fWHf mmaBit0 - Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... ·...

ff mmaBit0 ESTABLISHED MAY, 1895 fWHf VDL. XXI. No 12 MANASSAS, VA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 1915 $1.00 A Year in Advance BERKELEY CAMP REUNION Several From Mananat Took Part in Program at Little Rrrcr -^ on Thursday. Aiunut & (0. L. Uutchiioii, Adjt. Berkeley C»mp) " At Little River Meeting^house on JThui'Bday, Auguot6th» the Defk» ley Camp, Confederate Veterans, met for their annual reunion as tba guests of the 8th Va. Regt., CRUSHED UNDER NACfflNE John C. GoMom, a Native Prince William, Killed -. JU Lrafihfaurct . . 1- Death came on Tuesday to John C. Gossom. a native of Prince WiiUtaa, 'mho, SstiLatrtni ygarg. ^..Xbapter, lL.Il,.rii Thp tiftywuft an ideal one and at an earlv hour fl vast throng of Veterans and friends began to arrive to spend once again a pleasant day with each other. Commander E. Berkeley called the Camp to order at 10:30 a. m., after which Rev. T. D. D. Clark led in prayer, earnestly invoking the divine blessing upon the as- sembled host. The adjutant then read the minutes of the last meet- ing and odled the roll CcA. R. A. Hutchison, of Ma- passas, in behalf of the Daugh- jgrsof the Confederacy, extended the Camp a T ^ cardial welcome, to which Col. K Berkeley re- Bponded v«7 graciously in behalf Y>f t>^A namp. AftjRr thJR the. has been employed at Lynchburg. Mr. Gossom, a machinist in the p.mploy nf t.hft R<>nBaclf. Machine Cnmpflny, fatally injured when a 2,000- pound grinding machine, which was being unloaded, fell from a pulley and pinned him against a iorick wall. He was Pushed to S t Andrew's Hospital where he died a few minutes after arrival. The remains were shipped to Haymarket and the funeral ser- vices were held at Antioch Bap- tist church yesterday about noon. The pallbearers at the funeral were the four brothers of the deceased, a nephew, Hr. Will Goflsom, and his brother-in-law, Mr. Sydney Clarke, of Indian IN COMMEMORATION OF THE MANASSAS NATIONAL JUBILEE JULY 21, 1*11 TH£ FIRST INSTANCE IN HUMAN ANNALS Camp fcdjuwii»d until after a de^ liciously dinner Hfiryed on the ^_ ^'^igroundB. . Lieut. L M. Shumate called :-—l^ihe:Camp to ordw at 1:30 p. nu^ and "Nearer My God to Thee" was suntf with much feeling. Mrs. Mary Gossom, of near Anti- och, four brotiiers and one eisl^ jBucriye the deceased JEhe.biathi ers* Messrs. R. B., Frwk. Adjottet G. L. ^xtchison-then^^}^:^^^^ introdaoed the Rev.<}eo. T.Baker in<fian Head, Md. ~who. far v-y^nr i^*- addre^^ thft hfatnry of tfcy ffljt 'A TtmX far the Rnyai Antbasaa. Yirginia Resiment from Bdll Run to Appomkttox. "iMiie" was ^ BUngandComradeA.H.CQmptOD f^ reeked ' The Uharg|**lth6 light Head. Md Mr/ Gossom, who was well known throughout the county, vr»a 4.^ yearn nf agfi at. thfi time of bis death. Ha leayes a wife and small child. His mother, and Witlianu all liveinthe Water- \ghborhood. His tjsi Mrs. Sydney Clarke, reudea at WHEiffi^SUftVIVORS OF A GREAT BATTLE MET AND EXCHANGED FRIENDLY GREETINGS FIFTY YEARS AFTER THE DAY OF ACTUAL COMBAT.: ON THIS SPOT THE CLOSING SCENE WAS ENACIED THE TABLEAU OF THE RLUWTED STATES IN WHICH THE PRESIDENT, THE GOVERNOR OF VIRGINIA, ANPfFORTY-ElGHT MAIDENS IN WHITE LEVY ON REAL PROPERTY Levy Made on Tangible Property at Special Meetint of Board Last. Friday. A tin ftp*^inl mpMinpr o f th^ Board TOOK PART, WITH 1000 VETERANS OF THE BLUE AND THE GRAY AND 10,000 CITIZENS OF county^ held at the court-house of the said county on Friday, the 6th day of August, 1915, there were present J. T. Syncox, Chair- ^i ' T P If 1 T P fa..i;..i, - T. M. Russell, J. L. Dawson and 0. C. Hutchison. Ordered that tre&iurer pay to J. p. Manuel $29.75 out of Brents- ' ville distncT road" fund 16 pay freight on carload of stone chips for macadam road at Nokesville: Further ordered that treasurer honor draft or drafts from J. P. Manuel for freight on two addir tional ears of stone dnpe and eb»rg* same to said fund. The following accounts were presented, examined, allowed aad ordexed to be c o ^ e d to the County Treaaurer for payment: J. L. DawwM), OeooqoairnL M., 926.60 R. W. Cornwell, Cotoi " " . 6.W Same. Special '• " 3.60 J.F.Ga)ick,electoralboard,ao.fdu 4.00 T. M. Roflwn, poor daim, " " &00 NEW. AME Vi^tr. Gw. 0. Tjlei", •iiperiateBdwit 3 The above has been sufogeeted aa the inscription ioe a proposed tablet to be erected on the Allieieast ^ e of the <»urthQUseV fflfactiy o p p o s l f e : ^ s j x * w h « « _ the diiwag scent <rf^^^ " Ul«oactea on July 21,1911. CntKaam of the_wording and sugges- National Jubilee of Peace wi^enacted on July 21,1911. ^Critidam of thewordii tions as to <fifferent MntmgoJMht in the design are aakea by Lieut. Geo.^C, matter in charge. who has the •chools, salarytoAag. I, Chu. A. BmrlxHj, parane' l,eo.fd., voting" TO-16 IJBta, etc., eonnty fnnd., U&U. A. itarbee, nomoiung^ a*. 80 board, county fdnd,^ J. T. Syncox, i. P. Hasoel, don. 7 Those of the Royal Ambasaa- iHfmi wKn will meet at the hoipe' of Mr. Westwood. HutchlScH* ton^ morrow morning at 9 o'clock will be taken for a i^rular boy scout bike by an offieially ro^jiotcgod nwps WM11I yjjflfis * MC FABI^ KEnw; ADMrieaa Fanner* Ulnhr to#» ilarafor-P FaraiM*' bwtitnto and DnirT- aytwiCoiirthouaa Lwn Saturday, BwooTfORfwaaiigg^ HeaTT Ra^ hjeneaae of Typli<» jg WhiBt Bpartment snbmittod its fcpegfc- in writinfir, which zepdirt was ThreMoolfHrdered to be filed. Ordered that the clerk and ftote^V^ fdaftthiwiiiMhe board of s a p ^ ^ viaors draw a warrantin favor <rf O. C Hutduaon, J. F. Gtdldt,- T.H.Rauel], J. Ik DaWBOD wmerTiaor 3.00 6.80 4.90 4.70 6.80 The ctMzunittee on reception midlocaUdu 9f aiU8Hi aiid^ ea4r rfiTOBrUnitea States War ler recitation,. "Night on Shiloh," was very ably given by MUM MiWred Harrell. of Manas- Sft(g which "Old Folks at sas. Home'' was sang. Rev. T. D. I>. Cl*rit BOW m(Mie a hwir(«fttirfing scoutmaster. The boyawfagare going on thia hike, should bring With them a guurer of a pound of bac<m. two (ExtiMt from Baltimore Son) 'Hie 1915 agricultural crops will A rare treat is in st(»e for the farmera and dairvmen of Prince (From State Bouxi of Health) -The heavy rains that have (i»n r. Boand for the smn of be the laisest. in qi^oi^ty and William and adjoining tounties and this was foltowed by nuMiinya^s of coru aod St leasfr for Saturday, August 21, tiiere swept Virginia during the last $23.58 to cover frei^t and ex- pense on canuou iuid, ounun bafts- two Uu^e potatoes, la addition Ill-i^rV!! j;^^L^^ i^""" "I" i n"^'"-"'-?^-^ week have probably caused the givoi the county by the United &e singing of "Only Remembered fyy What We Have Done." The Rev. Robb White, gcotor Jo this, each bdy should bring as much bread as he trunks he can eat nn the day's trip. tory of the Ameri<*n nadiHi, of St Paul'slchurch, Haymaricet, lyas called to the stand and in a ^to-"' -H^ew well-chosen wordajuidressed ?)sthe Camp, after which the Camp ;/^igoceeded to take up its regular order of business On motion of Comrade Comp- tnn, all the officers of hat'year were reelected,lColonei B«riceley and limtenant Shumate "for life." It was noted with de^ regret that our lines have been thtaned by the death of quite a munber of our members sinee we iMt saeL ** lOa nintiaai gLAimradf Shiii Those who bring thdr fishing tackle will have an opportunity to fish. Cme'ot the prineipl^a of scout- ingiatobeprompt. Thiashould be no less a principle of the Royal ATr>b'*«»»«^ft''a ^_ ^ The scoutmaster, who will be in charae of-this iiike, is Rev. 0. Grey Hutc^son, scoutmaster of Troop Na 1. of Smethport, Pa. cording to the August cn«> esti- mates issued Monday by.the De- ing on the courthouse lawn at iSanSssas. It is propoSied to make the meeting an aU-day one aad to that end the faraaera ata weeK nave prooaDiy^causea tne s^teaWitf Department. uuUuUwvf many wells BiMlIiafe .„•..„ „ZzZ„,uu«^ increased to such an. extent the increaaea to sncn an^ exienc tne danger of the spread of typhoid In' the now tax lawa thera-Ja- only a levy of ten^cents on the asked to "bring their lunch and •spend the entire day. m'} 4f • .!«ate, the Camp extended to the vfry-. Uvughters of the Ccmfedoraey aad the ladies of the eammuBlty aa nnanisMUS vote of thanks for tlnrir cordial and generous hoq;>i- liRtr ' " ^ Camp was' thai ad- "jonrned hy the Cbmm— rjaet t o i ! ^ Thus e&ded oneof ynoet pleasant and enjoyidde watiings of our Caoipr ' WE ERRED LAST WEEK. THE partmuut of Agrieultugc. —— Tlie wheat, com and oats crops aloue. It is estimated, will bring the American farmers neariy$4,- O00,000,000,the greatest sum ever 'T^°^J^Tv^!^^\ oS^i^aWld.' ot the dairy diviaien. wheat yield wiH be nearly 1 . 0 0 0 . - ; ^ ^ ^ and member, of O0Q,O0Obushels.the«>roy^ V j ^ ^ ^ 'g ^ ^ ^^^ ^, 91V i MM i iMi» h.«h^l* ftnd the OatsPJ'* q^'nr ana looa oivuuua »x The morning sesmon will be ^ven over tp a discussion of Hftiry problfflMfl by DB. HdaiCT that the State Board of Health ffn^T^«yhiy \waneA a pnKtO^»afn. ing on the subject. \ During the last- few days, tiie $100 of real and tangible personal property payable to thj>: ftSt!^ board has received several reports of minor outbreaks in various rural cenuftunities. Investigatiott of ^eseeutbreaks by (Ulcers, of the board has shown that the in^ foetion in some instances ifyMWowafiy i r ^ w f i ^ 6CTtfl an thft $100. But the power is given the additional tax of'25 cents on tiie $100 in- order to avmd a deficit in the schoororothttT funds. Ib«re- -war fore» the board ordered an addi- rinwt lagy nf fiVfti»«fihi nn all rpal D«^ ol Joha a Graluuia. On Wednesday morning. Au- giiHt 4- ftboDt 8 o'clock. John R. Graham, a highly respected dn^ zen of Prince William who lived near Beverly Milli^. Fsuguier d-da yidd 1.402,000,000 busHels. These estimates stand aa oewf. The Maryland wheat yidd will the state departmentrof VJrgtnia. la the afteriKxxi tiiere will be a ; Heenasionas to the heat metiio<i» lof growing graina. Good speak evidently due to the pollution of fan about 2,850,000 bushels betow last year's crop, but in Virginia theeeHmatoa|m>im»8%5.Sea000 haD lea<!Bfirtg1flg1»d roonif His I bushel gala. The ¥tggiai^ tetalf^ county, aoMi fnnnd dead in thft subjects that wfll be well worth while. Cue uf the wdla by washing rains. The board points out that this consti- tutes a permanent source of uzJess propfO'SNpecaations are tikai. SeiaetameB it hap- pens, according to the board, that the water f fwrtf^ "f ir neapoUutea i and tangilrfe personal pn^erty in this county for the year 1915, for county schod puiyoees and a fUruier aostiOTUd 'levy ^f two^ aad one-half cents on all real aad tai^blriwraoml iiruDerty &f district school porpoaes be levied death is SOI about 8 o ippoaed >'rhvk 1 to have occured t^io avKBiing hft. yield Is aBUiualBd at 10.700;0efr bash els, againat 11J96.000 F*o«*»"g q"H *^ "» gffcrt to get fore, for he was found dressed for bed, the linen of which re- mained untouched. , Itis believed I , thatdeediwaadBetopandyaaot f » i9w-i»ia^ bushels isstyearand agajpt9 171,000 bushels as the average , iriad'of a dairy wrganiaa^ ^km formed wbieti caa haadii o i a oommumqr b ,_—_„_, Ky ^iiyJAiYTonind aeenagK borfty one soch case there are usuauy iiaah Jintoiati The riwva _8chedu 1 e was loptad h> flw frinnwing itjcor^wt vote: fl|e didryaian's jnbleau Thiat«.W«B»ngi^ Mr. Graham, who was 72 years ofageat tiie tiraeof Us death, was weU known in the Thorough- fare neighburhoud where he had many warm friends wbo regret his death. He is sorrived by four children: Mrs. J. J. Utterback. Manassas; Mrs. J. R. Powell, Juckhal; Mi:rS.^J^rCinnrain; Tb<»v>ughfitre, and another comes dangerous by sorfaoe washing. it is estimated the wheat acreage is lfr,OW,ifl0^ « a « ^ a « w last irear, the nnmher gf the of Priaea WilUaffi.: Make Saturday of next w< ^yj nf Rt^f> TAftrfng de- Tn last week's issue of JoUBNAL we stated that Mr. W. _„_ --- ,W. Garrison, of Manassas, andidai«hter of WaterfalL liias Edith J. Maffett, of Hem a t Rockville. Md., on the preced- iag Saturday. Our authcHity for tliis s t a t e m e n t was current romor which was not denied by Mr. Garrison Md which we took maag" tn our -Dowcr to •ftartty: Shortiv after THE JOURNAL eame out .ast week, however, we tir*t we i«<i been totally in err^r ^.- • "•• "at« and pive of t>'= :r,ar-:s.cf for the ceremony _Kae uvi day of being 4v. iwf.wwj aft 11 per cent over 1914. The Agricultural Department's 0i wheat <» August iMt Ht^-^X^ At thia figure, the value of the wheat crop is estimated at $1,024,- 000,000. The vargi of the ftyn " ^ 4lDe of y6Ur diya off thia summer 1 ^ and your family caa gain prfiey" has been agreed upon at ^ the two Pan-American ccniet- QOQ^. ences <m the Mexican aitaattOQ.. Latin Araeriea wiU cooperate in every peacefo] was in uiHng in tTrfrnite ^ivfi jg eatimsted »t $2,315.000. into the. spring and. secondly, to y o u r TT»""y CBU K«UJ •«•—w »—- w- - ———-•.. 1n«h in ft. « , of W « r H S S T i f c l S ^^^^i and recreation by takmg m the oltbefijl tite business mea of are vezy much interested in this saertfaiff and they have a sunnnse of I F w adoption—J. t. Manuel. J. „. L. Dawson, 0. C. Hutdiisoo and "To J^ntect a_well or 8priE|^ jp^ji^ ^ ^ b S ^ ^ l t e j J & J ^ * « * ^ «tept»oa-J. T. ^ * . 'a difficult or expensive tmder- it is weU<4oeated md fmeed'eff BO that animals cannot reach it^ only two things are usually nee- .fitei. OOQ.aadtheoatcro|)at»g<U,UW.- iib staralbrtbelanBatwlRrat^ «BBd—Make preiMfstifflM now day's estimate, are reaKxed, the ™ " "^IZ-I Aaieriean-fanaer. will. receive the rastoraSoo df law aad wder jiQore money for hta product this in Mexica If peaceful means y^^. than ever before in the his- fail, Latin American govern- toiy of the coontry. Much of the ments will lend their pasaive Westsro wheat was sokl but year moral support to anned inter-i^y the farmer before the war vention by the fcrees of JM [boosted the price, but this year '^^rrorr/.S^til W^^l^jUmted Statee. last week and then in Subscnbe for THB JOUKMAL, "-the Rjchmond. $1.00 a year in advance wSk giva ran » good welcooe whan Angoak 21 grade above rt in sw^ a numner taat water wasbmg down grade will be carried (M and will not "Inthe a^oTawSI, the wair aheold-be raised above the sur- AgatMt adiytion—J. T. cox and J. F. Gufiettr intendentof roads for Manaseag district report at the next me^=~ ing of the board the probable cost of a inidge over the creek ak>ng H. G. Payne's, on road from J. SiBd'sJ'ord The Senate-naception room ini does not need 'ventilatioB.' The bridge,and Ute necessity for such abridge. In regard to changes on Manas- iB-Milford road, land damagee were allowed as follows: W. S. Atber. $50; T. H. Athey. $60; M. C. Bennett, $100, and Eva Lewis, face of the surrounding ground aad should be made water-tight. It is a mistake to leave crevices . „ ^ . ^ ^ ^ , ^viKiShiion.' A fWd-irett $Wr A» the above land owners woe willing to accept .said awards ————— . -topen tope efweile are so often at except T: H. Athey wtroee object the Capitol.at Washington, which gouroe of danger a n d t h e openj^^^ ^^^ ^^^ allowed. The was wrecked by a bomb placed tberan July 2 by Frank Holt, wbo later shot J. P. Morgan and killed himself in a cell at the Mmeola, L. I., jail, haspracti L. '---' —--" - eally been rcMired hf ltepa»- it is anticipated that the fanner tendart Woo<Pa emptoyeest TW I high prices. expei $442.68. t S S l U i S ^ e r ^ ^ l ^ ' h e i board unanunousl>- vot«l m favor aupplied with a pump and covered of widening: the road as proposed with wat«-tigm tongue and and order was madp that war- groove timber. If ti«*e^recaa-irantsbe drawi. - :& ir ^f '^P are taken there is n" d*"g*^ that the aptmg « the writ will land owners a.- ^•.a.e<i acv' •;•. ^^dared that ine boarc :^ jfirnpri ta meet acain on I: day, August 19, 1915.

Transcript of fWHf mmaBit0 - Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... ·...

Page 1: fWHf mmaBit0 - Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · National Jubile ofe Peac" Ul«oactee wi^enacte o odn July 21,1911. ^Critida CntKaa




VDL. XXI. No 12 MANASSAS, VA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 1915 $1.00 A Year in Advance


Several From Mananat Took Part in Program at Little Rrrcr

- ^ on Thursday. Aiunut &

(0 . L. Uutchiioii, Adjt. Berkeley C»mp)

" At Little River Meeting^house on JThui'Bday, Auguot6th» the Defk» ley Camp, Confederate Veterans, met for their annual reunion as tba guests of the 8th Va. Regt.,


John C. GoMom, a Native Prince William, Killed -. J U Lrafihfaurct . .


Death came on Tuesday to John C. Gossom. a native of Prince WiiUtaa, 'mho, SstiLatrtni ygarg.

^..Xbapter, lL.Il,.rii Thp tiftywuft an ideal one and at an earlv hour fl vast throng of Veterans and friends began to arrive to spend once again a pleasant day with each other.

Commander E. Berkeley called the Camp to order at 10:30 a. m., after which Rev. T. D. D. Clark led in prayer, earnestly invoking the divine blessing upon the as­sembled host. The adjutant then read the minutes of the last meet­ing and odled the roll

CcA. R. A. Hutchison, of Ma-passas, in behalf of the Daugh-jgrsof the Confederacy, extended the Camp a T ^ cardial welcome, to which Col. K Berkeley re-Bponded v « 7 graciously in behalf Y>f t> A namp. AftjRr thJR the.

has been employed at Lynchburg. Mr. Gossom, a machinist in the p.mploy nf t.hft R<>nBaclf. Machine

Cnmpflny, fatally injured when a 2,000-pound grinding machine, which was being unloaded, fell from a pulley and pinned him against a iorick wall. He was Pushed to S t Andrew's Hospital where he died a few minutes after arrival.

The remains were shipped to Haymarket and the funeral ser­vices were held at Antioch Bap­tist church yesterday about noon. The pallbearers at the funeral were the four brothers of the deceased, a nephew, Hr. Will Goflsom, and his brother-in-law, Mr. Sydney Clarke, of Indian



JULY 21, 1*11


Camp fcdjuwii»d until after a de liciously dinner Hfiryed on the

^_ ' igroundB. . Lieut. L M. Shumate called

:-—l^ihe:Camp to ordw at 1:30 p. nu^ and "Nearer My God to Thee" was suntf with much feeling.

Mrs. Mary Gossom, of near Anti­och, four brotiiers and one e i s l^ jBucriye the deceased JEhe.biathi ers* Messrs. R. B., Frwk.

Adjot te t G. L. ^ x t c h i s o n - t h e n ^ ^ } ^ : ^ ^ ^ ^ introdaoed the Rev.<}eo. T.Baker in<fian Head, Md.

~who. far v-y^nr i ^ * - addre^^ thft hfatnry of tfcy ffljt ' A TtmX far the Rnyai Antbasaa.

Yirginia Resiment from Bdll Run to Appomkttox. "iMiie" was

^ BUngandComradeA.H.CQmptOD f^ reeked ' The Uharg|**lth6 l i g h t

Head. Md Mr/ Gossom, who was well

known throughout the county, vr»a 4.^ yearn nf agfi at. thfi t ime of bis death. Ha leayes a wife and small child. His mother,

and Witlianu all liveinthe Water-\ghborhood. His tjsi

Mrs. Sydney Clarke, reudea at





Levy Made on Tangible Property at Special Meetint of Board

Last. Friday.

A tin ftp*^inl mpMinpr o f th^ Board


county^ held at the court-house of the said county on Friday, the 6th day of August, 1915, there were present J. T. Syncox, Chair-

^i ' T P If 1 T P fa..i;..i, -

T. M. Russell, J. L. Dawson and 0. C. Hutchison.

Ordered that tre&iurer pay to J. p. Manuel $29.75 out of Brents- ' ville distncT road" fund 16 pay freight on carload of stone chips for macadam road at Nokesville: Further ordered that treasurer honor draft or drafts from J. P. Manuel for freight on two addir tional ears of stone dnpe and eb»rg* same to said fund.

The following accounts were presented, examined, allowed aad ordexed to be c o ^ e d to the County Treaaurer for payment: J. L. DawwM), OeooqoairnL M., 926.60 R. W. Cornwell, Cotoi " " . 6.W

Same. Special '• " 3.60 J.F.Ga)ick,electoralboard,ao.fdu 4.00 T. M. Roflwn, poor daim, " " &00

NEW. AME Vi^tr. Gw. 0. Tjlei", •iiperiateBdwit

3 The above has been sufogeeted aa the inscription ioe a proposed tablet to be erected on the

Allieieast ^ e of the <»urthQUseV fflfactiy o p p o s l f e : ^ sjx* wh««_ the diiwag scent <rf^ " Ul«oactea on July 21,1911. CntKaam of the_wording and sugges-National Jubilee of Peace wi^enacted on July 21,1911. ^Critidam of thewordii

tions as to <fifferent MntmgoJMht in the design are aakea by Lieut. Geo.^C, matter in charge.

who has the

•chools, salary to Aag. I, Chu. A. BmrlxHj, parane'

l,eo.fd., voting"


IJBta, etc., eonnty fnnd., U&U. A. itarbee, nomoiung^

a*. 80

board, county fdnd, J. T. Syncox, i. P. Hasoel,


7 Those of the Royal Ambasaa-iHfmi wKn will meet at the hoipe' of Mr. Westwood. HutchlScH* ton morrow morning at 9 o'clock will be taken for a i^rular boy scout bike by an offieially ro^jiotcgod

nwps WM11I yjjflfis * MC FABI^ KEnw;

ADMrieaa Fanner* Ulnhr to#» ilarafor-P

FaraiM*' bwtitnto and DnirT-aytwiCoiirthouaa

Lwn Saturday,

BwooTfORfwaaiigg^ HeaTT R a ^

hjeneaae of Typli<» jg WhiBt

Bpartment snbmittod its fcpegfc-in writinfir, which zepdirt was

ThreMoolfHrdered to be filed. Ordered that the clerk and

ftote^V^ fdaftthiwiiiMhe board of s a p ^ ^ viaors draw a warrantin favor <rf

O. C Hutduaon, J. F. Gtdldt,-T.H.Rauel], J. Ik DaWBOD

wmerTiaor 3.00 6.80 4.90

4.70 6.80

The ctMzunittee on reception midlocaUdu 9f aiU8Hi aiid^ ea4r

rfiTOBrUnitea States War

ler recitation,. "Night on Shiloh," was very ably given by MUM MiWred Harrell. of Manas-

Sft(g which "Old Folks at sas. Home'' was sang. Rev. T. D. I>. Cl*rit BOW m(Mie a hwir(«fttirfing

scoutmaster. The boyaw fag are going on thia

hike, should bring With them a guurer of a pound of bac<m. two

(ExtiMt from Baltimore Son)

'Hie 1915 agricultural crops will A rare treat is in st(»e for the

farmera and dairvmen of Prince

(From State Bouxi of Health)

-The heavy rains • that have

(i»n r. Boand for the smn of

be the laisest. in qi^oi^ty and William and adjoining tounties

and this was foltowed by nuMiinya^s of coru aod St leasfr

for Saturday, August 21, tiiere swept Virginia during the last

$23.58 to cover frei^t and ex-pense on canuou iuid, ounun bafts-

two Uu^e potatoes, la addition Ill-i^rV!! j ; ^ ^ L ^ ^ i """ "I" i n"^'"-"'-?^-^ week have probably caused the

givoi the county by the United

&e singing of "Only Remembered fyy What We Have Done."

The Rev. Robb White, gcotor

Jo this, each bdy should bring as much bread as he trunks he can eat nn the day's trip.

tory of the Ameri<*n nadiHi,

of S t Paul'slchurch, Haymaricet, lyas called to the stand and in a


-H^ew well-chosen wordajuidressed ?)sthe Camp, after which the Camp

;/^igoceeded to take up its regular order of business

On motion of Comrade Comp-tnn, all the officers of hat'year were reelected,lColonei B«riceley and l imtenant Shumate "for life." It was noted with d e ^ regret that our lines have been thtaned by the death of quite a munber of our members sinee we iMt saeL **

lOa nintiaai gLAimradf Shiii

Those who bring thdr fishing tackle will have an opportunity to fish. —Cme'ot the prineipl^a of scout-ingiatobeprompt. Thiashould be no less a principle of the Royal ATr>b'*«»»« ft''a ^ _ ^

The scoutmaster, who will be in charae of-this iiike, is Rev. 0 . Grey Hutc^son, scoutmaster of Troop N a 1. of Smethport, Pa.

cording to the August cn«> esti­mates issued Monday by.the De-

ing on the courthouse lawn at iSanSssas. It is propoSied to make the meeting an aU-day one aad to that end the faraaera ata

weeK nave prooaDiy^causea tne s^teaWitf Department. uuUuUwvf many wells BiMlIiafe .„•..„ „ZzZ„,uu«^ increased to such an. extent the increaaea to sncn an^ exienc tne danger of the spread of typhoid

In' the now tax lawa thera-Ja-only a levy of ten^cents on the

asked to "bring their lunch and •spend the entire day.

m'} 4f •

.!«ate, the Camp extended to the


Uvughters of the Ccmfedoraey aad the ladies of the eammuBlty aa nnanisMUS vote of thanks for tlnrir cordial and generous hoq;>i-liRtr ' " ^ Camp was' thai ad-

"jonrned hy the Cbmm— rjaet t o i ! ^ Thus e&ded oneof

ynoet pleasant and enjoyidde watiings of our Caoipr '



partmuut of Agrieultugc. — — Tlie wheat, com and oats crops

aloue. It is estimated, will bring the American farmers neariy$4,-O00,000,000,the greatest sum ever

'T^°^J^Tv^!^^\ oS^i^aWld.' ot the dairy diviaien. wheat yield wiH be nearly 1 . 0 0 0 . - ; ^ ^ ^ and member, of O0Q,O0Obushels.the«>roy^ V j ^ ^ ^ ' g ^ ^ ^^^ ^, 91V iMMi iMi» h.«h^l* ftnd the OatsPJ'* q 'nr ana looa oivuuua »x

The morning sesmon will be ^ven over tp a discussion of Hftiry problfflMfl by D B . HdaiCT

that the State Board of Health ffn^T^«yhiy \waneA a pnKtO^»afn. ing on the subject. \

During the last- few days, tiie

$100 of real and tangible personal property payable to thj>: ftSt!^

board has received several reports of minor outbreaks in various rural cenuftunities. Investigatiott of ^eseeutbreaks by (Ulcers, of the board has shown that the in^ foetion in some instances

ifyMWowafiy i r ^ w f i ^ 6CTtfl an thft $100. But the power is given the

additional tax of'25 cents on tiie $100 in- order to avmd a deficit in the schoororothttT funds. Ib«re-


f ore» the board ordered an addi-rinwt lagy n f fiVfti»«fihi nn all rpal

D « ^ ol Joha a Graluuia.

On Wednesday morning. Au-giiHt 4- ftboDt 8 o'clock. John R. Graham, a highly respected dn^ zen of Prince William who lived near Beverly Milli^. Fsuguier


yidd 1.402,000,000 b u s H e l s . These estimates stand aa oewf.

The Maryland wheat yidd will

the state departmentrof VJrgtnia. l a the afteriKxxi tiiere will be a

; Heenasionas to the heat metiio<i» lof growing graina. Good speak

evidently due to the pollution of

fan about 2,850,000 bushels betow last year's crop, but in Virginia theeeHmatoa|m>im»8%5.Sea000

haD lea<!Bfirtg1flg1»d roonif His I bushel gala. The ¥tggiai^ tetalf^ county, aoMi fnnnd dead in thft

subjects that wfll be well worth while.

Cue uf

the wdla by washing rains. The board points out that this consti­tutes a permanent source of

uzJess propfO'SNpecaations are t ikai . SeiaetameB it hap­pens, according to the board, that the water f fwrtf "f ir

neapoUutea i

and tangilrfe personal pn^erty in this county for the year 1915, for county schod puiyoees and a fUruier aostiOTUd 'levy ^f two^ aad one-half cents on all real aad tai^blriwraoml iiruDerty &f district school porpoaes be levied

death is SOI about 8 o

ippoaed >'rhvk 1

to have occured t^io avKBiing hft.

yield Is aBUiualBd at 10.700;0efr b a s h e l s , againat 11J96.000

F*o«*»"g q"H *^ "» gffcrt to get

fore, for he was found dressed for bed, the linen of which re­mained untouched. , Itis believed I , thatdeediwaadBetopandyaaot f » i9w-i»ia^

bushels isstyearand agajpt9 171,000 bushels as the average

, iriad'of a dairy wrganiaa ^km formed wbieti caa haadii

o ia oommumqr b ,_—_„_, Ky iiyJAiYTonind aeenagK borfty one soch case there are usuauy

iiaah Jintoiati The riwva _8chedu 1 e w a s loptad h> flw frinnwing itjcor^wt


fl|e didryaian's jnbleau Thiat«.W«B»ngi^

Mr. Graham, who was 72 years ofageat tiie tiraeof Us death, was weU known in the Thorough-fare neighburhoud where he had many warm friends wbo regret his death. He is sorrived by four children: Mrs. J. J. Utterback. Manassas; Mrs. J. R. Powell, Juckhal; Mi:rS.^J^rCinnrain; Tb<»v>ughfitre, and a n o t h e r

comes dangerous by sorfaoe washing.

it is estimated the wheat acreage is lfr,OW,ifl0^ « a « ^ a « w last irear, the nnmher gf

the of Priaea WilUaffi.:

Make Saturday of next w<

^yj nf Rt^f> TAftrfng de-

Tn last week's issue of JoUBNAL we stated that Mr. W. _„_ - - -,W. Garrison, of Manassas, andidai«hter of WaterfalL liias Edith J. Maffett, of Hem

at Rockville. Md., on the preced-iag Saturday. Our authcHity for tliis s t a t e m e n t was current romor which was not denied by Mr. Garrison Md which we took

maag" tn our -Dowcr to •ftartty:

Shortiv after THE JOURNAL eame out .ast week, however, we

tir*t we i«<i been totally in err^r .- • • "•• "at« and p i v e of t>'= :r,ar-:s.cf for the ceremony

_Kae uvi day of

being 4v. iwf.wwj aft 11 per cent over 1914.

The Agricultural Department's

0i wheat <» August iMt Ht^-^X^ At thia figure, the value of the wheat crop is estimated at $1,024,-000,000. The vargi of the ftyn

"^ 4lDe of y6Ur diya off thia summer 1 ^ and your family caa gain

prfiey" has been agreed upon at ^ the two Pan-American ccniet- QOQ . ences <m the Mexican aitaattOQ.. Latin Araeriea wiU cooperate in every peacefo] was in uiHng in

tTrfrnite ^ivfi jg eatimsted »t $2,315.000.

into the. spring and. secondly, to

your TT»""y CBU K«UJ •«•—w »—- w- — - ———-•.. 1n«h in ft. « , of W « r H SSTifc lS ^ ^ ^ ^ i and recreation by takmg m the

ol tbef i j l tite business mea of are vezy much interested in this saertfaiff and they have a sunnnse

of I Fw adoption—J. t. Manuel. J. „. L. Dawson, 0. C. Hutdiisoo and

"To J^ntect a_well or 8priE| jp^ji^ ^ ^ b S ^ ^ l t e jJ&J^*«*^ «tept»oa-J. T. * .

'a difficult or expensive tmder-

it is weU<4oeated md fmeed'eff BO that animals cannot reach it^ only two things are usually nee-



i ib staralbrtbelanBatwlRrat^ «BBd—Make preiMfstifflM now

day's estimate, are reaKxed, the ™ " "^IZ-I Aaieriean-fanaer. will. receive

the rastoraSoo df law aad wder jiQore money for hta product this in Mexica If peaceful means y^^. than ever before in the his-fai l , Latin American govern- toiy of the coontry. Much of the ments will lend their pasaive Westsro wheat was sokl but year moral support to anned inter-i^y the farmer before the war vention by the fcrees of JM [boosted the price, but this year

'^^rrorr/.S^til W^^l^jUmted Statee. last week and then in Subscnbe for THB JOUKMAL, "-the

Rjchmond. $1.00 a year in advance

wSk giva ran » good welcooe whan Angoak 21

grade above rt in sw^ a numner taat water wasbmg down grade will be carried (M and will not

"Inthe a^oTawSI , the wair aheold-be raised above the sur-

AgatMt adiytion—J. T. cox and J. F. Gufiettr

intendentof roads for Manaseag district report at the next me^=~ ing of the board the probable cost of a inidge over the creek ak>ng H. G. Payne's, on road from J.

SiBd's J'ord

The Senate-naception room ini does not need 'ventilatioB.' The

bridge,and Ute necessity for such abridge.

In regard to changes on Manas-iB-Milford road, land damagee

were allowed as follows: W. S. Atber. $50; T. H. Athey. $60; M. C. Bennett, $100, and Eva Lewis,

face of the surrounding ground aad should be made water-tight. It is a mistake to leave crevices . „ . ^ ^ ,

^viKiShiion.' A fWd-irett $Wr A» the above land owners woe willing to accept .said awards

— — — — — . -topen tope efweile are so often at except T: H. Athey wtroee object the Capitol.at Washington, which gouroe of danger andthe openj^^^ ^^^ ^^^ allowed. The was wrecked by a bomb placed tberan July 2 by Frank Holt, wbo later shot J. P. Morgan and killed himself in a cell at the Mmeola, L. I., jail, haspracti L.

' - - - ' —--" - eally been rcMired hf l tepa»-it is anticipated that the fanner tendart Woo<Pa emptoyeest TW

I high prices. expei $442.68.

t S S l U i S ^ e r ^ ^ l ^ ' h e i board unanunousl>- vot«l m favor aupplied with a pump and covered of widening: the road as proposed with wat«-tigm tongue and and order was madp that war-groove timber. If ti«*e^recaa-irantsbe drawi. - :& ir f '^P

are taken there is n" d*"g*^ that the aptmg « the writ will

land owners a.- •.a.e<i acv' •;•. ^^dared that ine boarc :

jfirnpri ta meet acain on I: day, August 19, 1915.

Page 2: fWHf mmaBit0 - Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · National Jubile ofe Peac" Ul«oactee wi^enacte o odn July 21,1911. ^Critida CntKaa


^ERALNEWSNOTi -"The average daHy attendance

^ttni )}(<KHy at the raiiHiiiH'Pacific Exposition was 69,602, expeajtionj history in the third year Of the officials announced recently. The

SuppIementAry Reading for Stfhaol S t y d — t i l — i

Below is ven & partial list uf books required for supplementary ' reading In the course in English

^ity aYeraiTG ainee the epeiiiDi:, Students entering this dass next year should read as- much from this liat as poafdblp duriof

Feltmuiry 20, is 58,268.

Gross earniofs OE£ the Seaboard Air Line will decrease $4,000,000 <Juring the preseat year, accord­ing to a prediction made by W. J. Harahan, president of the line, in a speech toi Mad's emploiF«eft«t Savanna, Ga.,

Accoirding to the anniial state­ment oiRfie production of Haainef al p>aTnts, now available for dis­tribution by the Geological Sur-

high school.

the sununer months, in order to save time and to lighten the class work next year.

A list required for reading and the ^tody-inthe third year andfourth

yeiar Engliah ciaaaes is alaQ £i ven,

66,"^ short tons of natural min­eral pigments in 1914, havinjg'a value of $473,036. _ „

All government money and se­curities after August 16 will be transported by registered mail instead of by express. The ex­press companies, which have been handling the. traffic more than .twenty-five years, will lose neariy a half million a year.

Mrs. Mfutha Jefferson Trist B m ^ -widow of John W. BttfteTf&iwK^ htetory daja.. and greait granddau^hS^of Tbo8.~ Jeffersofl, died Sunday «t ber home, 208 Wiilces street, Alexan^ dria. Mrs. Burice was born in Monticello, two otonths i)e^ore

prove sork.

helpful in next year's

The books required in the Eng< lish courses may be obtained in

-..t'i:-—aC'-i.iCii. - - 1 . - i».(.|«^C4«fi"»*-*.HiiT-f irf the thrrnit Qi'art"

; icr i'riiu» Wjiliiuu Cuuuiv, iu Vi^ iUK>u, July

BL.>Y L O K A K S "

otta $c(Ba. 8TH ST. AND PENNA. AYE-

history reading l ist may be found in the Ruffner Carnegie library. A collection of good fic-

" ttaw; desirable for reading by the high school students in any class, has been set apart in a speciid section df the library.

The books in these collections may-be borrowed the days the li­brary is opened, Thursday after­noon from 2 to 6 o'clock.

L Partial list of books for sup-plementuy reading required for

Jefferson died, yn M«v fL l«aR.

Gov. H. C. Stuart is expected to attend the Stote Fi stitute, whid) will be held at FredericksfcairK SeptembefTliBff ^ ^ _ ^ ^ ^ | ? _ _. . . ^^ , 8. -State Forester R. a Jones, ^ TaleofTwoCiUes-Dickei of the Univeraty of^Virginia, wili deliver, a lec^ipre on "Ccoaa^a-tion." Officifiln nf the United States GoveriuBentlilso aro ex-pected.

l : ^InrArthur Stories.

Tappan. a In the Days of WiUiaai the

Conqueror—Tappan. 4. Iva^hoe—ScptL 5. Talisman—Scott 6. Prince *wH PiuipAy •Mapk- = 7. In the Days of Queen Eliza-

W A S H I N G T Q N . D. C.

Come to Washington-Come to Kann's


The Only Department Store on Pennsylvania i^yenue. Half-way Between die White House and the Capitol

Ki. ; \ V ilA.N< K H ¥ —

A. - H a t

f'l .' t . . I 1 1 . -m:npr1 ma: Jamp« t Hr.^i'i ! > , ( .11, ' h

: ei^Lti' ' : j ' c r

.. JL- Books required for readiocr i » d stacTy in third year E ^ M ^

1. Silas MatnCT—EBot. • a. Ifcrcbant of ir<ntk!Wr-nr Att:

There ia more gold in the United States than in any other country in the world. The latest Treaa-

2nd there was $ 2 , 0 0 6 , ^ ^ I n gold caflh anfl hWliofn—Ihegreafc est stock of ecAd of any ftmintiT in the worid, probably greater than any'other two awmtriM in the world.

This vear-gTStton amp will 1; aDproximotclyll,OTQ,OJ}7 pqniTO- ft Snfrrh on Conciliatton' l e n t 5 0 0 n o u n d b a l a a , ^^mjn^rt^

with 16,134,930 bales last year, a docroooo of approiPHiatcly 20 S S

¥oiu Uke |t—Shakespeare. 3. Qaentlfl Darwyd^

— 4 Hwwe x>< Seven Gablea-fiawthcHrne.

5. Selectioiffl from CiBey,BanM ana ByruiL ~~ "'

fi. TarWs -of thfi King -<Gareth and Lynette. Elaine and *^e Paaa- ing,of ArtiHtr) ' TenuyButL

-in.—Booko for the fourth yoai Eng^sh.

• i . -Macbeth—Shakespeare^. 2., Milton's Mifisrfaeffli:

Burkfc . 4 Southern Orators(l^eeted)^ 5. Henry Ewnond—ThackerF

The Department Store in which service is the watchword. Yoar every want « antieg»ted; and away|»owded to make every phase cwE your shopping of mtierest and pleasure to. you. •

A Reatroom, codJ, de%htfully equipped with comfortable chairs, and a desk generously provided with stationery IOT your use without charge.

He* Cbecddng Bureau, ior your parcels while shopping; Information Bureau. with competent 1-*-J--—^ t.-^xi.. . , «?, », . . _ . petent people to direct you about the store and city; Telegraph Su^on,

e Boochi, Pott OUit^ and a Cdonial Rertaurant, figure prominently iii Triejtrfione our "Service to Shoppers.'

Merphaiidiae puirhased from the '*House of Kann" i»good, dep«idaWe mer-dandis^ the prices are rjghtj the stocks are varied; and yie^assortments com-idete.^ The constant sdiSng of large quantities gives ho cHance for old matenais:

_toerefore^ the Newestiin StyJe, Designs, and Effect, always to be found he^. Make the "Houae of Kann" Headquarters for your Shoppmg the jemt rmuiT

L parUcuJs—

ings, Vacations and ^ our Kxposition Trip.' !• • n55i f %« fnr:^ fn^o.n

*mi^m 1 ^

SHEdftffl Thig wfilL-known millinjt

institution, recently re-built" and set in firat ««idi-tion, is now being operated

-l^-amillor of yeara' af-^t-perience. The Flour hei m a d e a t t h m - m r t t , ^ > - M T T ^


C'uui-L Jor J-auijiMt-i ijvju;ii\ :!. BUL!' lliereiu fK nUiU ', i -ar •a' KA'--futi.jr vs. Jt-lifjeo. riJai '.:.r ' V8. liaJI-'-h, a« well iit Lhr .t->ib lain ju'i^iiituth aijii rlji't>eB ,:. t* ly IwlongiDg to Kuhtac« JefTrh low tJie tiiuaie or liie pixK et?«i.

:• \ a s ^ L • : . - ! t ' r -

T30W df'reaseft, r Ki.hca' '- Jtl-

IHNIUJ .' .!i part i&jaii'i u J'i*rui

Jftfriib tti- well •l-.iaei! I.iv Mid a J iL' I ;rcuit • tw<' c'l iA^erv :i' \ iri i Oaiiiett' uCiiCj' l-'ifLrher

if til c«r-':, \onutr-ud U. fol-)f inU> the


LowKrices ~ " " UNDfckWEAR '

M e n ' s B a l b r i g e a n Sh ir t s and D t a w -lyg- Q^o PttliVc 40c aiid Vk*

M e n ' s B. V . P . S h i r t s and D r a w e r s . 50e -JM«fr'» b . V. It. Uaiw> Sttits • • . ; .^<fcfl6-

Men s Mainsook Union ^ui t s . . . 5Ae MPTI'H Ralbr iggan Shir t s a n d . I M K W -

«« . . . . . . . . ; . - . . . . . . . . . .T.7rrfvr;. ZSe" B o j B ' Na insook U u i u u Su i t i , 25c and 50< B o y s ' St t insook Sh ir t s and D r a w e r s , 2Se

SHIRiS ^ — ' - — ^ - M w i ^ L i e a B r a n d S h i r t s . . . . - T . . . %IM

M e n ' s E c l i p s e S h i r t s . . . .$1.00 and $1 .60 M e n ' s i l a u h a t l a u S h i r t s . . . . . . . . ^ . H . B f t O. W . Sh ir t s , the b e s t shirt on the

_ m a r k e t fojr BOe ^ B i n W o r F Shir t s , 36-incbeB }ong

niU c u t . b lue C h a m b r e y and £ h a k ^ t h e b e s t work sh i r t w e h a v e e v e r

, s h o w n for t h e jkriee 40e

WORK PANTS AND COATS M e n ' s Cot tonade , £>at<±es8 m a k e $ L 0 0 ~ M e n ' s Khaki P a n t s , S w e e t Orr

—uiui ! iLwaMii.ba M e e ' s - R i d i n g P a n t s , K f a ^ 12 .00 l i n i ' a IQia la N o c f o l k G l i b . . : . : . . H o O P i n t s t o m a t d i Cqat f o r . . ; . . . . . . . f L W

OVERAUi ~ ' S w e e t Orr B l u e DcbfanApron Over-

• D i . . . » L 0 O

SUMMER PANTS —M«rt Wa« nanoei Panta 48.60, (4.60

if«t's White Dock Panta. ^ ; ^ . . |1 .J^

A | U^ l^aa Cost Lot ot iSGS^ Sfibrf I^nte^ Suits that have been on hand for two season^ Also a lot oi Wash Suits thst we are

-gpny Ui ck»e W4t t^ l^m flMmeoBt

Straw HaU We have all the new styles. Puuonsa from |3JOP |o $MI!P

bauds of hm wife, Mary U. Jfi" .••!•, : • wljom

pruperU or lU proceeda wiiU IIUUL;I.I of the trust* aitached to tHe »auie atnl Ui wjcure ao acccmnimu thereof; and it Ix-mv .-.i>^f>.ted 1r tli« I'-'T' ' ' T ' -' A- C iu^tli.uuitii)i;inur-ai iht iii al Will and LtsuliiUitiil uf Lu-tactr Jd£-Iric^, deceased and ifje plaintiIf iii iliih suit,

4 l ^ d-'pffrtfri riiiK iifi-. Hini Lu.it .... • g tbam Fielcber has been duly appiijiiied

ailmiaibUator d. b Br v. w. a. ami IUIH quali­fied as buch before the Cierlt of the Circuit Court of Fauquier county. Virj^jnia: and the said JameH P. Jeffries liaviiig died since the institution of thiB suit, leaving as his heirs at law two infant children, Jamea P. Jeilries, jr., aLd Nannie S. P. Jeffries, siLce uiter-nianied witii ope A nt/inhaiili.,-. and said; infanta having heretofore been duly made parties defendant to this Huit; and C. M. White having been appointed jiuardian ad litem as to them and he having since de­parted this life and said suit having abated as to him; and said James P . Jeffries, jr., and Nannie S. P. Antonsaati having attained their noajority, it was ordered by the Court that all of these facts be suggeuted upon the record and that this suit be abated as to all of said deoesaed parties. And, on motion of said George T «th.,n Fletcher, sdministrator d. b. n. w. w. a of Eustace Jeffries, he was admitted • • part; plsintSS and this suit was ordered to be revivyl \n hjll liftn?* " '""** adainiatrstoi'd. b n. w. w. a. and herewith proceed with in hie name as plaintiS; and upon his farther motion, a scire facias w'tft ordered to isstte against the laid James P. Jeffrie*, jr., and Nannie S. P. Antonsanti mnmmnnin^ t l i . , ^ tr, n j .p . .» .n»i nl.ni. n.«.p -

why this suit shonld not be revived and pro­ceeded with against theoi as partira defend'' ant, which has beea done, ana the #aid scire faeiaa having bepu Iwitie ' lyturutJ liut ai»-cnted thoagh tlM^eame was twice delivered to the Sheriff of Favqoier count; whe^eio they each formerly resided more than ten days before the retnra day, and it further iLrpaaririfT Ttjuffldn-rit tbst tflft fV'^ Jaa»eaP. Jesries, fr., and Nannie S. P. AntanaantFare noD naideate d the 8t«t*«{ Virginia, and -that diligence has been itsed pn beiialf of the plaintiS to. ascertun in what Coan^ orCor-yonitioB, if uxj, within tUe State they ot laibaroi them are, withoot effect, i t i a onurad that thegr do sererally appear within fifteen^ daT»»f t»dne pabUcation of tili* StistJa^ do whrt i* nwcwary to protect ,tbwr iatar-ea«». And tf is itirtber ordered that this order gf publication be pablished oooe a week for lo^ir »nccet»ijre weeks in the M*-HASSiB .tooutat, • newspaper pablished in . . the coonty of Prince Wilhaat.aaa that acopy ^^

^A«eof l )9-7«M«dat the fropt door ot t£e " 9 ooiit(i!iMHe~<S{~l^niu!e.WiUiam vaiHl^fia-i^ / ^ baf ore the aert mle-d» iTore tae aiact nue <n^

Tb«t; X a;"'HfikbBLL.':gi^ A Copy—Teste J. E .

GBAHTILLI Qmiga Jt)iui 8. BAUBUVS. '


| p , q. 7.23r4t


O m c s or Cwgwoix iE or THK CtiMtaiOT

WAsawoTOJi, JnlyZA-, 1915. . WnmiBtB, hy sotiefactory evideno*

seated to the nadersigned. it has btwn m»A» 4»»^ear-4b«t-^qftfrNBfaoBai Bank of Ma--

cent. That estimate, onoflMally calculated, is based on tlie gov-enimeiit'a ewMliUooTepart,ia«aBg last week and <^cial figixres of acreage and ikotrnaal yidd.

6. ' l^wning's lected).

^oems (Se-

7. Selections ttom W o r d s -woctE, Shelley and Keats.

8. l i f eo f Johna(»)—Macaulay.

Straight grade, is giving sat-iafaetioB wherever used, and is rapidlyi

The ph^tomeaal record made 9. HUOwy of EugllHh Utera-

tomers. It is made of I h e very best wheat and goaran-teed^ure and healthy. Bran, M l d w B ^ a n d other leed for

-8al&—Watgr ground Meal,

m tJMt town nf M<T,»«^^ in the county of Pnnce William, and state of Vii^ ^n la , hae cciapGed wigi'all tlie proTJakaie oF i b r A m r f - © a g r e a ' t o enable Naiionat' lianking Aaeociatioift to extend their corpor­ate ecstence, and for other porpesea," ap-proved Jtilyl2,-rM[?; ^

Hsw, tbuslore. I, Tiinn,^ P SC.^ n^'mn '€<Qpetdla 'of fbe Corrency, do hereby cer-tify flat "The National fianlt of Manaasaa.'"

during the first seven and a hfilf months' c^Kxadon of: the new banking system htu created the impression in .Washington that Baltimore now has no dianee to

A list of books required for first and second year English, and suggested list for rapid^nentary reading for these claaaeB, will be poGSshedla^^^

-diatriet bankr The first statement of the eaminga and &itX)^iheB of ib«-fwelTri? server ^nki^ made pobUe last week,


made of No, 1 corn, constant-ly on salft, )and is.second to-none. All orders promptly filled and d^vered to n«urb> merchants if desired. .

Phone mesaages to the mill receive iivHBpt atteotton.

in tbe town of llanoasoa, in the cotuty oi Prince W i l l i ^ , and' state of Virginia, ia

J - » fer-tin>penad~

IBodnmi^erpnceepuFnw JOiilL.

•pecified ia ita ameauled ut ic lee of aseocda-tun: namely, until c k e e of booinan on Juir » . 1985., ' _ Til liliiimiiji »W'^"f i r i i imi mii hood ir*^ oral ti office this Urentr d x t h day U July. W M . T . P . K A J I E , - - ^

A»!tii% Oaiaptrollw til d » ' OttTrany:—~" Charter No. SOKi

Darwin yraa not a b ^ v e r 19 t r v f _ i i i i i „_iQmBtianity. He went to the T " J ^ ?*"*?!SoatE"Seas; he saw the convex

ajkms fnd the woi^ of the mit^on-ariea at Tahiti, ^ays the Chris­tian Herald. It was a new, coo-VIneifig argument to the scien­tist who was lookiBff tot'pn^^ "" cal facts. He wid: "The leeaoa--



Extoiaioo No. 3384 i-SU-M

Richmond bank ia the beat moiwy maker in the reserre system.

The movement for the esU^ li&hment ol » wimnrtr capital iv Maryland-or$«p^i- m prox­imity to Washington so that the



Pr«nd«Dt aad-fa^offiead iami^irftiiemisBionarieiiatiieeiiduBi-can be withia a few hoora ride of Washington at all tunea ia gain-ing strength, and aa a result of the agitation RopiriiacntatiTe C

ter*a WMtd: tbo mareh of improve-iB^it eonseqaent t^wn the tntro-doction ot Christianity t h r o u ^ the "Sooth Seas pr(4«bly stands

C. Cariin. of ViigiBia. Minminc^a Jiy Jtaelf i» *^ Tf^H** ^ ^ " » ^ that be intends to preae the sob-ject In the'eext aiiisop of T)OD^ gresa. Mr. Cariin f a w a the Mount W«atber4^ vt BhMmnt, Va. -

Almost 100 poonds of salt per capita was the eonaiimpti<Mi ef the United States dming 1914, amounting to a total of 9,906,520,-

.575,900 pounds over 1918, an-nciuncea the geolofooal survey. > agar'8 per capita consumption during 1914 was 88.14 pounds. Salt production in the United States was 9.736,^11,160 pounds and imporU were 261.6091330 pounds duhar 1914. Thgt sro' duced in f his pgimtTy wis yawed at $10,270,3S&

tocy." The oread of the niaakin-

Let OS beware of a creed that is merdy inherited and not gath-

fi^ipto peranaal experience. A creed that dees not aoooaapiiah KxnetlHng is not f aMw bat oadeas bfaaan V Merely to gu U> churehr to redte formulas and talk in pious langiiage is not Chxistian-ity. A Christian u a man who has th.e.spirit of Christ and who thinks and acts and lives in a big and generous way as Christ lived. "Not every one that aaith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter

gpecial Friday a n i SsOnvbjr Se»«her» B|if i |Miiaii- .—. FrMay, J « n » Htfc, ao | l S a ^ n o a y , J m a IZtfc, and each sacoeeding n M a y and Saiorday thereafter to and ia-^ M i a g Saturday, September 11th, Southern Railway will have (a sale at principal sU t k a e ia Virginia greatly rednoad roand trip

*g! t :«« ^ ^ ^ ' ^ '^^^ ' ^ ***?• Wildwood ap« othar aeaahon rsKnts in S e w Ja iwy . " * » • » « Ageati or write C. W. Weethuy^ « « W U X«aa . -WiHung»oo , for fawa, pehednlea, etc. Ueept. 10. 1 5

HarUe. Gramte aaJ a l 15i& of Canfiarj ~ ^ork

Compkte stock of EjoneeL —Sfhaptand PfaftflnSioto—

m w i ^ P a l U a W Ratiir*,^^&)Dth<rm RaiT n v wfll hare on aale at pruuiipaj pomw m

apeeial rooad trip •x-Bnaon fsjr i - ? i - *° R»f»»» Falls JnlT 82, 2». A.^^-ist 5, 12, 19, 26, September 2. 9. Ifi. ?- .'Jo and Weteasr 7 saM44, b^armg €na3 r< (a n atSft at 1« days For detailed mf .nD»t,oi. s» to |Me«,schedai«R, eto., tH-nsTih .•V ?ent» .r wnie

, £• . y . W«>i>r.rT itf-afin] Agaui ^.-.otiiera " Railway. Waahin^n "> T I S

Luray. \ » and Katnra Soixiay, Auroat I S t h . - t l ' * ^ Rooad Trip fram Burk«, Fairfax. C U H O B and Maagaeas .^,«cia; i.rirr«-, -r e\ » r. ir,»in > ;a Soaltierv ..aii-

• A. * ay .!>&•' -V. /t«ssA>- H 10 A .-T) T aiw r.fi rR . _ jfrc*., ^^.--i.6, . »u-Ui and 'i toT; tue train fl

t h e k i n g d O O l o f H e a v e n ; b u t h e , ' - ManaHW' ,nmr» «»<-unMr« train R* tha.tdn<>l:h th<k w i l l nf mvr Vathor 1 •••a.r.c excorsien traic will rtcc a" :r.«w

who IS m Heavai. "—Exchange. I areata k-t detaiia. _ 8 c A _

Hibbs&Giddiiigs— GENTS' OUTFITTERS

MANASSAS ^ - V I R G I N I A ^^-^

4 i % by Sootkan fiaUway to September 80th, retana liui^l Oetobar 31at, embradiag |*0)iai««r^xiTil«gM. Homiaer Home* Book-M e n t a i a i n K oompiele information ior the a i k » 8 . Cooaoh A ^ i a lor details or write

D. C. tFa.pt. 9 4 / 1 5 ^

Gnaa iT WeAieed E z o w s i o a F a r m I v i i t F i a l U a W Ratiir*,-^&)Dth

hare OD aale at pniKiipal

?: PAAtlCR s

HAIR BALSAM » - . ^ tti. ka

Low Weak-end Farrs. -^ •%: | nd Si.nJa^ - ^'^ ;. ,>, . -- • ^ -Aa Sxr«neii; :j>p«-.rniiiTij T-r , :ik..'^^ (fid Tiita* Coainlt Agents !, . tftkilj

a s : - ^

Page 3: fWHf mmaBit0 - Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · National Jubile ofe Peac" Ul«oactee wi^enacte o odn July 21,1911. ^Critida CntKaa





A LAUNDRY FOR MANASSAS j Manassas is to lay anuihei' claim to btiiig pro-;

gressive when very shortly a Chinese laundn,-

Sevend times in past years Chinese laundries have started and have had a short-lived existence in M&iutssas. In some cases these laundries have been rather poorly supported, more often, how-

^^y ^"•••', T^::,''iJZ^:^".^ ? : r ' i r * '^•^-«" c - * » * - ^ ^®^' ^ ® laundries have not taken into considera-A°uTkni ui''th> k..'fo? i i tk <> ^ that a business must be built up and for

Entered ai the F'JSL Ottice at Manassas, Virpni*, as Second CLasB Mail Hatter



death notie«*, and &11 maUar . , , y ur iiidiractlT. wtU b« poUUlMd at ttw imU of Twantr-a*« Oni

altlMr lUaa


N O W S THE TIME FOR A.PARK For sometime Manassas has felt quite keenly.

thfe need of a small park where in the afternoons

this time is required. Again it has rarely h i ^ pened that these laundries have been jomvorthy of the people's patronage. '

The new louwdry for Moimoflafli wa feal aoafi-dent, can become a permanent fixture of the t o w n l f t t e ffiaMpmeht is witniigTO gtve good service ajid chaise a reasonable price for work.

benches awaiting them. The townspeople would —TMost assuredly find such a place very attractive.

