Grip pp2


Transcript of Grip pp2

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O Thumb is bent and on the side of the pencil.

O Pointer or index finger is on top and pointing down or toward the pencil led/paper.

O The pencil rests against the middle finger.

O The ring and pinky fingers are used to rest against the paper and guide the hand while writing.

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O There are several pencil grips that can be purchased that show exactly where fingers should be placed if your child is having trouble.

O Sometimes thicker pencils and crayons are useful for small hands.

O Practicing with small pieces of crayons, pencils, etc…can force fingers to stay in the correct place.

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O The most important thing to remember when teaching scissor grip is that the thumb is on the top. Often times children want to put their thumb on the bottom of the paper, but this gives them less control and makes cutting harder later.

O Most children’s scissor have finger holes large enough for them to use all or a combination of their pointer, middle, and ring fingers on the bottom.

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O If your child’s hands are not strong enough for typical kid’s scissors, look for those that are attached at the bottom.

O Remember to show your child how to hold the paper securely with their nondominant hand.

O This website has lots of practice cutting pages: