Front. T fain aii SENSATI L, · cat.:,aisheed o,; the piantation bearing that name in the upper...

tnubscription .Pri•* Twi iioilars a 0;,, Texas and Pacific Raiiwa.y, TIME TABLE. iASS INER. P I- OOIN ONG W•5E . Loea). Througi:. iLave New Orleans..... Y 50 P w- 8 0 --. ' . Pase D)naldsonvile... 6 58 P. x, . 11 3 A.. . PASBENGEB TRAINS GOTNOG PART. Local. ThrougL. Pass Donaidsonville, ... ' 28 :.. . 1 4 07P , .M ResohNew Orleans.,....1 10 27 iA. . y 00P. M. Local freight trains each way :hree timesr week .io W. JOn(DAN.-• L-~~-' Age.t,. Mississippi Valley Ro.~ute .. N. ;. 'r. rtAl[,W.i Y On a:,• after June 12. 188I , pas1,,8 -: t-t i on this rowt will run aj olHowi: SLula '.. ... .. fJR 1m : (26 p rn l•elancd. . .. ........ . p) . l. p n.,p Vickbe:g ... ........ 8:20 p •e 1 am ' Harris.orm... .. . 1027 p mo 2:40 a :n ' Baton Rouge 10 l p r 2:30 c, 5:55.a t " lurnside.... 5l01 p mn :3 an r; :55 a n: At New Orlea~a 1 5 pm •:••; ni 2 :15 za ,Neow ()rleno 1:45 pm 100 , pm i 8:l inm SRurnside.... 7:05pm 12:22a m 10:45 t. to "' laton Rouge R05 pm 1:27 am I ml . am ' Harristo"... Il:20pm 1 5:10 r.n ......... SVicksburg... Jta m '1:10am ........ " Lelaind......I 3:52am 11:15 r ........ "' ula....'..... )O6am 3. 00pm ......... #r Memphii.... . 9:1Oam { 5:15pm l ......... Pullman Buffet tleeping Cars New OrleanI to 8t. lonls and New Orleans tc Louisville without change, Clone connections at New Orleans. Viieks- oimrg and Memphis with all diverging lines. E. W. HOW, U. P. A., J-. M. RaWAanD, Mcmnphi., To~mt. V. P. and G. M. 7IL C. 3RAUD'Y TFery and Hack Line - RETWEEN - DONALDSONVLILE anl BURNSIDE STATION. C(•a ith all passenger trains on the L. N. O &T. (Mississippt Valley) Railway. Passengers going to New Orleans take the steam ferryboat at Donaldsonville at 6 o'clock A. i. and 1.30 P. x.; agoing to Baton Rouge and points north. at 8 A. at. and 4 P. M. IV Tickets for sale on the ferryboat at fol- towing rates: To New Orleans, including ferriage, hack and railroad transportation.. .. ... . $1 95 To Baton Rouge. including same...... $1 05 Tickets on sale at the Mississippi Valley depots in New Orleans an,1 Baton Rouge at same rates. Hack fare between Donaldlaon.ille and •tuen- I side for passengers bound to intermedinto p Tints will be 50 cent: as herotofore, tinchding ] ferriage. DONALDSONVILL.. LA. Saturday. May 4 1889. Religious Notices. SERVICES will be conducted in the Meth, diet Church. on lRailroad Avenue. on the first and third Sabbaths of e•ch month, by Rev. W. Wimberly. pastor. Morning service at 11iA. ., evemnen service at usual hours. Seats free and everybody invited. IN DRY GOODS and CLOTHIN LINES. NETTER W 00. In the Leard ! We had $15,000 worth of goods on the steamship LOUISIANA, and $18,000 worth on the HUDSON, which vessels narrowly escaped total loss during the recent storm, and the cargoes were more or less damaged by sea water. Our goods were somewhat affected, none of them enough to hurt, and most all are in perfect condition; but as we were allowed 50 per cent. of their value by the insurance companies, we have determined to give our customers the benefit thereof and wilsll sell the entire stock at HALF COST PRICES. These goods consist partly of 5000 Men's, Youths' and Boys' Suits, Over 100,000 yards of Check Nainsooks. 25,000 yards very fine Baptiste, figured and plain, colored and white. 25,000 yards Swiss Embroideries, 60,000 " Jaconet, 2500 " Victoria Lawn. 1200 ' Nun's Veiling, 1500 " Fancy Figured oChal, 2500 " Seersuokers, 2750 pairs Ladies' col. full finished Hose, 2750 " Imported Half Hose, 3250 " Children's Hose, 325 Corsets, 185 Cases of Hats, 1200 yards Torehon Lace. ave 75 pieces Embroidered 42louncing, and hundreds of other articles, too numerous to mention in this connection. NO BUNCOMBE ABOUT IT. Vit us, and you will see that we speak the "ROCK-RIBBED TRUTTU.", NETTER & CO., CORNtR MI88tSItPPI tand Ll[88ARID 8ts., Donaldsonville, La. This isthe boys' kite season., Lagarde's Elixir for Dyspepsia. Charlie Folder, who is employed on the Clark plantation, whiled away about 15-60I of an hour last Sunday in visiting the Cma r ioe and Bear's Den. Don Carlos is O. K" When sabscribing for a newspaper get the best, the Times-Democrat of New Or- { beas-daily and weekly. It has the largest _i _ -oation, _ A majority of the oivie p io o this spheroid would be delighted to behold thir names ain print; but we dare saB some al the latepst ovel, mrnagaziner and iAat-, trated paers are to be found on Scary'ee and teres at nbvitedbr' price. <, ., _ : ltiee, Laud•.4aN:., ha_:- )ea= cat.:,aisheed o,; the piantation bearing that name in the upper part of St. lames parish on the aright hank- of the river, and receives and dispatches mail daily by' the T--ras Si ut Paucifi,: raiiwey. The new game, " Pigs ia elover," _it Ce- r'• ; 15 'ermr. 1.' the latest cra7r. _Mr. E. t. Pearson, press agent of E:ngene Robinson's Floating Palaces, who paid the t rH a call Friday avening of last week, was formerly sngaged it eteamboating on Bayor, Lafour:che, and was associated with the sat, Capt. Joe Dalfees str;; other well I rkown baye:n sletnglrt:tten of tweent; 3 eI' ego.____ Netter , Cc,. kee•p ver'thing that any- bhdry lrc un thir li•ee does, end lets of goxids that can't be found i: any other es. tabiishme' n. They are :,wayy :i the lead 2 n,' prof.use to ;tay there. 1Ior the manry highly apprecltcd runme,.n- toes atnd congr'tnlation', fi rat, literary and otherwise, received by "Ye Ancient Philosopher" on his birthday anniversary, east Saturday, he retrains grateful acknowl- edgemente, and considers tte sixty-seventh page of hia iif2's hibtory oe.o o the most interasting. This issue o• th C•tr• ' goes ~o press L'riday evening, hence we' are unable to re- port the result of the meeting of citizens and tax payera called for last night to nom- inate a town ticket to be voted for to-day. We have every confidence, however, thatthe action cf the meeting will meet the approv. a! of a majority of the citizens of the town, and that Mayor Pugh and the officials who have aided in making his administration of town affairs 30 notably efficient rind praise- worthy will be continued in the municipal -ervice by re8lection. Gary keeps the finest brandci of 5-cent ciga.