3 u t such a park would prove equally attractive to the tired mother from the country who would ]ike to have a seat in the shade and a drink of #ater before beginning the'homeward journey

i f ter a day's shopping. In still another way

would a/ park prosejaluable to the town. To strangers or to pec^le forced to wait here between trains scarcely anything would make a greater appeal than a nice little park. Suchanadver-

_ tisi»g.feature would^speak well fox,Manassas. 'It hoD boonauggcated several times that the

courthouse yard should be converted into a mina-ture park and we have always considered the ouggestion a good onoi SoMiohow or othop the

When the people of Manassas and the outlyihg country learn that a local laundry is doing good work and at a reasonable rate the i)usiness can be expected to grow. Onl^ in proportion as t i e laundry can prove its worth, however, can it ex­pect ^oces s in Manassas.

The accumulation of wealth is merely a question of - saving money and putting it in a safe place.

Tlus bank will welcome your account, whether large or small

matter has never been very vigorously agitated; had it beeii we would probably not feci the need of a park now. To fis, howfever, the present seems a very oppc^tune tim^ to consider tUs rrmtttkr and we wirii to go on redwrd 88 being ^igbfy ffi IsvoF of some deftaitft aetaon TwiDg

A DISGRACE TO THE STATE There has been much talk of late abdut the

moral clean-up which the "mushroom" city of Hc^wel l is to enjoy and there are those who think the Governor and others in charge of tiie adnunistiative affairs of the state should be con-gratulatM on tne probe winch has recently been made into the life of HopewelL The uncovering of such gigantic schemes of grafts licentioxisness and ill^fftl trading cans forcft no aangratiilatlona


Umtd States Depository fw Postal S a v ^ ~

The National Bank of Manassas — THE BANK OF PERSONAL S E R V I C E — —

taken akn jf this line noW. Thtgrfore we wfeh

1_ to^gam tfae-att«n6on of 1 ^ fi9$^ of. Mantesaa

and Frinee Wjlliam, the meKtiJIwa of the c6mmit»

from us. We feel too keenly the disgrace which is the commonWo^t^'s that-such ooiK^tions were for even a short while allorwed to exist, unmolested in the fair and grand old state o f V ^ j n i a .

We are not #el l •no%tgh-«c%taaated witfa^fcg -

intricacies of' tew to say Juat who ahouliil have checked up on Hojjewelt, ba t none d e n i ^ tBsi a

tee on rocommbndtttion for.tftg Pljfci*'^ ^^ ^ caimon and the Board of ^pervisonl.

The tiJcoe m TI/BIW ripe for action in regard to

d > converting the couiithfflOM JMDH!, Ja_A-8iB^iI&

-tte-present, for the arrai}gement of the cannon should he made ao as to be in Yistmomy with a

"ieries tf walKfl, if thaw wklksare to be hod:

check on the poHcTng of any^'^^nagic''d!tywasin%e past, JB now, arid ahwtya diall be an atadute ne^ ceesiiy, if the Uw 10 to bfr res|)C!(tte(L Th&telij^ t f t i jons-p la^ before the hastJIv-ehoaen police­

men of such Cities are too great for maiqr of df all citicB bttUt up in a

night has been Uiat vice, giaft and illegal buai-ness of all kinBs si»ing up iaetantaneously as i t wfliiB and in sulSSciently bwgft ginttrfitaes to war-

nmt t ^ - e l o s e sctfitday^fUid cMus^n of -state


MJRAMCyS !J';i S^MdU' mm SBS m*0

Sdect your Mre«rt Mid coMiMMuee as yov would J M U

TV|a t^mmitfiw whit^h in to si^gBHt thft location

_andi^laiJYe position of thf rannnn nnd rann^n Thei^ is noUiiiig peculiar aJjWjujJLhgjBimiterfot > — —

bolls would do-well to make HB*h concretejufc

gestions as to converting the lawn mto a park as I t deems wise. There hre^aaiyT<Ms8B8 Wh^^Se

climate of the it&te or about the ancestry of Vir-gininna which lihould lead us to believe that graft m siMurpers* crime, vice_and other forms id lawlessiwep wiB

town aiMl county shoukl have such a park and pfa ; Ull jf none *yiiy it Aould not -

vcraionfl ^* *^^ ptmrtimrKa lawn mtoras ^d^tgwate

park. We b ^ e v e Uiat the yard can be inade

not under certain ctafc^Haons spring up quickly on oar SMI and flourish.* Even had we no rascals among the native population only half a chance

ne6d be adlba^ be fsrr ftumbey of * ertx>ked * out-sidera ready to ply

very attractive with velfy little expense, and we

believe that the pec^ie of the town and county

theuM^trades^' s t every opportuni^-

wcwald highly endorse any action taken on the part of the Board of Supervisors towards secur-ir,gr fh\«. nPAd ftf the town and county. By re-

iron fence and jnoving the wefl-tfraiggt

by laying several

, along^

ginia: needs from the Governor down is officers who are wide^iwabe and who WJU not he__tqg confident that "all's w e i r by c o m p l a c e n t hok^

vtifi the field oiv&t fr6m Iheir swivel chamC


Insmrance A p ^ mmmmmm

which were placed at intervals iron benches, would be about all that would be neoessary. It ,is quite probable that some individual or organi­zation would very gladly offer to install a drink­ing fountain. The planting of a few shrubs and eveigreens w « ^ add woadM8-.te:^the loe la -o i ^acdfins of our citizens. Veiy.of tfinjio;

MOW JX>WN THE WEEDS i waiK^ ovei lowu uiWHe.eVcmi^

is occasionally caught hy ja rank growth of weeds and bushes 0^ premiaes which otherwise wouif : be very atb^acts ve. In some cases these eyesores and iH-hedth lw«edW5 are growi i^ up in the backyards(rarely in tlie frontyarda) and n<^lce

the plaoe in a^fpw yeara' time. This matter of converting the courthouse lawn

"into asmall park should receive the endorsement of all the people who are at all in't^rested in such a proposiition] If you happen to be interested yuu can find tcmpte^pportuiJty to e x p r ^ T y c ir opinion in the matter at the meeting <rf the Ma-

"naasas" CiVfc Lraigue w ^ h M 9ehed»ri«i for Tuesday evenir^ and to which you are invited. i f the Board of Supervisors of Prince Wilhaa can be made to feel that the park will be a great

biggest crop of Haa ncm-produetive growth

seen on vacsfi. lots and on prc^rty which i sun-occuined. Altogether there is quite a crop of weeds and bush growth in Manassas this year, due primarily t o n ^ l e c t on the part of d ie towu'i


Both We»t< , Veal, SiM

dGzens, but soigmente^ the past few weeks.

Now a rank growth of weeds o n y

cqpioas runs 01

can DC maoe TO leei tnw. UIK jwriv wm uc • B^«av ~ , , ^ . . __.. ^. j u

-wiU ^ earned through. If ever the courthouse y w d is to be converted mto a park TOW is the time it should be done.

or on those of your neighbor is by no means con-^ y i w f/> th<> welfare of you So much has been said and written cm the harm-

s and Staple Groceries^

Flour and Feed—Ca«h Paid (or Country ~ Froduce-^^Kuidsi^

K^v^n^ tht>. tn5Jfa>r] gfest dimensfom beruie catting them down thi^ we feel it unnecessary to enumerate" the bad

. . t h i i ^ that often arise from rank weed growth. - ' Eridenee i s cenclusive, however, that you }6op-

ardizfi your health by neglecting to mow down the weeds. To mow them downps no g^reat task

to be. Jerk off your^ IION'T think that just because the front of

vour propertv Ls clean that it is all t}»t's neces-j—not „ ^ ^ jstrj . Ihfi auel l and uasightjlineas of many a j coat and collar, roll up your sleeves and wade m^jg, hac' I ard piars havoc wtth the doclriue of jieigh-} with-a sharp-scythe.- P^ly-soon-you will c o r a e | ^ J, ' :..ve. ' ^ — {out feeling finetind the weeds w^


||lt«»ttl3t«H»i^?Jt5«Km -

Page 4: fWHf mmaBit0 - Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · National Jubile ofe Peac" Ul«oactee wi^enacte o odn July 21,1911. ^Critida CntKaa

^^^m^^^ ^m» ••Mii^.iiKinqi


BRIEF LOCAL NEWS —There will be a meetingr of .

the countjr school board on-MoB-j^i^* (iiycioritinirVt W o'clock. -

—Mr. J. M. B^l thia week re­ceived a new five-pasijBengtr, 30 bone iwwer Dort touriay o r .

—The board of supenriscMV will hold a regular meeting t t the cotuthotue on Thursday of next week.

Thomas bynco,x, "atreii "abouT ^6, father of J. T. Syncox, chair­man of the Board of Supervisors of Prince William, died on Wed­nesday at hia home near Dum-

as the result of a fall he suffered. About a j^e«k. before. ThefuReral takes i)iiiice''ikr2:30 o'clock this afte]:noon.

- D r . H. L. Quarles will fill his regular pulpit appointments at the Maaassas Baptist church Sunday.

On Wodnooday and Thiirgday, next week the annual horse of _ ^ , „ ..

show^ at Charles~Town, W. Va. will be held. _ --•Dr.'HrtJ. RoflP Wfll del!

an address before the Culpeper County^nday School Convention which will be held at Culpeper on Tuesday.

—Rev. Mr, Morgan, of Colum­bia, S. C , will preach at the Lutheru) church Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. The public is most cordially invited.

—Mr. G. Raymond Ratcliffe was able to take up his work at the Peoples National Bank yes­terday after an absence of several days due to illness.

—The annual picnic of the Young WomaB^ AunHary, Ma-naaww Rantist church, will be

On Saturday, August 21, the: the G«tiuat>ia baseball teaei will play Clarendon, the champion of Alexandria county. The game will be called at 3 p. m., and should prove one of the roost at­tractive of the year. To-day Catharpin playa (keenwich at Greenwich and to-morrow Rec-tortown.

—To-morrow evening a series uf iiiwtlmta tu last two or three

-7rrs7Anrrar-W;giiii;laii en^4 ABOUT PEOPLE WE KNOW 'tertained at a charmingly ap-!" pointed luncheon yesterday at j Mr. John A. Nicol, of Washing-her home on South Main street, [ton, was a town visitor Saturday. Her guetjts were Mrs. K. S. ,, u ,T r, . u- j Hvnson, Mrs. C. M. Larkin. ! f- «• L^ "^P sfj^f" Wednes-

' M'rs. J. n. Dod^e, Miss Floreri^<^'*y »' the Purceliviile bush meel-} Lion and Mlsff«ary Garrtson. f ' '

Mr. S. S. Koszell and children left yesterday to visit relatives at Purceliviile.

• - » •

-In one hundred hours after burning of the wooden tres-

held in Raund's groveto>aiwrew (Saturday) afternoon. '

—Mr. and M rs. W. M. Wheeler entertained M<mdav everting at their home on Peabody street in honor of the twenty-firtt Mrth-

wccka will begin at theOannon-Branch Church of the Brethren. These meetings, which wi|l bc'South,

tie of the' Southern Railway at Edinburg last week, a temporary structure had been erected. Up­wards of 300 bridge carpenters from three or four states took part in the building of the tem­porary trestle.

—A series of revival meetings will be ushered in at Grace Metho­dist church on the first Sunday in iSoptcmbafi—Ue. J. A. Rnwt'n, ci£,

will begin at 7:45 each evening, and each will include a chalk talk. All ar6 cordially invited to attend.

—Of late there have been sev­eral violations of the ordinance which forbids the placingof signs, circulars, etc., on any telegraph, telephone or electric light pole within the coporate* limits. Those who are apparently ignorant in this matter should be informed that such actions on their part are punishable by fine.

—The Nokesville and King's CrQ8S Roads Sunday Schools held a very successful joint picnic in the woods to the rear of H. W.

day Of their flOfti Hr. i^orviUe A. Wheeler.

—The regular quarterly meet­ing of the Ladies' Memorial AJE-sociationof Mamusaas will be held in the cbapter' niBaR>rii&I' room Wednesday aftemooin,AugH8ta&^ at 3 o'clock.

-Rev . Walter HeardjOfMaeon^ Georgia, prcncfaod JTch^ly m^ _- ,^ structive seimou-tit' Primitlv]^ [ evjemng service at 8 o'clock. Baptist church on Wcdnoad^ evening. He chose as bis text the 23rd Psalm. ._ , •

- -A new business establish­ment for Manassas is a C^neee laundry which will open its doors for bu^slness. aeat weefc in—tte^ new store room recent^ ereet$(} by Mr. Ira Reid.

Mr. L. Frank' Pattie haa re-covered from his seoMtd recent attack of appendiciUs. He was able—feo= igauiiie hia dulhw m cashier ni the National Rinfr m Monday morning.

' —We Munday and delicious peaches grown.by Mr. R. 0. Kbbon his j^aensSar Manassas Mr Rihh'a nrm[> Kfi

were the recipient on uf a box Bf baiKlBOBWi

been estimated at TS^bughefe

—Elder J. G. New Jersey, will

Eubanks. h<» imAhlp

fill his appointment at the Primi­tive Baptist chjirch to-morrow and Sunday, aa was aanouiieed at the alTkiay meeting in July.

—Every farmar in Prince Wil­liam can-vefy-pfofitaMy-gpend the whole of Saturday, August ?^, at the big alUday meeting to be held at the courthouse, l ^ a d about it in another cdomn of this' issue.

-A very enjoyable picnic waa held at P(wtner's grove on Wed-nesday by Asbnry H. £.-Sanday School. In the neiglterEood of sixty went tothe t ^ v e in wagons a u tos and carriages where a ideaa-ant day was spent.

—The Ketocton Aaaoeiatitin af-"old school" or Prirtntive Biq>-

tists will holdlhdrl50& anniud session from to-day throogb Son-dsy in Pythian Templa, Waahing-ton. There will be senDom e a ^ morning a^d afternoon.-

—The Southern Railway is ran-ning another exeuraioB to Loray on Sunday. The train will leave Manasaaa at 9:10 ->> m. and wiU go direct to L u r a y without change. The round-trip fare from Manwwti wiH be I t 7 5 .

Herringr*a house on Wednesday. The crowd present numbered about 225. Plenty of fried cbick-en and thirty gallons of ice cream, all of which wuu cuiuuniwl, uude the occasion one long to be rtf-memnered by many.

^ n Sunday Rev. 0 . Gray Hutchison will begin a series of evangelical meetings in the Hatcher's Memorial church at Brentsville. Every OIK TS^wnti-' ally invited to these sendoea. you are interested come; bring a friend if you can, but come and Ijelp make, ft more iatfimrtang. M w n i ^ . i«^Qe at U-o'dodt ,

Bifiningham, of the Atabama con­ference of the M. E. Church,

has promised to be pres-"

Miss Mary H. Lipscomb left yesterday for a two weeks' visit at Branford, Conn.

Mr. Chas. C. Wenrich, of Spar-tansburg, S. C . was a Manassas visitor on Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Loveli Willcoxon and son, of Alexandria, this week visited relatives hei:e.

',- enfc-^he meetings will iaat f a t -

Miss Eima Latham, of Hickory . jGrove.was the gueat of tJie Misses

Hutchison on Monday.

about ten days and it is earnestly requested that all other churches of the town will lend their co­operation and help to make the series a notable one.

—Rev. Stephen G. Dorey, now of Denver, Colorado, a former

Kistor of Asbury M. E. church, anassas, preached an interest­

ing sermon to his former people last evening. At the conclusion of the sermon, by request, he re­viewed the cfise recently tried against Judge Ben Lindsey in several courts involving the right of a judge to keep secret private confessions. Rev. Dorey was an important witness in the case.

, . son and Steele were enjoyed 6rst .•4i«nd last-but«ot4ea8t.

—Despite the rain of last week, for tlpree days a group of bo:

—The aUimni association of the Manassas Institute and Manassas 'Ai;rluullUhU HighSehool will hold a special meeting at the h(Hne of Miss Ruth P. Smith on Friday evening. August aOth,at8 <»'.clock, At that time pisra^mnije formal lafed for the jmnoalfiiMDmer pic> nic of the association. A fi41 at-tendance is requested,

PRESIDENT. — _ — _ — „ _• . . • - ^- . I lr . . WMlandr. Dunaway, a .—Rey. It. LL-WflittsmgbL-gf. Pnptiflt ' "

East Mauch Chunk. Pa>, wiU prrach aithc Preabyterian ehufch Sunday at II a. m. and 8 p. m. The subject for the morning ser-

'Learn the Four QfBat ¥W!e la Measurements, "and for the even-mg~ service, - jEour-Things £ x -ceedingbf Wiafc 'l A ful l attend-ance of members and others is earnestly . desffed these services.

for both of

—The annual reunion of Con-federato V e t e r a n s , held at Eiater!a_HilLon-Saturday_laat. was attended by About 8,000 peo-pie. The principal address of the day was that gf President Fair-fkx Harzlsos, of .the Southern Railway. This v&ry able and tfaouglitful addiLew will be tuund elsewhere in thi^ issue and you win be well repaid by taking the time to read it.

- —Word haa been w)coi\ od in Manassas of the death y^terday of Mrs. JSarah Aaa B o ^ d , 96 years old» who resided with her daod^ter, Mrs. Harry R. Warren, in Washington. Mre. BuUard wartlie zrandmother of Mrs, Q^ S. W o o d v , ^ i 3 i | l e i u _ a n d - t h e raothw of Hisa Mattie BaUard oi Waaotugion, wliu ~ tt ~ wen known in Manassas where she has viaited many timea.

—A party of campers from Warrenton stopped over in Ma­nassas Monday morning between trains. The party, which con­sisted of more than twenty young mra and ladjes. two of whom were from Ricnmond and' two from Washington, was bound ior "Camp Warmii" about three miles oat from OKpfj Creek, Warrea ootmtj. They eaUUta-


—Little Rowena <igfat-yep old

* MMT Geo.

Leith, the

CdthT ^eS

—The memba« of Manassas Baptist Sunday School held their annual picnic at historic Brents­ville on Tuesday. The enjoyable nvwiLs uf the daj> were partici­pated in by about sixty. Qne_at the pleasant features of the day was a 'visit to Farrar's rock where boating and bathing proved to be popular diversions. The jolly wi^:on rides through the eeartesy of Meftsra Rarrettj Jasper,-John

Mr. George Purcell, of Bafti-more, spent the week-end with friends in Manassas.

Master Jack Hurdle, of Wash­ington, is the guest of-Mr. and Mrs. J. R. B. Davis.

Miss Daisie Hill Brown left this morning to visit relatives at Charles Town, W. Va.

Misses Lillie and Katie Jones spent the week-end visiting relatives in Front Royal.

Miss Edith Smith, of Nokes­ville, has returned from a visit to relatives in Washington.

Mrs, E. A. Lamb is the g u ^ t of her daughter, Mr8.K.L.<iuIick, at Lenah, Loudoun county.

Mr. Wm. M. C. Dodge, of Hay-market, paid our offie«» a nlftoaanf; visit w!

