Hair Max Final Project

MARKET SEGMENTATION The division of a market into different homogeneous groups of consumers is known as Market Segmentation. Rather than offer the same marketing mix to vastly different customers, market segmentation makes it possible for firms to tailor the marketing mix for specific target markets, thus better satisfying customer needs. Not all elements of the marketing mix are necessarily changed from one segment to the next. For example, in some cases only the promotional campaigns would differ. A market segment should be: measurable accessible by communication and distribution channels different in its response to a marketing mix durable (not changing too quickly) substantial enough to be profitable HAIR MAX SHAMPOO has been segmented into his consumer markets on these bases as described below. Bases for Segmented Consumer Markets A Basis for Segmentation is a factor that varies among groups within a market, but that is consistent within the groups. There is no single way to segment a market. A marketer has to try different segmentation variables, alone and in combination, to find the best way to view the market structure. HAIR MAX SHAMPOO has identified four primarily basis on which to segment a consumer market as given below.


Loucnhing of hair mar as part of the project. where it tells about the product and its features and waht are the main requirement that we took in order to lauch this product

Transcript of Hair Max Final Project


The division of a market into different homogeneous groups of consumers is known asMarket Segmentation.

Rather than offer the samemarketing mixto vastly different customers, market segmentation makes it possible for firms to tailor the marketing mix for specific target markets, thus better satisfying customer needs. Not all elements of the marketing mix are necessarily changed from one segment to the next. For example, in some cases only the promotional campaigns would differ.

A market segment should be:


accessible by communication and distribution channels

different in its response to a marketing mix

durable (not changing too quickly)

substantial enough to be profitable

HAIR MAX SHAMPOO has been segmented into his consumer markets on these bases as described below.

Bases for Segmented Consumer Markets

A Basis for Segmentation is a factor that varies among groups within a market, but that is consistent within the groups. There is no single way to segment a market. A marketer has to try different segmentation variables, alone and in combination, to find the best way to view the market structure.

HAIR MAX SHAMPOO has identified four primarily basis on which to segment a consumer market as given below.

1) Geographical Segmentation

2) Psychological Segmentation

3) Demographical Segmentation

4) Behavioral Segmentation

Geographical Segmentation

Geographical segmentation is done by dividing people (markets) into different geographical locations. The country, state, or neighborhood, the king of gentry, climate, size of a place segmented into size of its age wise population, etc., all play a role in devising market strategies. This helps the producer and the marketers to understand what will sell and what won't. For example, a market for winter wear would definitely not work in warm regions.

HAIR MAX SHAMPOO has divided his markets into these Geographical Locations.

World region or country Pakistan

City or metro size All cities in Pakistan

Country region East, West, North, South

Density Urban, Suburban, Exurban

Psychographic Segmentation

Segmenting people according to their lifestyle and values, and how they translate into consumption or purchases of products or services is what psychographic segmentation is all about. How one's interest, opinions, values, attitude, and the activities they perform, affect their choices and why a group of people would lean towards one product more than others. A high status would translate into an expensive flying habit, while a thrift value will translate into an economy flight.

HAIR MAX SHAMPOO has divided his markets into these Psychographic Variables.

Social Class Upper Lowers, Working Class, Middle Class, Upper Middles, Lower Uppers

Lifestyle Achievers, Strivers

Personality Ambitious

Demographic Segmentation

Demographic segmentation refers to a wide study of potential customers. While marketing a product, many variables like age, gender, education, income, family size, occupation, socioeconomic status, culture, religion, language, and nationality are taken into account. There are many instances where such segmentation has worked very profitably. This segmentation plays a vital role in determining whether a product can be mass marketed or designed for a specific clientele.

HAIR MAX SHAMPOO has divided his markets into these Demographic Variables.

