PRICE: $2 GROWING FRIENDS SALE CATALOGUE SPRING 2013 5 & 6 October 2013 FOR MEMBERSHIP PLEASE CONTACT Friends of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne Inc. Gate Lodge 100 Birdwood Avenue Melbourne 3004 Telephone: (03) 9650 6398 E-mail: [email protected] INFORMATION AND AN APPLICATION FORM ARE ON THE BACK PAGE THIS CATALOGUE Members of the Friends of the Royal Botanic Gardens may visit the Growing Friends Nursery between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 pm on most Fridays throughout the year to look at and/or buy plants; refer to Botanic Newsfor full details. As the Nursery holds many plants other than those taken to the Sale, this provides an opportunity to purchase plants not listed in this Catalogue. GROWING FRIENDS AUTUMN SALE 2014 SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 3 & 4 MAY 2014





SPRING 2013 5 & 6 October 2013

FOR MEMBERSHIP PLEASE CONTACT Friends of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne Inc.

Gate Lodge 100 Birdwood Avenue

Melbourne 3004 Telephone: (03) 9650 6398

E-mail: [email protected]


CATALOGUE Members of the Friends of the Royal Botanic Gardens may visit the Growing Friends Nursery between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 pm on most Fridays throughout the year to look at and/or buy plants; refer to “Botanic News” for full details. As the Nursery holds many plants other than those taken to the Sale, this provides an opportunity to purchase plants not listed in this Catalogue.




3 & 4 MAY 2014

Growing Friends Sale Catalogue SPRING 2013 Genus/Species/Cultiva Notes Abelia x grandiflora "Francis Shrub; Golden Abelia; India and Japan; 1.5m h; x 1.5m w; Densely Mason" branched; leaves first flushed orange-brown, later green edged gold with darker central patch, eventually fading. Profuse white flowers; Flowers: Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained; Acidic

Abutilon "Boule de Neige" Shrub; Brazil, Chile; 2.5m h; x 1.5m w; Evergreen. Pendent, bell-shaped pure white flowers with orange stamens spring-autumn. Dark green leaves, black stems. Vigorous and fast growing; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

Abutilon megapotamicum Shrub; Chinese Lantern; Brazil; 2m h; x 2m w; Evergreen. Pendent, bell- shaped, yellow and red flowers spring-autumn. Heart shaped leaves. Ideal for training on walls; Sun; Moist/Well-drained

Abutilon megapotamicum Shrub; 2m h; x 2m w; Lantern type flowers; striking red calyx and pale "Variegatum" yellow petals, for a long period, from spring to autumn; Sun; Moist/Well-

Abutilon pictum Shrub; Chinese Lantern; 4m h; x 2m w; Large orange pendent bells with red veining.; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

Abutilon x milleri Shrub; 2.5m h; x 2.5m w; Evergreen. Thin arching shoots. Bright green leaves. Pendent, bell-shaped flowers with dusky pink calyces surrounding petals of dark apricot, flushed dark red inside. Flowers on young shoots; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun/Semi-shade; Frost Tender

Acanthocladium dockeri Shrub; Spiny Everlasting; Mid-north South Australia; 0.5m h; x 0.5m w; Very rare and threatened plant, with only this one species. Short rigid perennial shrub, with woody, spine- tipped branches, covered in dense, white velvety hairs. Leaves attach directly to stems and yellow florets appear between the leaves on the stems; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun; Well-drained; Drought

Aechmea distichantha hybrids Bromeliad; Evergreen. Distinctive pink/mauve to deep mauve flowers; ideal for winter colour in garden or pots. Water into the leaf-formed vases; Flowers: Winter; Semi Shade; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant; Frost Tender

Aechmea gamosepala Bromeliad; Central & South America; 0.7m h; Evergreen. Upright rosettes of arching glossy green leaves. Distinctive bottlebrush-shaped spikes of pink and blue. Prefers semi-shade to full shade; Flowers: Autumn/Winter; Well- drained; Frost Tender

Aechmea victoriana "Discolor" Bromeliad; Brazil; Gracious slender green leaves flushed red beneath, in rosettes forming a funnel. Orange flowers with blue tips; Sun/Semi-shade;

Aechmea victoriana var.discolor x Bromeliad; Foster's Favorite; Brazil; (Syn. A. 'Foster's Favorite') Dark red and racinae purplish petals edged in white, and ribbons of red flowers; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-drained

Aechmea x mirlo "Variegata" Bromeliad; Deep burgundy and green strappy leaves, growing in a funnel shape; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-drained

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Genus/Species/Cultiva Notes Aeonium "Ballerina" Succulent; Africa; 0.3m h; Unusual low growing succulent. Forms a dense hemispherical mound of congested whorls, with greyish-green hairy, much varied leaves, edged in white; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

Aeonium "Emerald Carpet" Succulent; Large rosettes about 30cm across; Flowers: Spring; Sun/Semi- shade; Well-drained

Aeonium arboreum "Velour" Succulent; 0.6m h; x 0.6m w; Light yellow flowers, and bushy deep maroon- black leaves in loose rosettes, that retain a green centre. Spreads like a ground cover. Similar to, but more compact than A. 'Zwartkop'; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Aeonium canariense var. virgineum Succulent; Velvet Rose; Downy succulent soft green rosettes, 30cm across. Produces offsets; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-drained

Agapetes serpens Shrub; Epiphytic Heath; Himalayas; 1m h; x 1m w; Rose/red pendent flowers with chevron markings. Attracts birds. Attractive plant for tub or hanging basket. Caudex (trunk-like base) should never be covered by soil; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Semi Shade; Well-drained; Acidic

Agave americana var.medio picta Succulent; 1m h; x 1.5m w; Eye-catching succulent, with bold green and "Alba" white spiky leaves, and yellow-green blooms. Suitable for containers; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Agave attenuata Succulent; Mexico; 1m h; x 2m w; 2m spike of yellow flowers blooms once, after 30-40 years. Handsome sculptural plant. Large rosettes of broad smooth pliant leaves with no terminal spine; Sun; Well-drained; Frost

Agave franzosinii "Grey Ghost" Succulent; Mexico; 2.5m h; x 3m w; Big succulent. Large bluish-grey, undulating and bending leaves in a single rosette. Leaves have large teeth on the margins. Very infrequent yellow flowers. Dies after flowering, but easily repropagated from rhizomes; Sun; Well-drained

Agave multifilifera Succulent; Thread Agave; Mexico; 1m h; x 1.5m w; Single rosettes of 200 or more leaves, length to 60 cm flat top, convex below. Margins have long widely spaced filaments. Inflorescence is a spike to 5 meters tall bearing green flowers with pink edges. Found on cliffs and rocky slopes.; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Agave parryi Succulent; Arizona, Mexico; 5m h; x 1m w; Grey-blue leaves in dense compact basal rosette. Creamy yellow flowers, pink tinged bud, in erect panicles are held on a spike 5m high; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Dry; Frost

Agave parryi var truncata Succulent; Mexico; 0.6m w; Red spine tipped broad leaves, in flat rosettes. Flowers are open creamy yellow on a single stem up to 3 metres; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Well-drained

Agave parviflora Succulent; Arizona USA; 0.25m h; x 0.2m w; Small rosettes of dark green leaves with white buds above and below. Flower stalk is 1-2 metres high and green to reddish in colour.Very small flowers, in clusters of 2 to 4 are cream to pale yellow; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Agave potatorum Succulent; Mexico; A lovely small growing plant with wide, silvery leaves highlighted with dark spines and irregular leaf margins. Ideal for pots and gardens alike; Sun; Well-drained

Agave victoriae -reginae Succulent; N E Mexico; 0.2m h; Small compact rosettes of short, rigid, thick leaves, which are green, with a pattern of white markings. Slow growing for 20-30 years. After many years has a flower spike of over 2 meters high, usually of purple- red colours; Flowers: Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-

Ajania pacifica Shrub; C&E Asia; 0.45m h; x 0.45m w; (syn. Chrysanthemum pacificum). Aromatic, mound forming. Attractive lobed, silver edged, mid green leaves, silver beneath. Clusters of yellow button flowers. Grown for its foliage; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Semi Shade

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Genus/Species/Cultiva Notes Aloe "'Faine'" Succulent; South Africa; Rosette form, leaves pale green, straight-sided tapering to a point, thin curved teeth along leaf margins, upper and lower leaf surfaces speckled with whitish green dots. Overall appearance similar to A. perfoliata or A. distans.

Aloe "'Tyson'" Succulent; Pale green leaves with smooth toothless margins; Shade

Aloe aristata Succulent; Torch Plant; Sth. Africa; 0.15m h; Red flowers to 50cm. Plants are stemless rosettes with up to 100 dark green leaves with many fine, soft, close spaced white teeth. Leaf surfaces warty. Leaf tips terminate in a fine white single filament.; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Well-drained

Aloe descoingsii Succulent; Madagascar; Deep green leaves, white, warty spots and white horny tip. Small bell-shaped bright vermillion flowers with paler centre; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-drained; Frost Tender

Aloe divaricata Succulent; Madagascar; 3m h; Leaves in a rosette at the apex, dense below, dull grey-green colour, tinged in red. Marginal sharp teeth; Flowers: Winter; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

Aloe mitriformis Succulent; Africa; (syn A, perfoliata) Clustering rosettes on sprawling stems, heads 15-18cm across and up to 30cm tall. White spotted green or glaucous leaves 20 cm long, lined with yellow teeth. Red flowers on a 60 cm branched inflorescence.; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained;

Aloe plicatilis Succulent; Tree Aloe or Fan Aloe; S. Africa; 8m h; x 3m w; Evergreen tree. Long strap-like leaves to 30cm long by 4cm wide. Form of foliation resembles a fan. Long tubular red, cream tipped flowers flowers to 5 cm.; Sun; Well-drained; Frost Tender

Aloe spinosissima Succulent; S. Africa; 2m h; x 1m w; (Hybrid of A.humilus x A arborescens) Large shrub. Leaves 60cm long with soft spiny margins. Flower spike 80 cm tall, orange - scarlet pokers. Bird attracting. New growth sprouts at base of plant.; Flowers: Winter; Sun; Well-drained

Aloe tenuior Succulent; Orange flower. Distinctive cane-type stems, long, narrow, thin leaves; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-drained; Adaptable

Alophia pulchella Bulb; Brazil; 0.2m h; Lavender-blue flowers; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained

Alpinia caerulea Rhizome; Native Ginger; Qld, NSW; 1 - 3m h; x 1 - 2m w; Rainforest plant with white/mauve flowers most of the year, followed by blue berries. Suitable for heavy shade, protect from hot sun and winds. Needs summer water. Hardy to moderate frosts; Moist/Well-drained

Alpinia zerumbet "Variegata" Perennial; Shell Ginger; E.Asia; 2.5m h; Evergreen. Fragrant white flowers tipped dark pink, red striped tongues. Leaves dark green with pale yellow stripes or bands. Warm position. Rich soil; Flowers: Summer; Semi Shade; Moist; Frost Tender

Alyogyne hakeifolia "Melissa Anne” Shrub; Australian Hibiscus; South and Weatern Australia; 2m h; x 1.5m w; Fast growing shrub, with soft, fine foliage and many large mauve- pink, tulip shaped flowers. Light pruning will maintain dense foliage and shape. Good for tubs; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Drought Tolerant

Alyogyne huegelii "West Coast Shrub; Lilac Hibiscus; South and Western Australia; 2m h; x 1.5m w; Gem" Evergreen. This native hibiscus has large, deep mauve open flowers all year, particularly Spring-Autumn. Hardy to moderate frosts. Prune to keep shapely; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Armeria maritima "Alba" Perennial; 0.2m h; x 0.15m w; Cushion-forming, tufted habit, with dark green leaves and small white flowers. Open position; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Armeria maritima "Dainty" Perennial; Sea Thrift; Northern Hemisphere; 0.2m h; x 0.3m w; Variable clump-forming small plant, with linear dark green leaves and pink cluster flowerheads. Ideal for edging borders and rock gardens; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained

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Genus/Species/Cultiva Notes Armeria pungens Perennial; Thrift; Portugal; 0.3m h; x 0.15m w; Tuffted woody based perennial, having densly arranged glaucous linear leaves.This species is rarely available. Pale pink frilled flower heads on upright stems; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained

Artemisia alba "Turra" Perennial; White Sage; Southern Europe; bushy plant which grows well on rocky surfaces; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Well-drained

Artemisia ludoviciana "Valerie Perennial; 0.3m h; Upright stems of broad jagged, silver leaves, forming Finnis" clumps. Elongated stems of pale yellow flowers. Spreading habit. Herbaceous; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-drained

Artemisia schmidtiana "Nana" Perennial; This plant is grown for its silvery, feathery foliage and its compact form. Tolerates sandy, poor soil and requires cutting back at the end of the growing season or before growth restarts in the spring to maintain best form; Sun; Well-drained

Arthropodium cirratum Perennial; NZ Rock Lily; New Zealand; 0.9m h; x 0.3m w; Clump forming foliage plant. Dainty white starry flowers in terminal clusters 30cm long on erect stem. Fibrous rooted; copes well with root competition.; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant; Frost

Arthropodium cirratum "Te Puna" Perennial; Dwarf Rengarenga Lily; New Zealand; 0.3m h; x 0.3m w; Compact lime green sword shaped leaves with white lily-like flowers on long panicles above the foliage. Best in a protected position; Flowers: Spring; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-drained; Frost Tender

Aspidistra elatior Perennial; Cast Iron Plant; China, Japan; 0.6m h; x 0.5m w; Upright glossy leaves. Excellent indoor foliage plant. Withstands very poor conditions; Shade; Dry; Drought Tolerant

Aspidistra lurida Perennial; Himalayas, China,Japan; Stiff lance shaped leaves 15-20 cm long, with 2 or 3 leaves per node. Dark green leaves develop yellow markings when mature. Solitary bell shaped deep purple-red flower along the rhizomes in early summer.; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Shade; Moist/Well- drained; Neutral; Drought Tolerant

Asplenium bulbiferum Fern; Eastern Australia; 1.2m h; x 1.2m w; Dark green thin textured fronds, in a semi-weeping form when fully grown. Rhizome tufted, covered with dull brown scales; Shade; Moist

Astelia chathamica Perennial; NZ; 2m h; x 1.5m w; Clump forming ,architecturally striking, accent plant. Large silvery leaves droop at tips when mature. Ideal for large containers. Tolerates dryness once established; Semi Shade; Well-drained;

Asterolasia asteroscophora Shrub; Vic. & N.S.W; 1.5m h; x 0.7m w; Upright open shrub. Leaves are a dull green and showy flowers are lemon-yellow; Flowers: Spring; Sun/Semi- shade; Well-drained

Azara serrata Shrub; Chile; 5m h; Evergreen. Flowers are umbels of small yellow fluffy stamens. Fertile soil. Protected position; Flowers: Summer; Sun/Semi- shade; Well-drained

Bauera sessiliflora Shrub; South Eastern Australia; 1.2m h; Densely branched evergreen shrub, with rose-purple or magenta flowers clustered at ends of branches. Hardy and disease resistant; Flowers: Spring; Semi Shade; Moist

Begonia "Cleopatra" Perennial; 0.3m h; x 0.3m w; Attractive evergreen growth, good indoor or balcony plant, grown for its foliage; Flowers: Spring; Shade; Moist; Adaptable; Frost Tender

Begonia semperflorens-cultorum Shrub; Bedding Begonia; Hybrid, fibrous roots, numerous fleshy erect stems "Gypsy" and green to bronze leaves . Flowers in small clusters; Flowers: Summer; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-drained

Begonia stipulacea Shrub; Brazil; 0.6 - 1m h; x 0.45m w; Silver-green leaves. Flowers white or pink, freely throughout the year. Drought tender; Semi Shade; Frost Tender

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Genus/Species/Cultiva Notes Bergenia cordifolia (pink) Perennial; Elephant Ears; Siberia; 0.4m h; x 0.6m w; Racemes of open cup- shaped carmine to pink flowers. Large round leathery evergreen leaves. Hardy; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Moist/Well-drained

Beschorneria septentrionalis Succulent; Mexico; 1m h; x 1m w; Architectural plant, relative of the Agaves. Flower stems brilliant red; inflorescence to 120cm., arching, dull pink to red; flowers nodding reddish bells with green tips; Flowers: Spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Billbergia "Santa Barbara" Bromeliad; South America; A relatively small but handsome billbergia flushed with pink in good light. Small flower stems with pink bracts and green flowers; Semi Shade

Billbergia nutans Bromeliad; Queens Tears; S.America; 0.4m h; x 0.4m w; Pendent, tubular flowers, yellowish green blue edged petals, pink bracts. Well drained peaty soils. Protected position; Flowers: Winter; Semi Shade

Billbergia nutans (broad leaf form) Bromeliad; S. America; 0.4m h; x 0.4m w; Pendulous tubular flowers, yellowish green blue edged petals, pink bracts and green flowers with broad leaves. Likes well drained peaty soil and a protected position.; Flowers: Winter; Semi Shade; Well-drained

Billbergia venezuelana Bromeliad; Venezuela; 1m h; (syn. B. rosea (venezuelana)) Rosettes of stiff striped dark leaves form vase. Water into vase. Pendent apricot tubular flowers; Semi Shade; Well-drained

Boronia anemonifolia var.variabilis Shrub; South Eastern Australia; 0.6m h; x 0.6m w; Starry flowers of pink or white. Sunny position if roots kept cool. One of the hardiest of the Boronias with highly scented foliage. Frost tolerant; Flowers: Spring; Semi Shade;

Brachyscome multifida Perennial; Cut Leaf Daisy; Eastern Australia; 0.4m h; x 0.4m w; Neat plant with soft leaves and lilac-blue small daisy like flowers with yellow centres. Good in baskets or as groundcover; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well- drained; Drought Tolerant

Brachyscome multifida (amethyst) Perennial; Pinky-mauve daisy-like flowers, on low growing plant; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained

Buddleja alternifolia Shrub; China; 1 - 4m h; Decidious. Slender arching branches and dense rounded clusters of intensley fragrant lilac flowers, along branches of previous years growth. Excellent for training as a standard plant. Frost hardy; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Moist/Well-drained

Burchellia bubalina Shrub; Wild Pomegranate; S. Africa; 2 - 5m h; x 1 - 3m w; (syn. B. capensis). Evergreen. Deep scarlet to orange flowers, red-brown berries. Glossy leaves.; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Frost Tender

Buxus sempervirens Shrub; Common Box; South Europe, West Asia; 1m h; Multi stemmed shrub, "Aureomarginata" leaves misshapen olive green , irregularly blotched and edged yellow

Calamagrostis x acutiflora "Karl Perennial; Feather Reed Grass; N. Hemisphere; 1.5m h; x 1m w; Foerster" Ornamental grass. Upright clumps of dark green leaves changing to gold in autumn. Rust red flower; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Calamagrostis x acutiflora Perennial; Variegated Reed Grass; N. Hemisphere; 0.5 - 1.5m h; x 1m w; "Overdam" Compact clumps of variegated white and green reed grass; Flowers: Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Moist

Callicoma serratifolia Shrub; Black Wattle; S.Qld., NSW; 3 - 8m h; x 2 - 4m w; Attractive foliage plant with brown young shoots. Small creamy flowers in dense globular heads. Frost tolerant. Used for wattle and daub huts. May be used as hedge plant. Tolerates frost and wet conditions; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Semi

Camellia crapnelliana Tree; China, Hong Kong; 5 - 7m h; Species, named for Mr. A.E. Crapnell (syn. C. gigantocarpa) Smooth, brick-red bark; dark green leathery leaves. Large white 6-9 petalled flowers with stamens in central yellow cluster; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-drained; Acidic

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Genus/Species/Cultiva Notes Camellia japonica "Arciduchessa Shrub; Italy; Double crimson flower with white stripes; Flowers: Augusta" Winter/Spring; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-drained; Acidic

Camellia japonica "C.H.Hovey" Shrub; Red with strong magenta cast. Medium sized, formal double. Petals occasionally streaked pinkish white.; Flowers: Spring

Camellia japonica "John Medley" Shrub; White semi-double flower. Named after a Melbourne University vice- chancellor of 1938-51; Flowers: Autumn/Winter; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-

Camellia japonica "Kingyo-tsubaki” Shrub; Fishtail Camellia; Japan cv; 3 - 4m h; (syn. C. j. 'Fishtail': C. j. 'Mermaid': C. j. 'Quercifolia') Unusual cultivar, originating in 1879. Unique, shiny dark green leaves divided at tip resemble tail of goldfish. Fragrant, single, strawberry ice-cream coloured flowers. Vigorous growth; Sun/Semi-

Camellia japonica "Thomas Shrub; Flowers are medium large formal form, double petalled crimson-pink Treseder" with darker veining and white stripes; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-drained; Acidic

Camellia kissii Shrub; China, India, SE Asia; 3m h; Species. Small, single, white flowers, often fragrant. Narrow elliptical leaves. Ideal for tubs. Seedlings may not be true to form; Sun/Semi-shade; Moist/Well-drained; Acidic

Camellia sasanqua "Hanajiman" Shrub; China/ Japan; 1.8 - 3.7m h; x 1.8 - 3.7m w; Medium shrub with upright spreading habit and glossy, thin, dark green leaves, with toothed margins. Abundant light pink to white semi-double flowers with dark pink petal edges and many gold stamens; Flowers: Autumn/Winter; Semi Shade;

Camellia sasanqua "Lucinda" Shrub; N.S.W; 3 - 8m h; x 1.5m w; Dense dark green small leaved shrub, with bright candy-pink, semi-double to informal peony form flower. Good to espalier or in large tub; Flowers: Autumn/Winter; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-

Camellia sasanqua "Rose Pendant” Shrub; N.S.W; Semi double twisted petals, bright musk pink with large central boss of golden stamens.; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained; Acidic

Camellia sasanqua”Shichifujkujin” Shrub; Very large, semi-double, palest pink flowers. Upright growth, dense habit.; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Sun/Semi-shade

Camellia yuhsienensis Shrub; China; 1.5 - 7m h; Species Camellia. Large white single flowers, slightly fragrant, can flower profusely. Seed capsules hairy, high edible oil content.; Flowers: Autumn/Winter; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-drained; Acidic

Cantua bicolor Shrub; Flower of the Incas; Peru; 2m h; x 2m w; Pendent yellow trumpet flowers with pink lobes. Grey/green foliage. Protected position. Drought tender; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-drained; Frost Tender

Caryopteris x clandonensis Shrub; E.Asia, British hybrid.; 0.6m h; x 0.6m w; Deciduous. Fragrant grey/green foliage. Haze of blue/mauve flowers. Prune hard after flowering in late winter/spring; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun

Cavendishia bracteata Shrub; Andes Mtns.; 1m h; x 1m w; Evergreen. Bright red tubular flowers tinged creamy green at tips, in clusters. New growth is coral red; Flowers: Summer; Semi Shade; Acidic

Ceanothus "Blue Cushion" Shrub; California; 1m h; x 2.5m w; Hardy ground cover shrub with masses of deep blue button like flowers in spring. Very hardy; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-drained

Ceanothus "Yankee Point" Shrub; California; 1m h; x 2m w; Spreading, mounded shrub, with deep green rounded leaves. The round flowers are in lilac-blue pannicles; Flowers: Spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Moist/Well-drained

Ceanothus aff. papillosus Shrub; Wart Leaf Ceanothus; California; 1 - 5m h; Evergreen shrub. Dense pale to dark blue or purple blue flowers.; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-drained

Ceanothus gracilis "Diamond Shrub; Californian Lilac; California; 1m h; x 1.5m w; Wide spreading Heights" evergreen shrub, dense ground hugging habit, with bright green and golden yellow leaves, and flowers of pale blue. Good in large container. Grown for bright foliage; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

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Genus/Species/Cultiva Notes Ceanothus pinetorum Shrub; Coville Ceanothus; California; 1m h; x 0.8m w; Evergreen. Ground cover shrub. Flowers are blue to whitish pale blue; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained

Ceanothus thyrsiflorus (blue) Shrub; California; 6m h; x 6m w; Evergreen. Clusters pale blue flowers. Light well drained soil. Protected position; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun

Ceratostigma griffithii Shrub; Himalayas; 1m h; Dwarf evergreen shrub. Red stems. Free flowering. Deep violet blue flowers. Hardy. Cut back after winter; Sun

Ceratostigma willmottianum Shrub; Chinese Plumbago; China; 1m h; x 1m w; Semi-deciduous. Clusters of deep blue, phlox-like flowers. Red autumn foliage. Prune after leaf drop; Flowers: Summer; Sun

Choisya ternata Shrub; Mexican Orange Blossom; Mexico; 2.5m h; x 2.5m w; Compact shrub with dark green leaves. Fragrant flowers are small white and star shaped; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Moist/Well-drained

Choisya x dewitteana "Aztec Pearl” Shrub; Mexican Orange Blossom; S.W. USA & Mexico; 2m h; x 2m w; Hybrid species (C. ternata x arizonica) Highly scented, fast growing, hardy shrub with glossy, deep green leaves and star-shaped white to pink fringed flowers, with visable central ring of deep yellow stamens; Flowers: Spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Moist/Well-drained

Chrysocephalum apiculatum Perennial; Everlasting Yellow Buttons; Australia; 0.6m h; x 0.7m w; Yellow flowers from winter to summer, with grey foliage, which reflects light at night. Hardy to moderate frost.; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Cissus rhombifolia Climber; Grape Ivy; Venezuela; Glossy green vine easily grown indoors.; Semi Shade; Well-drained; Frost Tender

Cistus x skanbergii Shrub; Rock Rose; Greece; 1m h; x 1m w; Compact shrub with narrow slightly wavy, grey-green leaves. Profuse flowers of pale pink.; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Clematis decipiens Climber; South Eastern Australia; 5m h; Woody climber. Flowers in axillary and terminal panicles. Tepals are pale green to creamy white; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-drained

Clivia miniata Bulb; 0.4m h; x 0.3 - 0.6m w; Evergreen. Strap-shaped semi-erect leaves. Stems each produce a head of orange or orange-red flowers. Flowers late winter/spring. Drought tolerant when established; Shade; Well-drained; Frost Tender

Clivia miniata (yellow) Bulb; Creamy-yellow flowers. Excellent strap-like foliage. Flowers in shade. Tolerates tree roots and dry conditions once established; Shade; Dry; Drought Tolerant; Frost Tender

Coelogyne cristata Orchid; E. Himalayas; 0.3m h; x 0.3m w; Epiphytic. Sprays of fragrant white flowers with yellow marked tongues. Protected shaded position. Drought tender. Good for hanging baskets; Flowers: Winter; Semi Shade; Well- drained; Frost Tender

Commersonia tatei Shrub; South Australia; 0.5m h; x 1m w; Dwarf prostrate to rounded shrub, branches covered with small hairs. Lobed leaves, green above white beneath. Long lasting tiny satiny- white flowers in groups of 2-3 in axillary cymes; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained; Acidic

Cordyline terminalis "Metallica" Shrub; 3m h; x 1.5m w; Rich bronze strap-like leaves on solitary stem. Small flowers in terminal spikes; Flowers: Summer; Semi Shade

Coreopsis "Limerock Ruby" Perennial; Hybrid Coreopsis; 0.5m h; x 0.3m w; Heritage plant forms a bushy mound of ferny green foliage, and has masses of ruby-red daisies, with a tiny yellow eye. Good for edging, borders or in pots; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun; Moist; Adaptable

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Genus/Species/Cultiva Notes Coreopsis grandiflora "Early Perennial; C & SE USA; 0.5m h; x 0.5m w; Clump-forming plant with Sunrise" masses of semi-double golden flowers for borders or cutting; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Correa alba Shrub; South and Eastern Australia; 0.5 - 1m h; x 1m w; White flowers spring-autumn. Spreading hardy coastal plant used by early settlers as a tea substitute. Tolerates salt spray, is frost hardy and bird attracting; Sun; Well- drained; Drought Tolerant

Correa pulchella Shrub; South Australia; 1m h; x 1m w; Prostrate, to erect shrub. Pink-orange flowers, spring-autumn. Attracts birds. Frost tolerant; Sun/Semi-shade; Well- drained; Alkaline; Drought Tolerant

Correa pulchella "Orange Glow" Shrub; Australia; 0.4m h; Small compact rounded shrub, with vibrant orange bell-shaped flowers. Thick dark green foliage. Bird attracting. Good for rockeries; Flowers: Autumn/Winter; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained; Drought

Correa reflexa (Point Hicks form) Shrub; South Eastern Australia; 1m h; Small shrub, with fat red bell shaped flowers with green tips. Will tolerate full sun; Flowers: Spring; Semi Shade; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Correa reflexa (yellow form) Shrub; Australia; An uncommon yellow flowering variety; Flowers: Winter; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Cotinus coggygria "Golden Spirit" Tree; S Europe/S. China; 2 - 3m h; x 2m w; Rounded deciduous shrubby tree. Spectacular foliage, emerging lime green, then maturing to brilliant gold, then coral, orange and red in Autumn. Smoke-like plumes of whitish- pink flowers add interest; Flowers: Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Moist/Well-

Cotyledon teretifolia Succulent; S Africa/Middle East/ Abyssinia; 0.5m h; (syn. C. campanulata ) Slow growing shrub with mid green leaves 12cm long and 1cm wide. Yellow-orange tubular flowers on tall stems; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Well-

Crassula "Isabelle" Succulent; 0.15m h; Small heart shaped leaves in variegated colours. Central portion is mid green, margin is cream or pink and flowers are very small and white. Likely to be C. exilis x; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained;

Crassula arborescens Succulent; Silver Jade Plant; Dense habit, thick-stemmed. Slow growing. Trunk up to 4m high. Compact, tidy, red-edged glaucous leaves. Small starry pink or white flowers; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Dry

Crassula arborescens ssp Succulent; 0.6m h; Compact small shrub. Midgreen round leaves to 2cm undulatifolia diameter, outer half undulate on margin to tip.; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Crassula argentea Succulent; Jade Plant; Cape Province; 1.5m h; x 1.5m w; (syn. Crassula ovata) Shrubby. Deep pink flowers. Good container plant. Responds well to pruning to form a small bonsai like tree; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Semi

Crassula falcata Succulent; S. Africa; 1m h; x 1m w; Bushy, freely branching. Long grey fleshy sickle shaped leaves and scented heads of scarlet flowers; Flowers: Autumn; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

Crassula ovata "Blue Bird" Succulent; 0.1 - 0.4m h; Leaves flat blue/green with whitish bloom, widening to round tip. Leaf margins red/brown; Sun; Well-drained; Adaptable; Drought Tolerant

Crassula ovata "Gollum" Succulent; 0.5m h; Compact growth; unusual indentation on each leaf tip. Will survive on little water for extended periods. Protected position; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant; Frost Tender

Crassula pellucida ssp.marginata Succulent; Pink Buttons Trailing Crassula; Swaziland; Broad ovate leaves var.minuta fused at base. Flowers in small umbels; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-drained

Crassula rupestris "Tom Thumb" Succulent; String of Buttons; Cape Province; Scrambling habit. Miniature form of C. perforata. Yellow flowers, brown anther. Leaf margins red/yellow; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun; Well-drained

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Genus/Species/Cultiva Notes Crinodendron patagua Shrub; Chilean Lantern Tree; Chile; 6m h; x 1.5m w; Evergreen small tree or shrub. Single white highly fragrant, bell-shaped flowers hanging below branches. Glossy leaves. Light soil. Protected position; Flowers: Summer; Semi Shade; Well-drained; Acidic

Crocus "Pickwick" Bulb; Europe; 0.1m h; Largish pearly white goblet shaped blooms with dark lilac stripes. Good in pots. Plant in late summer; Flowers: Spring; Sun/Semi- shade; Well-drained

Crocus etruscus "Zwanenberg" Bulb; Tuscan Crocus; Northern Italy; 0.15m h; Lilac-blue blooms with deeper blue feathering. Lovely in window boxes or other containers. Enjoys summer shade and winter sun; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

Crocus sativus Bulb; Europe,North Africa; 0.01m h; Sterile mauve to indigo goblet shaped flowers. Grass-like leaves emerging with flowers, usually pale green with single white stripe. Saffron is made from their red/yellow/orange stigmas; Flowers: Autumn; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

Crocus serotinus ssp salzmannii Bulb; Autumn Crocus; Nth.Africa, Spain, Gibraltar; Will grow well in peaty soil.Corms produce a number of mauve flowers, slightly feathered purple outside and with a yellowish throat.Good under deciduous trees.; Flowers: Autumn; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-drained; Adaptable; Drought Tolerant

Crocus sieberi "Firefly" Bulb; Europe; 0.1m h; Outer petal nearly white, inner petal violet, base yellow. Vigorous growing dwarf plant; Flowers: Winter; Sun; Well-drained

Crocus sieberi sublimus tricolor Bulb; Europe, North Africa; 0.1m h; x 0.05m w; Lilac, white and yellow flowers, with slender strap-shaped mid-green leaves. Good for pots,window boxes, borders or under deciduous trees; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-drained

Crocus tommasinianus "Ruby Bulb; Europe; 0.3m h; Dark red purple flower, with a lighter throat; Flowers: Giant" Winter/Spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

Crowea exalata subsp magnifolia Shrub; Central Eastern Australia; 0.7m h; Woody shrub with showy five- petalled star-shaped flowers from white to pink.; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun/Semi-shade; Moist/Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Cryptocarya laevigatum Shrub; New Caledonia; 3m h; Small shiny green leaves. Column like form. Flowers of a strong red colour; Flowers: Summer; Sun/Semi-shade

Cuphea micropetala Shrub; Mexico; 1m h; x 1m w; Abundant yellow/orange flowers. Red stems. Water freely in growing season; Flowers: Summer; Semi Shade; Well-

Cuttsia viburnea Shrub; Native Elderberry; NSW., Qld.; 3m h; x 3m w; Rainforest. Large panicles of white fragrant flowers, beautiful evergreen foliage. Prefers summer water and is hardy to moderate frosts. Slightly drought tender. Suitable for dark difficult areas; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Shade; Well-

Cyclamen hederifolium Bulb; Persian Violet; France to Greece.; 0.1m h; White or pink flowers before attractively patterned ivy-shaped leaves appear. Excellent under deciduous trees. Plant at least 2 cm deep; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Semi Shade; Well-drained

Cyclamen hederifolium (silver leaf Bulb; 0.1m h; Woodland groundcover plant with pale pink/ white flowers and form) silver leaves; Flowers: Autumn; Semi Shade; Well-drained; Drought

Cyclamen persicum Bulb; Persian Violet; E.Mediterranean; 0.1m h; x 0.15m w; Deciduous. Fragrant slender white or pale pink flowers with carmine eye (nose) appear in spring with leaves. Very well drained. Original parent of florists' cyclamen. Plant at least 2 cm deep. Keep fairly dry in summer; Frost Tender

Cyrtanthus obrienii Bulb; S. Africa; 0.2m h; x 0.2m w; Clump-forming evergreen strap-like leaves. Bright salmon tubular flowers.; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well- drained; Adaptable; Drought Tolerant

Dahlia imperialis (single white) Perennial; Tree Dahlia; Mexico; 4m h; Tuberous perennial. Single white flowers. Protect from wind; Flowers: Autumn/Winter

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Genus/Species/Cultiva Notes Dais cotinifolia Tree; Pompom Tree; S.Africa, Madagascar; 4m h; x 2m w; Semi-deciduous small tree, discovered in 1776. Bluish-green oval leaves. Scented star- shaped, small, lilac-pink button flower heads; Flowers: Spring; Sun/Semi- shade; Well-drained; Frost Tender

Dampiera purpurea Shrub; Eastern Australia; 1m h; x 1m w; Leaves are greyish-green; deep violet/blue flowers. Useful for rock or water garden; needs good drainage and summer water. Frost hardy; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-drained

Dampiera rosmarinifolia Perennial; Wild Rosemary; Southern Australia; 0.2 - 0.5m h; x 0.5 - 1.5m w; Lovely blue, pink or white flowers appear in August-December. Excellent for pots or rockery. Will grow in light or heavy soils and is frost and drought

Daphne odora Shrub; China; Evergreen. Burgundy buds opening to terminal clusters of white, tinged burgundy, highly fragrant flowers; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Moist/Well-drained; Acidic

Daphne odora (white) "Variegata" Shrub; China ,Japan; 1m h; Variegated leaves with cream margins. Sweetly fragrant clusters of white flowers; Flowers: Winter; Semi Shade; Moist/Well- drained

Daphne x burkwoodii Shrub; C&S Europe; 1.5m h; x 1.5m w; Vigorous, semi deciduous. Fragrant, white flushed rose to mauve-pink flowers in clusters; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Semi Shade

Darwinia lejostyla Shrub; W.A; 1m h; Erect shrub with heath-like leaves, and oink flowers enclosed in spreading bright red bracts to form an open bell; Flowers: Spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

Dendrobium "Bardo Rose" Orchid; Bardo Rose; Central and North Eastern Australia; (One of the earliest registered hybrids D.falcorostrum x D. kingianum) Flowers, on stems from leaf axils, are pale pink to mauve in colour and up to 30mm across. Usually perfumed and easy to grow in containers or on tree trunk; Flowers: Spring; Semi Shade; Well-drained

Dendrobium kingianum Orchid; Southern Australia; Epiphidic orchid. Flowers are pale to deep pink, Does well outside in pots or baskets; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Sun/Semi- shade; Well-drained

Dendrobium kingianum "Alba" Orchid; Epiphytic orchid with white flowers; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

Dendrobium x delicatum Orchid; Rock Orchid; SE Qld, NE NSW; 0.5m h; Natural hybrid D. speciosum & D. kingianum. 10 to 30 perfumed flowers on erect stems: variable colours. Summer water and 50% shade/Winter full sun, dry. Hardy outdoors. Grows well in Melbourne; Flowers: Spring; Well-drained

Deuterochonia brevifolia Succulent; Bolivia; 0.8m h; (Syn. Abromeitiella) Interesting stiff narrow triangular leaves to 2cm long. Mature plant is a cluster of small very spiky rosettes. Insignificant yellow flowers form a cushion up to 80 cm high; Flowers: Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained; Adaptable

Deutzia scabra "Pride of Rochester” Shrub; China; 1.2 - 2m h; Decidious shrub with dark green leaves on arching branches. Double white/near white flowers, The outer petals are fuchsia colour on outside. Prune after flowering; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Moist

Dianella caerulea Perennial; NSW; 0.9m h; Clump forming rhizomatous plants, with clumps of long fibrous strap-like leaves, with rough margins and small blue flowers followed by bright indigo- blue berries; Flowers: Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Moist/Well-drained

Dianthus barbatus Perennial; Sweet William; Europe; 0.6m h; Small deep purple-red flowers; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained; Alkaline

Dichroa versicolor Shrub; N Burma; 2m h; Similar in form to Hydrangea macrophylla, with rich green leaves and rich denim-blue flowers followed by intense blue berries. Tolerates wet conditions and a little frost.; Semi Shade

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Genus/Species/Cultiva Notes Diospyros whyteana Tree; Ebony; S.Africa; 6m h; Sub-tropical tree with small beautifully glossy small leaves with new growth of shiny bronze. Fragrant bell shaped creamy flowers and balloon-like fruit pods.Tolerates shade and drier soil; Flowers: Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

Dodonaea hexandra Shrub; Horned Hop-bush; South Coast W.A.; 0.6m h; Woody spreading shrub, with insignificant flowers but showy fruits; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-

Dracaena draco Tree; Dragon Tree; Canary Islands, Africa, Arabia; 6m h; x 6m w; Slow growing to a distinctive wide-branched canopy. Mature plant bears clusters of orange berries, mid summer. Will not flower or branch for at least 30 years. Prefers dryness in winter, plentiful water spring-autumn. Listed as vulnerable in 2000 Red List; Sun; Moist/Well-drained; Frost Tender

Drimys winteri Tree; Winter Cinnamon; Chile & Argentina; 15m h; x 10m w; Large umbels of fragrant, creamy flowers, black berries. Aromatic bark with handsome, dark green leathery leaves. Rich soils, protected position. Drought tender; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Moist/Well-drained

Dyckia montevidensis Bromeliad; S.America; Spiny narrow leaves in rosette form. Orange flowers on 1m. stem. Keep dry in winter; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun; Well-

Echeveria "Barbillion" Succulent; California; 0.15m h; x 0.5m w; Very rare slow growing hybrid with large slightly arching rubbery textured grey, blue green foliage, with a wave at the tip and pink/orange blooms. Suitable for containers; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Echeveria "Big Red" Succulent; 0.3m h; Pronounced seasonal colour change from green to bright red in full sun.; Flowers: Spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

Echeveria "Black Prince" Succulent; C & S America; Rosette to 10 cm. Dark green/purple leaves. Handsome plant with deep red flowers; Sun; Well-drained

Echeveria "Bluette" Succulent; Hybrid plant with large rosettes that grow on a short robust stem. The leaves are wavy edged, strongly bluish with attractive red tinged margins; Flowers: Autumn; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

Echeveria "Briar Rose" Succulent; Attractive colourful plant with rosettes to 10cm across, and offsets freely forming a mat of rosettes. Good for gardens, rockeries and pots; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

Echeveria "Giant Mexican Succulent; 0.15 - 0.4m w; A very rare slow growing hybrid. Bushy with Firecracker" clumping rosettes of furry red tipped leaves and flowers that are bright red and yellow; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

Echeveria "Jade Point" Succulent; 0.18m h; An almost stemless hybrid.(E.agavoides x E. gilva) with thick green leaves. Very hardy vigorous grower. Propagates from off-sets. Clumps can form to 300mm wide.; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-drained; Adaptable; Drought Tolerant

Echeveria "Martin's Hybrid" Succulent; Mexico and South America; Rosette form to 12cm wide. Blue green sharply pointed leaf like E. agavoides. Produces offsets in profusion very readily; Sun; Neutral

Echeveria "Schicki-Kuksi" Succulent; Rosettes to 10 cm ,bluish green leaves, broadening from leaf base to tip, with a fine point; Sun; Well-drained

Echeveria "Set-Oliver" Succulent; Mexico; 0.15m h; Syn. E. harmsii x E. setosa. Hairy leaves grown mainly for the foliage; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Well- drained; Drought Tolerant

Echeveria "Violet Queen" Succulent; C & S America; 0.2m h; Attractive rosettes of grey/green leaves with violet coloured tips. Pastel blue/green flowers, tinged violet. Ideal for pot or garden; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-drained

Echeveria derenbergii Succulent; Mexico; 0.1m h; x 0.3m w; Rosettes of wedge shaped, intensely white frosted light green, bristle tipped leaves with red margins & tips. Racemes of bell shaped orange flowers; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-drained;

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Genus/Species/Cultiva Notes Echeveria gibbiflora var.crispata Succulent; Mexico; 0.3m h; Erect, non- branching plant with rosulate leaves to 25cm, pointed tinged purple, margins wavy, red outside buff inside; Flowers: Autumn/Winter; Sun; Well-drained

Echeveria metallica Succulent; 0.3m h; x 0.3m w; Wavy wide leaves are purple/grey with a metallic appearance. Massive inflorescences have many pale orange flowers, on arching branches; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun/Semi-shade; Adaptable; Drought Tolerant

Echeveria multicaulis Succulent; Mexico; Spectacular. Leaves bottle green, turning red in drier conditions. Red bell flower. Trunk develops many lateral stems; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Echeveria pallida Succulent; Mexico; 0.15m h; x 0.25m w; Pale green spoon shaped rosettes,held on unbranched stems. Pale pink bell shaped flowers. Fast growing; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained; Drought

Echeveria poltava Succulent; 0.5m h; x 0.5m w; Compact short stemmed plant with rosettes 15 - 20 cm in diameter. Clusters of coral coloured flowers on long stems; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained; Adaptable; Drought Tolerant

Echeveria pubescens Succulent; Mexico / Central America; Low growing rosette form to 10cm diameter, dull green lanceolate leaves covered in very fine velvety fur. Red flowers tipped with yellow. Likes morning sun; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

Echeveria pulvinata "'Frosty'" Succulent; Mexico; 0.15m h; x 0.2m w; Elongated, white, hairy, velvety leaves, on branched bare stems.; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-drained

Echeveria secunda Succulent; Mexico; Basal rosettes of wedge shaped, blunt, bristle-tipped, glaucous, pale green to grey leaves with red at extreme tip. Lemon yellow reflexed bell flowers; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Frost Tender

Elettaria cardamomum Herb; Cardamom; India; 2m h; Rhizomatous perennial. Fragrant leaves. In tropical climates, pink tubular flowers followed by ovoid seed capsules, but rarely in Melbourne. Warm protected position; Shade; Moist; Frost Tender

Epacris impressa Shrub; Common Heath; S.A., Tas., NSW & Vic; 1m h; Floral emblem of State of Victoria. Frost tolerant. White to pink or red flowers most of the year, especially winter. Short red-tipped leaves. Bird attractive; frost hardy.Plant in groups of 3-5; Semi Shade; Well-drained

Epidendrum ibaguense Orchid; Crucifix Orchid; Guatemala; Racemes of scarlet red/orange or mauve flowers along 50 cm stems throughout year. Clumping epiphyte. Warm position; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained

Epidendrum ibaguense (red form) Orchid; Terrestrial orchid with lengthy rambling leafy stems carrying fleshy light green leaves and heads of red flowers sporadically throughout the year; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

Epimedium diphyllum Perennial; Japan; 0.25m h; x 0.3m w; Clump-forming, semi evergreen rhizomatous plant. Heart-shaped light green leaves. Pendent, bell-shaped, pure white flowers, 1cm across.; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Shade

Epimedium sempervirens Perennial; Japan/Korea; 0.3m h; A rare ,lovely groundcover plant, forming a "Okuda's White" dense carpet with pure white flowers. Ideal under trees; Flowers: Spring; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-drained

Epimedium x warleyense Perennial; Garden Origin; 0.2 - 0.3m h; x 0.3m w; Beautiful fresh green spring foliage, with darker plum margins forming dense mats. Elegant rusty- orange flowers . Ideal under trees; Flowers: Spring; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-

Eremophila bignoniiflora x polyclada Shrub; Vic, NSW and Qld; 5m h; x 4m w; Fast growing, vigorous, floriferous shrub with white flowers tinged with lilac. Prefers full sun or partial shade. Frost hardy; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Adaptable; Drought Tolerant

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Genus/Species/Cultiva Notes Eremophila divaricata Shrub; Southern Australia; 1.5m h; x 2.5m w; Rounded spreading shrub with complex branches. The tubular, pinkish-mauve flowers are stalkless, with spreading lobes. A hardy plant in most soils; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained; Adaptable

Eremophila gibbifolia Shrub; Southern Australia; 0.5m h; Small shrub with very thick leaves and purplish flowers. Good in rockeries as quite hardy; Flowers: Spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

Eremophila glabra "Kalbari Carpet” Shrub; Western Australia; Silver leaves and mauve flowers in small narrow tubes with extended lip; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-drained

Eremophila interstans (lilac form) Shrub; Western Australia; 2m h; Conifer like medium shrub with small lilac flowers; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Eremophila maculata (apricot form) Shrub; Western Australia; 1.5m h; x 1.5m w; Variable shrub, with spotted apricot tubular flowers on a long curving peduncle; Flowers: Spring; Sun;

Eremophila maculata (cerise form) Shrub; Western Australia; 1 - 2.5m h; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun/Semi- shade; Well-drained

Eremophila scoparia Shrub; Silver Emu Bush; Australia; 2m h; An erect shrub with silvery foliage and bluish/mauve flowers. Tolerates alkaline soil and is frost hardy; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Eremophila splendens Shrub; W.A.; 0.6m h; x 0.6m w; Small shrub with red flowers and mid-green foliage; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Semi Shade; Well-drained; Drought

Eremophila weldii Shrub; Purple Emu Bush; S.W. Western Australia; 1 - 1.5m h; x 1m w; Prostrate or erect shrub with lilac flowers and blue grey leaves; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun

Eriogonum fasciculatum Shrub; California Buckwheat; California; 0.9m h; x 0.9m w; Low rounded shrub. Leaves in tufts, flowers in loosely arranged heads, white to tinted pink Flowers: Summer; Sun

Escallonia "C.F. Ball" Shrub; S. America; 2.4m h; x 1.5m w; Erect colourful fast-growing evergreen, with dark glossy, deeply toothed leaves and masses of tubular crimson-red flowers. Good for hedging; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun; Moist/Well-

Escallonia bifida Shrub; Uruguay; 3m h; x 2m w; Vigorous, dense, evergreen. Showy, profusion of white panicles of flowers, mid summer. Excellent hedge. Attracts butterflies; Drought Tolerant

Escallonia illinita Shrub; Curry Bush; Chile; 3m h; White panicles to 10cm. Scents the air with curry when damp. Good hedge and screen plant; Flowers: Summer

Escallonia rubra var. macrantha Shrub; Chilean Gum Box; Chile; 3m h; Evergreen. Succulent glossy leaves. Tight clusters of crimson flowers. Ideal hedge plant; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-

Eucalyptus caesia Tree; W.A.; 3 - 8m h; x 3m w; Bark at first smooth, red-brown, later falling in curling flakes; flowers red/pink; tolerates light frosts; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Eucomis comosa Bulb; Pineapple Lily; S. Africa; 0.5m h; x 0.3m w; Deciduous. Dense spikes of greenish-white flowers overtopped by tuft of small green bracts. Purple spotted stems. Strap-like, wavy margined leaves; Flowers: Summer; Sun;

Eucomis comosa (dark form) Bulb; Pineapple Lily; 0.8m h; x 0.3m w; Deciduous. Fat, dense spike of reddish brown flowers overtopped by tufts of small bracts. Very dark,strap-like foliage; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun; Moist/Well-drained

Euonymus alatus Shrub; Winged Spindle Tree; Asia; 2m h; Deciduous. Dense growth with corky winged stems. Brilliant rosy-red autumn colour. Small greenish flowers. Fruit split to reveal orange seeds; Flowers: Spring; Sun/Semi-shade;

Euonymus japonicus Shrub; Dense bushy shrub. Dark green, leathery, glossy leaves with broad "Aureovariegatus" golden margins. Useful hedge.; Sun/Semi-shade

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Genus/Species/Cultiva Notes Euonymus japonicus’Microphyllus’ Shrub; 0.3m h; Evergreen. Neat, compact growth of formal type suitable for low hedges, borders or mass planting. Slow growing, trims well; Sun/Semi- shade; Well-drained

Eupatorium atrorubens Shrub; Mist Flower; Mexico; 1.2m h; x 1m w; Evergreen. Large flat terminal clusters of lilac flowers. Soft, attractive leaves, flushed red/purple. Drought tender. Protected position; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Semi Shade; Frost

Felicia hyssopifolia Shrub; Sth. Africa; 0.5m h; Bright blue-mauve daisy flowers. Long flowering season; Sun

Ficus dammaropsis Tree; Dinner-plate Fig; West New Guinea; 10m h; Evergreen. Bronze, green foliage with rose-like fruits; Sun; Moist/Well-drained

Francoa "Rogerson's Form" Perennial; 0.6m h; Evergreen. Panicles of deepest lilac-pink star-shaped blossoms strikingly marked with crimson, on long stalks. New form of F. sonchifolia, excellent for cutting; good edging plant. Tolerant of dry conditions; Flowers: Summer; Semi Shade

Francoa appendicuata Perennial; Bridal Wreath; Chile; 0.7m h; x 0.4m w; Clumps of broad soft pale green hairy leaves. Slender white flowering stems. Tough. Good edging plant. Tolerant of dry conditions; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Semi

Francoa sonchifolia Perennial; Bridal Wreath; Chile; 0.9m h; Slender wand of deep pink flowers. Tolerates some dryness. Good edging plant; Flowers: Summer; Sun/Semi-

Fuchsia "Autumnale" Shrub; Prostrate. Green and yellow foliage that matures to dark red and salmon with splashes of yellow. Scarlet rose tubes and sepals with purple corolla.; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Semi Shade

Fuchsia "Bianca" Shrub; 1.5 - 2m h; x 1m w; Stunning large blooms with white sepals and white corolla. Can be grown as a standard or trained against a fence; Flowers: Summer; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-drained

Fuchsia "Thalia" Shrub; 1m h; x 1m w; Long flared tubular orange-red flowers much of the year. Red veined dark green leaves. Drought tender. Prune early spring; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-drained; Frost Tender

Gasteria ernesti-ruschi Succulent; Namibia;Stoloniferous plants forming dense clumps of up to 12 white spotted leaves. Large red flowers; Sun; Well-drained

Gasteria grandiflora Succulent; Bell shaped flowers on long stems; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Semi Shade; Dry; Neutral; Drought Tolerant

Gasteria liliputana Succulent; South Africa; 0.15m h; One of the smallest Gasterias,with glossy, white mottled, deep green slightly pointed leaves in a rosette, and pendulous flowers in reddish pink; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun/Semi- shade; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Gasteria pillansii Succulent; Namibia/S. Africa; Stemless variety with thick green leaves heavily spotted in paler green. Waxy, globular salmon pink bell-shaped flowers with green tipped opening. Young plant fan shaped growing torquate when mature; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Semi Shade; Dry; Neutral;

Gasteria prolifera Succulent; South Africa; Good house plant,needing only low light. Dark green leaves with white marks throughout; Semi Shade; Well-drained

Gastrolobium celsianum Shrub; Swan River Pea; Western Australia; 1 - 1.5m h; x 1.5m w; (syn. Brachysema celsianum). Spreading or prostrate shrub. Red pea flowers. Protected position. Prune hard after flowering. Frost hardy; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Globularia cordifolia Perennial; Globe Daisy; Mediterranean; 0.2 - 0.5m h; x 0.2m w; Cushion forming. Globular blue to pale lavender-blue fluffy flowers on erect stems. Rock plant. Sharply drained soil. Good edging plant. Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-drained

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Genus/Species/Cultiva Notes Goodenia hederacea Shrub; Eastern Australia; Trailing plant, often rooting at the nodes, with rounded dark green leaves, that are silver underneath. Bright yellow flowers. Good for baskets; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Moist/Well-

Graptopetalum paraguayense Succulent; Mexico; 0.2m h; Prostrate,clump forming. Pearly succulent rosettes of leaves. Cymes of star-shaped red spotted white flowers. Sharply drained soil; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Sun; Dry; Frost Tender

Graptoveria "Fan Fare" Succulent; 0.1m h; Small pastel green rosette to 7cm diam. and many long narrow pointed leaves. Morning sun only; Flowers: Summer; Sun/Semi- shade; Well-drained

Graptoveria "Fred Ives" Succulent; Mexico; 0.3 - 0.6m h; x 0.3 - 0.6m w; Rosettes of broad bronze- pink succulent leaves atop short stems. Pale yellow flowers grow on long stems; Flowers: Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

Graptoveria "White Star" Succulent;Low growing plant with white star like flowers. Good groundcover; Flowers: Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained; Drought

Graptoveria pentandrum superbum Succulent; Mexico; 0.2m h; Multi-stemmed, spectacular, dwarf grey-mauve rosettes with small delicate star-shaped yellow flowers, with red centers on filigree stems; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-drained

Grevillea brachystachya Shrub; WA; 1 - 2m h; Profuse, conspicuous, sweetly scented flowers, cream, greenish or red. Species found in the Irwin district of WA. Needs warm climate; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Grevillea confertafolia Shrub; Grampians Grevillea; South West Victoria; 0.3 - 0.6m h; Low spreading shrub, with sharp needle-like leaves, in dark green above and silver beneath. Rosy-pink or wine-red flowers in compact terminal racemes; Flowers: Spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Moist/Well-drained

Grevillea dimorpha Shrub; Red Spider Flower; South Eastern Australia;1 - 3m h; x 1 - 2.5m w; (syn. Grevillea speciosa ssp.dimorpha). Bright red flowers most of the year. Bird attracting and moderately frost hardy; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained;

Grevillea parvula Shrub; South Eastern Australia; 2m h; Mid - green rounded leaves and tiny light pink flowers; Flowers: Autumn/Winter; Semi Shade; Well-drained

Grevillea steiglitziana Shrub; Brisbane Ranges Grevillea; Vic.; 1.5m h; x 1m w; Spreading plant with pointed, lobed leaves, hairy on the underside. Red flowers in pendent clusters; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Sun

Grevillea synapheae Shrub; Catkin Grevillea; Western Australia; 0.6 - 1.5m h; x 1.3m w; Attractive prostrate to erect shrub with prickly 3 lobed, 3 toothed leaves and creamy-yellow flowers on long peduncles. Likes very good drainage; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Hakea decurrens ssp.physocarpa Shrub; South Eastern Australia; 0.8 - 4m h; Small tree or erect shrub, with stiff needle-like leaves, and masses of hairy, pink/white lightly fragrant flowers, and single woody fruits with a double beak; Flowers: Winter; Sun;

Haworthia cymbiformis Succulent; Cathedral Window Haworthia; S.Africa; Small plant with thick light green leaves in a rosette. Grows on rocky slopes, forming a dense mat, with a superficial root system, White flowers on stems; Semi Shade; Well- drained; Frost Tender

Haworthia reinwardtii Succulent; S.Africa; 0.15m h; Dark green to yellow-green rosettes with dense spiral form which may grow into small towers. Lance shaped leaves with small white tubercles. Tubular pinkish-white flowers on long stems; Flowers: Spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained; Frost Tender

Haworthia translucens Succulent; S.Africa; Rosettes of short fat translucent pale green leaves with dark green vertical lines on outer surface. Reproduces prolifically; Well- drained; Frost Tender

Haworthia venosa ssp tessellata Succulent; S.Africa; Mat-forming, spreading by subterranean branches. Bluish-grey-green flowers; Flowers: Spring; Well-drained; Frost Tender

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Genus/Species/Cultiva Notes Hebe hulkeana Shrub; New Zealand Lilac; NZ; 0.5m h; x 1.5m w; Evergreen open sprawling shrub. Dark shiny leaves with red serrated edges and masses of small lilac flowers in large open panicles. Likes open surrounds. Prune after flowering; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-drained

Helichrysum argyrophyllum Perennial; Everlasting Flower; S.Africa; 0.1m h; x 0.5m w; Groundcover. Small silver leaves. Yellow flowers. Good for cascading over rocks or edges of raised beds; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun; Drought Tolerant

Heliotropium arborescens Perennial; Cherry Pie; Peru; 1m h; x 1.2m w; (syn. H. peruvianum) Evergreen. Finely wrinkled green leaves. Clusters of sweetly-scented purple to lavender flowers in spring through to autumn; Sun; Well-drained; Frost

Heliotropium arborescens "Lord Perennial; Peru; 1.2m h; x 1m w; Attractive contrast plant. Purple foliage Roberts" and flowers. Long flowering, slight perfume; Sun; Frost Tender

Helleborus argutifolius Perennial; Lenten Rose; Corsica; 0.5m h; x 0.5m w; (syn. H.corsicus) Erect or sprawling. Flowering stem dies after fruiting. Up to 10 creamy-green suffused pink/purple flowers per stem. Serrated foliage. Cut back old foliage in April/May; Flowers: Spring; Semi Shade

Helleborus lividus Perennial; Spain (Majorca); 0.5m h; x 0.5m w; Attractive mottled leaves. Large clusters lightly fragrant pendent cup-shaped purple, suffused yellow- green flowers. Frost hardy; Flowers: Winter; Semi Shade; Well-drained

Helleborus x hybridus (double Perennial; 0.4m h; x 0.5m w; Double purple flowers and deep green leaves; purple) Flowers: Winter/Spring; Semi Shade; Adaptable

Helleborus x hybridus (double red) Perennial; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Semi Shade; Adaptable

Helleborus x hybridus (double Perennial; Double white spotted blooms; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Semi white spotted) Shade; Adaptable

Helleborus x hybridus (double Perennial; Excellent under deciduous trees. Feed well for best results. Cut white) back old foliage in April/May. Tolerates drier soil in summer; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-drained

Helleborus x hybridus (picotee Perennial; Soft pink or white flowers, edged in subtle ruby margins and form) delicately streaked with old rose; Flowers: Autumn/Winter; Semi Shade

Helleborus x hybridus (pink spotted) Perennial; Pink spotted flowers; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Semi Shade;

Helleborus x hybridus (plum purple) Perennial; Flowers: Autumn/Winter; Semi Shade

Helleborus x hybridus (primrose Perennial; Hellebore yellow is a pale primrose shade, not bright buttercup yellow picotee) yellow; Flowers: Autumn/Winter; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-drained

Helmholtzia glaberrima Rhizome; Stream Lily; Qld, NSW; 1.5m h; x 1.5m w; Beautiful tall cream or pink flower panicles. Contrasts beautifully with dark green foliage. Rainforest conditions. Will tolerate mild frosts; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Shade; Well-drained

Hesperaloe parvibracteata Succulent; Mexico; 0.9m h; x 1.8m w; Slow growing evergreen perennial with narrow leaves produced on a basal rosette. Slender stalks of yellow, coral, or pink-red tubular flowers stand above the foliage .; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Hibbertia scandens Climber; Snake Vine; Northern Australia; Large open yellow flowers most of the year and attractive evergreen glossy foliage. Good soil binder. Tolerates moderate frost. Salt tolerant; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Hibbertia stellaris Shrub; Western Australia; 0.3m h; x 0.3m w; Small slender-stemmed, rounded shrub. Bears beautiful orange flowers, 1-2 cm across, for a large part of the year. Best in a container; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-drained

Hibbertia vestita Shrub; North Eastern Australia; 0.5m w; Prostrate plant. Dark green narrow, oblong leaves to 1.5 cm. Long flowering. Bright yellow flowers. Good for rockeries and baskets; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained

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Genus/Species/Cultiva Notes Hibiscus heterophyllus Shrub; Coastal N. S. W ; Shrub or small tree, with solitary flowers in white, subsp.heterophyllus pale pink or yellow, with a purple basal spot; Sun; Moist/Well-drained

Hibiscus insularis Shrub; Norfolk Is.; 3m h; x 2m w; Lemon-yellow, maroon centred flowers fading to lilac. Coarsely toothed leaves. One of the rarest of plants; Flowers: Autumn/Winter; Sun; Frost Tender

Hibiscus splendens Shrub; Pink Hollyhock Tree; Qld, NSW; 3 - 5m h; x 2m w; Fast growing with velvety grey foliage, but has prickly spine on leaves and very prickly stems. Large, pink flowers with dark centres to 12 cm diameter. Responds well to pruning. Frost tolerant; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained

Hibiscus syriacus "Lady Stanley" Shrub; Syrian Rose; India to China; 3m h; x 2m w; Deciduous. White/suffused shell pink semi-double flowers. Requires hard pruning in winter; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun; Moist/Well-drained

Hibiscus syriacus "Leopold" Shrub; 3m h; Deciduous shrub with double pale pink flowers. Quite hardy; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun/Semi-shade; Moist/Well-drained

Hibiscus tiliaceus Tree; Coast Hibiscus; Australia & S.E.Asia; 10m h; x 8m w; Ornamental tree for landscaping, with heart-shaped leaves and dense foliage. Hibiscus type flowers are bright yellow with crimson centres, often pointed down on the tree. About 10-15 cm wide, and fully open for a day each; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Moist/Well-drained

Hippeastrum psittacinum "Papillo" Bulb; S.Brazil; 0.5m h; Large maroon, green and cream trumpet flowers. Keep dry in winter whilst in its winter dormancy; Flowers: Spring; Semi Shade; Well-drained

Hippeastrum sp. (red & white) Bulb; 0.5 - 1m h; Water sparingly until growth commences, then freely with weekly feeding. Cease watering and feeding when leaves turn yellow, but do not let roots dry out.; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

Hosta "Blue Cadet" Perennial; 0.4m h; Attractive, low-growing rosette of blue-grey leaves. Light purple flowers. Watch for snails.; Flowers: Summer; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-drained

Hosta "Chinese Sunrise" Perennial; 0.35m h; x 0.6m w; Profusion of bell-shaped purple flowers on leaning, leafy, 70cm stems. Leaves medium, thin, glossy narrowly lanceolate tapering to a point, fading to light green (viridescent), with a regular, narrow, deep green margin.; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Semi

Hosta "Dew Drop" Perennial; 0.15m h; x 0.3m w; Herbaceous. Cupped dark green leaves with narrow white margins. Pale lavender bell-shaped flower on 30cm stem. Perfect for the rock garden, pots or shaded border. Beware snails.; Flowers: Summer; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-drained

Hosta "Geisha" Perennial; 0.25m h; x 0.3m w; Leaves small, ovate, slightly wavy, curving upwards with a twist, tip curling under, glossy, chartreuse to yellow streaked, with wide mid-green margins. Flowers bell-shaped, lavender on straight, leafy 35cm stems.; Flowers: Summer; Semi Shade; Moist; Neutral

Hosta "Honeybells" Perennial; 0.6m h; x 1.2m w; Leaves large, lax, widely oval, blade undulate, light glossy green. Flowers lightly fragrant, bell-shaped, white streaked lavender on 150cm stems. Vigorous.; Flowers: Summer; Sun/Semi-

Hosta "Lemon Lime" Perennial; 0.3m h; x 0.45m w; Small, lance-shaped, bright chartreuse, flat leaves. Bell-shaped, lavender, striped purple flowers on straight, bare 45cm stems.; Flowers: Summer; Shade; Moist; Neutral

Hosta "Undulata" Perennial; 0.35m h; x 0.45m w; White leaves with two-tone green margins, green overlapping white. Funnel shaped lavender flowers on straight, ivory stems; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Shade; Moist

Hosta "Undulata Albomarginata" Perennial; Flowers: Summer; Semi Shade; Moist

Hosta plantaginea Perennial; China; 0.6m h; x 0.9m w; Fragrant white flowers on tall spikes, late summer. Pale green leaves. Herbaceous. Damp site. Shade to semi shade but tolerates more sun than other hostas; Flowers: Summer; Moist

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Genus/Species/Cultiva Notes Hosta ventricosa Perennial; China; 0.6m h; x 0.9m w; Handsome plant with violet-blue bell flowers on tall stems, mid summer. Leaves glossy spinach-green with deep veins and rippled margins.. Moist to damp conditions. Shade to semishade. Beware of snails; Flowers: Summer; Semi Shade; Moist

Howittia trilocularis Shrub; Blue Howittia; Southern Australia; 1.5 - 2m h; x 1 - 1.5m w; Profuse violet flowers winter-summer. Moderately frost hardy. Drought tender. A collector's plant; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-drained

Hoya carnosa Climber; India,Burma; Vigorous epiphytic climber. Ovate, rigid, fleshy, dark green waxy leaves.. Dense umbels of star-shaped waxy white flowers with red coronas. Strong night fragrance. Good indoor plant; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun/Semi-shade; Moist/Well-drained; Frost Tender

Hydrangea "Mdme Emile Mouillere” Shrub; Excellent white variety. White mophead flowers that age to pink- tinged. Drought tender. Protect from afternoon sun.; Semi Shade;

Hydrangea anomala ssp.petiolaris Climber; Asia; 4m h; x 4m w; Climbing hydrangea. Deciduous, sturdy vine. Adventitious roots. Flat white lace-cap flowers. Drought tender; Flowers: Summer; Shade; Moist/Well-drained

Hydrangea aspera Shrub; Southern China; 4m h; x 4m w; Rough leaved hyderangea, that copes well with heat and dryness. Large, long-lasting , lilac-blue/mauve frilled flower heads; Flowers: Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Moist

Hydrangea macrophylla "Ami Shrub; 1.5m h; x 2m w; Deciduous, mophead variety. Small to medium Pasquier" sized shrub. Rose-mauve, magenta to red blooms produced all summer. Leaves turn red in autumn. One of the best crimson hydrangea for alkaline soil.; Sun/Semi-shade; Moist/Well-drained; Alkaline

Hydrangea macrophylla’Varigata’ Shrub; 1.5m h; x 1.5m w; Attractive variegated leaves. Lace-cap variety with colour dependent on soil pH; Flowers: Summer; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-

Hydrangea macrophylla ssp Shrub; 1.5m h; x 2m w; Deciduous. Lace-cap Variety. Pinkish-purple outer serrata "Lilacina" and deep violet inner lace-cap flowers; Flowers: Summer; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-drained

Hydrangea serratifolia Climber; Chile; 30m h; Evergreen self-clinging. Corymbs of numerous small white sterile flowers; Flowers: Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Moist/Well-drained

Hypocalymma cordifolium Shrub; Western Australia; 1m h; x 1m w; A spreading shrub with white "Variegata" flowers. Young growth reddish colour turning to light green; Flowers: Spring; Semi Shade; Moist

Hyssopus officinalis Herb; Mediterranean; 0.4m h; Semi-woody sub-shrub with branched stems and narrow aromatic green leaves. Deep blue flowers in summer. Cut back after flowering. Dried leaves used as fixative in pot pourri; Flowers: Summer; Sun/Semi-shade

Iberis sempervirens Perennial; Candytuft; S. Europe; 0.2m h; x 0.5m w; (syn. I.commutata) Evergreen. Rounded heads of white flowers. Long flowering. Cut back previous season's flowers. Good rockery or edging plant; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Illicium floridanum Shrub; Purple Anise; S.E.USA; 2.5m h; x 2.5m w; Evergreen, upright much branched shrub. Star-shaped copper to dark red flowers; numerous narrow petals. Aromatic foliage poisonous to livestock; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-drained; Acidic

Illicium parviflorum Shrub; Yellow Anisetree; USA; 2.4 - 6m h; Evergreen. Small odourless yellow-green flowers. Olive-green, anise-scented leaves with margins slightly turned under. A distinct anise fragrance when crushed. Prune to shape. All parts of plant are toxic; Flowers: Spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Moist/Well-

Iris confusa Rhizome; Bamboo Iris; Western China; 0.6 - 0.9m h; Exotic looking crested iris, with sprays of bamboo like leaves. Flowers, at the end of a long stem, may range from white to a soft lavender, with orange-yellow crests and purple dots. Similar, but larger than I. japonica; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-

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Genus/Species/Cultiva Notes Iris fulva Rhizome; U.S.A.; Beardless. Copper or orange/red flowers. Ideal near ponds; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Moist/Well-drained;

Iris japonica Rhizome; Frilled or ruffled white-pale blue flowers. Attractive foliage. Vigorous woodland plant. Ideal under Camellias and Azaleas. Protect from hot afternoon sun; Flowers: Winter; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-drained; Acidic

Iris japonica "Variegata" Rhizome; China/Japan; Frilled or ruffled pale blue/lavender flowers. Attractive variegated foliage. Vigorous. Ideal woodland plant. Protect from hot afternoon sun; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Semi Shade; Well-drained; Acidic

Iris tectorum Rhizome; Japanese Roof Iris; Central and South West China; 0.4m h; x 1m w; Crested violet blue fading to lilac/blue flowers.Can also be white. Ideal woodland plant, that grows vigorously, and quickly forms dense clumps. Protect from hot afternoon sun. Frost hardy; Flowers: Spring; Sun/Semi- shade; Moist/Well-drained

Iris (IB) "Just Dance" Rhizome; Australian cv; (1995 Barry Blyth) Creamy peach standards with darker peach-pink falls. Early flowering; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-drained;

Iris (IB) "Magic Child" Rhizome; Australian cv; (1995 Barry Blyth) Blue/white standards with darker lavender/blue falls. White beards tipped tangerine; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-drained; Lime Loving

Iris (TB) "Cameo Wine" Rhizome; Australian cv; 1m h; (1982 Barry Blyth) Pastel pink standards, deep rose-pink falls, tangerine beard; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-drained;

Iris (TB) "Karen Marie" Rhizome; Australian cv; (1998 Leslie Donnell) Pallid wisteria blue/pale wisteria blue beards with orange fragrance; Sun; Well-drained

Iris (TB) "Kerrie's Kirtle" Rhizome; Australian cv; (1981 L. Donnell) Mid brown plicata shot violet blue, yellow blaze; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-drained; Alkaline

Iris (TB) "Mulberry Temple" Rhizome; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-drained; Alkaline

Iris (TB) "Silkrim" Rhizome; ( Australian cultivar.1987 B. Blyth) White standards with rose plicata; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-drained; Alkaline

Iris (TB) "Sky Hooks" Rhizome; 0.9 - 1.2m h; Bright yellow frilled blooms, with violet/lavender and near white aspects; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained

Iris (TB) "Tintinara" Rhizome; Australian cv; (1988 L. Donnell) Red-brown standards with orange beard; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-drained; Alkaline

Itea ilicifolia Shrub; Holly Sweetspire; W.China; 4m h; Evergreen. Flowers in long catkins, up to 35 cm long, pale greenish-yellow. Fragrant; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-drained; Acidic; Drought

Jasminum parkeri Shrub; India (Pradesh); 0.3m h; x 0.4m w; Dwarf, dome-forming, evergreen. Slender branches with alternate dark green leaves. Terminal or axillary, solitary or paired, yellow flowers. Greenish white berries; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun/Semi-shade

Jovibarba ssp kapaokikense Succulent; Balkan Mountains; 0.1m h; Forms rosettes of hardy evergreen clump-forming maroon-red leaves with some green deep in the heart of plant. Flowers pale greenish yellow and bell-shaped. Grown for showy foliage rather than flowers.; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Well-drained;

Justicia adhatoda Shrub; Malabar Nut; India, Sri Lanka; 2 - 3m h; x 1 - 1.5m w; Evergreen. Lush lime green leaves, white hooded flowers with red markings on distinctly curved upper lip, held on spikes; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained; Frost Tender

Justicia brandegeana "Yellow Shrub; Yellow Shrimp Plant; 0.5m h; x 0.5m w; (syn. Drejerella guttata) Queen" Tough evergreen with white flowers hidden by overlapping yellow bracts mainly in summer; Flowers: Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Adaptable; Drought Tolerant; Frost Tender

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Genus/Species/Cultiva Notes Justicia carnea Shrub; Flamingo Plant; Brazil; 2m h; x 1.5m w; (syn. Jacobinia carnea) Evergreen. Warm pink bracts on long spikes; attractive deep green leaves. Grows well in shade areas. Cut back after flowering; Flowers: Summer; Semi Shade; Moist; Frost Tender

Justicia carnea "Alba" Shrub; 2m h; x 1.5m w; Evergreen. Pure white bracts on spikes. Grows well in shade; Semi Shade; Well-drained; Frost Tender

Justicia floribunda Shrub; Compact evergreen with delicate tubular flowers in brilliant scarlet, orange and yellow.; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Semi Shade; Moist/Well- drained; Frost Tender

Justicia fulvicoma Shrub; Mexico; 1m h; Considered one of the showiest species with dramatic burnt orange bracts and orange-red flowers. Suitable for outdoors and pots. Tolerant of dry conditions once established; Semi Shade; Well-drained

Justicia rizzinii Shrub; Brazil; 0.6m h; x 0.6m w; (syn. J. floribunda) Dark green leaves with small yellow and red nodding tubular flowers; Flowers: Winter; Sun/Semi-

Kalanchoe "Fang" Succulent; 1m h; Stalactite plant. Tall and vigorous , with grey-green furry leaves that have soft teeth underneath. Leaf tips bronze with age. Soft brown apricot bells on tall flower spike.; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun

Kalanchoe "Quick Silver" Succulent; Africa /Madagascar; 0.3m h; x 0.3m w; Silver-grey downy scalloped leaves. Pink terminal flower clusters. Compact grower; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Kalanchoe beharense Succulent; Africa/ Madagascar; 1m h; Arrow shaped pale green felted leaves, indented in the margins, which are a golden brown; Sun; Dry; Frost

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana "Candy Succulent; Garden Origin; An easy growing hybrid, with masses of hot pink Cane" flowers, and the leaves go red in cooler weather; Flowers: Spring; Sun/Semi- shade; Well-drained

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Succulent; Rounded, scalloped green leaves, reddish margins. Clusters of "Orange Star" star-shaped orange flowers; Flowers: Spring; Semi Shade; Well-drained; Adaptable; Drought Tolerant; Frost Tender

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana "Red Succulent; Elliptical, scalloped leaves with reddish margins. Red tubular Bells" bell flowers on stalks. Water well; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-drained

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana "Red Star” Succulent; Flaming Katy; Rounded, scalloped green leaves, reddish margins. Clusters of star-shaped red flowers; Flowers: Spring; Semi Shade; Well-drained; Adaptable; Drought Tolerant; Frost Tender

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Succulent; Madagascar; 0.3m h; x 0.3m w; Small shrubby perennial with (red/orange) rounded shiny dark green scalloped leaves. Long stemmed panicles of orange star-shaped flowers with red throats and edging; Flowers: Spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Moist/Well-drained; Adaptable; Frost Tender

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana (cerise Succulent; Bushy plant. Rounded shiny dark green scalloped leaves with star) contrasting margins. Crowded panicles of cerise flowers. Water well; Flowers: Spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana (deep Succulent; Madagascar; 0.3m h; Small shrubby perennial with red margined pink star) deep green leaves and dense sprays of long lasting deep pink star flowers; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana (double Succulent; Madagascar; 0.3m h; x 0.3m w; Small shrubby perennial with pale pink) rounded shiny dark green scalloped leaves. Dense sprays of double creamy white flowers turning pale pink; Flowers: Spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Well- drained; Drought Tolerant

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana (double Succulent; Madagascar; 0.3m h; x 0.3m w; Small shrubby perennial with pink) rounded shiny dark green scalloped leaves. Dense sprays of long-lasting double flowers coloured pink; Flowers: Spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Well- drained; Frost Tender

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Genus/Species/Cultiva Notes Kalanchoe blossfeldiana (double Succulent; Madagascar; 0.3m h; x 0.3m w; Small shrubby perennial with white) rounded shiny dark green scalloped leaves. Dense sprays of long-lasting double white flowers in spring; Flowers: Spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Moist/Well- drained; Adaptable; Frost Tender

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana (white star) Succulent; Rounded green leaves, with white star-like flowers. Water well; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Moist/Well-drained

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana (yellow Succulent; Scalloped rounded green leaves with reddish margins. Clusters star) of star-shaped yellows flowers; Flowers: Spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana hybrid Succulent; Flaming Katy; Long dark green leaves with red scalloped edges. (ruby red) Flowers ruby-red with bell tipped creamy green; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well- drained

Kalanchoe bracteata Succulent; Madagascar; 1.2m h; Lanceolate leaves of silvery pastel green appearance caused by very fine downy 'fur' on surface. Flowers orange/red in spring; Flowers: Spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

Kalanchoe grandiflora Succulent; Silver Teaspoons; India/ East Africa; 0.7m h; x 0.3m w; Blue green foliage with oval leaves and small yellow tubular flowers on an erect stem; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Well-drained; Frost Tender

Kalanchoe marmorata Succulent; Penwiper; E. Africa; 1m h; Erect or decumbent plant. Leaves 6- 20cm, obovate, glaucous, often with purple spots.Tubular flowers in erect panicles coloured white sometimes tinged pink or yellow; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained

Kalanchoe pumila "Quick Silver" Succulent; Madagascar; 0.2m h; x 0.25m w; Silver-grey leaves. Pink flowers. Open position. Drought tender; Sun; Well-drained; Frost Tender

Kalanchoe tomentosa Succulent; Madagascar; 0.5m h; x 0.3m w; Pale green/blue elliptical leaves covered in fine white down; tips spotted brown; Flowers: Winter; Sun/Semi- shade; Well-drained; Frost Tender

Kerria japonica Shrub; 1.6m h; x 2.8m w; Deciduous. Graceful, arching habit. Buttercup- like yellow flowers borne along green shoots. Foliage is bright green; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Kerria japonica "Pleniflora" Shrub; Wild Rose; China, Japan; 3m h; x 3m w; Deciduous. Suckering habit. Pompom- like bright yellow-orange flowers. Prune after flowering; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Drought Tolerant

Kleinia petrea Succulent; East Africa; 0.7m h; Prostrate spreading plant. Fleshy, green to grey leaves with purple mottling. Bright orange flowers; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Kniphofia "Winter Cheer" Perennial; Torch Lily; S.Africa; 1.5m h; x 1m w; (syn. K. zululandia) Large torches of orange-scarlet flowers, turning yellow. Arching, narrow, strap-like leaves; Flowers: Winter; Sun; Well-drained

Lasiopetalum baueri Shrub; Southern Australia; 0.7m h; x 1m w; Low shrub with grey-green narrow leaves. Flowers are pink, or sometimes white and hairy inside. Very hardy. Similar to Thomasia; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Lavandula pinnata Shrub; Lavender; Canary Islands; 0.7m h; Spreading, bushy; Grey-green leaves. Long unbranched stalks with fragrant flowers; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Well-drained

Lavandula x intermedia "Old Perennial; 0.9m h; Hardy evergreen plant with long spikes of pale, English" purple/blue flowers, and grey foliage; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Well-drained

Leionema "Green Screen" Shrub; South Eastern Australia; 2m h; x 2m w; (syn Phebalium) Rounded shrub with profuse small white flowers; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun/Semi- shade; Well-drained

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Genus/Species/Cultiva Notes Leionema lamprophyllum ssp. Shrub; South Eastern Australia; 1 - 2m h; x 1 - 2m w; (syn. Phebalium) lamprophyllum Variable, adaptable species of hardy hedgable shrub. Deep-green glossy leaves above. Flowers white to pale pink in bud, opening to white dense terminal clusters; Flowers: Spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Moist/Well-drained;

Leptospermum "Tasman" Shrub; Tea-Tree; S. Aust; 1m h; Large cream flowers with green/reddish centre. Not well known in cultivation. Low growing with bronze foliage; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Leucophyta brownii Shrub; Cushion Bush; Vic.SA,Tas.WA; 0.5 - 1m h; x 0.5 - 1.5m w; (syn. Calocephalus brownii). Dwarf coastal shrub with beautiful silver/white wiry foliage; small insignificant cream flowers. Tolerant of frosts, alkaline soil and extreme drought; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained

Lilium longiflorum x asiatic hybrid Bulb; 0.9 - 1.1m h; Cream developing to white with striking purple speckles "Eyeliner" and purple line around all petals. Unscented; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Moist/Well-drained

Lilium philippinense Bulb; Philippines; 0.9m h; Fragrant white trumpet flowers striped purple on outside; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Well-drained

Lilium regale Bulb; Regal Lily; Asia; 1m h; x 0.5m w; Scented trumpet shaped flowers white/cream inside and rose/purple outside in December. Stem rooting. Open position. One of most easily grown lilies; Flowers: Summer; Sun

Liriodendron tulipifera Tree; Tulip Tree; East North America; 50m h; x 8m w; Large oval shaped deciduous tree, with large, softly textured, glossy green leaves, and striking yellow-green, tulip shaped blooms; Flowers: Summer; Sun

Liriope muscari Perennial; Lily Turf; Japan, China; 0.6m h; x 0.5m w; Little mauve flowers in terminal spikes. Dense tufts strap-like dark green leaves. Part to deep shade, takes dryness; Flowers: Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Adaptable

Lomandra confertafolia Perennial; Eastern Australia; 0.7m h; Tufted plant , grown from seed, with ssp.rubiginosa crowded, bright green linear leaves. Reddish yellow flowers often hidden in foliage. Very hardy. Good for edging; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Sun/Semi- shade; Drought Tolerant

Loropetalum chinense Shrub; China, Burma, Japan; 3m h; x 3m w; Bushy habit with creamy-white spider-like flowers. New shoots are bright lime-green.Tough when established; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-drained; Acidic

Lotus berthelotii Perennial; Coral Gem/Parrot's Beak; Canary Islands; 0.3m h; Coral-red pea flowers. Soft, sprawling, hairy, silver branches & leaves. Suit warm coastal. Light soil. Frost tender. Good in basket; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Well-drained

Magnolia campbellii Tree; 18m h; Deciduous. Spectacular slightly fragrant pale to deep pink flowers. Dislikes lime; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Sun; Moist/Well-drained; Acidic

Manfreda longiflora Succulent; Mexico, Sth Texas; Dark green long straplike leaves with brown spots, minutely serrated. White flowers 30-100 cm; Sun; Well-drained; Adaptable; Drought Tolerant

