Guiding Principles for Stabilization and Reconstruction - US Institute for Peace/US Army

United States Institute of Peace United States Army Peacekeeping and Stability Operatio ns Institute G P S R

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United States Institute of Peace United States Army Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute 




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Guiding Principles or Stabilizationand Reconstruction

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Guiding Principles or Stabilizationand Reconstruction


 Washington, D.C.


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 T x U SI P U.S. A P S O I.

U S I P100 17 S NW 

 W, DC 006-011 ..

© 009 E U S I P. A .

F 009

  q , C- C C ... F , , - @..


 T q AN S I S—P P P L M, ANSI Z9.8-198.

Library o Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

G / U S I P U.S. A P S O I (PKSOI).

. .ISBN 978-1-6017-0-7 (.)1. P-, A--D . I. U S I P.

II. P S O I. JZ558.DG85 0091.5’8--


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IntroduCtIon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-

 s trategIC Framework For s tabIlIzatIon  and reConstruCtIon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -8

Cross-CuttIng PrInCIPles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -1

HIgH-level trade-oFFs, g aPs, and CHallenges . . . . . . . . - 6Fundamentals oF  a ComPreHensIve aPProaCH . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 0

end s tates

Sae and Secure Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8

Rule o Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-6

Stable Governance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-98Sustainable Economy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1

Social Well-Being . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-16


A. Resource List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-196

B. Participants in Review Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-C. Summary o Strategic Frameworks Surveyed . . 11-5

D. Snapshot o Components romOverarching Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-6

E. Acronyms and Glossary o Selected Key erms 11-7

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ProjeCt dIreCtor


lead wrIters



ContrIbutIng wrIters




 W F



researCH suPPort






 T Guiding Principles or Stabilization and Reconstruction   . C 

D P. S, . O L. G. W B. C, A. J H, A. R H. S,

S R . W  C. J A , E B, C. C, J D, W F, L. C. SL, U S, N

j . S   : S C, PD, M D, M E, R G, J H, C. J K,R P, L R. F, x

. T Ax B.

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Section 1


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1.0 Context , , , , . T x   , -

. C    x. T q 1 x - . T j - . S ; - - .

 W , U.S. q j 

. U S, C PD D 56 (PDD/NSC-56) 1997, U.S.

 -- x. E , B N S P D (NSPD-), x -- . 

A , U.S. - -

(S&R) .


B U.S. . I x   A, C, S, S, H. I, x UN 198.6 UN- 009 -. A .7

A , , , .

S -- - - . B , US

1. S Ax E, A G S K .

. I.

. U S P, “U S P D D 56, M Cx C- O,” 1997.

. U S P, “U S N S P D , M I- E C R S,” 005.

5. T , , U.S. D S, L, , J, HS, A, E, C, H H S, H U D ; U.S. A I D, CI A, A Of U.S. C.

6. U N D P O D F S, Peacekeeping Operations Principles and Guidelines, 008. H: UNDPKO, Principles and Guidelines, 008.

7. I F C P O, A Comparative Study on Doctrine and Prin-ciples or Multinational Peace Operations: A Case or Harmonization and Enhanced Interoperability, 007.

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Introduction 1-3



F 1, 009

L .

1.1 PurposeF , U.S. q . T -, , -, , . Y U.S. R S B A, civilian U.S.

. N x , , - x what  . I , - , : what  ? T Guiding Principles or Stabilization and Reconstruction .

E S&R q q x. T , , “ ” “” x

. T , . F , Guiding Principles j S&R . I , , — — .

1.2 Caveats T• Guiding Principles , U.S.

f. I . T ’ “,” •

, . I j - .

 T •

, , , .

 T , •

  x S&R .

 T• Guiding Principles x x . T f- .

8. D C. B, “A T A I C S S C- I” (W, D.C.: U.S. Of D N I, 009).

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1-4 Introduction

1.3 Methodology  T j , , , j - (NGO) - -

. T


  j   . I x, x.

M U.S. , UN , j .10 I NGO , , .

1.4 Scope T , . I , . I — .Ex “-” x U.S. .

 T .

1.4.1 Audience

 T U.S. S&R — , , . A   , ’ Of C R S U.S. D S (S/CRS).11 T U.S. f , . I , .

1.4.2 Boundariesype o Mission.• T   . I q   .

 T .1 F, , U N.

emporal Dimension.• M j . F ,


9. S Ax A, R L.

10. S Ax B, P R P.

11. U S D S, “Of C R S,” ..///.

1. T U N, , , , .

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Introduction 1-5

  . L . B x, . A   .

 Focus.•  D , - . T q, . A - j . B , j - .

1.5 Comprehensive Review o Frameworks: A Snapshot

I , j .1 T R S&R x , , .

O — — - - . I, ,   - S&R .

 T .A . T

  S&R .

P j , U.S. “ .”1 A , , , j . T - .15

  , Guiding Principles  - :16 , , , ,

 -. E .17  T U.S. : , j , , -, -.

1. S Ax C, S S F S.1. U S D S, Of C R S, P-

C R E , 005.

15. S Ax D, S C F O R.

16. U S A, Field Manual 3-07: Stability Operations (W, D.C.: D U.S.A, 008). H: U.S. A, FM 3-07, 008.

17. D P. S P T, “A F S: I I SE C,” Leashing the Dogs o War (W, D.C.: U.S. I P, 008).

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1-6 Introduction

Guiding Principles End States U.S. Government Technical Sectors

Safe and Secure Environment Security

Rule of Law Justice and Reconciliation

Stable Governance Governance and Participation

Sustainable Economy Economic Stabilization and Infrastructure

Social Well-Being Humanitarian Assistance and Social Well-Being

1.6 A Note to Readers T . A q . I — — . I x .

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Section 2

Strategic Frameworkor Stabilization and


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2.0 Te Strategic Framework or Stabilization and Reconstruction T S F S R x . B ,  

. T j end states, necessary conditions . T -   cross-cutting principles . T - . T .18

18. T - . T U.S. I P “F S S E F C” 006. I , j -j . T - .

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Strategic Framework or Stabilization and Reconstruction  2-9

2.1 End States19

B ,   , .

Sae and Secure Environment•

   Ability o the people to conduct their daily lives without ear o systematic or large-scale violence.

Rule o Law •

   Ability o the people to have equal access to just laws and a trusted system o justice that holds all persons accountable, protects their human rights and ensures their saety and security.

Stable Governance•

   Ability o the people to share, access or compete or power through nonviolent political  processes and to enjoy the collective benets and services o the state.

Sustainable Economy •

   Ability o the people to pursue opportunities or livelihoods within a system o economic  governance bound by law.

Social Well-Being •

   Ability o the people to be ree rom want o basic needs and to coexist peaceully incommunities with opportunities or advancement.

2.2 Cross-Cutting Principles T -   S&R . T x.B — :

Host Nation Ownership and Capacity •

Political Primacy •

Legitimacy •

Unity o Eort•

Security •

Conict ransormation•

Regional Engagement•

19. S Ax D, S C F O R.

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2-10 Strategic Framework or Stabilization and Reconstruction

2.3 Structure o the Manual T . C- S . E   . E ,

j  x. R -, , 0   .

0. S Ax E.

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Section 3




Ownership and




Unity o Eort




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3.0 What are cross-cutting principles?C- — , ; , UN S C ; , . T

, , . L, x, . I - . M S&R . T - .

3.1 What are the key cross-cutting principles in an S&R environment? Host nation ownership and capacity• .1 O q ,

S&R .

 Political primacy• - . E   .

 Legitimacy• : - ; ;


Unity o eort • . I j ,


Security• - q . T S&R . S - .

Conict transormation• . I q , , , , , - .

 Regional engagement • , -, ’ ’ . I

: , , .

1. U S A I D, “N P D R-,” 005. ://..//005_., J 009.

. U.S. A,FM 3-07 , 008.

. U S D S U S J F C, United States Government Drat Planning Framework or Stabilization, Reconstruction and Conict ransormation, 005.

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Cross-Cutting Principles 3-13

3.2 Why is it necessary to ulfll these cross-cutting principles?S&R x , ,   . T


3.3 Host Nation Ownership and Capacity 

3.3.1 What is host nation ownership and capacity?I , , . T - . O q , , . E  

, , .5 

3.3.2 Locally led peace T , . A q x - .6 

3.3.3 Host nation ownership and capacity depend on:Understanding the local context •

E , q , , ,, . I x, - .

Fostering ownership•

T . T .7 U-

, , . F x, ,

  , .


P , -, x ( ; ; , ,

. USAID, “N P,” 005.

5. U S D S, Of C R S,Principles o the USG Planning Framework or Reconstruction, Stabilization and Conict ransormation, 008.H: S/CRS, Principles, 008.

6. U K S U, Te United Kingdom Approach to Stabilisation—A Stabilisation Guidance  Note, 008. H: UK S U, UK Approach to Stabilisation, 008.

7. S/CRS, Principles, 008.

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3-14 Cross-Cutting Principles

). S .



, , , , ,  .8 T q q   . Ex “” “” , .9 

Formal and inormal systems•

B x   , - . L . O, ’ — j — . O , , j, q . U . q .

 Early resources•

E j q — “q ”— . S x . E , - , , . B - .

Te role o women•

T , -, -.0 I , , , . P- q . . W (SSR).1

8. USAID, Nine  Principles, 005.

9. UK S U, UK Approach to Stabilisation, 008.

0. U N D G W B, “DRAF J G N IR P U P C N A R F,” 007.H: UNDG/WB, “DRAF J G N,” 007. U N S C, “UN S C R 15,” ..///15. ( J 17,009).

1. C P C, Te Role o Women in Stabilization and Reconstruction (W, D.C.: U.S.I P, 006).

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Cross-Cutting Principles 3-15

 Eective transitions rom international to host nation•

I , - . E - .

3.4 Political Primacy 

3.4.1 What is political primacy?P . V . P - , x. E . A, , , , .

3.4.2 Political primacy requires:Using a conict lens• . 

 T , . A q   , “ ” .

Fostering and sustaining a political process.•  F . N . H . K 

R q.•

S •

. T •

. T .•

D ( -•

SSR; , -, [DDR]; ; .A .•

U .•

H -•


 Inclusivity o warring parties and marginalized groups• .P -

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3-16 Cross-Cutting Principles

. Eq ,   , x .32  T .

 Eective strategic communications.•33 

P x “f” . T - . E

D j .•

E  •

.M x •


3.5 Legitimacy 

3.5.1 What is legitimacy?E . T :

 T , •


 T •

( ), .

 T x  •

’ .

3.5.2 Legitimacy derives rom: A bargain between citizens and the government •

T - . L x . I , , q. I , , , .5 L q . T x , .

. J D, Te Eects o Violence on Peace Processes (W, D.C.: U.S. I P, 001).U K S U, Quick Guide to Stabilisation Planning, 007.

. U.S. A,FM 3-07, 008.

. U N D P U S A I D,First Steps in Post-Conict State-Building: a UNDP-USAID Study, 007. H: UNDP/USAID, “FS,” 007.

5. A G C L, Fixing Failed States: A Framework or Rebuilding a Fractured World (Ox-: Ox U P, 008). H: G/L, Fx F S, 008.

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Cross-Cutting Principles 3-17

 Mandate and authorities•

, UN S C R- . T  x, , j ; (’, ); ( ).6 S - q - .7 D .

 Matching resources to goals and delivering a timely peace dividend •

T q f . T  

.8 M DDR DDR.9 S- - .


T : (1)   UN () . T . S, , . N x x

 j , , q . A   - .0

 Accountability and transparency•

B — — . A q -. T , , . , - - — .

6. I.

7. UK S U, “UK A S,” 008.8. UNDPKO, Principles and Guidelines, 008.

9. J D, S G. J, K C, B C DG, Te Beginner’s Guide to Nation-Build-ing (S M, C.: RAND C, 007). H: D/J/C/C DG,Beginner’s Guide, 007.

0. J C, M J. D, L R. H, ., Te Quest or Viable Peace: International  Intervention and Strategies or Conict ransormation (W, D.C.: U.S. I P, 005).H: C/D/H, Quest or a Viable Peace, 005.

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3-18 Cross-Cutting Principles

 Management o expectations and communication•

C x - . I . L . C q .

Constituencies or peace •

A .1 I , “-” “,” : P .

, - . B q , , , , .

 Engagement o the international community•

L . I S C . E UN q . M - .

3.6 Unity o Eort

3.6.1 What is unity o eort?U ,

  - . T U.S. , U.S. , . U - U.S. j .

3.6.2 Unity o eort is based on: A shared understanding o the situation•

U - . W U.S. , - --

1. I F Challenges o Peace Operations, Meeting the Challenges o Peace Operations: Coop-eration and Coordination, Challenges Project Phase II Concluding Report, 00–005, 006.

. UNDG/WB, “DRAF J G N,” 007.

. U.S. A,FM 3-07, 008.

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Cross-Cutting Principles 3-19

. T U N . C q UN - .

 A shared strategic goal •

B , U.S. . T .


I U.S. . T - U.S. , UN, . L .

Cooperation and coherence •

F , f . C, , .5 C x . T

.Civil-military cooperation•

C- : - f -, NGO ( ), . T , , q q . I S&R , U.S. U.S. NGO.6

Recognition o humanitarian space •

T . M

  , x .7

. U S D S, Of C R S, Interagency Conict Assessment Framework, 008. H: S/CRS, Interagency Conict Assessment Frame-work, 008.

5. S S 5, F C A.

6. I, U.S. D D, U.S. I P, “G R B U.S.A F N H O H P H E-,” 006.

7. UNDPKO, Principles and Guidelines, 008.

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3-20 Cross-Cutting Principles

3.7 Security 

3.7.1 What is security? T j j - . I . I ,

“ ” , , , , , .8 T   “ .”9 F - ,

3.7.2 Security is the platorm or development.I q , , , , -. T -

, S 6. I DDR . M - - .

3.7.3 Security rests on: Inormation•

S . T -

, , f. H q . T j NGO I C   R C.

 Management o spoilers•



U  , , - .51 R x , , , . T  . I , . D- , .

Reorm o the security sector •


8. J I C A, Handbook or ransition Assistance, 006. H: JICA, Hand-book or ransition Assistance, 006.

9. S Ax E, A G S K .

50. UNDG/WB, “DRAF J G N,” 007.

51. K G J P, . Interim Governments: Institutional Bridges to Peace and Democracy? (W, D.C.: U.S. I P, 007). H: G/P, Interim Governments, 007.

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Cross-Cutting Principles 3-21

  j . I .5 S S&R -: (.., ), (.., ,, j, ), (- ).5 R   , , .5 

Protection o human rights•55 

A - , , q . T .56 R -

, , ; ; ; j ; q, , ; ; q ; . T ,, , ; ; ,, ; ; -, x, , .57

3.8 Conict ransormation

3.8.1 What is conict transormation?58

C , , .

 T “ j,” - . C q   , , . F ,

- .

5. UK S U, “UK A S,” 008.

5. U S D S, U S D D, U S A I D, Security Sector Reorm, 008.

5. S MF, Securing the Future: A Primer on Security Sector Reorm in Conict Countries (W,D.C.: U.S. I P, 008).

55. R - , “U D H R,”

“I C C P R,” “I C E,S C R,” “C R C,” “C A O C, I D P,” “C E- A F D A W.”

56. UNDPKO, Principles and Guidelines, 008.

57. U N Of H C H R, Frequently Asked Questions on aHuman Rights-Based Approach to Development Cooperation, 006.

58. S/CRS, Principles, 008. C/D/H, Quest or a Viable Peace, 005.

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3-22 Cross-Cutting Principles

3.8.2 Conict transormation ocuses on:Understanding drivers and mitigators o conict •

I , , , - .59 I - . U (, j , ) . U , , ,  


Reducing drivers o conict and strengthening mitigators•

N ,

- . C , - . E .

Building host nation capacity to manage the drivers o conict through nonviolent •

means and support long-term development T . I : ; j ; ; ; - q .

3.9 Regional Engagement

3.9.1 What is regional engagement?N j — — ’ . R , , S&R . T ’ .60 A f. A - .61 R ,

59. S/CRS, “I C A F,” 008. UNDG/WB, “DRAF J GN,” 007.

60. M G. W, Aghanistan and Its Neighbors: An Ever Dangerous Neighborhood (W, D.C.:U.S. I P, 006).

61. C A. C, F O H, P A, Leashing the Dogs o War: Conict Management in aDivided World (W, D.C.: U.S. I P P, 007).

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Cross-Cutting Principles 3-23

, ’ ’ -.

3.9.2 Regional engagement is based on:Comprehensive regional diplomacy•

W ’ , , - , -. C - ’ . E , ’ .O , - .6 T , .

 A shared regional vision•

L , -, . I, — - — .B ’ .6


E ’ — ’ — ’ , , .6 T , , , , ,, , , ; ; ’ - ; .65 F , , .66 

6. Iq S G, Te Iraq Study Group Report: Te Way Forward—A New Approach (N Y: V

B, 006). H: Iq S G R, 006.6. I.

6. G/L, Fixing Failed States, 008.

65. S A D C, “SADC P,” ../ ( J 18, 009).S C O, “S C O,” ...//-//57970. ( J 18, 009); E C W A S, “ECOWAS ,” ...//x.?=_&= ( J 18, 009).

66.  Iraq Study Group Report, 006.

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Section 4

High-Level rade-os,Gaps, and Challenges

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4.0 High-Level rade-osM S&R f -. - x j. T - j . F x,

  , . B , .U - q. - - . T - - :

4.1 Stability vs. host nation legitimacy  -


4.2 Expediency vs. sustainability  - - . I - - j . j .67 L j, , x x -.

4.3 Meeting needs vs. building capacity  q

— —   .

4.4 High-Level Gaps and ChallengesG x -. C , . B .68

4.5 Lack o an agreed overall vision or “storyline”  

. S S ., P P .6, U  E.

4.6 Insucient realism in the timelines or key recovery outcomes, - x - . S S .5, L.

4.7 Inadequate links between priorities  , , , . S S .6, U E.

67. U S A I D,Guide to Economic Growth in Post-Conict Countries, 009.

68. UN D G, UN D P, W B, Practical Guide to Multilateral Needs Assessments, 00. U K D I D, Review o the United King-dom Government Approach to Peacebuilding and Synthesis o Lessons Learned rom United Kingdom Government Funded Peacebuilding Projects, 1997–2001, 00. J U S P, owards a Strategic Framework or Peacebuilding: Getting Teir Act ogether, 00. UK S U, “UK A S,” 008.

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High-Level rade-os, Gaps and Challenges 4-27

4.8 Loss o momentum ater the key transition event,  -. S S ., H N O C.

4.9 Ineective transitions rom international to local control   . S S ., H N O C.

4.10 Insucient understanding o host nation context and needs.  S S ., HN O C.

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Fundamentals o aComprehensive Approach

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5.0 What are the undamentals o a comprehensive approach?A S F S&R . J . T f -


5.1 Interdependence“Everything is connected to everything else,” • G A Z (U.S. M C) 1990 S.69 

 T - : S q , q, , , q ,

q . I q .

 Interdependence requires that all actors break out o their stovepipes.• A , , , . F j . U’ .70

5.2 Cooperation71

 A shared strategic vision enables dierent actors to work cooperatively toward the•

 same goal. T “” -, , .7

Understanding organizational cultures and interests is necessary or cooperation.•

A q.7 U .

Cooperation requires constant communication, dialogue, and negotiation among all •

actors—international, host nation, government, and nongovernment. C- . A x . W , q.

69. L. G. A Z, “L. G. Z’ L L H A

P O,” C N A A C P: M S Cx H E, 1995.

70. O E C- D, Whole o Government Approaches to Fragile Societies, 006.

71. C S .6 U E C-C P.

7. UNDG/WB, “DRAF J G N,” 007.

7. R P, . Guide or Participants in Peace, Stability and Relie Operations (W, D.C.: U.S.I P, 007).

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Fundamentals o a Comprehensive Approach 5-31

5.3 Prioritization Priorities are necessary but must be exible.•  Ex .7 P q

  . Focus priorities on:•

S  •75

I •76 

P .•

5.4 Nesting Short-term objectives should be nested in the longer-term goals.• A S&R

. T - U N are  - .77 Tq - - j. F x, - q . T - j , , .78

 Focus on rapid results, while understanding the impact on longer-term goals.•

S q, ,- .79 T q -.

 Do not neglect the medium term.•   T S&R   , , - , .

 T . F - - .80 

5.5 Flexibility o Sequencing and iming Sequencing and timing or phasing are dependent on context.• A q   . I , . T j :

7. D/J/C/C DG, B’ G, 007.

75. S/CRS, “P,” 008.

76. UNDP/USAID, “F S,” 007. UK S U, “UK A S,” 008.77. U N D P, “M D G,” 000, ..//

. ( J 18, 009).

78. U N D E S A, Conict Prevention, Peace Building and Devel-opment, 00.

79. J I C A, Handbook or ransition Assistance, 006. S/CRS, Principles, 008.U S A I D, F S S, 005.

80. G/L, Fixing Failed States, 008.

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5-32 Fundamentals o a Comprehensive Approach

Post-conict environments are characterized by high volatility. Needs may change (newpopulation displacements, or example); priorities may change (subsequent realization thata marginalized region or population segment poses a risk or peace building i their needsare not addressed); national counterparts may change, with implications or their views onrecovery priorities; reorms or capacity building may prove to be more difcult than originallyenvisaged, necessitating changes in timing; the composition o the donor or internationalsupport group may change; and costs o reconstruction may change, due to security condi-tions or changes in possible sources o supply o materials or services.

Source: UNDP/WB, “DRAFT Joint Guidance Note on Integrated Recovery Planning.” 2007.

 Locally led input on sequencing and timing actions is essential or success.• L-   q . T UN P C-

P S Of   B S L.81 K , , ; - W ; q .8

Te opening days and months o an S&R mission provide an opening to seize the•

initiative. T x -

. R .8

 Learn and adapt.• T x.8

 Forget linearity.•  P q . A , x.85 S S&R -

, .86

5.6 Measurements o Progress A system o metrics translates loty goals into measurable outcomes.•  T q - .87 A , . F x,

81. B U N, Strategic Framework or Peacebuilding in Burundi, 007.

8. C C, Institutionalizing Peace: A Review o Post-Conict Peacebuilding, Concepts and Issues or DPA  (N Y: U N, 005).

8. D/J/C/C DG, Beginner’s Guide, 007.

8. S/CRS, Principles, 008.

85. G/P, Interim Governments, 007.

86. UK S U, “UK A S,” 008.

87. C C, Measuring Progress in Stabilization and Reconstruction (W, D.C.: U.S. I  P, 006).

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Fundamentals o a Comprehensive Approach 5-33

, .

 Measuring progress allows continuous adjustments to strategy and implementation•

to improve success. O j

, , . M P C E-88 (MPICE) - .

88. M D, B S, J A, ., Measuring Progress in Conict Environments(MPICE)—A Metrics Framework or Assessing Conict ransormation and Stabilization, D I C, 008.

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End States

Sae and Secure Environment

Rule o Law

Stable Governance

Sustainable Economy 

Social Well-Being

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Sae and SecureEnvironment


ENVIRONMENTAbility o the people to conduct

their daily lives without earo systematic or

large-scale violence.

Cessation o Large-Scale Violence

Separation o Warring Parties•

Enduring Cease-re/Peace•


Management o Spoilers•


Public OrderA Comprehensive System•

Interim Law Enorcement•

Interim Judiciary•

Humane Detention and•


Legitimate StateMonopoly Over theMeans o Violence

Disarmament and•


Reintegration o Ex-•


Security Sector Reorm•Physical Security

Security o Vulnerable•


Protection o Inrastructure•

Protection o War Crimes•


Territorial SecurityFreedom o Movement•

Border Security•

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Sae and Secure Environment Ability o the people to conduct their daily lives without ear 

o systematic or large-scale violence.

6.0 What is a sae and secure environment?A , , - .S - ; q ; -; , , , ; .

6.1 What are the key security challenges in societies emerging romconict?

 T . E , , , , - , , . S , , , , x, , ,

x, . T - .

6.2 Why is a sae and secure environment a necessary end state?A ’ - .89 W , , , , . P - , , , . C - , , , .

6.3 What are the necessary conditions to achieve a sae and secureenvironment?

• Cessation of Large-Scale Violence is a condition in which large-scale armed conict hascome to a halt, warring parties are separated and monitored, a peace agreement or cease-fre has been implemented, and violent spoilers are managed.

89. I , “” x S&R j . I , x  “ .” S Ax E.

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Sae and Secure Environment 6-39

• Public Order is a condition in which laws are enorced equitably; the lives, property, ree-doms, and rights o individuals are protected; criminal and politically motivated violence hasbeen reduced to a minimum; and criminal elements (rom looters and rioters to leaders o organized crime networks) are pursued, arrested, and detained.

Legitimate State Monopoly Over the Means of Violence is a condition in which majorillegal armed groups have been identifed, disarmed and demobilized; the deense and policeorces have been vetted and retrained; and national security orces operate lawully under alegitimate governing authority.

• Physical Security is a condition in which political leaders, ex-combatants, and the generalpopulation are ree o ear rom grave threats to physical saety; reugees and internallydisplaced persons can return home without ear o retributive violence; women and childrenare protected rom undue violence; and key historical or cultural sites and critical inrastruc-ture are protected rom attack.

• Territorial Security is a condition in which people and goods can reely move throughoutthe country and across borders without ear o harm to lie and limb; the country is pro-tected rom invasion; and borders are reasonably well-secured rom infltration by insurgentor terrorist elements and illicit trafcking o arms, narcotics, and humans.

6.4 General Guidance or a Sae and Secure Environment

6.4.1 Build host nation ownership and capacity. W , -

, , : (1) ()   x .90 T f -. L , .

6.4.2 Act only with an understanding o the local context. S - x . U

q . T , , :

 W ?•

  x •

? W , , , , , -•

, ? W (, , , -•

, , )?

 W •

, , ?

 W x-•


90. UK S U, UK Approach to Stabilisation, 008.

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6-40 Sae and Secure Environment

 W ?•  H ?91 I ?

6.4.3 Prioritize to stabilize.92  T - - . W - f, “ ” . S , , - , .9 M x .

6.4.4 Use a conict lens. S&R . A . M x-

, , , , f,

  q , (IDP) .94 A .

