Get What You Want

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Transcript of Get What You Want

  • Anna Aparicio - Why youll never get what you want unless you do this - 1

  • Anna Aparicio - Why youll never get what you want unless you do this - 2



    Sounds harsh? Maybe. But it is the truth.

    It doesnt matter what you want. Whether you want to be more confident, make

    more money, get the body of your dreams, meet the love of your life

    There is a common denominator you will need to master if you really want to


    Because in order to change your life, you must change your mind first.

    If you are not happy with any aspect of your life right now, its because of things

    that you have or havent been doing.

    Are you interested in having the quality of your life be better?

    Then you have to realize that doing the same thing over and over again and

    thinking the same way you have been thinking will only get you more of what

    you already have.

    Every day I listen to my clients say things like this fear has completely taken over

    me, or the voices in my head just wont stop or my fear is holding me back

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    People talk about their thoughts like they are living things. Even though often

    they dont make any sense at all, people take these thoughts as the truth, and

    believe them.

    You have to be careful about what you believe!

    Your beliefs about yourself and about the world will determine your

    behavior in life, which in turn will determine the results you get.

    See, we always tend to look for evidence to prove what we believe in.

    A person who believes in fairies will swear to you he/she sees and speaks to


    Someone who believes they are ugly will go to great lengths to convince you of

    what they believe, whether this is true or not.

    There are people out there who submit themselves to multiple life threatening

    plastic surgeries because of this.

    Do you know anyone who thinks they are fat, even though they may be of

    average size, or even slim? They look in the mirror and they see fat, they will

    point out to you fat areas that dont exist.

    Many people will be forever miserable because of the limiting beliefs they

    choose to hold on to.

    These limiting beliefs drain your body and your mind off precious energy.

    Energy you are going to need to get what you want!

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    The thing is, if we are going to make up stuff

    about ourselves, and if we are going to direct

    crazy movies in our heads

    Wouldnt it be a better idea to cast ourselves as

    the heroes of an absolutely amazing movie in

    which a bunch of wonderful things happen to


    After all, weve all daydreamed about being a

    hero or heroine (not the drug!) at some stage

    in our lives, right?

    Since you are the main character in the movie of your life, what kind of

    character do you want to play?

    You have to begin to understand that your mind does not rule you.

    YOU rule your mind, and your thoughts.

    There is no one and nothing in your mind, except the thoughts that you allow

    yourself to think and believe.

    It is time you begin to discover the secrets to using your brain in a more useful

    and effective way that is going to work for you. Not against you.

    But how can you do this?

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    As I tell all my clients, you have to change your internal dialogue.

    Your internal dialogue is the conversation you have with yourself about things.

    It is either supporting you, and making you feel great, or it is making you feel

    like crap.

    Either way, its a conversation YOU allow yourself to have.

    So, if you are really interested in enhancing the quality of your life, it is up you

    to make sure you tell yourself nice things that make you feel great for as long as


    A friend of mine once told me every morning he looks in the mirror and tells

    himself Look at you, you look amazing today! Wow, you are the man! Go have

    yourself a brilliant day now!

    You might be thinking what a weirdo! but, you must admit, what a great way to

    start the day, hey?

    What will happen when you start to talk yourself up from now on, in a way that

    makes you feel good about yourself, more confident and happier?

    All you need to do is stop the crappy dialogue and substitute it for a brilliant


    How do you stop the crappy dialogue?

    You simply tell yourself to SHUT THE F**K UP!

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    Yes, really. And please, please, dont get offended my language. Words are just

    things we humans made up and use to communicate effectively.

    If you tell yourself to shut up and it works for you, then by all means go tell

    yourself that.

    For me, and for most people I coach, shut up simply doesnt have the powerful

    effect that shut the fuck up has.

    And, if you choose to get offended by two little words, then what else do you

    allow yourself to get offended by?

    NLP is about freedom. If you really want to be happy, avoid letting words enslave

    you. Instead, you can use them to enhance your life.

    I am telling you. It really needs to be a strong command like this so it has the

    necessary powerful effect.

    You tell yourself to Shut The F**k Up, as loud and as many times as you have to,

    until you do just that.

    Be careful, if there are people around, I suggest you keep quiet and say it


    So, the next time you catch yourself thinking crappy thoughts, what are you

    going to do?

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    Once you have stopped the crappy dialogue, you must start a new more useful

    dialogue straight away.

    For example, some of my clients say things like I am not confident enough.

    So I get them to turn this into more useful questions such as: how would I look,

    talk, dress, move and feel like at my most confident? , or what can I do that will

    make me come across to people as confident?, or what do I need to learn so I can

    be more confident?.

    By answering these questions they are creating the possibility for change.

    This is no airy-fairy stuff. This is not about forcing yourself to think positive

    thoughts that you dont believe. This is about thinking in a more useful way.

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    Thinking more usefully will make you feel better and behave differently, and

    therefore you will get different results. Better results.

    A client of mine hated her job. She told me she had hated it for years but had

    never done anything about it. She had been trying to be positive by telling

    herself that she was lucky to have a job and that she was financially ok and that

    that should be enough.

    But at the same time she often cried when she got home from work. She had

    been lying to herself for a long time and that had made her very unhappy.

    So, I got her to start asking some useful questions:

    What type of job would I really enjoy?

    What do I have to do in order to get a job like that?

    What skills/ people/ things do I need in order for me to be able to get this job?

    By asking more useful questions, a mindset shift occurred, and suddenly she was

    motivated to take action for the first time in years!

