Gray and Echlin Families of Armagh, Belfast and Down

1 Gray and Echlin families of Armagh, Belfast and Down, Northern Ireland


Family tree of William Gray and Hester Echlin from Northern Ireland who immigrated to Ontario in the 1830s. Mostly Gray surname family descendants noted, as research on female line descendants only selectively shown.

Transcript of Gray and Echlin Families of Armagh, Belfast and Down

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Gray and Echlin families

of Armagh, Belfast and Down, Northern


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Gray and Echlin families of Armagh, Belfast

and Down, Northern Ireland


- The following uses Family Tree Maker Register Report format, copied into Word and illustrations added. - It is divided into sections by generation number and their children. Move onto the next section/generation for the next level. (See contents below.) Much of this is based on work done by Douglas D. Gray, who focussed on his own family surname and did not follow the female lines in his tree. - As the prime focus is to assist interested parties in tracing their ancestors and relatives up to about the middle of the 20th century, this only documents up to the 4th generation, including names of children if known. Information about most of the later individuals living (or potentially so) noted here, aside from names, births and marriages (where known) is generally omitted. - For security reasons, birth day and months for individuals believed to be living are omitted.


Several individuals assisted in providing the information and illustrations included in this summary, particularly Douglas D. Gray, Garfield and Kathleen Mayne and Agnes Simmons, and also George Everett Mayne, Jack and Verlin Mayne, Gwen and Dorothy James, Jane (Mayne) Cohen and others (apologies for any names omitted).

Additions and Amendments:

Comments and corrections can be sent to [email protected] (Further pre-1950 contributions of information, photos and other illustrations would be welcomed and reviewed for potential inclusion. There is no copyright on this, so anyone wishing to use it to build later and/or further in any way is free to do so.)

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Gray and Echlin families of Armagh, Belfast and Down, Northern Ireland


Notes: ................................................................................................................................... 2

Acknowledgements: ............................................................................................................ 2

Additions and Amendments: .............................................................................................. 2

Generation 1 – Beginning with William Gray born 1815 and Hester Echlin born 1813 ... 4

Generation 2 – Beginning with Robert John Gray born 1841 ........................................... 9

Generation 3 – Beginning with Charles Gray born 1867................................................. 13

Generation 4 – Beginning with Samuel Kenneth Gray born 1899 .................................. 28

Sources .............................................................................................................................. 37

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Generation 1 – Beginning with William Gray born 1815 and Hester Echlin

born 1813 1. William Gray-1 was born in 1815 in County Armagh, Northern Ireland[1, 2]. He died in 1902.

Notes for William Gray: General Notes: There seems to be a question as to whether William was from Armagh, as daughter

Mrs. Bruyea said her father and mother came from Belfast and County Down.

Both William Gray and Hester Echlin emigrated from northern Ireland in the 1830s,

which was before the potato famine of the latter half of the 1840s. See Source

Wikipedia Irish Canadians.

As it seems William and Hessy were both Protestant and from northern Ireland, it is very

possible their families were originally Scottish who had settled in Ireland under James I

or around that time. See Source Wikipedia Plantation of Ulster. The surname database

suggest Scottish origins for both names:

William Gray 1815-1902 (from Douglas D. Gray)

William landed in Kingston, Ontario, from Ireland (1833) and worked as a stonemason

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building Kingston Penitentiary (1834). One day (1834), while watching a boatload of

immigrants disembark, he saw the girl of his dreams, Hester Echlin. Whether Hester

and her family went straight to Beverly Twp. and William followed is not known, however

William and Hester lived near Dundas, Ontario, until around 1851, when they moved to

settle on the Snow Road near Flinton, Ontario, where they built a log cabin with the logs

vertical instead of horizontal, much to the amusement of their neighbours.

1851 Census (Agricultural - Personal missing) Beverly Twp., Wentworth County

Microfilm # c-986, page 25 shows: William Gray, concession/range 5, lot/part 29 1/5, 100 acres Robert Echlin, Senior, concession/range 5, lot/part 30 1/2, 100 acres Robert Echlin, Junior, concession/range 5, lot/part 30 6/?, 88 acres Hamilton Registry Office showed ownership of the land at the above time as belonging to the Echlins, meaning William must have been renting the land from the Echlins. (In 1967 Douglas Gray visited the farm lot 30 1/2, concession 5 noted above and was

referred to a Mrs. Clifford Echlin, RR 1 Copetown, who called over 82 year old (born

1885) Mrs. May Binkley (nee Echlin), a daughter of Charles Echlin, who remembered

her Aunt Hessy Gray and Uncle Billy Gray.

The 1861 census report (#c-1047) shows William and his wife Hessy both born in

Ireland, living on lot 31, 8th concession, twp. of Kaladar, Lennox and Addington County, with six children, namely Robert age 21, Elizabeth age 23, William age 18, Thomason

age 15, Daniel age 13 and Anglison age 5. All ages shown are the age next birthday. At this time, 1861, William and his wife Hessy indicate their ages next birthday as 47 and 49 years respectively. Their land is shown as 100 acres cash value of farm $200.00.

The registry office in Napanee has records showing a Crown grant of 100 acres, Lot 31,

concession 8, Kaladar Twp. Lennox and Addington County as of March 26, 1863. Was

William living on lot 31 as a squatter previous to this date or somewhere else? (See

next para.) He supposedly left the Hamilton area when Thomasine was 8 years old and

therefore seven years are unaccounted for. Also Robert received his Crown grant in

May of 1863.

Crown land papers - Report of Settlers Kaladar Twp. 1861 William Gray log cabin and log barn. Years settled 4. [suggesting William settled

here in 1857] (R.G.1, CU16, Vol. 9, Report Midland Dist., Kaladar Twp. 1861, A.B.


According to the Mary Thomasine Bruyea article, she left Dundas age 8, which

would have been about 1854; census says family settled 4 years in Kaladar in 1861.

Therefore 3 years seem to be missing [in Kingston 1854-1857?].

Napanee registry records show William Gray et ux sold 100 acres December 3, 1878 to

a Hugh Fraser, merchant, of West Flamboro Twp. near Hamilton for $200.00. Sale

indenture refers to S half of Lot 30 in the 8th concession. At the time of the sale William

and his wife Hessy were both living in the Twp. of Beverly, County of Wentworth (William

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formerly of Kaladar), and both of them signed the sale deed, William with his own

signature and Hessy with an X indicating she could not write her own name.

William Gray late in life when blind (from Douglas D. Gray)

William went blind in his old age and lived with a daughter in Toronto. When he died was

buried in Beverly Twp. There is indication William had assets when he died, because Mary Bruyea felt she did not

receive her share. (Source: 1992 notes and letters from Douglas D. Gray of Oshawa, Ontario)

Hester 'Hessy' Echlin was born in 1813 in County Down or Belfast, Ireland. Notes for Hester 'Hessy' Echlin:

General Notes:

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Hester settled in Beverly Twp near Hamilton after immigrating to Canada. Her husband William must have followed behind to Hamilton because he and Hester are listed in census

reports as being on the Echlin farm. Hester is believed to be interred in Actinolite, but name not put on gravestone. (Douglas D. Gray letter 3/9/92) The Echlin name is originally Scottish from lands known as Echline in West Lothian and a

branch of this family established themselves in County Down early in the 17th century. (The

surname database

William Gray and Hester 'Hessy' Echlin were married about 1837. They had the following children:

i. Elizabeth Gray was born in 1839.

2. ii. Robert John Gray was born in 1841. He died in 1910 in Harlowe.

iii. Mary Thomasina Gray was born in 1843. She died in 1945 in Deseronto,

Ontario, Canada.

Notes for Mary Thomasina Gray:

General Notes: Thomasina married a Roman Catholic, Edward Bruyea. Both are buried in

Napanee, her in one end of the cemetery (Protestant) and him in the other,

because the rules of the day would not allow mixed religion burials.

Thomasina lived in Deseronto for many years of her married life. "She was 103

years old when she died and smoked a pipe for many years. I used to go with

Grandmother and Grandfather Mayne to visit Mrs. Bruyea. She wore long black

dresses, a big white apron and her hair in a bun. She kept her pipe in a covered

glass dish." (Anne Ashley notes 1990)

1943 Local News Article:

DESERONTO WOMAN, AGE 100, RECALLS LIFE OF PIONEERS Deseronto, April 17 (Special) -- Native of Eastern Ontario for practically her whole life, Mrs. Mary Bruyea was born in Beverley township, Wentworth County, and came to this section when her parents moved east to settle in the Flinton district, 40 miles north of Napanee, when she was about eight years old. Today she clearly recalls the early days in the thickly wooded country to the north, mentioning in particular sugar-making time in the spring and getting lost in the woods while gathering sap with others and having to burn fires throughout the night to keep the wolves away. She also recalled vividly the get-together of the settlers on Candlemas day when they would make enough candles to do through the year. Speaking of her married life she told of driving oxen, helping to make shingles,

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spinning yarn, making full cloth, baking bread in outdoor bake ovens and smoking venison for meat through the summer. With the opening of saw mills in Deseronto (then called Millpoint) they moved there and Mrs. Bruyea conducted a large boarding house for a number of years. She lived in the same house on Main Street for 45 years. Last survivor of a family of five, of which no other member lived to be over 65, she is the mother of 11 children, six of whom are living. There are also living 29 grandchildren, 36 great-grandchildren and four great-great-grandchildren. Eight grandsons and two great-grandsons are in the armed forces, all the services being represented. Her husband predeceased her 30 years ago. Mrs. Bruyea's health and faculties are good apart from a bit of rheumatism in her fingers and a slight deafness. She has never had her eyes tested and uses a pair of common glasses only when reading. Her father and mother came from Belfast and County Down, but met first in

Canada. Her father was a stonemason and helped in the construction of

Kingston Penitentiary.

