Geography of Greece Part 1.pdfReligion: Three main ideas about Greek religion Wanted to explain...


Transcript of Geography of Greece Part 1.pdfReligion: Three main ideas about Greek religion Wanted to explain...

  • Geography of Greece Location:

    Southern end of Balkan Peninsula

    Surrounded by water on 3 sides

    ○ Adriatic Sea & Ionian Sea to West

    ○ Mediterranean Sea to South

    ○ Aegean Sea to East

    Uneven Coastline

    All of Greece had easy access to a sea

    Economy became based on sea industries

    ○ Trade

    ○ Fishing

    ○ Sailing

    Difficult to Unify

    Mountain ranges run center of Greek mainland

    Jagged coasts divide sea villages

    Independent City-states developed

  • Early Greek Peoples The Minoans

    Located on Crete, island South of Greek mainland

    Named after King Minos

    ○ Palace of Knosos


    ○ Frescoes – form of art where pigment was pushed into wet plaster on walls

    ○ Metalworking – art made of bronze, gold, silver, etc.

    ○ Developed written language, Linear B

    Economy based on sea-travel & trade

    ○ Created series of sea ports on Asia Minor & Aegean islands

    ○ Developed strong navy

    The Mycenaeans

    Controlled southern Greek mainland (Peloponnesus)

    Clans based on military/war leaders

    Built fort like cities

    Took over Crete

  • The City-States of Greece

    No Unified Nation, independent city-states developed


    The Polis

    Based on three main ideas

    ○ The geographic territory

    ○ The community it represented

    ○ Political & economic independence

    Characteristics of most city-states

    ○ Acropolis – hill on which the central fort and temples were found

    ○ Agora – marketplace & main meeting place

    ○ Usually small w/less than 10,000 people each

    ○ Only free adult males had rights

    ○ Most spoke same language & shared similar cultural beliefs

  • Greek Culture in Homeric Age Literature:

    Most Greeks were illiterate

    Literature passed through oral tradition

    oral traditions gathered into two main works by Homer○ The Iliad – epic poem about Trojan War between Mycenae and Troy

    ○ The Odyssey – epic poem about the travels of Odysseus, a Mycenaean king, on his way home from the Trojan War

    Religion: Three main ideas about Greek religion

    ○ Wanted to explain natural events

    ○ Wanted to explain emotions & why people act the way they do

    ○ Wanted certain benefits such a good luck, health, & good crops

    Concept of afterlife: the spirit went to the realm of Hades for either reward or punishment

    Religious beliefs explained in myths, stories about the gods

    Future could be predicted by oracles, special priests/priestesses

  • Greek Government The Aristocracy:

    City-states led by warrior chiefs○ Warrior chiefs relied on wealthy land owners for support

    ○ Wealthy land owners known as aristocrats, or “best men”

    Aristocracy: the privileged upper social class○ Controlled military

    ○ Acted as judges & leaders in communities

    ○ Took over from the warrior chiefs

    Changes that weakened Aristocratic control on government Hoplite:

    ○ non-aristocratic soldier, infantry

    ○ Gained greater say in politics

    Farmers & poor citizens unhappy w/ aristocracy

    Tyrants take over○ A person who gains control of the government thru force

    ○ Usually conditions improved in the beginning, but became brutal leaders later

    Democracy Develops Greece People overthrow tyrants

    Popular government developed: gov where the people rule themselves

    Democracy: gov where the citizens make the decisions for the city-state

  • Spartan Society Peloponnesus conquered by invaders from north

    Helots: the conquered people

    Capital located at village of Sparta

    Three Social Groups: Equals

    ○ Descendents of the invaders

    ○ Controlled the government

    ○ Owned the land

    Half-Citizens○ Freemen who either farmed or worked in trades/artisans

    ○ Served in the military

    ○ No political power

    Helots○ Slaves

    ○ Were kept under tight control, disobedience was violently dealt with

  • Spartan Government & Military Spartan Government

    Two Kings○ One king controlled the military

    ○ One king controlled the home matters

    Council of Elders○ 28 male citizens over the age of 60

    ○ Proposed laws & held court

    The Assembly○ Included all landowning males over 30

    ○ Led by 5 Ephors who ensured kings acted within the law

    ○ Voted to pass/reject laws made by council

    ○ Controlled the education of the young

    The Military Every male became a member of the military

    ○ Age 7, boys leave home to live in military barracks

    ○ At age 18, training focused on war

    ○ Age 20, active duty military

    ○ Age 30, men could move out of the military barracks

    ○ Age 60, men left the military to work for the public

    Education of Girls○ Focus on physical strength & to be devoted to the Spartan state

  • Society of Athens Located on Attic Peninsula

    Limited farming due to poor soil conditions

    Primarily focused on sea trade

    Three Tier Society:


    ○ Men born in Athens, had full political rights

    ○ Women born in Athens, did not have right to vote


    ○ Free people born outside of Athens

    ○ Could not take part in government nor own land


    ○ People captured in war

    ○ Treated as property

    ○ Freed slaves became Metics

  • Government of Athens Early Athenian Government:

    Led by aristocrats

    Only male, land-owning citizens could hold office

    All adult male citizens served in an assembly○ Elected generals during war times

    ○ Led by Archons An elected committee of 9

    Served 1 year terms

    Changes Come to Athenian Gov: Economic Problems

    ○ Trade prospered, but farmers grew poorer

    ○ Farmers sold into slaver to pay for debt

    ○ Poor begin to riot &

    Solon becomes an Archon○ Outlaws the slavery for debt

    ○ Set up courts made up of citizen jurors

    Cleisthenes○ Turns Athens into a democracy

    ○ Creates a Council of 500

    ○ Court decisions made by citizen jurors

  • Daily Life In Athens Economics:


    ○ Extremely rugged landscape

    ○ Terraced the hillsides

    ○ grew olives, grapes, & figs

    Oversea Trade

    ○ Established colonies throughout region

    ○ Exported olive oil, wine, etc

    ○ Imported grains & foodstuffs

    Home & Family

    Marriage & family central social unit

    ○ Marriages were arranged

    ○ Mother took care of all children until age 6

    ○ At age 7, boys under care of a pedagogue, teacher of manners

  • Education The Athenian Ideal:

    Stressed sound mind & body

    Wealthy boy received detailed education


    ○ Politics

    ○ Reading

    ○ Writing

    ○ Poetry

    ○ Music

    ○ Gymnastics


    ○ Teachers of older boys

    ○ Studied mathematics, government, ethics, & rhetoric

    Ethics: study of moral behavior

    Rhetoric: study of public speaking & debate

    At age 18, all boys entered the military

  • The Persian Wars Persia’s Attempts to Control Greece Under Reign of Darius

    Athenians colonize parts of Asia Minor & Greek colonists revolt against Persian rule

    Darius of Persia violent ends uprising○ Wanted to punish Athens for helping Greek colonists

    ○ Hoped to take control of Greek mainland

    ○ Conquers Thrace & Macedonia (North of Greece)

    Battle of Marathon○ Persia invades Greek mainland

    ○ Athenians greatly outnumbered, but defeat Persians

    ○ Origins of the marathon traced to this battle

    Persia’s Attempts to Control Greece Under Rule of Xerxes Leads attacks aimed at taking control of Greek mainland

    Greek city-states unite to prevent takeover

    Battle of Thermopylae○ 300 Spartans & Persian army clash at the mountain pass of Thermopylae

    ○ Spartans held off Persian army for 3 days

    ○ All Spartans died, but allowed other city-states to prepare

    Persia marches on to Athens○ Athens evacuated, Persia destroys Athens

    ○ Persia attacks Athenian Navy at the Salamis Strait

    ○ Athenian Navy better equipped for fighting in tight strait, Athens Wins

    Sparta & Athens Unite to defeat Persia at Plataea Greek city-states unit under the Delian League

  • Age of Pericles Pericles comes to rule in Athens

    His reign known as a time of cultural & political success

    Democracy in Athens All male citizens could hold public office

    Officeholders paid to work

    Positions chosen by lot so everyone had equal advantage

    Athens Expands: Colonies established to help trade

    Athenian Navy dominated the Aegean Sea

    Created a standard system of weights & measures

    Expanded Delian League Center of Delian League moved to Athens

    Relative peace amongst member nations

    Will include 140 member city-states

  • The Peloponnesian War Delian League losses power

    Tensions grow between Athens, Corinth, & Sparta

    Athens & Sparta became rivals

    Sparta invades the Attic Peninsula Destroyed villages & burned fields

    Athenians retreat to city of Athens

    Sparta tries to “starve” Athens○ Athenian navy brings in food supplies

    ○ Siege lasts for years

    ○ Plague breaks out in Athens, killing thousands

    ○ Pericles dies

    War lasts 27 years Random periods of peace & war

    Athens surrendered to Sparta

    Constant war weakened both city-states

    Sparta unable to control all of Greece

    Thebes takes over weakened Sparta, but also unable to control all of Greece