FromHighWater Rates Sectional Ghampionship · 2015. 2. 14. · ford: publicity. Mrs. Long . Miss...

AND C.HH0StlC'3UB /ol. XXXVI. No. 6, CRANFORD. N. J.. THURSDAY. MARCH 16, 1933 FIVE CENTS Anniversary Week lorfe.Than 400 f' v 'CrahfoKi Troops' Celebra- tion of Twenty-first Birth- day. -C: -.:-, Cranford's five Olrl Scout troops ob- served the twenty-Brat anniversary of the founding of the scout movement with a Father-Daughter picnic at Sur- prise Lake Sunday afternoon and the sixth annual Mother^iaughter banquet In ,the Presbyterian Church Monday night. The two affairs were said to be the mast successful ever staged by :thc local troops', -with, more than 200 in at- tendance at Ihe picnic Sunday after- noon' and nearly . 240 mothers and scouts at the dinner Monday night The fathers were royally, 'entertained ; Sunday afternoon by the scouts at (he : scout cabin at Surprise Lake. Follow- | ing a picnic supper, the girls and their fathers' formed a semi-circle around the flag pile an'd Mrs. Daniel R. Neal, the local director,, welcomed the vlsl- t tors and-said that the "girls plan .to holdsuclv a picnic-annually.. At. an 1 impressive ceremony, the flag' was low- leered, altef^whlch the girls and fathers Joined In kinging "The'Star Spangled NEWC»MROTTEES Oriuiutioa WU1 S| Morninf Bide* Tbta Sunday ' Thu cui I'luuuy—was—dosed' with the slnginsfTof' "Taps" by the scouts. -- Monday night the girls and their mothers -assembled In the social room of the First Presbyterian Church for the sixth annual banquet. Ml» -Ethel Mocklcr of New York, a member of the ' National -staff, told of the various an- niversary programs -planned for the week in .various-' parts' of the 'country and decribed the program conducted in Wshington last Saturday at' vrtucH Sunday morning rides for members and guests will I* 1 one of the features of the 1933 program of the Cranford Riding, dub. It «*s announced at a regular meeting Monday night at the club room, at the Kensington "stables, kenflworth. George Plant of Westfleld, who was recently elected to succeed WUlam J. Mickey of Elizabeth, as pres- ident, also reported that the club will have semi-weekly evening rides In' thf lighted ring. Lectures on topics of In- terest to members and special enter- tainments have been arranged' by tlte program .committee for the coming; club meetings. •-.'- Appointed at the meeting. Monday night were the following committees Annual horse show committee. Mr. Plant, chalrjrhan: Dr. H. C. Hamilton of. WestfleM. vice-chairman: Mrs. Ol- iver Ii. Bicnarda, Cranford: Mrs. Rob- ert 8. Bigelpw. Cranford';.Mrs. Oeorge Plant. Westfleld; Wlllam J.. Mackey. Elizabeth: James L. Rogers. Kenll- worthi^Mlsi,441ll»a.....B.}!,I,.^Pranford; I Mrs/H. B. Long. _Pan*o6d: Miss'>Dori«J Lalng, Plalnfle!d; Miss Marian Dreher. Mflplewood: Kenneth S. Mackey, Elis- abeth; Edward Kuenstler, Plainfleld. nrirl Mlm HIUatfUt^Adamji; nf fTranj. FromHighWater Rates Public Utilities Commission Issues Order to Show Cause Why 10 Per Cent Surcharge Granted Plainfield - Union Company, in 1928 Should Not Be Set Aside: " / school FubllMtton Is AwmrtixJ Second PU» In Nation*! Cattle*). The first direct move to secure lower water rates" has resulted in action by the Public Utilities Commission against '.he Plalnfleld-Unlon Water Company and an order to show..cause -Why the saHMiarsr of ten per pent authorised in 1929- should nut be eliminated: The Bate for Me hearing has been- set for March 30 at Newark..'. ;__ 1 •. .. .The surcharge was orlginallr granted .'or the purpose of making up to the Company »li a'.Wgi'tt diiflcu/ol upwards o[ $250,000. jlUs surcharge beginning In 1928. It u stated that such deficit was all made up by the end of 1931 but that •.lie company has continued to collect iiie exlr.a ,tt'n per, cent. -It Is.''staled ! .lpan ; .'ltentan^thai, ln i: v)cw..sf the fact liiat-'tjie .clencitjiuia^been pafd Off', the Board of Utilities holds the excess revenue shoultHtwt .be collected but that the company had declined-to dli- Washington last Saturday at Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, "the hon- orary president was in attendance. The history of girl scouting in Cran- ford, outlined in a paper by Mrs. T,, C. Taliaferra,~was read by Mrs! 'M. W: Hoynes. It related that the drat troop was formed in 1933-23 by ten high school girls under the direction 'of Era- y Halglit. Miss Axa. Lc»u, a teacher _nnhe"BChoolr"WBs the first captain. -^^^J, -The first members included Elizabeth •<-—^H Crane, Marie Bremrier, Carolyn Chris- tie, Sally Hayes, Kathryn Park and Doris Shelter. When MUs* Lewis left c the. Cranford schools, Miss Halght con- .tlnucd the'work.' She was succeeded In 1927 by Mrs. H. E. Wallace who in. turn was sueee«*dcd by~Mrs, McClcmcnt, the wife of'Rev.jMr: Clement who was then pastor of. the First M. E. Church,""A that time a permanent organization was effected with Mrs, Charles Albury as president, Mrs.'A. V. V. Hlbsoh. vice- president, and Mrs. Voorhees, secretary and treasurer. A second troop was or- ganized. In 1928._lhe_ first mbtherand daughter dinner *as held, Cnd the troops enjoyed an encampment at Cainp jhitetson: * r*~ ~—r^^— The Spotlight, a magazine published by Cranford Hltih School pupils was awarded seccmd place In U\e annual contest, sponsored by Ww Columbia Scholastic Press Association, according to word received by high school' officials thlt week". The contest was nation- wide and more than 648 school papers were awarded merit ratings. The Spotlight has been' entered In this contest for the last four years. The publication has been awarded one third place a,pd three second places/ Thn Wrstne.ld.'HIgh School's Weather Vane was the only publication" awarded first place In the class In which Cranford's magaslne was entered—schools having an enrollment of from. 300 to BOO pupils, Trie publications were Judged and rated according to general apesrance, quality ot contents, and the amount of ford. Named on tlie membership commit- tee were: Mrs. Plant, chairman. Mlw Elizabeth Jones of Summit: Mrs. PhU- Up B. Keith and Mrs. Harry Y. Bar- row, both gf Cranford, ' ~~ Members'of the Junior Club com- mittee Include: Mrs. Blgelow. Mr*. Plant. Mrs. William Nagle of Cranfbrd.' and Mrs. Dorothy PenU of Elisabeth. Other committees named were: En- tertainment, Miss Dreher. Mrs. Bar- row; Mrs. Hamilton, Miss Marian Rob- bie, of Plalnfleld,'Mrs. Bigelow. Miss Dill' and Kenneth Maeker; bridle path. Mr. Mackey, Dr. Hamilton. Mrs. Rich- ards, Edwin II. Ferguson of Cranford Miss Adams, Frederick Cattanach oi Cranford and Mr. Rogers: refresh- ment* Miss Helen ^Tresselk of Plnln- ncld, Mrs. Prank McCullough of Cran- ford, Mrs. Plant, Miss Edith Gruiftncr of Cranford. Mri. Long. Mrs> Keith and Mr, Mmckey; house comjaittee, Mrs. Barrow, Miss fiuth Bell of cranford. Mrs. Charlej IIOrecn of Cranford. Miss Hesnof. OUlahan of Plainfleld and Miss Waida Bosencranlz of Cran- ford: publicity. Mrs. Long. Miss Dreher. Miss Aglae ' Gates—of—Cranford, * v ~ Kuentsler and Miss Lain?. - These -comraiUee*- The ri'port "to the Public UUllties Commission by tlte Clilef Inspector, made in February, states, that, lilt com- pany Is receiving fair return without the surcharge. If the present action :s .successful 11 will mean a material re- duction of water bills to Cranford users .is well as all other municipalities from Rosellc to Pallnfleld. Complains Of Too Many Dogs Running At targe Sherman School P.-T. A'. Asks Township to-Act to Curb L^ Nuisiince—-New" ToWnahj]! In 1930, Miss Esterbrook, a teachtr .In the high school.toblcup Jhc work. Ul)on recommcn.datioh of.the National Council, a Town council was organ' Jziai .with^ibi4..iiBcJ>el v JMbliisoir as commissioner diid Miss Katherine (Continued ori[ Iocaf' ^ Trinity .Men's Club Completed. At the .meeting, o t . the Township Committee Tuesday night, the Slier man School Parent-Tcaclier Asjocla tlon by loiter comulolncd of tlio nuls i l t""]arr an ton b a'iice' runnlng_ miny technical .points iuch _a» .nake up and advertisements,' The hfghesl 'swW'p^bff'was-t^'^nm^^tre p^ "ifib"exact score'Has here, a second place rating 'indicates that .tile score will be between 6M and i l pnlnl. BDOtllllllt was For Annual Dinner 175 Cranford Republicans to Attend Banquet in Winneld Scott Hotel Saturday Night. Approximately 175 of Cranford'n Re- publlcaht will attend the annual dinner and dance Saturday night In the Win- neld Scott Hotel In nirabcth under the auspices of the Cnuiford Republican Club. Inc., according "to Herbert n, Winckler, chairman of .the committee In charge of the affair. AH hough ticket sales this week show- ed a decided Improvement over previous weeks, a number of . UckeU are .still available, members of the committee j a l d . ' " . . . Toastmaster George- A. Luis will pre- side at tho dinner wlilch will be served promptly at 8:30 o'clock. He will In- troduce Motor Vehicle Commissioner Harold O. Hoffman, tlie guest trMtker of the evening. • • ,_. Mrs. Hoffman, William Moss of South work done by.the staff as well as oir|Amboy, deputy collector of Internal revenue, and a number of prominent County officials also will. attend the will invaik* jHj '.Danclngr With mQ»lc1)y the Ilepublt ran Club's sevcn'piece s orchestra, "will fallow tlie dinner : *' fallow tlie dinner. given » score of 774 points. Miss Margaret I(aync» I.H o<11lor-ln chlof of this -years BubllcaUon mid Robert Maxfleld, business manager. Other staff members are: Associate editors, Lucy. Tallaftfrra and Henrietta Miller: advertising manager, Arthur Brown; advertising staff, victor Hooke, Harriet Nick, Dolorita-iawlght, Pred Khouri and Qertrude crcfiiBrlus: as slstent business manager, Hinra Jan~- srn: news staff, Loveon May, Mollic .Comstock and Mauvrll Van Niiyn; an staff, Luclife Lanslnu. 