    Owen Fitzpatrick, co-founder of The Irish Institute of NLP and personal mentor


    You are not what you do. You are everything you can become at your very


    In the past you did what you could with what you had. But your past does not

    have to equal your future. You can change, and you can do this quickly and more

    easily than you once may have thought.

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    There is a misconception that change takes hard work and a long time. I agree

    with the hard work bit, but I believe that change can be attained fairly quickly.

    Because once you are in the right frame of mind, amazing things start to


    Cyclist Lance Armstrongs career was slowed down to a halt very early on due to

    cancer. After recovering from the disease, he went on to win Le Tour De France

    not just one but a whooping 7 times.

    After a humble childhood in Mississippi and a troubled adolescence when she was

    sexually abused, Oprah Winfrey went onto work in radio and television. Now,

    famous for The Oprah Winfrey Show, she is one of the richest and most powerful

    women in the world.

    Richard Branson, a famous dyslexic school dropout, started as a mail order record

    retailer. Now, he is owner of The Virgin Group, with more than 200 companies in

    leisure, travel, mobile, TV in over 30 countries.

    The main difference between these people and you is not genetics, or

    intelligence, or opportunities, or money. It is their mindset.

    Want a closer to home example?

    I spent my childhood in quite a negative home environment. Even though I was

    an A student, I was regularly told I was good for nothing and that I was stupid. I

    must have believed it cause even though I studied five languages at college, I

    dropped out just before my final exams.

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    I thought, whats the point, I am good for nothing anyway.

    My boyfriend at the time psychologically abused me and I felt that the only thing

    I had control over in my life was what I put in my mouth. I decided to stop


    At one point I was so exhausted mentally and physically. The internal fight in

    my mind between what I thought I could do and what I was being told I couldnt

    do was killing me, literally.

    One night, I couldnt sleep. My heart was beating really fast and strong. I was

    very thin and it felt like it was going to jump out of my body. I got scared. For a

    moment I thought I was going to die that night.

    I told myself: What am I doing??? This is ridiculous!

    By morning, I had made up my mind.

    At twenty two years of age, I left my family, my boyfriend and Spain to come to

    Ireland on my own, with three hundred euro in my pocket.

    I spent most of my twenties jumping from job to job, and relationship to

    relationship, not giving anyone enough time to realize that I was not good


    Until a weekend course with the Irish Institute of NLP made me realize I had to

    take responsibility for myself and my life.

    I learned to reprogram my mind so I could become the person I wanted to be.

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    Now, over 12 years later, I work doing something I absolutely love and I know I

    am good at. I am super healthy, happily married and working hard at getting

    what I want in life.

    Have you heard of self fulfilling prophecies?

    One client of mine was overweight. He told

    me he wanted to be healthy and slim.

    He had been constantly fighting against his

    weight but nothing ever changed much. He

    thought of food as his enemy and exercise

    as a struggle. He told me he tried every trick

    in the book and nothing worked.

    In reality, he had given up too soon, before

    results started to show, just to make sure he

    stayed fat a little longer

    Sometimes he succeeded at slimming down for a while, only to put all the weight

    and some more back on.

    He had been unconsciously sabotaging himself.

    This happened because deep inside he believed he was a fat person. He had

    never been able to imagine himself or think of himself as a healthy and slim


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    The thing is, when you are able to vividly see yourself as a healthy and slim

    person, do what you do as a healthy and slim person, hear what you hear, and

    feel the feelings true health now, energy, flexibility and lightness, and allow

    yourself to notice your posture, the way you move, the expression in your face,

    the light in your eyes

    It is much easier to start to make the right choices for yourself now.

    When I went through the right nlp techniques with this client, his beliefs

    changed in an instant, and so, results started to happen, as if by a miracle.

    Today, he is healthier and slimmer than ever. And he is delighted with himself!

    Unless you change the limiting beliefs that are holding you back, things will

    most likely stay the same for you.

    Because what you have to do in order to get what you want, will clash with the

    type of person you believe yourself to be.

    This is why it is extremely important you start to believe, not only that you can

    change, but that you already are the type of person you want to be.

    When this shift has occurred, you will start to behave differently more naturally.

    And the more you keep up the new behavior, the more strongly you will feel

    about your beliefs.

    You have created a new loop of beliefs, feelings, and actions, necessary for your


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    NLP coaching, can help you discover the mind skills necessary for you to be able

    to do this, and anything else you need, so you can create the type of life you want

    and deserve.

    You can get rid of old beliefs and substitute them for new more useful ones.

    You can find out how to get more motivated, if that is what you want, or more

    focused, or more determined or whatever state of mind is most useful for you

    to be in, so the process of getting what you want will be greatly accelerated.

    When you discover these mind strategies, and put them into practice, you can

    get what you want, in record time!

    PS: If this report has inspired you, motivated you, made you feel good,

    please tell others who you think may benefit too.

    Best thoughts and talk to you soon!

    [email protected]

    00353(0)86 065 63 83

  • Anna Aparicio - Why youll never get what you want unless you do this - 14

    This report is an original product created by Anna Aparicio. Copying,

    manipulation and distribution is strictly forbidden. If you want to use any of the

    material in this report you must ask the authors permission. Once permission

    is granted, you must include the following information when using this report or

    parts of it:

    Extracted from Why youll never get what you want unless you do this by Anna

    Aparicio, IINLP Life & Business Coach, Speaker and Educator based in Dublin, Ireland.

    Anna uses cutting edge Neuro Linguistic Programming, hypnosis and self-improvement

    strategies to create massive and lasting changes in her clients lives, fast.

    Whether you want a more successful career, a healthier and better body, more confidence,

    more love, more money

    Find out how she can help you when you visit:

    Now you can connect with Anna via her blog: