Grammar book [2]

Carlos Reeve, 6 th Sp.2H Grammar Book [2]

Transcript of Grammar book [2]

Carlos Reeve, 6th Sp.2H

Grammar Book [2]

3. Imperfect4. Trigger Words5-8. Preterite

- Regular, Car/Gar/Zar- Snake/Snakey- Cucaracha- Spock

9. Modal Verbs10. Adverbs11. Irregular Adverbs12. Progressive

- Present- Past

13. Future- Regular- Irregular

14. Superlatives15. Formal Commands16. Prepositions17. Conditional18. Demonstratives

Table of Contents

Uses: Ongoing action [Was/Were] Repeated action [Used to] No definite beginning or end Time/Date/Age/Feelings/Description Interrupted Activity [Cuando]


Trigger words are used to show the beginning of an imperfect sentence.

Generalmente = GenerallyFrecuentement = FrequentlySiempre = AlwaysA veces = SometimesA menudo = OftenMientras = AsDe vez en cuando = Occasionally Muchas veces = OftenLos Lunes = On MondaysCada día = DailyTodos los días = Everyday

Trigger Words

Preterite indicates past.Ar Er/Ir É í Aste iste Ó ió Amos imos Aron ieron

Preterite of verbs ending in –car, -gar, and –zar (Only changes in “yo” form)

Ex: Sacar = Yo saqué Pagar = Yo Pagué Empezar = Yo empecé

Preterite (Regular and Car, Gar, Zar)


yo quéGa

ryo gu


yo cé

Snake SnakeyStem Changers Y Changers

Dormir: Leer:Dormí LeíDormimos LeimosDormiste LeisteDurmió LeyóDumieron Leyeron

Changes in 3rd Person for Snakey*.To write 3rd person preterite of er/ir verbs with stems

ending in vowel, change “I” to “Y”.All of these preterite forms require an accent except for

ustedes/ellos/ellas forms.

Preterite (Snake/Snakey)

Andar Anduv-Estar Estuv-Poder Pud-Poner Pus-Quere Quis-Saber Sup-Tener Tuv-VenirVin-

Conducir Conduj-Producir Produj-Traducir Traduj-

DecirDij-Traer Traj-

Preterite (Cucaracha)E






Take off the “I”

This is the preterite irregulars for dar, ver, ir, ser, and hacer.

Preterite (Spock)

Conjugate and pair the modal verbs with an infinitive to get a new meaning.

Ir + a + infinitive [Going to do something]Poder + infinitive [Are able to do something]Querer + infinitive [Want to do something]Deber + infinitive [Should do something]Tener que + infitive [To have to do something]Soler + infinitive [To be accustomed to]Necesitar + infinitive [Need to do something]

Modal Verbs

Add “mente” to the end of the adjective, change to feminine form.

Adjective Feminine Form AdverbClaro Clara


Dificil DificilDificilmente

Perfecto PerfectaPerfectamente

Los Adverbios

Mucho [A lot]Mal [Bad]Ya [Already]Siempre [Always]Peor [Worse]Poco [Little]Bastante [Quite/Enough]Muy [Very]Tan [So]

Irregular Adverbios

Present PastAr = Ando Just change

“estar”Er/Ir = Iendo - EstabaYendo - Estabas

- EstabaEx: - EstabamosHablando - EstabanComiendoLeyendo

Progressive Tense

Will do something.These are irregulars:For non-irregulars, use endings on right:

Decir dir- - áHacer har-Ponerpondr- - ásSalir saldr-Tenertendr- Infinitive + - áValer vendr-Poderpodr- - émosQuerer querr-Sabersabr- - án


Used when saying something has the “most” or least” of something, such as an adjective.

Más + Adjective[The most]

Menos + Adjective[The least…]

Ex: Carlos es el más alto. = Carlos is the tallest.Tito es la menos alto. = Tito is the shortest.


Put in the “yo” form and change to the opposite vowel.Same for regular and negative.

Ar = EEr/Ir = A

TengaVengaDé, DigaVayaSeaHagaEstéSaga

Formal Commands

Abajo = DownArriba = TopDebajo de = BelowDentro de = WithinEncima de = On top ofFuere de = Outside Izquierda = LeftDerecha = RightDelante = In front ofDetras = BehindEntre = BetweenCerca = NearLejos = Far


Conditional is used to show future actions that were spoken about in the past.

Would, should, or could have.

Ía Ías Ía Íamos Íais Ían

Ex: Yo siempre dije que yo ayudaría mis amigos.I always said that I would help my friends.


If the first “e” in any demonstrative has an accent mark, then it is a pronoun.

All demonstratives agree in gender and number of the noun being modified.

If it ends in “E” it is neuter.
