€¦ · {gam ma M °2 °2 7 4”AND where the rainbow shines in ghostly splendor Beneath the...


Transcript of €¦ · {gam ma M °2 °2 7 4”AND where the rainbow shines in ghostly splendor Beneath the...


air amaiilanh




Honol ul u , T . H.




(flu filly math“

These blossom s of my heart, my mother dear ,I dedic a te to you

R ed roses , l i l l ies wh ite a nd pure ,Love's fragra n t v iolets too .

They'l l s peak of me , you'l l know how wel l

The pass ionate a nd d iv ine ;A nd for the love you bear to meI tender them most !oyously

To you, 0 Mother m ine !

{gam maM °2 °2 7

4”AND where the rainbow shines in ghostly splendorBenea th the moonbeams cold and pulseless l ight ,

Thou dost inspire my soul with feel ings tender ,Till al l the world grows lovelyin my sight , !

Till l i fe becomes as radiant a s the starl igh t

Streaming from those silvery orbs above ,And my hear t within my bosom , warmly beating ,Vib rates to blisfull thoughts of holy love .

Land of migh ty mountains clad in verdure ,Whose rugged cra gs appear l ike castles old ,With stately towe rs and battlements dismantled ,Where armed knights and warriors strong and bold

Once fought for woman'

s love , and died to,

please her ,Oh , back you bring the heroic pa st to me ,

Unti l my bosom swells with strange emotions ,And grand desires of fame and chival ry !

Land of sparkling seas and golden sunlight ,Land of luscious fruits and fragrant flowers ,

Where l issome-l imbed and black-eyed dusky maidens


Beguile wi th song and dance the slumbrous hours ,Fain would I revel in your vernal beauty ,Mid sights and sounds I worship and adore ,Dreaming of peace and love and things of gladness

Til l l ife on earth for me shal l be no more !


l HE day is done , the fervent sun

ls sinking‘

neath the swelling tide ,And over land and pulsing sea

Soft , fleecy clouds are ranging wide ;The waves upon the coral strand

All day have sung their song of glee ,And gently now break on the shore ,And singing , sigh a t Waikiki !


er 1 turn my wondering gaze

A scene enchanted'

round me lies ,A purple ocean fringed with green ,Volcanic splendors in the skies ;

Upon the ocean'

s heaving breast

A rainbow gleaming radiantly ,Where white sails l ie beyond the reef

The fishing boats a t Waikiki .

And Diamond Head"

with rugged sides ,All scarred and wr inkled , seamed and old ,Above the vernal beauty stands

Like some b rown warr ior , s trong and bold ;And stately palms upon the beach

Bend low their heads al l reverently ,Whilst whispering zyphers softly tel l

How beautiful is Waikiki .

Blest scene of peace , with happy homes , ma ift ik i

Where twin ing vines and blossoms grow ;Beneath the algarobas



The sunny days quick come and go

Nor ever comes the chil ly blast

Of winter, but invitingly

The sparkl ing waves , throughout the year,Sing soothingly at Waikiki .

To ride upon the curl ing wave

The surf-board or the swift canoe ,Ah ! th is doth keep the spir i t young ,And make the world seem ever new ;Mid joys l ike these the time I

d pass ,And evermore contented be

To sing , as other bards have done

Your b lissful! charms, O Waikiki !

And one there was , above them all ,Who lingered by your placid shore


And sang divinely of your charms

Alas ! that he should sing no more .

The master mind , the kindly hear t ,The con stant soul , so wild and free ,Beneath Samoa


s palms he sleeps ,And dreams, perchance , of Waikiki

Wa ikik i And when from ear th 1 , too , depart ,Unto that realm where al l must go ,Where fragrant flowers and rarest sweets ,And joys unguessed , the soul may know ,


er enchan tment may be mine ,However great the bl iss may be ,

I stil l wil l love your golden strand

And dreamy palms , sweet Waikiki !

Eh? Ha irs nf thr 57m

l E blossoming roses the white waves come ,A wierd s trange note in their constant hum .

What are they saying ?

Weeping or singing , laughing or praying ?

Thus , and thus only , ever to me ,In varying mood ,Blissfully calm or in turbulence ,Comes the voice that I hear in 'the sea

A wierd strange note ! above or beneath

The gamut of music , so sad and so sweet .

I t speaks to my heart ,And 1 tremble with joy or I fearful ly start !

Thus , and thus only , ever to me ,In varying mood ,Blissfully calm or in turbulence ,Comes the voice that I hear

in the sea .'

Tis the voice of Creation that'

s speaking to me

In this baffl ing song of the turbulent sea .

Evermore , Oh ! my soul ,Must you question , and wait for the answer ,

Whilst the years, l ike the waves , onward roll .

And thus , and thus only , ever to me ,I n varying mood ,Blissfully calm or in turbulence

Comes the voice that I hear in the sea !


Gin a Eaughtpr nf fiamaii( lnspired by her s inging of “A ve M a ria



I thought I heard an angel sing a wondrous song today ,As reverently l knelt within the old stone church topray ;

The priest before the altar stood , sweet incense fil ledthe a ir ,

The organ pealed , and every hear t was lifted up inprayer.

