Goals decision making

Setting Setting Goals and Goals and Making Making Logical Logical Decisions Decisions

Transcript of Goals decision making

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Setting Setting Goals and Goals and

Making Making Logical Logical


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Goals-A plan or Goals-A plan or purpose of what you purpose of what you would like to would like to achieve.achieve.

Something to Something to

work towardwork toward

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Most goals stem Most goals stem from your hopes from your hopes and dreamsand dreams

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Dreams *what you would like to become*

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Your family, friends, religion, school, books, television also influence your hopes and dreams

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Dreams are based on Dreams are based on

values and principles values and principles

that are important to that are important to you.you.






freedom popularity



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actual conditions that affect your life

Realities determine which goals are Realities determine which goals are appropriate appropriate for you.for you.

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Standards-a mental picture of how something should be.

A measure of what is acceptable to


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Two Two Types Of Types Of


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Short-Term Short-Term GoalsGoals

Goals achieved in the near future.

Examples: reading a book, cleaning your room, writing a letter

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Setting and reaching short-term goals can

give you a sense of accomplishment

and builds your confidence.

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Long-Term Goals-

Goals achieved farther in the future.

Examples: attend band camp next summer, majoring in business in college

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Divide long-term goals into a series of short-term



Long-term goal – visit a friend in another city for spring break.

Short-term goals – Research cost of flying.

Babysitting to earn the money for the trip.

Saving enough money to go.

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Used to satisfy needs and wants and reach goals

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Personal Resources-time, energy, interests, skills, knowledge, abilities

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These vary from person to person

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Material Material ResourcesResources Money, Money, FoodFood

Transportation,Transportation, Housing, Housing,


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Community Community ResourcesResources

parks, libraries, parks, libraries, hospitals, schools, fire hospitals, schools, fire

and police deptand police dept

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Steps in Goal


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1.Set Your Goal

Your goal should reflect what is important to you.

You must commit to it

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2. Develop a Plan

Come up with a step by step plan of action.

Make each step “count”.

You must write your plan down on paper.

Example: I want to earn $150.00 so I can buy a new stereo.

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3. Carry out your plan

Keep your goal in mind. Visualize it.

Read it aloud every morning.

Devote the time and energy it takes to make it happen.

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4. Be determined to reach your goal.

It’s up to you to make your goals happen.

Give it your best shot.

Do not measure yourself by looking at others.

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Making Decisio


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choices you make about things that affect your life.

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2 Types Of Decisions

1.Routine decisions

2.Major decisions

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Routine Decisions -choices you make every day.Require little time or thought

Important to you at the time

Won’t affect your life much

Example: what movie to see or where to eat.

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Most routine Most routine decisions are decisions are

made by habit- made by habit- a choice a choice you you make w/o make w/o thinking about it.thinking about it.

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Decisions always involve choosing one thing over another

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Major Decisions-

choices that have a long term affect on your life.

Difficult to


Requires much thought



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Success in life

depends on your ability

to make wise


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Making routine decisions gives

you confidence to make more difficult


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Decisions you make now

will affect the choices you have in the


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Factors That Influence Your


1. Needs

2. Wants

3. Personal Priorities

4. Goals

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1. Needs-

Things that are


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Types Of


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Physical Needs- food, clothing, shelter

Emotional Needs-affection, security, safety, independence, belonging, acceptance, achievement

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Mental Needs -to learn, gain knowledge, experience the world

Social Needs -

contact with family, friends, acquaintances

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2. Wants- desires that will make life more pleasant

Are not necessary for life.

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Difference Between Wants And Needs

Needs are necessary for survival

Wants make life more enjoyable.

We share the same basic needs but have different wants. So we meet

our needs in different ways

Basic needs are limited and specific

Wants are unlimited

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3. Personal


Something that merits attention before something else.

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You rank your priorities based on the situation and what is important at the time.

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Not everyone has similar priorities

Those with similar priorities often set different goals

And some with the same goals have different priorities

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4. Goals

Give you a target to direct

your energy

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If you do not know what you want to reach, how can you expect to achieve anything?

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1. Identify The Decision You Need To Make

Focus on one decision at a time

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2. List Your Options

Options-the choices that are available to you.

Brainstorm-list options as they come into your mind.

Think through all possibilities.

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3. List The Consequences Of Each Option.

Think about the positive and negative consequences of each option.

How will it affect you and others.

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4. Choose an


Your choice should reinforce your goals and priorities.

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5. Take Action On The


Put your decision into action.

Commit to see it through.

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6. Evaluate Your Decision.

Review what you have done.

Is the plan working?

Do you need to make any changes?

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Decision Making Styles

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Default-a failure to take action.

Waiting too long to decide, so that choice is no longer available.

Ex. You can’t decide if you want to buy an item. Then someone else buys it.

Thinks but doesn’t take action

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Impulse-taking action without thinking it through.

Making a spur of the moment decision.

Ex: Accepting a ride from someone you just met without thinking of the risks.

Taking action without thinking

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Habit-choosing the same solution you have always chosen.

Not trying new or creative ways of handling issues.

Ex: Always getting you hair cut the same way.

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Persuasion-letting others influence your decisions for you.

Following other peoples advice even when it is not in your best interest.

Ex:Letting a friend talk you into signing up for a class even when you have no real interest in it.

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Logic-thinking through all your choices carefully.Consider your goals and priorities and what is best for you.

Give choices careful thought and consideration.

Ex: Wanting to become involved in a school activity, you look at each one then pick the one that fits your goals.

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Tips For Making Responsible Decisions

1. Avoid snap decisions

2. Avoid procrastination

3. Consider how each choice will affect your life now and in the future.

4. Consider how your choice will affect others

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5. Be willing to take risks.6. Seek advice when you need it.7. Learn from failures.8. Accept responsibility for your decisions9. Do not make excuses or blame others.

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