Hammurabi's Laws



this is _____

Transcript of Hammurabi's Laws

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Hammurabi was the sixth king of Babylonia(somewhere in the middle east, map on next page). His reign lasted from 1792 BC to 1750 BC. He was famous for his laws being one of the most earliest. There are earlier written laws but his one is the most longest and contains the most specific laws. His law was written on different types of stone and steel. The most famous ones are the shapes of an index finger. Most of Hammurabi’s laws have physical punishment.

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This is the most famous artifact containing Hammurabi’s code. It is located in the Louvre Museum in Paris, France. This piece of rock contains all 282 laws. Although some of these laws have faded and are unreadable.

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LAW #1

“If a slave say to his master: "You are not my master," if they convict him his master shall cut off his ear.”

This law regards to the ages when slavery was legal. This keeps the slaves in check and any mishap happening if a slave ear cutting were to happen because of the reason above. The punishment discourages all slaves to ever go against their master.

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LAW #2

If a sailor wreck any one's ship, but saves it, he shall pay the half of its value in money.

This will make things fair between the sailors so they will not fight and be at peace. So everyone is “happy” and orderly. Although I do not agree to this particular law because I assume it was hard to save the ship and if the person saved it, it would be no harm done so I don’t think the person has to pay.

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LAW #3

If a man put out the eye of another man, his eye shall be put out.

This law is the famous “an eye for an eye” this is law number 196 in the 282 laws. I agree to this law and I don’t think this will arouse protest from the people doing the evil or the victims because it is very fair. I don’t think this is used in any official laws (in the court etc.) most punishments today are jail, death or community service.

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LAW #4

If a man knock out the teeth of his equal, his teeth shall be knocked out

This is the famous “a tooth for a tooth” law. This is law number 200 in the 282 laws. This is exactly the same as the law before this except this regards teeth whereas the other one was about eyes. Although this is the same concept as the “eye for an eye” law. Where u get to do the same treat people the same way they treat you.

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LAW #5

If he break another man's bone, his bone shall be broken.

This is also like the “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”. In simpler words this is a bone for a bone. This is again the same as the “an eye for an eye” and the “a tooth for a tooth”. The law that lets you treat people how they treat you.