Happy Hips and Hammies 30 Day Flexibility Challenge

Happy Hips and Hammies 30 Day Flexibility Challenge Why join this challenge? Due to our modern, somewhat sedentary lifestyles, most of us sit far more then we should do. Office based jobs, long commutes and hour’s binge watching our favourite tv shows can lead to muscle weakness as well as postural changes to the body. Too much sitting can cause your hip flexors to shorten (the muscles that allow you to move your leg or knee up towards your torso, as well as to bend your torso forward at the hip.). This in turn has an effect on the posterior chain (hamstring and glutes), and can lead muscle imbalances, tight muscles, increased change of injury as well as lower back and knee pain. Symptoms of tight hips and hamstrings: Pain and discomfort from tight hips is normally felt in the upper groin area. You may also experience lower back pain or hamstring strains. Tight hips often lead to issues in the low back, knees, and sacroiliac joints. Tight hamstrings reduce the mobility of the pelvis, which can put pressure on the lower back. Benefits of the challenge: Increasing flexibility will assist with day to day tasks – walking, climbing stairs Prevents injuries - Keeping the hamstrings loose will lower the chance of straining or tearing the muscle fibers during strenuous physical activities, such as running. Improving posture When the hamstrings are too tight, the muscles rotate the pelvis backward. This can flatten the natural arch in the back, which can cause poor seated and standing posture. Keeping the hamstrings loose can help people sit straighter and stand taller. Improving hip mobility not only increases athletic performance, but can also help prevent lower back pain or injury. Hip flexibility postures have also been shown to help with stress relief and anxiety!

Transcript of Happy Hips and Hammies 30 Day Flexibility Challenge

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Happy Hips and Hammies 30 Day Flexibility Challenge

Why join this challenge?

Due to our modern, somewhat sedentary lifestyles, most of us sit far more then we should do. Office

based jobs, long commutes and hour’s binge watching our favourite tv shows can lead to muscle

weakness as well as postural changes to the body.

Too much sitting can cause your hip flexors to shorten (the muscles that allow you to move your leg

or knee up towards your torso, as well as to bend your torso forward at the hip.). This in turn has an

effect on the posterior chain (hamstring and glutes), and can lead muscle imbalances, tight muscles,

increased change of injury as well as lower back and knee pain.

Symptoms of tight hips and hamstrings:

Pain and discomfort from tight hips is normally felt in the upper groin area. You may also

experience lower back pain or hamstring strains. Tight hips often lead to issues in the low back,

knees, and sacroiliac joints.

Tight hamstrings reduce the mobility of the pelvis, which can put pressure on the lower back.

Benefits of the challenge:

Increasing flexibility will assist with day to day tasks – walking, climbing stairs

Prevents injuries - Keeping the hamstrings loose will lower the chance of straining or tearing the

muscle fibers during strenuous physical activities, such as running.

Improving posture

When the hamstrings are too tight, the muscles rotate the pelvis backward. This can flatten the

natural arch in the back, which can cause poor seated and standing posture. Keeping the hamstrings

loose can help people sit straighter and stand taller.

Improving hip mobility not only increases athletic performance, but can also help prevent lower back

pain or injury.

Hip flexibility postures have also been shown to help with stress relief and anxiety!

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How the challenge works:

This challenge is free of charge. It is done in your own time from the comfort of your own home or at


All you need to do for this challenge is:

Dedicate 10 minutes every day to improving your hamstring and hip flexibility.

Take a before and after picture so you can compare your improvements!

A mat, yoga block and strap – if you don’t have then just be a bit creative - use a carpet, firm

pillow and belt (or even a dressing gown strap)

The challenge consists of 4 foundational stretches that are to be done every day. In addition to the

foundational stretches, one new stretch will be done every day. For example on day 4 you would do

the 4 foundational stretches plus day 4’s stretch. On day 10 you would do the 4 foundational

stretches plus day 10’s stretch (you do not have to do all the preceding day’s stretches- just the day

you are on).

Important note: You must be warm to stretch! Stretching with cold muscles can lead to injuries. Its

best to stretch after your workout or to do a 5 – 10 minute low intensity warm up beforehand. You

can also stretch after a hot bath when the muscles are warm.

Examples of warm ups: skipping, jogging on the spot, going for a brisk walk (bonus you get a bit or

cardio in for the day!).

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The foundational Stretches: Perform every day. Hold for at least 30 seconds per side.

These are to be performed every day for the 30 days.

Low Lunge:

Step your right foot in between your hands, drop your left knee and release your back foot. Come up

and rest both hands on your front thigh. Relax into the pose.

Check that your front knee is directly over your front ankle. And draw your lower abs in to protect

your lower back.

You can put a cushion under your back knee or fold the matt double if there is any discomfort in the


Avoid Low Lunge if you have an ankle, knee or hip injury

Half split

From low lunge, bring weigh back and flex your front foot. Square your hips with the mat and fold

forward. (Don’t drop weight onto back foot).

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A block under each hand can help to reduce the pressure on your lower back. You can also put

a blanket under your knee.

Avoid half split if you have a knee or lower back injury

Figure 4 stretch:

Lie on your back. Cross your left foot over your right quad, and bend your right knee.

Hold the back of your right leg and gently pull it toward your chest. Try to keep both feet flexed.

Relax head and shoulders onto mat.

Supine hamstring stretch

Begin by lying on the back, legs extended and chin tucked in. Place the strap to the arch of the right

foot. Inhale and slowly raise the right foot up towards the sky keeping the left leg and hip connected

down towards the floor. Grip the strap with both hands and only go to the point where you feel the

first initial stretch in the hamstrings. Flex the left foot and contract the quadriceps muscles.

Additional stretches:

Only to be performed on the day (unless you love them, then include as part of your foundational

stretches) or if you missed the stretch, add it to the next day.

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Day 4. Rag Doll:

Stand with your feet hip width apart, toes pointing forward. Inhale, bring your hands to your hips.

Exhale, micro-bend your knees and hinge forward from the hips with a flat back. Cross your arms

and hold onto opposite elbows.

Check that your knees point straight ahead and that your thighs are parallel. Sway gently from side

to side. If you have tight hamstrings, keep your knees bent to avoid straining your lower back. If that

still feels like a lot of pressure at your lower back, rest your hands on a block to support the weight

of your upper body.

Avoid if you have back injuries.

Day 5. Pyramid pose:

From a standing position, step the inside of your left foot directly behind your right foot about 3.5- 4

feet, back foot is angled at 45-60 degrees. As you inhale reach both arms high overhead, lengthening

your spine. As you exhale slowly reach hands down to shin or, if you are able, the floor. You can

slightly bend the front knee if needed. You can also rest the hands onto blocks. Let your chest rest

over your front leg and relax the back of your neck. Breath slowly as you stretch your hamstring.

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Day 6. Downward Dog

From a high plan position, pull hips back to create an upside down triangle.

Spread your fingers wide and press your palms evenly into the mat—index fingers point straight

ahead. Try to straighten your elbows and allow your head to hang naturally between your arms.

Rotate your upper arms outwards to feel a broadening across your upper back. Lift the weight up

out of your wrists by drawing your shoulders up and back. Check that both knees point straight

ahead and do not fall in towards each other. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart—ankles point

straight back. Knees can be as bent as needed. The aim is for a straight back.

Day 6 Downward Dog hip opener

Inhale, sweep your left leg up to the sky. Exhale, bend your left knee and let your left foot drop back

behind you. You can bend your supporting leg as much as you need to.

Avoid Downward Dog if you have a wrist, shoulder, ankle or foot injury

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Day 7. Wide legged forward fold:

Step your feet out wide and make feet parallel.

Bring your hands to your hips. Inhale, lengthen your spine. Exhale, fold forward from the hips with a

flat back. Bring your hands to the mat or cross your arms and hold onto opposite elbows. You can

bend your knees as much as you need to in order to reduce the pressure on your lower back. You

can also have your hands on blocks.

Avoid Wide-Legged Forward Bend if you have a groin or lower back injury.

Day 8. Pigeon Pose

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From Downward dog, inhale, sweep your left leg up to the sky. Exhale, bring your left knee forward,

place it on the mat behind your left wrist and position your left foot underneath your right hip.

Release your back foot and slide it back.

If your hips are not level, you can support the hip of your bent leg on a block. Either stay here or take

the pose further - press into your fingertips to lengthen your spine. Exhale, walk your hands forward

and come down onto your forearms.

Avoid Pigeon pose if you have a knee, hip or foot injury.

Day 9. Tree Pose

Stand with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing straight ahead. Distribute your weight evenly.

Shift your weight into your left foot and place the sole of your right foot as high as you can on your

left inner thigh, toes pointing straight down. It is crucial that your foot rests above or below and

not on your knee, as your knee is not designed to bend laterally. On an inhalation, sweep your arms

out and up overhead and reach up through your fingertips. Exhale, relax your shoulders away from

your ears. You can bring the palms of your hands together or keep them shoulder-width apart.

Check that your hips point straight ahead and look at a point at eye-line that isn’t moving to help you

keep your balance. Press down evenly through all 4 corners of your left foot and lift from the arch of

your foot all the way up to your groin. Press your left thigh towards the sole of your right foot, lightly

engage your core and lengthen your spine. Be careful not to hyper-extend the knee of your standing


If you can’t bring your foot all the way up to your inner thigh, you can rest it on the inside of

your ankle or lower leg.

Avoid Tree pose if you have a foot, knee or hip injury.

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10. Bound Angle Pose

From a seated position, bring the soles of your feet together in the shape of a diamond and let your

knees relax down towards the mat. Inhale, sit up tall. Exhale, hold onto the feet and pull chest

through arms keeping back straight. Work knees down towards the mat.

Avoid if you knee, groin or lower back injury.

Day 11. Lizard stretch

From Downward dog, take a deep breath in. Exhale, step your right foot to the outside of your right

hand. Drop your left knee, release your back foot and slide it back. Relax into the stretch. You can

bring both hands to blocks if your hips are tight. If you have the flexibility in your hips, you can come

down onto your forearms and interlace your fingers.

If this is too intense, you can rest your forearms on a block.

Avoid Lizard pose if you have a knee, hip or lower back injury.

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Day 12: Seated head to knee pose

Sit with the legs outstretched in front of you in staff pose. Bend your right knee and place the right

foot against the left inner thigh, relaxing the knee down.

As you inhale, flex the left foot, press the top of the thigh down, lengthen the spine and raise your

arms either side of your head.

Rotate your upper body slightly so you are facing the left leg and then fold forward from the hips as

you exhale.

Keep your spine long, chest open and shoulders relaxed.

Place your hands down, framing your left leg, or take hold of your ankle or foot. You can also use a

strap - place it around the bottom of the arch of your extended leg. Hold one side of the strap in

each hand, fold only as far as comfortable, keeping length in spine.

Day 13: Lunge with side bend

From a low lunge with right leg forward bent at 90 degrees, place the right hand down alongside the

hip or on a block out to the side. Keep the left hand reaching high up overhead and lean over toward

the right side as you continue lengthening in your lunge pose.

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Day 14: Standing wide legged forward fold with arms overhead

Stand with your feet about three to four feet apart. Engage your abs by drawing your navel toward

your spine.

Interlace your fingers behind you. If you can, press the heels of your palms together in a double fist.

Actively pull your hands away from your shoulders to increase the stretch in your chest.

Fold forward as you lift the arms overhead. Reach the top of your head toward the floor to lengthen

the spine.

