Gramática - Passive Voice0001

fi 1II1II li 11II 111111 A (lIIMlilw VUI'II 1MII lor.u (lI' b I 11 pnsslv parti iplc. C'I:!' is b rked, wus worn. Some participles are irregular (see page 383). B Summary ofverb tenses Present simple: Present continuous: Presen t perfect: Past simple: Past continuous: Past perfeet: ACTIVE We bake the bread here. We are baking the bread. We have baked the bread. We baked the bread yesterday. We werl( baking the bread. We had baked the bread. PASSIVE The bread is baked here. The bread is bérrg baked. The bread has vien baked. The bread was baked yesterday. The bread was being baked. The bread h~dbe~n baked. . We form negatives and questions in the same way as in active sentenees. The bread isn't baked in a factory. The jacket hasn't been worn for years. Where is the bread bakedi Has the jacket ever been worn by anyone else? c The future and modal verbs in the passive We use be + a passive participle after will, be going to, can, must, have to, should, ete. The gates wi/l be c/osed this evening. This rubbisn should be thrown away. The machine has to be repaired. The news might be announced soon. Seats may not be reserved. How can the problem be solved? ACTIVE Future: We wil/ bake the bread next. We are going to bake the bread. Modal verb: We should bake the bread soon. We ought to bake the bread. PASSIVE The bread will be baked next. The bread is going to be baked. The bread should be baked soon. The bread ought to be baked. D The passive with get We sometimes use get in the passive instead of be. Lots of postmen get bitten by dogs. I'm always getting chosen for the worst jobs. Last week: Laura got moved to another department. Get is informal. We often use it for something happening by aecident or unexpeetedly. In negatives and questions in the present simple and past simple, we use a form of do. The windows don't get cleaned very often. How did the painting get damaged? We also use get in these expressions: get dressed/changed, get washed (= wash oneself ), get engaged/married/divorced, get started (= start), get lost (= lose one's way). Emma atld Matthew migh: get ttJarried. vvuhout a map we soon got 1051. 130 THE PASSIVE .t 111(\ iJl ", '111 (lJlllllllllJlI' iJtl','JIVI' (Il) L ok III the I i ctures uud sny whut is hnppening. Use thcsc sub] .cts: lhe ~tlr, dinucr, 1/ JIt.II1' some "011 cs, lhe seals. Use these verbs: bl.lild,feed, raise, repair, serve. •. The cal' is being repaired. 1 2 3 4 2 Passive verb tenses (B) Complete the information about Ba~d Ha~. Put in the correct form of these verbs. •. build (past simple) 2 use (past continuous) 4 not look (past perfeet) 6 use (present simple) 1. o~n (present simple) 3 buy (past simple) 5 do (present perfeet) The building at the end of the High Street is Barford Hal!, whieh (•. ) IVas built in 1827. Today the Hal! (L) . . by Bardale Council. It (2) . . as a warehouse when it (3). . bythe Couneilin 1952, and it (4) after very well. Sinee then a lot of work (5) on it, and these days the Hall (6) as an arts centre. The future and modal verbs in the passive (C) A press conference is being held. Put in the correct form of the verbs. •. Repórter: Can this new drug prolong hurnan life? Professor: Yes, we believe that human life catl be prolonged by the drug. Reporter: Are you going to do any more tests on the drug? Professor: Yes, further tests . .. soon. 2 Reporter: What the drug . Professor: It wil! be ealled Bio-Meg. 3 Reporter: Can people buy the drug now? Professor: No, it . by the public yet. 4 Reporter: Do you think the eompany should sel! this drug? Professor: Yes, I think Bio-Meg to anyone who wants it. 3 4 The passive with get (D) Put in gel or gOI and the passive participle of these verbs: break, change, divorce, hurt, lose ~ If we're going out to the theatre, I'd better gcr âWlIgcd. 1 Oaniel when he tried to break up a fight. 2 [ know the \Vay.We won't 3 You'd better IVrap up the glasses, 50 they don't 4 They were only rnarr ied a year before they 131 THE PASSIVE

Transcript of Gramática - Passive Voice0001

Page 1: Gramática - Passive Voice0001

fi 1II1II li 11II 111111A (lIIMlilw VUI'II 1MII lor.u (lI'

b I 11 pnsslv parti iplc.C'I:!' is b rked, wus worn.Some participles areirregular (see page 383).

