Gear... · Web viewMake-ups: Dan Russell at Rockville, Andy Andreo at Westerly and Las Vegas, Skip...

High Gear Archives – 07072004 - 12292004 High Gear - December 29, 2004 Walking into the Memorial Clubhouse and turning right, into the large conference room, gave one a sudden fright. Looking at the measly spread of dishes on the tables gave cause for alarm. Gadzooks! Is this our buffet lunch? Happily, the next objects in view were wine and champagne glasses already topped off with - you guessed it - wine and champagne. And a wave of relief passed quickly over us all with the realization that the "buffet lunch" was actually a spread of appetizers set out to go with the afore-mentioned liquid refreshments. The noise level was noticeably raised in concert with the consumption of the aforementioned liquid refreshments. And we were off to a good start on the last meeting of 2004. When the noise level had reached the appropriate level, Pres. Dan ushered us in to our dining tables, calling upon George Stewart for the Invocation. Good thing we had no speaker scheduled for today, because George took his own time and a speaker's time and then some. However, in fairness, the Blessing that George delivered was excellent, meaningful and most appropriate to the place of Rotary in the World (in spite of the fact that some Rotarians, veterans of the "eat your lunch asap" philosophy, had finished their lunch before George had completed the Blessing) . Another Amazing Feat of E. H. Rotary hard to beat anywhere. If any of us who were a bit drowsy after a few sips of the fruit of the grape, Pres. Dan got EVERYONE'S attention with a powerful swipe at the Bell that woke up some off duty firemen at the new safety center. Thus Pres. Dan moved us into the business of the day calling upon Larry Frazier to introduce our only guest, the venerable former member Fred Campbell, and then asked Larry to lead us in the

Transcript of Gear... · Web viewMake-ups: Dan Russell at Rockville, Andy Andreo at Westerly and Las Vegas, Skip...

High Gear Archives – 07072004 -12292004 

High Gear - December 29, 2004 

Walking into the Memorial Clubhouse and turning right, into the large conference room, gave one a sudden fright.  Looking at the measly spread of dishes on the tables gave cause for alarm.  Gadzooks!  Is this our buffet lunch?  Happily, the next objects in view were wine and champagne glasses already topped off with - you guessed it -  wine and champagne.  And a wave of relief passed quickly over us all  with the realization that the "buffet lunch" was actually a spread of appetizers set out to go with the afore-mentioned liquid refreshments.  The noise level was noticeably raised in concert with the consumption of the aforementioned liquid refreshments.  And we were off to a good start on the last meeting of 2004.  When the noise level had reached the appropriate level, Pres. Dan ushered us in to our dining tables, calling upon George Stewart for the Invocation. 

Good thing we had no speaker scheduled for today, because George took his own time and a speaker's time and then some.  However, in fairness, the Blessing that George delivered was excellent, meaningful and most appropriate to the place of Rotary in the World (in spite of the fact that some Rotarians, veterans of the "eat your lunch asap" philosophy, had finished their lunch  before George had completed the Blessing) . Another Amazing Feat of E. H. Rotary hard to beat anywhere.

If any of us who were a bit drowsy after a few sips of the fruit of the grape, Pres. Dan got EVERYONE'S attention with a powerful swipe at the Bell that woke up some off duty firemen at the new safety center.

Thus Pres. Dan moved us into the business of the day calling upon Larry Frazier to introduce our only guest, the venerable former member Fred Campbell, and then asked Larry to lead us in  the Welcome Song, a strong rendition despite the somewhat reduced cast of characters (characters? characters? What does he mean by that?).

Special thanks to Sgt. Jack Ghagan for his fine compliments on the undersigned's identification of new grandfather(s), singular and/or plural, to which I now add congratulations to all the Club grandfathers (and grandmothers, too).  I don't want to leave anyone out.  That does it, Jack, so you can pass the Badge of Office on to the next Sergeant and rest on your laurels.  And always remember that the High Gear editor has the last word.   But before resting, Jack announced anniversaries for Bill Saunders (43) and Fred Campbell (54).  They have very understanding wives!  And lest we forget, Larry Churchill lost a century somewhere, dating his lunch card 1905.  Or was he simply honoring the significance of that date to Rotary?  Larry?  Or is that the forgetfulness you were talking about?


Sad notes:  George Schoen's father-in-law died this morning.  Scotty Howatt is not doing well at the Hospital.  Still, no calls or cards.

With best wishes for a happy and successful New Year to all,






High Gear -- December 22, 2004

 I have it on good authority that Pres. Dan opened the meeting on time and that Rev. Ted Mosebach gave the Blessing. With experienced Rotary Chow Hounds getting to the Buffet table first, each one exhibiting their talents at bumping line buckers back where they belonged, it was quite a display of fancy foot and hipwork.  Today we had only a few injuries and nothing more serious than a bloody nose.  It was worth the the battle though, since the Kraus gang put on a very good buffet lunch.  Many good comments today.  And a good day for the Club to celebrate the good service Kraus gives us, coming to the Ridge each week as they do, and Pres. Dan presented each of the ladies with a Christmas remembrance. Sgt at Arms Jack Ghagan nicked me for a late charge, but that was only the beginning.  It seems that last week I was giving away grandchildren (rather generously, I thought, but possibly to the wrong grandfather).  At least that's what everyone claimed when Sgt Jack came by with Jim Sheehan in tow and Dave Amberg a half a step behind.  Wrong I was, they claimed, that all the applause should have been for Grampy Dave.  So, I congratulated both of them figuring I couldn't be wrong that way.  And with this Club and this Sergeant, how is an innocent party to know  - - when these announcements are scratched out on a torn-off piece of fine linen table cloth made of cheap paper? And speaking of Sergeants, Carol Krantz announced that Celia Collins was her choice to head the Sgt at Arms Committee next year.  Yeah, Ceil - and remember the cheers next Rotary Year when the boos (not booze) begin to be heard. Peter Klock had more fruit this week.  He reported that the Club made over $100.00 on last week's orange grove.  This week it's grapefruit and just as good.  Call Peter if you wish to add more to your stash. Dean Roland brought us upsetting news about Scotty Howat.  He's at St. Francis -  no cards or calls - but plenty of prayers are in order.

 Steve Jacoby reported a turn-out of over 300 for the Holiday Dance Festival with over 100 on the dance floor - led, of course, by Twinkletoes Herbie, accompanied by his bride and partner, Regina.  Special thanks go to Dunkin" Donuts and Shaw's Market for their support. Dick McCarthy bears watching.  He won the Raffle AGAIN!  How does he do that?? Barall, J. introduced our guest speaker, Willa Westbrook, who spoke to us about "Crooks and Cads" - or  - how to spot crooks from their handwriting.   As a handwriting specialist, she reminded us of the necessity for extra care with our records and identification cards, plastic and otherwise.  Shredders are no longer limited to office use.  So keep your identity protected. There are a lot of crooks and cads out there.  Interesting program but better projection facilities would have helped it a lot.  In closing, we Decked the Halls in song. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL  -  AND WE LOOK FORWARD TO THE LAST MEETING OF 2004 WHEN WE MEET NEXT WEDNESDAY FOR WINE AND CHEESE AND A CHANCE TO WISH EVERYONE A HAPPY 2005.  N'est pas de programme.  gwb (aka Gerry Brady)Addendum to High Gear, Wednesday, December 21, 2004 The following information is added:  Birthdays:  Jackie Danise, Dan Larson and Doug Willett Anniversary:  Dan Firestone -  41 years married. Guests:  John Mozzicato - a grandson.


 High Gear -- December 15, 2004 If one needed a reminder that Ole' Man Winter is on his way, today was it.  Cold and Windy it was on the top of the Hill. Pres. Dan gonged us to attention for The Pledge, The Song, The Test, and Rev. Ted's fine invocation reminding us of our many blessings and further reminding us to keep our men and women in uniform in our prayers. After a forgettable meal (never could get any flavor in the meat), Pres. Dan called for introductions. Guests today:  Herb Barall introduced Alisa from the Rockville Club and Loretta Dienst was introduced by the person to whom she is married.  And  Herb then responded to Pres. Dan's call and led the Welcome Song. Sgt at Arms Jack Ghagan, bemoaning a slow beginning for fines, came on strong with announcements.  Anniversaries: Steve Tamiso, Jim Fallon, Bill Saunders, Carol Krantz.  Birthdays:  Kathy McCabe, Ted Mosebach and Carol Krantz.  Grandson:  Steve and Mary Tamiso.  Photos: Herb B. for 3 photos

and a nice article in the paper on Herb's bench activities as wellas his teaching dancing to kids at a dance studio.  All in all, a good day for the Tax Man. Make-ups:  Lionel ("the Train") Lesard (Rockville x 3), Gail Greaney (NB Club) and Sue Klock (eClub One). Notes (in the order of importance):  (1)  Scotty Howatt is in St. Francis Hospital for back surgery. Cards welcome. calls.                                                                No calls.  No visitors.                                                    (2) Dues go up by $5 next year. Peter Klock announced a mini fruit sale of guaranteed quality at cost of $13.00 and change, with anything you wish to add going to the Club.  If Peter sells out, he will do it again next week.    Today was the day set for the Annual Meeting.   Because a program was also scheduled, the required election of officers took place.  The meeting was then adjourned to January 26, 2005 so that the program for the day could begin. Jim Fallon introduced the music staff of Emil Kopce (Supr. of Fine and Performing Arts - Don H's old job), Chris Mientus (Dir. of Chorale) and Candy Guastamachio (Dir. of Orchestral Studies).  This year we had for our entertainment the chorale and instrumental performance of the combined sixth grade students of the all the E.H. grade schools.  The group is made up of two sections, the Chorale Group and the Flutes and Fiddles group.  They perform both singly and together.  This select group gave a performance of Christmas Carols, interspersed with some jazzy versions of  "Barbershop Blues", "Oh, You Beautiful Doll"and "Hello My Baby". The Carols  included "Jingle Bells", "Three Ships", "Deck the Halls" "Here we come a Wasseling" "Silent Night". etc.  Most of the kids in these groups will keep on working on their musical talents and continue to perform through their high school years.  Hopefully we will hear them again in the future. Programs for the rest of the month:  December 22, 2004 -  Willa Westbrook:  Graphologist  - "Crooks and Cads".                                                    December 29, 2004 -  Wine and Cheese - No speaker.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 

Annual Meeting Minutes of the Rotary Club of East Hartford, ConnecticutDecember 15, 2004

(through the time of adjournment) The Annual Meeting of the Rotary Club of East Hartford was called to order by President Daniel Firestone at 12:45 P.M. on December 15, 2004 at the Veterans' Memorial Clubhouse.  The following members were in attendance: Agnelli, Amberg, Andreo, Barall, Belanger, Bradbury, Brady, Brown, Cecere, Churchill, Clarke, Collins,C., Collins, F., Cramer, Cunningham, Danise, Dienst, Fallon, Firestone, Frazier, Ghagan, Guillemette, Hallquist, Klock, P., Klock, S., Krantz, Larson, Leclerc, Lemieux, Leone, Martin, McCabe, McCarthy, McNaughton, Mosebach, Mozzicato, Peterson, Piscatello, Richmond, Roberts, Roland, Russell, Saunders, Schoen, Secord, Sheehan, Shemo, Spiller, Stewart, Stokes, Tamiso, Tischofer, Watts, Westbrook, Willett, Wishart, Wood. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously adopted to waive the reading of the minutes of the December 13, 2003 annual meeting. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously adopted to approve the minutes of the December 13, 2003 annual meeting.

 The Nominating Committee reported that it had met in accordance with the by Bylaws and presented to the Club the following slate for 2005-2006:                 Carol Krantz              President            Dan Larson               President-elect            Bill Saunders            Secretary            Sue Klock                Treasurer            Glen Peterson           Director            Bill Secord                Director            George Schoen         Director   A motion was made, seconded and unanimously adopted that the nominations be closed and that the Secretary be directed to cast one ballot for the slate as presented by the Nominating Committee.  So ordered.                              There being a program scheduled for todays meeting, a motion was made, seconded and unanimously adopted to adjourn the meeting at this juncture to January 26, 2005.  There being no further business to be taken up at this time, Pres. Firestone called the meeting adjourned to January 26, 2005 at noon. 


High Gear -- December 8, 2004

What a great night for the Rotary Holiday Party!  Ninety-two Rotarians, spouses and friends journeyed to this Manchester restaurant for the annual yuletide bash.   The weather was warm and pleasant, everyone was in a festive mood and the ambience was great at the Adam’s Mill Banquet Hall. Candle centerpieces adorned each table and the food was plentiful and excellent.

President Dan commenced the formal part of the evening by calling on Don Hallquist to lead in singing the welcome song.  Art Bradbury gave the invocation and asked those assembled to remember those Rotarians not able to be with us this evening because of illness – Scotty Howat, Tom Galvin, and Bob Wood.  He also suggested we keep Helen Davis’ daughter, Randy Davis Gagne, who is undergoing cancer treatment, in our prayers.  

Sergeant-at-Arms Report:

Jack Ghagan, representing the illustrious Sergeant-at-Arms Committee, reported that in keeping with the holiday spirit all customary fines would be suspended for the evening.  He further noted Bev Saunders was celebrating a birthday.  Congratulations Bev! 

Paul Harris Awards:

President Dan announced the selection of three Rotarians to receive the club sponsorship for Paul Harris Awards this year.  They are:  Dave Amberg, Sue Klock and Peter Klock.

            He further announced that he was giving his wife, Hope, a Paul Harris Award.


            Congratulations to each of you for receiving this high honor from Rotary.  The actual awards ceremony will be held later in the year. 


Special thanks go to Bob and Nancy Richmond who, as a committee of two, handled all details for the Holiday Party.  It truly was a great event and we appreciate your time and efforts on our behalf.

            The Annual Meeting is scheduled for next Wednesday, December 15, 2004 – for the purpose of electing officers and directors for the coming Rotary year, which commences on July 1, 2005.

            Special thanks go to Frank & Ceil Collins for the beautiful table centerpieces.


The Rotary Club of Stuart, Florida, along with local Rotary Clubs, is sponsoring this Cookies4Heroes Program.  The club asks anyone to identify Heroes among us such as Police Officers, Fireman, EMTs, Armed Services Personnel, etc.  And arrange to send them a GiftPack of cookies.  The cost for this GiftPack is $20.00 (plus S&H).  In addition to providing a service to those Heroes in our lives, the designated local Rotary Club will receive $5.00 from each order.  If interested, the Internet addresses is: – then click on Cookies4Heroes – Local Community, or Cookies4Heroes – Armed Services.


That’s it for this edition of our weekly newsletter.  May each of you have a joyous holiday season and a happy,  healthy New Year. 

Don Cramer, aka The Retired Hornet


High Gear -- December 1, 2004 

Happy Holidays! Today was a real change of pace.  There we were singing R-O-T-A-R-Y (No Piano from Don Hallquist, but he did start us off in song).  And where were we singing?  In the Training Room of the new Safety Complex of the East Hartford Police and Fire Departments now on School Street and running south from Tolland towards Burnside Avenue.  The new main entrance is located on Tolland Street. 

Pres. Dan called upon Gil Wishart who opened our meeting with a well-constructed prayer.  Why "well-constructed"?   Well, we had this new facility to see, consisting of an older building, to which the new construction made a sizeable increase in useable area on several floors.  Thus Gil's invocation was most appropriate.  Pres. Dan read a letter of thanks from Rotary District 6960 in Florida for the help which our Club and others around the Country gave in responding to the plight of the residents in this hurricanes-swept area of Florida.

Following a boxed lunch in the new Training Room (the lunch not necessarily being everyone's first choice but adequate for the occasion),   Mayor Tim Larson introduced us to the respective Chiefs of the Police and Fire Departments, who spoke briefly to us on their particular uses of the new facility.  A graphic display of the old and new was presented showing all three levels of the structure and the approximate area of 93,000 square feet.  Thereafter, we broke up into groups of five or so and, with the help of police and fire personnel toured the respective new additions and became educated on the the facility and the advantages which the new space gives to them in their respective missions.  Within the limits of the budget allowed for this new facility, they have arrived at state of the art status in the equipment and space needed to carry out their responsibilities.  The ease of communications within each Department has been greatly improved in this multi-station facility.  Not only have the day-to-day operations been made more efficient, but the handling of major emergencies has been considered and space and facilities have been allocated to deal with such an event.  Both Chiefs made mention of how morale in both Departments has risen as the police officers and firemen have become used to working in the new building. 

Announcements: Pres. Dan reminded us that there will be no noon meeting next week, the annual Holiday Dinner Meeting being scheduled for that evening at Adam's Mill in Manchester starting at 6:00 P.M.  Each couple should bring one unwrapped toy to give to the needy children of younger ages.

Roy Spiller asked for volunteers to fill in for the Annual Bell Ringing.  He needs people for 12/11/04 at 3 to 4 P.M. and 6 to 7 P.M..  He also needs help for several hours on 12/18/04.  Call Roy if you can work any of these into your schedule. 


Reminder:  The Annual Meeting is scheduled at the Ridge on Wednesday, December 15, 2004 at 12:15 P.M.




High Gear -- November 24, 2004

What was really great about today's meeting was hearing and seeing Don Hallquist back and at the piano, the choice of melodies and the style of play sounding so bright on a day beginning to look pretty gloomy - a fine start for our annual Thanksgiving meeting. Pres. Dan opened the meeting invoking the Blessings of the Lord upon our gathering and giving thanks for our meeting and our lives together on Earth. Make-ups John McNaughton (Kaapa, HI {he should send a check with his card from there, especially when the make-up "card" looked suspiciously like a piece torn from the table top paper at his table today);  Don Cramer also weighed in with two make-ups from Fort Myers, FL. Larry ("the Bad Guy Sgt. at Arms") Churchill  nicked fines from "Honest Bill" Saunders admitting to a photo in the paper, and a couple of other miscreants, who did memorable deeds this week, paid for their efforts. Introducing Guests today were:  John McNaughton (his son, John, Jr.),  Geoge Stewart (Priscilla ________, annual Thanksgiving guest of Steve and Jackie Jacoby), Herb Tischofer (former member Dick O'Brien) and John Shemo (Pierre Gerard, a  2001 GSE from Belgium). Special Guests graced us today:  Jay Stewart, Helen Davis, Lucille Bailey and Charlotte Bradbury - and these ladies proceeded to lead us in the Welcome Song (Ed.Note: With the ladies and with Don H. at the keys, a far better rendition than we have been saddled with during the last few weeks, sans Don.). Other guests included P.D.G. Dick Seidman from the Hartford Club, who congratulated our Club on the fine support given to Frank and Celia Collins in the Rotary Foundation dinner honoring Frank last Saturday night at the Marriott in Windsor.  He further remarked on the combined  years of combined service given by Frank and Celia to Rotaryand ttheir many contributions to the work of Rotary.  Neal Cunningham thanked all who helped, especially Mary Martin and Rosemary H. Cunningham for their excellent organizational work in putting together all the variables that go into making such an evening a success.  P.P.D.G. Dick also complimented the Club upon it 2nd place showing of Foundation Giving among clubs in our category. Pres. Dan announced the date of the Annual Meeting as December 15, 2004.  See Notice below.  Get your ducks in order so that the Choo-Choo will run smoothly. Herb Tischofer announced that next weeks meeting (December1, 2004) will be at the Safety Complex at the corner of Burnside Avenue and School Street.  Parking may be found across School Street at the corner. Enter the building at the Police Department entrance.    Jim Watts reminded us that next Wednesday, the nominations and elections for Paul Harris fellows will be made.  The meeting will be at the Veterans Memorial Clubhouse at 11:15 a.m., after which those present will repair to the Town Safety Complex for the noon meeting. 

Reminders:  The dedication of the Rotary Gazebo will be on Friday, December 3, 2004 on the Town Green at 6:00 P.M. John Shemo "floated" an idea for a social even and fundraiser in May on a date TBA.  John suggested a theme of the 40's, 50's, 60's, and 70's with your high school duds (let out, of course) and music of the times.  Raising money could be through Admissions, Sponsorships, Auction of memorabilia and a Raffle (of Jack Sayre's donated car).  AIM:  to raise $15,000.00 to replace the E.H.H.S. Electronic Baseball Scoreboard.  Don Hallquist (or Don Cramer??) suggested an Aircraft Theme, especially if we had the affair in a P & W hangar.  As well as some money, they might have some exhibits to support the theme.  More suggestions requested by John S. AND FINALLY, ART BRADBURY, on being asked to fill in for our "Meandering Clergy" and to deliver the Annual Thanksgiving message, a tradition started many years ago by Rev. Roger Nicholson, stepped up to the plate with a recollection of the early beginnings of our nation when the Pilgrim Fathers rebelled against the religious persecution by the English kings, their seeking to move to the New Colony by way of a lengthy lay-over in the Netherlands, and thence on to a treacherous two months voyage aboard the Mayflower (a small ship to be carrying 102 passengers, plus crew and very limited essentials of travel), and their landing in Cape Cod Bay, then around to Clarke's Island in Duxbury Bay and thence on December 21, 1620 in the shallop landing in Plymouth (or "Plimoth Plantations" as it was called then and is still called today at the replica of the Pilgrims early village just south of Plymouth).ART recalled for us the terrible hardships the Pilgrims (they called themselves "Separatists") endured in their sea voyage and during the harsh months that followed their landing in Plymouth.  They struggled against death, disease and deprivation, especially during that first winter. After their first growing season they gathered for a celebration after their first harvest, not a feast by our standards, but a feast nevertheless  -  probably some fish, maybe a lobster and some corn grown in the Indian manner.  That first winter did cost them their first elected official on the death of Governor Carver.  He was succeeded by Governor Bradford that first Spring.  Their original destination was New York, for which they had a Patent of ownership.  Because of their failure to reach New York, they believed their Patent to be invalid, and thus the Mayflower Compact was created, a Country of laws right from its earliest Pilgrim days.ART'S interest in this theme for Thanksgiving derived from a recent visit to Plymouth and a walk-through of Mayflower II, docked within a hundred yards or so from "Plymouth Rock" (a stone of modest fame).  This vessel, a close facsimile of the original Mayflower, was skippered by Captain Villius on its voyage from England about 1964 in duplication of the original ship's route in 1620.ART'S thought's for remembrance in this Thanksgiving message can be summarized as follows:      1)  Don's return.    2)  The Defender's of America, their safe and soon return.    3)  God's Blessings upon all of us and our families. We closed with one verse of God Bless America (the Kate Smith version). 


Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of Rotary Club of East Hartford, Inc. will be held on the 15th day of December 2004 at 12:15 pm at Veterans Memorial Clubhouse, Sunset Ridge Drive, East

Hartford, Connecticut for the purpose of electing officers and directors for the Rotary year 2005-2006 and for such other purposes as may legally come before the meeting. 

Respectfully submitted, Gerry Brady



High Gear -- November 17, 2004

A grand group of Rotarians gathered at the Ridge to enjoy the fellowship of the club.  After opening ceremonies, including a prayer of thanksgiving from Dave Amberg, the group enjoyed a warming fall dish of chicken pot pie, salad with balsamic vinaigrette dressing and, my favorite, chocolate cake.

We had a number of very special guests today.  Hope Firestone joined us from the West Hartford club and offered us the opportunity to buy natural holiday wreaths from their club for $25.  A list went around, but if you missed it, contact Hope to order a wreath.  Dan and Hope also shared with us the welcome to the world of their first granddaughter, Rachael.  We had the honor of celebrating the 80th birthday of Jay Stewart.  She was appreciative of our attendance at her party - and we sang pretty well!  Representative Chris Stone, a former member, joined us too.  We were also glad to welcome Gail Greaney back after 6 months of absence.  Thank goodness the New Alliance Bank is settling down!  Celerick Stephens, who is one of the GSE students going to Argentina in April for District 7890, thanked us for our support of his trip and assured us that he is very excited about the opportunity.  We will hear from him again when he returns.

A surprising visitor was the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz.  On closer inspection, we discovered our own George Agnelli, still in costume from the kick-off party for the YMCA’s capitol campaign.  Darlene Roberts announced that George was wearing the costume, as promised, in order collect $5 contributions to the club from the many Rotarians at the party.  We also found out that Loretta Dienst is chairing the campaign with Frank Collins as honorary chair, and George Agnelli as head of the Gifts Division.  He is looking for more volunteers to contact businesses for donations.

Don Hallquist is home and doing well.  Send him cards!  Dan Russell returned from Australia, where he visited 4 Rotary Clubs and was glad to see that the spirit of Rotary camaraderie and fun goes all the way around the world.  Speaking of around the world, Carol Krantz shared pictures of her daughter in Iraq.  She looked beautiful in her uniform standing in front of Sadam Hussein’s palace.  A real reminder that we are all part of one small world.  Mary Martin handed out brochures for the EH Holiday Fest Week-end and pointed out the dedication of the gazebo on Friday evening and the Dance Festival on Saturday evening that is co-sponsored by Rotary and the Circle of Life Arts for All program.  Sue Klock reminded everyone to be kind to the High Gear Editor by submitting the names of guests and announcements in writing to the editor.

Sergeant of Arms, Larry Churchill, gladly collected contributions for George Agnelli’s costume as well as from George himself for the 75th Anniversary of Anderson’s Jewelers and for coming

in late.  George Stewart paid well for Jay’s birthday, and Art Bradbury paid 2 days in advance for his birthday.  We also gave a rousing version of the birthday song to one of our guest speakers, Beth Harvey, celebrating her Sweet Sixteen with us.  Doug Ouellette was surprised to find George & Jay Stewart named in an article about Jessica Moore in an Anchorage Alaska newspaper.  And there was some problem for Spurge Stokes about leaf collection in West Hartford.  A good day for the kitty, part of which was won in the raffle by Carmen Piscatello.


Bob Brown – Manchester – 11/16 --Jack Ghagan and John Mozzicato – Laughlin NV – 11/3 and BHC Rotary – 11/4 --Frank and Ceil Collins – Williamstown MA – 11/16 and NYC, UN NGO Women Concerns Luncheon --Dan Russell – Australian Adventure at Burleigh Beach Club, Sydney Cove, Cairns sunrise & North Burleigh – Thanks for the banners, Dan.


Dec 1 – Rotary meeting - new safety complex (police and fire station) on Burnside Ave.Dec 3 – Dedication of the Rotary Gazebo – Town Green, 6 PMDec 8 – Holiday Party, Adams Mill Restaurant, $35, see Bob WoodsFeb 5 – Hartford Centennial Bell Ball - $75, see Dan FirestoneFeb 8 – 10 – Ski Trip

Guest Speakers:

Steve Jacoby introduced members of the EH High School Interact Club, Midge Lenihan, Advisor, Laura Foran, President, and Beth Harvey, Vice-President.  Steve congratulated EH for sponsoring one of the 22 clubs in our District.  He said that there are Interact Clubs in 110 countries, providing 200,000 young people with the opportunity to learn about service above self.

Laura told us about her experiences at the week long World Affairs Seminar sponsored by RYLA in Whitewater, Wisconsin.  She now has friends from around the world and a partner from Thomaston, CT, with whom she is raising money to fund a children’s wing of a hospital in Haiti.  To do this, they are making and selling Holiday Wreaths for $10 each.  Contact Steve this week to order yours.

Beth talked about some of the other activities of the club including working for Rebuild EH, having a successful bake sale, and participating in the Giving Tree with the Salvation Army.  She also showed off her Interact T-shirt with the motto, “Service is the rent we pay for being human beings on this earth.”

The meeting was closed with one verse of “America.”

Next week will be a Wine and Cheese party at the Ridge with a special Thanksgiving message from Art Bradbury.


High Gear -- November 10, 2004

A brisk, bright day greeted EH Rotarians back to Sunset Ridge for our meeting.  President Dan led the welcomes, especially to Carmen Piscatello who came right back to work as head of the raffle for the day.  Guests today included Cynthia Reik, Jim’s wife, and her walking buddy, Marilyn Pet, and our speaker, Jennifer Parker.  In the absence of music man, Don Hallquist, Tom Westbrook led the Welcome Song, and Ted Mosebach gave thanks and asked that we live the 4-Way Test.  Once again, all together now, the third test is, Will it build goodwill and better friendships?

I’m sorry to say that I did forget something from last week, the Make-up list.  The secretary gave you all credit, but it’s important that we are reminded that making up is fun to do (isn’t that a song?).

Roy Spiller – Vernon – October 13, 18, 27.

Don Cramer – Fort Myers Beach, Florida – October 7, 14, 21

Bill Saunders – Fort Myers Beach, Florida – October 28

Frank & Ceil Collins – Wayne NJ – Reception for President Estess, Rochester NY – Eastern Cities Dinner, Hartford, CT – Hartford 25 Year Club, W. Springfield, MA – E Club Charter Night, New York City – Rotary UN Day, Fairfield, CT – Rotary Club

Steve Jacoby – Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic  - Rotary Foundation Conference, Glastonbury CT – 10/27

 Lunch today was a delicious dish of Beef Bourguignonne, steamed celery and carrots, white rice with wheat berries and wild rice, and bread pudding for dessert.  Thanks again to Krause for their good food and service.

 Sergeant of Arms Larry Churchill reported a slow day in the donation bucket with only a birthday for Larry Frazier, an anniversary for Mary Martin, and something about no green card for Carol?  He had thought of a scheme to get us all to pay a buck as a welcome back gift, but was going to abandon the idea until Jim Fallon encouraged my table to anti-up.  When we did, so did many others – brought in an extra $50.  Thanks to all for these contributions.


-Ribbon Cutting for the new gazebo on Friday, Dec. 3 at 6pm at the EH Town Green.

-Salvation Army Bell ringing sign-up sheets for the first three week-ends in December available through Roy Spiller.

-Don Hallquist is in Hartford Hospital awaiting an artery cleaning.  I hope he has good music to play during the operation.  I understand that helps both patient and doctor.

-President Dan has nomination forms for any past president who would make a good District Governor.

-Paul Harris nominations being accepted by President Dan or Jim Watts.

-Hartford Rotary club will be having a celebration in honor of the RI Centennial Bell visit at the Bond Hotel in Hartford on February 5, 2005, $75per person.  See President Dan for tickets.  The Hartford Club was selected to have the bell because it was one of the first 100 Rotary Clubs established.

-**Correction** - this writer mistakenly announced that dues would be going up by $400 when in fact it is only by $4.00.  President Dan is refusing to accept resignations based on my mistake.

-Board of Director’s meeting Monday, Nov. 15 at the EH CCC.  All members welcome.

-President Dan has free, complimentary, no cost tickets to the Rockville Rotary Holiday Craft Fair on 11/27.

-Bill Saunders talked with Roger Nicholson, who just returned from a Heifer Project meeting, saying that he and Anne are doing well and that he has settled on a Rotary Club to join in the Pittsburgh area.  But it seems they are having trouble finding a good church!

-Bob Richmond is circulating the list for our Holiday Party on 12/8/04.  Cost is either $30 or $35 – I couldn’t catch the conclusion of the debate.

-Next week, at the Ridge, speaker Steve Jacoby will be talking about the Interact Club.

-George Stewart won the raffle.


Jim Reik introduced Jennifer Parker from the Wadsworth Athenaeum, a Cornell Graduate, and daughter and granddaughter of Rotarians.  She hadn’t expected to speak to us today but her boss, Nicole Elkon, was indisposed   Jennifer may have only been at this job since August but she certainly knows a lot about her establishment.  From the history of the artists and exhibits to the construction of the 4 buildings, to the storage of the artwork, the special programs, the plans for expansion, and the parking situation, she knew it all.  New Director Willard Holmes has decided to change some of the expansion plans previously announced for the Athenaeum.  They will not close for the next 2 years, instead they will buy the Hartford Times building, move in there while the 4 existing buildings are restored to their original condition.  Much of their permanent collection will travel during this time, keeping it safe and providing income for the museum.  Programming will continue and more parking will be built on Front Street.  For now, people are encouraged to park in the Morgan Street lot and take the free “Art Bus” to the Athenaeum. 

Several Rotarians are members of the Athenaeum and testified that it is a good deal.  Join the Wadsworth and enjoy art, culture, music, films, book talks, docent tours and much, much more.

Respectfully submitted, Pat Porteous


High Gear -- November 3, 2004

The gathering at S. Congregational Church was somewhat quieter then usual.  Our favorite music man, Don Hallquist was not there to welcome our arrival.  Fortunately, the west wind didn't blow in Mary Poppins, nor did I see Pooh on this Blustery Day, but there was a good group of EH Rotarians - enough to occupy each table.  I noticed an avoidance of political conversation; instead there was lots of talk about house renovations and car repair stories.  I wonder what that was about!

With the ringing of the bell, there was a low, slow start to the Rotary song - but the group gradually gained momentum in order to complete a rousing version of our opening ritual.  We also stumbled a bit over the 3rd statement in the Four Way Test.  Let's all try to remember that the 3rd question is "Will it build goodwill and better friendships?"  Gil Wishart offered a prayer of gratitude.  The lunch was a delicious plate of baked stuffed chicken, broccoli au gratin, candied sweet potato and apple crisp for desert.

President Dan called the meeting to order at 11:40 in order to have time for the many announcements.  Here we go:"    Next week we meet at home on the Ridge, with speaker Nicole Elkon, Director of External Affairs, Wadsworth Atheneum."    Carmen Piscatello is home again and doing better, Don Hallquist's surgery was postponed because he is not feeling well."    We received a thank you note for our $500 contribution to the Cambodian Project."    If any past president would like to be nominated for District Governor see President Dan for application forms.  He also has registration forms for the conference celebration in Chicago next summer."    The RI Council on Legislation has voted to increase our annual dues by $400 per person over a 4 yr period.  This is warning that our EH dues will have to increase to meet this new level."    Jim Watts announced that it is time to nominate candidates for the Paul Harris Awards.  The group will meet at the Ridge on Dec. 1 at 10:30 am to review the applications."    Carol Krantz announced problems with the fruit sale.  Basically, we would be unable to get our order in on time for a before Christmas delivery.  After discussion and suggestions, a motion was presented and passed to have the Board propose an alternative fund-raising project."    Bob Richmond announced that the Holiday Party would be on Dec. 8.  Details to follow."    Bob is also announced that our Nominating Committee is now accepting nominations for our Board of Directors.  See him or Neil Cunningham for applications."    This week is the deadline to buy tickets to the Annual Foundation Dinner on Saturday, November 20, honoring Frank and Ceil Collins.  See Neil immediately for tickets."    Art Bradbury is appearing in the production of "Jekyll and Hyde" at the Little Theater of

Manchester the first 3 weekends in November."    Glen Peterson is getting ideas for this year's Literacy Initiative.  He asked how many people might be interested in reading to students and talking about the importance of reading in one's life.  There was enough interest to encourage Glen to plan this for Read Across America Day in early March."    Steve Jacoby presented the club with a banner from Rudyard Margarita Monta's Bazil of District 4060 in the Dominican Republic where he attended a District Conference on the RI Foundation."    Notify Sue Klock if you are having any trouble with High Gear."    At a special meeting of the Board it was decided to sponsor a representative to the GSE exchange team to Argentina.  He is a young man from Middletown who works in EH at Pratt and Whitney.

Our 2 guests were Craig Williams from E. Hampton in Construction Products, and Bob Wood's guest, Liwu Guo, one of the teacher's from China who is here for 6 months teaching Chinese to American students.  The Welcome Song was ably lead by Tom Westbrook.  Larry Churchill was the Sergeant at Arms and creatively charged each person a dollar if your candidate lost, and a dollar to celebrate if your candidate won.  Jim Sheehan paid for a birthday and Rotary anniversary.  Ceil Collins also paid for an anniversary.  After a request from Spurge for no kissing, Mary Martin, who kissed no one, won the Raffle.

Our speaker today was our own Frank Collins.  His topic was to answer the oft asked question, "What do you do at the United Nations?"  He explained that he is the Senior Representative and has 4 assistants in New York City, and other representatives in Geneva, France, Rome, Asia and Africa.  RI is one of over 2000 NGOs (non-governmental organizations) represented at the UN.  RI has "consultive status" which means we are one of the few organizations that can present "white" or opinion papers to the agencies of the UN.  One of Frank's jobs has been to organize the Rotary International day at the United Nations, which will be this week-end.  With 1,000 registrants planning to attend the adult and young person sessions, it sounds like an exciting week-end in New York!  The main part of Frank's job is to decide which other organizations RI will work with and on what projects.  Frank is using the priorities of International President Glen as his guideline.  The first priority, the Family of Rotary is an internal project and does not impact the UN.  The second, Literacy, is well organized and we have representatives on the international task force.  Health Concerns is the third priority and presents Frank with some decisions.  We will continue to work with the WHO, CDC, and UNICEF on the polio eradication project.  He will meet with organizations who have specific geographical health concerns to explain that local Rotary clubs may chose to participate in their initiatives once they have presented the ideas to the local groups.  Frank will help connect local RI groups with the organizations.  For example, RI is sponsoring a table at the Women's Concerns Worldwide luncheon and has invited the woman Ambassador from Thailand as their guest.   He will also try to find clubs in the 22 countries that UNICEF has targeted for pure water projects.

I hope I got it all!Pat Porteous


High Gear -- October 27, 2004

Don Hallquist played show tunes as well as “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” to greet the assembled members on this beautiful autumn afternoon.  Much of the pre-meeting and lunch discussion focused on the beloved Red Sox. We were served a lovely lunch of prime rib, roasted potatoes, and steamed zucchini with ice cream cake for dessert.


Foundation Dinner        Honoring Frank Collins

Sat Nov. 20 at the Windsor Marriott.  Tickets are $40/person. 

Reservations must be made by next week.  See or call Neal Cunningham.

Carmen Piscatello is in the hospital.

East Hartford High’s Thanksgiving football game against Manchester will be played at Rentschler Field.  Renting the field is expensive and they are selling program advertisements to defray the costs.  Call the high school, 622-5200, if interested.

Mike Livingston concert will be held at the cultural center on Sat, Oct 30 @ 8:00. Proceeds to support “Focus on Recovery.” Call Pat Porteous for details.

Next Week’s meeting 11/3 will be at the church.  Back to the Ridge on 11/10.

Nominations for Paul Harris Awards are available.  Copies are also on the web site.

Mr. Larson took the floor and complained (at great length) about possible irregularities in a recent raffle.  Photo evidence was provided and the attorney general’s office may be contacted.

Dan Russell sent a letter from Australia.  He recently made up a meeting on a yacht in Sydney Harbor.

CPTV’s annual wine auction will be held on Oct. 31, Halloween.  They are desperate for volunteers.  If interested please call David Cruthers 275-7280.

Fruit Sale materials will be available next week.

20 lb. cases of oranges, grapefruit, or apples are $14.

20 lb cases of mixed oranges and grapefruit are $14.

25 lb cases of mixed oranges, grapefruit, and apples are $19.

Bill Saunders announced that the Golf Tournament raised $23,000.



Bob Brown, Manchester, 10/26

Sue & Peter Klock, e-Club, 10/27

Sergeant at Arms

George Agnelli took delight in collecting money from many members.

Scotty Howet, 85th birthday

George Schoen, paid in support of the beloved Red Sox

Others paid for pictures in the paper, Rotary anniversaries, coming late, leaving early




It was with painful irony that Dan Larson, who had vociferously complained about a recent raffle drawing, won himself.



Pat Porteous introduced Kim Beauregard, the directory of Inter-Community Mental Health.  She gave members an overview of the program.  The non-profit agency is the local mental health authority for the six towns of East Hartford, Glastonbury, Wethersfield, Newington, Rocky Hill, and Marlborough.  The agency helps people with mental and behavioral health issues live in the community.  They provide in-patient and out-patient services, trauma services, and crisis programs. Much of their work relates to rehabilitation programs. As a non-profit agency they must cope with financial issues in the face of ever growing state and federal mandates as well as ever more people seeking out behavioral health services. They are trying to work with people in the community to identify and address behavioral health needs with may relate to youth issues, crises, or other mental health issues.

        Submitted by Glen Peterson.


High Gear -- October 20, 2004

Maybe it was the artistic atmosphere, but from the very beginning President Dan almost lost control of the meeting. Closely grouped tables helped simulate a cabaret environment, as months of normal seating patterns were disrupted and patrons mixed at random. The cabaret buffet offered a choice of picnic lunches—turkey, roast beef, or vegetarian sandwich; a salad, a pear, and an oversized chocolate chip cookie.


President Dan thanked Reggie and Herb Barall for letting Rotary use their space at “Circle of Life: Arts for All” for our meeting this week and for providing us with our luncheon program.

John Shemo, through his able messenger Todd Andrews, announced that the ways and means committee meeting scheduled for October 27 has been cancelled and will be re-scheduled. Bill Saunders leaped from his chair, wily leader that he is, and announced that the golf committee would claim that abandoned spot for its own gathering at 11:30 at South Congregational Church next week.