6.4.5 Recognize interdependence. S - , . C, , , . A   . O .

6.5 Necessary Condition: Cessation o Large-Scale Violence

6.5.1 What is the cessation o large-scale violence? Why is it a necessary condition? T - j . A 95 , x . I , - . E . W , , . S

91. U K S U, “H C R,” 008. H: UK S U,“H C R,” 008.

9. I.

9. UK S U, UK Approach to Stabilisation, 008.

9. J C, M J. D L H, ., Te Quest or Viable Peace: International Inter-vention and Strategies or Conict ransormation (W, D.C.: U S I P P,005). H: C/D/H,Quest or Viable Peace, 005.

95. M D, B S, J A, . Measuring Progress in Conict Environments(MPICE)—A Metrics Framework or Assessing Conict ransormation and Stabilization, D I C, 008. H: D/S/A, Measuring Progress in Conict Environ-ments, 008.

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Sae and Secure Environment 6-41

/ ,   .

6.5.2 Guidance or the Cessation o Large-Scale Violence

6.5.3 Approach: Separation o Warring PartiesS - .

 T , , . T -.

6.5.4 Move quickly to separate warring parties and stop the violence. I   , , .96 E - - .97 T - .

6.5.5 Separate orces to create time and space or the peace process. S . T . I

, . I ,   -’ . C .98 Z , , .99

6.5.6 Apply principles o restraint, impartiality, and consent when dealing with partiesto the conict.100 B , . Ex , - .

Restraint • . Ex . A x . H

96. U.S. A, FM 3-07, 008.97. UK S U, “UK A S,” 008.

98. JICA, Handbook or ransition Assistance, 006.

99. U K M D, Joint Warghting Publication 3-50: Te Military Contribution toPeace Support Operations, 006. H: UK MOD, JWP 3-50, 006.

100. U N D P O, Handbook on United Nations Multidimensional Peacekeeping Operations, 00. H: UNDPKO, H UN P O, 00.UNDPKO, Principles and Guidelines, 008.

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6-42 Sae and Secure Environment

, q   - .101 

 Impartiality• . I ,

. B - .

Consent • . T , , -, , . W x , x . O , -


6.5.7 Approach: Enduring Cease-fre/Peace Agreement  T - . A , - . T .102 A .

6.5.8 Understand that stopping armed conict requires political, not military, solutions.I , . A .103 W - UN , , f

. A S ..

6.5.9 ransorm the conict. R q -

  . C “ ”10 - . E q   . D , x .105 T

101. U.S. A, FM 3-07, 008.

10. UK S U, UK Approach to Stabilisation, 008.

10. UK S U, “H C R,” 008.

10. C/D/H, Quest or a Viable Peace, 005.

105. I.

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Sae and Secure Environment 6-43

, x.106 C S .8.

6.5.10 Approach: Management o SpoilersA . T , , x , . A , —, , x— - , , .107 S .108 S f ,

. T , , .109 S S 7.6.5, 7.6.7,8.7, 9.6.

6.5.11 Anticipate obstructionists and understand their motivations. U , ’ . A q- :110

I ?•

C “” , -•

?I — ’  •

?D j •

? W , , ?•

6.5.12 Create a plan or managing the spoilers. T


 Inclusion—• I . T “ ,” . O x- .111

106. JICA, Handbook or ransition Assistance, 006.107. C/D/H, Quest or a Viable Peace, 005.

108. S S, “S P P P,” International Security, . , . (F 1997).H: S, “S P,” 1997.

109. N A O, Allied Joint Publication 3.4.1: Allied Joint Doctrine or Peace Support Operations, 007. H: NAO, AJP 3.4.1, 007.

110. UK S U, “UK A S,” 008.

111. JICA, Handbook or ransition Assistance, 006.

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6-44 Sae and Secure Environment

 Exclusion• —Ex , . T , j. Ex “” — -- , - . . T x , - . Ex .11

 T , , f x - , x. S

, , ,, .

6.5.13 Maintain the primacy o the peace process.  T “ ”   .11 T , .11 A , -, q .115 U . A S ..

6.5.14 Adopt an “assertive position” with regard to peace agreement enorcement. T x : , - , , , , , . M . , “ ” . 116 T

- . I , , q , . T .

 W , x . U, , .See rade-o: Section 6.10.3, Applying orce vs. maintaining mission legitimacy.

11. UK S U, “H C R,” 008; S, “S P,” 1997; NAO,“AJP ..1,” 007.

11. C/D/H, Quest or a Viable Peace, 005.

11. UK S U, “UK A S,” 008.

115. UK S U, “H C R,” 008.

116. C/D/H, Quest or a Viable Peace, 005.

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Sae and Secure Environment 6-45

6.5.15 Approach: IntelligenceI . I . P - , , , q - . K , , , f. T .See Gap/Challenge: Section 6.11.2, Intelligence.

6.5.16 Remember that the population is the best resource or inormation. H - , , . O .

O, q q .117 P -, , . M . R, W , .118 

6.5.17 Local intelligence is a must, but be very aware o sensitivities. M - , , , q . I ; ; , , , . W , . I , , x j NGO, , - , , , . S, - I C RC - . H - S 6.8..

6.5.18 Given the sensitivities, be creative in acquiring critical inormation. I q   NGO, - , ,

  .119 Aq , . I ,


117. UK S U, “H C R,” 008; S G. J, J M. W, A R, K. J R, Establishing Law and Order Ater Conict (S M, C.: RANDC, 005).

118. D/J/C/C DG, Beginner’s Guide, 007.

119. UK MOD, JWP 3-50, 006.

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6-46 Sae and Secure Environment

6.5.19 Coordinate military-police intelligence sharing.10 P , U.S., . W S&R , - x f   q .

6.5.20 Develop the capacity to conduct intelligence-led operations against spoilers. I-- - . M x , , . A - . T . T -


Disruption• : T . T .Dislocation• : T x . I x . D   .Decisive Action• : T f .

6.6 Necessary Condition: Public Order P S S E R  L. I S 7.6 N C: P O.

6.7 Necessary Condition: Legitimate State Monopoly Over Te Meanso Violence

6.7.1 What is legitimate state monopoly over the means o violence? Why is it anecessary condition?

 T ’ , - .1 T x ,, , ,, . R   j : , ,

10. D/J/C/C DG, Beginner’s Guide, 007.

11. C. H B, C. M R, B W, “I E O,” UNDPKO C D S, C Ex S PU (COESPU), 006.

1. G C D C A F, Shaping a Security Governance Agenda in Post-Conict Peacebuilding, 005.

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Sae and Secure Environment 6-47

( DDR), ( SSR)—   . B x - - . I - , ; ; ; , , j. T -, . A x .1 A .

6.7.2 Guidance or the Legitimate Monopoly Over the Means o Violence

6.7.3 Approach: Disarmament and Demobilization (DD)

D - . D - x- . D ; . D -. R - , q x- .

6.7.4 Start DD planning early. S .1 T DD . B f - .  T ; - ; , , ; DD -; , -, . T DD , .15 B x .

6.7.5 ailor the DD strategy to local conditions.16 A . A , ,

1. UNDP/USAID, “F S,” 007.

1. D G ü Z GH (GZ), DDR: A Practical Field and Classroom Guide, 00. H: GZ, Practical Guide, 00. E U, EU Concept or Support toDisarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration, 006. H: EU, Concept or DDR, 006.

15. C P C, Te Role o Women in Stabilization and Reconstruction (W, D.C.: U.S.I P, 006). H: C, Te Role o Women, 006.

16. U S D S, Of C R S,Lessons-Learned: Demobilization, Disarmament, and Reintegration (DDR) in Stabilization and ReconstructionOperations, 006.

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6-48 Sae and Secure Environment

. F , , , , x .I , , - , .

6.7.6 Include details o disarmament and demobilization in the peace agreement. D 17 - . I , , - ; x ;  

  ; - DDR SSR . P

, , , , , - .

6.7.7 Provide credible security guarantees to build confdence in disarmament.18 T - . T - , x- . T   . I - , .19 T

  , , .

6.7.8 Maximize host nation ownership in the disarmament and demobilization strategy. O q j - , - , .10 O-

f . I , - , . I x .

6.7.9 Inorm the population to build popular support. A - .11 S j

17. EU, Concept or DDR, 006.

18. U N DDR R C, Integrated Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Standard,006. H: UN DDR, Integrated DDR, 006. C/D/H, Quest or a Viable Peace, 005.

19. D/J/C/C DG, Beginner’s Guide, 007.

10. GZ, Practical Guide, 00; UN, Integrated DDR, 006.

11. UN, Integrated DDR, 006.

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Sae and Secure Environment 6-49

x- . T , ,


6.7.10 Aim or inclusivity o all warring parties. D - all  . I , q, , , , - .1 T .

6.7.11 Include aected nontraditional combatants. T x- -, , , .1 M - . P “-” ( ),

  , , - - .

6.7.12 Ensure accountability to human rights standards through identifcation.1 

R x- - . I , , . C - , , , , , , , .

6.7.13 Ensure that DD is civilian-led, with technical input and operational support   rom international orces. D -, . O, DD q . T ; - , DDR .15 

6.7.14 Approach: Reintegration o Ex-CombatantsR x- - .16 I x- x-  

1. I.

1. EU, Concept or DDR, 006. GZ, Practical Guide, 00. UN, Integrated DDR, 006.

1. GZ, Practical Guide, 00. UN, Integrated DDR, 006.

15. JICA, “H A,” 006.

16. U N S-G, “N G A,” A/C.5/59/1, 005.

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6-50 Sae and Secure Environment

  j . R , - , x-.17 R- DDR , q , , x . I .E S 9.6.17. E S 10.6.1.

6.7.15 Prepare or reintegration to be the most sensitive and dicult phase o DDR. T DDR x . W DD - q-, , , , . S q

, j . R q  

  .18 A x- . I , -- .19

See Gap/Challenge: Section 6.11.5, Reintegration o ex-combatants.

6.7.16 Avoid making ex-combatants a privileged class by integrating them into broader recovery strategies aimed at all conict-aected populations. W x-   , x - . O q , IDP, , . S q.A , x- - , , , .10 D x- .

6.7.17 Sustain international support or the reintegration process.11 I , UN . B . Iq q  .1 S q .

17. UN, “I DDR,” 006.

18. UNDP/USAID, “F S,” 007.

19. C, “T R W,” 006.

10. UN, “I DDR,” 006.

11. EU, “C DDR,” 006.

1. O E C-O D, Economic Reconstruction in Post-Conict ransitions: Lessons or the Democratic Republic o Congo, 00.

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Sae and Secure Environment 6-51

6.7.18 Approach: Security Sector ReormS , , , - , j.1 D , . A . T -   - x .1

See Gap/Challenge: Section 6.11.1, Security sector reorm.

6.7.19 Ensure that reorms reect the security needs o the host nation population.15 R- . T SSR , , ,

q , , , -. , , . P  .16 B , - x .17 P q , f .

6.7.20 Strengthening security orces is not enough; promote good governance and legiti-mate civilian oversight to ensure long-term accountability.18  T SSR . W , - . O , . L , x, / . W , , , . G S 8.6.1.

6.7.21 Prevent infltration o security orces through robust vetting. P   -. L . V q . I . F x, ,

1. U.S. D S, U.S. D D, U.S. A I D,Security Sector Reorm, 008.

1. G C D C A F, Te Post-Conict Security Sector, 006.15. O E C-O D, Economic Reconstruction in Post-Conict 

ransitions: Lessons or the Democratic Republic o Congo, 00.

16. C, “T R W,” 006.

17. OECD DAC, SSR Handbook, 007. UNDP/USAID, “F S,” 007. O/D/G, Polic-ing the New World Disorder, 00.

18. G C D C A F, Border Control Services and Security Sector Reorm, 00; JICA, “H A,” 006; U.S. A, FM 3-07, 008.

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6-52 Sae and Secure Environment

. S . D .19 A - j . B . R , , . E , , , .150 F j, S 7.6.18.

6.7.22 Focus on public service ethos and competence when training security orces.I . C

. F , , -, , , . A -, - . P - - .151

6.7.23 Support the improvement o police-community relations and police responsiveness. H j. F , - . R - . I . C .15 O f , , x .

6.7.24 Ensure coherence o strategy and eort among major actors.15 SSR   , ,NGO, , , , . T   :15

C -•

(.., )

19. UK F & C Of, Peace Support Operations: Inormation and Guidance or UK Police 

Personnel, 007. H: UK FCO, Police Personnel, 007.150. D H. B,Changing the Guard: Developing Democratic Police Abroad (Ox: U P Ox-

, 006). H: B, Changing the Guard, 006.

151. C, “T R W,” 006.

15. B, Changing the Guard, 006.

15. U.S. A, FM 3-07, 008.

15. S MF, Securing the Future: A Primer on Security Sector Reorm in Conict Countries (W,D.C.: U.S. I P, 008).

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Sae and Secure Environment 6-53

I (.., , , •

 j, )O .•

R . A j , x,   , , xj , .155 I   j .

6.7.25 Promote the civil authority o the state; long-term stability depends on it. 156 S&R  (.., , , ). W , ,  

, ,157


6.8 Necessary Condition: Physical Security 

6.8.1 What is physical security? Why is it a necessary condition?A q ( ), , , - . U ,

, ,  , , , . P   . A , -. S, q - . V .

6.8.2 Guidance or Physical Security 

6.8.3 Approach: Security o Vulnerable PopulationsV - j . T - , , , , , , HIV/AIDS, , j, , . P - , .158

155. D/J/C/C DG, Beginner’s Guide, 007.

156. UK S U, “UK A S,” 008.

157. I. UNDPKO “P G,” 008. C/D/H, Quest or a Viable Peace, 005.

158. U.S. A, FM 3-07, 008.

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6-54 Sae and Secure Environment

6.8.4 Respect the boundaries o humanitarian space and understand humanitarian prin-ciples o independence, humanity, impartiality, and neutrality.159 H - , .

 T , q , I C R C (ICRC). R . Humanity , , .160  Impartiality - , , , -, , .161 W  neutrality ,   , ICRC, , , , .16  Independence  - , .16

See Gap/Challenge: Section 10.10.1, Protection o humanitarian space.

6.8.5 Ensure that the UN mandate includes the obligation to protect civilians under im-minent threat o physical violence.  T , , , , , S&R . C .16 Rq -

UN ,165  .

 T , IDP, , . W - , IDP . W q q , - q .166

6.8.6 Protect vulnerable public ocials. M f - . T ,

159. I, U.S. D D, U.S. I P, Guidelines or Relations Between U.S. Armed Forces and Nongovernmental Humanitarian Organizations in Hostile or Potentially Hostile Environ-ments, 007. I , NGO . I NGO q NGO q.

160. I C R C, “T F P R C,” 1979, : ://../W//0.//EA080675B76C156D6008BC?OD&S=C_F.&V=B ( J 18, 009). H: ICRC, “F- P,” 1979.

161. I..

16. I.16. I.

16. R I C I S, Te Responsibility to Protect,001. T “ ” “ — , — , .”

165. UNDPKO, “P G,” 008.

166. UNDPKO, “H UN P O,” 00.

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Sae and Secure Environment 6-55

 j, , , . E- , , , .

6.8.7 Address all aspects o landmines. T . T x  x (UXO), (APM), . SAPM j , , , - . W - . P q - UXO ,

.167 O :168

E •

, , , A , , , •



, .169 T .

6.8.8 Coordinate across military, law enorcement, and civilian actors to provide security. M, , . C x. C UN NGO , j .170 A - .171

6.8.9 Approach: Protection o InrastructureI - - : , , ; , , - , , , q, ; ; q.P


167. U.S. A, FM -07, 008.

168. UNDPKO, “H UN P O,” 00.

169. I.

170. UNDPKO, “P G,” 008.

171. U.S. A, FM 3-07, 008.

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6-56 Sae and Secure Environment

6.8.10 Protect and promote saety o cultural and historical sites to mitigate conict.17 P . M , j, , , . O , , . B , / - , . B - , , , .

6.8.11 Protect high-value inrastructure targets to prevent disruption to peace.17 C j S&R . ,

, -, . A, - q. I - S 9.7..

6.8.12 Approach: Protection o War Crimes Evidence T   . E , , . D - q .

6.8.13 Prioritize witness protection programs to ensure willingness o people to testiy.P . P j .17 P , .

6.8.14 Move quickly to secure crime sites to avoid tampering or sabotage by spoilers. W-   . S   . B , , , . T ; ; ; , , .175 . F j, S 7.7..

17. U.S. S D, Of C R S, “S P Ex C (SPEC) C R,” 007.

17. U.S. A, FM -07, 008.

17. C R, ., Combating Serious Crimes in Post-Conict Societies: A Handbook or Policymakers and Practitioners (W, D.C.: U.S. I P P, 006).

175. U.S. A, FM 3-07, 008.

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Sae and Secure Environment 6-57

6.9 Necessary Condition: erritorial Security 

6.9.1 What is territorial security? Why is it a necessary condition?  ,

  . E x -— , , ; ; , , . F

  . T . C x . M -

, , , . I x .

6.9.2 Guidance on erritorial Security 

6.9.3 Approach: Freedom o Movement F  

  , , , . E  - , .

6.9.4 Facilitate movement or people and goods. E ,, . E , , - IDP , -

  x.176 E


6.9.5 Deny movement to opponents o the peace. R q , x, . E - - . I


6.9.6 Be aware o cultural sensitivities when conducting checkpoint, cordon and search,and convoy operations. A ,

176. UK MOD, “JWP -50,” 006.

177. D/S/A, “M P C E,” 008; U.S. A, FM 3-07,008; UK MOD, “JWP -50,” 006.

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6-58 Sae and Secure Environment

S&R . B , , ,, . C .D “ ”178 . T q (..,, , ) (.., , , ). I x.

6.9.7 Approach: Border SecurityB ( ) . T : (1) P , ,

, () C x , , , .179

6.9.8 Pay attention to border issues; they are ot overlooked at the peril o the mission.B . , .180 S - , , , .

6.9.9 Address border security in the mandate, cease-fre, and peace agreements.  T - x . C- - .181 B , . T UN q , “ ” “,” , , IDP; ; f-

.18 T UN -.18 P , , - - .

6.9.10 Be prepared to perorm border security unctions or an indeterminate period. I f,

178. U S A, Escalation o Force Handbook, 007.

179. U.S. A, FM 3-07, 008.

180. K A, B H, W D, Post-Conict Borders and UN Peace Operations(W, D.C.: T H L. S C, 007). H: A/H/D, Post-Conict Borders, 007.

181. A/H/D, “P-C B,” 007.

18. I.

18. U N S C, “UN S C R 17, T I P S C A,” 001. U N S C, “UN S CR 150, N- W M D.”

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Sae and Secure Environment 6-59

,, , , , x .S :18

E f •

.E - •

f, , , , .


, .

6.9.11 Build host nation capacity or border security as a frst-order priority. L q . . .M x. C q . E - x . B .

6.9.12 Use existing models or regional cooperative trade programs. A S-

11, 001, , , , . T ,

  , f, ,  . M j - .185 F , S .9.

6.9.13 Manage border relations with neighbors. M x- j . G j - j . F , S .9.

6.10 rade-os

6.10.1 Prioritizing short-term stability vs. conronting impunity. D . B x .

6.10.2 Using local security orces to enhance legitimacy vs. using international security

18. U.S. A, FM 3-07, 008.

185. A/H/D, “P-C B,” 007.

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6-60 Sae and Secure Environment

  orces to ensure eectiveness. W ,

  . B   . B - - .

6.10.3 Applying orce vs. maintaining mission legitimacy. P -q , .A , x j   , . F   - .186

6.10.4 Public order unctions perormed by the military vs. the police.187 A f — — . W x , q , , . - , , . M .

6.10.5 Short-term security imperatives vs. investments in broader security reorm. W

, f - -q. T (.., ) - SSR . D q , j   .188 A . 

6.11 Gaps and Challenges

6.11.1 Security sector reorm. L ,

, . R -, , , SSR f. I j .

6.11.2 Intelligence. E q . B S&R . D .

186. R O, M D, E M. G, ., Policing the New World Disorder (H-: U P P, 00.) H: O/D/G, Policing the New World Disorder, 00.

187. I.

188. U N D P O, Security Sector Reorm and Peace Operations:“Improvisation and Conusion” rom the Field, 006.

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Sae and Secure Environment 6-61

6.11.3 Corrections. C , . W UN ICRC - , x , , .

6.11.4 Te role o private security frms.  T —x — q S&R . T . M .

6.11.5 Reintegration o ex-combatants. S x  q x-, , . R - .

6.11.6 Civilian oversight o the security orces. SSR   , . B , q .

6.11.7 Border security. B q S&R , , . B   UN .

6.11.8 Holistic security strategy. S . R , .

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Rule o Law

RULE OF LAWAbility o the people to have

equal access to a sel-sustaining justice system that is consistent

with international humanrights standards and isequally applied.

Just LegalFrameworks

Legal Framework Assessment•

Short-Term Law Reorm•

Law Reorm Process•

Content o New Laws•

Public OrderA Comprehensive System•

Interim Law Enorcement•

Interim Judiciary•

Humane Detention and•


Accountabilityto the Law

Transitional Justice•

Horizontal and Vertical•


Culture o LawulnessParticipation and•


Education and Culture•

Access to JusticeEqual Access•

Remedies or Grievances•


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Rule o Law  Ability o the people to have equal access to just laws and a trusted system o  

 justice that holds all persons accountable, protects their human rights, and ensurestheir saety and security.

7.0 What is the rule o law?189

R , , , . L , ,  , , .190 T q q q , j , , . A j— j— . T  q -. R ; q .

7.1 What are the key rule o law challenges in societies emerging romconict?H, j ,   ,

. I . C — — , j . P . T j -, j . T j -. I (.., , , , , ) , . B . T q (..,

 j, , , , f, ).

7.2 Why is the rule o law a necessary end state? W , . A j , , , x - , . C , -, .

189. U N S-G, Report o the Secretary-General on the Rule o Law and ransitional Justice in Conict and Post-conict States (UN Doc S/2004/616), 00. H: UN Sec-Gen, Secretary-General’sReport, 00.

190. P , .

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Rule o Law 7-65

U j , .F , ,, , . R  191 .19

7.3 What are the necessary conditions to achieve the rule o law?

• Just Legal Frameworks is a condition in which laws are consistent with international humanrights norms and standards; are legally certain and transparent; are drated with proceduraltransparency; are equitable, and are responsive to the entire population, not just powerul elites.

• Public Order is a condition in which laws are enorced equitably; the lives, property, ree-

doms, and rights o individuals are protected; criminal and politically motivated violence hasbeen reduced to a minimum; and criminal elements (rom looters and rioters to leaders o organized crime networks) are pursued, arrested, and detained.

• Accountability to the Law is a condition in which the population, public ofcials, andperpetrators o past conict-related crimes are held legally accountable or their actions;the judiciary is independent and ree rom political inuence; and horizontal and verticalaccountability mechanisms exist to prevent the abuse o power.

• Access to Justice is a condition in which people are able to seek and obtain a remedy or

grievances through ormal or inormal institutions o justice that conorm with interna-tional human rights standards, and a system exists to ensure equal and eective applicationo the law, procedural airness, and transparency.

• Culture of Lawfulness is a condition in which the general population ollows the law andseeks to access the justice system to address its grievances.

7.4 General Guidance or the Rule o Law 

7.4.1 Build host nation ownership and capacity. P

. H .P :   . C ,19 , , -. S .

 W j , j- , , .19 W

191. U K S U, Stabilisation Issues Notes: Rule o Law and Stabilisation. 008. H:UK S U, Rule o Law and Stabilisation, 006.

19. U N S-G, In Larger Freedom: owards Development, Security and Human Rights or  All (UN D A/59/005), 005.

19. U K J A N, Principles o Engagement, 005. H: UK JAN, Principleso Engagement. 005.

19. O E C- D, D A C, Hand-

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7-66 Rule o Law 

, , ,   , - .

7.4.2 Act only with an understanding o the local context.195 A - x

. A , , . C j . K q :

 W j ? C•

? W , , •

 196 ? W j , -•

 j ? W - , ,•

/ , , x, x,   ?

 W j ? W •

? W •

?See Gap/Challenge: Section 7.11.1, Comprehensive, coordinated rule o law assessments.

7.4.3 Prioritize to stabilize. I , - x . R x , – ;197 , j , , .198 S S 9.5.7. P x

.199 G  

book on Security Sector Reorm (P, F: OECD P, 007). H: OECD DAC, SSR H, 007.

195. U N Of D C, Criminal Justice Assessment oolkit, 006. U N O- H C H R, Rule-o-Law ools or Post-Conict States: Mapping the  Justice Sector, 006. H: UNHCHR, Rule o Law ools: Mapping the Justice Sector, 006.

196. S U N D P, Access to Justice Practice Note, 00. H: UNDP, Accessto Justice, 00.

197. T (.., , , q) -, “ ”  “ ” (.., ) . (U N S-G, G Note o the Secretary-General: UN Approach to Rule o Law Assistance, 008. H: UN S-G, UN  Approach to Rule o Law Assistance, 008).

198. UN S-G, “UN A R L A,” 008. U N D G, Te Human Rights Based Approach to Development Cooperation: owards a Common Understanding Among UN  Agencies, 00.

199. U S A I D, Guide to Rule o Law Country Analysis: Te Rule o  Law Strategic Framework, 008. H: USAID, Guide to ROL, 008.

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Rule o Law 7-67

x . A -  x , -, .

 T , , . D , , .See rade-o: Section 7.10.2, Security vs. human rights.See rade-o: Section 7.10.4, Quick xes vs. a strategic approach.See Gap/Challenge: Section 7.11.3, Prioritization and sequencing.

7.4.4 Use a conict lens. R - q,00 x . P

.01 F x, . T - - f - .0 U f , , j . B   , , , . I , -

. Ex j - . .

7.4.5 Recognize interdependence. R q x j . I j (.., ), , ,, , , . T

 j - j , - (.., ), . P , , -   .

7.5 Necessary Condition: Just Legal Frameworks

7.5.1 What are just legal rameworks? Why are they a necessary condition? J 0   , , . U , , ,

00. UN S-G, “S-G’ R,” 00.

01. UN S-G, “UN A R L A,” 008.

0. UK JAN, “P E,” 005.

0. T , , , , , , , , , S F A, S C .

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7-68 Rule o Law 

, , ,  j . J .0 J , q, 05 , j . T j  

 j ; , , ; f ; .

7.5.2 Guidance or Just Legal Frameworks

7.5.3 Approach: Legal Framework Assessment U x j .L , f q .

 T , q S&R , , f, . I - , q x , q .06 L - — — q - .

7.5.4 Gather, catalogue, and distribute the applicable laws frst. R -, , , , , , ,NGO, . T . I , , , , , , , .07 A, , , , (.., ), j j (.., ). C .

7.5.5 Conduct a comprehensive analysis o the applicable law. T , , , (.., ; f; I C C P R; I C E-, S C R; C R C); ; . O . H x , , x . T

, j. S ; .

0. UN S-G, “S-G’ R,” 00.

05. I.

06. I.

07. H: D/J/C/C DG, Beginner’s Guide, 007.

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Rule o Law 7-69

7.5.6 Realize the inherent constraints o new laws i they are not enorced. N ,

  - . N   .

7.5.7 Approach: Short-erm Law ReormC - . S- . W j , j — —   . S-

. I x, .See Gap/Challenge: Section 7.11.4, Non-criminal justice assistance.

7.5.8 Consider the need or legal restatement in the atermath o conict. W ,   . L - .B , , . L , , - — . U x - . T


7.5.9 Undertake discreet legal reorm in the short-term i necessary. W x. R - . N

f, . I , (.., f, x ). S- x - . A- q . I , , , .09 D , ( ,

, ) ,

08. M B, Lessons Learned on UNMIK Judiciary (O: G C, D  F A I , 001).

09. U N D P O, Primer or Justice Components, 006. H:UNDPKO, Primer or Justice Components, 006. UNHCHR, “R L : M J S,”006. D/J/C/C DG, Beginner’s Guide, 007. UNDP/USAID, “F S,” 007.

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7-70 Rule o Law 

.10 B j .

7.5.10 Approach: Law Reorm Process

 T . I, x -, .11 T , , - .

7.5.11 Support and engage in a transparent and participatory process. T . P   . D - . P 1 () .1 P- , . T - . I (j , , ) -. D x, . U , . T .1 F - , S 8.8.

7.5.12 Decide upon a reorm strategy and establish a coordinating body. L j , . W , , ad hoc  - . E

, . I - (.., ), , . T :

S .•

10. K S, Rule o Law Reorm in Post-conict Countries: Operational Initiatives and Lessons Learnt,(W, D.C.: W B, 006). H: S, Rule o Law Reorm, 006. UNHCHR,“R--L : M J S,” 006. A H K S, Rule o LawPrograms in Peace Operations (N Y: I P A, 005). H: H/S-, Rule o Law Programs, 005.

11. D B, K P, J-F R, Te ransplant Eect (C, M.:H U, C I D, 000).

1. S U N C H R, International Standards o Elections: Te Right to Partici- pate in Public Aairs, Voting Rights and the Right o Equal Access to Public Service, 1996.

1. I-A D B, Resource Book on Participation, ..//VI/_/__.?= ( J 8, 009).

1. L B, “P L R A,” Te Promise o Law Reorm (S: T F- P, 005).

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Rule o Law 7-71

D •

.D .•

D •

j .D , -•

, .D , , .•

 T ,   . A q , f , , .

7.5.13 Set realistic time rames. I ,   , , -. L . R .15 I, . H, .

7.5.14 Use outside experts wisely. F x , x .16 I , - . A , , - ,

, . I x   . F x .

7.5.15 Engage multidisciplinary, multi-skilled teams. T . C   x. E ( , .., ) (  , .., ).

7.5.16 Conduct an impact assessment o new drat laws, and actor training into the strategy. C - . A , q, .17 I  

 . F x, q j - j , x? I ,

  ? I -

(.., q ) (.., , j

15. I.

16. UN S-G, “S-G’ R,” 00.

17. SIGMA (A J I OECD E U), Improving Policy Instruments Trough Impact Assessment, S P . 1, 001.

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7-72 Rule o Law 

“ ,” ). M, q x j .

7.5.17 Ensure a sound promulgation and publicization process. N

. T f , , . T f - f . O -, j .C .N . T . U , ,

, ’ .

7.5.18 Approach: Content o New Laws T .18 T , . O . I , -- –- .19

7.5.19 Tink about the details o drating early on in the process.  . C

  . T , , , . A “ E” ,   x .0 T . I -, j

f . L - .

7.5.20 Use international standards as the normative ramework or law reorm.1  T x S 7.5.

  x . I x ;

18. USAID, “G ROL,” 008.

19. V O’C C R, ., Model Codes or Post-Conict Criminal Justice: Model Criminal Code (Volume I) (W, D.C.: U.S. I P P, 007). H: O’C/R, Model Codes: Volume I, 007. V O’C & C R, ., Model Codes or Post-Conict Criminal Justice: Model Code o Criminal Procedure (Volume II) (W, D.C.: U.S. I PP, 008). H: O’C/R, Model Codes: Volume II, 008. S , U N Of H C H R I B A, Human Rights in the  Administration o Justice: A Manual on Human Rights or Judges, Prosecutors and Lawyers, 00.

0. I M F L D, Plain English ax Law Drating, 008.

1. UN S-G, “S-G’ R,” 00.

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Rule o Law 7-73

. T  

  . C - , x , . I   .

7.5.21 Forget the common law and civil law debate, and think about hybridization.M

  : . T x, . S-

  , . T x . N . D

x .7.5.22 Consider how to appropriately use oreign laws to inorm the process. 224  B . W , x , , . C, x, .C x   .

7.5.23 Consider the relationship between the ormal and inormal justice sectors whendetermining new content. W (.., ),   (.., ). I , j . T .5

7.6 Necessary Condition: Public Order 

7.6.1 What is public order? Why is it a necessary condition?P , , , , , .226 U ,

. I j, . S O’C/

R, Model Codes: Volume I, 007  Model Codes: Volume II, 008.. USAID, “G ROL,” 008.

. A W, Legal ransplants: An Approach to Comparative Law ( .) (A, G.: T U  G P, 199).

5. USAID, “G ROL,” 008.

6. C R, ., Combating Serious Crimes in Post-Conict Societies: A Handbook or Policymakers and Practitioners (W, D.C.: U.S. I P P, 006). H: R, Combating SeriousCrimes, 006.

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7-74 Rule o Law 

, , , , — — . P . I , , j . C - , ;; , , ; . T —   , . T j, - j . P -. W ,   .227

7.6.2 Guidance or Public Order 

7.6.3 Approach: A Comprehensive SystemP , , -

 , — j . U -— .

7.6.4 ake a holistic approach when developing a strategy or public order. O, x j ,

.8 W , . P q , , , q j .A , j, .9 I

 j . T f, j.

7.6.5 ransorm systemic threats to public order as a prerequisite. I , j . I , ,   .0 I x, , j, j ,

  , , . , -

7. R, Combating Serious Crimes, 006.

8. H/S (IPA), “R L P,” 005.

9. S G. J, J M. W, A R, K. J R, Establishing Law and Order Ater Con- ict (S M, C.: RAND C, 005).

0. C/D/H, Quest or Viable Peace, 005.

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Rule o Law 7-75

. F , S 6.5.10; - , S 9.6.

7.6.6 Approach: Interim Law Enorcement L — — . B ,, , - . I , , .

7.6.7 Move quickly to prevent criminal elements and political spoilers rom cementing their grip on power.231 I , - . W , ,

, .A .

7.6.8 Be prepared to perorm critical law enorcement unctions when necessary. C . C . I- , x, . T q x UN - . K :232

S •

A •

C •

C ( )•

C •

P •

P •

B  •

 W •

H- x.•

7.6.9 Coordinate public order unctions between the military and the police and ensurethat any gap is flled. E - q q . I x, x, q . U, , ,, , . F , S 6.5.15. T

1. D/J/C/C DG, Beginner’s Guide, 007.

. I.

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7-76 Rule o Law 

  , j. Eq , j x . T , q, . I , . T ,, q , , . S - , , . P - , , , , - , , , S 6.9..See rade-o: Section 6.10.4, Public order unctions perormed by the military vs. the police.

7.6.10 Deploy local orces whenever possible without compromising human rights and  justice. A , , x .

 T . T . B . L , , , .5 C -

, - , .6 I - . B —x j . H S.7.; S 6.7.1.

7.6.11 Address illegal armed groups and inormal policing structures. I , , . W , , ;-, , ; , , , ,  q , - . I , .7

7.6.12 Support the building o host nation police capacity. C q, , ,

. O/D/G, Policing the New World Disorder, 00.

. I.

5. D/J/C/C DG, Beginner’s Guide, 007.

6. UK FCO, Police Personnel, 007.

7. E E.O. A I C. C, Te Poor and Inormal Policing in Nigeria: A Report on the Poor’s Perceptions and Priorities on Saety, Security and Policing in Access to Justice Focal States in Nigeria(L: C L E E, 00).

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Rule o Law 7-77

. T

  .8 U - , , (.., , , ).9 P j (.., UNPOL ). P , , - .0 O

  q (.., ), . F , , , - , . F , S 8.6.7 8.6.9; , S 6.7.1 6.7..

7.6.13 Approach: Interim Judiciary 241

A j . I   , j , , . W j j . A j, ,

, xj , .7.6.14 Deploy core elements or an emergency judiciary. P x  . A j , - , . T j, , , -   . W j ,   . T j j .See Gap/Challenge: Section 6.11.8, Holistic security strategy.

7.6.15 Employ inormal systems when it makes sense. B j ,

8. S U N, Basic Principles on the Use o Force and Firearms by Law Enorcement Ofcials, 1990.

9. U N D P O, Handbook on United Nations Multidimensional Peacekeeping Operations, 00. H: UNDPKO, “H UN P O,” 00.

0. D H. B, Changing the Guard: Developing Democratic Police Abroad (Ox: U P Ox-, 006). H: B, “C G,” 006.

1. F , j , j,  ( , ), ’ (, ), - ( x). (USAID. “G ROL,” 008.)

. U S A, Field Manual 3-07: Stability Operations (W, D.C.: D U.S.A, 008). H: U.S. A, FM 3-07, 008.

. R, Combating Serious Crimes, 006.

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7-78 Rule o Law 

. T - f , - j . T . T ; - .

7.6.16 Protect the judiciary rom physical harm and outside inuence. T   j :

F, x •

D , •

I , •


C . O , -

q , , f

  , . O j  f .6 A  . I j q . F j , S 7.7.7 7.7.8.

7.6.17 Ensure that witnesses and victims are adequately protected and supported. K   .M , , (.., ,

  , ) .7 V,  , . T -, f.8 NGO .9

7.6.18 Vet the judiciary. I , j -

, , . L  . T . E j , , , .

. UK FCO, “P P,” 007.

5. USAID, “G ROL,” 008.

6. UNDPKO, “P J C,” 006.7. F , A 17–6, “M C C P”

O’C/R, Model Codes: Volume II, 008. S R, Serious Crimes Handbook, 006.

8. F f, U N, Protocol to Prevent, Suppressand Punish rafcking in Persons, Especially Women, Supplementing the United Nations Convention against ransnational Organized Crime, 000.

9. S U N Of H C H R, Declaration o Basic Principles o   Justice or Victims o Crime and Abuse o Power, 1985.

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Rule o Law 7-79

7.6.19 Use mobile courts and paralegals to meet immediate needs.50 W - x, j. M . A j ( x ) . C . J , . M , , . A   - . I , .

7.6.20 Approach: Humane Detention and Imprisonment D

j .51 T . T - . C - , , ,q , , , .5 See Gap/Challenge: Section 6.11.3, Corrections.

7.6.21 Meet minimum international standards or treatment o detainees. D , . W , , , .5 A , . T UN Standard Minimum Rules or the reatment o Prisoners . S :5

A -•

.E •

.P x .•

N j , , •


50. I.

51. F , . D .

5. U N D P O, Prison Support Guidance Manual, 006. H-: UNDPKO, Prison Guidance, 006.

5. I.

5. U N Of H C H R, Human Rights and Law Enorcement: A Manual on Human Rights raining or the Police, ://..//6//. (- J 18, 009).

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7-80 Rule o Law 

D f -•

.D j-•

q .D •

.D •

.D , , •

q , , , , ,x, .E j •


7.6.22 ake measures to provide or prison security. D f . K , q, . S x , , f , , . E q

.I , x , .55 

7.6.23 Address illegal and excessive pretrial detention and prison overcrowding. W   x , . I x ,   . C -, j .56 T .C . E ,57 58 (.., ). I , .

55. I N P R L, “P S S E C,”C R (07-007), 007.

56. U N Of D C U S I P, “DRAF: H C J R,” 009.

57. F , “M C C P,”A 169, O’C/R, Model Codes: Volume II, 008.

58. F , “M C C P,” A 18, O’C/R, Model Codes: Volume II, 008.

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Rule o Law 7-81

A f . I q , , q - , .

7.6.24 Improve prison conditions. P j

. I . N - , , , , , , , .59 F “ ” - j .60 I . S q -

.7.6.25 Prevent torture and ocus on evidence-based criminal investigation.   

 j . W

  .61 F - .6 V  , S 7.7, j- . j f q, - (.., ). F, j f , q .

7.7 Necessary Condition: Accountability to the Law 

7.7.1 What is accountability to the law? Why is it a necessary condition?A , , 6 - f - . A . T q ( S 7.6); ; (   ) ( ).

 W , , ,   - , . T , ,  

59. I.60. I. S P R I, Making Standards Work: An International Handbook on Good Prison

Practice, 001, .

61. S U N Of H C H R, “I C C P R,” A 7, 1976.

6. U N, “C A O C, I D P,” A 15, 1987.

6. U K D I D, B, “J A,” 008.

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7-82 Rule o Law 

- . A j , , q .

7.7.2 Guidance or Accountability to the Law 

7.7.3 Approach: ransitional Justice  j , , , , . I “ ’ - , , j .”6 I - , j , -

, , . I- - S 10.8..See rade-o: Section 7.10.3, Peace vs. justice.

7.7.4 Protect and preserve evidence. T  , , . I ( ) - . M . R -

 j . E (.., ) - - . F , S 6.8.1.

7.7.5 Choose the most appropriate transitional justice options. S - j, . E j , .65 T  

.66 T j j :

Special courts or tribunals.• W , ,  , . A , , . I , j, , - j. S 67 .

6. I.

65. J B V Bx, Te Urge to Remember (W, D.C.: U.S. I P, 007).

66. UN S-G, “S-G’ R,” 00.

67. U S A I D, Of I, Guide to ProgramOptions in Conict-Prone Settings, 001.

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Rule o Law 7-83

ruth and reconciliation commissions.•68

f, , j, - . T what  why .

Customary or traditional approaches.• W - , .69 A . C  . C   .70 L-

j. I , - . T .

Reparations• .71 R  , , , -.

 T , -, x, , ,   , , , .

Lustration.• L , - , j - . B , , j x x .7

Vetting.•  V x . I ’ , , .7 V q x.

68. U N Of H C H R, Rule-o-Law ools or Post-Conict States: ruth Commissions, 006.

69. F , U N Of D C, Handbookon Restorative Justice Programs, 006.

70. IPA, “S R L,” 005.

71. S U N Of H C H R, Rule-o-Law ools or Post-Conict States: Reparations Programs, 008.

7. J M, “T E L,” Ethics and International Aairs, . 1, 006.

7. U N Of H C H R, Rule-o-Law ools or Post-Conict States: Vetting, 006.

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7-84 Rule o Law 

 International Criminal Court (ICC).• A ICC . W S I C- C, , ICC - j .

See rade-o: Section 10.9.7, Restorative vs. retributive justice.

7.7.6 Approach: Horizontal and Vertical AccountabilityA : , - , , . I ; ;7 ( ) .

7.7.7 Promote the separation o powers and judicial independence. T  , ,   , j . T j  x . I , j . M j -, j q, , , , j x .75 P j j q 76 - j . M- - j (1) f - j q;77 () ; () -

  j , ,   j ; () , , , , .78

7.7.8 Support the use o horizontal accountability mechanisms. A q - -. S . T - , x ,

7. OECD DAC, SSR Handbook, 007.75. S U N C H R, Equality Beore the Courts and the Right to a Fair and 

Public Hearing by an Independent Court Established by Law, 198.

76. UNDPKO, “P J C,” 006. U N, Basic Principles on the Independence o  the Judiciary, P 11, 1985.

77. U N, Procedures or the Eective Implementation o the Basic Principles on the Independence o the  Judiciary, P 5, 1989.

78. UNDPKO, “P J C,” 006.

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Rule o Law 7-85

, ,   . H : 79

I , ,•

() , , .Ex , , j•

, ,   , , .L •

, , , .

 J j •

 j , , j -

, , , .A (.., , •

, f, ) , , , .80

7.7.9 Provide or vertical accountability mechanisms. V   . I , , , , , j .81 P , , j x; ; ; . T j . V - q - . S S8.8 .

7.7.10 Consider international engagement as a necessary saeguard or accountability.8  T - , , , - j . T q . I , q. C - . F , -


79. S U N Of H C H R, Principles Relating to the Status o   National Institutions, 199.

80. OECD DAC, SSR Handbook, 007.

81. I.

8. UNDPKO, “P J C,” 006.

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7-86 Rule o Law 

. T .R, - .

7.8 Necessary Condition: Access to Justice7.8.1 What is access to justice? Why is it a necessary condition?A j ’ .8 A j   j 8 .85 T j ( ) , , ; j ; ;  ; j . A j , , , j, , .86 A j - .

7.8.2 Guidance or Access to Justice

7.8.3 Approach: Equal Access 287 

I , j. Eq x 88 - . S -

  89 , ,   .

7.8.4 Address barriers to both quantity and quality. I   , j—, , , , -— . I j . I q j. J , -, , .90 I q q j .

8. UNDP, “A J,” 00.

8. A j ’   . I.

85. U N D P, Programming or Justice: Access or All: A Practitioner’s Guide toHuman Rights-Based Approach to Access to Justice (B: UNDP, 005). H: UNDP, Programming  or Justice, 005.

86. UNDP, “A J,” 00.87. U S A I D, Rebuilding the Rule o Law in Post-Conict Environ-

ments, 006. H: USAID, Rebuilding the ROL, 006.

88. T j , , , , . I.

89. T , (.., )   j (.., , , ). USAID,“R ROL,” 006.

90. U K D I D, “S, S, A J,” 00.

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Rule o Law 7-87

B , - , , j q.

 T j .

7.8.5 Enhance physical access. C x , ,

 j . B j, , ,  ( ), , f, /  j . W , -

 j .91 E   j.

7.8.6 Increase access through provision o legal aid. L f - , j , - j , .9 S  NGO.9 P j -. T ( ). L .

7.8.7 Promote legal awareness.9 F j, - . F -, j . L j. L .B ,

(.., - ) .95 L . M .

7.8.8 Strengthen civil society as the oundation or promoting access to justice. E , j .96 C .L (..,

91. UNDPKO, “P J C,” 006.

9. D/J/C/C DG, Beginner’s Guide, 007.

9. UNDP, “P J,” 005.

9. I.

95. UNDP, “A J,” 00.

96. USAID, “R ROL,” 006.

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7-88 Rule o Law 

j). D S 8.8.

7.8.9 Recognize that increased access to justice depends on public confdence in the justice system.  T - q x

. I j q—q  . I - , q . T, j . . S - .97 

7.8.10 Approach: Remedies or GrievancesMx j98 /- / j . T

  q .

7.8.11 Understand inormal justice mechanisms. T , , . I , , - -, , . I

.99 W , x j.00 

7.8.12 Use the local context to determine how and to what extent local practices should beincorporated into the ormal legal system. D ,   j . C- , j , .01

7.8.13 Modiy or use inormal systems in combination with ormal mechanisms to en- sure adherence to international human rights standards while maximizing access and  public trust in the system. S . M , x, j

  .0 D j

97. USAID, “G ROL,” 008.

98. E S, Pragmatic Realism in Justice and Security Development: Supporting Improvement in the Peror-mance o Non-State/Local Justice and Security Networks (T H: C I, 009).

99. UNDP/USAID, “F S,” 007.

00. UN S-G, “UN A R L A,” 008.

01. U N, “L O: S R L P S,” 008.

0. USAID, “G ROL,” 008. D/J/C/C DG, Beginner’s Guide, 007.

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Rule o Law 7-89

.0 I j -   .0

See Gap/Challenge: Section 7.11.5, Engagement with non-state or religious justice systems.

7.8.14 Support the adjudication o claims or a remedy through the ormal state justice system and civil society.05 I , j- . I , .I j— j06— . O j 07 , - j (NSJS), - (.., ) 08 /.09 T

j q . T - . A - - j - . M

  NGO .

7.8.15 Support the adjudication o claims or a remedy through the inormal non-state justice system.10  T - j 80 .11 N- j - , ,

 j , , , .1 C , NSJS , , .1 I , - :

R ( •

j ) -

- j q .

0. U K S U, “ROL S,” 008.

0. UK PSO G.

05. I.

06. I.

07. UNDP, “P J,” 005.

08. A “ .” D (ADR) “ -

.” (UNDP, “A J,” 00).09. M/ - ( )

-- , , (UNDP, “A J,” 00).

10. UNDP, “P J,” 005.

11. U K D I D, Non-State Justice and Security Systems, 00.

1. I.

1. UNODC/USIP, “DRAF: H C J R,” 009.

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7-90 Rule o Law 

P •


.I -•


 W , , -•

, j .

 W . W •

, - -.1 A .

7.8.16 Develop culturally acceptable alternatives to harmul practices.15 D . A - j NSJS . F - . D x   NSJS .

See rade-o: Section 7.10.1, Culture vs. human rights.

7.8.17 Support the enorcement o remedies.16 R -.  T , , . NGO .

7.8.18 Approach: FairnessA .I , j f ,

, q q . A f , - .17

7.8.19 Ensure equal application o the law.18 I , -  q . T   . A q -

1. I.

15. I.

16. UNDP, “P J,” 005.

17. R B, Competing Denitions o the Rule o Law: Implications or Practitioners (W, D.C.:C E I P, 005).

18. USAID, “G ROL,” 008.

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Rule o Law 7-91

. T , q , (, , ). E q ( , , - , ).

7.8.20 Promote procedural airness.19 P  , j, . F , - , , , ’ , -x (

x), , . I , - q , , , q . Aq .

7.8.21 Facilitate transparency in all judicial processes.0   j f, j j . C - , f , , j .

7.8.22 Ensure eective application o the law, ensure adequate authority to enorce judgments, and improve the eciency o court administration and management. J- . C f j j, - .1 F,

f - , . T j j , , . U f,

  q , , . L , , , . D , f . W ,   f, q j , -

. O , , , q j .

19. I.

0. I.

1. I.

. USAID, “G ROL,” 008.

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7-92 Rule o Law 

 T ,  f f . 

7.8.23 Increase the knowledge and proessionalization o justice personnel to dispense

 justice. E , , j . F x, q - , j .

 J - .

7.9 Necessary Condition: Culture o Lawulness

7.9.1 What is a culture o lawulness? Why is it a necessary condition?A j .5 I q   j j j .6 W , . F ,


7.9.2 Guidance or Promoting a Culture o Lawulness

7.9.3 Approach: Participation and CommunicationP -, x . P . C x  


7.9.4 Support legal empowerment o marginalized communities.7 L “ - ’ .” L x ,   .8 T - -

. UNDPKO, “P J C,” 006.

. I.5. R G, “A G D C L,” S R

C S C O C: G I P, S R,000. H: G, “C L,” 000.

6. I.

7. S G, Beyond Rule o Law Orthodoxy: Legal Empowerment Initiative (W, D.C.: CE I P, 00).

8. U N C L E P, Concept to Action, 006.

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Rule o Law 7-93

. S - , ,  . F   , .

7.9.5 Promote public participation. I , .9 T x . T - . W ,   , , j,0 .

7.9.6 Promote communication between the justice system and the population. I - , x j . T j . D j - .

 T j j . A - .

7.9.7 Ensure transparency.1 F , .L (.., ,   )


7.9.8 Approach: Education and CultureB - - ,   , . S -, , j . T -j , , j .

9. S D N, R C, M K. S, P P, Voices o the Poor: Crying Out or Change (Ox: Ox U P, 000). H: N/C/S/P, V   P, 000.

0. I.

1. G, “C L,” 000.

. T C, “T P K,” Promoting the Rule o Law Abroad (W, D.C.:C E I P, 006).

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7-94 Rule o Law 

7.9.9 Support school-based education. B   ,   . S q   , j .

7.9.10 Involve centers o moral authority. C - , , , , - - . T , , . F x,   . T   .

7.9.11 Engage the mass media and popular culture.5  T . T . T x x . P , , , , , . T S 8.8.10.

7.9.12 Work with law enorcement agencies.6 L j .L f , - , f x , - . A .E f , f .7 C S 6.7..

7.10 rade-os

7.10.1 Culture vs. human rights. R q .8 B - ’ . V , (.., ; , - - j ). T , . C

. G, “C L,” 000.

. I.

5. I.

6. I.

7. S , ://../.

8. UN S-G, “S-G’ R,” 00.

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Rule o Law 7-95

. I , - - .

7.10.2 Security vs. human rights. S

, . S . T , , , x . S

  . V - . I ,   .

7.10.3 Peace vs. justice. T j -. A , . I -, j   . T q

  j . S j . O . A j , , .

7.10.4 Quick fxes vs. a strategic approach.9  T , , “” x j . T . T . H, - .

7.11 Gaps and Challenges

7.11.1 Comprehensive, coordinated rule o law assessments. A , , , - . A x- . A - q.

7.11.2 Monitoring and evaluation. M ; . M

x. 7.11.3 Prioritization and sequencing. T   q . T j

9. UK S U, “R L S,” 006.

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7-96 Rule o Law 

. T .0 T .1

7.11.4 Prioritization o noncriminal justice assistance. C j

. O -, , .P . M ’ j - . R - .

7.11.5 Engagement with non-state or religious justice systems. W - j , , ,

  , , . E, . I , -, j .

7.11.6 Capacity development o international and host nation rule o law sta. R     x. T , ,

q q j. R , -, , . T   .

7.11.7 Gender mainstreaming. T - , ’  

 j , q j ,5 . M   (.., , ) q . J , . T x- - .

0. S (WB), “R L R,” 006.

1. I.

. S L, ., Housing Land and Property Rights in Post-Conict United Nations and Other Peace Opera-tions: A Comparative Survey and Proposal or Reorm (L, UK: C U P, 008).

. P B, L Bj, J Eö, E Wö, R Zj S, Rule o Lawin Public Administration: Problems and Ways Ahead in Peace Building and Development (S: F B- A, 008).

. S x, I N P R L (..).

5. F j , U N D P, Gender  Equality and Justice Programming: Equitable Access to Justice or Women, 007.

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Stable Governance


GOVERNANCEAbility o the people to share,access, or compete or powerthrough nonviolent political

processes and to enjoy thecollective benets andservices o the state.

Provision o EssentialServices

Core Service Delivery•

Access and Non-Discrimination•

Host Nation Capacity•

Stewardship o State Resources

Restoration o Executive•

Institutions and Public

AdministrationSecurity Sector Reorm•

Protection o State Resources•

Political Moderationand Accountability

National Constituting Processes•

Political Governance and•

Confict Management

Systems o Representation•

Legislative Strengthening•

Civic Participationand Empowerment

Civil Society Development•

Independent Media and Access•

to Inormation

Inclusive and Participatory•

Political Parties

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Stable Governance Ability o the people to share, access, or compete or power through nonviolent  political processes and to enjoy the collective benets and services o the state.

8.0 What is stable governance?S ; f - ; - , , .S , , - , . N - . E — , , , — S 6, 7, 9, 10, .

8.1 What are the key governance challenges in societies emerging romconict?S -, , q

. S , x - . A , , x,   . D

  , , .

8.2 Why is stable governance a necessary end state? W , . T q — , , — . W - , , .

8.3 What are the necessary conditions to achieve stable governance?

• Provision of Essential Services is a condition in which the state provides basic security, therule o law, economic governance and basic human needs services; essential services areprovided without discrimination; and the state has the capacity or provision o essentialservices without signifcant assistance rom the international community.

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Stable Governance 8-99

• Stewardship of State Resources is a condition in which national and subnational institu-tions o governance are restored, unded, and staed with accountable personnel; the secu-rity sector is reormed and brought under accountable civilian control; and state resourcesare protected through responsible economic management in a manner that benefts thepopulation.

• Political Moderation and Accountability is a condition in which the government enablespolitical settlement o disputes; addresses core grievances through debate, compromise,and inclusive national dialogue; and manages change arising rom humanitarian, economic,security, and other challenges. A national constituting process results in separation o powers that acilitates checks and balances; the selection o leaders is determined throughinclusive and participatory processes; a legislature reects the interests o the population;and electoral processes are ree and air.

• Civic Participation and Empowerment is a condition in which civil society exists and isempowered, protected, and accountable; media are present, proessional, and independento government or political inuence; equal access to inormation and reedom o expressionare upheld; and political parties are able to orm reely and are protected.

8.4 General Guidance or Stable Governance

8.4.1 Build host nation ownership and capacity. S   , .6 T , , q , , . T q - /- / .

8.4.2 Act only with an understanding o the local context. U q . T - .7 P - ’ , , , ,

.  T ,, , . K :

 W ?•

 W ?•

 W ,•

, ? W — -— -•

? W , , , , •


6. U.S. A, Field Manual 3-07, 008.

7. U N D E S A U N D P-, Te Challenges o Restoring Governance in Crisis and Post-Conict Countries, 007. H:UNDESA/UNDP, Challenges o Restoring Governance, 007.

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8-100 Stable Governance

 W q •

? W x? A q -•

?A ? A •


8.4.3 Prioritize to stabilize. F , .9 F - . T —, , , , — . P .50

8.4.4 Use a conict lens. A . T , , , x . B .

8.4.5 Recognize interdependence. T -—, , , -

— . F . T , x, q - . A .

8.5 Necessary Condition: Provision o Essential Services

8.5.1 What is the provision o essential services? Why is it a necessary condition?P . T , , , .51 I , , q , , q . P -

    x . Ex

8. UK S U, “UK A S,” 008.

9. O E C- D, From Fragility to Resilience: Concepts and Dilemmas o Statebuilding in Fragile States, 007.

50. UK S U, “UK A S,” 008.

51. D W.B, ., Governance in Post-Conict Societies: Rebuilding Fragile States. (N Y: R-, 007). H: B, Governance in Post-Conict Societies, 007.

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Stable Governance 8-101

, , , .

8.5.2 Guidance or the Provision o Essential Services

8.5.3 Approach: Core Service DeliveryC , , , . P  . A , q , q , , .

P , , , .


Rule of Law


Basic HumanNeeds Services



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8-102 Stable Governance

8.5.4 Focus on providing security, the rule o law, economic governance, and basic humanneeds services or stability and to provide space or political settlements and development.N , -,

 - , . T - , , , . T , , -, , . B —

 , , , , , — . T   j - - . W , .

8.5.5 ransparency and accountability mechanisms help ensure that the government delivers essential services eectively and reliably. I -, x . Lx - . R q, , q x - . A   , , , ,

- , .5 M , , ’ .

8.5.6 Understand the roles o state and non-state actors in providing services and theimpact o those actors on stability. T . I , q q -.5 B .5 T , , -  

  . W  , . T .

 T , , - , , q (.., ). I , f

5. B, Governance in Post-Conict Societies, 007.

5. U S A I D, “DRAF: G D G- P P-C C,” 009. H: USAID, “DRAF: G D G,” 009.

5. L A, Strengthening Governance in Post-Conict Fragile States (T H, T N: C- I, 009). H: A, “S G,” 009.

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Stable Governance 8-103

, .

8.5.7 Deliver security as a top priority and provide the cornerstone or stable governance. S -

, , , , - . T .I  

 j . S S 6, S S E.

8.5.8 Rebuild and uphold the rule o law as a primary responsibility o the host nation government. T j - . A , , — . I   , , ,

 j , q , , . Eq j , - , , , .55 L . S S 7, R L.

8.5.9 Provide good economic governance as a ramework or stabilization and reconstruction. G j - . S - , , , .56 G q , , .57 S

S 9, S E.

8.5.10 Deliver essential services to meet basic human needs and restore the basis or  government legitimacy. I , - .

 T - q - .N , , -

 . S S 10, S W-B.

55. U N D P, Access to Justice Practice Note, 00.

56. UNDP/USAID, “F S,” 007.

57. U S A I D, Economic Governance in War orn Economies: LessonsLearned rom the Marshall Plan to the Reconstruction o Iraq, 00.

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8-104 Stable Governance

8.5.11 Approach: Access and NondiscriminationI , . W - , q . Eq , , , . N q , , f q .

8.5.12 How essential services are provided is just as important as the delivery itsel.B , , f , , . T

. I , , .58 A - .

8.5.13 Provide equal access to services and nondiscrimination in delivery to enhance the government’s legitimacy, support the peace process, and help prevent a renewal o conict. B , - . R  . I , , , . I , , , -, f, .59 I q , -. I , .

8.5.14 Approach: Host Nation CapacityD x . H . T , ’ ,   . W .See rade-o: Section 8.9.1, Rapid and eective delivery o essential services vs. legitimacy or 

nascent government institutions.

See rade-o: Section 10.9.1, Delivering assistance through host nation vs. international capacity.

58. UNDESA/UNDP, “C R G,” 007.

59. O E C- D, Fragile States: Policy Commitment and Prin-ciples or Good International Engagement in Fragile States and Situations, 007.

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Stable Governance 8-105

8.5.15 Build host nation capacity to deliver essential services in a proessional, account-able, and sustainable manner. T q , , , . A q . I q , (1) , () - , () -, () .60 E , “” “” .61

8.5.16 Make peace pay through eective personnel management.F , . M q . I  

  ,   . - , , , .6 T - , f , . A .See Gap/Challenge: Section 8.10.1, Making peace pay and civil service reorm.

8.5.17 Manage expectations o the population through communication about servicedelivery.  T ’ x . T x .6 S q x ’ . N - x .6 C , , - .65

8.6 Necessary Condition: Stewardship o State Resources

8.6.1 What is stewardship o state resources? Why is it a necessary condition?S . A - ; , , ; . A ,

60. UNDESA/UNDP, “C R G,” 007.

61. UK S U, “UK A S,” 008.

6. UNDP/USAID, “F S,” 007.

6. S B, Engaging Political Parties in Post-Conict Parliaments, I C P, C P R, 006. H: B, Engaging Political Parties, 006.

6. UNDP/USAID, “F S,” 007.

65. UK S U, “UK A S,” 008.

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8-106 Stable Governance

, q   . S , . R . I , x . P .

8.6.2 Guidance or the Stewardship o State Resources

8.6.3 Approach: Restoration o Executive Institutions and Public AdministrationF , x . T x . P - , , , , . R , , , .

8.6.4 Understand the terrain. N - . I   ,  . C q :

D , ,•

q, ?H ?•

 W -•

( )?  x ? I x•

f ? W (, , ,•

)?H , , , , ?•

8.6.5 Prepare or transitional governance, but keep a ocus on permanent governance. I , . - , , , , f .66 q

, , .67  

66. K G J P, .,. Interim Governments: Institutional Bridges to Peace and Democracy? (W D.C.: U S I P P, 007).

67. U N D P C M I, Governance in Post-Conict Situations, 00. H: UNDP/M, Governance in Post-Conict Situations, 00.

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Stable Governance 8-107

.68 I- , , x, , j .69 

8.6.6 Ensure local participation within transitional governance structures through

consultation or co-administration. E , , - .70 C - , j

  , j .71 C - f . T  - -

, , - , ’ .7 

8.6.7 Restore managerial capacity or governance. M , , , ,  , . M- , S&R , ’ . W ,  , q .I , - -.7 B .7 

8.6.8 Reorm national ministries and public administration to ensure accountable use o  public resources and use o regulatory power in a nondiscriminatory manner. Ex -

 , , x , ,

. I - S&R -. M - - - , j ,

68. UK S U, “UK A S,” 008.

69. UNDP/M, Governance in Post-Conict Situations, 00.

70. B C DG C C, ransitional Governance: From Bullets to Ballots (W,

D.C.: U S I P, 006). H: C DG/C, “B B,” 006.71. J C, M J. D, L H, . , Te Quest or Viable Peace: International Inter-

vention and Strategies or Conict ransormation (W, D.C.: U S I P P,005). H: C/D/H,Quest or Viable Peace, 005.

7. D/J/C/C DG, Beginner’s Guide, 007.

7. USAID, “DRAF G D G,” 009.

7. G E M A P, “O,” ://..// ( J 17, 009).

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8-108 Stable Governance

, .75 B x, - .76 U q . T .

8.6.9 Focus on civil servants. A 77 - . , .B x .78 U . D , , ,, , , , . A .79 

C , -, x .80 E f .See Gap/Challenge: Section 8.10.1, Making peace pay and civil service reorm.

8.6.10 Develop the top-down and bottom-up political processes and institutional struc-tures that are required or stable governance. S - - . - -- - , , . P q , x .

8.6.11 Strengthen subnational governance capacity. D , ,

-.81 T

75. USAID, “DRAF G D G,” 009.

76. B, Governance in Post-Conict Societies, 007.


78. N A P A, Civil Service Reorms and International Assistance: An Initial  

Framework o Lessons Learned, 007.79. W B, C P R U, Rebuilding the Civil Service in a Post-Conict 

Setting: Key Issues and Lessons o Experience, 00. H: WB, Rebuilding the Civil Service, 00.UNDP/M, “G P-C S,” 00.

80. H B, “R R C S P-C S,” Governance in Post-Conict Societies: Rebuilding Fragile States (N Y. NY: R, 007).

81. U.S. A I D, Decentralization and Democratic Local Governance Programming Handbook, 000. H: USAID, Decentralization and Democratic Local Governance, 000.

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Stable Governance 8-109

- .8 S q - , , , q .8 D , , - .8 M . O ,, .

8.6.12 Consider the impact o dierent orms o decentralization on stabilization. P ,

. U q , , . I , - . P , :

D ( f );•

D ( -•

, , )D ( -•

, ).85 

 W , . Ex - . T , - , .86 

See Gap/Challenge: Section 8.10.2, Subnational governance.

8.6.13 Approach: Security Sector ReormI , q - , .SSR , , 87  

8. P J Z S, Local Government in Post-Conict Environments (O, N: U N- D P O G C, D G G, 008).

8. UNDP/M, “G P-C S,” 00.8. USAID, “D D L G,” 000.

85. USAID, “DRAF G D G,” 009.

86. I.

87. F , “” , , , , Organisation o Economic Co-operation and Development (D A C),Handbook on Security System Reorm (P: OECD P, 007). H: OECD DAC, Handbookon SSR, 007.

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8-110 Stable Governance

. SSR - S&R . S , , . T , , x- . O SSR S 6.7.18.

8.6.14 Prioritize good governance o the security sector. A . G , x-, , j,   . P   .F -

.88 M , , . A j .89 See Gap/Challenge: Section 8.10.3, Security sector governance.

8.6.15 Establish accountable civilian authority over the security sector to protect hu-man rights and prevent the renewal o conict. P , .C x , , ; ; ; , , . A - , ,   , j. I , f, -, .90

8.6.16 Strengthen legislative, judicial and civil society participation and oversight to prevent abuse o power. A x x . A ’ . O x x- f , x . L   f, , ; x

88. S x, A 17–51, “A S C P R A F D S,” G (S 19, 1996), ://../////_/_960919. ( J 17, 009).

89. N B, “D G S S C-A C,” Gov-ernance in Post-Conict Societies: Rebuilding Fragile State  (N Y: R, 007). H: B,“D G S S,” 007.

90. OECD DAC, “H SSR,” 007.

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Stable Governance 8-111

; . I   -. T j j , j , - .91 C (CSO)   f . CSO x   / .9 F , S 7.7.6.

8.6.17 Ensure that the host nation population drives governance reorm o the security sector, as it is an inherently political process. R x x . U

, . R . S , , , . I  , . I- - - .9

8.6.18 Approach: Protection o State Resources T . I - , , . P q , x, . I - f , . I , .9

8.6.19 Promote good economic governance to enable recovery and generate confdencein the government’s ability to manage public fnances. A , -. B - .95 G , ,

91. I.

9. S A D S M N, “SADSEM: T S A D S M N,” ://. ( J 17, 009).

9. B, “D G S S,” 007.

9. P C, . Breaking the Conict rap: Civil War and Development Policy (W, D.C.: TI B R D T W B, 00). H: C,Breaking the Conict rap, 00.

95. U N E C A, 005 A G R, 005. H:UNECA, Arican Governance Report, 005.

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8-112 Stable Governance

.96 T — , x , -, , — - f. F S 9.5.1. 

8.6.20 Address low-level corruption that deprives the government o badly needed resources.   T q . D , , x , x f, x, .97 W , q. L- x , , ,

. I q, , ’ . A q   , f, x .98 I . - , q.99 A x q , q

x .8.6.21 Sever the nexus between government ocials and illicit sources o revenue.D , f - x . O - x,

  x - x , x, , , .400 P - - . A - .01 T . W , f -

96. U S A I D, Economic Governance in War orn Economies: LessonsLearned rom the Marshall Plan to the Reconstruction o Iraq, 00.

97. RAND, Guidebook or Economic Development in Stability Operations (S M, C.: RAND C-, 009).

98. U N D P, Anti-Corruption Practice Note, 00; E B, “C-

C P-C C,” D L S, J B. KI I P S, J 005; UNECA, “A G R,” 005.

99. U S A I D, Guide to Economic Growth in Post-Conict Countries,009. H: USAID, “G E G,” 009.

00. K B H N, Te Political Economy o Civil War and Conict ransormation(B: B H C , 005). H: B/N, Political  Economy, 005.

01. USAID, “DRAF G D G,” 009.

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Stable Governance 8-113

. P - . C- q . S -x S 9.6.

8.6.22 Establish oversight mechanisms in government processes to ensure account-ability. R . O x x , , x -.0 T x   j , x (.., ). O -

, -, , . A- j q, , . E - f . I x , x . G -

j .0 U, . F S 9.5.1.See Gap/Challenge: Section 8.10.4, Oversight and accountability.

8.6.23 Make government fnancial data and activities as clear and open as possible or the population. P - ’

 .0 K , -, x, x . T j q. I . E .

8.6.24 Keep budget defcits under control by mobilizing revenue and increasing theeciency o the tax system. S j , f .05 I ,

x, , x-

0. UNECA, “A G R,” 005.

0. G E M A P, “O,” ://..// ( J 17, 009).

0. UNECA, “A G R,” 005.

05. I..

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8-114 Stable Governance

, . K x f x . O x S 9.5.1 9.5.16.

8.6.25 Protect natural resources as undamental state assets that are integral to eco-nomic recovery and political stability. L , , . D , j , , .06 E q x , , -

. C - .P j. A, - , , .07 N S 9.6.11.

8.7 Necessary Condition: Political Moderation and Accountability 8.7.1 What is political moderation and accountability? Why is it a necessary condition?

P f , , , , ,   . A ,

,   , . A j , .08 I, , . D - . G


06. C, “B C ,” 00; J S, Managing Natural Resource Wealth (W-, D.C.: U S I P, 006). H: S, Managing Natural Resource Wealth, 006.

07. S, “M N R W,” 006.

08. C/D/H, Quest or Viable Peace, 005.

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Stable Governance 8-115

8.7.2 Guidance or Political Moderation and Accountability 

8.7.3 Approach: National Constituting ProcessesS ’ .

 T -

09 . N - , , . P , , ; , , ; .10

8.7.4 Build broad-based consensus on the country’s political uture through inclusive and  participatory national constituting processes. C , , - .11 T - , , , , .1 E , - .1 T , , - . G q, , .1

8.7.5 Help generate agreement on central issues or governance to prevent the renewal o violent conict. C- j . A , , , , , ,

— , - .15 

8.7.6 Focus on the process or writing the constitution as much as what the constitution says. T UN I C C P

09. A, “S G,” 009.

10. V H, Democratic Constitution-Making (W, D.C.: U S I P, 00).

11. R O, “G W C R: E G P,” Winning the Peace: An American Strategy or Post-Conict Reconstruction (W, D.C.: T C S I S P, 00).

1. UNDP/M, “G P-C S,” 00.

1. A W, States in Development: Understanding State-building (L, UK: D I- D, G S D G, 008).

1. C, Te Role o Women, 006.

15. USAID, “DRAF G D G,” 009.

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8-116 Stable Governance

R .16 I - - - .17 O, .18 O - , , . - , f , , x .19 T , , , .0 U , , q .

8.7.7 Approach: Political Governance and Conict Management I , j j . I . T f,

, - . I — - — . x .

8.7.8 Help ormer warring actions to rerame their interests through non-violent  political processes.1 H   . T q x . A ,   , q , - . I , . Rj ; ; , ,

16. U N, “I C C P R,” ://..//

//_. ( J 17, 009).17. UNDESA/UNDP, “C R G,” 007.

18. N F, “A D Iq,” New York imes, A 0, 005.

19. L B, State Building in Crisis and Post-Conict Countries, 007. H: B, State Build-ing, 007.

0. A.B. I H. L, “C D, I, L P-C R-,” Governance in Post-Conict Societies: Rebuilding Fragile States (N Y: R, 007).

1. C/D/H, Quest or Viable Peace, 005.

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Stable Governance 8-117

. W , , , , , , . U q

 - , , . P , , q . 

8.7.9 Bring the widest range o leaders into the political process and seek to include voiceso moderation. A x  

   , , . M , - x

j . C - , Loya Jirgas, x, . U, , , -   . P- - x , .

8.7.10 Reinorce issue-based politics over identity politics. E . I- , , , , .See Gap/Challenge: Section 8.10.8, Identity and issue politics.

8.7.11 Approach: Systems o RepresentationG x

. C ,   , . L x .

8.7.12 Meet requirements or ree and air elections in order to reect the population’sinterests.  T UN.5 I . F q ;

. USAID, “DRAF G D G,” 009.

. C/D/H, Quest or Viable Peace, 005.

. USAID, “DRAF G D G,” 009.

5. U N, “A 1, U D H R,” ://../O/. ( J 17, 009). H: UN, “A 1, UDHR.”

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8-118 Stable Governance

; q .6 I , - q : , j , , , , , , , , .7 A , q .8 T  , , , - . B —, , ,   x— .

8.7.13 Consider the timing and impact o elections on the stability o the host nation.9 

E j x , q .

 W ’ , - . T q , , , . C . C

. A, . . F, .See rade-o: Section 8.9.5, Early elections vs. maturation o politics and processes.

8.7.14 Approach: Legislative Strengthening L 0 - , , , , x. P- .1 L , , , - .

6. U S D S, Of C R S, ransi-

tion Elections and Political Processes in Reconstruction and Stabilization Operations: Lessons Learned, 007.H: S/CRS, ransition Elections, 007.

7. UNDP/M, “G P-C S,” 00; UNDP/USAID, “F S,” 007.

8. U N Development Programme, Electoral Systems and Processes Practice Note, 00; C DG/C, “B B,” 006.

9. B, “S B,” 007.

0. F , .

1. USAID, “DRAF G D G,” 009.

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Stable Governance 8-119

8.7.15 Consider the design and structure o the legislature to aid in stabilization. T x - . T , , j j. U , , x .

8.7.16 Strengthen legislative bodies to counterbalance the executive branch and help bolster representative and accountable governance. D , - , , , , . L -

. T q . I , ,, q . A x . P . , , . S -

. A , , .5   ,   , .

8.7.17 rain and mentor legislators and sta or conict management. L j , , . F, , x f S&R . P - . H , , - , , , .6

. U N D P, Parliamentary Development Practice Note, 00.

. U N D P, Parliaments, Crisis Prevention, and Recovery: Guidelines or the  International Community, 006.

. U N D P, Lessons Learned in Parliamentary Development, 00.

5. I.

6. USAID, “DRAF G D G,” 009.

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8-120 Stable Governance

8.8 Necessary Condition: Civic Participation and Empowerment

8.8.1 What is civic participation and empowerment? Why is it a necessary condition?C

, .7 U , , , ; , , ; q x ; . C , , .8 T , - , , .

 W ,

, . C q 9 , x .0

8.8.2 Guidance or Civic Participation and Empowerment

8.8.3 Approach: Civil Society Development C . I - -

, , .1 C , , , - , , , , . T , , , , . T  , - ; , , ; ; . 

 T S&R .

7. W B, S D D, C S Peacebuilding: Potential, Limitations and Critical Factors, 006. H: WB, Civil Society and Peacebuilding, 006.

8. D/J/C/C DG, Beginner’s Guide, 007.

9. R , , , , , . D/S/A, “M P C E,” 008.)

0. I.

1. L S E, “C C S,” ://...//CCS/ ( J 17, 009); WB, “C S P,” 006.

. D/J/C/C DG, Beginner’s Guide, 007; L S E, C C S, “W I C S?” ://...//CCS/___.( J 17, 009).

. M L, P U, S C, Building Civil Society in Post-Conict Environments: Fromthe Micro to the Macro (W, D.C.: W W I C S, 006). T W B CSO: (1) , () ,() , () , (5) , (6) -, (7) (W B, “C S P,” 006). D/S/A, “M P C E,” 008.

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Stable Governance 8-121

8.8.4 Leverage existing capacities in developing civil society. U   x , . M . O,   , , ,   . W NGO , .5 x , - , .6 U x , j.

8.8.5 Establish a legal and regulatory ramework to protect CSOs and ensure they are al-lowed to orm and operate reely.7 B - , .E CSO . L , x-, , ; ,

x , .8 L CSO , , .9 N , , , - . C .50 T .

8.8.6 Foster ownership o host nation CSOs by providing necessary support to boost capacity. S x x CSO, . T   x CSO -, x . ICSO .51 F

. D/J/C/C DG, Beginner’s Guide, 007

5. B P, “C S P-C P: A I P- A B ‘N’ S,” S D, . 6, . 95-510 (005).

6. WB, “C S P,” 006.

7. D/J/C/C DG, Beginner’s Guide, 007.

8. WB, “C S P,” 006.

9. I C N--P L, “E O D: NGO L R P-C S,” Te International Journal o Not-or-Prot Law 9, (007).

50. D/S/A, “M P C E,” 008.

51. D/J/C/C DG, Beginner’s Guide, 007.

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8-122 Stable Governance

. M , . T - CSO, - .5 C , x-x CSO . -   , .5 S S7.8.8 7.8.1 j.

8.8.7 Promote inclusivity in developing CSOs. I ,   x. E CSO

. I , CSO . P - , , . T , x, ’ . T - ,   , , .5 A CSO x ,

, .55

8.8.8 Foster and support community-based development to broaden civic participationand enhance opportunities or developing leadership in civil society.56 C- .57 S - . T , -, , j .

8.8.9 Promote accountability o CSOs through regulatory oversight mechanisms. T CSO -. O CSO .P CSO -

5. I.

5. I P (I A E C), Building Inclusive Post-Con-

 ict Governance, 009.5. I.

55. D/S/A, “M P C E,” 008.

56. W B, “S L G P C B D A-,” ://../WBSIE/EXERNAL/EXABOUUS/IDA/0..MDK:1966~PK:66877~PK:516175~PK:79~SPK:715.00. ( J 17,009). H: WB, “S L G.”

57. U.S. A I D, Community-Based Development in Conict-Aected Areas, 007.

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Stable Governance 8-123

— , , — CSO   .58 

8.8.10 Approach: Independent Media and Access to Inormation

A , , W- , , . J ,, , . I , - . W , , x , x f. A

- .

8.8.11 Nurture and sustain a media sector that is pluralistic, transparent, sustainable,and independent. T   - . A , . A . A  

  .A .59 A j  . A ’ x x ,   x, - j .60

8.8.12 Consider creating media monitoring mechanisms to prevent incendiary or hate speech rom destabilizing the country. D , j , , . C UN UN S C- , j . T - - - , , , . A

, ,

58. D/J/C/C DG, Beginner’s Guide, 007.

59. E F S H, DRAF Peacebrie: Purpose and Possibility, A Formative Media Assess-ment emplate, (W, D.C.: U S I P, 009). Y Bj E H,Developing Media in Stabilization and Reconstruction Operations (W, D.C.: U S I P, 007). H: Bj/H, Developing Media, 007.

60. D/S/A, “M P C E,” 008.

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8-124 Stable Governance

.61 A ,  . W , .

8.8.13 Ensure that media outlets are representative o and accessible to the population.

 T , , U N .6 I , x ’ - . L , . L . A - . C , , . A

.8.8.14 Defne media broadly but distinguish careully between media sector develop-ment and strategic communications. A x (IC)   (, , ), (x , )

  . H, f . T ; (, , , , ) . T - , ( /) .

8.8.15 Develop a strong legal ramework to protect the rights o journalists. D -, j , , - . O f; ; ; , , .

, . L, , - j j


8.8.16 Encourage the development o journalism training and education programs to promote journalistic standards and potential or long-term success. P j , -, . B , j

  x j. J

61. Bj/H, Developing Media, 007.

6. UN, “A 1, UDHR”; UNDP/M, “G P-C S,” 00; U N- D P, Access to Inormation Practice Note, 00.

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Stable Governance 8-125

— ,   , .

8.8.17 Complement education programs by creating proessional associations or jour-nalists to connect host nation actors with the international media network. E

  j . P   . E j j . D j , ,, , I.6

8.8.18 Approach: Inclusive and Participatory Political Parties T . P-

  - . T , , - .6 P

  f .65 T .66

8.8.19 In developing political parties, oster inclusivity but prioritize the commitment to peace.67 E - . B , . B , , , . C ’ , ,

  - . C

CSO.E - , , , , .

8.8.20 Pay special attention to engaging women, minority ethnic groups, and other marginalized populations in the development o political parties. I - , x .

6. D/S/A, “M P C E,” 008.

6. B, “E P P,” 006.

65. U S A I D, Political Party Assistance Policy, 00.

66. E Bj, G C, W G, “E S P P P-C F S,” Governance in Post-Conict Societies: Rebuilding Fragile States”(N Y:R, 007).

67. S/CRS, “ E,” 007.

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8-126 Stable Governance

f. E - .R , - .68 UN S C R 15 .69 C

 ’ , ’ , .70 D , q .71

8.8.21 Provide political parties with necessary training and support, but ensure neutralityin delivering that support.7 M - . A -

. H . E q , , -. F . W , . B - x q .7 R  

-, , , , x, .7

8.9 rade-os

8.9.1 Rapid and eective delivery o essential services vs. legitimacy or nascent govern-ment institutions. I . B , . C .

8.9.2 Hiring host nation actors to assist international organizations vs. stang domestic institutions. I x . W -

68. I.

69. U N S C, “U N S C R 15,” ://..///15. ( J 17, 009).

70. C, “T R W,” 006.

71. S/CRS, “ E,” 007.

7. I.

7. U S A I D, Money in Politics Handbook: A Guide to Increasing ransparency in Emerging Democracies, 00. H: USAID, Money in Politics, 00.

7. I.

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Stable Governance 8-127

, .

8.9.3 Rapid service delivery and resource procurement vs. empowerment o spoilers or criminal elements. I

  j .I q , ,   .

8.9.4 Responsible fscal management vs. the need to provide immediate services. U ,   q . F , , , .

 T - x .75

8.9.5 Early elections vs. maturation o politics and processes. E . R - . H, x . C j .

8.9.6 Political appointments vs. meritocracy. A   , q, - . M , , q . O - - .76

8.10 Gaps and Challenges

8.10.1 Making peace pay and civil service reorm.  T q - S&R . T , , ,

 . R q j q.77

8.10.2 Subnational governance. D - ,   . T .

75. USAID, “G E G P P,” 009.

76. I.

77. UNDP/USAID, “F S,” 007.

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8-128 Stable Governance

A - , , - .78 

8.10.3 Security sector governance. S

 , , , . T q- , , . T , , j .79 

8.10.4 Oversight and accountability. G , x , .  T .O x


8.10.5 Human capital or basic governance unctions. M - q . I , -

, NGO, . T , -- , . I .81

8.10.6 Democracy in societies emerging rom conict.  T   . B ; ; x   . T x f -.8

8.10.7 ransition rom international to host nation actors. I -  , . T -

78. USAID, “G E G P P,” 009.79. S x, A 17–51, “A S C P R

A F D S,” G (S 19, 1996) ://../////_/_960919. ( J 17, 009).

80. UNECA, “A G R,” 005.

81. A G C L, Fixing Failed States: A Framework or Rebuilding a Fractured World (Ox-: Ox U P, 008).

8. B, Governance in Post-Conict Societies, 007.

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Stable Governance 8-129

f .8 A , , , . M x .

8.10.8 Identity and issue politics. I - . I — , , , — -

  . T , , . B - . D .

8. A, “S G,” 009.

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Sustainable Economy 


ECONOMYAbility o the people to pursue

opportunities or livelihoods

within a system o economicgovernance bound by law.

Market EconomySustainability

Inrastructure Development•

Private Sector Development•

Human Capital Development•

Financial Sector Development•

Control Over the IllicitEconomy and Economic-BasedThreats to Peace

Control Over Illicit Economic Activity•

Management o Natural Resource•

WealthReintegration o Ex-Combatants•

Employment GenerationQuick Impact•

Agricultural Rehabilitation•

Livelihood Development•


Monetary Stability•

Fiscal Management•

Legislative and Regulatory•


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Sustainable Economy  Ability o the people to pursue opportunities or livelihoods within a

system o economic governance bound by law.

9.0 What is a sustainable economy?A  8

  . S - ,   - , , - . E , , -, , , x ’ .85

9.1 What are the key economic challenges in societies emerging romconict?486

V . L- - .C - , , , , , , - ,

  87 . S

- x , , , . Mj , , - . A - , .

9.2 Why is a sustainable economy a necessary end state?O , . B x - , q , , x .88 E ,

8. “S ” x . F , .

85. U S A I D, Economic Governance in War orn Economies: LessonsLearned rom the Marshall Plan to the Reconstruction o Iraq, 00. H: USAID, Economic Governance 

in War orn Economies, 00.86. D/J/C/C DG, Beginner’s Guide, 007.

87. F , “ ” / . T x .

88. U S A I D, Guide to Economic Growth in Post-Conict Countries,009. H: USAID, Guide to Economic Growth, 009. P C, P-C R: H S P B D? 007. H: C, Post-Conict Recovery, 007.

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Sustainable Economy 9-133

. A , - . W -, .

9.3 What are the necessary conditions to achieve a sustainable economy?

• Macroeconomic Stabilization is a condition in which monetary and fscal policies areestablished to align the currency to market levels, manage ination, and create transparentand accountable systems or public fnance management. This condition requires a robustand enorceable legislative and regulatory ramework to govern issues such as propertyrights, commerce, fscal operations, and oreign direct investment.

• Control Over the Illicit Economy and Economic-Based Threats to Peace is a condition in

which illicit wealth no longer determines who governs, predatory actors are prevented romlooting state resources, ex-combatants are reintegrated and provided jobs or benefts, andnatural resource wealth is accountably managed.

• Market Economy Sustainability is a condition in which a market-based economy is enabledand encouraged to thrive. Inrastructure is built or rehabilitated, and the private sector andthe human capital and fnancial sectors are nurtured and strengthened.

• Employment Generation is a condition in which job opportunities are created to yieldquick impact to demonstrate progress and employ military-age youths, and a oundation isestablished or sustainable livelihoods.

9.4 General Guidance or Sustainable Economy 

9.4.1 Build host nation ownership and capacity. C - , , ,   . R . S -— —

. E , .89 A .90

9.4.2 Act only with an understanding o the local context. W-   , , x , j , - ( , ), ,

, , , GDP,

89. O E C-O D, Economic Reconstruction in Post-Conict ransitions: Lessons or the Democratic Republic o Congo, 00. H, OECD, Congo, 00. USAID,“G E G,” 009.

90. JICA, “H A,” 006. J S, Managing Natural Resource Wealth (W, D.C.: U.S. I P, 006). H: S, Managing Natural Resource Wealth, 006.

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9-134 Sustainable Economy 

.491 B . , - q .9 T - x:9

 W x •

? W x •

? W •

? W - ?•

 W , , , , •


 W •

? W , , , ?•

 W ?•

9.4.3 Prioritize to stabilize. E - . P f .9 P- q -.  W x x q , , x-.95 S&R ,

  .496 A , .97 O - .See rade-o: Section 9.9.1, Economic efciency vs. political stability.

9.4.4 Use a conict lens. B . A , q . A -

91. JICA, “H A,” 006. USAID, “G E G,” 009. JH, Te Reconstruction o War-orn Economies and Peace-Building Operations, 00. H:H, Reconstruction o War-orn Economies, 00.

9. USAID, “G E G,” 009. U S A I D, “A- F C S G,” 008. H: USAID, “A ,” 008. H, Reconstruction o War-orn Economies, 00.

9. JICA, “H A,” 006.

9. OECD, “C,” 00.

95. USAID, “E G W E,” 00.

96. UNDP/USAID, “F S,” 007. H, “R W- E,” 00.

97. USAID, “A ,” 008.

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Sustainable Economy 9-135

. U x - q

  .98 E , - , . A .

9.4.5 Recognize interdependence. S S&R , . F x, x - . A . G . R  

, , , -.

9.5 Necessary Condition: Macroeconomic Stabilization

9.5.1 What is macroeconomic stabilization? Why is it a necessary condition?M x - . A q , , x ,

, ,   x, ’.499 I q , , , , . S q . E - , j .500

9.5.2 Guidance or Macroeconomic Stabilization

9.5.3 Approach: Monetary StabilityM j . I , , -x - , , .501 T

98. R G, “ C-S M G: U C P-,” B C S O: S S R, G E, United States Army Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute and Center or Naval Analysis,009. H: G, “C-S M G,” 009.

99. UNDP/USAID, “F S,” 007.

500. G, “C-S M G,” 009.

501. USAID, “E G W E,” 00.

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9-136 Sustainable Economy 

  , .50 

9.5.4 Assess the state o monetary stability. A   , , , , . T , I M F (IMF) W B, . K q :

 W ?•

H ?•

H ?•

A ?•

A ?•

 W ?•

 W ?•

9.5.5 Inorm monetary decisions by setting up a system or collecting economic data. T . A f - , - . I , , , .50 L f x, GDP , .50

9.5.6 Address macroeconomic stabilization early on; it is an ot-overlooked priority.505  W x x q ,  . T , , . S&R -

,   - .506 S , x , , .507

See rade-o: Section 9.9.4, Macroeconomic reorms vs. political stability.

50. JICA, “H A,” 006.

50. JICA, “H A,” 006.50. USAID, “E G W E,” 00.

505. I. H, “T R W- E,” 00.

506. UNDP/USAID, “F S,” 007. I P A C I S C, Economic Priorities or Peace Implementation, 00. H: IPA, Economic Priorities,00.

507. H, “R W- E,” 00. IPA, “E P,” 00. P C,“I,” Demobilization and Insecurity—A Study in the Economics o the ransition rom War toPeace, 199.

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Sustainable Economy 9-137

9.5.7 Build public confdence by stabilizing domestic currency. A . A , - , . O .508 S —, x .509 H , x , - , .510 T -  , , , .

9.5.8 Stabilize the exchange rate through a oreign exchange market.511 A x -

. D x .F , x x f . T x. W

  , j . B x, , -.512 A x , , f

x x .51

9.5.9 Set realistic targets or ination rates. I - -. T , . S , , q.51 H, . F . I   j

  . T x .515 N x .

9.5.10 Build the institutional capacity o an independent and credible monetary authority. A x

508. JICA, “H A,” 006.

509. H, “R W- E,” 00.

510. USAID, “E G W E,” 00.

511. USAID, “G E G,” 009.

51. H, “R W- E,” 00.

51. D/J/C/C DG, Beginner’s Guide, 007.

51. I.

515. G, “C-S M G,” 009.

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9-138 Sustainable Economy 

. I , , , j x . - f .516 T :

C  •

R •

F x•

S .•

9.5.11 Strive or relevance, transparency, and eectiveness when developing a bank-ing system. I , , , . D . B , , - .

9.5.12 Approach: Fiscal Management E q , , . F - . A

, . S S 8.6 - .See Gap/Challenge: Section 9.10.6, Public nance management.

See rade-o: Section 8.9.4, Responsible scal management vs. the need to provide immediate services.

9.5.13 Te fscal authority should be eective and transparent. A . W

, , - , : , , , . T . G , . T - :517

A •

A , , •

, ;C x x -•

x .

516. USAID, “G E G,” 009.

517. U N U,Strategy or Rebuilding Fiscal Institutions, 007.

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Sustainable Economy 9-139

D - .518

See Gap/Challenge: Section 8.10.4, Oversight and accountability.

9.5.14 Do not ignore revenue generation strategies to meet urgent needs in these environ-

ments. A , - , j, . S , , - x , x x ,   , . O x  , , . A q - . N

S 8.6.5 Stress simplicity in developing tax systems and policies, given limited administra-tive capacity. I , x x . R x f , x , x . S x — x x x x — . T x , , x . W , x x .See rade-o: Section 9.9.2, Sophistication vs. simplicity in the income tax system.

9.5.16 Accept low tax rates on earned income in the emergency phase. S x q - - x.519 W , — x -

.P x . T j , , x . H  x x .520 

9.5.17 Consider debt relie programs to achieve debt sustainability. M . I , .51 T

518. I M F, Rebuilding Fiscal Institutions in Post-Conict Countries, 00. H: IMF,“F I,” 00.

519. C, “P-C R,” 007.

50. D/J/C/C DG, Beginner’s Guide, 007.

51. R G, “D R F S,” D R B: A W B C D D, T W B, A/M 009.

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9-140 Sustainable Economy 

q x ’ . T , , , x . D - , - .

9.5.18 Be prepared to fll the gap between revenue and government costs with unding   rom international actors. I,   . I , . B x , .M . I

x -f.9.5.19 Strengthen public expenditure management (PEM) o the host nation government. G PEM q -, , . S x - . T x x . A , , , , .5 A - x , , , , .5 P (, , , ) .

9.5.20 Prioritize transparency in contracting and procurement practices to combat cor-ruption. C  . T

, - . I q  x (.., ), .5 T W B , , .55 A , , -, f. O S 8.6.0 8.6. 9.6.

5. IMF, “F I,” 00.

5. G/L, Fx F S, 008.

5. D/J/C/C DG, Beginner’s Guide, 007.

55. W B, “C P G,” 00. ://../WBSIE/EX- ERNAL/OPICS/CSO/0,,MDK:00961~PK:08~PK:050~PK:076~SPK:8717,00., J , 009.

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9-142 Sustainable Economy 

x , . C (, , ), ( q ), .E q j , , .5  T . A . T - - . I -, .

9.5.25 Develop a customs, tax, and budget legal ramework to govern fscal operations.

L : x . T x x x x . F - . T x , , . A x , , -

  , -

. N “-,” , .

9.5.26 Prioritize dispute resolution mechanisms to address property and contract issues. L . D -, . P , , . T j . A - .5 T , , q . A - j

  . R x - (.., ) . T q .5 F , S 10.7.10.

5. USAID, “A ,” 008.

5. USAID, “G E G,” 009.

5. M B J G, Prot and Poverty: Aid, Livelihoods and Conict in Aghanistan(L: O D I H P G, 00).

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Sustainable Economy 9-143

9.5.27 Focus on laws to combat organized crime and other illicit economic activity. L , , . T . L -

  - . C j .L . A , , , , ( , ) .

 T q . A, , , .

9.5.28 Engage the private sector on advocacy or policies and regulatory reorm. I - . B ,   - . A - j .55

9.6 Necessary Condition: Control Over the Illicit Economy andEconomic-Based Treats to Peace

9.6.1 What is control over the illicit economy and economic-based threats to peace? Why is it a necessary condition?C -


. O - x, q f, , x, j q . T , , , . A q , x .536

55. USAID, “A ,” 008.

56. K B H N, “T P E C W C -,” ransorming War Economies: Dilemmas and Challenges, No. 3 in Dialogue Series (B, G:B R C C C M, 006). H: B/N,“P E,” 006.

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9-144 Sustainable Economy 

9.6.2 Guidance or Control Over the Illicit Economy and Economic-Based Treatsto Peace9.6.3 Approach: Control Over Illicit Economic ActivityD , . G q , x - , , . T . W ,   .

9.6.4 Understand the dierent economic channels that emerge rom violent conict.

P . W , : (1) f , () , () , ()  , . T — , x -

. T .See Gap/Challenge: Section 9.10.3, Managing the inormal sector without hurting ordinarycitizens.

9.6.5 Understand the legacy o the war economy and its eects on stabilization and re-construction. W , . W - . T , , .57 K   :58

A •

 T •

Ex - •

( , , ), , , P , -•

f, x , , x


9.6.6 Prioritize the identifcation and disruption o fnance networks o local power brokers, insurgent groups, transnational organized crime, and terrorist organizations.59 

57. JICA, “H A,” 006.

58. B/N, “P E,” 006.

59. USAID, “E G W E,” 00. C/D/H, Quest or a

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Sustainable Economy 9-145

D , f , , , . T . W x , x x f . T , .50 T - x - . T . S - . P  , . T . T S 6.5.10.See Gap/Challenge: Section 9.10.1, Political-economic nexus.

9.6.7 Consider the consequences o aggressively curbing the inormal economy.V f , f, , .51 T  

. B , .5 A ,, ’ - f .5 B   x ’ j .5 E , , -

. , , , x .55

9.6.8 Understand the consequences o predatory local actors in managing economic recov-ery programs. S - , , .56 A

  x .

Viable Peace, 005.

50. G, “C-S M G,” 009.

51. I.

5. D/J/C/C DG, B’ G, 007.

5. H DS, Te Other Path: Te Invisible Revolution in the Tird World (N Y: H & R,1989).

5. M F/M, “E G,” 007.

55. G, “C-S M G,” 009.

56. M F/M, “E G,” 007.

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9-146 Sustainable Economy 

R , .

9.6.9 Recognize that the public sector can be a major source o corruption.57 C- j

. S .58 T - f, x . B . C , . M- - , ,

. R q   .

9.6.10 Deal with the harmul use o remittances. D , , f . R j - ; ; , , . A , . T f . f   . I .59

See Gap/Challenge: Section 9.10.2, Monitoring diaspora remittances.

9.6.11 Approach: Management o Natural Resource WealthN , , , , , . T - . O,

. E q , . D q , , . E “ ,” , , q , . T - . B , j . N

S 8.6.5.

57. C/D/H, Quest or a Viable Peace, 005.

58. D/J/C/C DG, Beginner’s Guide, 007.

59. USAID, “A ,” 008.

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Sustainable Economy 9-147

9.6.12 Understand the context beore designing a strategy to manage natural resources.550  T q .551 T - :55

A x . W x? H •

?A •

f .A •

, (, , , - x , .).A (.., -•

, , ).Rq , , •

.I .•

I •


9.6.13 Prevent control over natural resources, resource-rich areas, and relevant acilities by predatory actors. E . I . S , . S .55

9.6.14 Draw rom past approaches or improving the management o resource wealth and cutting o fnancing or hostile actors. S x - .55 S . I-

. T ExI I - , , . T K D C R, , P W Y P - . C

550. U N E P, From Conict to Peacebuilding: Te Role o Natural Resources and the Environment, 009. H: UNEP, Role o Natural Resources, 009.

551. S U.S. E I A,U.S. G S, USAID, S D, W B IMF; UN UNDP; NGO G W,H R W; ; x U.S. ND U’ A C S S.

55. S, “M N R W,” 006.

55. D/J/C/C DG, Beginner’s Guide, 007.

55. S, “M N R W,” 006.

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9-148 Sustainable Economy 

x .555

9.6.15 Strengthen governance practices to improve natural resource wealth management.556  T -

. P   . I - . T q , ,   .

9.6.16 Maximize participation rom all players to ensure eective management.  T x , , , , ,  . A . C , ,  , , , .557 S q .558 T , DDR , .559 S W W II, 5 .560

See Gap/Challenge: Section 9.10.5, Addressing economic actors in the peace agreement.

9.6.17 Approach: Reintegration o Ex-Combatants561

R x- - .56 Ex- - . I x-

. R -, , x-.56 R DDR , q , , x . I . S S 6.7.1 .See rade-o: Section 9.9.5, Employment opportunities or ex-combatants vs. women and minorities.

555. B/N, “P E,” 006.

556. S, “M N R W,” 006.

557. B/N, “P E,” 006.

558. S, “M N R W,” 006. U N Ex G, N R- Conict in Arica: ransorming a Peace Liability into a Peace Asset, 006.

559. UNEP, “R N R,” 009.

560. I.

561. U.S. A, FM 3-07, 008.

56. U N S-G, Note to the General Assembly, A/C.5/59/31, 005.

56. UN DDR, Integrated DDR, 006.

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Sustainable Economy 9-149

9.6.18 Assess the social and economic situation to identiy the best options or reintegrat-ing ex-combatants.56 , :

 W ? W - ? W ? W , ? I , - , q.565 G x-

  , , .566 A, , .

9.6.19 Be sure to address the needs o communities receiving ex-combatants.567 I

f x-, -. M , , . M x , .568 q , x- . S , , , ’ . E x-. I -

. C x- .

9.7 Necessary Condition: Market Economy Sustainability 

9.7.1 What is market economy sustainability? Why is it a necessary condition?A - .569 T - , , , , . I , , , . T , - -

  . A - (1) q , () - , () f .

9.7.2 Guidance or Market Economy Sustainability 

56. USAID, “A ,” 008.565. UN DDR, “I DDR,” 006.

566. M F/M, “E G,” 007.

567. E U, C DDR, 006.

568. UN DDR, “I DDR,” 006.

569. U S A I D, Market Development in Crisis-Aected Environments: Emerging Lessons or Achieving Pro-Poor Economic Reconstruction, 007. H: USAID, “M D-,” 007.

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9-150 Sustainable Economy 

9.7.3 Approach: Inrastructure Development  T : (, , ), , , , , / , q   . I , , .570 D ,   . W , , , , j .571 

9.7.4 Establish inrastructure priorities according to broader strategic imperatives.57 I , j . L q x . C , , , - . T q —, x, . R , , , q .

9.7.5 Consider social, political, and environmental impacts in designing inrastructure

 projects. A , j   x .I j , , , q.57 I j . D - - . C

  , , , . O - - S 10.8.

9.7.6 Prioritize power, roads, ports, and telecommunications. P . R . C , f . 57 S . - , ,

570. JICA, “H A,” 006.

571. I , , , -, f, . S S 10, S W-B.

57. JICA, “H A,” 006.

57. JICA, “H A,” 006.

57. C, “P-C R,” 007.

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Sustainable Economy 9-151


9.7.7 Protect inrastructure to ensure peace and economic growth. C . P -

. S ,  . T , , ,

  . S S 6.8.9 .

9.7.8 Focus on inrastructure management, not just inrastructure itsel. M ,

 j - . T ; ; , x; ,, . B   , , - .576 T , .

9.7.9 Rebuild only what should be rebuilt. R . M x , . T

, . T q - .577 S S 8.5.11 q .

9.7.10 Recognize the wider benefts o inrastructure repair beyond its physical value.578 T q - q. I . B , . I -, . A . U j . S S10.8.1 j .

575. A C S M, Attracting Investment in Post-Conict Countries: Te Importance o  elecommunications, (W, D.C.: W B, 005).

576. USAID, “G E G,” 009. JICA, “H A,” 006.

577. USAID, “G E G,” 009.

578. JICA, “H A,” 006.

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9-152 Sustainable Economy 

9.7.11 Approach: Private Sector Development  T -- .579 A - j , x , -. N q , , , . P , .

9.7.12 Look to local investment and resources; don’t wait or oreign investment.580 T q (FDI) - , , , , - .

B , . G, FDI -, , - . I , , .581 R , j. T .

9.7.13 Provide access to immediate credit and fnancial services or micro, small, and medium enterprises. P j j. W j, - j - . M .58 B xx, , .58 M - , , . M , , , x--, .58 S .585

See Gap/Challenge: Section 9.10.4, Micronance and eective intermediation.

579. U N D P, Te Role o Private Sector Development in Post-Conict Economic Recovery, 007. H: UNDP, “P S D,” 007.

580. USAID, “G E G,” 009. OECD, “C,” 00.

581. UNDP, “P S D,” 007.58. M F/M, “E G,” 007.

58. I L O U N H C R, Micro-nance inPost-Conict Situations: owards Guiding Principles or Action, 1999. H: ILO/UNHCR, Micro- nance, 1999.

58. K K, “I A M P-C S: B LI Pj,” 001.

585. ILO/UNHCR, “M-,” 1999.

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Sustainable Economy 9-153

9.7.14 Create an enabling environment that lowers risks, promotes business activity,and attracts FDI.586 T -: ( ) -’ . A . B j, - . O , , .587 M q f - , , f .A - q x, -, , .588

9.7.15 Leverage key markets as economic opportunities.  T j - . F x, .589 O x -f , , . T - -

.9.7.16 Maximize the peacebuilding benefts o private sector activity. T x - . T R . T R ’ f W “R R,” ’ , “ .”590 S R .591 A, - H - j , .

9.7.17 Approach: Human Capital Development H   .59 V , , ,

586. USAID, “G E G,” 009. M F/M, “E G,”007.

587. UNDP, “P S D,” 007.

588. USAID, “G E G,” 009.

589. USAID, “A ,” 008.

590. C R, “C R,” ://../., J , 009.

591. C D, “R S R C,” Te New York imes, 00.

59. S D ’ G I E, ://-../~//., J , 009.

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9-154 Sustainable Economy 

, . E , , . R q , - , , , , . S S 10.6 .

9.7.18 Give all a stake in the peace process, including the most vulnerable. I- q .F q , , , , . F



See Gap/Challenge: Section 10.10.5, Youth in recovery eorts.

9.7.19 Establish a means or collecting labor market data as the basis or human capital development. H . C , , , , .59 I , , - , - . T - . I .

9.7.20 Do not neglect the need to impart “lie skills.”  C “ ” . L j , , . L 595 , , ,  . T , , , , x- . L


9.7.21 Begin training and education on the job and look to long-term educational capacity.   j, j. L- . D q - - - . O - x , q . P

59. J M F, “A S W-B P S,” Te Washing-ton Quarterly, A 00. H: M F, “A S W-B,” 00.

59. I L O, Local Economic Development: Operational Guidelines, 1997. H:ILO, Local Economic Development, 1997.

595. I.

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Sustainable Economy 9-155

  , .596

9.7.22 Approach: Financial Sector Development  T -

. E   .597 j - .

9.7.23 Be prepared or a banking system that is severely debilitated. D , .P -

q. O , , . R . I . M . T - .

9.7.24 Seek to rebuild trust in the banking system. A , . T j . B , . T  


9.7.25 Understand that microfnance can contribute to growth, but alone it is not a sub- stitute or reconstituting the core banking capacity o the country. M -

, j . W ,

  . M   - x. T , , .599 Mj x .

596. USAID, “E G W E,” 00.

597. USAID, “G E G,” 009.

598. H, “R W- E,” 00.

599. UNDP/USAID, “F S,” 007.

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9-156 Sustainable Economy 

9.8 Necessary Condition: Employment Generation

9.8.1 What is employment generation? Why is it a necessary condition?C j . M j , -

q , . I -, - . P j  . P, . E-, , , . S, , ,


9.8.2 Guidance or Employment Generation

9.8.3 Approach: Quick Impact D - , . I -,  , . T -

q .600

9.8.4 Generate positive results by ocusing on public works projects.601 P j- q . J - - -- j, , , . B .

9.8.5 Keep sustainability in mind, but avoid placing undue emphasis on it in the veryearly stages o recovery.60 J q - - .60 A - j . H, - .

 W , q j .

600. UNDPKO, Principles and Guidelines, 008. U K S U, “H CR,” 008. H: UK S U, “H C R,” 008. USAID, “G E G,” 009.

601. M F/M, “E G,” 007.

60. M F, “A S W-B,” 00. R P, Te U.S. Experience withProvincial Reconstruction eams in Aghanistan: Lessons Identied (W, D.C.: U.S. I P,005).

60. M F/M, “E G,” 007.

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Sustainable Economy 9-157

See rade-o: Section 9.9.7, Meeting urgent needs or jobs vs. ocusing on sustainable employment.

9.8.6 Recognize the potential impact o the international presence on economic distor-tions.60 O , ,

. I x, , , , - . T .605 T , - ’ . , , . P x


9.8.7 Approach: Agricultural RehabilitationI ,   . R , , -. D , x, . G x x .

9.8.8 Provide broad assistance in rehabilitating the agricultural sector.  W , , . A ,

  .607 P ,   . I :

M •

P ,  •

R , q,•

, , - D ,•

, I •

60. IPA, “E P,” 00. USAID, “E G W E,” 00.

605. JICA, “H A,” 006.

606. D/J/C/C DG, Beginner’s Guide, 007. USAID, “G E G,”009.

607. D/J/C/C DG, Beginner’s Guide, 007.

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9-158 Sustainable Economy 

P  •

L .•

9.8.9 Avoid disincentivizing local arming through relie operations. I ,

. T   . D .608

9.8.10 Approach: Livelihood Development  T   . I , - , , .

9.8.11 Recruit capable, accountable individuals or a lean and eective civil service.R q - , , . T q . T , .609 P , -, , . T x- - j,  

 j .610

9.8.12 Focus on agriculture, construction and service sectors, which will oten provide thebulk o job opportunities.611 A ,

  , , , , j, . B , , , -

  (, , ) , q ,   . F x j .

9.8.13 Pay special attention to women in micro-enterprise or vocational training.61 D  , . T q - . T . W q , , , j .61 S , , - . W j .

608. I.

609. WB, “R C S,” 00.

610. D/J/C/C DG, Beginner’s Guide, 007.

611. USAID, “G E G,” 009. IPA, “E P,” 00. UNDP/USAID, “FS,” 007.

61. M F/M, “E G,” 007.

61. ILO, “L E D,” 1997.

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Sustainable Economy 9-159

9.9 rade-os

9.9.1 Economic eciency vs. political stability.61 B S&R - , . T f

. I ,


9.9.2 Sophistication vs. simplicity in the income tax system. I ,   x . R x , x, x x, .615

9.9.3 Creating donor trust unds vs. strengthening the host nation budget process. M 

, - . O   q , .616

9.9.4 Macroeconomic reorms vs. political stability.617 W q , . C ,

x, . A .618 U, .

9.9.5 Employment opportunities or ex-combatants vs. women and minorities. I -, . P j x- , j q, - . T f -,

q x-, .619

9.9.6 Public vs. private sector in public utility services. H . B , - j q . T , ,   . A

61. OECD, “C,” 00.

615. IPA, “E P,” 00.

616. UNDP/USAID, “F S,” 007.

617. S F, “B B F: S P-C R,” Te Washington Quar-terly, A 00.

618. IPA, “E P,” 00.

619. D/J/C/C DG, Beginner’s Guide, 007.

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9-160 Sustainable Economy 

. S - , .60

9.9.7 Meeting urgent needs or jobs vs. ocusing on sustainable employment. I  , . D j

q, - . B .

9.10 Gaps and Challenges

9.10.1 Political-economic nexus. C -  . T x . A - x.

9.10.2 Monitoring diaspora remittances. D , , f . W   j , . f . K .

9.10.3 Managing the inormal sector without hurting ordinary citizens. M - f   . W f, - .

9.10.4 Microfnance and eective intermediation. L j, - f - j. P - - - .

9.10.5 Addressing economic actors in the peace agreement. P   j , .P , x .

 W , - .

9.10.6 Public fnance management.  . C

j - j. M   .

60. USAID, “G E G,” 009.

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Section 1

Social Well-Being


WELL-BEINGAbility o the people to be reerom want o basic necessities

and to coexist peaceully

in communities withopportunities or


Access to and Deliveryo Basic Needs Services

Appropriate and Quality•


Minimum Standards or•

Water, Food, and ShelterMinimum Standards or•

 Health Services

Access to and Deliveryo Education

System-Wide Development•

and Reorm

Equal Access•

Quality and Confict-Sensitive•


Right o Return andResettlement o Reugeesand Internally DisplacedPersons

Sae and Voluntary Return or•


Property Dispute Resolution•

Reintegration and•


Social ReconstructionInter- and Intra-Group•


Community-Based Development•

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Social Well-Being 10-163

development and reorm, and equal access to relevant, quality, and conict-sensitiveeducation.

• Return and Resettlement of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons  is a condition inwhich all individuals displaced rom their homes by violent conict have the option o asae, voluntary, and dignifed journey to their homes or to new resettlement communities;

have recourse or property restitution or compensation; and receive reintegration and reha-bilitation support to build their livelihoods and contribute to long-term development.

• Social Reconstruction is a condition in which the population is able to coexist peaceullythrough intra- and intergroup orms o reconciliation—including mechanisms that help toresolve disputes non-violently and address the legacy o past abuses—and through develop-ment o community institutions that bind society across divisions.

10.4 General Guidance or Social Well-Being 

10.4.1 Build host nation ownership and capacity. I , , IDP, - , - . P — - — . A x   . F x,     . I


10.4.2 Act only with an understanding o the local context. T - - x . A q:

 W ?•

H ?•

 W •

? W ?•

 W ?•

 W x •

? W -•


10.4.3 Prioritize to stabilize. S - f  . I , . -


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10-164 Social Well-Being 

, , .6 F ( , , , , IDP,, , ), .6 O , , , .

10.4.4 Use a conict lens. T . I   x q . W , - — , , IDP ,   — .

10.4.5 Recognize interdependence. A - . A - , , . S  ; ; , , .P , ,   - .

10.5 Necessary Condition: Access o and Delivery O Basic NeedsServices

10.5.1 What is access to and delivery o basic needs services? Why is it a necessary condition?

 T U D H R q , .6 A , , q q q “ .”65 N  

. B . R - - , -, .

10.5.2 Guidance or Access o and Delivery O Basic Needs Services

10.5.3 Approach: Appropriate and Quality AssistanceA q . A

, ,

6. D, J, C, C DG, Te Beginner’s Guide , 007). U K S U,“H C R,” 008.

6. S Pj, Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response, 00. H:S, Humanitarian Charter, 00.

6. U N G A, Universal Declaration o Human Rights, 198.

65. S, Humanitarian Charter, 00.

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Social Well-Being 10-165

. Q q , , . I q - .

10.5.4 Provide assistance based on the needs o conict-aected populations to ensureequal access or all. Mx q q

 , , - . A, , -, HIV/AIDS , .66 P . P .

10.5.5 ailor assistance to local culture.  W , , , , . C x .67 H  

  .68 I   .

10.5.6 Discourage the population rom using coping strategies that arise rom the inabil-ity to access basic services. D “ ”

, , . S , , x x .69 U , , x.

10.5.7 Do no harm. I - , . R

 . M . “D ”   .60 F , S 8.6.11.See rade-o: Section 8.9.3, Rapid service delivery and resource procurement vs. empower-ment o spoilers or criminal elements.

10.5.8 Prioritize immediate relie, but do not neglect the impact on long-term development.O . W

66. I.67. C S R S, A S D H A,

I M C, Healing the Wounds: Rebuilding Healthcare Systems in Post-Conict Environ-ments, 007. H: CSRS/ASDHA/IMC, Healing the Wounds, 007.

68. CSRS/ASDHA/IMC, Healing the Wounds, 007.

69. S, Humanitarian Charter, 00.

60. F , M B. A, Do No Harm: How Aid Can Support Peace—or War (B,C.: L R P, I., 1999). H: A, Do No Harm, 1999.

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10-166 Social Well-Being 

q , x - . U - .61 R , “ ,” , .6 P q -


10.5.9 Coordinate humanitarian assistance and development strategies to maximizecoherence and sustainability. F j . T - - .6 A

. T — — - .65 C - j .66 See Gap/Challenge: Section 10.10.3, ransition rom relie to development activities.

10.5.10 Approach: Minimum Standards or Water, Food, and Shelter M q , q q q , . T .

10.5.11 In the emergency phases o recovery, strive to meet the immediate survival needso the population or water, ood, and shelter.

Clean water and proper sanitation.•  A , q q

, , . T q - x, , , .67 

Food security• . A , q q q,

61. U S A I D, Fragile States Strategy, 005.

6. UNDP/USAID, “F S,” 007.6. I. CSRS/ASDHA/IMC, “H W,” 007.

6. U N S-G, ransition rom Relie to Development: Key Issues Related to Humanitarianand Recovery/ransition Programmes, 006.

65. U N H C R, Mind the Gap! UNHCR, Humanitarian Assistance and the Development Process, 001.

66. UNDP/USAID, “F S,” 007.

67. S, “H C,” 00.

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Social Well-Being 10-167

.68 F , ,q q , .

Shelter.• A ,

,   , - .69 T q . S ,, , , , ,

  , , , .60

10.5.12 Provide quantity and quality o water to ensure survival, improve hygiene, and reduce health risks. P .61 P j . W- - q . I , f q , q .6 HIV/AIDS- q . W . Mx , , ; q.6 D , , , , .

10.5.13 Impart important inormation to the public about the benefts o water and  sanitation services and acilities.6 P . - . T , , , , x, . F .

G . A , , .

10.5.14 ailor water and ood distribution and assistance according to local actors.65 T , , -

68. U N W F S, Rome Declaration on World Food Security and World Food Summit Plano Action, 1996.

69. U N H C R, Handbook or Emergencies, 000. H: UNHCR,H E, 000. S, “H C,” 00.

60. S, “H C,” 00.

61. U S A I D, Field Operations Guide or Disaster Assessment and Response—Version 3.0, 1998. H: USAID, FOG, 1998.

6. S, “H C,” 00. USAID, “FOG,” 1998.

6. USAID, “FOG,” 1998.

6. S, “H C,” 00.

65. I. USAID, “FOG,” 1998.

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10-168 Social Well-Being 

q -. A . A .66 D   q .

10.5.15 Use ood assistance strategies that acilitate sustainability. C , , - , ’ q   .67 O -- . T  


10.5.16 Aim or equity in ood and water distribution.68 C q .69 T - , , , , . L -, , . T , - , , NGO, -. C . R , x . A .

10.5.17 Resort to providing ree ood aid only when the need is severe and there is no other alternative. F   .650 D . T -

, , , - - . A   - . A ,   .

10.5.18 Develop tailored sanitation programs to best beneft the population. S- : x ,

66. S, “H C,” 00. USAID, “FOG,” 1998.

67. S, “H C,” 00.

68. U N W F P, Emergency Food Security Assessment Handbook, 005. USAID,FOG, 1998.

69. S, “H C,” 00.

650. I.

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Social Well-Being 10-169

 , , .651 I , . I f —, , , — . I -, q . V , - . R - - , , .

10.5.19 Provide shelter assistance to meet survival needs. E -q .65 D ,   q

  .65 S , , , . L x- , , x , . P - .65 P , - , .655

10.5.20 When choosing a site or mass shelter, pay close attention to land rights.656  W , q .657 , , j - . W , . A - .658 O .

10.5.21 ailor shelter designs and planning to local requirements. I - , , , ,

  . W , - ; ; ; ;

651. I.

65. I.

65. Ox, ransitional Settlement—Displaced Populations, 005.

65. D F, Land Policy in Post-conict Circumstances: Some Lessons rom East imor (G: UN H C R, 00). H: F, Land Policy, 00.

655. Ox, ransitional Settlement—Displaced Populations, 005.

656. I. UNHCR, “H E,” 000.

657. USAID, FOG, 1998.

658. I.

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10-170 Social Well-Being 

; , , , -.659 B , .

10.5.22 Use shelter construction processes as an opportunity to build host nation capacity

and promote livelihood development.660 H - . D x .

 T - .

10.5.23 In addition to housing, be prepared to provide nonood items that may be necessaryto maximize sel-suciency and sel-management.661 M   ; ; ; , , , , , , . M - .

10.5.24 Approach: Minimum Standards or Health ServicesM   . C , , -.66 A , ,  

x , , , . O j   - , , - .See Gap/Challenge: Section 10.10.8, Mental health needs o conict-aected populations.

10.5.25 reat those with the most immediate health risks while restoring basic health ser-vices or the broader population.66 P .

 T .66 T ,, , HIV/AIDS. E   , - q- .665 I , - - - , , , . S

659. S, “H C,” 00.

660. I.

661. I.66. UNDP/USAID, “F S,” 007.

66. I-A S C, Guidelines or HIV/AIDS Interventions in Emergency Settings, 00.H: IASC, Guidelines or HIV/AIDS, 00.

66. S, “H C,” 00.

665 UNDP/USAID, “F S,” 007. W F P W B (H-L F H M D G), “H S D P-C S,” 005. H-: WFP/WB, “H S D,” 005.

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10-172 Social Well-Being 

10.5.29 Respond appropriately and adequately to victims o sexual and gender-based violence. T - - x x - x x .67 C , x , , - , , x x.67 M x - . H

 , .B , HIV/AIDS , . H x . S x , f .

10.5.30 Restore inormation systems to promote public health.675 I   , f . W ,

  f x - HIV/AIDS .

R q .676 C .677 

10.6 Necessary Condition: Access o and Delivery O Education

10.6.1 What is access to and delivery o education? Why is it a necessary condition?E ,

U D H R (198), UN C R   C (1989) G C (IV) R P CP W.678 A , , , . T , ,

Discrimination, 007.

67. D, AIDS and Violent Conict in Arica (W, D.C.: U.S. I P, 001).

H: D, “AIDS V C,” 001.67. IASC, “G HIV/AIDS,” 00.

675. USAID, “FOG,” 1998.

676. UNAIDS, “R HIV S D,” 007.

677. D, “AIDS V C,” 001. S, “H C,” 00.

678. I-A N E E (INEE), Minimum Standards or Education in Emer- gencies, Chronic Crises and Early Reconstruction, 00. H: INEE, “M S E-,” 00.

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Social Well-Being 10-173

.679 T . T “ ” ,

  , , .680 E   . I . I x, ,   , .681 

10.6.2 Guidance or Access o and Delivery O Education

10.6.3 Approach: System-Wide Development and Reorm

S- . E ;   ; , , .68 C - , , , , - q , - , .68 W

,68 .685

10.6.4 Use a “community-based participatory approach.” 686 q - ,   , , , .687 C ’ - . E , , . O - ,

679. Y M-Gx, “DRAF Cx P: W ?” (W, D.C.: U.S. A I D, 009). H: M-Gx, “DRAF Cx P,” 009.

680. M-Gx, “DRAF Cx P,” 009.

681. U K D I D, Education, Conict, and International Devel-opment, 00. H: UK DID, Education, Conict and International Development, 00.

68. U N E, S, C O, Education in Situations o Emergency,Crisis and Reconstruction: UNESCO Strategy Working Paper, 00. H: UNESCO, Education in Situa-

tions o Emergency, 00.68. USAID, “DRAF Cx P,” 009.

68. M S, Planning Education in and Ater Emergencies (P: U N E, S C O, 00). H: S, Planning Education in and Ater Emergencies, 00.

685. W B, Reshaping the Future: Education and Post-Conict Reconstruction, 005. H: WB, Reshap-ing the Future, 005.

686. S, Planning Education in and Ater Emergencies, 00.

687. INEE, “M S E,” 00.

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10-174 Social Well-Being 

. T . B, , j .688 

10.6.5 Assess the context-specifc relationship between education and conict. E

  .689 C , . I , , , -, , , , . I , .690 F, -, .691 

10.6.6 Develop both a short-term plan or emergency action and a long-term plan or education reconstruction and development.69 W

  , -   . T   . S — —, .69 P ,69 , , , ( , ), ,

  .695 S S 9.7.17 -. I x ,

  f; - .696 

10.6.7 Insulate the education system rom politics. E - . F x,

. E -. T   — -, , —

688. UK DID, “E, C I D,” 00.

689. I.

690. M-Gx, “DRAF Cx P,” 009.

691. UK DID, “E, C I D,” 00.

69. S, “P E A E,” 00.69. R C. O, Winning the Peace: An American Strategy or Post-Conict Reconstruction (W, D.C.:

C S & I S, 00). UK DID, “E, C ID,” 00.

69. WB, “R F,” 005.

695. M-Gx, “DRAF Cx P,” 009. S, “P E I A E-,” 00.

696. O E C- D, Education in Fragile States, 006.

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Social Well-Being 10-175

.697 E - .698 

10.6.8 Reduce systemic corruption in the education system.699 S

-. C , - , .700 C , - , .701 

10.6.9 Approach: Equal AccessEq , q . F , .70 A  

  . F - , , S 8.5.11.

10.6.10 Ensure equal access as a mitigator o conict. A . V . S — — . Iq — , , , — .70 L,

q .  .70

10.6.11 Provide interim emergency education or children. I , , - . T

  , q .705 I   . T q -, , , .706 E IDP .707 O

697. UK DID, “E, C I D,” 00.

698. I.

699. M-Gx, “DRAF Cx P,” 009.

700. I.

701. UK DID, “E, C I D,” 00.

70. S, “P E I A E,” 00.70. M-Gx, “DRAF Cx P,” 009.

70. UK DID, “E, C I D,” 00.

705. INEE, “M S E,” 00.

706. S C UK “ j - - .” (UK DID, “E, C I D,” 00.)

707. UK DID, “E, C I D,” 00.

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10-176 Social Well-Being 

, , .”708 A , , .709 See Gap/Challenge: Section 10.10.4, Emergency education.

10.6.12 Incorporate higher and nonormal education. T   - . T j . A . S q , , , , .710

10.6.13 Pay attention to reugees and IDPs. T C R C . T IDP . q , , . I , IDP . K IDP - , .711

10.6.14 View education as a tool or child protection and welare. M x . R .71 C .71 S , .

10.6.15 Construct appropriate educational acilities.71 I , - , , , . S , , .

10.6.16 Develop appropriate resource standards and monitor resource use.715 S q q, , ; ; . T

708. M-Gx, “DRAF Cx P,” 009.

709. WB, “R F,” 005.

710. M-Gx, “DRAF Cx P,” 009.

711. S, “P E I A E,” 00.

71. I.

71. INEE, “M S E,” 00. UK DID, “E, C, ID,” 00. M-Gx, “DRAF Cx P,” 009.

71. INEE, “M S E,” 00.

715. S, “P E I A E,” 00.

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Social Well-Being 10-177

. P   , .

10.6.17 Approach: Quality and Conict-Sensitive EducationD ,

. T q - . Q   . Q x x. Q -, -, .716

10.6.18 Ensure that curricula promote peace and long-term development.717 E- . x . P ’ (- , , ) j , , .718 P x . T .719 W , . W .70 S S 9.7.17 .

10.6.19 Enrich curricula with education on lie skills.71 C , - , , , , , . W q j, - , , .7 

10.6.20 Develop and support quality teachers and administrators. T -  . T , - , , . P . E , , . T q

716. INEE, “M S E,” 00.

717. S, “P E I A E,” 00.

718. E A. C J B, Unite or Divide? Te Challenges o eaching History in Societies Emerg-ing rom Violent Conict (W, D.C.: U.S. I P, 006). UK DID, “E, C I D,” 00.

719. S, “P E I A E,” 00.

70. UK DID, “E, C I D,” 00. OECD, “E FS,” 006.

71. S, “P E I A E,” 00.

7. UK DID, “E, C I D,” 00.

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10-178 Social Well-Being 

. G , .   .7 A- , - , .

10.6.21 Promote a student-centered, participatory learning environment.7  W , q .I , - . T , , ( ), , , .

  , ,

, , , - . S - , , , , , .

10.7 Necessary Condition: Return and Resettlement o Reugees andInterally Displaced Populations

10.7.1 What is return and resettlement o reugees and IDPs?725 Why is it a neces-sary condition?R IDP , , -. O ,   , - - .76 W , .77 R ,

7. I. OECD, “E F S,” 006.

7. INEE, “M S E,” 00.

75. I x , - - , , , - . T 1951 C R S R. IDP “ , , , - , S .” T - U N Of C H A, “GP I D,” 00.

76. U N H C R, Framework or Durable Solutions or Reugees and Personso Concern, 00. H: UNHCR, Framework or Durable Solutions, 00.

77. S P, Reugee Return and State Reconstruction: A Comparative Analysis (G: U NH C R, 00). H: P, Reugee Return, 00.

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Social Well-Being 10-179

, - .78 R , , , , - .

10.7.2 Guidance or Return and Resettlement o Reugees and IDPs729

10.7.3 Approach: Sae and Voluntary Return or Resettlement S . T - j , IDP , .

10.7.4 Understand the situation on the ground in order to plan eectively.70 Pq

, . W IDP , j -. C , . T -, . O   . B IDP,   :

H ? I •

IDP ?  ?•

A , IDP, ?•

D ?•

 W ?•

 W ?•

A •

?D x ?•

10.7.5 Ensure voluntary return or reugees and IDPs. V IDP. A  

78. W K, Durable Solutions or Internally Displaced Persons: An Essential Dimension o Peacebuilding  (W, D.C.: B I, 008). H: K, Durable Solutions or IDPs, 008.

79. A “R’” (, , -, ) ’ , UN H C- R. T , , . T q - . F , UNHCR, “F DS,” 00.

70. P, “R R,” 00.

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10-180 Social Well-Being 

, .71 I   - , .7 T IDP .

 W “ ” , IDP . W , , , , - .

10.7.6 Ensure saety o return or reugees and IDPs. R . U , , , ,

. W -  , x q , , , j . T :7

Disarm and demobilize armed groups.• T - , - . D . S S 6.7. - x-.

De-mine the paths and communities o returnees.• L x j . I , , - .7 F  

, S 6.9..

Protect vulnerable groups rom abuse.• D , , , x , .75 E - . S S- 6.8. .

See rade-o: Section 10.9.3, Responsibility to protect vs. saety o relie workers.

71. UNHCR, “F D S,” 00.

7. K, Durable Solutions or IDPs, 008.7. U N H C R, Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement, 1998. ://

 ..///7//., J , 009. I P A,H, L, P C M: I P O R L P-, 005. H: IPA, Housing, Land, Property and Conict Management, 005.

7. B I U B, Addressing Internal Displacement in Peace Processes. Peace  Agreements and Peace-Building, 007. H: B/B, Addressing Internal Displacement, 007.

75. UNHCR, “F D S,” 00.

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Social Well-Being 10-181

10.7.7 Provide reugees and IDPs with ull access to the inormation they need to decidewhether or not to return. O IDP - . W , , , .76 I :77

 T , •

; ;  , , , .

A •

. I , .78

P , •

j, q , -, q.

I , , •

, .

10.7.8 Develop internal resettlement alternatives or those who decide not to return totheir original homes. S . O .I , -. I , .M , q .79

10.7.9 Manage reugee returns as ar rom the border as possible. T . T f ( f) x. T . S- , , - , x .

76. K, “D S IDP,” 008.

77. I.

78. B N. S, “R R, R, R D C,” US A I D C P D, H R, R- P- S (O 0–1, 1997). H: S, “R R,” 1997.

79. B/B, “A I D,” 007.

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10-182 Social Well-Being 

10.7.10 Approach: Property Dispute ResolutionEf j S&R .70 D , , . D , , , . T , , , -, .71 C .

10.7.11 Address property disputes to encourage the return o displaced populations. W , , , . , -

/ , .7

10.7.12 Base resolution processes in a legal ramework to ensure consistency and enorce-ability. I , , j , , .7 A , ,  , .7 I , . W , -, , q .75 M

 j , -.76 D’ ,   x , , .S S 7.8.15. , .77 F , S 7.5.9.See Gap/Challenge: Section 10.10.7, Eective property laws.

10.7.13 Return property lost during conict to its original owners where possible and oer compensation or those who must resettle.  W , . T q . T  

70. IPA, “H, L, P C M,” 005.

71. I.

7. B/B, “A I D,” 007.

7. IPA, “H, L, P C M,” 005.

7. F, “L P,” 00.

75. I.

76. B/B, “A I D,” 007.

77. F, “L P,” 00.

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Social Well-Being 10-183

. I , .78 E . A

  .See rade-o: Section 10.9.5, Giving property to their original owners vs. existing occu- pants.

10.7.14 Ensure property rights o women, orphans, and other vulnerable populations.  W , . I , , , .

 T - . P

  q .79 I , , ,

  .R .750

10.7.15 Allocate properties or community and commercial uses as needed. E   , - .751 H .F q .

  .75 I q .75 

10.7.16 Approach: Reintegration and RehabilitationU ,

- . Aj x . T .See Gap/Challenge: Section 10.10.6, Long-term development needs o returnees.

10.7.17 Promote sel-reliance and empowerment o reugees and IDPs to prevent dependency on aid.75 D -

78. I.

79. B/B, “A I D,” 007.

750. I.

751. F, “L P,” 00.

75. I.

75. I.

75. UNHCR, “F D S,” 00.

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Social Well-Being 10-185

Redevelopment o local communities through processes to promote peaceul coexistence.•  P .76 

Revitalization o civil society.•A

. B   , .76 S S 8.8. .

Host nation presence at the local level.•   T - .O   , , . L , .76 S S 8.6.11 .

 Adequate rights or returnees in old and new communities.•  S - j , ’ , , , , -. I j , - -

, , .765 P , , - . S S 7.7. j.

10.7.20 Trough conict-sensitive development, strive to build the ollowing characteris-tics in the returning or resettling populations:766

 Economic characteristics.• D , - . E , .

Social and cultural characteristics.• I   . D x - .

Legal characteristics• . D , q . T

76. S, “R R,” 1997.

76. I.

76. P, “R R,” 00.

765. B/B, “A I D,” 007.

766. UNHCR, “F D S,” 00.

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10-186 Social Well-Being 

; , , ; q ;

  . E, IDP .

10.8 Necessary Condition: Social Reconstruction

10.8.1 What is social reconstruction? Why is it a necessary condition?S - -x; , , ; - ; ; . F -- , :

- - 767   768 - -

  .769 F , x. R, , f . D , , , , , , . L — — . S . W

x, - .

10.8.2 Guidance or Social Reconstruction

10.8.3 Approach: Inter- and Intra-Group ReconciliationR . T .770 W S&R , . S ,

, - x . R , j , , , . A , .

10.8.4 Assess existing sources o conict to restore social capital and promote reconciliation.

767. “R” x

. F , — , , , .

768. O E C- D, Reconciliation: Development Assistance Com-mittee Issues Brie, 005. H: OECD, Reconciliation, 005.

769. U S A I D, Community-Based Development in Conict-Aected Ar-eas: An Introductory Guide or Programming, 007. H: USAID, Community-Based Development, 007.

770. J B V Bx, Te Urge to Remember (W, D.C.: U.S. I P, 007).H: B/Bx, Te Urge to Remember, 007.

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Social Well-Being 10-187

 W x, .771

 - , . A . R . F , S8.5.11. C . I   , — -, , IDP— . I , , .77

10.8.5 Understand the cultural context to shape strategies or promoting reconciliation. R .77

, , - .77 C - q , , , x . R - x . I .775

10.8.6 Build on indigenous practices or healing and acknowledging wrongdoing.  , .776 R , .777

10.8.7 Ensure host nation ownership over the reconciliation process. H - ; . R , .C

.778 O , . L q ,

771. T (“ , , ”) (“ ”) W B, Violent Conict and the ransormation o Social Capital: Lessons rom Cambodia, Rwanda,Guatemala, and Somalia, 000. H: WB, Violent Conict, 000.

77. B I, R “R ” “D” C, 1999. H-: B, Rethinking Relie and Development, 1999.

77. OECD, “R,” 005. U S A I D, P SR P-C S, 1999. H: USAID, Promoting Social Reconciliation, 1999.

77. OECD, “R,” 005.

775. I. USAID, “P S R P-C S,” 1999.

776. R S, Rethinking ruth and Reconciliation Commissions. Lessons rom Sierra Leone (W,D.C.: U.S. I P, 005. H: S, Rethinking ruth and Reconciliation, 005.

777. USAID, “P S R,” 1999.

778. I.

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10-188 Social Well-Being 

- , .

10.8.8 Recognize that reconciliation is an ongoing process—not an end goal—that maylast or generations. R x x , ,

. F q . B   , x x .779 T , , - x .780 

10.8.9 Pay attention to sequencing.781 I , - q . I ,   , . H, , , x, , . R - q, , .See rade-o: Section 10.9.6, Pursuing reconciliation vs. stability.

10.8.10 Consider the many dierent strategies that exist to promote reconciliation

 processes. N , , .78 SS 7.7. j.

ruth telling • . W , q . -. j   . T - , .78 :78

  , •

Nj •

Of , , •

779. I.

780. J B, rauma and ransitional Justice in Divided Societies (W, D.C.: U.S. I  P, 005). H: B, “ J,” 005.

781. B/Bx, “T U R,” 007.

78. B, “ J,” 005.

78. USAID, “P S R,” 1999. I D E A(IDEA), Reconciliation Ater Violent Conict: A Handbook, 00. H: IDEA, Reconciliation Ater Violent Conict, 00.

78. IDEA, “R A V C,” 00.

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Social Well-Being 10-189

C .•


I •

, j F •

C -•


Peace commissions• . P , , .785 M , , . P   .

Retributive justice and dispute resolution mechanisms.•  T , . B j j,

 , , . R j .R j :786

D •

P •

F •

I •

S •

B .•

Restorative justice • .787 R j j . W

 j , j , , . R   , j . O j x- x   .

Lustration.• L  

, , j . M x

785. USAID, “P S R,” 1999.

786. IDEA, “R A V C,” 00.

787. I.

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10-190 Social Well-Being 

, , - .

Reparations.• R j . M

x : ,, , . R , , , , . W , . R x , ’ .788 

 Mass media• . R, , - . UN , x, UN -, - , , , .

Healing.• H x. H , ,


 Memorialization.• M , , . B , - “ ” .790 Ex x x , , . I , , . B , ,   , x; , , , j; , , .791 Ex j .

10.8.11 Be prepared to provide necessary security.79 S ,

788. G, G H L, Addressing the Past—Fostering Reconciliation (B:D G Z, 00). H: G/L, Addressing the Past, 00.

789. IDEA, “R A V C,” 00.

790. B/Bx, “T U R, 007. I.

791. I.

79. S, “R R,” 005. IDEA, “R A V C,” 00.

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Social Well-Being 10-191

  . B , - ,

 j. C ’ , í , , - .

10.8.12 Approach: Community-Based Development C- , f , , , , - - .79 D . T


10.8.13 Build relationships and trust through collaborative development processes.795  T x .796 T - :

D -  •

 J - •

C j (.., , , •

)C  •

C j•

A .•

10.8.14 Understand that the development process is as important as the projects. T , ,

. D x   . B - j .797

10.8.15 Provide resources to ensure sustainability. I S&R , - - . M   ,

79. USAID, “C-B D,” 007.79 115 I.

795. USAID, “P S R,” 1999.

796. M M D C P Pj ( ES), C A P ( Iq), C I C ( K), N S P ( A).

797. U S A I D, Of I, Guide to ProgramOptions in Conict-Prone Settings, 001.

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10-192 Social Well-Being 

. T q - , - .798

10.8.16 Ensure inclusion and transparency to promote reconciliation and healing. I

- - , - x . T

 , , , . j , , .799

10.9 rade-os

10.9.1 Delivering assistance through host nation vs. international capacity.800 I - , - (,, , ) q .D , , - x . , .

10.9.2 Meeting immediate survival needs vs. instability.801 W   , . A, ,  

, q - .80 P   q.

10.9.3 Responsibility to protect vs. saety o relie workers. T  - , .B , .80 Eq .

10.9.4 Rapid return o displaced populations vs. instability.80 H . H, - -, . P x, , , .

10.9.5 Giving property to their original owners vs. existing occupants. R -

798. WB, “V C,” 000.

799. I.

800. U S A I D, U.S. Foreign Aid: Meeting the Challenges o the wenty-First Century, 00.

801. F , Condemned to Repeat (I L: C U P, 00).

80. B, “R R D,” 1999.

80. I. UN WFP, E F S A H, 005.

80. P, “R R,” 00.

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Social Well-Being 10-193

- j, x . E , -, . P , , - .

10.9.6 Pursuing reconciliation vs. stability. I , , -. B , q .805 P - , , x .

10.9.7 Restorative vs. retributive justice. R j , . R j , ’ , . B - .

10.10 Gaps and Challenges

10.10.1 Protection o humanitarian space. I ’ , -

S&R . T j . P q   .806

10.10.2 Aid eectiveness. W q  , .807 A , , S&R .M q .

10.10.3 ransition rom relie to development activities. A j S&R -  - -  - . B ,, , . T , .808

805. P B, I-P U, I I D E A, “S R P R S,R S R P N R P A,” 005.

806. U S I P, IA, U S A F, Guidelines or Relations Betweenthe U.S. Armed Forces and Nongovernmental Humanitarian Organizations, 007.

807. B, “R R D, 1999.

808. WB, Reshaping the Future, 005. UK DID, “E, C, I D,” 00.

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10-194 Social Well-Being 

10.10.4 Emergency education. E , - x .809 I , .E , q, .810 P , - , .

10.10.5 Youth in recovery eorts. W , .N q

  j , - f, . D


10.10.6 Long-term development needs o returnees. T . T .81 P .

10.10.7 Eective property laws. I -, . P  x q .81 F , , / q S&R j.

10.10.8 Mental health needs o conict-aected populations. T   , IDP, - , , , . R , , .81

809. UNESCO, “E S E,” 00.

810. I. UK DID, “E, C, I D,” 00.

811. WB, Reshaping the Future, 005. UK DID, “E, C, I D,” 00.

81. UNHCR, “F D S,” 00.

81. F, “L P,” 00.

81. W H O, Rapid Assessment o Mental Health Needs o Reugees, Displaced and Other Popu-lations Aected by Conict and Post-Conict Situations, 001.

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Section 11


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 Appendix A. Resource List815

Overarching A U N P A’ D. “A P-CR P F.” 005.

C, C. “I P: A R P-C P,C I DPA.” 005.

C S I S A U SA. “P-C R: F.” 00.

C, C. “M P S R.” W,DC: U.S. I P, 006.

C, J, M J. D, L R. H, . Te Quest or Viable 

Peace: International Intervention and Strategies or Conict ransormation. W,

DC: U S I P P, 005.

D S B. “S H.” 00.

D, J, S G. J, K C, B C DG. Te Beginner’sGuide to Nation-Building. S M: RAND C, 007.

D, M, B S, J A, . “M P C E (MPICE)—A M F A C

  S.” W, DC: D I

C, 008.

E U. “A S E B W.” 00.

F R G. “A P—C C P, CR P-C P.” 00.

F (I C I C D).“F S S F: F’ P P.” 007.

G, A, C L. Fixing Failed States: A Framework or Rebuilding a

Fractured World. Ox: Ox U P, 008.

H R W. “A S U N A H R.”://..//. ( S 9, 008).

I F C P O. “A C S  D P M P O: A C H- E I.” 007.

I F C P O. “C P

O: I 1 C. C R, 1997–00.” 00.I F C P O. “M C P O: C C.” 005.

I M F (P D R D). “T

815. T .

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 Appendix A: Resource List 11-197

F’ E F S P-C C—A R  Ex—I O.” 008.

I M F W B. “A P-CC HIPC F.” 001.

 J I C A. Handbook or ransition Assistance. 006. J U S P (R N M F A,G F M E C D, N- M F A, D I D,U K). “ S F P: G TA .” 00.

N A O. “A J P ..1, P SO.” 001.

O E C- D (D C-- D D A C). “F S: P C P G I E F S S.” 007.

O E C- D (D AC). “H P V C.” 001.

O E C- D (D AC). “W G A F S.” 006.

O S C- E. “OSCE H.” 007.

P, R, . Guide or Participants in Peace, Stability, and Relie Operations:Guidelines or Relations Between U.S. Armed Forces and Nongovernmental HumanitarianOrganizations in Hostile or Potentially Hostile Environments. W, DC: US I P P, 007.

S Pj. “H C M S D R-.” 00.

U K C A W G, “DRAF: I-D- G P ,” 1.1. 007.

U K D I D, “R UK G A P.” 00.

U K M D. “J D P -0, S S: T M C.” 009.

U K S U. “T U K A S-

—A S U G N.” 008.U N D P O. “H U N- M P O.” 00.

U N D P O D FS. “P O P G.” 008.

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11-198 Appendix A: Resource List

U N D G, U N D P,  W B. “P G M N A P-CS.” 00.

U N D G U N Ex C H A. “I F C A S.” 00.


U N D P U S A ID. “F S P-C S-B: A UNDP-USAID S.” 007.

U N Of H C H R. “Fq A Q H R-B A D C.”006.

U N P C. “S L C.” 007.

U N P C. “S F P B.” 007.

U N S C. “C R W Q  P O A T A.” 000. ://..////51/51-16. ( J 009).

U N S C. “U N S C R 15.”O 1, 000. ..//_15. ( J 009).

U S A I D (C M M Of). “C C A: A F S  P D.” 005.

U S A I D. “F S S.” 005.

U S A I D (Of I).“G P O C-P S.” 001.

U S A I D. “N P R- D.” 005.

U S A. Field Manual 3-07: Stability Operations. 008.

U S D S (Of C R S). “P-C R E .” 005.

U S D S (Of C R S). “P S, R, C -.” 008.

U S D S U S J F C. “US J F C J-7 P, 1.0. U S G

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 Appendix A: Resource List 11-199

D P F R, S C -.” 005.

U S G. “C G.” 009.

U S G. “P I C A

F.” 008.U S I P (C P-C P S O).“S F: F S S E C.” 007.

U S P. N S P D . “M  I E C R S.” 005.

U S P. P D D 56. “M CxC O.” 1997.

 W B (C P R ). “DRAF: CA F.” 005.

Sae and Secure EnvironmentA U N P A’ D. “A P-CR P F.” 005.

A, K, B H, W D. “P-C B UN P O.” S C R, . 6 (007): 1–60.

A F P. “I D G.” ://...//IDG. ( A 19, 009)

B, N. “D G S S C-AC,” D W. B, ., Governance in Post-Conict Societies: Re-building Fragile States. N Y: R, 007.

B, D H. Changing the Guard: Developing Democratic Police Abroad . Ox:U P Ox, 006.

B, C. H, C. M R, B W. “I E O.” P U N D P- O C D S, C Ex S P U (COESPU). 006.

C A L L. “P R P.” 007.

C P R S S. “ B L O S S R: C L Ex A P- S.” 007.

C, B, M D, R P. “B C C U.S.

S O: T R L C.” 00.C A A. “P O M.” 007.

C R C (I O P IC, U C). “P N.” ://../// /. ( S , 008).

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11-200 Appendix A: Resource List

C, J, M J. D, L R. H, . Te Quest or Viable Peace: International Intervention and Strategies or Conict ransormation. W,DC: U S I P P, 005.

D, J. Te Eects o Violence on Peace Processes. W, DC: U SI P P, 001.

D G ü Z GH (GZ). DDR: A Prac-tical Field and Classroom Guide, 00.

D, J, S G. J, K C, B C DG. Te Beginner’sGuide to Nation-Building. S M: RAND C, 007.

D, M, B S, J A, . “M P C E (MPICE)—A M F A C

  S.” W, DC: D I

C, 008.E U. “E U C S D, D-, R (DDR).” 006.

F, S. “B B F: S P-C R.”Te Washington Quarterly, . , . (00): 97–109.

F, Mè M P. “D D: J R-.” Te Washington Quarterly . 5, . (00): 111–.

F L F. “F-01. W B, B P: L F P F C.” 007.

G C D C A F. “B C S-  S S R.” 00.

G C D C A F. “T P-CS S.” 006.

G C D C A F. “S S G A P-C P.” 005.

G, C, M O, K S, A W.“D, D, R: A P F G C G.” G C-, T N D I- C, P P C, S N DC. 00.

I C I S. “T R P.” 001.

I C R C. “T F P RC.” 1996.

I P A U N D P. “A F-  L D, D, R F C- C S.” I P A W R. 00.

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 Appendix A: Resource List 11-201

I S A F. “P R H,” . I II. 007.

I (C G Hq). “D P E- M S U (MSU).” 00.

 J I C A. “H A.” 006. J, S G., J M. W, A R, K. J R. Establishing Law and Order Ater Conict . S M: RAND C, 005.

M, M. “P P P: I R P- A.” ://../P/ASR/9N/M. (S 17, 008).

MF, S. “S F. A P S S R CC.” U S I P S R, . 09 (008): 1–0.

N C A M P S. “P S O- M.” 007.

N A O. “A J P ..1, P SO.”

O, R, M D, E M. G, . Policing the New World Disorder . H: U P P, 00.

O E C- D (D C-- D D A C). “D, I, M A V R.” D A CN C, P, D C- F P. 007.

O E C- D. “E R- P-C : L D R C(DRC).” 00

O E C- D (D A- C). Handbook on Security Sector Reorm: Supporting Security and  Justice . 007.

O E C- D (D AC). “H P V C.” 001.

O E C- D (D AC). “I S S R.” 005.

O, R, . Winning the Peace: An American Strategy or Post-Conict Reconstruc-tion. W, DC: T C S I S P, 00.

P P C. “R Ex-C M-E: A O F.” 005.

P, R. Where’s the Lone Ranger When You Need Him? America’s Search or a Post-Conict Stability Force. W, DC: U S I P P, 00.

R, C, . Combating Serious Crimes in Post-Conict Societies: A Handbook

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11-202 Appendix A: Resource List

 or Policymakers and Practitioners. W, DC: U S I PP, 006.

S, S. “S P P P.” International Security, ., (1997): 5–5.

U K D I D. “F P B S W: A S S D.” 005.

U K D I D. “S J S- R P A.” E W P, . (007): 1–98.

U K D I D. “W W N  W M E F S.” 005.

U K F C Of. Peace Support Operations: Inor-mation and Guidance or UK Police Personnel . 007.

U K M D. “J D P -0, S S: T M C.” 009.

U K M D. “J W P -50: T M C P S O,” . 00.

U K S U. “H C R F V C-.” 008.

U K S U. “Q G S P.” 007.

U K S U. “T U K A S-—A S U G N.” 008.

U N. “H U N M PO.” 00.

U N. Integrated Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Standards.://..//. ( S , 008).

U N. “P O P G.” 008.

U N. “UN S C R 17, T IP S C A,” S 8, 001. ://.-./S-RES-17(001). ( S 17, 008).

U N. “UN S C R 150, N-   W M D,” A 8, 00. ://..//150//UNSCR_150. ( S 17, 008).

U N D P O. “D, D-

, R Ex-C P E: P& G.” 1999.

U N D P O. Prison Support Guidance  Manual . 006.

U N D P O. “S S R

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 Appendix A: Resource List 11-203

P O: ‘I C’ F.” 006.

U N D P. “E S S G: AC F U N D P.” 00.


D. “F S P-C S-B: A UNDP-USAID S.” 007.

U N Of H C H R. “H R L E: A M H R P.” P- S, . 5 (1997): 1–11. ://..//6//. ( S 1, 008).

U N S-G. “N G A. A/C.5/59/1.” 005.

U S A I D (Of I).“G P O C-P S.” 001.

U S A. Field Manual 3-0: Full Spectrum Operations. 008.

U S A. Field Manual 3-07: Stability Operations. 008.

U S A M C. Field Manual 3-24: Counterinsurgency. 007.

U S D S (Of C R S). “L-L: D, D, R(DDR) S R O. A G U SG P.” 006.

U.S. D S, U.S. D D, U.S. A I- D, “S S R,” 008.

U S I P, IA, U S D  D. Guidelines or Relations Between the U.S. Armed Forces and Non Governmental Humanitarian Organizations. 007.

 W W S P I A, P U 

(G S W G). “T M P: P-C S  R L.” 00.

Rule o Law A, E E.O., I C. C. “T P I P- N: A R P’ P P S, S  P A J F S N.” L: C L E E, 00.

A I. “A: P R E P- H R.” 00.

B, J, V Bx. “T U R. T R M S R J.” U S I PS R S, . 5 (007): 1–.

B, M. “L L UNMIK J.” O: G  

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11-204 Appendix A: Resource List

C, D F A I , 001.

B, D H. Changing the Guard: Developing Democratic Police Abroad . Ox:U P Ox, 006.

B, R K. “C D R L: I

P.” C P, R L S, . 55 (005): 1–8.B, D, K P, J-Fç R. Te ransplant Eect. C, M.: H U, C I D, 000.

B, P, L Bj, J Eö, E Wö, R Zj S-. “R L P A: P W A PB D.” S: F B A, 008.

B, L. “P L R A,” Te Promise o Law Reorm. S, A: T F P, 005.

C, C ., . Constructing Justice and Security Ater War . W, DC:U S I P P, 007.

C, S N. “L J R L W M P- O: L-L S.” U N D P- O. 006.

C S I S A U SA. “P-C R: F.” 00.

C, N, M C. Violent Conict and the ransormation o Social Capital. Lessons rom Cambodia, Rwanda, Guatemala, and Somalia. W, DC:

 W B, 000.

C, J, M J. D, L R. H, . Te Quest or Viable Peace: International Intervention and Strategies or Conict ransormation. WDC: U S I P P, 005.

D, J, S G. J, K C, B C DG. Te Beginner’sGuide to Nation-Building. S M: RAND C, 007.

E U (E C C P C MU). “C I E U C M.” 00.

G, M A, M G, C O. Comparative Legal raditions: ext, Materials, and Cases on the Civil and Common Law raditions, withSpecial Reerence to French, German, and English. E: W G, 1999.

G, R. “A G D C L.” P S R C S C O C: G

I P, S R. 000.G, S. “B R L Ox: L E I.”

 W, DC: C E I P, 00.

H I I L. “R L I R.” 007.

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 Appendix A: Resource List 11-205

H, A, K S, “R L P P O.”N Y: I P A (S-D Nx P), 005.

I-A D B, “R B P.” ..//VI/_/__.?= (

 J 8, 009).

I M F L D. “P E x L D.” 008.

I N P R L. “P S SE C.” C R (07-007), 007.

I P A (S-D Nx P). “S R L: A I S P-C C J.” 005.

 J, S G., J M. W, A R, K. J R. Establishing Law and Order Ater Conict . S M: RAND C, 005.

L, S, . Housing Land and Property Rights in Post-Conict United Nationsand Other Peace Operations: A Comparative Survey and Proposal or Reorm. L:C U P, 008.

M, J. “T E L.”  Ethics and International Aairs, . 0,. 1 (006): 99–10.

N, D, R C, M K. S, P P. Voices o the Poor:

Crying Out or Change. Ox: Ox U P, 000.O, R, M D, E M. G, . Policing the New World Disorder . H: U P P, 00.

O’C, V, C R, . Model Codes or Post-Conict Criminal  Justice: Volume I, Model Criminal Code . W, DC: U S I  P P, 007.

O’C, V C R, . Model Codes or Post-Conict Criminal  Justice: Volume II: Model Code o Criminal Procedure . W, DC: U SI P P, 008.

O E C- D (D AC). Handbook on Security Sector Reorm. P, F: OECD P, 007.

O E C- D (D AC). “T D A C G: H PV C.” 001.

P R I. “M S W: A I H 

G P P.” 001.R, C, . Combating Serious Crimes in Post-Conict Societies: A Handbook or Policymakers and Practitioners. W, DC: U.S. I P P, 006.

R-A, S. “E R L,” R R ., WhenStates Fail: Causes and Consequences. P: P U P, 00.

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11-206 Appendix A: Resource List

S, E. “P R J S D: SI P N-S/L J S N.”

 T H: C I, 009.

SIGMA (A J I OECD E U). “IP I T I A.” S P . 1, 001.

S, J. Can Might Make Rights?: Building the Rule o Law ater Military Interventions. C: C U P, 006.

 , D, A S. “U N R S R  L P-C S.” Harvard Human Rights Journal , . 19 (006): 9–6.

U K D I D, “B: J A.” 008.

U K D I D. “E, C, I D.” 00.

U K D I D. “Ex N S A J P.” 007.

U K D I D. “N-S J S S.” 00.

U K D I D. “S, S, A J: P P P.” 00.

U K D I D U KH C I D C. “C D-: P P-C R. Sx R S.V I.” 006.

U K F C Of. Peace Support Operations. Inor-mation and Guidance or UK Police Personnel . 007.

U K J A N. “P E.” 005.

U K S U. “S I N: R L S.” 008.

U K S U. “T U K A S—A S U G N.” 008.

U N. “B P U F F L E- Of.” 1990.

U N. “G N S-G: U N A R L A.” 008.

U N. “L O: S R L PS.” 008.

U N. “P P, S P f P,E W, S U N C - O C.” 000.

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 Appendix A: Resource List 11-207

U N. “R S-G R L - J C P-C S.” 00.

U N. “U O S: E U N S R L. R S-G.” 006.

U N. “U D H R.” D 10, 198.U N C L E P. “C A.” 006.

U N C H R. “Eq B C R F P H I C E L.” 198.

U N C H R. “ I S E: T R P P A, V R R Eq A- P S.” 1996.

U N D P O. “P J C- M P O: S R L.” 006.

U N D P O. Prison Support Guidance  Manual . 006.

U N D P. “A J P N.” 00.

U N D P. “G Eq J P-: Eq A J W.” 007.

U N D P. “P J: A A:A P’ G H R-B A A J.” 005.

U N D P U S A I D- . “F S P-C S-B: A UNDP-USAID S.” 007.

U N Of H C H R. “B P- I J.” D 1, 1985.

U N Of H C H R. “B P- R L.” S 7, 1990.

U N Of H C H R. “B P U F F L E Of.” S 7, 1990.

U N Of H C H R. “C C- L E Of.” D 17, 1979.

U N Of H C H R. “CA O C, I D P.”

 J 6, 1987.U N Of H C H R. “C E A F D W.” S , 1981.

U N Of H C H R. “C R C.” S , 1990.

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11-208 Appendix A: Resource List

U N Of H C H R. “D  B P J V C A P.” N 9,1985.

U N Of H C H R. “G R P.” S 7, 1990.

U N Of H C H R I- B A. “H R A J: A M H R J, P L.” 00.

U N Of H C H R. “IC C P R.” M , 1976.

U N Of H C H R. “IC E, S C R.” J , 1976.

U N Of H C H R. “PR S N I.” 199.

U N Of H C H R. “R--L   P-C S: M J S.” 006.

U N Of H C H R. “R--L   P-C S: R P.” 008.

U N Of H C H R. “R--L 

  P-C S: C.” 006.U N Of H C H R. “R--L 

  P-C S: V.” 006.

U N Of H C H R. “SM R A J J.” N 9, 1985.

U N Of H C H R. “SM R P.” M 1, 1977.

U N Of D C. Handbook on Restorative Justice Programs. Criminal Justice Handbook Series. 006.

U N S-G.” I L F: D, S- H R A (UN D A/59/005).” 005.

U N S C. “T R L J C- P-C S. R S-G.” 00.

U S A I D (Of I).“G P O C-P S.” 001.

U S A I D. “G R L C A: T R L S F.” 008.

 W, A. “L : A A C L,” ( .)L: T U G P, 199.

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 Appendix A: Resource List 11-209

S, K. “R L R P- C: O I- L L.” W, DC: W B, 006.

Stable GovernanceA, L. “S G P-C F S.” T

H, T N: C I, 009.Bj, Y, E H. “D M S R- O.” U S I P S RS, . 7 (007): 1–19.

B, N. “D G S S C-AC,” Governance in Post-Conict Societies: Rebuilding Fragile States. N Y:R, 007.

B, K H N. “T P E C W C .” B R C C C M-. F V A 005.

B, K W. “J C P-C S.” U S A  I D (C D I E-). I P, . 9 (006): 1–.