-3 and amokers who hlave tri'd Lt-em pronounce them firrt-class. The gross receipts of the entertainment given at Phoenix Hall last week by tha La- diec' Aid Association of Ascension were $214 40; expenses, $81 45; not profits, $132- 95. The ladies of the association feel grate- fol to all who ;,esisted them in the conduct of their entertainment and the achieve- ment of this satisfactory financial result, while the general publio will be glad to know that the entertainment has• been the meana of replenishing the treasury of an organization devoted to the noble cause of charity, benevolence and the relief of anf- fering and want in this community. The ocean is blue, the skies are blue, people who complain of hard times and bad crops are blue, and so are those who allow themselvys to be deceived into buy- ing inferior and high priced goods; but the wise oneswho get their provisions, grocer ies, wines and liquors, etc., at C. " L. Manrin's Famous Blue Store are neveor blue. The commencement exerciseui of the State Normal School at Natchitoches took place last Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, and the editor of the CHIEm is indebted to President Thos. D. Boyd for an invita- tion to attend. The programme comprised a commencement sermon preached on Sunday by Rev. A. D. McVoy, Sr.; exer- r cises of the Practice School, the " B " and , "A " classes and a junior essay by Miss' Alice Honeycutt or rIarmervnme ovu mau.r - day, and on Tuesday salntatory by Miss 1 Scharlie Russell of Natchitolhes, essays by Misses Alice Shields of Baton Rouge, Mfuy Hucy of Ruston, Bessie Russell of Natchi- t toches and Martha Dormon of Bienville: awarding diplomas by Gaov. Nicholls, vale- dictory by Miss Jessie Bond of Ruston, address to the graduates by President Buyd, commencement address h,- Hon. Don Caffery of SI. Mary, and i com- mnencemeni reception at 8 P. Y. . Netter & Co. are too busy to prepare an advertisement which will adequately set forth the magnitude, variety and cheapness of their immense stock, and they therefore ask the public to come and see for them- selves. Confident of their ability to dis- tance all competition, they desire nothing more than a trial to convinc:,' even the most skeptical of this fact. FIREMES'S CELEBBTION.- The comn- mittees appointed by Pbhmnix Steam Fire Co. No. I and Ascension Hook aud Ladde. Co., No. 1 of Donaldsonville tI, arrange . r the anniversary celebration of those organ- izations on the second Sunday of May, ha-e' jointly concluded to dispense with the usual parade and to confine the celebration t-i a banquet to be given at the Nicholls Hotel at 4 e. .' on the day designated- Sunday, May 12-followed by a serenading tour of the town and vicinity and such other attendant features as may be deemed appropriate. Mine host Rogge has en- gaged to put forth his best efforts in the preparation of the banquet, and the fire- men look forward to a highly successful and agreeable celebration of their anniver- sary. The honorary and exempt members of the two companies are expected to take part with the actives in the festivities and to assist in rendering the occasion replete with happy memories. Chromos, paintings, gilt and rustic pic- ture frames in great variety and at lowest prices at Cary's, near the ferry landing. KILLWanD as LooOMOTIVz.-Thursday morning a few minutes past 7 o'clock the east-bound local passenger train No. 54 on the Texas and Pacific railway killed a white man named John Higgins near a culvert one mile west of McCalt station. Higgins was walking along the track with his back toward the approaching train, and being quite deaf, it is supposed he fciled to hear the whistle of the locomotive. Naturallyi supposing the man would step aside the engineer made no effort to check the speed of the train until xi w as too late to avoid the accident. Higgins was struck by the cowcatcher and fatally injured, hi right arm and leg being broken and his skull fractured, causing death in five minutes. The remains were brought to Donaldsor- ville on the train, and Coroner Hanson no- tified. A jury was empanelled and exam- ined the wounds, but as no witnesses were present, the inquest was adjourned until i further testimony could be obtained. Dr. Hanson ordered the boiy buried at public expense. The victim of this accident was about 85 years of age, a native of New Or- leans, and besides beingafflioted with par. tiat deafness, was weak minded to a degree verging on lunacy. He was at one time in the employ of Mr, Joe. N. Braud of Dar- rowville as a farm laborer and man-of-al:- work, but we have been unable to learn where he resided or what his occupation has been since. 3. H. Mathieu takes pleasure ir. booming Bead's Chill Cure because it doet the work fo: .bict i: is recommended, Si Cheap Tony Awas rit the Front. It •heap 'fTon i rzeceiving dir.ect front IN5e i i' Tork and the easterr market, the largest, i the best and the cheapest asserted stock of s new summe: goods that ever came to Don- a,dsonville, consisting of Dry Ginod, No .ion , Millinery, Clothing, Shoes and Gonts' FPunishing (oods. Hie buys for cas'd and seli: cheaper than the cheapest. a Remember, all who buy five dollars' e worth of merchandise are antitled to a chance in the Grand Drawing of the six- drawer, new improved Di)mestic' sewing r :rrachinn, and nine other prizes, whiet will I :.ositively take place July 25, 188h. Hay. Corn, Oats and Bra;~. Gondra!: Bros. havy gone into the feed ,f line again and have just received u large j cousignment of fine ina!ity Hay, Carn, I d Oats And BraI:, which they offer :t !- ow figurer. After nrdergoing •xtensivc repait, ir. New Orleans and, what wae still more de- st irabie, recuperating the list of attractiona, Eugene Robinsou's three Floating Palaces will arrive at the Donaldsonville landing next Tuesday, the 7th inst., and give one exhibition only, at 7P. . .The programme will embrace an hour's entertainment on the museum bout, consisting of illusions. trained animals, invisible lady, Juubo Jewett, the heaviest man living, weighing 749 pounds; Miss Jennie: Quigley, the Mid- get Queen, etc; after which a performance occupying two and a half hours will be given on the opera house boat. comprising Prof. Horme's trained tropical birds, th-. Cuban wonder walking a ladder of shar; - edged swords, Miss Jennie Quigley in her own selection of songs; Moletama, :h? lightning drill artist; Prof. Simons in veit- triloquism Miss Fanny Gray in characte: songs; closing with the laughable, comedy of Muldoon's Picnic, with Ton: Murray and Steve Mealeylin the leading r6les. as- sisted by iEugene Robinson'; All Sta: Comedy Co. The managemen! promise thoroughly respectable cad satisfactory e.- hibition iandu particularly solicit: he ,a- tendance of ladies and children. Admis- sion, 50 cent,; children under 12 years, 26 cents; ene ticket admits the holder th both shows. B:utn is a favorite color with perthapa iajority of people--and the Famoan Blo:, Store ie beyond question the favorite Do)o- nldso:vi!lo depot for staple and fancy r'no- cerits. THE Nzw EaA.