[ thought of Life'

s great mystery , of God and heavenand love ,

And many strange and earnest thoughts my soul d iddeeply move ,

When Lo ! there burst upon my ear a flood of melody ,And I was wafted from the ear th in raptured ecstacy .

Soft , soft the organ hushed its tone , its loud and gladsome strain ,

And lent i tself in unison to this sub lime refrain ,And trembl ing and joyously the music and the songR ose up to God in harmony , and bore my soul along !And time was not , and earth was not , but all was peace

and rest ,And naught but love encompassed me and fi l led my

throbbing b reast .Then gen t ly died the organ


s tones , and like a happy sighThe last rapt note of melody to heaven floated high !And wondering l looked around to find the angel brightWhose song had borne my raptured soul to realms ofpure delight ;

And there she stood with smiling eyes , and mannersweetly gay

A daughter of the dreamy isles of fair Hawa i i nei !


Eh? 57mm» Warshipppr(I nsp ired by the poor , part-w itted w ight whoda i ly worsh ips K amehameha's Statue .)

B AY by day he mutely stands ,Wi th folded arms , or clasped hands ,

Gazing with stoical , abstract face ,On the statue of b ronze ,Wi th its rugged grace

A more than life-sized massive thing ,A figure of one who was once a king

Kamehameha the First , the Great ,Willed by the gods to dominate

These beauti ful isles of Hawa i i nei ,And make of his subjects a people gay .

And moveless stands his devotee ,Wrapped in a mystical reverie ,From early morn through each fleeting hour,In the b lazing sun and the sprinkl ing shower ,His wistful gaze stil l fixed upon

The monarch'

s face , ti l l the day is done .

Gaunt and haggard , with shrink ing mien ,He looks not once on the grass so green ,

On the royal palms or blossoming trees ,Nor feels the caress of the whispering b reeze ,But stares and stares with a mild surpr ise ,And a t t imes a look in the wondering eyes

Ffi ts for a moment , as though he saw

A vision that fi l led his mind with awe ,And the slow lips move , l ike one ,

in prayer ,Or speaking wi th spir its that dwell in air ;

And he forward leans , and listens , and waits ,For something there is which his heart elates ,Holding him fast by some potent spell ,As though he thought from his pedesta l

The stately king would soon step down ,And take his way through the busy town .

Ah , who can tel l what he'

s viewing there ,With those sad , wan eyes , with their absent stare ?

Who can say what his heart may feel

But certain it i s—his best ideal

ls found in the form of the statued king,Which ever and ever he


s worsh ipping !

[ IO


3] K NOW a little maiden in Honolulu town ,W i th eyes brimful of laughter and checks so soft

and b rown .

Sparkl ing like the sunshine , full of childish glee ,Merry as the b lue waves singing on the sea ;

And this pretty l ittle maiden sings to me a l ittle song ,Which somehow keeps a humming in my heart the

whole day long !

My dearest , don'

t you cry,

Hele ana no wau , hoi hou mai ."

1 said , my littl e maiden , tel l me what'

s the song you sing

And she answered me coquettishly , too cute for any thing

I t means da t l must go away , den l come back bimeby ,Den 1 tel l you dis way dat you mustn


t cry

My dearest , don'

t you cry ,Hele ana no wau , hoi hou mai .


1 1 ]

E izzir Oh , my pretty little maiden , may you never lose the grace ,The sunshine and the beauty that are beaming in

your face ,May your heart be ever joyous , nor know one li ttle sigh ,And your l ifeHow on as smoothly as your l il ting lu llaby

My dearest , don'

t you cry ,Hele ana no wau , hoi hou mai .


Kuu Aloha e , mai uwe oe ,

Hele ana no wau , hoi hou mai .

Kuu Aloha e , mai uwe oe ,

My dea r est , don’

t y ou a y

Hele ana no wau , hoi hou mai ;I a m g oing away now

,bu t

by a nd by .

[ 1 2

marry, gnu M ahrap

ARY, you Madcap , happy and free ,Dancing and skipping and romping in glee ,

Your tops and your marbles the height of your joy ,Full of fighting and fun as a sturdy-l imbed boy !

A frolicsome sparrow , a lark in the air !

Oh , your bubbling mirth is beyond al l compare .

Mary , you Madcap , every day

l l isten to all the q uaint th ings which you say ;With you r Dat fel la speak ,


Dis fel la b in see

Or Dat fel la link he more smarter than me ,But l never fraid for dat ting he b in tel l .

And the Fel las"are Lucy and Susie and Belle

Mary , you Madcap , great is your wealth

Beauty and spr ightl iness , freedom and health ;To liveliest laughter so easily stirred ,As ready to sing as the merriest b ird ,

So sweetly impromptu in all that you do ;Oh , Mary , you Madcap , who wouldn

t be you ?

1 3 ]

IKapinlaniA l ittle Pr incess of Hawa i i .

ZKAPIOLAN I , bright l it tl e maid ,A

Child of a mingled race ,Flower of the moon and the fervent sun ,Emblem of beauty and grace .

K apiola ni, the rose is sweet ,Pu re is the sparkl ing dew ,

And the fragrance and beauty together meet ,K apiola ni, in you !

K apiolani, a radiant ligh t

Fil ls the stars in the tropic skies ,But the stars are pale to me as I see

The light in your dark-brown eyes ,Your wondrous eyes , my lovely child ,Which wil l b r ing to your dainty feet

The homage of men in the years to come ,And love that is pure and sweet .

K apiolani, there'

s one li ttle b ird K apinlan i

Whose lay wi th rapture thr il l s

My listening ear, and my hear t wi th peace

And gladness ever fil l s ;And those notes 1 hear in your gentle voice

The song of the tender dove ,Speaking of l ife and its mystery ,The mystery rare of love !

K apiolan i, the sunbeams dance

On the merry waves at play ,And the spir i t wi thin you , you l issome sprite ,I s happy and free as they .

Oh , a mermaid gay indeed are you ,A nymph of the splash ing brine ,With your opulent hair and your beauty rare


And your eyes that b rightly shine .

Sweet are the songs of the twittering b irds,

Soft are the winds that blow


er the mountains grand to the coral strand,

Where the glad waves come and go ;G reen are the shores of your native isle


Kissing the sparkl ing sea ;And K apiolan i, my darl ing child ,You are a ll of these th ings to me !

1 5]

1&3t ihp mlnfiznm’

fi nrr 1h? Glnfi'


na il the 6815591 15 on 1 112 (Hart?

M HEN the blossom'

s on the coffee , and the tassel'

son the cane ,

My hear t is thinking fondly then of love ,! or Nature


s softly whisper ing to me a glad refrain ,Whilst warmly beams the sunl ight from above ;

The feathery ferns are swaying , and lovingly entwineThe clustering v ines


round every branch and tree,

And the songb irds b lithely warb le with an ecstacy div ine ,A nd l ife is sweet and beautiful to me .

When the blossom'

s on the coffee , and thetasse l


s on the cane ,Ah , then my hear t


s vibrating to the W i tch ingvoice of love ;

Oh , l l isten and l l isten to the'

wilder ing soundsagain ,

When the si lken tassel'

s hanging on the wav ingsugar cane .

When the b lossom'

s on the coffee , and the tassel'

s onthe cane ,

By winding gulch and crysta l running streams ,My soul is fi l led with longing, and again i t sweetly dwel lsIn a fa iryland of radiant raptured dreams ;Oh , my heart has long been sleeping


neath a misty vei lof thought ,

But Nature came with her impassioned kiss ,And it woke from its grey slumbers , awoke to dream againIn Love


s bright realm of harmony and bliss !

[ I 6

A lana ta up 1» {fiawaii


IER ICHT sunny land with wa te rs sof t ly gleaming ,My fancy


s ever turning unto you ,Where


e r l roam l'

m eve r fondly dreaming

Of scenes that with aloha me imbue .

Aloha ia oe e Hawa ii ,Bright blossom of the calm Pacific sea ,Deep in my heart your beauty e


er wil l l inger ,Hawa i i , rarest land of al l to me .

Soft are your charms O beautiful Hawaii ,With gentle smiles my gaze you ever greet ,

Pure are your streams from hills and valleys flowing ,To where the waves are singing at your feet .

O singing waves and palms in welcome waving ,You bring to me a tranquil peace and rest ,

O smiling vales and mountains green with verdure ,With you my soul would be forever b lest .

Aloha ia oe e Hawa i i

L ov e z‘

oy ou Hawa i i .

1 7]

ifinmanrp nf 1 119 N ight E lnnming0191'q

fiHE gazed on the beau t ifu l moon ,The moon with his chaste , holy light ,

ln her opulent beau ty serene ,Through the cool dreamy hours of the night ;The soft zeyphers whispered of love ,And sweet were the words which they said ,But though honeyed the thoughts to her heart ,She smiled as she shook her fair head ;

For her Lord was the beautiful Moon !

The moon , from the star-studded sky ,Looked down on his young blushing bride ,

I n her shimmering tresses of gold ,With glances of love and of pride ;Oh ! rarest of b lossoms, he sighed ,Let me kiss the b r ight smiles on your face ,

! or you'

ve won , by your beauty , my heart ,And enraptured my soul by your grace .

Oh ! my Love ! Oh ! my Life ! cried

Moon !

[ 1 8

And through the soft , t remulous night ,The moon , from his throne high above ,Breathed vows to the queen of h is heart ,Wafted kisses of tenderest love ;But alas ! with the coming of morn ,The sun her rare beauty espied ,And in the fierce warmth of his kiss

She swooned , and she withered and died !

And her Love was the beauti ful Moon !

The flower b looms glor iously in the light of the moon ,and dies when the sun shines upon it .

I 9]

Oh ! far in the moonl ight

Come wander wi th me ,And “I sing to you softlyThe song of the sea ;


Tis a song never ending ,Though ever


t is new ,

Of grace and of beauty ,Of Love and of You ;

The witchery of love ,And the sweetness of you !

illlg illittlp Ernmn-fikinnvh math

! IAN I trust my heart in your keeping ,My lit tl e brown-skinned maid ?

Would you treasure it wel l and fondly ?

