'Hari- parathara-’- Sarvatobhadra Chakra

'Hari: parathara:’ Lord Narayana is the supreme “A child is born on that day and at that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with his individual karma.” Your Horoscope or Natal Chart cannot be read by computers. No computers reading should be used. Yes, computers are used to CALCULATE the mathematics & saves time to prepare full length Horoscopes but for interpritation one must require Knowledge, Suddhi, Satvikta, Intuation & Spiritual Power. "It is the theory that decides what we can observe." ~ Albert Einstein Gem Stone Guide: http://www.gemstones-guide.com/ 'Hari: parathara:’: Sarvatobhadra Chakra http://achyuta-paramatma.blogspot.in/2011/04/sarvatobhadra-chakra.html 1 of 16 22/12/2013 6:52 PM



Transcript of 'Hari- parathara-’- Sarvatobhadra Chakra

  • 'Hari: parathara:Lord Narayana is the supreme

    A child is born on that day and at that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with his

    individual karma.

    Your Horoscope or Natal Chart cannot be read by computers. No computers reading should be used. Yes, computers are

    used to CALCULATE the mathematics & saves time to prepare full length Horoscopes but for interpritation one must

    require Knowledge, Suddhi, Satvikta, Intuation & Spiritual Power.

    "It is the theory that decides what we can observe." ~ Albert Einstein

    Gem Stone Guide: http://www.gemstones-guide.com/

    'Hari: parathara:: Sarvatobhadra Chakra http://achyuta-paramatma.blogspot.in/2011/04/sarvatobhadra-chakra.html

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  • F R I D A Y, A P R I L 1 5 , 2 0 1 1

    Sarvatobhadra Chakra


    Sarvatobhadra Chakra is a tool used as part of Transit of Planets. The

    term Savatobhadra means overall auspiciousness (sarva- overall;

    bhadra- auspiciousness) and takes into consideration almost all factors

    in vedic atrology viz., the 28 nakshatras, the 12 signs, the 30 tithis, the

    7 weekdays and the 50 aksharas (Sankrit Alphabets) and hence can be

    used for variety of analysis of planetary transits. Although the prime

    focus here is analysis of transits, this can also be used for natal

    horoscope, dasa analysis etc.

    This chart contains 9*9 = 81 boxes containing the nakshatras, signs,

    tithis, weekdays or the aksharas. For reference purpose I have given the

    names to the column from 1 to 9 and that to the rows as A to I,

    although this is not done in the astrological texts and other astrologers.

    I find giving names to the rows and columns will make it easier to refer

    to a particular boxes. In subsequent article, the boxes will be referred

    as A1 (row A, column 1), I9 (row I, column 9) etc.


    The concept of vedha is very important in transit analysis. We can

    encounter this concept while studying transits of planets from natal



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  • Moon and hence its understanding is vital in any studies of transits.

    Vedha means to pierce and hence can means the power of a planet to

    influence a favourable or unfavourable result. While in normal transits

    of planets, vedha of other planets can nulify the benefic or malefic

    influences, in Sarvatobhadra Chakra, the Vedha shows the influence of

    transiting (or natal) planets on various nakshtras, signs, tithis, aksharas

    etc. The vedha of benefics are considered to be favouable and that of

    malefics are considered as unfavourable. The influence is stronger if

    they are exalted and retrograde while weaker if they are debilitated.

    2.1. TYPES OF VEDHA:

    There are three types of vedha:

    1. Across vedha: When seen from a transiting planet, the bodies falling

    across in the Sarvatobhadra chakra comes under vedha from the said

    planet. Thus when the planets transit on the nakshatra in the left wall

    of the chakra, the across vedha will be on the nakshatras (and bodies)

    towards the right and vice versa. Similarly when the planets transit the

    nakshatras on the upper wall of the chart, the accross vedha will be

    downward. This vedha is more effective if the planets are in normal

    motion or stationary.

    2. Fore vedha: When seen from a transiting planet, the bodies falling in

    the diagonal seen in clockwise (zodiacal) direction are under fore vedha.

    This vedha becomes effective when the planets are moving fast. This

    vedha is always more important for the Lumineries, whose motion is

    always in forward direction.

    3. Hind (rear) vedha: When seen from the transiting planet, the bodies

    falling in the diagonal seen in anticlockwise (antizodiacal) direction are

    under hind vedha. This vedha becomes effective when the planets are in

    retrograde motion, as their sight is backward. This vedha is always

    effective for the nodes since they always move in retrograde motion.

    We have seen that that the impact of the vedha in one of the direction

    is dependent on the motion of the 5 planets, excluding the luminaries

    and the nodes. When the planets are stationary or moving in normal

    pace, the across vedha is more effective than others and when moving

    in faster motion or retrogression, fore or hind vedha becomes effective

    respectively. Since the Luminaries always move in forward direction, the

    fore vedha is always effective, while rear vedha is always ineffective.

    Similarly, since the nodes are always in retrograde motions, the hind

    vedha is always effective and fore vedha is always ineffective.


    In this illustration, lets see the planets Mars and Mercury causing vedha

    to which bodies. The bodies highlighted in yellow colour are having

    Accross Vedha while those highlighted in green are having Fore

    Vedha and those highlighted by purple are having Hind Vedha from

    the said planets i.e., Mars and Mercury. Since in the accross Vedha, the

    vedha to the nakshatra is the most important, we shall only consider

    Ashwini as receiving Vedha and ignore other bodies such as the aksharas

    (ma, l. etc) and the signs (Cancer, Gemini, Taurus).


    When a transiting planet is in last quarter of the nakshatra preceding

    the corner or the 1st quarter of the nakshatra succeeding the corner, in

    addition to the normal vedhas, they also cause vedha to the diagonal

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  • crossing the Purna Tithi and all the bodies falling in that diagonal as

    well as all the vowels in the corner.

    Thus this specific condition is met when a planet transits through last

    pada of Bharani, Aslesha, Vishakha and Sravana and the 1st pada of

    Krittika, Magha, Anurdha and Dhanistha.


    Counted from the Janma Nakshatra (Moons Asterism) certain

    nakshatras becomes important for judgement of certain aspect of an

    event or life. These special nakstras are also important in other areas of

    transits such as Navatara chakra hence their understanding is extremely

    important for understranding not only Sarvatobhadra Chakras, but also

    other areas of trasits as well. The nakshatras are as follows:


    Shannadi is derived from Shad-Nadi means 6 nadis. Nadis generally

    mean sensitive or vital points in a body (physical or symbolic) and

    signify the energy centers in the body which has substantial control over

    the body in various areas. The Shannadi group of nakshatras counted

    from Moon, are as follows:

    1. 1st Nakshatra : Janma Nadi

    2. 10th Nakshatra: Karma Nadi

    3. 16th Nakshatra: Sanghatika Nadi

    4. 18th Nakshatra: Samudayika Nadi

    5. 23th Nakshatra: Vainashika Nadi

    6. 25th Nakshatra: Manas Nadi

    Janma Nadi: This is the Moons nakshatra and is also called the Janma

    Tara (in navatara scheme) or Janmarksha or Janmabha. This is the most

    important nakshatra in any natal or transit analysis as it houses the

    Moon. It is said that the karaka for human life is Moon and hence very

    important for human birth and also it is the prime sustrainer in this

    virtual world. The body is fine and healthy as long as the Mind (signified

    by Moon) relishes the stay in this world and it weathers away when the

    Mind has no more need to sustain. It is said that the when the Mind

    stops relishing the experiences (good or bad) in this world, there is no

    more attraction for the soul to re-incarnate and the body is out of the

    bondage. From the brief description of the nakshatra and its strong

    association with Moon, we understand that the overall experience,

    sustenance in this world depends on the influences on the Janma Nadi.

    Karma Nadi: There is a strong association of number 10th with the

    karma which we are supposed to do to fulfil the mission for which we

    have taken birth. In the rasi chart, the 10th house is also the house of

    Karma and in the scheme of Nakshatra, the 10th Nakshatra from the

    Moon is also associated with Karma. The influences on this nakshatra

    will determine the access to various resources which the native can use

    in fulfilling his work and how easily (or otherwise) the native will attain

    the results of his work. This nakshatra becomes very important in

    muhurthas related to profession or business, which involves realisation

    of an objective.

    Sanghatika Nadi: This means Danger. As the name suggests, this

    nakshatras has a strong bearing on the risks the native faces in fulfilling

    an objective. An example of risks could be accepting an unfavourable

    alliance or partnership with someone due to financial constrains etc.

    Samudayika Nadi: This means environment. As the name suggests this

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  • nadi indicate the support the native is going to get from the

    environment etc. For example, whether the environment is going to be

    supportive or hostile to the native or an business enterprise (in mundane

    astrology) is seen from this nakstra.

    Vainashika Nadi: Vinash means destruction. As the name suggests this

    nakshatra has a strong bearing on the ways and menthods which can

    cause destruction or trouble to the wellbeing of the native or the event

    under consideration. In the analysis of business enterprise, this has a

    strong say on the associates, friends and the partners.

    Manasa Nadi: Manasa means the state of the mind. Thus, as the name

    suggests the nakshatra has a strong bearing on the state of mind of the

    native at any point of time, based on the planetary transits. In mundate

    astrology, it can represent the state of the mind of people involved such

    as how peaceful or how agitated they are.


    Other than the 6 nakshtras of the Shannadi group, there are other

    nakshatras which play a key role in the transit analysis. They are give

    below with their position from the Moon in brackets:

    1. Sampat Nakshatra (2): This is the nakshatras of wealth and assets.

    In mundane astrology, this has a strong bearing on the net wealth or

    other current or fixed assets that are created/ generated in the event

    under consideration. In the annual horoscopy of the nations, this

    nakshatra can indicate the GDP and GNP of the nation generated in the

    year under consideration and similarly in a business enterprise this can

    show the net revenue/ assets of the company acquired.

    2. Adhana Nakshatra (19): Adhana means conception. To understand

    the role of this nakshatra in transit analysis, we need to understand

    what happens in conception. During conception, the fertilized egg

    embeds itself to the wall of the uterus of the mother, which nourishes

    till delivery of child. Thus this nakshatra has a strong bearing on the

    place of activity and how well the place supports the native or the

    event (in mundane astrology). This nakshatra has a strong bearing on

    whether the native will be comfortable or successful in his homeland or

    abroad. While benefic influences would make the native stay in his

    homeland, malefic influences will make him move away.

    3. Jati Nakshatra (26): Jati means community. This nakshatra not only

    indicate the relationshio of the native with his family members,

    relatives and friends, but also how well the native will be supported by

    his fellow community members. In a business enterprise, this indicate

    the relationship between the employer and employees and among the

    employees; such as how harmonious they are and how well they support

    the business bottomline.

    4. Desha Nakshatra (27): Desha means country. This nakshatra is

    specifically important in mundane astrology and it signifies how well

    the government support an enterprise of a community such as a political

    party. This nakshatra also assumes great importance in the horoscopy of

    national figures and leaders and signify the support they receive from

    their government. Thus is a leader is sent to exile, this nakshatra is the

    key to look for.

    5. Abhisheka Nakshatra (28): Abisheka means coronations. As the name

    suggests, this nakshatra is important in mundane astrology which deals

    with areas related to leadership such as political astrology or business

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  • leadership (CXOs positions). In general this nakshatra show the amount

    of influence, dominance and control the native has over others. This

    also indicate how much freedom the native has and how well the he

    enjoys the work, such that he becomes his own boss in that context.

    When there are negetive influences on this nakshatra, this can show fall

    from power, bondage and exile as well.


    The trishula nakshatras are specifically important for the matters of

    longevity and dealth and is a group of 4 nakshatras counted from Suns

    nakshatra which form the Trishula or the Trident of lord Shiva.

    Mythologically, Shiva is the lord of death and annihilation among the

    three divine principles causing birth, sustenance and destructions. It is

    said that the Trident in the hand of lord Shiva symbolises his power to

    destroy and hence in astrology things named after Trishula or Shula

    signify death and annihilation. The three nakshatras which are

    important in this context are 1st, 9th, 15th and 21st counted from Sun.


    There are yet another group of 8 nakshatras counted from Sun whose

    primary purpose is to cause obstacles and troubles. They are:

    1. 5th nakshatra: Vidyunmukha (mouth of lightning)

    2. 8th nakshatra: Shula (sharp and piercing)

    3. 14th nakshatra: Sannipata (trouble creator like Saturn)

    4. 18th nakshatra: Ketu (unpredictable)

    5. 21st nakshatra: Ulka (fireball)

    6. 22nd nakshatra: Kampa (shiver)

    7. 23rd nakshatra: Vajraka (lighning)

    8. 24th nakshatra: Nirghata (deadly)

    While Malefic influences on these nakshatra can cause obstacles and

    troubles in ways related to the nakshatra as well as the planets

    involved; benefics influencing the nakshatras shall alleviate the




    Effect of various planets on the said nakshatras will give specific results

    related to the nature of planets under consideration. While influences of

    benefics enhance good fortune, influences of malefics cause suffering

    and destruction. In this context the benefics are Jupiter, Venus, well

    associated Mercury and strong Moon and malefics are Saturn, Rahu,

    Mars and Ketu and the Sun. Association of Mercury with Saturn and Rahu

    makes it extremely diabolical while association of Sun and Mars makes

    it only mildly malefic. Similarly dark Moon from Krsna Chaturdasi to

    Shukla Pratipada is quite malefic while from Shukla Dvitiya to Shukla

    Ashtami and Krsna Ashtami to Krshna Trayodashi are mildly malefic.

    The specific effect of planets are as follows:

    1. Sun: Misunderstanding and ego related problems

    2. Moon: Pleasent happenings if strong and vice-versa

    3. Mars: Loss of wealth

    4. Mercury: Learning and efficiency at work

    5. Jupiter: Overall prosperity and wellbeing

    6. Venus: Sexual enjoyment and entertainment

    7. Saturn: Sickness

    8. Rahu: Deception and cheating

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  • 9. Ketu: Accidents and sudden happenings


    Based on the diginity of the planets causing vedha, the influence will be

    modified in the following way:

    1. Exaltation: 3 times

    2. Retrogression: 2 times

    3. Debilitation: 1/2 times

    4. Other dignity: 1 times (normal)

    If a malefic planets gets exalted or retrograde, the it becomes

    extremely malefic. Thus it is desirable to have benefics are retrograde

    or exalted and malefics as debilitated.

    5. Effect of Vedha on Different Elements:

    Although we have only discussed on the vedha of planets on the vital

    nakshatras, it is important to note the vedha on various other elements

    of the sarvatobhadra chakra viz., the akshara, tithi vara etc. Each

    element governs over various areas of life as used in the judgement of

    panchanga. In addition to the janma and other vital nakshatra, natives

    janma tithi, vara, rasi and akshara can also be noted. Benefic and

    malefic vedha on these elements will have good or bad impacts on

    different areas of life as mentioned below:

    1. Vara (weekday): The weekday lord governs over the life force of the

    native. A strong weekday lord gives good health and faster recovery

    from diseases and health disorders, while weak weekday lord fails to do

    so. Applying this principle in Sarvatobhadra chakra, we can say that

    malefic vedha on the Janma vara (the day on which the person is born)

    can have negative impact on the natives health and vice-versa.

    2. Akshara (Alphabet): Like Moon, the akshara is also related to

    sustenance of the native in this world, while Moon sustains by giving

    comfort and good living condition, the name sustains by giving a

    favourable image. Thus if there are malefic vedhas to the 1st akshara of

    the name, the natives image may suffer and vice-versa.

    3. Tithi (Lunar day): In the Panchanga scheme, Tithi rules over

    prosperity and has a strong say on the finances in addition to the overall

    comfort and well being. Using the same principle here, if there are

    malefic vedha on the natives janma tithi, the native will face financial

    troubles as well as general lack of comfort. The tithis are grouped into

    5 groups viz.,

    i. Nanda : Pratipad, Shasthi, Ekadasi

    ii. Bhadra : Dvitiya, Saptami, Dvadasi

    iii. Jaya : Tritiya, Astami, Trayodasi

    iv. Rikta : Chaturthi, Navami, Chaturdasi

    v. Purna : Panchami, Dasami, Purnima, Amavasya

    Malefic vedha on the Purna Tithi in the muhurtha chart of an ailing

    person can show death.

