GOLD MEDAL FLOUR DES lr€S - › Newspapers 21 › Buffalo NY...

P USEFUL H I T S TO HOUSE- KEEPERS, A COAT of Natural Jap-a-lac ap- plied over old or new linoleum or oil cloth will double Its life, by preserving the oriictn*i coat of varnish which would otherwise soon ha washed or worn off. fHE BUFFALO COURIER. TUESDAY JUKE 9. 1908. JUNE'S PROGRAMME IS FILLED WITH AFFAIRS FOR BRIDES AND GRADUATES WEATHER BEATEN front doors •re revived and beautified when coated with Jap-a-lac. and "newneaa follows t*a brush." It if best to use tha col- or nearest that to the old ftnlah. * WINDOW and DOOR screens ihould be coated with Jap-a-lac each spring, nsing the Brilliant Black on the wire, and the Mahogany, Oak Cherry or Walnut on the frames. It gives them new life and tha wire cloth la protected from rnst. Home Wedding Last Evening—Plans for Others to Take Place in the Near Future—Some Informal Entertainments Are Scheduled. PORCH FURNITURE should he protected and beautified each spring with Jap-a-lac. It Is best to use the color of the old finish, but If you wish to change the color, use Red or Green Jap-a-lac. TOWNSPEOPLE WHO ARE IN THE THRONQ TRAVEUSQ HERE AND THERE The marriage of Hiss Gertrude Ely I Capt. Van Horn is one of President * WICKER FURNITURE coated with Mahogany. Ox-Blood Red. Malachite Green or Gloss White Jap-a-lac. looks better than new. Arnold to Walter J. Monro was solH emnized last evening at eight o'clock at the home of tha bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hobart Arnold in Richmond Avenue. About thirty guests witnessed the ceremony which was performed by Rev. Robert G. Freeman. The house was decorated with pink and white peas and palms and in the living room where the ceremony took place a banking of the Roosevelt's aides on duty at the White House. era, chairman of the library committee. Mrs. Rogers will tevlew Mrs. Lam- er uf^? book * ' ,Th « Unfolding Life," which translates into simplest terms through perfect English some of the most profound truths of life. Dealing with the child In the home and in the Sunday-school, from birth through the period of storm and stress, this bexm makes a powerful appeal to parent as well as to teacher. ,J rh « d6v <**<>aal wrvice will be led by Miss Mary Remington. Next Sunday's lesson, The Rise* Christ by the Sea of Galilee," will be taught for She primary grade by Mrs. Joslyn and for the junior grade by Mrs. J. L. Sibole. The lesson for beginners, "Joseph For- giving His Brothers,^ will be taught by Miss Marjorle Miller. PICTURE FRAMES, candelabra, gas fixtures, lamps, etc.. given a coat of Cold. Aluminum or Dead Black Jap-a- lac. are renewed almost beyond belief; —the Dead Black produces that beau- tiful wrought-iron effect. I r I OLD AUTOMOBILES, carriages, wagons, agricultural implements, etc.. Jap-a-lac-ed with either Brilliant Black. Red, Green er Empire Blue, look 100 per cent better, and are given new life. The cost is nominal, and the work can be done by an Inexperienced person. W.*TER PIPES, furnace fronts, ra- diators, hot water tanks and Iron fences are preserved and beautified I with the use of Jap-a-lac. Use the I for the prie dieu. Wail Biack llnUm * **** B,ftCk ° r Blil " **• ushers, Dr. Douglas Arnold and Frank Oliver, led the bridal procession, and after them came eight young friends of the bride, ^carrying the white ribbons that formed an aisle. They were Miss Winifred Strange, Miss Elizabeth Durkee, Miss Lillian Quinn, Miss Edith Sheldon, Miss Edith Jones, Miss Alma Rogers, Miss Lily •Strange and Miss Ruth Long. They were all in dainty lace trimmed frocks of white. The bride came last walking alone. She wore a beautiful gown of white silk trimmed with lace, and carried lilies of the valley and orchids. At the pile dieu, the groom and. his best man, Arthur Monro, and the clergy- man awaited the bride. A reception and wedding supper fol- lowed the ceremony. The bride's table was laid with covers for ten and dec- orated with white sweet peas. The out-of-toWn guests were Doug- las Perkins of Cleveland and Mrs. Hobart G. Arnold of Rochester. Mr. and Mrs. Monro will be at home after August first at The Plaza in Plymouth Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Foote of Rochester have issued invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Miss Franc Estella Foote, to Charles Norton Perrin on the afternoon of Saturday, June. 20th, at 4 o'clock in St, Paul's Church, Rochester. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Loos have Issued Invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Lucy M., to Mr. i Matthew Hettrlch at the bride's home, setting J No 3 5 3 Sycamore streetf Wednesday evening, June 10th, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. George U. Sully, delegate from 'Buffalo Council No. 14, left today to attend the Pocahontas' convention at Albany. Mrs. Sully will visit New York and Brooklyn before returning to Buffalo. JAP-A-LAC is a household necessity, and can be used in a hundred and one ways, "from cellar to garret," and Is especially adapted for finishing old or new floors and woodwork. Ask your paint dealer. • •••'» e e » o » • • • • s e e • • • • • • i>r f Buffalo courisr Pattern: »• •••••••»••••»•»»+•••••»• Mrs. Ella L. F. Nicholson of Rome, N. Y., Mrs. Louisa Emerson, Mrs. Re- becca Niner and Miss Quza Manning of New York City, who have been the guests of Mrs. Helen C. Kingston Of Main Street, left yesterday morning. \ Mr. and Mrs. George B. Laverack I announce the engagement of their daughter, Jean, to W. Russell Bowie of Richmond, Va. Mrs. Clarence W. Cady will gdve a luncheon on Wednesday. Mrs. Wolcott will entertain a party of Buffalo friends at Hillcrest tomor- row. The Alliance Francalse will meet to- morrow afternoon at four o'clock at No. 130 Elmwood Avenue. A talk on •The University ©f Paris** will toe given. Mrs. Frank Kuhn. Jr., and JKias Henrietta Meyer will give a luncheon today at Miss Vincent's tea room, fol- lowed by a theater party to the Star in honor of Miss Harriet Cannon, whose marriage to Albert C. Meyer' Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Vogt have will take place on June 10th. 4371 Announcement has been made of the . engagement of Miss Lucretia Le Bour- I geols, niece of Mrs. Herbert Wads- worth, to Capt. Robert O. Van Horn. I way of New York City. NO. 4371. A PRETTY SUGGESTION FOR YOKE DRESS. Ea Now that the yoke dresses are so popular, mothers are glad of new ideas as to the fashioning of them, for the mode is not only very practical, but Is particularly well suited to youthful wearers. The dress shown consists of a tucked blouse and skirt joined at the waistline, the former being adjusted to a round yoke. The pretty bertha pro- vides all the adornment needed for a pleasing effect. The yoke, as shown, is made of dotted batiste, tout it is equal- ly adapted to simple or elaborate de- velopment. The sleeves may be made in full or shorter length. The dress may be suitably developed in pongee, slcilienne or a tub fabric, being simple enough of style to be easily laundered. For the 9-year size 5 yards of 24-inch material are required. No. 4371 In eight sizes. 5 to 12 years. The Buffalo Daily Courier will mall the above pattern In any of these sizes on receipt of 10 cents and the also, name and address. Tourist Route*. Miss Gretchen Stevens has returned from Paris. Dr. and Mrs. Frank T. Decot are in the Adirondacks. Gen, and Mrs. George S. Field returned from Europe. Mrs. James Crate and Miss Adelaide Crate have returned from Europe. Mr. and Mrs. George R Howard and the Misses Howard have returned from Europe. Mrs. George D. Emerson of Whitney Place leaves on Saturday for a visit in Belolt, Wis. Mrs. Gorton of Rochester comes to- day to be the guest of Mrs. Thomas K. Mann of Bryant Street. Miss Clara Graves of Detroit Is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Philip Becker Goetz of North Norwood Avenue. Mrs. James Baird and Miss Jeannie Baird of Grant Street sail this month to spend two months in Scotland. Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel P. Hall, son and Mrs. Adah Roth French and daughter leave on Thursday for Bay Beach. Miss Catherine Mills of Prospect Avenue is in Albany visiting her broth- er, Deputy Attorney General Edward N. Mills.- Mr. and Mrs. L. E. McKinnoh, Miss Edna Adams and Mr. J. |4. McKinnon left on Wednesday for an automobile trip through' New England and to Quebec left for Schenectady and Boston to be present at the graduation of their sons, Carl H. Vogt and Dayton G. Vogt, Who are seniors at Union College and Tufts College. They will return home by HIGHLAND PASS W. C. T. V. Highland Park. W. C. T. U., will hold Its annual meeting at Kensing- ton M. E. Church this afternoon at 2: SO o'clock. FESTIVAL. POSTPONED. The strawberry festival which was to have been held by the Benevolent Society of the Church of the Messiah, Friday, June lath, baa been indefl- lng .... . * » . .* .... JI *%*%A nitely postponed- ST. JOHN'S CHURCH WILL HAVE FESTIVAL The Women's Guild of St John's Episcopal Church will give a flower festival and circus on the church grounds, Lafayette Avenue and Bid- well Parkway on the afternoon and evening of Wednesday, June 17th. Mrs. C. C. Penfold is general chair- man and will be assisted by chair- men and their assistants as follows: Supper, Mrs. Emlle Low; Ice cream and cake. Mrs. A. C. Whittemore; candy, Mrs. A. J. Pleuthner; lemon- ade, popcorn and peanuts, Mrs. E. K. Deedy; domestic, Mrs. P. B. Carey; ice cream cones, Mrs^ Thomas J. Wil- bee; Japanese, Miss Symonds; rose garden. Miss Knapp. The extensive grounds will be en- closed by canvas, and gaily decorated, and at night brilliantly Illuminated by electric and magnesia lights. One of the many attractions will be the ama- teur circus, which will be under the directorship of Mrs. A. E. Clark and George A. Robinson, ably assisted by Mr. Emile Reed Low. From 5:30 to 8 o'clock supper will be served under a spacious marquee, under the direction of Mrs. Emile Low, assisted by a large corps of as- sistants. The entire congregation, under the official leadership of Rev. W. R. Lord, rector, Is making strenuous efforts to build a new church, the present chapel having become entirely too small to hold the largely growing membership. The proceeds of the festival will go toward the* building fund. SUPPER AT CHURCH HOME FESTIVAL THURSDAY One of the important features of the festival to be held at the Church Home on Thursday, June Uth, 1s the supper which will be served in the large dln- of the Thornton Memorial and the orphanage. Matrons from each 1 in i in ' i ' i n . ii !