Age 18-45

Gender Female

Family Size 1-2, 3-4, 5+

Family Life Style Young Girls, Single, Married, Married with Children,

Unmarried Couples, Students

Occupation Professional and technical; managers, officials, and

proprietors; clerical, sales; craftspeople; supervisors;

operatives; farmers; retired; students; homemakers; unemployed

Education Literate, Illiterate

Religion All Religions

Nationality Pakistani

Behavioral Segmentation

Behavioral segmentation is based on the customer's needs and subsequent reaction to those needs or towards the purchase of intended products and/or services. This study is conducted on all variables that are closely related to the product itself, like loyalty to a particular brand, cost-effectiveness in terms of benefits and usage, circumstances responsible for the purchase, whether the customer is a regular, a first timer, or and has the potential to become a customer, and whether the readiness to buy is linked to status.

HAIR MAX SHAMPOO has divided his markets into these Behavioral Variables.

Occasions Regular Occasions

Benefits Quality

User Status Regular Users, First Time User, Potential Users

User Rates Medium User, Heavy User

Readiness Stage Aware, Unaware


Positioning is a perceptual location. It's where your product or service fits into the marketplace. Effective positioning puts you first in line in the minds of potential customers.

Positioning is a powerful tool that allows you to create an image. And image is the outward representation of being who you want to be, doing what you want to do, and having what you want to have. Positioning yourself can lead to personal fulfillment. Being positioned by someone else restricts your choices and limits your opportunities.

That's why it's so important for entrepreneurs to transform their passion into a market position. Ifyoudon't define your product or service, a competitor will do it for you. Your position in the market place evolves from the defining characteristics of your product.

Marketpositioningis the manipulation of a brand or family of brands to create a positive perception in the eyes of the public. If a product is well positioned, it will have strong sales, and it may become the go-to brand for people who need that particular product. Poor positioning, on the other hand, can lead to bad sales and a dubious reputation. A number of things are involved inmarketpositioning, with entire firms specializing in this activity and working with clients to position their products effectively.

When a product is released, the company needs to think beyond what the product is for when it comes topositioning. It also thinks about the kinds of people it wants to buy the product.

Using product differentiation, we are positioning the Hair Max Shampoo which is the most effective for hair. We will focus on mainly on the effectiveness of the shampoo along with the sweet smell. The Positioning Line of HAIR MAX SHAMPOO will be A VERSATILE HAIR SOLUTION. You will be happy by the sweet smell of bally flower. We try our best to keep your hair dandruff free, long & strong, cooling, smooth & shiner. We will send this statement to the targeted customers. Those who use Dove are concerned about high price and those use other shampoo and color is concerned about theirperformance. So, the customers can switch if they get a combined offer of service quality,price and new flavor. We hope that our customers will prefer our product over the competitors product. We will have totally different and most attractive packaging process. This Positioning Line is differentiated HAIR MAX SHAMPOO from competitors. This positioning Line shows that Hair Max Shampoo is a serious product so that customers can perceive our product positively.

Selecting an Overall Positioning Strategy

Consumers typically choose products and services that give them the greatest value. Thus, marketers want to position their brands on the key benefits that they offer relative to competing brands. The full positioning of a brand is called the brand's value propositionthe full mix of benefits upon which the brand is positioned. It is the answer to the customer's question "Why should I buy your brand?"

Figure shows possible value propositions upon which a company might position its products. In the figure, the five green cells represent winning value propositionspositioning that gives the company competitive advantage. The orange cells, however, represent losing value propositions, and the center cell represents at best a marginal proposition. In the following sections, we discuss the five winning value propositions companies can use to position their products: more for more, more for the same, the same for less, less for much less, and more for less.

HAIR MAX SHAMPOO has been positioned upon MORE FOR THE SAME value propositions which means the price of Hair Max Shampoo is that of same as that of competitors while it provides more Benefits as compare to its Competitors. MORE FOR THE SAME is a competition proposition which our company select to attack on Competitors.