B Summary ofverb tenses

Present simple:Present continuous:Presen t perfect:Past simple:Past continuous:Past perfeet:


We bake the bread here.We are baking the bread.We have baked the bread.We baked the bread yesterday.We werl( baking the bread.We had baked the bread.


The bread is baked here.The bread is bérrg baked.The bread has vien baked.The bread was baked yesterday.The bread was being baked.The bread h~dbe~n baked. .

We form negatives and questions in the same way as in active sentenees.The bread isn't baked in a factory. The jacket hasn't been worn for years.Where is the bread bakedi Has the jacket ever been worn by anyone else?

c The future and modal verbs in the passiveWe use be + a passive participle after will, be going to, can, must, have to, should, ete.

The gates wi/l be c/osed this evening. This rubbisn should be thrown away.The machine has to be repaired. The news might be announced soon.Seats may not be reserved. How can the problem be solved?


Future: We wil/ bake the bread next.We are going to bake the bread.

Modal verb: We should bake the bread soon.We ought to bake the bread.


The bread will be baked next.The bread is going to be baked.The bread should be baked soon.The bread ought to be baked.

D The passive with getWe sometimes use get in the passive instead of be.

Lots of postmen get bitten by dogs. I'm always getting chosen for the worst jobs.Last week: Laura got moved to another department.

Get is informal. We often use it for something happening by aecident or unexpeetedly.

In negatives and questions in the present simple and past simple, we use a form of do.The windows don't get cleaned very often. How did the painting get damaged?

We also use get in these expressions: get dressed/changed, get washed (= wash oneself ),get engaged/married/divorced, get started (= start), get lost (= lose one's way).

Emma atld Matthew migh: get ttJarried. vvuhout a map we soon got 1051.


.t 111(\ iJl ", '111 (lJlllllllllJlI' iJtl','JIVI' (Il)L ok III the I i ctures uud sny whut is hnppening. Use thcsc sub] .cts: lhe ~tlr, dinucr, 1/ JIt.II1' some "011 cs, lheseals. Use these verbs: bl.lild,feed, raise, repair, serve.

•. The cal' is being repaired.12


2 Passive verb tenses (B)Complete the information about Ba~d Ha~. Put in the correct form of these verbs.

•. build (past simple) 2 use (past continuous) 4 not look (past perfeet) 6 use (present simple)1. o~n (present simple) 3 buy (past simple) 5 do (present perfeet)

The building at the end of the High Street is Barford Hal!, whieh ( •. ) IVas built in 1827. Today the Hal!(L) . . by Bardale Council. It (2) . . as a warehouse when it(3). . bythe Couneilin 1952, and it (4) after very well.Sinee then a lot of work (5) on it, and these days the Hall(6) as an arts centre.

The future and modal verbs in the passive (C)A press conference is being held. Put in the correct form of the verbs.•. Repórter: Can this new drug prolong hurnan life?

Professor: Yes, we believe that human life catl be prolonged by the drug.Reporter: Are you going to do any more tests on the drug?Professor: Yes, further tests . .. soon.

2 Reporter: What the drug .Professor: It wil! be ealled Bio-Meg.

3 Reporter: Can people buy the drug now?Professor: No, it . by the public yet.

4 Reporter: Do you think the eompany should sel! this drug?Professor: Yes, I think Bio-Meg to anyone who wants it.


4 The passive with get (D)Put in gel or gOI and the passive participle of these verbs: break, change, divorce, hurt, lose~ If we're going out to the theatre, I'd better gcr âWlIgcd.1 Oaniel when he tried to break up a fight.2 [ know the \Vay.We won't3 You'd better IVrap up the glasses, 50 they don't4 They were only rnarr ied a year before they


Page 2: Gramática - Passive Voice0001

WIIIII.IIII 111111"11111111111111

1 11111j11111 1I11 ~I IWIII'IIII'h. 1111111'11 yllll" 'dlll,

1\1 xuud r ruhom B 11/I Ilrl! "" inv .ruor who wcnr to live in

;[11111.1,1 :111 I then the U /I. Belllnv .ntcd the telephone.

Look at these two sentences.


Bell invented the telephone.