We will meet the next two weeks at South Congregational Church and return to the Ridge on November 10.

Our Rotary zone has nominated Michael K. McGovern from Maine for a director’s spot on RI’s board of directors for 2006-2008.

The executive board voted to: 1) donate $500 to the Rotary Vietnam Physical Rehabilitation Center in Cambodia (several weeks ago Inge Dunham from Lakeville told us about its work), 2) give $500 to the Rotary International Solar Cooker Project, 3) put an ad in the East Hartford Women’s Club annual dinner booklet.

November 6 is Rotary U.N. Day. (President Dan has registration forms; the deadline is October 23.)

The Town of East Hartford is asking for volunteers to receive emergency disaster training. The training session is scheduled for Wednesday, November 3.

Carol Krantz announced that we will be having a citrus sale again this year—Peter Klock is getting oranges and grapefruit from Texas. The fruit will be delivered the second Saturday in December.

Our speaker next week will be the new director of the Intercommunity Mental Health Group, Kim Beauregard.

The Rotary Gazebo, newly installed in the center green, will be dedicated during the annual Holiday Fest on the first Friday night in December. Jack Ghagan and Leo Christmas are presently finishing up the electrical work.

Doug Willett announced that former mayor Bob McNulty is in Hartford Hospital with congestive heart failure.

Carol Krantz pulled the winning raffle ticket for Dick McCarthy—again! Sergeant-at-Arms Bill Leone claimed he was kind to all of us today because of the closeness of the dining quarters, but he failed to fine himself for his dereliction of duty. Two honest souls volunteered their fines: Frank Collins for his new Cadillac STS (he offered everyone a ride around the block—but no further); and Larry Hangland for his 40th wedding anniversary.

Program: Our host and hostess, Herb and Reggie Barall, introduced two of the guest dancers for today’s program—Ester Cortez, a student at East Hartford High School, and her partner Michael. They both help Reggie teach dance to children on Saturday mornings. Herb admitted that Reggie really runs their studio—and him as well. And she certainly does a better job than Herb does with technology. After several false starts from the control room, Ester and Michael performed intricate Latin steps with high energy, a full body flip—and no loss of breath!

Reggie then introduced professional cabaret dance performer George Kaminski and his two charming partners, Barbara Barry and Nancy Jewett—both of whom wore competition ballroom dancing dress. Their selections included romantic bolero, tango, American style rumba, and the foxtrot. But the smoothest dancer of all was Reggie herself, resplendent in a flowing dress of various shades of lavender. She really lucked out because her normal partner Herb had faked an automobile accident and a bruised hip to keep from having to embarrass himself in front of us all. The program ended with Reggie telling us about some of the work her dancers do, such as helping high school students prepare for the Seniors Ball and their own senior ball.

Make-ups: Steve Jacoby and George Schoen at the Rotary Leadership Institute in Chicopee. Frank Collins at the U.N.; the Rotary Leadership Institute in Poughkeepsie; the U.N. representative meeting in Evanston, Illinois; as a speaker at the East Hampton, CT, Rotary Club; as a speaker at the Avon, CT, Rotary Club; at the Zone 31/32 Institute in Cambridge, MD; and as a speaker at the Springfield, MA, Rotary Club. Ceil Collins at the Rotary Leadership Annual Meeting at Poughkeepsie; at the East Hampton, CT, Rotary Club; at the Zone 31/32 Institute in Cambridge, MD; and at the Springfield, MA, Rotary Club.

Respectfully submitted, Bill Secord


High Gear -- October 13, 2004

Our Rotary Bell, having spent a peaceful week at church, rang out once again for our gathering at South Congregational. George Stewart led us in thanks and asked for blessings upon our Boy Scout guest speaker and those Scouts who do good in this world and grow up to become contributing members of Rotary. The buffet, one slow table at a time, consisted of stuffed chicken (Cornish game hen, perhaps), ziti with huge meatballs, pasta salad, green salad, rolls and butter, and fruit-filled jello.

Make-up: John Shemo at South Windsor, CT.

Respectfully submitted, Bill Secord


High Gear -- October 6, 2004

Maestro Don Hallquist, wearing a snobbish golfing polo, bounced show tunes off the walls of South Congregational Church’s multi-purpose room, as we once more enjoyed their hospitality. The peripatetic bell brought us all to our feet for song and prayer and the Rotary Four-way Test. The substitute kitchen produced perfectly prepared al dente ziti with a tangy tomato sauce laced with sausage, a garden salad, and a variety of crunchy cookies. A cheery Glen Peterson led the Welcome Song for our only guest (and his boss), Superintendent of Schools Marion Martinez.

A cloud of doom, however, appeared over our flock with the realization that George Agnelli had assumed the mantle of Sergeant-at-Arts from Darlene Roberts. But only one major confrontation occurred—when Doug Willett insisted upon his rights to Freedom of the Press as last month’s High Gear editor. The two cousins reached a compromise when our own “W” agreed to pay a fine for vulgarity—but not for defamation of the clergy. Other fines included: Dean Rolland paid 60 happy dollars for 60 happy years of married life; Mo Belanger paid for his 73rd birthday and for no singing by the club; John Mozzicato paid for Jack Gagnon’s 55th wedding anniversary and trumped Mo by paying for the club to sing to him anyway; Jack Gagnon paid a happy dollar for Carmen Piscatello’s coming home from the hospital; Don Hallquist paid for a birthday in September and for no singing (he gets tired getting up and down every week); Pat Porteous paid for her birthday and for a beautifully off-key version of Happy Birthday; Dick McCarthy paid $10 for a new car he claims he bought for his wife; Gerry Brady paid for using his cell phone during our solemn ceremonies; and Bill Flynn paid for the wonderful party at Neil and Rosemary Cunningham’s home last weekend.

Make-ups:  Dan Russell at Rockville, Andy Andreo at Westerly and Las Vegas, Skip Guillemette at Manchester.


Rotary UN Day is November 6.  Tickets may be obtained from President Dan Firestone. A Rotary Leadership Institute will occur on October 16. Anyone going should have already obtained tickets

from President Dan or Steve Jacoby. CPTV is having a wine auction on October 31. They need volunteers for the phones—two shifts, 3:30 to

8:00 or 7:30 t0 midnight. Carmen Piscatello went into the hospital last Saturday, where he required 4 pints of blood. He has now

returned home and will undergo further tests in a week

Bill Saunder’s brother-in-law has died.

The First District Democrats are honoring Mo Belanger at their annual dinner October 17. Neil Cunningham thanked everyone for attending his celebration last weekend. Neil gave Rotary members

an “A” for “Plays Well with Others” but a “D” for “Not Following Directions.” (“No presents” appeared explicitly on the invitation.) The combination of racing-car buddies, old softball teammates, and Rotary leads one to think of Altamont Speedway, the Rolling Stones, and the Hell’s Angels (which one is East Hartford Rotary?)

The Red Cross is holding a blood drive at the First Congregational Church on Monday, October 11. Call the church if you wish to have a scheduled time (528-2133).


Herb Barall introduced our speaker for the day, Superintendent of Schools Marion Martinez. She spoke about the strategic planning process the school system has gone through over the past six months. The process included a “bottom-up” approach to developing a plan and included members of the public in the planning process so that the results would be supported the whole East Hartford community. Part of the planning committee’s discussion included the role of moral leadership and the importance of stewardship. Other initiatives that Dr. Martinez is proud of include the implementation of full-day kindergarten for all and the hiring of a literacy coordinator for grades K-8. The rumor is that “fly tying” is being proposed as a course next year for eighth grade boys to keep them occupied. Dr. Martinez concluded her talk with her statement of belief that the scores of East Hartford students on such tests as the CMTs can be raised—by as much as the double digit figures she observed during her tenure as assistant superintendent in Clinton.

The meeting ended with the unconscionable badgering of the gracious superintendent by such erstwhile gentlemen as George Stewart, Art Bradbury, Bill Flynn, George Agnelli, and others.

                Respectfully submitted, Bill Secord


High Gear – September 29, 2004

Our Rotary Meeting day started off overcast with remnants of Hurricane Jeanne passing through. Not bad but enough to put a damper on the post meeting golf game. The crowd was slow to gather as noted by the tune “It’s A Small World After All” wafting through the hall. Our piano player remains oh so clever and creative – he is aging well!  President Dan expressed his thanks for surviving his recent shoulder operation. Tom Westbrook led a spirited Welcome Song for our two guests, Reid Fraser, New Alliance Bank, and Muhammad Ansari, from the Open Hearth.

Darlene Roberts completed her first turn as Sergeant At Arms today. She has shown a lot of promise in this role and with a little more coaching from Carmen,  she should take her place alongside such notable “pain in the butts” SAA’s as Dr. Tom, Dan Larson, and Bill Flynn. Peter Klock had it all going on today, getting to celebrate his birthday while his wife, the long suffering Susan, paid the fine. Hey, you got to use that M.I.T. PhD once in a while. 

Several announcements today. President Dan reminded one and all about Rotary Day at the Big East this Sunday and tried to read Thank You notes from the American Lung Association and the Intercommunity Mental Health Group for recent Rotary donations. He also made note of the East Hartford School Business Partnership newsletter which featured E.H. Rotary prominently in its recent issue.

 Neal Cunningham is still looking for a few more volunteers for the October 9th Water Station at the Greater Hartford Marathon. He also announced that the First District Democrats will be honoring Moe Belanger for his community service at its October 17th annual dinner. See Neal for tickets.

Sue Klock reminded everyone about Rotary Day at the United Nations on November 6th. See for registration forms. There will be a Membership Committee Meeting on October 5th at 7:30 a.m. at the East Hartford Golf Course Restaurant.

Our program today was on the Open Hearth,  a shelter and substance abuse program operating on Sheldon Street in Hartford since 1884. Adult men are able to come here for a structured program designed to allow them to reenter the community as productive, successful citizens. The program stresses old fashioned values of hard work and personal responsibility. The Open Hearth has 25 employees and serves up to 75 men in the program with another 25 beds available for overnight shelter. It has a $1.7 million dollar budget and relies on state, federal and private grants and donations. It has many success stories and even sponsors an alumni association. It is perhaps best known for its sale of fire wood to local homeowners. Thanks, Jackie, for another interesting and worthwhile program. Next week we’ll hear from the Superintendent of Schools.

Which brings this scribe to the end of my tenure as High Gear editor. So let me indulge in a few personal notes. One, I am looking for a garage to park a car for the months of November – March. Anyone aware of the availability of same, please contact me.  Second, my wife tells me I’ve been picking on Ruthie for years for her blind devotion to the hapless Red Sox, so I want to apologize. But I have to ask one thing before I do – hey, Ruthie, who’s your daddies? Finally, my thanks for being part of the East Hartford Rotary family. There is no greater bunch of people, even if some of you are Republicans.  Go, Huskies, SH-TT on PITT! WDOUGW 


High Gear for September 22, 2004

South Congregational Church, our home away from home for the next few weeks, was the location today for our annual District Governor's Visit. The gathering was on the small side and somewhat quiet and decorous, due no doubt to the lack of piano, badges, and bell. Or, perhaps, the setting in a church hall; the presence of the Governor; or even a hangover from the Monday Golf Tournament contributed to the quietude. Dan Larson, performing very much against type, delivered a thoughtful and sober grace before our meal.

Our guests, in addition to the Governor, were ADG Dick Borden from Manchester, and, appropriately attired in sackcloth and ashes after her beloved Bosox's disastrous weekend in the Bronx, Ruthie Sheehan. Sergeant At Arms Darlene Roberts noted fines for Dan Russell and Dean Roland, both celebrating 31 years in Rotary. Todd Andrews paid for a 14th wedding anniversary and George Schoen paid for a birthday. Lack of pins, coats, and couth made up the balance of today's take.

President Dan reminded the Club of Rotary Day at the Big E on October 3. He has discount tickets available. The Empress thanked her volunteers for representing the Club on Rebuild Together Day, last Saturday, held in monsoon rains. The Rotary Good Guys included Dave Amberg, Dan Dienst, Jack Ghagan, Peter Klock, Sue Klock, Marcia Leclerc, Mary Martin, Glen Peterson, Darlene Roberts, George Schoen, and Gil Wishart.  Neal Cunningham is still looking for a few more volunteers for the Greater Hartford Marathon Water Station on October 9th.

Bill Saunders, looking ten years younger now that the pressure is off, reported on our very successful fund-raiser on Monday. After much pleading, begging, and drawing of blood, the Club came through to the tune of 136 golfers, 90-100 sponsors, over $7700 in raffle prizes, and

$850 in silent auction donations. A precise accounting is pending late returns. Great job, Bill and the Golf Committee. President Dan is postponing plans for the raffle.

District Governor Dick Seidman is no stranger to our group and his presentation this day was relaxed and avuncular. He praised East Hartford both for its contributions to the leadership of the District and our ability to do good work and have fun at the same time. He summarized the overall purpose of Club Administration as "keeping members, getting new members, raising monies for the Rotary Foundation and local projects, doing the good work of Rotary, and having fun."  He noted that East Hartford excels in all of these.

He also noted some important up coming dates: October 3, Rotary Day at Big E; November 6th, Rotary Day at the United Nations; November 20th, Rotary Foundation Dinner, honoring Frank & Ceil Collins, at the Windsor Marriott; February 5th, Rotary Centennial Celebration at the Bond Hotel Ballroom; May 6-8, District Convention in Providence; June 18-21, Rotary International Convention in Chicago.

He closed by noting PDG Jeff Tager's proposal that each Club consider donating 10 books per Rotarian to local children, and that the Club consider his own request that we donate 5% of our fund raising efforts to the Rotary Foundation. This would go a long way to meeting our Club Foundation goal and provide the District with significant Foundation funds for local projects when 50% of our District's donation is returned to us in three years. Whew.  Fifty four visits down, seven to go.

Our program next week is the work of the Open Hearth. See you at South Cong. Go Huskies. WDOUGW 

High Gear for September 15, 2004

Signs of Fall are visible in the drive up from Niantic today. The first trees are starting to turn in the Deep River and East Haddam areas and leaves are sprinkled on the ground at roadside. While overcast this morning, there is a crispness to the air that heralds colder days ahead.

Nothing cold inside the Ridge, however, as we gather for our weekly repast. Our meeting today is out of the ordinary in that we rush though our normal program and start our speaker’s presentation a half hour early at twelve-thirty. This adjustment proves difficult for some as our more normal dinner chatter clashes with the introduction of guests, sergeant at arms report and announcements. The result is the kind of cacophony that reminds one of the Red Sox dugout when Francona is issuing instructions.  

Sharing our open faced bacon and turkey sandwich were guests Kate Evans and John Mitchell from South Windsor, Art Hayes from Glastonbury, Anson Mooney from Hartford and ADG Dick Borden from Manchester. Major fines paid were from Herb Barall for 52 years of wedded bliss (well done, Reggie), and Bryan Hall, for moving into town and a Channel 3 TV appearance.

President Dan reminded one and all that we will be meeting at South Church for the next several weeks and that the District Governor will be making his official visit next week. Ties and jackets are mandatory. Sunday, October 3rd  is Rotary Day at the Big E and a good crowd is encouraged. Bring the kids and the grandkids and see Dan for special priced tickets.

The program today was outstanding. Dr. William McAllister, who spoke to us last spring, returned to present a fascinating look at the work of his Forward Surgical Unit in support of our Special Services forces in the early days of the Afghanistan war. The bravery, sacrifices and dedication of these soldiers was inspiring, as they moved well beyond their mission to bring a little light and joy to an impoverished people. Jackie Danise assures me that this presentation is the new standard of what we can expect from future programs. We’ll see what the Governor brings to the table next week.

The Golf Tournament is Monday at Manchester Country Club. Thanks to all who have contributed to date. Let’s pray for fair weather. It’s a big sports weekend coming up – Ryder Cup, Huskies at B.C., Red Sox at the House that Ruth(ie) Built.  The leaves are turning. It must be September. Go, Huskies. WDOUGW


High Gear for September 8, 2004

Better to live in New England than Florida, at least in hurricane season. That thought crossed minds today as the weak remnants of hurricane Frances moved across our area amid warnings of yet another hurricane bearing down on the Sunshine State’s west coast.

The Ridge exhibited its typical pre-meeting bustle today as the Golf Committee conducted its session with the days dwindling down in the side room; our speaker setting up a slide presentation in the main hall, and the club wise men holding court in the entrance foyer. 

Our only guest today was our speaker, Inga Dunham, P.P. and P.H. of the Salisbury Club and the Chair of the District International Service Committee. After a spirited welcome song lead by the startlingly animated Bill Secord (with help from Don and Glen Peterson), Inga joined us in a lunch of pot roast, potatoes, and broccoli topped with a jello dessert.

Sergeant At Arms Darlene Roberts, entirely too comfortable in shaking people down, levied fines on Mary Martin for her birthday, Doug Willett for his first grandson, and at least one fine at every table for lack of pins, jackets, socks, couth, late arrivals and early leavers.

Today’s announcements were few. Reminder that we move to South Church beginning September 22; District Governor visit on September 22, so jackets and ties are expected on the men of the Club – the women of the Club are expected to look decent; Thank you’s from students we sponsored for RYLA leadership seminar and the Whitewater Conference; Bill Flynn reports that Dr. Tom in hanging in there with his chemo but would enjoy cards and/or contacts.

Lots of makeup’s turned in today – Loren Andreo (5), Steve Jacoby (2), Don Cramer, Lionel Lessard, Art Bradbury, George Schoen, Frank Collins.

Inga’s presentation was on the Cambodia Project and the District’s goal of raising $50,000 to assist the land mine victims in this war ravaged nation. Her slides and comments clearly demonstrated the haunting need for artificial limbs, wheel chairs, braces and other aids so these victims can lead productive lives. Rotary International is making its presence felt but there is more to do. The Board will be considering our involvement soon.

Next week the program will be on Afghanistan, presented by Dr. William McAllister. This program requires an hour for the full presentation, so plan to be here on time and for the program to begin at 12:30 p.m. Dr. Bill spoke to us last year about joint replacement surgery and was very well received. Don’t miss this one.

That’s it. See you next week. 1918, Ruthie, 19..freakin..18! Go, Huskies, WDOUGW

High Gear for September 1, 2004

A bright, sunny day ushered in the glorious month of September. Ridge visitors were treated to a good crowd, a good meal, and a nice day. The visitors consisted of the sons of Dan Dienst, Dan junior and stepson, Nathan Warkintin. The room was abuzz with the heady giggles of Sox fans, who have shaken off the despair of June and July, and are now reveling in yet another late season false spring. This leaves these perennial naifs exquisitely poised for yet another September disappointment. “As flies to wanton boys, are Red Sox fans to the baseball gods.”  Shakespeare, at his most insightful. 

Chicken Cacciatore and ice cream topped the menu today and fortified the group for President Dan’s egregious introduction of our newly minted Sergeant at Arms Darlene Roberts as “Hyacinth Douglas-Bailey.” Darlene took it in stride as she commandeered the microphone to announce a string of miscreants, to wit: Jack Sayre and Stu Harris for appearances in local papers; Dan Larson for shockingly invading Sue Klock’s personal space; John Mozzicato, Jackie Danise, and Frank Collins for anniversaries; Todd Andrews for two tots entering kindergarten this very day; the Yankee fans for being Yankee fans; and a few late comers for being late comers. Carol Krantz asked us to say a prayer for her Army Captain daughter who is in route to Iraq where she will spend 18 months as a quartermaster.

President Dan gave notice that next week marks the resumption of a more formal dress code – “no visible shorts, wear socks.” He also noted that the Ridge will be closed from September 22 to November 3rd and we will be meeting at South Church during this period (except for October 20 when we will be at the Cultural Center for dancing lessons.)  Peter Klock, with the number for Trantolo and Trantolo dangling from his shirt pocket, once again offered Rotarians the chance to purchase single game seat back tickets to Uconn football at the Rent  - $35 per ticket but talk with him soon. Our Czaress of Volunteers, Mary Martin, thanked the Club for providing 13 volunteers for the September 18 Rebuilding Together Day and acknowledged Generis Catering’s generous donation of 200 box lunches for this event.