3. iv. William Henry Gray was born in 1846 in Kaladar, Ontario, Canada. He married

Eliza Page on 24 Dec 1868[3]. He died in 1902 in Actinolite, Ontario, Canada.

v. Daniel Gray was born in 1849. He died in 1868 in Beverly Twp., Ontario.

Notes for Daniel Gray:

General Notes: Did not marry. Interred Beverly Twp.

vi. Anglison Gray was born in 1856.

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Generation 2 – Beginning with Robert John Gray born 1841 2. Robert John Gray-2 (William-1) was born in 1841. He died in 1910 in

Harlowe. Deborah Catherine Morgan was born in 1848. She died in


Robert John Gray and Deborah Catherine Morgan married. They had the following children:

i. Hessie Gray was born in 1865. She died in 1939 in Camden Twp..

Notes for Hessie Gray:

General Notes: Lived at Forest Mills near Selby (Anne Ashley notes 1990)

4. ii. Charles Gray was born in 1867. He died in 1904 in Harlowe.

5. iii. Daniel Gray was born in 1870. He died in 1931 in Roblin.

6. iv. William Gray was born in 1873. He died in 1907 in Deer River, Itasca,

Minnesota, USA.

7. v. John Gray was born in 1875. He died in 1962 in Hopetown.

8. vi. Francis Gray was born in 1878. He died in 1948 in Napanee.

3. William Henry Gray-2 (William-1) was born in 1846 in Kaladar, Ontario, Canada. He

died in 1902 in Actinolite, Ontario, Canada.

Notes for William Henry

Gray: General Notes: 1861 census #c1086, Beverly Twp., Wentworth County, fifth ward, page 121 shows: William Gray age 19 [?] and Thomson [Thomasina] Gray (female) living with Echlin

family - probably visiting due to the death of their grandfather Robert Echlin, senior, that

year, since the 1861 census at Kaladar also lists William and Thomiason.

1871 Census Report shows at Actinolite shows: William Henry Gray age 25 [therefore born 1846] Eliza Gray (wife) age 22 Anna Gray age 2

Belleville Registry Office shows: Lot #2, fifth concession of Elzivir Twp., Hastings County (Actinolite) 1887 Cornell sold to William Gray 1925 Eliza Gray, widow, sold to Frost

William was buried in Actinolite, Ontario

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(Source for all above D.D. Gray notes and letters 1992)

Eliza Page daughter of unknown Page was born on 19 Jan 1850 in Buckingham,

Quebec, Canada. She died on 12 Feb 1928 in Hallowell, Ontario, Canada.

L to R: Standing: unknown, Christine (Gray) Thrasher, Emily Gray,

Eliza (Page/Pape) Gray, Roxy (Gray) Long; seated: Arthur and Charles Long

(Source: Bargainbuildall’s Long Family Tree on

Notes for Eliza Page:

General Notes: Eliza Page's great-grandfather came to Canada from England to settle on land granted

to British army soldiers. He had fought in the battle of Waterloo at the age of sixteen. Eliza was born on the farm in Buckingham, Quebec. As a young girl she came to the Cloyne, Denbeigh area with a Mrs. Cole to help with the housework and the children. There she met and married William Gray. They lived in that area until moving to Bridgewater (now Actinolite). Eliza had one sister and a brother. The sister lived in Regina, where her husband was George Russell, a farmer. There were two children,

Verna and George. Eliza's brother lived in Ottawa and had one daughter Annie who

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married John Floyd. (Anne Ashley reminiscences written in 1990.)

Eliza was from Anglesea township in Lennox and Addington County when she

married. Anglesea includes Cloyne and Bishop's Corner near where the Grays lived.

Marriage record suggests Eliza's maiden name may have been Pape rather than

Page, but this seems unlikely based on Anne Ashley's recollections.

William Henry Gray and Eliza Page were married on 24 Dec 1868[3]. They had the following children:

9. i. Annie Gray was born on 07 May 1871. She died in 1897 in Actinolite, Ontario,


10. ii. Christie Gray was born on 06 Oct 1873.

11. iii. Edith Maria Gray was born on 15 Sep 1875.

The earliest known photograph extant of Edith is a tintype.

Edith Maria Gray tintype photograph

She married George Washington Mayne about 1897 in nr. Actinolite,

Ontario, Canada. She died on 19 Aug 1952 in West Lake, Ontario, Canada.

12. iv. George Gray was born on 19 Nov 1877.

13. v. Alice Mary Gray was born on 21 Mar 1880.

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vi. William Harvey Gray was born on 06 Apr 1883. He died in 1885 in

Actinolite, Ontario, Canada.

vii. Emily Gray was born on 16 May 1886. She died in 1947.

Notes for Emily Gray:

General Notes: Did not marry. Spent most of her life in Toronto and owned the Excelsior Laundry on St.

John's Road. (Anne Ashley notes 1990)

Buried in Actinolite (D.D. Gray)

14. viii. Roxanne Gray was born on 01 Sep 1887. She died in 1970.

15. ix. William Harold Gray was born on 19 May 1894.

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Generation 3 – Beginning with Charles Gray born 1867 4. Charles Gray-3 (Robert John-2, William-1) was born in 1867. He died in 1904

in Harlowe. Alice Smith was born in 1872. She died in 1961.

