upjohn Pharmaceutical WI ii speak With all bloloi:y. bualneu, t<'Onomlcs and any othl' r maJors lntel'l'stl'.d in pharm1<.'l.'u1ical ules fonlyl opportunities with onl' o f Amen. ,·JI leading 11rug companies.

Tul'WIY, .\tar. 11' - Tra\•elera Insurance Company Will 1peak '411h all buslncu administration, tt'OllOmlcs and liberal arts )'t'QPII' roncemlng home Ort.lee, underwr111na, claim,. aales and uthtr 1ypes ot non•aales opportunities In ln1uranee.

T\lto,iby. )lar. 11 - Heritage Mutual lnaurAnee Company, Shc­boycan. 10o111 speak whh au busln,u administration, economics.

!::~:f~~ic!.'~';d m~: ~~:!~!1~1~ ~~1~u:~nitna:.

\\'Nll8d.i)', )tar. UI - Unllt"d Statea Social Sl'curity Adminlstra, tlon \\1.KOnsln Rapids. will speak Wi th all majors lbuslnrH admlnls tn.tlon. rconom\CI, mathematics. 1Pffdl, hls1ory. Ena:· t;sh. P5yrholol)', socloloiY, na1ural 1"°Url'tl and all other rr.tjonl lntel't"stt<I ln career opportunltltt with the Federal fO'ltrnmen1. The students who ha\·e lntuvlewed earlier and ""''' sut'.'C'ts.sfully pu.sed the Chil Stn1ce Exam al't" espc!'Cially tnC'OUraecd 10 lntl'rvlrw •aaln. •

WN,-tay, )IM'. 18 - Anny Mt<llcal Corp. wlll speak with all s111dl'n1s lnterestcd In carttr offlc.r Army opportunl!IN In ph&rmary. supply and admlnlttratlon. psyeholol)', audlolol)'. ,n1ironmen1al ...nltatlon, unitary ena;lnttr1nr, IOClal work ,r..t mlnlt.11r)' community on.l. health manaaeme:nt. In addlOon. tht~· u.ish to speak .... 11h aU studenta lnlerNtr<I in 1olng on 10 n-.tnlal, drntal and veterlnarlan tehool.

Th!LDday, )tar. lt - Boa1on Stol't", Milwaukee. Wisconsin. will ,ptak wl1h ..U business administration, economics, an, homt: t\'tlnomlcs and a11 other art'll!I lntereslr<I In 1'1'1:ill store man.

I ag,ment, faahlon n:1crch11,ndlstng. sto~ buyer, rontrol opera, 1loru. ptrsonnel, and sall'S promotion areas.

Thunid.ay. )l&r, 19 - Northwestern Mutual Ufe Insurance Comp3.ny will speak W\1h all b~slneu admlnLltratlon, mathe­mat!('S, N.'Onomlcs and other ,~aa o f liberal arts coneemlni <"Uttr opportunltlu ln dalfflll, actuarial 1clentl'. da111 procesJ· inc. 11ndtiv.-rldn1 and career opportunities ln lnaur.mre.

~onday, )lA.r. ~3 - State of Wlaconsln Will visit 'our campw for 1hr IN:Ond lime to ln!tn1rw all 1tudentll ln tc reslcd ln ac­counttna:, rhtmlstry. data procfflln1, tt0nomlcs, finance, i:t0,nphy, bwlness. lndw1r1al relations, Joumall!im, markl' I· tr:.i:. ma1htmatlcs, personnel, psychok>gy, public rt'lallons and 1u1ls1lcal opportunities with 1h, State ot Wtsmnsln. Graduates lnttTHltil in soclal work ahould see Mr. ,i,mey for sped:a.l lnttl"icw. Students who ha\·r 1n1en1ev,·t<1 with the State pre. \1~!y need not lntl'n1ew •1aln.

)IOnday, ,\l&T. %3 - YMCA wW 1pe1k with all men and women 1radu1ttt ln!trHte-d in youth work. physical l'duea1lon and nmplnr cart"era with the YMCA and YWCA mrporallons ffl"OM !ht country.

r-.i.y, )lar. U. - Glmbela ot Milwaukee, Wisconsln. wll l int,ri.1,w all mt'n and women graduates who may be Inter· Hltd In mnslderlna earttra In l't"talllna opportunlUN. which ul5t for m&naamrnt traJnen, In the down town Milwaukee 1tor~. All atudents In llberal aru. marketlna, economlcti, IOdology and joumalbm arr lnvltt<I.

1'11"'1ay, ll&T. t4 - Shopko Corporation. Green Bay. w\U speak 11.11h all buslneu admlntatratlon, economlca and other &Tadu· UH lnterestcd Jn retail , tore managem,nl opportunltl1'9 with Lliil erowtng chaln of department ,tores.

SCHE.DUU:D INTERVIEWS - SCHOOLS )lu. i - ProvllO Township Hteh, Maywood, Dllnols, 9 a.m to '1

prn .• H.S. Enali1h ; H.S. Math.; H.S. Home Ee.; H.S. Sc\f"nN' : l{.S. Cerman!F'rtnch; H.S. Bua. Ed. ~Hshleot Public: Sc:hools. 9 L m . to 4 p.m. Vocal Music: Art: H.S t::ngl!Jh : HS. F'rtnch/Enilllh; Primary GradN; Upper Dtm. with Enallsh l'Oncentrallon: Upper Elem. with.., Sor. St11d!tll l'Ontl'ntratlon.

Xw. It - Kimberly Public Sehoo\1. 9 a.zn. to 4 p.m. Vac-andH: 10 bt polled.

M&t, 11 - Plymouth Public Sc:hoola, l p.m. 10 4:30 p.m. VamnclMI to bt posted.

\'illage Park Public Sc:hoola, UUnoLt. 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. V11.eanc~ to be potted.

~ . U - Thornton Township Hl1h. Han'f')'. 111 .• 9 a.m. lo 4 ;>m. Vaca.ndtt to be ~ted.

Shtboyean Falla Publlc Schools, 9 a.m. 10 4 p.m. Tu bC" P'liltd.

)la.,, 11 - Hllbtrt Public Sc:hoo~. 10 a.m. 10 3 p.m. Sr. 11. Malh.; Sr If. Enatlsh; Sr. H. H ome Ee.; Sr. H. Sqdal Sdence,

.Mar. 11 - Cl't"l'ndale School Di1U1t1, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eltmen· tary - all levels; Secondary - all subject attU.

)la.,, l8 - Wausau Public Schools, 9 a.m. 10 3:30 p.m. Vacandes lo bt po11e-d.

~ . 1, - Hlahland Park Hlsh. 1wno1a, 9 a .m. to 4 p.m. Vacan· ~ to be potted. ·

~undeleln H.Ja h School, Illlnola. Ind. A~; Enellth; Cennan: Bus. &s.:. Math.; Guld&nc:e; Publlcatlonl,


-:u~1':n~:O~ o~~e:~ ~= ~t~u:i'J~~~ ~~ee:er ~~ :a::: orm~ii! C:~' J:, bt Obla1ntd. ~The~ lilttnr wW be .s,mt to the .c:h001 where

11.Qdcnt INchlnS hu been -~

O: t~~tln~=: ~c;;'~~~~~ ~=:: ~~~i!n~~~ ~~l;i~~~ ~ ~ ~~ i:~ ~ :.-~; ~i8f= = ed. - 2S; blOloo _ '2: chemlatry ·- 2: pn. .Id. .- B: w.:~ Q 3. ph)'lica.J scknee _ 8; ffrt11 adrme - 2, IOdal

Q~nduy l'.ducatlon teachers w1ll be able to ~ !:~:~ thf ftr~t~~1ie~~.u pooowu:.e ~f out.ot .. ta~

~~ llre avallable for re"MW ln the Uni~?' P~

a~ ed1.1catlon majors wno aLUPt a po.tUonutyor O:t;~ Offlt.eb~ !!~~ ~tr!a ~act!~ us~ of teacher ..........


New York Opera Star Here · March 12 Wind .. Ensemble Vtronlc. T)>ler, 1he ltad

soprlll'IO ol lhe N"°' York C.,1y Opera and winner In 1966 ol the fint lnttmalklNII T1ch11\kc,v,·. lky Vocal Compe1\0on In Mos­cow, wUI 1ln1 In the chamlwr music 1trk-t Thursday, March t:!, at Stct\'tns Pol.Ill Slalt Uni• \'enlly,

TIM! pl'O$[ram will be11ln at 8 p.m. In Main Dulldln11 aOOtlor­ilun. Tichi. w\l bt a \'a ltable 111 tht door and advance In the AMI and U'clu~1 Ofllec>.

Tht l2-y,1r,old Miu Tyk!r,

" 'hose nu,neroua re<.ltal1 havt lneludtd aeve-ral In the White I-louse lor Proldent and Mt.. Jotvi.oo, ha& dllttngullhtd her· 1tlf In McnaM'I "1lle Ma,rlt Flute" and Pucclnl'1 "La eo. htmt."