• Episcopal Church will serve, assisted by young women. The plans have been perfected by Mrs. Albert E. Jones, as- sisted by Mrs. Charles T. Neale, Mrs. James Brown, Mrs. E. B. Stlnson, Miss Hale, Mrs. Arthur Tenges, Mrs. Oliver S. Laycock, Mrs. Persia Hickok and Mrs. George W. S. Ayres. The Church Home League will have charge of the candy and lemonade. Miss Florence Lee is chairman of the candy commit- tee, assisted by Mrs. Otto Lautz, Miss Evelyn Fowler, Miss Etheline Knapp, Miss Mitchell, Miss Townsend, Miss Zeller. Miss Powell is chairman of the lem- onade committee, and has for her as- sistants Miss Janet Powell, Miss Els- worth, Miss Meher, Miss Webster, Miss Harriet Stafford. The utility booth is in charge of Mrs. W. H. J>. Barr, Mrs. John Koch, Mrs. George Howell, Mrs. Alice Escher, Mrs. Alfred Walensley, Mrs. John Cameron, Mrs. C. H. Stanton, Mrs. M. E. Chase. Many articles for this booth have been made by the old ladies of the Thorn- ton Memorial, besides many gifts from friends outside. The entertainment committee, con- sisting of Mrs. George Hutter, Mrs. C. E. P. Babcock and Miss Alice Brat- ten, will have an open-air theater In which will be given folk dances by children of School No. 45 and dances by Church Home children In peasant costume. A Punch and Judy show will be a pleasing feature. POSITION IN C0REA Described By Dr. Underwood Before I*arge Audience at Lafayette Pres- byterian Church. —: The Reverend H G. Underwood. D. p., who was the first Protestant min- ister of the gospel to go to Corea, gave an address yesterday afternoon in La- fayette Avenue Presbyterian Church. The meeting was held under the aus- pices of the Women's Association of the Church and miny women from the other churches of the city were pres- ent to hear the interesting address which told what Christianity is doins to better the condition of women of Corea. Mrs. George C. Bingham, president of the Women's Lafayette Avenue Pres- byterian Church, jkave a short address of welcome, and Rev. Robert G. Free- man gave the scripture reading. Explaining the size of the country, Dr. Underwood said that Corea is about the same size and population as the States of New York and Pennsyl- vania, and that there are now about twelve thousand Christianized Coreann and twelve rnilliola more people living in their own religion. As In the other countries of the Orient the position of woman is In- ferior and Dr. Underwood related in- stances where the women drudged to maintain their hQines and uphold the honor and dignity of the men who had the best quarters in the house and all the comforts, while the women who toiled had whatever happened to fall to their lot. Through the hospitals the missionaries are able to reach the peo- ple, and the news of the healing effect- ed by the missionaries in the rude hos- pitals with nothing but plain deal ta- bles for the operating rooms has brought many to come and learn wherein the power of the missionaries lay. Twenty years ago Dr. Underwood held his first communion service In Corea with seven communicants. Now the Christian churches in Corea are not large enough to accommodate all the people at one service. Dr. Underwood made a plea for rabre missionaries to go to Corea and especially women. Copies of the thlifty-slxth annual re- port of the Woin4 n * s Missionary So- ciety of the Presbytery of Buffalo were distributed by Miss Mary E. Prentiss after the meeting. Dr. Underwood will make a series of addresses today and tomorrow in dif- ferent Presbyterian churches of the city. * _ t".y T MA ST EN PARK' GRADUATING CLASS COURT CALENDARS SUPREME COURT. Part L Room H, City Hall. The Hon. Francis C. Laugh- lin, Justice presiding. For Tuesday, June Sth. On trial: No. 813. 813. Peter Smith vs. Charles Besch. Herman Hennig far pltf.; George B. Burd for dft. _ A1 87. John J. Fink vs. International Rail- way Company. Love & Keating for pltf.: Norton, Penney & Sears for dft. 1473. Alonso R. Clarkson vs. J. B. Sabine. Vernon Oolb ror pltf.; J. B. Sabine for dft. Held. * 541. William T. Sibley vs. New York Central & Hudson River Railroad Com- pany. Eugene Warner for pltf.; Pooley & Spratt for dft. 167. Tony De Sandy vs. the German Life Insurance Company. Barttett * Putnam for pltf.; Dulln & Roe for dft 171. Same vs. Mutual Life Insurance Company. Bartlett & Putnam for pltf.; George Gorham for dft. 1919. Banchetti vs. Lathrop. Shea & Henwood Company. Lanza & Borzill^ri for pltf.; Bushnell & Metcalf for dft 223. Orrin Borman, by guardian, etc., vs. National Battery Company. Mahany, Lange & O'Neil for pltf.; Keneflck, Cooke & Mitchell for dft. 643. Julia Metz vs. International Rail- way Company. Donnelly, O'Neill & Grass for pltf.; Norton. Penney & Sears for dft. 935. Sarah C. Gilbert et al„ as ex- ecutrix, vs. Charies Rossler. Bartholo- mew & Bartholomew for pltf.; Newson & Gerrodette for dft. STAFF - Part I "'—• •MWI—1 BOOK REVIEW FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS The weekly meeting of the Graded Union of Sunday-school Teachers will be held this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock In the assembly room of the Y. W. C. A. building, No. 19 West Mohawk Street On account of the unusual length of last Tuesday's programme, tha book, review announced for that day waaf?- 9 U ^^ ? mll ? l ft: U \ V**? 0 * 1 ' Sf r postponed and will be given at this week's meeting by Mrs. Lewis G. Rog- II »• • IF You WERE A MILLER Would you bother to wash the wheat and scour it? • T h a t s what WASHBURN CROSBY CO. do in milling GOLD MEDAL FLOUR Its pure and cleanly. Large Number of Young People Will Beceive Diplomas It the Com- mencement Thia Month. The Masten Park Chronicle for June to filled from eova* to cover with ex- tractions, including photographs of the champion basketball team, tho champion girls' first and second basketball teams, the champion relay team, the Masten Park orchestra, the interscholastic debaters, the Chronicle staff, and the officers of this year's graduating class. The class of 1908 of the sohool is given as follows: Mercita C. Andrile, August C. Baets- hold, Elmer C. Baltz, Charlotte H- Bangert, Peter J. Barone. Glenola E. Behling. Stella B. Beilfuss. L. Melvin Bel*t?r. William A. Bird (IV), Bertha E. Bobslen, Frederick W. Boeckel, Esther Broad, Florence E. Brush, Gertrude W. Brush, Laura H. Buer- ger, Harriet M. Butler, Eleanore L Christ, Loretta J. Cleary. Harry W. Cudding, Herbert W. Dahlmann, Char- lotte A. Darmstadter, Jessie E. Darm- stadter, Jessie E. Darnall. Mildred L Davis, Albert (Bradley) DeGoiler, Earl W. DeGraff. William J. Depher, Mildred E. DevinJ Manila C. Dodd, Alice Dodge, Geneva C. Doll, John T. Donovan, George B. Doyle. Frederick Drumm, Bessie ML Duttweiler, Irene L Duttweiler, Ruth A. Eckhardt, George W. Edmonds, Margaret C. Falrcioth, Julia Fields, Olga C. Fisch- er, W. Chester Fisher, Grace L. Forbes, Alma L. FOreter, Oscar J. Fox, Ethlyn A. Gallivan, George J. Geisler, Alfred V. Godsave, Margaret K. Gott- schall, John C. Grabau, Julia V. Gross- man, Raymond Haenssel, Leslie M. Hanson, Brown Harding, M. Gene- vieve Hare, Jerome P. Hausle, Mabel A. Heints, Eugene W. Hock, Leola M. Hoffman, Florence Hohn, Rose R. Kaplan, Carl P. Kejler, Walter F. Kenline, Walter M King, Hugo G. Kirchner, Emma It Kopptsch, Charles J. Kraebel, Ida S. Kraemer, Adele C. Kuhn, Henrietta J«. Langner, Ella J. Lasher, Anna A. Leedka, Stella C. Leonard, Arthur G. Leupold, Bessie C. Lowe. Emma E. Ludwig, Blanche J. McGean, Guy 6. Maier. Mary A. Marks, William F. Mast, Kathrlne A- Mayer, Dalton Meeks, Viola E. Met- tile, Ora A. Metz, Joseph H. Miller, Myra a Mohr, Ethel M. Morgan, Al- berta Mount, Gertrude M. Mugler, Edwin A. Munschauer, Alwena M. Northen, Joseph A. Nowicki, M. Isa- bel Oliver, Harold T. Ortman, Alyin 1 WA S H'B U R N - C R r t S B Y S K GOLD MEDAL FLOUR < 1ST Q trude C: Parker, Lillian J. Petera, Har- old T. Pfeffer, Olive M. Quinn, A. E. Estelle Reeb, Minnie C. Relnig, Eu- genie C. Roos, Mildred E. Ross, Ella E. Rudio, George B. Rumsey. Angel- ine Rung, Clarissa B. Savage, May E- Schlenker, Julia R. Schroeter, Laura E. Setts, W. Howard Shearer. Lura R. Shepard, Carl Sherman, Samuel Sil- bert, Beasie L SJfiap. Lulu Speyer, George R. Stalter, Elmer H. Stumpf, Alger R. Syme, Wanda Szymoniak. Edwin J. Taylor, Edward E. Trost, Charles L. Uhrhan, Edna E. VanDar- lan, Elsa A. Warner, Ida K. Weimar, Helen Weis, Walter H. Welch, Natha- lie L Wendel, Alice H. Wesp, Hale H. Young. Applicants of 1908—Walter C Allan, Ernst B. Becker, Armin H. Bode, Mary E. Brady, Helen M. Byrn. Lau- rence C. Carlino. Ernest Collings,- Henry D. Duryea, Donald E. French, Annie H. Gamage, Edna R. Golden, Katharine L Gramlich, Edward Inda, Neil C. Kenney, Fred Lautenslager, Alviir T. Lipphardt, George W. Lor- ens, Clarence D. McCabe, Arthur J. McCarthy, Alia P. MacMullen, Thenaas L. Mayer, Floyd Miers, Vera O'Don- nell, Marie B. O'Loughlin, Laura Parkhurst, Charlotte J. Pleuthner, Samuel F. Rankin, Albert H. Rlehl, Kathryn P. Schaaf, Earl Shrader, Edmund B. Spaeth. John A. Wende, Hedwig A. Westphal, Leighton W. Wiser, George A. Wood, Joseph Wosniak. A ^OOTBRFUI, INOTITTmOtf. A school teacher, after spending forty-five strenuous moments ex- plaining the mysteries of physiology to the primary class, sounded their intelligent attention by asking the definition of "verterbrae." A small and anxious boy on the back seat arose, and delivered the following: "The verterbrae in a long, wavy boni. My head sits on one end of it, and I sit on the other.'-pwiadeapjiia Public Ledger. NOTICE. will be continued during this m pntb and day calendar for the 16th will be, in addition to those remaining on day calendar Friday, the following: Nos. «37. 781, 703. 707, 733. 735, 337, 797, 787, 639, 745. 799. SUPREME COURT, Equity Term. Room 33, City Hall. Adjourned to June 30th. COUNTY COURT, Civil Terra. Room 21, City Hall. The Hon. Harry L. Taylor, Judge. For Tuesday, June 9th. 93. Otis L.. Clark vs. William J. Scho- fleld. F. B. Thorn for pltf.; Marshall, Rebadow & Thomas for dft. 105. Robert T. Johns vs. Crosstown Street Railway Company of Buffalo. John V. Maloney for pltf.: Norton. Pen- ney. & Sears for dft. Held. 112. Claribel Tyler, by guardian, vs. Elizabeth Rudolph, as executrix, etc. Staples, Noonan & Staples for pltf.; George B. Burd for dft. 113. Catherine Mionsik vs. Andrew Majcherek. F. S. Burzynski for pltf.; Abbott & Abbott for dft. 115. William H. Joyce vs. Anthony J. Frank. William H. Warhus for pltf.; Thomas E. Boyd for dft. 116. Robert E. Long vs. Erie R. R. Co. Charles D. Stickney for pltf., Moot, Spague, Brownell & Marcy for dft. 117. George Lechner vs. Marianna Cwiklinski. Louis Braunlein for pltf.; Hickman, Palmer & Houck for dft. 118. Barbara Alliger, as executrix, etc., vs. Elm Permanent Loan Associa- tion of Buffalo, N. Y. George J. Arnold for pltf.; August Becker for dft. 119. Mary Wacholviak vs. Michael Konieczry. Webb & Grant for pltf.; Peter B. Smokowski for dft. 101. William H. Agar vs. City of Buf- falo. William P. Colgan for pltf.; Louis E. Desbecker for dft. 110. United States Laundry Company vs. Jacob Stern. John F. Patterson for pltf.; Jacob Stern for dft. Next additions: Nos. 122. 123, 126, 141, 142, 143. 145, 149. 151. MUNICIPAL COURT. Rooms 10 and St. Municipal Buildln*. The Hon. Clark H. Hammond and the Hon. Devoe P. Hodson, Judges. For Tuesday. June 9th. Mary Miller vs. City of Buffalo and International Railway Company. Jury before Hammond, J. Charles Hicks vs. Frances Hartzell. Lucius Bedford vs. International Railway Company. James L McGrane vs. Stephen De Witt. Otto H. Harris vs. Robert Olsker. Petronella Likemma vs. Ira C. Pal- mer. for it, follow the example of three generations of wise women, and get the flour with the sign on the sack, T A C "BEST' FLOUR. THORNTON A CHESTER MILLING CO. BUFFALO, N. Y. Francis Lambrecht. ment. Judicial settle- BANKRUPTCY COURT. Erie County Dlstriet. No. 1193 O. S. Morgan Build- in*. The Hon. W. H. Hotchkiss. Ref- eree. DEEDS—CITY. Ralph R Hughes to Matilda S. Lord, Whitney Place, northeast side, 116.6 feet northwest Carolina Street, 25 feet front, Frana Lewandoweki to Mary Labunski, Weiss Street west side, 910 feet south Clinton Street, 30 feet front, SL W L. Volgamore & Co. to Marcella Roche, Pascal Street, soutft side, 373.18 feet east Baynes Street, 31 feet front, SI. George Steinmiller to John A. Vogel, Wood Avenue, west side. 316.03 feet south Walden Avenue, 30 feet front, SI. Nellie J McEwen to George J. Bailey, Virginia Street, southeast side, 25 feet f Jav McKinney to Nellie J. McEwen, Hodge Avenue, south side, 1,402.5 feet west Delaware Avenue, 35 feet front, SI. Elbridge G. Spaulding to Samuel S. Spaulding and one, Delaware Avenue , m- feet front, $1. SURROGATE'S COURT. Room' It. Clf» Hall. The Hon. Louis B. Hart, Surro- gate. For Tuesday, June 9th. James Cairus. Judicial settlement. Susanna Hoffman. WU1. Elizabeth B. White. Will contest. Frederick Hussong. Show cause. Marian Kerr. Judicial settlement. Barbara Herbst. Show cause. eg i i> ., ' '•' i •••. i ? f /M, m^M -** \<m%- Electric FLAT IRONS furnished onr cost* Burners on 15 DAYS* FREE TRIAL. Send name and ad- dress by 'phone or mail to Contract Dept. Buffalo General Electric Company 712 Fidelity Building •M. 2830-PhonM-FronL 2U2 Tr$ On* spauiaing ana one, ^' a a ; B „^"=",Xi weet side, 291.5 feet north North Street, 100 set front, $T. _ __ _. William H. Burke to Patrick J. Madig-an and one. Woodside Avenue near South Park Avenue, SI. T _, . ^ , Francis 1^. Irish to Catherine Jrieh, Ful- ton Street, south side, 247 feet east Ala- bama Street, SI feet front SI. Heirs of Bridget McLeod to Giuseppe A. Liaduca and one. Sixth Street, southwest side, 327 feet southeast Carolina Street, Si feet front, $L _ Thomas J. Dunbar to William C. Paep- low, Florida Street, eouth side, 238 feet east Main Street, 30 feet front, SL Edward S. Jordan to William H. Burke, Woodside Avenue, north side, 1,615.80 feet east South Park Avenue, SO feet front, Si. Thomas Brunton et al. to, Alva W. Brunton, southwent corner Jefferson and North Division streets, 85 feet front, SI. Sophie M. Wendling to William E. Kreiner, Myrtle Avenue, north sid«, 358 feet 10.5 inches east Michigan Street, 20 feet % inch front, SI. Sophia Haley to Joseph Keller and one, Monroe Street, west side, |1. Mary M. OBrlen to Edward J. McDeod, West Avenue. we«t side, 209 feet eouth Ferry Street, 38 feet fror.t, SI. Emtl Hohilahn et al. to Catharine M. Dickinson, Madison Street, east side, 210 feet north Peckham Street, 30 feet front, 11.00. Seward A. Simons, by referee, to Par- thenia Crittenden, Carroll Street, north side. 160 9-12 feet west outer lot 93, 31 9-12 feet front, S600. Thomas R. Williams to Peter L». Pelon. Koons Avenue, aaet side, 1,400.43 feet north WnJden Avenue, 30 feet front, SI. Daniel P. O'Brien to Francesco 'Barone. Hudson Street, northwest side, 109 feet southwest Niagara Street, 32 feet front, sua Joseph Metz & Sons Oo. to Angel Guar- dian Mission, by Bishop end trustees, Eagle Street. iorth tide. 350 feet east Pine Street, 60 feet front. 31. COUNTY. Louis Lauber to Mary A. Anderson, West Seneca 31 • Sophia Buckland to James H. Willis and one. East Hamburg, $1. Frederick Hancaka to Frank Wrzeszcx, Colder. SL Emogene Roeinsin to Kathryn Rud- hard, Tonawanda, SL MORTGAGES—CTTT. Marcella Roche to W. P. Volgamore Company, Pascal Street near Baynes Street, 1925. Edward J. McLeod to James Thompson, West Avenue near Ferry Street. 3500. Thomas E. Carey to Anton A. Vetders, Crescent Avenue near Amherst Street, 3300. Same to Fred Merkle, Crescent Avenue near Amherst Street, 3550. Alfred E. Tovey to Julius A. Halnke, Riverside Avenue near Ontario Street, 3900. Nellie J. McEwen to Jay McKinney, Hodge Avenue near Delaware Avenue, $1,925. Francesco Barone to Charlotte M- Lud- low, Hudson Street near Niagara Street, $2,000. Same to Daniel P. O'Brien, Hudson Street near Niagara 8treet, $400. Dennis S. Cogan to Erie County Sav- ings Bank, northwest corner Lafayette Avenue and Grant Street, $6,0W. Otuseppe A. Laduca to Mary McL. O'Brien and one, Sixth Street near Caro- lina Street, $1,900. John Rydzynekl to Phebe S. Helwig, Sycamore Street near Mills Street, 3550. Same to Farmers' & Mechanics' Sav- ings Bank of Lockport, Sycamore Street near Mills Street, 34.500. Joseph Keller to Sophia Haley, Monroe Street, west side, 3900. Angel Guardian Mission, by bishop and trustees, to Joseph Met« ft Sons Com- pany, Eagle Street near Pine Street, $4,000. COUNTY. Frederick Vail to Louis Halts and one, West Seneca. 3360. Model Poultry Company to William M. Thompson et al., trustees, Aurora and VAT., $80,000. - Chattels. George Graf to Sarah Howes, 3L000. A. E. Freund to John H. Schmtt*. 8189. Phlilp H. Hersog to A. Dutch St Csw. J 700 - _. To Erie County Loan Company: Thomas R. Balfrey and one, $75; John C. South- worth. Jiv and one, $25; Tillie Leppert and one, $35. To Fidelity Credit Company: Georgs Picord and one, 355; George Guerdate and one, 355; Patrick Barry and one, $88. Mildred A. Becker et al. to Niagara Loan Association, $100. Warren E. Johnson to Erie County Loan Company, $96. Sarah Gordon to same, $35. Mrytle L. Davis to George E. Bogardns, $110. RENEWALS. * Imogene B. Sherrlll to Pliny B. Mo- Naughton, $1,360. John Wyies to James Cunningham, Soa & Co., $364. Bills of Sale. Elizabeth McCannon to Frank Free- land, Buffalo. SL Daniel Baker to George H. Bowmen^ $125. Nathan Meyers to Louis Herring, Buf- falo, $150. lis Pendens. George J. Becker to Jacob Jung and one, Buffalo—Leroy Andrus. Elmira Mutual Building Loan Associa- tion vs. Robert W. Gardner et aL, Buf- falo—Irving W. Cole. John B. Webe* vs. Samuel G. Pittaway and one, Buffalo—Ticknor ft Pierce. Rachel C. Sloan and one vs. Grace Id iSloan et al., North Collins—E. F. Kruse. Supreme Court—Special Term—The Hon. Edward K. Emery, Justice pre- siding. June 8, 1908. Mary H. Nicholson vs. Thomas B. Nicholson. Order discontinuing; action. John C. Woodmancy vs. Hiram Wood- mancy. Order making judgment of Court of Appeals judgment of this court. In re appointment of a committee of Anna Strobeck. Order appointing John E. Cu]p committee. Bond $250. John J. Smith vs. Timothy J. Sulli- van. Order discontinuing; action. Robert Dornfeld vs. Anton Dornfeld* Order of reference to take proof. Jennie F. Hurlbutt vs. Mary Duckwit* Order discontinuing action. Genesee River Railroad Company vs. Harry 8. Guilford et &L Order con- firming report of commissioners. Same vs. Ella M. Boyington et aL Judgment of condemnation, appointing commissioners. In re appointment of a committee ol Sarah B. Ansteth. Order appointing C D. Cummings committee. B o n d SSSO. Florence E. Thomas vs. Polly Carpen- ter. Order of reference to take proot to George E. Pierce. In re appointment of a committee of the person of Joseph Egllnton. Order directing that notice of publication be given. Augusta Pfuhl vs. Julius A Schrei- ber. Order of reference to compute to J. A. Magoffin. Same vs. same. Judgment of fore- closure and sale. Same referee to sell. Buffalo Forge Company vs. Spring- field Boiler & Manufacturing Company. Order vacating attachment and order of reference. Minnie Wilson vs. James Wilson, Or* der directing that commission issue. Genesee River Railroad Company vs. Charles P. Bixby and one. Judgment of condemnation, appointing commis- sioners. Martin Walter vs. Paulina Walter. Order appointing George E. Spring 1 guardian ad litem for infant defend- ant. Same vs. same. Order of reference to ' compute to Moses T. Day. Judgment of foreclosure and sale. Same referee to sell. County Court—The Hon. Harry I* Taylor, Judge. J u n e 8 , IDOtS. Jennie Smith vs. Francis M. Lee. Or- der discontinuing action on stipulation. Elmira Building Loan Association vs. Robert W. Gardner. Order amending; summons, complaint, lis pendens, etc Fred Cleveland vs. Thomas J. Mo- loney. Order discontinuing action. In re petition of Mary Griskie for change of name. Order granting change of name to Mary Gollwitzer and publi- cation. George Geoghan vs. John Rydsynski et al. Order discontinuing taction and canceling lis pendens. Jennie Elognt of Judgment_ ig. 1 Susan Schweigert v vs. Alice foreclosure Stadlingsr. and sale. Charles H. Retting, referee, to_sell. an hey. Order of reference to Charles C s. James G. Two- Roll Top, Hat Top, Bookkeepers, Typewriter DES lr€S Office Tables and Chairs LOCKWOOD- Stationer •07. aos. aw Biiivott Sfssn. Page to compute. Ellen M. Wippert vs. W. Lou Tandy et al. Order of reference to Arthur H. Williams to compute. Anna Sanders vs. Joseph Sanders. In- terlocutory Judgment In partition. James G. Smith, referee, to sell. In re application to sell real prop- erty of Leslie Wehrum and one, in- fants. Order directing special guard- Ian to pay over money *to general guardian and canceling bond for spe- cial guardian. "• •' Surrogate's Court—The Hon. Louis B. Hart, Surrogate. June 3, 1908. Wilhelm Weixelbaum. Will. Will- iam A. Gerecke for petitioner. Proofs complete. Henry Kroll in person. De- cree granted. Stephen T. Challerton. Judicial •?*- tlsment. Albert G. Lange for peti- tioner. Adjourned to June 10th. Mary E. Fourby. WilL Joseph V. Seaver for petitioner. Robert F. Shelling for Lillian Melville. Albert F. Shelling appointed special guardian foi all Infants. Adjourned to June 13th. Gottlieb Lentz. Judicial settlement Charles R. O'Connell for petitioner ana on his motion proceeding Is dismissed. Frederick Machemer. Will. Peti- tioner In person. Proofs complete. De" cree granted . ..... ^ ~- T . Patrick McKepwn. Administration. Biennerhasset Gas Light Company in R ea rdon A Batt for petitioner. Mary *5>& r ° Macbeth Evans Glass Company, HoUoran in person and consents to ap- f^„^i»i T O , . «,..,. pointment of petitioner as admlnlstra- «n D ^nlfL J «f c ^? la ? a J? d William Scanlan for. Decree granted. £ » S avor of Gerhar <l Lang Brewery, ! Caroline Obel. Will. George B. Burd **S-3, » . , ..„..,„ (for petitioner. George C. Houck ap- l5SL , I-? ra « u H U? favor ot Colll ns Baking pointed special guardian. Proceedings neld generally. Francis Lambrecht. Judicial settle- ment. Same appearances. Adjourned Assignment of Mortgages. Janet Adams to William L. Jones, . Lillian R. Gould to Fidelity Trust Com- pany of Buffalo, 34,000. Charles C. Farnham to estate of Fred- erick L, Danforth, $376. Judgments. V Mott Pierce in favor of Frank Man- hard, $1,189.72. Everett Young in favor of Edward H. Holts, $31.18. Thomas Rumley in favor of Tony Leon and James Leon, $36.87. Henry Penquet in favor of Horsce M. Edwards, $43.23. Frank Zawadski and Kataryxna Zawad- skl In favor of Pittsburg-Washburn Flour Company, $59. George McKay Hall in favor of Charles A. Johndahl, Slll.r Company, $106.». Mechanic's Liens. Josephine Leslie vs. George and Mar- gareta Endres, owners, Buffalo, $102.34. Thomas Collins vs. William Tremaine, Jesnette Tremaine and Thomas E. Slater, owners, Buffalo, $12. ' Discharge of Mortgagee. Thomas Hill, Jr., to Edmund Condon, May, 1890. M AdOl i903 MaChho1 * to Engelhard Pape, Ad'olph 'Bickel to Matthew J. Hudson, November, 1907. r E !!? er , J - Cobb to Albany City Savings Institution, November, 1906. ^Jacob Frolioh to Janet Adams. March, John Oswald to Michael Diefenbach, January, 1888. William J. Reinhart to George Dean, October, 1907. Ella L. Hess to Judge Q. Harrington, October, 1S02. Ella A. Hess to Angelina A. Humphrey, September, 1303. Tomass Luszak to Stanislaus Lipowics, December. 1903. George Sampmsn to texecutor of Joseph Clsslns, January. 1987. John Splowskl to Frances A. Nowicki, Sarah R. King to Elisabeth B. White. November. 1890. Frank M. Glaus to executor of Freder- ick L. Danforth, March. 1900. Helma Schoenthal to George Rochevot, November, 1884. John Michalski to Dorothea Doetsch, April, 1884. IHIa L. Hes* to Wlckwars National Bank. April, Bos ^ y% to June 9th. Mary Ann Phlster. Judicial settle- ment. John W. Fisher for petitioner. Adjourned to Juns 16th. Dora M. Fenner. Will. John M. Chip- man for petitioner. Charles O'Connell with Henry I* Steiner for Mary E. (Continued on Page Nine.) Early or Late P0St( Toasfies make breakfast a supreme delight— Packages two sises, 10c and* 15c "The Taste Lingers." Made by Postum Cereal Company, Limited. Battle Creek, Mien. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

Transcript of GOLD MEDAL FLOUR DES lr€S - › Newspapers 21 › Buffalo NY...

Page 1: GOLD MEDAL FLOUR DES lr€S - › Newspapers 21 › Buffalo NY Courier › Buffalo Ny … · WICKER FURNITURE coated with Mahogany. Ox-Blood Red.


A COAT of Natural Jap-a - lac a p ­p l ied over o ld or new l inoleum o r oil c lo th wi l l double Its life, by preserving t h e oriictn*i coat of varnish w h i c h w o u l d o t h e r w i s e soon ha w a s h e d or w o r n off.




W E A T H E R B E A T E N front doors • r e revived and beautified w h e n coated w i t h Jap-a - lac . and "newneaa fo l lows t * a brush ." It i f best to use t h a col ­o r nearest tha t to the o ld ftnlah.


W I N D O W and D O O R screens i h o u l d be coated wi th J a p - a - l a c each spring, n s i n g the Bril l iant B l a c k on the wire , a n d t h e Mahogany, Oak Cherry or W a l n u t on the f rames . I t g ives t h e m new life and tha wire c lo th la protected from rnst.

Home Wedding Last Evening—Plans for Others to Take Place in the Near Future—Some Informal

Entertainments Are Scheduled.

P O R C H F U R N I T U R E should he protected a n d beautif ied e a c h spr ing with Jap-a- lac . I t Is bes t to use the color of t h e old finish, but If you w i s h to c h a n g e t h e color, use R e d or Green Jap-a-lac.


T h e marriage of H i s s Gertrude E l y I Capt. V a n Horn is one of President


W I C K E R F U R N I T U R E coated w i t h Mahogany. Ox-Blood Red . Malachi te Green or Gloss W h i t e Jap-a- lac . l o o k s better than new.

