FY 2008 DIA FOIA log

All Requests Received between 10/01/2007 and 0Si30/2008 Requesl Description case .+07'F-1475 releraL by DoD/OARDEC consultation documents orr t{tllGt.,r - :tr .. -il l loeta nee. doc!m€nts relating to combatant status Revlew Trib!nalr and the official photographs of lormer medlcal inte lge.€e d reclors note: fefera case #0.1 F 1072 by DOD consu iation a I documenis pertain ng to Ronald Reagan Library on the organizat on of the inteligence communiiy and Executjve Order 12333 ::::_,:!i!n04_2008 reierral case #92-F'0988 by Departrnent of Defense brief ng papers or etters n Secretary oi Defens€ Melvln Lalrd fies on d sclssrons by Nat onal Security Counc l, sALt verification Panel, u,S, NegotiaUons or U.S. Strateglc We.pons BLidup and estima-. FOrA'C00!5-2008 ref€m case *96'F 1864 by Departmentor Defense consutaton Acces soi 70A6649, l5A Records fof 1966. Ts fles Theater Nuclear FOrA 00006 2008 reierral case +07 F-0587 bv DeDartrnent of Defense The stafistcs detaiing €nemy-initiated attacks against th€ ll!ltiNatonal Force- Iraq (MNF-l) Information on the attacks on U.S. mlrilary forces, FOiA-00007-2008 WILLs, DAVJD refe.aL caBe #199902326 FOIA 00008 2008 copjes of lnte I qence informatiof reports b€tween 1962 and 1972 oprd | | o lo Subl'ds.5dndrd Bo FOrA'00009-2008 copes ordocuments drjiten by lh)rl l! US('lzi FOrA'00010-2008 FOIA-00011-2008 refeftal case #07-F-2614 All documents perla n ng to tesu.nony or physical ev dence of foreign fighter deia nees captLrred in kaq or Afghanistan who have spoken about be n9 trained by Saddaur FOrA-00012-2008 referral case+0647 96 FOIA 00013 2008 rerera case +63sF"07lArmy Aldocuments pertainLnE to:he :::: f unction nq and v ab lity of lraq's power €rid, electr clty s.,-.:: :- l nfrastruct!r€ irom.lanuary 2006 throLrsh Seplember 2ca- FOIA-00014 200a oniract +hH1,140207C0094 FOIA 00015-2008 iqul.y of d wrtten book Naval Senso.s (lR, Opti.a , I H s: :C: l::: FOIA 00016-20!8 FARRELL, Ciristoph€r referra +DAG/06 R0441 b\r DOI the acou s t o. oi Pe.i.sllar a_c ::: Orienta Stream Nav gation Company by Duba P3rts fror di OIP ll.. FOIA-00017 2008 -efe(a !392226b\ FB1 200600990 by N.vy FBI i09 ilec. FOIA 00018 2008 rcte.a1 = 240740192 FOIA-00019 2008 HALL, ROGER rcre.€l .F 2003 00449 FOIA-0002C 20a8 :e'e. 0 260 bLoqrd - e tor-db i;i.r6_ dera i- !,!.!l . hE d ^ 3-a::.ano Bay/ clba :.rkect :fflyl402 04 D-0010, Offensi?e rl is : System Anal/s s :id S!oDort awarded to Soarta. Inc.


The DIA's FY 2008 FOIA log

Transcript of FY 2008 DIA FOIA log

Page 1: FY 2008 DIA FOIA log

All RequestsReceived between 10/01/2007 and 0Si30/2008

Requesl Description

case .+07'F-1475 releraL by DoD/OARDEC consultation documentsorr t{tllGt.,r - :tr .. -il l loeta nee.doc!m€nts relating to combatant status Revlew Trib!nalr and the

official photographs of lormer medlcal inte lge.€e d reclors note:

fefera case #0.1 F 1072 by DOD consu iation a I documenispertain ng to Ronald Reagan Library on the organizat on of theinteligence communiiy and Executjve Order 12333

::::_,:!i!n04_2008 reierral case #92-F'0988 by Departrnent of Defense brief ng papers

or etters n Secretary oi Defens€ Melvln Lalrd fies on d sclssrons byNat onal Security Counc l, sALt verification Panel, u,S, NegotiaUonsor U.S. Strateglc We.pons BLidup and estima-.

FOrA'C00!5-2008 ref€m case *96'F 1864 by Departmentor Defense consutatonAcces soi 70A6649, l5A Records fof 1966. Ts fles Theater Nuclear

FOrA 00006 2008 reierral case +07 F-0587 bv DeDartrnent of Defense The stafistcsdetaiing €nemy-initiated attacks against th€ ll!ltiNatonal Force-Iraq (MNF-l) Information on the attacks on U.S. mlrilary forces,

FOiA-00007-2008 WILLs, DAVJD refe.aL caBe #199902326

FOIA 00008 2008 copjes of lnte I qence informatiof reports b€tween 1962 and 1972oprd | | o lo Subl'ds.5dndrd Bo

FOrA'00009-2008 copes ordocuments drjiten by lh)rl l! US('lziFOrA'00010-2008

FOIA-00011-2008 refeftal case #07-F-2614 All documents perla n ng to tesu.nony orphysical ev dence of foreign fighter deia nees captLrred in kaq orAfghanistan who have spoken about be n9 trained by Saddaur

FOrA-00012-2008 referral case+0647 96

FOIA 00013 2008 rerera case +63sF"07lArmy Aldocuments pertainLnE to:he ::::f unction nq and v ab lity of lraq's power €rid, electr clty s.,-.:: :- lnfrastruct!r€ irom.lanuary 2006 throLrsh Seplember 2ca-

FOIA-00014 200a oniract +hH1,140207C0094

FOIA 00015-2008 iqul.y of d wrtten book Naval Senso.s (lR, Opti.a , I H s: :C: l:::FOIA 00016-20!8 FARRELL, Ciristoph€r referra +DAG/06 R0441 b\r DOI the acou s t o. oi Pe.i.sllar a_c :::

Orienta Stream Nav gation Company by Duba P3rts fror di OIP ll..

FOIA-00017 2008 -efe(a !392226b\ FB1 200600990 by N.vy FBI i09 ilec.

FOIA 00018 2008 rcte.a1 = 240740192FOIA-00019 2008 HALL, ROGER rcre.€l .F 2003 00449FOIA-0002C 20a8 :e'e. 0 260 bLoqrd - e tor-db i;i.r6_ dera i-

!,!.!l . hE d ^ 3-a::.ano Bay/ clba

:.rkect :fflyl402 04 D-0010, Offensi?e rl is : System Anal/s s

:id S!oDort awarded to Soarta. Inc.

Page 2: FY 2008 DIA FOIA log

::t1 ,: :::.2::s contract #HHl'102 04'A 0007 FOIA5l:liSCN, Brad a proposed sale of F sE fighterjets from Jorlan to Indonesia FOIA

Sll!PSON, Brad fhe Congress onal efforts to restrict or ban m ltary ass stance/drants or sales t. Ind6.esialhe total numb€r of coniracts awa.ded by DIA for the present andthe ore.e.lin. three fis.:lvearc


::2!:E Lnv€stgatron of rblr6)

a -:':,:::--20:t AID, r'latthew M. r€ferral #26717 by NARA documents and supporling paperscontalned in RG 407, Records of the Army Adjudant Gen€ral

BURR, WILLIAM referral *24545 by NARA "9141'seres on (RG218) dectma files for1962 and 1963 concerning the Chlnesc n!ccar weapons prog.am

:,.:,::2!_2008 Bell, Dave rcleffa #07 F 2625 by Department of Defense Pan AmeacanA ruavs Fl.ht 7-l hiia.kin.refera +07-F-2313 by Department of Defense 1974 Verbatimrecords oi Secretary of Kiss ngels staff lr4eetiags 1975'1976Telsraphic trafflc between our Embassy n Lagos and theDepartment African policies between key Congress onal leaders a.d

:orA-0003i 2008 rer€rc1#F2006'114/1 by Ronald R€a9an Lbrary #200701848 byState Dept. Letter to lack F. f4atlock to Lt. Genera lames Wi liams

;o:A 00012.2008 r€ferral +06 F 2494 by Departrnent of Defense consultation copie softh€ 2002 Joint Staff study "Operational Ava labiity'

FOrA'00033'2008 BURR, Wiliam rcferral*92-F-1310FO]A 00034,2008 referral #95 F 2052FO1A,00035-2008 HALL, ROGER CIA LIIIGATION fef€r|al #F 2003-00449 by CIA Requests of

FOIA 00036 2008 referra #F 1999 02581FOiA-00037 2008 rereral #F-2007-01612 by CIA and #25354 by NARA records froril

thF Mr'nl.h a.nc ':fp 1c6O td 1c7?FOIA 0C038-2008 referal +F 2005'01s61/CIA documenc on the T mika Atack" or

!he 'Attack at the Freepo.l r1ine" lhe requester s!rulved the attack

FOtA-00039 2008 ELIAS, Barbara nteliqence information reports on th€ Taliban and narcotcs

FOtA 00040,2008 ELIAS, Barbara docLrrnents rrom.)anuary 1, 1995 io ihe present on al Qaed. and.ar.6i.s in Afdhinicran

FOIA-00041-2008 lnlormaiion on Leroy Francis KrEmerFOrA-00042-2008 nro.mation on BTc leffrey Meyer, USS F int AE 32FOIA 0004t-2008 YOUNG,.lohn refera #119F 06 BY INSCOI'I consLr tat on ]NSCOI'| f Ies on

Czechoslavakia Intellgenc€ Wi B€rger Net, ZF01C448W (119F-051

FOIA 00044-2008 AID, flatthew trl, tefer? it26267FOIA-00045 2008 DIA publicat on 'Wr t ng W th Int€llgenceFOtA-00046 2008 the threats to compel farm€rs n Aighan stan to grcw poppy io.

opi!m afd n:rcotics production by members of the Tallban

FOIA 000.17-2008 BIGWQQD, .]EREI'1Y,, +2t3r a7F0IA.00048 2008 AID, MattheB 14. n26283FOIA 00049 2008 t244702267FOTA Q!050 2008 :24410243\FO:A'00C51 200a :5720 F05 1075BFOIA-00c52 20:8 E':lAS, Ba-.:a o.a government corruption pertain n9 to d.!9 trafiickrng and

_2rcot.s in Neiman.l Afdhanisra.

Page 3: FY 2008 DIA FOIA log

reierml #503F-06 by Army coples of all Permafent Orders issued bythe united states Army Intell gence and sec!rity command or anyor lts slbordinate orgafizations (present and former)

referai t200304282 ER3 bv State DeDanment contacc ord scussions from 1940 to 1982 between U.5. and lsrael offcla s

regarding kaq's nuclear program (civiian or m litary)

referral+08 0010

LEV/,IONATHAN ref€ra *616F-07 by Army Serbian Radica Party (Sfpska radikalnastranka), a politica party formed by Tomlslav N kolic and Dr

: -:::;2008 OSORIO, Caros referal 96-F-2103 by DOD consultat on lrnproper llatera nSoa.ish La.duaoe Inte ldence Tra nino l.4anu.ls::::.:-t:ao 2906 documents on detention and interrogation at cv lan or mllltary

:,i:1 :c461 2008 ELIAS.6arbara narcotics trafficking n Afghanistan:l:1 :0062,2008 Z ckel, Br an task order w15P7T-06-D-E402 awarded to CACI

FrrA-!0063 2008 alltask orders perta ning lo "lntel[gence InformaUon SystemDefense lntegration and Ensineerin9 Suppod Contract 4"

FOiA 0006:t.20Q8 EL]A5, Barbara documents related io Aighan wanord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar andI6di P.esi.lent saddam H0sseln

FO1A'00055 2008 kOBLENTZ, Greqory docurnents frorn the DIA and Armed Forces l4edical lnteligence FOIA

FOiA 00066,2008 th€ deaths of four Blackwdter sec!rity contractorsFOrA-00067-2008 reierral *1070306 000 by FBI, DOJ documents related to Haas

FOIA-C0068 2008 RICHELSON,IEFFREY referral #10917 by NSA fronr c osed case *0215 1996 OverheadSIGINT: Th€ Process, the charenqe, the Quallty by bjilrL l

Implernenting the DHSr Perceptions fro.n the Leadersh p by0)i(!) r!:r :l 'rhe vatu€ or Inrrared Inte gence uv ltltk-i,:, l

FOrA-00069-2008 RICHELSON,leffrey rererrar $98 F 0324FOrA-00070 2008 GERSTEIN,losh referal s200601430 (lt qation) FO]A

FOrA'00071-2008 U.S. Army records 1968-1969 on Plran Th et, V etnam FO]A

FO]A-00072 200a BURR, Wiiam reierral +609F 04 by Afmy (lNSCOr,l) consu talion Volu mes 1-6and 8 oi a stldy on "Th€ sov €t Batt efe d Development Plan' c rcaNovemb€f 1982, ATC PP-2660 05 83

FOtA 00073 200a alD, 14atthew f!. refera 426282 by NARA consultalon suppcrti n9 papers n RG-3I9, Ent-y 10a.. Bo. r6 , l" o/8116 tu !o -ea(, ol clcEspionage Activiues n Czechos ovak a, March 22, 1949

FOIA-00074 2008FOIA 00075,2008 contract +MDA90803F3846 aw:rded to !!cN€l TechnologlesFOrA 00076 2008 r€ferra +200603755 by 5t;te Departrn€nt cons!ltaton Th e sheling

of a U,N compoLrnd near the v laqe of Qana in soltherr lraq n

1996 d!ring Operdt on G.apes of Wrath by lsrae .

