
BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF 1KB FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM 6.12.3 For release in afternoon papers, Friday, July 26, 1946 July 25, 1946 BUSINESS INDEXES 1959 average 5 100 for factory employment and paydblls; 192)-25 -.verago a 100 for construction contracfcww 1935*39 average = 100 for all other series. H&'D 2* FIUES JUL S 81946 Adjusted for seasonal variation June 3HZ ZCZEE w Juno V.ithout seasonal adjustment " W June TT L w June Industrial production Total Manufactures Total Durable Honourable Minerals Construction contracts, value Total Residential All other Factory employment Total [Xirable goods Nondurable goods Factory payrolls Total Durable goods Nondurable goods Freight osrlo&dings Department store sales, value Department store stocks, value p--^re 1 Iminary . pl?0 159 P175 P%92 Pl6l pii+i * * 167 175 160 115 169 179 161 pi38.7 138.1 pl56.2 154.8 P125.0 124.9 220 233 308 173 144 50 22 73 157.2 204.3 120.1 pl71 159 pl?6 P193 Pl6l pl44 166 176 159 115 13; 106 P275 r256 200 r—Revised. 140 202 179 * 203 211 196 pi38.4 137.0 pl56.2 154.8 P124.4 123.0 * 246.2 * 263.1 * 229.7 137 107 p253 248 » 200 220 234 308 173 147 59 24 87 156.9 204.4 119.5 314.6 414.2 217.3 145 186 175 Data' not yct available• Motet—Production, earloadings, and department store sales indexes based on daily averages* To convert durable manufactures, nondurable, r nufactures* and minerals indexes to points in total index, shown in Federal Res^rv Chart Book, multiply durable by .379# nondurable by »U69, and minerals by #152. Construction contract indexes based on 3-month moving averages, centered at second month, of F. %. Dodge data for 37 Eastern States. To convert indexes to value figures, shown in Federal Reserve Chart Book, multiply total by 3410,269,000, residential by 5184,137,000 and a l l other by {226,132,000. Employment index, without seasonal adjustment, nnd payrolls index compiled by Bureau of Labor S t a t i s t i c s . Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Transcript of g123_19460725.pdf


    6.12.3 For release in afternoon papers, Friday, July 26, 1946

    July 25, 1946


    1959 average 5 100 for factory employment and paydblls; 192)-25 -.verago a 100 for construction contracfcww

    1935*39 average = 100 for al l other ser ies .

    H&'D 2* FIUES

    JUL S 81946

    Adjusted for seasonal variation

    June 3 H Z Z C Z E E w Juno

    V.ithout seasonal adjustment

    " W June TT L

    w June

    Indus t r ia l production Total Manufactures

    Total Durable Honourable

    Minerals Construction contracts , value

    Total Residential All other

    Factory employment Total [Xirable goods Nondurable goods

    Factory payrolls Total Durable goods Nondurable goods

    Freight osrlo&dings

    Department store s a l e s , value

    Department s tore stocks, value

    p--^re 1 Iminary .

    pl?0 159

    P175 P%92 Pl6l pii+i



    167 175 160 115

    169 179 161

    pi38.7 138.1 pl56.2 154.8 P125.0 124.9


    233 308 173 144 50 22 73

    157.2 204.3 120.1

    pl71 159

    pl?6 P193 Pl6l pl44

    166 176 159 115

    13; 106

    P275 r256






    * 203 211 196

    pi38.4 137.0 pl56.2 154.8 P124.4 123.0

    * 246.2 * 263.1 * 229.7

    137 107

    p253 248



    234 308 173 147

    59 24 87

    156.9 204.4 119.5

    314.6 414.2 217.3




    Data' not yct available

    MotetProduction, earloadings, and department s tore sales indexes based on dai ly averages* To convert durable manufactures, nondurable, r nufactures* and minerals indexes to points in to ta l index, shown in Federal Res^rv Chart Book, multiply durable by .379# nondurable by U69, and minerals by #152.

    Construction contract indexes based on 3-month moving averages, centered at second month, of F. %. Dodge data for 37 Eastern States. To convert indexes to value f igures , shown in Federal Reserve Chart Book, multiply to ta l by 3410,269,000, residential by 5184,137,000 and a l l other by {226,132,000.

    Employment index, without seasonal adjustment, nnd payrolls index compiled by Bureau of Labor S ta t i s t i c s .

    Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

  • INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION (1955-39 average s 100)

    Adjusted f o r seasonal va r i a t ion

    Without seasonal adjustment

    194& 1945 1946 1945 June I May iFune June May June

    MANURAC'RIRSS Iron and s tee l P l55 109 192 P155 109 192

    Pig iron * 86 181 * 86 181 Steel 168 126 214 168 126 21h

    Open hearth 11*3 98 173 143 98 173 Elec t r i c 34i 319 505 341 519 505

    M&chinery p2bl 230 393 p24l 230 393 Transportation equipment P236 239 572 P236 239 572

    Automobiles pl66 162 207 pl66 162 207 Honferrous metals end products * 130 219 * 130 219

    Smelting and refining pl 10 109 184 pl09 109 183 Lumber and products Pl30 129 116 Pl37 131 121

    Lunfcer pl22 123 104 Pl33 126 113 Furniture pi45 142 133 pl45 142 . 138

    Stone, c lay, and glass products pl90 176 166 P192 181 166 Plate glass 119 133 43 119 135 43 Cement * 128 95 * 135 102 Clay products plU7 140 121 pl46 i4o 120 Gypsum and p las te r products pl94 18? 172 P198 190 175 Abrasive and asbestos products p2i*0 226 298 p240 226 298

    Textiles and products pl65 164 150 pl65 164 150 Cotton consumption 152 l!+9 144 152 149 144 Rayon del iver ies 240 246 220 240 246 220 Wool t e x t i l e s * 174 144 $ 174 144

    l ea the r products * 126 127 * / 126 126 T&nning * 105 119 * 105 116

    Catt le hide lea thers m 125 137 * 125 132 Calf and kip leathers $ 74 97 * 71 99 Goat and kid leathers * 49 56 * 48 57 Sheep and lamb lea thers * 118 137 * ' 127 135

    Shoes $ 140 132 * 140 132 Manufactured food products Pl37 142 151 pi 36 135 150

    Wheat flour** p93 p93 138 p89 p89 132 Meatpacking p82 120 141 p81 120 139 Other manufactured foods p!50 153 155 p!4i 138 146

    Processed f r u i t s & vegetables 3J4.2 139 pi 12 92 107 Tobacco products * 163 139 * 164 145

    Cigars * 110 93 * 110 93 Cigarettes * 219 177 * 219 186 Other tobacco products * 71 90 * 71 92

    p~Preliminary. * Data, not yet ava i l ab le .

    Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

  • w 3. INDUSTRIAL PROEt'CTION (1935-39 ayerage = 100)

    Adjw t w seasonal var ia t ion

    . Without seasonal adjustment

    1945 194b 1945 June * 1 May June June 1 May June

    MANUFACTURES- ( f o n t ' d )

    Paper and products * 142 143 142 Paperboard 164 160 160 164 160 160 Newsprint production 83 83 79 84 83 80

    Pr in t ing and publishing pl29 124 106 pl29 126 105 Newsprint consunwtion 116 108 85 115 112 84

    Petrol cum and coal products * , * 269 * * 269 Petroleum re f in ing * # * * # *

    Gasoline P139 pl38 148 P139 pl38* 148 Fuel o i l * 177 177 lubr ica t ing o i l * * 136 * * 136 Kerosene * * 132 * * 124

    Coke * 73 163 * 73 163 Byproduct 75 155 75 155 Etiehive p2?0 lk 421 P2?0 lit 421

    Chemicals p239 233 318 p236 232 315 Rayon p264 261 243 p264 261 243 Industr ia1 chemicals P399 367 412 P399 387 412

    Rubber p221 215 222 p221 215 222

    MNEEAL8 !

    Riels pl 50 123 150 pl5C 123 150 BiWminous coal P156 .60 153 pl56 60 153 Anthracite p86 125 129 p6 125 129 Crude petroleum pl54 148 151 pi54 148 151

    Metals m 68 109 $ 66 129 Iron ore


    * 116 301

    p-preliminary or estimated. * Date not yet available.

    FREIGHT C/uU.OADIKGS (1935-39 average = 100)

    Coal 1& 68 m , 146 68 143 Coke iko 62 ; 181 138 61 " 178 Grain 126 126 155 128 111 158 l ivestock 127 114 121 96 103 99 Forest products 149 125 144 155 130 149 Ore 137 66 170 213 103 263 Liscellaneous 135 123 V 146 . 1 3 9 125 150. Merchandise, l . c . l . 31 ' ' 74" 66 81 74 68

    Note: To convert coal and r.iscel! laneous indexes to points in to ta l index, shewn in Federal Reserve Chart Book, multiply coal by .21'$ &nd miscellaneous by 548.

    Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis