Gen Psych Developmental-personality [New]

Will we one day have designer babies? Will we live to 250 years of age? What could cause someone to become a serial killer? we will cover points to help you on your nature / nurture debate [typed intro due at the START of class] Info for extra credit forum (Now open)


Personality Psychology

Transcript of Gen Psych Developmental-personality [New]

  • Will we one day have designer babies? Will we live to 250 years of age? What could cause someone to become a serial killer? we will cover points to help you on your nature / nurture debate [typed intro due at the START of class]

    Info for extra credit forum (Now open)

  • Developmental Psychology

    Dene Change from conception until death in three areas:

    Physical Social Cognitive

  • Developmental Psychology

    Physical Majority of physical development prior to birth

  • Living to 250 Scientists working on re-growing own cells into organs (therapeutic


    We will be able to take skin stem cells Inject Into the blood stream

    Over time these cells will

    replace old cells in the heart

  • Developmental Psychology


    Early relationship with parents Peers / parents Parents need your assistance

    Cognitive Study with infants Later in life

  • New research on cognition

    Previously thought the human brain was mature biologically around 16 years of age.

    We now know that is not true The age now is late 20s with the brain maturing from back to front

    Meaning making important life decisions, such as academic major or career path before brain is fully mature may be a mistake

  • Extra Credit Forum

    From now until Monday Feb 10 at 8PM Create an account at Locate section One on the site Locate Extra Credit Forum MUST include First and Last Name and CLASS MEETING TIME in post Post must be time stamped published before 8:00 PM, Feb 10 To receive credit

  • Major Questions

    Nature vrs Nurture Nature: genes, DNA, biology

  • Nurture Power of the environment

    Parents Schools / neighborhood Media Friends

  • Is behavior either nature or nurture?

    Or is behavior based on a mixture of

    nature and nurture?

  • Nature and Nurture work together

    Genes set our limits The environment determines if we reach those limits

    Music Smoking

  • Shyness

    !5-HTT is the shy gene In adults: this had been linked to anxiety and high activity in

    the fear-generating area of the amygdala In children: only children with both the gene and who were

    raised in environments which lacked social interaction developed shyness as an adult. (i.e.. Kids with shy genes who went to daycare were not shy as adults)

    This gene is also associated with depression and suicide (but only if child experienced highly stressful events during childhood)

  • MAOA gene

    Linked to aggression / criminal behavior in males Latest research suggests that only males raised in violent households with the MAOA gene go on to lead violent lives as an adult

    Males with MAOA gene raised in loving non-abusive homes showed little signs of aggressive behavior

  • Serial Killers Richard Ramirez

    Guilty of 13 murders 5 attempted murder 11 sexual assaults

  • Childhood issues: Father has an extreme temper (beats his children) Mother is

    very religious

    7th grade: kicked o football team Taken in my cousin (Mike) ex Green Beret from Vietnam war Showed Richard pictures from war of murder and extreme


    Richard saw Mike murder his wife (shot her in the face in front of Richard)

    8th grade: starts to experiment with Pot and LSD He died in prison June 7, 2013

  • Breaking the code DNA

    46 chromosomes 3 billion letters

  • Issues

    Zygote mapping Alzheimers example Breast Cancer

  • Buying a printout of your entire blueprint What we have decoded thus far

  • Will we stop with disease? Insurance

    A bill (HR 493) has been introduced to outlaw genetic discrimination Who will patent your genes? Supreme Court (June, 2013) ruled no one can place a patent on your


    Designer babies? IF we all selected the same design=all have exact same code

    We could have the problem of the Cavendish banana It has ZERO genetic diversity. They are ALL genetically the same Panama Disease

    1900 Today (in 10 years Cavendish

    will be extinct

  • Manipulate adult genes

  • First and Last name of each person who is here:

    In groups: Select 3 stereotypical Female Behaviors (not physical traits) Select 3 stereotypical Male Behaviors (not physical traits)

    For all 6: state if the behavior is More nature or nurture and why Brainstorm on Nature / Nurture debate topics

  • Personality


  • Form groups based on birth order First born Middle child Last born Only child

    List the advantages of your birth order List the disadvantages of your birth order Your ideas will be discussed in class, and also turned in. Make sure to have each person in your birth order group print their rst and last name.

  • Birth Order

    First born:

    Starts life as an only child Then is dethroned Parents usually not sure of what they are doing

    Overly strict; high expectations of rst born

  • More than half of US presidents are rst born 21 of the rst 23 US astronauts were rst born

  • Middle Child

    Have good social skills Cooperative skills Mediators Extraverted Low anxiety Dicult to raise Most serial killers were middle children

  • Youngest child

    Party animal Entertainer Excellent social skills Problems with autonomy

  • Only Children

    Spoiled Ambitious Good problem solvers Inexible

  • Personality Disorders Anti-social C - cannot follow law O - obligations ignored R - remorselessness R - recklessness U - underhandedness P - planning deficit T - temper

    more frequent in men (6%)

    than women (1.5%)

  • Personality Disorders


  • Avoidant

    avoids interpersonal contact because fears criticism, disapproval or rejection shows restraint within intimate relationships because of the fear of being shamed or ridiculed is preoccupied with being criticized or rejected in social situations feelings of inadequacy views self as socially inept, personally unappealing or inferior to others Sees the world as unfriendly and cold

  • Personality Disorders


  • Obsessive / Compulsive Also found under anxiety disorders Perfectionist Desires control Desires neat and orderly environment

  • Personality Measure Take out a sheet of paper Divide it into four sections

  • Personality Measure

    Color What is your one favorite color? List 3 words which describe your favorite color

    Animal If you could be any animal, what animal would you be? List 3 words describing this animal

    Water - what is your favorite form of water?

    List 3 words describing your favorite form of water


  • Form groups based on birth order First born Middle child Last born Only child

    List the advantages of your birth order List the disadvantages of your birth order Your ideas will be discussed in class, and also turned in. Make sure to have each person in your birth order group print their rst and last name.

  • Birth Order

    First born:

    Starts life as an only child Then is dethroned Parents usually not sure of what they are doing

    Overly strict; high expectations of rst born

  • More than half of US presidents are rst born 21 of the rst 23 US astronauts were rst born

  • Middle Child

    Have good social skills Cooperative skills Mediators Extraverted Low anxiety Dicult to raise Most serial killers were middle children

  • Youngest child

    Party animal Entertainer Excellent social skills Problems with autonomy

  • Only Children

    Spoiled Ambitious Good problem solvers Inexible

  • Personality Measure

    Color What is your one favorite color? List 3 words which describe your favorite color

    Animal If you could be any animal, what animal would you be? List 3 words describing this animal

    Water - what is your favorite form of water?

    List 3 words describing your favorite form of water


  • Form groups based on birth order First born Middle child Last born Only child

    List the advantages of your birth order List the disadvantages of your birth order Your ideas will be discussed in class, and also turned in. Make sure to have each person in your birth order group print their rst and last name.

  • More than half of US presidents are rst born 21 of the rst 23 US astronauts were rst born

  • Middle Child

    Have good social skills Cooperative skills Mediators Extraverted Low anxiety Dicult to raise Most serial killers were middle children

  • Youngest child

    Party animal Entertainer Excellent social skills Problems with autonomy

  • Only Children

    Spoiled Ambitious Good problem solvers Inexible

  • Measures of Personality

    Objective Projective


  • Brief video clip on nature and nurture