Charles Gray and Alice Smith married. They had the following children:

i. Lucy Gray was born in 1896.

17. ii. Samuel Kenneth Gray was born in 1899. He died in 1985 in Tamworth,

Ontario, Canada.

iii. Charles Gray was born in 1903. He died in 1904 in Harlowe.

5. Daniel Gray-3 (Robert John-2, William-1) was born in 1870. He died in 1931 in Roblin.

Notes for Daniel Gray:

General Notes: lived in Oshawa (Anne Ashley notes 1990)

Janet Maude Mitchell was born in 1877. She died in 1938.

Daniel Gray and Janet Maude Mitchell married. They had the following children:

i. John Frederick Gray was born in 1895. He died in 1895.

ii. Jenny Marion Gray was born in 1896. She died in 1954 in Cataraque.

17. iii. William Robert Gray was born in 1898. He died in 1975 in Oshawa, Ontario,


iv. Elizabeth Maude Gray was born in 1901. She died in 1958.

v. Dorothy Marguerite Gray was born in 1902. She died in 1954 in Detroit.

vi. Daniel Gray was born in 1905. He died in 1922 in Roblin, Ontario, Canada.

vii. Ruth Ida Gray was born in 1907. She died in 1977.

viii. Edna Verna Gray was born in 1909. She died in 1983.

ix. Annie Helen Gray was born in 1911.

18. x. Malcolm Mitchell Gray was born in 1913. He died in 1985 in Port Syndey.

19. xi. Maurice Donald Gray was born in 1913. He died in 1986 in Oshawa, Ontario,

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xii. Elsa Francis Gray was born in 1914. She died in 1914 in Roblin, Ontario,


xiii. Patricia Alice Gray was born in 1915.

xiv. Marjorie Winnifred Gray was born in 1918. She died in 1983.

6. William Gray-3 (Robert John-2, William-1) was born in 1873. He died in 1907 in Deer

River, Itasca, Minnesota, USA.

Ollie Lee.

William Gray and Ollie Lee married. They had the following children:

i. Frank Gray.

7. John Gray-3 (Robert John-2, William-1) was born in 1875. He died in 1962 in


Notes for John Gray:

General Notes: lived in Harlow (Anne Ashley notes 1990)

Lucy Smith was born in 1876. She died in 1959.

John Gray and Lucy Smith married. They had the following children:

i. Alice Sylvia Gray was born in 1902. She died in 1902.

20. ii. Basil Montague Gray was born in 1903.

iii. Kathleen Elizabeth Gray was born in 1906.

iv. Mary Bernice Gray was born in 1912.

v. Lila Vivian Gray.

8. Francis Gray-3 (Robert John-2, William-1) was born in 1878. He died in 1948 in


Notes for Francis Gray:

General Notes: Lived on the family farm when married, and later moves to Selby (Anne Ashley notes 1990)

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Rilla Allen Bishop was born in 1882. She died in 1970.

Francis Gray and Rilla Allen Bishop married. They had the following children:

i. Frances May Gray was born in 1909. She died in 1910 in Harlowe.

22. ii. Charles William Gray was born in 1909.

iii. Hessie Elizabeth Gray was born in 1911.

iv. Elizabeth Gray was born in 1913.

v. Olive Irene Gray was born in 1916.

vi. Merrit Carl Gray was born in 1918. He died in 1948 in Napanee, Ontario,


vii. Wilma Marjorie Gray was born in 1923.

viii. Frederick Gray.

Notes for Frederick Gray:

General Notes: Died as infant?

ix. Frank Gray.

Notes for Frank Gray:

General Notes: Died as infant?

9. Annie Gray-3 (William Henry-2, William-1) was born on 07 May 1871. She died in

1897 in Actinolite, Ontario, Canada.

Notes for Annie Gray:

General Notes: Charcoal painting of Annie done in the 1890s passed to Dorothy/Heather James.

Annie died about 1897 giving birth to son Joseph.

Sherwood Frost was born in 1863. He died in 1941.

Sherwood Frost and Annie Gray married. They had the following children:

i. Joseph Frost was born about 1897. He died in 1977 in Toronto, Ontario,


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Notes for Joseph Frost:

General Notes: Joseph ran away from home at an early age (teens) and settled in Toronto.

He never married. He went blind before dying in 1977.

10. Christie Gray-3 (William Henry-2, William-1) was born on 06 Oct 1873.

George Thrasher.

George Thrasher and Christie Gray married. They had the following children:

i. Ethel Thrasher.

11. Edith Maria Gray-3 (William Henry-2, William-1) was born on 15 Sep 1875. She died on

19 Aug 1952 in West Lake, Ontario, Canada.

Notes for Edith Maria

Gray: General Notes:

Edith had a sense of humour. She and daughter-in-law Kathleen would wrap an empty

package to look like a present and leave it on the road in front of their house. They

would then watch from a farmhouse window until a bemused and expectant motorist

would stop and surreptitiously pick it up. (This may have been on April Fool's Day?)

