Group 2 Evaluation Question 4 - Ross Walker

Evaluation Question 4 - Who Is Our Film Aimed At? Ross Walker

Transcript of Group 2 Evaluation Question 4 - Ross Walker

  1. 1. Evaluation Question 4 - Who Is Our Film Aimed At? Ross Walker
  2. 2. Our film has an age certificate of 15, which will of course attract the attention of people this age and above, particularly between the ages of 15 and 30. Given the 15 certificate, we have to be careful not to include anything that would be deemed inappropriate for the age range. Specifically, I suspect that people within the lower part of this age bracket, particularly couples, will be attracted to our film. It is typically young adults that are attracted to these sorts of films, and so they became our main target audience. I would also suspect that people who get a certain kick from horror films may also find our film appealing, by which I mean those who like a sudden fright or an adrenaline rush. Age
  3. 3. Our film is not specifically aimed at a particular gender, although I would suspect that it would be more appealing to men, given that most of the characters are male, and they therefore appear more relatable to themselves. However, there does remain the possibility of female attendance since is not uncommon for couples to see horror films. Gender
  4. 4. As mentioned before, our target audience is mostly composed of younger people. Specifically, our film is targeted at students, as they are a likely candidate to be horror and crime-thriller enthusiasts. Furthermore, younger people tend to enjoy adrenaline rushes and sudden scares, and so are already highly appropriated for our film. Habits and Lifestyle Scary Movie (2000) Brenda watching Shakespeare in Love
  5. 5. We also did some pre-production research with our target audience; primarily with questionnaires. We created a copy of our script for the opening scene, followed by a questionnaire using Google Forms, and uploaded this to Facebook. People could answer the questions and then submit this to us, and we could then record and analyse their responses. The questions we asked can be seen below, along with some pie charts representing some of the responses. Questionnaires 1. Name (optional) 2. Age (multiple choice) 3. Occupation (optional) 4. Do you understand the storyline of From Whence He Came? 5. If you answered No to the above question, please explain why. 6. What genre do you think this film is? 7. Where do you think the opening scene should take place? 8. Who do you think the target audience of this film is? 9. What kind of music or sounds do you think would be suitable for this opening scene? 10. What would you expect Volnus (the killer) to look like? 11. What would you expect Frank (the victim) to look like? 12. What age certificate would you give this film? (multiple choice) 13. What do you think could be improved in this opening scene? 14. Can you think of any other films that are similar to From Whence He Came? 15. What is your overall opinion of From Whence He Came?
  6. 6. Our investigation showed us that majority of our target audience was between the ages of 15 and 30. As a result, we tried to shape out film around their responses, particularly with locations, characters and conventions. For example, when respondents were asked about possible locations, many responses included abandoned warehouses and poorly lit bunkers. We therefore created Volnus Lair to reflect these ideas, which can be seen on the right. Furthermore, their responses for suitable sounds typically revolved around spooky ambience. We therefore use this uncopyrighted sound clip (right) to give the scene this sense of spookiness. How Did We Use Their Answers? The First Scene Volnus Lair Spooky ambience that goes with the above scene.