Knees can be bent as needed. If this posture is too intense, release hands and place onto mat or

onto block.

Day 15 Standing figure 4 pose

Start in mountain pose – feet under hips, core active, shoulders back and down. Keeping your core

strong, lift your left foot away from the mat, and place your left ankle on top of your right thigh, just

about your knee.

Begin to draw your weight back into your right heel.

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Keep your hips level and slowly sit back further while also lifting your torso.

You can keep your hands at the chest or place one on your lifted knee and the other on your ankle,

gently pressing open. If you struggle with balance, do this stretch next to a wall. This stretch can also

be done seated in a chair.

Day 16 Seated forward bend

Begin by coming to sit in staff with your legs straight in front of your body.

Bring your arms up over your head, reaching toward the ceiling.

Inhale and draw your spine up long.

As you exhale, begin to come forward, hinging at your hips.

On each inhale, lengthen your spine. On each exhale, deepen into your forward bend. Imagine your

belly coming to rest on your thighs, rather than your nose coming to your knees. This will help you

keep your spine long.

Keep the neck as the natural extension of your spine, neither cranking it to look up nor letting it go


When you have come to your full extension with the spine long, decide whether you want to stay

here or let your spine round forward.

Take hold of your ankles or shins, whichever you can reach. You can also use a strap around your

feet. Keep your feet flexed strongly throughout.

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Day 17 Standing forward fold hands to big toe

Begin in mountain pose, feet hip distance apart. Bring your hands to your hips and lift up and out

of your chest. Exhale and fold forward from your hip creases. Grab your big toes with the index

and middle fingers of each hand. Inhale and lengthen your spine. Exhale and fold forward

engaging your quads and shifting your weight forward until your hips are over your heels. Relax

your spine, release your head, and breathe freely into your back body.

To make this a dynamic movement, use the inhalation to come into a half way lift, and the

exhalation to fold forward, each time trying to soften further in your forward fold. Do 5 – 10

Day 18 Lizard stretch with quad stretch

From Downward Facing Dog, step right foot to outside of right hand, in line with the shoulder.

Drop back leg and flatten toes. Let hips settle forward and down coming into Lizard stretch. To

take it further reach right hand back to take hold of left foot. Slowly draw foot towards buttocks

as hips continue to press forward. You can use a strap around the back foot if you can’t reach

with the hand.

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Day 19. Reclining hand to big toes variation 1

Lie down fully extended on mat, Exhale, bend the left knee, and draw the thigh into your torso.

Hug the thigh to your belly. Press the front of the right thigh heavily to the floor, and push

actively through the right heel. Use the index and middle fingers and the thumb to grip the big

toe. Be sure to reach the arm inside the thigh when you take the toe. Inhale and straighten the

knee, pressing the left heel up toward the ceiling.

If you don’t have the flexibility to reach the toes, loop a strap around the arch of the foot.

Variation 2:

Holding the strap with the left hand and placing the right hand on the right hip bone to keep hip

pressed towards floor, inhale and on exhale bend left elbow elbow and lower straight left leg to

the floor keeping the right leg grounded towards the floor.

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Day 20. Standing cross leg hamstring stretch

Stand in mountain. Cross your right foot in front of your left. Outside of the feet touching.

Slowly lower your forehead to your right knee by bending at the waist.

Keep both knees straight if possible. You can also use a block for the hands if you cannot reach

the mat with the finger tips

Day 21: Seated wide angle forward fold

Sit in Staff Pose with legs extended in front of you. Lean your torso back slightly on your hands

and lift and open your legs to an angle of about 90 degrees. Press your hands against the floor

and slide your buttocks forward, widening the legs another 10 to 20 degrees. If you can’t sit

comfortably on the floor, raise your buttocks on a folded blanket.

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With your thigh bones pressed heavily into the floor and your knee caps pointing up at the

ceiling, walk your hands forward between your legs. Keep your arms long. As with all forward

bends, the emphasis is on moving from the hip joints and maintaining the length of the front

torso. As soon as you find yourself bending from the waist, stop, re-establish the length from the

pubis to the navel, and continue forward if possible. Increase the forward bend on each

exhalation until you feel a comfortable stretch in the backs of your legs. Stay in the pose 1

minute or longer.

Day 22: Frog pose

Begin in a table top shape – hands under shoulders, knees under hips. Walk your knees out

wider than your hips. Flex your feet so your toes face outward and your heels are directly behind

your knees.

Option to place additional padding (e.g. blanket) under your knees or walk your knees closer


Walk your hands forward a little or a lot. If you have room, place your forearms on a block or on

the ground.

Reach the crown of your head forward and your tailbone back. Keep your hips in the same plane

as your knees (if you saw yourself from the side, knees would look like they’re under your hips).

Lift your belly away from the ground.

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Day 23: Triangle and revolved triangle

Stand upright and place your legs about three and a half to four feet apart.

Make sure your right foot is placed outside at 90 degrees and the left foot is placed in at 15


Align the centre of your right heel with the centre of the arch of the left foot.

You need to remember that your feet are pressing the ground, and the weight of your body is

balanced equally on both feet.

Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, bend your body to the right from below your hips,

ensuring your waist is straight. Lift your left hand up and let your right hand touch the ground.

Both your arms should form a straight line.

Depending on the level of comfort, rest your right hand on your shin, ankle, or outside the right

foot on the floor. No matter where you place your hand, make sure you do not distort the sides

of your waist. Quickly check on your left arm. It should be stretched out towards the ceiling and

in line with the top of your shoulder. Let your head sit in a neutral position or turn it to the left,

with your gaze set on your left palm.

Your body should be bent sideways, and not backward or forward. Your chest and pelvis should

be wide open.

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Revolved triangle:

Start in mountain pose. Step your feet 3½ to 4 feet apart. Raise your arms parallel to the floor and

reach them actively out to the sides, shoulder blades wide, palms down. Turn your left foot in 45 to

60 degrees to the right and your right foot out to the right 90 degrees. Align the right heel with the

left heel. Firm your thighs and turn your right thigh outward, so that the center of the right kneecap

is in line with the center of the right ankle.

With an exhalation, turn your torso to the right, and square your hip points as much as possible with

the front edge of your sticky mat. As you bring the left hip around to the right, resist the head of the

left thigh bone back and firmly ground the left heel. With another exhalation, turn your torso further

to the right and lean forward over the front leg. Reach your left hand down, either to the floor

(inside or outside the foot) or, if the floor is too far away, onto a block positioned against your inner

right foot. Allow the left hip to drop slightly toward the floor. You may feel the right hip slip out to

the side and lift up toward the shoulder, and the torso hunch over the front leg. To counteract this,

press the outer right thigh actively to the left and release the right hip away from the right shoulder. Keep head in a neutral position, looking straight forward, or turn it to look at the floor. More

experienced students can turn the head and gaze up at the top thumb.

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Day 24. Standing quad stretch

Try to keep your knees next to each other. Relax your shoulders. As you hold your leg in the bent

position you will feel a slight pull along the front of your thigh and hip. Breathe deeply and hold

the stretch for 30 seconds, release and repeat on the left leg, this time holding your ankle with your

right hand.

Day 25. Happy baby

Begin lying flat on your back. Bend both knees, and hold the outside edges of your flexed feet with

your hands. Keep your arms on the outsides of your legs.

Gently use your upper-body strength to equally press both knees to the floor below your armpits.

Try not to tense your shoulders or chest, but keep everything relaxed.

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Day 26. Seated wide angle side bend

From your seated wide angle stretch, Stretch sideways towards the right leg. Bring the right elbow to

the mat, to inside of the right leg. Lift the left arm up and over the head to clasp top of foot (if you

can reach). Rotate chest upwards, eye gaze upwards. To exit the pose, release both toe holds and

lower the left arm. Lift/press back to upright seated position. Repeat the other side.

Day 27. Yogi Squat

Begin in mountain pose with your feet slightly wider than hips-width apart, and your feet turned out

a little bit. Bend your knees and sit your hips back and down as far as you’re comfortably able to and

come into a low, deep squat. Bring your elbows inside your knees and your hands together. Press

your elbows out against your legs and lift your chest up toward your thumbs. Narrow or broaden

your stance as necessary (you may need to come up out of the pose to do this) and turn your toes in

or out more as needed to ensure that your knees are pointing in the same direction as your toes.

It’s okay if your heels lift up off the floor a little bit, though you may find that by adjusting your

stance slightly (making it a little wider and/or turning your toes out a little more—still ensuring that

they’re tracking in line with your knees) that they’re able to touch down; however, if your heels still

don’t reach the floor, you may find it more comfortable to prop them up with a rolled or folded

blanket or blocks. A block can also be placed under the buttocks for additional support.

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Day 28. Standing Splits

Begin in mountain pose with feet together. Raise arms over head, fold forward from hips, placing

fingertips in front of feet. Shift weight onto right foot, raise left leg behind into a split, toe pointing

up. Walk your hands back (in the direction of your standing heel) to deepen the stretch, and draw

your torso closer to your right leg. Breathe deeply and relax your shoulders. Tuck your chin.

Internally rotate your left thigh, and square your hips toward the floor (doing so may require you to

lower your left leg a bit).

Keep the knee and foot of your standing leg facing directly forward.

Day 29. Figure 4 forward fold

Start in mountain pose. Keeping your core strong, lift your left foot away from the mat, and place

your left ankle on top of your right thigh, just about your knee.

Begin to draw your weight back into your right heel. Keep your hips level and slowly sit back

further while also lifting your torso.

You can keep your hands at the chest or place one on your lifted knee and the other on your ankle,

gently pressing open.

To take it deeper, fold forward at the hips, fingertips on the floor and begin to straighten your

standing leg.To move out of the posture, bend your standing leg and bring your torso back upright.

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Day 30 Extended hand to big toe pose

Start in Mountain pose.

On an exhalation, bring the weight on your left foot and lift your right knee up. Reach with your right

hand for your big toe.

Firm your left hip in and lengthen your spine. Keep your shoulders blades firmly on the back, and

your chest open. As you inhale, start extending your right leg out to the front, without compromising

the length in spine.

Stay for about 5 breaths, then as you inhale, bring your leg out to the right and stay for 5 more


To come out of the pose, on an inhalation, bring your leg back to the centre. As you exhale lower the

foot back to the floor.

If you have tight hamstrings, keep the lifted knee bent instead of straightening the leg out. This is

also your option if your back rounds when you straighten the leg.

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Bonus day 31 Double pigeon

Begin seated in Staff pose with both legs extended straight out in front of you. Sit up tall. Bend your

right knee to approximately a 90-degree angle and bring the outer edge of your bent right leg to rest

on the mat in front of you. Your right shin should be parallel to the front of your mat, and your right

foot should be flexed and active such that your foot is perpendicular to your shin.

Bend your left knee, pick up your left leg and stack it on top of your right, with the idea of stacking

the shins directly on top of one another. Again, ensure that your left foot remains flexed and active

here to protect the knee joint from injury.

If you feel comfortable moving deeper, explore the sensation of taking your hands on the ground in

front of your legs and beginning to walk yourself forward over your legs, maintaining the length

along the spine If it feels challenging to stack both legs on top of one another, feel free to place one

leg on the ground just in front of the bent leg (with the shins crossed), or simply to leave one leg

extended. If the legs are stacked but the top knee is lifted uncomfortably high, a blanket, bolster or

block under the knee is a great option.