TelephoneAn apparatus with which people cantalk to each other over long distances.The telephone was invented byAlexander Graham Bell.


The telephone was invented by Bell.

The two sentences have the same meaning, but they are about different things. One sentenee is about BeU,and the other is about the telephone. Eaeh sentenee begins with the subjeet. The subjeet is the starting-point of the sentence, the thing we are talking about. The new information about the subjeet comes at theend of the sentence.

We say Bell invented the telephone because we aretalking about Bell, and the new information isthat he invented the telephone.

When the subject is the person or thing doing theaction (the agent), then we use an active verbo


~ invented the telephone.

ISubject and agent iThe subjeet (Bell) is the agent.

We say The telephone was invented by Bell beeausewe are talking about the telephone, and the newinformation is that it was invented by Bell.

When the subjeet is not the agent (is not doingthe action), then we use a passive verbo


I The telephone Iwas invented bylBfU.1

IsuJjeet I IA~ent IThe subjeet (the telephone) is not the agent. It islhe thing that lhe action is directed ato

B The passive and by the police, in 1876, etcln a passive sentence, when we want to say who or what did the action, we use by.

On our lVay home we were stopped by the police. The new hospital \ViII be opened by the Queen.The paper lVasali blown away by the wind.

We ean give other details about the aetion. For example, we ean use a phrase saying when or wheresomething happens,

The telephone was invented il1 1876. The visitors will be driven to the airport.The concerts are usually held at the university.

Sometimes there is no phrase after the verboA rzew swimming-poo! is beillg built. All the documents have been destroyed.

For more details see Unit 56.



Ch ose the orrcct vcrb forrns in this news rcport about a storrn.

Millions of pounds' worth of damage (~) ~1a-5-€iH'5ee/hasbeen caused by a storm which (1) swept/wasswept across the north of England last night. The River Ribble (2) burst/was burst its banks after heavy rain.Many people (3) reselled/were rescued from the fIoods by fire-fighters, who (4) reeeived/were receivedhundreds of ealls for help. Wind speeds (5) reached/were reached ninety miles an hour in some plaees.Roads (6) blocked/were blocked by fallen trees, and eleetrieity lines (7) broughtlwere brought down, leavingthousands of homes without eleetrieity. 'Everything possible (8) is doing/is being done to get things baek tonormal; a spokesman (9) saidlwas said.

2 By the police, etc (B)In each of these sentences underline who or what is doing the action (the agent),

~ The traffie was ali heading out of town.1 The photo was taken by my brother.2 The water was pouring out of the hole.3 A polieeman has been murdered by terrorists.4 We were woken by the alarm.5 The guide led a group of tourists around the eastle.6 The dog has bitten several people.

3 Active and passive (A-B)You are telling a friend some news. Use the notes and complete the seeond sentenee.Sometimes you need to use lhe active and sometimes the passive.

~ (Past simple: Claire / go / to Florida / last month)You remember Claire? She went to Florida last n/ontl!.

~ (Present perfeet: send / our luggage / to Australia)Bad news about our luggage. It's been sent to Australta.(Past simple: Claude Iennings / win / the quiz competition)Did you hear about the quiz eompetition? lt . .

2 (Past simple: Mrs Miles / do / a parachute jump / last week)You know Mrs Miles? She ...

3 (Present perfeet: a bull / attack / David)Have you heard about David? He's

4 (Present continuous: build / the house)Trevor and Laura have bought a house. lt's still

5 (Present sim pIe: Andrew / like / Iessica)Did 1 tell yOll about Andrew? He .

6 (Present perfect: throw away / your stamp eollection)Bad news about your starnp colleetion. It's

7 (Present perfeet: Mar tians / kidnap / my neighbours)Did I mention my neighbours? They've .

8 (Past simple: five people / see / the ghost)Did you hear about the ghost? lt


Page 3: Gramática - Passive Voice0001

, 111

I" 11'1 I, '"11 ", '"111'"111 111 11111111li" '1'111 (lI" I"I~IIIIIII 11111111dlllllfllll IlIlftllll"' I. 1111111 111'111I/li ,,/.,/11, 11/I11/ " '11'11''/ " IIIII'I'/Ililll.~tf/·

I/li' /11I1'/"/lllll'"I"I'I'III,''/ I, N.rlNIIII MIIIII/V/I/,11111 IVI' 1111111111111111, IlfI 'lIlllllly il il Is inq urruu: ror th· mcaning 01' lhe sentence.