Ah me ! l'

m sore afraid ;! or my hear t of Love is a flower

Of delicate form and hue ,And if love should lack


twould pe r ish

Through lack of the love in you !

Yet you r eyes are soft and tender

As those of a young gazel le,And of Love and i ts dreams and longings

A tale to me they tel l ;But alas ! alas ! for my dreaming ,You


re a butterfly b r ight and gay ,And the love of a b rown-skinned maiden

ls the love of a sin gle day !

(195 513 11 5mm

R ETTY and quaint indeed to see ,A spray of b loom from a che rry tree ,

As she gazed on me in the roadway there ,With her bright brown eyes , and her blue-black h

This sweet l itt le maiden from Japan ,Dainty and piquant Osayo San .

R ed was her tiny under l ip ,R ed as a cherry at the tip ,

And her cheeks as a peach were soft and b rown ,As she shyly b lushed ere glancing down ,

This sweet l i tt le maiden from Japan ,Dainty and piquant Osayo San .

A roguish smile was in her eye ,Despite her manner demure and shy ,

And Oh ! she was al l that was cute and neat ,From her opulent hair to her sandal led feet ,

This sweet l it t le maiden from Japan ,Dainty and piquant Osayo San .

I said ! My dear l i ttle Japanee ,Oh , fly away to the woods with me ;


ll gather the ” M i le and flowers each day ,And weave them into a beau t iful

And crown you my queen from gay Japan ,Dainty and piquant Osayo San .

2 3 ]

Or fly with me to some charming isle ,Where the sun wil l ever upon us smile ,Where the b lue waves sing a soothing song ,A nd the palm trees wave the glad day long ,

Where we'

l l exi led b e under Love’

s sweet ban ,Dain ty and piquant O sayo San .

Or come wi th me where the wild bees hum ,

My blossoming li t tle Chrysanthemum ,

To a fair , green valley of which l know ,

Where the songbirds carol and wildflowers blow ,

And there for your pleasure l’

ll dream and plan ,My sweet lit tle maiden , O sayo San .

As fervent and warm and sweet to you


ll be as the sun and the sparkl ing dew ,

And my thoughts wil l be as the cherry-bloom

Of your native land , wi th i ts soft perfume ,My own li t t le sweethear t from Japan ,Dainty and piquant Osayo San .

And I'

ll sing you a song that will never die ,Of the b irds and the flowers and the s tars in the sky ,And t ime wil l dreamily drif t and glide

On Love’

s impassioned and rapturous t ide ,My dear l i t tle dar l ing from Japan ,Dainty and piq uant O sayo San .

[2 4

But alas ! for my wooing , i t b rought the woe (lDfiagn S un

An impromptu lover doth often know

Alas ! for my dream , so sweet and fair ,All she said in the roa dway there ,

Was ! l no l ike a sassy man !

Dainty and piquant Osayo San .


g HAPELY , pleasing to the sight ,Eyes of night that sparkle b r ight ;

Dusky is her pl iant form ,

P l ump and rounded , fresh and warm .

But oh , the l ight within her eyes ,Tell ing of closing shades of even ,I s not the light that speaks of heaven ,But of Love


s lurid , tropic skies !

Swift the ligh tn ing of her glance

Thoughts al l wayward doth inspire

Within my heart , and doth entrance

My soul , and change my b lood to fire .

Ah , must turn away from thee ,Or must the angels pray for me !

Farewell , you draw me from Love’

s holy vow ,

Farewell , O Passion—Piinao !


En K aiulani’

fi finrtr ait

mAlD EN of the soulful eyes , oft have l sung to manyMaidens fair , but none so rare as you , swee tKaiulani .

Brigh t daughter of a tropic cl ime , you r bounteousmother, Nature ,

Bestowed on you her loveliness in every perfect feature .

Ah , sure , those orbs bespeak a hear t where Love is softrecl ining ;

The ligh t is from his merry eyes that in their depths i sshining .

Those limpid depths , wherein my soul , by Love so longneglec ted ,

Might gaze and find its sweetest thoughts in glowingtin ts reflected !

The palms that grace your nat ive isle , the foliage eververnal ,

The stars that deck the azure skies , resplendent and eternal ,The silvery moon , the fragrant flowers , the song-birdsb li thely singing ,

And every b liss that Nature holds , your face to me isb r inging .

The mountains green are grand to v iew , wi th cloudsabove them sail ing ,

Enhancing their immensity , their summits partly veiling ;The crystal streams that from their hear ts are ever soft ly

well ing ,Of Love


s clear stream wi thin your being are musicallytell ing .

2 7]

The radiant rainbows in the skies , the dewdrops in themorning ,

The beau t ies of the set ting sun . the freshness of thedawning ,

With tenderest , sweetest ravishments they endlesslyimbue me ,

And in your eyes 1 find the joys they freely speak untome !

Yet do I smile to think such guile is in a picture livingA portrait of your gracious Self— to set my spiri t grievmg ;

But here methinks l fondly view that which I’

m everseeking !

The gem refined , the soul and mind , beyond al l language speaking !

Oh , shadow of a lovely form ! a graceful , budding woman ,You woo me wi th a sub tle power , transcendent , superhuman .

Alas !'

t is but an idle dream, and one of very many ,Yet , how can one help loving you you Siren ,Kaiulani !


Armip Akamu

ANN IE AK AMU of Hilo Town ,Annie Akam u , a sweet little miss ,

With a da in ty smile and a dain t ier frown ,And lips you


d be longing to kiss !

Annie Akam u , a Spir i t doth fly

From heaven to earth , and hearts ensnare ,And deep in your roguish and soft brown eye


v e seen him nestl ing there !

Annie Akam u , a lily doth b loom

I n a land far over the Western sea ,With a golden hear t and a rare perfume ,Oh , you are that l ily to me !

Annie Akam u , the l ily dies ,Some day its b eautiful l ife is o


er,But the love that beams in your gentle eyes

Wil l l ive for evermore !

And , Annie , my dear , in the afterwhile ,When I see the rain and the sparkl ing dew,


ll th ink , as the rain comes softly down ,Of the merry rain in Hilo Town ,Of a girl with a dainty smile and frown ,And that little girl is you !


An {fiamaiian munEfilnmrr


S a wild flower b looms in the Isle of Hawa i i ,On the hills where in Kona the r ich coffee grows ;

No violet so fragrant , so modest and W insome ,No beautv so rare in the young blush ing rose .

lts influence soft to my heart penetrated ,Sweet were the emotions commingling there ,So W i tching the glamor, my thoughts they were centered

On all that in l ife is most lovely and fair.

Oh , th is flower of Hawa i i 5 a charming young maiden ,With eyes that are full of a heavenly grace ,And a Love that is pure and exal ted and holy ,lllum in ing ever her angel ic face !

Her manner i s courteous , gracious and queenly ,Her voice l ike the nightingale


s , thril l s with del igh t

As he sings to the stars that are smil ing serenely ,Whilst sleeps the sti l l earth on the bosom of night .

I n dreams l'

v e beheld many rav ishing b lossoms ,Transcending al l others I

v e known upon earth ,And this flowerlet that blows on the hills of Hawa ii ,Methinks in that region Celestia l had birth .

Ah ! never again may gaze on its beauty ,Never on earth , while the years onward roll ,

But an image ” I keep of this wild , fragrant blossom ,

Forever enshrined in my truth-lov ing soul !


£7a a t 1 119 M ailman(H i lo, Hawa i i )

7 AfR i s the river whose waters are flowing

Over the lava-rocks into the sea ,Where on its banks the moon flowe rs are b lowing ,And the sweet /za /a ever blooms fragran t ly .

Glorious the rainbow , b r i l l ian t ly gleaming ,Where o


er the pa /i they b reak into spray ;Then softly murmur ing , r ippling and eddying,Gently they


re gl iding into the bay .

Then softly murmur ing , etc .

Clear crysta l river , smooth is your curren t

Whilst the warm sun in the sky'

s gleaming brigh t ,But in the storm you


re a mad , raging torrent ,Brawling and roaring in your wild seething fl ight .

Then from your bosom voices are wail ing ,Where your swift waters rush towards the reef ;And the k a m a a i n a s fearfu lly tell us

That they are warnings of pain and of grief .

And the k a m a a z

n a s, etc .

3 I ]

Gin An fiamaiian fikglark

EUTHEST of warb lers , sweet is thy lay ,Delightfully rolling , each clar ion note

R ings through the air on this bright , sunny day ,R arest of music from thy mellow throat .

Oh , how entrancing thy glad voice to hear,What a grand medley of


wilder ing sound ,Falling deliciously down on my ear ,Soft ly d iffusing its essence around !

Like merry laughter your l ifting notes ring ,Where the broad swords of the sugar-cane sway


Like to a bell when it ceases to swing ,Murmuring dreamily , then fading away .

Trembling, enraptured as upward you soar

By the green mountains of fair Waianae,

A fountain of mirth fulness bubb ling o'


With melody flooding the earth and the sky !

Say , happy songster, what makes you so glad ?

What is the theme of your wondrous lay ?

Do you not sometimes feel weary and sad ,I s your wee hear t always cheery and gay ?

Sweetly you'

re singing when morning is here ,And when the short evening has drawn to a close


Your r ich , thr il l ing voice is sti l l warbling as clear

As when in the morning al l freshly you rose !

3 3 ]

Would I were l ike thee , bli the b ird of the air ,Would tha t my soul gushed wi th music like thine ;Then might I banish al l thoughts of dull care ,lf but such utterance only were mine ;Then would l tril l my soft anthems of glee

On Love'

s rosy wings speeding l ightly along ;Contented with liberty , joyous and free ,l'

d sigh my last b reath in wild rapture of song !

(hulrhra nf fiamaiiTATELY , wav ing palms , cluster ing lauhala ,R ippling, murmu ring streams ,

Waters clear and shallow

Flowing to the sea

Where soft winds are blowing ,Voluptuously around ferns and grasses growing ;Here the sumac waves ,There the green kukui ,With its silvery leaves . Oh , a lo/za n u i

A la/1 a n u i 10a, everywhere I spy ye ,

Wi th your beau ty rare ,C ulches of Hawaii !

Aloha nui loaVcry m a c/z lov e .

[3 4

Elli? fiaaag {flittlp fiamaiian (fiir l

31 MET a li t tle girl in Honolulu ,One of those black-eyed , b rown-sk inned little girls ,

Who never have their hai r done up in paper ,Like white li ttl e gir l s cultivating curls .

But she was so quaint , so pret ty and so cur ious ,l said ,

“My little girl , how do you do ?

And what do you think she said— the l ittle Brownie“Who you ?

1 am a great b ig man , my li ttle baby

[ Just fool ing her , because I'

m rather smal l ] ,And I


v e a great b ig pocket filled with candylf you tel l to me your name l


ll give you a l l .

And what she said I'

m sure you'

d never guess i t ;Just looking up as though she didn


t mind ,And wasn


t a t all afraid— the sassy babyYou funny kind !

I th ink you‘

funny kind ,’

my sassy baby ,I said to her , al though I didn


t know

The meaning of that“funny kind expression ,

But thought l’

d fi nd out by pretending so .

And the answer that she gave— the l ittle k eik i

I f you guessed at i t a l l day I think you'

d fail ;She frowned at me and said , P upzrle lza o/e ,

I no got tail !

3 5]

Oh , you never saw a gir l who was so sassy !

But 1 said , My litt le girl , you should be sweet

And nice , and every one would give you candy

And lots of money and good th ings to eat .

And then she just got sassier than ever,And , making faces , down the street she flew ,

Saying !“I no l ike ; you too much cheeky 561 01 8 ,

Nobody like you !

Pupule haole

Cr a zy w/zi ie m a n .

Eh» fiamaiian’

a Eamm i fur fiia

IBELOVED flag ! my country'

s and my own ,Thou

l t float no more o'

er these fair tropic

No more mine eyes thou'

l t gladden into smiles ;Thou art forever and fo rever gone !

But whilst the waves wash on the coral strand ,ln Memory


s arch , al l tokens far above ,l'

ll thee revere with looks of fondest love ,Dear emblem thou of this— my native land !

[3 6

$011 ] Smart In Erwin a t


A ir ! ! ra D iavolo.

OW sweet to dream of loveBeside the waves of the whisper ing sea ,

Singing a wonderful song to me ,As they ever onward t o"!But oh , the song they singls soft and sweet , and sad and low ,

And swift the melody rare doth flowDeep into my soul !

Heigh ho ! Oh , for the light in Love'

s brigh t eyes !Oh , for the flame that never dies ,

But l ives forevermore !Heigh ho ! Oh , for the b l iss which Love doth bring ,This is the musical song they sing ,

Breaking on the shore !

When the morning b reaks ,And the lamps no more in heaven are hung ,Sweet are the songs on every tongue ,And the voice of the cooing dove .

And wheresoe'

er l roam ,

By mountain , vale and stream and hil l ,The song that

s echoing , echoing stil lls love , is love , is love !

Heigh ho ! etc.

3 7]

A luha , K im A loha , A lohaSONG

A ir !“! ra D iavo lo

wHY should you be sighing wearily ,loha , kuu aloha , aloha ,When love is ever smil ing cheerily ,

Aloha , kuu aloha , aloha .Where the flowers are b looming , beautiful and fair ,ln the sparkl ing waters , in the whisper ing air ,And through the boundless spaces , Love is there ,

Aloha , kuu a loha , aloha !

W here the waves are sounding on the shore ,Aloha , kuu aloha , aloha ,

Love is ever call ing , o’

er and o’

er ,Aloha , kuu aloha , aloha .

Yet often when you seek him , l aughingly he’

l l fly,

Though you pour your hear t out in a yearning sigh ,Then ere you know the moment Love is nigh ,

Aloha , kuu aloha , aloha !

Love doth come unb idden to each breast,Aloha , kuu aloha , aloha ,

Bringing to the mind a sweet unrest ,Aloha , kuu aloha , aloha .

But happiness he'

l l b r ing , too , morning , noon and night ,And loveliness will beam in al l that greets your sight ,And the wor ld be b r imming o


er with glad delight ,Aloha , kuu a loha , aloha !

[3 8

Love is never sleeping nigh t or day ,Aloha , kuu aloha , aloha .

Wantonly he takes his merry way ,Aloha , kuu aloha , aloha .

Oh ! you must beware , or he will pierce you r hea rt ,For the rogue is armed with many a cunning dart ,But b liss is ever mingled wi th the smart ,

Aloha , kuu aloha , aloha !

lf love should come , then joy will never die ,Aloha , kuu aloha , aloha .

Nevermore your hear t wil l need to sigh ,loha , kuu aloha , aloha .

Sweet will be the fancies that around you throng ,Air ily and bli thely time will gl ide along ,And life wil l be a dream of flowers and song ,

Aloha , kuu aloha , aloha !

Kuu Alohafl /y L ov e .

3 9]

Oh ! to see her in the dance ,Faith she would your soul entrance ,Like a dream of wild romance °

Helen of Kailua .

ln her features you can trace

All the soft and yie lding grace

Of the old Hawaiian race

Helen of Kailua .

Like a bird upon its nest ,Oh ! forever could I rest

On her warm and heavin g breast

Helen of Kailua .

4 1 ]

A lnf a

To a p icture of a Taupo ma idenof the South Seas

LOFA , Alofa , a love—laden saying ;A h ! dusky-hued savage , what pleasure there lies

I n the warmth of your being , in the love glances playingWi thin the b r igh t depths of your passionate eyes !

Clad in the garments which Nature has wove for you ,(b aint and luxurious and brief is your dress ;So lovely you are , by the gods I would rove for youMill ions of miles your b rown bosom to press !

A lofa , Taupo , soon wil l I come to you ,Soon will l fold you close unto my heart ;And the songs that 1 fashion forever l

l l hum to you ,Ever and ever , and never to part .

A lofa , A lofa ! oh . smile to my yearning ,Drain the wild rapture that flows in my veins !Nurse me and succor me , ease the mad bu rningThat surges within me ! Love


s b l iss-laden pains !

Then wil l l b lend to you , finding no end to you ,Clinging as mortal but clings in a kiss ;Sweetly l


ll sigh to you , fondly l’

ll die to you ,Drowned in love

s whirls of del ir ious bl iss !

[4 2

Eh? 57m( Leaving Honol u l u )

EHE sea , the wild sea , in the gather ing dark ,With the swift , hissing waves and the on-rushing

bark ,Like a bat in the n igh t , wi th its b road wings outspread

To the phantom-l ike clouds lower ing gr imly o'

erhead ;

A dim , l ur id l ight in the west , where the sun

I n a turbulent mood from our vision had gone ;A ghostly horned-moon in mad haste hurrying by ,With one lonely star in an ominous sky ;And the waves , wi th loud shouting grown husky and

hoarse ,Like demons flying on , on their wide-sweeping course ;The lusty-lunged winds swelling out every sail ,Groaning loud as they


re hugged to the breast of the gale !

Oh ! the loud-shouting waves , how they leap and they

play.Drenching vessel and sails with their white , splash ing

spray !

And the b reeze , how of health and of vigor it speaks ,Bringing smiles to our eyes and a glow to our cheeks ;How the b lood in our veins gaily dances along ,Like the wild , reckless waves , with their weird , W itching

song !

4 3 ]

No soft , whisper ing airs in the land left behind

Have such life-giving zest as this deep-brea thing wind ,Such vigor and strength , or balm such as this

In the length and the b readth and the depth of their kiss !


t is swee t to ab ide in the isles of the palm ,

Midst the odorous warmth and the slumberous calm ,

Yet the mind tires at leng th of the le thargic ease ,And the charms that once ravished no longer can please ,And it turns to the life that is bounding and free ,To the winds and the spray of the deep , singing sea !

manna Ema

(The Volc an ic Mounta in )

qK E to some wondrous world transfixed in v iewlessspace ,

Suspended in the sky ,Wi th a milk'white veil of snow upon your stony face ,Seen through the fleecy clouds that

round you lie .Lonely

,myster ious , cold and still a s death ,

Stupendous in your vastness ! Silentlyln awe l gaze , and catch my quickening brea thDread emblem thou of l ife


s eterni ty !Weird

,solemn spectre , phantom-l ike you hold

And haunt me by your majesty subl ime ;Seeming beyond the reach of al l save God ;lmpervious to the wither ing work of Time !

[4 4

Aloha , fiamaiiHULA

(R eturn ing to Honol u l u )HE morning al l gloriously is b reaking

Sweet morning , brigh t morning , th is glad tropic

morning ,As merrily our roll ing way we


re taking

Over, on over the sea .

The sun o'

er the waters blue is beaming

This morning , brigh t morning , this glad tropic morning ,Whilst the clouds in the heavens yet are dreaming

Over , on over the sea .

Our ship on the ocean’

s b reast is heaving

This morning , bright morning, th is glad tropic morning ,As swiftly the laughing waves she

s cleaving

Over , on over the sea .

The bells fore and aft are gaily rhyming

This morning , bright morning , this glad tropic morning ,The time that is passing softly chiming

Over , on over the sea .

The breezes the sails are roundly swelling !

This morning , bright morning , th is glad t ropic morning,Whilst the log in our wake the miles is tel l ing

Over, on over the sea .

4 5]

A boa l‘s above his course i s winging

This morning , brigh t morning , this glad tropic morning ,And the b il lows a song of l ife are singing

Over, on over the sea .

The land through the clouds ahead is showing

This morning , b r ight morning , this glad tropic morning,The land of Hawaii where we


re going

Over , on over the sea .

The palms by the lava-rocks are swaying

This morning , bright morning , th is glad tropic morning ,Where the waves on the coral strand are playing

Over , on over the sea .

Oh ! sweet the that wil l greet us

This morning , b r i gh t morning , this glad tropic morning ,From the fr iends who are waiting there to meet us

Over, on over the sea .

A la/l a,a lolza

, oh , Hawaii !A l a /2a

,a lo/za ,

a lo/za n u i loa f

A l a/1 a,a lo/za

, oh , Hawa i i !

! or oh , thou ar t dear unto me !

[4 6

Elly? Em uing of ifirpem


(IBN the wharf they are gathered together,This beautiful , sunny day ,Where the ships and boa ts in the harborAre looking so b r ight and gay ;Father and mother and b ro ther ,Sister and relatives , al lWith grief in their hearts , and the sunl igh tTo them is a funeral pal l .

Oh ! the weeping and wail ing,Oh ! the torrents of tears ,For th is is their hour of parting ,And that not alone for years ,But ever and ever and ever,Never to meet in l ife ,Fathe r and mother and b rother ,Sister, and husband , and wife .

Here is a poor , lone mother ,Clasping her youthful sonClose to her b reast , and weepingTears that are never done .Soon they wil l take him from her,And the l ight of her l ife destroy ,

! or her poor old hear t is b reakingBy the loss of her dar l ing boy .

4 7]

And here , benumbed , hear t-broken ,An a ffl icted woman stands ,With a voice that i s choked by sobbing ,Clasping her daughter


s hands ,And twixt the d reary wailingThere comes a piteous cryFrom the child of that anguished mother

“Good-bye , Mama , good-bye .

Good—bye , Mama , forever !Oh ! must you from me go ?And they cling unto each otherI n the depths of their bitter woe ;

Then the tears afresh are flowing ,And again that piteous cry ,That speaks of a world of sorrow

Good-bye , Mama , good-bye .

Then over the smiling watersA boat is slowly rowed ;

it comes to take the lepersTo their l ifelong dread abode ,Away to a distant island ,Never again to v iew

The scenes of their happy childhood ,And the friends so fond and true !

4 9]

Never again to l istenTo the voices that they love ,Never by mountain and val ley ,And crysta l s treams to rove ,Never wi th friend or loverTo spend the sunny hours

I n favorite haunts , and gatherThe beautiful , fragrant flowers.

Never father or mother ,Bro ther or sister to see ,But outcasts among strangers ,This is their dest iny ;Morning , noon and eveningTheir heartfel t woe to nurse ,Wi th those alone who are bear ing .

The marks of their terr ib le curse !

And now a steamer'

s whistleBreaks on the warm , stil l air ,But it comes to the weary mournersLike a wail of dark despair ,

Though the sky is b lue and the sunl ightGleams on the ocean


s b reast ,And the verdurous vales and mountainsAre speaking of peace and rest .

Then rises a cry of sorrow , a ll? mwuingA prolonged , dreary moan ,

of “i tLike the voice of a suffering spiri tFrom whom all hope has flown ;

And the last are spokenAnd the boat from the wharf departsBearing away i ts cargoOf bleeding and broken hearts ;

Bearing away its burdenOf l ife that has lost i ts l ight ,Taking it into the lonelyPain of an endless night ;

And the steamer gl ides over the wa ters ,Away from the coral shore ,

Which the gaze of the stri cken crea turesWil l rest on nevermore !

S I ]

C'In Efiathpr Eamim

3! T never has been given me , the fullthe sweet felicity ,

To know thee , Fa ther Damien , thou noble midst

my fel lowmen ,

But I have stood beside thy grave , on that lone I sle of

Molokai ,And to thy goodness dropped a tear , beneath the

smiling , tropic sky ,And dwel t upon thy chastened l ife , unselfish , humble

and divine ,And fel t the Spiri t of the Chr is t wi thin my soul , and


twas th ine !

And low , beside that hal lowed spot , I knel t one balmy

summer morn ,With those around for whom you died , and wished

that l was never born !

Oh ! where is Cod? could but cry , appal led such

wretchedness to v iew ,

Such suffer ing and such misery , as these poor stricken

creatures knew .


And then I felt thy presence nigh , and knew their l ives

were not in vain ,Some lesson to them was being taught , some needed

lesson through their pain ;I asked no longer where was God , for one sweet moment

al l was stil l ,And then l saw as thou hadst seen , and bowed my

head unto His Will .

Oh , dwell s the re one upon the earth who would traduce

thy spotless name ,May God proclaim to him thy worth , and bow his

head in cr imson shame ,May God forgive his err ing soul , and teach him , even

through misery ,That he may the compassion fee! which in this world

exalted thee !

53 ]

Hawa i i

The Voice of the SeaTo a D aughter of Hawa i i

The Statue W orsh ipperL izz ie .Mary, You MadcapK apiola ni

W hen the B lossom's on the Coffee, and the Tassel


son the Cane

A loha ia oe c Hawa i iRomance of the N ight B loom ing CereusA Moon ! lowerMy L ittle B rown Sk inned MaidOsayo San .


Love's Young D ream .

K a iulan i's Portra itA nn ie Akam u

A n Hawa i ian W i ld ! lowerSong of the W a i l ukuTo an Hawa i ian Sky larkG ulches ofThe Sassy L ittl e Hawa iian G ir l .The Hawa i ian's Lament for H is ! lagHow Sweet to D ream of LoveA loha , K uu A loha, A lohaHelen of K ail ua“Alofa

The SeaMauna LoaA loha , Hawa i i .

The Leav ing of theTo ! ather D am ien


T h is book is D UE on th e l a st d a te s tam ped b elow.