Greetings from SOHA Principal

Greetings from SOHA Institute. As we usher in the Year of the Snake, I would like to take this auspicious occasion to wish you good health, happiness and good luck. I also wish to express our sincere gratitude for the trust that you have bestowed upon us in your vocational education and career pursuit. Over the years since our inception as TCM Professional Centre in year 2000, and with your continuing support, we have made good progress as a competency-based training institution. Today, we are among the top 5 training centres offering a comprehensive range of WSQ Spa Tourism courses covering areas such as reflexology, body and beauty therapy. This year, we hope to be able to offer additional modules for the award of the Certificate in Spa Services. With a rapidly aging population and the proven benefits of TCM methodologies such as acupuncture and traditional massotherapy in pain management, SOHA Institute will launch the TCM Physician Assistant programme with its certification validated by Chengdu University of TCM. At the same time, through TCM Professional Group Holding, we will be setting up community-based acupuncture and healthcare centres as well as social enterprises to offer services for the elderly and the sub-optimal health sector to offer jobs and career opportunities for those who have completed our TCM programmes. In the spirit of contributing back to society, SOHA Institute will be starting our very first SOHA TCM Free Clinic at the end of February 2013 situated at Block 440 Yishun Street 11. Our drug-free TCM pain management services will be completely free of charge regardless of race and religion. This will complement our Head & Shoulder Free massage services that we have been providing at RCs/CCs and Senior Activity Centres all these years. Do spare some effort and time within your means for this good cause. Finally, may the new year give a new hope and prosperity into your life as we reconnect in a lifelong Journey of Rediscovery. And as one big Family, we can draw on each other’s strength for growth whether it is for a business or charitable cause. Keep in touch! Best wishes Khoo Eng Lim, Principal Chong Tian Tet, Vice Principal/General Manager


Greetings from SOHA Principal.

Transcript of Greetings from SOHA Principal

Greetings from SOHA Institute.

As we usher in the Year of the Snake, I would like to take this auspicious occasion to wish

you good health, happiness and good luck. I also wish to express our sincere gratitude for the

trust that you have bestowed upon us in your vocational education and career pursuit.

Over the years since our inception as TCM Professional Centre in year 2000, and with your

continuing support, we have made good progress as a competency-based training institution.

Today, we are among the top 5 training centres offering a comprehensive range of WSQ Spa

Tourism courses covering areas such as reflexology, body and beauty therapy. This year, we

hope to be able to offer additional modules for the award of the Certificate in Spa Services.

With a rapidly aging population and the proven benefits of TCM methodologies such as

acupuncture and traditional massotherapy in pain management, SOHA Institute will launch

the TCM Physician Assistant programme with its certification validated by Chengdu

University of TCM. At the same time, through TCM Professional Group Holding, we will be

setting up community-based acupuncture and healthcare centres as well as social enterprises

to offer services for the elderly and the sub-optimal health sector to offer jobs and career

opportunities for those who have completed our TCM programmes.

In the spirit of contributing back to society, SOHA Institute will be starting our very first

SOHA TCM Free Clinic at the end of February 2013 situated at Block 440 Yishun Street 11.

Our drug-free TCM pain management services will be completely free of charge regardless

of race and religion. This will complement our Head & Shoulder Free massage services that

we have been providing at RCs/CCs and Senior Activity Centres all these years. Do spare

some effort and time within your means for this good cause.

Finally, may the new year give a new hope and prosperity into your life as we reconnect in a

lifelong Journey of Rediscovery. And as one big Family, we can draw on each other’s

strength for growth whether it is for a business or charitable cause.

Keep in touch!

Best wishes

Khoo Eng Lim, Principal

Chong Tian Tet, Vice Principal/General Manager

新年好! 值此 2013 新年来临之际,首昊学院向大家表示最衷心的感谢和最诚挚的祝福,感谢您长期以来对首昊学院(前新传统医药学院 TCM Professional Centre)的支持和信任! 感谢过去十多年来您对我们的包容、支持与信任,我们感恩。因为有逾千位的同学与我们共同成长,首昊学院才一步步壮大,成为新加坡劳动发展局(WDA)旗下五大提供旅游业劳动力技能培训机构之一,目前已拥有多个服务模块;涵盖按摩, 反射疗法和美体美容服务等, 在新的一年里首昊学院将为大家进一步提供完整的 WSQ 职业技能证书 (Certificate In SPA )。 随着社会人口老龄化的快速递增和中医针推对痛症的特殊疗效, 首昊学院推出了中医诊所实习与学习相结合的中医助理职位的培训课程- 成都中医药大学鉴定的康复保健证书与康复按摩推拿高级文凭。同时,首昊学院的母公司新传统医药集团(TCM Professional Group) 也将设立多间社区中医康复保健社会企业提供兼负工作与保健的职位。 本著回馈社会大众的精神,首昊学院联合义顺南区居委会在义顺 11 街第 440 座底层主办中医慈善诊所,在 2013 年 2 月底起每星期四晚上提供义诊; 诊所不收登记费和服务费,也不分种族宗教信仰,为周边社区居民提供免费针推康复服务。希望同学们能够共襄善举。 新春来临,万象更新,愿您在未来的日子里和我们一起开启新的航程,无论是一起打拼事业或是为社会公益慈善尽一份绵力。 最后,祝大家春节愉快、身体健康,万事如意、阖家欢乐!

此致 敬礼 院长:邱英林 副院长/总经理:张天德