FOIA 00077 2008 OSORIO, Caros lhe deallr ol former Ecuadoran Nai onal Secre:ary of Pob iclniormat on. Fa!slo t40lrna o. l'1ar.h r-l rqFf.

FOIA-00078 2008 DIA Personne 5p€c a sec!rty Backgrounc I.vestigaton

Page 4: FY 2008 DIA FOIA log

DIA H r n9 practices Note: new point of contDct infofmation: Kei

llcc anahan D rector of FOIA Operatlons Emailli1'Y6) l '!l{b)i]t.l0 usc,124deiaLnee 0X6) ..I . lfo.me. ehost" FOIA

referral *01 F 2296 consultation

r€retra #03-F 0380 by DOD rereral#200101632 by StateDepartment consultaton th e Di.ector l4eet ng Flles ol lormer Arms

#20010771DtA112, feierral #F-03-0178

ELIAS, Barbara doc!ments on r€1iq ous poliucal parties ln Pakistan

::::a:alE contEct #HHt4402 07 R'0088.::: , ::: '240b inforrnation or all federa contracts with the Caryle Group FOIA

C!rry, Mary reierra #200504645 by State Departnrent the preparation or theCongressonal Presentallon Document for Fiscal Year 1999 5€c!rrty

Narayanswamy, Anupama idss ol coriespondence between conqfess and the DIA ror th-P

:ai:.'40090 2008 BURR, WILLIAIl reierral t26872 by NationalArchives R€cords Adm nlstration referral#97-F 1739 by DOD conslrltatiof copes of documents concerningchines€ (PRc) nudear weapons polLcy or progran

.crA.00091 2008 ELIAS, Barbara domestic naUonal electofs in Pakistan

FOIA 00092 2008 referra #2006001s2 by State Department Aprl 1, 2001 ncidentwhen a US BP3 naval plane col ided with a Ch,nese F_8 fightef jet in

FOIA-00093-2008 BLoche, Greqg civiLcase s!mmons ot Bloche and t4arks

FOIA-00094-200E referral #28115 by NationalArchives and Records Admin siration(consu iation) Fore sn S€rvice Records ol the Department or Stite,


FQIA-00095-2004 DIA repods rrom 1974-1977 on the staius of the Pakistani nuclear

FO]A 00096 2008 RICHELSON, ]EFFREY recent bjograph c sketch and military leade6h p profi e of Lt. Gen,

FOrA-00097-2008 pub lcaton or report on Ramey A r Force Base

FOrA-00099-2008 EXCEL spreadsheet fies on the cJcs Br eflng Eva uations

FOIA 00101 2004 referral #28847 consultation iolder on Po! 16 Indep. Recognition

FOIA 00102-2008 DOD LTTIGATION SLANI r€ferral *200704136 bY State Department FOIA

FOtA-00103-2008 referral *85F 08 by Army cons!ltat on llemo of record meeting rv thMG Ch tov and BG Odom 1Feb82

FOrA-00r04-2008 ZAID, MaTK inromat o. on vahid Alaghband

FOIA-00105-2008 FEINSTEIN, Tamara reierra #503F-07 from th€ Army r€fera +200.105064 irom thestate Depanment consultaton oc tober 29r 1988 "Amparol.4assacre" thai took pldce fear Arauaca Rlver on Verez!e a s border

FOIA 00106 2008 reierral +F-2001-0165! by clA consu taticn records on Fath€rlames (Guada !pe) carney and Dav d art!ro Baez CrLrz, two U.s.citzens who d sappeared n Hondlras | 1981.

FOIA 00107-2008 CHING, lenn fef DOD LTTIGATION, ACLU relerra #FAo7-1885 by Department ofarmy Arnerlcan C v I L berties uriof (ACLU) vs u.s.ArrnycrminalInlest 9at on Command (USACIDC)

FO1A 00108 2008 refeftal +27916 from NARA

FO]A 00109 2003 rererral #27915 from NARA cons!ltation Fore sn Semes Part or theDepartment of State, 5pain, Madrld Embassy on Baloon

Page 5: FY 2008 DIA FOIA log

+20072139DIA177 on the massacre of 27 to 38 peop e in La rYl€jor

Esqulna ln Buenavlsta, cordoba, colornbia on 3 Apri 1988.

#2007214301A178 on the massacre of Colomblan citizens bymembeB of the FARC in Bajo deloso, Apartado, coombia n


:-115, Barbafa #20072131DIAr75 on the funding or m itdry ass stance sent iromthe sov et union to rndia from January 1, 1980 to lanuary 1, 1989

C ve, Keith DIA frLes on the late Gerald vincenl B!l FO]A:-,1.:,:: t: _::,:: lvan Assen Khristov Georg ev

the massacre of cor.munltY menrbers in l,lachuca in the depaltmenloi Antioouia. colomba in october 1988

EVANS, ll clrael rhe mass kdnapping at La Maria church in ca i, valle del cauca,co ombla carried out by members of the National Liberation Army

contract Hl-111902-07'F 0392 awarded to Capstone corporation

ELlA5, Edrbara the coop€ralion belween Soviet forces and Afghan leader AhmadSnah Massold d!rlng thetme perod irom lanuary 1979to 1990

:tra-".0!19-2008 #20010771DrA1 12 #03-0178F:)tA 00120 2008 #2001077DIAt12 +03-0178FCIA-00121,2008 Aninral Llberat on Front (ALF)

FOiA-00122-2008 Walsh, Bill the Ch!rch oi Scrento osy

FOIA 00123 2008 59i PearlThomas Fa.risFOIA-0Q124'2008 +20072167DIAl82 on the massacre of co ombian clv iansbylhe

paramilliares n the town of Nueva Venecla in Nlagda ena, Colombia

FOiA-00125-2008 Strenge, Carrie #20072171DA183 on the assass nat on of town colrnci membeB bymembec oi ihe FARC in H!ia, Colombia on 27 Febrlary 2006-


FO]A 00r26 2008 referral +SC 07 118 by DOD Southern Command consLrltat on Cables or inte lig€nce reports on the aclivities of Hailian il ega armedml tias based in Haili and/or the Domin can Republic from 2000 to?004. Notable names are Guy Philippe and Louis-lode..

FOtA,00127-2008 referral +SC 08 023 by DoD Southerr Command cons'r tation Cables or lntel isence reports on the disapperarce of Carlos Castano, oneof the foundeB ol United selr-Derense Forces or colombia (AUc).

FOrA 00128 2008 r€ferra 1200504156 by State Departrnent A I reLevant informationbetween the embassy in Cdracas and washington the ia led Apr2002 coup attemp! against VenezLre an Prcsident HLrgo Clravez.


FOIA'00r29-2008 reierral#200600934FOrA-00130-2008 #20072179DIA184 on the massacre or 46 peop e by lhe

paramiitaries on Nover.b€r 2000 n Cieiaqa, 5 etra Nevada deFOIA

FOIA-00111.200a 5!.en9e, Cafie +200721a3DIA185 on the massacre of 12 people by theparam litaries of June 1999 in the town of El.lordan, san Carlos ln

FOrA 00r12-2008 KOBLENTZ, Gregory docLrm€nts on the use of chemlcal, bro os cal .nd tox n weaponslsed by lraqitorces against 5h ite or Klrdish civii.ns and rebels n

FOrA 00133 2008 referrdl #05-1261 from the D€partment of Alr Force refera #93 F-2811 by Depatment of Defense U.S.-lapanese defense and sec!rity

FOtA'00134 2008 ELIAS, earbara #20072186DIA186 the Egyptian 9overnment provld ng arms orweapons to th€ l4ujahadeen, rebe gro!ps in Afghanistan

Page 6: FY 2008 DIA FOIA log

.:l: -.- : -:-a ::.:rer-iom battle orders numbers 57ll through 6717 on the Egyptian Air Force

referal *200704480 by State D€partm€nl (consultafron) Rona d

Reagan Lib|ary Prisoner of war dnd t4issing in Action pefsonnel lrom

referral +1073646-000 by FBI (consLr tation) charles S. lohnson FOIA

+20072195DIA187 the massacre oi 19 peope lry pararn lltares In

#20072199DIA188 the massacres by pdram litaries in Val€ de

#200722010IA189 on the following ch nese g€nera sr ch€n B ngde,

vA disabilify c a m at Area 5l dur nq 1987-!991 tim€ rrame on the

NIELSEN, Cath€r ne NLGB 2000 1200 F/l G. Bush L brary Ukrainer Toward Nuclear

BURR, WILLIAI"l #200/221701A191 DIA studres during 1976 1978 on the prob em olnuclear weaDons Drolifieration

::-:.i!14.1-2008 #200722r2DIA190 repods on Israe s mililary str ke agalnst an

apDarent Syran nLrclear facillty on September 6, 2007

:ola-0!r45,2008 403 documents lrom the Armed Forces Medical Intel gence Center/AFMrCl 6n'Yell6w Rain'

FOIA-00146-2008 Deutschendorf, lenn rer folA lO 138I9 conlrall so rcrl' onHHMZ0208R00lI

F0rA,00147,2008 KELLY, ]OHN referral t5623-R2 from NSA Pan Am 103 bornb ng over Lockerb e,

FOrA-00148 2008 referra #0399307'001 from the FBI re: General Dmitri Fedofov ch

FOIA 00149-2008 lames s- I'lajor Briefing with Joint Military Int€llisence Co lege on

FOIA 00150 2008 St.ingieliow, Bruce f4lG 21, AFlNASIC-07-018 consultdtion

FOIA 00151-2004 Deutschendorf, lenniier co. acr'HHVr0l0lq0087 t-on Souto-s fo lrlel gen-.A-a,/sjr

FOIA 00152 2008 Sm th, C!y nformatior'r on the blowing up of Pan Am flight 103 ov€r Lockerbi€,

FO]A 00153 2008 referra 4200601867 from Stat€ Dept Nationa s€cunty Archlve+20060523Dos216 etter #82918 the €xpulsion of (1i)(3)10 usc.12,llb){31:10 USC,12,l lrrom caracas- Venezuela

FOIA 00154,2008 relerral #08 F 0427 by DOD case *29235 by NARA StateDenartmeni centra Fies 1S50 1959

FOIA 00r55 2008 r'1!khopadhyay,lohn referal s05-F 2289 by DOD art c e on "Panels Conrinue Impasse onlnteligencej S€nate Armed Servlces Bars Plan to strengthen Rol€ ofCIA Head" dated lune 7, 1996 Nore reqLrester s named losh

FOIA-00156-2008 OSORIO, Carlos 420072239D1A192 on the death of former Defense 14 nister ofEcuador, General Rafa€l Rodr 9!ez Pa ac os on Novemb€r 19, 1979

FOIA-00157-2008 records concerninC the process by wb ch Ll.S. cit ze.s and noncitizens egally present in the United States are desgnated as

"en€my cor.bdtdnts" ard then mprsoned and flerrogated

FOrA'00158'2008 OSORIQ, Carlos #20072243DIA193 on the detention of Nl-19 g!erillas fromCoLomb a bv the Ecladorian althor t es on March 15. 1981

FOIA-00159 2008 contract RFP-HHl.l4!207R0!87FOIA 00160-2008 RICHELSON, ]EFFREY copies of the lu y Dec€rnber 2007 ssues of CommuniqueFOIA 00161 2008 Ketcham, Chrnopher lsrael nationa s identif€d as art students, ari vendors and art

salesmen/saleswomen oDeratino n the U.S.FOIA 00162 2008 Ketcham, Christopher softwarc on Sp€c a t4anagemert ArtifcalReasoning Toolor SflART,

ProsecLrtors Manaqement Information Sysiern or PROt4IS/PRO14tSEddtabase on t4aincore or fla n Core nlormai on on self

Page 7: FY 2008 DIA FOIA log

:::1 :::: i 2tts records regafd n9 the 9roup counci 0n Arner can-Is amlc Relatons'(cAIR) and membeE slspected of be ns assoc ated with cAIR

icti :::4. 2:1:6 f20080009D14002 on the 1999 assassination of co ombian

FC]A !tr6:204E #200a0005DIA001 on th€ bomb ng of Club El Nogal n aogola,

FCiA i "i:54 20!8 BIGwOOD, jeremy #20080014DIA004 Argent na-Venezuela records regarding th€

"Briefcase .as-c' or "Caso Valiar':oiA 0015t 2008 *20080013DIA003 records on Maulv Nazir (also known as l4au avi

Naz r or 14!llah Nazirl, a oro Tal ban commander n Pakistan s South

FOIA 00168 2008 .eferra #08 F 0416 by DOD LITIGATION records on detarnee

ftXO i- - : -

-:'': '-- : :'l -

FOtA-00159 2008 key wordsi LICA 12, Titanale, Tiianrum (lV), tltanium (lV)neoa koxytris (diisoocto) phosphato, organo'melallic co!p jn9

agenrs, KR3538, Case Code 8181, Kenrich, Al nornoto, ]vj39 Gun

FOIA'0Qr70-2008 Informatiof on soviet and Czechos avkan Parapsycholoqy

FOIA'00171-2008 referra #39?F 04 Department of ArmY referm #20040048AR1.'1003

Nalional Secrrity Archiv€ Monlhly International Terronsm

FOIA-00172-2008 ,20080026DIA005 violent crimes comm tted bv parar.ililariesaqdr^st neflbers o F,Co|eq'r 'elroLal'darnC itdad.deoatment of Santender, Colombia between 1970 and 2000

FOIA-00173-2008 contract +14DA90803A0011 awarded to r"lcNei on inguist seruices

FOIA-00174-2008 rererra $2007041519DIA1 by Stdte Department #20522-01

FOIA 00r75-2008 records on the annual American Anlhropo ogica Assoc ationmeetings between November 27 to December 2, 2007


FOrA-00176-2008 referral *1037900 001 from ihe FBI rc: Indro l.4onlane

FOrA-0017/ 2008 EVANS, Michae #20080040014006 on the iound ng of the Patrlotrc un on po t calpaty ii Colombia and volent acts against members fro.'r the

FOrA 00178 2008 U.S. military assessments of Sw€d sh Defense dur ng 196r r975

FOIA 00179 2008 ref€ral +07-F 1332 by D€partment of Defense OSD/Polcydo.rmente relat no to olannino of ODeraton Irao Freedom

FOrA-00181-2008 NIELSEN, Cather ne referral #NLGB 2000 1200-F/2 by Georg€ Bush L brary Thea2erba iani homeland

FolA-00r81 2008 re arat " ioii,/co O0r by .BI F L. , l0 t c rt l FOIA

FOrA 00!84 2008 #200800520IA007 lIRs pertdining the inforrnat on on Co ornb an

military operations and the k llin9 oi eight members oi the peace

com.firnity" of san Jose de Apartado

FOIA,00r8s-2008 rccords on Thomas llerton, a Catho ic prl€sr 91915 1968) FO]A

FOrA-00186 2008 records on Fal!n Gon9, a.k.a Falun Dafa

FO)A 00r87-2008 BIGWOOD,IEREMY.. the visitto the u.S- by fve Bolvan opposllon eaders duringDecernber 2007 Ruben Costas, l.4anrred Reyes Vila, llano Cosslo,LeoDo do Fernandez Ferreira and Ernesto Suarez

FOIA-0016a 2008 B]GWOOD, JEREI'IY,. the tra loi U.!9uayan General Gregorlo Avarez accused of h!man

FOIA 00189 2008 BIGWOOD, ]E REI.'IY. lnrormat on on €x priest Fernando Lugo s cand dacy ior President or

FOIA 00190-2004 BIGWOOD, ] EREIiIY,, nformation fegafding on f4aurcio F!nes cdndldacy for President of

Page 8: FY 2008 DIA FOIA log

{:i-::1:1.:::S BICI/OOD, ]EREIIY.. nr.rmdri.n o. Afl, . m zdb "h s -ns-L.esrt,l oresid€ni.l amDa or

B:G!/OOD, i EREi"lY.. nformation on the f!ture or Manta Forward Operating Locanon(FoL) durinq the 2007 electoral cdmpa gn of President Rafae correa


B]GWOOD,IEREIIY. re ationsh p between Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez dndVladirniro t4onetesdinos/ one t me head of Peru s National

FC:A a::9. 20:8 BICWOOD, jeremy $20080067D1A010 on "Plan P e|s' of Opefation P iers', a U.5.co.spiracy to destabiize lhe ven€zueldn consltuttonal referendum

FC:i at:9:20!8 ELIAS/ Barbara ]i20080077DIAo11 on Slraj Haqqan , the son of a former Talibanministerlalaludd n Haooani


FC:A tar95 2008 reierrdl t1Q37394 by FBI rer Gustavo Duran

FCi,r 0!r97 2008 BIGwOOD, jefemy *20080089DIAo13 on Op€ration Emmanual" ln VenezueLa nreterence to the negotiauons by the Chavez government !o releasekidnapped people from lhe Co ombian guerllla movement the FARC

FOrA ilC196 2008 d >o!ret de'eltor, Ale.dnd-r cre90-y Bd Tile

FC:A 00199,2008 FOiA

FOtA-00200-2008 referml #394F 05 by Department or Air Force, Departrnent ot Army

FOIA 00201 2008 rerera +07-F-2379 by Department of Defefse .eferal +F 200700466 by Cenira! Inteligence Agency Saigon Station Exp€dment n

FOIA C0202.2008 BIGWOOD, jeremy #20080106DIA014 December 2, 2007 nat onal consiitut ondreferendum n which the Venezuelan public voled against Presiden!


FOrA-00203 2008 strat€glc bery llm o.e stockple, file number 446, 136

FOIA 00204 2008 Leck, Greg lnfo.mation on Ernest Leroy Healey and l4ajor Greqon Wilams,USt4C in reference to Shanghai Attache files from 1937-1941 time

FOIA 00205 2008 referral Xr99401871 ER!A1 by state Department talk ns papers onv sits in reference to Pakistani off cia s

FOrA-00206-2008 rererral f200401282 by state Department cIA Bogota cables

FOrA-00207-2008 referral t2-4007 bv the united states Deoartmenl of.lust ce 'theIsra€li aft studen! spy ring" also known as "ihe Israell DEA 9ro!ps"

FOIA-002Q8 2008 BATTLE, loyce.. *20080120DiA018 lnformation on lhe lnterogation of detaineesaddam fussein, lraq s nudeaf weapons programs, Al'Qaeda ana

FOIA-00210-2008 B cki-Desando, Susan personaL nformation on requester's father: name, socia securtynumber, beneficiary informaton, ram y fslructions and money

FOIA 00211 2008 suspect€d n uclear weapon s a nd materia ls stora 9e n Bu gar a

FOrA'00212 2008 b olo9,-a sddd e dcr , I.es r B-rsd rd dL'r_s 1945-loo0FOIA 00213,2008 a copy oi contract #HH1"140204D008

FOiA-00214 2008 inforrnation on all DIA operationsFOrA 002r5,2008 KORNBLUH, PETER #20080134DIA021 on Lu s Posada Carri€s pardon n Panama on

FO]A 00216,2008 BIGWOOD,leremy #20080137D1A022 on Presld€nt a beiro Flj mor's 'lake noprisoneE' order during the retaking of the lapanes€ Ambassador's


FOIA 00217-2008 referra #200600995 by State Deoartment reauest i€tter 82581Records relat ng to L eltenant Colonel Aldo Rlco and other m l!aryoffcers named "carpintadas' from Apn 1987tolanuary1988,Records relat ng to General Hector Rios Eren! and Gener-

Page 9: FY 2008 DIA FOIA log

FOtA 002:8 2008 reierral *s23s8 by National SecurltY Agency U S. lnte!ig€nceconcem n9 the Falkland Isrands war lanuary lrune 30, i98z

FOtA-002r9 2008 nformatron on Walter wanderue l, Hugo coutafdin, Mr. a.v.D. vanEnden and l.lrs. A.V.D. Van Enden reierred to themse ves as

FOtA 00r20 2008 guidelnes and po icies on hand ing dassified informatlon

FOIA-00221-2008 the relaled events on ihe overthrow of the Bulqaian governemenidurlno lanuary to Februarv 1997 time oeriod

F01A.00222.2008 referral #200704642 by stale Depan:ment (no cons!ltalon) fiesre auno to the fal of the Shah oi lran on lanuarv 1979

FOLA !i0223 2008 20080153DIAo24 on the massacre of 16 banana workers on Los

C!nas planlation in Carepa, Colomba on August 29, 1995

FOiA i0224 2008 KORNBLUH. PETER *20080163014025 on th€ tria oi ex'Pr€edent A berto Fujimori in

FOiA !0225 2Q08 Golnger, Eva mrlitary exercise program "Partnership or fhe Americas reatedto

FOIA-00226-2Q08 Goirnger, Evd iniormation on fugo Carvajal, a general and dircclor of the Divislonol !liliiad l.tellidence in venezuela


FOrA-00227-2008 rer€rra #26508/NatondL Archlves and Records admlnistration FQ]A

FOrA,00228 2008 refera +93-F-2831 by Departrnent of Defense consu taton fer U.s

FOIA 00229-200A records on the DIA and Senator lohn llccain f.oFr 1999 to pres€nt

FOrA 00230-2008 BlGWOOD, JERE]I1Y,. iniormat on on Stev€n {Stavros) lohn lalds, fofmer StateDeoartment.ommunications oflicer

FOIA 00231 2008 informahon on tbx6)FOrA-00232'2008 infonnation on the followln9r Hassanal Bolkiah, the sultan of BrLrner,

Princ€ t4ohanred Bolkiah of Brunei, Prlnce Jeir Bo kah of Brunei,Islamic terorst orqanlzations, Al-Qaeda, Pakislan, and ! S.gov€mment investigalion into Brun€ian funding 0f rslamlc,.

FO]A 00233 2008 rcferral #200602878 bv stale Deoartment no cons!ltation FOIArequest letter 83246 on the information on Abu rlusab A Zarqawi,

FOrA 00234 2008 ref€rral #200703692 by State DeDartment consu tation canad an

Force s tra ning assistdnce to Iraqi air and gro!nd torces from March

FOIA-00235 2008 ilims, Erik GAO report n!mber 'GAo 07-1195 S€curing, Stabllizing andRebuildifg Iraq" on Seplember 4, 2007 on the 14ulti National ForceIraq data of average nurnber ol daily enenry lritiated attacks asainslthe Coaluon, lraqj Security Forces and civiians from Nlay 200..

FOIA 00236 2008 BIGWOOD, ]EREI.4Y,, inrormaton on the €v€nts olthe protest oi the rullng mLltary juntaby students at Poytechnic !niversity in Athens, Gre€ce on

FOtA 00237,2008 BIGWOOD, ]ER EI'IY the events of a strke by a grolp of law stLrdents ndemandorihecanc€llation or a mi tary draft at the universitv of Athens LawS.honl in AthFnc GrcFrF.n Fphn,aru ,r 1q71


FOrA-00238 2008 inrormation on operation Object r,1 n Kostinbrod, Bulsaria frorirDecember 6. 1990 to November !9. 1992 time Derod

FOIA 00239-2008 reierr. +07 F 1332 by Depaftment of Defense (cons!ltation)doc!ments related to the p ann ng of Operalion Iraq Freedom

FOIA-00240 2008 FOIA s14230, docLrments on a i contracts awafded to the DODIISinteg|alon and engineer ns support contract lll (DIESCON Ill)

Page 10: FY 2008 DIA FOIA log

FOIA-002.1! 2008 R]CT]ELSON, ]EFFREY 66ii-r tne iotbwlnq .ltttc tlaster Thesis Reports: coordination Gaps

ln the Intelllgence and Law Enforcemeni Cornmun t es: alLowrng

Terrorists Entry to the united States (1998) and Open Source

Inte lsence: The Inlelligence Comnrunitv at a crossroads (1999)

FQIA-00242 2008 iEiEfilT):-eF-08 bt oepartment of Armv (consultation) AclsIerrorsm Summares 21 from December 2007 to 11 lanuary 2008

ForA.00241 2008 r€fer-rd #oti:C65 by-Depatment of Derense (no consu tauon)

'n,.ll'.pn.. :n^lvr,..pLlFOtA,00244 200E ;;iE;r a,i*.rk dU"", the tim€ perlods of post 9/11 and the 50 s

FOIA 00245 2008 ItqzSr, cont,u.t +ttlu+0207R0089 compuier Based Lans!age

FO1A 00246-2008 a;;ift-c!#HHl'4402-07-R-0087

FOIA-002<7 2008 ?ro08o-ti66lA0r8 on miltan/ ii ations between venezuela and


FOtA,00248-2008 #27918 by NatjonalArchives and Records Adm nlstratof(consultauon) Federcl Repub ic oi Germanv ii es 1957 1960 on

FOIA-Q0249.2008 Ga;;i?;a Dr,a ii,r,s or.t,,d;s relatine to Norih vietnam s military

mai servrce during lhe vietnam war keY words; Peoples Armv or

Vietnam fPAVN). North Vletnamese ArmY, North Vietnam and

Vietcong s!b key wordsl rnail, poslal, postal commrnicalo..

FOIA 00250-2008 *os+ ooat ly oepartment of Defense #20040350 bv stateDepartment *2004090!Dos345 by NSA Republlc of Korea

FOIA'00251-2008 t0s'F 06a7 bv Derartrnent of Defense (cons! taton) cable titLed

"Annuallnr€grated Assessment of sec!rily Assistanc€" to Indonesra

FOrA-00252 2008 Evans,l'1ichael.. #r00603866-6y state Depaftrnent (consu tation) reports on mass

graves, number of peoPle kiled and poltlcal violence in Colombla

FOrA 00253-2008 re-oons ov ptr to intelLlgence oversight Board (loB) purs!ant toSection 2.4 of ExecLrlive Oder 12863 note: r-"lated to 0lA FOIA

FOIA 00254-2008 +27564 by Natonal Archlves and Records Administration(consultat on) Record Group 112 Armv 5u.geon General Classirled

FOrA-00255'2008 aq lesler Rya n cr efle Ma i ne corps I ntelligence Agencv report on

Sovlet/Russian Armor and Art I erv Design P.actlcesr 1945'1995,

FOIA-00256-2008 EiEG;-Fya'1 C,ie,ne PhysclalVu nerabilitv Handbook on Nuclearwai^^nc AP-r5O | 2INT


FOrA 00257,2008 A;aunrents of all corresPondence by Senator lohn r'4ccain fromld.Lad 1998 to oreserl

FOIA-00258-2008 ffi;6atio,* how *y eilployees hired with dfferent tvpes or

FOIA 00259 2008 fefe.ra#52655 R2 bt NSA (no consultatron) records on sisnal

int€lllgence on U.s. sponsored campa 9n to suppress Emeslo Che

Guevara and the Cuban government n Bol v a irom November 1966

FOIA-00260 2008 RICI]ELSON,IEFFREY -E-a *srera niby tlSr (consultation) cop es rrom the

FOIA 0026! 2008 ref$rdl +40776-R3 by NSA (consu tation) lhe incidlenl of a U sNavy EP'3 aircraft coll drns mid a r w th a ch nese fighter jet off

FOrA 00262-2008 mrormation on ;aros aw Wolanski 113830_0001

Page 11: FY 2008 DIA FOIA log

FOtA-00263-200E reierral #08-FP-0098 by DOD and #0447931 003 by DOIconsultation the investlgation ol Carl P. oslesby, investigativejournalist who wrote 'Who Ki led IFK?', 'Contajnment and change ,and 'The Yankee and Cowboy War.'

FO]A 00264 2008 r€feral #00 0950'F/2 by Georqe Bush Library (cons!ltation) cable

FOrA-00265-2008 *200802390IA031 on alldocuments r€laled to the seafch forremo n> ol ljLdms of Me, ro s d'1ywdr'

F01A,00255 2008 copy of a I uncassifled portons of the DIA Congressional Budget

FOtA !0267-2008 Whittenbe19,lennlrer lnformaton of respondents to the Market Suwey from the DIAid€ntifying HUBzone companies working under NAICS Code s6!611

FOrA-00268'2008 nformation on cousin E e Hobeika

FOrA-00269.2008 following docum€nisr - "A study of Lhe system of m litaryintellsence employed if the Brit sh Army in Enqland - 'Br erAnalysls of the British lvl litary lnteliigence Branch of the War OfiiceGeneraLStaff' 'The British Inte ligenc€ System'

FOtA-00270-2008 BIGwOoD, jeremy #200a0255DtA032 b ograph cal records of Brazi ian Genera a.tonro

FOiA 0027r 2008 RIQUELME,, 14ARCIAL referal #27101 by NARA consultaton f"lemo 1970 1973, Paraguavto Uniled Slales on LJ,S, mi tarv Dresence in Lalin arnenca

FOrA-00272'2008 referra +01-F-0574 by DOD, #99'050/L R R€agan Lbra./

FOIA 00?71-2008 lnlormaton on the bombing of lhe Associacon MLtual lsrae itaArsenuna (Ar.4lA) n Buenos Alres, Aruentind on lu y 18, 1994 kevwordsr Al.4IA,luly 18, 1994 bombing, Buenos A res bombins

FOtA 00274-2008 ALLEN, Mark A. referral#20208 by NAM, t200203894 by state Dept., +03-F'0315b\ DOD. F-2002-01960 b! CIA {, or \ rlldl on)

FOtA 00275'2008 referra #273F-08 by Depadrnent of Army consultation The capturedIraqi doc!menls from Harmony Dalabase such as al-Qaeda terrormernb€|s in Iraq, Iraql Intellgence Serv ce (IIS) Correspondence,


FOIA-00276 200a KORNBLUH, PETER *20080257014033 on Braz lian Gen€ral Huso Abreu 1970 to 1976

FOIA-00277 2008FOrA,00278-2008 repres€ntative Harmony doorments r€ ated to night etter" in

Pasht! AFGP'2007'lsAF0370 AFGP'2004-000297 AFGP 2007 50

FOIA 00279 2008 Mirtary Int€ligence 5ummary document lapes on l4a i during 1970_

FOIA 00240-2004 l"l ltdry hi€ lgence Summary docume.t tapes on Ghana during1970 1999


FOtA-00281-2008 t4iiitary lntelligence Summdry document tapes on Angola d!nng1970-1999 r nre frame

FO]A 00282 2008 t4i itary htelllgence Summary document tapes on Beiin dur ng 197_

FOrA-00283-2008 biographical informatjon of former Commanders of ihe Army n

FOrA'00284 2008 14lltary Inte lgence Summary document tapes on Chad during 1970

FOrA 00285 2008 +20040269DIA034 cop€s oi lRRs: (bl(2).(bl(3) l0usc42.1oxrr,{b)Git0 r$c,o4

FOIA 00286-2008 +?0080271D1A035 a copy of the ro lowins document 1999 Bogota

FOrA-00287-2008 copy of doclments on Sol Bloom (1870'1s49) ' Cong.essman tromrlanhattan, 1923-1949 - cl-rairrnan oi the uouse Foreqn Affairs

Page 12: FY 2008 DIA FOIA log

FO]A 00288 2008 the investgation by the Inspector Gef€ral Investigahon intoarleoahons of coniractua lmpropr€W by I5l4 seNces/ Incorporated

F0ta 00289 2008 garn€s, C Scott Rlss dn Akhtubinsk Test center lncdent on November 1986

FOrA 00290 2008 Barnes, C. Scott Soviet air comba! lesting tactics developrnenG between helicopters FOIA

FOrA-00291 2008 NRDLICKA, Carol referrcl #06 F-2462 by Depadmeni of Defense (DOD) referral*06/011030 bv Defense Prisoner of way't4issing Persofnel Ofiice(DPOwr.4PO) documenls rrom 1.1r. Kahmsay souphon!vong on Pow


FQIA-00292-2004 LlTlGAltONr DOD Referral with Request, Answer to comp arnt/

SLAHI detaineer 140hamrnedou ould slahl aka r"lohammaedou o!ldsalahi case #05-0569, 06'cV 0597, DoD see litigation 0555_07

FOIA 00293-2008 i5 August 2OO7 daia'gath€rin9 presentation on the DlA-sponsoredprcject AFSB-.1'07'01'A, 'Miltary and Intel igence !lethologv forEmerq€nt Neurophys cal and Cognit velNeural sc ence Research ln

the Nex! Two Decad€s

FOIA-00294-2004 t20080288D1A037 aerial or satellite coverage on colombla dunngr988-r993 ume oer od

FOIA 00295 2008 Narayanswamy, Anupama bgs of correspondence b€tween Consress and DIA d!rins lanuary 1

t. ten"'n^ q ,00R I me DerodFOIA 00296 2008 ELlAS, Earbara t20080295DIA038 rcports on Taliban leader floulvi Faqtr

l'!ohdmmedFOrA 00297-2008 i6lal D1A i"for,natio., t"chnolosy budget reports for Flscal Year 2009

FOrA-00298-2008 reierral tr 112F 08 by Dept. of Army refera #200602815 bv stateDept. no consuitation terms of reference: Hamb!19, Germany and

FOIA-00299'2008 referallNND 991549D by NARA con$ltation NIC Int€rrogationReDorts, Boxes 1 26 NIC Production R€ports, Box I

roIA 00300 2008 Saarela, ltlarco case summarv on m nO control and psychotronlc weapons FOIA

FQIA-0030r 2008 copi€s of a corr€spondence of senator Barack Obama and Senatorhilld^ Clntor $|ll DIA


FOtA-00302-2004 DOD LITIGATIONT INSCOI"I Refer.alwith R€quest, Answer toComplaint, refenal#0565F 07, SLAHI detaineei Mohamrn€dou Ourd

Slahiaka flohammaedou Ou d SalahiSee litgation 0555 07

FOIA-00303 2008 referaL #20460224r by state Depadment ref€rral #NLRRF2o0l'049/1 by Roia d Reagan !!brary consultation Nelso n Ledskv rles

FOIA'00304-2008 .eferra #26983 by NARA cons!ltation Box #83 on Records on

Spec al Ass staft to Secretary oi State for Atomic Energy llalters

F0tA,00305-2008 BATTLE,loyce., reierral #05 F-1395 by DOD referfa #20010418 By SlateDepartment papers on the following: Pollcy rcqarding Fofe gn

t4i itary F nancing (Fr'lF), Economic 5!pporr FundE (ESF) for lo.danfor FY1981 to FYr9e4. Po cy regarding export oi ltllnitions L st ,

FOIA-00306'2008 NIELSEN, cather ne referral #08 F-0700 by DoD referral +20070r292 by StaleDeoartment cons! tat on

FOIA 00307-2008 BATILE, loyce.. referra *04 F 1735 by DoD reiera #200304418 by stateDepartm€nt con5ultation pa peB on the fo low ng: Policy on Foreignr.4iitary Financing (FMMS) and Economlc S!pport Funds (EsF) tolordan from FY1981 to F/1984. The Export of U,S, 14untions.,

FOIA 00308 2008 tota Defense lnteL gence AgencY inform-tion technology budqef

FOIA'00309-2008 total Defense IftelLigence Agency informat on technology budgetrpnnn'c f.r fi<.i! vF.r ,OOA

Page 13: FY 2008 DIA FOIA log

FOIA 013:0 2tcE Fteen renets in reterence to chemlcal and b olog cal weapons

FOLA-!93rr 2008 HERSCHAFT, RANDY -ierra +53263 R2 by NSA cabinet commiitee to combatTerrorkm FOIA

FOIA-0!3:2 2!08 refeml *52752 R2 by NsA copy of Summer 2004 edition on

F0ra'0cl1l'20!8 term PaPer litled "Air Ame.ica'

FO]A 003!4 200E r€r€';l tso8 0l2a by Nat onal Reconndissance oriic€ {NRo),consultation Know edge Management and lnformation sharinq in a

Post-9/11 Intell gence Communlty National Reconnaissance Offlce

14675 Lee Road chantilly, V rginla 20151 1715


FQIA-QClr--2008 Deltschendorf, lenf fe. a;;vact llHHtaa0207R0094 on Virtual tnteligence S m!lation (vl FOIA

FO:A 00316 2008 LITIGATION referral #06'F-1532 by Department of Defense

FO]A 00317-2008 Zard, l,lark ttre Oratrng ind lmptementation of the Intelligence IdentibesPrctection Aci of 1982 Note: new po nt ol contact informationi Kel

!4cclanahan Direator of EqIA ODer"lians-E!"tarL.:(bt(6)

FOtA-003r8 2008 ELIAS, Barbara #2ooaO328DlAO42, the re ationship between lamaat-l-lslami and

the Tal ban from January l, 1996 to present lime rrame

FOIA-00319 2008 ELIAS, Barbara *20080331DIA043, th€ theft oi NAro eq!ipment bv the fighters:<<n.iatpd wfh Baihr lah !.4ehsud on lanuarv 2008


FOtA 00320-2008 cop'er of aI federal co"tr"cts and firms associated with the carv e

c'^"o rmm ,OO4lo dresenL iime frameFOrA 00321-2008 zaid, Ma.k .ooes ot atl ple Oocurnents in rcfefefce to the Congressional

Natonal Security Oversiqht Comrnittees Note: new point of contactEma:I Mcclanahan Drrector ot FOIA o

FOtA-00322-20Q8 referra +F06'0057, Nat onal Reconna ssance Oif c€ (NRO) Corona

FOIA 00323 2008 Eieral *zsssb 6v NARA, consultation Midd e East work fi e

FOtA-00324 2008 KORNBLUH, PETER *20b803450u0a5 on F€fnando Flores and Fausto aasantes,m€mbe6 of the Ecuadorian guerla movement alfaro Vive Carajo

FOIA-00325'2008 ELIAS, Batuara *20080349DIA045 on Iran supplyins th€ Ta iban with rnrnlng

equ pmeft during ldnuary 1, 2008 to present time irameFO]A

FOIA-00326-2008 RAVNITZKY, l"lichaeL both semi annual and annual report by DIA'S Inspector General

FOrA 00327 2008 (bx6)

FOrA-00328-2008 cooies of DeDartment of Defens€ Evaslon charts EVc 500_1, 500 2and 500'3 of Vietnam irom 1968 to 1970 t me lrame

FOIA-00329 2008 (ORNBLUH, PFTER P #20080361DIA047 lnformat on on Ec!ador an counterinsurgencyorganizaton Crim nallnvettgation 5eruice (SIc) durins January1984 to January 2000 time frarne

FOIA 00330 2008 fl I er, Kely contract *1,10A94803c0018 awdrd€d to Phoenlx consult nq Grcup,

FOlA.003lt 2008 a copy of a hous fq coitract for AIM'S secretary n London, unrted

FOtA-00332 2008 KORNBLUH, PETER R. *20080366DIA048 on the Ecuadorian security force Fying5q!adron' durlng lanuary 1982 to lanLary 1989 I me frame

FOrA 00333 2008 LrlGATloN NoTEr sEE cdse +0555'20c7 of SLAHI Lilsatiorreferral #200801794 by State Department relerral +05-F_1835 bY

DOD delainee named t4ohamedo! Ould Slahl aka Mohammedou

Page 14: FY 2008 DIA FOIA log

FOlA-00334-2008 KOPNBLUH, PETER R, t20080372DtA049 jo nt U.5._Ecuadoran and u.S Colombianoperations at Ecuadoas Lago Aqrio military base during 1944 to

F0IA.00115.2008 r€ferral #08'F-0647 by Departmenl of Defense relerral,200504698 ov Slate D"Darl-ner t consul'a'ion

FO]A 00336 2008 Civ I Act on *4107 cv-03528 on Perry B. r,4onroe, II ln ref€rence tothe death of specia ist christopherTaylor l,4onroe

FOIA-00337,2008 BlGr.!OoD,IEREI'jY.. referraL #SC 07 133 by Department of Defense/USSOIITHcor"l FOIA

FOIA 00338-2008 raferal#200800770 by state Department (DOS) consultation Perul

The dlscussion on the "take no prisoners' order of Presrdent AlbertoFujimoriduring the relake oi the lapanese Ambassador's Resldence

hostaqe crisis of 1996 to 1997,


F0rA-00339-2008 DIA reports on companson oi 75th Exportation Task Force to IraqSurvey Group, 28 Aprl 2003 Chem cal and Biolos cal hteligenceSuppol Terr ' rpect on and rhe )ei-e-son P-o Fct. recl 1i a

Enqineering Exploitalion Repod of Iraqi suspect BW_Assocated.

F0rA.00340 2008 lirfonn,tion on the physica evidence or electronic harassment such

as p!lsed i-\icrowave, ultra sound and voice FrI

FOlA,0034! 2008 governmeit iontraci agreement with Gary DrawbaLrgh of Ster inqs noL! & MIG Co.. Inc,

FOIA'C0342'2008 information on Robert L Knight

FOIA-00t4t 2006 l"6rch 31, 2oo4 Fallujah ambush attack involving the deaths of fourAmerican civilian cont€ctors from Blackwater


FOrA-00344'2008 ELIAs, Barbara *2oo80392DIA050 on Hamza bin Laden, son or osanra b n Ladenirom ldnLdru r 1995 (o D erert t r:Jfqm'

FOIA'00345-?008 ELIAS, B.rbara ta080393DIAO51 on Baitullah f4ehsud, kev leader of lhe Ta ban n

Pak stan durlng lanuary 1i 2005 to present time period

FOIA-00346 2008 MORALES, Et4ILENE *20080405bu052 on the political care€r of Andres 14anual Lopez

FOIA-00147 2008 #200a0416D1A054 on l"lexican miliiary detention centers durng1C70 ro rq75 r me frame


FOrA-00348-2008 #20080413DlA053 "Provisional Detalnment Cenfei n Quito,Ecuador dur ns lanLary L, 1984 to lanuary 1, 1989 urne per od


FOrA 00349 2008 the involvement of Soviet citizens during Todor Zhivkov's overthrown R',].:ri:.n N.vcmher 10. 1gaq

FQtA-00350-2008 SIMPSON, Brad *?00602733 bv State D€partrn€nt, consu tat on FolAt9l04/2DIA043 G rdte-a ar mi i'da ultr

FOrA-00351 2008 rcferal #F08-002 by Rrchard N xon Liblary consultaiion NSF

rnstitltjonal Fires (H'Files) on the u.s. strategy and Forc€s

FOIA-00352 2008 WAI.4PLER, ROBERT referral #94-F-0419 by Departmeni oi Defense consu tation IsApapers on U-s. Nlclear Po lcy in Asia, U,S, Stralegy and forces n

FOIA 00353 2008 #20080435D1A055 E Pintado rni itary base in Qu to, Ecuador dur ng

lanlary 11 1988 to lanlary 1, 1949 time period

FOIA-00354 2008 l4ilitary lniellgence S!mmary document tapes of Botswana d!nnq1q70 1q99 t me frame

FOtA-00355 2008 Mlltary Inte I gence summary document tap€s on Ethiopia 1970-

FOIA-00356-2004 all DIA Exhibt 300 documents in xf4L or other rcadable database

FOrA'00357 2008 documents on DIA offlc€ phone directory and or9an zat on chaft

FOIA-00358 2008 contract #HHr,1402-05 F 0240

Page 15: FY 2008 DIA FOIA log

FOtA'Q0359-2008 l,4ls document tap€s on 5ao Tome and Principe

FOIA-00360 2008 l,4lS doc!ment tapes on Niger

FOIA 00361 2008 MIS document tapes on f4aurtanla

FOIA-00362-2008 Leon, Gabriel 14lS docLrm€nt tap€s on Swaziland

FOIA 00363-2008 l.4lS document iap€s on Guinea Bisseau

FOlA-00361-20!8 l'4IS document tapes on seyche les

FOia-00365-2008 llls doc!ment tapes on Gambla

FOiA 00366 2008 l.4lS documen! tapes on South Afrca FOIA

FOrA 00367-2008 ItIIS document tapes on ro9o

FOrA 00368 2008 r,4I5 docu'nent tapes on Nam b a

FOIA 00369 200E t'1ls document tapes on f4auritl!s

FQIA 00370-2008 MIs doclment taPes on l.4a awi

FOtA-00371-2008 MI5 document tapes on Comorros

FOIA'00372-2008 l4ls document tapes on Zambia

FOra 00373-2008 l'4IS document tapes on Gabon

FOrA 00374 2008 l,lls document tapes on 14adaqascar

FOtA-00375-2008 l.1lS documeit tapes on Gu nea

FOtA-00376'2008 l.ll5 doc!ment tapes on Rwanda FOIA

FO A 00377 2008 Mls document tapes on Soma!ia

a'00378 2008 14ls document tapes on Equatorial Guinea

A-00379-2008 11l5 document tapes on zairelcongo (Kinshasa) FOIA

a 00380 2008 t4ls document lapes on Dliboutl

FOtA-00381-2008 l"lls doc!ment tapes on cape verde

FOra 00382-2008 t4lS document tapes on Lesotho

FOIA 003A3 2008 t4l5 document tapes on Uqanda

FOIA-00184 2008 liIS docurnent tapes on Eritrea FOIA

FOtA 00385 2008 tls document tapes on conso (Brazzav le) FOIA

FOIA-00386 2008 l,lls document tap€s on Kenya

FOtA'00387'2008 l'1lS document lapes on Tanzania FO]A

FOIA 00388 2008 t4lS document tapes on 5€neqal

FOIA 00389-2008 l.4IS document tapes on Cameroo. FOIA

FOrA'0039!-2008 1"115 docum€nt tapes on Siera Leone

FOIA-00391-2008 MIS documenl tapes on Ljberla FOIA

FOIA-00392 2008 l.4lS documenl lapes on BLrrundi FOlA

FOrA-00393,2008 l!lS document tepes on S!rkina Faso

FOlA 00394-2008 lrlls document tapes on Sudan

FOIA 00395 2008 flIS document tapes on Central African Repub rclcentral Afrcan

FOIA 00396-2008 MIs documeni tapes on z nrbabwe/Rhodesia

FOrA'00397-2008 NllS document tapes on llozambique FOIA

FOIA 00398-2008 records re ated to former Vlrgin a Governor Nlark Warner

FOjA 00399 2008 +15052 on contract tlHh!140204D0010 awarded to spalta hc,

FOrA-00400'2008 #15052 on contract #HHl'140205C0048 awarded to usls

FOIA 00401-2008FOrA 00402 2008 refera #95-F 1874 by Department of Defense co.sullatlon acces

sion 330-76 207 on Secreta.y of Defense records in 1971 onstrateglc offensiv€ Forces, Delense Polcy Cu dance, etc,


FOIA-00401-2008 referral #95 F 2063 bv Deoartrnent of Delense consultation boxaccession 330 78 002 f!les on u.5. or sov et n!c ear plannln9/Stratesic Arms Limitat on Talks, and milllary alerts

Page 16: FY 2008 DIA FOIA log

FOIA-00404-2Q08 folLowing refer€nces 'ape space,"AQAC," "l4iss QAC," "t4isses FOIA

FOIA-00405 2008 8i.heno, Hugh reierral #367F 08 by Departmen! of oef€nse no consullation marlifgaddressr 9 sherbourne Co!d Cambrdse cB4 1Sl England

FOIA 00406 20Q8 .ontract #HH!140208D0014 awarded to lnvertix Corpofation

FOrA-00407-2008 referal *Sc'07'110 by US SOUTHCoM referal +06'F'2727 by DAoconsultation brieiinq papers, cabes summaries, etc, on Colombianparamiltary and drug trafiicker Sa vatore l.4ancuso Gornez, akaSantander Lozada irom 1995 to Dresent


FOIA-00408 2008 ftjrenBl rl204F'08 bv Deoartment of the Army consultation IOSS

report reference stlrdy of A5A (Army security AgencY) fo!low n9casesr #487F 01. +488F 01, #489F-01and +490F 01

FOIA'00409 2008 lnformation on Frant sek Stehlik

FOrA-00410 2008 nforrnauon on v ktor Kozeny

FO1A Q0411-2008 informat on on litka Chvahk

FOIA-00412-2008 informahon on L!dka Kozeny

FOIA 00413-2008 RICHELSON, ]EFFREY rereral #97-F 0480 by Department ol Defen5e DOD Humint study

FOIA-00414-2004 docurnents on the io lowrnq l€rmsr uFOs, ETs, Rosewell, Hanqar 18,

Ar€a 51/ izard humanods, llothmanl a ien autopsy' sasquatchs(b gfoot), the BLues, Semjase, chuppacab€ and cow mu ination

F0IA,00415 2008 Za d, Mark docum€nts an cLrrrent contracts between DIA and Pnvatecontfacting f rrns !nder the offce of GeneraL Co!ns€|, contractawards and contractor evaluatons Noter new point of contactinlormqtionr Kel I'lcc anahan Director of FOIA Operations Ema :

FOIA 00416 2008 referral +200706450 ER-1 by State Department consultaUon Da i€T me GfouD document: L62237ZJUN99 on Bogota, co ombia on ELN

releases 31 Cali Church KidnapD n9 Hostages, incl!d ng two ar.cits

FOIA-00417-2008 Dec ass f €d Handbook of soviet r'lerchant and Fishins F eet Vess€ls

FOrA'00418 2008 RICHELSON, ]EFFREY vav s, zooq prese*itions of ab)t3) iolrsc'l2X and l(bXO) on

FOIA 00419 2008 KORNBLUH, PETER #2008049100s170, the Ecuadorian poLice ant'kidnapp ng 'rnltUNASE dunns January 1, 1984 to ldnuary 1, 1989 tjrne p€iod


FOIA-00420'2008 Narayanswamy, AnLpama logs of correspondence between Congress and the DIA d!ring Apri

FOIA 0042r 2008 referal #20050r802 by State Department alldocumenls in ot iile98D619, INR/EUC/SE, 1963-1985 Poltical ProgDm Fres, PoliticaAffa 6 & Re lgion ln lraq, Saud Arabia, Israe / Syria/ Iran and

FOIA-00422-200a Ociob€r 1998 meet ns between V ktor Kozeny and Natan Siraransky

FOIA-00423-2008 records on state oi Cornpany of Azeruaija. Rep!bl c {soCAR) for

FOIA-00424'2008 February t0, 1999 meetins between nvestor Frederic Bou.ke lr.,attorney Eric Vlncent and then Presideft of Azerbajjan Heydar A iyev

FOlA 00425,2008 SOCAR s invo v€m€ni bewteen U.S. agencies and governmenc orazerbaijan and Russia dur r9 1997-2000 t m€ period

FOIA 00426 2008 1990 perlod on records pertain n9 to the actvities and assels or

FOlA-00427-2008 informaton on Doctor lohn Patrick Meehan

Page 17: FY 2008 DIA FOIA log

FOIA 00428 2008 KoRNBulll, Peter *20080495D1A056 on Eclador's army and police counterinsurgencyoperations durlnq lanuary 1, 1985 io lanuary 1, 1986 nme period

FOIA 00429 2008 BIGWOOD, teT€my #20080499DIA057 on Hugo Canarte, the command ng otricer of FOIA

FOlA'00430'?008 'abskacts of offerors" on militarv or civi contracls frorn I Janlary2007 to ll Decen ber 2007 I 'e o€ iod

FOIA 00431 2008 litigation, referral +07'F 1952 by DOD consultaiion the death ordetainee of salah Ali Abdullah Ahnred AI sa anrl, 15N 693

FOtA-00432-2008 DOYLE, KAIE referral +07'A-0491 by DOD rerera! ,F 2002 00486 bY CIAconsultation #20020163 CIA027 the emergence of Zapatista Armyof th€ Naronai L beration (EzLN) in the t4exrcdn stat€ of chrspas

FOIA-00433-2008 AlD, Matth€w I'l, referal #200801308 bv State Department referra *NW28271 byNationa Archives and Records AdmlnistraLion consultationslrpportiig papeG in RG 13 Records of Naval Operalinq Conimands,Entry 1337 (UD) Commander in-Ch ei U.S. Naval Forces/ Eastern

FOIA-00434 2008 14ORRlSON, Gay e referra tNNo991133/34!7 bv Nationa! Archives and RecordsAdmin stralion fNAM) consultation R€cords from the Office of theqgpltly Qlrtgi !91!!!!!Urlitary Advisory Group, rha land and the

O]I3)J(] USC 421 Laos 1973-1974


FOIA 00435 2008 informat on on fatier Ernest Arthur Rodriquez

FOIA-00416.2008 copy oi "Psychotronic warlare: sp ritual Acc€ss

FOrA-00437 2008 records on "Semiannual Repotu of Payment Accepled from Non_

Fedefal Sources Under 31 U.s.C " from 1 Apri 2007 to prcsent

FO]A 00418.2008 +02 F 0317 bv DOD #2001 169 bv DTIC consultahon FOIA

FO]A 00439-2008 e08-02j0 ov DeDa.lrFrr ol A - Eo ce ons-llation FOIA

FOtA-Q0440-2008 f 15235, contracr *NC101306P2032

FOrA 00441,2008 RtcHELSON, teffrey Comparison of 75th Exp oitaton Task Force to Ilaq SLrrvey Group FOIA

FOtA'00442-2008 ELIAS, Barbara #200805420IA058, Perv€z t4usharraf's suspens on of theconstitut on and declaration or a state emergencY in Pakistan on 3


FOIA 00443 2008 refercl *540F 07 by INSCOT4 cons!ltation The orl9 n or mLn tionsLlsed by I|aqi irfegular armed groups including insurgents, milltants

FO]A 00444 2008 RAVNITZKY, I.4ICHAEL., copy of the lhi of thesls and dissertations of llre loint Nli itary

FOlA'00445-2008 EMERSON, StEVEN referral #200000575 by state Department nformaton on thefollowing organlzatlonsr AbLr Nidal Organ zation, Abu Sayyaf Group,Arrned Islamic Group, liAl4AS (Islamic Resistance Gro!p), l_larakai

u -l"lujahid n, H zballah, Gama a aFls arnryya/ Al llhad, Kac.

FOtA 00446-2008 referal #30r43 bv NARA referra #08-F-1228 bv DOD consu tationRecords perlahing to the Bureau of Fdr Eastern Atfairs relatlfg !oSoutheast Asia and the Geneva Confercnce of 1954.

FOIA'00447 2008 Inrornration on tLi)rBD 10UlC {?4 FO]A

FOIA 0044a 2008 DIA documents peftain n9 to Iraq's b ological and chem cal wariareproqrams during l4ay 2000 to February 2003 tirne perod

FOrA-00449-2008 rcferra #200700263 by state Depddment the rnurde. of U.S.

citizens Mark Parsons, lohn Branch zio and lohn l"laft n Linde n

FOra-00450 2008 ari'cles w. tten bY M chaelCorb n FO]A

FOrA 00451 2008 Iranla. N.t onal l"1anlcher Ghorban far aid Rome I'leet nqs

Page 18: FY 2008 DIA FOIA log

FOIA 00452-2008 YOUNG, iohn referral *07 0716 by Department of A r Force consultaton list olINSCOT"I topics such as East Germany Intelligence Se.vice Fac lties,

FOlA 00453 2008 YOUNG,lohf referal #133F 06 by Department ofthe Army consuliation Sov -'tIntellqence 9€rvice Facllities, 2F400231W (#133F 06)


FOIA-00454'2008 FOIA lD +128914 on convaci numbeE HHrv14020440007,HHr.14020440008. HHf44020440009, HH114020440011,HHt"140204A0012 and HH1440204A0013 0n the DODIIS Integranon

FOIA 00.155-200E conracl dFri144020-D0008 awa-ded ro v'deo Dylamrcs, I L.

FOrA-00456-2008 ELIAs, Barbara General Parvez Ashiaq Kayani, former d r€ctor of Pakrstan's lnter-

FOlA-00457 2008 ELIAS, Barbard iormer Pakjstanj Prirne l,llnister Benazir Bhutto and the followinqgrcups: Lashkare'Ia ba, laish e-l,1ohammad, Lashkar e lhansvl


FOIA 00458-2008 #20080568014063 on Ecuadoran po ice otricers and mrLtarypersonneltra nlng at U.5. Army schools and bases lrom 1984 to

FOIA-QQ459 2008 BIGWOOD, jeremy #20080563DIA062, counter ns!rgency and intelligen€e tralning orEcuadondi police otrcers and military personn€l at U s Army

FOIA 00460 2008 KOFNBLUH, PFTER t20080561DIA061, the tra ning of Ecuadors security forces andmilitary inte l9€nc€ seruice to combat insurgents slrch as the Alfaro

FOIA 0Q461 2008 #20080574D1A06s, lhe meet nss and briefings sessions betvveen

the u.s. govemment personn€l and Ecladonan President Leon

Febres Cordero, that took place in Ecuadof or the Unlted states

FOIA 00462 2008 +20080570DIA064 miitary a d Provded to Ecuador bv the Un tedsr:tP< i'r 1cF4:nd lqas

FOIA-00463 2008 referdl *95 F 0929 by Department of Defense Documents irornaccession 330-84-0040 p€rta nins to u.5. Nuclear Polcv.

FOlA'00464.2008 BATTLE,IOYCE fei€fral #540F-07 by INSCOT,4 consultation

FOIA 00465 2008 HERSCHAfi, RANDY r-'e ? '08.r 'l198 0/ DOD 'e'e"al ,200705809 by S ar6Department (DOS) referal #0984922'001 by FBI Cop es oi aldo€umenls pertalning to the cab net commrttee to combat

FOrA,00465 2008 FOIA

FOrA-00467-2008 reierra +44874'R2 by NSA the ana ysis of the hrjacking of PanAmeri.:n Wnf .l Airuav. F cht 73 n Karachi- Pakistan


FQtA-00468-2008 inform.ton on lames lerry Hayes

FOIA-00469-2008 feferml #07-F-1867 by Depatment of Defense The informailon 0tunclassfed military capabilues ofthe nations named as a:sor

FOIA-00470-2008 #20080580DIA066, records on lsabel lsland n Esmeraldas, Ec!adortmm l lanuarv 1985 to 31 December 1986

FOIA-00471-2008 (b)(3):10 Usc a24 documents written by author &)(3):10USC 421

FOtA-00472-2008 RlCHELSON,leftrey loini Lessons Learned: Iraq Suru€y Gro!p, December 18. 2004

FOrA'00473'2008 #200805a9DIA068, any mention oi Pledad Island In Esmera das,Ecuador from t lanuary 1987 to 31 December 1989 time penod

FOIA 00474 2008 BATILE, )oyce referra *200a-082 by Deparlment oi Air Force *971062DIA120 the

FOIA 00475 2008 KRISTENSEN, Hans refercl #97-A'1775 by Department ot Deiense (DOD) consLrltdlionOASD documents on ihe working Grcup 5 of 1993 to 1994 N!clear

Page 19: FY 2008 DIA FOIA log

FOIA-00476 2006 ELIAS, Bdrbara +20080595014059 on Qari iiussa n, an offic d assoclated w thBditullah r,4eshud and the Tal ban in Pakistan from I lanuary 1990 to

FOtA 00477 2006 ELIAS, Barbdra +20060598DIA070, As I Al zardari, husband offorrner PakstanPrime l.frnisrer Benaz r Bhutto and c!reni co chalrman of thePakstai Peoples Party (PPP) belween 1 lanuary 1990 to prcsent

FOrA-00478-2008 #08-F 1057 by Department oi Defense #20050r062 by staleDepairment Tlre copies of Stat€ Depatment records related to thearfest and detenton ol I'lamdouh flabib, an Austra ian citizen ofEgypt an descent who was detained in Pakjstan !n October of 2001.


FO;A 00480 2008 #20080601DIA071, any mention of Ecuador an po ice or mi itarycounter-ins!rgency or counter_narcoU€s operations that nvolv€d theBalao Naval Bdse in the port of 8alao, Esmeraldas pfovince, Ecuadoffrom 1 Januarv 1985 Lo 1 Januarv 1989 t me Deriod

FOIA 00481-2008 9IGWOOD,lEREl"lY #20080607014072, any menlion oI Ecuadorian insurgent rorces,mosty from Aliaro vlve carajo (AVc) 9u€trllla 9roup/ trave in9 toand recevlng combattraining ln Libya, during I lanuary 1983 io 1

FOrA-00482'2008 referral +95 F-2263 bv DeDartrnent of oefense consultation oocumenls from accession 330-78-0010 relating to U.S. or Soviel iuclearstrategyl arms controltalks with the soviet weapon' devlopment ornuclear weapons and weapons d€llvery systems. 5ALT..

FOIA-00481 2008 referral #07-F 1!01 by DOD r€fera #2002_019/1 by R. ReasanLibrary consu taton Edw n l"leese fies 1981'1985, U.s.'Chinese

FOtA-00484-2008 BIGWOQD/ lererny #20080621DIA074, any mention of lsrae i military, intell 9ence, orpo ice p€rsonnelconducting pollce training programs in Ecuadorduring l ldnuary 184 to 1 lanLrary 1988 time frame

FO]A-00485 2008 #20080615DIA073, any menuon of ihe creation of clandestinepollce units In Ecuador, known as 5lC 10 during 1 lan!4ry 1984 to I

FOIA 00486-2008 referral #516F-08 by INSCOM referra #200100489 by stateDepartment consulldtion Do cuments re atin9 to the events toAugust 7, 1998 ter.orist bombrngs oi the U 5 ernbassies in Na robi,Kenya and Dar es Salaarn, Tanzania ('Aft ca bombln9t ).

FOtA 00487-2008 AlD, J,latthew M. referral +28276 by NARA consu taticn Document s and supporungpapers conta ned ln RG 84 Entry 2651B Athers Embassy Top SecretGeneralRecords 1956 L9sB Box 1, Folder: ATH (s7) suNey'Radlo

FO1A,00488-2008 refeffal #06'1025 by Department or the A r Force consurtaton Thetenslon betwe€n tndia and Pakistan from February 1990 to l'lay


FOrA-00489-2008 refefta 1368F-08 by lNscofl cons!ltat on inform auon pertaining

FOrA'00490-2008 referra +2007 092 by Departm€nt of the A r Force consullationReqlest Numberi 980068D14012 Reports regarding Ch n.'s exportsof mssjle t€chnology d!ring 1992

Page 20: FY 2008 DIA FOIA log

FO]A.00491 2008 ?20080627D1A075, any mention or th€ !nlted slates DrlsEnforcement Administration (DEA) personn€ conductinq polrc€

tra njns prog€ms in Ecuadori includ ng bui not irilted to, training incount€r-insurgency and countef narcotics investigaton and intel19

FO1A,00492 2008 f2OO80635DIAO76, any menlion of intelligence/ invest satio , andrterrogation kalning that took pace at the Ecuadorian school

known as the Pusuqul School for the Irainlns of TrooPs during 1

lanuary 1984 and I lanuary r988 iime rrame

FOtA-00491 2008 lh; doqfight occurred on 7 October 1965 at 10i40 ocal tlme n

v ehdmFOIA 00494-2008 documents pertaining to Intemalional Efg neerng & vert!re Group

oEVG) located at 1700 Pennsylvania AvenLre, Suite 400/

FOIA'0!495.2008 referral $28843 by NAFA cons! iation Record group n!mber 59,d..ess,on nrmber 1963, Dtr Iido

FOta-00r96 2008 reiatraL +28783 by NARA consultat on Record group number 59,

accession nLrmbef CDFGo 63, on microfilrn co157 reel 2

FOtA 00.197 ?008 Et4ERSON, Steven refeira +08'F-1253 by Departmeit ol Deiense referal#200000575 by State Departrnent consultat on Or 9anization such

as Abu Nda Organization (ANO), hAttAs (lslamic Resstancer4ovement), Hizballah (PartY or G d), Pal€st ne Liberation Front abu

FOtA 00498 2008 rererral *5720 Fb8 0oaaB or SEROOUF/8U1104 by Department olNaw reierc #291701 004 bv FBI consu tatLon re: seth Ros€nfeld


FO]A 00499 2008 ELIAS, BarOara #20080641DIA077, regardlng to the 9roup T€hrik_e Tal banPdfisrdn l luorrg rs _oLrdr-g st-r.rr-e, olrcrals. eader)5iD.membershlp, hlerarchy, mlssion, goals, adv€rsaries and capabijlies

FO1A,00500 2008 'Duiisword lncldent that occurred in 1972 involvins Detaclrment 5

425 r'lun tions 14aint€nance Squadron USAF asslgned to the COr'4OX

FOIA-00501 2004 +20080643D14078, regarding any menton of Ecuadorian polrce

ofiicef, Galo l'1ino, who was once the commander or the slc-10polce unjt in Quito, Ecuadof during 1 January 1984 to 1 lafuary

FOIA-00502-2008 documenrs rerated to (b)(l) l0 usc 42.1 FO]A

FOtA-00503-2Q08 RICHELSON, JEFFREY coDies of the lanuarv to lune 2008 lssues oi commun que

FOrA 00504-2008 records re ated to Mr. Alfred Mann or his companies QLra lLon,

Advanced Bioflcs, the alfr€d E. Mann foundation, Bioness, Nled cal

Research Group, or empoyees Alir€d lvlann, loseph Schu|man,Robert Greenbera. Gelald Loeb orYlEhak ziberman

hr' 14

FOIA 00505 2008 ,€-A;;i;i;iTii-rofine. Drli Ar;;i LIsc 424 and h s d scloslresof un awful actvlti€s occ!rrng under 5p€cial Access Progrdm

FOIA 00506-2008 woodr!if, Chrls #20080653014079 resarding any menUon ot lsrde i c t zen Ran

caz t duing time per od I ).nuary 1984 to 1 lanuary 1988

FOIA-00507 2008 Project Bl!e Fly, a p.oject for the acq! sltion or d rlift and quickreacton capab lity as wel as Project l,loon Dusti a progrdrn in whrchthe miltary forces prcvdes techn cal assisrance ln determ njnq theo' I- orso.-e deb-<. !.s. o'o e9-

l(b)(r) l0uscFOIA-00508 2003 Oocuments a*irorer or co althored by J21 a so known as

lai'ir3iii0 tjsc 4tf -sLationed

in c€ntra Arrica, andrelat ng to the Dernoffatc Replblc of the congo between t lu y

Page 21: FY 2008 DIA FOIA log

FOlA-00509-2008 KORNBLUH, PETER #20080670DIA081, Ecuadorian po ice officer uuso Efrain Espana

Torres, ifcluded in this search his ag€nt number 140, also denoted

140/slc'P dunng 1 lanuary 1984 to 31 December 1988 t rne frame


iotA 005rQ 2008 #20080677DIA0a2, Uruguayan pollce nspector Heclor Romero

l,4oran Charquero, who gGduated ffom the U S government

soonsored International Po lce Academy and was head of ur!q!ay'sSpecial srisade to fght terrorists during 1 lanuary 1966 to 1 lune

F0IA,00511 2008 ROBINSON, PETER the period when the genocde broke out in Rwanda on 7 April untithe time when Amercans were evacuated (no later than 19 Aprll)

FOIA 00512.2008 copy oi ala ssu€s of th€ M lltdry Intel igence D gest (r'4lD) ffeated ln

SeDtember 200IFOIA 00513 2008 KORNBLUH, PETER #20080683DIA083, the death of Ecuadorlan buslnessman r'1arco

Almeida calispa, who died whi e in the custody ol Ecuadorian policeFO]A

FQiA-00514-2008 BIGWOOD, jeremy #20080689D1A085, the death luan CarLos Acosta/ the son or rhePresid€nt or Ecuador's Supreme Coun, who was taken into custodvby Ecuadorian poLc€ forces on 26 August 1985 lor his suspectedjnvolv€m€nt n the kidnapplng of Guayaquil b!s nessman Na m

FOIA-00515 2004 Prdjeat Uoon Dustand operaton Bluery, prosrams related to uFoa.o ntc l aenLe qdtner I q f ss ons

FO1A 00516-2008 #20080694DIA086, U.5. Agency forlnternanonal Deve!opment(UsArD) offcier Daniel Mitr on€ dur ng his trme n lJrlguav where he

worked rn th€ office of Pub lc safety s police advhory program

durlng 1 lafuary i969 to 31 Decemb€r 1970 ume frarn€. He was

FOIA-00517-2008 RICHELSON, ]EFFREY any ;emo; to or rrom the Dlrecior of D€puty Directof of DIA

concerning the redesrgnation of the Armed Forces lledrcaInte lgenc€ Center as the Nat ona Center for t4edical IrTteLlgence


FO1A 00518 2008

FO]A 00519 2008


to the crash of aXanile corpthel-rcoDtc-m relF-h

FOIA-00520 2008 top 35 aontractors and the r FY07 tota contrdct values or tpendingamounls sorted by ascendins $ amounls and top 35 iniormaliont€chnology contrncrou and thelr FY07 total contract valles or)pefarrg aao!nts sord b/ asce

'd'19 $ amo ._ls

FO1A,00521,2008 #20080705DIA088, Genera Luls Perez Doc!mel/ genera Ln thePeruviaf Army, former Mllitary Commander of th€ lunln Province,and chref or the speciai Forces o visjon d!rins 1990 to 2000 !ime

FOIA-00522-2008 Inteligence reports reganiing the efforts of ihe DIA d!rng th€Rwandan ge.oclde durinq lanuary !nu the end oi Aprll 1994 tjmeframe NoTEi the new address s 3 Lindbrook Court London/ ontano

FOrA 00523,2008 E14 ERSON, Steven referra 4200000575 by State Departr.€nt consLrliation docu mentson Abu NidalOrganization (ANO), fAMAs (Islamic Resrstancerlovemen0, A I had, Al-Q.'lda, Pa est ne Is am c.linad-Shaqaqi

FOIA 00524 2008 referral #200501219F by Department of lusr:ice nrormatonreaard na reo!esters !nc e, Ewald Bloch


FOIA 00525-2008 BATILE, Joyce,, 4200a06a7DIA084, I|aq records (somet mes reiered to as"Operat on Iraqi Freedom" documenG) Lrncovered n Iraq s nce

Page 22: FY 2008 DIA FOIA log

FOIA 00526-2008 #20080718DIA089, Ec!adorian pollce officer G!ilermo Llerena, a

serqeant in the sIC-P (C mlna l hvesligat on seruice_Pch ncha) !nitin QUto and was d€eply nvoLved in th€ wel publlcized case or thed sappearance of two youn9 brolheB with the last nam,

FOrA 00s27-2008 BIGWOoD, leremy #200807230IA090, the Ecuadorian secLrrity forces ca led lhe GrLrpo

de Intervercon v Rescate" (htervention and RescLre Gro!p) a so

known as'GIR." The focus of this request is particu nry on thedoc-renls ap |.at.g th t urrl In u4aJrho' red 50re _ras

FOtA-00528 2008 #20080728DIA091, Technica Serv ces D visior (TSD), w thlocatons n Panarna and Argent na suPplylng U S- goverFmen!personnel n uruguay wth military and police equ pmeni andsLrpplies. This request is ior al such suppl es and eq! pm€nt sent to

FOIA 00529 2008 OSORIO, Canos +200807350IA092, Urus'rayan po ice ofiicer Al€jandro otero,known to have had contact with agents or vanous U. s. sovernm€nta9€11.e) d- rnq hrs ca-ee- i] l.4o"le!roeo. Le a qo palrc pdled I

pollce lra ning programs in Wash ngton, DC. The t me fram€ for ..

FOtA 00530 2008 Stoit e, Micha€l :llcoresoondence between DIA and the NGO, Governrnentatl c.orq FO]A

FOIA 00531-20Q4 #20080745D1AC93, Ecuadoriar police officer Trajano Barrion!€!o, a

€oonelln the 5lC P(Cdmina Investgation servce Prchincha)!rntin Quito who oversaw many 0f the ant -lnsurgency miss onscond!cted by the slc-P, inclLrding the case ofthe disappearanc..

FO]A 00532,2008 BIGWOOD, jeremy #20080750DIA094, the kidnapping and dedth of Naim (Nahim)

Isaias, a weLl-known businessman ard banker in Guayaqi, Ecuadorwho was kdnapp€d in the period oi a!9ust and september 1985and held ror ransom by membe6 of the Alfa.o Vive Carajo (AVc)


FOIA-00533-2008 OSORIO, Caros #20080755D1A095, U.s. AgencY for InternationaL Developm€nt(USAID) ofiicer Adoloh Sa€nz and hrs assessments and interactionswlth the urug!Eyan polce iorces. He served in uruglay as part otthe U.S. Offic€ of Publc Safety s pol ce training program. Th..

FOrA-00534-2008 #200a0762DiA096, U.5, Aqency for Interndtiofal Dev€ opment(UsAlD) officer Cesar Bernal and h s assessm€nts and Lnteract onsw th rhe unrguayan police forc€s. B€rnar serued in uruglay as part

of th€ U s. off ce oi Pub ic Sarety s p0 ice tra ning program ..

FOIA 00515-2008 +20080772D1A097, U.S Agency for lnterndtonal Development(USAID) ofilcer Wi llam Cankell and his assessm€nts andnteractions with the Uruguayan pollce forces. Cantrell serued lnuruguay as pa.t oi the u.s. offlce of Public Safety s police t|arn n9

FOIA 00516-2008 Shaw, t4artrn 14f. Ow€n Roche, also known as lrving Roche, Orryen LA. Roch€ andO.l.A. Roche wds a member oi the U.S. Office of StEt€qic 5eN ces

during Word War II and may have had other c andest neinvolv€menls in qovernment and polt cal affairs dur n9 his lre. He..

FOIA 00537-2008 'ioint/Comb ned Exchanqe Tfalning (ICET) and other mlssions ortfainings peformed by U.S. mi itary offcers stauoned temporar ly orperrnanefty in Rwanda from 1 Oclober r996 io 31 December 2002

FOrA 00538 2008 the use of Aqent Oranse (AO) or other herbcldes used dLrrinq the

FOIA.00539-200a #20080782014098, shared inrormation between Ur!suay's office oflnrormdtion and Inteligence (DNID and the U.S Embassy n

uruguay or w th any other u s. government perconne . Th s reqlestls pertained to co!nter-insurgency/ counterterror srn, or anti-s..


Page 23: FY 2008 DIA FOIA log

FOrA'00540 2008 OSORIO, Caros *20080789D1A099, folow ng nam€s of Uruguayan po ice officers:Antonio Pirez Castagnet (lnspector), ventura Rodriguez (colonel),carLos l"lartin, luan lose Braga (Inspeclor), Nelson Bar(€s 0, luanl'laria Lucas and t4isuelAngel Benltez Segovia. They were kno..

FOIA-00541 2008 BATTLE/ loyce,, #20080799DIA100, llnited Nations l40nltorin9, verification andInspection Committee (UNI.IOVIC) inspections oi Iraqi stessLrspected of hous n9Iraqi n0n conventonal weapons prograrns(nuclear, bioogical, chemlca / and m ssile) from 1 February to 28

FOrA 00542-2008 referral #200704685 ISN001 bv State Deoartment alrdocomentsconcern ng the ls|ae A rcraft hdustries (lAl) and CORE SoriwareTechnology loint Venture (EROS), the implementat on oi PD 23, theJo nt Inter Agency Working Group for Remote sensin9 Polcy.,

FOIA 00543'2008 osoRro, cARLos #200808110IA102, the escaDe of more than 100 nmates rromUrug!ay's P!nta Carretas prson in Sept€mber of 1971

FOIA 00544-2008 #20080803D1A101, various u,s, government agenc es anddepartments provlding Uruguayan police and military Personnel wrlhlnteligence and interroqation tra nlng includlng lnternatonal PolceAcao€Ty (washinator, DC1, l.ter_dlroral Polce 5eru'ceq. I-c f..

FOIA 00545 2008 #15606, conkact awarded !nder sollcitation #4020000208 on theconvact closeout support for the DIA requlrement. Th s requestcovers th€ fo owinq: dwarded conkactl a I related attachments ardmodifications, al task and d€lvery 9urchase orders dnd | ..

FOIA-00546,2008 120080820DIA103, to the jo nt counter-insurgent, counterterrcrism/ and ant subversive operaton organ zed betw€enUruguayan secLrrty rorces and ts nelghbor ng countries durins timeperLod from 1968 to 1985 Th s r€qlest includ€s the lollow ng

FOIA 00547'2008 o50RIO, Cados #20080828DIA104, I'lanu€ Hevia Coscull!e a, a cuban who worke!for the u.S. golernment in urirsLrdy dunng the time period irom 1

FOrA-00s48-2008 KORNBLUH, PETER #20080835DIA105, meet ng on 1.1 January 1988 in Qu to, Ecuadorb€tween Ecuadorian po|ce off c als and agents of the lJ.5.

mPnf anh nrcfrar ^n


FOIA 00549-2008 referEl *08-0272 by Deoartm€nl of Defense l!rne 2008 u.s, 5€natelntellgence Commlttee Repor! on Intelligence Cornmlttee Act vltiesin Iraq by the Policy co!nterteror sm EvalLration Group


FOrA 00s50,2008 Gatti, Claud o referra #08 0277 by Departrilent of Defense DOD IG Rome Meet ngRev ew on InteLlgence Activit es Relating to Ilaq

FOIA-00551 2008 disclosure of documents regard ng the custody or trafsport ofdec€ased Paklstani naUonal Saud l"lenron, a long sought suspect inthe slaylnq of Wal Street lournal report Daniel PearL. The timeframe for this request is 1 FebruEry 2002 to present


FOIA-00552'2008 #20080846DIA107, Ecuadoaan polce oficer Doris ftloran who wEs

th€ lead invest gator for the SIC P on the cas€ of the disappearanceor the Restrepo brothers rr 1988. Her agent number wds 150 alsodenoted as 15o/SIC-P The lime irar.e for !h s reqlest is .,

FOrA'00553-2008 KORNBLUH, PEIER #20080841DIA106, Ecuadoran po rce and m litary anti insurgencyoperations that took place near Lake Yambo ( Laguna Yambo ,Yambo Lake or Yambo Laqoon). Th€ t me trame ior this request isfrom L January 1987 to 31 December 1988

Page 24: FY 2008 DIA FOIA log

FOrA-00554-2008 *20080850DIA108, the use of cruel or inhuman treatrnent ortotJ e by U-Jqudys cer-r'fy'or(e: ( rcrudr.g porce, a,-v 1a!,,marne/ and Lntelligence personne ) during the interrogation olpo itlcal pr soners from I lanua.y 1966 to 1 lanuarY 1985 time ff..

FOrA 00555-2008 oSoRIO, Caros #20080863DIA110, Urlquayan policemen and m!lilary p€rsonnel

travel n9 to A.gent na or Chlle for the purpose of undergoingtrain n9 and instruction given by the Argenline InformaUon Serv ce(slDE) orthe Chiean lnteligence School in Santiago during th€ ..

FOIA 00556'2008 #2008085701A109, Sergio Fernando Paranhos Fleury ("5ergi0Fleury"), a member of lhe Braz I an sec!rily forces visiting Uruguayto tm n its pol c€ and m ltary in 1969 and 1970

FO1A 00557 2008 #20080873DIA11r, la me N€bot Sdad , a rormer governor whoseNed the Ecuanorian prov nce of Glayas in the 1980 s when Naim(Nahim) lsalas was ki led near Guayaqi in Septemb€r of 1985

FOIA 00558-2008 ChabuL, Chet n DIA vlsual eemenls such as v:deo footage from the ground an.lfrom ihe alr, photosraphs, unmanned a€ria sYstems, and satell!esurveilance on the terrorisi bombjng attack on the LJN H€adqlartersi Baghdad on L9 August 2003. Thls request Blso ncludes t..

FOIA-00559-2008 documents re ated to the Iraqr Interagency Biolog ca Warfarewofk na Croro {llBWWG)

FOrA 00560'2008 STEPONKLIS, Elzabeth contract +fiH1"140207c0094 0n al conlract modifications and soLrrce

se ection a.d dec sion documents on the organization i2S

F014,00561 2008 the nvovement of Bu gara or B! ganan ctizens in Operatron

FOIA-00562-2008 ihe Bu garlan .ompany K ntex as foreign beneficiary of Banca

N.7 on: e delLavorc loans to IracFOIA-00563'2008 +2o0ao877DIALL2, Uruguay s c andes! ne anti-subve6ive lli itary

Act ons Gro!D {Gruoo de Acc on€s lvl ltares Ant subversivat, alsoknowf as "GAr,lA. The fo ow ng names are ncluded n this requestODerat o. ScorDion, operation.lacana, operaton Bandeira

FOiA-00564-2008 OSOPiO, Carlos +2o08o8aiDIA113, Urugu.y s paramilrtary group call€d theNationa Armed Der€nse (Deiensa Armadd Nacronal) also known as

"DAN. 'Th s group of parami itary committed terronst ann vig!anteacts ln Uruguay during the t me perod from I .lanuary 1968 to 1

FOrA-00565-2008 KORNBLUH, PETER #2008089!01A114, L!ls Robles P azd, a lorm€r minlster or

sovernment and mlnisler of the interior n EcLrador. H€ s€rv€d in theadminlstration of president Leon Febres Cordero from 1984 to 1988and wds nt mately ivo ved in Ecuadois counteFinsurgency ef .

F0lA-00566-2008 +20080895DIAl15, Gener-l Edsaf vdca, a forr.er director orFcradorsS C 5e1 o,de-r.es!,gaconesC irtaet'0oo ."

FOIA-00567-2008 Ceclia Fontana de Heber who died drnking posonous w ne nl4ontevrdeo, urlguay in September 1978 fler death was poltcalyre ated to rhe ml jtary government during the 1973 to 1985 t meirame. addii ona names to this reqlest are r.lario Heber, Canos.,

FOrA 00568 2008 RICHE!5ON,leffrey cop es of any DIA d rect v€ and charter eslab lsh n9 lheUnderoround Fac lt es Andlvsls center

FOIA'00569 2008 the tlret fronta armor of the Sovlet Co d War era T-80U and T' FOIA

FOrA-00570-2008 *20080908D]A118, the Ecuadorian securty force call€d th€'Grupode Operaclon€s Especiales (SpecialOperaUons Group) diso kiown

Page 25: FY 2008 DIA FOIA log

FO]A 0057r-2008 KORNELUH, PEIER #2008Q904DIA117, Carlos Fa q!ez, a forrier govemor of theEcladoran orovince oi E Oro dated 1984. i985. of 1986

FOrA 00572 2008 #20080913DIAr19, !he death oi Rlcardo l4erino, a susp€cted lead€rof the Afaro vve Carajo (AVC) gueftila movement

FOIA-00573-2008 te(errcl #200342402 by State D€oartm€nt 11.5,-Kof€an reldtlonsdurina the B!sh I and Clnton adrninlstrations

FOIA'00574-2008 c€nera Vernon walter's personal d aries for ihe fol owing datesr 28October to 6 November 1970, 11- 19 Decembef 1972, 8'15September 1973, and 5-19 February and 9 18 l.4arch 1974

FOrA-005i5-2008 +20080940DIA123, the miners strike and confrontat on betweenmlners and Ecuadorian security forces lhat took place at the La

FOIA 00576,2008 *20080936D]Ar22, the drsappearanc€ or Santiago ard Andres

FOIA-00577 2008 #20080901DIA116, 1965 io !995 related to the biography,professionalcareer, activties, and op€ratois of l.4exican secur tyasent l.4rsue Nazar Haro (a.k.a. Coone or Coronel lvlart nez)

FOIA 00578 2008 #200601055 by State Departrnent consultaUori io lowing terms"Flioht s3' American airli.es Fliohi 93r.

FOIA-00579-2008 #20080955DIA124 lraql culture or customs, religion, societ/, andva les n lilusl m or Arab societ esj comp ed, createdi or lsed irom1 lanuary 2001 to 31 December 2003 to orent or lrain U.S. orcoalit on seNLce memb€rs for serv ce In Iraq or rn lvlusl fn o,,

FOtA-00580-2008 Lima s re 85 Laos, especlalLy cEse files ior Me v n Nol and, Frle, H-1ag an.l lamesH calfee FiecL501

FOIA,00581 2008 KLOTZ,.lames Recordc reqard I q DIA en Oloynent, ac_o-prrs'mprlq, d'd+"t.-.*.rt"+ -""' * n rrtrtO USC +-:+

FO]A,00582 2008 EIGWQOD, ]EREMY.. reteral r200503656 by State Deparrment the 4 February 1992short- ived coup in Venezuela, lead by Lt. Col. fugo Ralael ChavezFrias (curent Venezue an Prcsident), dsainst the government otthen-Presid€nt Cados Andres Perez

FOIA-00583-2008 combatant Statos Revier,r Tribunal proceed ngs, Adm n strativeRev ew Bo" o Droceedroos and an, other

'eco'de 'eoa'd na rhe

cass' .or,on o' t,earnent or -


FOrA'00584-2008 combatant Status Review Tribuna proceedin9s, adminrstratveReview Board proceedinss, a!! 4y S!!elle!9&!l9sq:q!s t!9classlfcation or treatment 9ir


FOIA-00585-2008 father, Dr. B€n N. I'lcconne I Jr.FOrA'00586-2008 records created and prepared by the io low ng governmenl

agenciesr FBI,theNatona Jo nt Terror sm Task Force, or any lo ntTerrorlsm Task Forc€, the N.Uonal Security Agency, the D€partmento'tlo rela d S- r'r, t'F Dopd-. e r o'Det.n," Cou 'e rtel..

FOrA 00587 2008 CLEItIFNTE,lonathan historica ovedlew of med cal inte I gence support prov ded by theArm€d Forces lled cal lnte gence Ce.ter (AFMIC, now des gnated''Nat ona Cent,.r ror Medical Int€ ligence") in the p anning andoperational phases ol Operat on Iraql Freedom I (OtF 1), Op.,

FOtA 00588-2008 contract awarded to the Canine Explos ve oet€crion Teams (CEDT)

requirement. The new so rc tat on n!mber is *fff440208R0133

FOIA-00589-2008 contraci #HH1"140207R0094 und€r the V rtLra InteL|gence S muLaUon

Page 26: FY 2008 DIA FOIA log

FO]A 0Q590 2008 # 15724, contrac! + flllll40208R0133 under the Can ne Explos ve

FO]A'00591 2008 refem +08-F-1541 D€oartment of Def€nse Khald Sh€ikhMohammed s .onfession to m!rden.o Dan e peEn

FO]A 0059? 2008 oq or ndex (a.ka. ForA case og) to a Freedom of Infomation Ac!R€auests thai has been received n th€ Dast five vears

FOiA 00593 2008 copies or documents re ating to the NATO m I iary exerc se famedaut!mn Forge 83 and AbLe Archer S3j both were conducted n

FOrA-00594.2008 RAVN]TZKY, 11]CI]AEL, rcco.ds n tlre f les of the Defense lntel igence Agency conc€rn n9rv no Derson Adele Flv ra uskali Edr<en


FOrA 00595-2008 the Proc!rement so ic tat on and Awarded contract(s) for theProqram named Coliselrm, covenng the period 20Q3 to the present


FOIA-00596 2008 a I oo.r nF i , rcLud I q br ^or [- lFd o cab es. lelle c,

memolaida, brief n9 papers, transcripls/ summaries, notes,

'epods d'als. te' 9e_"e do . e rs, as<es'me 's. d dphotosraphs duthored or co-authored by (bx-1)r l0 UjlC L24

FOrA 00597'2008 Ch nese Mililary NandbookFOtA-00598 2008 B]GWOOD, JEREI'IY., r€f€nd +9823 R1 by Natiooa S€curity Agency the Peruvian

g!errilla organnation (Tupac Amar! Revo ut ondry r.4ovement) theEj.rc to Popular Tupacamar sta (HRTA) the Tupac Amaru Pop!ldrArmv the takeover of th€ laDdnese ambassadois residence in Li.

FOIA 00599-2008 Gr€enb !m, B€njamin

FO!A 00600-2008 _elera 08 I t)0 a,a-ad' en. olDe'ense eq-e)l o. lhebehaliof the counc on Amercan rslamic Reauons, the IslamicCenter of San Dieqo by Edgar fopida and llohammed-Taha Hassan€aboui the disp.opa.tonate iarqeti.g oi l'luslim Americans and r.4us..

FOIA-00601 20A8 F20080999DIA133, al doc!ments re ated to lhe following l4€xicanofiicials Visae Reyes Lara,lorqe L!na Cruz, Edlardo de a FuenteRamos,.lose Francsco Gomez Leija,.lLran Sa azar Hernandez, andluan car os Gonochole They were arested on 26 Novemb€r 2..

FOlA 00602-2008 *1581E, contract Ewarded !nder so icitation #HH1440208R00.13, lhe

FOiA'00603-2008 rererra *08-F-1110 by Department of Defense conlraci+HC101306c2c26 awarde! lo Sr"l Consult n9 and contractjH9C10407F!04 awarded to SYNTEX under so icitaton #0S080Q04,the Analytica s!pport tc th€ Strategic coLrnterintelligence

FOlA 00604,2008 refena i+08-F"16r0 by Depairment oi Defense the treahent olndlvldla s on Exh b t A in l.aq ncludinq Abr Ghr.ib in the case

FOrA'00605-2008 referra +08 FP-C191 by Department of Defense referra *1059116

FOlA-00606,2008 referral #F'2008 01459 by CIA refeffal #NGC07-103 by NARA copyof correspondence b€tween the CIA and the Nationa Arch ves from

FOrA-00607 2008 reierral 196 F 2267 by Department of Defense Accession #3307676on Clrina Ta k ne Paper, SALT - Commun st Chinese ThreavBrlD

FO1A,00608,200a reierral #92-F 0988 by Dep.rtm€nt oi D€iense secretary ofOefense Melvin La rd on SALT Ver ficat on Pane, U.S nucear

Page 27: FY 2008 DIA FOIA log

FOIA-oit609 2008 dl .ecords on detdinee fb(C,)

the United States at G!artanamo Bay Detentiot Campoetatnee namel (b)(6L- ..-


NOTE: the

FOIA 00610-2008 RAVNITZKY, MICHAEL,, copy or the lls(t of perodrc employee colloquia, brown bag tunchtalks, and employee s€minar discussions held a! OIA ir 2006,2A07,

FQIA-0061I 2008 BIGWQOD, ]EREI"IY.. Co omb an p.rami itary leader Carlos Castano from 24 April 2001 to FOIA

FOrA-00612-2008 contract #HHM.r02-04-Q'0006FOIA'00613-2008 f14694A, a contracts awarded under so lcitat on

+NNr.l40207RQQ94 under the virtual inte iigence simu at of (VI S m)

F01A"00614-2008 the nvestigauons on the compromise or securty of lhe ArmedF.r.cs A, r.!.n Nefw..k frnm 1q6O r^ rqRn

FOI4,00615-2008 l,l ssion Acco!ntab llty Report on an updated list ng or aer al magerysart es and cai (spot) nlmbers, for sort es rlown from 1939 to 1949

FOIA'00616'2008 #r5859, regardinq contraci:s awarded undef the solctation+HHlll4020AR!206 on the Access Co.trcl Sedices reoui.ement

FOIA 00617-2008 fo lowing tanks: 1 T 728 super do ly parton flll fepoir andphotosfaplrs 2. T 64 al mode s (A/ B, and BV) andlysrs ol thevehrc e, disassembly of vehlcle, aralys s of t!r.€t aff.or 3. Theanalysis, phoiograplrs, documents perta n n9 to th€ sov et..

FOrA-00618 2008 EATTLE, loyce . #20081017DIA135 m! tlple requests concem/ng kaq, al-Qaida,boooical and.hemi.alwF6Dons nr.orahq et.

FOIA-00619 2008 Ahried Cha ab, n regdrds to h s associates in lraq and h s t es to

FOIA 006?0-2008 regafd n9 trave of Iraq Pres dent ld!al Talabani and his assoctates,rlnancial transacr ons i.cl!drig payments for securlw and travebetween h€ and the agencies of the LJflted States government

FCIA'00621'2008 CANNING, George relerral t02-F-2037 by D€partment of D€fense the Juty 10-11, 2002meet ng of the Deiense Pollcy Board Advrsory Comm ttee (DPBAC)

FOIA-00622 2008 records pertarning to Frederic A. ( Rick ) Bo!rke, rr. in reierence tothe invest9dtion and repodin9 nlernationa flnanca corruptonnvolvln9 privatzation r.o9ram in azerbailan durinq 1996 to present

FOrA-00623 2008 Greenblunr, Benjam n th. d"tentl"" "f

@()- itn !."q by * -

ffilT"l.*_rt"r 2003 to rury 2004 D-atainee

FO1A,00624-2008 al oocLme ts addresse. ro or r.nre-Elb ;. r' .1 r': o .- 1q l99l


to 1994 dnd late. Rwanda, re atlng to Rwanddn Pataotic Army (RPA)or the Rwandan refugees n Za re durng lanuary 1995 to ..

FOIA-00625 2008 records reqard ng the 1l Algust 2008 airiftof neary 2,000Georo a. tr oos odt of lra. .n.l ba.k io Ge.rd i

Total No. of Cases : 620