GA WIN List Endorses Diane B. Evans for House District #127 Seat

From Georgia's WIN Lists Facebook Page - November 19, 2013 Georgia WIN List's is proud to endorse candidate Diane Evans for House District 127 in Augusta. Diane faces a runoff for the seat on December 3rd, so time is of the essence to help us support her! She is a progressive Democratic woman who will be a voice for our issues. And Diane's election would provide the opportunity to increase the number of women in the legislature and a chance to change the face of power in Georgia not just inside the perimeter. She has a long, impressive history of service to her community as an educator, a minister, as chair of the Jefferson County Democratic Party and as a DNC delegate to the 2012 National Convention. Help TODAY to support Diane Evans by clicking the link below:


Georgia WIN List's is proud to endorse candidate Diane Evans for House District 127 in Augusta. Diane faces a runoff for the seat on December 3rd, so time is of the essence to help us support her! She is a progressive Democratic woman who will be a voice for our issues. And Diane's election would provide the opportunity to increase the number of women in the legislature and a chance to change the face of power in Georgia not just inside the perimeter. She has a long, impressive history of service to her community as an educator, a minister, as chair of the Jefferson County Democratic Party and as a DNC delegate to the 2012 National Convention. Help TODAY to support Diane Evans by clicking the link below:

Transcript of GA WIN List Endorses Diane B. Evans for House District #127 Seat

Page 1: GA WIN List Endorses Diane B. Evans for House District #127 Seat

From Georgia's WIN List’s Facebook Page - November 19, 2013

Georgia WIN List's is proud to endorse candidate Diane Evans for House District 127 in Augusta. Diane

faces a runoff for the seat on December 3rd, so time is of the essence to help us support her! She is a

progressive Democratic woman who will be a voice for our issues. And Diane's election would provide

the opportunity to increase the number of women in the legislature and a chance to change the face of

power in Georgia not just inside the perimeter. She has a long, impressive history of service to her

community as an educator, a minister, as chair of the Jefferson County Democratic Party and as a DNC

delegate to the 2012 National Convention.

Help TODAY to support Diane Evans by clicking the link below:

Page 2: GA WIN List Endorses Diane B. Evans for House District #127 Seat


Did you know that currently in Georgia, only 8 Democratic women serve in the Senate, only 30 Democratic

women serve in the House of Representatives, and no Democratic women are elected to statewide office?

Georgia’s WIN List is a political action committee dedicated to changing the face of power in Georgia politics

by recruiting, training, supporting and electing progressive Democratic women across the state who will serve as

effective advocates for the issues most important to women and their families.

The word “WIN” in our name stands for “Women In Numbers.

In 2008, Georgia’s WIN List invested more than $60,000 to elect twenty-two progressive, Democratic women

to the state legislature, including two new women to the House of Representatives and one new woman to the

Senate. Georgia’s WIN List donors gave even more by writing checks directly to endorsed candidates of their


You can help change the face of power in Georgia by contributing to Georgia’s WIN List today. We believe

by working together we will elect more women and improve the quality of life for all Georgians.

Since 2000, we have invested more than $800,000, right here in Georgia, to provide financial, strategic and

political support to progressive women candidates who are committed to reproductive freedom and economic,

educational and legal equality for all.

Contributors to Georgia’s WIN List receive profiles of endorsed candidates for the General Assembly and

statewide office and write personal checks to those candidates whom they choose to support. Checks to candidates

from both WIN List and its supporters demonstrate that WOMEN IN NUMBERS can change the face of Georgia


Please be sure to sign up for our mailing list, or join us on the social networks. For information about hosting

one of our upcoming events, or to make a contribution by phone or mail, contact PAC Director Anna Beck.

Our Mission

Georgia’s WIN list is a political action committee dedicated to electing and protecting Democratic women who

will preserve reproductive freedom in Georgia.

Our Vision

Changing the face of power in Georgia by electing pro-choice Democratic Women in Numbers.

Our Desired impacts

Women are prepared to run and hold office

Women are funded to run for office

Women are elected and re-elected to office

Our Endorsed women feel supported when running for and holding office

Our Strategy

Target legislative and statewide races

Recruit, train and support pro-choice Democratic women to run for office in Georgia

Provide technical and financial support early so that women will be viable candidates

Engage and activate women on behalf of endorsed candidates