Interred at St. James Cemetery, Tweed, under a stone

which reads:

In Loving Memory GEORGE W. MAYNE 1871-1949


George Washington Mayne son of William Mayne and Mary Ann Mills Pearce was

born on 17 May 1871 in Actinolite, Ontario, Canada. He died on 08 Apr 1949 in West

Lake, Ontario, Canada.

Notes for George Washington Mayne: General Notes: Was a carpenter and farmer. Had learned carpentry from his father, William Mayne. Built his own frame 2 story house at Potter's Settlement, on the same farm his father had settled on (in the late 1860s?), which was still standing in the mid 1980s.

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House G.W. Mayne built, Potters Settlement, 1947 (photo taken 50 years after house was built

and 26 years after he moved to West Lake farm)

McCoy harvest in western Canada 1919 (McCoy was brother-in-law to G.W. Mayne - Garfield’s trip)

After George and Edith's eldest son Garfield came out of army training camp at the end of the World War I, he went to western Canada in 1919 on a harvest excursion, visiting uncles and cousins who had moved out there (G.W. Mayne had been on a similar harvest excursion in 1908). Garfield was impressed with the farms out west and, when he returned

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home, convinced his father to find a better farm and home. As a result of this, they bought the farm at West Lake, Prince Edward County, Ontario for about $10,000 and moved there in 1921. GW and Garfield built the large barns which stood there for many decades. Garfield and his wife Kathleen lived with his parents on the farm until after his parents died. Much later they sold the farm and retired to nearby Bloomfield. GW was member and secretary for local branch of the Oddfellows (ledgers with

Dorothy/Heather James; box desk he made with Gwen James).

G.W. and Edith Mayne ca. 1940

Interred at St. James Cemetery, Tweed, under a stone which reads:

In Loving Memory GEORGE W. MAYNE 1871-1949


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Standing: Keitha, Garfield and George E.

Sitting: Edith, Agnes and George W. Mayne

George Washington Mayne and Edith Maria Gray were married about 1897 in nr.

Actinolite, Ontario, Canada. They had the following children:

i. William Garfield Mayne was born on 31 Jan 1898 in Potters Settlement, Actinolite,

Ontario. He married Kathleen Victoria Hyatt in Jun 1928 in Prince Edward County,

Ontario. He died in Bloomfield, Prince Edward County, Ontario.

Notes for William Garfield Mayne:

General Notes: Garfield trained to be in the military for the First World War at Petawawa, near

Ottawa, but the war finished before he could be sent over to Europe on active


For their honeymoon, Garfield and Kathleen took a ferry across Lake Ontario to

Rochester, N.Y.

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Mayne Farm from the air with West Lake in the background - 1950s

Garfield and Kathleen Mayne, Bloomfield, 1981

They spent most of their lives at the Mayne Farm on West Lake. In 1965 they sold

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most of the farm (including the maple sugar bush and sap house) to a neighbouring

farmer, keeping the part between the road and the lake (which included the

farmhouse, barns and lakeside cottages). They sold this latter part in the early 70s,

retaining only a 3/4s of an acre section bordering the lake and moved to nearby

Bloomfield (26 Main St.). In the late 1970's they sold the remaining lot to nephew

Jack Mayne, reserving for themselves the right to use that land for the rest of their


Garfield and Kathleen are buried at the West Lake Church of Christ, on land

which once was part of the Mayne farm. The stone over their grave reads: MAYNE

WILLIAM GARFIELD MAYNE 1896 - 1982 his beloved wife


22. ii. Keitha Madeline Mayne was born on 05 Feb 1900 in Potters Settlement,

Actinolite, Ontario.

23. iii. George Everett Mayne was born on 22 Oct 1901 in Actinolite, Ontario, Canada.

He married Eva Jane Harris on 12 Jun 1923 in Agincourt, Ontario, Canada. He

died on 08 Jan 1975 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

G.E. Mayne, West Lake farm

24. iv. Agnes Ida Mayne was born on 25 Aug 1911 in Potters Settlement, Actinolite,

Ontario. She died on 14 Oct 2000.

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Agnes and Garfield Mayne, West Lake farm

v. Frances Evelyn Mayne was born on 07 Feb 1914 in Potters Settlement,

Actinolite, Ontario.

Notes for Frances Evelyn

Mayne: General Notes: died in infancy.

12. George Gray-3 (William Henry-2, William-1) was born on 19 Nov 1877.

Notes for George Gray:

General Notes: When George's first wife Lena died, he married her sister, Jessie. (Anne Ashley notes 1990)

Lena Smith was born in 1871. She died in 1910.

George Gray and Lena Smith married. They had the following children:

i. Hilda Gray.

Jessie Smith.

George Gray and Jessie Smith married. They had no children.

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from left to right: Charles Kellar (Maynes neighbour), George Mayne, Wilkie Simmons, (behind) Agnes

Simmons, Jessie Gray, Garfield Maynes, Kathleen Mayne, Roxy Long, Hilda Long, Edith Mayne, Dorothy Simmons, Len Dawson, George Gray-taken at the Mayne Farm

(source: lstevenson21originally submitted this to Way Family Tree on on 3 Nov 2012) 13. Alice Mary Gray-3 (William Henry-2, William-1) was born on 21 Mar 1880.