The Baltlmort-born aM\11 11 •11 alumni of lhe Peabody O:,n. . a.ervll lory and · the Jullll1rd School of Music and ha1 apptar• ed with LN:Jnard Bem11,ln and the New York Philharmonic In concert and on televlllon. She has also 1Jotrform~ with the

Tasty Titles Titillate Tim

By TDt 8UU,.1\'AS Did you rvrr lb~n 10artt0rd

or, the! jukrbox and ,uddenly thlnk, "Wow, that song IUl'I' bril\(s back m,morin !" I 'll btt )'OU did.

Well, I IW\'tr did. You ICI'. you ail lollow the 10f11 10 ltt" II It pertain• to your 1hr. I don 't ure about the aclual sona al all. I just care about the tlllt of the son1. I hear the !Ille ol the tonK mtntloned, and lm­miedlately I think ol a spor11 e\'l'nl . I want IO know If the 11111' pcr1aU\I fO Hank Aaron or thl' Mont~al Canadlens.

UnfortWlakly, I ha\'en 't come acro.1 a labt l ytt that rtloln to the above-mentioned. but 1omc ol them dfd defini tely hu\•e the 1ports field In mind. 1·11111110mCollhem, "C.llfomla Drtamlna." by Momas and Papas ·. The Col· lfomla An11rll will rT&lly be dreaming tr 1hey th ink tMy l;.'OU..ld com, close io the! A. L.. pt'Mllnl.

''Ll'avlna: or, a jtl plane," by Pe1rr. Paul, and Mary Eitactly what Dtnny Md.aln !Old hll 10oife what ht was dolna when cttd!ton caughl up IO him. "1-'t can make you happy." by Mamas and Papai· Thil wa, th!! ults pitch by the tf,am that traded ION•1rd Bob 1-'I' lo the Oilcaao Bulls. "I'm only slttplng," by !he Bratll:1 • Jimmy £1111 kept .. y. In&: 1h1110 his trainers aft, r the.­fourth round. " Whiskey Min," by Thr Who • Wha t e,•,rybody catl1 Wlllle Jo,e No.math,

" Jl'1 xettl"K heller," by Mama Cus. Y.'hat Wilt Otamberlaln k~PI telllng l'l't'f)'Onl' about hi• Injured knee.

" Didn't want to havr to do II ," by Rotary Conn!H:tion. \\'hat Ralph Houk said when askl"d about tr1dlng Jor Pepl1~.

I must take tlmr lo a:h·, re-

i:anls to tbe unfortunate tackle who had hopes ol making lhl' Wakr F'°""lt lineup. Wake f"or('lt Is a hll[hly l't"llgiow; school, 11nd an athltle muse lake a lest befOl'I' being alkM·f'd 10 compete In athlNIC'S. Oor ol the111ckle1quntlor.s10o·H,

"Wluu was SI. Paul', vision on the l"Olld 10 Damucus!" The: poor KU)'. who 11C\'tr

made the !ram. answel'l'd, "20-20."

"Dom lo loaf'." by Ray 0111rlts -The song r, ferrl'.d to Emir U.11nk1 · and Oscar Robert.an, who both hn\·e had rxct.'Jlent caret'n but ha\•e nt\•er been on a winning team.

" Hair," by the Olv,,llls - Should ha\•t> been written by Kl'n Hnr­rel!IOn, Emmette Bn·ant, Dt'N"k S11ndcnon, Namalh, Maravlch. IOOfl n pro, nnd Toby Kimball ancl Elvin lla)'<'I,

··Nowhert man." by the Beatie& · Prople · asked crrtaln Cllb 11l11~rs where the Mell would flnllh In 1'69. and that WH th,lr nop\y.

"Do you btlle\'e In magic,·· by 1he I.A,•lng Spoonful • C,rr­taln Olb play, ... talklng an'IOflg 1N'mM'I~·"• during 1ht Workt Serles.

"Do )'OU belle\·e In magic," by lhl' Lovin& • Spoonful - Certain Oriolr play, ... also 11,tklng amone tht'mse\\·n Aflrr the.­World Sl'r1u.

"Trip. stumble. and fall," by Mamas and Papas (na1urallyf • What It -m• 10 m<' !hat all hockey playen do aside from 1eocine,rools. "\She's KOi al Tlckcl to ride," by !ht Deatln-The: 5onfl'. refer­red 10 the southern female jockcy1 who "'"re all!l"''ed IO ride horses durinK race,.

In dosing. I would Jo\'e 10 s.te 1lle t"ln;t Edition sing 'The Nallonul Anlhem at a balli:am(', because I th ink It would sound great.

T»txrtN.nar~brbu<Iff­F~crlhan )'OUQnmake1u1humc:­HltTerthanathrff(l.lUrltln9i-5,.iprrShd! SupcrShd. ~ladtof~poundpurc

1:ftfh,wnburlff,Qltllp.lrltuer.twiqto. pickle. anion r,np and m:amy drmuis. all on a to.led bun.

Nattiratyou'~in&rl'Cl'Chd look.up. llmid)l~lhrmlchtySo.ipnSht(.

/ • Family Restaurants

VERONICA TYLER symphony orchl'ltru of lbton, Ollc.go, Pill•burs:h. !,a Ang. tltt:, San funcllco, Houston. • Baltimore, Buffalo. Roche1tcr, and many more major ,cnttm• blrs. Miu T)>ltr madr her San F'rand1co OjJotra debut as Mic· a,111 In Carin,n In 1968.

Dttldcs wlnnlna: the! T1cti.l• lc.owsky lntrmaOonal Vocal CoJn. prtltk>n, she ha.s l'l'ct!IVl'd llr1t prlu In the Munlf-h lntcmalion-111 Compe11tlon In 1963. lier t: uropean C()rlCl'tl debut WII II

the Beratn F'ntlv•I In Norway In 1'611, and her debut In ll1ly wa1 llw fflOlt rretnl 1tuon ,t the Te11tro la t ·cnicr In Venice us Uu In a new production.of "Turandot ."

In IK'r SlrVt'flS Point appear. 11nce, Miss T)>ler will aln,r work.I by Schubert. RodHro. Mmolll.

si;::·nl~:.r.;:~:~ rrP'rtolr In a ~t concert In Oilcago, 1hr l'l'vlewer for the Oilc.q:o Tribune dMc.rlbt"d htr perform· anee lhllway: •·v,ronlc. 'l)>ltr Is Ont ol thole aeldom tl;ICO',ffll­ered sl~ers with a bird In her, 1hroat to make moal otthe usual ,·ocal problems vanllh. Evtn­neu, \·elvrt tonal brauty. 11 pure line to the top ol htr lyric 1npnno and the! secure place­m,nl which makH mlnlmal work of planl11lmo attack.'4 and a risln&: lint Al breath runa out -all 11re pl111 \•alUl'I lo makt her 1tand out lrom lhl' world ol r romlllng young "-omrn .

"She also can number lo her 11cC(loUllt thl' lnll"fllt concentra· Oon and evocatl\'t lmpacl nters­sury to br1n,: otf the moody, blu, ... weet TachalkOW1ky lledt r Al\d aeraual lo\•t IOfl(l:S or Jo•· qu!n Rodr1,, . A lan,ruld Poul­('nc:e lmpr'l'lllon of a laz;y .11ltrr· noon smoke In a hotel room lunntd like a cagr mingled re­ll!l"'t wllh falnl Irony in just the pf'Ollt'r amount.I."

WH! P'erlorm At Chicago

The Symphonic Wind Ensem• ble, aae1tctl(l"OUpof50m1.11ld­an11 at Steve111 Point State Uni· Vtrslty, hu ·acceptt-d u. lnY11a· t1on to perform March 9 al the bltMlal oonvendon In Oika10 ol the Music F.ducallon Na1t001I Conlrrl'flce.

Sevrral thousand rducators will be ln attendance at the c:on­c:er1, lo bt dlrutt-d by Donald Grtcme, ch1irman of the i tevens Point State music department.

A.moor the five compo,l tlonl In the! hour-long prosram will be the pritmtl'I' ot a newly (Offlmlsslontd wo rk by con1em, porary compoaer Cllfton w111. lam1 ol lhe Unlve ... lty ot Miami. It b enlilled "Ca«la." Wllll1ms became lnvolvcd ,..ith the en• aemble 1q t summer while mer­vln& u 1ue1t cllnld1n at the annual "Point Summer Mualc Camp" hl'l'I'. Dr. Ronald Combs, a new faculty membtr al Sit· 1·tnJ1 Pol.nt, wlll be a toklbl for anotht r number. "Sonp of Abt­lard" by Delk> Jolo.

