Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3

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Transcript of Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    Status Summary of GRI Reporting Pr

    General / Specic Standard Disclosures Ec

    Tab Profle Part 1 Tab Profle 2 Tab EC

    Strategy and Governance G4-EC1

    AnalysisG4-34 not started G4-EC2

    G4-1 not started G4-35 not started G4-EC3

    G4-2 not started G4-36 not started G4-EC4

    Organizational G4-37 not started G4-EC5

    Proile G4-3! not started G4-EC6

    G4-3 not started G4-3" not started G4-EC7

    G4-4 not started G4-4# not started G4-EC!

    G4-5 not started G4-41 not started G4-EC"

    G4-6 not started G4-42 not started

    G4-7 not started G4-43 not started

    G4-! not started G4-44 not started

    G4-" not started G4-45 not startedG4-1# not started G4-46 not started

    G4-11 not started G4-47 not started

    G4-12 not started G4-4! not started

    G4-13 not started G4-4" not startedG4-14 not started G4-5# not started

    G4-15 not started G4-51 not started

    G4-16 not started G4-52 not started

    $dentiied G4-53 not started

    %aterial As&ects G4-54 not started

    and 'o(ndaries G4-55 not startedG4-17 not started

    G4-1! not started $ntegrityG4-1" not started G4-56 not startedG4-2# not started G4-57 not startedG4-21 not started G4-5! not startedG4-22 not startedG4-23 not started



    G4-24 not started ,isclos(resG4-25 not started on %anage+ent



    Specic StandardDisclosures

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    G4-26 not started A&&roac*G4-27 not started G4-,%A not startede&ort ProileG4-2! not startedG4-2" not startedG4-3# not startedG4-31 not startedG4-32 not startedG4-33 not started

    GRI-Worksheet / G4 / Version 1.1_3 / Standard Licence / 2014 enviroI! "

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    ject $%r&ani'ation( $Save "ate(

    onomic Environmental

    Tab EN Tab LA

    not started G4-E.1 not started G4-/A1 not started

    not started G4-E.2 not started G4-/A2 not started

    not started G4-E.3 not started G4-/A3 not started

    not started G4-E.4 not started G4-/A4 not started

    not started G4-E.5 not started G4-/A5 not started

    not started G4-E.6 not started G4-/A6 not started

    not started G4-E.7 not started G4-/A7 not started

    not started G4-E.! not started G4-/A! not started

    not started G4-E." not started G4-/A" not started

    G4-E.1# not started G4-/A1# not started

    G4-E.11 not started G4-/A11 not started

    G4-E.12 not started G4-/A12 not started

    G4-E.13 not started G4-/A13 not startedG4-E.14 not started G4-/A14 not started

    G4-E.15 not started G4-/A15 not started

    G4-E.16 not started G4-/A16 not started

    G4-E.17 not startedG4-E.1! not started

    G4-E.1" not started

    G4-E.2# not started

    G4-E.21 not started

    G4-E.22 not startedG4-E.23 not startedG4-E.24 not started

    G4-E.25 not startedG4-E.26 not startedG4-E.27 not startedG4-E.2! not startedG4-E.2" not startedG4-E.3# not startedG4-E.31 not startedG4-E.32 not startedG4-E.33 not startedG4-E.34 not started

    Labour Practicesand Decent or!

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    r. Gast#

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    $Res)onsi*i#it+( See Read-,e Se

    "uman Rig#ts Society

    Tab HR Tab SO Tab PR

    G4-01 not started G4-SO1 not started G4-P1

    G4-02 not started G4-SO2 not started G4-P2

    G4-03 not started G4-SO3 not started G4-P3

    G4-04 not started G4-SO4 not started G4-P4

    G4-05 not started G4-SO5 not started G4-P5

    G4-06 not started G4-SO6 not started G4-P6

    G4-07 not started G4-SO7 not started G4-P7

    G4-0! not started G4-SO! not started G4-P!

    G4-0" not started G4-SO" not started G4-P"

    G4-01# not started G4-SO1# not started

    G4-011 not started G4-SO11 not started

    G4-012 not started


  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    ction or "etai#s

    not started

    not started

    not started

    not started

    not started

    not started

    not started

    not started

    not started


  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    Section Sstaina*i#it+ Re)ortin& Gide#ines

    General Standard Disclosures $%/&

    G4-1 - G4-2 Strate&+ and na#+sis G4-3 - G4-1 %r&ani'ationa# !ro#e

    .r Stat(s G$ G4 ,isclos(re

    Strategy and Analysis

    not started

    not started

    Organizational Proile

    not started Report the name of the organization.

    not started Report the primary brands, products, and services.

    not started Report the location of the organizations headquarters.

    not started

    not started Report the nature of ownership and legal form.

    not started

    not started Report the scale of the organization (see comment)

    not started Employees (see comment)

    not started Report the percentage of total employees covered by collective bargaining agreements.

    not started escribe the organizations supply chain.

    not started

    not started

    not started

    not started

    $dentiied %aterial As&ects and 'o(ndaries

    not started

    not started

    not started !ist all the material "spects identified in the process for defining report content.

    not started

    not started

    not started

    not started

    Sta)e*older Engage+entnot started #rovide a list of sta$eholder groups engaged by the organization.

    not started Report the basis for identification and selection of sta$eholders with whom to engage.


    select stat(sro+ dro&don


    G$ G4 ,isclos(reind t*e original core deinition it*in t*is o and additional inor+ation -i any - it*in t*e co++ent o8

    G4-1#rovide a statement from the most senior decision%ma$er of the organization (such as &E',chair, or equivalent senior position) about the relevance of sustainability to the organization andthe organizations strategy for addressing sustainability.

    G4-2#rovide a description of $ey impacts, ris$s, and opportunities. he organization should providetwo concise narrative sections on $ey impacts, ris$s, and opportunities.



    G4-6Report the number of countries where the organization operates, and names of countries whereeither the organization has significant operations or that are specifically relevant to thesustainability topics covered in the report.


    G4-!Report the mar$ets served (including geographic brea$down, sectors served, and types ofcustomers and beneficiaries).





    G4-13Report any significant changes during the reporting period regarding the organizations size,structure, ownership, or its supply chain (see comment)

    G4-14Report whether and how the precautionary approach or principle is addressed by theorganization.

    G4-15!ist eternally developed economic, environmental and social charters, principles, or o therinitiatives to which the organization subscribes or which it endorses.

    G4-16!ist memberships of associations (such as industry associations) and national or internationaladvocacy organizations.


    a. !ist all entities included in the organizations consolidated financial statements or equivalentdocuments.b. Report whether any entity included in the organizations consolidated financial statements or

    equivalent documents is not covered by the report.

    G4-1!a. Eplain the process for defining the report content and the "spect *oundaries.b. Eplain how the organization has implemented the Reporting #rinciples for efining Report&ontent.


    G4-2# +or each material "spect, report the "spect *oundary it*inthe organization (see comment)

    G4-21 +or each material "spect, report the "spect *oundary o(tsidethe organization (see comment)

    G4-22Report the effect of any restatements of information provided in previous reports, and thereasons for such restatements.

    G4-23Report significant changes from previous reporting periods in the cope and "spect*oundaries.



  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    not started

    not started

    e&ort Proile

    not started Reporting period (such as fiscal or calendar year) for information provided.

    not started ate of most recent previous report (if any).

    not started Reporting cycle (such as annual, biennial).

    not started #rovide the contact point for questions regarding the report or its contents.

    not started

    not started

    *For complete source inormation see !Rea"#e!

    Worksheet / G4 / Version 1.1_3 / Standard Licence / 2014 enviroI! "r. Gast#

    G4-26Report the organizations approach to sta$eholder engagement, including frequency ofengagement by type and by sta$eholder group, and an indication of whether any of theengagement was underta$en specifically as part of the report preparation process.

    G4-27Report $ey topics and concerns that have been raised through sta$eholder engagement, andhow the organization has responded to those $ey topics and concerns, including through itsreporting. Report the sta$eholder groups that raised each of the $ey topics and concerns.






    a. Report the -in accordance option the organization has chosen.b. Report the R/ &ontent /nde for the chosen option (see tables below).c. Report the reference to the Eternal "ssurance Report, if the report has been eternallyassured. R/ recommends the use of eternal assurance but it is not a requirement to be -inaccordance with the uidelines.


    a. Report the organizations policy and current practice with regard to see$ing eternalassurance for the report.b. /f not included in the assurance report accompanying the sustainability report, report thescope and basis of any eternal assurance provided.c. Report the relationship between the organization and the assurance providers.d. Report whether the highest governance body or senior eecutives are involved in see$ingassurance for the organizations sustainability report.

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    $"oc,ent Identication...(

    G4-1 - G4-23 Identied 5ateria# s)ects and 6ondaries G4-24 - G4-2 Sta

    e&orting /evel $nor+ation re9(ired ,ata Sit(ation

    :y&e and level ore&orted details

    oo+ or on s(++ary o inor+ation re9(ired ollo t*e9(estion; =*ere> $n*ic* 9(ality etc

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    eho#der 7n&a&e,ent G4-28 - G4-33 Re)ort !ro#e

    e&ort :et

    S&ace to rite re&orting tet ro+ irst to inal version

    eerence additional $nor+ation Gra&*setc

    Ea+⩽ Can e reer to anot*erre&ort or o(r esite> ,o e needgra&*s and *ere are t*ey8 etc

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    Section Sstaina*i#it+ Re)ortin& Gide#ines

    G4-34 - G4-99 Governance G4-9 - G4-98 7thics and Inte&rit+ G4-"5 "isc#

    .r Stat(s G$ G4 ,isclos(ree&orting /evel

    G$ G4

    GovernanceG4-34 not started

    G4-35 not started

    G4-36 not started

    G4-37 not started

    G4-3! not started Report the composition of the highest governance body and its committees.

    G4-3" not started

    G4-4# not started


    not started

    G4-42 not started

    G4-43 not started

    G4-44 not started

    G4-45 not started

    G4-46 not started

    G4-47 not started

    General Standard Disclosures $&/&' incl(

    select stat(sro+ dro&don


    G$ G4 ,isclos(reind t*e original core deinition it*in t*is o and additionalinor+ation - i any - it*in t*e co++ent o8

    :y&e and level ore&orted details

    Report the governance structure of the organization, including committees of thehighest governance body. /dentify any committees responsible for decision%ma$ing oneconomic, environmental and social impacts.

    Report the process for delegating authority for economic, environmental and socialtopics from the highest governance body to senior eecutives and other employees.

    Report whether the organization has appointed an eecutive%level position orpositions with responsibility for economic, environmental and social topics, and

    whether post holders report directly to the highest governance body.

    Report processes for consultation between sta$eholders and the highest governancebody on economic, environmental and social topics. /f consultation is delegated,describe to whom and any feedbac$ processes to the highest governance body.

    Report whether the &hair of the highest governance body is also an eecutive officer(and, if so, his or her function within the organizations management and the reasonsfor this arrangement).

    Report the nomination and selection processes for the highest governance body andits committees, and the criteria used for nominating and selecting highest governancebody members.

    Report processes for the highest governance body to ensure conflicts of interest areavoided and managed. Report whether conflicts of interest are disclosed tosta$eholders.

    Report the highest governance bodys and senior eecutives roles in thedevelopment, approval, and updating of the organizations purpose, value or missionstatements, strategies, policies, and goals related to economic, environmental andsocial impacts.

    Report the measures ta$en to develop and enhance the highest governance bodyscollective $nowledge of economic, environmental and social topics.

    a. Report the processes for evaluation of the highest governance bodys performancewith respect to governance of economic, environmental and social topics. Reportwhether such evaluation is independent or not, and its frequency. Report whethersuch evaluation is a self%assessment.b. Report actions ta$en in response to evaluation of the highest governance bodysperformance with respect to governance of economic, environmental and social

    topics, including, as a minimum, changes in membership and organizational practice.

    a. Report the highest governance bodys role in the identification and management ofeconomic, environmental and social impacts, ris$s, and opportunities. /nclude thehighest governance bodys role in the implementation of due diligence processes.b. Report whether sta$eholder consultation is used to support the highest governancebodys identification and management of economic, environmental and socialimpacts, ris$s, and opportunities.

    Report the highest governance bodys role in reviewing the effectiveness of theorganizations ris$ management processes for economic, environmental and social

    topics.Report the frequency of the highest governance bodys review of economic,environmental and social impacts, ris$s, and opportunities.

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    G4-5# not started

    G4-51 not started Remuneration

    G4-52 not started

    G4-53 not started

    G4-54 not started

    G4-55 not started

    Et*ics and $ntegrityG4-56 not started

    G4-57 not started

    G4-5! not started

    ,isclos(res on %anage+ent A&&roac*G4-,%A not started

    *For complete source inormation see !Rea"#e!

    Worksheet / G4 / Version 1.1_3 / Standard Licence / 2014 enviroI! "r. Gast#

    Report the nature and total number of critical concerns that were communicated tothe highest governance body and the mechanism(s) used to address and resolvethem.

    Report the process for determining remuneration. Report whether remunerationconsultants are involved in determining remuneration and whether they areindependent of management. Report any other relationships which the remunerationconsultants have with the organization.

    Report how sta$eholders views are sought and ta$en into account regardingremuneration, including the results of votes on remuneration policies and proposals,if applicable.

    Report the ratio of the annual total compensation for the organizations highest%paidindividual in each country of significant operations to the median annual totalcompensation for all employees (ecluding the highest%paid individual) in the samecountry.

    Report the ratio of percentage increase in annual total compensation for theorganizations highest%paid individual in each country of significant operations to themedian percentage increase in annual total compensation for all employees(ecluding the highest%paid individual) in the same country.

    escribe the organizations values, principles, standards and norms of behavior suchas codes of conduct and codes of ethics.

    Report the internal and eternal mechanisms for see$ing advice on ethical and lawfulbehavior, and matters related to organizational integrity, such as helplines or advicelines.

    Report the internal and eternal mechanisms for reporting concerns about unethicalor unlawful behavior, and matters related to organizational integrity, such asescalation through line management, whistleblowing mechanisms or hotlines.

    a. Report why the "spect is material. Report the impacts that ma$e this "spectmaterial.

    b. Report how the organization manages the material "spect or its impacts.c. Report the evaluation of the management approach, including01:he mechanisms for evaluating the effectiveness of the management approach112 he results of the evaluation of the management approach112 "ny related ad3ustments to the management approach

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    $"oc,ent Identication...(

    sres on 5ana&e,ent ))roach

    $nor+ation re9(ired ,ata Sit(ation


    oo+ or on s(++ary o inor+ation re9(ired ollo t*e9(estion; =*ere> $n*ic* 9(ality etc

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    e&ort :et

    S&ace to rite re&orting tet ro+ irst to inal version

    eerence additional $nor+ation Gra&*s


    Ea+⩽ Can e reer to anot*erre&ort or o(r esite> ,o e needgra&*s and *ere are t*ey8 etc

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    Indicator !rotoco#s Set

    Economic Performance Indicators $E+'

    G,-E+% - G,-E+.

    .r Stat(s G$ G4 ,isclos(re ,etails regarding EC





    not started irect Economic 4alue generated and distributed -el




    not started-el




    not started &overage of the organizations defined benefit plan obligations-el




    not started +inancial assistance received from government -el




    not started-el




    not started -el




    not started -el




    not started ignificant indirect economic impacts, including the etent of impacts-el





    not started ignificant indirect economic impacts, including the etent of impacts -el




    *For complete source inormation see !Rea"#e!

    Worksheet / G4 / Version 1.1_3 / Standard Licence / 2014 enviroI! "r. Gast#


    select stat(sro+ dro&don


    G$ G4 ,isclos(reind t*e original core deinition it*in t*is o and additionalinor+ation - i any - it*in t*e co++ent o8




    EC2 +inancial implications and other ris$s and opportunities for theorganizations activities due to climate change





    EC5 Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimumwage at significant locations of operation


    EC6#roportion of senior management hired from the local community atsignificant locations of operation


    EC7evelopment and impact of infrastructure investments and servicessupported





  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    $"oc,ent Identication...(

    e&orting /evel $nor+ation re9(ired ,ata Sit(ation











    :y&e and level ore&orted details

    oo+ or on s(++ary o inor+ation re9(ired ollo t*e9(estion; =*ere> $n*ic* 9(ality etc

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    e&ort :et

    S&ace to rite re&orting tet ro+ irst to inal version

    eerence additional $nor+ationGra&*s etc

    Ea+⩽ Can e reer to anot*erre&ort or o(r esite> ,o e needgra&*s and *ere are t*ey8 etc

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    Indicator !rotoco#s Set

    Environment $E'

    G,-E% - G,-E0,

    .r Stat(s G$ G4 ,isclos(re ,etails regard




    not started 5aterials used by weight or volume -el



    not started #ercentage of materials used that are recycled input materials -el



    not started Energy consumption within the organization -el





    not started Energy consumption outside of the organization -el



    not started Energy intensity -el



    not started Reduction of energy consumption -el



    not started Reductions in energy requirements of products and services -el



    not started otal water withdrawal by source -el





    not started 6ater sources significantly affected by withdrawal of water -el



    not started #ercentage and total volume of water recycled and reused -el



    not started-el



    not started-el



    not started 7abitats protected or restored -el



    not started-el



    not started irect greenhouse gas (7) emissions (scope 8) -el



    not started Energy indirect greenhouse gas (7) emissions (scope 9) -el



    not started 'ther indirect greenhouse gas (7) emissions (scope :)-el





    select stat(sro+ dro&don


    G$ G4 ,isclos(reind t*e original core deinition it*in t*is o and additionalinor+ation - i any - it*in t*e co++ent o8





















    E.11'perational sites owned, leased, managed in, or ad3acent to, protectedareas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas



    escription of significant impacts of activities, products, and services onbiodiversity in protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outsideprotected areas





    otal number of /;&< red list species and national conservation listspecies with habitats in areas affected by operations, by level of etinctionris$







  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    not started reenhouse gas (7) emissions intensity -el



    not started Reduction of greenhouse gas (7) emissions -el



    not started Emissions of ozone%depleting substances (') -el



    not started

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    $"oc,ent Identication...(

    ing E. e&orting /evel $nor+ation re9(ired







































    :y&e and level ore&orted details

    oo+ or on s(++ary o inor+ation re9(ired ollo t*e9(estion;

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3






































  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    ,ata Sit(ationeerence additional $nor+ation

    Gra&*s etc

    =*ic* data is availale> =*ere> $n*ic* 9(ality etc

    Ea+&les; Can e reer to anot*erre&ort or o(r esite> ,o e needgra&*s and *ere are t*ey8 etc

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    e&ort :et

    S&ace to rite re&orting tet ro+ irst to inal version

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    Indicator !rotoco#s Set

    Product Responsibility $PR'

    G,-PR% - G,-PR.

    .r Stat(s G$ G4 ,isclos(re ,etails regard




    not started-el



    not started-el



    not started-el

    Co+& ,e

    not started-el



    not started Results of surveys measuring customer satisfaction-el



    not started ale of banned or disputed products-el



    not started-el



    not started-el



    not started-el



    *For complete source inormation see !Rea"#e!

    Worksheet / G4 / Version 1.1_3 / Standard Licence / 2014 enviroI! "r. Gast#


    select stat(sro+ dro&don


    G$ G4 ,isclos(reind t*e original core deinition it*in t*is o and additionalinor+ation - i any - it*in t*e co++ent o8


    P1#ercentage of significant product and service categories for which health and safetyimpacts are assessed for improvement



    otal number of incidents of non%compliance with regulations and voluntary codesconcerning the health and safety impacts of products and services during their lifecycle, by type of outcomes



    ype of product and service information required by the organizations procedures forproduct and service information and labeling, and percentage of significant productand service categories sub3ect to such information requirements


    P4otal number of incidents of non%compliance with regulations and voluntary codesconcerning product and service information and labeling, by type of outcomes







    otal number of incidents of non%compliance with regulations and voluntary codesconcerning mar$eting communications, including advertising, promotion, and

    sponsorship, by type of outcomes


    P!otal number of substantiated complaints regarding breaches of customer privacyand losses of customer data


    P"5onetary value of significant fines for non%compliance with laws and regulationsconcerning the provision and use of products and services

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    $"oc,ent Identication...(

    ing P e&orting /evel $nor+ation re9(ired





















    :y&e and level ore&orted details

    oo+ or on s(++ary o inor+ation re9(ired ollo t*e9(estion;

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    ,ata Sit(ation

    eerence additional $nor+ation

    Gra&*s etc

    =*ic* data is availale> =*ere> $n*ic* 9(ality etc

    Ea+&les; Can e reer to anot*erre&ort or o(r esite> ,o e needgra&*s and *ere are t*ey8 etc

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    e&ort :et

    S&ace to rite re&orting tet ro+ irst to inal version

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    Indicator !rotoco#s Set

    Labour Practices and Decent or! $L*

    G,-L*% - G,-L*%1

    .r Stat(s G$ G4 ,isclos(re ,etails regard




    not started -el



    not started-el



    not started Return to wor$ and retention rates after parental leave, by gender -el



    not started-el



    not started-el



    not started-el



    not started -el



    not started 7ealth and safety topics covered in formal agreements with trade unions -el



    not started -el



    not started-el



    not started-el




    not started-el



    not started-el



    not started -el



    not started -el



    not started-el




    select stat(sro+ dro&don


    G$ G4 ,isclos(reind t*e original core deinition it*in t*is o and additionalinor+ation - i any - it*in t*e co++ent o8


    /A1otal number and rates of new employee hires and employee turnover byage group, gender and region


    /A2*enefits provided to full%time employees that are not provided totemporary or part%time employees, by significant locations of operation



    /A45inimum notice periods regarding operational changes, including whetherthese are specified in collective agreements



    #ercentage of total wor$force represented in formal 3oint management=wor$er health and safety committees that help monitor and advise onoccupational health and safety programs.



    ype of in3ury and rates of in3ury, occupational diseases, lost days, andabsenteeism, and total number of wor$%related fatalities, by region and bygender


    /A76or$ers with high incidence or high ris$ of diseases related to theiroccupation




    /A""verage hours of training per year per employee by gender, and byemployee category



    #rograms for s$ills management and lifelong learning that support thecontinued employability of employees and assist them in managing careerendings


    /A11#ercentage of employees receiving regular performance and careerdevelopment reviews, by gender and by employee category



    &omposition of governance bodies and brea$down of employees peremployee category according to gender, age group, minority groupmembership, and other indicators of diversity


    /A13Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men by employeecategory, by significant locations of operation


    /A14#ercentage of new suppliers that were screened using labor practicescriteria



    ignificant actual and potential negative impacts for labor practices in thesupply chain and actions ta$en



  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    *For complete source inormation see !Rea"#e!

    Worksheet / G4 / Version 1.1_3 / Standard Licence / 2014 enviroI! "r. Gast#

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    $"oc,ent Identication...(

    ing /A e&orting /evel $nor+ation re9(ired




































    :y&e and level ore&orted details

    oo+ or on s(++ary o inor+ation re9(ired ollo t*e9(estion;

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    ,ata Sit(ationeerence additional $nor+ation

    Gra&*s etc

    =*ic* data is availale> =*ere> $n*ic* 9(ality etc

    Ea+&les; Can e reer to anot*erre&ort or o(r esite> ,o e needgra&*s and *ere are t*ey8 etc

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    e&ort :et

    S&ace to rite re&orting tet ro+ irst to inal version

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    Indicator !rotoco#s Set

    "uman Rig#ts $"R'

    G,-"R% - G,-"R%&

    .r Stat(s G$ G4 ,isclos(re ,etails regard




    not started-el



    not started




    not started otal number of incidents of discrimination and corrective actions ta$en -el



    not started-el



    not started-el



    not started-






    not started-el



    not started -el



    not started-el



    not started-el




    not started -el



    not started-el



    *For complete source inormation see !Rea"#e!

    Worksheet / G4 / Version 1.1_3 / Standard Licence / 2014 enviroI! "r. Gast#


    select stat(sro+ dro&don


    G$ G4 ,isclos(reind t*e original core deinition it*in t*is o and additionalinor+ation - i any - it*in t*e co++ent o8



    otal number and percentage of significant investment agreements andcontracts that include human rights clauses or that underwent humanrights screening



    otal hours of employee training on human rights policies or proceduresconcerning aspects of human rights that are relevant to operations,including the percentage of employees trained





    'perations and suppliers identified in which the right to eercise freedomof association and collective bargaining may be violated or at significantris$, and measures ta$en to support these rights



    'perations and suppliers identified as having significant ris$ for incidentsof child labor, and measures ta$en to contribute to the effective abolitionof child labor


    06'perations and suppliers identified as having significant ris$ for incidentsof forced or compulsory labor, and measures to contribute to theelimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor


    07#ercentage of security personnel trained in the organizations humanrights policies or procedures that are relevant to operations


    0!otal number of incidents of violations involving rights of indigenouspeoples and actions ta$en


    0"otal number and percentage of operations that have been sub3ect tohuman rights reviews or impact assessments


    01##ercentage of new suppliers that were screened using human rights



    011ignificant actual and potential negative human rights impacts in thesupply chain and actions ta$en



  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    $"oc,ent Identication...(

    ing 0 e&orting /evel $nor+ation re9(ired





























    :y&e and level ore&orted details

    oo+ or on s(++ary o inor+ation re9(ired ollo t*e9(estion;

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    ,ata Sit(ationeerence additional $nor+ation

    Gra&*s etc

    =*ic* data is availale> =*ere> $n*ic* 9(ality etc

    Ea+&les; Can e reer to anot*erre&ort or o(r esite> ,o e needgra&*s and *ere are t*ey8 etc

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    e&ort :et

    S&ace to rite re&orting tet ro+ irst to inal version

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    Indicator !rotoco#s Set

    Society $S2'

    G,-S2% - G,-S2%%

    .r Stat(s G$ G4 ,isclos(re ,etails regard




    not started -el



    not started -el



    not started -el




    not started&ommunication and training on anti%corruption policies and procedures




    not started&onfirmed incidents of corruption and actions ta$en




    not startedotal value of political contributions by country and recipient>beneficiary




    not started -el



    not started -el



    not started#ercentage of new suppliers that were screened using criteria for impacts on society




    not started -el



    not started -el



    *For complete source inormation see !Rea"#e!

    Worksheet / G4 / Version 1.1_3 / Standard Licence / 2014 enviroI! "r. Gast#


    select stat(sro+ dro&don


    G$ G4 ,isclos(reind t*e original core deinition it*in t*is o and additionalinor+ation - i any - it*in t*e co++ent o8


    SO1#ercentage of operations with implemented local community engagement, impactassessments, and development programs


    SO2'perations with significant actual and potential negative impacts on localcommunities


    SO3otal number and percentage of operations assessed for ris$s related to corruptionand the significant ris$s identified








    SO7otal number of legal actions for anti%competitive behavior, anti%trust, and monopolypractices and their outcomes


    5onetary value of significant fines and total number of non%monetary sanctions fornon%compliance with laws and regulations




    SO1#ignificant actual and potential negative impacts on society in the supply chain andactions ta$en



  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    $"oc,ent Identication...(

    ing SO e&orting /evel $nor+ation re9(ired



























    :y&e and level ore&orted details

    oo+ or on s(++ary o inor+ation re9(ired ollo t*e9(estion;

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    ,ata Sit(ationeerence additional $nor+ation

    Gra&*s etc

    =*ic* data is availale> =*ere> $n*ic* 9(ality etc

    Ea+&les; Can e reer to anot*erre&ort or o(r esite> ,o e needgra&*s and *ere are t*ey8 etc

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    e&ort :et

    S&ace to rite re&orting tet ro+ irst to inal version

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3






    : ;et sa#es e" data =here )ossi*#e ro, data in thstate,ent or its interna##+ adited ,ana&e,ent accont

    : Revene ro, nancia# invest,ents inc#des cash receishareho#din&s as ro+a#ties and as direct inco,e &enerat

    : Revenes ro, sa#e o assets inc#de )h+sica# assets $sintan&i*#es $sch as inte##ecta# )ro)ert+ ri&hts desi&ns

    : ash )a+,ents ,ade otside the or&ani'ation or ,ate)rchased. Dhis inc#des )ro)ert+ renta# #icense ees aco*@ective( ro+a#ties )a+,ents or contract =orkers e,)#e,)#o+ee )rotective c#othin&.

    : Dota# )a+ro## co,)rises e,)#o+ee sa#aries inc#din& a,

    taEes #evies and ne,)#o+,ent nds( on *eha# o e,)are nor,a##+ not inc#ded here *t rather nder o)eratin

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    Payments to providers of capital

    : A"ividends to a## shareho#ders

    Payments to government

    +ommunity investments


    Documentation Sources


    Source$ %R& %' %ui"elines( &mplementation #a

    Worksheet / G4 / Version 1.1_3 / Standard Licence / 20

    : Dota# *enets inc#de rear contri*tions $sch as tohea#th( as =e## as other e,)#o+ee s))ort sch as hosiedcationa# &rants and redndanc+ )a+,ents. Dhe+ do nother cost ite,s direct#+ re#ated to the e,)#o+ee?s @o*

    : Interest )a+,ents ,ade to )roviders o #oans. Dhis inc#on#+ #on&-ter, de*t( and a#so arrears o dividends de to

    : ## or&ani'ation taEes $sch as cor)orate inco,e )ro)nationa# and #oca# #eve#s. Dhis &re does not inc#de deor&ani'ations o)eratin& in ,ore than one contr+ re)ortse&,entation sed.

    : Vo#ntar+ donations and invest,ent o nds in the *roeEterna# to the or&ani'ation. Dhese inc#de contri*tionsthe or&ani'ation?s co,,ercia# R>"( nds to s))ort coand direct costs o socia# )ro&ra,s $inc#din& arts and edacta# eE)enditres in the re)ortin& )eriod not co,,it,A: For inrastrctre invest,ents the ca#c#ation o the t#a*or in addition to ca)ita# costs. For s))ort o on&oin& the dai#+ o)erations o a )*#ic aci#it+( the re)orted inveA: Dhis eEc#des #e&a# and co,,ercia# activities or =hereco,,ercia#. "onations to )o#itica# )arties are inc#ded *A: n+ inrastrctre invest,ent that is driven )ri,ari#+or actor+( or to aci#itate the *siness o)erations o the o,a+ inc#de inrastrctre *i#t otside the ,ain *sineshos)ita# or e,)#o+ees and their a,i#ies


    !otentia# sorces o inor,ation inc#de the or&ani'ation?

    : Internationa# ccontin& Standards 6oard $IS6( IS 12A: AInternationa# ccontin& Standards 6oard $IS6( IS

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    ins retrns disconts and a##o=ances.

    ted $7VG>"( on an accra#s *asis inc#din& the *asicted *e#o=. I data is )resented on a cash *asis re)ort)onents as #isted *e#o=


    va#e &enerated? #ess C7cono,ic va#e distri*ted?(se)arate#+ at contr+ re&iona# or ,arket #eve#s =heree.

    a#e )rovides a *asic indication o ho= the or&ani'ationo the econo,ic va#e &enerated and distri*tedion =hich ,a+ *e se# or nor,a#i'in& otherVG>" can )rovide a se# )ictre o the direct

    e or&ani'ation?s adited nancia# or )rot and #oss $!>L(.

    ed as interest on nancia# #oans as dividends ro,d ro, assets $sch as )ro)ert+ renta#(.

    ch as )ro)ert+ inrastrctre and e

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    ual( p)+,

    14 enviroI! "r. Gast#

    ensions insrance co,)an+ vehic#es and )rivate& interest-ree #oans )*#ic trans)ort assistanceot inc#de trainin& costs o )rotective e

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3






    Electricity6 #eating6 cooling6 and steam3

    7ner&+ cons,)tion has a direct eHect on o)erationa# cos))#+ and )rices. Dhe environ,enta# oot)rint o an or&a

    han&es in the *a#ance o these sorces can indicate thei,)acts.

    For so,e or&ani'ations e#ectricit+ is the on#+ si&nicant other ener&+ sorces ,i&ht a#so *e i,)ortant sch as stchi##ed =ater )#ant.

    Dhe cons,)tion o non-rene=a*#e e#s is sa##+ the ,$Sco)e 1( =hich are re)orted in Indicator G4-7;19. Dhe cand stea, contri*tes to an or&ani'ation?s ener&+ indirecIndicator G4-7;1.

    Identi+ the t+)es o ener&+ $e# e#ectricit+ heatin& coo#

    Identi+ the a,ont o ener&+ $e# e#ectricit+ heatin& c@o#es or ,#ti)#es.

    When re)ortin& se#-&enerated ener&+ cons,)tion theFor eEa,)#e i an or&ani'ation &enerates e#ectricit+ ro,ener&+ cons,)tion is conted once nder the e# cons

    7ner&+ ,a+ *e )rchased ro, sorces eEterna# to the or&enerated(. %n#+ ener&+ cons,ed *+ entities o=ned orin this Indicator.

    Re)ort e# cons,)tion se)arate#+ or non-rene=a*#e anA: ;on-rene=a*#e e# sorces inc#de e# or co,*stionincinerators &enerators and vehic#es =hich are o=ned osorces cover e#s )rchased as =e## as e#s &enerated&as ro, oi# and &as eEtractionA: Rene=a*#e e# sorces are sorces o=ned or contro##edirect se( and *io,ass

    Ksin& the identied t+)es o ener&+ )rchased or conscons,)tion =ithin the or&ani'ation in @o#es or ,#ti)#e

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3



    Documentation Sources



    -Source$ %R& %' %ui"elines( &mplementation #

    Worksheet / G4 / Version 1.1_3 / Standard Licence / 20

    Dota# ener&+ cons,)tio



    7#ectricit+ heatin& coo#in& and s

    Se#-&eneratede#ectricit+ h

    7#ectricit+ heatin& c

    %r&ani'ations are eE)ected to re)ort standards ,ethodo#ener&+ cons,)tion =ith a reerence to the ca#c#ation tand ,ethodo#o&ies sho#d identi+ the a))roach to se#ecti

    %r&ani'ations are eE)ected to a))#+ conversion actors cLoca# conversion actors to convert e# to @o#es or ,#ticonversion actors are navai#a*#e the &eneric conversio

    %r&ani'ations are eE)ected to se#ect a consistent 6onda

    sho#d *e consistent =ith the 6ondar+ sed in Indicator

    %r&ani'ations ,a+ rther disa&&re&ate ener&+ cons,)over ti,e. For eEa,)#e the+ ,a+ disa&&re&ate data *+A- 6siness nit or aci#it+A- ontr+A- Sorce t+)e $See "enitions or the #istin& o non-reneA- ctivit+ t+)e

    See G#ossar+ in I,)#e,entation 5ana# ). 244A- ;on-rene=a*#e ener&+ sorcesA- Rene=a*#e ener&+ sorces

    !otentia# sorces o inor,ation inc#de invoices ,easr,a+ *e taken direct#+ ro, invoices or ,eters or convert

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    ts and can increase eE)osre to ctations in ener&+ni'ation is sha)ed in )art *+ its choice o ener&+ sorces.

    or&ani'ation?s eHorts to ,ini,i'e its environ,enta#

    or, o ener&+ the+ cons,e. For other or&ani'ationsa, or =ater )rovided ro, a district heatin& )#ant or

    in contri*tor to direct &reenhose &as $GJG( e,issionsons,)tion o )rchased e#ectricit+ heatin& coo#in&t $Sco)e 2( GJG e,issions =hich are re)orted in

    #in& and stea,( cons,ed =ithin the or&ani'ation.

    o#in& and stea,( cons,ed =ithin the or&ani'ation in

    r&ani'ations does not do*#e-cont e# cons,)tion.coa# and then cons,es the &enerated e#ectricit+ the,)tion.

    &ani'ation or )rodced *+ the or&ani'ation itse# $se#-ontro##ed *+ the or&ani'ation is eE)ected to *e re)orted

    d rene=a*#e e# sorces as o##o=s

    in *oi#ers rnaces heaters tr*ines arescontro##ed *+ the or&ani'ation. ;on-rene=a*#e e#

    *+ the or&ani'ation?s activities sch as ,ined coa# and

    *+ the or&ani'ation inc#din& *ioe#s $)rchased or

    )tion and se#-&enerated ca#c#ate the tota# ener&+sin& the o##o=in& or,#a

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    nual( p).+,

    14 enviroI! "r. Gast#

    =ithin the or&ani'atione# cons,ed

    e# cons,ed

    tea, )rchased or cons,)tion

    eatin& coo#in& and stea,

    o#in& and stea, so#d

    #o&ies and ass,)tions sed to ca#c#ate and ,easreo#s sed. %r&ani'ations s*@ect to diHerent standards

    in& the,.

    nsistent#+ or a## data re)orted nder the 7ner&+ s)ect.)#es are to *e sed =hen )ossi*#e. When #oca#

    actors ,a+ *e sed.

    r+ or ener&+ cons,)tion. When )ossi*#e the 6ondar+

    G4-7;19 and G4-7;1.

    ion data =here this aids trans)arenc+ or co,)ara*i#it+

    a*#e and rene=a*#e ener&+ sorces(

    ,ents or ca#c#ations or esti,ations. Dhe re)orted nitsed ro, the ori&ina# nits to the re)orted nits.

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3





    7ner&+ cons,)tion occrs thro&hot or&ani'ation?s )o)erations inc#din& the se o so#d )rodcts *+ cons,

    cons,er se.Nanti+in& ener&+ cons,)tion otside o the or&ani'atiother indirect $Sco)e 3( GJG e,issions in Indicator G4-7o the or&ani'ation ,a+ i,)rove the overa## #ie-c+c#e )erco,)rehensive desi&n )ro&ra,.

    Dhe or&ani'ation ,a+ assess =hich o its activities caseitse# and assess the a,onts invo#ved. For this Indicator7;3.When deter,inin& the re#evance o these activities identiA: ontri*tes si&nicant#+ to the tota# antici)ated ener&AA: %Hers )otentia# or redctions that co#d *e ndertak

    AA: ontri*tes to the or&ani'ation?s risk eE)osre to c#is))#+ chain )rodct and csto,er #iti&ation and re)tAA: Is dee,ed ,ateria# *+ ke+ stakeho#ders $sch as cstAA: Res#ts ro, otsorced activities =hich =ere )revio)eror,ed in-hose *+ other or&ani'ations in the sa,e sAA: Jas *een identied as si&nicant in sector-s)ecic &AA: 5eets an+ additiona# criteria or deter,inin& re#evanits sector

    Identi+ re#evant )strea, or do=nstrea, ener&+ cons

    K)strea,1. !rchased &oods and services2. a)ita# &oods3. Fe#- and ener&+- re#ated activities $those that are not i4. K)strea, trans)ortation and distri*tion9. Waste &enerated in o)erations. 6siness trave#. 7,)#o+ee co,,tin&8. K)strea, #eased assets%ther )strea,


    . "o=nstrea, trans)ortation and distri*tion10. !rocessin& o so#d )rodcts11. Kse o so#d )rodcts12. 7nd o #ie treat,ent o so#d )rodcts13. "o=nstrea, #eased assets14. Franchises19. Invest,ents%ther do=nstrea,

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3



    Documentation Sources


    Source$ %R& %' %ui"elines( &mplementation #a

    Worksheet / G4 / Version 1.1_3 / Standard Licence / 20

    Dhe )strea,/do=nstrea, cate&ories and activities a*ovand activities doc,ented in the WRI and W6S" CGJG !Re)ortin& Standard?. Dhe n,*erin& has *een ,aintainethe WRI and W6S" CGJG !rotoco# or)orate Va#e haia#c#ate or esti,ate the a,ont o ener&+ cons,ed in

    %r&ani'ations ,a+ re)ort ener&+ cons,)tion se)arate#+

    %r&ani'ations are eE)ected to re)ort standards ,ethodo#ener&+ cons,)tion =ith a reerence to the ca#c#ation tand ,ethodo#o&ies sho#d descri*e the a))roach to se#ec

    See G#ossar+ in I,)#e,entation 5ana# ). 244

    A- ;on-rene=a*#e ener&+ sorcesA- Rene=a*#e ener&+ sorces

    !otentia# sorces o inor,ation inc#de s))#ier inor,atiinterna##+ or *+ research or&ani'ations.

    Wor#d Resorces Institte $WRI( and Wor#d 6siness onor)orate Va#e hain $Sco)e 3( ccontin& and Re)ortin

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    trea, and do=nstrea, activities associated =ith itsrs and the end-o-#ie treat,ent o so#d )rodcts ater

    on )rovides a *asis or ca#c#atin& so,e o the re#evant1. Drackin& and redcin& ener&+ cons,)tion otsideor,ance o )rodcts and services and *e )art o a

    the ener&+ cons,)tion otside o the or&ani'ation eEc#de ener&+ cons,)tion re)orted in Indicator G4-

    + =hether the activit+?s ener&+ cons,)tioncons,)tion otside o the or&ani'ation

    en or inenced *+ the or&ani'ation

    ate chan&e-re#ated risks sch as nancia# reator+tiona# riskso,ers s))#iers investors or civi# societ+(s#+ )eror,ed in-hose or activities that are t+)ica##+ctor

    idancee deve#o)ed *+ the or&ani'ation or *+ or&ani'ations in

    )tion in the o##o=in& cate&ories and activities

    nc#ded in Indicator G4-7;3(

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    ual( p)+1,

    14 enviroI! "r. Gast#

    inc#din& their n,*erin& corres)ond to the cate&oriesrotoco# or)orate Va#e hain $Sco)e 3( ccontin& andconsistent or the ease o reerence *et=een G4 and$Sco)e 3( ccontin& and Re)ortin& Standard?.

    the a*ove re#evant cate&ories and activities.

    or non-rene=a*#e and rene=a*#e ener&+ sorces.

    #o&ies and ass,)tions sed to ca#c#ate and ,easreo#s sed. %r&ani'ations s*@ect to diHerent standards

    tin& the,.

    on and #ie-c+c#e ca#c#ations or esti,ations carried ot

    ci# or Sstaina*#e "eve#o),ent $W6S"( CGJG !rotoco#& Standard? 2011.

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3





    Dhis Indicator covers the disc#osre o the direct $Sco)e 1( GJG e,issions in %2 e

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3



    Documentation Sources


    Ksin& the sorces identied ca#c#ate the or&ani'ation?s &ross direct GJG e,issions sin& re#e)rchases sa#es or transers o oHsets or a##o=ances.

    %r&ani'ations are eE)ected to re)ort standards ,ethodo#o&ies and ass,)tions sed to ca#c#diHerent standards and ,ethodo#o&ies sho#d descri*e the a))roach to se#ectin& the,.

    Se#ect a consistent conso#idation a))roach or e,issions and a))#+ it to ca#c#ate the &ross dirsed in Indicator G4-7;1. %r&ani'ations se#ect the e

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    Source$ %R& %' %ui"elines( &mplementation #anual( p)1/0,

    Worksheet / G4 / Version 1.1_3 / Standard Licence / 2014 enviroI! "r. Gast#

    A: ar*on "isc#osre !ro@ect $"!( Investor "! Inor,ation Re

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    the GJGs covered *+ the K; CO+oto !rotoco#? and the WRI and W6S" CGJG !rotoco# or)orate

    ations Fra,e=ork onvention on #i,ate han&e?100 and the s*se

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    ant GW! rates in %2 e

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    ,ate han&e ontri*tion o Workin& Gro) I to the Second ssess,ent Re)ort o the

    ce 6asis ontri*tion o Workin& Gro) I to the Forth ssess,ent Re)ort o the Inter&overn,enta#

    #i,ate han&e? 1. 6S"( CGJG !rotoco# or)orate ccontin& and Re)ortin& Standard? Revised 7dition 2004. 6S"( CGreenhose Gas !rotoco# ccontin& ;otes ;o. 1 ccontin& and Re)ortin& Standard

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3






    Dhis Indicator covers the disc#osre o ener&+ indirect $Sco)e 2( GJG e,issions in %2 e

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    Documentation Sources


    Source$ %R& %' %ui"elines( &mplementation #anual( p)11/,

    Worksheet / G4 / Version 1.1_3 / Standard Licence / 2014 enviroI! "r. Gast#

    See G#ossar+ in I,)#e,entation 5ana# ). 244A: 6ase +earA: ar*on dioEide e

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    nts o the GJGs covered *+ the K; CO+oto !rotoco#? and the WRI and W6S" CGJG !rotoco#

    ations Fra,e=ork onvention on #i,ate han&e?100 and the s*se

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    n& coo#in& and stea, cons,)tion re)orted in Indicator G4-7;3.

    #i,ate han&e ontri*tion o Workin& Gro) I to the Second ssess,ent Re)ort o the

    ience 6asis ontri*tion o Workin& Gro) I to the Forth ssess,ent Re)ort o the

    on #i,ate han&e? 1. W6S"( CGJG !rotoco# or)orate ccontin& and Re)ortin& Standard? Revised 7dition 2004.

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    GJG e,issions are a ,a@or contri*tor to c#i,ate chan&e and are &overned *+ the K; CKnitedGJGs inc#din& ,ethane $J4( are a#so air )o##tants that have si&nicant adverse i,)acts o

    For so,e or&ani'ations GJG e,issions ro, otside o the or&ani'ation or res#tin& ro, the$Sco)e 2( GJG e,issions. 5easrin& and co,,nicatin& eHorts to redce other indirect $Sco)

    %ther indirect $Sco)e 3( e,issions are a conse

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3



    7pstream1. !rchased &oods and services2. a)ita# &oods3. Fe#- and ener&+-re#ated activities $those that are not inc#ded in Sco)e 1 or Sco)e 2 e,issio4. K)strea, trans)ortation and distri*tion9. Waste &enerated in o)erations. 6siness trave#. 7,)#o+ee co,,tin&

    8. K)strea, #eased assets%ther )strea,

    Do4nstream. "o=nstrea, trans)ortation and distri*tion10. !rocessin& o so#d )rodcts11. Kse o so#d )rodcts12. 7nd o #ie treat,ent o so#d )rodcts13. "o=nstrea, #eased assets14. Franchises19. Invest,ents%ther do=nstrea,For each cate&or+ and activit+ a*ove )rovide a &re in %2 e

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    Documentation Sources


    Source$ %R& %' %ui"elines( &mplementation #anual( p)112,

    Worksheet / G4 / Version 1.1_3 / Standard Licence / 2014 enviroI! "r. Gast#

    .: 6ase +earA: ar*on dioEide e

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    ations Fra,e=ork onvention on #i,ate han&e? and the s*se

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3



    + certain data are not inc#ded.

    cate&ories and activities doc,ented in the WRI and W6S" CGJG !rotoco# or)orate Va#e hainor the ease o reerence *et=een G4 and the WRI and W6S" CGJG !rotoco# or)orate Va#e hain

    re)orted se)arate#+ and not added to the tota# other indirect $Sco)e 3( e,issions. Dhese e,issionsan+ other GJGs $sch as J4 and ;2%( or to an+ GJG e,issions that occr in the #ie c+c#e o

    or trans)ortin& *io,ass(.

    trans)arenc+ or co,)ara*i#it+ over ti,e. For eEa,)#e the+ ,a+ disa&&re&ate data *+

    a*#e and s)eci+ their reasons or choosin& that )artic#ar +ear. For reca#c#ations o )rior +earte Va#e hain $Sco)e 3( ccontin& and Re)ortin& Standard?.

    ate and ,easre e,issions =ith a reerence to the ca#c#ation too#s sed. %r&ani'ations s*@ect to

    #+ or the data re)orted nder the 7,issions s)ect. 7,ission actors ,a+ ori&inate ro, ,andator+ti,ates o GW!s chan&e over ti,e as scientic research deve#o)s. %r&ani'ations ,a+ se the GW!sW!s ro, the Second ssess,ent Re)ort are sed as the *asis or internationa# ne&otiations nderconict =ith nationa# or re&iona# re)ortin& re

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    )tion otside o the or&ani'ation re)orted in Indicator G4-7;4. %ther )otentia# sorces o inor,ationct e,issions sch as *siness trave# the or&ani'ation ,a+ need to co,*ine its o=n records =ith data

    ods and Services !S 2090 2011.

    #i,ate han&e ontri*tion o Workin& Gro) I to the Second ssess,ent Re)ort o the

    ience 6asis ontri*tion o Workin& Gro) I to the Forth ssess,ent Re)ort o the

    on #i,ate han&e? 1. W6S"( CGJG !rotoco# or)orate Va#e hain $Sco)e 3( ccontin& and Re)ortin& Standard? 2011. W6S"( CGJG !rotoco# !rodct Lie +c#e ccontin& and Re)ortin& Standard? 2011. W6S"( CGreenhose Gas !rotoco# ccontin& ;otes ;o. 1 ccontin& and Re)ortin& Standard

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    Documentation Sources

    Intensit+ ratio denes an or&ani'ation?s GJG e,issions in the conteEt o an or&ani'ation-s)ecis)ecic ,etric $the deno,inator(.

    GJG e,issions intensit+ eE)resses the GJG e,issions )er nit o activit+ ot)t or an+ otherratios. Intensit+ ratios are oten ca##ed nor,a#i'ed environ,enta# i,)act data.

    Intensit+ ratios ,a+ inc#de *t are not #i,ited to: !rodct e,ission intensit+ $sch as ,etric tons o %2 e,issions )er nit )rodced(A: Service intensit+ $sch as ,etric tons o %2 e,issions )er nction or )er service(A: Sa#es intensit+ $sch as ,etric tons o %2 e,issions )er sa#es(

    In co,*ination =ith an or&ani'ation?s a*so#te GJG e,issions disc#osed in Indicators G4Q-7;19ecienc+ inc#din& in re#ation to other or&ani'ations.

    Se#ect an a))ro)riate ratio deno,inator to re)resent the )er-nit ot)t activit+ or an+ otherA: Knits o )rodctA: !rodction vo#,e $,etric ton #iter 5Wh(A: Si'e $,2 oor s)ace(A: ;,*er o ##-ti,e e,)#o+eesA: 5onetar+ nits $revene sa#es(

    %r&ani'ations ,a+ re)ort severa# GJG e,issions intensit+ ratios =here this aids trans)arenc+ oA: 6siness nit or aci#it+A: ontr+A: Sorce t+)eA: ctivit+ t+)e

    Intensit+ is ca#c#ated *+ dividin& the a*so#te e,issions $the n,erator( *+ the or&ani'ation-s

    I re)ortin& co,*ined direct $Sco)e 1( and indirect $Sco)e 2( intensit+ ratios add to&ether thee,issions. #ternative#+ se the GJG e,issions &res re)orted in Indicators G4Q-7;19 and G4

    %r&ani'ations ,a+ re)ort the other indirect $Sco)e 3( GJG e,issions intensit+ ratio =ith this In$Sco)e 1( or ener&+ indirect $Sco)e 2( intensit+ ratios.

    Where )ossi*#e or&ani'ations are eE)ected to a))#+ e,ission actors and GW! rates consistent#re)ortin& re

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3



    Source$ %R& %' %ui"elines( &mplementation #anual( p)11,

    Worksheet / G4 / Version 1.1_3 / Standard Licence / 2014 enviroI! "r. Gast#

    A: AAar*on "isc#osre !ro@ect $"!( Investor "! Inor,ation Re

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    c ,etric. Intensit+ is ca#c#ated *+ dividin& the a*so#te e,issions $the n,erator( *+ an or&ani'ation-

    or&ani'ation-s)ecic ,etric. 5an+ or&ani'ations track environ,enta# )eror,ance =ith intensit+

    G4Q-7;1 and G4Q-7;1 GJG e,issions intensit+ he#)s to conteEta#i'e the or&ani'ation?s

    r&ani'ation-s)ecic ,etric. Dhis ,a+ inc#de *t is not #i,ited to

    r co,)ara*i#it+. For eEa,)#e the+ ,a+ ca#c#ate se)arate ratios *+

    ecic ,etric $the deno,inator(.

    &res re)orted in Indicators G4Q-7;19 and G4Q-7;1 to deter,ine the tota# a*so#te a,ont o GJGQ-7;1 se)arate#+.

    icatorP ho=ever this ratio is eE)ected to *e )resented se)arate#+ and not co,*ined =ith the direct

    #+ or the data re)orted nder the 7,issions s)ect. 7,ission actors ,a+ ori&inate ro, ,andator+ti,ates o GW!s chan&e over ti,e as scientic research deve#o)s. %r&ani'ations ,a+ se the GW!sW!s ro, the Second ssess,ent Re)ort are sed as the *asis or internationa# ne&otiations nderconict =ith nationa# or re&iona# re)ortin& re

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    6S"( CGJG !rotoco# or)orate ccontin& and Re)ortin& Standard? Revised 7dition 2004. 6S"( CGreenhose Gas !rotoco# ccontin& ;otes ;o. 1 ccontin& and Re)ortin& Standard

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  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


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    Documentation Sources


    Source$ %R& %' %ui"elines( &mplementation #anual( p)12,Worksheet / G4 / Version 1.1_3 / Standard Licence / 2014 enviroI! "r. Gast#

    Ja'ardos =aste ,ana&e,ent is a ke+ area o concern or ,an+ stakeho#ders. I,)ro)er trans)to hand#e sch =aste can )ose har, to *oth h,an hea#th and the environ,ent. In addition )

    and internationa# reations as =e## as )otentia# da,a&e to re)tation.

    Identi+ ha'ardos =aste trans)orted *+ or on *eha# o the or&ani'ation =ithin the re)ortin& )e

    Ksin& this inor,ation ca#c#ate the tota# =ei&ht o trans)orted ha'ardos =aste sin& the o##o

    8otal 4eig#t of #a9ardous

    eig#t of #a9ardous 4aste transpfrom e;ternal sources/suppli

    eig#t of #a9ardous 4aste transpoto e;ternal sources/suppli

    eig#t of #a9ardous 4aste transportedbet4een locations o4ned6 lea

    Identi+ the tota# =ei&ht o ha'ardos =aste trans)orted across internationa# *orders and =hich#ocations o the or&ani'ation is not conted as i,)orted.

    Identi+ the )ro)ortion o the tota# a,ont o trans)orted ha'ardos =aste *+ destination that io the or&ani'ation to cross internationa# *orders eEc#din& trans)ortation *et=een diHerent #o

    Identi+ the )ortion o the tota# a,ont o trans)orted and eE)orted =aste *+ destination that t

    Identi+ the )ortion o the tota# a,ont o =aste *+ destination that is treated *+ eEterna# sorc

    onvert vo#,es to an esti,ate o =ei&ht =ith a *rie eE)#anation o the ,ethodo#o&+ sed.

    !otentia# sorces o inor,ation or the n,erator inc#de invoices ,easre,ents or ca#c#atio#eve# &idance on GJG e,issions re)ortin&.

    A: AAar*on "isc#osre !ro@ect $"!( Investor "! Inor,ation Re

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    ort o dan&eros =astes )artic#ar#+ to contries that #ack the inrastrctre and nationa# reationsoor ,ana&e,ent o ha'ardos =aste creates #ia*i#ities associated =ith non-co,)#iance =ith nationa#

    riod *+ destination. Dhis inc#des trans)ort across o)erationa# *ondaries and =ithin o)erations.

    =in& e

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  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    8able of G,-PR0

    yes no

    Sae se o the )rodct or service

    %ther $eE)#ain(

    -Source$ %R& %' %ui"elines( &mplementation #anual( p),

    Worksheet / G4 / Version 1.1_3 / Standard Licence / 2014 enviroI! "r. Gast#

    Dhe sorcin& o co,)onents o the)rodct or service

    ontent )artic#ar#+ =ith re&ard tos*stances that ,i&ht )rodce anenviron,enta# or socia# i,)act

    "is)osa# o the )rodct andenviron,enta#/socia# i,)acts

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  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3






    Identi+ the a*so#te n,*er o ata#ities that occrred d

    Injury rate $IR'3

    2ccupational disease rate $2DR'3

    D+)e o in@r+ and rates o in@r+ occ)ationa# diseases #re#ated ata#ities *+ re&ion and *+ &ender.

    Jea#th and saet+ )eror,ance is a ke+ ,easre o an orare &enera##+ #inked to )ositive trends in staH ,ora#e andsaet+ ,ana&e,ent )ractices are res#tin& in e=er occtrends and )atterns ,a+ a#so indicate )otentia# =ork)#ac

    Identi+ the s+ste, o r#es a))#ied in recordin& and re)oRecordin& and ;otication o %cc)ationa# ccidents andand notication o =ork)#ace accidents. Where nationa# #aand that )ractice o##o=s the #a=. In sitations =here natis+ste, o r#es it a))#ies and their re#ationshi) to the IL%

    Identi+ the s+ste, sed to track and re)ort on hea#th ans+ste, covers a## si&nicant o)erations and &eo&ra)hic #across an or&ani'ation. Kse the inor,ation in these s+st

    Re)ort this inor,ation se)arate#+ or the tota# =orkorce

    inde)endent contractors =orkin& on-site to =ho, the or&environ,ent *+- Re&ion- Gender

    Identi+ the in@r+ rate $IR( eE)erienced drin& the re)orti

    Since so,e or&ani'ations inc#de ,inor $rst-aid #eve#( in@inc#ded or eEc#ded.

    Re)ort this inor,ation se)arate#+ or the tota# =orkorceinde)endent contractors =orkin& on-site to =ho, the or&

    environ,ent *+A- Re&ionA- Gender

    Dhe in@r+ rate inc#des ata#ities.

    Identi+ the occ)ationa# disease rate $%"R( eE)eriencedRe)ort this inor,ation se)arate#+ or the tota# =orkorceinde)endent contractors =orkin& on-site to =ho, the or&environ,ent *+

    - Re&ionA- Gender

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    Lost day rate $LDR'

    *bsentee rate $*R'


    Documentation Sources



    Source$ %R& %' %ui"elines( &mplementation #a

    Worksheet / G4 / Version 1.1_3 / Standard Licence / 20

    Identi+ the #ost da+ rate $L"R( eE)erienced drin& the reIn ca#c#atin& C#ost da+s? indicateAWhether Cda+s? ,eans Cca#endar da+s? or Csched#ed =orAt =hat )oint the C#ost da+s? cont *e&ins $or eEa,)#e t

    Re)ort this inor,ation se)arate#+ or the tota# =orkorceinde)endent contractors =orkin& on-site to =ho, the or&environ,ent *+A- Re&ionA- Gender

    Identi+ the a*sentee rate $R( eE)erienced drin& the re

    Re)ort this inor,ation se)arate#+ or the tota# =orkorceinde)endent contractors =orkin& on-site to =ho, the or&environ,ent *+A- Re&ionA- Gender

    See G#ossar+ in I,)#e,entation 5ana# ). 244A- *senteeA- *sentee rateA- Fata#it+A- In@r+A- In@r+ rateA- Lost da+A- Lost da+ rateA- %cc)ationa# diseaseA- %cc)ationa# disease rateA- S)ervised =orkerA- Dota# =orkorce

    !otentia# sorces o inor,ation inc#de e,)#o+ee recordrecords.

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    rin& the re)ortin& )eriod.

    st da+s and a*senteeis, and tota# n,*er o =ork-

    ani'ation?s dt+ o care. Lo= in@r+ and a*sentee rates)rodctivit+. Dhis Indicator sho=s =hether hea#th andationa# hea#th and saet+ incidents. n eva#ation oine

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    ual( p)13,

    14 enviroI! "r. Gast#

    ortin& )eriod.


    e da+ ater the accident or 3 da+s ater the accident(

    $that is tota# e,)#o+ees )#s s)ervised =orkers( andani'ation is #ia*#e or the &enera# saet+ o the =orkin&

    ortin& )eriod.

    $that is tota# e,)#o+ees )#s s)ervised =orkers( andani'ation is #ia*#e or the &enera# saet+ o the =orkin&

    e,)#o+ee contracts attendance records and accident

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


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  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3



    GRI G4








    Dhis is

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    lcome to your GRI-or!s#eet=

    essentials to start 4it#3

    ot the ta*s at the *otto, o this =indo=

    Find the Read5e-Da* or ,ore Inor,ation a*ot the se o this Worksh

    is# you good luc! 4it# your Reporting Proje

    a co,)#i,entar+ too# or GRI-Re)orters )rovided *+ enviro+IP(com

    Dhe ta*s =i## &ide +o thro&h a## the re)ortin& sections accordin& toGRI G4 Gide#ines $e.&. In Da* 7; +o## nd the e#e,ents re#ated toenviron,enta# isses and so on(.

    heck ot the ock)it-Da* Dhis is +or cock)it =here +o see thestats o +or GRI Re)ortin& !ro@ect at a## ti,es.

  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3




  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3



    "o4 to use t#is GRI-or!s#eet>

    Specic information regarding e;cel comments

    +opyrig#t6 Licence6 Disclaimer

    GRI-Worksheet$G4(Version 1.1_3 / Standard Licence 2014 enviroI! "r. Gast#

    8#an! you for using t#is GRI-or!s#eet( 8#e GRI-or!s#eet 4ill ma!e t#e process of sustainability e?cient( It lets t#e user focus on t#e reporting content itself and on t#e collection of data(

    8#is GRI-or!s#eet is designed for )icrosoft E;cel $8)' &@@A and later versions( If you 4or! 4it# alimitations6 but functionality s#ould not be a problem(

    8#e GRI-or!s#eet is self-e;plaining( ItCs structure is not ;ed6 and t#us allo4s t#e user ma;imum It is recommended6 in addition6 to add ample document identication information(

    2ne of t#e big advantages of using t#is GRI-or!s#eet lies in t#e comments 4#ic# are added to madirectly out of t#e current version of GRI G, Guidelines( "o4ever6 it is strongly recommended to doStandard DisclosuresC and CImplementation )anualC' and to prepare t#e process of reporting using tmore information6 resources6 and do4nloads(

    If a comment is added to a cell6 t#is is indicated by a red triangle on t#e rig#t upper corner of t#e ce

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    J +opyrig#t &@%, envirocip(com( *ll rig#ts reserved 4orld4ide( 8#is publication/tool is protected byredistribution rig#ts(

    License type3 8#is document comes 4it# a free standard user licence( 8#e person may ma!e copies storage( It is not allo4ed to give a4ay or sell t#is GRI-or!s#eet or parts of it to anyone else(

    8#e GRI-or!s#eet $G,-Bersion' #as undergone certication t#roug# t#e GRI +ertied Soft4are andfrom t#e GRI G, Guidelines is being used accurately in t#is soft4are or digital tool(Dr( RenK Gastl cannot guarantee t#at by using t#is soft4are / tool / GRI-or!s#eet t#e client 4ill pr

    reFuired( In order to produce a GRI report6 consult t#e complete GRI G, Reporting Principles and Stdetailed instructions(

    GRI G4 R ti ! i i #
  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    +itations of GRI G, Documents

    or!s#eet / G, / Bersion %(%0 / Standard Licence / J &@%, enviro+IP Dr( Gastl

    GRI G4 I,)#e,entation 5ana#

    Disclaimer38#is document and all of its contents6 including citations6 come 4it#out any 4arranties of any !ind(4arranty to 4#et#er t#is document is suitable for t#e users purposes or not( It is at t#e users o4n no one 4ill be liable for soft4are and / or #ard4are damages(

    M *ll citations of GRI G, Guidelines are e;cerpts of t#e follo4ing source3GRI G, Sustainability Reporting Guidelines( J Global Reporting Initiative $&@%0' 444(globalreportiGRI G, Guidelines means version , of t#ese guidelines6 including bot# CReporting Principles and Sta

    8#e use of suc# citations 4as rst permitted by GRI on NN/NN/&@%,( Disclaimer3GRI ta!es no responsibility for t#e content of t#is document(

    8#e numbering system of GRI G, Guidlines is based on t#e follo4ing routine3 5or e;ample6 inG, E&%6 OG, indicates OGRI Guidelines version ,6 OE indicates t#e Environmental category ancategory(
  • 7/21/2019 Gri g4 Worksheet Envirocip v1 3


    "ro)do=n #ist sho=in& stats o re)ortin& e#e,ent

    han&e this #ist to sit +or individa# )r)oses


    a#,ost done

    in )ro&ress

    @st startednot started

    not re)orted


    Worksheet / G4 / Version 1.1_3 / Standard Licence / 2014 enviroI! "r. Gast#