Notes for Alice Mary

Gray: General Notes: Alice may also have had a son, as Agnes Mayne recalls playing with him as a child

at the Mayne homestead in Potter's Settlement.

Fred Ashley.

Fred Ashley and Alice Mary Gray married. They had the following children:

i. Anne Ashley.

Notes for Anne Ashley:

General Notes: Spent her life in Actinolite and Belleville, no children. Wrote some family

memories in 1990 which she shared with Dorothy James, then died soon after

(before 1993) in her late 80's, suggesting she was born about 1905.

14. Roxanne Gray-3 (William Henry-2, William-1) was born on 01 Sep 1887. She died in 1970.

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Roxey (Gray) and Clarence Long

(Source: Bargainbuildall’s Long Family Tree on

Notes for Roxanne Gray:

General Notes: Clarence Long was reported to be Roxanne's senior by 25 years.

Douglas D. Gray notes he met and talked with Roxy at the farm in Shannonville when

she was quite elderly. He notes Roxanne was his father's schoolteacher.

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(Source: Bargainbuildall’s Long Family Tree on

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Cemetery name: Belleville Cemetery, Belleville, ON

Names on headstone: Long, Charles, Phoebe, Clarence, Roxanne (Source: Bargainbuildall’s Long Family Tree on

Clarence Long.

Clarence Long and Roxanne Gray married. They had the following children:

i. Charles Long.

Notes for Charles Long:

General Notes: Lived in Shannonville, Ontario

ii. Arthur Long.

Notes for Arthur Long:

General Notes: Lived at the Arthur Long Farm, Shannonville, Ontario

iii. Hilda Long.

15. William Harold Gray-3 (William Henry-2, William-1) was born on 19 May 1894.

Marjorie Grills.

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William Harold Gray and Marjorie Grills married. They had the following children:

i. Jack William Russell Gray.

ii. June Elizabeth Gray was born in 1930.

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Generation 4 – Beginning with Samuel Kenneth Gray born 1899 16. Samuel Kenneth Gray-4 (Charles-3, Robert John-2, William-1) was born in 1899. He

died in 1985 in Tamworth, Ontario, Canada.

Vivian Eula Parks was born in 1905.

Samuel Kenneth Gray and Vivian Eula Parks married. They had the following children:

i. Cora Lucy Gray was born in 1926.

25. ii. Gerald Samuel Gray was born in 1928.

iii. Viola Yula Gray was born in 1931.

iv. Vera Jean Gray was born in 1933.

26. v. William John Gray was born in 1936.

vi. Marjorie Alice Gray was born in 1939.

vii. Lyla Catherine Gray was born in 1947.

17. William Robert Gray-4 (Daniel-3, Robert John-2, William-1) was born in 1898. He

died in 1975 in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada.

Mary Anne Campbell was born in 1906. She died in 1972.

William Robert Gray and Mary Anne Campbell married. They had the following children:

27. i. Douglas Daniel Gray was born in 1931.

18. Malcolm Mitchell Gray-4 (Daniel-3, Robert John-2, William-1) was born in 1913. He

died in 1985 in Port Syndey.

Lillian Taylor.

Malcolm Mitchell Gray and Lillian Taylor married. They had the following children:

28. i. Daniel Malcolm Gray was born in 1938.

ii. David Charles Gray was born in 1941.

19. Maurice Donald Gray-4 (Daniel-3, Robert John-2, William-1) was born in 1913. He

died in 1986 in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada.

Aretha Irene Glover was born in 1921.

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Maurice Donald Gray and Aretha Irene Glover married. They had the following children:

i. Darlene Edith Gray was born in 1946.

ii. Robert Maurice Gray was born in 1948.

20. Basil Montague Gray-4 (John-3, Robert John-2, William-1) was born

in 1903. Hazel E. Black was born in 1903. She died in 1963.

Basil Montague Gray and Hazel E. Black married. They had the following children:

29. i. Jack Donald Gray was born in 1925.

30. ii. Maxwell Basil Gray was born in 1927.

iii. Nadine Evelyn Gray was born in 1929.

iv. Isabelle Gray was born in 1931.

v. Edith Gray was born in 1934.

vi. Elva Gray was born in 1934.

vii. Norma Gray was born in 1937.

31. viii. Eldon Lester Gray was born in 1939.

Maggie Perry.

Basil Montague Gray and Maggie Perry married. They had no children. 21. Charles William Gray-4 (Francis-3, Robert John-2, William-1) was born in 1909.

Muriel Beatrice McKnight was born in 1913.

Charles William Gray and Muriel Beatrice McKnight married. They had the following children:

i. Muriel Louise Gray was born in 1934.

33. ii. Charles Franklin Gray was born in 1935.

34. iii. Robert Karl Gray was born in 1938.

22. Kietha Madeline Mayne-4 (Edith Maria-3, William Henry-2, William-1) was born on 05

Feb 1900 in Potters Settlement, Actinolite, Ontario.

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Notes for Kietha Madeline Mayne:

General Notes: Lived with her family in Goderich, Ontario

Birth date may be 4 Jan 1900 (Anne Ashley notes 1990)

Earl Wilkinson.

Earl Wilkinson and Keitha Madeline Mayne married. They had the following children:

Standing: Maurice and Allen Wilkinson, Joyce Wilkinson Potter, Gwen (Mayne)

James and Jack Mayne. Sitting: Jean (Wilkinson) Stewart and Dorothy (Simmons) James, Bloomfield, 5/1/1982

i. Maurice Eldon Wilkinson.

Notes for Maurice Eldon Wilkinson:

General Notes: Lived in Goderich, Ontario

ii. Allan Winston Wilkinson.

iii. Joyce Enid Wilkinson.

iv. Jean Wilkinson.

23. George Everett Mayne-4 (Edith Maria-3, William Henry-2, William-1) was born on 22

Oct 1901 in Actinolite, Ontario, Canada. He died on 08 Jan 1975 in Winnipeg,

Manitoba, Canada.

Notes for George Everett

Mayne: General Notes: Joined the Canadian Pacific Railway as Assistant Agent at Sulphide Ontario when still 16. While stationed at Agincourt Ontario married Eva Jane Harris.

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Subsequently worked at many other locations and learned Morse code to work the

telegraph machines as part of his duties. GE was eventually promoted to a position of

Regional Vice President for the CPR.

Interred at the Park Lawn Cemetery, Toronto with his first wife, Eva.

Eva Jane Harris daughter of William Richard Harris and Thirza Major was born on 26

Feb 1899 in Agincourt, Ontario, Canada. She died on 23 Oct 1951 in Calgary, Alberta,


George Everett Mayne and Eva Jane Harris were married on 12 Jun 1923 in

Agincourt, Ontario, Canada. Newspaper announcement of the event:

York Co., 1923, part 2

25460-23 George Everett MAYNE, 23, telegrapher, Ontario, Havelock, s/o

George MAYNE (b. Ont) & Edith GRAY, married Eva Jane HARRIS, 24,

Ontario, Agincourt, d/o William HARRIS (b. England) & Thurza MAJOR, witn:

William Garfeld MAYNE of Picton & Majorie HARRIS of Agincourt, 12 June

1923 at St. Timothys Church, Agincourt

Wedding of George Everett Mayne and Eva Jane Harris, 1923. L of groom and

bride are Minister Scoville and Laura Harris; R of them are Garfield Mayne,

Marjorie Harris and flower girls Peggy Pannel and Peggy Jones.

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Eva and G. E. Mayne with Peggy Middleton, Peterborough

George and Eva had the following children:

34. i. Jack Everett Mayne was born in 1924 in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. He

married Verlin Evelyn Bruner in 1947 in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada.

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Jack and Verlin Mayne wedding 1947

35. ii. Gwendolyn Thurza Mayne was born in 1927. She married Eben James in

1957 in Agincourt, Ontario, Canada.

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Eben and Gwen James wedding 1957

Agincourt Inn

Son Jack shares some memories of the Agincourt Inn his mother Eva ran during some of the Depression years: We moved there just before World War 2 started... I think it was 1937. It was still depression times and I thought that my parents were biting off more than they could chew. But, like the Britton family who started the dairy earlier; they thought they could make a go of it. My mom Eva was mostly running the place and doing the work as Everett had landed a job in Toronto selling to retail for a meat company. He was home each night though. I would have been 13 years of age. I think the hotel had about 7 rooms for rent and there was a soda fountain in the front. I was frequently in charge of handling this. I remember Bill Britton Jr. used to come and spend time with me there and of course we would have a chocolate milkshake. The hotel was next door to the Agincourt rink. The clientele was largely travelling salesmen who stayed there on a regular basis; although the Anglican minister (Rev. Kipplewhite) took up regular residence there for about one year.

My Mom was a good cook and of course meals were included in those days. For some reason the Bell Telephone Linemen found out about her cooking and during the week along with any hotel guests there were at least 8 linemen there for dinner every day. She also catered to skating parties at the Rink and these were a big deal where all hands pitched in.

One of my jobs was to make sure the cistern did not go empty. There was no city water and the only water was collected from the eave troughs to the cistern. To supplement this I pumped water from the well into the cistern each night and that is how I developed big shoulders and muscles in my arms. (Try it sometime.)

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I know that while we were there the War started and I can remember being a member of the Home Guard and practicing marching behind the rink using broom sticks as guns. I cannot remember how long we lived there. My guess is about 4 years. By then my father Everett was back on the railroad after a long six or seven year lay-off. The depression was over. We moved to a rented home on Church Street in Agincourt. My Mom Eva worked at the DON AVON food market on Danforth Ave. in Toronto

before the Agincourt Inn era. I don't know how many years, but, I have the feeling she

had worked there while single as well as later. They were friendly with the owners and

I worked there on Saturdays on the meat counter for at least a year. I do not know the

terms of leaving the Inn. I suppose the lease ran out and they did not want to renew

because Dad was back on the Railroad and had an income. I know another family

took over the Inn and immediately put an electric pump on the well to eliminate the

hand pumping that I used to do. Mom took the Linemen with her after the move and

served them dinner five days a week in our house on Church Street for some time.

She also boarded two teachers from the high school, much to my chagrin. We lived at

Church St at least until I finished second year University and then they moved to

Meadowvale Drive in Toronto, where they bought a house next door to Marj and Alec

[Eva’s sister and brother-in-law]. I had boarded in Toronto my second year at the U;

but, when they moved to TO, I lived at home until I graduated and took a job in

Sarnia. At all times until I went to University; I spent the summers at the farm. ( I think

that my family secretly would have been happy if I had become a farmer because

farmers suffered least of all during the depression years; and the terrible years of the

depression took a toll on everyone, as there was no way to make a living. There was

no money anywhere for the average worker.) I was happy on the farm, but my life

took a different turn!! ..... Jack

A 1951 Tweed area newspaper’s obituary for Eva:

“MRS. EVERETT MAYNES – The death of Eva Jane Harris, wife of George Everett

Maynes, occurred suddenly at Calgary, Alberta on Tuesday October 23rd. The late Mrs.

Maynes formerly resided at Agincourt and Montreal. The deceased was known in Tweed,

and had visited here at various intervals. Her husband was formerly Supt. of the local

Division of the Canadian Pacific Railway, was later transferred to a responsible position at

Cote’ St. Luc yards in Montreal, and last summer, he was named General Supt. of the

CPR terminal in Calgary. He was born at Actinolite and started his railway career at

Sulphide and his old friends here, will offer sympathy in his bereavement. The late Mrs.

Maynes is survived by her husband and two children Gwendolyn of Toronto, and Jack of


The remains were brought to the Turner and Poster funeral home, Toronto, from where

the funeral took place on Monday afternoon, October 29th. Interment was in Park Lawn

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cemetery, Toronto.”

24. Agnes Ida Mayne-4 (Edith Maria-3, William Henry-2, William-1) was born on 25 Aug

1911 in Potters Settlement, Actinolite, Ontario. She died on 14 Oct 2000.

Wilkie Simmons.

Wilkie Simmons and Agnes Ida Mayne married.

Agnes and Wilkie Simmons and Agnes Simmons in 1967

They had the following children:

36. i. Dorothy Marguerite Simmons.

Wilkie predeceased Agnes. Cecil Marchen and Agnes Ida Mayne married. He was her second husband. They had no children.

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1 Wikipedia, Irish Canadians. Irish Canadians are immigrants and descendants of immigrants who originated in Ireland. 1.2 million Irish immigrants arrived, 1825 to 1970, at least half of those in the period from 1831-1850. By 1867, they were the second largest ethnic group (after the French), and comprised 24% of Canada's population. The 1931 national census counted 1,230,000 Canadians of Irish descent, half of whom lived in Ontario. About one-third were Catholic in 1931 and two-thirds Protestants.[1] The Irish immigrants were largely Protestant before the famine years of the 1840s, when the Catholics arrived in large numbers. However, most Catholic Irish after 1850 usually headed to the U.S., England and Australia.[2] The 2006 census by Statistics Canada, Canada's Official Statistical office revealed

that the Irish were the 4th largest ethnic group with 4,354,000 Canadians with full or

partial Irish descent or 14% of the country's total population.[3] This was a large and

significant increase of 531,495 since the 2001 census, which counted 3,823,000

respondents quoting Irish ethnicity.[4]. 2 Wikipedia, Plantation of Ulster. The Plantation of Ulster (Irish: Plandáil Uladh) was the

organised colonisation (plantation) of Ulster - a province of Ireland - by people from Scotland and England. Private plantation by wealthy landowners began in 1606,[1] while official plantation controlled by King James I of England and VI of Scotland began in 1609. All land owned by Irish chieftains of the Uí Néill and Uí Domhnaill (along with those of their supporters) was confiscated and used to settle the colonists. This land comprised an estimated half a million acres (2,000 km²) in the counties Tyrconnell, Tyrone, Fermanagh, Cavan, Coleraine and Armagh.[2] Most of the counties Antrim and Down were privately colonised.[1] The "British tenants",[3] a term applied to the colonists,[4] were mostly from Scotland

and England. They were required to be English-speaking and Protestant.[5] The Scottish

colonists were mostly Presbyterian[3] and the English mostly members of the Church of

England. The Plantation of Ulster was the biggest of the Plantations of Ireland. Ulster

was colonised to prevent further rebellion, as it had been the region most resistant to

English control during the preceding century.

. 3 County Marriage Register of Ontario 1858-1869, Volume 13, Lennox and

Addington County. William Gray 25 years Kaladar Canada son of William and Hessy

married Dec. 24, 1868

Eliza Pape [Page?] 19 years Angelsea [Anglesea?]

Canada daughter of William and Mary.