Greene ,aid rns.rmblea from 1ehoolaa1 allM!velalnlhc!coun-1ry ""re lnvltl'.d to 1ubm!1 tap­

. l'.d alldltlon1 for partklpaUon In

DONALD GREENE the eonvmtlon, and 30 wtr'I' aelttted. The only othtr group attcndlna: from Wlsconaln wtll be lhtl Kttl06ha lllt.:h SdlOOI Orchl'ltr1.

The Symphonic Wind Ensrm­ble repn,stnt.l, accordlna to Crttnc, "the flne1t hu.lrumenl· 111111 from th!! depar1.mt"l11 of music "·hlch performs the brst In band music."

It h11 been lratuN!d In con­Cl'rta throurt,ou1 Wlsconaln dur­ing IOUl'I, at the stair music eonven1lon In MadlllOn. and al publlc centers ln aev~ral Euri> pean countries durlna: 1 1hrre 1t,·ttk tour laJI summer.

Travel Film Highlights

Israel And Holyland " Israel and The: Holy ~ Land"

wUI bl' the 1ubjec1 of a !ravel ld\'l'nture film lo be shown Mon­day night, !'.larch 9, at Stevrns Polnt Stale Un1v, ... lly.

The ArU and J..toctul'l'I Serlt'I event will bealn at I p.m. In

. Main Building: auditorium where tlckl'tllwlllbtavallablealthe doo,.

Narrator and film producrr Wllllam Stockdale will irtv, 1pecial attention 10 paMI ol llrael and Jordan "ilrn: JNua Oirilt 1pr.n1 hit lifr, Including IM Sea ol Calllff, the HOUH ol the Last Supptr. Gelhlemanl' and the Mount of 011\'H.

1llerT allo wlll be 1eene of Tel Aviv, a klbbou, the only goU C:OUl'SI' In Israel whert

beads nre the moneta r)' tx· ch1ngt. a vl1l1 wllh ah artist. !he Old 01y of Jerusalem nd nu.m,rous other 1ltes mentioned In 11,t Bible.

Stockdale has betn narratlna travel ad\•entu~ films lor 20 yea... . He 11 a native ot Con­nl'C1icu1 and a a:r1duatr or \'ale Unh•enlty where he did pholo­araphy work for !he s.chool newspaper.

He has made films of Mexico. Alaska, Canada. a ll parts of NoMh America, Spain, Fran« and lttland.

Stoc:kda1e·s ar11c1" On !ravel 1ubjt'CII apptar lrequently In na· lloonal ma1ulnes and In the tra\'1'1 pagN ot the Nrw York

"'"" How does t-his grab you?

- Lon beods, to string for t herapy an weekends, 29c

- Scented kerosene, lemon, orange, spice, pine ,

- Olde Tower sea li ng wox & sea ls

--:- Friendship books

- Colorful enamelware - cups, plates

- loods of ttuffed bunnies, Eastlj r cards.

lllllratrnhrrgrr' .6

Fashl()ns w,th the speed ofwh,te'

Sreppmgup the pace of

the separates look.

From the "H,gh Flyers"

Collect,on Sizes 3-15 .

Blazer jacket 14.00

In red or navy with

while dots. 100% cotton. Scooter pant skirt 12.00

In white


Poge 6 THE · ,otMTU Morch S, 1970

Apprentice Limeys Getting Education By MAKU.ni RO't11

It IO.'O\lld be lrnpouible to 1urn ui, , 11 ol our exrierlence,1 here Into one 11rllc~. but I .. ill 1ry lO rover f\'er)'thln; briefly,

Entertainment at Peace llo­\'en ls quill' \'arl«I : ,n• ue 11111 11:olna: to pla~- lhe nHly word Is "r~ulrffl" plays-but lhtY are , njoyablt l'l'i•nUes1. In addition lo lhC'lll.rt'-¥()ini , 1,,·e also hav, ,xd1lng plng-pon,: matches "Ith " KIiie r Crow," , nd we ha\'t' learned !en dll· luenl ways lo 11loy J.Olital re. We have taken up 1>yramld bulld llli ,nd wel11:h t ll fl lng. (Ask Ed "Superman" McKcaJi!Je -.~11ha1!J

II nothlna .-Ju " "<>rkl. 1001c ol us are chatlC"i'ed by ll')<lng to 11:et lnlo our toi, bunks • t nl1ht,.llhoutwaklng .iny~. If thlJ aound.l like one' bl1 luk, let me 1c ll )'OU, we are ac 11..1 ,lly ait"lllfli an edl!Cllllon ,oo.

Our wdulogy - ps)'cholo&Y ll~ l111trucl0r , Mr, Brophy, 11 ,unau'(I that .. e don' t ln te rn.1111 his lttturt's 10 dllrer, que1llo,, , 1111d c001ment the way his Brll· lJh students do. He can·1 g, t ll\'M" · tiow "well-behaved" we lll'l', but he would like to hear our comments too. lie 1polte too "'°"· ,u he asslrned papen, hC' heard a ll kinds o ( comments.

We a ll agrtt tha t Mr. Dnd­b11ry, our Art 193 lnltNclor, ls fabulous! lie Js 11,·ery lm111ln11-th·e lndh'ldua l and lls1enin1 Ill him Is liken lllory hllur. lie h,• 111 the "li lory" bl-hind each famou• work of a rt, and we a re n lwaya 11mnu-d when we JC.\'t clnu. He ls , n entertainer u Wt'lluanl'duclllllr.

Somtl or you may bi: wonder­Ing how 1,, e can lour and stloldy a t the 11rne lime. Our elauea uni condcnaed, 1<.'e hll\'e 1wo to lwo-and-a-hal! hour clnu ptr•

~WSUS Trivia.Bowl Contest Winners

....... ........ T_, I . 2<95 '-'"• 1.34 Baldwin

2050 -tiuttenholf 232 Knu1un

3. 1900 l West Durroui:hs <. 1470 Newby

2nd N. Smllh 1370 Firem11n 2W. Burroui:h•

334 Durrouahs 6. 130> 1-"rl!Z and Auodates 7. 1160 Ron 414 & U,5 2nd N . Thon,pson ,. 1010 3 East Knutu-n

10. 890 118 S teiner 11. 810 Hanson·Hilton 12 805 308 \ 'ln~ nl 13. 765 Ml"n "· 7<0 S hop.ko 15. .. o

1~T:;;";f;n 15. ..o



The Echo Beer Bar •v, nLIIN Northwe.t o r Ste\·tns Point

left ott 111,ti .. , y 10


DOCTOR OF DIVINITY DEGREE Doctw of DiYinity de,irff, o re iuued by Un iHnol Llf• Church, olong with o 10.leuon course in the procedure of sttting up ond operating III non-profit

':8t"::::·;~. Fi:m~!=:1,.~i~II of1fOrii: .. :!. $i!0 o::

JNCko1e olong with the D.D. certificoto.


t.ods .. hkh~lle11otten1han cl1111H at Point. II ls a lona: lime Ill s it , but When they arc held al Peace Haven we tM'ln.K bhmkrll and pllk>ws, coffee ,nd lea to cl111.

We have found ~·e 1e1 a lot mlll'l' ou1 of conden1ed elau J>l'r~ lhan lntern,pted normal one,. or courae, mU1Cuma, a r1 galle r\e, and llage play, 11rc a &ood supplemt"nt to the ac1ua l leetures - they reinforce "hilt ,.., learn and give u1 a chance Ill apply ll. l1 l1 11n excellcnl m ean, o f un educa tloo In 1h11 l"t'lp('CI.

Mnny of the 11:tri. have been 1klln11: a lot Ill shooplf\i:. M~ I Ill UI tlln'I 1et O\'tr the bar­i::1111111 we have found . Suits, coots, leallK"r coodt are all ubllul h 11 lf ol ... hat one would pay In the Ita l«, In facl, a l­moat e\•erythlna ls 11bout half !he price here. ll i. am11llna Ill bu,y • good hot lunch lllr uboul llfty cents.

A few or u• hn\'f 101ten 1,1 koow m cmben Ill the llaff 111 P t'ncci lla\'cn qu ite ,.,,11 : Rl­cnrdll !rom Ita ly, St'r11<> l r001 Argcmlna, Marla from S1,:1ln, Ur1ul11 f rom Germany and Mnr. i:u re t from Ceylon. Wt' 11rc 11_,1 11m11u,d by the lllrelgn 111.,01)1, ' w" mt.'t'I , Must ll f u, h1we gouen lO know a few llr ll lsh people well, and II Is always lnterntlng tll compare our way llf life to theirs.

Music . to our •urprlSt', Is m1>litly American rock. It ~m1 llrnnge to us IO listen 10 the r'll·

. d!o 1111d h('ll r either uc1uu1 American r ('cordlnp o r Am(' rl· clln records by Engll.sh a rt llt.• . Thclr Cockney accent ls be· .... 1111!,u: a lmoat unde1ec1ed by us now, a, we ha\'e bf.comt' &o acc111lomed lo It.

Some llf )'OU mny be Inter-

MITCH ~Continued from page I I

rcK\llar fint obol!; t dc1111rted : Uicn firs! 1Jbols t wl!h the Easl· man Symphony and M'Cond with 1he Roehester Ph\Jharmonlc. Not only did he mainialri 11 11 thok-, po1ltlon, slmullaneously, but he a lto lound time tll play additional conct'ns on a Roches­ter radio 11.lllon.

Moving 10 New Yllrk in 19:12. MIiier had llllle dllflcully In flndln& 1,,,nk. 0.:-.1iite the de-11reul1Jn. hc 11layed a teaM>n ol fQnce rts at the Mctropo!llan Museum of Art 11nd \o,1)11 a 1chol· anhlp with the National Orcht11· tra l Associa tion. This was lol­io..·~-d by an appointn1ent wllh !he WPA llt'"Cheslra, and lhen II

tour with Gcort:t' Gershwin', "Puru and Bess."

In 1936, Miller joined the ens Radio OrchNtra where he re- · m alned for U years. Th I • 11eady job, 1hough demandlna:, did not limit the range o r his mut lcal IMJl'lulls. In 1ddl111ln10 11layln1 with the Percy F'alth and Andre Kostc lanel2 o rchel, trllS. he performed with • u c h ct'tcbralcd group, as !he Roth Sirin& ' Quar1et. the BudaJll'll Quanei. and the Mannes T'Tlo.

m, decision in 1940 to grow his now famous beard wu a carefully calculated culllvat lon. II Wlll a long-tim e )'t'n . but MU­lf.' r wallNI 10 achle\'t' profes.-1lonal a ta1ure :.,.hlch ... ould pre­clude the dt'rislon usually d i· n-c lcd n t bearded folk. Colabor­allng with his wife , he chose a 11ylc from a porlral t of the Emir Fel.sal (which appears in T. E . Lawrence'• "Se~n PII·


·~ell n,e ogoin about thot 335 lotnry number

you got thot you thctug~t they'd n•••r coll • . • "

See the Stevens Point Draft Counseling 'service - 1125 Fremo~t.

Newman Center - Call 344-0034

catcd In knowlna what we ' do with our free time. The last rew Mllndnys have been tour dny1. Wt- ha \'e vlal!ed Canlff· bury, toored London, and hcwe &N"n Stonehena;e and Lona:lu t where real Uons add Ill the fol lo11:e. Many or u, ro orr alone or In &l'OUPI or two to four to !ind wha! we a re mo51 Inter­eat~ In.

People In our croup hn \'t varied U,te rnta: aomc prefer the cultura l aspects ot London, 1Jthcr1 1,re rer ,oei11 llzln1 , with the fun-lll\'lng English on an ln­l1Jrm11l basil a t Wllllan1 JV llr The Red I.kin (local publ.)

Tiie hl&hllght o! 1h11 m1J11th WIii "''hen Prt1ldcn1 Dreyfus came Ill vblt. Wt- found his 1pe«h on Viemam Ill be mos t lnformall\•e. Aho, IO.'C had the eh1111ee 10 ge t 10 know him bet­te r In lhe lew days he ,pent a l Ptace Haven.

President Dreyr1.11, before leaving, 1,,·on lhe hearta of UI ult when he announced Il l 11 fllrmul dinner here thnt he had 1JrdereG lllrly Porte rhouse llenkJ lorallllfus. ll cerlulnly heat lilh nnd chlpa!

Tu c:k.e, when wt-'rc 1),1 ~ho111ilnK. tllUring, tukln& In 111ay1, mo\•les, concerts, and lt•t's not for~~I i; tudyln1. we gripe a lo! abou t how awful this "dreadfully cold" London cli­mate Is .JI Is JO "blasted" clurn11, uml a t least th rc<' out llf !he sc,·en da)'I ii ro.lru: .

MRS. EILA WE.ETZ, left , or Amherst, unounced the selection or Dr. Rayma Dillon, rigllt, a.a the Stevena Point Parents Without Partncra no~i~ee for the naUon&J single parent award. Dr. OIIM>n ia a child development apeciahst here at WSU and ia in the proceu or adopting one of her 5-year-old s tudents.

ll 'l1111l'RSt40dl.'): r t'l'SC\'el')' do,y- bllmcy. that'• cold ! Of cnun1e \I C i,:loa t II llllle wht-n IO.'l' read le tters from OW' M end~ "llbro.'ld" Un the 111l tCII 1\ho dc11erlhe lnll\Y and l'Xlre­mcly IOI'>' chill factors. and ... e laugh ond 4 rc ,·cry &Ind to be I IC!tc fllr still another l'l'PI00-1hc mlld cllm111e.

l11 n o f Wlsdllm.") Jn,.J950hcwubrought toO>

Jumbia Rrcllrds by Columbla'1 Pf'("j klcnt Goddard Ueberson. who belic \"t'd Mille r """• the one a n lll who c:ould ca111ure 1011 IIOl lllon lllr the company In the 1>0111lngles l leld. UnMr hi• IU· lll'n'ision. C.olumbla relca~ one million. llc'll!ng hit •Ile r an, Olh,:r.

MIiier ex11k>dcd a \,.rbl,I bomb al a dbc jockey conven­tion In Kansas a1y 1ha1 is ex• llt'C led to ha\'t' eHcclll for mil• ny years. Sllme termed It. "the Gl'l lysburg addrcu ol the mu­ale buslneu" when he l>r"Opo,sed to " ta ke radio away lrom the lllta 11nd gl\'t' 11 bl.ck to a ll the, p,eo11le." Subse,q~nlly, his~ mands from the " T.:.p 40"-oricn• It'd broadcaslln1 Industry to t'n• coura1,:e lht' inevitable renai11-snnce ol quallty music are lllll bearlng ln.1ir.

His llll(lllintmcnl II din.'CIOr of a ll Columbia pop actlvltlt'I k-d to 11 n a1lfl0r1unlly lO lackle aoother o f !he challt-ngea.

This role llf performer e \·cn­tu11lly k-d him to television a!M! the NBC network program "Sln11 Along with Milch," which ran three-and-a-hall seasons. Since !he ll' rk'5went olfthc 11lr, Mll ­le r hu lcd hls chonu: 111 far a lle ld u Australia 1/1 • urlea ot persona.I appcarancct.

BRAIN$ · (Continued from pn1e 31

nothln1 more th:in II murderou• political game and then pauan o rnllment In his letter and aaya he jUlt saw one more de lld pe,-­son carried away, to a baby unywhe.re in U.S.A.

Who screams beealllC' a ral just bit him, to those who aay 1n:11 PrnkSenl Dreyfu. lillfns well, but when it comes rl1ht tlllwn 10 1hlngs, s tlldenu are s llll given the " nigger' ' role In our university', declJlon-mak­lng llf"OCCSJ h·cto ol Phy. Ed. non-requlr ernenu blll passed by •he S1\Jlk-nt Senate alter a 1ur­vey Jhc>IO.·lng -4-1 11udents sup, parted 10, Ill socneone like J oan Co?ra "'-ho criticized Winter Ca.rnl\•al actlvltie1 quite well In la,t "'·eek'• Polnttt by Uyllllf, " We demonsltllte the Insight of a pig by otr \'\'f)' support ol this pathetic event " l lhe pan­c11 kc<>111lng contest nnd 900 buclcsl1Jr uglylcescutp.1ureaJ, nnd to those thlnp you mny "°"" be thlnkin& about yoursell .

J . A . Ma\·IJ, whete\'<'T' ) 'lltl a re, you may stlll l'l'ga rd me as "a true lt-mon 11nd 11JUt from the word go": lhat'1 )'OU.I' prc,,, ror:i t l\'e , but man, let's 11ar1 knoeking whal ls really wron1 with Ameri.ca . , .. ~'t'. !he "fortuna te" IOJII and dal.llh len of a gellC'l'a tlon of few QU8-tlons, had oo part In form ln1 1he kind of ,odety we now li\'e In, had oo direct part In e leet• Ing Die~ the Sr"ICalcy One to the PrH idcncy, had no 1ay In ek-ellng and "()l"Clervlni::" 78 year old John McCormack In the p(l\1,-erfu\ position ol Speak­er of the House, had no Ill)' in pennlnini;:: llld mt'n 11ar1 these

. Genuine


Main St.


YOUR OWN CHURCH! We will furnish you with o Church c!harte, end you con ltart your own church. Heodquorttn of UNI­VERSAL LIFE CHURC.H will kMp records of you, chur.ch ond file with the federal 9ovemment ond furn11h you o toa eaempt 1totua - oll you ho.-o to

!0,!~:.·'En'crc,:ro of~=i~m !ff!~::~uorters four time,


Many Student Citizens Male Friendly




damn wan and Hnd us o ll to flahl them, had no say In per­mlttln& the mllltary-lnduatrlal 1~1em becomt' ao powerlul 1h01 the buUd-up llf "new and belier" Wt'lapon 1y1tem1 con• tlnun. had no aay In wtta1 type o( t'ducatlon ... , want lllr oor­aelves. and no say in our whole J)t'ffent e.ldstt'flee. We mull chanae th.ls now, fllr the future

I.I oors, 001 theirs

And you may eompllment .. bycalllngusradlcals,btt1.ae th111'.sexac1lywhnt10.eaa. t.:n. lea1 weh11\·eropldandlmrne&, ale chnnee, the good thlna;i 111 llfe ... hlch ,..e are 1111 i.o load of ,.,m soon disappear btkort our very eyes, one by ont Along with Mama Cul, I hope "'lher c bat-ew Worldcomlnc




Stevens Point Brewery 2617 w- St.

.oS t.: HUNDRED AND NINETY pound treahm J · . Falls ta.at Jo"'riday. J im baa an over-all rd a~ un Zeinert record.a hiB third pln ot the season against River Photo) reco ot --4 and has wrestled .a t both 100 and heavyweight. (Willegal

Pointer Gym learn Gains . \ .

Weekend Split IIH!Tl. .. WATER - 11ll.' Stt?­

, M1$ l'omt Stiu.. lt)'mnastic ltJm fllll~ out hoo.o.· It ls a:olne 1.., b..• "·,thout Ghry Sc:.hncldt-r mrund Thl' Pointers defealed \\l!J1<-... at,•r 99.45-97.10 but nt 111t n rne llm,.. lost to Eau 0.1in• \OiU5-98.4S In n double d..:11 11h l he re Stl!W'day,

S<hn,•ld,•r, who had been the ?1>1ntcr'5 lf11dlng llll"rlonm•r oil m~111. Injured hb ankle In rurt,cl' lu1 wl'('k and wlll un­d,J.:;btrdly see limlled acUon !he rcmairnl,.r of !he season. The 93-1~ sror«l by !he Pointers u t th.-ir kw,·ut tolal of the •~a<On llJld r('fh.'ets the value Schl'l<'!Mr odds to lhc team.

'l .. ury 0.,Poro fM.lt forth his br,,.t t'!fi>tl of !he season." com­m,nto?d Co.,ch Bob , Hennecke, "illd Str ,·c Koester did a fine )lb u thry tri<."d to makc up Nr !ho.• a boiencc of Scluu:lder ."

Hr Ml.'o: kt' added that thc dlf· ftl'l'nct' In tht' Eau C\:ilr~Sle­HNi Point " 'llS the absl'nce of ~hrll'id,•r " We could ha,..e bt;l\en Eau Caire with one ~~lthy•Gary Schncldl'r," nh! !lenn.>cke.

It Is JJOSs lble Schnelder could ?,l rtit ipate In the Wisconsin Stale t.:nl\·erslty Conference mN'I 'a t Plalh.'\'ille Mar. ll-14. ' Th:s ... ,)UJd depend upc,n hls ro­co••I) llJld then he would pro!> ~bly be Umlted to the ('\·enu "' ttr~ he does not ha\•e to r.ely en his ankll' for support.

0.-Porui. a sophomore lrom ~111" 3ukt•t Bro1•m Deer. led the P>lllltl'U Slilurday. He pl:iel"'d br,1 In 1he a\l,aruund compel\• oon. leContl Cir\ the parallel bar and second on !he finis. Pau1 o.<h:uit "' as first on the p.aral­~ bal'll ... Ith a flnc score of n~.

Thf P..-,lnters wlll conclude d~11 meet aclion Saturday when thry hos t l'lattt'\'ille S:iturday ,rtt rnixin. Thill meet wu ~ '"ICIUS!y scheduled at Rl\'er r ~11s. bu1 the Ft1lcons ha\·e dis­t<ir.tinucd i:ymn:istics.











l lHGS _: Y~llow - Whittl °' 2-Tone 14K Gold.



Sports News ( By HOY Nl."UJ::.'iSCJt WAN DE R

The Polnter:s can not win thc champion.ship of the Wl.s«1n1ln Slate Unl\•erslty confcrence. Howen•r 1he Pointers 1 1111 ha\'e a chance maklna a tournament lo dete~lne 1he District 14 rep­~ ntatlve lo !he N/fIA lourn.amcnt. In this lournament are four teams. The wlnnl'r of our conference, Eau Claire, and the Winner of the Ca1cway Conference, Lakeland, are automatlcal· ly ln the tournament and !he o t her two teams are, picked ac,

cordlna to C'Omputer ratln1s. The computer ratln&:s show s1out and Ste\•ens Point and SI. Norbert 10 be the 1hree best teams bealde Eau Clalre and Lakeland, with Stout and Point ih'en a alleht nod O\'tr Norbert·,. .

The ltUlwaukee Bucks now have aecond place In !he NBA Ea.stem dl~lon alm0$t completely sewlld u.p with fh·e iiamcs O\'er third place Bal1lmore. U 50 the Bucka would 11ar1 th'­playof11 at home a1alnst the fourth place team, wttlch Is thc Ph)ladelphla 76'ers now. The Bui:ka ha\'en't looked real ,eood on tele\'blon thc last two weeka, bu1 have fared ,..ery fine durlni the week and ha\'e not lost any iround 10 ei ther the Knlck.5 or !he Bullets.

What can you say about 1he loses to Plattevllle and Whltc-

;~t~!;1!~d ~:::ii:.~ ,:;\~: 1;:m!a?e 1;:~~':it 1~1~~~ ~~ a steal. Howe\•er, o\·er at Oshkosl) Saturday was a different story all to&elher. The Poln1ers 1h01 only 327- from t he field and 1urned the ball over 18 Ume,s and were rebounded 50-28. We all hope here I.he Pointers can re&aln e\•eryt h!n1 for Eau Claire and Stout and s tlll make It ln10 the playoffs.

Wrestlers Jolted

Rh-er t'alll State Unlversl!y'1 \\"tt.'itling 1e11m hanik'll Stevens Point 11 10-16 defeat },)'\day In Berg Gym. TI,e f"alcon.a domln­atl'd the mlddle weight dlllll'I for thevli:lory.

Dirk Sorenson gave the Point­er, a 3-0 lead when he beat hb opponent 5-4 In the 118 powd nmtch. 7hl'n Rlvcr t·a lls won six 1tr:ilght matches 10 clinch the \'lctory. Jim Nots!ad won ~2 111 107. Jim Zeinert won by n pin at 190 and Jim SObocltakl by default 111 ht"avywelght 10 bring till' flna l tally to 20-16. k h""l' r })ills ZO, Ste, •!!fW!, Po<IDl 11

118 - Soreson CSP) beat Mnsrud, 5-4.

126 · - Flouro (RF) bcal 01mpbl.' II. ~3.

134 - ,\Jexnndcr (RF) bt'at llodklewlci.~.

H2 - Swl•nson (RF) J)lnned Plus. 5 :30.

ISO - Bjelland (RF) bcat OJ>. permnn. 11..ol.

1511 - Johnsql\ (RF) beat Suhr. S.O.

167 - WLIJl11m1 IRFI beaf Po1ip, 4-0.

177 - Noistad (SP) beat lfelmhrteht, ~2.

1§0 - Zeinert (SPJ plMed ~bron,6 :22.


Ol DIHATIDH i1 witfl.ot.ot quHt ion • nd fo, lif• . LEGAL In all .50 ,tot., a,wl .-.t fw.

• 1111 c:0ttntrl ... Pufo""' 1•901 MU ffiltH, ordi11otio111, •nd fuH ralL leuln dltc0ttM'I ' o•

- fa,.,. 0Ht 265,000 Mi11bhln ho'fe •lraody be•n oNfaiHd. Ml11llh: r'1 ued.miol1

• "" Hu11w w 11t; 011 oNlai11Me11t u rtif icohl for fraMl119 011d 011 ID cud hfr yau, brtl­

foW. W• 11Hd you, h• lp to co•er fflCl l1i119 , ha11dli119, 011d odMinh t ra tia11 colh. Your

,.,..,0111 to1thibutio 11 19.. oppr-c:lahld. ENCLOSE A FlH Will OFFERING.


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W\llt In the world Is ecolocyT During thc 11111 few months. that uofamll/11r "'-"Ord h11s begun to ,huoN up In the medla-batll'd around by public lllr\lrt'I and expcrts ol various slrlpcs who 1n11y know what It means. 11\e pecullarly aclldemli: proc«s ol lln.irulltlc permut11tlon has IC! In. and has progressed.

\\"Mn non,v,ord, llke ··cco­soclal." and "eco-polltlcal." and non-phrases 1uch as ''the ecology ol labor and manaRe­ment" 1ta n to appear In print, can totsl obscurity be fa r be· hind?

Oelott the word "eo,logy" dlnppears In I murky ck>ud ol verbl1ge, I'd llke lo II)' to define It. and outline a few broad concep t , which are uniquely ccologlcal.

Ecology Is the ,tudy or the structurt'and funcllonolnalurt!. M ,ui:h It Is not concerned with the ana.tomy or i:hemlttry or 1peclflc org1nlsm.1 « por1s or 0111anlsms, but rather wl1h the principles under which &rouPS ol llvln& thines relate with each othcr and with thei r n,on.Uvlng envlronmenL For· lhls rea10n ecology 11 some­tlmu known 111 ··envlronmenlal blok>Ky."

lll"cause he deals with groups ol organl!ms and their f:f!Ylron­mcnt, the ecoK>Klit dlre,ct1 hl1 atlenllon lo thc four highest levels of natural orannluitlon· populations, communltle,. c,co,. 1ystem.1, and the biosphere -which lncludc both living and non-llvlng lh]ng1. Let's eJo:amlnc those four levels. one by one:

PopulaOons ore gl'OUPI or 1lmil1r organl1ms. Thus an ecologl1t coukl speak of the IIOl)U]otlon of white.tailed dee r In Wisconsin. or the popula'tlon or water-lllln In a two-acre pond, ind meiin the same thing : the number oC indMd­u11l1 or a par1lcular 1pccle1 living In II partkular place.

A eommunlty Is !he agicrt'­aate ol a ll the pOpUlatloos In• gh·cn area. 11\e oomlllu.nlly found on an abandoned farm lleld, lorlnata.nce, C1XlSl1t1ol the populatlons of mlcroo11111n-1tms. lnsttts, w·onn1, and 1mllll m11mm1l1 that ll\'e beneath the soil, 1he mice, 1hrt'WI, rabbits. 11nd birds that Jive above It. the blnb and mammals that prey on them, Ind 1 11 thc v11r­!Clil'S ol Rraues and other plants that Jive on !he field.

An tt:'01oglst would call this di,..erslty or life an "old neld'. community, IO dlltllJiU.!1h 11 from the cuulderably different community ol life that mlehl exlstlnanadjolnlfl&'cornlleld or pulure.

An ccoloalcal system, or eeo-1)'1tem. Is what we usually think ol as "nature" • the com­munity or llvlni thing, plus the

oon•IIYlng element, ; 1unllght, atmospheric eues, toll min­eral, - ~ r . c llm11tt-on which the 1i1,ru;il; \'.hlnp depend and to wt:iilcl-..'f()ey ha,..eada11ted. ~ ~(>j,here ls the Inhabit·

ed porllonofthee1rth'1 sur­face, !tie soll, w.icr, and at- . mosphre whcrc CCOl)'llem can e11il t. The ec:olotllcal approach 10 the study ol Ill~ can belt be understood by looklnR Into !he 1truc1ure and tuncUon of a relatively 1lmplc ec<ll5)'1 tem­the "old · fie kt," mentloned 11txwc.

T'ne "old neld" 11 an aban­doned plol of lann lsnd. Jts IOU \1 different In 1tnacture and

· mineral content from the ,oil In a ncarby woodlol. or aol l which hu never been plowed or fanned • HY akin¥ a hll rood lrai:ka quartcrol a mlleaway,

0;,nsequently it will tend 10 support d l f fl! r cn 1 types of plants, which will support dif­ferent populatlonl ol 11nlmol1. nic old field eco1ystem hH Its own dlstini:t chsrai:tcrlsl.lc1 and lndtnllt)', bul Uie pl'OCClll'S ol life which KO on there are re­markably 1lmllar to thote of a field ol oats, a pond, or a trop­lcal rain forest.

The old field ecosystem 11 po .. rered by the 1un, for II Is from the IIUflllght that the plants dcrlve the energy that l'nablcs them to Jive and grow. 'They draw nutrients fl"OITl the IOU putlcle1, and water from the IIJIICCS between them. Car-

. boo dioxide from the air 11 combined with the water to produce simple carbohydrate, ln the chemical reacUon of phOlotynlhelll.

Thc coergy re-quired to make the reaction "ao" Is supplied by !hc 1un. and th1,.11 the plants arc ablc lo tlx the 1un·1 energy Into a i:h(,mlcal form which ean be u..wd by the planta them-1tlvcs or by the animal, whkh eat them.

Jt ls lorthlsrea,or,thatan ccologbt refers to plant, u "11roducers." Without thl!lr ablllty 10 manutacturc latent chcmlcal encrgy lrom solar t"RCrgy. animal lite could not exist.