:. paid our office a nil bile in town Tuesda:

aeout£L..aiuIZ camped above Bland's f o r bridge; Several of the memberti of .tile troop were either away or could not att.end the <>amp nwinff to duties at home. The. folloW' ing scouts, enjoyed the 'trip of last week: Ralph Larsen,Emm6tt Rieo. •Gilbwt^MewihODt, CkHide< Bibb and iJiyde ijimmons. TBe -troop will ^ ott'lmother trip d i l latter part of thb month if plans materializei ^-—-

county, who, for maay yeat^ was J MiddtebS^^BapSirn the Potooiac Baptist

pastor or church, of Association, was qoite seriously injured last wees mr* runaway. Dr. Dunaway, . who is

Mr. David Fately, of Washmg-about ton, visited his parents, Mr. a ^

«ev»otF-ive years oid,-was-rei^ rjjrg; <j, D. RtUdy, in^IaHaaaas^ unconscious and bruised

about lh£-head, face and hndy. He was a xaember of the convene tjon that framed the present Constitution dt Virginia, and iti the moderator of the Ra]M[>ahan-nock Baptist Association,

—The jirst'business meefing"o! the Manassas Civic League since last spring will be held in Con-ner's Opera House on "Tuesday evening at 8 o'clodg sharp. Every memt)er of tbeieague and eyeiT interested citizen of the town should be on hand for several im-portant matters are to be dis­cussed! Among tne

Washington. .Miss Myra

^ Warrwitun' HIIH

Be laid before tGebody is the pro­posal to turn thecoardiouse lawn into a park for the benefit of the citizens of the town and country. If you desire to see a prosperous f«A produetiTe eivie leagtie—in fwMs^auquier county. Manassas you can not do better than attend Tuesday evening,

—At a meeting of the Manas-R«H r:hnpti>r. TT n C held on Wednesday, August 3Qi, the re­tiring offices made the annual reports in full. The report of the treasirer showed the general re-ceipfs for the year to be $251.15 ana the disbursemoits $248^67, ie>»ing-a balaiw of iff,4H

—The ManasMW Coktred Horse Show is vaaifr way tse4^. performances of to i—rwur {tbt aeeond day) shook} draw a targe crowd of eoioredimalfii^ A l m s band is hi attaadiM* saoik-day and r^esfaoHmU a » sold on the ^ ^ Tuariay morning \ r f t e r « » " ~ ° " - illness of about two months with

—The members of Manaaseh j diabetes, Frwn thwB time of diag-hMfce. No. 182, A. F. and A. M.. I nosia, little hope of her recovery ZTP cordially inrited to participate j was held ool Funeral semces in the layfog of the comer stonet were conducted from the resi-of r-p high school building atjdence #f her parents or Wednes-fi iv per on Saturday afiemoon. I diy aitemoon at 3 oVWk by A-r-:st a , iSiSr For further]Elder Baftonr of Wa.^riington. oArt44HiMn- soa Q. Dv Wafntw, ilntermentjgamade in Manassas Secretary. I cemetery.

present enrollment is eighty-six Del^ates to the Virginia Divi­sion Convention to bie held at Danville S«Ptember 20-23, were elected as fdlows: Meedames C.

^ I A F W T I , J. B. T. Tteraton. ~ 'Csbell'MgedlCh and H. L. WUBS;

ahemates, M e s d a m e s R. A' Hutchison, Mande A«faf<»d,K.L. Byt^-aftd A. W. Su>dair.

State Normal Sdml rreoenrktlmii^, Va.

Mrs. A. B. Davis, of Clarendon, has been oti a 'visit to her many M»iassas friends this week.

Mesdames H, T. Da vies and W. N. Tiipsfiomh Imve next-Tuesday for a week's stay at Atlantic City.

Mr. apd Mrs. G. D. Bak» and children have returned fnMn a stay of two weeks in West Vir-

' Mr. W. A. Clera expects to spend a few days the first o^ next week at Woodstock, and iKtnyr—' "*'-—^~'~"'—^

Mr. Thos. Gulick, of Washing-ton^ir spending his two vlySBtion with wo paraats-iaja^

"Money Talks"

but i t won't say much for you un­less it's your money. You'll be sur­prised to see how a f ew dollars in a g o o d bank like this wil l coax o ther dollars in, how soon you'll have a nice little sum laid a w a y wi thout miss ing it, how eloquent ly it will t a l k f n r y o i i when thi2j;iiatig£. comes to put It at work d i g g i n g up dividends on a good invfistmenL.^ It's _ safe here, t o o ^ Yes , and as " r e a d y ^ as cash' i n y b U r pocket; ' wi thout offering the same t e m p t a ­tion to spend it. Gome in and talk it over. Come in to-day.

Our slqgan is, ^'It is a pleasure to s erve ."

The Peoples National Bank OF MANAS&AS, VA.


Miss Virginia' Walker is the

Segk-end guest of Misses Ade-ide and Aauabgl Elgiu, at The

Plains. ___^ ,

MioB 'KatMeinc Ije wis-reiui'ueJ Jjast night from O»ngo . whore she was the guest of Miss Nanna Milium. 1

this week.

Mrs. M. A. Matthews has re­turned from-a two w e ^ s ' visit to ha—daughters who reside i &

Payne was in

^ e funeral of Miss Srinia Lomax.

"Miss Margaret CoUngton, Maryland, spent the ttaryla >fi*e- week with and Lena Cooksey,

Misses Myrtle Johnson and Mlldr<»d R f t r r r i l hpvA rAtiirnAH from a .visit to Mrs. son in Loudoun county.

Miss Gertrude Strother and lit­tle Miss Catherine Weir have re­turned from a visit to rdtttivesAt

Prsparea l»»oh«i« inr *'' pnhJic achooU- Strang f»-~ modrm building uni »».-.;,; i a l l iy tua i - TulKm i.-Ge .

Tor atOiogae'txtd TnTom,ii

l$is8 Effie Gulick. of Washing.^ , ^mit the week-end with her

parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. F. Gulick, on Center street

Senator R. Ewdl Thornton, Fairfax, while in Manassas the first of the week, paid 1 ^ JOUR­NAL a very pleasant visit

Mr. Carroll Caiman and his sis­ter. Mifs Edith, of Luray. are yifflting ^ e i r aunt, Mrs. W. A. vJlem, on fUrview avenue.

Mrs. W. J. Aahby and daugh­ter. Miss Uila, left Monday for a visit to Mrs. J. J. Murphy and other firiendspt Chevy Q » t t j i d .

Mrs. A. J. SUlings. who re-<afitly lefts Washington ho^Mtal " a .

Mr. Charles May, of Washing­ton, arrived last Sunday for a Ireek's visit to hia parents. Mr. and Mis. Wm. May, near Manas­sas.

That silo of yoors has got to be min proofand damp proof. Il muct stand the frotttn nf Aatatnn, Itbe «now »ad eold in Winter.; It most be a paaterial that the ettap teeth of rats

^ ;_, find ThKTP rannnt gn«w tlirouaS Tiiwe's

—thftfinnf only one answer—(xmtmU. There's oolv one oononte

« PortBtnd. CUmtnL ^ __«o«M_-a_

Lehiffb srlfes ct>Dci«t« at! the qaalitiea luuaed above and more. 7 « ttr^jiffth inertatet Kteh f/4ar. l U s gvards you a«ain»t depradatioa. \.^iiM*i^ LUC jllu oimmi ImluuiiUIMa, " • Cuts mil lepali expeusg-

THHI it orer-^^ith M todar. Let ns show you Lehii^h Econoisv iu silo buiidiutf. We lave buiue good silo i4ieaa aad twsy iu« (re« lo

We ia?e a foU line of Terra Cotta Pqie, Fatent I ^ e r , I k ^ Bridt, Sand, Stnmi, Ijuahw, UliB Wnrir, fialynniyf^ " '


ijTadm of ihf

-n«rt Health-1 '"^; " < ^ »"'> i M,.tcr.;son ano 1 s.a.: atadt »,4-MiS£ t-ui»in Ish .iarr.soa iia.i'e re- .^

' nte Tfemed from a visit to reiativea «i •


; •

El H. RUSSELL. | Loudoun and upper J'nnce Wil-1 President. • Ham..


with you The Kodak has betome the ^wparablc eofB-

i i ^ S f j ^ T i * ^ ^^ ' * ^ "^ ' ^ Kodak line

B r o w i u e s - - $ 1 . 0 0 to $ 1 2 . 0 0 Kodaks—ie.OO and u p

Doweffs Pharmacv • T U T D r v A t . « - . ^ J



Page 5: fWHf mmaBit0 - Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · National Jubile ofe Peac" Ul«oactee wi^enacte o odn July 21,1911. ^Critida CntKaa

i ip


Mr, James Love, of the Na- Mr.and ilrs.VVestwocxl Hutchi-tional Bank of Manassas, left! son and Miss Susan Hutchison, last Saturday for a ten days' va- accompanied by Miss Elma Lath-c*tion with friends at East Lynn, am, of Hickory Grove, are attend-




W. Va. M4«s Ann^lt« C. Smuh, who

has been spending some time at, North Chesapeake Beacii, re­turned home on Wedn«Hiky aft­ernoon. - Ilr. W. J. W&lker ieitSaturday Afternoon for a visit of a week or more to relatives and friends kt Bsrboursville and in Orange coanty-

Mr. Harry Sanders, of Hay-market, who recently returned from Florida, was the guest of Iff. George Adamaon the first of this week.

uiK the Potomac Baptist Associa tion now in session at Del Ray, Alexandria county.

' Dr. Jesse Jlwell. of Riickers-ville, Greene county, was a guest in the home of llr. and Mrs. Westwood Hutchieon on Tuesday white on iris wsy" to visit hia father, Mr. John Ewell, who is ill at his h<Mne near Hickory Grove.

Dr, and Mrs. R. W. Gamett 'and two children passed through Mamissa^ Monday on their way to WoodbridRe where Mrs. G4r-nett and children will stay for a

Rev. 0. Grey Hutchison, of Smethport. Pa,, arriv^^ ye^ter-day afternoon ifor a visit to his

SawntB. ^ utchison.


To the \ otefH of Ouuilrim DLUltict i unreW iiaoumi«« uiy Wf • ooailitiaiF lor

lliB <<tic« of iuperviBor (or I'uiulries Uiaui't . laiBirunj W uij; iJ»"t rowrd Mi to oiy qual ostiou lo &U Muii 'i&oe if elected. X i if aolteit joar Bupport.

koapectfully, C F. B A l L L i

uNti-t IHU'U4#*t-

i e y - i W - D r , busy with the Bethel.


: _v^ Among those a t t e n d i n g the tWOQU j Fiohor ifiti rounion from^onaft

Mrs. H. F. Tompkins, 6t Wash­ington, spent from Saturday through Tuesday with- heir Son-in-law and daughter, Hon, and Mrs. H. T. Davia,

Mr. C. H. Yarborough, jr.,! who has been teaching at the University of Virginia Summer School, returned to Manassas the first of this week.

"Mr. Robert Newman, son of Mr. land Mrs. 0. £. Newman, left the first of this week for ^dgeport. Conn., where he has accepted a position.

Mr. Aubrey Mills and family day attended the Primitiva

Wliitmore, Lym & Akkn Co. 1225 F Street N. W.


Jewelers Sihrenmiths


aojc 0£ LOX SSI

Aimust Clean-Up Sale Tables are reeking with values that ARE values.

We would specially moitioii

SHOE4S __— ^

^ptist Association which is be-j g conducted this week at Occo-quan by Elder Smoot

Mrs. W. H. Catfagrant

sas on Saturday last were Messrs. James F. Gulick, Jos. Mayhugh, J. L. Lineweaver, Chas. Robin­son, J. G. Gregory. From Bris-were Mr. Andy Wright and daughter.

Among those from Manassas who are to attend the Ketocton Association of Primitive Baptists now in session in Washington, are Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Athey, Mr. and Mrs. George Maddox and Mr. Edgar Houghton, of Missouria, guest of Mr. and jars,W.S. Athey.

Mrs. James C. Johnson and three children, of Harrisonburg,]" arrived-Tuesday evening for a ahnrf. v i s i t tjn Mr. a n d M r s G e o

The mint makes it and und«r the terms of the Cootmental Mortgage Company you can se­cure it at 6 per cent for anyilegal purpose on approved real .estate. Terms easy, tell us your wants and we will so-qperate with you.

908-9 MUNSEY BUILDING Baltimore, Md.

I Table No. 1—58c« Children's Low Sh< — upte$1.0a-

Mrs. Johnson, who mariage was Miss

rdaughter8,Tlt88S^ SUa and Irene Catber, left this week to spend a short time with Mr. Gather, in West Virginia.

_Mr8. H. C. linn and daughters. Misses Apne and

C. Round. before her o- — Althea Loose, is a native of Ma­nassas and the itieee of Mrs. Geo •€: Round. ~—• •


of ._, TIairgaret, George Washington Park, s .Wednesday with Mr. and Wna. Foote on Quarry street

Miss-Rebeeca Monroe, who is iriBiting her qnde^ Honr -Cr-J

^ifci,^!^^^. 40HN D. HARPER

Meetze, has returned from a visit r€^^ d i ^ to her aunt, Mrsir

W. 'T. MfflJToe. at Wellingtcfti.

Mrs. D. K^mith and children, little Miss Mildred South and Masters D. B., jr., and Harry Lee Smith, aft«r an extended visit to Mrs. Smith's faUier, Mr. 7:~Pr Xeachiaan, left tamisf for their home in Cape Girardeau, Mo,. They were accompanied by Mi^ Lillian L«wihman.

U. D . t l | ^ OttendWgk-

Mr. Edgar Houghton, of Mis-soun. who is convalescing from

: operation, isyisitingbis

MrBS. W> a^Atney, near lown. ^ ^^,immm„A» ^ •,.«,.<i.«>« r,f Rev. S. G. Dorey, of Denver,

Colo., a former pastor of Asbury M. E. ehuw-h. was the mert of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. B ^ and

; !DthWi at MausBBss this w^kiCir: „Mr. Welfofd A. Buck left this

morning for WeIcli,W.Va., where he has accepted a position with the hardware firm bf which his brother. Uarij lf Ifl M employ W.

Rev. W. H. K. P«Kileton, of Spartansburg, S. C, passed t h r o a g h Manaoqaa yeeterditf mom' where while

ling on bis wa^.to.Delaplane >€ ne will 'vkot for a sh<Hrt



' UAOY ASSISTANT iVMM>t S « » i e . K.—MmMm Chtf«M

Table No. 2—98c. Childrni'sandMisses'LowSfaoM up to $2.00.

Table No. 3—$1.29. Women's Low Shoes up to $2.00. ^

Table No. 4—$1.59. WomenV Low Shoes up to $3.75:

Table No. 5—79c^ Children's Low Shoes up to $1.50


Having determined tad<pfotcoiB • ^ .Z~T-^ . . . ^ whokJime to the Real Estate a ^ A prize of $25 is offered by tOf Tnsimunce bufflh©88r~#e "herefer

peace committee of tfie genCTBl division, United Daugtaexs of CKE Confederacy, for tiie best essay on the subject of "International

the senior grade, descendants of Confederate veterans and the es -says must be sent in through the local chapter, Unit ' *" of the Confederacy.

la conl;estante must reacb . Kate Mason Rowland, of Rich­mond, not later than Sept. %. Tlie length of the essay is-not to

ter size. Aftor careful jconsideratien of

the essays, ® B prize will be awarded at the meeting of the

Mr. R. M, Jenkins, of the Crigler-Camper Ca, expects to

vacation with relatives and friends in tfniison and Orange coontiea.

Mra Ttpttifl_Harriaoji_And ^ugBtiBr, Mi»" Lucy, left on

Tuesday for a visijt to Mrs. Har­rison's son-in-law and daughter. Dr. and Mrs. S. & Smipson at uiarenaon.

Mrs. Mary Homig and grand­daughter, of Washington, have returned hwne after spending two weeks with Mrs. Hormg's nephew, Mr. B. -M; -Comwen,

-twar^be cod bin.^ Rev. and Mrs. H. P. Myors and

-small driH. of Onancoek, Va.,

next annual convention.—ttie News Leader.

SALE ftf Pm-ansl PrT"-*r

nnlirit all propgly for .Baie ,^ . request those^ving propertyto list tite same with us promotljr,


C^J. MEETZH A. CQ. Offle.1 • • I. CSaOdBV

We are keeping up our stock of wall paper and can supply yeu wilh-afty-thing you may want in my fine :: :: :: ::




left yesterday, after a visit of ^ ^ j ^ . . ^ ^ " " ^ * ^ * °°* ® ° ^ nearly two weeks to Mr. Mye»* TEBMS:—fSO and under, ouh; all <nm Mrenta, Mr. and Mrs. W. it.|*«^ma»th».witowithMniKw<ii.e«iTi»: Myers, on Prescott vreaa^.

—1 will M U si poUid AQOIAB 6 B my fiun n«s.r Independent Hill, Va., on the above-Bained date, the {olloning property:

One pur ^'rj mcdaa, pair gnj horses, heavy draft; pair gray h o f a e e . ^ ^ t draH;

mill LUii iiHi m w i > — ^^ nam

Wood's Seeds .

)rinKOir€li die best of 8(»l-iinprovii^ and forage ch>p6 for ni l seed-ing- Piitw landiii wtendid^

colt, cow, 2 - ^ r old heifer, drill, oozaslanter, 8 - b m e ooltirator, mowet, rake,4 or 5 plows, i Uooks and falls, comeob gpat^tgrinier (hone); 3 twe-hona wagons, saw M-iach wagon, 3 s e u doable haraeas. aet lead W -aesa, aower, 5 thotoa^khnd Barkshin p u s , boar, lot of gnos, dae~BKeelH ftOBp p u b r with a x m taoUa. ^ -

JQMT my F»nn of 640 ACHM •with new T-iuum h w e , bain, S'/igO. cow

Dr. and Mrs. R. Meade Ham­mond's relatives at DranesviUe, are expected in Manassas to^, to-spend a short time wi^ Mrs. HMinmond*r""pBT6PtC Ifr. Mr& George E. Maddox-

Miss Emily Johnson, demon-•tration agent for girts' canning dubs in Prince WiUiam, spent jmrt of last week at Harria«s-

-fumr where a demoostration of {' canniQg ciufaa was given.

Miss E:dna Barnard^ of Balti-"•• more, and Mlw Edna Dmcce, trf

- Middletown. Va., who have for «ome time past been the guests M Mr«. J. L Bushong. have re-tamed to their reapec&ve iiainea.

Miw- Clara Akers returned to her home in Maryland Wednes-dav flft^r a visit of several days

fd Lena Cook-

• 8 0 six moBths^MMwitn approved Nothing to be fwooved u ^ t s n s r of a n coaipiisd with Terms ss to real eatat to bs aaaooMsed on day of sale.

JACOB W. HOOK. i . P. K H U i , Aoctioneer. 8 13-St

i " » P « • • • . !«—m^OBSS—-!— —.

CMtdition and increases pro­ductiveness to a wonderful extsaaL Makes one ci the JjCtfjOi winter j » y « Cg^g,.

Pr<rfit on ev«y pair in the houae- sacjificed. About 500 p«ir« in Kft Iftf and we have priced them in

-^ ]^w qmck and fe*iro«ir

tine cailiest green fecd» or a good hay isrop.

Wood's Fan C^talo^ rivea fuM lnfoi'matiopafao«t "wve „ ttus valuable cropi, and au

~oaieirClover iiid G A M Seeds. Seed Crains, o l U for 410 seeding. Catalog mtfled on

WrhB for Jt ^

T.W.WOOD a sofia

JbllAli ftttvofsily m

QBO.BvB m kn.,tttM

f ranpt s t sv t ioa 8 t « « ^ ^ '"T^ ^ low as good aarnca a i ^ ' " tify MataHc Caakata I

' . • « i

H M 4 a ( P a U i c School SyatasB «f

psrAmmrrs RcraasBme Gradwtte, Law,

—^K~ "Emfaa^— UMV PUMBS KvxaukMa .^ fiaoo

Vjqpaia stodanta in tha _ — . j s n i a asBdfcgcaUhagoe. ^ W A R D • I S B T O N . UmwnAM,

, UaJTersity. Va.

MaryUnd Farm Mntnal Fails. According to tb* Joornat of

Commerce, receivers have been .<a Olivia %P< Lena Cook-1 appointed for the GningersMn-

sey. sne ?gas-2compaTHiSr~W|TBaT ^tre ft -to Washington by the Misses Ck»ok---<^y

._ ty^ef Carroll county, Md-—AmMican Agency Bulletin.

BIDS WANTED Bid* a n wanted forth* arection of a bridge

OTsr Ketde Run at 8. A. Marsteller's, the bridite to he « * r lost \aag and placad on »• meal sbuttnenU of good aaod and grsrs^. The sboUnenta are to he pfaeed on aoW hM. to be eiriit feet abow iow water aAdtohar^ good wiag walla. The board trf mpamsors reserraa the right to reject any or ail hidt.

CamperCo 'l^eWacc Whffl« Yon Wffl_Ev«ituaUy Buy"


Page 6: fWHf mmaBit0 - Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · National Jubile ofe Peac" Ul«oactee wi^enacte o odn July 21,1911. ^Critida CntKaa

mmsrssi^ws mm msmm WV wmmmm


Prmiiirai * > Vle» 0£O.E. WA&FIHLD Cithitr.


U N I T E D S T A T S S ,

9JJf»PLQ8_jii!<D nfprV^pjj •ioo.o4e Oil'ITAL

UIRBCTOK O.I. BOi'MlB. M. B. H A U , 0 W , O. K. WARK1KI.D, J, P. M C n . WATBK HOBKRT6. • . BAKK, ; • .

rrompc atttaODB ( I n a to •fl IMU(BCM. <B •UttlBccoltwtlMutkroackMt tlw Vsitad M«i« ^•dSBrolM

Ask is to seaifM^MT New Style BMk

It shows many of lUch's fashions {«r men, wom«n and children am h n y f m m if w i t h i>vt^rY Burance of satisfaction.

B. RichVSons

r" T«fcOat l i C i i . I f f " "

* WasUiftM.D.C


Washington's Leading Store

~ ' F o r China, Glaaa, ~~SilTer ware, Etc

Oar supremacy in the faUowinc lines has been reco fnized for yeuB.

Dependable qualities, exchuiyely lowest prices for-TSB BEST.

Starliai SOrarwar* Finasr Plaf i l Wiwa Hi«l>-GrMU CadsfT CUaa Tabkwfera TabU Gkaawat* Rkli Cut Gkaa roiUt3«U

CWiacDish Stadaat Lamps Parlor Lawps KitehsB U»y»U» Batfcroo— Fistaf#s

OfYNrHoBc, ftmij GrM|u, RMUMU, elc. -

We make a specialty of such woHc and sniarantee satisfac*

-tidn."-'' AiipuinluuinU mad? on short notice. For price eal} oa or write

Hannan's Studio Wawidi Buldiag Maaassas, Va

Bring' or send your Kodak Work


As soon as the news of Uie defeat of the Kmish at Concord became known in New England, even,' patriot c-apalile of lx;anrig arms shouldered his gun, joined his company of minute-men and marched towards Boston. Soon the British forces in B<jst{)n were completely blockaded by a motley army of farmers and artisans whose lines extended over a distance of nine miles- fiom

'4Roxbury to. beyond Uharieston. Nor did the be.sieg-ing ax-my want for eiijjorionccd IcodcPii.—Ten minutes" after ht; heafd the

The way to make two blades of s^SMDOvn wherfiiiDe does now: Buy the celebrated Maernesium Lime from Leesburg Lime Ck>., the hme that has been sold in Loudoun and Fairfax for the iMist twenty-five years, and out pro­duced them all, and the reason for it is because it contains Mag­nesium and Oxide of Iron in right proportion to CalciunLCarbonate, and the United States Agricul­tural Department in Year Book 1901, page 161, states that Mag­nesium is absolutely necessary to plant growth and nothing else ;w1tl""^e its place. Sendorders to W. T. Thomaason. Mi^waaaa,

news of the first conflict, John Stark, an experienced officer of the French and Indian Wars, was off for B<jaton. Israel Putnain, wTiohad also servecT in the same conflict, was ploughing in the

'""fiette wheti the tidings were brought "him; but, without delaying even to sav goodbye to his family, he unhitched the horse from the plough, mounted it and was off post-haste to the patriot

Va., or (Ureet to us and have prompt attention.



\r^^ rg Lmie Co., inc. B. V. WlflTE. M«ft«cer

New Pi Cleao&^

you haveacy cleanup or iweas-ing to be done.

I am inAependmt -^ other firto in tovg^ aijA can your work and rea8(»ftBl5^

P j ^ N ^ i a ^ cai , ttorooi 1

Agents for several linea 6f tailor-made cTt^hing. ~^-


^Bdor Parjie

IW w Par»U Ti» wans «Uk« Taral*^ Ttm HsTKtsnmpsr Tnra Sa«t ProBtabls

Turnip for iionie or Uarket. It is « Urg<L rapid grovlng tort wUb globoUr-»li«|M ro0ta. n M h pui*^ wKTe. TBe skin i s ^hitie and t^"T''5- On.sccoaat ot Us sbapa

Bal«1aa«-s New ImpOTlaa Vc^r Cutr l « a s - 9 t a a 4 1 a s Kala

BnutlfuUr rartod sad crlmplsd sort; Rtron(t. Tlftirous kabit, perftcUr bctrty, firltht gnen rolot; T«rj attrscttre In Uh pearance; superloi* to i l l late sorts. WDl

!-T3Ba~t<itit r\riiaoBt sawm ta uta lur any othpr vartetj.

Balsiaao's Califvmla Mamaoth Badlsk Solid and jTiL-y as an appl*: pnr» wlilts

flAsh and den< i<.u> flavor—a T*ry rholoe Ta-riftT. We neTcr wnt out a Wlntef Radish tbat fcainf^ »o miKb popalarlty In so short n lim». Kown nnr time after July Ist I* tli« 1st of Septemher. It will keep all Wln-tr-T In prjijie .cQiiil.Ufia; mUU l a .flavsc^ hrtttle. XfT?r tPia wo"dT ns do most Win­ter Torleties. Market gardeners have foaad It to be B splend:.! seller sad iiar* always [oade monrv «i:ti It.

other r>et(ft»n» Vecetables BnTffjir'^a "^fsv QueeTi" neang. I^normoTia

Push l.trru!* Kme-nld J^le i\^le l.lmas. r>««n Blood Besntr Beet, new. ' Sonare DesI^ Cabba, ,^e. _;giinbeam" Carroi

rftnllflf'Wer, "Mitiy T(" ortffie" t*ncB ber, "I.oiig-Lo«t" Letrn*^ -Wonder WorE er" Peas. "FTtici.r Falttmore" PotatMS. New imprnTo^ Ixxnc s u n d i a * flntaarfc. AmcTiraa Pnrrle Tip BaCa&afiL

••Wiaao's Field a«ids tsr I I S M » S I r i s a t i s c

Crimsca C.c^cr. Ccy Peaa. Drarf Rsacz Rjpe :-vl 1 i.-'-^r fialrr t-et.-h. Alfalfa. Sw".-: ' .T»r S:1«n Grass. a<-rnnii Millet, all '-•. r; «••!«'« dor-.^tlr and Im parted Orassea.

lt<»J,l»nn« Hnrvmer a a d Fal l CMaJftave •nr M,.rk-.-t r,-.i7-:-'nen. Tmckera, raraa i s nnd r'(iol:rym«n Now betns^mailed. Send for yoar ^opr -.^dsT. If y m r local « « -rlriTit cannot > ppiT j-on wttb Bolirlasa's "Bi« Ofcp" Se»<l*. anxl ns a pestsl aad « • wUTf'"' " -. tail yon whera you can

•#• BoiiliMMto

»• Bmttimmfm,

CAIHBtOFllESOini seME&uie

In affect Augoat 1 , - 1 ^

tfejui'kflousD. '

The Revolutionary War •^-4^-^ 4"-^ 4* 4" •4>-•$• •f?'-•$• 4-•iS'--?!•-4 "^ •?••$•-!?••$•••$•-$••$• 4»'•*• 4-•'{'•-^ •*• 4*


(Copyrighted la l i by Waiter S. Smoot All Kighta Reserved)



..'4i^\'4^!l^-!"^.,l'^!^ ^l haJf^llie-BlitklkiJl I,Wi) liivisitnis,^ant» - t^ attack tlie patriui.-, m fivjni, one in the rear [jegan tu advance up the hill. Thou.sLind.s of the inhabitants of Boston had gathered 'jn the h.^u.se-topw to .-,ee the conflict. Heeding General Putnam's aiivice lo -'wdn until yod see tiie whites of their eye^i," tlie parnrit.i h('!<i their fire until the ivdf,,,at.^ were within for tvpace .

•when they {xjured a Withering tire upon t h e advancing lines' J he Whole tro:it ranks uf tile English melted awav ami t h e . remainder' tell lack. Their officei-s rallied them "and ihev returne.1 to the atUick. The carnage of thi.^ attack wa,- even greater tiian belore and the British commander, lieneral r i^oi t was compeile<-l to order a i-etreat. I'he second division under Howe met a like fate. A .second advance was next resuh eu upon. Agam the British advanced up the hil! and a^ain thev were driven back with fearful carnage. Despite tlie prnU:.-.tatio;i.s of his ofhcers, Pigott, with bull-dog j^i-sistence, ivsolved uptm a third advance. The ammunition of the American.^ was now nearly exhausted. They were able to fire but a single voIle\ at the Hritish after which they fought with clubbed muskets and .-tones.

army, ihe Massachusetts Congress formed a regiment of ar­tillery, the command of which was given to aged Col. Gridley, who, thirty years before had eommanded the English artillery at the taking of Louisberg. Patriots in the other colonies seized all the munitions of war they could lay hands upon and each colony called a Provincial Congress in defiance of royal authority.

The fortresses of Ticondero^ and Grown Point were im­portant, both for their strate|fic importance and for the muni­tions of war which they contained; so, when it was suggested to the MaBssachusetts Committee of Safety to send out an expedition to take these two posts, it was adopted, and Benedict Arnold, -a. fiery and impetuotis young patriot, was given a commission as colonel and empowered to call for volunteers with which to ac-complishIHTs dbjectT With his ustiat impetuosity, however^he set off for Vermont immediately, without tronhhng hjmjwif tn wait until his regfiment was assembled- When he affived, he found that an organization known as the "Green Mountain Boys" headed bv the quaint old mountaineer, Ethan Allen, had already se t out for the same purpose. Having caught up with them. Arnold attempted to s^ersede Alien byvirtueof his commission as colonel* but the latter would not surrender his command and his "Boys" refused to go on under any other leader, so at last Arnold was forced to ao^mipany the expedition without the

C A H T O T D l l D i n i P i i y l f ^ " " ' ' " " ^ ^ was authorized to take though still holding his rank d l l V t l a l l l l l K f l B r W A r P M a t t e l thus amicably arranted, the expedition

E s t e U U i e d l 8 » 4

n ^ d ^ on and, at dawn May 10,1776, it desortJded upon Ticon-(feroga like iEi thund»b(^t, Alien taking; possesaon witiiout a blow of th6 fbrt and ail it ctmtained "in the nmne of the.Gj%iA Jeho^vath and the Ck>ht3nentdCongre8s."CrownI'&int was taken twadiys later. As the si)<»l of war, the exptedition now fotmd itselfin the possession of sixty prfaoners and, what was far mora


0—Da% loeal, 8:40 a. >n. OSUTWS tarn at Orange dail^ «spsj>t Stoidv to

CAO-lorCkmbnsTiUasod BicluaiaiHL

will s«ap at MsnssasB bn flas. -Jfe.

s. ti 4»< rag!^g£i»sii

iaotai to Wanantoa. 8:22 Ho. IS—Dail; looal far Warranto*, C3iar-

hWnstiUa and'wsj slatiuai,5:12'jric—fHflr: BMka Paiitir Car to WKrentoa.

No. 41—Dtilj Uuomii ttaiai IttOfi

tor paint*ai lAidi sdMiUad to otaiki. 4 ~ " HOBTHHUUaa—

IS- JipsptSoiidw^ local frov War No, fSBtoa to Waahiagtoa, 7:

Ho.l» - - • 1a.m.

Waaliiagton. 9M WaiTsatoa to Waahii

Nn. l t DaUyfaem

a. m. Palinaa Pariiv

y i isuulnug la Wash' 9:tT^m. PttgBisn f m « g Oa>

io. 10—DtflTlotMl. it:St p .m. nwiannts at Oaagt with 0. A O. RaOwar frsot B iA

Md M l OotdmsTitta. ^ g o . 28—Psilj. 7-SB p. m.liotl traia ft-

BamaoQlmig, Msiississ aaS Waofc-uattoB.

tlo. 44—DtllT thlMa^ traia bSwwa ICs 'MlUBfltOBi ~ •aod Wa iSaSLf^

«o.3»—uaitj ^aoaA t iaa, „ _ „ iisspaa can far Wssfc&gtMt aad Haw Y«»i' l<fcU p. BL, stops oa fl^t

WHrruouMD No 4»—Daily Isaal fi

iataiBMdiata ooiata, S:40 a. Na a—jSaUy local to

ft.-00p.ai HarrisoBbBrx,

Bu BL CXtATMAN. • . P. sial (hw. M^

m^^^LPS:''"' H.F.UAHY,Gi^Rss.Aitt. C^ar. W1B8T60RY, Oca. A»ot,



SbCJrfHERN" RAILWAY Wbiti dfers rarioos roates throai^ dis Bost •Uraetire sectioss of the oountrf. Qo sad n^n Man raitfi nr p" "-« "—«* '^ soother withoot a<lditioDal cost.

Take ia tha Paasan-CsUfornia gipoaitica at Saa Diego ea raote to ths grast Bnama-Padfic ExpositioB at Ssa Frsadaoo. '

votm TicucTB iwcmpt BOTH tr vow QO THK RI«HT MUUT

Very low Esre aKcarmoa tickets ambrsefng ""P*?'*** ^^^ ** girea g^ag aotl rattirBiog withia the liaait.

OsMaa aay Beatima Bailwty AgsM or repieseatatiTe or commnaicMe with C. W. We^hory, Oeneral Affent, W—hingt/»n, r» " * i(ii«-MeiiBatieK— c £ ; ~ ^ •" '

liasassas Transfer Co,,

Aaaeathetics Administered for lesa Extraction of Teeth.


iMjitatant, two hundred cannon and a large saj>p]y of gunpowder. ——In Virginia, Governof Dinmore ^SinimiL'ms^ffrmim^Sk-^ petition which entered thejtablic arsenal in Williarflatourg and carried Off all t ^ powiler ft contained. So em^iged were the

scornfully rejected it, decuuii^ that if they attempted rebellion he would "declare freedom to the slaves, arm tnem and lay

ffiiamsbuiig in ashes." Ail the Virginia militia then placed Ives undfer the command of-Patrick Benrv-and m ^ j s h ^

iH^osbuTK mtendmg to force 1/unmore to "either give bdck e powder ot its yaJufe in money." So f r ighten^ was^inmMfe at he sent a ineSsjet^iS'~fc" Henry with money to pay for the

powder wiiile he, with his family, took refuge on a man-of-war from whi<^ h e declared "a certain P&tritrk H^nrv anH Viiq BQ^I-ciates them.

ta t s against--spirit was znanifested in all the colonies.

On the 10th of MavT 1775. thfe Second Continental CongrpqB i convened at FitiiM»l(fia.. ro j ian Randolph was called hoim^ to preside over the Gc^ra l Assinbly and in his place John Han­cock WB;S elected SiX^dcer of the Congress. Virginia later s^it Tlmniita .Tiftffiferatwi to cpmptRte flw* wnmher of l^ r deleijEates in Coi

first important business Which came up was the choice of a Commander in Chief for Uie ainiy befurB Boston.

It was John Adams who iSrst t h o u ^ t of Washington for that position. He conunun ica ted^ c^imon to his brother, Samuel Adams, who dxprboDod some doufet as to its'-pdicy, a s the New England men had nominated General Artemng Ward. Bat John Adams soon overcame these doubts and, in a aeaaion nf t V Con gress, made a powerful speech nominating Washington.

He b ^ a n nis speech with such eulogies of the military abil--ttrt^f-Gsneral Ward ai thi' mmr prm'tu,^ itf*.u W M ^ I . . . . . ^ ^».bi not criticize; he emied, however, by saying: "but he is not the fnan I have selected." Adams then continued by enumerating the virtuesT^pzTidence, wisdom and military skill—a ccHunander-in-chief must possess. Finally, he thundered forth: "and the num whom I have selected—the'man who possesses all these qualities—itf a member of this body and « ts before you, George Washington of Virginia" His nomination created a profound sensation.—Washington; who was occupyijig his seat as a dele^ gate, lej^Jt to his feet in great coa^^ision and hturiedly left the room. Samuel Adams moved an adjournment. During the recess, the members discussed the nomination and such was the weight of the argumertts of tlife Wttshifigtun sujjpoileiti that, on June 15, 1775, he was unanimously elected by ballot and given his commission. After saying a few words of appreciation for the honor conferred upon him and refusing to accept the sa l^y offered him (only askmg that Ws expenses be discharged) ' departed forBoBtDTT = -^ — — —

Meanwhile, matters at Boston had assumed a more decided tone. Gage had received large re-enforcements from England and, stung by the taunts of their commanders, Generals Bur-

uiding thaLthw ^^KJ nftf Jifjld thtwr pround, they retrratwHrr orderly array back to their camp. The British had W(;n hut their victory cost them dear. Three thousand redcoats lav dead on the bloody s lories of the hill as against four hundred'and fifty .Rajnots-among them the brave Dr. Warren. - - —

Sixteen days later, Washington, accompanied by Generals Charles Lee and Phillip Schuyler, arrived at the headquarters of the army at Cambridge and formally took command of all the Continental forces.

The patriot cause was now well organized. It liad an army whose commander was the best soldier it had. It had already oome to a tnal of strength with the British forces and, though techmcally it had lost the day, stili the battle of Bunker's Hill was morally as complete a victorj- as that of Concord. Next week: THE EVACUATION OF BOSTON AND THE DEX:LARATION


Virginia Polytechnic Institute and Agricdtural and Mechanical CoUege


Tw,v!^"«l*^L,^r-^^a'"'""lL"' Agriculture, Engineering and Applied Science. /'^Jl^^^ w Agncnltare and Fam.>.r«' wffnt^^ Cn^nn. — ^ Apply a) Uegislrar for.catalogue and information t9-3-15 J. D. EGGLESTON, President.

•o- \'?.

Tmeaitj of S3; 4X7 StMmta, trtmi M States. Accredited br TlisUUa i^late Board of KdoeatloQ. Hundreds <tt m^Am nates now teMtataf. «1M pajv . i t i i k y la Aoademio DepMttasetat; ^ 0 0 tit OsK i t t e IMpw^neiU.

SdiMl li» Qdi b VS

^ fc* "ilw> *»t~r a f ^ M * *

1 h»Ye the con

^^4r"©i™ J t i r g k r (uid OpiirMrtt-

T i i n l L ^ | i » l iia^^^ m

MnnmUhM, Virgimia"

ed 1


DENTIST." M. I. C. Building, Manassas, Va.

goyne, Clinton and Howe, for allowing himself to be beleaguered 1jy*t!en thousand peasants,** he'pJanne*! to seize BunkeF.s HTTl and Dorchester Heights—which occupied commanding positions to the north and to the south »f Boston, respectively. Hearir^ <4 this, the pafaTots determined to seize Bunker's Hill'theraselves. Aeeepdingiyj about mn*©cteek, on th« night of June 16, 1775 two hundred of them, under the command of Cokinel William Prescott, took up their march toward that hill. As it had a bet­ter command of the harbor. Prescott determined to fortify Breeds Hill instead of Bunker'*;. AU m^ht lonjg-thp pamrsis worked like beavers, and morninp re\e:it-d to I'r.e aitoni.-hed e>e<; nf the British a ion.s: unr of cartnw- rl .- cn>wi-, .g- \r.f h

-General 4T^edecKk>d thfit t^^ n^wt i^ ;AK<-V At om-e. At* {noon an the aevei'.:een;.h. :vvti:".:-y-c.gl.i tii._»;a-v ...(«-cl





Nofroa Coapares wkh a i Q e c ^ Ir»n-Always Bot

Your home will be safely wired fa^ lu at a low coa t Modern fixiuiea Ui please y<wr eye and your p o c t ^


— - t i ,

.soullt-rs .To .M?"l I'xer r cover of the fire of the .-

>f m^-oi-v^ar

ne in t.ie

n;il and narix^r.

laniied .Af;er.

:3 l i :


Lnober, Shingies, Laths, Doors, S a ^ Blinds and Building Material


E S T i MATES^ ^ ^ W N 4 S H € ^ . OAre: No. 11F. N, IVjor ?: :--et

m X ^LEX, - N ^ t ? .

Page 7: fWHf mmaBit0 - Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · National Jubile ofe Peac" Ul«oactee wi^enacte o odn July 21,1911. ^Critida CntKaa


I iKt (.um LTvdU'.Liji;. N'.i Virsiu::! Ur-

m mm SIX ijj in.s [,,. : iK.ri , Luukinft oui oxer tlio lulilt ul LiiB \ alley and the Pied uiuui. cuai..i y acroi>» tiie muuaUuus at uiib ht-ttauii of thfc year it is hard to

I i-ouceive tnat a n j Virginia farmer . iMui^va M> small a crop as that—and ! yet If the average of the state shall

be bruu^bt up to six barrels, on the basis of last year's acreage and Uie ti^n-year average term price, approrl-matety 16,960.000 a year would be add­ed to the iaeome of Virginia farmers-

Mora Wheat Per Acr«. Again: An average production of

12:4 bushels of wheat per acre Is not a record witb-wWch ire can be Mkti*-ieA when compared with 19 bushels fW IBS tranea^saus. zs bwmete tor Nevada, 2(.6 for Washington and 2S for. Maine. I know of an , average Virginia farm on which a yield of 47 bushels per acre was made last year


An Address at the Annual Reunion ot Confederate Veterans at Fl»*««r'» HMi, Virginia, August 7, 1916, by Fairfax Harriaon, PraaJdent South­ern Railway Company. VUher's liill, Va.-—Spealtlng at tha

4P^IIIL1 Reaujon of Contederat« Vet-~^Bm* l e r e uu Saturday, AitftMt 4t Mr,

IB^Iaz Harrison, Prealdeht Southern SaHway Company, said:

At this historic reunion of survivors of the armies of tlie South, of their dl^yoniUiiis nml nf ihnrr frnnvjrHrrrr •Mtions who, with true Virginia hoT ^^^^ g^j whei^ver that !» passible by pltality, have been welcomed to this tj,e use of intelligence cerUinly we happy valley. It is fitting that, while j ,hould not be satlsfted with anything yaylnK tribute to those who fought g^j^pga. than an average of 20 bushels

^] Ihfoughoil the S l i ^ 6nIttkiaSIs of

n u^i-a.suce. in 19U2. Uie oiiiar

luuoii uiaUuiiu lur.Lt;, turpnasc-J Vlr-Kinia in Hit' x.uat ul LUUUH Uiiii yro-Uiiits vu: .Nuriu ' iiiuiiua. »lU: 472,-6S0.OU0; Snuta nru>.iia. with $6i.aiU,-000; Geo)>;ia, with $48,037,000, and Alabama with $iJ,;JtZ,20U.

With llif iuilusiry in the parla of United States otkier than the South deVek>(iinK alowly, if at all, and with the enlarged opportunities In domes­tic and foreign marlieta resulting from the temporajlly. seakeoed comcfttiUoa of European manufacturers, condt-tlons would seem to be most favorabla for a large expansion of the cotton mlH todu»tiT in all those parta «t Via ginia ,and there are several such, where there is araHaW© <»^4aJ»«r tliaJ kind of population which ia employed successfully In the miHs of the South-The same conditions are favorable for


i ndfr and by virtue of a lifcr*-*- of tlj© of Pnoce WiUitt ' rtrtuit Court

acturicer! at tne Julv Ipriu, may yTif

lid,-";, in tbe

cone Jima.^am

Bantly -4or the Ouutheru muse, .. _ •houkl now look forward to the future

We are proud of the Virginia of the past and of the record which her sons have made In peace and in war, fud we are confident ot her future; bat we may be permitted to hope that

. tier achieve^uents hereafter shall be more in peace than In war. Virginians will be ever ready to uphold the honor at the State and of the United States ot the field of battle, when that is luecesBary, but, with the horrors of tiM war In Europe to refresh our mem-priM of the campaigns ot the retMana ^te aBsemble4i • $ vat^j well praj (or •11^ progress In the cirinzation of tbe ^^grld and (or snch wisdom and CtH tgttk In onr government that oar


- -V—— — - — ' w. •> - .• . iiioa

lie may neT^f ayfln hear thw rail — ~ arms.

—Pwty ta InJuatfyi

last year's acreage and the average farm price for ten years, a twenty bushel crop throughout the State would add nearly stx miilion dollars to the value of the wheat crop of Vir­ginia.

More than half a million dollars would be added to the' annual value of the oat crop by Increasing the aver­age yield from 19 5 to 25 bashels per acre; and the annual vaJue of the po­tato crop would be Increased by more than $700,000 by raising the average production per acre from 81 to JO boabels.

Are these figures to make any Vlr^ glnian comfortably content with ex­isting conditions T

hosiery and knit ^foods the output of yockt. one wblcb'in Virginia in 1>0» tSnounted ice box, on to 12,463,000.

Tobacco and Iron-In the same way I might BO on and

poia.t oat broader opportunitlea In to-bacco manuraciiuanirBr'all l-'UM *' •BT

uyuiict*'! Bi inr juiv ifrui, i^i-'. i" tuc I. Oder and -bv Tirm» oi -a 4-^ ul *«u*WTcfa»»c«T7 canwrtrerfTri /tftp^nding under f^e

uQdere>jgn6(i cumoiitMiuDar of bale chereiD appomved, will proc-eeii to »«U at ipublic auc-tioa, to the higheat bidder, ou

Saturday, August 14, 1915 St 12 o'clock M, in front of the People* Ka tiooal Bank, in tbeknrn of Msuas—«, aiore-said c unty, all that certain lot or parcel of land, lying and beio^ nituate in said comity, in QaiD«»Tilla District, coxitaioing, more or

- iHX>ft AGBES . and sdJoisi4g tbe lands of Chew and othen, and being near ThorouKliiare, on the War rentOD turnpike, and koowo •» the Corbin tot

TCnMO " ^ " ^

ezKuwd on the 2ttth day oJ UciuLrcr, Itfli, hf John C. Wbiimer to the uudertugned iniHtee, to »«cure a c«rtaiu iodebtedxieaa to T. H. Atbay, the underaigned IniHtee »haU, on

Saturday, August 14, 1915 at 10 o'clock a m , ia front of the Poatoffice, Manassas. Vs., sell by way of public auction f<>r,C»tk, the fnllowiin property, to wit:

£ll lite batcher businew bought by the &aid John C. Whitmer of tbe said T- H-AiLey OctoTjer 28,'lSTT,"Ti)cIudlngone meaT wa^on with (he two knire«, one steel, one scales, one cleaver and on* saw belonging to tbe said >f^on, and one other cleaver, two

„nthfii„»*a-jMgo jMit ncit, niw

In any erent^ thank Gpd, we are M V at peace and H is therefore oar Snaent duty aa a people so to guide ^ progress Of the State along the rtfr- "' paaca that tha Mttary fLasr W ..ff, may he, wlthowt neglect of aplr-

. I^aalttles, one of material progre«a, •dTandng the happiness and prosper U T «( onr descendants. Learlng to «(hera, tor the moment the appe«I tor progress !n Virginia on the splr-tHal, the educational, and the UC&etic ideas of linr elvlUzatios, t ftextnre to aay a word of sUmuIos In

_^rija]( of onr preaent dnty to Htdttstrr-In "^ty"review of the prdgreaa of

: fliKin!^ -we should nerer forget thfi JBtatdltlon In which she was IMt at the

: i S B « e oi iiiB_iB»r."JI«»rMrl^ a«L Stat««,

nnmas&BrfSg V^ VlrSTnTt Turning' now to our record of

manntactnrea. Ih MBmum With otlF er leading Southern States Virginia has demonstrated her ability to com­pete with the North ta maanfao-turing. The last census of manutac-tiiTP* nhoi fl that. M mwumnm H7 m»

woodworking and in the long list ot industries which use Iron and steel as their raw materials- But I will not weafry you with statistica. It Is enough to call your attention to salient facts and the Ibglc of these facts which te that we have demonstrated that we can, and so that we should, do more than we have ever yet done to develop the material wealth of Virginia. The manner of doing this Is no secret. It Ts summed up In a tew words. Enter-prise,. Education, Courag^, determina­tion to succeed, and all ot these quali­ties spell discontent with existing con­ditions everywhere short of Hctfven-'

! hare Incidentally referred to thft Importance of transportation In the levelopmeK oniiJaSaHcturlng. It Ir

In t^ct eisentlal to civilization and ia all jHiulal piuansa.—thp transpor-

, ^ ^^, one windlass, one catt wagon, one Tan! press, one IwTIer and one sausage mill.

Also a certain not*, executed by J. W. Malhias to the raid J. C. Whitmer, or order, September -^l, 1913, for $ii66.66, with inte-j)(iL^aM ; a,4ieiyftaBaaUfe-afc'«t>a Maiioia"


'Oue'lbiiti , — iff qne snd two jetrs from dsy af^salei.the

i n nr vi«fnrK tJTH y a r a

nformatioD apply to the from dale

For further iindersijjned-

ROBT. A- HUTCHISON, _ 23-4t T.ustee.

purchaser to execute interest bearing bosds on day of sale for tbe deferred payments, and title to be witlibeld until purchsse money paid in fall, with leave to anticipate said


T h e Rigl t t C o l l e g e for t h e Tra in ­ing o f Y o u n g P e o p l e

Splendid new buildingrs. Col­lege and University Trained Teachers. Offers superior degree courses in the Arts and Sciences, Literature. Pedagogy, Music, Ex­pression, Business and Domestic

/ ^ ' f l f f n Alfl/^»TPAll<»nt P r o p a r . atory Department, fully equiu to any standard High SchooL S p e c i f ^ttffpthn giv**" hn<^ViirarH boys and girls. Saturday Art Giaar.—Kight—eommyrc iirl-



< )otiiuiissiuiier of Sale. I, U- E. Herrell, Deputy Clerk of the Cir­

cuit Court aforesaid, do hereby certily that liptij hyi been duly executed as requiried by the decree of sale aforesaid^

H. E. HERRELL, 7-165t Deputy Clerk.

of <

percentage ot Increase in the value ot products, the South, as a whole, had gone forwani In tlfe five years from 1904 to 1909 faeter than any other sec­tion, except some of the far Western States where the volume of busineas doiut was so amall that a relaUvely slight gro#th in the value of prOdacia showed « Urge percMtage <rf in» cxaaae. The census of manufactnres of 1909 showed that the total value of the prddncts ot Virginia factories in tlAt yaar waa |an.7»4,000,

^ n hjr M a ' ^A l ***" « ^ j ^ * 1 ; ; ^ M oompar^d'wUh a^ IhcWW fW for four years,, when thousands ^ ^ ^ . - , ^

tattOn Bjytem of our State embracea onr pallwap, o^f iratefwaya ^ our streets, *fid g ^ cwmtir Wghjraya; The latter of-thesf ts n ^ of lea#t im jtuilautie. It is not u y o s s a t r ^ ' * "

Under and by virtue of a certain deed of trust bearing date on the ITtfa day of July, 1914, of leoord m the Clerk's Office ot Prince William county, in D. B. 85, pp. 271-2, iafT i»ordered entered oa the 3wl dayof Anynt,-1915, in the aforesaid Clerk's Office. aBbe -tutiog the nnder«l(p»d as trustee in tl>» said deed ot trost, the nme oavntg beco-ezeeiRRl'

-«#» to an audience m iho Valley of V ^ ginla about the advantages of goo4 roads. '

Where Virginia l-aga.

by Mary E. Caroey to secoA a oertain note Uieiein' described, in the payment of which note deiaalt haa been made, byjeaaon where-61 and at the request oi the benaficiaiy named in yaid tp«|f. V"" r^uimiffw^ imliatitntad

'ill sell at pobtic auction, to the tugV

Choice Meats

~ W!ieh you want a choice cut of meat

lim a call.—I-m-

trustee w est bdder, on

Sabnriay, September 4,1915 You have th«a IBtistrated in 43»

•"•pjiey Turnpike, one of the oVl«M improved roads in the State, hut he who travers Humy of the .road* i » other parts of t&e State and sMoe « i thoae in the Valley will reiJise that ^ d ^SeT>60ple of VirK^*»~»^'<"'^* not-hf '

iMsm ^ satisped, but, on the contrary, s h o n ^ u . -Jik. l ie itaaaufhUy dlsaatlBfled.wfithi i^

pel. recora ot Virginia, la road tagrdv* -mevt:—BtatlaHes—pnhMshed W^

at 12 o'clock m , in front of the Peoples Na tional Bank, in the town oi Manaaaas, afore said county, ia nsdividad one-half inteiest in and to all that certua tract or parcel of la]id,lytng and being sitoaca on Chap|>awam' •sic Bqn, m Coles U^iaterial District, afore-

adjoining the lands of Ids Ctraay,, 81ingerlaTi(\,—Rtdls. Aleata'MJw,

^ndle only the best andel^nest, and I am confident you, will be pieasect wlUi my 861


Seventeenth Annual a t a M b

S e s s i o n

For rate and other information inquire o

HERyW 0. ROOP, 1VD. ;1L D., 8 - 6 - l m P r e s i d e n t


Fwrd Cars Effective Angntt 2, 1915

United. Statas of 89.7 per cent was tiM " ti her *«»a liad fallen, when maoy Of \ i."i.«^„v- —M«. a»9!« iiu

S f ^ ! ! ? . ' " ^ ' ' ' ^ h t T a i s S ^ ^ • ^ c m v ^ T S i t s o r p S Virgin^ UA been destroyed, when a large part ^ ^^ ^^^ ^ ^^ manufactured pro-

duets. NoTtti Carolina, with 52 '" c«nt, was tbe o&iy soutDem State w w i a liigligr rate of lacreaBe. Yet;

„ her territory,Ji«iJt)9«n cut c « and whiin puhlln a'iiil r~''7t° "~^'* '"^ most of aH. her moral efScteBcy had

^ r ^ ° ^ . ^ ^ r t ^ r ~ 3 ^ a J t n S o«i«riiragi.ik^wTinrarcomp«ttTe«g o t « o h h f c n d k ! a p s t t e « o o r d o * . ^ n j J ! , ^ , ^ ; „ ^^ look Into details pBOtp^aa. since m s . i . a aplendld, ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^

3,7S2 m n « , or 8-5 . p«r cent, classed as hnprored. Virginia is fiB

' speiet Indeedt evaa, on the gfatintlfW i %.«-.i ->tnT "* **^ "thai-—SnHtlianr

trihate to the men and women who, 'alter Appomattox, set attout tbe taak of rthniS»<"a: -**»' «" '>^^««'»i« p*r«ug> ffertnee apd * gplgndld—wM-uutai^tt.


faction wUh things as they are whleh should spur us forward to larger ae-fiftntPtts'hmeMS.

OppeHunHlee Are-Abundant -The geographical location of Vlr They have laid a broad

U»-^-iarfMi tuni to ht^a ^ P ^ * ' ] ! ^ ^ g l n l i T s " S i W ^ 5 ^ " B l e TtfnrHtrgB-de^ m the same spirit which •»»«»**«», ^«,opment of manufacturing Among

juteul lu thepi we ahoald preaa forward to new edileTements.

Principles of fngrtS In this great undertaking I t wBl be

well always to keep before us the prln-ditles of true o tog»f ° »>'''•>' n " ; *^'^t

thH faempi lliBl ate puteul lu Jetei-

enduring success is the product of a restless* willingness to do new things. If they shall seem goo4 in the export enoe of others: to h* discontented with anything hut the heat, and to eadnre any sacriflee that may'he ra-^[vlred.

DlBsatls&ctioa with exiatin« coQdl-tlons juts oyer been one of the meet potent mOtlyes of homan progresa. tt te fitting, therefbre, to -see In what •m^imrtm w*r may have roawa te-jje^

mhilug the Iwstlun uf ludaatrmii are the aomces of supply, oi l a ^ mate­rials, an available supply of com'po tent labor, markets for flnlshed pro. dacta, attd t^ffthaportauon ntuillttes tor concentrating ra-w materials and di» tributlng finished ^Yiducts- WltMs the State of Virginia and In the states to the Ijouthward are sources of sup ply of raw materials for a wide direr Blty of manufaotigteffr—To tho north

diasatisfied with material things they are in Virginia.

Wlthoat neglect of mantifactures wa are still emlneptly an agricultural p«o-m, MJiiBaBU Jiflaawi iiuyi*~«y

..SBlght ezer b». C t e a t o aad'iwn COB-tftloaa throe^ottt tlie i K a u e far-^KBble to dtversifled and profltable acricaltnre. The staUsUes show that we have availed of these condltloM

ward. Serosa the Potomac Riyer, are -tite-«iarketa-et4be moat d e a s ^ pope-l a ^ 4 region i s the ITnited States and oatdde of the Virginia C^^es are the markets of the world- The -fiUlway llflftg Of tha Sttta arc admirably locit-ed for the concentration ot law mate rials and for the dlstribetion of maa» factured commodities to all parts ol


Amertean Hlghwtay .AseocUtlon «M l « l f dwiw that, «f 43,S»» mllea «t wti&fary BlgmirayB in the state; - ^ ^

States. Koitncky is credited with 18.3 per

cent of improved roads, Georgia with !••» per cent, and Alabama with 11.1 per cent, as compared with V1rgbi4»'a S£ par eonti aiassirhTwrtts hMXlw nH \. of tha states wldi 81.2 pei cent of h«» r totiU road niileage improved. The

wbt^e *tOry, for while neUbly good rosds—In.

Jtell...the there are

Ylrglntei H mui^-hB- confessed that the average - i a ^ of the road^ In many p u t s of the Com­monwealth i s loww- than the average condition at the roads in several of

ISe-KaWiTJmsg: the statistics might seem to give Vlr glnla the supremacy. Any long-dis­tance aatomohOtst who has toured th^ •Hoatb wm tell you that, a n d l - m i yon for J have seea It with my own eyaa.

Boada fn Marksta lu saying this I am not adrfMratlng

'water • MausportaMon eot -er tr * » - • & t ^ oceans of tke irorld. i n t alao hr way of the Atlantic Ocean and Chesa­peake Bay to tl|« Seacoast eltlea of the m i t e d States. For certain kla«s 4^ manufacttiring. ir$ have a soppiy of -whit* labor which has not yet foOr availed of. Theae ar^ « • why Virginia AenM pley « • • • • >•»•• er part than She doea m the maitefao turtng Indeatrfes of l b * Soatk.

£« t ta i MiOa l» ViTBinia. Chief amow these ladnstries Is one

which every Southern man, and _not

the bulidlBg ^ d maintaining o( roads merely for the amusement of the tour­ist owners of automoMles- On- the MBtracr. Wbee the Valley Tom-plke was beilt. the . wwatniiif.lan Of

Murj^jaad ira, sad contaiaingi mcaeor


flahatitatwl.TnatWi-J. F.~ Ksaui, Aacticeyr. g-ft-fit


1 liM w and by virtoe oi a -eenain deed o( ttast -exacotad on February Zl. HI<, ny Hi L Crumaal and wife, of record in the (jerk's ,Ofteeo{ Prince William coooty in D:.B:_64 p.5i\,ihe undeisgaed trastee therein aamed « ttJ, r«,n«it of the beneficiary mentjooed in aaid trtiat (delaplt bnviag. been mano; wilr sell at paUic sttcdon, to the higbast ladder, on

Ar^m hi front of tbe P e o ^ Natimal Bank, in tbe town of Manssmis, aiOrosaid ooonty, »t 12 e'ehx^ aL, all that certain lot or paxe«I ef liiiJ, lying aud beiajg sltuala ai TlanooBJf ^ • D U , i J U l U • • • ' I ».w»—B — • • • • « — * — i tx

five, in Gainesville Distriot, aforesaid ooanty, ' a^aiaaag the Baihmad. Primoa. Bntlar sad

atima, and aonmnlBg, mow or lei^

Fresh and Salt Meats. Fisa, a n d Bressed

Taines. '

R m a t a . $396 ToariBgCar. $440 TftwnCar . Wl^

m^Tr VUtrn'm \M aumi. Mm -Va.

No iMuranc« can a^uDst an advance

vt coy^tiniK'

b« i n

g i v e n th«



Tri fffcph «"J '^''^ ph«ae Poie» and Piling for which we pay cmth.

ELnaico. VhridUi

what might be termed trmik Use wag­on, roads was emlMnUy a proper p<d-icy, toe-Joog Jianu by wacoa were rk^„ » . , .»« .T^ Now, tona dlatance

least every VlrflnlW. 1^] wlfii a thrin of prme—for that supremacy In cotton maaafactur ing In the United fltatea ha* paasad — - - _ - ^ r - - ^ ^ ^ t^QieWbrtbteUaaowlh Tor-T- m^^SL^^f^^^^J^ e«I year. Soothen. mm « « ^ J T r t ^ L t T T ^ ^ T l S r ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ •oMad »ora cottoa thas thoae in aH


by largely"HcreasInfoTO (arm Taluea-Incraaaad Fafw Valusa.

Tha United States Census Bareau tefls us that the value of all tarm jroperty tn Virginia lecreaaed traaa «147.47«,U«. in 1880. tO $«2S.0<M88, In 1$10. On ita laa*. aa iBereeoe M l U par cent la thirty yaaaa doea not

badr Tiul shmtlil wa be satlnflfrd fkftp v a c o B s u e tt viCb ap JBCCMM of irt per cent In the neighboring Mate of North Cartylina and wbee we eparariati t^at U l a m a d L l M a than tt weald have been ff Harm prodaetloB ttad been broeght op more nearly to •etet onr natural advantagea give as the right to expect? When we review the average pretfectkm of tb« staple tun cropa of V f r ^ • « «»* ^ ^ \ T ] ^ ^ » ^ " t i an the othar etatee

^ e ^ T ^ o f t h e ' X r r T n k s ^ 'n**-* ' i - ' S ^ S T S S ^ first in money y a l , . the XTnited 1 «* S ^ * ^ S T T S m l T i t b . cot. Slate. Agricultural Depar t^nt r^ ; ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^r*^ TlrgfeJa poT-j that, for ths ten years from 1905 " ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ U M frgr tha cotton. to ^»l* i ' ' ' ' f t S l ! ? b « h ^ " l S fl^dTtoiiaTm^aad foreign . e i ^ ecr. m V ' ^ v ^ ^ J ^ 4 ^ e l ^ . ^ ' ' '-t . for cottotr good.. VlrglnU baa a arr-*ge for the rn»ed State. ^ ? « « ^ ^ ^ m^ufactaring fn-

tn ,he! . '^""'^^i^f ' * ' * • ! f ° ^ d..=try. which. In 1M»- turned oat pro-, . eo4l«*a**fe -^^^^ »° T^.^M ' *u.-U to the value of IV.MS-MO- aa fe-<vr.M. th«. tn -hi. SUte. had an aver : « ^ t ^ y,ars # «7 per cent. a,e M 43.4 h^»^f!«, and . iong UM of . ^ ^ ^ , ; " , ^ " „ ^ ^ ^ tecrease w . f U ' - s wer*. a.--.>ad of ' •*^'"^^*;^.r,n, .arge 'J.* total volume of bualnee.

r»<--rdi of from ITO-Jft W«re than ° ° * ~Z7 -Ttl tht moet of bar adrar'ng^ t ,«i4^ hwiteb "V fVtatay~^aTt rlZ r Z l ^ m f I -^m Tslil "V

I te be' niiiTliiit wlA ear aser • ' "T^r*mff-t^-r-^r^ .

tTanspnrtatfcrB.Jl .by rafl ^ j j watei^ •nd the cmintry highway policy ibaT wlU bring the greateat good to the

EMtest number fs that of iKpruvlug. 1 what ts of equal importaaee, of

keeping improred, that Is of ~maln-u u . . -v«- ^ - — tainlng, country roada radiating from

n e t w arc, ^ ^ l i n n s the mwket town or A i p p l n g ^ a t i o o , ' darotlttg the moaey flrst available for f ^ j ^

ooaatmctloa to thoae parts o* the [ 3 ^ tbe e a e t ^ poiat and

the other Stetae- I» <*• • ! • ' • » moaths eeded l i n e I*. .1911. "^S^V^ mills consumed 4*1,714 mote


Hi TH0BHT05 DAVIES. Tmetss. L. B. F m s , Anetioosar. B^Ot

flJC SALE ^ A i i J i m J i

Evansrthing To

My line embraces Sia^lK

-c Codw and by virtae of a deoeo of ths

CSnnit Ooort of Priaee Williaai eoonl^ pn>-•ooiead at tha Jnae term, 1916, in te

bnlldinc farther out as fqnds can be

ed, and tbe Imprayed roada are ade-r e n r d 1 qaately maintained, tbe t^naer nvtaf ( ^ * » j l K any dfrectloa haa a good road toe

at least part ot Ms batit l l i e parae-oT tblf poney throaOMat Che

umit,. him i i -»g

a network e( gOod (oala. mB» looking back upoa tbe w o i t

of tbe mea wboae valor we m a y -orate t o d a y n a t «r look fwrwai*. f •M , to ear nark ot y^fff a f • » even greater aad 99n proeperooa

tiao. to tiM hi^sst Udder, as

at 12 o'dsek U., in Inat of the Peoples Na fioaal Baak ,a4^towaef )Caaaaaas,aiar-

sad Fai ey Cferocoaes— Qucenawiturc, Tin and


be no f^raicr redne* tion in prkeg piiar to AngiHt I. I91g.

Dtliywrr on wny tyfa *>r infufe from five ta tan days

..McCQV Centee jStr^,_Manaffi^ Va.



Two CarlQ»d8 <rf ^Buggies'


We have just received one ear-luad of Blue Ribbon Buggiesr °"f* Alf fltfi<»<^ o^ the famous Haydocks—each made ygry b<*fft material a bou^t in tho white w




GSAS$ ^ ^ It y/Ul be wwr^ yoar irhgc to

inspect ooi stock.

1 1 M U f T M T W W r T I I I



aiftcra. u d b a i v oo O a m atoeai, to«B of

Phone or write £or particalar«

n e taak wfll sot be easy. b « If aa-Sertakan ta the apba of the aaaa wbo (onght from Maaaeaaa to Appomattoa fni who wltb btgt o o « m ^ set aboel rebailding In lMl(. 11 can be aeoo*-"^ pTisbe^ If It is aeeompllsbed. as * Shan be, then happy and prosperous Virginians of the future will look ba<* wRh T>Tt*w aad gratitude apee tbe work tbat we have doaa In oar geaera-ti«s of indostry as they mast aad will always look b a d with prWe aad grati­tude upon the work of tbe atea who wart tbe Qray. mhi.mft-tt* f^M^r

tbe ealored chorch, rest withadapthol TERMS:—One-thiid caA. sad oee-third

in obe ttd two y«a» J a m d ^ o * s a f c ^ ^ 9teass~«e~«9eesa


t Mtd setistsntnry aarnea seoarad

) l o r imrucu*»aw - . ^

^ ^ Sanitary fhHBlmg

ca day el sah ter the ilsliersd paiiaiaSi, titta to. U withheld aatil paichaae Boaar M d ia bJl, widk iMve to sahoirata laid

CoauniasKner of Sale-I, R. E. Harrail. Leoaty Clerk of the Cir-

• u t Coart aioresaid, do hereby c m ^ t h a t hoed haa bete doly encttted aa vaqaiiW 17

t-M-A Dapa^OMk.

is made from best materials, baked in an up-to-date oven,

-bandied by seat. dM&. car^ fol workmen. Aak for it— teeept no other. We also bavTa nice QUICK LUNCH COUNTER where yno eaa satiafy your appetite. Full fine of confectipnery.

fis^nates eheerfoJIy giv^ for installation and

IB UfilUafrUffi dN M f t t r

Reedor ft Wine -


Page 8: fWHf mmaBit0 - Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · National Jubile ofe Peac" Ul«oactee wi^enacte o odn July 21,1911. ^Critida CntKaa


REMARKABLE INTRODUCTORY OFFER $5.00 Eye Glasses at $ 1.00 Per Pair

The Tni«Sight Optical Co., of Richmond, wishes to announce that their specialist and his assistant will be-in Manassas at



OUR OBJECT for $1 a pair is .simply tt) introduce tfiese famous JTru-sight Jl^nses. Tru-sight Lenses have met success by thousands of people who are now wearing them in the United States and are meeting with the same results wherever they are introduced.

ll-SnkUcpharw. .UAcrVael

Oy R_ SEECIAUST and his assistants have had years of experi­ence and you may rely oh them absolutely. We will be pleased to .examine all those who have eye trouble or wear glasses absolutely free. We would suggest, therefore that you call on them.


Win Positiyely ReUeve the FoUowinff Aihnents:



That tihe ahove offer of $5.(Wi glasses for $1.00 a pair is for this vifflt. only. Special prieegH all classes of Optical woz^ Regular prices will prevailafter onr find:vi«it to Mayaaaa Vii gima.

OUR WORK IS GUARANTEED FOR FIVE YEARS Bew*re of aH persons who call ^t your hrtm*. antj, «-ljiifw \^ H> ryprfrrnt-ing us, as we do not have r^nresentatives, birt specialuis at ^ luitel aa w e wtrerlfiie. AH ordera tdken delivered Jby insure*! fturcrf Port. '

TRU-5IGHT OPTICAL GO. ntet^Smji •Gner

Room 1112 East Main Street Rkhmondf Virginia


If your time is limbed, eotae early and avoid _____— _.:.:—_.. - T the ITlritr- —-• —

Reception Room, Hotel Parlor

fday, Tuesday and Weihesday August 23, 24 and 2 5

PROiiEE WIUJAM BOTEt^ , QfBei HpBiy AoM_asMA JtL to ABrl>fcr




Mr. and Mrs. 6. N. Grafit, of Washington, gpwat the-with relatives hare. Ujm^r^ f;J^-A ?l"^n»"TT.g

Mr. John l liilMrton, ot unu^i^, is visiting at^Grand View."

Mr."'l aui Mcliilroy, or~'6fl&r<' lottc3villo, ia a viaitor at "The Mctiiac. -~'~~

Mrs. Katie Mitchell and daa>, ter. Miaa Helen, of Washiagton. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Wood,

m& Miss Grace Hdtzclaw is visit-

friends.in Washington., —-Miss Mary A. Dohn has re-

tiimrH nftrr a Tsry ptrmrmnt Tinit to friends ia Orange.

The Oak Date DapUat Suudaj School will hotd its annual' Chil-dren'g I^y op SnuH v Angmt i5th, at 8 Pb m. An iitt«ii>»w«yg program ia expected.

Mrs. R 0. Momtioy spent Sat> urday nigbt at "The Hollya."

staymg at "The GtavSr" iaro left forla dwrt while.

Messrs. E. K. Fitzhi^h and R.

9e«^ Rey. J, R. Cooke and Rev. W.

R=..McEJroy, Q£_CfaaiidlesviUe, are oonductinpr » ff^noa nf m'^-

They will also conduct sauces at tiie Presbyterian ehiireh h&e

!•"" at D r e n t« V i 11 ^ ftii wn«lf: [ and heifprs-well hnHl- -fine stofk K^wt^rM Poland China plgg.

next week beginning Sundi^ evening at 8 o'clock,

Mrs. E. J. Gray, of "Cedar Crest." was a Waahington vwritor last week.

MtaiuHi Hftllift Wniiflfl mf {i^}^ and Helen Thomttm, '<tf Nc jres Tilki, are, gueata of the Mia— 'Cockerille.

. Miss Mae Hooae is home from .UwnonnaL Weare glad to knew "tiaitrte will be oneof oorGreeff-wich teachers this session.

MissCanrie-in the GreOiwieh scbooLh^jf;

in^on, has been viaitJsg her 5**"^ ^ proapais jtu^la. mother, Un. Geoive Mayhogh. pen*«"dle- We regret not hav-

Mr. k W. K i d ^ l r f f i lc»fe ' M ^ ^ " <?» wn Hut jrwr ^ _ . _ . — 1 - ^ - _ « _ . — .^ Mia8ManaBj<rfui8oa,af Wash-

gtoo. flomt several days iUs eek at'^qpenmza." ' ^ Bfr. G. H. Lightnor^ of Hay-

Miss Viola Kidwell, of Fairfar. I p>Pfcet, was aviaitor in oar town isvisitihg~herancleandaaat,Mr. *"?t


For Sale.—Hereford fanU calvPH

xjjuii luiueiifluu, onow xzur Farm, Gainesville, Va. 8-l»tf

C.R.G. Johnson, Manassas. Va. 13

Fw Sale.—Steers aboot 2 or a


Mr. and Mrs. Milton Coopo* and, jmightee,^ of gweatborg^ apont Saturday with Mr.and Mrs. George Carter. - Miaa Lillian Greenwood ia visit-ing friends and r^atives Savage and BaUamw^-MA

There waa a ball game played , - _gaturday by the independ

enrHitt an3" Blosa TTeld'teams^ TBe score was 4 to 3 m favor of

«— o_> r- • 1 I Independent Hill. for&de.-Freratonepraches,t HrBTMie SuIH^an and daugh­

ter and Mrs. Edith Barryj

years (AA. Address W., this o£-fice, 8-13-2t-*

For Sale.—Horse, huggy and hamcas. Will acH ebei^—-j^aa

Washington, are visiting rdatives hefe

The rain and wind storm that visited this section of the county

two cows and a kx of ^ 8 . I^ice reaaonaUe. J. R T. T. Davies,

Va. 8-13-tf ^t* haviny unv fnrthAr nao f/u.

on the third, did a good bit of damage to the corrx crop and fruit trees.

Mr, Fred T. SuUiyan, <rf Mil-ford, Neb., who has been apend-ing a three wook visit with-bia pnTPTtfg tknA-tynamAaytmra hon ra-

next week f<»- l ^xduue, Waahteg^ ton, where he Will mdn bis tor ture home. We wish Um modi success.

and Mrs. J. W: KSaweir Mrs. Ethel Clarice, of Wi

ton, spent the paat two with relatives hcrCi

Rev. W. R. MeEtniy, of Chtr-lottesville, nwnt several daya last week with Rev. J. R Cooke.

Quite a Huge number attended and enjoyed the Civic League meeting Mid at the school hooae last Friday evenings Tfllff ffmtnrff of the evening waa the addreaa by Hon. C. J. Meetze.

Mr. Morton Giddinga, of Waah-

Mr. J. F. CockeriHe. Misses Ella Rdd and Mary

Cockerille have returned from a pleasant viut to relatiTcaatJkkHa.-.

MtsrCarrteLee trffieBS&rQ& ^ ^ Camp will he week at "The Manae."

Mesara. J. W. and D. H. and JrF. Cockarflle were .Waehingtnn -i^tim laat week.

\!:». ; > nna Lee has returned '••) Bait;rr..-ire. after having spent ;.~f iHi-s: month with her parenta. Mr. an;. Mrs. R H. Lee.

Miss Mabel Wagner, of Balti-mnm and Mr F -StBftrf P " ' ^ ^

Ifiss Lois Mooney, of Washtng-ton,has bem vtstting her parents, M£.ttdMts.L. A. Moraay, • TItffBnrB J'TTTSckarineaadJ. Wi KlKa aasnt eevual daya h t wedc at Aldie. KKKNKYKB.


my four-year old r^ristered red polled boU "Matehlesa" (owing to the daagerofjafareading with his own cahrea) I off« hun for

purposes. If yoa wish to im-{Move your stock write or come see Jna S. Ewell, jr., Hidcory Grove. Va. S-S^t-"

turned West. He will etxnp over in Chicago, III., to attend the .mfirchants' week and style.show.-

.C-Ewdl Camp, Confederate Vet-•ana. will meat Qatuidai, Ao-

guat 21, at which time del^rates will be elected to the 28th annual

M ^ p ^ " ^ i ! ! ^ J ! * ^ ' * ^ ^^^^^•'ggfey of the Gnmd- Camp; Confederate Vetertaa. Depart-meat of Virgiata. ikuy odMr boaineaa

Lost, strayed or stolen.—One rusty-black yearling heifer with a Httle white oh lower part of .body and legs, Tjuit awn about two months a ^ on right of way of SoothCTP Railway, near Bull Run bridge. Reward for infoa-matkin leading to the recovery of

For Sale. —Pair young mules, vitsA broken; sound and genlT ; will work anywhere. Apply or ptone EkisonGreenon S.C. Wor^

a-l«mr CatUtt, Va. .8-6.3t-*

Ele intends to purchase hki. holi­day goods while there.

Messrs. Michael Oleyar and Max Weber spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Washington.

Kre. R. M.~ Gre«iwood left here on &[tarday and returned on Monday, after visiting friends andretotiyea ia Waahn^rton, D. (^, and ftvage and Baltimore, M*.

Mr. Julian L Sullivan and fam­ily have moved back to Washing­ton, aft^ spending four years in

^^^^"^^^r^^Te^l^ Angele^StL His thl>ee sons thia yearling.. E.R.Conner.8 fi-tff ^ ^ y ^ ^ g , ^ ^ ^ E!ffla'-a«1 visiting their mmdparents, Mr.

" SofliT

of Vaahingt<», who have bem

at the aame tinae. Alh i m i i l m ~ i r t o iaiv» _._

paid then- dnea for 191i-wiU idease remit to oar adjutant at once as he is now required to send in our dues to the Grand | Camn bef<»« we can be reoog-niaed by the Grand Gamp. J

Warrwooo HUTCHISON. ^ —^ ' CommandatT t

fiweU Camp. C V. i

If you are oonsidering building a silo and want to aave mooey consult Carrcdl D. Woolf, Alei-aa^ni^ Vt^^. O. Baoc ISS. Hat will catDfb to see you and give prieee on perteeidy grazed terrr 8Btta hteafc-Ti ginia.

aih<a (made in Viftjgj» ehwumi: JfLWrXzo 7-16-6tr'

Second-hand cookintr stove. Will seil cheap. E.R Conner. 7-16tf

Second hand buggy harness bought and sold by Au8tin.5-28>tf

aiidMr8;T.l rvan. TRIXEY.

Suinuier Needs iBaREENS

ScrtM for doors and windowm. Black rgT'ftaiah acrtittmog and tCKBi trtmiag.— '


0«r £ood hAnusock for beat grade atKGO is a winner.

-atir J



pT5I5. "Por eatalofrne aridrpaa

/fr//c /c V ! R C ! N ! A C^^^/a^,


^ecDiirviyciiOcyKsri^ Odcfoer 1M2-15-M-15-

Suhacnbe for THE JQURMALj SLOO the year in advance. i

W. C WAGENER Afvnt Cj n jinr Otrrcr Goods

MV.NA5SA5. \ A_

T.-iF o\ R.s\^ ^.f|Z-two times for $1.00 m advance.

Hii$<nid» Gre^AnnualExposiiio.


"Sonfi» of Love and \V ar," « coU«etinn

JOURNAL. MwiaaM-, V i f S S of the beat poenu of

poa^wid. AddreM THE