5fi7j\bMh Dem- merle, Orosvenor Wadmnn and Phyllis 'Stuck: club editor, .Tulla Pnvelka: itlrlx' ajhlellc editor. Carol. Olqfnon; boys' athletic editors, Chester bang and' Wal- ter Holmquest: alumni editor, Isabella Ffanki exchange editor. Claire Weir: circulation managers.. Chris Witting. Senator Richards Lauds Community Bankers Suite Official Urges Public to Have. Confidence, in Local Institutions in Address to College Club --'.' That the" New Jersey" bunks ore" In jod condition today Is duo to the. hftn- ity and sacrifice of the lunlty banker,"' Emerson -L.. Richard*. aiice 6fUo!i.s runnng_ ] sometimes In packs, (rlehunlng chil dren and creating' a* really dangerous tii aud ITA. diudouilau, iwnlor % ~rdltflfri Or»c«.Or{«i: Junior editor, Frank May; *Dphurboi» editor, Billy Qulnn;. jluttt. News itaff, Taylor Fruer and Charlen Ilres; tjrnlsta. Haicl Oat«n, Mary I3n- lioney. Eli narodowko, nlnlne.iCnniM). Christine -.'Fischer," Mildred Anderson and June Peterson; editorial boaru. Maruaret Haynes, Lucy Tnllafcrro. HfrirlclU Mlllor, Maxwell Vail Nuys. Tnvlnr Prater. Loveen May nhd Orocc at the hdrse show June.47 and 'w»tt-w4si a l«d"the matUr already had the at, port plans for the comlngi year; at thr i next meeting of the club Aprils. 'fntton.utj-UwipoJ)ca and the letter was! rtferred to him fnr' a'.'tlnn. Coniniln-1 1 Orrok. Lions Club To Have Father-Son Banquet "Casey" Jones to Speak at Dinner Tomorrow. Night in earsBrooklynAttorney Frederick Koptf Prjesents Illus- trated Lecture rjesen A at March Meeting' of Organization. : Taking.-his listeners "Behind the Scenes of Crime," Frederick KopB, chief assistant .district attorney of Kings County. Brooklyn, told stories'ot inurder more fiendish and gruesome,] than Xf.e tales of crime related by 1 writers of popularv~detectiye and "mya- tery stories at the IBTBttWy meeting of the Trinity Men's Club Thursday night - -*tiiro' was' attended' by' more than, 13S members and guests of the club. Mr. Kopff came to Cranforfrat the "Tnvtattnn ul A- V. Dohrmaiw-Jules. ~- • The IJohs Club will. have a father ind.sbn banquet al. 6^30 o'clock tomor- row ntght In the »Hiistrevor. "Casey" Jones of . Newark, no.teti- aviator' and World War pilot, wUl -be the guest •••.oner Bep^s prt.tentcd. the Chinf Heimew^y: Ahowinj; ~,\ rests .and $251 (Irius collected.: miisioiier McCullottKh re- tlie (.''nnplt'tlon of tlie new one being frmm?d and %T£ \ Taxpafers' Association Names New Directors hung on the wall of. the meeting fo°™ -.--. . TljrrrtrTrp to. date with Township boundaries as j corrected by- rpce.nt surveys. Mr. -Mc- Ctillough also reported the .completion j af ..the. workr. of ..clcgnfog.,-r ciilvcrttyj storm-sewerfir etc.. which he said are': now In excellent-shape to=tiiko carc;of.* sldent of the New Jersey State Hen I*. Mild last night at on open meeting ' the Cranford Pullcgn Club In* the asonlc Temple. Senator. Richards ohlcularly urged that the pepple~of tie Qtate.. "stick to your own com- immitr lmiik_ and you will rind the nk and bankef. worthy of your con- dence, It'I* the aim ot-tho national m'crnment and state legislature to get j !<• depositor out 100 per cent." The Senator also spake for a reduc- im of taxes lit the Btate, County and uMcttfijlily. He. cited the division ol ie- tax fjnitar-today of- which one-half ustkl to_ Mippurt iu:hools and . one. uftrter- In highway construction and iknep. The rrmalnlng orte-fourth ti| in mliurllaiicoua fund, from-.whlch fe- ucltotis are being mu&v. Hucli rnlub- lon's •' should Do made In the. t*du- and the constructions upprb- flatlons, although under our prenent ali-ni of Htnln hmlaetlnn tills IS " Be Elected Fr Group of Fifteen; Discuss New Projects. .i rVA tla'tc of fifteen new 'directors r- ----..-- . • . rthV Cranfurd TaKpiy?rs' Association, almost any rains that may occur. He j pr e»c<ued by L. ft. Allison, chalrmar speaker.. More thsn fifty members and sons are expected to attend the aifair. which Is hi charge of Oeorge K." War- ner. Deputy: DlArtqt Governor Ernes' Peffer of Plainfleld is expected to be'ji xuest at the^meetlng. At the meeting of the dub Friday hlghC President Efeirl Dunfee appointed a nbminatinK committee, to report' a new slafe of officers at the first m'ectr ing In April. ° The corq'rruttee ls^ecfol- '.ows:-Oeorge Teller; chairman; Charlos SfeakeL George K;. Warner. Fred W. Lang and Elmer Hbughton. Present 6fflcersTbf~lhe"j3ub*a«: tor. Dunfee, president; E. C. McMahon, vice-presi- dent; A. T. Baker, "secretary, and R. T.' Robinson, treasurer. i!so called attention to dangerous con- ditions and fire.h*zard-at 517 centen- nial avenue. A letter was directed to be 'sent the owner to n'medy-.s'uch con- of thc\^ominattni{ committee, wctc un- anlmqusljr'.elMO^djat a rriccllhg of-the organlzaubti_last night In the l'own- j t t X Th llfcUrs will rnec' g _ jjilp ttoomsX The. tllrcfcUjrs will -rnec ^7 JaiTy. chairman of the entertainment i- T 3otamilHe," :7 preaded'^and -uitroduoed ? r-' I tKe; speaker In the absence of the preal- '. dent, W, W. BuckJey;' .-",- :. '.*.' The assistant district attorney gave In detail the story of Jwo murder c^sei ladled by his'office—cases In which ',-'-' the murdeters-wereCfouWIiut-JLnd lord Theatre last weeju entertained" the' 'ilub FrldaxjUght with »: demonstration of psychrc"f«torng.| The entertainment ty was Edward. J. Kane. ' manager Uie murtejy of the Walter C. Suydam of New Brunswick! district governor ot Lions Interhatiorial, will v visit the (flub Friday night. March 24. It has Been announced by club offl- ,cers. An- Invitation ha* been extended An* ordinance changing the jiames of 'hree MreeU in thc : southerly .section ol the Township was passed on first rrad|ng and hearing set for 'March 28. Same is advertised elsewhere"'hi**!his. ls> •ue of trje Citizen and. Chronicle. .Attorney 1 Warslnskl was' Authorized o.rcpresent the Township, afthe PUb-. He:-Utilities' Commission-.hearing at 'Jew-ark March 30 In the matter of ac- tion to compel.' the Platnneld-Unlon Water Company to do away with the* '.en jrer cent sucharge.on water" bills Building. Inspector.- Hleelc $ubmltted wo applications for building permits ;dwellngs) which' were approved' and one cement block * licence application .^.hfc!}, i«rmisslim to' palrif street, numbers 00 the curb In fnmV^f- each . house, tor fii- would tak» the chance of-col made to pay-with their lives the penal- : .Hj for their'crimes.;* Picture* taken br "tnTTjrosecutibn to effeei-conviction In .. the two cases were shown In connection WUMhe talk. . . , . ' . < ' . Mr. Kopff bad an active part in the : / prosecution of the five kidnappers of Ernest SchoentHT. lUis Ernie Smith, a , - . H e i r Jersey bootlegger, who were con- —x—vlcted-Thursday In Kings County -. "..Coiatiuld » ; ho were sentenced to Krmn, ; J , In She Sing prison. • . .i, Al BlTinger* ent£rtalneil*before and ^-i.:;:_."»iter'thejectti» •*(£ popular-piano - ;ii^_L_ l-ecti^"'.flefiit»nBienl«''*fere : "<*~« .. t t e committee In charge.' .* lo Lions tjliib members In the and Kenllworth and Oarwood to attend! the dinner and nor'i message; kcg p»y by' voluntary contribution on:th(L part othousehotdirs'.. .If irrant- i^dvpermtsslon he ssid he would'get his (!<lip ! from the uneniplojid labor list. He was^old^that the matter wbuld be given publicity , and such permission probably grantedjat th« next-meeilng of the Committee unless serious objec- tion should be made to the plan. No numbers could be "provided-.> where no The balcony some from—Borneo and JuJirt- was presented by SB» vErthej Hagerstrtun and>Ilat Ana Peck at a re- cent meeting-0( the l"oolllght Club. Casting two girls. In the rates was an experiment whleh proved very inter- esUng. Following the scene, there was a abort talk on "Puty Making" and an oped dlseufSlon of the suBJect. Allen WnUaej will'be host at. the next meet- "McCuilough was ConunlUeemari haJrmsn pro ttm in the absence ol Mayor Lutz. At a bazaar andx»Ice sale recently'»! the Cranford Trust Comspny, the SA Athletic Club of'ROosevelt School Teal' lied *li,7l. Th* club will use tn< money for their atiriuU! trip. Members of the «rouj> ijaW extended, their ap- preclatiod to the patrons knd to the CrM»fi^-Tnist-ieoinpajif-forr<be2»ue» cess of tbe.taie. •'.'. -'- -- It^iii the nex\fcw day^i antl elect ifBcers, according W P. It. jEun.deJtri was named tcmporHry t.'halrrtian'of .ssoclatlon until .thv^new ^ojiicers are ilcctcd. V "JTie "new •'• dlrectora^arV: .John Me J. A, Knowles,- Mrs. Winifred C. "(See, Mrs :. O.. Albury. George Saucr.vF, R, Zun del. p. 'H,"Brown, J. 1L Rath, ilreylogle, Stuift DufnetdTS. It. Jol W. It D'Arcy. I. Bv Hazurd and E. Sweeney. : ' '\ ' Temporary Chairman .Zundel io'j! charge of thr meeting afler the "STcc ,lon and. called for, an 9pen dltcUMloi on projects which tlii; Taxpayers' As sociatlon- could sponsor this year. Bev ihcTudihg th«"checi3ni**up of icnlly-compleWd street* with, the pur f hl th tt i y pooe "of - the contractors repair urfcel* wlilt'li liave nut. come up to tig Specifications of the contrict. Vhe an sociatlon proposes to list the location ot such bad' itreeta and,present- lhe.m to the Township Committee for action. The group also may take action' en 1 doming the TownsUp Committee' Ii their "efforts to get lower-water rates Among the members to speak during theVforubi were Leon Scully, C. H. Mahchoh, J..R. C. "Hlnti, ^. E. Blakcs- leer~OoJtirey- Ilaai~and """»"»• L n Balrd..; Secretary E. J. Sweeney presented th annual the opening o{ th meeting, which was presided ovcr.-.b: President William B.'Bragdon.Trea»' uwr L. B. Allison gave the financial r, port of "the association whlctr s*ho"*n that a balance of M^93 Is now.on hand, F. R. Zundel Is the r«tlrlngJ(ce-pr«sl' dent, of tbe organization. - • ^^Tbe^nexMiieeVac^rlll-beUield-Wei nesdajr night, April 12. Sectional Ghampionship Blue and Gold Squ»d to Meet Fort Lee in State Semi-Final* •t Rutgcrt Gym Friday — Large Delegation - to Accompany Team HiAndrew (1. Oluf Aoti>iit|iaiiiifl tiv a l.iri;c ilrlrKntitni f h C' | lioostcrs frmn other parts his \ ( )M *'roitp -J Sit'tHii K ( local fans anil several t C'moii I'niinty, l'<uch J. S.'Wi'i'klcy.ami llaskctltall t.'lt,ini|>itms tutnnrrnw aftcriKMiii KV 1 " ; " ^V w H"i'i»wii'k, when 1 , at _' n'chick, tlie cr tlic llluc atul t.'»oKi tftttntct will clash with I'Utt KIT'S Imskct Hiii|)CM itl j b l k l l iit.tlir >.ctiii l If vlclotloua over FWrl timttiamtiii. ; Crnnford'ji' tt^tm will inret the winner of h afternoon. If vlclotloua over FWrl Ijt*; Cr the.Keyport-Oloucwti'r-riAHntJ-which tnkrn place nt 3 o'clock Friday, for th> fttate championship. -Tlir Clr<nip.? tijml will }M* Rtagetl at 4 o'clock Saturday n. ; -. > - • -.