E:cologlslt refer 10 animals. r('(ardlcss of thclr 1i:ieor lyp(', as "c:onsumcrs." There are variou, le\•el1 of coru;umen· llrst•ll'\'e l i:o n 1ume r 1 eat plsnts,.. A dOII! look at the old·

~~~y e~!':n':1 ::11:no:ve~ flrst•levd consumers: lnsccl.s. mice, rabbit,. seed-l'alin& birds, rvendCt'r.

Slie, 1hapc, or species makes no dlfterencc here. n,e dls­t ln&Ulshln& chsractt'r\sllc of a llnt•lc,•el C'Ofllumcr 11 a diet con1l1dng t"ntlrely or largely or plants.

Therc are plenty ol 1econd­le,..el consumers on the old-

flt'ld, too. They Uve on the first• levcl consumcrs. Shrew. eat thc ln,ec11, toxu, hawks. ind owls etll tlie mice 1nd rabbits . Wol,..es, coyotl!I, wild dop, and man con l)l"CY on the deer. Both 1eeond and flnt-level con1um• er1 are supported by the pr& ducer o11:11nl1ms, dlrectlyor In directly.

Even1u1lly, both prodUc:ers and consumers die. TIMI 1ub-11ance ot the plants and lhe bodiN of the Mlma/1 Ire IIOW• Jy ?\! turned lo the soil ho rn whence they came Ut.roueh the procc1~ of dceoml)Olltlon. This proct"u I• curled out by a variety ot 1mll.lt sav,nrers and IIOI I mlcroor111nlsm1 which the ecologis t caUs "dccomJ)Olers."

ThlJI the m1Mt lmportan\ functlon of the old lield eco­system, or 11ny other CC08)' .. tern. II the carrying out ol a rough cyclc-tlie non-living en­vironment provides the ma-, 1erlall thnt the producers need, the consumers live on the pro­ducers and on each other, the ~posenreturnthepro­d~ceo: and oonsumeo to the -611. Needlea;s IO uy, there are a co,ulderable number ot other eyelet eolne on st the 1.11mt' time.

E.ii:h ol the mlner11I plsnt nutrients, !he water and almos· pherlc g11"s. Of1j:anlc material,. elc. , arc lnvol,·ed In cycles ot their r.,wn which Involve many ec01y1tem1, and, collcctlvely, the biosphere. Energy tk:M"I through the ecosystem, but d0t'1 not cycle-II Is consumed .!n 1he Ille procc11es ol lhe plant and anlmal communltl~.

Despite the complexlUe1, there /1 one Important oblerva• l ion we can make a l thl1 point, and lh.al Is 10 note !he weck po1ltlon ol lhe con1umen. The non-llvln& part ot the environ­ment could i;ct nlool{ wlthoul the li\•ln& communltlc1, lhe producers need only 1he non­living elements and the cte,eom. posers, but the oonsumen de-­Jlll"nd upon the perlect runctlon­lne of the entire ecoty1tcm.

Since man II a either a flrst or second--Je,..c l consumer, dc­pcndln& on what he Is cal.In& at the moment, ii 11 In his lnterelt 10 maintain the coo,systtm! In which he li,..cs.

Next wt'('k we'll look at more ecologlcal fund1mental1, and 'try to see hoW they apply to 'modem man.

Skaters . Take Note , The hockey rink In b.ick of the tleldhowe wlll be ~ to all unlvenlty penonncl skating 01lon1e asooklweatherluta.




FORTH AND PRESS .CHARGES IN CIVIL COURT. (A small group of s~deftts ;ill work to a id any such

co-eds in complete privacy, .this is intended to be a legal action wh ich is to be handled through the Office Of the Dis­trict Attorney.)

The time hos arrived at which the students themselves must protect each other from misute by the faculty and administrators; we con no longer knowingly allow the con­tinuation of this conduct unbecoming public educators.

We are fully aware of o history of offenses which hon dominated thtl subsurfoce of -this Univenity. It is our bel ief that only the students ore truly concerned with the human implications of this conduct, We ore not concerned with oWy· imClge of the UniHnity or its employees, but with applying Justice and saving any young women from being coerced into Hxuol activity by on instructor who con threaten by any number of means which ore at his disposal 01 a resialt of hi, position.

Only the student, hon the concern. and power to pro­tect themNlves, this i1 your opportunity to save future coeds from such coercement,

Please Contact



Page 8 THI POINffl

Pointers Finish Season Stoul Suite Unl,·e rsl1y ·1 bas·

kl'tbflll team put on n lnl.,uloo1 1hootlni,: rxhlbltlon In the lirst hll l 111d CO.lll'd 10 8 1(6.85 Vic­lor)' 011rr SU•\·rm Point Mon· day 11 S1out 1llt' Bluedr,•111 r>0¥1' P'11y E11u Clul re , ... ay on Wt'tlnt-.d ll)' for 1hr NAIA D11-trlc1 14 ch11mpion~hlp. Tiie 1011 fini*• 1he Pointers seuon ... •11h • rl"<Of'd o r 13·10.

S1,.1,u1 ht! t'11rly 1nd 1lowly built 11 71-13 ll'JI\I ml(! ... ·11y through the hnll on Cal Gb \'er·, l11yup on u !1111 bn•ak. From thl:I point on the Wu,._

tlevll1 rrally rlpp('d the ntU. I.Ill the 1hoolhlJ o( Clover, c .... , ):bsl'n, Jim Sallll 1tnd ODie Mncrdo.n,. nw: lead reached lu. peak Sl-26, mlnutrs bclore the half ended on a Jump I.hot by J11ck Cu11ellt'.

The- Polnlers ronneoted on only 10 or 311 o ll l'mpll ror 26 l)t!r rtn t, whill' the Uluedevila hll 16ol49 tOf'&\ 11erttnl . Stout allo OUtN!bounded the l'ulntcr1 26-1.8 ond lrd In tum­O\'l'r'II 9 10 6.

Quinn Vanden llt'uv1t l, Tom Rltunthaler, and Robbie

Pointers Lose Final 77-64 By KO\ ' SF.UE."i'SOIWASDl':lt

Stout Stitt Unt,·cnlty handed Sh•wn1 Point lls lourth 1tral1thl dl'fl'Pl TI~ to linl1h lttand In the WSUC with 11 1~3 record. Tilf'Polntersd~IOa'lhart' ol third ... 1th Oshk01h on a 10-6 ffO>nl .

The Bluedevll1 11nrted early 11nd~11l1-8\1'Adonnjun111 •hot by Cal Ckl\'tr with 13 :05 ldt. SIOUI conllnll(>(I to hold lhe lead but could 1tt It no higher than n.1s wllh 1 :40 on !ht clock on Grf'g EMen·1 drMna layup. St~~·('ru Polnl lou1ht buck anti outtoorrd S1out 9-3 In !he ne111 thrtt minutct . ttw., las! two can1' on J erry :O.l11llon'1 tw" free throws to m11kt It 32.z,. Neither team could pick up ony more ground and the hal l end·

"'"""· -nw Pollltl'n hit S,4 p,.•r ('l'n l on u of 26 ahou: llf\d the Blue­de\111 hi! 16 of 31 lor •13 p,.•r ct'n t. Stout pulttddowt115n•­bounds 10 U lor the l'Alnlers. Pulnt ·mode 12 tumowrs white the BluedeYIIJ mode t .

Senior center Robbie Wtstph11l It'd Stt•\"t'fll Point with U point.I and 5CVl'n rebounds, hitting four o! th·e nUl'mpll lrom the floor. c~, Eblen hi t 16 and Ck>\·er 10 rorStout .

The Polntt'n hil 10 1tralght point.I , 1 the outut or lhe se .... ond hulr to take 11 6-40 lt:11d on Quinn V11ndt'n Htuvcl's lon1 jumper three minute, lnlo the hall. Stoul fought back and tlrd !he l'cOl't' ~9-49 with Eb5en hit· unc a Juml'Cr and then took the lead 5,&~lwlth 10.46 lefton Jim s.m,· th ree 1)1)int 11l11y. Boll

mmnlnc hit a drlvlna layup to lie the aame for the l1t1! llme nt 62-62 "''llh just 0\'tt four mln­Ull.'1 le ft. 11 wu nil Stout trom thll polnt 11 !he BIUNevila OUl· 1cored Polnl 15-2 !Or the win.

The Polnten 1hot 47 per c:Pnl , on 71 or 57 1hots while Stout

conn~ted on J2 of 79 !o r 41 Jl(,r tt'nt. The Bluedcvlll hP.d thfo edce In reboumls 40,..l,I while S1e­\'ln1 Point made 21 turno,"t'rs to Stout·111.

Vanden HCUV't'I led the Point. er1 with 11, 11 comlnar In the M'Cond halt . We1tphal added 16 ... ,1111, He1111tn1 ind Ken Rltzen­thaler tplppt'd In 12 and IJ , l"l'-1pee1lvely. EblPn took &•me honors with 23. CIO\'er addrd 12 and SD111s 11.

8TC\ ' t:SS l'OINT (Ml

Vanden lleuvel T. Rltunthaler K. Rll:u.-nthalc r Wcstphnl 1fe1111lng ·-­Mallon


KTOUT (11) Glo,.~r Eblt•n Pertttle Dickinson Alexa M11,;cd11ru Sallb Cape-tile Helman Tobin


rn • J

' 6

' 0 0

" '" ' • 0 I


.,. Tl' 1-2· 11 .. ' 1-1 1l •·5 16 2-4 12 .. 0 2-2 2

J0.14 " .. ,. Tl' ,_, " >1 "' .. , I .. ' .. , . .. ' .. , ll .. . .. • ,... '

IJ.,O 77

Season Statistics

An Investment for Your Future

W~tphnl all hit 8 rrnu1ren tor S1even, Polnl. Eblffl led Slll'J I ... ·Ith u, lollo•,••eod by M1aedun1: .... Ith 10 and Terry Alexa ~th ,.

Sle\·er111 Po4nl touch! bcu::k luriously In the haU by way d. better 1hootln, and • aood :zone 1>rns. Hw.1:,·er, the cloant the Pointers could gel was 73-M be,. lore once 11111n S!out took con­trol of the came.

Polnl hit on 33 ot 19 lhol.l tor 42 pt'r cent, whlle Stout connected on U ol 18 for 511 r,,rr cf'flt . Sk"I-Ut hekl Ute eodae In reboundt 51-41 •nd 1umoven 2~U.

Tom Rlt:un thaltr took •cor­ing hononl fOC" 1he Potnters hit­tin& 28, 2Q oomlna In thfl -«· ond haU. WNthp,J addN 14 ,ndiBob Jif'N1lr11 1111d J ury M11l n 10 tiplece. J::t.en led the luedev1!1 with 21, tollow­l'd by Ale1u1 with 15. Glover

Winter Sports Action

STEVENS POINT - Stevens Point Slate WAI not tl~red u110n to win the omn11Ue cham­plonshlPI In the Wl'ICOnlin State Unlver1lty Conlerence, I.Jut Poln\,.r Co,ch Dob lfonnccke had high hopes tor the third !>lace 1pot.

A month 110 lheM.' hop.-, 1uf. fcred a 5CVtre blow w~n Mike Wt'insleln fell trom the hl11h bar and ...... lo.t to r the 1e11on. Tuesday another 1trlotu b~ to lhe Polnlt'~' chances happened. All • around 11andoot Gary Schnelder fell off lhe parallt'I blln · and In.Ju~ ao ankie and 1, e:qx,cted 10 be hamperTd the! r tmalndt r o f !he aeuon.

Minus Weinstein Ind St'hJl('l· de r lhe Pointt'n .... m travel lo \Vhlt""ll~r Salurd())' lo ml'l't lhe · Warh1wks and Eau On Ire In I double dual. At the same Ume the swimming team .will mttl the 111me I\Oo'O 1chool1 In .the Whltewattr pool.

11'll' only wlntl'r s!)l)rtl learn to see action at home th l111o·eek­end ii the wreltlers and.they will race powerful Rl,-er Falll at ~ p.m. Friday In !he Berit: Cym• naslum. •

Both La Cros1e and Stout hi,ve bttn one-two In WSUC JP'mnutlcs tor aome nine yean and the Polnlt'rs ... ffl' not t11· l}('Cling lo bN!ak lhrouj:h this domlnatJon. But 111(, third IIIOI wu a realist.Jc goal. Now tha1 too seems N!mote, unll'u Wtln-1teln: from 111 injured back, and Schnekter mike unupec:led lpeedy tt'CO\'l!rll'I .

nie I\Oo·o hid domlnnu-d I h e gymn1111c pleture tor the Polnt­er1. Bolh were the leaden In aU-around comptlition. with vaullin&: and floor exerelse Hch'11peelalty.

"It 11 going to be a rough road ahead." 11ld 1-ftnnecke, "andilwlll betoughtoftndi-.... plattmt'nll for both Gary and Mike."

While the omnutlc 1quad wm haveltt hinds full with both Whitewater and Eau 011 ..... the ..,.immers IIN: no! exptC!ed lo be pushed too much by lhe Wa rhlwks Ind the B!UCQlds.

Pointer Coach Lynn "Red .. Blair, who w111 )ayed up 1lck three day1 1h11 .... eek .... 11h the nu, plans lo eon1lnue hlie shift­Inc of mtn around ln looldng tor the rl1:hl combln1Uon1 for h lie h'eestyle events and re lay.

In I double dual lul ... 'l'l'kend with LI Croue and Slout. fresh­man fl't'fttyler BUI Mehlenbeek sutferedhlsflntlossoflhese lion In an Individual evt'tl l. He wu ueond In the IOI) aplnsl LI Crone, this despite havlnr

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a better 1ime. La ero.1e w a 1 ,:lven flnl on a Judae·1 dcel­,1on.

Ther.. Is a po,ulblllty Dlalr may 1wlm Mehlenbeek ln the 50).yard lrl'l' In pl1c, or the~ or the 100. NI would be a move lo brlnir oo..-,n hll llme In the \11ter eV't'nll ,

UJ1lr h11s IJN-n 1>lenlt'd wllh the rttent pcrform11ncea o l both John Teppt'r in the :ZOO.yard backllroke ind b)' Wayne All· dersonlnthe500and l .OOO..yard fl'l't'ltyle. Tf'pl)l'r hllS tumed In 1 tlml' ol 2:12.5, while Andenon 11 credited \I.1th tlmet of S:33.l and 11 :22.0 "'lpttlvely. nicu rank II aomeol the better times In the conleN'nc~.

The Pointers IN! currenUy 4-3 In dual competlUon with a home ml'l!t neJrt week 1g1irut RIV't'r ••111 and P la ttevUle on Satur­lll11y II the J111 competition prior 10 1he confercrw::e meet at White. water or Mar. 13-14.

11,e Wl'l'lllen wlll meet th e NAIA'1 No. nine rankNi learn in Rl,,: r Fa llie on Friday. TIM! 1-~al­C'Oftl are paCN by Ken nouru ,1 JIS. He Is ooe of River F1111· all-time grealJ. He has won ovl'r ~r~111ches In his coll~11:e cu-

SEl\'lQR FORWARD Ken Ritzenthaler showed the form that made him . the mc.t accurate shooter In the conference three years in a row. Point's 0th': sen11Jr, centtt Robbie Westl}hal waits tor the rebound . Stout players pictured are (a4) Terry Aleu and Cal Glover. (Kujawski Photo)

Polnter Coach Wayne Gorell 1llan1 no drastle chances In hll roster. He ... ill go with Dick SorenM>n at 118 with a rec:ord o l 5-3: Hon Cnml)bt'.11 , 126. U: Dall! llodk~·lc:r., 134, 2-3: K,._ vln PIIU., 142, 0-3-1; Erich 0p. perman, ISO, 3+1 : Ro(ler Suhr, 1511, 4-6: Don P'OP11, 167, 4-5: Jim Notstad, 1n, S-2·1: Ji m Soboclnskl, 1!10, 2-4 : and JI m Zenlert. hc1Y)'Wl'lght, 4.ol .

River F11llie loll I narrow de­cision lo Iowa Un!YttSlty of the Bl& Ten last week, 22-12, and ire considered the tum lo benl In the· conrl'~nc(' ehamplonshlflll at River Fallie Mar. 6-1 .

Thi! SteY"enS Point buke1ball IHm wlll be In 1ctW)r\ ,Mondi)' night at Menomonie .,,,hen 11 mttll Stoul In the !Int rGUn(I of Uw, NAIA. ot.1r1c1 14 playoff : nckeu. are on sale In the Uni­versity Oenltt a t $2.50 for adulu. and SI .SO for student, with an ID. card. A 101&1 o r 250 a r c IVl/labl('.

Wfl.A Hosts Sports Day

11,e WIJ<,onsln Stall' Unlver-1lty Women·, Rl'a-l'atlon Al­i,oclatklin ii hNtlna; a ba1ketblll sl)Ortsdlty Sa1f,1rd.ay.

The lleldhoule wlU be ck»ed rom 1 1.m. until 4 p.m. lor hfl event. Thlrtl'l'n eol1cces ind

lversltln will be partlclpat· Jnr In the 1oumamen1 with •

tal of IOffll' 17'5 coUeie 11r11. Thl1 lie an aMU.I nftlt I~

IQl'ed by the W.A..R.F .CW. (WlsOOMln Alhletk and Rec­r ealion FederatJon ot Cbllese Women) ot which Stevena Polnl lie a member.


Wresilers Of The Week

J im SobociMkl 11 a aophomotl! from South Mllwauke,e, La1t year Jim finllhed Keond In the WSUC ... n"1Ulng toum11ment Al 111 pounds. This year J im .... .ti \Jl('llglble !Or thc , tlrr; I ll'metter and cnme back to wrestle In the btavywright and 190 pound dlvilloru: . Jim wttslled at 111 for the nrst lime this )'t,ar Sa1-urday aaalnlt the Unlver1i1y ol Wl5con,Jn-MllwnukNtondca,·e the Pointer, threc_o o( UM",ir point• In a :ZS.U defeal.

Dirk St>renson II a 118 poun:! IOpho~ from StUf'll'Orl Bay. 1lW! Potntcnlolll lollllnol1Stnte · S11turday 2S--S Ind Dirk WIii the only Pointer to record a vtc­lory. Eric {)ppr:rman Ibo dnw atlSOforthePoln1.


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Tankers Win Two · In Double Duel

1be Pointer swimming team d(,fe.tNi Eau Claire ,.._11 and Whltl!Watol"r70.ol3 at Wh)IC!Wllter ) 'rldny. Stevl'fll Point had no 1roWle 10o1rutlni aJI 13 events • aainlt Eau OalTe and f'l&:ht 1guln11Whl1ew1ttt.

John Tepper ll't I n('W 200 yard backstroke n'cord tor the Wh\t""11ler1J00lln2 :12.6.Sar­lng double wln1 tor the Point· cr1 were !he 400 yard tree relay team, TepJ)ol"r, W1yne A.ndcnon, Doug E\-ers and Larey Ed­wards. mu Mehlenbeck won lour e\-en11 and Morie K:lusaUk thtt,e , sc..,._ Pol1t1tt.t:...Oa1ren

400 medley relay - SteYCnS Pulnl. T---C:03.1.

1000 frtt1tyle - I. Anderson ISP), 2. Ro~a ISP), 3. Gon­mle;r. (EO, T-11~4.L

200 lrffltyle - 1. .Mehlen­beck ISPI . 2. Schutten CSP), 3. Brookl CEO. T-1 :56.5.

SO lreatyle - 1. Po,:t'll (SP), 2. McNc-cr (SP I, l . Callee (ECl. T- RO. 3Xl ltldlvldual medley - 1.

Ma.au ISP), 2. Fenberc IECI. l . MO)·er(SP). T-2:n .s.

One- m1i1er diving: - 1: Kau­sallk (SP), 2. Pentek (SPI, 3. )Tiedrtchl (EC).

200 bunfflly - 1. Schu1ten ISP), 2,. Ma111 (SP), T-2 ::29.3.

100 freestyle - 1. Mt,hlen­bcek ISP), 2. McNl't'r CSP), 3. Calles (Eel, T-:51.2,

200 backstroke - 1. Tepper ISP). 2. Sc"-n&:el ISP), 3. Gtlnzoln (EC), T-2:12.&.

500 bttutslt'Ob - 1. Even ISP). 2. Anderson (SP), 3. 8l"OOQ IEC) , T-S :30 .

3 meter dlvtna: - 1. Kauaa.llk (SP), 2. f'riednchs (EC).

400 11ft ~lay - 1. Steven, Poln1, T-J:Jl.O.

. Ste~·_,, )'olnl ,t, WkllN"wr U «)I) med!~)' rt'lay - I • 'bl!t,

waler, T-1:01.9 1000 trees1yll! - t Andmt:I

(SP), 2. Ro,a11 (SP/, l Wint ISP J. T- U :2U.

200 frttstyle - I )!dllm. beck tSP), 2. Schut tm 1SP1.l lbomJ)IOn lWI, T-1.Si.S

SO tree1l)'lc - 1. Zahaur tlf• 2. Paa:ell ISP), J. Mc~ttr !SP• T-:23.6. •

200 individual medley' - I 111111 (WI, 2. Ma1u iSPt, J. Meyer ISP) . T- 2169

One meter dMng - l Ptr.> lttW (WI. 2. Kau,aUk tSP•.1 Herman (WI .

200 bunerlly - 1. ~ (W),2. Schutt~ ISPl.l CXtlS IWI.T-2:26~

100 frttstyle - 1 Mt'hlffibtd (SPJ. 2. Herrlnglon ,wt. l. ~ Neer (SP), T- :51:?

200 backltroke - l. Tt;:;'C!' tSP), 2. Schwt>ni:e l ts r,.l )U.

le~~~:;;1!·::·'i E\TrJ !SPI 2. Andcnori tSPl, 3. P~

(~ T;;!!i:trokt' - I f> wanu ISP) , :? Z1m, {V.l l

z.:~:: ri:-~~:?9~ I Ki ~ CSP). 2. Pe11lrrtvo· 1W1.1 NII'· man (Wl .

400 frtt1tyltowby I ~ en, Point. T-3:31 O

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