HALDON HOUSE SURGERY NEWSLETTER – JUNE 2018 We are delighted to have Dr Kay back at work, he is feeling well and rested and is looking forward to seeing his patients in his clinics. Dr Kay will now be working on Monday, Thursdays and alternate Fridays, which is one less day per week than previously. Dr Kay will be undertaking a phased return to full days which is a sensible approach to the busy nature of his work. Unfortunately Dr Dennison and Dr Knott are leaving the Practice this summer. Dr Knott has a Partnership offer in Sidmouth which is wonderful news for her and Dr Dennison is concentrating on family commitments in the near future. We would like to wish both Dr Knott and Dennison good luck for the future. We would like to welcome Dr Claire Mansell and Dr Will Tomlinson who are both joining us for 3 days per week each. Dr Mansell will be starting as a Salaried GP here on 2 nd July and Dr Tomlinson in early September. Dr Mansell has worked as a GP in England and Australia and Dr Tomlinson has recently been working locally in Dawlish. We are looking forward to having them on the team and hope you will welcome them too. Our waiting area’s are full of magazines for you to read whilst you are visiting the surgery, however we could do with some more men’s magazines. If you have any at home that you are happy to donate to us, please bring them into reception. Thank you. As part of cervical screening awareness week 11-17 June, we offered a drop in service with our Practice Nurse Clare between 4-7pm for anyone that had received their invitation but had not yet been screened. No appointments necessary so offered complete flexibility. Obviously being a drop in, we were not sure how busy it would be but we are so pleased that we had 17 patients through the door! We also offer an evening clinic twice a month for booked appointments - they are designed for those that cannot get to the Surgery to see the Practice Nurse in our normal opening hours and we have found that it is very popular with working people and also parents who have young children that have childcare commitments during the day. Following the success of the drop in on Tuesday, we intend to run these regularly so are now planning our next date which we will announce soon but will be in the next couple of months for anyone who has received their invite aged 24 1/2 - 64 years. We would like to thank our PPG for their kindness in paying for our new children’s area in both the waiting rooms, and for our new music system. They work very hard to provide equipment and a comfortable experience for our patients and again I wish to express our thanks. If you would like to donate to the PPG Fund for equipment for the surgery there is a box located on the Reception desk.



We are delighted to have Dr Kay back at work, he is feeling well and rested and is

looking forward to seeing his patients in his clinics. Dr Kay will now be working on

Monday, Thursdays and alternate Fridays, which is one less day per week than

previously. Dr Kay will be undertaking a phased return to full days which is a sensible

approach to the busy nature of his work.

Unfortunately Dr Dennison and Dr Knott are leaving the Practice this summer. Dr Knott

has a Partnership offer in Sidmouth which is wonderful news for her and Dr Dennison is

concentrating on family commitments in the near future. We would like to wish both Dr

Knott and Dennison good luck for the future.

We would like to welcome Dr Claire Mansell and Dr Will Tomlinson who are both joining

us for 3 days per week each. Dr Mansell will be starting as a Salaried GP here on 2nd

July and Dr Tomlinson in early September. Dr Mansell has worked as a GP in England

and Australia and Dr Tomlinson has recently been working locally in Dawlish. We are

looking forward to having them on the team and hope you will welcome them too.

Our waiting area’s are full of magazines for you

to read whilst you are visiting the surgery,

however we could do with some more men’s magazines. If you have

any at home that you are happy to donate to us, please bring them into reception. Thank you.

As part of cervical screening awareness week 11-17 June, we offered a drop in service with our

Practice Nurse Clare between 4-7pm for anyone that had received their invitation but had not yet been

screened. No appointments necessary so offered complete flexibility. Obviously being a drop in, we

were not sure how busy it would be but we are so pleased that we had 17 patients through the door!

We also offer an evening clinic twice a month for booked appointments - they are designed for those

that cannot get to the Surgery to see the Practice Nurse in our normal opening hours and we have

found that it is very popular with working people and also parents who have young children that have

childcare commitments during the day.

Following the success of the drop in on Tuesday, we intend to run these regularly so are now planning

our next date which we will announce soon but will be in the next couple of months for anyone who

has received their invite aged 24 1/2 - 64 years.

We would like to thank our PPG for their

kindness in paying for our new children’s

area in both the waiting rooms, and for our

new music system. They work very hard to

provide equipment and a comfortable experience for our

patients and again I wish to express our thanks. If you

would like to donate to the PPG Fund for equipment for

the surgery there is a box located on the Reception desk.

We would just like to say a big thank you to everyone who has donated us their unwanted books. If you have any books at home

you no longer read, please drop them into the surgery for our book shelf. All donations go to our Patient Participation Group who raises money for items needed for the surgery. Thank you.

The Surgery is currently working with NHS England focusing on increasing uptake of the Measles,

Mumps & Rubella vaccine for those aged up to 18 years who have either not had an MMR or only had part 1 of

2. Our Practice Nurse Clare will be ringing those eligible within the next few weeks to invite in for a 20 minute appointment but if you are, or have a family member or friend of this age then please

ask them to call the Surgery to book in.

If you are a parent or carer, you can now text a Health Visitor on 07520 631721.

They can give you confidential help and advice

on anything child related. Please see posters in the children’s area for more


This year so far, we have taken part in 2 charity fundraisers, Big Bandana Bake for the Brain Tumour Charity and

Cupcake Day for the Alzheimer’s Society. We have raised over £70 with these 2 fundraisers, both selling cakes within the surgery. Thank you to everyone who donated.

We have a carer’s support worker here from Devon Carers called Catherine Hill. She visits

the Practice once a month, usually the last Wednesday of each month. She can provide

support and information on local services for carers.

To book in with Catherine, please ask at reception or give us a call on 01395 222777 and

we can tell you the available dates.

Attached to this newsletter is the up to

date age ranges for the Shingles

vaccination. If you are within the age

ranges & haven’t had the vaccination,

please ask at reception or give us a ring

and we can book you in with one of

our nurses to have the vaccination.

Attached to this newsletter is information about the new data

protection laws that came into force on 25th May 2018. The ‘Your Data

Matters’ leaflet explains all about your data and signposts you to a website if you would like any more information.