Melastoma malabathricum Shrub; Indian Rhododendron; India &South East Asia; 1.8 - 2.5m h; x 2m w; Evergreen. Deep violet to pink flowers,1-5 in a corymb from spring to autumn. Rich soil. Protected position. Drought tender; Sun/Semi-shade; Moist/Well-drained; Frost Tender

Metrosideros operculata Shrub; New Caledonia; 3m h; Evergreen. Fragrant flowers with cream stamens; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Moist/Well-drained

Michelia figo Shrub; Port Wine Magnolia; W. China; 3m h; x 3m w; Ivory flowers tinged purple. Banana scented. Glossy green leaves. Protected position. Can be pruned hard; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-drained

Microsorum pustulatum Fern; Kangaroo fern; Eastern Australia; Climbing fern with both simple and lobed leaves.Grows on tree trunks or rocks in shady damp places. Good in baskets; Shade; Moist

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Genus/Species/Cultiva Notes Myoporum bateae Shrub; Central Eastern Australia; 2 - 3m h; x 1 - 2m w; This fast growing plant has pink flowers from Oct-January. Needs pruning to keep shapely. Hardy to moderate frosts; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Shade; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Myoporum floribundum Shrub; Slender Myoporum; NSW,Vic.; 1.5 - 2m h; x 2.5m w; Evergreen. Profuse small fragrant white flowers. Ornamental weeping foliage. Frost tolerant; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained; Drought

Narcissus "Jet Fire" Bulb; Daffodil; 0.2m h; Fragrant, strong yellow petals with bright orange trumpets. Very hardy and a good cut flower; Flowers: Spring; Sun/Semi- shade; Well-drained

Narcissus "Minnow" Bulb; 0.18m h; Charming variety producing up to 5 small creamy and pale yellow trumpets per stem; mid season. Plant bulbs at one and half times their own depth in sun or partial shade; Sun; Well-drained

Narcissus cantabricus Bulb; S.Spain, N. Africa.; 0.2m h; Hoop Petticoat-like funnel-shaped white or pale lemon flowers. Thin green leaves. Very early; Flowers: Winter; Sun

Narcissus poeticus var.recurvus Bulb; 0.35m h; x 0.1m w; Fragrant white flowers with a red-rimmed yellow cup. Very hardy and a good cut flower; Flowers: Spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

Nematolepis phebalioides Shrub; Western Australia; 1m h; Low spreading shrub. Leaves are shiny green on top surface. Correa like flowers, bellshaped red with yellow tips. Suitable potted plant; Flowers: Spring; Semi Shade; Well-drained

Neoregelia "Scarlet Charlotte" Bromeliad; S.America; Stunning hybrid; perfectly rounded rosettes of glossy light green leaves. Nearly the entire plant turns scarlet pink at flowering. Ideal indoors or for intense colour in light shade.; Semi Shade; Well- drained; Frost Tender

Nidularium fulgens Bromeliad; Brazil; Leaves in flat rosettes, the innermost brilliantly coloured; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Semi Shade; Moist

Nidularium procerum Bromeliad; Brazil; Stemless epiphyte. Finely toothed, pale, waxy green fleshy leaves in erect rosettes, tinted copper to strong red. Large leaf sheaths, form a funnel shaped vase. Cold hardy; Semi Shade; Well-drained

Olearia tomentosa Shrub; Toothed Daisy Bush; S. E. Australia; 1 - 2m h; x 1 - 2m w; Small to medium variable shub with hairy young growth; branches spreading to erect, with ovate leaves, dark green and shiny above. Daisy-like white to blue flowerheads on stalks, in loose terminal clusters; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-

Olearia viscosa Shrub; S. E. Australia; 1 - 2m h; Medium sized shrub with thin silver-white leaves and creamy-white flowers, in irregular panicles; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Well-drained

Ophiopogon intermedius Perennial; China; 0.4m h; x 0.4m w; Grown largely for its dense tufts of "Argenteomarginatus" grass-like white edged leaves. Racemes of small white flowers grow on leafless stems; Flowers: Summer; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-drained; Acidic

Ophiopogon japonicus "Nanus" Perennial; Dwarf Mondo; China, Japan; 0.1m h; x 0.1m w; Dwarf form. Shiny dark green mounds of grass. Decorative, particularly as border in heavily shaded areas.; Drought Tolerant

Origanum "Kent Beauty" Perennial; 0.15 - 0.2m h; x 0.3m w; Prostrate form. Small pink to mauve flowers and attractive pink bracts. Suitable for wall or ledge; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Well-drained; Alkaline; Drought Tolerant

Origanum laevigatum "Hopleys" Perennial; Turkey, Greece; 0.75m h; Forms a mat of evergreen leaves from which stems of large, strong pink flowers with large bracts appear from midsummer to winter; Sun; Drought Tolerant

Origanum vulgare Herb; Oregano; Europe; Variable, bushy, woody-based upright to spreading perennial. Purple-brown stems, purple-pink flowers appearing in loose panicles; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Well-drained; Alkaline

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Genus/Species/Cultiva Notes Origanum vulgare "Thumbles Gold” Herb; 0.3m h; x 0.6m w; Ornamental origanum with large clusters of white flowers, over a bushy mound of chartreuse-yellow fragrant leaves; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Moist/Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Orthrosanthus multiflorus Perennial; South Western Australia; Iris-like plant with flat leaves to 40cm long. Spikes of small, light blue flowers, with dark mid-veins, on stems a little longer than the leaves; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained

Osmanthus delavayi Shrub; Yunnan; 2.5m h; x 3m w; Finely toothed shrub with leathery dark - green leaves. Masses of small, sweetly scented white flowers. Good for hedging.; Flowers: Spring; Sun/Semi-shade

Osmanthus fragrans Shrub; Fragrant Olive; Sweet Tea; China, Japan; 6m h; x 4m w; Vigorous, upright habit. Strongly scented tubular white flowers followed by ovoid blue/black fruit. Ideal hedge, screen or tub plant; Flowers: Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

Ozothamnus argophyllus Shrub; Spicy Everlasting; Eastern N S W; 2.5m h; Aromatic shrub leaves green on upper surface and white-felty beneath. Flower heads of creamy white daisy-like florets, at the ends of branches; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Moist/Well-drained

Ozothamnus rogersianum Shrub; Western Australia; Small heath like leaved evergreen shrub; Sun; Well-drained

Pachyphytum compactum Succulent; Mexico; 0.3m h; x 0.15m w; A rosette forming,ground hugging species with thick rounded heavily veined triangular, white leaves, tipped with deep purple. Pale-yellow-pink-green flowers. Rare and exotic plant. Good indoors; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

Pachyphytum oviferum Succulent; Sugar Almond Plant; Mexico; 0.1m h; x 0.3m w; Powdery pinkish rosettes of leaves resembling sugar almonds or large grapes. Short clumping stems have dense white coating. Carmine flowers; Sun; Well-

Parolinia ornata Shrub; Canary Islands; 1m h; x 0.7m w; Fine silver-grey foliage. Dainty mauve/white flowers; Flowers: Autumn/Winter; Sun; Well-drained

Pelargonium "Blakesdorf" Perennial; 0.3m h; Zonal, dwarf form. Single orange-red flowers. Greyish green leaves, edged brown, turn red in winter; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Drought Tolerant; Frost Tender

Pelargonium "Candy Dancer" Herb; 0.6m h; Light mauve-pink flowers. Rose-petal scented deeply cut small leaves. Prune early autumn or early spring; Sun; Well-drained; Neutral

Pelargonium crispum Herb; Lemon Geranium; S. Africa; 0.6m h; Stiffly, upright shrub. Lemon scented, rough, crinkled leaves. Pink flowers; Sun; Well-drained; Neutral;

Pelargonium crispum”Variegatum” Herb; Lemon Geranium; S.Africa; 0.6m h; Stiffly upright subshrub. Lemon scented, rough, crinkled, cream edged leaves. Pink flowers. Suitable for training as a standard; Sun; Well-drained; Neutral

Pelargonium denticulatum Perennial; Fern Leaf Geranium; S.Africa; 0.8m h; Pungent, delicate fern-like "Filicifolium" foliage .Clusters of lilac pink small flowers. Prune early autumn or early spring; Sun; Well-drained; Neutral; Drought Tolerant

Pelargonium echinatum Perennial; Cactus Geranium; W.S.Africa; 0.5m h; Summer/autumn deciduous. Tuberous roots; flowers white with dark red blotches on 2 upper petals. Keep dry when dormant; Flowers: Spring; Well-drained; Drought

Pelargonium x fragrans Perennial; Smal scented leaves and small white flowers. Useful garden edge or trailing plant. Prune early autumn or early spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-

Penstemon "Alice Hindley" Perennial; North and Central USA; 0.9m h; x 0.5m w; Stems of pale lilac- blue tubular bells, white inside, tinged mauve-pink outside.; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun; Moist/Well-drained

Penstemon "Bells Red" Perennial; South America; 0.6m h; x 0.6m w; Long blooming deep scarlet red flowers with white stripes inside funnel shaped heads; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Well-drained

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Genus/Species/Cultiva Notes Penstemon "Countess of Dalkeith” Perennial; 0.45 - 0.75m h; x 0.45 - 0.6m w; A plant with panicles of large purple foxglove like flowers having spotted white throats; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Penstemon "Garnet" Perennial; N.America, Mexico; Superb tubular, bell-shaped garnet red small flowers. Vigorous, bushy habit; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun; Well-

Penstemon "Hidcote" Perennial; Beard Tongue; North America; 0.6 - 0.9m h; x 0.6 - 0.9m w; Profuse narrower pink flowers with a hint of salmon colouring; Flowers: Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained; Adaptable

Penstemon "Midnight" Perennial; 0.9m h; x 0.5m w; Stunning cultivar with deeply coloured flowers showing shades of dark purple; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun; Well- drained; Drought Tolerant

Penstemon "Sour Grapes" Perennial; USA; 0.7m h; x 0.6m w; Flowers are a blend of pale purple, green & blue, spring-autumn. Prune old growth in early spring. Cool climate; Sun; Well-drained

Penstemon "Swan Lake" Perennial; 0.7m h; x 0.7m w; Large, showy pearly white flowers from late Spring to early Winter; reasonably drought tolerant; Sun; Well-drained

Penstemon "Willy's Purple" Perennial; 1.5m h; x 1m w; Wonderful tall plant for borders, with rich purple bell flowers on tall stems; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun; Moist/Well-

Penstemon grandiflorus Perennial; N.Dakota to Wyoming, Texas; 1m h; Flowers pink to lavender- blue; Flowers: Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Moist/Well-drained

Penstemon heterophyllus Perennial; Violet Penstemon; California; 0.6m h; x 0.3m w; Evergreen; pinkish/blue flowers, spring-autumn. Open position; long lived; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun; Well-drained; Adaptable

Penstemon lyallii Perennial; 0.5m h; Long narrow willowlike leaves, spectacular lavender flowers; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

Petrea volubilis Climber; Queen's Wreath; Tropical America; 12m h; Amethyst to deep mauve flowers with lilac calyx lobes. Spectacular cascade of flowers for climbing up a tree or along a fence. Rough leaves. Requires warm conditions; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Moist/Well-drained

Phalaenopsis x hybrida (pink) Orchid; Moth Orchid; Indoor plant. No direct sunlight. Well lit room. Keep

Phalaenopsis x hybrida (purple) Orchid; Moth Orchid; Indoor plant. No direct sun. Well lit room. Keep moist.

Phalaenopsis x hybrida (white) Orchid; Moth Orchid; Indoor plant. No direct sun. Well lit room. Keep moist.

Phalaenopsis x hybrida (yellow) Orchid; Moth Orchid; Indoor plant. No direct sunlight. Well lit room. Keep

Phaseolus caracalla Climber; Snail Creeper; India; 5m h; Deciduous vine. Very fragrant, purple/white/cream flowers, coiled like snails. Heart shaped leaves; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun/Semi-shade

Phebalium squamulosum Shrub; Eastern Australia; 1 - 3m h; x 0.6 - 2m w; Profuse yellow flowers. Frost hardy; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Semi Shade; Well-drained; Acidic; Drought Tolerant

Philadelphus "Natchez" Shrub; Mock Orange; N. America, Asia, Sthn Europe; 2.4 - 3m h; x 2.4 - 3m w; Scented white flowers on long stalks. Need to cut back after flowering.; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun

Philadelphus coronarius Shrub; Mock Orange; Tropical Americas; 3m h; x 3m w; Erect rounded shrub. It has toothed oval bright green leaves and terminal sprays of fragrant cream flowers. Needs sheltered position; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Moist/Well-drained

Philadelphus lewisii Shrub; NW America; 3m h; x 2m w; Profuse, lightly fragrant, pure white flowers either solitary or clustered. Adaptable but prefers protected semi- shade; Flowers: Summer

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Genus/Species/Cultiva Notes Phlomis anatolica "Lloyds Variety" Perennial; Jerusalem Sage; 0.6m h; Aromatic perennial herb with grey leaves and yellow flowers; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Moist/Well-drained;

Phlomis fruticosa Perennial; Jerusalem Sage; Mediterranean; 2m h; x 1.5m w; Evergreen, spreading habit. Whorls of soft yellow hooded flowers; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Phlomis purpurea Perennial; 1m h; x 0.5m w; Unusual mauve flowering variety; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-drained; Adaptable

Phormium cookianum Perennial; Mountain Flax; NZ; 1.5m h; x 1.5m w; Clump of arching strap- like leaves. A tough plant but does not tolerate wet feet. Frost tolerant; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Phormium tenax "Variegatum" Perennial; New Zealand Flax; NZ; Creamy yellow and white stripes on green leaves; Sun; Well-drained

Phygelius aequalis "Pink Puff" Perennial; 0.8m h; x 0.8m w; Shrubby plant. Long pink apricot tubes, thick along upright stems. Trim in winter; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun; Well- drained; Drought Tolerant

Phygelius aequalis "Yellow Perennial; S.Africa; 1m h; Shrubby evergreen perennial with dense bushy Trumpet" habit. Pale green leaves. Sprays soft yellow tubular flowers over long period. Suckering habit; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun

Phygelius x rectus "African Queen” Perennial; Cape Figwort; Upright, dark green leaves. Tubular flowers, upturned at mouth, pale red, lobes orange-red. Frost hardy; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun/Semi-shade; Drought Tolerant

Phygelius x rectus "Devil's Tears" Perennial; 1m h; x 1m w; Pendent, deep red-pink flowers turning back towards the stem with orange-red lobes and yellow throats. Upright suckering plant with dark green leaves.; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun; Well-drained

Phymosia umbellata Shrub; Mexico; 6m h; x 3m w; Evergreen. Large, crimson cup-shaped flowers.; Flowers: Winter; Sun

Pleione formosana Orchid; Himalayan Orchid; E. China; Stunning mauve petals, frilled white & yellow trumpet. Keep moist in summer; dry in winter. A delicate, stunning species for collectors; Flowers: Spring; Semi Shade; Well-drained

Poa labillardieri Perennial; Common Tussock Grass; Eastern Australia; 0.5 - 1.3m h; x 0.5 - 1.5m w; Appealing and variable species of tufted grass with channelled leaves, usually green, rarely greyish-green, rough, softly pointed, more or less erect. Rejuvenated by shearing to just above ground in late winter/ early spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Moist; Acidic

Polygonatum falcatum Bulb; Solomon's Seal; Japan, Korea; 0.5m h; Graceful arching branches of bell-shaped green-tipped cream flowers hanging beneath the leaves.. Berries follow; Flowers: Spring; Semi Shade; Well-drained

Pomaderris lanigera Shrub; Eastern Australia; 0.5 - 3m h; x 0.5 - 3m w; Medium shrub with woolly yellow flowers. Host larval food plant for Hypochrysops byzos hecalius( Yellow Jewel butterfly). Responds well to pruning after flowering; Flowers: Spring; Semi Shade; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Pomaderris subplicata Shrub; NE Vic.; 1 - 2m h; x 1 - 2m w; Listed as vulnerable, species with profuse conspicuous pale yellow flowers. Likes acid soil and tolerates some dry periods; frost tolerant; Flowers: Spring; Semi Shade; Acidic; Drought

Portulacaria afra Succulent; Common Jade; Southern Africa; 1m h; x 1m w; Small rounded succulent shrub with thick grey -barked stems, twig- like projecting branches. Glossy green leaves .Flowers are an inconspicuous pale pink. Prune to shape to a hedge; Flowers: Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained; Acidic; Drought Tolerant; Frost Tender

Portulacaria afra "Variegata" Succulent; Elephant Bush; S. Africa; 3m h; Evergreen. Reddish purple branches. Green leaves, edged cream. Clusters of tiny pale-pink flowers.; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Sun; Dry; Drought Tolerant; Frost Tender

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Genus/Species/Cultiva Notes Prostanthera cuneata Shrub; Alpine Mint Bush; Southern Eastern Australia; 0.5 - 1.5m h; x 1 - 2m w; Conspicuous, fragrant, profuse flowers - white with violet or red blotches, November-April. Likes summer water; prune after flowering. Frost and snow hardy; Flowers: Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

Prostanthera incana Shrub; Velvet Mint Bush; NSW; 1.5m h; Erect or spreading shrub, with hairy scalloped leaves and mauve flowers in terminal spikes; Flowers: Spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

Prostanthera walteri Shrub; Blotchy Mint Bush; NSW, VIC.; 1m h; x 1m w; Rounded shrub bearing greenish tubular flowers, with purple streaks.Prune after flowering. Mainly of interest to the collector; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Well-drained;

Pullea stutzeri Tree; Pink Alder; Northern East Australia; 5m h; x 2m w; Clusters of small, pale flower balls. Attractive foliage with brilliant red young growth. Well composted loam. Tolerates moderate frosts; Flowers: Spring; Shade; Well-

Punica granatum "Nana" Shrub; Dwarf Pomegranate; E. Mediterranean to Himalayas; 1m h; x 1m w; Deciduous. Orange-red flowers; crops of miniature pomegranate fruit. Requires long hot summer for successful fruiting. Excellent small hedge or shrub specimen; Flowers: Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

Quercus alnifolia Tree; Golden Oak; Cyprus; 10m h; Evergreen oak, with simple, shiny, dark green leaves above and golden beneath,and serrated edges. Male flowers are greenish-yellow, forming pendulous clusters at the tips of branches; Sun; Moist/Well-drained

Quercus canariensis Tree; Algerian Oak; Iberian Peninsula; 40m h; Thick, rugged, black bark. Deciduous. Shallowly lobed rich green leaves turning yellow-brown in Autumn. Hardy, and likes heavy soils and is quite fast growing; Sun;

Quercus hispanica Tree; 20m h; x 13m w; A hybrid species of garden origin. Deciduous and able to be grown in a variety of soil types; Sun/Semi-shade; Moist

Quercus pacifica Tree; Island Scrub Oak; Channel Islands of California; 5m h; Small tree, with oval leaves edged with pointed teeth, shiny upper surfaces and waxy, hairy undersides; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Quesnelia arvensis Bromeliad; Brazil; 0.6m h; x 0.3m w; Stiff spiky dark green leaves lightly banded with silver. Deep pink flower heads putting out numerous violet petals.; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Semi Shade; Dry; Frost Tender

Rehmannia elata Perennial; Chinese Foxglove; China, Japan; 1m h; x 1m w; Deep pink spotted foxglove-like flowers. Rich soil. Protected position. Drought tender. Long flower season; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Shade; Moist/Well-drained

Reineckea carnea Perennial; China, Japan; 0.2m h; x 0.3m w; Prostrate, clump forming dark glossy green strap leaves. Flowers fragrant, very like Muscari, pale to fleshy pink. Fruit scarlet berry. Excellent under deciduous trees; Flowers: Summer; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-drained

Rhodanthe chlorocephala ssp.rosea Annual; Pink Everlasting Daisy; S W Western Australia; 0.5m h; (Syn. Helipterum roseum) Deep pink daisy flowers, with yellow or black centres, on single stems. Grown from seed, often self-germinating. Good for mass plantings and pots; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Sun; Well-drained

Rhodanthemum "Springmount" Perennial; 0.3m h; x 0.3m w; Rewarding plant for dry climate gardens: very pale pink daisy flowers from early spring to winter.; Sun; Well-drained

Rhodanthemum catananche "Tizi- Perennial; Morocco; Beautiful little plant from the High Atlas Mountains. n-Test" Tough and long flowering. Large well formed white daisies red-tinged at the base of the petals. Flowers are 10 cm above low evergreen domes of silver-grey dissected foliage; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained;

Rhododendron luteum Shrub; Yellow Azalea; S E Europe and S W Asia; 3m h; Deciduous shrub with bright yellow strongly perfumed flowers, in trusses of 5-25. Beautiful autumn foliage; Flowers: Spring; Semi Shade; Well-drained

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Genus/Species/Cultiva Notes Rhododendron (Azalea) luteum Shrub; 1.5 - 2.5m h; Deciduous; open habit. Bold, heavily fragrant, funnel- shaped yellow blooms. Rich, colourful autumn foliage; Flowers: Spring; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-drained; Acidic

Rhododendron (vireya) "Bonza" Shrub; 1.5m h; Bushy shrub with lovely bronze foliage on new growth. Bright ruby red flowers; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-

Rhododendron (vireya) "Charming Shrub; 0.5m h; Rich pink medium size flowers, up to 6 flared bells per Valentino" umbel. Light green leaves. Compact shrub to less than 1 metre; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-drained

Rhododendron (vireya) "Chayya" Shrub; 1m h; x 0.33m w; (R.vireya 'Pink Delight' x R.vireya intranervum F2) Striking large soft pink flowers with flared outer tips. 4 per umbel; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Semi Shade; Well-drained

Rhododendron (vireya) "Golden Shrub; 0.75m h; (R. magregoriae x R.'Princess Alexandra') Large trusses of Charm" apricot and gold flowers. Glossy leaves tinged bronze, stems tinged brown; Semi Shade; Well-drained

Rhododendron (vireya) "Great Shrub; Tall variety. Trusses of 6-10 large fragrant dark pink flowers; Semi Scent-sation" Shade; Well-drained

Rhododendron (vireya) "Pindi Shrub; (R. laetum x konori var. phaeopeplum) Soft pinky-apricot flowers Peach" shading to pink at edges.; Semi Shade; Well-drained

Rhododendron (vireya) "Pink Shrub; Compact bush. Medium sized rich pink flowers. Good plant for Delight" beginner; Semi Shade; Well-drained

Rhododendron (vireya) "Popcorn" Shrub; 1m h; x 0.75m w; Soft off-white flowers on lime green petioles, up to 11 per truss, in numerous compact clusters. Bright light green smallish leaves.; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-drained

Rhododendron (vireya) "Robert Shrub; 1.5m h; Medium sized dusty orange blooms in 5-7 truss; Sun/Semi- Withers" shade; Well-drained

Rhododendron (vireya) "Sunny" Shrub; Cheerful yellow mid-sized flowers; Sun/Semi-shade; Moist/Well-

Rhododendron (vireya) Shrub; PNG; 2m h; Species vireya. Large bright yellow, sometimes orange aurigeranum funnel-shaped flowers in loose trusses, appearing at all times of year. Leaves waxy green; Semi Shade; Well-drained

Rhododendron (vireya) Shrub; Papua New Guinea; Species vireya. Flowers vary from tubular, beyerinckianum funnel-shaped dark red, white, yellow, greenish or pink; Semi Shade; Well-

Rhododendron (vireya) christi Shrub; Medum sized shrub; mid green elongated leaves, bronze new hybrid foliage. Striking flowers have red lips and yellowish green tubes, midsize, 5- 6 flowers per stem; Flowers: Summer; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-drained

Rhododendron (vireya) laetum Shrub; New Guinea; 1 - 2m h; x 1.2m w; Large, broadly funnel-shaped flowers of brilliant glowing yellow in trusses of 6-8, sometimes more than once a year. Best of all yellow flowering vireyas; Sun; Well-drained

Rhododendron (vireya) laetum Shrub; 1.5m h; Large funnel shaped flowers of yellow with intense darker hybrid tips, in trusses of 6-8. May flower more than once a year; Flowers: Autumn; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-drained

Rhododendron (vireya) Shrub; New Guinea; 5m h; Species vireya. Clusters of 15 variably yellow, macgregoriae orange, pink or red stunning upright flowers. Named after Lady MacGregor whose husband backed expedition to find it; Semi Shade; Well-drained

Rhododendron (vireya) Shrub; 2m h; x 1m w; Dense shrub with dark green leaves.Flowers are rhodoleucum hybrid curved tubular, pale pink fading to white lobes.; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Semi Shade; Well-drained

Rhododendron (vireya) viriosum Shrub; Australia; 1.5m h; Bright red waxy mid-size bells approximately 6 per truss. Rich green foliage. Lovely Australian native shrub (previously called Rh (v) lochiae); Flowers: Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

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Genus/Species/Cultiva Notes Rhododendron (vireya) viriosum Shrub; Australia; Mid-sized shrub with mid-green leaves and trusses of small hybrid brick-red flowers with burgundy stems (previously called Rh (v) lochiae hybrid); Sun; Well-drained

Rondeletia amoena Shrub; Mexico; 3m h; x 2.5m w; Evergreen. Dense clusters of tubular salmon-pink fragrant flowers. Handsome leathery leaves, bronze when young. Warm protected position; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained

Rosmarinus officinalis Herb; Rosemary; Mediterranean; 1m h; Evergreen short spiky aromatic leaves. Small purple-blue to blue flowers. Used as culinary herb. Prune in spring; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained

Rosmarinus officinalis "Albus" Herb; South Europe and North Africa; 0.4m h; Aromatic evergreen shrub, with linear leaves and white flowers in whorled short racemes; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained

Rosmarinus officinalis "Blue Herb; Rosemary; Mediterranean; 0.4m h; Semi prostrate form of the culinary Lagoon" herb. Blue-mauve flowers; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Dry

Rosmarinus officinalis "Mozart" Herb; 1m h; x 1.5m w; Tough aromatic herb with unusually dark blue flowers; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained; Drought

Rosmarinus officinalis "Nana" Herb; Mediterranian; 0.5m h; Evergreen aromatic leaves. Very pale blue flowers. Prune in spring.; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained;

Rosmarinus officinalis "Rosea" Herb; 1m h; x 1m w; Evergreen shrub with dusty pale pink flowers and aromatic foliage. Good for culinary use and for hedging; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained

Rotheca myricoides "Ugandense" Shrub; E.Africa; 3m h; x 3m w; (syn. Clerodendrum ugandense) Deciduous, open arching bush. Clear milky blue flowers with curved blue anthers in spring/autumn. Good medium sized shrub; prune lightly after flowering; Sun; Frost Tender

Ruta graveolens "Jackman's Blue” Herb; Common Rue; Southern Europe; 0.5m h; x 0.5m w; Pungent perennial shrub with attractive blue/ grey leaves, and small greenish yellow flowers. Cut back after flowering. Drought tolerant but less than Ruta graveolens; Flowers: Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Moist/Well-drained; Drought

Salvia "African Sky" Perennial; 0.9m h; x 0.9m w; Rugose leaved with mid dusty-blue flowers over a long period. Extremely hardy to heat and dry. Tolerates light frost. Adaptable to most soils.; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Well- drained; Drought Tolerant

Salvia "Hotlips" Perennial; Mexico; 0.8m h; x 0.8m w; Sprays of bicoloured white and red flowers, sometimes all red or all white.; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Salvia "Lime Bracts" Perennial; Sage; Mexico; 1.5m h; x 1.5m w; Most spectacular of the Mexicanas with lime calyx and purple-blue corolla. Grey green finely hairy leaves. Mulch to keep roots cool.; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun; Well-

Salvia "Marine Blue" Perennial; 0.8m h; x 0.8m w; Australian bred. Seedling variant of S.' Indigo Blue',bred by Sue Templeton approx 1993. Green-grey foliage, deep blue flowers most of the year; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Salvia "Phyllis Fancy" Perennial; Santa Cruz Arboretum, California; Named for Phyllis Noris; Dramatic garden specimen shaped like a barrel-chested man with tiny feet. Long purple spikes of light lavender flowers, each held in a bicolor calyx, purple on top and green on the bottom. Larger and hardier than S. 'Waverly'; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Salvia chamaedryoides Perennial; Sage; Texas/Mexico; 0.6m h; x 0.6m w; Violet-blue flowers; low growing; suitable for rockery or front border. Soft grey foliage. Tolerates light frost. Prune after flowering. Neutral to alkaline soils; Flowers: Summer; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

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Genus/Species/Cultiva Notes Salvia discolor Perennial; Andean Sage; Peru; 0.5 - 1m h; x 1m w; Purple/black flowers in green calyx. Underside of leaves and stems are silver. Neutral to alkaline soils; Semi Shade; Well-drained; Frost Tender

Salvia elegans "Honey Melon" Herb; Pineapple Sage; Central Mexico; 1 - 1.4m h; x 0.9m w; Bright red flowers autumn-spring. Pineapple scented leaves. Ideal hedging plant for cool, moist area. Neutral to alkaline soils; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

Salvia greggii "Alba" Perennial; White Texas Sage; SW U.S.A.; 0.5 - 1m h; x 0.5 - 1m w; Upright stemmed plant, slightly woody at the base. Fresh oval green leaves and pure white tubular flowers. Tolerates light frosts; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Salvia greggii "Desert Blaze" Perennial; Variegated Autumn Sage; Texas; 0.6m h; Low twiggy plant with bright red flowers and small oval green and white leaves. Good container plant; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Well-drained

Salvia greggii "Sensation" Perennial; Texas. Mexico; 0.3 - 0.5m h; Soft apricot flowers almost cover the shiny green leaves. Low edging plant, good for a dry border; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Salvia involucrata "Pink Icicles" Perennial; 1.2 - 2.5m h; x 1m w; Soft pink delicate flowers. Cut back in late winter; Flowers: Autumn/Winter; Sun; Moist/Well-drained

Salvia involucrata "Romantic Rose” Perennial; 1.5 - 2.2m h; x 1.8 - 2m w; [syn. Salvia involucrata x karwinskii] Tall, loose shrubby perennial, ideal as a screening plant. Fragrant, wide tubular flowers, bright cerise to rose on densely packed stems. Withstands heat, some dryness. Prune spent stems to prolong flowering.; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

Salvia involucrata "Timboon" Perennial; Mexico; 1.5 - 2m h; x 1.5 - 2m w; Burgundy- red heavy flowers; Flowers: Winter; Sun; Well-drained

Salvia iodantha Perennial; Central Mexico; 3 - 4m h; x 1 - 2m w; Robust form. Sprays of cerise flowers. Protected position, Ideally needs support from large shrub or tree. Neutral to alkaline soils; Flowers: Winter; Sun/Semi-shade; Well- drained; Frost Tender

Salvia karwinskii Perennial; 4m h; x 1.5m w; Coral-pink terminal flowers on soft velvet canes. Well drained to dry soil. Suitable for shrubbery background; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Semi Shade; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant; Frost Tender

Salvia mexicana "Costa Rica Blue” Perennial; Mexican Sage; Mexico; 1 - 3m h; x 1 - 1.3m w; Shrub. Blue to violet or purple flowers. Prune in Spring; Flowers: Winter; Sun; Well-drained; Frost Tender

Salvia microphylla "Huntingdon Perennial; Sage; 0.9m h; x 0.9m w; Shrubby perennial. Brilliant scarlet red Red" flowers. Remarkable mahogany stems, striped greyish white. Neutral to alkaline soils; Sun; Well-drained

Salvia muirii Perennial; S.Africa; 0.75m h; x 0.75m w; Small twiggy evergreen. Leathery grey/green leaves. Blue flowers with white markings on lower lip. Flowers most of the year. Prefers sandy soils.; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Salvia nemorosa "Ostfriesland" Perennial; Sage; Germany; 0.5m h; x 0.4m w; A stunning low growing clumping plant with fragrant leaves and dozens of spikes of glowing rich deep violet flowers. Cut plant to the ground after about 10 weeks to promote a second flowering from late Summer until Winter; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Salvia officinalis "Berggarten" Herb; Sage; 0.6m h; x 0.75m w; Broad and low, leaves very wide, blue flowers. Neutral to alkaline soils; Sun; Well-drained

Salvia officinalis "Purpurascens" Herb; Purple Sage; Mediterranean; 0.7m h; x 0.5m w; Purplish green aromatic wrinkled leaves. Alkaline or limestone soils. Open position; Sun;

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Genus/Species/Cultiva Notes Salvia sprucei Perennial; Ecuador; 1.8m h; x 1.5m w; Tall, open shrubby plant. Flowers are bright magenta, with a touch of white at the throat. Likes cool roots, out ot wind. Good for back of border; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Sun/Semi-shade;

Santolina chamaecyparissus Perennial; Dwarf Lavender Cotton; 0.4m h; Dense dwarf bush of intensely "Nana" silvery white feathery leaves and yellow button flowers. Very hardy; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Santolina rosmarinifolia Perennial; S.Europe; 0.6m h; x 0.4m w; Aromatic, white felted, fine foliage. Yellow button flowers. Good as low hedge. Light soil; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Sarracenia purpurea Perennial; Huntsman's Cup; Common Pitcher Plant; Louisiana; 0.3m h; x 0.3m w; Green pitchers tinged purple-red. Purple flowers, spring. Shade with good light. Peat moss useful in order to keep very wet.. Do not feed; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Frost Tender

Satureja montana Herb; Winter Savory; S. Europe; 0.3 - 0.4m h; x 0.2m w; Semi-evergreen. Upright perennial herb. Aromatic leaves. Lavender flowers; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Adaptable; Drought Tolerant

Satureja rupestris Herb; Savoury of Crete; 0.3m h; Grey-leaved savoury; pink flowers; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Sedeveria "Darley Dale" Succulent; Rosette form with 30-40 narrow, mid-green leaves. Produces offsets readily; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Sedeveria "Maialen" Succulent; Hybrid plant Sedum x Echeveria. Waxy tender-green crested leaves; Sun; Well-drained

Sedum "Bertram Anderson" Succulent; Herbaceous low grower with small round blue grey to purple leaves and deep pink flowers; Flowers: Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-

Sedum burrito Succulent; Pastel green tightly packed bunches of almost spherical leaves in pendants, drooping like donkey tails; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

Sedum clavatum Succulent; Stonecrop; Stout, long, bare creeping stems terminate in blue- green rosette of succulent leaves. Clusters of small star white flowers; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained; Adaptable; Drought Tolerant

Sedum dasyphyllum Succulent; Thick-leaved Stonecrop; Europe, N.Africa; Ground cover. Very tiny clusters of leaves; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Well-drained; Drought

Sedum makinoi "'Variegatum'" Succulent; 0.2m h; Mat forming perennial, creeping and rooting. Leaves are 5 -7 mm spathulate form, stems are multi-branched. Interesting variegated form; Semi Shade; Dry

Sedum nussbaumerianum Succulent; Golden Sedum; Mexico; Gold leaves may be rust tipped. White flowers; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Sedum pachyphyllum Succulent; Mexico; Cylindrical blue-green leaves, may be red tipped in cold weather. Yellow flowers; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-drained; Drought

Sedum rubrotinctum Succulent; Mexico; Leaves elliptic. Yellow star-shaped flowers, often suffused, red and crowded; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-drained

Sedum rubrotinctum "Aurora" Succulent; Mexico; 0.3m h; x 0.2m w; Pink leafed form. Loose many- flowered cymes of star-shaped pale yellow flowers. Good sharp drainage; Flowers: Winter; Sun; Well-drained; Lime Loving; Drought Tolerant; Frost

Sedum ruprechtii (Beth Chatto's Succulent; 0.6m h; x 0.6m w; Produces 60cm tall stems clothed in blue Form) waxy leaves with a soft purplish blush. The large heads of creamy lemon flower heads produced in late summer turn to burnt orange during autumn; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun; Drought Tolerant

Sedum sieboldii Succulent; Blue-leaved species with spreading habit. Ideal for pots. Develops pink margins with shallow scallops on leaves. Pink star flowers; Flowers: Autumn; Sun; Well-drained

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Genus/Species/Cultiva Notes Sedum spectabile "Variegatum" Succulent; Showy Sedum; Asia; 0.6m h; Succulent green and cream glaucous leaves. Pink flowers. Herbaceous; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Adaptable; Drought Tolerant

Sedum spurium Succulent; Flat rosettes, fleshy, silver-green leaves, sometimes suffused pink. Clusters of tiny flowers; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Sedum stahlii Succulent; 0.15 - 0.3m h; Bright yellow bulbous foliage and blooms,; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Sedum treleasei Succulent; 0.3m h; x 0.3m w; Erect stems 20-30 cm long uniformly covered with blue/green almost spherical leaves flushed with pink. Bright yellow flowers. Excellent for containers; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Sempervivum "Kramers Spinrad" Succulent; Europe, West Asia and North Africa; Vigorous rosettes with outer leaves of red with green margins. Good in wide shallow container; Sun; Well-drained

Sempervivum "Raspberry Ice" Succulent; Small rosette; 50-70 leaves covered in fine down. Purple/brown underside, grey-green upper. Star flower. Plant dies after flowering; Sun; Well-drained; Adaptable; Drought Tolerant

Sempervivum arachnoideum Succulent; Cobweb Houseleek; Europe; Evergreen, matt-forming rosettes of hairy grey-green leaves. Small, star-shaped salmon-coloured flowers. Dislikes winter wet. Individual plants die after flowering and should be removed and replaced by offsets; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Sempervivum calcareum Succulent; Europe; Pale lime green rosettes with maroon tips. Individual plants die after flowering and should be removed and replaced with offsets; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Sempervivum tectorum (dark Succulent; Low growing symmetrical rosettes to 130 mm diameter. Bluish maroon) green leaves each tipped maroon. Single flower stalk, up to 300 mm tall, with deep pink star flowers. Individual plants die after flowering and should be removed and replaced with offsets; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained;

Senecio cineraria "Cirrus" Perennial; 0.7m h; x 0.9m w; Small evergreen shrub with silver white felted leaves. Small insignificant flowers. Good bedding plant; Sun; Drought

Senecio cineraria ssp cineraria Perennial; Mediterranean; Evergreen white woolly leaves. Small insignificant flowers. Excellent foliage plant; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Well-

Senecio haworthii Succulent; 0.25m h; x 0.25m w; Beautiful silver-white cylindrical leaves covered in a fine white powder. Flowers bright yellow. Ideal container plant; Flowers: Spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained; Adaptable; Drought

Senecio serpens (dwarf) Succulent; S. Africa; 0.1m h; x 0.1m w; Syn Kleinia repens. Low shrubby habit. Fleshy blue frosted shoots, grey leaves. Whitish yellow flower heads. Good groundcover,; Flowers: Summer; Sun

Senecio viravira Perennial; Argentina; 0.6m h; x 1m w; Deeply pinnate silvery white leaves. Small pale yellow flowers. Prune after flowering; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Senna aciphylla Perennial; Sprawling Cassia; NSW; Scraggly evergreen shrub. Yellow flowers and bean-like seed pods; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Moist/Well-drained

Senna artemisioides Shrub; Silver Cassia; Aust. (not Vic.); 2m h; x 1 - 2m w; (syn. Cassia artemisioides) Outstanding grey leaved ornamental plant, bearing yellow, bell-shaped flowers throughout the year. Hardy to frosts; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Spiraea blumei Shrub; Japan, Korea; 1.5m h; Semi-deciduous. Leaves pale blue-green veined underneath. Masses of white flowers; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Drought

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Genus/Species/Cultiva Notes Spiraea prunifolia "Plena" Shrub; Bridalwreath Spiraea; China; 1 - 2m h; Deciduous upright shrub, with double white or near white flowers, and glossy, dark green tooth edged leaves; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Moist

Sprekelia formosissima Bulb; Jacobean Lily/Aztec Lily; Mexico/Guatemala; 0.3m h; Unusual, deep crimson iridescent solitary flower on erect stem, blooms in November. Well composted soil; Sun; Well-drained; Adaptable; Drought Tolerant

Stenomesson variegatum Bulb; Ecuador, Peru; 0.5m h; Pendulous yellow bells banded green, with protruding stamens. Strap-like leaves appear after flowers. Warm position. Prefers drier soil during winter to promote flowering; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained

Streptocarpus caulescens Perennial; Tanzania, Kenya; 0.6m h; x 0.6m w; Fleshy perennial with soft hairy leaves, bearing tubular blue-mauve flowers throughout the year. Protected position. Good for hanging baskets and indoors; Flowers: Autumn/Winter; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-drained; Adaptable; Frost Tender

Streptocarpus hybrid (blue) Perennial; Cape Primrose; 0.2m h; x 0.2m w; Tubular blue flowers. Medium soil. Protected position. Drought tender; Flowers: Autumn; Semi Shade; Well-drained; Frost Tender

Streptocarpus hybrid (pink) Perennial; Cape Primrose; Sth. Africa; Ideal pot plant for indoors or outdoors. Repot annually. Flowers for months; Well-drained

Streptosolen jamesonii Shrub; Columbia; 2m h; x 1.2m w; Evergreen or semi-evergreen. Oval, finely corrugated leaves. Clusters of bright orange flowers; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Strobilanthes anisophylla Shrub; Tropical Asia; 0.9 - 1.5m h; Bronze green foliage with purplish white "Purpureus" flowers; Flowers: Spring; Semi Shade; Moist

Strobilanthes anisophyllus Shrub; Goldfussia; NE India; 1m h; x 1m w; Evergreen. Pale bluish mauve flowers. Deep purple narrow leaves. Rich moist soil. Drought tender; Sun/Semi-shade; Frost Tender

Syringa laciniata Shrub; Fern Leaf Lilac; Turkey; 2m h; x 3m w; Deep purple lilac flowers. Beautiful ferny foliage. Fertile alkaline soil; Sun; Well-drained

Syringa meyeri "Palibin" Shrub; Lilac; N. China; 1.5m h; x 1.5m w; Deciduous. Compact, slow growing. Dense panicles of purple buds fade to single rose-pink flowers on opening; Flowers: Spring/Summer

Syringa reflexa Shrub; Lilac; China; 1.5m h; x 1.5m w; Deciduous. Vigorous upright. Rich purple-pink flowers in slender nodding panicles. Fertile, alkaline soil; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained

Ternstroemia gymnanthera Tree; India to Japan; 3.5m h; Evergreen, glabrous small tree. Dark green leaves turn bronze in cold weather. White flowers, red fruit. Rarely cultivated in Australia; Flowers: Summer

Teucrium betonicum Shrub; Germander; Madeira; 0.9m h; Purple tubular flowers on erect spikes. Long woolly leaves; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained; Frost

Teucrium marum Perennial; Cat Thyme; Spain; 0.3m h; x 0.3m w; Rosy mauve flowers on one-sided spikes. Small scented grey foliage. Open position. Frost resistant. Favoured by cats; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained;

Thomasia brachystachys Shrub; W.A.; 1m h; Pale pink flowers with calyx divided in middle. Branched racemes; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun/Semi-shade; Well- drained; Adaptable; Drought Tolerant

Thymus "Doone Valley" Herb; 0.1m h; Mat-forming groundcover. Lemon scented, gold variegated foliage. Large heads of pale mauve flowers; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Well- drained; Drought Tolerant

Thymus "Westmoreland" Herb; Turkey Thyme; 0.25m h; An Edna Walling favourite. Vigorous. Very fragrant green leaves. Lavender-pink flowers; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-

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Genus/Species/Cultiva Notes Thymus pseudolanuginosa Herb; Woolly Thyme; Unknown origin; 1m w; (syn.T.lanuginosus, T.serphyllum ssp. lanuginosus) Prostrate, grey-green woolly leaves; pale pink flowers.; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Moist/Well-drained

Thymus vulgaris "Aureus" Herb; Golden Thyme; W. Mediteranean.; (syn. T. pulegioides 'Goldentime') Aromatic yellow-gold mat forming foliage,and tiny rose-purple flowers . Ideal for rock garden; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Well-drained

Thymus vulgaris "Jekka" Herb; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Well-drained

Thymus vulgaris "Silver Posie" Herb; Common Thyme; W. Med.-S.Italy; Leaves silver-variegated; pale mauve-pink flowers. Aromatic, astringent herb; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Well-

Thymus x citriodorus Herb; Thyme; Eurasia; Lemon scented evergreen small perennial shrub; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Drought Tolerant

Thymus x citriodorus Herb; Garden origin; Upright, slender perennial. Leaves grey/green, orange- "Fragrantissimus" scented. Flowers pale pink on white. Ideal for troughs, paving, banks or rock gardens; Sun; Moist/Well-drained

Tibouchina multiflora Shrub; Glory Bush; Brazil, Peru; 2m h; x 2m w; Panicles of violet open flowers. Protected position. Drought tender; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Frost

Tibouchina urvilleana Shrub; Brazil; Compact slower growing cultivar of species forming a well- branched shrub. Produces consistent deep violet flowers; Sun/Semi-shade; Moist/Well-drained

Trachelospermum asiaticum Climber; Dwarf Star Jasmine; Japan/Korea; Evergreen groundcover or climber, with dark glossy green leaves and fragrant yellow-white tubular flowers. Ideal to cover walls or fences; Flowers: Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Moist/Well-drained; Drought Tolerant

Trachelospermum jasminoides Climber; Star Jasmine; India to Japan; 7.5m h; Woody evergreen climber. Provides excellent green cover. Dark green leaves. Fragrant star-shaped, heavily perfumed white flowers. Can be pruned to a shrub; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun/Semi-shade

Trichocladus ellipticus Shrub; White Witch Hazel; S. Africa; Evergreen. Stunning creamy yellow fragrant flowers. No afternoon sun; Sun; Moist/Well-drained; Drought

Tricyrtis "Empress" Perennial; 0.6m h; x 0.4m w; Speckled orchid-like flowers on upright stems. Glossy foliage. Excellent for shaded borders and woodland gardens.; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-drained

Tricyrtis hirta "Alba" Perennial; Toad Lily; Japan; 0.6m h; x 0.3m w; Rhizomatous perennial with unusual, orchid-like white flowers with a lavender crest in the centre, along arching stems. Slightly mottled leaves. Rich soil; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Semi Shade; Moist/Well-drained

Tripladenia cunninghamii Perennial; Qld, NSW; 1m h; Spreading understorey plant with pale pink flowers December-July. Moderately frost hardy; Shade

Tropaeolum "Empress of India" Perennial; Nasturtium; Dark red flowers against blue green leaves; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained

Tulipa bakeri "Lilac Wonder" Bulb; Central Asia; 0.15m h; Soft purple and mauve with a large yellow centre. Short stems and pointed petals; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Moist/Well-

Tulipa humilis "Odalisque" Bulb; 0.1m h; Flower has buttercup yellow base, surrounded by glowing purple petals; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-drained

Tulipa turkestanica Bulb; Turkistan Tulip; Central; 0.3m h; Multiflowering ,fragrant flowers,with a star-shape. Petals of white with orange centers. Narrow greyish-green leaves,flushed reddish -green on the outside; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Well-

Veltheimia bracteata Bulb; Veldt Lily; S. Africa; 0.35m h; Evergreen. Spikes of green tipped rosy bells. Large shining leaves. Protect from frost; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Shade

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Genus/Species/Cultiva Notes Viola cornuta Perennial; Horned Violet; Europe; 0.15m h; x 0.15m w; Large violet blue spurred flowers. Stems to approx. 30 cm. Protected position. Well composted soil; Flowers: Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Moist

Vriesea carinata Bromeliad; Lobster claws; East Brazil; Small, evergreen. Soft-textured, arching, light-green leaves forming small rosettes. Feathery, fan-shaped spike has red basal bracts topped with bright yellow and green in late autumn. Free flowering; holds its colour: excellent display for small areas;

Weigela florida "Bristol Ruby" Shrub; China / Japan; 2 - 3m h; x 1.5m w; Semi-evergreen medium rich- green shrub, with erect rounded habit and fragrant, tubular ruby-red, long lasting flowers. Good for cutting; Flowers: Spring; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-

Weigela florida "Variegata" Shrub; Korea/ North China; Compact shrub, with dark rose-red flowers , with cream edged leaves; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained

Weigela florida (red) Shrub; 2m h; x 2m w; Deciduous. Unusual red flowering variety. Prune after flowering to maintain vigour; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun; Well-drained

Weigela lemoinei hybrid Shrub; 2m h; x 2m w; Deciduous. White flowers. Prune out some old branches after flowering to maintain vigour. Rarely cultivated variety; Flowers: Spring; Sun; Moist/Well-drained

x Cremneria expatriata Succulent; (Cremnophila linguifolia x Echeveria microcalyx) Erect to decumbent plant with leaves in tight rosettes about 3cm long, widest near a pointed tip, carrying pink flowers at end of trailing stems; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun/Semi-shade; Well-drained

X Graptophytum "Supreme" Succulent; (Graptopetalum x Pachyphytum) Small rosette forming plant, semi-cup shaped and not always spotted; Sun; Well-drained

X Graptoveria "Debbie" Succulent; Low growing rosette. Broad leaves pastel green at centre, merging to lilac/pink at outer half. Leaf tip pointed.

Xerochrysum bracteatum Shrub; Paper Daisy; Aust. Wide; 0.5 - 1m h; Annual or perennial. Variable species, many colour forms. Excellent cut flower. Frost hardy; Sun; Well- drained

Yucca desmetiana Succulent; 1.2m h; x 1.5m w; Graceful and hardy accent plant, with soft broard leaves, which emerge grey and mature to a burgundy colour. Usually a single stem rosette when young, and multi-trunked with age; Sun/Semi- shade; Well-drained

Yucca filamentosa Succulent; Adam's Needle & Thread; SE USA; 0.8m h; x 0.8m w; Clump of erect narrow grey-green leaves with loops of 'hair' on margins. Imposing 1.5m spikes of scented white bells; Flowers: Summer; Sun; Well-drained

Yucca gloriosa Succulent; Spanish Dagger; SE USA; 2.5m h; Magnificent cream spiked flowers borne from 60 cm long deep green strap leaves; Flowers: Summer/Autumn; Sun; Well-drained

Yucca variegata Succulent; 3m h; x 1.5m w; Striking single branching plant with variegated leaves of pale green and silver. Excellent plant for contrast and highlighting; Flowers: Spring/Summer; Sun/Semi-shade; Adaptable

Zieria smithii Shrub; Sandfly Ziera; Vic, NSW, Qld; 2m h; x 1.5m w; Small pale pink flowers. This plant has scented foliage and is tolerant of most soils. Frost hardy; Flowers: Winter/Spring; Semi Shade; Adaptable; Drought Tolerant

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