GEP Briefing

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IFIP Funders Briefing - Goldman Environmental Prize Winner

Transcript of GEP Briefing


    Panel discussion honoring 2014 Goldman Environmental Prize Winner from South America

    International Funders for Indigenous Peoples (IFIP), Rainforest Foundation UK and International Rivers invite you to a very special morning session, hosted by the Global Fund for Women. Please join us for an opportunity to be among the first people to meet one of the winners of the prestigious 2014 Goldman Environmental Prize and explore how philanthropy can support their cutting-edge work.The Amazon is a treasure trove of biodiversity. The rivers of this region sustain bountiful fisheries, diverse wildlife, and the livelihoods and cultural identity of thousands of indigenous people. However, more than 70 large dams are currently being planned in the Amazon basin. If approved, the impacts will destroy riverine ecosystems, biodiversity, and the livelihoods of indigenous communities.Because this meeting precedes the Goldman Prize award ceremony later that day, we can't tell you who the winner is now -- you'll just have to come to find out! What we can say is that these are indeed exciting times for all of us working to defend Mother Earth and our future generations.


    Opening remarks by Ryan Mack, Goldman Environmental Prize & Evelyn Arce, IFIP


    Goldman Environmental Prize Winner

    Aldo Soto, Rainforest Foundation UK

    Monti Aguirre, International Rivers


    Monday, April 28, 9 AM - 11 AM


    Global Fund for Women, 222 Sutter Street, Suite 500, San Francisco.

    Complimentary breakfast

    RSVP by April 21 to [email protected] Or Call (415) 580-7982. Call in number will be provided for those that can not attend.