Arnold to Wal ter J. Monro w a s solH emnized las t even ing a t e ight o'clock a t the home of tha bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hobart Arnold in Richmond Avenue . About th ir ty gues t s witnessed the ceremony which w a s performed b y Rev. Robert G. Freeman. T h e house w a s decorated w i th pink and w h i t e peas and palms a n d in the l iv ing room where the ceremony took place a banking of the

Roosevelt 's aides on duty a t the W h i t e House.

era, chairman of the library committee. Mrs. Rogers will t ev lew Mrs. L a m -e r u f ^ ? b o o k * ' , T h « Unfo ld ing Life," which translates into simplest terms through perfect E n g l i s h some of the most profound truths of life. Dealing with the child In the home and in the Sunday-school, from birth through the period of s torm and s tress , this bexm makes a powerful appeal to parent as well a s to teacher. , J r h « d6v<**<>aal wrv i ce will be led by Miss Mary Remington. N e x t Sunday's lesson, The R i s e * Christ by the Sea of Galilee," will be taught for She primary grade by Mrs. Joslyn and for the junior grade by Mrs. J. L. Sibole. The lesson for beginners, "Joseph For­giving His Brothers ,^ will be taught by Miss Marjorle Miller.

P I C T U R E F R A M E S , candelabra, gas fixtures, lamps , etc . . g iven a coat of Cold. A l u m i n u m or D e a d Black J a p - a -lac. are r e n e w e d a l m o s t beyond belief; — t h e D e a d Black produces that b e a u ­tiful w r o u g h t - i r o n effect.

I r I

OLD A U T O M O B I L E S , carriages, w a g o n s , agricultural implements , etc. . Jap-a - lac - ed wi th e i ther Bri l l iant Black . Red, Green e r E m p i r e B lue , look 100 per cent better, and are g iven new life. T h e cos t is nominal , and the work can be done by a n Inexper ienced person. •

W.*TER P I P E S , furnace fronts , ra ­diators, hot w a t e r t a n k s and Iron fences are preserved and beautified I with the u s e of Jap-a- lac . U s e the I for the prie dieu.

Wai l B i a c k l l n U m * * * * * B , f t C k ° r B l i l " * * • ushers, Dr. Douglas Arnold and F r a n k Oliver, led the bridal procession, and a f t er them c a m e e ight y o u n g

fr iends o f the bride, ^carrying the white ribbons tha t formed an aisle. They were Miss Winifred Strange, Miss El izabeth Durkee, Miss Lillian Quinn, Miss Edi th Sheldon, Miss Edith Jones, Miss A l m a Rogers , Miss Li ly •Strange and Miss Ruth Long. They w e r e al l in dainty lace trimmed frocks of white .

The bride c a m e las t wa lk ing alone. She wore a beautiful g o w n of white s i lk tr immed w i t h lace, and carried lilies of the va l l ey and orchids. At the p i l e dieu, the groom and. h i s best man , Arthur Monro, and the c lergy­m a n awai t ed the bride.

A reception and wedding supper fol­lowed the ceremony. T h e bride's table w a s laid w i th covers for ten a n d dec­orated wi th w h i t e sweet peas.

The out-of-toWn gues t s w e r e Doug­la s Perkins of Cleveland and Mrs. Hobart G. Arnold of Rochester.

Mr. and Mrs. Monro will be at h o m e after A u g u s t first a t The P laza in P l y m o u t h Avenue .

Mr. and Mrs. Nathanie l Foote of Rochester have i ssued invitat ions for the marriage of their daughter, Miss Franc Este l la Foote, to Charles Norton Perrin on the afternoon of Saturday, J u n e . 20th, at 4 o'clock in St, Paul ' s Church, Rochester.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Loos h a v e Issued Invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Lucy M., to Mr.

i Matthew Hettr lch at the bride's home, se t t ing J N o 353 S y c a m o r e s t r e e t f Wednesday

evening, June 10th, a t 8 o'clock.

Mrs. George U. Sully, de legate f rom 'Buffalo Council No . 14, left today to a t tend the Pocahontas ' convent ion at Albany. Mrs. Sully wi l l visit N e w York and Brook lyn before returning to Buffalo.

J A P - A - L A C is a househo ld necessi ty , and can be used in a hundred and o n e ways , "from cel lar to garret ," a n d Is especial ly adapted for finishing o ld o r new floors and woodwork . Ask y o u r paint dealer.

• • • • '» e e » o » • • • • s e e • • • • • •

i>r f Buffalo courisr Pattern: » • • • • • • • • » • • • • » • » » + • • • • • » •

Mrs. E l l a L. F . Nicho lson of R o m e , N. Y., Mrs. Louisa E m e r s o n , Mrs. R e ­becca N i n e r and Miss Quza M a n n i n g of N e w York City, w h o h a v e been the gues t s of Mrs. He len C. Kings ton Of Main Street, left yes terday morning .


Mr. and Mrs. George B. Laverack I announce the e n g a g e m e n t of their

daughter , Jean, t o W . Russel l Bowie of Richmond, V a .

Mrs. Clarence W. Cady wi l l gdve a luncheon on Wednesday .

Mrs. Wolcot t wil l entertain a party of Buffalo friends a t Hil lcrest tomor­row.

The All iance Franca l se wil l meet t o ­morrow afternoon a t four o'clock a t No. 130 Elmwood Avenue. A talk on • T h e Univers i ty ©f Paris** wi l l toe g iven.

Mrs. Frank Kuhn. Jr., and JKias Henr ie t ta Meyer wil l g ive a luncheon today a t Miss Vincent 's tea room, fol­lowed b y a theater par ty to the S tar in honor of Miss Harriet Cannon, whose marriage to Albert C. M e y e r ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. V o g t h a v e wi l l take place on June 10th.


Announcement h a s been made of the . e n g a g e m e n t of Miss Lucret ia Le Bour-I geols, niece of Mrs. H e r b e r t W a d s -

worth, t o Capt. Robert O. V a n Horn. I w a y of N e w York City.


Y O K E D R E S S .


N o w that the yoke dresses are so popular, mothers are glad of n e w ideas as to the fashioning of them, for the mode is not only very practical, but Is particularly wel l suited to youthful wearers. The dress shown cons is ts of a tucked blouse and skirt jo ined a t the waistline, the former being adjusted t o a round yoke. The pretty bertha pro­vides all the adornment needed for a pleasing effect. The yoke , a s shown, i s made of dotted bat i s te , tout it i s equal ­ly adapted to s imple or e laborate de­velopment. The s leeves m a y be made in full or shorter length. The dress m a y be suitably developed in pongee, slcilienne or a tub fabric, be ing s imple enough of s ty le to be easi ly laundered. For the 9-year size 5 yards of 24-inch material are required.

No . 4371 In e ight s izes. 5 to 12 y e a r s . The Buffalo Dai ly Courier will mal l

the above pat tern In any of these s izes on receipt of 10 cents and the also, name and address .

T o u r i s t Route* .

Miss Gretchen Stevens h a s returned from Paris .

Dr. and Mrs. F r a n k T. Decot are in the Adirondacks.

Gen, and Mrs. George S. Fie ld returned from Europe.

Mrs. James Crate and Miss Adelaide Crate h a v e returned from Europe.

Mr. and Mrs. George R Howard and the Misses Howard have returned from Europe.

Mrs. George D. Emerson of Whi tney Place l eaves on Saturday for a v is i t in Belolt, W i s .

Mrs. Gorton of Rochester comes to ­day t o b e the gues t of Mrs. T h o m a s K. Mann of Bryant Street.

Miss Clara Graves of Detroit Is v is i t ­ing her sister, Mrs. Phi l ip Becker Goetz of North Norwood Avenue.

Mrs. J a m e s Baird and Miss Jeannie Baird of Grant Street sail this month to spend t w o months in Scotland.

Mr. and Mrs. Nathanie l P. Hall , son and Mrs. Adah Roth French and daughter leave on Thursday for B a y Beach.

Miss Catherine Mills of Prospect Avenue is in Albany v is i t ing her broth­er, D e p u t y Attorney General Edward N . Mills.-

Mr. and Mrs. L. E . McKinnoh, Miss E d n a A d a m s and Mr. J. | 4 . McKinnon left on Wednesday for an automobile trip through' N e w E n g l a n d a n d t o Quebec

left for Schenectady and Boston to be present at the graduat ion of their sons, Carl H. V o g t and D a y t o n G. Vogt , Who are seniors a t Union College and Tufts College. They will return home by

H I G H L A N D P A S S W . C. T. V. H i g h l a n d P a r k . W . C. T. U., wi l l

ho ld Its a n n u a l m e e t i n g a t K e n s i n g ­ton M. E. Church t h i s a f ternoon a t 2: SO o'clock.

F E S T I V A L . P O S T P O N E D . T h e s t r a w b e r r y fest ival w h i c h w a s

to have been h e l d by t h e B e n e v o l e n t Society o f t h e C h u r c h of t h e Mess iah, Friday, J u n e l a t h , b a a b e e n indefl- lng .... . * » . .* .... JI • *%*%A nitely pos tponed-


T h e W o m e n ' s Guild of S t John's Episcopal Church wi l l g ive a f lower fest ival a n d c ircus on t h e c h u r c h grounds , Lafayet te A v e n u e a n d B id -wel l P a r k w a y on t h e af ternoon and even ing of W e d n e s d a y , J u n e 17th. Mrs. C. C. Penfo ld is genera l cha ir ­m a n a n d wil l be ass is ted by cha ir ­m e n a n d the i r ass i s tants a s fo l lows: Supper, Mrs. E m l l e L o w ; Ice c r e a m and cake. Mrs. A. C. W h i t t e m o r e ; candy, Mrs. A. J. P l e u t h n e r ; l e m o n ­ade , popcorn a n d peanuts , Mrs. E . K. D e e d y ; domest ic , Mrs. P . B. Carey; ice c r e a m cones , Mrs^ T h o m a s J. Wi l -bee ; Japanese , Miss S y m o n d s ; rose garden . Miss Knapp .

T h e e x t e n s i v e grounds wi l l b e e n ­closed by canvas , and gai ly decorated, and at n ight bri l l iantly I l luminated by electric a n d m a g n e s i a l ights . One of the m a n y at tract ions will be t h e a m a ­teur c ircus , w h i c h wi l l be under the directorship of Mrs. A. E . Clark and George A. Robinson , ably ass i s ted by Mr. E m i l e R e e d Low.

F r o m 5:30 t o 8 o'clock s u p p e r wi l l be served under a spac ious marquee, under t h e direction of Mrs. E m i l e Low, ass i s ted by a large corps of a s ­s is tants .

The ent ire congregat ion , under the official l eadership o f Rev . W . R. Lord, rector, Is m a k i n g s trenuous efforts to bui ld a n e w church, the present chapel h a v i n g b e c o m e ent ire ly too smal l t o hold t h e large ly g r o w i n g membersh ip .

T h e proceeds o f t h e fest ival wi l l g o t o w a r d the* bui ld ing fund.


One of the important features of the festival to b e held a t the Church H o m e on Thursday, J u n e U t h , 1s the supper which will be served in the large dln-

of the Thornton Memorial and t h e orphanage. Matrons from each

1 in i in ' i ' i n . ii !•

Episcopal Church wil l serve, ass is ted by y o u n g women. The plans have been perfected b y Mrs. Albert E . Jones, a s ­sisted b y Mrs. Charles T. Neale , Mrs. James Brown, Mrs. E. B. Stlnson, Miss Hale, Mrs. Arthur Tenges , Mrs. Oliver S. Laycock, Mrs. Persia Hickok and Mrs. George W . S. Ayres . The Church H o m e League will h a v e charge of the candy and lemonade. Miss Florence Lee is chairman of the candy commit­tee, ass i s ted by Mrs. Otto Lautz , Miss Eve lyn Fowler , Miss Ethel ine Knapp, Miss Mitchell, Miss Townsend, Miss Zeller.

Miss Powel l is chairman of t h e l em­onade committee , and h a s for her a s ­s i s tants Miss Janet Powell , Miss E l s -worth, Miss Meher, Miss Webster, Miss Harriet Stafford.

The uti l i ty booth is in charge of Mrs. W . H . J>. Barr, Mrs. John Koch, Mrs. George Howell , Mrs. Alice Escher, Mrs. Alfred Walens ley , Mrs. John Cameron, Mrs. C. H. Stanton, Mrs. M. E. Chase. Many articles for this booth have been made b y the old ladies of the Thorn­ton Memorial, besides m a n y gi f ts from friends outside.

T h e enterta inment committee , con­s i s t ing of Mrs. George Hutter, Mrs. C. E. P. Babcock and Miss Al ice Brat-ten, wil l have an open-air theater In which will be g iven folk dances by children of School No. 45 and dances b y Church H o m e children In peasant costume. A Punch and Judy show will be a pleas ing feature.

POSITION IN C0REA Descr ibed B y Dr. U n d e r w o o d Before

I*arge A u d i e n c e a t L a f a y e t t e P r e s ­b y t e r i a n Church.

— : The Reverend H G. Underwood. D.

p . , w h o w a s the first Protestant min­ister of the gospel to g o to Corea, g a v e a n address yesterday afternoon in L a ­fayette Avenue Presbyterian Church. The meet ing w a s held under the aus­pices of the Women's Association of the Church and m i n y women from the other churches of the city were pres­ent to hear the interesting address which told what Christianity is doins to better the condition of women of Corea.

Mrs. George C. Bingham, president of the Women's Lafayette Avenue Pres­byterian Church, jkave a short address of welcome, and Rev. Robert G. Free­man gave the scripture reading.

Explaining the size of the country, Dr. Underwood said that Corea is about the same size and population as the States of N e w York and Pennsyl­vania, and that there are now about twelve thousand Christianized Coreann and twelve rnilliola more people l iving in their own religion.

A s In the other countries of the Orient the position of w o m a n is In­ferior and Dr. Underwood related in­stances where the women drudged t o maintain their hQines and uphold the honor and dignity of the men who had the best quarters in the house and all the comforts, whi le the women who toiled had whatever happened to fall to their lot. Through the hospitals the missionaries are able to reach the peo­ple, and the news of the heal ing effect­ed by the missionaries in the rude hos­pitals wi th nothing but plain deal ta ­b l e s for the operating rooms has brought many to come and learn wherein the power of the missionaries lay.

Twenty years ago Dr. Underwood held h i s first communion service In Corea wi th seven communicants . N o w the Christian churches in Corea are not large enough to accommodate all the people a t one service. Dr. Underwood made a plea for rabre missionaries to go to Corea and especial ly women.

Copies of the thlifty-slxth annual re­port of the W o i n 4 n * s Missionary So­ciety of the Presbytery of Buffalo were distributed by Miss Mary E. Prentiss after the meeting.

Dr. Underwood will make a series of addresses today and tomorrow in dif­ferent Presbyter ian churches of the city.

* _ t".y T



City Hall. The Hon. Francis C. Laugh-lin, Justice presiding. For Tuesday, June Sth. On trial: No. 813. 813. Peter Smith vs . Charles Besch.

Herman Hennig far pltf.; George B. Burd for dft. _ A1

87. John J. Fink vs. International Rail­way Company. Love & Keating for pltf.: Norton, Penney & Sears for dft.

1473. Alonso R. Clarkson vs. J. B. Sabine. Vernon Oolb ror pltf.; J. B . Sabine for dft. Held. * 541. William T. Sibley vs. New York Central & Hudson River Railroad Com­pany. Eugene Warner for pltf.; Pooley & Spratt for dft.

167. Tony De Sandy vs. the German Life Insurance Company. Barttett * Putnam for pltf.; Dulln & Roe for d f t

171. Same vs. Mutual Life Insurance Company. Bartlett & Putnam for pltf.; George Gorham for dft.

1919. Banchetti vs. Lathrop. Shea & Henwood Company. Lanza & Borzill^ri for pltf.; Bushnell & Metcalf for d f t

223. Orrin Borman, by guardian, etc., vs. National Battery Company. Mahany, Lange & O'Neil for pltf.; Keneflck, Cooke & Mitchell for dft.

643. Julia Metz vs. International Rail­way Company. Donnelly, O'Neill & Grass for pltf.; Norton. Penney & Sears for dft.

935. Sarah C. Gilbert et al„ as ex­ecutrix, vs. Charies Rossler. Bartholo­mew & Bartholomew for pltf.; Newson & Gerrodette for dft.


-Part I

"'—• • M W I — 1


T h e w e e k l y m e e t i n g of t h e Graded Union of Sunday-school Teachers will be held this afternoon a t 3:30 o'clock In the assembly room of the Y. W. C. A. building, No . 19 W e s t Mohawk S t r e e t

On account of the unusual length of last Tuesday's programme, tha b o o k , review announced for tha t day w a a f ? - 9U^^ ? m l l ? l f t : U \ V**?0*1' S f r

postponed and wi l l be given a t this week's meet ing by Mrs. L e w i s G. R o g -

I I »• •


• Would you b o t h e r to wash the

whea t and scour it? •Thats what WASHBURN CROSBY CO. do in milling GOLD MEDAL FLOUR Its pure and cleanly.

L a r g e N u m b e r of Y o u n g P e o p l e W i l l B e c e i v e D i p l o m a s I t t h e Com­m e n c e m e n t T h i a M o n t h .

T h e Masten Park Chronicle for June to filled f r o m eova* t o cover w i t h ex­tract ions, inc luding photographs of t h e c h a m p i o n basketball t eam, tho c h a m p i o n girls' first a n d second basketbal l t eams , the champion relay t eam, the Masten P a r k orchestra, t h e interscholast ic debaters , the Chronicle staff, a n d the officers of th is year's graduat ing class.

T h e c lass of 1908 of the sohool is g iven as fo l lows:

Mercita C. Andrile, A u g u s t C. B a e t s -hold, E l m e r C. Baltz , Charlotte H-Bangert , Pe ter J. Barone . Glenola E . Behl ing . Stel la B. Bei l fuss . L. Melvin Bel*t?r. Wi l l iam A. Bird ( I V ) , Bertha E. Bobslen, Freder ick W. Boeckel , Es ther Broad, F lorence E . Brush , Gertrude W. Brush, Laura H. Buer­ger, Harriet M. But ler , E leanore L Christ, Loret ta J. Cleary. Harry W. Cudding, Herbert W. D a h l m a n n , Char­lotte A. Darmstadter , Jess ie E. D a r m -stadter, Jess ie E. Darnal l . Mildred L Davis , Albert (Brad ley ) DeGoiler, Earl W. DeGraff. Wi l l i am J. Depher , Mildred E . DevinJ M a n i l a C. Dodd, Alice Dodge , Geneva C. Doll , John T. Donovan , George B. Doyle . Frederick D r u m m , Bess ie ML Duttwei ler , Irene L Duttwei ler , R u t h A. Eckhardt , George W. E d m o n d s , Margaret C. Falrc ioth, Jul ia Fields, Olga C. F i s c h ­er, W. Chester Fisher , Grace L. Forbes , A l m a L. FOreter, Oscar J. Fox, E t h l y n A. Gallivan, George J. Geisler, Al fred V. Godsave, Margaret K. Gott-schal l , John C. Grabau, Jul ia V. Gross­man, R a y m o n d Haensse l , Lesl ie M. Hanson , B r o w n Harding, M. Gene­vieve Hare, J e r o m e P. Hausle , Mabel A. He in t s , E u g e n e W . Hock, Leo la M. Hoffman, F lorence Hohn , Rose R. Kaplan , Carl P . Kejler, Walter F . Kenl ine, Wal t er M King, H u g o G. Kirchner , E m m a I t Kopptsch, Charles J. Kraebel , I d a S. Kraemer, Adele C. K u h n , Henr ie t ta J«. Langner, E l l a J. Lasher, A n n a A. Leedka , Stel la C. Leonard, Ar thur G. Leupold , Bess ie C. Lowe. E m m a E. Ludwig, B lanche J. McGean, Guy 6. Maier. Mary A. Marks, W i l l i a m F . Mast, Kathr lne A-Mayer, D a l t o n Meeks, V io la E. Met-tile, Ora A. Metz, Joseph H. Miller, Myra a Mohr, E t h e l M. Morgan, Al­berta Mount, Gertrude M. Mugler, E d w i n A. Munschauer, A lwena M. Northen , Joseph A. Nowicki , M. I sa ­bel Oliver, Haro ld T. Ortman, Alyin


W A S H'B U R N - C R r t S BY S



trude C: Parker , Lill ian J. Petera, Har­o ld T. Pfeffer, Olive M. Quinn, A. E. Este l le R e e b , Minnie C. Relnig , E u ­gen ie C. Roos , Mildred E. Ross , E l la E . Rudio , George B . R u m s e y . Ange l -ine Rung , Clarissa B. Savage, May E-Schlenker , J u l i a R. Schroeter, Laura E. Setts, W . H o w a r d Shearer. Lura R. Shepard, Carl Sherman, Samuel Sil-bert, Beasie L SJfiap. Lulu Speyer, George R. Stalter, E l m e r H. Stumpf, Alger R. Syme, W a n d a Szymoniak. E d w i n J. Taylor, E d w a r d E. Trost, Charles L. Uhrhan , E d n a E. VanDar-lan, E l s a A. Warner , Ida K. Weimar , H e l e n Weis , W a l t e r H. Welch , N a t h a ­l ie L Wende l , A l i ce H. W e s p , H a l e H. Young .

Appl i cant s of 1908—Walter C Allan, Erns t B. Becker , Armin H. Bode , Mary E . Brady, H e l e n M. Byrn. L a u ­rence C. Carlino. Ernes t Collings,-H e n r y D. Duryea , D o n a l d E. French , Annie H. Gamage , E d n a R. Golden, Kathar ine L Gramlich, E d w a r d Inda, Nei l C. Kenney , F r e d Lautens lager , Alviir T. Lipphardt , George W. Lor-ens, Clarence D. McCabe, Arthur J. McCarthy, A l i a P . MacMullen, Thenaas L. Mayer, F l o y d Miers, Vera O'Don-nell , Marie B . O'Loughlin, Laura Parkhurs t , Charlotte J. P leuthner , Samuel F . Rankin , Albert H. Rlehl , Kathryn P . Schaaf, Earl Shrader, E d m u n d B . Spaeth. J o h n A. W e n d e , H e d w i g A. Westphal , Le ighton W. Wiser , George A . Wood, Joseph L» Wosn iak .

A ^ O O T B R F U I , I N O T I T T m O t f . A school teacher, after spending

forty-five strenuous moments ex ­plaining the mysteries of physiology to the primary class, sounded their intel l igent attention by asking the definition of "verterbrae." A small and anxious boy on the back seat arose, and delivered the following:

"The verterbrae in a long, w a v y bon i . My head s i t s on one end of it, and I sit on the o ther . ' -pwiadeapj i i a Publ ic Ledger.

NOTICE. wil l be continued during this

m p n t b and day calendar for the 16th will be, in addition to those remaining on day calendar Friday, the fo l lowing: Nos. «37. 781, 703. 707, 733. 735, 337, 797, 787, 639, 745. 799. SUPREME COURT, Equity Term. Room

33, City Hall. Adjourned to June 30th.

COUNTY COURT, Civil Terra. Room 21, City Hall. The Hon. Harry L. Taylor, Judge. For Tuesday, June 9th. 93. Otis L.. Clark vs. Will iam J. Scho-

fleld. F. B. Thorn for pltf.; Marshall, Rebadow & Thomas for dft.

105. Robert T. Johns vs. Crosstown Street Rai lway Company of Buffalo. John V. Maloney for pltf.: Norton. Pen­ney. & Sears for dft. Held.

112. Claribel Tyler, by guardian, vs. Elizabeth Rudolph, as executrix, etc. Staples, Noonan & Staples for pltf.; George B. Burd for dft.

113. Catherine Mionsik vs. Andrew Majcherek. F. S. Burzynski for pltf.; Abbott & Abbott for dft.

115. Will iam H. Joyce vs. Anthony J. Frank. Will iam H. Warhus for pltf.; Thomas E. Boyd for dft.

116. Robert E. Long vs. Erie R. R. Co. Charles D. Stickney for pltf., Moot, Spague, Brownel l & Marcy for dft.

117. George Lechner vs. Marianna Cwiklinski. Louis Braunlein for pltf.; Hickman, Palmer & Houck for dft.

118. Barbara Alliger, as executrix, etc., vs. Elm Permanent Loan Associa­tion of Buffalo, N. Y. George J. Arnold for pltf.; August Becker for dft.

119. Mary Wacholviak vs. Michael Konieczry. Webb & Grant for pltf.; Peter B. Smokowski for dft.

101. Wil l iam H. Agar vs. City of Buf­falo. Wil l iam P. Colgan for pltf.; Louis E. Desbecker for dft.

110. United States Laundry Company vs. Jacob Stern. John F. Patterson for pltf.; Jacob Stern for dft.

Next additions: Nos. 122. 123, 126, 141, 142, 143. 145, 149. 151.

MUNICIPAL COURT. Rooms 10 and St. Municipal Buildln*. The Hon. Clark H. Hammond and the Hon. Devoe P. Hodson, Judges. For Tuesday. June 9th. Mary Miller vs. City of Buffalo and

International Rai lway Company. Jury before Hammond, J.

Charles Hicks vs. Frances Hartzell . Lucius Bedford vs . International

Rai lway Company. James L McGrane vs. Stephen De

Witt . Otto H. Harris vs. Robert Olsker. Petronella Likemma vs. Ira C. Pal ­


for it, follow the example of three generations of wise women, and get the flour with the sign on the sack, T A C "BEST' FLOUR.


Francis Lambrecht. ment.

Judicial set t le-

BANKRUPTCY COURT. Erie County Dlstriet. No. 1193 O. S. Morgan Build-in*. The Hon. W. H. Hotchkiss . Ref­eree.

DEEDS—CITY. Ralph R Hughes to Matilda S. Lord,

Whitney Place, northeast side, 116.6 feet northwest Carolina Street, 25 feet front,

Frana Lewandoweki to Mary Labunski, Weiss Street west side, 910 feet south Clinton Street, 30 feet front, SL

W L. Volgamore & Co. to Marcella Roche, Pascal Street, soutft side, 373.18 feet east Baynes Street, 31 feet front, SI.

George Steinmiller to John A. Vogel, Wood Avenue, west side. 316.03 feet south Walden Avenue, 30 feet front, SI.

Nellie J McEwen to George J. Bailey, Virginia Street, southeast side, 25 feet

fJav McKinney to Nellie J. McEwen, Hodge Avenue, south side, 1,402.5 feet west Delaware Avenue, 35 feet front, SI.

Elbridge G. Spaulding to Samuel S. Spaulding and one, Delaware Avenue

, m-feet front, $1.

SURROGATE'S COURT. Room' I t . Clf» Hall. The Hon. Louis B. Hart, Surro­gate. For Tuesday, June 9th. James Cairus. Judicial sett lement. Susanna Hoffman. WU1. Elizabeth B. White. Will contest. Frederick Hussong. Show cause. Marian Kerr. Judicial sett lement. Barbara Herbst. Show cause.

e g i i> ., ' '•' • i •••. • — i ?


m^M -**


Electric FLAT IRONS furnished onr cost* Burners on 15 DAYS* FREE TRIAL.

Send name and ad­dress by 'phone or mail to

Contract Dept.

Buffalo General Electric

Company 712 Fidelity Building •M. 2830-PhonM-FronL 2U2

Tr$ On*

spauiaing ana one, ^ ' a ™ a ; B „ ^ " = " , X i weet side, 291.5 feet north North Street, 100

set front, $T. _ __ _. William H. Burke to Patrick J. Madig-an

and one. Woodside Avenue near South Park Avenue, SI. T_, . ^ ,

Francis 1̂ . Irish to Catherine Jrieh, Ful­ton Street, south side, 247 feet east A la ­bama Street, SI feet front SI.

Heirs of Bridget McLeod to Giuseppe A. Liaduca and one. Sixth Street, southwest side, 327 feet southeast Carolina Street, Si feet front, $L „ _

Thomas J. Dunbar to William C. Paep-low, Florida Street, eouth side, 238 feet east Main Street, 30 feet front, SL

Edward S. Jordan to William H. Burke, Woodside Avenue, north side, 1,615.80 feet east South Park Avenue, SO feet front, Si.

Thomas Brunton et al. to, Alva W. Brunton, southwent corner Jefferson and North Division streets, 85 feet front, SI.

Sophie M. Wendling to William E. Kreiner, Myrtle Avenue, north sid«, 358 feet 10.5 inches east Michigan Street, 20 feet % inch front, SI.

Sophia Haley to Joseph Keller and one, Monroe Street, west side, |1.

Mary M. OBrlen to Edward J. McDeod, West Avenue. we«t side, 209 feet eouth Ferry Street, 38 feet fror.t, SI.

Emtl Hohilahn et al. to Catharine M. Dickinson, Madison Street, east side, 210 feet north Peckham Street, 30 feet front, 11.00.

Seward A. Simons, by referee, to Par-thenia Crittenden, Carroll Street, north side. 160 9-12 feet west outer lot 93, 31 9-12 feet front, S600.

Thomas R. Williams to Peter L». Pelon. Koons Avenue, aaet side, 1,400.43 feet north WnJden Avenue, 30 feet front, SI.

Daniel P. O'Brien to Francesco 'Barone. Hudson Street, northwest side, 109 feet southwest Niagara Street, 32 feet front, sua

Joseph Metz & Sons Oo. to Angel Guar­dian Mission, by Bishop end trustees, Eagle Street. iorth tide. 350 feet east Pine Street, 60 feet front. 31.

COUNTY. Louis Lauber to Mary A. Anderson,

West Seneca 31 • Sophia Buckland to James H. Willis and

one. East Hamburg, $1. Frederick Hancaka to Frank Wrzeszcx,

Colder. SL Emogene Roeinsin to Kathryn Rud-

hard, Tonawanda, SL MORTGAGES—CTTT.

Marcella Roche to W. P. Volgamore Company, Pascal Street near Baynes Street, 1925.

Edward J. McLeod to James Thompson, West Avenue near Ferry Street. 3500.

Thomas E. Carey to Anton A. Vetders, Crescent Avenue near Amherst Street, 3300.

Same to Fred Merkle, Crescent Avenue near Amherst Street, 3550.

Alfred E. Tovey to Julius A. Halnke, Riverside Avenue near Ontario Street, 3900.

Nellie J. McEwen to Jay McKinney, Hodge Avenue near Delaware Avenue, $1,925.

Francesco Barone to Charlotte M- Lud­low, Hudson Street near Niagara Street, $2,000.

Same to Daniel P. O'Brien, Hudson Street near Niagara 8treet, $400.

Dennis S. Cogan to Erie County Sav­ings Bank, northwest corner Lafayette Avenue and Grant Street, $6,0W.

Otuseppe A. Laduca to Mary McL. O'Brien and one, Sixth Street near Caro­lina Street, $1,900.

John Rydzynekl to Phebe S. Helwig, Sycamore Street near Mills Street, 3550.

Same to Farmers' & Mechanics' Sav­ings Bank of Lockport, Sycamore Street near Mills Street, 34.500.

Joseph Keller to Sophia Haley, Monroe Street, west side, 3900.

Angel Guardian Mission, by bishop and trustees, to Joseph Met« ft Sons Com-pany, Eagle Street near Pine Street, $4,000.

COUNTY. Frederick Vail to Louis Halts and one,

West Seneca. 3360. Model Poultry Company to William M.

Thompson et al., trustees, Aurora and VAT., $80,000.

- Chat te l s . George Graf to Sarah Howes, 3L000. A. E. Freund to John H. Schmtt*. 8189. Phlilp H. Hersog to A. Dutch St Csw.

J700- _ . To Erie County Loan Company: Thomas

R. Balfrey and one, $75; John C. South-worth. Jiv and one, $25; Tillie Leppert and one, $35.

To Fidelity Credit Company: Georgs Picord and one, 355; George Guerdate and one, 355; Patrick Barry and one, $88.

Mildred A. Becker et al. to Niagara Loan Association, $100.

Warren E. Johnson to Erie County Loan Company, $96.

Sarah Gordon to same, $35. Mrytle L. Davis to George E. Bogardns,

$110. RENEWALS. *

Imogene B. Sherrlll to Pliny B. Mo-Naughton, $1,360.

John Wyies to James Cunningham, Soa & Co., $364.

B i l l s o f Sa l e . Elizabeth McCannon to Frank Free-

land, Buffalo. SL Daniel Baker to George H. Bowmen^

$125. Nathan Meyers to Louis Herring, Buf­

falo, $150. l i s P e n d e n s .

George J. Becker to Jacob Jung and one, Buffalo—Leroy Andrus.

Elmira Mutual Building Loan Associa­tion vs. Robert W. Gardner et aL, Buf­falo— Irving W. Cole.

John B. Webe* vs. Samuel G. Pittaway and one, Buffalo—Ticknor ft Pierce.

Rachel C. Sloan and one vs. Grace I d iSloan et al., North Collins—E. F. Kruse.

S u p r e m e Court—Special T e r m — T h e H o n . E d w a r d K. E m e r y , J u s t i c e pre­s i d i n g . J u n e 8 , 1 9 0 8 .

Mary H. Nicholson vs . Thomas B. Nicholson. Order discontinuing; action.

John C. Woodmancy vs. Hiram Wood-mancy. Order making judgment of Court of Appeals judgment of th is court.

In re appointment of a committee of Anna Strobeck. Order appoint ing John E. Cu]p committee. Bond $250.

John J. Smith vs. Timothy J. Sul l i ­van. Order discontinuing; action.

Robert Dornfeld vs. Anton Dornfeld* Order of reference to t a k e proof.

Jennie F. Hurlbutt vs. Mary Duckwi t* Order discontinuing action.

Genesee River Railroad Company v s . Harry 8. Guilford et &L Order con­firming report of commissioners .

Same vs. Ella M. Boyington e t aL Judgment of condemnation, appoint ing commissioners.

In re appointment of a commit tee ol Sarah B. Ansteth. Order appoint ing C D. Cummings committee. Bond SSSO.

Florence E. Thomas vs. Polly Carpen­ter. Order of reference to take proot to George E. Pierce.

In re appointment of a commit tee o f the person of Joseph Egl lnton. Order directing that notice of publication b e given.

Augusta Pfuhl vs. Jul ius A Schrei-ber. Order of reference to compute t o J. A. Magoffin.

Same vs. same. Judgment of fore ­closure and sale. Same referee to sell .

Buffalo Forge Company vs . Spr ing­field Boiler & Manufacturing Company. Order vacat ing at tachment and order of reference.

Minnie Wilson vs. James Wilson, Or* der direct ing that commission issue.

Genesee River Railroad Company vs . Charles P. Bixby and one. Judgment of condemnation, appoint ing c o m m i s ­sioners.

Martin Walter vs. Paul ina Walter . Order appoint ing George E. Spring1

guardian ad l i tem for infant defend­ant.

Same vs. same. Order of reference to ' compute to Moses T. Day. Judgment of foreclosure and sale. Same referee to sell.

C o u n t y Court—The H o n . H a r r y I* Tay lor , J u d g e . J u n e 8 , IDOtS.

Jennie Smith vs. Francis M. Lee. Or­der discont inuing act ion on stipulation.

Elmira Bui lding Loan Association vs . Robert W. Gardner. Order amending; summons, complaint, l is pendens, e t c

Fred Cleveland vs. Thomas J. Mo­loney. Order discontinuing action.

In re petit ion of Mary Griskie for change of name. Order granting change of name to Mary Gollwitzer and publi­cation.

George Geoghan vs . John Rydsynsk i et al. Order discontinuing taction and cancel ing l is pendens.

Jennie Elognt of Judgment_

i g . 1 Susan Schweigert v

vs. Alice foreclosure

Stadlingsr. and sale.

Charles H. Rett ing, referee, to_sell. an

hey. Order of reference to Charles C s. James G. T w o -

Roll Top, Hat Top, Bookkeepers, Typewriter

DES lr€S Office Tables and Chairs

LOCKWOOD- Stationer •07. aos. aw Biiivott Sfssn.

Page to compute. Ellen M. Wippert vs. W. Lou Tandy

e t al. Order of reference to Arthur H. Wil l iams to compute.

Anna Sanders vs. Joseph Sanders. I n ­terlocutory Judgment In partition. James G. Smith, referee, to sell .

In re application to sell real prop­erty of Leslie Wehrum and one, in ­fants. Order direct ing special guard-Ian to pay over money *to general guardian and cancel ing bond for spe­cial guardian.

• "• • '

Surrogate ' s Court—The H o n . L o u i s B. H a r t , Surrogate . J u n e 3 , 1 9 0 8 .

Wilhelm Weixelbaum. Will . Wi l l ­iam A. Gerecke for petitioner. Proofs complete. Henry Kroll in person. D e ­cree granted.

Stephen T. Challerton. Judicial • ? * -t lsment. Albert G. Lange for peti­tioner. Adjourned to June 10th.

Mary E. Fourby. WilL Joseph V. Seaver for petit ioner. Robert F. Shel l ing for Lil l ian Melville. Albert F. Shel l ing appointed special guardian foi all Infants. Adjourned to June 13th.

Gottlieb Lentz. Judicial s e t t l e m e n t Charles R. O'Connell for petitioner ana on his motion proceeding Is dismissed.

Frederick Machemer. Will . P e t i ­tioner In person. Proofs complete. De" cree granted. . . . . . ^

~- T . Patrick McKepwn. Administration. Biennerhasset Gas Light Company in R e a r d o n A Batt for petitioner. Mary

*5>&r ° M a c b e t h Evans Glass Company, HoUoran in person and consents to ap-f^„^i»i T O , . « , . . , . „ pointment of petit ioner a s admlnlstra-

« n D ^ n l f L J « f c ^ ? l a ? aJ?d William Scanlan for. Decree granted. £ » S a v o r o f G e r h a r < l Lang Brewery, ! Caroline Obel. Will. George B. Burd **S-3 , » . , „ . . „ . . , „ (for petitioner. George C. Houck a p -

l5SL ,I-?ra«uH U? f a v o r ot C o l l l n s Baking pointed special guardian. Proceedings neld generally.

Francis Lambrecht. Judicial s e t t l e ­ment. Same appearances. Adjourned

A s s i g n m e n t of M o r t g a g e s . Janet Adams to William L. Jones, . Lillian R. Gould to Fidelity Trust Com­

pany of Buffalo, 34,000. Charles C. Farnham to estate of Fred­

erick L, Danforth, $376.

J u d g m e n t s . V Mott Pierce in favor of Frank Man-

hard, $1,189.72. Everett Young in favor of Edward H.

Holts, $31.18. Thomas Rumley in favor of Tony Leon

and James Leon, $36.87. Henry Penquet in favor of Horsce M.

Edwards, $43.23. Frank Zawadski and Kataryxna Zawad-

skl In favor of Pittsburg-Washburn Flour Company, $59.

George McKay Hall in favor of Charles A. Johndahl, S l l l .r

Company, $106.».

M e c h a n i c ' s L i e n s . Josephine Leslie vs. George and Mar-

gareta Endres, owners, Buffalo, $102.34. Thomas Collins vs. William Tremaine,

Jesnette Tremaine and Thomas E. Slater, owners, Buffalo, $12. '

D i s c h a r g e of M o r t g a g e e . Thomas Hill, Jr., to Edmund Condon,

May, 1890. MA d O l i903M a C h h o 1* to Engelhard Pape,

Ad'olph 'Bickel to Matthew J. Hudson, November, 1907. r E ! ! ? e r , J- C o b b t o Albany City Savings Institution, November, 1906. ^Jacob Frolioh to Janet Adams. March,

John Oswald to Michael Diefenbach, January, 1888.

William J. Reinhart to George Dean, October, 1907.

Ella L. Hess to Judge Q. Harrington, October, 1S02.

Ella A. Hess to Angelina A. Humphrey, September, 1303.

Tomass Luszak to Stanislaus Lipowics, December. 1903.

George Sampmsn to texecutor of Joseph Clsslns, January. 1987.

John Splowskl to Frances A. Nowicki,

Sarah R. King to Elisabeth B. White. November. 1890.

Frank M. Glaus to executor of Freder­ick L. Danforth, March. 1900.

Helma Schoenthal to George Rochevot, November, 1884.

John Michalski to Dorothea Doetsch, April, 1884.

IHIa L. Hes* to Wlckwars National Bank. April, Bos ^ y%

to June 9th. Mary Ann Phlster. Judicial s e t t l e ­

ment. John W. Fisher for petit ioner. Adjourned to Juns 16th.

Dora M. Fenner. Will . John M. Chip-man for petitioner. Charles O'Connell w i th Henry I* Steiner for Mary E.

(Continued on P a g e Nine.)

Early or Late

P0St( Toasfies make breakfast a

supreme delight— P a c k a g e s two sises, 10c and* 15c

"The Taste Lingers." Made by

Postum Cereal Company, Limited. Battle Creek, Mien.

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069