H o w t o D isc o v e r E v e ryt h in g Yo u W a n t in L ... · H o w t o D isc o v e r E v e ryt...

How to Discover Everything You Want in Life and Business Hey there! When my Mom and I made the decision to walk away from the company we'd been building for over 10 years, it wasn't an easy decision. Thankfully though, it was made easier by knowing exactly what we wanted in our life and business, and recognizing that the company's plan was not going to lead us down that path. It took the personal feelings out of it, and made it a business decision. At the end of the day, that company simply was not going to serve us and our goals to the level we needed it to! We weren't leaving because it was a "bad company", but simply because it was no longer a good fit for us. So often we stay somewhere in life longer than we should, simply because we're afraid of hurting feelings, or letting someone down, or of what others might think. It's important to understand those who love and care about you will always support you making a decision that moves you closer to your goals. Even if it hurts a little at the time. I'm not saying you need to leave your company. This worksheet will help you decide exactly what you want in life and business -- and my hope for you is that you discover you're already in the perfect place to make those dreams a reality. Have fun! Feel free to send me a friend request on Facebook! http://www.Facebook.com/TreasureYourDreams Talk to you soon! Jordan Listen to the Entire Episode at: FreedomBossBabes.com/FreedomFactor36

Transcript of H o w t o D isc o v e r E v e ryt h in g Yo u W a n t in L ... · H o w t o D isc o v e r E v e ryt...

How to Discover Everything You Want in Life and Business

Hey there! 

When my Mom and I made the decision to walk away from the company we'd been building for over 10 years, it wasn't an easy decision. 

Thankfully though, it was made easier by knowing exactly what we wanted in our life and business, and recognizing that the company's plan was not going to lead us down that path. 

It took the personal feelings out of it, and made it a business decision. At the end of the day, that company simply was not going to serve us and our goals to the level we needed it to! 

We weren't leaving because it was a "bad company", but simply because it was no longer a good fit for us. 

So often we stay somewhere in life longer than we should, simply because we're afraid of hurting feelings, or letting someone down, or of what others might think.

It's important to understand those who love and care about you will always support you making a decision that moves you closer to your goals. Even if it hurts a little at the time.

I'm not saying you need to leave your company.

This worksheet will help you decide exactly what you want in life and business -- and my hope for you is that you discover you're already in the perfect place to make those dreams a reality.

Have fun!

Feel free to send me a friend request on Facebook!  http://www.Facebook.com/TreasureYourDreams

Talk to you soon!  Jordan

Listen to the Entire Episode at: FreedomBossBabes.com/FreedomFactor36

Listen to the Entire Episode at: FreedomBossBabes.com/FreedomFactor36

Your Personal Vision

How to Discover Everything You Want in Life and Business

Your personal vision provides the passion to help you push through difficulties and make difficult decisions as you grow your business. Ultimately, it's the reason WHY you're doing your business in the first place! 

To begin, think about the following:

What do you REALLY want out of life? 

If you could design each of the following areas exactly how you want them (time and money are not a factor) what would they look like? 

Personal, Relationships, Spirituality, Career, Finances, Health, Physical Environments, Contribution and Recreation? 

How much and what kind of Freedom do you want? 

Time Freedom (ability to do what you want when you want), Financial Freedom (earning enough that you no longer stress about expenses), Locational Freedom (ability to live and work from anywhere you choose) and emotional freedom (freedom from the typical stresses of daily life).

How much income do you want to earn? 

Listen to the Entire Episode at: FreedomBossBabes.com/FreedomFactor36

Your Personal Vision

How to Discover Everything You Want in Life and Business

Now take some time to truly craft a vision of your ideal life, using the answers to these questions. Like a script from a movie, don't leave anything out! Write in as much detail and with as much emotion as possible. 

Pretend like you are describing your PERFECT day. Where do you wake up, who do you spend your day with, what's the balance in your bank account, what car in the driveway, what do you eat, what's your daily routine, your state of mind? 