111111" 111(" IVI' do 111111I1'l1lion it.

W' do I1I)t mcntion lhe ngcnt if it does nor add any new information./11/ ollr trlOIICYand passports were stolen./I I/WI/ was atrested last tlight.

We do not need to say that the money was stolen 'by a thief' or that the man was arrested 'by the police'.

2 We do not mention the agent if it is not important.The streets are cleaned every dar.Oil has been discoverecl at the North Pole.

Who discovered the oil is less important than the fact that it is there.

It is sometimes difficult to say who the agent is.This kind ofjacket is considered very [ashionable these clays.A mlrnber of attempts have been macle to find the Loeh Ness monster.

B Empty subjects (they, people, etc)Compare these two sentences.


They clean the streets every day.PASSIVE

The streets are cleanecl every dar.

The new and important information is how often the streets are c1eaned. We are not interested in sayingwho c1eans them. In the active sentence we ean use the 'empry subject' they. We sometimes use a sentencewith an empry subject instead of the passive, espeeially in eonversation.

We can also use the ernpry subjects people, you, one and someone.


People use this footpath ali the time.You/One should check the cletails.Someone took my purse.


This footpath is used ali the time.The details should be checkecl.My purse was taken.

c When do we use the passive?Vve use the passive in both speech and writing, but it is more common in writing.We see it especially in textbooks and reports. We use it to describe activities in industry,science and technology, and also for official mies.

Bananas are exported to Entope. The liquid is heated to boiling point.Payment can be made at allr post office. Cars left here will be towed mvay.

In these situations, it is often not important to say who is doing the action, or it is difficult to say.

The passive is aiso often used in news reports.A Ilumber af political prisoncrs liave been released.Talks will be held ill [ollcloll ncxt week.






'l' 2


111( Iltl'j'IV 1 1111(1111(1 01' iut (A)'"Juro I writiug to ,I [ricud. This i' purt of hcr leucr.

Sorneone broke into our house at the weekend. The burglar took some jewellery. But luckily he didn't doany damage. A very nice young police officer interviewed me. Detectives found some fingerprints, and thepolice computer identified the burglar. Police have arrested a man and are questioning him. But theyhaven't found the jewellery.

Now complete the passive sentences in this conversation. Use a phrase with by only if it adds information.Laura:Melanie:Laura:



Our house (~) ,vas broken into ar the weckendOh no!Some jewellery (I) .But luckily no damage (2) .Did the police come and see you?Yes, they did. 1 (3) .I don't suppose they know who did it.Well, amazingly they do. Some (4). .and the (5) . .A man (6) . and (7) .Wonderful.There's only one problem. The (8) .

3 Ernptv subjects (B)Reply to what people say. Use the subjeet in brackets.

Active ar passive sentence? (A)Write a paragraph from the notes about the first motor car. Some sentences are active and some are passive.Use a phrase with by only if it adds information.~ a Belgian called Etienne Lenoir / make / the

first motor carbut / Lenoir / not produce / many ears / forsale

2 a German called Karl Benz / start Icommercial production

3 people / now / see / Benz / as the father / ofthe motor car .

~ Daniel:Vicky:Melanie:David:

2 Emma:Daniel:

3 Rachei:Vicky:

4 David:Tom:

5 Vicky:Emma:

The first motor car was made by a Belgian calledEtienne Lenoir.But Lenoir .



The bus fares have been increased. (they)Whatl You mean thcy'vc incrcascd the blls [ares again!Bicycles should be used for short journeys. (people)Yes, I agree ..A new source of energy has been discovered. (sorneone)Whati Did you say that ..This building is going to be knocked down. (they)Well, no one told me that .Eggs shouldn't be kept in a freezer. (you)Really? I didn't know .Why isn'rlitter put in the binr (people)Exactlv. Why don't


Page 4: Gramática - Passive Voice0001

/",tI "I" 111'11'1','1'1 "i, "'111' /1'"1'" /"1/,,,",,

11,111/, ~'"lillll \\II1II'IV"IIIiII'I'KVI1/"111)' ,~""" (./01", 11I1111'!/i/IVI'I ,I "'i IIIIV' I\VII dllk"~1l1 :iI'lIclu,"s (: .c Unit J),

11\\1,\ 11 , 1I 1"1 ~lvI\ 1'111 '111 I', "llh', ~n'" i llnw ,,'S O" '1,10', -,'11 be lhe subjcct.

