Graduate Admissions Imaging and Workflow at Arizona State University Wednesday, November 5, 2003...

Graduate Admissions Imaging and Graduate Admissions Imaging and Workflow at Arizona State Workflow at Arizona State University University Wednesday, November 5, 2003 Copyright Roger Lurie, Arizona State University, 2003. This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.

Transcript of Graduate Admissions Imaging and Workflow at Arizona State University Wednesday, November 5, 2003...

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  • Graduate Admissions Imaging and Workflow at Arizona State University Wednesday, November 5, 2003 Copyright Roger Lurie, Arizona State University, 2003. This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.
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  • Graduate College ASU Graduate Admissions ASU Main and East 277 Masters and Doctoral programs Non-degree/Certificates 90 academic units Distributed process
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  • Graduate College Some Statistics About Us 250,000 supporting documents annually (500,000 pages) Paper handling results in 50 % of admissions labor costs 250,000 supporting documents annually (500,000 pages) Paper handling results in 50 % of admissions labor costs
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  • Graduate College Look at December and January!
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  • Graduate College Document Imaging Capturing and organizing electronic content such as documents, images, audio and video and making them part of an enterprise data pool, while maintaining them in their native formats.
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  • Graduate College Imaging Trends Paperless Office Early/Mid 1990s Web-centric Development Late 1990s Currently Growing 3 5 % Per Year $1 Billion Industry Gartner clients are expressing a strong interest in document management, indicating they will spend again in economic recovery. 1 1 Extracting Value: Document Management and Imaging, Gartner, Inc., October 2002
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  • Graduate College Higher Education Imaging Admissions Transcripts Business Office Invoices/Purchase Orders Research Proposals, Grants, Awards Human Resources Resumes, Cover Letters Student Health Immunization/Medical Records Library Special Collections Unstructured data and documents Distributed access
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  • Graduate College Goals for Imaging Improve recruiting efforts Improve productivity of graduate admissions Reduce physical storage space Minimize risk of lost files / documents
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  • Graduate College Imaging RFP Spring, 2001 Robust web-based interface Ease of use Support for external files (Word, PDF) Application Programming Interface Integration with workflow management Solid track record of vendor 9 vendor responses Selected Cardiff Teleform, Legato Xtender and BinaryOffice
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  • Graduate College Budgeting for Imaging Bandwidth Security Disaster Recovery Dual or Oversize Monitors Scanner Maintenance
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  • Graduate College Scanning Operation Student and temp workers Monday Friday daytime processing Evenings / Saturdays during peak (5) workstations, 21 monitors (2) Fujitsu 4097 scanners (1) Fujitsu 4860 scanner
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  • Graduate College Scanning Process 4 Step Process Scanning with VRS Image QC Job QC Indexing
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  • Graduate College Scanning Benchmarks
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  • Graduate College Xtender Architecture Indexed data stored in a database (MS SQL Server) Images and annotations stored on disk Customizable Index Fields Integrated Windows or Local Security Web Server (IIS) COM objects and ASPs
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  • Graduate College Customized Development Auto generated documents Auto loading of correspondence Auto matching of orphan documents Index updating
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  • Graduate College Workflow Management A proactive system which manages the flow of work among participants according to a defined set of procedures and tasks.
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  • Graduate College Why Workflow? Effectively organize work Notification of new docs Virtual folder of documents Automated reminders Process management/reporting
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  • Receive Application Fee Paid ? Wait for Application Fee Review File by Graduate Admissions Team Trns Recd? Pause Workflow for Transcripts Post Transcripts, Evaluate Credentials, Priority Green or Red or Request by Acad. Unit Wait for Academic Unit (AU) Recommendation Recom Entered ? Finalize Recommendation and Calculate GPA If Admit Send Decision Letter to Applicant ASU Graduate College Admissions Business Flow Review File By Academic Unit Set Priority Using GPA Enter Deny Recommend on AUI AU Interest ? No Yes If International, Process I-20 If Appropriate Time Frame And Upon Receipt of Fin Guarantee No Yes No Send E-Mail Reminder If 30 Days Have Elapsed 30 Day Limit? Yes No
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  • Graduate College Benefits Rapid, informed recruiting Simultaneous access to applicants materials Ubiquitous access to documents and data Share comments and notes Minimize lost files Eliminate need for multiple copies of credentials
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  • Graduate College Challenges Peak cycle Quality control Macs Engaging Faculty Costs
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  • Graduate College Contact Information Roger Lurie Arizona State University Graduate College Box 871003 Tempe, AZ 85287-1003 Phone: (480) 965-7630 Email: [email protected]