Gr een Clim ate Fund Comm ent...2006/01/13  · Gr Co Re GCF/ 5 Mar Meeting 13-15 M Berlin, G Agenda...

Gr Co Re GCF/ 5 Mar Meeting 13-15 M Berlin, G Agenda een mm epres /B.01-13 rch 2013 g of the Boa March 2013 Germany item 6 Clim munic sent 3/06 3 ard mate catio tatio e Fun on a on nd and E Exte erna al

Transcript of Gr een Clim ate Fund Comm ent...2006/01/13  · Gr Co Re GCF/ 5 Mar Meeting 13-15 M Berlin, G Agenda...

Page 1: Gr een Clim ate Fund Comm ent...2006/01/13  · Gr Co Re GCF/ 5 Mar Meeting 13-15 M Berlin, G Agenda een mm epres B.01-13 ch 2013 of the Boa arch 2013 ermany item 6 Clim unic ent /06

GrCoReGCF/5 Mar Meeting13-15 MBerlin, GAgenda

een mmepres/B.01-13rch 2013

g of the BoaMarch 2013 Germany item 6

Climmunicsent3/06 3 ard


e Funon aon nd and EExteernaal

Page 2: Gr een Clim ate Fund Comm ent...2006/01/13  · Gr Co Re GCF/ 5 Mar Meeting 13-15 M Berlin, G Agenda een mm epres B.01-13 ch 2013 of the Boa arch 2013 ermany item 6 Clim unic ent /06


(a) (b) (c)

commendIt is recoTakes noFund ComProvidesrepresenSecretariAdopts t

ded actioommended tote of the infmmunications guidance ontation by thiat and the Ihe decision

on by the that the Boaformation pn and Externon the mattehe Board meInterim Truspresented i

Board rd: resented in nal Represeners relating tembers, altestee; and in Annex I to

document Gntation; to the commrnate membo this docum

GCF/B.01-13munication abers and thement.


3/06 Green

and externale staff of the

B.01-13/06 Page b


l e Interim

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2. levels oInterim activitiecommiton theseBoard’sa) b) c) 2. the partconsideand be rII.

3. creatingparties requestareas thsector fa4. 2012, moutreacmedia eof the Futhe Fun5. stakehoInterim achievefor othepublicat6. commundevelopprofessi

n ClimatIntroducThe work af interest fro Secretariates and for thttees or boare matters, th consideratiFund’s comGuidelines fBoard repreCommittee Network (CThe Board iticipation ofer and take arepresentedFund’s coClear commg a good undand the medts for informhat would beacility and rDuring the smembers of th policy andengagement und. It shoud’s work plaGiven the inolders, there Trustee to hments, proger communictions. In responsenication mapment of theional to draf

e Fund Ection nd progressom civil soct have receivhe participatrds of variouhe Co-Chairsion to addremunicationfor participaesentation a(TEC) and oCTCN). is invited to f Fund’s reprappropriate d on the Advommunicmunication oderstandingdia. The Intemation relatie supportedrelocation tosecond meethe Board hid an engagemshould be culd be noted an adopted ancreasingly he is a need fohave accessgress and dircation purp

e to the requaterial listede communicaft two comm

External s of the Greeiety, the privved a numbetion and repus institutios requested ess the follows; ation of the at the fifth anon the Advis

provide guiresentativesaction in revisory Boardcations of the work, of the Funderim Secretang to key m by the Fundo Songdo, Reeting of the Bighlighted thment strategconsidered athat the preat its secondhigh profile or the Co-Ch to materialrection of thoses, for exa

uest by the Cd below to imation strategmunication p

Commuen Climate Fvate sector er of requespresentationons. In the abthe Interimwing: Fund’s reprnd future msory Board oidance on ths in externalesponse to thd of the CTCNachievemend and its proariat and thematters, includ, instrumenepublic of KoBoard in Sonhe need forgy with the as part of theparation ofd meeting. of the Fundhairs, Board l that will enhe work of thample, the F

Co-Chairs, thmprove Boargy. The Inteproducts (th

unicationFund have beand the medts for the inn in externalbsence of anm Secretariatresentativesmeetings of thof the Climathe proposedl events. Thehe invitationN. nts and outcogress amone Co-Chairs uding the levnts and mecorea, as the ngdo, Repuboutreach inmedia. The e comprehef the commud and requesmembers, tnsure a conshe Board. ThFund’s webshe Interim Srd’s commuerim Secretahe frequently

n and Reeen subject tdia. The Co-Cformation o events, as wn agreed polt to prepare in external he Technolote Technolo

d communicae Board is alns to attend omes of theng key stakehhave receivvel and sourchanisms forhost city of blic of Koreaformation mCo-Chairs cnsive communication strsts for informhe Interim Sistent messhis materialite (<GCFunecretariat idnication priariat engagedy asked que


epresentto increasinChairs and ton its status well as on icy and guida documentevents; andogy Executivogy Centre an

ation produlso invited tthe TEC mee Fund is critholders, inteved a numberces of fundir support, pthe Fund. a, on 18-20 Omaterial, an concluded thmunication srategy is notmation fromSecretariat aage on the l could also>) anddentified theior to the d a communestions and t

B.01-13/06 Page 1

ation ngly high the and delines t for the d ve nd ucts and to eeting tical for erested er of ing, rivate October hat strategy t part of m the and the be used d other e nication the

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factsheeeasily u7. addition8. Co-Chai2.1 9. staff of tresponsbroad a10. Board dThe emp11. current decisionasked qbe circuthe Inte2.2. 12. expecteyear 202.3 13. and sumstakehopresentIII.

14. the FunAnnex Ievents. by the Cevents. 15. audiencprocessthe Fun16. request

et, introducenderstood mThe Board inal questionIt is proposirs, maintainFrequentThe basic cothe Interim ses to these reas of interThe respondecisions, whphasis is onThe list of qstatus of Bons, new activuestions wiulated to theerim TrusteeSummariThe summaed outcomes13 will accoFactsheetThe factshemmaries meolders and geted in AnnexGuidelinexternalA number od’s represenV and relateIn the absenCo-Chairs anSpeaking atces about ths to engage wd and to proTo ensure tted the Inter

ed below) tomanner for ais invited to ns and topicsed that the Ins these protly asked ommunicatiSecretariat questions, wrest to exterses link the herever pos underliningquestions wioard’s activivities and prll be provide Board. Thee in their inties of key aries of the ks providing aompany the t eet is a standntioned aboeneral publix III (c). nes for thl events of requests hntatives in ee to participnce of policind the Interit events prove current stwith the inteovide them what the Boarrim Secretar

o ensure thaa broad rangcomment os that may bInterim Secrducts up to questionsion materialand the Intewhich are prrnal organizquestions tossible, and hg the currenill be periodities. The resrogress in oed at each Be responses cteractions wachievemkey achieveman indicationfrequently ad-alone docuove. It will seic as a summe particip

have been reexternal eveation in, spees and procm Secretarivides an oppatus of the Ferested Partwith latest ird can be adriat to draft t

at the produge of audienon the documbe of interesretariat, unddate. s l for the Boaerim Trusteresented in Azations. o the provisighlight the nt evolutionadically reviewsponses wilngoing activBoard meetican be usedwith the stakments andments of then of the antiasked questument that derve as the mmary of the opation of

eceived fromnts related teaking oppocedures on siat has beenportunity foFund and toties and orgainformation dequately rethe guidanc

ucts are writnces. ments contast to the stakder the guidard membere is a set of Annex III (asions of the Gongoing woary nature owed to ensul also be updvities. Updatng and any cd by the Boarkeholders. d expectede Fund sinceicipated achtions. They adraws on thmaterial thaobjectives af the Fun

m external ato the Fund.ortunities atuch particip to broadly lor Board mereceive inpanizations won the evolepresented ace on the par

ten in a simined in Annekeholders. ance of the s/alternate frequently aa). They are cGoverning Inork programof the Fund. ure relevancdated in viewted versionschanges betrd, the Interd outcome its establishievements oare presentee frequentlyat can be prond goals of t

nd’s repre

gencies for t. The reques, and sponsopation, the alimit particimbers to bruts. They alwho seek to ution of theat future everticipation o

GCF/mple, concise

ex III and suBoard and imembers aasked questcategorizednstrument amme in that e and to reflw of Board s of the freqtween meetirim Secretar

mes shment and of the Boarded in Annex y asked quesovided to ththe Fund. It esentativ

the participsts are preseorship of theapproach adipation in exrief various so enable a prepare inpe Fund. ents, the Co-of Board me

B.01-13/06 Page 2e and

uggest ts nd the ions and d into and area. lect the uently ings will riat and

d for III (b). stions e is

ves in

ation of ented in ese opted xternal public puts for -Chairs mbers

Page 5: Gr een Clim ate Fund Comm ent...2006/01/13  · Gr Co Re GCF/ 5 Mar Meeting 13-15 M Berlin, G Agenda een mm epres B.01-13 ch 2013 of the Boa arch 2013 ermany item 6 Clim unic ent /06

and alteexterna17. sought oFund’s rrelatingthat: 18. financiapartnerassociatno-objeIV.

19. the Funwish to its relatguidanc20. a documthe guid21. UNFCCCreprese4.1. 22. encouraConventproposeunder th23. represeestablis24. Co-Chaibe held 15 Febr 1 See docu

ernate membal events. ThThe guidelinor considererepresentatig to Co-Chair“The Co-Chaon those meIn the case oal sponsorshrship of an evted financialction basis. Board reTechnolothe ClimThe Co-Chad at, the fiftconsider thtionships wice on addresIn this contement on the dance providIt is proposC and other entation of thRepresenExecutiveAt its eighteaged the TECtion, includied modalitiehe ConventiAt its last mentative of thhing synergOn 31 Januairs or anothefrom 26 to ruary 2013. ument FCCC/C

bers, as wele draft guidnes outline ed desirableives will be rs of documairs may repeetings. Theyof requests hip at this timvent may bel support, thepresentaogy Execate Techairs were invh meeting oe representth various Ussing this reext, it is prorelationshipded by the Bed that, penexternal bohe Fund at mntation at e Commiteenth sessioC to continuing the Boares of the TECion. meeting in Sehose relevangies and cohary 2012, ther represent27 March 20 CP/2012/8/Ad

l as the staffelines are pa process foe, and for repguided by pent GCF/B.0resent the B

y may delegafor sponsorme. Howevee of strategichey may seeation at tutive Comnology Cvited to partof the TEC antation of the UNFCCC andlationship.posed that tp of the FundBoard, for conding the adodies, the Bomeetings of tthe fifth attee on, the Confeue to consultrd of the GreC on linkage

eptember 20nt bodies to erence in idhe Co-Chairstative of the013 in Bonn dd.2.

ff of the Interpresented in or the prioritporting on tparagraph 8 01-13/02. TBoard at exteate that funcrship, it is prer, if the Co-c importancek Board’s apthe fifth ammittee

Centre anticipate in, ond on the AdFund on thd other exterthe Board red with UNFConsiderationoption of thard considethe TEC andand futurerence of thet relevant ineen Climate es with othe012, the TECparticipate dentifying ars received ane Fund to pan, Germany.

rim SecretarAnnex V. tization of ethe event theof Annex V:his additionernal meetinction individroposed thatChairs deterce, subject topproval by cand futurand on t

nd Netwoor nominate dvisory Boarese bodies wrnal bodies aequests the CCC and othn at its June e policy on ters interim ad on the Advre meetinge Parties (COnstitutional aFund, to seer relevant inC agreed to iin its next mreas for possn invitation articipate in Registration

riat and the events in whereafter. Th Additional nal rule of prngs and repoually or joint the Fund srmine that to no requirecirculation ore meetinhe Advisrk a Board merd of the CTwithin the laand may wisInterim Secher external 2013 meetinthe Board rearrangementvisory Boardgs of the TOP), by its darrangemenek views on nstitutional invite the Chmeeting, witsible collabofrom the TEthe fifth men for the me

GCF/ Interim Tru

hich participhe selection orules of prorocedure staort back to thntly.” should discothe Fund’s ements for of the propongs of the

sory Boar

ember to repTCN. The Boaarger perspesh to providcretariat to pbodies, basng. epresentatiots for the d of the CTCTechnolodecision 13/nts under thand coordinarrangemenhair or a th a view to oration. EC inviting theeting of theeeting closed

B.01-13/06 Page 3ustee in

pation is of the ocedure ates he Board

ourage osal on a e rd of

present ard may ective of de prepare ed on on on N. gy

/CP.18,1 e nate the nts he TEC, to d on

Page 6: Gr een Clim ate Fund Comm ent...2006/01/13  · Gr Co Re GCF/ 5 Mar Meeting 13-15 M Berlin, G Agenda een mm epres B.01-13 ch 2013 of the Boa arch 2013 ermany item 6 Clim unic ent /06

25. events, on 12 Fe26. UNFCCCresponsproceduCo-Chaijointly. 4.2. 27. Body fodesignamember28. consortUNEP wThe firsincludin29. a membmeetingsubsequyet been30. the CTCthe rolereceived31. the CTCcommit

2 See doc3 Paragra

Since the Boand given thebruary 201It is proposC and other se to ad hoc ure relating irs to represRepresenCentre anAt its eighter the CTCN ated by the Cr designatedThe COP seltium of partnwas requestet meeting isng electing tOn 31 Januaber of the Bog, tentativelyuently postpn finalized. In order to CN, the Co-Che, expectatiod from UNEIt is proposCN be underttment is pro

cument FCCC/Caph 6 of decisio

oard had nohe registrati13 to declineed that, penexternal boinvitations, to the Co-Chsent the Funntation onnd Netwoeenth sessiowhich incluCo-Chairs, asd by the Co-lected the Uner organizaed by the COs expected tothe Chair andary 2013, UNoard designay scheduledponed as the

inform the hairs requesns and timeP before theed that the staken intersvided by UN

CP/2012/8/Adon 14/CP.18.

t developedion closing de the invitatnding the adodies, the Bobe guided bhairs of docund in externan the Advirk on, the COP, des, inter als an ex-officChairs doesUnited Nationations, to hoOP to conveno focus on md Vice ChairNEP, as the hated by the C to be held ie nomination

Board’s consted the Intee commitmee issuance dselection of sessionally, oNEP.


d a policy ondate, the Co-tion. option of thard represeby paragrapument GCF/al meetings isory Boaby its decisilia, one of thio member.s not have vons Environmost the Climane the first mmodalities for. host of the CCo-Chairs, toin Bonn on 2n process fo

nsideration oerim Secretants of the Bate of this dthe Board ronce further

n representa-Chairs reque policy on entation at thh 8 of Annex/B.01-13/02or delegate

ard of the ion 14/CP.1he Co-ChairsAs an ex-ofoting rights.ment Prograate Technolomeeting of thor the operaCTC, invitedo attend the28 March 20or members of representariat to seekoard represdocument. representatir clarity on t

ation of the Fuested the InBoard reprehe meetingsx V: Addition2, which prothat functioClimate T8,2 establishs of the Boarficio membe amme (UNEPogy Centre (he Advisorytion of the Athe Co-Chaie CTCN Advi013. This meof the Advis

tation on thek further claentative. Nove on the Adthe role, exp

GCF/Fund in extenterim Secreesentation os of the TEC nal rules of ovides for thon individuaTechnologhed the Advrd or a memer, the Co-ChP), as leader(CTC). As thy Board in 20Advisory Boirs of the Boisory Board’eeting was sory Board he Advisory Barity from UNo response hdvisory Boapectations a

B.01-13/06 Page 4ernal etariat

on in he ally or gy isory mber hair or a r of the he host, 013.3 ard oard, or ’s first has not Board of NEP on has been

ard of and time

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Commun(a) A(b) A(c) (d)

(e) (f)


x I: DraftThe Board, nication andAgrees to thGCF/B.01-1Approves thdocument GDecides thaappropriatefinancial coDecides thaExecutive CNetwork is engagemenRequests thwith UNFCCfor considerDecides thafor Board’s guided by pCo-Chairs oDecides thaClimate Tecclarity on th

t decisionhaving revied External Rhe scope of f13/06; he guidance GCF/B.01-13at financial se and relevammitment, at the approaommittee ainterim, pent with UNFChe Interim SeCC and otherration at theat the selectirepresentatparagraph 8 f document at the selectichnology Cenhe role, expe

n of the Bewed documepresentatiofurther workon represen3/06; ponsorship nt requests should be coach to Fund’nd on the Adnding the deCCC and otheecretariat tor external boe meeting ofon of a Boartion at futurof Annex V:GCF/B.01-1on of a Boarntre and Neectations an

Board ment GCF/Bon, k on communtation at ex of events shfor partneronsidered b’s representdvisory Boaevelopment er external bo prepare a dodies, basedf the Board ird represenre meetings Additional 13/02; andrd represenetwork be und time comm

.01-13/06 Gunication ouxternal evenhould initialship in exteby the Boardtation at futuard of the Cliof a broadebodies; document od on the guidin June 2013tative in resof the TechnRules of Protative on thndertaken inmitment is p

Green Climat

utlined in Annts outlined lly be discournal events,d on a no-objure meetingimate Technr Fund’s stran the relatiodance provid3; sponse to thnology Execocedure relae Advisory Bntersessionaprovided by


te Fund

nnex II of doin Annex V

uraged, and , with no assjection basigs of the Tecnology Centrategy on onship of thded by the B

he ad hoc reqcutive Commating to the Board of theally, once fuy UNEP.

B.01-13/06 Page 5

ocument of

sociated s; chnology re and e Fund Board,

quests mittee be e rther

Page 8: Gr een Clim ate Fund Comm ent...2006/01/13  · Gr Co Re GCF/ 5 Mar Meeting 13-15 M Berlin, G Agenda een mm epres B.01-13 ch 2013 of the Boa arch 2013 ermany item 6 Clim unic ent /06


questionAnnex ISecretarInterim commun

x II: ScopThe Interimns, summarII of documriat and the Secretariatnication pro

pe of furtm Secretariaties of achievent GCF/B.0Interim Trut will operatovided by th

ther workt will finalizvements and01-13/06), fustee and foe under the he Board at i

k on comze and maintd expected ofor use by thor other comguidance ofits March 20

mmunicattain up to daoutcomes, ahe Board as wmmunicationf the Co-Cha013 meeting

tion ate the freqund factsheetwell as the sn activities. Iairs and follog.


uently askedt (outlined istaff of the IIn doing so, ow the guida

B.01-13/06 Page 6

d in nterim the ance on

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Object1. •





• 2. •






x III (a):

tives, goveWhat is tThe Green CNations FraThe Fund’s Parties in DThe Fund’s efforts to coThe Fund wcountries anThe Fund wgreenhouseIts support The Fund wcountries trclimate-resiIt will consito climate cWhile doingco-benefits The Fund wHow is thThe Fund isThe Board iParties of thThe Board ideveloping The membechange and gender balaEach BoardThe membeconstituencMembers anadditional tThe Board h


ernance ahe Green Climate Funamework CoGoverning IDurban, Soutpurpose is tombat climawill play a kend is expectwill support te gas emissiowill help to will be innovransform theilient path. ider the neechange impag so, it will pand taking awill also aim he Fund gs governed ais accountabhe Climate Cis composedcountries. Ters have nec developmeance. member haers of the Bocy or regionand alternateterms as dethas full resp

ntly asked

nd adminClimate Fd is a new monvention onInstrument th Africa in 2to make a siate change.ey role in chated to becomthe developons and to aachieve thevative and weir economids of those dacts and willpromote enva gender-seto seek a baoverned?and supervisble to and fuChange Convd of an equalThese are thcessary expent finance, a

as an alternaoard and theal group wite members stermined byponsibility fo

d questio

nistrative aFund, andmultilateral n Climate Chwas approv2011. ignificant anannelling neme the main ping countrieadapt to the e collective gwill promote ies and put tdeveloping l also help tovironmentalnsitive appralance betw? sed by a 24-unctions undvention. l number ofhe two consterience and and are chosate membereir alternatethin a constiserve for a ty their constor funding d

ons arrangemd what wifund that whange (UNFCved at the UN

nd an ambitiew financialglobal fundes to help thimpacts of cgoal of limitia paradigmthem on a locountries tho meet sustal, social, ecoroach. een adaptat

-member Boder the guidf members frtituencies ofskills, especsen with dur. es are selecteituency. erm of threetituency. decisions.

ments ll it do? as created uCCC) in 201NFCCC Confeous contrib resources t for climate hem limit or climate chaning the warm shift to helpow emission

hat are partiainable devenomic, and dtion and mitoard. ance of the Crom developf the Board. cially in the ae considerated by their re years and


under the Un0. ference of thution to the

to developin finance. reduce theinge. ming to 2O Cp developinn and icularly vulnelopment godevelopmentigation. Conference ped countriearea of climtion given torespective are eligible

B.01-13/06 Page 7

nited he e global ng ir Celsius. ng nerable oals. nt

of the es and

mate o

to serve

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3. •

4. •





- 5. •



6. •



Two Co-Chamembershideveloped cCurrently, tMr. Ewen MWhere wThe Board, host city of This decisioeighteenth sWhen is tThe Fund wthe GovernmSecretariat.Both these aThe Headquthe Board, aThe Headquand regardiTo establishThe Board hhead the SeThe Board iwill govern These incluWhat areCurrently, tfrom the IntThe InterimUNFCCC secThe InterimSecretariat Who is thThe World BThe World Bthe operatioIt establisheApril 2012 aadministrat

airs of the Bp to serve focountry andthe Co-ChairMcDonald (Awill the Funat its secondthe Green Con was endosession heldthe Fund will move to ment of the activities aruarters Agreand will be ruarters Agreing privilegeh the indepehas initiatedecretariat. is also workthe activitiede rules relae the currethe Board ofterim Secretm Secretariatcretariat in Bm Secretariatin carrying he TrusteeBank is the Bank’s servionalization ed a Financiand has beetive operatio

oard are eleor a period od the other frrs of the BoaAustralia). nd be locad meeting, sClimate Fundorsed by thed in Doha, QexpectedSongdo afteRepublic of e currently eement is unratified by theement inclues and immuendent Secred a process f

king on finalies of the Secating to hument adminf the Fund retariat. t is located aBonn, Germt utilizes theout its active of the FuInterim Truices as Interof the Fund.ial Intermeden receiving ons.

ected by theof one year, rom a develard are Mr. Zated? selected Sond. e ConferenceQatar, in Novd to move er the concluf Korea, and in progressnder discusshe Korean Pudes provisiunities of thetariat: for the selecizing the adcretariat. man resourcnistrativeeceives techas an autonomany. e administravities. und? ustee of the Frim Trustee . diary Fund (contributio

Board memwith one beoping countZaheer Fakirngdo, Incheoe of the Partvember-Deceto Songdusion of the the establis. sion betweeParliament aions relatinge Board and

ction of an Eministrative

ces and proce arrangemhnical, logistomous unit wative policieFund. are subject Trust Fund)ons from cou

mbers from weing a membtry. r (South Afron City, Repuies to the UNember 2012o? Headquarteshment of itsn the Repubafter its apprg to the legad Secretariatxecutive Dire policies of curement. ments of tic and admiwithin the ps and suppo

to a review ) for the Greuntries for th

GCF/within theirber from a

rica) and ublic of KoreNFCCC at its2. ers Agreemes independeblic of Korearoval by theal status of tht staff. rector, who f the Board wthe Boardinistrative supremises of ort of the UN

w three yearseen Climate he Fund’s

B.01-13/06 Page 8

ea as the s ent with ent a and e Board. he Fund will

which d? upport the


s after Fund in

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Fundin7. •

8. •

9. •

10. •


11. •

The Trusteerecords, andfiduciary stIt is accountThe Board wng of the GWho willThe Fund wThe Fund mprivate. When wiThe Fund hadministratCurrent conadministratWhat is tThe budget US$ 7.5 millWhich coAll developisupport froThe Fund wmitigation aThis supporforestry propreparationThe Fund wprogrammaWhat is tIn 2009, at tcountries coaddress climThis US$ 10including prsupport cha

e of the Fundd prepares fandards. table to the will, in the fuGreen Clim contribuwill receive fmay also recell the Funas started retive work ofntributions ative budget fhe adminfor the 14-mlion. ountries wing countriem the Fundwill finance aactivities. rt would enaojects), techn of nationalwill support atic approache target the Copenhaommitted tomate change00 billion gorivate sectoannelled thr

d manages ifinancial staBoard for thuture, select

mate Fundute to the ffinancial reseive financiand start reeceiving conf the Board aand pledgesfor the perionistrative month periowill be reces – who are. agreed full o

able enhancnology devel plans to addeveloping ches. for expecagen Confero a goal of me in developoal per year br flows, bilarough the Fu

its financial atements in he performat a permaned funding oources fromal inputs froeceiving cntributions fand its Inters almost comod from Novbudget food from 1 Nocipients oe Parties to tor incrementced action onelopment anddress climacountries incted contrrence of the mobilizing joing countrieby 2020 incateral and mund.

assets, mainaccordance ance of its reent Trustee tof the Grem developedom a varietycontributifrom develorim Secretarmpletely meevember 201or the 201ovember 20f fundingthe UNFCCCtal costs for n adaptationnd transfer, ate change bn pursuing bributionsParties to thintly US$ 10es. cludes all climmultilateral fl

ntains approwith internesponsibilitithrough a coen Climat countries. of other souions? oped countririat. et the requir2 to Decemb12-2013 p012 to 31 De? – are eligibclimate-cha

n, mitigationcapacity-buy developinboth project-? he UNFCCC, 00 billion pemate-relatelows, as wel

GCF/opriate finannationally acies. ompetitive pte Fund? urces, publiies to supporements of tber 2013. period? ecember 201

ble to receiveange adaptan (includinguilding, and tng countries-based and the developer year by 20d financial fll as financia

B.01-13/06 Page 9ncial ccepted


c and ort the the 13 is e

ation and g the .

ped 020 to flows, al

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Opera12. •






13. •







No breakdoinitial or futtions of thHow is thmeeting oConventiTo date, a nEndorsemeSelection ofEstablishmeindependenAppointmenAgreement The work pBoard’s decnecessary tWhat arereceivingactivitiesThe businesproposals foThe Board iwhich will aThe structuparticipatioThe model fmodalities; The portfolisector finanThe compleThe framewimpact of finThe preparaplan of the BThe expeditfundamentaThis will setfor seeking

own of the toture size of the Fund he Fund mof the Conon to be hnumber of mnt of the Gof the Republent of the Innt Secretariant of the Woon a detailelan providecisions on sto operatione the mileg contribus? ss model fraor funding ois currently address, amure of the buon; for the delivio of financincing; ementarity owork for meanancing. ation of the Board. tious implemal institutiont the stage fproposals fo

otal flow is athe Fund. moving townference oheld in Wmajor decisioverning Instlic of Korea anterim Secreat in the Reporld Bank ased work plans further clatrategic and alize the Fustones to utions foramework of or contributiundertakingong other musiness modevery of Fundal instrume

of the Fund wasuring outcbusiness m

mentation onal structurfor an early aor funding f

available, anwards itsof PartiesWarsaw at ons have alretrument foras the host cetariat, withpublic of Kors the Interimn of the Boaarity on, andoperationalnd in a timebe achievproject futhe Fund neions to the Fg work on thmatters: el, including

d resources, ents which cwith other scomes or reodel framewf the work pe and basic and adequafrom develo

nd there hass operatios to the Clthe end oeady been tar the Fund;country; plans for a rea; m Trustee, anrd for 2013d transparenl policies anely manner.ved beforunding aneeds to be inFund. he business g the model including elan leverage

strands of clsults in ordework is a keyplan will enaoperationalte resource ping countr

not yet beenalizationimate Chaof 2013? aken on the transition tond . ncy about, thd procedure

re the Funnd initiaten place befor

model framfor private ligibility critadditional pimate financer to monitoy element ofable the Boa policies of tmobilizatioies.

GCF/en a decisionn by the nange Fund, incluo a permanehe timing ofes that are nd starts es fundingre it can inv

mework of thsector teria and acpublic and pcing; and or and evaluf the 2013 w

ard to establthe Fund. on for the Fu

B.01-13/06 Page 10n on the

next uding on: ent f the g

vite he Fund cess

private uate the work lish the

und and

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14. •


15. •

• 16. •



17. •

What kinmonies? The Fund hform of granIt would alsTo enable tiapproval prThe Board wcertain activThe Board wfinancial maenvironmenHow willbreakup The Board wactivities unactivities suplans. A results-baIn allocatingimmediate neffects of clideveloping countries, aThe Board wHow willAccess to FuimplementiRecipient coRecipient coFund. The Fund won a countrbusiness moWill the Fprivate sedirectly aThe Fund wprivate sect

nd of finanas a broad cnts and concso consider oimely disburocess. will also devvities, in parwill also devanagement pntal and soc the fundsbetween will balancender the Funuch as capacased approag resources needs of devimate changStates and Aas appropriawill aim for developiund resourcing entities aountries wilountries wil

will provide sy-driven apodel framewFund engaector comaccess thewill have a prtor mitigatio

ncial instrcharter. At thcessional lenother instrursement, thevelop simplirticular smavelop an apppractices anial safeguars availabladaptatio the allocatind and ensucity buildingach will be afor adaptatveloping couge, includingAfrican Stateate. appropriateng countrces will be thaccredited bll determinell be able to simplified aproach. Thiswork. age with pmpanies fre Fund? rivate sectoron and adap

ruments whe very leasnding. uments. e Fund will ified processall-scale actipropriate risnd complianrds. le be allocon and miion of resouure approprig, technology

an importanttion, the Boauntries thatg the least des, using thee geographicries acceshrough natioby the Boarde the mode outilize direcnd improves is being asprivate serom dever facility to eptation activ

will the Fust, it will prohave a streases for the aivities. sk managemce with the cated? Witigation srces betweeiate allocatioy developmet criterion foard will taket are particueveloped coe minimum cal the suponal, regiond. of access. ct access or

ed access to ssessed as pector finaloping coenable it to ities.