•..-..— .' ' 1 ..... ;,... . . ' . ., The local players uoti (heir way tothe tteml-flnal contest by ovei- comltxd Roaelle Ihu-k. S3 to'1$. and CHldwell, 24 to 31. In two great tourney games:over.: Uie.weeK-fnd.^/nip yirtortrit vxtpitded the teaiu'a winning alreak to twenty cnnsmitlvti Uluniiilu. j[ly dowhlnii Coid.weli In Mcmdny.i Uirlller. the Blue and Gold cagers won the wi-tluna! champliMishlp In CJrqvij) 3 for the «ecqnd year In succession. . Charlif dntnthi.frad thr Inrnl nulnlrt to victory In botti 'eontesls. H«^ dominated the play agaliMi llfo Parkrrs TliurMay ninhl when hc'.arored olayen ixitnls. and on Mniuta.f til lit l<-;nl a rally lhat bruimht his tcuhi a victory CfMir U >Mdu^M«d:v^t^ t ^al Um:^M.t:.^,J|»A,4nUW -••• : '—Crun/onl l>owm eiMwoU^--'A- r -p -.-'.•,;... ; . l>ua*r» HUtt !«• After trullliw 0 to 2 at tlie trut of the I Ilrrnkliig foose rjii L llrst r|iiort*r. Craiifimi's.grrat ba-^krt-1 Craiiford Ifuth Hcluml'ii imwerful bas- halt itunoutacnrnl ami unllMi«-il the I ketloll wi'iiaii (iwrraina lloselle Park, Jlrong. Calrlwoll iiuliillft to win Hie KC-!_*1-15. last TUUradny rtlghl* at Plain tlonul title for the MvonU rnnsecutlve j tvid in a uanio In which the Illua *nd year at Ulooniflrld Monday ntjtht.—T1ir;<*hA(- winhw iiinfliliic was Impeded ~* Inal score was T*ranl<1rd 21. Caldv,fll |.Knatlv liytlic eujl^ M'WJt by the «t«ll- 1. llie huire crowd til tana which, um ladj/is of Couch llerm Hlmw't pro- liaeked the large HlcMiintlfId (i)in u> iii : i triTi /Uaillng, H-r,l iiolnu liilo'Oie— patlty. were on their f«t jylllng-. IIISL ijiiaiu r, cojuh Wwkley's buket- tliroughout th* fiitlrr game and atfrrn/llnlMird. like! mil champions by ..iany »V 1 M(e.'*.co.U^r. | .fly...dTO*nei!_Jj.Mli.l?H' : i!K. t '.li nine. imlnU, whlUi holdlngtlM ,Tui-pfhctals' wiitsiiej by their thun-jl/irki'r'n iii-a Innn? of.foul slioui. ift'Wus apliiadie 1 and clierts. K lirtlw iHr.Luiiiiiurv-unine Carleret, .Charlie once mure {troved his valur'j l!)*l'j HluU> Chiuii|>loiut; IOAI a unc-sldrd iy amauliiK U^n point*-to lead every-1 lyimi' tii ; Houiiil lliixik, "iPI3. Ifowlo - ne in scortfitf as well at tlimilnatiiui llollunnun's ladii hMd thu up|icr * hand,. fBc>ntlre second half' with lite"%liiss>- liiioiwliout mill arurad IUI they pirated tlonal flour play. ll« tallied all of lil« !•> .llniliuit<- Uie lli;i*l tltle-holilert. Oar- ItoInU In Uwiast two <|iiarter*a and was tci*t ditruUil Cranford In the ucml-'•• the hortbonr of the great rally staged lintel round of the liiurney at Anbury tiy. Cokrl) Wwkleys prolrgrs . "Ace" Miller was Caldwull* ttanding star- with a total, of I'uik. la>t yenr. rmlliuj tlie IMue and fIjilil».llUilur and Uwlr nine -Untifnnlbln —Uflnator—HIiihHfd* Kjlntod out that tho Htate. oliould havr T?<J1I)U:—Jotmny Coptland, tliukr C»ld- well guard, sparkkdon thi Itefens*, many tlmet brtsklnc up almost certain Cranford scores,— Corky Ullsi,.Ca]d- *eH's great center, was pretty well hackled by Urorge Hoslch. but he did. tliuh enough to figure. In nuxil iH the coring .^done . by Coach. ^UruinbaugU't buys. . . - . T~ Captain Ocurge Itnolrh returned t'> his old-time .form to i«-ad -hln rnatrn itii to jiielrjuil'rnale vidKiry m UHWit :lx iMlntt ti> r'.'fturnjp^htt Kurihit ntreaX lnokfin" In Thurifwy night's tivinle^ w^tb lUir.elk l"ark ; , Vliinie OrUnea and Jlm- uiy l*kar(»/were up u* Ciielr iinuai HlKti itandapr 'of play and Clir^-r's flnr .cuiifrtfiw In the s«<j|id half helped mn' Urfally In the final outcome.. - •^'iBhllilone iiptned -up for Caldwell inrgioiiii itliol and-^roimny-t><n»e4«tHl4 o ma 'camprchenstve. budget U>at would liable the'-legislature and,tfie, governor i have control .over., the various.cotn- ilwilons.. This-would enable funds-fi a . transferred trfttn'a part, of the«(jv- nment thatJiBS a surplus to oho with deficit, I<Hlo-thhi BppTrJprTallon bills .hould bemude In tho legislature. -Thin ,3 lj)/accordance with the Princeton iurvey. which the l.cgUlaturR Is now iniildeflng. .Qnu hundred members and., f d ttended the meeting last which ' presided over by Mrs. Prank N inrolc, president of the club. Mrs. Walter S. Qee,' chairman of tIM nture committee, wi) In charge of the ieetlng. : . •'•••. q g winning streak, simultaneously. \ OrljPUia w>vg a great ««hlb<- tlon ol all-afound play to le«(J Cran- ford. to. victory. Tln» afttr time, Charlie's b»n*el» turned, the tldB.lnJt-. vor of the local combination, IK wai !jill_pyer Ilw floor and corulnUmUy har- rlrd the Parkers In their doincrsln at- tcmrrU to "lrrere> the hall" In their own territory. Incidentally Charlies linpri-rwlnl. total was. ttwr-h^lwst In- dividual' M-OIIIIV! udiii'Vt-mellt of l l f 1 thn most Important .fcaturn. . if (iHijitrfeut'.ur ll»illo*<tlle Park; Miuad j wut'tlin iiritiri-Hnahllll/ of Uw Ctan/ord Mtic dejiuiw.' No oner did Uin Ptrkert tH'hi'lrate the .Ktonowall front put up hv. <7rniifori|'ii five-man formation Two of Ituselle' I'tirk'o field iionis were M.oied on ioim HIMIUI and thn. oilier two -&rtr Wf i uruVth-wiierr tlie man .got—out— diisky o«r, followed up with. MiM>thrT inld-court hr.avc which nwaahed Uir "Ace" Miller added a f i r ' from action In Corky lillM dr »iMt ihii nulck »ucc«Mliin nKd lit auutlict Jo«Ar(l-.d*ilc for In fn/nl-u'i tlrlobic alieud nr rest more. . Captain Oporgn Itonu;h, who wwTnof ' tn»-i*r >iif| tijttiHi form, was lield score- - !u>> Jor Uiu.Ilrst time in hit liul Ullrty- «veil ititmriT'iiiHf tin' iwcond' lime in <• iniAt two M'anODs: Incidentally it iS"lfweilrl'ar1(_ which lield him score- •- both Utm-A. Il'iwrver/Oeorgfl.con- p .'Jraiifor'd as llwy were oil trw;Wrong •iiil of aTMTscoreT"~..~" •'•—"•-.""" '=:' Jimmy Plcaro opened Uw! wx»rlrui foj ' . . tlie Blue and Uuld wltii a foul Uiot anu'j nibutrd Ills bit Niwordo Uin victory by i ( k Uw Illlir'^l l hhl Itoslch dupllcatctl hit l o t lo make llw •'jore 0-2 as. the '.first, .fiiitrter ended Kv Stariert replaced Miller 1 for Calit- i ttart the second M*tAlon unu un- hellto start th c ,-ilMfly stepped Into Hie llmelU(ht by '.-^ A. UniU to Hear Dr. Albert B. Meredith X a meeting of thf executlvu btiord t Cranford High School -P,-T,-*AJ Monday ott^rooon announcement wsisj made O0he open meeting of all P.-T. A. units piday.evening, March M (n Lincoln School at wlilch time Dr. Al- S e i ^ f e e ^ t m ^ u ^ ipnak; Dr. Meredith is connected *Wi York University and also with jUie -Jemy- Btaie tducatlpnaf depart- l g from the tide of, Che court to make tlie score 11-2,' . . -••; ' ."' :r ^' | Urlnies fllpwd )n Cranlr/rd's rlrnt | ana George- R/jaicK couuU'd Ilipplliir'r^vral aixurale inues whhli wcded score/!. -''ltos*«ll« Park opened auspiciously by ';orlnK In tl)e first fow fiecondt of play. Jiimny I'lcaro got lliu lap> over Cliarlle shot).Hrowii. but Wtyckolf^ the leather -_ir!urn i ,"the flooV U> n}uke tlie w:^>re i ad 11-8 as IHr gull Miunded for the 'lid of'tJie flrtl half. . . . • Coming-out to>Urt therthlrd riuar- ;ir, Cranford was itn enti'rely different -^sift-«nd immediately began .to-whit- tie, away- their opponent's'slim .lead, id on a foul.and then pats- e(\ to Plcaio f'Jr a field goal a f«w c.-c- 'tiila JateV to tie the score al' 11-all mid paJiMd U> Mike Wajclo. under' Uie' Ijiukrt fur Uie first field Koal of the ev- iilng. <m the "next tap Rowlle Park again riilfcred llie ball. Cranfprd al'once droiiplrw bock Into their none detente. - Meanwhile, Vancio and Klemtng, °Ro- vikifarlc HWilfli, ~retreated- Into-thelr: i>rrltory aii*i brvfan to kill time by <(ng back aiW^forth,.._'. Uie situation became, rather' rhent. He has had n wide..and varied^ expi-rltnce In th'eJlcld ol educiuon and his suUjMt: "Trie'' Present Situation." should be of interest U^Sveryone. " Airs. C. C. Van Nuys, president of the group, announced the unit would con- tinue to raise funds for the scholar-, ship by means ot small bridge pVrtle* L h i M V H Orlfnths opened up his brilliant i*r- ii oy - drW>bliDg .. through, the defense to sf^>rc ' under shot lor TEe the name. Charlie I dnt by lotting in a tojilsriot. Itoslch p y at rnjUlPWiiLhuracsi ..Mrs. _Van Huy» Will be hostess at tbe next party Tues- day afternoon, at her home WI Wai tut avenue, Preceding the~gan»i7"JuhcK^ eon will be served-at 1 o'clock. "Mri. 8 II. Baker, of Dtnman.road arid Mr* Eldon Monroe of Brn.street will aasUt^ the hosteu and they ihave announced that all members and their frtendc liave be«i-lnvlt«d. Oames- other UrsJi »bued another point 6a a Iro« thot tOjiilm and then niakif the K»r«'-I5-Il;: ! .... -•'- Caldweil called tune out to Uik the matttr over.- During the brief Inter- died suddenly- and' CaldwelVi sudden burst netted four potnU. on goals by dgoIfcApy; Several of the rnembers of the group the gun boomed fur the end comical an the Hlue and Gold platers til down and watched Vanclo and Fleming as they had their own private II'XIUI of the Npwtators until- Referee Walter Oardcll .halted play lo explain the rUle covering the tlw»tion. . . . lie explained ttiat.the.piayi;r In pot- i~pt U»e-l?ail—waft-Joot. forced to * ^-advance the ball unicts one of ihe opposition was within one yard of wirtld not make shy at- or dribble, a Jump-ball irtld b! cjid . . ..After pTay'Jiaa been resumed. Chjarlle making so much noise that the omis amer had to thoot-hli gun over andjthe Park forward mi over again to attract "Che atteniionof'trea* his Uum's lea OilfDUj optmd the closing W«1MI' wlUt-i Old r-al and Jimmy ficaro in- attended a meetlriii Tuesday afternoon | creased the lead to lour polnu wuh an- In .Thomas Jefferson' High HthoolTraher basket MjU*r bisughl Caldwell EUzabrth, wher«-Dr^Mort^wtll-known I back lnto_UK Ume.wUh » goai.from educator, spoke. - ' ' (Continued em tut payej private Uttle tefcia-.te clo. and Klemlngr 'At^ooce acUon was |-resuhieoVbut"the-fine--wbrk,-<rf-tne-6ran li ' ford defense stopped-the opponents' scoring sttertrpt* dead. ' - -.. • Rosich fouled Wajclo in a melee and' isde good to ln- ,..., ., r ..^^,..- .J«d to 3-0. -Once. 'more USi stallng,,oonUn'ue4 and again . arifntlu went out to break It up. This U.TW Hoslch w,ent In' Ux> and took the Hall away from Fleming and passed to " Orlme* for Granford'V fTrst basket. ' Tl«! r ccl^4t^*LBllit!.juid_aoliiLch«B*t__ J ^. >*• (Continued on Uutpagt/ '

Transcript of FromHighWater Rates Sectional Ghampionship · 2015. 2. 14. · ford: publicity. Mrs. Long . Miss...

Page 1: FromHighWater Rates Sectional Ghampionship · 2015. 2. 14. · ford: publicity. Mrs. Long . Miss Dreher. Miss Aglae ' Gates—of—Cranford, * v~ Kuentsler and Miss Lain?. - These


Anniversary Weeklorfe.Than 400

f'v'CrahfoKi Troops' Celebra-tion of Twenty-first Birth-day. -C: -.:-,

Cranford's five Olrl Scout troops ob-served the twenty-Brat anniversary ofthe founding of the scout movementwith a Father-Daughter picnic at Sur-prise Lake Sunday afternoon and thesixth annual Mother^iaughter banquetIn ,the Presbyterian Church Mondaynight. The two affairs were said to bethe mast successful ever staged by :thclocal troops', -with, more than 200 in at-tendance at Ihe picnic Sunday after-noon' and nearly . 240 mothers andscouts at the dinner Monday night

The fathers were royally, 'entertained; Sunday afternoon by the scouts at (he: scout cabin at Surprise Lake. Follow-| ing a picnic supper, the girls and their

fathers' formed a semi-circle aroundthe flag pile an'd Mrs. Daniel R. Neal,the local director,, welcomed the vlsl-

t tors and-said that the "girls plan .toholdsuclv a picnic-annually.. At. an

1 impressive ceremony, the flag' was low-leered, altef^whlch the girls and fathers

Joined In kinging "The'Star Spangled


Oriuiut ioa WU1 S|Morninf Bide* Tbta


' Thu cui I'luuuy—was—dosed'with the slnginsfTof' "Taps" by thescouts. --

Monday night the girls and theirmothers -assembled In the social roomof the First Presbyterian Church forthe sixth annual banquet. Ml» -EthelMocklcr of New York, a member of the

' National -staff, told of the various an-niversary programs -planned for theweek in .various-' parts' of the 'countryand decribed the program conducted inWshington last Saturday at' vrtucH

Sunday morning rides for membersand guests will I*1 one of the featuresof the 1933 program of the CranfordRiding, dub . It «*s announced at aregular meeting Monday night at theclub room, at the Kensington "stables,kenflworth. George Plant of Westfleld,who was recently elected to succeedWUlam J. Mickey of Elizabeth, as pres-ident, also reported that the club willhave semi-weekly evening rides In' thflighted ring. Lectures on topics of In-terest to members and special enter-tainments have been arranged' by tlteprogram .committee for the coming; clubmeetings. •-.'-

Appointed at the meeting. Mondaynight were the following committeesAnnual horse show committee. Mr.Plant, chalrjrhan: Dr. H. C. Hamiltonof. WestfleM. vice-chairman: Mrs. Ol-iver Ii. Bicnarda, Cranford: Mrs. Rob-ert 8. Bigelpw. Cranford';.Mrs. OeorgePlant. Westfleld; Wlllam J.. Mackey.Elizabeth: James L. Rogers. Kenll-worthi^Mlsi,441ll»a.....B.}!,I,.^Pranford; IMrs/H. B. Long. _Pan*o6d: Miss'>Dori«JLalng, Plalnfle!d; Miss Marian Dreher.Mflplewood: Kenneth S. Mackey, Elis-abeth; Edward Kuenstler, Plainfleld.nrirl Mlm HIUatfUt^Adamji; nf fTranj.

FromHighWater RatesPublic Utilities Commission

Issues Order to Show CauseWhy 10 Per Cent SurchargeGranted Plainfield - UnionCompany, in 1928 ShouldNot Be Set Aside: " /

school FubllMtton Is AwmrtixJ SecondP U » In Nation*!


The first direct move to secure lowerwater rates" has resulted in action bythe Public Utilities Commission against'.he Plalnfleld-Unlon Water Companyand an order to show..cause -Why thesaHMiarsr of ten per pent authorisedin 1929- should nut be eliminated: TheBate for Me hearing has been- set forMarch 30 at Newark..'. ;__1 •. ..

.The surcharge was orlginallr granted.'or the purpose of making up to theCompany »li a'.Wgi'tt diiflcu/ol upwardso[ $250,000. jlUs surcharge beginning In1928. It u stated that such deficit wasall made up by the end of 1931 but that•.lie company has continued to collectiiie exlr.a ,tt'n per, cent. -It Is.''staled

!.lpan;.'ltentan^thai, lni:v)cw..sf the factliiat-'tjie .clencitjiuia^been pafd Off', theBoard of Utilities holds the excessrevenue shoultHtwt .be collected butthat the company had declined-to dli-

Washington last Saturday atMrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, "the hon-orary president was in attendance.

The history of girl scouting in Cran-ford, outlined in a paper by Mrs. T,, C.Taliaferra,~was read by Mrs! 'M. W:Hoynes. It related that the drat troopwas formed in 1933-23 by ten highschool girls under the direction 'of Era-

y Halglit. Miss Axa. Lc»u, a teacher_nnhe"BChoolr"WBs the first captain.

-^^^J, -The first members included Elizabeth• < - — ^ H Crane, Marie Bremrier, Carolyn Chris-

tie, Sally Hayes, Kathryn Park andDoris Shelter. When MUs* Lewis left

c the. Cranford schools, Miss Halght con-.tlnucd the'work.' She was succeeded In1927 by Mrs. H. E. Wallace who in. turnwas sueee«*dcd by~Mrs, McClcmcnt, thewife of'Rev.jMr: Clement who was thenpastor of. the First M. E. Church,""Athat time a permanent organizationwas effected with Mrs, Charles Alburyas president, Mrs.'A. V. V. Hlbsoh. vice-president, and Mrs. Voorhees, secretaryand treasurer. A second troop was or-ganized. In 1928._lhe_ first mbtheranddaughter dinner *as held, Cnd thetroops enjoyed an encampment atCainp jhitetson: * r*~ ~—r^^—

The Spotlight, a magazine publishedby Cranford Hltih School pupils wasawarded seccmd place In U\e annualcontest, sponsored by Ww ColumbiaScholastic Press Association, accordingto word received by high school' officialsthlt week". The contest was nation-wide and more than 648 school paperswere awarded merit ratings.

The Spotlight has been' entered Inthis contest for the last four years. Thepublication has been awarded one thirdplace a,pd three second places/ ThnWrstne.ld.'HIgh School's Weather Vanewas the only publication" awarded firstplace In the class In which Cranford'smagaslne was entered—schools havingan enrollment of from. 300 to BOO pupils,

Trie publications were Judged andrated according to general apesrance,quality ot contents, and the amount of

ford.Named on tlie membership commit-

tee were: Mrs. Plant, chairman. MlwElizabeth Jones of Summit: Mrs. PhU-Up B. Keith and Mrs. Harry Y. Bar-row, both gf Cranford, ' ~~ •

Members'of the Junior Club com-mittee Include: Mrs. Blgelow. Mr*.Plant. Mrs. William Nagle of Cranfbrd.'and Mrs. Dorothy PenU of Elisabeth.

Other committees named were: En-tertainment, Miss Dreher. Mrs. Bar-row; Mrs. Hamilton, Miss Marian Rob-bie, of Plalnfleld,'Mrs. Bigelow. MissDill' and Kenneth Maeker; bridle path.Mr. Mackey, Dr. Hamilton. Mrs. Rich-ards, Edwin II. Ferguson of CranfordMiss Adams, Frederick Cattanach oiCranford and Mr. Rogers: refresh-ment* Miss Helen ^Tresselk of Plnln-ncld, Mrs. Prank McCullough of Cran-ford, Mrs. Plant, Miss Edith Gruiftncrof Cranford. Mri. Long. Mrs> Keith andMr, Mmckey; house comjaittee, Mrs.Barrow, Miss fiuth Bell of cranford.Mrs. Charlej I I O r e c n of Cranford.Miss Hesnof. OUlahan of Plainfleldand Miss Waida Bosencranlz of Cran-ford: publicity. Mrs. Long. Miss Dreher.Miss Aglae ' Gates—of—Cranford, *v~Kuentsler and Miss Lain?.

- These -comraiUee*-

The ri'port "to the Public UUlltiesCommission by tlte Clilef Inspector,made in February, states, that, lilt com-pany Is receiving fair return withoutthe surcharge. If the present action:s .successful 11 will mean a material re-duction of water bills to Cranford well as all other municipalities fromRosellc to Pallnfleld.

Complains Of Too ManyDogs Running At targe

Sherman School P.-T. A'. AsksTownship to-Act to Curb

L Nuisiince—-New" ToWnahj]!

In 1930, Miss Esterbrook, a teachtr.In the high school.toblcup Jhc work.Ul)on recommcn.datioh of.the NationalCouncil, a Town council was organ'Jziai .with^ibi4..iiBcJ>elvJMbliisoir ascommissioner diid Miss Katherine

(Continued ori[ Iocaf'

^ Trinity .Men's Club


At the .meeting, o t . the TownshipCommittee Tuesday night, the Slierman School Parent-Tcaclier Asjoclatlon by loiter comulolncd of tlio nuls

i l t""]arr anton ba'iice' runnlng_

miny technical .points iuch _a» .nakeup and advertisements,' The hfghesl'swW'p^bff'was-t^'^nm^^trep ^"ifib"exact score'Hashere, a second place rating 'indicatesthat .tile score will be between 6M and

i lpnlnl. BDOtllllllt was

For Annual Dinner175 Cranford Republicans to

Attend Banquet in WinneldScott Hotel Saturday Night.

Approximately 175 of Cranford'n Re-publlcaht will attend the annual dinnerand dance Saturday night In the Win-neld Scott Hotel In nirabcth under theauspices of the Cnuiford RepublicanClub. Inc., according "to Herbert n,Winckler, chairman of .the committeeIn charge of the affair.

AH hough ticket sales this week show-ed a decided Improvement over previousweeks, a number of . UckeU are .stillavailable, members of the committeej a l d . ' • • " . . .

Toastmaster George- A. Luis will pre-side at tho dinner wlilch will be servedpromptly at 8:30 o'clock. He will In-troduce Motor Vehicle CommissionerHarold O. Hoffman, tlie guest trMtkerof the evening. • • •

,_. Mrs. Hoffman, William Moss of Southwork done by.the staff as well as oir|Amboy, deputy collector of Internal

revenue, and a number of prominentCounty officials also will. attend the

will invaik*j H j

'.Danclngr With mQ»lc1)y the Ilepubltran Club's sevcn'pieces orchestra, "willfallow tlie dinner : *'fallow tlie dinner.

given » score of 774 points.Miss Margaret I(aync» I.H o<11lor-ln

chlof of this -years BubllcaUon midRobert Maxfleld, business manager.Other staff members are: Associateeditors, Lucy. Tallaftfrra and HenriettaMiller: advertising manager, ArthurBrown; advertising staff, victor Hooke,Harriet Nick, Dolorita-iawlght, PredKhouri and Qertrude crcfiiBrlus: asslstent business manager, Hinra Jan~-srn: news staff, Loveon May, Mollic.Comstock and Mauvrll Van Niiyn; anstaff, Luclife Lanslnu. 5fi7j\bMh Dem-merle, Orosvenor Wadmnn and Phyllis'Stuck: club editor, .Tulla Pnvelka: itlrlx'ajhlellc editor. Carol. Olqfnon; boys'athletic editors, Chester bang and' Wal-ter Holmquest: alumni editor, IsabellaFfanki exchange editor. Claire Weir:circulation managers.. Chris Witting.

Senator Richards LaudsCommunity Bankers

Suite Official Urges Public toHave. Confidence, in LocalInstitutions in Address toCollege Club --'.'

That the" New Jersey" bunks ore" In •jod condition today Is duo to the. hftn-ity and sacrifice of the banker,"' Emerson -L.. Richard*.

aiice 6fUo!i.s runnng_ ]sometimes In packs, (rlehunlng children and creating' a* really dangerous


aud ITA. diudouilau, iwnlor %~rdltflfriOr»c«.Or{«i: Junior editor, Frank May;*Dphurboi» editor, Billy Qulnn;. jluttt.News itaff, Taylor Fruer and CharlenIlres; tjrnlsta. Haicl Oat«n, Mary I3n-lioney. Eli narodowko, nlnlne.iCnniM).Christine -.'Fischer," Mildred Andersonand June Peterson; editorial boaru.Maruaret Haynes, Lucy Tnllafcrro.HfrirlclU Mlllor, Maxwell Vail Nuys.Tnvlnr Prater. Loveen May nhd Orocc

at the hdrse show June.47 and 'w»tt-w4sial«d"the matUr already had the at,port plans for the comlngi year; at thr inext meeting of the club Aprils.

'fntton.utj-UwipoJ)ca and the letter was!rtferred to him fnr' a'.'tlnn. Coniniln-11


Lions Club To HaveFather-Son Banquet

"Casey" Jones to Speak atDinner Tomorrow. Night in

earsBrooklynAttorneyFrederick Koptf Prjesents Illus-

trated LecturerjesenA at March

Meeting' of Organization.

: Taking.-his listeners "Behind theScenes of Crime," Frederick KopB,chief assistant .district attorney of

• Kings County. Brooklyn, told stories'otinurder more fiendish and gruesome,]than Xf.e tales of crime related by1

writers of popularv~detectiye and "mya-tery stories at the IBTBttWy meeting ofthe Trinity Men's Club Thursday night

- -*tiiro' was' attended' by' more than, 13Smembers and guests of the club.

Mr. Kopff came to Cranforfrat the"Tnvtattnn ul A- V. Dohrmaiw-Jules. ~ -

• The IJohs Club will. have a fatherind.sbn banquet al. 6 30 o'clock tomor-row ntght In the »Hiistrevor. "Casey"Jones of . Newark, no.teti- aviator' andWorld War pilot, wUl -be the guest

•••.oner Bep^s prt.tentcd. theChinf Heimew^y: Ahowinj; ~,\rests .and $251 (Irius collected.:

miisioiier McCullottKh re-tlie (.''nnplt'tlon of tlie new

one being frmm?d and

%T£ \ Taxpafers' AssociationNames New Directors

hung on the wall of. the meeting fo°™-.--. . TljrrrtrTrp

to. date with Township boundaries as jcorrected by- rpce.nt surveys. Mr. -Mc-Ctillough also reported the .completion jaf ..the. workr. of ..clcgnfog.,-r ciilvcrttyjstorm-sewerfir etc.. which he said are':

now I n excellent-shape to=tiiko carc;of.*

sldent of t h e New Jersey State HenI*. Mild last night at o n open meeting' the Cranford Pullcgn Club In* theasonlc Temple. Senator . Richards

ohlcularly urged that the pepple~oftie Qtate.. "stick to your own com-

immitr lmiik_ and you will rind thenk and bankef. worthy o f your con-

dence, It'I* the aim ot- tho nationalm'crnment and state legislature to get j!<• depositor out 100 per cent."The Senator also spake for a reduc-im of taxes lit the Btate, County anduMcttfijlily. He. cited the division olie- tax fjnitar-today of- which one-half

ustkl to_ Mippurt iu:hools and . one .uftrter- In highway construction andiknep. T h e rrmalnlng orte-fourth ti|in mliurllaiicoua fund, from-.whlch fe-ucltotis are being mu&v. Hucli rnlub-lon's •' should Do made In the. t*du-

and the constructions upprb-flatlons, although under our prenent

ali-ni of Htnln hmlaetlnn tills IS "

Be Elected FrGroup of Fifteen;Discuss New Projects. .i

rVA tla'tc of fifteen new 'directorsr- ----..-- . • . rthV Cranfurd TaKpiy?rs' Association,

almost any rains that may occur. He j pre»c<ued by L. ft. Allison, chalrmar

speaker.. More thsn fifty members andsons are expected to attend the aifair.which Is hi charge of Oeorge K." War-ner. Deputy: DlArtqt Governor Ernes'Peffer of Plainfleld is expected to be'jixuest at the^meetlng.

At the meeting of the dub FridayhlghC President Efeirl Dunfee appointeda nbminatinK committee, to report' anew slafe of officers at the first m'ectring In April. ° The corq'rruttee ls^ecfol-'.ows:-Oeorge Teller; chairman; CharlosSfeakeL George K;. Warner. Fred W.Lang and Elmer Hbughton. Present6fflcersTbf~lhe"j3ub*a«: tor. Dunfee,president; E. C. McMahon, vice-presi-dent; A. T. Baker, "secretary, and R. T.'Robinson, treasurer.

i!so called attention to dangerous con-ditions and fire.h*zard-at 517 centen-nial avenue. A letter was directed tobe 'sent the owner to n'medy-.s'uch con-

of thc\^ominattni{ committee, wctc un-anlmqusljr'.elMO^djat a rriccllhg of-theorganlzaubti_last night In the l'own-j t t X Th l lfcUrs will rnec'

g _jjilp ttoomsX The. tllrcfcUjrs will -rnec

^7 JaiTy. chairman of the entertainmenti- T 3otamilHe,":7preaded'^and -uitroduoed?r-'ItKe; speaker In the absence of the preal-

'. dent, W, W. BuckJey;' .-",- :. '.*.'• The assistant district attorney gave

In detail the story of Jwo murder c^seil a d l e d by his'office—cases In which

',-'-' the murdeters-wereCfouWIiut-JLnd

lord Theatre last weeju entertained" the''ilub FrldaxjUght with »: demonstrationof psychrc"f«torng.| The entertainment

tywasEdward. J. Kane. ' manager

Uie murtejyof the

• Walter C. Suydam of New Brunswick!district governor ot Lions Interhatiorial,will vvisit the (flub Friday night. March24. It has Been announced by club offl-,cers. An- Invitation ha* been extended

An* ordinance changing the jiames of'hree MreeU in thc: southerly .sectionol the Township was passed on firstrrad|ng and hearing set for 'March 28.Same is advertised elsewhere"'hi**!his. ls>•ue of trje Citizen and. Chronicle.

.Attorney1 Warslnskl was' Authorizedo.rcpresent the Township, afthe PUb-.

He:-Utilities' Commission-.hearing at'Jew-ark March 30 In the matter of ac-tion to compel.' the Platnneld-UnlonWater Company to do away with the*'.en jrer cent sucharge.on water" bills

Building. Inspector.- Hleelc $ubmlttedwo applications for building permits

;dwellngs) which' were approved' andone cement block * licence application


i«rmisslim to' palrif street, numbers 00the curb In fnmV^f- each . house, tor

fii- would tak» the chance of-col

made to pay-with their lives the penal-:.Hj for their'crimes.;* Picture* taken br

"tnTTjrosecutibn to effeei-conviction In.. the two cases were shown In connection

WUMhe talk. . . • , . ' . <' . Mr. Kopff bad an active part in the

: / prosecution of the five kidnappers ofErnest SchoentHT. lUis Ernie Smith, a

, • - . H e i r Jersey bootlegger, who were con-—x—vlcted-Thursday In Kings County-. "..Coiatiuld »;ho were sentenced to Krmn,;J , In S h e Sing prison. • . •

.i, Al BlTinger* ent£rtalneil*before and^-i.:;:_."»iter'thejectti» •*(£ popular-piano -;ii^_L_ l-ecti^"'. flefiit»nBienl«''*fere: "<*~«.. tte committee In charge.' .*

lo Lions tjliib members In theand Kenllworth and Oarwood to attend!the dinner andnor'i message;

k c g p»y by' voluntary contributionon:th(L part othousehotdirs'.. .If irrant-

i^dvpermtsslon he ssid he would'get his(!<lip!from the uneniplojid labor list.He was^old^that the matter wbuld begiven publicity , and such permissionprobably grantedjat th« next-meeilngof the Committee unless serious objec-tion should be made to the plan. Nonumbers could be "provided-.> where no

The balcony some from—Borneo andJuJirt- was presented by SB» vErthejHagerstrtun and>Ilat Ana Peck at a re-cent meeting-0( the l"oolllght Club.Casting two girls. In the rates was anexperiment whleh proved very inter-esUng. Following the scene, there wasa abort talk on "Puty Making" and anoped dlseufSlon of the suBJect. AllenWnUaej will'be host at. the next meet-

"McCuilough wasConunlUeemarihaJrmsn pro ttm in the absence ol

Mayor Lutz.

At a bazaar andx»Ice sale recently'»!the Cranford Trust Comspny, the SAAthletic Club of'ROosevelt School Teal'lied *li,7l. Th* club will use tn<money for their atiriuU! trip. Membersof the «rouj> ijaW extended, their ap-preclatiod to the patrons knd to theCrM»fi^-Tnist-ieoinpajif-forr<be2»ue»cess of tbe.taie. •'.'. -'- - -

It^iii the nex\fcw day i antl electifBcers, according W P. It. jEun.deJtri

was named tcmporHry t.'halrrtian'of.ssoclatlon until .thv^new ^ojiicers areilcctcd. V

"JTie " new •'• dlrectora^arV: .John MeJ. A,

Knowles,- Mrs. Winifred C. "(See, Mrs:. O.. Albury. George Saucr.vF, R, Zun

del. p. 'H,"Brown, J. 1L Rath,ilreylogle, Stuift DufnetdTS. It. JolW. It D'Arcy. I . Bv Hazurd and E.Sweeney. : ' '\ '

Temporary Chairman .Zundel io'j!charge of thr meeting afler the "STcc,lon and. called for, an 9pen dltcUMloion projects which tlii; Taxpayers' Associatlon- could sponsor this year. Bev

ihcTudihg th«"checi3ni**up oficnlly-compleWd street* with, the pur

f h l th t t iy

pooe "of - the contractors repairurfcel* wlilt'li liave nut. come up to tigSpecifications of the contrict. Vhe ansociatlon proposes to list the locationot such bad' itreeta and,present- lhe.mto the Township Committee for action.The group also may take action' en1

doming the TownsUp Committee' Iitheir "efforts to get lower-water ratesAmong the members to speak duringtheVforubi were Leon Scully, C. H.Mahchoh, J..R. C. "Hlnti, ^. E. Blakcs-leer~OoJtirey- Ilaai~and """»"»•L n


Secretary E. J. Sweeney presented thannual the opening o{ thmeeting, which was presided ovcr.-.b:President William B.'Bragdon.Trea»'uwr L. B. Allison gave the financial r,port of "the association whlctr s*ho"*nthat a balance of M^93 Is now.on hand,F. R. Zundel Is the r«tlrlngJ(ce-pr«sl'dent, of tbe organization. — - •

^^Tbe^nexMiieeVac^rlll-beUield-Weinesdajr night, April 12.

Sectional GhampionshipBlue and Gold Squ»d to Meet Fort Lee in State Semi-Final*

•t Rutgcrt Gym Friday — Large Delegation -to Accompany Team •

HiAndrew (1. OlufAoti>iit|iaiiiifl tiv a l.iri;c ilrlrKntitni

f h C '|

lioostcrs frmn other partshis \()M *'roitp -J Sit'tHii


( local fans anil severalt C'moii I'niinty, l'<uch J. S.'Wi'i'klcy.amillaskctltall t.'lt,ini|>itms tutnnrrnw aftcriKMiii

KV1" ;" ^ V w H"i'i»wii'k, when1, at _' n'chick, tliecr

tlicl l luc atul t.'»oKi tftttntct will clash with I'Utt KIT'S Imskct Hiii|)CM

i t l j b l k l li i t . t l i r>.ctiii l• If vlclotloua over FWrl

timttiamtiii.; Crnnford'ji' tt^tm will inret the winner of



If vlclotloua over FWrl Ijt*; Crthe.Keyport-Oloucwti'r-riAHntJ-which tnkrn place nt 3 o'clock Friday, for th>fttate championship. -Tlir Clr<nip.? tijml will }M* Rtagetl at 4 o'clock Saturday

n . ; -. > - • - . • . . - . . — .' ' 1 . . . . . ; , . . . . . ' . .,The local players uoti (heir way to the tteml-flnal contest by ovei-

comltxd Roaelle Ihu-k. S3 to'1$. and CHldwell, 24 to 31. In two great tourneygames:over.: Uie.weeK-fnd.^/nip yirtortrit vxtpitded the teaiu'a winning alreakto twenty cnnsmitlvti Uluniiilu. j[ly dowhlnii Coid.weli In Mcmdny.i Uirlller.the Blue and Gold cagers won the wi-tluna! champliMishlp In CJrqvij) 3 for the«ecqnd year In succession. .