SI/IIIV j/uIVef 'VI'II' givl'lI tu Clnirc.'I'h I IIhOUI 111· üowcrs, ,111 I it iclls us ",110,. 'Iv'u 110.m.

Cla ire was given some [iowers.This is about Claire, and it telIs us what shereceived.

Il is quite normal in English for a person to be the subject in a passive sentence like the one about Claire,Mike >vassent tickets for lhe concert. My wi]e ts paid more than Iam.Andrew has beerl awarded a prize for his essay

w~can use the following verbs in this structure: allow, award, fed, give, grant, hand, leave (in a wilI), lend,offer, owe, pay, promise, sell, send, show, teach

B It is said that ...

It is said that Henry is in lave witn Claire.(= People say that Henry is in love with Claire.)

"Ve can use the structure it + passive verb + clausewith verbs of reporting. We use this structure whenwe cannot say or do not need to say who thespeaker is, for example in news reports.

It is thought that lhe company ts plannirzg a new advertising campaign.It was reported that lhe Presidem had sllffered a heart attack.11 has been agreed that changes to lhe scheme are necessary.

Here are some verbs we can use in this structure: agree, allege, announce, assure, believe, consider, decide,expect, explain, hope, know, report, say, suggest, suppose, think, understand

C He is said to ...We can also use subject + passive verb + to-infinitive,

Henry is said to be in lave with Claire.This structure is also used in news reports.

United were expected to win. (= People expected that they would win.)The company is thought to be planning a new advertising campaign.(= Someone thinks that it is planning a new advertising campaign.)The Presuient was reported to Izave sllffered a heart attack.(= Someone reported that he had suffered a heart attack.)

We can use the following verbs in this structure: be!ieve, expect, find, know, report, say, think, understand

\Ve often use be supposed to for things that people say.J miglu watch this programllle. lt's supposed to be .-ery [unuy.

-------~~-------------------~--------136 THE PASS'VE

1 W • rlv ti ._. (fi)Zcdco m,lIwgcl'S urc wriiing a report saying how well lhe company looks after its employees.Write scntences trorn the notes. Put the irnportant underlined inforrnation at the end of the sentence.~ useful work skills / they are taught to our staff

Our slllJTare tauglu 1I,('fiz! work ,kills.~ people with initiative / they are given opportunities

Opportunities are given lo people lVith initiative.special training / it is given to new employees

2 staff who perform well / they are given extra payments

3 company shares / they are offered to most employees

4 six weeks' holidav / this is allowed to ali Zedco staff

5 women who leave to have children / they are paid a full salary

2 It is said that ... (8)Report these rumours. Instead ofthe active (e.g, People say ... ) use the passive (e.g. It is said that ... ).~ People say this.

The quiz championC/aude lennitiqs has /ost

his memory.

It is said that the quiz champion Ciauâe lennings has105thts menzory.

Everyone expects this.It isThe soap opera

'Round tbeCorner' wiliend nexl year.

2 Journalists suppose soo

The footballer WayneJohnsan is earning ElO

million a year.

3 Lots of people believe thi_s. ~_

The Prime Ministerand his wife have


3 He is said to ... (C)Now report the rumours in Exercise 2 like this.~ Thc qlliz c/u"'''f'i,,,/ Claudc [cnning) is 5aid 10 IIII\'C /051 his II/CII/Il/)'.

l The soap opera 'Round the Comer'23


Page 5: Gramática - Passive Voice0001

111111111111 111111

1 1I111j1111l 1111_' 111111111111'

Claire decorated the roam.(She did the work herself.)

C/aire had the roam decorated.(A decorator did the work.)

We can use have in a passive structure. Claire had the roam decorated meansthat she arranged for a decorator to do it for her as a professional service.

B FormLook at these exarnples.




servicede/eanedrepairedeut.built.instal/ed? Superclean.on/y last year.