    4. Rasi (Sign): The rasi governs over all the resources which we get

    from the mother nature. Thus the vedha on the rasi would show

    accessibility to various resoures. In addition, the Janma Rasi has a

    strong bearing on the health of the native while the Janma Lagna has a

    strong bearing on his intellectual faculty. Thus malefic vedha on the

    Janma rasi can cause heath troubles while that on the Janma Lagna can

    show incorrect application of intelligence and incorrect decision making.

    This can also be used in conjunction to the natal chart. In the natal

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  • chart, each sign will be associated with a particular house. Malefic

    vedha on a sign can trouble the associated house. If there are

    inauspicious yogas in a particular house, malefic vedha on that sign can

    aggravate it further, while benefic vedha can alleviate the trouble to

    certain extent. Similarly a favourable yoga can be stunted during a

    particular period if there are malefic vedha on the associated sign and

    the yoga can flourish under benefic vedha.


    The dasa and antardasa of the planets involved in inauspicious yoga in

    the horoscope can cause tremendous suffering, if both of them

    simultaneously cause vedha to a vital nakshatra in the area related to

    the nakshatra. One has to judge the result based on functional and

    natural nature of the planets involved as well as the yoga they form in

    the natal chart. The adverse yogas give the adverse results during

    infavourable transits and hence one has to watch out the transiting

    dasa, antardasa lord not only with respect to normal transits but also

    from the viewpoint of sarvatobhadra chakra.

    Similarly dasa, antar of benefic planets can give their benefic results

    when they have benefic vedha on some vital nakshatras. Based on the

    functional nature of the planets and the yoga they form one among the

    mentioned vital nakshatra would become more important and a wise

    astrologer should ascertain that vital nakshatra before pronouncing the

    results. For example, for the matter of yogas related to power, status

    and fame, abhisheka nakshatra becomes extremely important. If the

    planets contributing to the yoga simultaneously have vedha on the

    abhisheka nakshatra during their periods and sub-periods, it can be

    predicted that the yoga will fructify.

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    'Hari: parathara:: Sarvatobhadra Chakra http://achyuta-paramatma.blogspot.in/2011/04/sarvatobhadra-chakra.html

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    'Hari: parathara:: Sarvatobhadra Chakra http://achyuta-paramatma.blogspot.in/2011/04/sarvatobhadra-chakra.html

    15 of 16 22/12/2013 6:52 PM

  • Current Planetary PositionsAyanamsha(Lahiri/Chitrapaksha)

    Planets Degrees Nakshatra Sun 06-Sag-48-06" Mula Moon 02-Leo-57-18" Magha Mars 13-Vir-14-24" Hasta Mercury 03-Sag-00-05" Mula Jupiter 23-Gem-17-47" R Punarvasu Venus 04-Cap-55-17" R U.shada Saturn 25-Lib-24-17" Vishaakha Rahu 10-Lib-42-58" R Svaati Ketu 10-Ari-42-58" R Ashvini Powered by mypanchang.com

    PanchangTime: 18:49 Date: 22 Dec 2013

    Moon: 2 57'9" SimhaDay: Sunday

    Tithi: 20. PanchamiFrm: 22.12.2013 00:52 To: 23.12.2013 03:14

    Nakshtram: 10. MakhaFrm:22.12.2013 12:53 To: 23.12.2013 15:33

    Karanam: 4. TaitulaFrm: 22.12.2013 14:05 To: 23.12.2013 03:14

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    Sun, moon and planets

    Sun: in Sagittarius, near the wintersolstice (northern hemisphere), or

    the summer solstice (southern


    Moon: moving through Leo, disc is 77%

    illuminated (waning gibbous),visible in the sky before sunrise.

    Mercury: in Sagittarius, probably too close to

    the Sun to be seen, magnitude -0.9.

    Venus: in Sagittarius, visible in the western

    sky after sunset, magnitude -4.6.

    Mars: in Virgo, visible in the sky beforesunrise, magnitude 0.5.

    Jupiter: in Gemini, visible in the sky before

    sunrise and for most of the night,

    magnitude -2.7.

    Saturn: in Libra, visible in the eastern skybefore sunrise, magnitude 1.2.

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    'Hari: parathara:: Sarvatobhadra Chakra http://achyuta-paramatma.blogspot.in/2011/04/sarvatobhadra-chakra.html

    16 of 16 22/12/2013 6:52 PM