-The,second numhor of the New Era, a little monthly paper con- ducted by the pupils of the normal class of Ascension Academy, made its appearanc' on the:15th nl'., and the cordial reception given the sheet has been quite encouraging is the conductor, of the enterprise. The editors of the New Era aire Misses Nina Kearney, Cammie Garrett, Irene Dalferes, Iledah Sharp, Mamie Armitage, Estella Vega, Alice Kline, Master Edward Pugh, and Master James Stenhouse is business manager. It will be issued on the 15th of each month during the scholastic year of ten months; the ,ubscription price is 50 cents per col y and the advertising rate 50 cents per inch each insertion. There are four pages and sixteen columns. and the advertising matter already secured fills two columns, which, added to 'he revenue of the sub.cription list, assures xmn -:., come snmciten to meet the expens~ of pub- lication. The paper can undoubtedly be made a source of much benefit to the Acad- emy and its pupils and, through 'hem, to the community at large, hence I1ne CaHzv extends its youthful contemporary a cor- dial greeting •nd wishes it r. long and pros- perons life. - - - - t If yon wishn to liv( well and at small cost, I get your groceries at :. . Maurin's Famous Blue Store. Mr. Frank W. Chapman, the well known and popular representativ : ,,f the Avery i plow manufacturers, writes the editor of the Cmrxr as follows. from New Orleans, under date of April 27: "You will please mail my next CHIEFto me at New Burnside, Johnson county, Ills., and continue same until further notice. T am off for the North to-day and while away the:Caxxa will he a reminder of the many pleasant hours spent in Ascension parish, also of p, eople chose kindnesa. I appreciate." Cary keeps a full lino of school books, dlates, sponges, pencils, pens. ink, paper. Lte., etc. The election for .t member of the Board of Wmrdens of the Catholic Congregation of Ascension, held last Sunday, resulted in the unanimous choice of Capt. R. Prosper Landry. There being but one candidate, comparatively little interest was mani- fested, and only forty-eight votes were cast. Capt. Lmrnlry is elented for a term of six years, to succeed Mr. O. S. Mlanugon. and will undoubtedly lro,;, a ealous and effl- I cieut Margtilliiem. Specialties in every lino and priceo a peg below anybodys at Netter & Co's. A force of carpenters and bricklayers be- gan work on the courthouse early this wek, under the direction of tontractor.Freret, and the walls of the new structure have I began to rise from the strenghtened foun- dation of the building destroyed by fire last February. As soon as our space will per. mit we propose to publish a synopsis of the specifications of the contract under which Mr. Freret is now operating, in order thdt the local readers of the Cnarx may under- stand what alterations and improvements of the former plan of constrnotion are con- templated. Lagarde'a Elixir for Sick Headaehf. The new brick banquette on the upper side of Railroad avenue has been completed as far back as Claiborne street, a distance of four blocks from the front street. and work is inow progressing o0 the fifth block, which extends r:om Claiborne to nway i:treet. It containtor Heath and his assist. ant.; keep up their present pace the ban- quette will be completed before the end of the month and pedestriat.s can travel the length of Donaldsonville dry shod ir all kinds of weather. Books, newspapers and magazines of aif uinds can be found at Cary's News Depot, and subscriptions are taken to all publica- tions at publisher's prices. A special meeting of the board of diree- torsof the Donaldsonville Bridge Company was held at tihe offic. of Secretary Leche ltes. Wedns',day, ., whi•rt: the Presidt.::t of the Company was nouthoriz.d :o i ,.w. ; group of piling driven on the lowetr si: oi the approach or nlpron cf the bridgi i: the town bank of the bayou, to reph.,e: :he a group that ras riun into antd b-r,, rJ ofi L y :: satCeaSbat` som inu.oe ><;;., T fain r•(, fancy stationery of aii descrip- tions can be procured at Cary's, tie carrier : large, weii assorted stock and .eils ix I city z :es. .JST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Postoffice at Donaldsonville, Ac- cension Parish, La., May 4, 1889.' -Michele Landry. Ulysse Cox, Johr' LeBlanc. MrsCharley Cain Miss Rosie-8 Lewis, J W Davis. A F Nucci. Giovanni t Dianna. Guiseppe Salaggio, Filippo--' Delatte. J Samsoni, John Snedry, Mrs A M Serroys. Madame ensley MissCharlotteTerner. Hampton Johnson, Miss Agnes Vincen. John Webster, Frank If not •"aled for in four weeks will be sent to :ie Dea(, Letter Ofrie. R. T. HANSON. P. M, SNE VW &DVEICTISEMENTS. Coming! ONE DALi ON LN . [Momaldsonville, Tuesday, May . 3.Floating Palaces. Museum, Menagerie, Aqua- rium, Exposition of Won- ders and Grand Opera House. NEW FEATURES, NEW WONDERS. 2-NE STAGE SHOWS-2 . . .1 1 A Real Living Mermnaid. The GREAT JUMBO. The Largest human on earth. -. '• - ".g 749 pounds. The CUBAN WONDER. Freaks of Nature, Curilslties, etc. AND 4. HOST OF OTHER WONDERI. . Programm. for Our Opera Hou,?': " MUILDOON'S PICNIC," The Funniest of all Funny Comedies, b a Company of Select Comedy Stars. During the action ot the above comedy a choice programme of novelties will be in- troduced. NOTI"E As we come direct from New, sOrleans here we will only be able to give an evening's performance fl)oors open at . P. 1. Admission, 00 tLents. Children under 12 years, 25 ";ents A few front seats reserved 25 cents extra. This admits to all boats to see all shows. Constable's Sale. Stair .L ouisiana-Parish , teoensi'n - Fourth Justice's :our . '. B. RodrigneI vs. No, 8". Agnes Johnson T)Y VIRTUEof and in obedience to an order U of seizure and sale to me directed by the above named court in the above entitled and numbered suit, dated the let of May 1889. I have seized and will sell at public auction to the last and highest bidder, on the premises at the corner of Opelousas and Cnetimaches streets, in the town of Donaldsonville. en Saturday, May 18, 1889, at ii o'clock A. m., the following described property, to-wit : One washstand, one looking glass, one bu. reau with looking glass, one table and one cane-knife. Terms and conditiosa-Cash in United States currency. Donaldsonville, La., May 4, 1889. JAMES IIcCRAY, Constable. Fourth Ward. Drummers Wanted. TWO energetic young men or ladies to repre- sent the business of the undersigned on the river coast, one in lower Ascension and St James, the other in upper Ascension and Iber- ville. Parties resident of or acquainted with the territory preferred. The right personscan make profitable engagements by applying to A. D. VEGA, Donaldsonville, La. DR. J. C. BE.IRD, Oculist and Aurist, Office, 170 Canal street, HoUo• NEW ORLEANS, L. Employment Wanted. BY A WHITE MAN AND HIS WIFE. The man can act as a clerk. warehouseman, take care of horse and buggy or work around the yard; the wife is a No. 1 cook and house- keeper. Could take charge of premises for a family going away.for the summer. Best ref- erences furnished. Address W. J.. care CHIEF office or Mechanics' Exchange, Donaldson- ville. La. Election Proclamation. MAYOR'S OFFIcx. Donaldsouville, April 20,1889. IIEREAS, Section 5 of the charter of Don- aldsonville fixes the first Saturday of May for the annual election of