Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ([email protected]) Stefan Carlsson...

Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ([email protected]) Stefan Carlsson ([email protected])
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Transcript of Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ([email protected]) Stefan Carlsson...

Page 1: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (

Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps

Oscar Danielsson ([email protected])Stefan Carlsson ([email protected])

Page 2: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (


Page 3: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (

Detect all Instances of an Object Class

The classifier needs to be fast (on average). This is typically accomplished by:1. Using image features that can be computed quickly2. Using a cascade of increasingly complex classifiers (Viola and Jones IJCV 2004)

Page 4: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (


Page 5: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (

Famous Object Detectors (1)

Dalal and Triggs (CVPR 05) use a dense Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) representation - the window is tiled into (overlapping) sub-regions and gradient

orientation histograms from all sub-regions are concatenated. A linear SVM is used for classification.

H(I) = wT ⋅



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Page 6: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (

Famous Object Detectors (2)Felzenszwalb et. al. (PAMI 10, CVPR 10) extend the Dalal and Triggs model to include

high resolution parts with flexible location.

H(I) = wT ⋅



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Page 7: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (

Famous Object Detectors (3)

pi f i I( ) < piθ i

Viola and Jones (IJCV 2004) construct a weak classifier by thresholding the response of a Haar filter (computed using integral images). Weak classifiers are combined into a

strong classifier using AdaBoost.

H(I) = α ii p i f i (I )< p iθ i{ }

Page 8: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (


Page 9: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (


Corners Corners + Blobs Regions Edges

Different object classes are characterized by different features. So we want to leave the choice of features up to the user.

Therefore we construct an object detector based on feature maps. Any feature detectors in any combination can be used to generate feature maps.

Page 10: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (

Our Object Detector

pidi I( ) < piθ i

We use AdaBoost to build a strong classifier. We construct a weak classifier by thresholding the distance from a measurement point to the closest occurrence of a

given feature.

H(I) = α ii p i d i (I )< p iθ i{ }

Page 11: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (


Page 12: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (

Extraction of Training Data

f =




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1. Feature maps are extracted by some external feature detectors2. Distance transforms are computed for each feature map3. (For each training window) Distances from each measurement point to the closest

occurrence of the corresponding feature are concatenated into a vector

Page 13: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (



Strong Learner

Weak Learner

Decision Stump Learner

1. Require positive training examples and background images

2. Randomly sample background images to extract negative training examples

3. Loop:1. Train strong classifier2. Append strong classifier to

current cascade3. Run cascade on background

images to harvest false positives4. If number of false positives

sufficiently few, stop

{ fi }, { Ij }

{ fi }, { ci }, T

{ fi }, { ci }, { di }

{ fi }, { ci }, { di }

Viola-Jones Cascade Construction

Page 14: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (



Strong Learner

Weak Learner

Decision Stump Learner

1. Require positive training examples and background images

2. Randomly sample background images to extract negative training examples

3. Loop:1. Train strong classifier2. Append strong classifier to

current cascade3. Run cascade on background

images to harvest false positives4. If number of false positives

sufficiently few, stop

{ fi }, { Ij }

{ fi }, { ci }, T

{ fi }, { ci }, { di }

{ fi }, { ci }, { di }

Viola-Jones Cascade Construction

Page 15: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (



Strong Learner

Weak Learner

Decision Stump Learner

1. Require labeled training examples and number of rounds

2. Init. weights of training examples 3. For each round

1. Train weak classifier2. Compute weight of weak

classifier3. Update weights of training


{ fi }, { ci }, T

{ fi }, { Ij }

{ fi }, { ci }, { di }

{ fi }, { ci }, { di }


Page 16: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (



Strong Learner

Weak Learner

Decision Stump Learner

1. Require labeled training examples and number of rounds

2. Init. weights of training examples 3. For each round

1. Train weak classifier2. Compute weight of weak

classifier3. Update weights of training


{ fi }, { ci }, T

{ fi }, { Ij }

{ fi }, { ci }, { di }

{ fi }, { ci }, { di }


Page 17: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (



Strong Learner

Weak Learner

Decision Stump Learner

1. Require labeled and weighted training examples

2. Compute node output3. Train decision stump4. Split training examples using decision

stump5. Evaluate stopping conditions6. Train decision tree on left subset of

training examples7. Train decision tree on right subset of

training examples

{ fi }, { ci }, { di }

{ fi }, { Ij }

{ fi }, { ci }, T

{ fi }, { ci }, { di }

Decision Tree Learner

Page 18: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (



Strong Learner

Weak Learner

Decision Stump Learner

1. Require labeled and weighted training examples

2. Compute node output3. Train decision stump4. Split training examples using decision

stump5. Evaluate stopping conditions6. Train decision tree on left subset of

training examples7. Train decision tree on right subset of

training examples

{ fi }, { ci }, { di }

{ fi }, { Ij }

{ fi }, { ci }, T

{ fi }, { ci }, { di }

Decision Tree Learner

Page 19: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (



Strong Learner

Weak Learner

Decision Stump Learner

1. Require labeled and weighted training examples

2. For each measurement point1. Compute a threshold by

assuming exponentially distributed distances

2. Compute classification error after split

3. If error lower than previous errors, store threshold and measurement point

{ fi }, { ci }, { di }

{ fi }, { Ij }

{ fi }, { ci }, T

{ fi }, { ci }, { di }

Feature and Threshold Selection

Page 20: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (


Page 21: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (

Hierarchical DetectionEvaluate an “optimistic” classifier on regions in search space. Split positive regions


Page 22: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (

Hierarchical DetectionEvaluate an “optimistic” classifier on regions in search space. Split positive regions


Page 23: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (

Hierarchical DetectionEvaluate an “optimistic” classifier on regions in search space. Split positive regions


Page 24: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (

Hierarchical DetectionEvaluate an “optimistic” classifier on regions in search space. Split positive regions


Page 25: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (

Hierarchical DetectionEvaluate an “optimistic” classifier on regions in search space. Split positive regions


Page 26: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (

Hierarchical DetectionEvaluate an “optimistic” classifier on regions in search space. Split positive regions


Page 27: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (

Hierarchical Detection







Search space Image space

Each point in search space corresponds to a window in the image. In the image is a measurement point.

Page 28: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (

Hierarchical Detection





ySearch space Image space

A region in search space corresponds to a set of windows in the image. This translates to a set of locations for the measurement point.

Page 29: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (

Hierarchical Detection





ySearch space Image space

We can then compute upper and lower bounds for the distance to the closest occurrence of the corresponding feature. Based on these bounds we construct an

optimistic classifier.




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⎥ ⎥ ⎥≤ f ≤




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Page 30: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (


Page 31: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (


• Detection results obtained on the ETHZ Shape Classes dataset, which was used for testing only

• Training data downloaded from Google images : 106 applelogos, 128 bottles, 270 giraffes, 233 mugs and 165 swans

• Detections counted as correct if Aintersect / Aunion ≥ 0.2

• Features used: edges, corners, blobs, Kadir-Brady + SIFT + quantization

Page 32: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (

ResultsReal AdaBoost slightly better than Dirscrete and Gentle AdaBoost

Page 33: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (

ResultsDecision tree weak classifiers should be shallow

Page 34: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (

ResultsUsing all features are better than using only edges

Page 35: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (

ResultsUsing the asymmetric weighting scheme of Viola and Jones yields a slight


Page 36: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (

ResultsApplelogos Bottles Mugs Swans

Page 37: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (

ResultsHierarchical search yields a significant speed-up

Page 38: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (


Page 39: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (


• Proposed object detection scheme based on feature maps• Used distances from measurement points to nearest

feature occurrence in image to construct weak classifiers for boosting

• Showed promising detection performance on the ETHZ Shape Classes dataset

• Showed that a hierarchical detection scheme can yield significant speed-ups

– Thanks for listening!

Page 40: Generic Object Detection using Feature Maps Oscar Danielsson ( Stefan Carlsson (

Famous Object Detectors (4)

piwiTfi I( ) < piθ i

Laptev (IVC 09) construct a weak classifier using a linear discriminant on a histogram of oriented gradients (HOG – computed by integral histograms) from a sub-region of the window. Again, weak classifiers are combined into a strong classifier using AdaBoost.

H(I) = α ii p iw i

Tf i (I )< p iθ i{ }