Haiti presentation2014.hastings

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1. The Nursing Education Collaborative for Haiti/Cooprative des Infirmires en ducation pour Haiti(NECH-CIEH)Working Together: The Future of Nursing Education in Haiti IINovember 15, 2014Continuing Nursing Education/Nursing Professional DevelopmentPresenter: Deb Hastings, PhD, RN-BC,CNORDirector of Continuing Nursing EducationDartmouth-Hitchcock 2. Where I am from in the States 3. New England: New Hampshire 4. DHMC 5. Dartmouth-Hitchcock Dartmouth-Hitchcock is an academic health systemserving patients across New England: we are a nationalleader in patient-centered health care Level 1 trauma center with an air ambulance service Norris Cotton Cancer Center Childrens Hospital at Dartmouth-Hitchcock An academic health system: Home to Geisel School ofMedicine at Dartmouth. 6. The Original Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital36 beds 7. This is Dartmouth-Hitchcocktoday!400 beds 8. DHMC 9. DHMC 10. DHMC in Winter 11. Nursing Professional Development Vital phase of lifelong learning in which nurses engageto: Develop and maintain competence, Enhance professional nursing practice, Support achievement of career goals.American Nurses Association,2000 12. Continuing Nursing Education Systematic professional learning experiences designedto augment the knowledge, skills, and attitudes ofnurses, thereby enriching nurses contribution to qualityhealth care and the pursuit of professional career goals(ANA, 2000). 13. Adult Learners (Nurses)When providing education for nurses, educators should: involve learners in determining their own needs, respect the unique perspective, knowledge, and skill set of each learner, recognize that other responsibilities may interfere with readiness,participation, or learning achievement, provide opportunities for active engagement in the learning, assess learners past experiences and incorporate them into theeducational activity, provide frequent positive reinforcement, Create an environment that is conducive to learning, Respond to evaluation feedback to make changes in future activities.SAGE ON THE STAGE VS GUIDE ON THE SIDE! 14. Educational Process An educational activity is a planned, organized effortaimed at accomplishing educational objectives and canoccur in a variety of forms. (e.g. seminar, conference)ANA, 2000 Similar to Nursing Process1. Assessment2. Planning3. Implementation4. Evaluation 15. Needs Assessment Process of collecting data to identify gaps betweenactual and desired knowledge, skills, and/or attitudes. Formal or informal Interviews Observation Surveys From stakeholders including: Nurses, other healthcare professionals, Patients, Nurse practice acts, Licensure requirements, Literature, Program evaluation data 16. PlanningIn general, must have: Clear purpose or goal statement, Written outcomes statement related to what the learner will beable to do at the conclusion of the activity. Example: The purpose of this activity is to enable the learner toperform a dressing change using sterile technique. Measurable objectives that are appropriate for the audience, andbased on the identified needs, One behavior only- action verb Learner perspective Who, what , how Example: At the conclusion of the program, the learner should beable to demonstrate a sterile dressing change following hospitalguidelines. 17. Planning Content that is congruent with the purpose and objectives, Subject matter is organized in a logical sequence Faculty Content expertise Engaging presentation style Teaching/learning strategies Instructional methods Lecture Group discussion Demonstration Role play Case study 18. Credit Awarding contact hours One contact hour equals 60 minutes Minimum number equals 30 minutes or .5 contact hours 19. Implementation Presentation Know the audience and involve them in the process Handouts can be helpful Evidence based content when appropriate Select content based on learning objectives Three to five core messages Time for questions and answers, discussion Conclude with call to action, inspiration, or summary 20. Evaluation Determines the effectiveness of the program Systematic, ongoing process Educators and learners are involved in the process Effectiveness is directly related to the achievement of theobjectives Improves the effectiveness of educational programming Summative evaluation: occurs upon completion of theactivity 21. Evaluation Tools Learner reaction/satisfaction and self report ofachievement Pre-post tests Return demonstration Direct observation 22. Outcomes of Education End result of the learning activity measuredby written evaluation or change in knowledge,competence, practice, or patient care. Application: how will the learner apply the newknowledge or the new practice? Will it make a difference in patient care? 23. Responsibilities of the Provider ofContinuing Nursing Education Nurse Planner is responsible for overall education plan Actively participates in needs assessment, planning,implementation, and evaluation of each activity Discloses the plan to learners prior to the activity Keeps a list of participant names on file for each activity Documentation of completion of the activity and providesa copy to each learner that includes: Title, Date Learners name Number of contact hours earned 24. American Nurses Credentialing Center Recognizes organizations that have demonstratedexcellence in the ability to deliver Continuing NursingEducation Core Values include: Integrity of the process Promote and maintain competence regarding thecriteria Focus on quality in the accreditation process and inachieving learner outcomes (enhancing NursingProfessional Development) Value and be engaged in lifelong learning 25. The Future: ANCC Provider? Something to consider: ANCC accreditation demonstrates that organizationssuch as nursing groups, hospitals and health ministriesmeet rigorous standards for providing continuing nursingeducation to nurses. Organizations that invest in continuing education fornurses can improve the professional practice of nursingand patient outcomes. Steps to EligibilityRequires an organization use ANCC criteria for at least 6 monthsprior to application. Organizations outside the US must alsoindependently verify credentials of nurse leaders coordinatingcontinuing education, a process that can take up to 3 months. 26. ANCC: Resources ResourcesANCC offers free and low-cost resources to helpyou plan, implement, and evaluate CNEactivities according to ANCC standards foreducational design, evidence-based content,and testing methodology. http://www.nursecredentialing.org/Accreditation/Primary/Accreditation-HowtoStart 27. Lets Practice Case StudySmall Group Work Discussion Role play 28. 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