officers of said town; Now, therefore, I, Edward N. Pugh. Mayor of the town of Donaldeonville. by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, do hereby give notice to the qualified electors of said corpora- tion that an election will be held on Saturday, the 4th day of May, A. D. 1889, from 7 o'clock A. A ., until 6 o'clock P. .. at the following election precincts in each ward of said town, viz: At the Courthouse in the first ward; At the Market-house, in the second ward; At Lemandf's old stand, in the third ward. The officers to be voted for are one Mayor, one Secretary, one Assessor, one Treasurer, one Collector, one Constable, all to be chosen by. general ticket, and six Aldermen, two to be chosen from among the residents of each ward. The following nam ei persons are hereby ap- I pointed and authorized to conduct said alec. tion according to law: First Ward--Commissioners, T. 0. Dalferea and A. Montecino, Sr; ClerkA. Gingry: Con- stable. Jonas Carroll. Second Word- -Commissioners, J. T. J•louiu an4 D. Vidal; Clerk. G. Israel; Constable, Pierre Latorey. Third Ward--Commissioners,O. Landry and '. D. Middleton: ; Clerk, Jno. F. Terr:o ; Con- stable, Emile Aroaud. E. N. PUGH, SENSATI L, YHART ARMITAGE. PROGRESS STORE. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S -SEARCH FOR THE-- LATEST STYLES AT LOWESi PRICES I IS HERE RICHLY REWARDED: "THE PROGRESS" is filled with a large and varied stock of FINE GOODS, which are beingi sold at PRICES THAT BREAK ALL PREE- VIOUS RECORDS. All orders by mail from St. James (left bank),i Iberville and Ascension parishes will bo delivered t by drummer of the house without'extra charge. Or 0 ders of this character are particularly solicited, and will be filled as conscientiously as if the cus- tomer made selections in person. Address: P. O. Box 2, DONALDSONVILLE, LA. Be Wise! Call and Examine Our NEW STOCK of HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, CUothing an d Dry Goods, Before making Purchases. Our Goods and Prices Talk for Themselves. I. Lio1mannl. & Brqo, Don aldtsonsville. SPioneers of Low Prices NETW RI V-E R. JOS. ST. AMANT CO., St. Amant P. O., La., -Dealers in- Gl ENERA.L MERCHANDISE' OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Buyers and Sellers of C(OTTON AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. I We have the t'inest Establishment and keep the Largest and BRst Assorted Stock of Goods in rural Ascension. Get our Prices Before Purchasing Elsewhere. DAVID ISRAEL. JJ. J. LAFARGUE. ISRAEL & LAGU E E U'REK A ( Feed and Sale Stable i Undertaking' ESTABLISH MEN T, Crescent Place, adjoining R. E. Lee Hotel, J)ONALDSONV ILLE. Fresh Horses, New Vehicles and Harness and unexcelled service to Patrons. Special inducements ro Commercial Men. An elegant New Hearse and full line of Coffins of all styles. Give the New Eureka a trial. 6' iR 'PRICES WILL PET.K FOR THEMSEJIATE. NICHOLLS 1 1UOITL, MISSISSIPPI STREET, Donaldsonville, La. FRED. ROGGE, - - POPapno ToR. Board and Lodging by Day, t'rek or Month .6X TER MODERATE RbA~E. Newest, latigest ad best furnished Lonse ii town; Headquarters for Commercial Travel. ere; Table unsurpassea; Bar supplied with the finest wines, liquors, beer and smokers' male. rials at popular prices; Billiard and pool room attached; Bus and porter to Texas and Pacific railway; one square below the steamboat larLd ng; barber shop and bath rooms next door, A WIbBERT'S SONS PYOPRIETORS OF HUE OLD ESTABLISHED AND RELIABLE Pil emine n Jefm SAW-MILLS, Plaquemine, - - Louisiana. DEAI•ER raI ALL KINDE OF Sawed and Split Lumber. nu connection with the above, a first-class Shingle Factory -- AND- PLANIN G MILL Erected at great expense and turning out the best articles at lowest market prices. H]ave constantly on hand large'dquantities of which enables them to fill all orders in their line. Address all letters and orders to A. Wilbert's Sons, P. O. Box 88, Plaquemine, La Picane -L r~he SAW-MILLS, NEAR DONALDSONVILLE, Lii A. ESNEAULT & SONS, PROPRIETORS. L UMBIER of all kinds on hand or sawed to 1 order on short notice at lowest prices. Batisfaction guaranteed. Encourage home en terprise and try the Picayune and Lafonroh mills before making contracts elsewhere. I). OHLMEYER , Mltr & nd s Maie, Weinechenck's Old Stand, Railroad Avenue,between Attakapas and Iberville Streets DONALDSONVILLE. BtUGG(Y, Carriage and Coach Trimming, dad. dlery. Harness making, Repairing, and all kinds of I sather Work in beststyle and at low prices. Buggywhips of all kinds on hand. LA GA RD E'S ELIXIR f S TURF RE&I ED --- -WOR----- ---- MANTrFAOTURED BY---. A. L. LAGARDE, Pharmaceutical Chemist, JEANERETTE, LA. BAPTISTE WALKER, SAUSAGE MAKIE, Donaldsonville, La. l MtOKED SAUSAGES, 15 cents a pound. tJ Orders for shipment to all parts of Ascen.- sion and neighboring parishes promptly filled. Also butcher and dealer in fresh beef, veal. mutton, pork. etc.. Donaldsonville Market. The World of To-Day. A Magnificent Atlas of the World. IN one large quarto volume, 10x14 inches in e size. containing 116 pages of handsomely engraved and colored maps,. Also an index of over 5,000 cities, rivers, mountains. etc., throughoun the world, giving exact location. Cloth; price g2.00. plus 0lc. postage. A beautiful, accurate, convenient and com prrhensive atlas, a marvel ,of art, of informas tron and of price, the equal of the best $10 at las ever published. A Handy Atlas of the World. A neat and convenient volume containing- 188 colored maps, diagrams, tables, etc.. de. ecriptive of every country in the world, care- fully classified and skillfully arranged for easy reference. 200 pages of information, valuable and available. Cloth, price 250, plus 6c. A guide book to the whole world, a pocket cyclopedia, a marvel of value and cheapness, and a daily companion of every newspaper reader. Sent by mail on receipt of price and postage. Enclose Post-offlce Money Order, New York Draft. or Postal Note for full amount. ELON 0. SALISBURY. 818 Quincy st., Brooklyn. N. Y. Farm for Sale. fTIHIRTY ACRES OF LAND, with improve- J ments, on the left bank of Bayou La fourche near Donaldsonville, will be sold at a bargain. All cash or half credit. at option of purchaser. For further particulars apply on the premises or address me in care of the C•mr. S111. NARCISSE PLACENSIA. P. L. CARMOUCHE, B BUCKSuITH, 48nooeesor to Carmouche & Thoripson.) Wheelwright, Wagon & Carriage Maker, REPAIRER, &c., Railroad Avenue. next .loor to the Poet-c4bee DONALDSONVILLE, LA. - Ilousssamaxo em a apseialtg. F. Heno MollUre Son, Buildes & lonse4-overs, DONAL 2 DSONV tLL•, LA, WHARF BUILDING. PTILED-.IVYIG w~r of all kinds. CONt)N TRU(ION of DWEIJ.. ING8. SUGARl-HOUSEl. etc.. In best stei. -and at lowest pr'ice,. Feithful ex&ecuntn . f tl c""ntraet$ grrurct oaed. Appl; at sm? Tesnrr;L a st above Port Ftr rr ,or. n r a~,ress tlhrongh . Box 103, Doi.idso~tui•le.

Transcript of Front. T fain aii SENSATI L, · cat.:,aisheed o,; the piantation bearing that name in the upper...

Page 1: Front. T fain aii SENSATI L, · cat.:,aisheed o,; the piantation bearing that name in the upper part of St. lames parish on the aright hank- of the river, and receives and ... .bict

tnubscription .Pri•* Twi iioilars a 0;,,

Texas and Pacific Raiiwa.y,TIME TABLE.


Loea). Througi:.iLave New Orleans..... Y 50 P w- 8 0 --.


Pase D)naldsonvile... 6 58 P. x, . 11 3 A.. .


Pass Donaidsonville, ... ' 28 :.. . 1 4 07P , .MResohNew Orleans.,....1 10 27 iA. .y 00P. M.

Local freight trains each way :hree timesrweek .io W. JOn(DAN.-• L-~~-' Age.t,.

Mississippi Valley Ro.~ute.. N. ;. 'r. rtAl[,W.i Y

On a:,• after June 12. 188I , pas1,,8 -: t-t ion this rowt will run aj olHowi:

SLula '.. ... .. fJR 1m : (26 p rnl•elancd. . .. ........ . p) .l. p n.,pVickbe:g ... ........ 8:20 p •e 1 am' Harris.orm... .. . 1027 p mo 2:40 a :n

' Baton Rouge 10 l p r 2:30 c, 5:55.a t" lurnside.... 5l01 p mn :3 an r; :55 a n:

At New Orlea~a 1 5 pm •:••; ni 2 :15 za

,Neow ()rleno 1:45 pm 100 , pm i 8:l inmSRurnside.... 7:05pm 12:22a m 10:45 t. to

"' laton Rouge R05 pm 1:27 am I ml . am' Harristo"... Il:20pm 1 5:10 r.n .........

SVicksburg... Jta m '1:10am ........" Lelaind......I 3:52am 11:15 r ........

"' ula....'..... )O6am 3. 00pm .........#r Memphii.... . 9:1Oam { 5:15pm l .........

Pullman Buffet tleeping Cars New OrleanIto 8t. lonls and New Orleans tc Louisvillewithout change,

Clone connections at New Orleans. Viieks-oimrg and Memphis with all diverging lines.

E. W. HOW, U. P. A.,J-. M. RaWAanD, Mcmnphi., To~mt.

V. P. and G. M.

7IL C. 3RAUD'YTFery and Hack Line


DONALDSONVLILE anl BURNSIDE STATION.C(•a ith all passenger trains on the

L. N. O &T. (Mississippt Valley) Railway.Passengers going to New Orleans take the

steam ferryboat at Donaldsonville at 6 o'clockA. i. and 1.30 P. x.; agoing to Baton Rouge andpoints north. at 8 A. at. and 4 P. M.

IV Tickets for sale on the ferryboat at fol-

towing rates:To New Orleans, including ferriage, hack

and railroad transportation.. .. ... . $1 95To Baton Rouge. including same...... $1 05Tickets on sale at the Mississippi Valley

depots in New Orleans an,1 Baton Rouge atsame rates.

Hack fare between Donaldlaon.ille and •tuen- Iside for passengers bound to intermedintop Tints will be 50 cent: as herotofore, tinchding ]ferriage.


Saturday. May 4 1889.

Religious Notices.SERVICES will be conducted in the Meth,

diet Church. on lRailroad Avenue. on the firstand third Sabbaths of e•ch month, by Rev. W.Wimberly. pastor. Morning service at 11iA. .,evemnen service at usual hours. Seats freeand everybody invited.


NETTER W 00.In the Leard !

We had $15,000 worth of goodson the steamship LOUISIANA,and $18,000 worth on the HUDSON,

which vessels narrowly escaped totalloss during the recent storm, and the

cargoes were more or less damagedby sea water. Our goods weresomewhat affected, none of themenough to hurt, and most all are inperfect condition; but as we were

allowed 50 per cent. of their valueby the insurance companies, we have

determined to give our customersthe benefit thereof and wilsll sell theentire stock at


These goods consist partly of5000 Men's, Youths' and Boys' Suits,Over 100,000 yards of Check Nainsooks.25,000 yards very fine Baptiste, figured

and plain, colored and white.

25,000 yards Swiss Embroideries,60,000 " Jaconet,2500 " Victoria Lawn.1200 ' Nun's Veiling,1500 " Fancy Figured oChal,2500 " Seersuokers,2750 pairs Ladies' col. full finished Hose,2750 " Imported Half Hose,3250 " Children's Hose,

325 Corsets,185 Cases of Hats,1200 yards Torehon Lace. ave

75 pieces Embroidered 42louncing, andhundreds of other articles, too numerous

to mention in this connection.NO BUNCOMBE ABOUT IT.Vit us, and you will see that we speak the


NETTER & CO.,CORNtR MI88tSItPPI tand Ll[88ARID 8ts.,Donaldsonville, La.

This is the boys' kite season.,

Lagarde's Elixir

for Dyspepsia.

Charlie Folder, who is employed on theClark plantation, whiled away about 15-60I

of an hour last Sunday in visiting the Cma rioe and Bear's Den. Don Carlos is O. K"

When sabscribing for a newspaper get

the best, the Times-Democrat of New Or- {beas-daily and weekly. It has the largest

_i _ -oation, _A majority of the oivie p io o

this spheroid would be delighted to beholdthir names ain print; but we dare saB some

al the latepst ovel, mrnagaziner and iAat-,

trated paers are to be found on Scary'eeand teres at nbvitedbr' price.

<, ., _ : ltiee, Laud•.4aN:., ha_:- )ea=

cat.:,aisheed o,; the piantation bearing thatname in the upper part of St. lames parishon the aright hank- of the river, and receivesand dispatches mail daily by' the T--ras

Si ut Paucifi,: raiiwey.

The new game, " Pigs ia elover," _it Ce-r'• ; 15 'ermr. 1.' the latest cra7r.

_Mr. E. t. Pearson, press agent of E:ngeneRobinson's Floating Palaces, who paid thet rH a call Friday avening of last week,was formerly sngaged it eteamboating onBayor, Lafour:che, and was associated withthe sat, Capt. Joe Dalfees str;; other well

I rkown baye:n sletnglrt:tten of tweent;3 eI' ego.____

Netter , Cc,. kee•p ver'thing that any-bhdry lrc un thir li•ee does, end lets ofgoxids that can't be found i: any other es.tabiishme' n. They are :,wayy :i the lead2 n,' prof.use to ;tay there.

1Ior the manry highly apprecltcd runme,.n-toes atnd congr'tnlation', fi rat, literaryand otherwise, received by "Ye AncientPhilosopher" on his birthday anniversary,east Saturday, he retrains grateful acknowl-

edgemente, and considers tte sixty-seventhpage of hia iif2's hibtory oe.o o the mostinterasting.

This issue o• th C•tr• ' goes ~o pressL'riday evening, hence we' are unable to re-port the result of the meeting of citizensand tax payera called for last night to nom-inate a town ticket to be voted for to-day.We have every confidence, however, thattheaction cf the meeting will meet the approv.a! of a majority of the citizens of the town,and that Mayor Pugh and the officials whohave aided in making his administration oftown affairs 30 notably efficient rind praise-worthy will be continued in the municipal-ervice by re8lection.

Gary keeps the finest brandci of 5-centciga.-3 and amokers who hlave tri'd Lt-empronounce them firrt-class.

The gross receipts of the entertainmentgiven at Phoenix Hall last week by tha La-diec' Aid Association of Ascension were$214 40; expenses, $81 45; not profits, $132-95. The ladies of the association feel grate-fol to all who ;,esisted them in the conductof their entertainment and the achieve-ment of this satisfactory financial result,while the general publio will be glad toknow that the entertainment has• been themeana of replenishing the treasury of anorganization devoted to the noble cause ofcharity, benevolence and the relief of anf-fering and want in this community.

The ocean is blue, the skies are blue,people who complain of hard times andbad crops are blue, and so are those whoallow themselvys to be deceived into buy-ing inferior and high priced goods; but thewise oneswho get their provisions, groceries, wines and liquors, etc., at C. " L.Manrin's Famous Blue Store are neveorblue.

The commencement exerciseui of theState Normal School at Natchitoches tookplace last Sunday, Monday and Tuesday,and the editor of the CHIEm is indebtedto President Thos. D. Boyd for an invita-tion to attend. The programme compriseda commencement sermon preached onSunday by Rev. A. D. McVoy, Sr.; exer- rcises of the Practice School, the " B " and ,"A " classes and a junior essay by Miss'Alice Honeycutt or rIarmervnme ovu mau.r -day, and on Tuesday salntatory by Miss 1

Scharlie Russell of Natchitolhes, essays byMisses Alice Shields of Baton Rouge, MfuyHucy of Ruston, Bessie Russell of Natchi- ttoches and Martha Dormon of Bienville:awarding diplomas by Gaov. Nicholls, vale-dictory by Miss Jessie Bond of Ruston,address to the graduates by PresidentBuyd, commencement address h,- Hon.Don Caffery of SI. Mary, and i com-mnencemeni reception at 8 P. Y. .

Netter & Co. are too busy to prepare an

advertisement which will adequately set

forth the magnitude, variety and cheapness

of their immense stock, and they therefore

ask the public to come and see for them-

selves. Confident of their ability to dis-tance all competition, they desire nothingmore than a trial to convinc:,' even themost skeptical of this fact.


mittees appointed by Pbhmnix Steam Fire

Co. No. I and Ascension Hook aud Ladde.

Co., No. 1 of Donaldsonville tI, arrange . rthe anniversary celebration of those organ-izations on the second Sunday of May, ha-e'

jointly concluded to dispense with theusual parade and to confine the celebration

t-i a banquet to be given at the NichollsHotel at 4 e. .' on the day designated-Sunday, May 12-followed by a serenadingtour of the town and vicinity and such

other attendant features as may be deemedappropriate. Mine host Rogge has en-gaged to put forth his best efforts in thepreparation of the banquet, and the fire-men look forward to a highly successfuland agreeable celebration of their anniver-sary. The honorary and exempt membersof the two companies are expected to takepart with the actives in the festivities andto assist in rendering the occasion repletewith happy memories.

Chromos, paintings, gilt and rustic pic-ture frames in great variety and at lowestprices at Cary's, near the ferry landing.

KILLWanD as LooOMOTIVz.-Thursdaymorning a few minutes past 7 o'clock theeast-bound local passenger train No. 54 onthe Texas and Pacific railway killed a whiteman named John Higgins near a culvertone mile west of McCalt station. Higginswas walking along the track with his backtoward the approaching train, and beingquite deaf, it is supposed he fciled to hearthe whistle of the locomotive. Naturallyisupposing the man would step aside theengineer made no effort to check the speedof the train until xi w as too late to avoidthe accident. Higgins was struck by thecowcatcher and fatally injured, hi rightarm and leg being broken and his skullfractured, causing death in five minutes.The remains were brought to Donaldsor-ville on the train, and Coroner Hanson no-tified. A jury was empanelled and exam-ined the wounds, but as no witnesses were

present, the inquest was adjourned until i

further testimony could be obtained. Dr.Hanson ordered the boiy buried at publicexpense. The victim of this accident wasabout 85 years of age, a native of New Or-leans, and besides beingafflioted with par.tiat deafness, was weak minded to a degreeverging on lunacy. He was at one time inthe employ of Mr, Joe. N. Braud of Dar-rowville as a farm laborer and man-of-al:-

work, but we have been unable to learn

where he resided or what his occupationhas been since.

3. H. Mathieu takes pleasure ir. boomingBead's Chill Cure because it doet the work fo:.bict i: is recommended,

Si Cheap Tony Awas rit the Front.It •heap 'fTon i rzeceiving dir.ect front IN5e i

i' Tork and the easterr market, the largest,i the best and the cheapest asserted stock of

s new summe: goods that ever came to Don-

a,dsonville, consisting of Dry Ginod, No.ion , Millinery, Clothing, Shoes and Gonts'FPunishing (oods. Hie buys for cas'd andseli: cheaper than the cheapest.

a Remember, all who buy five dollars'e worth of merchandise are antitled to a

chance in the Grand Drawing of the six-drawer, new improved Di)mestic' sewingr :rrachinn, and nine other prizes, whiet willI :.ositively take place July 25, 188h.

Hay. Corn, Oats and Bra;~.

Gondra!: Bros. havy gone into the feed,f line again and have just received u large j

cousignment of fine ina!ity Hay, Carn, Id Oats And BraI:, which they offer :t !- ow


After nrdergoing •xtensivc repait, ir.New Orleans and, what wae still more de-

st irabie, recuperating the list of attractiona,Eugene Robinsou's three Floating Palaceswill arrive at the Donaldsonville landingnext Tuesday, the 7th inst., and give oneexhibition only, at 7P. . .The programmewill embrace an hour's entertainment onthe museum bout, consisting of illusions.trained animals, invisible lady, JuuboJewett, the heaviest man living, weighing749 pounds; Miss Jennie: Quigley, the Mid-get Queen, etc; after which a performanceoccupying two and a half hours will begiven on the opera house boat. comprisingProf. Horme's trained tropical birds, th-.Cuban wonder walking a ladder of shar; -edged swords, Miss Jennie Quigley in herown selection of songs; Moletama, :h?lightning drill artist; Prof. Simons in veit-triloquism Miss Fanny Gray in characte:songs; closing with the laughable, comedyof Muldoon's Picnic, with Ton: Murrayand Steve Mealeylin the leading r6les. as-sisted by iEugene Robinson'; All Sta:Comedy Co. The managemen! promisethoroughly respectable cad satisfactory e.-hibition iandu particularly solicit: he ,a-tendance of ladies and children. Admis-sion, 50 cent,; children under 12 years, 26cents; ene ticket admits the holder th bothshows.

B:utn is a favorite color with perthapaiajority of people--and the Famoan Blo:,Store ie beyond question the favorite Do)o-nldso:vi!lo depot for staple and fancy r'no-cerits.

THE Nzw EaA.-The,second numhor ofthe New Era, a little monthly paper con-ducted by the pupils of the normal class ofAscension Academy, made its appearanc'on the:15th nl'., and the cordial receptiongiven the sheet has been quite encouragingis the conductor, of the enterprise. Theeditors of the New Era aire Misses NinaKearney, Cammie Garrett, Irene Dalferes,Iledah Sharp, Mamie Armitage, EstellaVega, Alice Kline, Master Edward Pugh,and Master James Stenhouse is businessmanager. It will be issued on the 15th ofeach month during the scholastic year often months; the ,ubscription price is 50cents per col y and the advertising rate 50cents per inch each insertion. There arefour pages and sixteen columns. and theadvertising matter already secured fills twocolumns, which, added to 'he revenue ofthe sub.cription list, assures xmn -:.,come snmciten to meet the expens~ of pub-lication. The paper can undoubtedly bemade a source of much benefit to the Acad-emy and its pupils and, through 'hem, tothe community at large, hence I1ne CaHzvextends its youthful contemporary a cor-

dial greeting •nd wishes it r. long and pros-perons life.

- - - - tIf yon wishn to liv( well and at small cost, I

get your groceries at :. . Maurin'sFamous Blue Store.

Mr. Frank W. Chapman, the well knownand popular representativ : ,,f the Avery iplow manufacturers, writes the editor of

the Cmrxr as follows. from New Orleans,under date of April 27: "You will pleasemail my next CHIEFto me at New Burnside,Johnson county, Ills., and continue sameuntil further notice. T am off for the Northto-day and while away the:Caxxa will he areminder of the many pleasant hours spentin Ascension parish, also of p, eople chosekindnesa. I appreciate."

Cary keeps a full lino of school books,dlates, sponges, pencils, pens. ink, paper.Lte., etc.

The election for .t member of the Boardof Wmrdens of the Catholic Congregationof Ascension, held last Sunday, resulted inthe unanimous choice of Capt. R. ProsperLandry. There being but one candidate,comparatively little interest was mani-fested, and only forty-eight votes were cast.Capt. Lmrnlry is elented for a term of sixyears, to succeed Mr. O. S. Mlanugon. andwill undoubtedly lro,;, a ealous and effl- Icieut Margtilliiem.

Specialties in every lino and priceo a pegbelow anybodys at Netter & Co's.

A force of carpenters and bricklayers be-gan work on the courthouse early this wek,under the direction of tontractor.Freret,and the walls of the new structure have Ibegan to rise from the strenghtened foun-dation of the building destroyed by fire lastFebruary. As soon as our space will we propose to publish a synopsis of thespecifications of the contract under whichMr. Freret is now operating, in order thdtthe local readers of the Cnarx may under-stand what alterations and improvementsof the former plan of constrnotion are con-templated.

Lagarde'a Elixirfor Sick Headaehf.

The new brick banquette on the upperside of Railroad avenue has been completedas far back as Claiborne street, a distanceof four blocks from the front street. andwork is inow progressing o0 the fifth block,which extends r:om Claiborne to nwayi:treet. It containtor Heath and his assist.ant.; keep up their present pace the ban-quette will be completed before the end ofthe month and pedestriat.s can travel thelength of Donaldsonville dry shod ir allkinds of weather.

Books, newspapers and magazines of aifuinds can be found at Cary's News Depot,and subscriptions are taken to all publica-tions at publisher's prices.

A special meeting of the board of diree-torsof the Donaldsonville Bridge Companywas held at tihe offic. of Secretary Lecheltes. Wedns',day, ., whi•rt: the Presidt.::t ofthe Company was nouthoriz.d :o i ,.w. ;group of piling driven on the lowetr si: oithe approach or nlpron cf the bridgi i: thetown bank of the bayou, to reph.,e: :hea group that ras riun into antd b-r,, rJ ofiL y :: satCeaSbat` som inu.oe ><;;.,

T fain r•(, fancy stationery of aii descrip-tions can be procured at Cary's, tie carrier

: large, weii assorted stock and .eils ixI city z :es.

.JST OF LETTERSRemaining in the Postoffice at Donaldsonville, Ac-

cension Parish, La., May 4, 1889.' -Michele Landry. UlysseCox, Johr' LeBlanc. MrsCharleyCain Miss Rosie-8 Lewis, J WDavis. A F Nucci. Giovannit Dianna. Guiseppe Salaggio, Filippo--'Delatte. J Samsoni, John

Snedry, Mrs A M Serroys. Madameensley MissCharlotteTerner. Hampton

Johnson, Miss Agnes Vincen. JohnWebster, Frank

If not •"aled for in four weeks will be sent to:ie Dea(, Letter Ofrie.



Coming!ONE DALi ON LN .

[Momaldsonville, Tuesday, May .

3.Floating Palaces.Museum, Menagerie, Aqua-

rium, Exposition of Won-ders and Grand

Opera House.



. ..1 1

A Real Living Mermnaid.

The GREAT JUMBO.The Largest human on earth. -.'• -

".g 749 pounds.


Freaks of Nature, Curilslties, etc.AND 4. HOST OF OTHER WONDERI. .

Programm. for Our Opera Hou,?':

" MUILDOON'S PICNIC,"The Funniest of all Funny Comedies, b a

Company of Select Comedy Stars.During the action ot the above comedy a

choice programme of novelties will be in-troduced.

NOTI"E As we come direct from New,sOrleans here we will only be able to give

an evening's performance fl)oors openat . P. 1.Admission, 00 tLents.

Children under 12 years, 25 ";entsA few front seats reserved 25 cents extra.

This admits to all boats to see all shows.

Constable's Sale.Stair .L ouisiana-Parish , teoensi'n -

Fourth Justice's :our .

'. B. RodrigneIvs. No, 8".Agnes Johnson

T)Y VIRTUEof and in obedience to an orderU of seizure and sale to me directed by the

above named court in the above entitled andnumbered suit, dated the let of May 1889. Ihave seized and will sell at public auction tothe last and highest bidder, on the premises atthe corner of Opelousas and Cnetimachesstreets, in the town of Donaldsonville. en

Saturday, May 18, 1889,at ii o'clock A. m., the following describedproperty, to-wit :

One washstand, one looking glass, one bu.reau with looking glass, one table and onecane-knife.

Terms and conditiosa-Cash in UnitedStates currency.

Donaldsonville, La., May 4, 1889.JAMES IIcCRAY,

Constable. Fourth Ward.

Drummers Wanted.TWO energetic young men or ladies to repre-

sent the business of the undersigned on theriver coast, one in lower Ascension and StJames, the other in upper Ascension and Iber-ville. Parties resident of or acquainted withthe territory preferred. The right personscanmake profitable engagements by applying to

A. D. VEGA,Donaldsonville, La.

DR. J. C. BE.IRD,Oculist and Aurist,

Office, 170 Canal street,

HoUo• NEW ORLEANS, L.Employment Wanted.

BY A WHITE MAN AND HIS WIFE. Theman can act as a clerk. warehouseman,

take care of horse and buggy or work aroundthe yard; the wife is a No. 1 cook and house-keeper. Could take charge of premises for afamily going away.for the summer. Best ref-erences furnished. Address W. J.. care CHIEFoffice or Mechanics' Exchange, Donaldson-ville. La.

Election Proclamation.MAYOR'S OFFIcx.

Donaldsouville, April 20,1889.• IIEREAS, Section 5 of the charter of Don-

aldsonville fixes the first Saturday of Mayfor the annual election of officers of said town;

Now, therefore, I, Edward N. Pugh. Mayor ofthe town of Donaldeonville. by virtue of theauthority vested in me by law, do hereby givenotice to the qualified electors of said corpora-tion that an election will be held onSaturday, the 4th day of May, A. D. 1889,from 7 o'clock A. A ., until 6 o'clock P. .. atthe following election precincts in each wardof said town, viz:

At the Courthouse in the first ward;At the Market-house, in the second ward;At Lemandf's old stand, in the third ward.The officers to be voted for are one Mayor,

one Secretary, one Assessor, one Treasurer, oneCollector, one Constable, all to be chosen by.general ticket, and six Aldermen, two to bechosen from among the residents of each ward.

The following nam ei persons are hereby ap- Ipointed and authorized to conduct said alec.tion according to law:

First Ward--Commissioners, T. 0. Dalfereaand A. Montecino, Sr; ClerkA. Gingry: Con-stable. Jonas Carroll.

Second Word- -Commissioners, J. T. J•louiuan4 D. Vidal; Clerk. G. Israel; Constable,Pierre Latorey.

Third Ward--Commissioners,O. Landry and'. D. Middleton: ; Clerk, Jno. F. Terr:o ; Con-

stable, Emile Aroaud.E. N. PUGH,





IS HERE RICHLY REWARDED:"THE PROGRESS" is filled with a large and

varied stock of FINE GOODS, which are beingisold at PRICES THAT BREAK ALL PREE-


All orders by mail from St. James (left bank),iIberville and Ascension parishes will bo deliveredt

by drummer of the house without'extra charge. Or 0ders of this character are particularly solicited,

and will be filled as conscientiously as if the cus-tomer made selections in person.

Address: P. O. Box 2, DONALDSONVILLE, LA.

Be Wise!Call and Examine Our


HATS, BOOTS, SHOES,CUothing an d Dry Goods,Before making Purchases. Our

Goods and Prices Talkfor Themselves.

I. Lio1mannl. & Brqo,Don aldtsonsville.

SPioneers of Low PricesNETW RI V-E R.

JOS. ST. AMANT CO.,St. Amant P. O., La.,

-Dealers in-


Buyers and Sellers of


We have the t'inest Establishment and keep the Largest and BRstAssorted Stock of Goods in rural Ascension.

Get our Prices Before Purchasing Elsewhere.




( Feed and Sale Stable i

Undertaking'ESTABLISH MEN T,

Crescent Place, adjoining R. E. Lee Hotel,

J)ONALDSONV ILLE.Fresh Horses, New Vehicles and Harness and unexcelled service to

Patrons. Special inducements ro Commercial Men. An elegant NewHearse and full line of Coffins of all styles.

Give the New Eureka a trial.6' iR 'PRICES WILL PET.K FOR THEMSEJIATE.


Donaldsonville, La.FRED. ROGGE, - - POPapno ToR.

Board and Lodging by Day, t'rek or Month.6X TER MODERATE RbA~E.

Newest, latigest ad best furnished Lonse iitown; Headquarters for Commercial Travel.ere; Table unsurpassea; Bar supplied with thefinest wines, liquors, beer and smokers' male.rials at popular prices; Billiard and pool roomattached; Bus and porter to Texas and Pacificrailway; one square below the steamboat larLdng; barber shop and bath rooms next door,



Pil emine n JefmSAW-MILLS,

Plaquemine, - - Louisiana.DEAI•ER raI ALL KINDE OF

Sawed and Split connection with the above, a first-class

Shingle Factory-- AND-

PLANIN G MILLErected at great expense and turning out the

best articles at lowest market prices.H]ave constantly on hand large'dquantities of

which enables them to fill all orders in theirline. Address all letters and orders to

A. Wilbert's Sons,P. O. Box 88, Plaquemine, La

Picane -L r~heSAW-MILLS,


PROPRIETORS.L UMBIER of all kinds on hand or sawed to1 order on short notice at lowest prices.Batisfaction guaranteed. Encourage home enterprise and try the Picayune and Lafonrohmills before making contracts elsewhere.


Mltr & nd s Maie,Weinechenck's Old Stand,

Railroad Avenue,between Attakapas andIberville Streets

DONALDSONVILLE.BtUGG(Y, Carriage and Coach Trimming, dad.

dlery. Harness making, Repairing, and allkinds of I sather Work in beststyle and at lowprices. Buggywhips of all kinds on hand.



--- -WOR-----


A. L. LAGARDE,Pharmaceutical Chemist,



SAUSAGE MAKIE,Donaldsonville, La.

l MtOKED SAUSAGES, 15 cents a pound.tJ Orders for shipment to all parts of Ascen.-sion and neighboring parishes promptly filled.Also butcher and dealer in fresh beef, veal.mutton, pork. etc.. Donaldsonville Market.

The World of To-Day.A Magnificent Atlas of the World.

IN one large quarto volume, 10x14 inches ine size. containing 116 pages of handsomely

engraved and colored maps,. Also an index ofover 5,000 cities, rivers, mountains. etc.,throughoun the world, giving exact location.Cloth; price g2.00. plus 0lc. postage.

A beautiful, accurate, convenient and comprrhensive atlas, a marvel ,of art, of informastron and of price, the equal of the best $10 atlas ever published.

A Handy Atlas of the World.A neat and convenient volume containing-

188 colored maps, diagrams, tables, etc.. de.ecriptive of every country in the world, care-fully classified and skillfully arranged for easyreference. 200 pages of information, valuableand available. Cloth, price 250, plus 6c.

A guide book to the whole world, a pocketcyclopedia, a marvel of value and cheapness,and a daily companion of every newspaperreader.

Sent by mail on receipt of price and postage.Enclose Post-offlce Money Order, New York

Draft. or Postal Note for full amount.ELON 0. SALISBURY.

818 Quincy st., Brooklyn. N. Y.

Farm for Sale.fTIHIRTY ACRES OF LAND, with improve-J ments, on the left bank of Bayou Lafourche near Donaldsonville, will be sold at abargain. All cash or half credit. at option ofpurchaser. For further particulars apply onthe premises or address me in care of theC•mr. S111. NARCISSE PLACENSIA.


B BUCKSuITH,48nooeesor to Carmouche & Thoripson.)

Wheelwright,Wagon & Carriage Maker,

REPAIRER, &c.,Railroad Avenue. next .loor to the Poet-c4bee

DONALDSONVILLE, LA.- Ilousssamaxo em a apseialtg.

F. Heno MollUre Son,

Buildes & lonse4-overs,DONAL2 DSONV tLL•, LA,

WHARF BUILDING. PTILED-.IVYIG w~rof all kinds. CONt)N TRU(ION of DWEIJ..ING8. SUGARl-HOUSEl. etc.. In best stei.-and at lowest pr'ice,. Feithful ex&ecuntn .f tl c""ntraet$ grrurct oaed. Appl; at sm? Tesnrr;L

a st above Port Ftr rr ,or. n r a~,ress tlhrongh.Box 103, Doi.idso~tui•le.