You shouldlvlark usuallyWeYou'veOur neighbours arels Meianie

your earhis suitsthe televisionyour haira new garagea neiv cooker

Note that we can use the perfect or the continuous (have had, are having).

In negatives and questions in simple tenses, we use a form of do.Mark: doesn't have his suits e/eaned at Fastciean.We didn't have new windows pu: in because it was too expensive.Do you have yOtlr car serviced regularly? Where did you have your hair cuti

C Get something doneWe can also use get something done.

We must have another key made. OR We must get another key made.The sentences have the same meaning, but get is more informal than have.

Here are some more examples with geloLaura got her shoes repaired. We're getting the carpet cleaned.Where did )'011 get yOllr ha ir cuti Do yOtl get yOtlr heating ehecked el-ay year?

o Have meaning 'experience'We can use have in this structure with the meaning 'experience sornething, often sornething unpleasant.

We had a/l Ollr rrtoney stolen. The ear had its mirrar pulled of!


t Itl\v' om thln don (1\-8)Lo k at thc pictures und say what people are doing or what they did.Use these phrases: her photo, his windows, his car, her eyes, his hairUse these verbs: clean, eut, repair. take, test ---


~ At the moment Trevor is having his hair cut.I Last week Mike ..2 At the moment Melissa . .3 Yesterday David .4 At the moment Rachei .

Have something done (A-B)Read about each situation and write sentences with have something dane.~ Melanie is paying the man who has repaired her bicycle.

Melanie has had lier bieye/e repaired.David went to the hospital. A nurse bandaged his armo


2 Daniel is going to lhe dentist. She's going to fill his tooth.

3 Laura is waIking around town while her photos are being developed.

3 Get something done (C)Look again at Exercise 2. The jobs are ali done now. Complete the questions using get.~ Mike: Where did yO/l get yOtlr bicycle repaired, Melanie iI Harriet: Why .2 Emma: Where3 Sarah: Where

4 Have meaning 'experience' (D)Say what happened to these people.~ Claire (whose luggage was searched in custorns)

Claire had lia //lggilge searclied in customs.Tom (whose ear was stolen from outside his house)

3 David (whose electricity has been eut otf)

2 Rira (whose rent was increased by ten péf cent)


Page 6: Gramática - Passive Voice0001

Compare t?e active and passive.


I ought to meet Sarah at the airport.I insist on meeting you at the airport.(I meet people.)


I hope to be met at the airport.I lave being mel at the airport.(People meet me.)


Here are some more examples.I want to play volleyball. I hope to be chosen for the team.The minister agreed to answer questions. He agreed to be interviewed on television.Why did Tom keep making jokes about me? I don't enjoy being laughed atoYou say you remember te/ling me the news. But I certainly can't remember being toldo

An ing-forrn some times comes after a preposition.The postman complained about being attacked by Nick's dog.Famous people get tired of being recognized everywhere they go.





B Active forms with a passive meaningThe active ing-form after need has a passive meaning.

The bicycle needs oiling. (= The bicycie needs to be oiled.)The windows need cleaning. (= The windows need to be cleaned.)

We cannot use the passive ing-forrn here.NOT Tlze bic)'cle /leeds beillg eiled.

We sometimes use an active to-infinitive when we talk about a job to be done.I've gol some letters to write today. We've got this bill to pay.

Here we use the active (to write) because the subject of the sentence (I) is the person who has to do the job.But if the subject is not a person, then we use the passive infinitive.

The letters are to be written today. The bill is to be paid wtthout de/ay.Ali this mess lias to be cleared away. The goods have to be shipped.

We can use the structure be + to-infinitive to give an order.The niatter is to be given top priority. YOl/'renot to drive too rasto

After the subject there, we can use either an active or a passive to-infinitive,There are some letters to write/to be written today. There's li bil/ to pay/to be paid.

