GI Lab List 2012-13 Updated

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  • 7/29/2019 GI Lab List 2012-13 Updated


    GI LAB LIST 2012-2013

    Lab 1

    Review the following bony structures:

    costal margin tubercle of the iliac crest anterior superior iliac spine pubic tubercle pubic crest pectineal line of the pubic bone (pectin pubis) arcuate line of the ilium sacral promontory

    Inguinal Canal

    Superficial Inguinal ring Medial and lateral crus of the superficial inguinal ring

    Iliohypogastric N. Ilioinguinal N. Round L. of the Uterus (Female) Spermatic Cord Cremaster M. Ductusdeferens (vas deferens) Pampiniform plexus of veins Testicular A.

    Scrotum and Testes

    Scrotal ligament

    Dartos layer/muscle of the scrotum Tunica vaginalis, parietal and visceral layers Epididymis - head, body, tail Ductus deferens Sinus epididymis Tunica albuginea

    Anterior Abdominal Wall

    External Abdominal Oblique M. Internal Abdominal Oblique M. Transversus Abdominis M. Transversalis fascia

    Linea alba Rectus Abdominis M. Rectus Sheath Arcuate Line of the Rectus Sheath Superior Epigastric A. Inferior Epigastric A. Pyramidalis M.

  • 7/29/2019 GI Lab List 2012-13 Updated


    LAB 2

    Folds Median Umbilical Fold (ligament) Medial Umbilical Fold (ligament) Lateral Umbilical Fold Falciform L.

    Ligamentum Teres hepatis (round ligament of the liver)Liver Common Hepatic A. Proper Hepatic A. (Hepatic artery) Right Hepatic A.

    Cystic A. Left Hepatic A. Portal V.(Hepatic portal vein)

    Splenic vein

    Superior mesenteric vein

    Inferior mesenteric vein Right Hepatic V. Middle Hepatic V. Left Hepatic V. Bile Duct (Common bile duct) Cystic Duct Right Hepatic Duct Left Hepatic Duct

    Common Hepatic duct Ligamentum Venosum Right Lobe of the Liver Left Lobe of the Liver Caudate Lobe of the Liver Quadrate Lobe of the Liver Left Triangular L. Right Triangular L. Coronary L. Omental foramen (Epiploic foramen)(Foramen of Winslow).

    Organs, important structures in peritoneal cavity

    Greater Omentum Lesser Omentum Hepatoduodenal L. Esophagus Stomach

    Cardia Cardiac Notch Fundus of the Stomach Body of the Stomach Pylorus Pyloric Antrum Pyloric Canal Pyloric Sphincter Greater Curvature of the Stomach

  • 7/29/2019 GI Lab List 2012-13 Updated


    Lesser Curvature of the Stomach Rugae of the Stomach

    Small Intestine Duodenum

    Superior Part of the duodenum (1st part of the duodenum) Descending Part of the duodenum (2nd part of the duodenum)

    Major Duodenal Papilla Minor Duodenal Papilla Hepatopancreatic Ampulla Horizontal Part of the duodenum (3rd part of the duodenum) Ascending Part of the duodenum (4th part of the duodenum)

    Jejunum Duodenojejunal Flexure

    Ileum Large Intestine (Colon)

    Taenia Coli Haustra Omental Appendages (Epiploic appendages)

    Cecum Ileocecal Orifice

    Ileal papilla Vermiform Appendix Ascending Colon

    Right Colic (Hepatic) Flexure Transverse Colon

    Left Colic (Splenic) Flexure Descending Colon Sigmoid Colon Rectum Pancreas

    Head of the Pancreas Main Pancreatic Duct Accessory Pancreatic Duct Neck of the Pancreas Body of the Pancreas Tail of the Pancreas

    Liver Diaphragmatic Surface of the liver Bare Area of the liver Visceral Surface of the liver Fossa for Gall Bladder Porta Hepatis

    Phrenicocolic ligament Transverse mesocolon Sigmoid mesocolon Mesoappendix The mesentery

  • 7/29/2019 GI Lab List 2012-13 Updated


    LAB 3

    Blood supply Right Gastric A. Celiac A. Common hepatic A.

    Hepatic A. (proper hepatic A.) Gastroduodenal A. Right Gastro-omental A. Superior (anterior and/or posterior) Pancreaticoduodenal A. Inferior (anterior and/or posterior) Pancreaticoduodenal A. Left Gastric A. Esophageal Branch Splenic A. Short gastric Aa. Left Gastro-omental A. Superior Mesenteric A.

    Jejunal Branches

    vasa recta A. Ileal Branches Middle Colic A. Right Colic A. Ileocolic A.

    Inferior Mesenteric A. Left Colic A. Marginal A. Sigmoid Aa.

    Superior Rectal A.

    Lab 4

    Internal Structures Greater (Major) duodenal papilla Lesser (Minor) duodenal papilla Bile duct (common bile duct) Main pancreatic duct Accessory pancreatic duct Hepatopancreatic ampulla Rugae of the stomach Plicae circulares (circular folds) of the small intestine Plicae semilunares (semicircular or semilunar folds) of the large intestine Ileal papilla Ostium (opening) of the vermiform appendix

    Haustrae Meckels or ileal diverticulum