Hair Max Shampoo develops a Product Line Of Shampoos like all other Competitors but it Provides More Product Benefits, Product Quality and Product Features as compare to its Competitors. Initially at the awareness stage and in order to Penetrate in the Market our Company Plans for the First Year to decrease the Prices of Hair Max Shampoo but the Decrease will not more that Rs: 10 from its competitors and Increase the Investments On the Marketing of our Product in our Target audience and also to provide awareness to the unaware and not interested people so they can take interest in our product. In this way the Hair Max Shampoo can be in a position to get a fine Market Share in a highly Competitive Environment. After that in the Second Year Prices will be equal to that of competitors and the Investments on Marketing will decrease by 10% in order to generate Revenues.


The product is a tangible one. It can be perceived by our 5 different sense organs and it is physical. This product was made for hair treatment it also has extra features that adds to the promotional strategies. It has different types of brands for different hair types. It can offer a hair treatment for frizzy hair; it also makes your hair smooth, Long, Strong, Shiny. If you want to have a good hair shape they also have available brand types to repair the shape of your hair. They also have anti-dryness for those who have dry scalp and so on and so forth. This will make the Hair Max Shampoo very popular in the market. It can be classified as staple goods because consumers would love to buy it regularly. It is somehow a need for them to have shampoo for a better hair types.


HAIR MAX SHANPOO is a Convenience Product. The purchase decision of this product is not taking too much time because it is available at low prices. Customers utilize it frequently and use it on Daily Basis.


This phase include the all decisions that helps us to attract our customer.

Product attributes:

It means the combination of the product and services. Our product is the HAIR MAX SHAMPOO and the service of this product includes the delivery of this product to the shops and to the end customers. These are the extra features of the product and the extra feature of the HAIR MAX SHAMPOO is its free delivery to the market and also the other feature of the product is its expiry that its expire then company change it .

Product Features:

A product can be offered with varying Features. A stripped down model, one without extras, is the starting point. The company can create Higher Level models by adding more features. Features are the competitive tool for differentiating the companys product from Competitors products. HAIR MAX SHAMPOO is available in different flavors which are Anti-Dandruff Shampoo Eliminates dandruff without drying your hair, Heat Defence Shampoo contains the Advanced protecting serum contains millions of micro particles that protect and strengthen hair from damage caused by frequently heat styling. Generally removes product build up & styling residues leaving your hair in great condition and ready to style every day. The new daily regime that starts heat protecting at the washing stage, Damage Repair Shampoo Acts on origin of dandruff from first wash, Helps restore hair surface leaving hair soft and smooth, Advanced care and repair for beautiful hair.

Its core purpose is the good hair and A Versatile Hair Solution but these are the extra features that add the value in it and more satisfy the customer.

Quality level:

The quality level of the HAIR MAX SHAMPOO will be very good because it finish the dandruff in a few days, Eliminates dandruff without drying your hair, strengthen hair from damage caused by frequently heat styling, Acts on origin of dandruff from first wash, Helps restore hair surface leaving hair soft and smooth, Advanced care and repair for beautiful hair and also it make the hair silky so we can say that the quality of this product is good.


The brand name of this product for the target customer is good because the target customer of this product is the young generation and according to this targeting the brand name is very well.


The packaging of the HAIR MAX SHAMPOO is in the big, medium and small bottles and also it is available in the small sachets that should save it from the germs and other environmental factors and also it used to attract the customers. It is available in different colors White, Brown, Black. It should be necessary that the designing of the product is according to the customer need and according to our view the designing of the HAIR MAX SHAMPOO is good because it is available in family pack and also available in small pack.


Label ranges from simple Tags attached to products to complex graphics that are part of the packing. They perform several functions. The Label of HAIR MAX SHAMPOO identifies our product or Brand. Secondly it also shows that Arslan & Co is the Company who manufactured it. The Label also contains the Product Benefits and as well as Ingredients of the Product. The Column Direction shows How to use it and when to use it. It also contains The Manufacturing and Expiration date of the product and also the Net Weight of the product. The Price Tag will be separately attached onto the Label.

Product Support Services:

The installation of this product is that the delivery of this product to the market is without any extra price which is the extra feature of this product basically there is a dealer of Arslan & Co in every Target Geographical locations who deliver the product.

HAIR MAX SHAMPOO provides the following Product Support Services.

As such there is no after sale service so this value added feature in this product is not included.

If this shampoo expires in the shop then there is the facility that the company will change it.


Price is second most components of the four Ps of the market mix. Price is defined as The amount of money charged for a product or service or the sum of the values that consumers exchange for the benefits of having or using the product or service. Simply price is the amount of money with utility needed to acquire a product and utility is an attribute with the potential to satisfy wants.

Price is what you pay for what you get.

Price is the only element of the mix that provides revenue, the other elements are costs (there is cost in building product or service, promoting it, and placing or distributing it). It is extremely important for marketers to remember that individuals in a market are highly receptive not only to the price of an item, but also to the value offered by the product.

Successful companies take special consideration at the different parts involved in setting its prices. For this they take into account that the prices they offer for their products and services must strike a balance between gaining acceptance with the target customers and making the profit for the organization. Item such as list price, discounts, allowances, payment periods and credit terms are items that work together to set the price of the product.

The prices of HAIR MAX SHAMPOO are based on the value based pricing which means that we use several standards to define the price like product design , product cost, delivery etc. Our prices are not too high but they fall between high and low that is they are sufficient to create demand and to produce a profit.

New Product Strategy of HAIR MAX SHAMPOO is given as under.


Market penetration:

Our Company use Market Penetration to penetrate their market. Company lower the price to attract their target audiences to buy the product because it is a need and consumers find irresistible whenever they buy this product. It is good strategy for the company to lower the price so that it can reach even to the lower class people of the society.

Promo Pricing:

Our Company will also Introduce sachet so to attract the Low income and students, and it is the need of the hour that all other competitors has introduced Sachet so Our Company will Concentrate on it. Company will use Promo pricing by giving promos to all the buyers and the users of the product. Its like if they will buy a dozen sachet of shampoo they can get a free half dozen of it. HAIR MAX SHAMPOO will come in two pouches per sachet which is a part of our promo so that it can attract customers.

Market skimming:

HAIR MAX SHAMPOO not use the concept of market skimming because of it cannot increase its price to high generate maximum revenue there price is stable. And if any changes comes to its price then its maximum two to three increase.

Product line price:

Product line of HAIR MAX SHAMPOO include the different brand but the price of the entire brand is same this show that HAIR MAX SHAMPOO give extra feature to its customers to attract the customers without any change in the price


After the discussion of all the methods above we thought the most suitable method for our product from all the methods above is customer base method because in this method we use price to support product HAIR MAX SHAMPOO image, set price to increase product sale, design a price rang to attract many consumers. As Shampoo market is very competitive so in order to build existing customer loyalty, for quantity savings and for competitive reasons, we priced our Product, HAIR MAX SHAMPOO, slightly lower than our competitors. Our major competitors are Sunsilk, Clear For Women, Head & Shoulders, and Pantene so, for this discounting can be a strong marketing tool.


For the adjustment of the price make the strategies. These include four strategies which are the situational and we can change these strategies according to the condition. These strategies are as follows

Cash discount:

Provide discount directly to retailers if it purchase the product in bulk quantity. It is a strategy adopt in the case of high market competition and to increase market share as compare to competitor.

Quantity discount:

On the purchases of high volume of quantity the company reduces the price of the product which is also the strategy for gaining the market share.

Functional discount:

A price reduction offered by the seller to trade channel members to perform certain functions such as selling, storing, record keeping such as the Arslan & Co will provide to its intermediaries.

Seasonal discount:

This type of discount is not applicable on HAIR MAX SHAMPOO because its sale not depends on the season. Its sales remain constant throughout the year.


Distribution (or "Place") is the Third traditional element of the marketing mix. The other three are Product, Price and Promotion.


We will distribute our product in all the cities in Pakistan for the distribution of our product HAIR MAX SHAMPOO. So these cities are our target markets. As you can see in the map

Currently this product will be distributed in Urban, Suburban and as well as Exurban areas of Pakistan.

The Company has planed that after 1 year a campaign will be start in order to promote our HAIR MAX SHAMPOO in Rural areas of Pakistan.

Now this product is distributed into many areas of cities as the convenience products are used by the majority of people so thats why we will distribute it to many areas in a city. Like in Lahore City our Product HAIR MAX SHAMPOO is available at:

DHA , Gulberg, Model Town , Bahria Town Walton Cantt, Jauhar Town, Green Town, Iqbal Town, Awan Town, Township, Garden Town, Faisal Town, Sabzazar, Gulgasht Colony, Sitara Colony, Farid Colony etc..


A layer of intermediaries that play a role to place our provide product from manufacturer and customer.

There are four levels of market channels which are as follows

Direct marketing channel

Indirect marketing channel

Selective distributive channel:

Intensive distributive channel:

HAIR MAX SHAMPOO will use Selective Distributive Channel in which the product first comes to the wholesaler then from wholesaler to retailer and then retailer to customer. This marketing system will be used by the HAIR MAX SHAMPOO.


Promotion is a form of corporate communication that uses various methods to reach a targeted audience with a certain message in order to achieve specific organizational objectives. Nearly all organizations, whether for-profit or not-for-profit, in all types of industries, must engage in some form of promotion. Such efforts may range from multinational firms spending large sums on securing high-profile celebrities to serve, as corporate spokespersons to the owner of a one person enterprise passing out business cards at a local businesspersons meeting.

HAIR MAX SHAMPOO is a new Product that is going to be launched in the month of Ramadan. The promotion campaign for HAIR MAX SHAMPOO would last for two months starting from the Holy month of Ramadan. So we have designed our promotion campaign that helps us to cater the market besides creating the brand identity.

Like most marketing decisions, an effective promotional strategy requires the marketer understand how promotion fits with other pieces of the marketing puzzle (e.g., product, distribution, pricing, target markets). Consequently, our promotion decisions should be made with an appreciation for how it affects other areas of the company.

The company promoted HAIR MAX SHAMPOO in different kinds of advertisement. First print advertisement, the product was promoted through this kind of advertisement. We can either use an endorser or simply the product itself. We use big artists or stars for the product to grow big and know by their audiences. We also use TV advertisements most especially doing some commercials that will informed our target audiences about the product. We also use endorsers to promote the product nationwide. Such endorsers would be Marian Rivera and Sarah Geronimo.

In case of HAIR MAX SHAMPOO, we would cater the current customers, previous customers and potential customers of the competitors. But our focus will not be limited to urban areas or developed areas only; we also want to create awareness to the consumers in rural and remote areas giving them more benefits.

Because we are launching a new product in the market, so in order to stimulate demand we will first go for Mass promotion and after creating identity of HAIR MAX SHAMPOO, well direct our promotion activities towards target market. Eid occasion and Cricket Medium would be used as one of the sources for promotion because that is going to be launched in the month of Ramadan. The promotion campaign for HAIR MAX SHAMPOO would last for two months starting from the Holy month of Ramadan. For this purpose HAIR MAX SHAMOO, would be heavy advertised during the EID DAYS and as well as during T20 WORLD CUP held in Pakistan and the event would be sponsored. Moreover, HAIR MAX SHAMPOO, will be used during the entire event at subsidized rates.

In the distribution process the following promotion would be done


Each wholesaler would be given a Target on Monthly basis. On achievement of the Target on each segment (Based on the area), the wholesalers would be given a FREE Trip to Thailand with his family. (All expenses paid)


Just like distributor and wholesaler, Retailers would also be given a Target on Monthly basis. On achievement of the Target, there would be a Lucky Draw of free items such as refrigerators, air conditioners, mobile phones, television, DVD players, and a bumper prize of motor bike. The retailer would also be given a higher % than its competitors on our HAIR MAX SHAMPOO Product.