Bj, E, G C, W G. “E S PP P-C F S,” Governance in Post-Conict Societies:Rebuilding Fragile States. N Y: R, 007.

B, E. “C C P-C C.” K IO P  . , . 6 (005): 1–18.

B, L. “S B C P-C C.” 7 GF R G R G. 007.

B, D, . Governance in Post-Conict Societies: Rebuilding Fragile States.N Y: R, 007.

B, D, R J, R H S M, . “G R- P S S S O: A R M.” 009.

B, S. “E P P P-C P.” IC P, C P, R. 006.

B, A, D, H H. “S S GA P-C P.” G C D C A F P P, . 11 (005): 1–9.


S A. “P-C R: F.” 00.C, S, S G, M K. “C-D R- I W--P .” W B CP R U W P, 7 (00): 1–1.

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11-210 Appendix A: Resource List

C I (C R U). “DRAF: R G/S F S, P 1.” 009.

C DG, B, C C. “ G: F B B.” W, DC: U S I P, 006.

C, P, . Breaking the Conict rap: Civil War and Development Policy. W-, DC: T I B R D T

 W B, 00.

C, C P. Te Role o Women in Stabilization and Reconstruction.U S I P S R S, . (006):1–.

C, J, M J. D, L R. H, . Te Quest or Viable Peace: International Intervention and Strategies or Conict ransormation. W,

DC: U S I P P, 005.D, , U . “P G G P-CS.” F M E C D, DS D, Pj D R L. 00.

D I D, U K. “E WP: M G W P.” 006.

D, J, S G. J, K C, B C DG. Te Beginner’sGuide to Nation-Building. S M: RAND C, 007.

F, N. “A D Iq.” New York imes. A 0, 005. :// . ./005/08/0//0. ( S 18, 008).

F, E S H. “DRAF P P: A F- M A .” U S I P P (009).

G, A, C L. Fixing Failed States: A Framework or Rebuilding aFractured World. Ox: Ox U P, 008.

G E M A P. “O.” :// .. // ( S 18, 008).

G, K, J P, . Interim Governments: Institutional Bridges toPeace and Democracy?  W, DC: U S I P P, 007.

H, V. “D C M.” U S I PS R, . 107 (00): 1–1.

I, A.B., H. L. “C D, I, L P-C R,” Governance in Post-Conict Societies: Rebuilding Fragile 

States. N Y: R, 007.I C N--P L. “E O D:NGO L R P-C S.” Te International Journal o Not-or-Prot Law, . 9, . (007): 1–87.

 J, P, Z S. “L G P-C E.”

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 Appendix A: Resource List 11-211

U N D P, O G C, DG G. 008.

L, C. “E C S P: S SP U N P M L C S O P- .” U N D P- O. 007.

L S E. “C C S.” ://.../-/CCS/ ( J 009).

L, M, P U, S C. “B C S P-CE: F M M.” W W I C S O P S, . 1 (006): 1–15.

MD, M. “P I P-C S.” D-

I D, U K. 005.N A P A (I F S I).“C S R I A: A I F LL.” 007.

O E C- D (D C-- D D A C). “F S: P C P G I E F S S.” 007.

O E C- D. “F F R-: C D S F S.” 007.

O E C- D (D AC). Handbook on Security Sector Reorm. P, F: OECD P,007.

O, R. “G W C R: E G P-,” R O. ., Winning the Peace: An American Strategy or Post-Conict Reconstruction. W, DC: T C S I SP, 00.

P, B. “C S P-C P: A  I P A B ‘N’ S.” Security Dialogue , .6, . (005): 95–510.

RAND. Guidebook or Economic Development in Stability Operations. S M,C: RAND C, 009.

S, J. “M N R W.” U S I  

P S R S, . (006): 1–1.S A D S M N. “SADSEM: T SA D S M N.” ://. (

 J 17, 009).

  I. “ I A-C H 

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11-212 Appendix A: Resource List

(ACH): N I S P.” ://../_/ ( S , 008).

U K S U. “T U K A S-—A S U G N.” 008.

U N. “U D H R.” D 10, 198.://../ O/. ( M 17, 009).

U N. “I C C P R.” M ,1976. ://../ ///_. ( S ,008).

U N. “U N S C R 15.” O 1,000. ://.. //_15. ( S 17, 008).

U N D E S A U ND P. “T C R G C P-C C.” 007.

U N D E S A (G PA B R G P AC). “G S P-C R, S P, D.” 007.

U N D E S A. Reconstructing Gov-ernance and Public Administration or Peaceul, Sustainable Development. N Y:U N, 00.

U N D P. “A I P N.”00.

U N D P. “A J P N.” 00.

U N D P. “A-C P N.” 00.

U N D P. “D G D-: A C P N D, L G, U/R D.” 00.

U N D P. “D G G AR.” 007.

U N D P. “E S P PN.” 00.

U N D P. “P D PN.” 00.

U N D P. “P, C P, R-: G I C.” 006.

U N D P (I D G, B D P). “U N D P L L P D.” 00.

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 Appendix A: Resource List 11-213

U N D P C M I. “G- P-C S.” 00.

U N D P U S A ID. “F S P-C S-B: A UNDP-USAID S.” 007.

U N E C A. “005 A G R-.” 005.

U S A I D. “C-B D- C-A A: A I G P.” 007

U S A I D (Of D G-, B G P, F S, R). “D D L G P H.” 000.

U S A I D. “E G W  E: L L M P R  Iq.” 00.

U S A I D. “DRAF: G D- G P P-C C.” 009.

U S A I D. “P P AP.” 00.

U S A I D (E G Of,B E G, A ). “A G E GP P R C.” 007.

U S A I D (Of D G-, B D, C H A). “M P- H: A G I E D.” 00.

U S A. Field Manual 3-07: Stability Operations. 008.

U S D S (Of C R S). “ E P P R S O: L L.” 007.

 W, A. “S D: U S-.” D I D, U K (G S D- G, P R D). DFID Working Paper (008): 1–.

 W B (C P R U). “R CS P-C S: K I L Ex.” D- N, . 1 (00): 1–.

 W B (S D D). “C S P:P, L C F.” 006.

 W B. “S L G P C BD A.” 008.

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11-214 Appendix A: Resource List

 W B I. “G: A P, A-O P.” 001.

Sustainable Economy B, K, H N. “T P E C W C .” B R C C C M-

. F V A 005.B, M J G. “P P: A, L C A.” Humanitarian Policy Group Background Paper. L:O D I, 00.

C, A, S M. Attracting Investment in Post-Conict Coun-tries: Te Importance o elecommunications. W, DC: W B, 005.

C M I. “P P S—E I P P A.” 007.

“C R.” ://../. ( S6, 008).

C, P. “I,” J-P A ., “D I-—A S E W P,” Journal o    International Development , . 6, (199).

C, P. “P-C E R.” I P A. 006.

C, P. “P-C R: H S P B D?” C S A E. 007.

C, J, M J. D, L R. H, . Te Quest or Viable Peace: International Intervention and Strategies or Conict ransormation. W,DC: U S I P P, 005.

“D ’ G I E.” ://-../~ //. ( M , 009).

D I D, U K. “F P

B S W: A S S D.” 005.D I D, U K. “W W N

 W M E F S.” 005.

DS, H. Te Other Path: Te Invisible Revolution in the Tird World . N  Y: H & R, 1989.

D, J, S G. J, K C, B C DG. Te Beginner’sGuide to Nation-Building. S M: RAND C, 007.

D, C. “R S R C.” Te New York imes. J 7, 00. ://../00/07/7//------.?=/N/B/C/S%0C- ( M , 009).

D, M. “G E S C-AC.” ILO A P S E

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 Appendix A: Resource List 11-215

C E A C. ://..///-////1. ( J 009).

E U. “C DDR.” 006.

F, S. “B B F: S P-C R.”

Te Washington Quarterly, A 00: 97–109.F, J M. “A S W-B PS.” Te Washington Quarterly, A 00: 15–8.

F, J M M M. “E G E D S R O.” W-, DC: U.S. I P, 007.

F, S, Mj B S. “M P S: AC S Mq.” CDS R B, D RB. 00.

G, A, C L. Fixing Failed States: A Framework or Rebuilding aFractured World . N Y: Ox U P, 008.

G, R. “D R F S.” P “D R B: A W B C D D.” T W B.

 W, DC: A/M 009.

G, R. “ C-S M G: U

C P.” P “B C S O:S S R, G E.” U S A P- S O I C N A. W,DC: A 009.

H, J. “T R W- E P-B- O.” 00.

I L O. “L E D OG P-C S.”

I L O U N H C R. “M- P-C S: G P A.” 1999.

I M F. “R F I P-C C-.” 00.

I M F (M Ex A D). “R P B S P-C E.” 00.

I P A C I S C-, S U. “E P P I.” Interna-tional Peace Academy Policy on Peace Implementation Paper Series (00): 1–15.

 J I C A. “H A.” 006.

K, K. “I A M P-C S-

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11-216 Appendix A: Resource List

: B L I Pj.” Social Development Notes, . 50 (001): 1–.

MD, M. “P I P-C S.” D- I D, U K. 005.

M P C E (MPICE). Metrics Framework or As-

sessing Conict ransormation and Stabilization. 007.M F, J. “A S W-B PS.” Te Washington Quarterly, . 5, . (00): 15–8.

M F, J M M. “ E G E D S R O.” US I P S R S, . 6 (007): 1–1.

O E C- D. “E R- P-C : L D R C.” 00.

P P C. “R Ex-C T M-E: A O F.” 005.

P, R. “T U.S. Ex P R A-: L I.” U S I P S R, .15 (005): 1–16.

RAND. Guidebook or Economic Development in Stability Operations. S M,

C: RAND C, 009.S, J. “M N R W.” U S I  P S R S, . (006): 1–1.

U K S U. “H C R.” 008.

U N. “I D, D R S-.” ://. .//. ( S , 008).

U N (Ex G M N R C A).

“ P L P A.” 006.U N D P O. “P OP G.” 008.

U N D P. “T R P S D P-C E R.” 007.

U N D P. “S P-C E R-: L C.” 005.

U N D P U S A ID. “F S P-C S-B: A UNDP-USAID S.” 007.

U N E P. “F C P. T R N R E.” 009.

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 Appendix A: Resource List 11-217

U N S-G. Note to the General Assembly, A/C.5/59/1. 005.

U N U. “S R F I.” 007.

U S A I D. “A C S G.” 008.

U S A I D. “E G W  E: L L M P R  Iq.” 00.

U S A I D. “A G E GP P R C.” 007.

U S A I D. “M D C-A E: E L A P-P ER.” 007.

U S A I D. “M #. E- R: A B L R .” 007.

U S A. Field Manual 3-07: Stability Operations. 008.

 W, J. “I F G C.” F R, . 80 (00):1–59.

 W B. “C P G.” 00. ://.-./WBSIE/EXERNAL/OPICS/CSO/0,,MDK:00961~PK:08~PK:050~PK:076~SPK:8717,00.,

 J , 009.

 W B. “N R V C: O A.” 00.

 W B (C P R U). “R CS P-C S.” D N. 00.

U S A I D. “L C. A I. K I, L L, P O, R.” 005.

Social Well-Being A, M B. Do No Harm: How Aid Can Support Peace—or War. B: LR P, I., 1999.

B, J. “ J D S.” U SI P S R, . 15 (005): 1-11.

B, J V Bx. “T U R. T R M S R J.” U S I P

S R S, . 5 (007): 1–.B I. “D S IPD: A E D  P,” 009.

B I (Pj I D). “R ‘R ’ ‘D’ C.” 1999.

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11-218 Appendix A: Resource List

B I (Pj I D) U B.“A I D P P, P A P-B.” 007.

C S R S. “H R IE.” 005.

C S R S, A S D H A, I M C. “H W: R- H S P-C E.” 007.

C, E A., J B. “U D? T C H S E V C.” W, DC: U.S. I P, 006.

C, N, M C. Violent Conict and the ransormation o Social 

Capital. Lessons rom Cambodia, Rwanda, Guatemala, and Somalia. W, DC: W B, 000.

C, P, A H. “A, P, G P-C S.” W B P R W P, . 90 (00): 1–.

C. “C 1: A I C-S A D. H A P,” Conict-Sensitive  Approaches to Development, Humanitarian Assistance and Peacebuilding: A Resource Pack.://.//51 ( A 9, 009).

C, J, M J. D, L R. H, . Te Quest or Viable Peace: International Intervention and Strategies or Conict ransormation. W,DC: U S I P P, 005.

D, J, S G. J, K C, B C DG. Te Beginner’sGuide to Nation-Building. S M: RAND C, 007.

D, . “AIDS V C A.” W, DC: U.S.I P, 001.

F, D. “L P P- C: S L E .” N I R R, U N H C R W P, . 58 (00): 1–7.

F, Mè, M P. “D D: J R-.” Te Washington Quarterly . 5, . (00): 111–.

G, D. “C V R.” U S A I D C. O 0–1, 1997.

G, G, H L. “A P—F R-.” D G Z (GZ). 00.

I D E A. “R V C-: A H.” 00.

I R S S. “S R A L H H S.” 00.

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 Appendix A: Resource List 11-219

I-A N E E (INEE). “M S E E, C C E R.” 00.

I-A S C. “G HIV/AIDS I E S.” 00.

I C R C. “ I C RC P I D P (IDP).” 006.

I P A. “H, L, P C M:I P O R L P.” 005.

I P A. “I A C E C: A R F Y I F P.”

 T S-D Nx P P P (006): 1–67.

I P A. “T R C S N R P L.” 00.


K, W. “D S I D P: A E D- P.” W, DC: B I, 008. ://..//008/01__.x, J , 009.

M-Gx, Y. “DRAF Cx P: W

?” U S A I D. 009.N, W. “R H S P H S F S.” Management Sciences or Health, . 7 (007).

N, S. “L : E  -L 1999.” I I E P, UN E, S C O. 00.

O E C- D (D AC). “E F S: C L I GP.” 006.

O E C- D. “H-L F H MDG: H F S: A O N.” D C- D, DCD (005) 8/REV. 7 A 005.

O E C- D. “R.” D- A C I B. 005.

O E C- D. “S D

F S: A D P.” 005.O, R, . Winning the Peace: An American Strategy or Post-Conict Reconstruc-tion. W, DC: T C S I S P, 00.

Ox. “ S—D P.” 005.

P B, I-P U, I I

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11-220 Appendix A: Resource List

D E A. “S R P   R S, R S R P N R P A.” 005.

P, S. “R R S R: A C A.”U N H C R W P, . 66 (00).

R, K, P, O B, E S. “PH Eq C-A F S.” W H O,H S K N. F , 007.

R S C N R C. “E E:L .” Forced Migration Review, . , J 005.

R, P M G. Education in Fragile States: Capturing Lessons and  Identiying Good Practice. DAC F S G, M 006.

S, K. “E C: T , - —Cq .”D G Z F M E C D. D 00.

S, R. “R R C. L S L.” U S I P S R, .10 (005): 1–1.

S, M. “P .” F  E P . 7. P: U N E, S C- O, 00.

S, A, Vx. “E, C I D.”L: U K D I D, 00.

S Pj. “H C M S D R-.” 00.

S, B, N. “R R, R, R D C.”U S A I D C, O 0–1, 1997.

S P F. “D P P-C S: Y P A G B-H.” 007.

 , F. Condemned to Repeat . I L: C U P, 00.

 T, G. “S J, C-x, R AC: S D P.” ://.-./// _. ( A 10, 009).

U K D I D. “E, C,

I D.” 00.U N. “ F R D: K I R H- R/ P.” 006.

U N. “U D H R,” D 10, 198.


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 Appendix A: Resource List 11-221

D: A C P N AIDS P.” 007.

U N D P I-A S C.“G F S P R S.” 001.


A D. “P-C R C S-E D.” 006.

U N D P U S A I- D. “F S P-C S-B: A UNDP-USAIDS.” 007.

U N E, S, C O. “E S E, C, R.” 00.

U N H C R (C G D S,U N H C R G). “F DS R P C.” 00.

U N H C R. “H E.”000.

U N H C R. “M G! UNHCR, H- A D P.” N I R R

 W P, . (001).

U N Of C H A. “G P- I D.” 00.

U N Of H C H R. “C R C.” S , 1990.

U N Of H C H R. “G P- I D.” 1998.

U N W F P (E N A B).“E F S A H.” 005.

U N W F P W B (H-L F H M D G). “H S D P-CS.” 005.

U N W F S. “R D W F S  W F S P A.” 1996.

U S A I D. “C-B D- C-A A.” 007.

U S A I D (B HR, Of F D A). “F O G DA R. V .0.” 1998.

U S A I D. Fragile States Strategy. 005.

U S A I D (Of I).

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11-222 Appendix A: Resource List

“G P O C-P S.” 001.

U S A I D. “P S R- P-C S: S L USAID’ Ex.” USAIDP O A R, . . 1999.

U S A I D (B P PC). “U S F A: M C - C.” U S A I D W P(00): 1–.

U S I P, IA, U S D D-. G R B U.S. A F NH O. 007.

 W, R. “H F S, C C S: D R

C.” A, V.: B S I C S(BASICS) U.S. A I D. 006.

 W, R. “H P R S: A B P.”A, V.: B S I C S (BASICS) U.S.A I D. 007.

 W B. “F A M A P-C S-.” Social Development Notes, Conict Prevention & Reconstruction, . 1 (00): 1–.

 W B. “R F. E P R.”005.

 W B. “V C S C: L C, R, G, S.” 000.

 W B (W B O E D). “T W B’Ex P-C R.” 1998.

 W H O. “R A M H N R:D O P A C P-C S. A

C-O A.” 001.

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 Appendix B: Participants in Review Process 11-223

 Appendix B. Participants in Review Process816

United States Government


United Nations


United Kingdom









816. T .

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11-224 Appendix B: Participants in Review Process

Intergovernmental Organizations



Nongovernmental Organizations


 W V

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 Appendix C: Summary o Strategic Frameworks Surveyed 11-225

 Appendix C. Summary o Strategic Frameworks Surveyed

International Regional State Nongovernmental

Challenges Project African Union Japanese International

Cooperation Agency

Center for Strategic

and International


Organisation for Eco-

nomic Co-operation

and Development

North Atlantic Treaty


UK Department for

International Develop-


Association of the U.S.


UN Department of 

Political Affairs

Organization for Secu-

rity and Co-operation

in Europe

UK Stabilisation Unit National Defense


UN Department of 

Economic and SocialAffairs

European Union U.S. Agency for Inter-

national Development

RAND Corporation

UN Department of 

Peacekeeping Opera-


U.S. State Department Sphere Project

World Bank U.S. Defense Science


State Effectiveness


UN Development


U.S. Army Atlantic Council

International Monetary


U.S. Joint Forces Com-


U.S. Institute of Peace

Utstein Study: Ger-

many, Norway, United




Norwegian Institute of International Affairs


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11-226 Appendix D: Snapshot o Components rom Overarching Resources

    A   p   p   e   n    d    i   x    D .    S   n   a   p   s    h   o   t   o    f    C   o   m   p   o   n   e   n   t   s    f   r   o   m     O

   v   e   r   a   r   c    h    i   n   g    R   e   s   o   u   r   c   e   s

    A   c   r   o   n   y   m   s   :

   A   U

   N   E   P   A   D


   A   f  r   i  c  a  n   U  n   i  o  n   N  e  w   P  a  r   t  n  e

  r  s   h   i  p   f  o  r   A   f  r   i  c  a   ’  s   D  e  v  e   l  o  p  m

  e  n   t

   A   U   S   A

   A  s  s  o  c   i  a   t   i  o  n  o   f   t   h  e   U .   S .

   A  r  m


   C   S   I   S

   C  e  n   t  e  r   f  o  r   S   t  r  a   t  e  g   i  c  a  n   d   I  n   t  e  r  n  a   t   i  o  n  a   l   S   t  u   d   i  e  s

   O   E   C   D


   O  r  g  a  n   i  s  a   t   i  o  n   f  o  r   E  c  o  n  o  m   i  c

   C  o  -   O  p  e  r  a   t   i  o  n  a  n   d   D  e  v  e   l  o

  p  m  e  n   t

   U   N   D   P

   U  n   i   t  e   d   N  a   t   i  o  n  s   D  e  v  e   l  o  p  m  e

  n   t   P  r  o  g  r  a  m  m  e

   U   S   A   I   D


   U .   S .

   A  g  e  n  c  y   f  o  r   I  n   t  e  r  n  a   t   i  o  n

  a   l   D  e  v  e   l  o  p  m  e  n   t

   U   S   S   /   C   R   S

   U .   S .

   D  e  p  a  r   t  m  e  n   t  o   f   S   t  a   t  e   C

  o  o  r   d   i  n  a   t  o  r   f  o  r   R  e  c  o  n  s   t  r  u  c   t   i  o  n  a  n   d   S   t  a   b   i   l   i  z  a   t   i  o  n

   C   S   I   S  -   A   U   S   A

   R   A   N   D

   U   N   D   P  -   U

   S   A   I   D

   U   S   A  r  m  y

   O   E   C   D

   U   N   D   P   /   W  o  r   l   d

   B  a  n   k

   U   S   S   /   C   R   S

   A   U

   N   E   P   A


   S  e  c  u  r   i   t  y

   S  e  c  u  r   i   t  y

   C   i  v   i   l  s  e  c  u

  r   i   t  y

   S  e  c  u  r   i   t  y

   S  e  c  u  r   i   t  y

   S  e  c  u  r   i   t  y

   S  e  c  u  r   i   t  y

   S  e  c  u  r   i   t  y

   J  u  s   t   i  c  e  a  n   d

  r  e  c  o  n  c   i   l   i  a   t   i  o  n

   D  e  m  o  c  r  a   t   i  z  a   t   i  o  n

   J  u   d   i  c   i  a   l  g

  o  v  e  r  n  a  n  c  e

   C   i  v   i   l  c  o  n   t  r  o   l

   J  u  s   t   i  c  e  a  n   d

  r  e  c  o  n  c   i   l   i  a   t   i  o  n

   H  u  m  a

  n  r   i  g   h   t  s , 

   j  u  s   t   i  c  e

 ,   a  n   d

  r  e  c  o  n  c   i   l   i  a   t   i  o  n

   G  o  v  e  r  n  a  n  c  e  a  n   d

  p  a  r   t   i  c   i  p  a   t   i  o  n

   G  o  v  e  r  n  a  n  c  e

   P  o   l   i   t   i  c  a   l  g  o  v  e  r  n  a  n  c  e

   S  u  p  p  o  r   t   t  o

  g  o  v  e  r  n  a  n  c  e

   P  o   l   i   t   i  c  a   l

   P  o   l   i   t   i  c  a   l

   G  o  v  e  r  n  a  n  c  e  a  n   d

  p  a  r   t   i  c   i  p  a   t   i  o  n

   P  o   l   i   t   i  c

  a   l   t  r  a  n  s   i  -

   t   i  o  n ,   g

  o  v  e  r  n  a  n  c  e

   E  c  o  n  o  m   i  c

  s   t  a   b   i   l   i  z  a   t   i  o  n

   E  c  o  n  o  m   i  c

   S  u  p  p  o  r   t   t  o

  e  c  o  n  o  m   i  c   /

   i  n   f  r  a  s   t  r  u  c   t  u  r  e

   d  e  v  e   l  o  p  m  e  n   t

   E  c  o  n  o  m   i  c

   E  c  o  n  o  m   i  c

   E  c  o  n  o  m   i  c

  s   t  a   b   i   l   i  z  a   t   i  o  n  a  n   d

   i  n   f  r  a  s   t  r  u  c   t  u  r  e

   S  o  c   i  o  e

  c  o  n  o  m   i  c

   d  e  v  e   l  o

  p  m  e  n   t

   S  o  c   i  a   l  a  n   d

  e  c  o  n  o  m   i  c  w  e   l   l  -

   b  e   i  n  g

   H  u  m  a  n   i   t  a  r   i  a  n

  r  e   l   i  e   f

   R  e  s   t  o  r  e  e  s  s  e  n   t   i  a


  s  e  r  v   i  c  e  s

   S  o  c   i  a   l

   S  o  c   i  a   l

   D  e  v  e   l  o  p  m  e  n   t

   A   d  m   i  n   i  s   t

  r  a   t   i  v  e

   C  o  o  r   d   i  n  a   t   i  o  n

  a  n   d  m

  a  n  a  g  e  -

  m  e  n   t

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 Appendix E: Acronyms and Glossary o Selected Key erms 11-227

 Appendix E. Acronyms and Glossary o Selected Key erms

 AcronymsADR A





DDR D, ,























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 Appendix E: Acronyms and Glossary o Selected Key erms 11-229

Conict ransormation T   , , . S -

, . (U.S. G, “D P F R, S, C .”)

Cooperation* T .


.DevelopmentL- , , , , q .(DRAF UK CAWG, I-D G P .)

Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR)A x ,

,   . (U N, I DDR S.)

Drivers o Conict*A .

End State* T .

Humanitarian AssistanceM , . T j , , . (U N D P- O [UNDPKO], “P O P G.”)

Human Capital T . (D ’G I E.)

Humanity  T , , . (D I C   R C [ICRC], ”T F P R C.”)

Human RightsA , , , , . I ,

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 Appendix E: Acronyms and Glossary o Selected Key erms 11-231

Nongovernmental Organization (NGO)A , -, -- -; , , , -, , ; /   . (U S I P, “T G

P P, S, R O.”)Peacebuilding M , . (UN DPKO, “P O P G.”)

Peace EnorcementC U N S C- S 

C x , , . (UN DPKO, “P O P G.”)

Peacekeeping A , , . (UNDPKO, “P- O P G.”)

Predatory Economic Actors*B

/ . T x .

Reconciliation*A , x .

Reconstruction T , , , , -

. (U S A, Field Manual 3-07: Stability Operations.)Reugee(s)I -   , , , . (D U N, “1951 C R S R.”)

Security Sector Reorm (SSR) T , , , -

, , j. (U S D S,U S D D, U S A I D-, “S S R.”)

Social capital* T .

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U.S. Army Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute


 T U.S. A P S O I (PKSOI) - Hq, D A (HQDA) 00, U.S.A W C (USAWC) C B, P. T A P I (PKI), 1991 GG S, U.S. A C S. PKSOI A’ C Ex . T HQDA , U.S. A C A C A’ S O, USAWC . PKSOI , j , , , -: , , x, , .

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