Okay, Rotary gut-check time. With only two weeks left, we are far behind our goals for the Golf Tournament. We only have 47 golfers and 44 sponsors to date. We are far behind our target for raffle prizes. Historically 25 – 30 of our club members contribute nada, zip, nothing to this event. That is somewhere between 30% - 40% of the Club. Unacceptable. There is no good excuse for any East Hartford Rotarian to fail to contribute in some way. If you don’t golf, get a hole sponsor, join with a fellow member and contribute a raffle prize (doesn’t have to be golf related), volunteer to help around the course that day – do something just so we know you believe in the work of this Club and you appreciate the efforts being put in by Bill Saunders and his committee. There is nothing in the Rotary spirit that allows one to sit back and let others do all the work. The Golf Committee doesn’t deserve that. Prove that Rotary means something to you… now.

Next week’s program features Inga Dunham talking about the Cambodia Project, a major focus for District 7890 International service this year.   See you then. Go, Huskies, WDOUGW


High Gear for August 25, 2004

The August 25, 2004 meeting was treated to a special musical medley from Don Hallquist. His talents have been greatly missed and are greatly appreciated! The meeting began with the usual pledge and prayer lead by Rev. Bill Flynn. It’s the third time we’ve recited the 4-way test – well on the way to memorizing it. From the looks of the plates I could see, the pork lunch was very good.

Correction:  Jackie Danise was on the winning golf team, not Dan Dienst as reported.

                     Bride’s name is Rosemary

Make Ups: Community Service Committee: Sheehan, Porteus, Amberg and Martin

Frank Collins: Zone Meeting, Leadership Institute, United Nations, District Golf Outing, helped hurricane victims in Sarasota, FL.

Ceil Collins:      District Golf Outing, helped hurricane victims in Sarasota, FL

Roy Spiller (Niantic), Larry Hangland (Wethersfield), Lionel Lessard (Rockville twice)

Jim Shay led the welcome song as we welcomed Steve Bates, Jr. and Roger Nicholson.


Dick McCarthy reported Dan Larson has a new grandson; Rev. Roger was pleased to have lunch with the best Rotary Club. Larson made a donation for the Olympic-quality dive that Don Hallquist made at the picnic. Dean Roland had his photo in the paper.

Community Service Committee Update

Mary Martin asked for volunteers to pick up donated food items and deliver them to the worksites for the East Hartford Rebuild Together Day on Saturday, September 18, 2004. If you are interested in helping with the home repair projects, visit

Golf Tournament Update

Bill Saunders reported that we have 40 sponsors (goal is 100). We have 35 paid players (goal is 130). Tournament will be held on Monday, September 20 at Manchester Country Club. A letter has been sent to all chamber members and information went into the East Hartford Gazette. Please ask friends and associates to be sponsors.

Next committee meetings: September 1, 8, and 15 at 11:30 a.m. at the Ridge.


President’s Report

President Dan reported that the board approved donations to the following charities:

BSA Christopher Basler Eagle Project, Inter-Community Mental Health and the American Lung Association of Connecticut.

The Club received a thank you note from the Town of East Hartford for the donation of school supplies for needy students. Don’t forget the suggested $100 donation to RI.

Former officers and committee chairs, please help with the “responsibility book.

Neal Cunningham thanked everyone for the wedding celebration, especially Ted Mosebach, Dan Larson and Dan and Loretta Dienst.

Bob Richmond reported that the social committee set December 8 for the Holiday Party at Adam’s Mill. Mark your calendar. Menu suggestions are welcome.

Peter Klock reported that chair back seats may be sold for UConn football games. If you are interested, see him.

Next week an envelope will be circulated to raise funds for the Florida hurricane victims.

Dan Firestone’s new phone number 521-6835.

The raffle was won by Peter Klock.

The meeting was adjourned with America the Beautiful


                                                                                                Margaret LaCroix




High Gear for August 18, 2004

Dearly beloved, we gathered at the Dienst’s house on August 18, 2004 for the annual golf outing and to celebrate the recent marriage of

Neal Cunningham and Rosemary Hogan .

The business meeting began promptly at 6:00 p.m. The welcome song welcomed all the significant others, followed by the poolside invocation by Reverend Ted Mosebach. Bob Brown announced the following winners of the golf tournament.

Third Place:       Bob Brown, Tom Westbrook, Nick Cecere and Moe Moshovos

Second Place:   Larry Churchill, Roy Spiller, Jack Sayre and Dave Amberg

First Place:        Ted Mosebach, Bill Saunders, George Stewart and Dan Dienst

Clad in formal attire (golf shirt and tie) Dan Larson performed a roast/toast of the newlyweds that seemed interminable. It was indeed hilarious but this scribe cannot capture and do justice to the humor in this format. You just had to be there!

Special thanks to Bob Brown and Bill Leone and their committees for great golf and a delicious meal. It was food, folks and fun at Rotary’s best.

Also, special thanks to Dienst’s for the use of their beautiful backyard, which was appropriately festooned with wedding decorations.

The finale of the evening was the cutting of the cake by the bride and groom. Needless to say, a good time was had by all.


                                                                                    Margaret LaCroix


High Gear for August 11, 2004

The August 11, 2004 meeting was called to order by President Dan Firestone. The accompanying music was again greatly missed as we sang the opening song. We reaffirmed our commitment to the Rotary mission by reciting the four-way test. The prayer was lead by Rev. Bill Flynn. The “comfort food” luncheon was great for the gray day. For some reason, the usually spirited group started out noticeably more quiet than usual, but as the bell rang for the start of the business meeting, the noise level had reached its usual pitch.

Make Ups:  Herb Tischofer (eClub), Steve Jacoby (Glastonbury and Manchester)

Guests:        Steve Bates, Jr., Dan Dienst’s granddaughter Samantha and Bing Liu.

Art Bradbury led the welcome song.   It was again a slow start but ended on an enthusiastic note.


Richard McCarthy reported Ceil Collins, Gil Wishart and Herb Barall had birthdays. Mary Martin made a generous donation for 16 years in Rotary and Bob Richmond got a new car.  The raffle was won by Jim Fallon.

President’s Report

President Dan reported that Spurgeon Stokes’ brother died. The new year’s committee assignment list is now available. He urged everyone to make a $100 donation.

Golf Tournament Update:

Chairman Bill Saunders reported that sponsors, players and prizes are still needed. To date, we have 26 sponsors: (goal is 100) and 26 players (goal is 130).

The next meeting of the golf tournament committee is August 25, 2004 at 11:30 a.m.

Golf Outing Information

Golf at Twin Hills and festivities begin at 5:00 p.m. at the Dienst’s on August 18, 2004. No noon meeting. Please bring the following: A-G (side dish), H-R (dessert) and S-W (hors d’oeuvres). Sign ups for golf through Bob Brown.

There is a need to house a student from China from September through January. Meals and transportation should be provided. For further information, contact Bill Secord.


President’s Dan goals are to create a manual for officers and committee chairs to provide information and continuity. He also wants to build club membership. He appointed Larry Frazier to chair the Membership Committee. Frazier reminded members that it is our responsibility as members to share Rotary. New members and retention will be the focus and the responsibility of all members.

Mary Martin reported that the Community Service Committee raised more than $500 for school supplies for needy children. Rotary has been asked to host hospitality for the volunteers for the Rebuild Together building project in September. The club has also been asked to manage the BBQ tent for the Podunk Bluegrass Festival.

It was suggested that new nametags be purchased since some classifications no longer exist. The consensus was not to purchase nametags.

Many clubs have “Happy Dollars.”  After a discussion, it was decided that the board would make a decision. Some suggested that our club is already happy enough.

President Dan called for other items to be discussed. Hearing none, the meeting was adjourned following a verse of My Country ‘Tis of Thee.

                                                                                    Margaret LaCroix

High Gear for August 4, 2004

The August 4, 2004 meeting was called to order by President Dan Firestone. The opening song was sans accompaniment, which was sorely missed. The prayer was lead by Rev. Bill Flynn.

Make Ups: Roy Spiller (Niantic), Bob Wood (Brighton, ME). Loren Andreo (Westerly, RI), Gerry Brady (West Hartford)

We enjoyed a light luncheon chef salad in light of the heat and humidity of this sunny August day.

Golf Outing Information

Golf at Twin Hills and dinner at the Dienst’s on August 18, 2004. No noon meeting.

Please bring the following: A-G (side dish); H-R (dessert) and S-W (hors d’oeuvres).

Sign ups for golf through Bob Brown and dinner through Bill Leone.

If there are items for discussion at the club assembly, please notify President Dan.

Golf Tournament Update:

The golf tournament will be held on September 20 at Manchester Country Club.

To date:

            19 sponsors                  Goal 100

            22 players                    Goal 120

            26 raffle prizes  Goal  70

Next committee meetings:  August 11 at 11:30 a.m. and August 25 at 11:30 a.m.

Bill Saunders asked for participation from everyone.

Guest snowbird turned bird Fred Campbell was acknowledged in song enthusiastically lead by Tom Westbrook.

The golf committee paid for having their photo in the newspaper. Bill Saunders paid for a birthday. George Agnelli paid for the dirtiest garage on the Ridge.

Past presidents please provide President Dan with historical information.  

If you know of anyone who would like to apply for the Group Study Exchange in Argentina, please contact President Dan.

Condolences to Carol Krantz and family on the loss of her son-in-law.

Thank you note for Rotary Scholarship was read from Jessica Balesano.

FYI: Spike Spiegel’s widow passed away.

The raffle was won by Steve Tamiso.

The meeting closed with God Bless America.

                                                              High Gear Editor:                      Margaret LaCroix

High Gear for July 26, 2004

East Hartford at Glastonbury and the annual event is upon us! A time for inter-club socializing, a few pops, a great beef dinner, and THE GAME. With President Dan to lead us forty-two Rotarians from up river gathered to take on the team from Station 35. All was ready, the battery,

mighty Willett on the mound and sure-hand Cunningham behind the plate what could go wrong? Surely the duties of nuptials the week before would not sway sure-hand. Surely an extra few pounds around the middle would only add weight to Mighty Willett. Remember all those yester-years when the slap of the ball into the leather and the crack of the bat pulled us from our seats with fists raised high and with shouts of joy from our throats. Yes remember, for this year it was not to be. Where O where were our boys of summer, what has become of them? Where was Dano with the Larson boys, where Shemo of legend, where  Barall the-dancer, where Cecere, and Guillemette, and the rest? Shay the-law at first, could not the Glastonbury tide arrest. Where O where were the boys of summer? Gone, gone all are gone. Fading shadows, boys no longer, now slow old men. Art Bradbury welcomed our speaker Will Sime and his father Jim. High-kicking Dick LeMieux led the Welcome Song to the tune of what at first sounded suspiciously like the Marseillaise, but what must have been just the faulty fingers of Don Hallquist. Sergeant-at-arms Bill Leone complained about the lack of birthdays, but reaped plentifully in anniversary fines: Bill Flynn, 26 years; Larry Frazier, 37 years; Jim Reik, 12 years; John Shemo, 11 years (second time around); and Glenn Peterson, 1 year (after serving a number of Rotary years in Connecticut’s Northeast Kingdom). Dan Larson paid a fine for something, but Lord knows what—it could have been anything. Mary Martin paid for her spouse’s having walked around on television wearing a Viking helmet and telling people to stay out of their gutters. Carmen Piscatello—with a warm round of applause for his healthy return!—blundered badly and allowed Bill Leone to pull his own number for

the raffle. (Bill returned the money to the Sergeant-at-arms fund, secretly he thought—but no good deed goes unrecorded!)


President Dan still has tickets for Rotary U.N. Day on November 6.

We will meet next week at the Circle of Life studios in the East Hartford Cultural Center—NOT at South Congregational Church and NOT at the Ridge.

Past President Neil thanked all those members and others who helped staff the water station for the Hartford Marathon: Mary Martin, Rosemary Hogan, Doug Willett, George and Jay Stewart and friends, Gil Wishart, Dave Amberg, Jack Sayre, Don Hallquist, Pat Porteous, Carol Krantz, Dick LeMieux, and Kathy McCabe.

Time is running out to join the First District Democrats in honoring Mo Belanger at their annual dinner on October 17.

George Stewart invited one and all to join the South Congregational community for a baked bean supper at 6:00 pm on Saturday, October 17. Tickets at the door. Gil Wishart will serve as the MC in some kind of costume that hopefully hides his identity.


Will Sime, assisted by master projectionist Jim Sime, recounted his adventures in restoring and enhancing the garden, landscaping, and picnicking facilities in the courtyard of the East Hartford Middle School. Will took on this project as part of his Eagle Scout requirements. The East Hartford Rotary, the East Hartford Women’s Club, the middle school PTO, and Discount Trophy were among the groups and businesses that provided Will with the funds and materials he needed for the project.

A total of $620 dollars were donated along with plants and lumber, some of which was sturdy South American walnut. Much of the landscaping work had to be done during Will’s April vacation. The building of picnic tables took place in the Sime’s basement and garage. The garden now includes displays of the official state flowers of each of the New England states—including the endangered trailing arbutus of Massachusetts and mountain laurel of Connecticut (which is also on the endangered list—who smuggled in that beautiful laurel plant?) This project—with all its labor—has added significantly to the atmosphere and educational environment at the middle school.

On a happier note the golf and outing is coming along fine. Dan Dienst has been allowed back into the house and Loretta has planned a theme for the outing. Dan has some helpers but would like to have a few more. If you can give him a hand he could lay back and enjoy the day. Give Dan a call at 569-2077. Bob Brown has about twenty-two signed up for the golf scramble and needs a few more. Call Bob at 646-2443 and sign up.

We had only one make-up this past week, Leroy Spiller at Niantic.

The ball game (?) score was reported by Kathy McCabe to be 18-10. Dick Lemieux said that THEY had 18 in the first inning. John McNaughton thought it was more like 28-10. Anyway there is always last year.

This is my last High Gear for the year. I have a suggestion or two.

If you have a message to deliver at a meeting use the microphone.

If you want something in High Gear write it out and hand it to the High Gear editor.

If you are introducing the guest speaker or a special guest give the editor the guests’ vitals in written form.




High Gear for July 21, 2004

President Dan rang the meeting to order promptly at twelve fifteen and had us mumble through the four-way test because that’s the way Manchester does it. The Rev Flynn invoked the blessing. Is it just coincidence that we keep having fine golf weather or does the Rev have the Load’s ear? A lunch of lamb kebab was served with chocolate cake for dessert. Our guests today included one of our scholarship recipients Erica Woods and her mother. Erica will attend American International College. Dave Amberg presented her to the club.

 George Schoen was sgt-at-arms and once again gathered in the sheaves. The shearing as follows; Bill Saunders $5 because Jim Sheehan has not smoked for two weeks, Don Cramer $25

for a new Cadillac, Dan Dienst $10 8 years and a birthday, Art Bradbury $5 36 years, John Shemo $10 birthday, bill Leone $10 birthday, Dee Blackwood $10 for granddaughter eleven year old Nicole Anderson a recipient of the President’s award, and Neal Cunningham $20 for getting married. That’s a dollar a year for the twenty years it took him to pop the question.  

Make-ups this week were Dick McCarthy and Bob Wood at Bridgeton Lake Region, Maine and Roy Spiller and Lionel Lessard at Rockville.

Notices: Monday the 26th our meeting will be at Glastonbury for our annual visit. There will be no meeting at the Ridge on the 28th.  Mary Martin will collect on behalf of the East Hartford Social Service Department donations of new school supplies and toiletries to assist local students in starting the new school year. Cash or checks may also be donated. Make checks out to “The Town Of East Hartford” More information can be had through the Social Services Office at 291-7294. All donations are needed by August 6th. The next golf committee meeting will be August 4th at 11:30.

The August 1st trip to Saratoga will leave from the Ridge at 8:30 AM. Neal the –bridegroom is looking for water station volunteers for October 9th. There will be a club assembly on August 11th. The annual golf and outing will be held August 18th. The golf will be a 10:30 AM scramble at Twin Hills in Coventry. The outing will be held at the Deinst’s hostel at 4:30 PM. Dan got Loretta’s permission for the outing at their place while she was just waking after rotor cuff surgery so Dan needs a place to bunk in.

Scotty won the raffle with ticket 615. It would have been nice if Neal had won it sort as a wedding present from the club. O well lucky in love unlucky with money. Tom the- tooth is looking for a doctor who will trade services. Tom has some dentures that were returned almost unused. We hope to see you soon Tom back at the ridge.

President Dan rang the meeting closed at 1 PM. LRF

Old business first, my apology to Bill Saunders for my erroneous statement in last week’s High Gear. Bill was not chairman of the scholarship committee last rotary year; he was not on the committee and had no hand in candidate selections.

President Dan rang the meeting to order promptly at twelve fifteen. A lunch of bar-b-q chicken, corn-on-the-cob and potato salad was served. The desert was a chocolate mouse. Dick Borden from Manchester and Art Hayes from Belfast Maine were our guests today. Bob Brown lead the welcome song with Don our man at the ivories Hallquist as accompanist.

George Schoen was sgt-at-arms and made a fine haul. Jackie Denise fined for 14th anniversary and Roger Nicholson for 47 years with a donation of $500.00. Roger we are going to miss you. John, the Yankee a dollar and George Schoen the loyal Red Sox fan for the two home runs hit by the bean town boys in the all star game. The raffle man, Don Carmen induced Bill Flynn to select the winning ticket held by Dan the mouth Larson.

George Agnelli has found the missing Rotary Foundation Candy Dish. It turns out that he had it all the time. This only happened because Eleanor does not like poetry. Anyone who can work this one out is a true Rotarian.

Make-ups this week were Frank and Ceil Collins, George Stewart and Jim Sheehan at Stonington, Ct., and Lionel Lessard Jr. at Rockville.

Notices: Monday the 26th our meeting will be at Glastonbury for our annual visit. There will be no meeting at the Ridge on the 28th. The past presidents will meet at Stewart’s cottage on the 18th. Mary Martin will collect on behalf of the East Hartford Social Service Department donations of new school supplies and toiletries to assist local students in starting the new school year. Cash or checks may also be donated. Make checks out to “The Town Of East Hartford” More information can be had through the Social Services Office at 291-7294. All donations are needed by August 6th. The next golf committee meeting will be August 4th at 11:30.

A report from the golf committee shows we have 13 sponsors (goal is 100), 16 raffle items (goal is 70), and 21 players (goal is 130). Please make every attempt to secure at least one sponsor and bring in a donation for the raffle.

Dave Amberg is continuing his battle with Lyme disease and Tom; the tooth is on the road to recovery. He even shows up at the side chair for a short time. Keep it up guys we are all pulling for you.

President Dan rang the meeting closed at 1 PM.


HIGH GEAR for July 7, 2004

Promptly at 12:15 our new President Dan rang the bell and his year was off and running. Running lonely though, there was no one to sit at his side. As you said P. Dan, it is lonely at the top and best you know that early. You will have followers, so lead on. Hail to the flag followed by Rev. Ted asking God's blessing and again finding the right words for the day.

A lunch of roast beef, roasted potatoes and string beans followed by strawberries and ice cream and good rotary fellowship set the tone for the meeting.

Glen Peterson introduced his daughter Victoria, and Bob Wood introduced two of our scholarship recipients, Loren Carpenter and David Liner. Loren graduated from East Catholic and will attend Smith College and major in English. David graduated from East Hartford High and will attend U-Conn and major in Actuarial Science. Loren has been involved in River Recapture's crew and a school music program. David played soccer and worked as grounds keeper at our golf course. All the while these young people have maintained high scholastic averages in school. David was the recipient of the Jack Davis Memorial Scholarship. This is given by Helen Davis in memory of Jack who was a East Hartford Rotarian elected to Rotary in

1980. David is the grandson of Bev & Bill Saunders.

Our Welcome Song was lead today by Todd Andrews, not bad, not good, but ok.

Make-ups: Frank and Ceil Collins at Great Neck, NY, Hartford, and Mystic; Steve Jacoby at Chicopee and Ware; Jim Watts twice at East Windsor; Leroy Spiller at Rockville; and Dan Russell at Rockville.

Notices: PP Neal reminds the PP's of the PP picnic on 7/18/04 at George Stewart's.The action will start a 2 PM. A-M are to bring deserts and O-Z are to bring O'D's.Please call PP Neal at home 623-0144,or work 860 582-8660.Bill Saunders will hold a golf committee meeting next Wednesday at 11:30 at the ridge.Mary Martin will collect on behalf of the East Hartford Social Service Department donations of new school supplies and toiletries to assist local students in starting the new school year. Cash or checks may also be donated. Make checks out to "The Town Of  East Hartford" More information can be had through the Social Services Office at 291-7294. All donations are needed by August 6th.

On the sick list, Tom-the-tooth is coming back into form and Dave Amberg has contracted Lyme disease. He is on meds and no golf.