Each distributor would be given a Target on Monthly basis on each bottle segment. On achievement of the Target, the distributor would be given an extra Margin of 2% as Cash Incentive over and above his margin. (Generic but logically would be different for each segment)


A companys total marketing mix_ also called its promotion mix_ consists of specific blend of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and public relations tools that the company uses to pursue its advertising and marketing objectives. Marketers have at their disposal four major methods of promotion. Taken together these comprise the promotion mix.The four major promotion tools are as follows:

Advertising Involves non-personal mostlypaid promotions often using mass media outlets to deliver the marketers message. While historically advertising has involved one-way communication with little feedback opportunity for the customer experiencing the advertisement, the advent of computer technology and, in particular, the Internet has increased the options that allow customers to provide quick feedback.

Sales Promotion Involves the use of special short-term techniques, often in the form of incentives, to encourage customers to respond or undertake some activity. For instance, the use of retail coupons with expiration dates requires customers to act while the incentive is still valid.

Public Relations Building good relations with the companys various publics by obtaining favorable publicity, building up a good corporate image, and handling or heading off unfavorable rumors, stories, and events.This type of promotion uses third-party sources, and particularly the news media, to offer a favorable mention of the marketers company or product without direct payment to the publisher of the information.

Personal Selling As the name implies, this form of promotion involves personal contact between company representatives and those who have a role in purchase decisions (e.g., make the decision, such as consumers, or have an influence on a decision, such as members of a company buying center). Often this occurs face-to-face or via telephone, though newer technologies allow this to occur online via video conferencing or text chat

Communication goes beyond these specific promotion tools. The products design, its price, the shape and color of its package, and the stores that sells it_ all communicate something to buyers. Thus, although the promotion mix is the companys primary communication activity.

As HAIR MAX SHAMPOO is not a highly priced consumer product rather it is the finest quality at convenient price; therefore, it doesnt strongly need personalized promotion, even then, for the purpose of personal selling we are hoping to place our stalls at shopping malls such as Pace, Al-Fatah, HKB, CSD, Metro Cash and Carry, etc. Moreover, we will give ads on Eid Days in order to build public relations. Well air a live program on Radio FM consisting of questioners that would be asked from the callers and the winners would be awarded with surprise gifts. Apart from Stalls and FM questionnaires, Brochures and Feedback forms would be used as well. Our company also uses a sales promotion strategy which is discussed above like

420mL (6 Free sachet)

Purchase 3 Bottles of 250mL (Lucky draw for HAJJ/ UMRAH)

Another strategy will be focused by the company in order to increase the customers perceive value towards our product which is Direct Marketing strategy so our Company will hoping to place our stalls at Universities, Colleges and even at Shopping Markets Like Liberty Market, Fortress Stadium and on these stalls a free hair test will be provided to the people in order to suggest them our product according to their issues regarding hairs.

Although HAIR MAX SHAMPOO, is not a complicated product and doesnt require answering numerous complex questions, even then we will use two way communication approaches in order to avoid any confusion or misunderstanding.


Media selection involves four major steps which are:

deciding on reach, frequency, and impact;

Choosing among major media types;

selecting specific media vehicles; and

Deciding on media timing.

These four steps can be stared elaborately as under:

Deciding on reach, frequency:

For media selection, the advertiser must take decision on reach and frequency that are needed to accomplish advertising objectives. Reach is a measure of the percentage of people in the target market who are exposed to the ad campaign during a given span of time.. Frequency is the number of times the average person in the target market is exposed to an advertising message during a given period.

The Reach of Hair Max Shampoo is in all the cities of Pakistan as discussed above that our target audience are all cities in Pakistan so our Reach will be to advertise our Product in all our Target people. Our Company advertisers will try to reach 80 percent of the target market during the first four months of the campaign. Moreover, Our Company advertisers expect an average exposure frequency of four per week.

Choosing among major media types:

The advertiser needs to know the reach, frequency, and impact of each of the major media types for media planning: The major media types are Television.Radio,Print Publications,Internet,Direct Mail, Product Placement,Mobile Devices,Sponsorships,Others.

For HAIR MAX SHAMPOO, the media outlets that we have used are:



Print publications

Direct mail

Billboards/ Hoardings




As HAIR MAX SHAMPOO is not a highly priced consumer product rather it is the finest quality at convenient price; therefore, it doesnt strongly need personalized promotion, even then, for the purpose of personal selling we are hoping to place our stalls at shopping malls such as Pace, Al-Fatah, HKB, CSD, Metro Cash and Carry, etc. Moreover, we will give ads on Eid Days in order to build public relations. Well air a live program on Radio FM consisting of questioners that would be asked from the callers and the winners would be awarded with surprise gifts. Apart from Stalls and FM questionnaires, Brochures and Feedback forms would be used as well. Our company also uses a sales promotion strategy which is discussed above like

420mL (6 free sachets)

Purchase 3 Bottles of 220mL (Lucky draw for HAJJ/ UMRAH)

Selecting specific media vehicles:

At this stage, the media planner must select the best media vehicles. Media vehicle is the specific media within each general media type, such as -specific magazines, television programs or radio programs.

HAIR MAX SHAMPOO will chose television vehicles includes

ARY Digital





EXPRESS Entertainment



Firstly we will advertise our product on these TV Channels include programs like Morning Shows of all the Pakistani Channels i.e. Nadia khan Show, Utho Jago Pakistan, Good morning Pakistan, Good Morning with Farah, Jago Pakistan Jago. Our ads will also be shown during Dramas Serials of TV Channels. Because our Target audience includes Females so the females are interested to watch Dramas and Morning Shows so by advertising our product in these programs will increases awareness and identity to our Brand.

We use big artists or stars for the product to grow big and know by their audiences. We also use TV advertisements most especially doing some commercials that will informed our target audiences about the product. We also use endorsers to promote the product nationwide. Such endorsers would be Marian Rivera and Sarah Geronimo.

Eid occasion and Cricket Medium would be used as one of the sources for promotion because that is going to be launched in the month of Ramadan. The promotion campaign for HAIR MAX SHAMPOO would last for two months starting from the Holy month of Ramadan. For this purpose HAIR MAX SHAMOO, would be heavy advertised during the EID DAYS and as well as during T20 WORLD CUP held in Pakistan and the event would be sponsored. Moreover, HAIR MAX SHAMPOO, will be used during the entire event at subsidized rates.

We will also advertise our product through Magazine vehicles include Humsay Magazine, SHE, Akhbar e Jaha, Weekly Pulse.

Our Company also calculates the cost per thousand persons reached by a vehicle. For example, if a full-page advertisement in Weekly Pulse cost Rs. 5,000 and Weekly Pulse readership is 40,000 people, the cost of reaching each group of 1000 persons is Rs. 125. The same advertisement in Humsay Magazine-may cost only Rs 3,000 but reaches only 15,000 persons, the cost of reaching each group of 1000 persons is Rs. 200. We will rank each magazine by cost per thousand and prefer those magazines with the lower cost per thousand for reaching target consumers.We must consider the costs of producing ads for various media. Newspaper ads may cost hundreds while television ads may cost thousand. So, intelligent we should balance media cost measures against several media impact factors such as vehicles audience quality, audience attention and vehicles editorial quality.

Media timing:

Our Company must also take decisions on scheduling the advertising over a specific time period generally one year. We can make variation in his advertising. Advertising can be done to follow the seasonal pattern, to oppose the seasonal pattern, or to be the same all over the year. Most firms do some seasonal advertising while some do only yearly advertising.

Thus 104 ads could either be scheduled at two per week during the year or pulsedin several bursts. The objective is to advertise heavily for a short period to create awareness that carries over to the next advertising period.

Firstly we will advertise our product on these TV Channels include programs like Morning Shows of all the Pakistani Channels i.e. Nadia Khan Show, Utho Jago Pakistan, Good Morning Pakistan, Good Morning with Farah, Jago Pakistan Jago. Our ads will also be shown during Dramas Serials of TV Channels. Because our Target audience includes Females so the females are interested to watch Dramas and Morning Shows so by advertising our product in these programs will increases awareness and identity to our Brand.

Timing of our ads is at 9:00am to 12:00pm at Morning because at this time all the Females after getting free from their housework prefer to watch Morning Shows.

Secondly our ads will be shown at 9:00pm to 12:00am because that is a time when the Drama Serials on all the TV Channels start so by showing ads on these timings we will be in a position to get the Brand identity and people can be aware with our Product.

Because HAIR MAX SHAMPOO, is a new product so, the chief objective of our advertising campaign is to create the brand identity. The strategy is to get market share by providing superior quality at acceptable price. We have many competitors providing high quality, but even then we dont believe to be skeptical and let down there product in order to show superiority. Because we are launching a product for the first time and the amount that would be used for promotion (electronic, print and other media types) is Capital Investment, so we have taken the cost of promotion in CAPEX (capital expenditure) of the company and after that it would be 5% of total sales. For HAIR MAX SHAMPOO, the act of creating a message is often considered the creative aspect of carrying out an advertising campaign. The basic purpose of our message is informing people about the finest quality of our product.


The campaign would be done through:

Print Media (Press Ads etc)

Electronic Media (TV, Radio etc)

Mass Media (Printings, Photography)

Since a marketer often has multiple simultaneous promotional campaigns, the objective of each could be different.

The most obvious objective we have for our promotional activities is to convince customers to make a decision that benefits our product (of course we believe the decision will also benefit the customer).

However, we understand that getting customers to commit to a decision, such as a purchase decision, is only achievable when a customer is ready to make the decision. So we have made benefits for the customers in order to make the purchase decision easy for the customers.

In order to provide information about HAIR MAX SHAMPOO, we may use promotional means, including direct comparisons with competitors products, in an effort to get customers to mentally distinguish the marketers product from those of competitors.

The challenge of HAIR MAX SHAMPOO is to catch and convince buyers to make a purchase decision by creating the interest in the product. The focus is to get customers to try a product. In case of HAIR MAX SHAMPOO; this has been done by putting the following benefits in the product for the buyer:

Product Wise Interest

We have placed the following benefits in our products:

420mL (6 Free sachet)

Purchase 3 Bottles of 220mL (Lucky draw for HAJJ/ UMRAH)


Customers often move through several stages before a purchase decision is made. Additionally before turning into a repeat customer, purchasers analyze their initial purchase to see whether they received a good value, and then often repeat the purchase process again before deciding to make the same choice.

The type of customer the marketer is attempting to attract and which stage of the purchase process a customer is in will affect the objectives of a particular marketing communication effort. The possible objectives for marketing promotions may include the following:

Build Awareness As new products and are often unknown to a market, therefore our initial promotional efforts are focused on establishing an identity.In this situation we have focused our promotion to:

1) Effectively reach customers, and

2) Tell the market who we are and what we have to offer.

Create Interest Moving a customer from awareness of a product to making a purchase can present a significant challenge.Customers must first recognize they have a need before they actively start to consider a purchase. The focus on creating messages that convince customers that a need exists has been the hallmark of marketing for a long time.

Provide Information In situations, where the product competes in an existing market, informational promotion may be used to help with a product positioning strategy

Stimulate Demand The right promotion can drive customers to make a purchase. In the case of products that a customer has not previously purchased or has not purchased in a long time, the promotional efforts may be directed at getting the customer to try the product.

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