und use toovide tailoreamlined proapproval of pment policy tFund’s fiduc

What wouldsupport? en adaptatioon of resourent and tranor allocatinge into accounlarly vulnerountries, smallocation fl

pport fromal and interinternationaits funding, art of the prncial instuntries bdirectly and

GCF/o disburs

ed financing ogramming aproposals foto ensure sociary principd be the

on and mitigrces for othensfer, and nag resources.nt the urgenrable to the aall island loors for the

m the Funrnational al access unbasing its areparation o

titutions? e able to d indirectly f

B.01-13/06 Page 11e

in the and or ound ples and

gation er ational nt and adverse ese

nd? nder the ctivities of the Will finance

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18. •



The facility countries, ininvolvemenThe operatiThe design business moHow willchange acThe programimpact, efficstakeholderTo achieve tongoing preThis will incPerformanc

will promotn particularnt in small ision of the faand structuodel framew the Fundction? Wmmes and pciency and ers will be enthis, a resulteparation ofclude guidelce will be rev

te the partic local actorssland develocility will bere of the priwork currend ensure till the Funprojects fundeffectivenessncouraged. ts measuremf the busineslines and apviewed peri

cipation of ps, and will suoping States e consistentivate sector ntly being prthat its invnd set bended by the Fs. In doing sment framewss model frappropriate piodically aga

private sectoupport activand least dewith a counfacility is onrepared by tvestmentnchmarksFund will beso, participawork is beinamework. performanceainst these p

or actors in dvities to enabeveloped contry-driven ane of the comhe Board. ts result ins for expe regularly mtory monitong developede indicators. parameters.

GCF/developing ble private sountries. approach. mponents on climate ected retumonitored fooring by d as part of

B.01-13/06 Page 12

sector f the

urns? or the

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NationsGoverniSwitzer(March Mr. EwedecidedIncheonsecretarRepublireceivinpurposeplan prostrategiin a timExpect

2013 w

plan of testabliswill set climate

x III (b):

vements The Green Cs Frameworking InstrumThe Board oland (Augus2013). At iten McDonaldAt its second, by consensn City. The Interimriat in Bonnic of Korea. The World Bng contribute. The Board, ovides claritc and operaely manner.ted outcomThe preparaork plan. It • The struparticip• The momodalit• The porprivate • The com• The framthe impThe preparathe Fund. Thh the fundathe stage fochange proj


Climate Funk Conventioent at its meof the Fund st 2012); Sots first meetid (Australiand meeting, tsus, to accepm Secretariat, with plans

Bank was aptions to the Gat its secondty on, and trational polic. mes in 20ation of the addresses, aucture of thepation; del for the dties; rtfolio of finasector finanmplementarmework for pact of financation of the he expeditiomental instior an early anjects in deve

ry of achi

d is a new mon on Climateeting in Duwas constitungdo, Repubing, the Boaa) as its first the Board, apt the offer ot of the Fund for a transippointed as Green Climad meeting, aransparencyies and proc13 business mamong othere business m

delivery of Fancial instruncing; ity of the Fumeasuring cing. business mous implemeitutional strnd adequateeloping coun


multilateral te Change (Uurban, Southuted in 201blic of Koreard elected MCo-Chairs.after an openof the Repubd has been eition to a perthe Interimate Fund in a

agreed on itsy about, the tcedures thatodel framewr matters: model, inclu

Fund resouruments whiund with othoutcomes oodel framewentation of tructure and e resource mntries.

ts and ex

fund that wUNFCCC), whh Africa, in 22, and has ha (October 2Mr. Zaheer Fn, competitivblic of Koreaestablished, rmanent ind

m Trustee of a new Trusts detailed wtiming of tht are necesswork is an imding the moces, includinch can lever

her strands oor results in work is a keythe work plabasic operamobilization

xpected o

as created uhich approv011. held meeting2012); and BFakir (South ve and transa to host thehosted by thdependent Sthe Fund, anFund which

work plan fore Board’s deary to operamportant coodel for privng eligibilityrage additionof climate finorder to moy element ofan will enabtional policin for the Fun


under the Unved the Fundgs in GenevaBerlin, Germ Africa) andsparent proe Fund in So

the UNFCCC Secretariat ind has starth it created r 2013. Theecisions on ationalize th

omponent ofvate sector y criteria annal public anancing; anonitor and ef the 2013 wble the Boardies of the Fund and for fi

B.01-13/06 Page 13


nited d’s a, many d cess, ongdo, n the

ted for this e work he Fund f the d access nd d valuate

work d to und. This nancing

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own admselectiothe RepThe work pministrativen of the Exeublic of Kor

lan also enve rules. Simuecutive Direcrea.visages the eultaneously,ctor, and for

establishme, the Board hr the conclunt of an indehas also initsion of the Hependent Seiated a procHeadquarterGCF/

ecretariat, wcess for the rs AgreemenB.01-13/06

Page 14with its nt with

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NationsGoverniefforts ohelp thechange. countrieto climasignificaDesign

tailoredand adathe Funand indclimate introdumanageimpact, includinperformstakehofacilitatopportuenable dsupportFundin

receive sourcesfrom th

x III (c):

ground The Green Cs Frameworking InstrumThe Fund’s of limiting them limit or r The Fund wes transformIt will consiate change imAn effectiveant channel n The Fund hd financing taptation actid will seek aA unique feirectly leverchange in dThe Fund wce other insement practiThe programefficiency ang guidelinemance periodolders will bTwo key deting access tounities throudeveloping ct and in impng The Fund wfinancial inps. All developie Fund.