!> 62 Verb + active to-infinitive ar ing-forrn !> 73 Prepasitian + active ing-forrn


, ,


Report what the man says. Use the passiveto-infinitive or ing-forrn.~ He': asking to be allowed imo Britain.~ He's worried abollt being rejused entry.1234


2 Active and passive forms (A)TV reporter Kitty Beamish is interviewing some workers who are protesting about not being paid enough.Complete the workers' staternents. Put in an active or passive to-infinitive or ing-forrn.~ We want to be paid (pay) better wages.1 We don't enjoy.. . (use) as cheap labour.2 We're tired of.. . (work) for low wages.3 We expect . (treat) like human beings.4 We don't want.. . (give) up ali our rights,5 We hope .. . (invite) to a meeting with the management.6 We insist on (take) seriously,

3 Active and passive forms (A-B)Put in an active or passive to-infinitive or ing-forrn.[essica:Andrew:

Are you going to be busy today!Well, l've got a few things (~)to do (do).I've got an essay (1) . ...... (write). And this room ought(2) . . (tidy) up a bit.This carpet needs (3) (hoover).I've got some jobs (4). . (do), too.Most of my clothes need (5) . . (iron).And l've got my project (6). . . (finish) off.I'm worried about (7) (miss) the deadline.It has (8) . . (hand) in tomorrow.I don't want (9) (be) late with ir.I don't rernernber (la) (tell) when the project was due in,Why? Haven't you done it yet?Oh, yes. I handed it in ages ago.




Page 7: Gramática - Passive Voice0001


I I 1111 1111 I 111111111_1111111111111111 wllll II1I1 uuderllu III WIlIdll.11111 ~1_llIlillltlll IVUlIllLJI.

,111'/I/I/I//lII'/II//I/II!/'d.'1'lIl'Y IIlIIy 11I11l lh' Um.

2 Thcy offcrcd ~ a pay increase,

Wc neecl to correct the mistakes.

4 Sorneone reportecl that the situation was uncler contro!.

5 They are testing the new drug.

6 We haven't used the machine for ages....... ]

Test 11B

Read the story and write the missing words. Use one word only in each space.

Ouring periods of terrorist activity by the IRA, people in Britain are always (~) being warned to look outfor bombs. Any bag or parcel without an owner (1) .... seen as a risk to thepublic, Some time agoa cardboard box was found at the entrance to Bristol Zoo one day. It was noticed (2) a visitorand reported to the director. Clearly, if it was a bomb and it went off, people might (3) killed.50 army bomb experts (4) . . called in, and the box was safely blown up in a controlledexplosion. 500n afterwards (5) was reported that the box had (6) left there by aboy wanting to find a new home for his pet rat. He was tired of the rat, he explained, but he was unwil!ingto (7) . it put to sleep by a vet, so he left it in a box outside the zoo. The director of the zoo isthought (8) . ... be unenthusiastic about looking after people's unwanted pets. No one knows whatthe rat thought about (9) blown up.

Test 11C

Write a second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use the word in brackets.~ We have to test these products. (be)

These producrs 11(II'e to be tested.Pavarotti sang the song. (by)

2 Nigel's passport was stoien. (had)

3 They pay doctors a lot of money. (are)

4 I hope they'll interview me for the job. (to)

5 Someone was cleaning the 110ar. (being)

6 A mechanic is repairing Iudy's caro (having)


7 'Iessa lost hcr way. (got)

8 Everyone agreed that the plan should go ahead. (it)

9 When did they decorate your kitchen? (get)

10 They say exercise is good for you, (be)

Test 11D

Which of the two sentences follows on best?~ There's going to be a big art exhibition.

a) O A lot of visitors will be attracted to it. b) IZI It will attract a lot of visitors.Our neighbours have got a cat and a dog.a) O A lot of mice are caught by the cat. b) O The cat catches a lot of mice.

2 Last night Martin dreamt he saw his dead grandmother.a) O A white dress was being worn by the ghost. b) O The ghost was wearing a white dress.We've bought a new computer.a) O It can do the job much more quickly. b) O The job can be done much more quickly.

4 My grandfather is very il!.a) O He's being looked after in the local hospital. b) O The local hospital is looking after him.

5 We've completed the experiment.a) O The newspapers will publish the results. b) O The results will be published in the newspapers.

Test 11E

Each of these sentences is incorrecto Write the correct sentence.~ Those nice glasses get-Meak.

Those nice glasses got broken.The story 'das ",ri(ten Agatha Christie.

2 Btt:;ewU do piar at this stadium.

3 This shirt needs iron.


6 My-f>arents-4iv<'>f€e-themseJ.ves-last-year.

8 Th-the-winneF-Was-giveFra-p~.