Ready? Give yourself at least 30 minutes in a quiet place to complete this exercise: 

My Perfect Day

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________  ______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ______________________________ _______________________ _____________________________________________________

Listen to the Entire Episode at: FreedomBossBabes.com/FreedomFactor36

How to Discover Everything You Want in Life and Business

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________  ______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ______________________________ _______________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

Listen to the Entire Episode at: FreedomBossBabes.com/FreedomFactor36

Your Business Vision

How to Discover Everything You Want in Life and Business

Your business vision is fueled by your personal vision. For most of us, our business is the vehicle that will make our personal vision a reality. 

For that reason it's incredibly important to consider: 

What do I REALLY want out of my business? 

Then you're able to clearly evaluate: 

If I continue riding in the same vehicle I'm currently in, traveling down the same road I'm currently on, will I get to my ultimate destination (my personal vision)?

Clarifying What I Want From My Business

Closing Your Eyes and Imagining Your Ideal Business 3-5 Years From Now -- What do you see? 

(Do your best not to think about how or if this is possible. Open your mind up to limitless thinking and describe EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT in a perfect scenario.)

How much income is my business bringing in each month?  _____________________________________________

How much time am I investing in my business each week? _____________________________________________

Listen to the Entire Episode at: FreedomBossBabes.com/FreedomFactor36

How to Discover Everything You Want in Life and Business

How am I spending that time each week (traveling for frequent meetings & team trainings, doing home parties, working from my phone, training my team online, hosting live in-home launches for my team, etc) _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

Now Let's Refocus and Shift to Thinking About Your Present-Day Business:

What do I really LOVE about my weekly business routine right now? (In other words, what could happily continue to do forever?) _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

What do I really DISLIKE about my weekly business routine right now? (In other words, what could happily continue to do forever?) _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

Is it possible to build a business without having to do the things I dislike?  (Example: If you dislike inviting people to take a look, that's something  you'll have to do in any company... at least in the first year or two!) _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

Listen to the Entire Episode at: FreedomBossBabes.com/FreedomFactor36

How to Discover Everything You Want in Life and Business

What Are My Non-Negotiables in My Business? What do I refuse to give up or compromise on? (Example: Maybe you refuse to travel out of town every week to do team meetings, because it takes time away from your family) _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

Last Thing: Describe a 'Perfect Week' In the Life of Your Business 3-5 Years from Now  _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

Listen to the Entire Episode at: FreedomBossBabes.com/FreedomFactor36

How to Discover Everything You Want in Life and Business

Now that you've completed this worksheet, the hard part is over... you've defined what a perfect business looks like to you! 

From this point forward you should easily be able to evaluate any opportunity that comes your way, based on the business you want to create. If something doesn't serve you, it's easy to say no to.

Remember, it's your business that will ultimately fuel and provide for your personal vision to become a reality. Business decisions are not to be made lightly... this is your future life at stake! 

I hope you've completed this worksheet to discover you are in exactly the right place. Or, if you've been feeling doubtful... I hope it's given you the courage and freedom to know it's okay to look elsewhere. 

Keep this worksheet and reference back to it as needed. 

I appreciate you! 

- Jordan 

Additional Resources: 

The Simple Routine to Help You Enroll People Every Week Online Without Bugging Friends Family –Learn More This powerful webinar my Mom and I share our simple 4-Step Online Prospecting and Team Building Blueprint we used to create a 6-figure business to help you build a huge team online and enroll people every week without bugging your friends and family.

Global Freedom Community – Learn More Come join the fastest growing community of driven network marketers inside our Global Freedom Community on Facebook! This free community provides incredible networking opportunities, exclusive free training, and a supportive and encouraging environment to help you grow your business and have a ton of fun along the way!

Proven Confidence-Boosting Network Marketing Scripts – Learn More Would you like to discover the perfect words to say to every prospect in any situation? Never worry about what to say to your prospects ever again, with this proven script book that provides scripts for networking, inviting, following up, enrolling and overcoming objections. 

Facebook Marketing 101 – Learn More Learn how to get more leads, customers and enrollments on Facebook by discovering how to market your business on Facebook the right way. This program has over 90 minutes of training videos and 10 downloadable resources to help you market on Facebook like a pro!