Green Cl

Climate Funk Conventioent at its mepurpose is the warmingreduce theirwill be innovm their econider the neempacts and e and efficienof multilate

as a broad co developinions within ta balance beature of therage and engdeveloping cwill provide sstruments anices which ammes and pand effectivees and approdically againe encourageesign featureo it, are supugh nationalcountries tolementing twill be fundeputs from a

ing countrie

limate Fu

d is a new mon on Climateeting in Duto make a sig to 2O Celsiur greenhousevative and wnomies and pds of those dwill also hent Fund deseral climate charter, whing countries their sustainetween adap Fund is its pgage the priountries. support thrond facilities.are in line wprojects fundeness. To achopriate perfonst these paed. es of the Funport for real, regional oo take the leahem. ed by financivariety of oes, who are P

und facts

multilateral te Change (Uurban, Southignificant anus by provide gas emissiwill promote put them ondeveloping lp meet sustsign will prochange fina

ch encouragto address nable developtation and private sectivate sector,ough grants. These will with the fiducded by the Fhieve this, aormance indrameters. Innd, aimed atadiness and por internatioad in develoial inputs froother public Parties to th

heet fund that wUNFCCC), whh Africa in 20nd an ambitiding supportions and to aa paradigmn a low-emiscountries thtainable devvide the Funnce.

ges it to be iclimate chanopment effomitigation.tor facility w in particulas and concesbe complemciary principFund will beresults meadicators, won doing so, pt enhancing preparatoryonal implemoping prograom developand private


as created uhich approv011. ous contribt to developiadapt to the shift to helpsion and clihat are partivelopment gnd with the nnovative. Inge, includinorts. In alloca

which will enar local actossional loansmented by finples and stan regularly masurement fuld be usedparticipatoryits geography activities, aenting agenammes and ped countries sources, incare eligible


under the Unved the Fundution to theing countriee impacts of p developinmate-resilieicularly vulngoals. ability to beIt can providng both mitiating its resnable it to dirs, to addres, but could nancial ndards of thmonitored foframework, d to review y monitorinhical spreadand access ncies. These projects fors, and may acluding alteto receive fi

B.01-13/06 Page 15

nited d’s e global es to climate ng ent path. nerable ecome a de igation ources, irectly ss also he Fund. or

ng by d and will r funding also rnative inancing

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and funConventdevelopmembercountryMr. ZahSecretarthe UNFKorea. the operOpera

ambitiomeasurof the Hthe Funthe Funprepara

plan of testabliswill set the fina

nance The Fund isctions undetion. It is coping countrieThe Board hTwo Co-Charship to servy and the otheer Fakir (SThe Board iriat is estabFCCC. The FuThe World BrationalizattionalizatIn order to ous work plaes, policies aThese incluHeadquarterd and its SeThe other kd, which woation include• The strparticip• The moaccess • The poprivate• The com• The frathe imp• The mo• The resThe preparathe Fund. Thh the fundathe stage foncing of clim

s governed aer the guidanmposed of aes, with eachas full respairs of the Bve for a periher from a dSouth Africa)is supportedlished, the Iund and its SBank is the ion of the Fution of theexpedite thean for 2013 wand processde actions ts Agreemencretariat, ankey ongoing ould define ies finalizatioructure of thpation; odel for the modalities; rtfolio of fine sector finanmplementaramework forpact of finanodalities for source mobiation of the he expeditiomental instior an early anmate change

and supervisnce of the Coan equal numh Board meponsibility fooard are eleiod of one yedeveloping c) and Mr. Ewd by the Secrnterim SecrSecretariat wInterim Truund. e Fund e early operwhich seeksses necessarto establish tnt with the Rnd selection activity is thits operationon of: he business mdelivery of F

nancial instrncing; rity of the Fur measuringncing; the provisioilization appbusiness mous implemeitutional strnd adequatee actions in d

sed by a 24-onference omber of memmber havinor funding dected by theear, with oncountry. Curwen McDonaretariat andretariat is lowill be locatustee of the Frationalizatis to put intory for its opethe indepenRepublic of Kof its Execuhe preparatnal modalitimodel, incluFund resour

ruments whiund with othg outcomes oon of readinproach. odel framewentation of tructure and e resource mdeveloping c

-member Bof the Partiesmbers from g an alternadecisions. Board memne being a mrently, the Cald (Australd the Trusteecated in, anted in SongdFund, subjecon of the Fu place the vaeration. ndent SecretKorea, adoptutive Directoion of the buies. The busi

uding the morces, includiich can leveher strands or results in

ness and prework is a keythe work plabasic operamobilizationcountries.

oard, which is of the Climdeveloped cate member.mbers from wmember fromCo-Chairs of ia). e. Until an ind hosted bydo, Incheon ct to a review

und, the Boaarious necestariat, includtion of admior. usiness modiness modelodel for privng eligibilityrage additioof climate fi order to mo

eparatory suy element ofan will enabtional policin for the Fun


is accountabmate Change countries an. within theirm a developef the Board andependenty. the secretaCity, Repubw three yea

ard adopted ssary instituding the coninistrative rdel framewol frameworkvate-sector y criteria an

onal public afinancing; onitor and eupport; and f the 2013 wble the Boardies of the Fund, and for in

B.01-13/06 Page 16

ble to nd ed are

ariat of lic of rs after an utional

nclusion rules for ork of k nd and evaluate work d to und. This nitiating

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effectivesociety sector ractive oand in tor conta

c participaThe Governe participatirepresentatrepresentatiobservers. There has bhe Board mFor more inact isecretar

ation ning Instrumion by accretives, one eaves, one eacbeen active ieetings. nformation, riat@gcfund

ment mandatedited obserach from devch from deventerest andplease visit

tes the Boarrvers in its mveloping andeloping andd participatio

the Fund’s w

rd to make ameetings. Thd developedd developed on of civil sowebsite: <gc

arrangementhis includes d countries, acountries, toociety in>,


ts to allow finviting twoand two prio participate Fund’s acti

B.01-13/06 Page 17

for o civil vate e as vities

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InHenningJagjeet S

HenningJagjeet SGreen CFund BomemberHenningAjay Ma

Interim SecretarInterim SecretarEwen MCo-ChaiCo-ChaiHenning

x IV: Req

nvitee g Wuester, Sareen

g Wuester, Sareen

Climate oard rs g Wuester athur

riat riat McDonald irs irs g Wuester

quests for

German WBusiness CEnergy; Informal rPrivate secarbon andevelopmE5, Europfor SustainInformal r- Private scarbon andevelopmWorld ResClimate AInformal wFirst BerliWorkshopGroup EveAsia-Pacifon ClimateGreen Clim(funded bJapan throFinancing(CEFPF)) RenewablEuropeanInvitationMeeting oagainst ClBrazil andFirst meetBoard to tTechnologFifth meetExecutiveExpert meRoadmapsTranspareSecretariaKorea TraPromotion

r particip

EventWatch and EuCouncil for Sroundtable dector action nd sustainabment ean Businesnable Energroundtable dsector actionnd sustainabment sources Instnalytics workshop in Climate Fp – A San Gioent fic Regional e Finance anmate Fundy the Goverough the Cleg Partnershiple Energy Fo Parliamentn to 11th Infoon Further Aimate Changd Japan ting of the Athe Climate gy Centre Neting of the TCommitteeeeting on Tes ency Internaat ade Investmn Agency, Fr

pation in

uropean Sustainable discussion -for low-ble ss Council gy; discussion n for low-ble titute and Finance orgio Dialogue nd the rnment of ean Energy p Facility orum, t ormal Actions ge by Advisory etwork Technology e; and echnology ational ent rankfurt

n externa

Date and

5 FebruarBonn, Ger

5 FebruarBonn, Ger20-21 Feb2013 25 Februa2013, Berlin, Ge7-8 MarchSingapore

7-8 MarchBrussels, Belgium22 MarchTokyo, JapTentativeschedule:28 MarchBonn, Ger26–27 Ma2013 and25 MarchrespectivBonn, Ger14 MarchBonn, Ger

l events

d venue Rry 2013,rmany P

ry 2013,rmany P

bruary Pary ermany Ph 2013,e Pth

h 2013, P 2013,pan P

e 2013, rmany P

arch 2013, ely, rmany P

2013rmany PS


Role of the FParticipation


ParticipationParticipationPresentationhe Fund


B.01-13/06 Page 18



n n n on

n n n n n

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1. memberrepreseManagrepres2. consolidto the FBoard mof the InInterim 3. represeexpecte4. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 5. Addition6. in whichselectedRespon7. Interim memberwill cleareprese8. Instrumprovide9. weeks p10. Interim

x V: DrafreprThese guiders/alternateentative) and

ging requsentativesThe Interimdated requeund. These members/alnterim Secre SecretariatBoard mementatives in eed outcomesRequests foType of evecurrent worThe nature The nature the Fund inin them, or GeographicDistance of The selectional rules of The Co-Chah the particid representansibilitiesBoard mem Trustee wilrs speaking arly indicateentative of thThe Fund’s ment for the ed in Annex Key messagprior to the eThe Fund’s Secretariat

ft guideliresentatielines addree members od by the stafests and d

s m Secretariatests for particonsolidateternate memetariat and tt. mbers/alternevents, and s and benefitor participatent, in termsrk plan of thand status oof the audie terms of thto support aal distributitravel and ton of the Funprocedure rairs will periipation of thative. s of the Fumbers/alternll represent of the worke that they ahe Board. representatFund, BoardII of this docges are to beevent. representatt for circulat

ines on thives in exess the matteof the Boardff of the Intedelegating

t will periodicipation of td requests wmbers receivthe Interim Tnate membeprovide thets to the Funtion will be p of its relevahe Board; of the organence in relateir capacityand facilitation of eventsthe frequencnd’s represerelating to Codically cirche Fund’s repund’s reprenate membethe Fund onk of the Fundare speaking

tives at exted decisions acument as the cleared by tive will protion to the B

he particxternal evers regardind (when carrerim Secretag particip

dically prepathe Fund’s rwill include ved by the ITrustee; andrs may prope Interim Secnd, for incluprioritized oance to the F

nizing entity;tion to the wy to provide e them; s; and cy of eventsentative(s) wCo-Chairs ofculate to thepresentativesentativers or the stanly with thed at events wg in a person

ernal events and relevanhe basis of tthe Co-Chaiovide a shortoard no late

cipation ovents ng the particried out in tariat and theation of th

are and submrepresentatiinvitations nterim Secrd relevant opose participcretariat witsion in the con the basis Fund, and ti; work plan of inputs for th. will be guidedocument Ge Board, for es will occues at exteraff of the Inte prior approwhere they anal or nationare encourat Board doctheir speechirs in advan

t written reper than two

of the Fun

cipation in eheir capacite Interim Truhe Fund’s

mit to the Coives in exterto the Co-Chretariat; inviopportunitiepation of theth such propconsolidatedof: meliness in the Board ahese activiti

ed by paragrGCF/B.01-13informationr, along withrnal eventerim Secretoval of the Care not reprnal capacity,aged to use tuments, andh or presentace, and mayport on the eweeks after


external evety as a Boardustee. s

o-Chairs thernal events rhairs and otitations to thes identifiede Fund’s posals, includ requests. relation to

and operatioies, or to parraph 8 of An3/02. n, the list of h the name ts tariat and thCo-Chairs. Boresenting th, and not as the Governid the materiation. y be provideevent to ther the event.

B.01-13/06 Page 19

nts of d

e related her he staff by the uding the

ons of rticipate nnex V: events of the

he oard e Board a ing ial d two


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11. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

The report wDetails of thevent, and tOutline of thShort summPresentatiosummary oOutcomes o

will includehe event, incthe reason fohe audiencemary (one toon made by tf the ensuinof the event

, inter alia:cluding the nor the organe; o two paragrthe Fund’s rg discussionand follow-u___

name of the nization of thraphs) of therepresentatin; and up matters.______________

organizing he event; e discussionve (attach th____

entity, date ns at the evehe speech/p


and venue oent; presentation

B.01-13/06 Page 20

of the n), and a