Charlif dntnthi.frad thr Inrnl nulnlrt to victory In botti 'eontesls. H«^dominated the play agaliMi llfo Parkrrs TliurMay ninhl when hc'.arored olayenixitnls. and on Mniuta.f til lit l<-;nl a rally lhat bruimht his tcuhi a victory CfMirU >Mdu^M«d:v^t^t^al Um:^M.t:.^,J|»A,4nUW-•••:'—Crun/onl l>owm eiMwoU^--'A-r-p -.-'.•,;...;. l>ua*r» HUtt ! « •

After trullliw 0 to 2 at tlie trut of the I Ilrrnkliig foose rjii Lllrst r|iiort*r. Craiifimi's.grrat ba- krt-1 Craiiford Ifuth Hcluml'ii imwerful bas-halt itunoutacnrnl ami unllMi«-il the I ketloll wi'iiaii (iwrraina lloselle Park,Jlrong. Calrlwoll iiuliillft to win Hie KC-!_*1-15. last TUUradny rtlghl* at Plaintlonul title for the MvonU rnnsecutlve j tvid in a uanio In which the Illua *ndyear at Ulooniflrld Monday ntjtht.—T1ir;<*hA(- winhw iiinfliliic was Impeded ~*Inal score was T*ranl<1rd 21. Caldv,fll |.Knatlv liytlic eujl^ M'WJt by the «t«ll-

1. l l i e huire crowd til tana which, um ladj/is of Couch llerm Hlmw't pro-liaeked the large HlcMiintlfId (i)in u> iii :i triTi /Uaillng, H-r,l iiolnu liilo'Oie—patlty. were on their f« t jylllng-. IIISL ijiiaiu r, co juh Wwkley's buket-tliroughout th* fiitlrr game and atfrrn/llnlMird. like! mil champions by..iany »V1M(e.'*.co.U^r.|.fly...dTO*nei!_Jj.Mli.l?H':i!K.t'.li nine. imlnU, whlUi holdlngtlM,Tui-pfhctals' wiitsiiej by their thun-jl/irki'r'n iii-a Innn? of.foul slioui.ift'Wus apliiadie1 and clierts. K l i r t l w iHr.Luiiiiiurv-unine Carleret,.Charlie once mure {troved his valur'j l!)*l'j HluU> Chiuii|>loiut; IOAI a unc-sldrdiy amauliiK U n point*-to lead every-1 lyimi' tii; Houiiil lliixik, "iPI3. Ifowlo- ne in scortfitf as well at tlimilnatiiui llollunnun's ladii hMd thu up|icr * hand,.fBc>ntlre second half' with lite"%liiss>- liiioiwliout mill arurad IUI they piratedtlonal flour play. ll« tallied all of lil« !•> .llniliuit<- Uie lli;i*l tltle-holilert. Oar-ItoInU In Uwiast two <|iiarter*a and was tci*t ditruUil Cranford In the ucml-'••the hortbonr of the great rally staged lintel round of the liiurney at Anburytiy. Cokrl) Wwkleys prolrgrs. "Ace" Miller was Caldwull*ttanding star- with a total, of

I'uik. la>t yenr. rmlliuj tlie IMue andfIjilil».llUilur and Uwlr


-Untifnnlbln —Uflnator—HIiihHfd*Kjlntod out that tho Htate. oliould havr

T?<J1I)U:—Jotmny Coptland, tliukr C»ld-well guard, sparkkdon thi Itefens*,many tlmet brtsklnc up almost certainCranford scores,— Corky Ullsi,.Ca]d-*eH's great center, was pretty wellhackled by Urorge Hoslch. but he did.

tliuh enough to figure. In nuxil iH thecoring .^done . by Coach. UruinbaugU't

buys. . . - . T~Captain Ocurge Itnolrh returned t'>

his old-time .form to i«-ad -hln rnatrn itiito jiielrjuil'rnale vidKiry m UHWit:lx iMlntt ti> r'.'fturnjp htt Kurihit ntreaXlnokfin" In Thurifwy night's tivinle^ w tblUir.elk l"ark;, Vliinie OrUnea and Jlm-uiy l*kar(»/were up u* Ciielr iinuai HlKtiitandapr 'of play and Clir^-r's flnr.cuiifrtfiw In the s«<j|id half helped mn'Urfally In the final outcome.. -

•^'iBhllilone iiptned -up for Caldwellinrgioiiii itliol and- roimny-t><n»e4«tHl4

o ma'camprchenstve. budget U>at would

liable the'-legislature and,tfie, governori have control .over., the various.cotn-ilwilons.. This-would enable funds-fia. transferred trfttn'a part, of the«(jv-nment thatJiBS a surplus to oho withdeficit, I<Hlo-thhi BppTrJprTallon bills

.hould bemude In tho legislature. -Thin,3 lj)/accordance with the Princetoniurvey. which the l.cgUlaturR Is nowiniildeflng..Qnu hundred members and., f d

ttended the meeting last which' presided over by Mrs. Prank N

inrolc, president of the club. Mrs.Walter S. Qee,' chairman of tIMnture committee, wi) In charge of the

i e e t l n g . : . • ' • • • .

q gwinning streak, simultaneously. \

OrljPUia w>vg a great ««hlb<-tlon ol all-afound play to le«(J Cran-ford. to . victory. Tln» afttr time,Charlie's b»n*el» turned, the tldB.lnJt-.vor of the local combination, IK wai

!jill_pyer Ilw floor and corulnUmUy har-rlrd the Parkers In their doincrsln at-tcmrrU to "lrrere> the hall" In theirown territory. Incidentally Charlies• linpri-rwlnl. total was. ttwr-h^lwst In-dividual' M-OIIIIV! udiii'Vt-mellt of l l f

1thn most Important .fcaturn. .

• if (iHijitrfeut'.ur ll»illo*<tlle Park; Miuad jwut'tlin iiritiri-Hnahllll/ of Uw Ctan/ordMtic dejiuiw.' No oner did Uin PtrkerttH'hi'lrate the .Ktonowall front put uphv. <7rniifori|'ii five-man formationTwo of Ituselle' I'tirk'o field iionis wereM.oied on ioim HIMIUI and thn. oilier two-&rtr Wf i uruVth-wiierr tlie man .got—out—

diisky o«r, followed up with. MiM>thrTinld-court hr.avc which nwaahed Uir

"Ace" Miller added a f i r 'from action InCorky lillM dr

»iMt ihii

nulck »ucc«MliinnKd lit auutlictJo«Ar(l-.d*ilc for

In fn/nl-u'i tlrlobic alieud nr restmore. .

Captain Oporgn Itonu;h, who wwTnof 'tn»-i*r >iif| tijttiHi form, was lield score- -!u>> Jor Uiu.Ilrst time in hit liul Ullrty-«veil ititmriT'iiiHf tin' • iwcond' lime in

<• iniAt two M'anODs: Incidentally itiS"lfweilrl'ar1(_ which lield him score- •-

both Utm-A. Il'iwrver/Oeorgfl.con-

p.'Jraiifor'd as llwy were oil trw;Wrong•iiil of aTMTscoreT"~..~" •'•—"•-.""" '=:'

Jimmy Plcaro opened Uw! wx»rlrui foj ' . .tlie Blue and Uuld wltii a foul Uiot anu'j nibutrd Ills bit Niwordo Uin victory by

i ( k Uw I l l l i r ' ^ l l hhlItoslch dupllcatctl hit l o t lo make llw•'jore 0-2 as. the '.first, .fiiitrter ended

Kv Stariert replaced Miller1 for Calit-i ttart the second M*tAlon unu un-hellto start th c

,-ilMfly stepped Into Hie llmelU(ht by

'.-^ A. UniU to HearDr. Albert B. Meredith

Xa meeting of thf executlvu btiordt Cranford High School -P,-T,-*AJ

Monday ott^rooon announcement wsisjmade O0he open meeting of all P.-T.A. units piday.evening, March M (nLincoln School at wlilch time Dr. Al-S e i ^ f e e ^ t m ^ u ^ipnak; Dr. Meredith is connected *Wi

York University and also with jUie-Jemy- Btaie tducatlpnaf depart-

l g

from the tide of, Che court to make tliescore 11-2,' . . -••; ' ."':r ' |

Urlnies fllpwd )n Cranlr/rd's rlrnt |ana George- R/jaicK couuU'd

Ilipplliir'r^vral aixurale inues whhliwcded score/!.

-''ltos*«ll« Park opened auspiciously by';orlnK In tl)e first fow fiecondt of play.

Jiimny I'lcaro got lliu lap> over Cliarlleshot).Hrowii. but Wtyckolf^ the leather

-_ir!urni,"the flooV U> n}uke tlie w: >rei • ad 11-8 as IHr gull Miunded for the'lid of'tJie flrtl half. . . . •

Coming-out to>Urt therthlrd riuar-;ir, Cranford was itn enti'rely different-^sift-«nd immediately began .to-whit-tie, away- their opponent's'slim .lead,

id on a foul.and then pats-e(\ to Plcaio f'Jr a field goal a f«w c.-c-'tiila JateV to tie the score al' 11-all

mid paJiMd U> Mike Wajclo. under' Uie'Ijiukrt fur Uie first field Koal of the ev-iilng.<m the "next tap Rowlle Park again

riilfcred llie ball. Cranfprd al'oncedroiiplrw bock Into their none detente. -Meanwhile, Vancio and Klemtng, °Ro-vikifarlc HWilfli, ~retreated- Into-thelr:

i>rrltory aii*i brvfan to kill time by<(ng back aiW^forth,.._'.

Uie situation became, rather'

rhent. He has had n wide..and varied^expi-rltnce In th'eJlcld ol educiuon andhis suUjMt: "Trie'' Present Situation."should be of interest U^Sveryone. "

Airs. C. C. Van Nuys, president of thegroup, announced the unit would con-tinue to raise funds for the scholar-,ship by means ot small bridge pVrtle*

L h i M V H

Orlfnths opened up his brilliant i*r-i i oy - drW>bliDg .. through, the

defense to sf >rc 'under shot lor TEethe name.

Charlie Idnt by lotting in a tojilsriot. Itoslch

p yat rnjUlPWiiLhuracsi ..Mrs. _Van Huy»Will be hostess at tbe next party Tues-day afternoon, at her home WI Wai tutavenue, Preceding the~gan»i7"JuhcK^eon will be served-at 1 o'clock. "Mri.8 II. Baker, of Dtnman.road arid Mr*Eldon Monroe of Brn.street will aasUtthe hosteu and they ihave announcedthat all members and their frtendcliave be«i-lnvlt«d. Oames- other UrsJi

»bued another point 6a a Iro« thot tOjiilm and thenniakif the K»r«'-I5-Il;: ! . . . . - • ' -

Caldweil called tune out t o Uik thematttr over.- During the brief Inter-

died suddenly- and' CaldwelVi suddenburst netted four potnU. on goals by

d g o I f c A p y ;Several of the rnembers of the group the gun boomed fur the end

comical an the Hlue and Gold platerst i l down and watched Vanclo andFleming as they had their own private

II'XIUI of the Npwtators until- RefereeWalter Oardcll .halted play lo explainthe rUle covering the tlw»tion. . . .

lie explained ttiat.the.piayi;r In pot-i~pt U»e-l?ail—waft-Joot. forced to * •^-advance the ball unicts one of

ihe opposition was within one yard of


not make shy at-or dribble, a Jump-ball

irtld b! c j i d . ...After pTay'Jiaa been resumed. Chjarlle

making so much noise that the omisamer had to thoot-hli gun over andjthe Park forward miover again to attract "Che atteniionof'trea* his Uum's lea

OilfDUj optmd the closing W«1MI'wlUt-i Old r-al and Jimmy ficaro in-

attended a meetlriii Tuesday afternoon | creased the lead to lour polnu wuh an-In .Thomas Jefferson' High HthoolTraher basket MjU*r bisughl CaldwellEUzabrth, wher«-Dr^Mort^wtll-known I back lnto_UK Ume.wUh » goai.fromeducator, spoke. - ' ' (Continued em tut payej

private Uttle tefcia-.teclo. and Klemlngr 'At^ooce acUon was

|-resuhieoVbut"the-fine--wbrk,-<rf-tne-6ranli'ford defense stopped-the opponents'scoring sttertrpt* dead. ' - -.. •

Rosich fouled Wajclo in a melee and'isde good to ln-

,..., . ,r . .^^,..- .J«d to 3-0. -Once.'more USi stallng,,oonUn'ue4 and again .arifntlu went out to break It up. ThisU.TW Hoslch w,ent In'Ux> and took theHall away from Fleming and passed to "Orlme* for Granford'V fTrst basket. '

Tl«!rccl^4t^*LBllit!.juid_aoliiLch«B*t__J^.>*• (Continued on Uutpagt/ '

Page 2: FromHighWater Rates Sectional Ghampionship · 2015. 2. 14. · ford: publicity. Mrs. Long . Miss Dreher. Miss Aglae ' Gates—of—Cranford, * v~ Kuentsler and Miss Lain?. - These


Be Mr. Roosevelt's RetreatThe HouseholdBy LYD1A.LF* BARON CAUCER

n<!iThl* In ihetraivjuJI white »v»f*inlJil clu1<ti(.tut« on oi>e of Ifi**JIn the Ch«*MkfM»akit whw**, »«-r»'r(Iirijr to i-rtmilpprtt >J (try land Ifrmrat, YYouktin !>. Il/vwrrlt will, tlmi r#-»t from th* c&rr* t>{ *tat* tlnrliiff the neJff MU{yean, H« tn on*? of* stout f<»rp-Ht'e>u(staf)<Jltig DvirmTats who areof ttt* JelTrn6n UlafHJi ridb. ^

Chain Sale-SchemeUnder Eye of U. S.

-Using Sy«lem.

- Nrw Tork,—Endles* ctuln. »enterprises, operating from thla Hly,have spread from Broadway lo Main(tract MM! «r» keeping pMtat author-HIM bttiy. So f*r there baa b*«i ontoeUloo on tbelr legality, but II wanlearned that lh» fovtrnmrnt It Inven-Ugatlnf all chain acheroe« operatingthrough th» malla which hate betacalled to Hi altentloa '

Tbtr* are i t lean 100 letr- thaln MtUnt KbfiuM Iwlnii

from N*w york rttjr nffirea,. acwrdlngU Information froS tli« .v.ili.nal nrf.Iff Dualncaa bnre«n. Home are ronau£t*d bj honeot. t>u«lnr« mrn. otli-«r» ]>/ fly-py-nlght conrerna, and a fewar» nothing tasilhao-. rackets. .

Fountain p « l , hosiery. itorkMh-mkii,totr - balla, kitchen gadgets, . tiiorfel*daa,;fMd topplli-a. Jewelry, walrhes.-Bwa'a while flannel trousers. *n.l evenn i l MUM tare been aet fwrttias Hie

' t H d U u M -•wakeolwi Ann-rim'' «nJlamrln« Uie return of tn iw data. -

011b promoter* hire d«-m<>n«tniied•BlUiematleally haw the nllilh «te|> Int b e t b s l n nellinc acheine Kill m l ev-ery participant a omimliMlxii of IH>.801.2!\ wllh the firlKlriul u l r i>f onlyfour pieces of Inerohalidlw. What willtiappen when r v n j i . w lm« hniu-hl awallet or a' pair »f t-x'kii tun l-ernignored by Ihe prtiliiolrr*.

W'Uuen's lt/-|il<-e rliilm in Wr-M<;hi-sttr and on I < na; Mflnd lw|n* I •*» nwording for the i-luilji MI-IUT* ' ri-arl iable orj.aulrnflt»n« h n w |t irtl i l|».ili-dIf! Ihe wirlou* "mnke H liilMli'fiItt'heniea, and the lrh'|''hi>nt« In DieJ l t t t t r llti^Jnt>*H ItOnnti I fh H I I U M I Iami Inaif, luivp l»t-i-n rlri^ti.L' » t i h ITT4|Mhtrer t t i n t rtiluc lik>ui!>i«i iff litl l l ff irint—m In tP4.» ir.i H I — r i -

(nmntaluta btJt ..we havb iited Diwd'niwllb Inqtilrira. 1* j t nut; « ' \ new

nla'-"nf"lp wiTf impulnr In It'll'.

$V«. have, nut fH wvn yrlM'rf* we canmake a romplalnt neulmt ihe planaa'g whole." : • - , _ • _ _

C. "II. Claraban," (Nfitlnl liiH[HHi('r Inchttrse v< the Krir Viirk ofllcv*' unljlln»MllKalli.n of rmllpaa cliuln ai'lllnciVKaitlKflUuDa waa a ItiriK ilrnwtmnl

, jo'. lie |M>ltlf«Mi out Unit • tftrb-rnn-tm ha<rtt*~bfT~tnT(>Ktli.'iit<>il imllvlilti-allr, rlrrn a public bi'iirliig. iIn-qilffill; Ihe .raw"iuiii"f« IM- nirrlml'thniuglr (be ciJiirta. '

llere'a Ixtw It npemtrx: 'I'bo ptir-llcliMiit bura IIn iirll.lp lur fJM nnil10 ccnta In >tiiiupa ami ll/i'n aijlla fmirarflrh'a ai (tin MiiiMrprlrt*. iutili.ini: aroiiMiilf>f)l<in ot IMTi nn. thf futirtbaale. "-.Thwi-BTlj-i1 the-ncpintilbVr nrllili'a, mnlilnir ».'!.73. lll»<*n*t(iriMT» ai-ll iliri-i1 fiirli midInn I |inrllrl|,anl k-iH J.-U7" l'n

anil lbi> otbpra nri* rvmly lo.HltiriIli.-lr iiri.m nlnirlnf. l l j tliv nlnlli Hopthe total nitiimlnnloitM niiHHint t« nnirt»than tUMmti If the clralu ri'iiiiiliin uu-brokan.'•- • • . '

If 8 curious thing.TTiere, ti about II a flflghtlj r.'lijflcu*trend,, as l^jmurtiow Providence orFar* hHiJ'jfo ordered vrenta that thpy

about UII» flat*? of affairs (tie bHtfr,aa it could not be Chang**!, Or, lf>n«niuit fol|< about them, that It tiiynUibe with an alr-of deternilntij accept-ance, without resentment. A fortitudeta Implied which OIK? .con«riou»ly or

__« to h* "laudable.•Tp^eudurw without vonipMnt In mnff-tianlmoiis. This make* the quiwtlonarlHP, nb.>u|ij one endure passive

**.t> OTIH d*'flriftlon of reNlsfHill'tii. ft in awtmhat there .„!• nothing which con

done about whatever th# thine I", overuhlch one la' reirli?n<Ml. • Huih an nttltide may; bo mwc lariucw father thnni'praiseworthy condition.;- Jf there 1

any wnj ft rmike jninuexa Improve, orto build something IS'HHI on whiit njwari to be H trr>!itil<ttia foundntJoIlifd an* ahuuld be Mlrred Into art Illy. Then tlivre \*.a call to con.jurr-or to pntgnti* ond whut ont* blindly^Miimtrft to be a riiuHi* far rertgmytUm,inftj |»i* a B.un(i.iRtl-»n to uet or a.^uiii-nioh*\to, go forwiird. :-•

y / \Arl i*e Hri Ignition.-*-• A cdia' rrt.: point comos to mindwhcrPfH InvHtNduiichTcr dlnd of con-Kumtiliou," Tlii> h>irttvc<i pnrcntH feltft tiiV'li* du(/ to 'li^V^MEn^il, And tortrci'iil thla vorrotr wlt)i<njt rutnpliilnthn'd with pnNnlv« fortUtjiTpl^Thcy »»i*XIirntsiN].ithi>iiiKc.lvra.t«'-A" frtj'nd #if

Bee Parley Endsin Buzx and Sting

Ilolae, Idnbo.—Nrarpanh* reaultedc'wbeo a swarm of .beea. acrfdenbilly aet free In a lloiae hutel.atunj; 'everyone from tbelr owner.Mm. (I. II. kwk. to wverul statelegislature, , ; , , ! . , . . .. Tbe 8ccld<*ht-^if^u^bt a stlnylnnclloinx* to the ^Tluney Prtxiucers

rentlnn when a bellboy knfjirkjpdthe cnge to "the dimr,-' freeing thebi.>es. They swirled nut, stingingthe bellboy until he wus forced to

ee.. 11 rj. Keck waa their next rlrtlm, ". • .. v - - . .

lien . they*, made, tut th'e openhotel lobby wber^ U>Klalators were

illiij;. Cltnlrs were overturnedfind general chuos reigned for oear-ly nn houK .

Finally. It. W. Chlldi, JiiileJ man-*axt*r,- le'adlnff. a aiiuudron of em*ployppa artiiod a-ltb lly swattera.ilrove. the heps liito-anotber"'cag& J

and wn« inttTullj' ffnrlPHs Iff Iothvn to clwir thinking. Whfii they"

art* of klnilnpaa, or a gentler tnetbodof BccotniitlxliInK homo management.It muy be Ihflt enaurarice'Jof.annoyingnmtprlnl Ibliii:* can be relieved oratoplted by actlvoly dolnj; soinethlngnbout ilipin. It mny tie that cointnU'lilty wor^. call relieve one'H. own'SJldIntroupwtloiis or rpcollcctlona and attbtr Maine time Hid' others to ini[»roredliving conilltlonn ^ d to happier exist*PINT*. The rpHlgiiutlo.n which la' tazl<nea> of mlml or body 'ciin In Ihe ol-chemjr of rlKbtnctlvUy.beLtransfnrroedInto lieiivflm. • '•. " . .'* .' ' •

0.1111. llt.1l Bynaic&t*.—IV.NU S«/vlcfl.. L

Odd Request PhonedFrom France to UrS.

be v tin? atrtingrst • request" erer' 'modeof..aiiV.lnduatrlal..ortunlzaliou ..cauje-

In Black and White Here's What as to the New Blouses' . By CBERIE N1CH0US

['resentlnf; a'.c)ilffon dress orocadedn velvet, with a blncit velvet, borderedipmllne, Tbe gown* Is of black and:hlte. •:


qiinor,. ITB .wojnnnwaa informed hyJiii!«e'_Frank~~%t jffyoo tjijt «h« con).I•*r^~^TnOoT3i»Il1- for »l3T months $:>4>6. lie Uflniittnl th»t the seti-tt>ncu itilRht he .flghtehed If she re-cJt«Hl th.e !.,ord'« Prayer.

ft In

"flthnr hurt'ipi t.tid t<> t.fT.r

ml or. tiitt, but tti:il Ih.f' iiat(

thP »i (aimii 1Ii» I • Id r It i-Mm-r* i r prwm (if SW York rlly. with i»fll. i-«at I'Mhllnimknr, Un* founJ it •ilifUcull lu ilniw Di. hue

Plenty of Inquiries.

rtie priiyer, after whichBenttmwil to 3<> (iiys |D ja


Wins American Cup



cm 10 THflffB(Wt

1(1 IPJf •'wr.r t>. n'">ti"t''1 - r ° * i'"""i iu.\f-rtln-jfH<i was ilr^ifiinti

I. NTH- hillIL^-.IIn( 'Hhuilli



U«ir«r*it)r of Illinoii.

tier, 'while oili«*r» nr*> <i.t) 11 f K<t'rn!ltt« AIIII.)

To Be Einstein9* Aid

pp. I Mllliin iUII thut. "ThN'rtc —who -; [inly•ilainl. ninj • wult,np |tn»fcr uctlui

wlu-ti wnltliiit*> lit? ll

• n i l

in* tilt*> lit? l l m

tat«'d Mr turn toIM-nnll lord

i i r von*1. .'(•Tit' I K ' - l u t d i t t irbinl "lin

•irV«'h'.n# a^lwfy In* enft t i lm

IM Miit U

^l i in i l iT- l i e WHK nlvvn.vs n

i nhutet-er h is litih-KlinuUMii>*Mlfi«Kt»* In. ) W (r | ,0

I Ihe fn<;t-n.ttu>r*» wu« iuu P

r ^iii:;'...|h- wan n .»(.«-.,nn/l«;t'r(.,n i l^pis .^ niid"nlm,"iit'i**'T nice lirKnirfiitiAl when"a* a ,l*iiy, . . .rjT \* t-Jrl jn ttm ndiulralili"by Aiulrv MimriKv ihsit wjirn

lift- Mi>.m hi- rrsiRi-Pd? I« Ufrrt' nothing ymiam UoJ"- Tit** inmtrnlnjp ronplcf bo^iuilo tlilhh' lirtiTipsuthi'r tluin i>f ,uct|Ul-i-t-c.'nt siihuUjtjili.u.' " •. . '- ' fhpy-d«^lt~i . ) iri iu i I'liuHt'ti "ujf the

•(jriitlTvf'ihHr dniiKhrvr with tho idea

i*fiinikUij; their lives uiuro cuiilfort--nhU». 'nil.1 outontne of this wna II wt'U-Hiuli'intj ItoNpltnl wherb [uitletits wori*

JU4J only-: imul^ inortf~ot>iitfttrtahle • tmt\vrn> ciiml. Tho. work bruHKht rolh'fJo ttit'NO {-areiyid ftijd a di'vp joy |u therenllf«iLutj'.thi*i -their <ilitURh.tctjynM rt*-liiKlHleti' with, lt*'thnt without her this|tiirtli'Uln> ri?n>*f -.wtirkf, would novt-rhave I w n dmif.1 , ' . ! .

Tr«*ttt)tv AlrhrniT ' ;

TlH't"**" 1? op houst'hoM In which no-

,iuui.t/t>e clm'tifiiMl '."liiuV • t-etlerrtieni;,-*It U1^/- oo that tho tiouit! .iitti.itsq.hiMVr-"• r inHiK'-sweot.T bj'-w'tuu'l'lttl*?

Is from Miiftfellles, Krauc .Tho r»H]u-?Ht niine frurn llownrd X

Itury.-litiHliH'srf inanitgi'r of tho llujft'ii-t'lvk-W^Hucto circui, to 1'nol ltyon, ad'

•rcrtlaluE iiiaunser of the-#hell--r<:tro-• leunL.eoritorutJou. —'-'• - - ' - - -1

. The circus limn '-'nskwl (or asslft-nnce tn Kcltljin.20 .iiiTnml tuitLyes outof Ihe Ititlli'in intHHitiilus !•. " ;,

I),t> Is K'nviuf! for India 1 mutedlatt-Iyanil HHko.l [h;it let I ITS of IntrmlUctlonbe sent Shell rej^r^entuUveVMn_J^iU

"ciuta and TtniiKoon that would helphim obtain co-operation-from govern-juetit otlU-lnU In taking the natives outof the country . • ' . ' , •

Knowing Lord'* PrayerResult* in Cut in Fine

in \ IRIIV Nev—Ability to recitethe l o r d s I'niier In tourt »aved Mr*.

•N llfliiltr n ill\nm*e, lola of dnj,»

Vpi'tnrlii), for aiuttncc OD • clurgv

uHiftl Noil, twent) >earojLlJ-n-*!W-!s(junsli~Pn"c^iniil"~cliHniplon, holding tba( nittj ^tutt^ tup nblih she nnn by

ta[lni; lur rotinlr)nuumn C'lot'lyFenwkk. In ihv Html ronmt of theAmerlriin women's' chiiuiplonshjps tttthe Minon Crltkct club

X ULOUSB'wItb thin aujt ant) a- " - b l o u s e with:: Hint" sjjlC a" blouw

for! tills occasion and u -bfoune for itmufiiua an extm blouae^or two for goodo,fusure—your silrlns and summeiclothes budi;eCwUI have to be ptnnnedlual.llke tl'Ul If you nsplre to (trcsa upto the iiilnutc. When one realizes thtreinepflotia-lmportfinpe' wiilcb^fnahlobutiticbes fci^lhe aiIH~(ellher Incketcope type) It Is enay to discover, tbewhyfor nnd the wlierefor of the gen-erous allowance which must be madethjs Reason for a whole wardrobe ofblOIIM'S. _

This cbullenge, which the Impendingvotfue •of-^the—tnllorejl' suit Illnga tothose wbo must crente-ihe perfedconi-plement In the way or the blouse, labelnj: played up'to with, such drnuintlcecature It would iceiii tbnt there Isuolhlng left to wish for. In color, fabrlc, style or novelty of the myriads ofnnle l s whlcb go to mute up current

\ j h e r e It •veirililng'ln the renlm~ofthe blmlse to Intrigue the fnncy. ranitIng _f/otn dflhuiest lingerie or iilti^afonnnl dKluxe ty|ies. of "spurtsleHt'"knitted sorts^not to forget to mentionthe llnslitlauli^.; scurf blouee whichmakes eten the ntimhlest tiillored suittake on swank Its riot of lilth .colorand bold design offers almost excellentantidote for thut innltidy,^depression,"some of us have been henrihg- about.

And tbe new cheeked, bayndere-striped or'plaldt'd taffeth'tilouaes^ptcourse every" fiiHlilon-wlse woninn wliKmake n'crantl rush for one surh at thevery. Start of ;the season. What an airof smartness Ibey mid lo Ihe tnlloredspring, suit 1 To milltlply this degree

of tde Qlouwe .vlth a tnnvisailor, set'of course at • perky wangle,with banding and facing of theJfttD.tkartfllTeta check or (llnid, for fus-ion's latest move Is to match -file hat.up to the blouse* • : . — -

Luce, blouses, too,, scores of ttirra,.and how lovely they are, especlally.-Cliose of the very new and chic tintedcottBQ Inces. .

The blouses pictured are a represen:

tnttve group. The one to the left atthe top..Is made of one of-.fhose dnsh-Ins scarf. allk». which /are the talk '6* town. For a spring out tit fancy ennpicture, no nmre l.lejil « coaturoe thnothls^ navy caped two-piece wlrh its-dashing say blouse. -%>•-.

Below, the blouse on the Heated (IK-ure proclaims the Hair for shirring. In,tfiat The full sleeves are gathered'Iniothe armholo In this wny. The shoi>»are full of blouses on this order mndeeither of ereper-sntln or-taffeta. No

ardrobe Is complete without at leosrone of this type. * .*.'•

The blouse'on the standing figure i sof a brilliant-red print It cnrrlei n

rery Important message,, la. that ittells (us of the fniest style urstnre

iilch tops's Uchr skirt with a darker -blouse. The white kid T-stmp pumpswllb their rows of perforations strap ndd.Rlnmor to, wardrobe. The tittle swirls opred kid on the vamp and the~8ldematch the red of the blouse and the 0

v ' of. the band -on the white willorswanky Btrlped taffeta blouse

<*<i* ine croup,•B. l»S l Wntent Nawipaptr Dnlon.


"P«ad Man" in PrisonMllwauCev, Win. —- I'hllln Stnmrii,

fort>, deilart*t] ItgillU dtuil lire \u irsayo after ,.ho disappeared In 11)11's to Nerve two yeurs In prison.' i l l s

wife lio^fi'il that he be released toHlny with his fmnilr,' but the _courtechtrtHl:. "You got along without

htm for 11 .veuni * o l gui*H.H ant>tberyttira won't, make much, differ-

ence;1' w* •«

lijrr ' " i 1 | ! | i -il f I'sffHflt TiirT

John I - V»ndi"r»llt»; t«t-t:.'} t:ic- y « r - » ) d graduate- rtnlfn^ at I'tirve-

ten university Jpwti-m fall* t 0 b n. rof »ooti t>eln£ an a**ni iV t f I n>' \1bert KlmteJn. "Father of tin- thi-orrof nl i t lv l ty In ( .MiNr or thl« \mrIToft-«»->r Flnajicjn * II'nine |c> IT n< i>-ton to earry ou'h « b<itb^pnfrth in the nexv iln^tTamed atutly \andirrlii•tMtttlt li.-I'ruf <>k*aMl» to be an suu-rlate of

^inatU-al- r«-ii'e f«>r ad

nil! Jbe i%

p.ii\irtV riipiit hiig -.iniT it!u» rape ihnn TiU'foutn, hrt*i fttii^iiivt Uif"rii.)f.n*''i" hhil

III** f.'ilow'wlHv tri.-«l hU bf^i'tii kwfit> with hi* iiHire •.s"t|.l_ili',,(;Tiiiii»!ii!ion.

ti-i*. j»l KHt "Never, mllwl,". (•Hntt'H, JUJMI •.•iuvu£nKlii,;l.v, "J van .ntiit."

'It. tva* i'tie^f the JMr-Mtn cfmrncter>l«tli.-« "f hi* life iKnt >l)i»-(MiiM wniUftcliBracterWic'^Tiicit fpw inrn |u>.ifi(?s».W> «l.»n"t like n^-jifbc. '*

It jg.'...•.»!*''*•• •ofity -I'*-- mft fep- hrfrtf

Jh*y cannot iralt. • He iiever'UJiys ti C-1-!!

mon<*y only Into fun/^irlM1*" SS htchprftmi.M* gulfk-'ntjd^isi* vf*Hurii«.of.--hi* ln*i*tmp«t«,-- thpr^fotv,- hti<vcftii**-t' ttltf: lh<* rw-k\ 1{*V((MSI.' of ht»l^rk of Jrlit-oration and bKa'iic*) he-r»«ii.i not wait To ajtatn hi* eud» hr.ha* mad*? Uttlc or nn prOftiVjMt umrnft)the attainment of hi* flnanclal ambl*.W o n , • . . . ' . " ' : • • . • • . ' ' • •



l o ; . •••••• " ; :

-tvie ?gOrz/

Kor' your "tlrst^ hat chtxise one olthe shallow crowne<1_siUi?r» which

rn" t J b


The new prtnts are tiay^tyit not asbl7iarre:os last T-"", ' Tlir rtrllims art-

rne<1_siUi?r» whichI mo5t be worn" at Just tbe proper- anglej to I* approbated,. Tbe model, shown

at th t I['at the top is certainly a .'ctmvlnclngt arKUinent. tn favor of "tw». mode.-. It ,j denuinstrntes Hint the plaid rogue IsI even IntnJIni; the reulta. of millinery.' This hlftj Illlle jailor Is of dark green,

yellow and while jilnMed straw, withtwo colna-^utto'ns: hnldlns tbe .ends ofthe twisted trt-cnlor band. The. sr-ranirement of while pasted featherpadaat the'side-of the cn>w.n.and:orjthe bandeau makes the other cleversailor a d S t l n f l t v model for snring.i-nat Ii .is. of .the'straw^lpth famfljla also a point of Interest

a 1111 w....... v—„•••• r.t^. \—

more conservative and the -color twmblnatlons more subdued. The batWrnsara:generally smntler.-^—s-—^j—^- ?^'

Checks, plaids arid stripes are lend-' jeri".'. 1'oltadots 'are/atlll'. In, the- pic- >tlire, but In many the dots arVittereandv there. Instead of belnit lo a Betpattern, "Raindrop prints," onemight calX them,. :' v .

Many ot the new prints bnve de-signs executed In two nbadea of*acolor .'on a backjsriiund of anothersbnile of • the sauie, color—monotone :

prints.- Sometltnea there Is white Inthe Jeslgn. ^.Slany of Uie designs lookaa tnough/Uiey were sketched In -andgive ' r i s e to t h e ' n a m e of "pencil-prints." fn floral designs*' wnkb aregood, tbe patterns are eltliei small orconservatively' done.; .'.-••. , • ;•:.

Touch Up Daytime FrocksSagtea with bl£ tan and long

-atreaibera, tied in-front.' form a—new;oucb ion tln'tfme tlresses. i Like theLaDvin taodei from wlilcb tbe Ideacornea, tbe Sash la always in- ctimrasLflaunting very ga'yly a colored sosb dre^s,- especially .|>ine.

ilelon shades and the soft orange;one» called by' <undry naniea areplayed upj In-resort clotDea. _3?~lz

Buttba-on.topsQn-Dt'lue or Unen, for

ldresses.'cah"be:removetlanq launderedeasily, making a practical,. cruisefashion. . • * • • • - ' .

Lingerie Model*' Fea»uro- .;-K •- .. ' Lac* Matching the Silk^

Lingerie models fesiure-lacf'matcb-ing t i e slltL Pahtle* sn^ «"W9.a. ,f

hl tic«lartytnr« thla treatment r~,.,—.•»il_.>imf

tendencj durlDK He past tt» aeaafin*h i s been toward the dark laceai r*.ceutlj llnhltuliiit r'radiinlty """' BOWwe are seeing' quit* a Uttle <rhlte lac*oo white Ungerlfc , . ••[•.

Page 3: FromHighWater Rates Sectional Ghampionship · 2015. 2. 14. · ford: publicity. Mrs. Long . Miss Dreher. Miss Aglae ' Gates—of—Cranford, * v~ Kuentsler and Miss Lain?. - These

Some Early Paintersr i i n • , , : • .••• • ' • • • • : . • ^ ^ v _ » " ' • • " . • " • . I * - - -

Portrait of Geora* Catlin

from Orf/n« o n j/ketc* mj<fe «bout 1934


•A Crow Hunti

By ELMO SCOTT WATtON "eUUMtimoC\ef xzait* ' in—

pl<?»* ofof th*to reTiT» tS* . f««»*t ' iff lite peopleof

An Osoge Scalp Dance" by John Mix £tanh<i-IBVS


New Yorkers Donate WornRing* and Gold Teeth.

New Yor«.-Mrt, J. l«. Walker, prom-i Inent narlatitoner of Trlnltj church,! n e w envlilnnpd heraelf a* a Junk'

? nh« has turned oat -to h*, nmet. td til*/; ni*t gain of the ctiy's Idle thiuisnnjMC

_ j d-snided old c-pntWmiMi •nnTcUl'fnnsljrilmp|>cm gold fab* twtn . AMI*- wlttiold ttmhreltn ttml ciute htvmm1* « »t»hrobs, lixlKPplnn. sttrkptns/atiil tuff bintons Into tUc c«lli*ttln*i;|.la.p nt lrln)ty. adtUit); it. n o>^»lnnMy itmntflni.

>f oiM» sad ftul*.- wljiih Mrs,Walker b^irnii x^oiU'rilni:, ln«t "fall P*h'\r [Mimmnl/conirlbnttun to tho Job

. , M flr>< Mm. Witik.-r. wire »>f I>rj . II, AVaHii.-r. mitre.***! stii*.h iirtliltMl

l/hi'rairl*i*m!s. Sa^rtch -pp.*.*. thntrrfumn* fnun »ldy'1nirrftii drawi-m.iiiiwi-\i'r, (hat lyfnr.*. hmt; nh*» hml

ornmrtit na^y oihi?«\ had aildi'it mmi*»v j two (KHiu^t *>f u»ld'. to th*» nittfcmnl\ | rnsourt^s hint hud' turmM ovi r in thi*

. \ ! iii.n*nipioyi>i|. fund "nf th*' Kpl^niput|Y.hUri-lit<H, under ' IKi* icinIiTtiliip of

lSlithop i.tRicrt. nsnifttniit to |Mnl\<>pMitntnluff, mum' J.VMi. . .

.. \ , '- Qold shd 8liv«r.Soon, nil of Mr-, WiilL,i*r'» frli-tn,*

In tho (ititirch .WtmuMi's. h,l»KIIP iK'nnnrlillhK' ihV 'tMintnn i.rniu»r*' i>(VlUu»lrfrliMidti. &y\v tlw jwuinm bii»> t>nttihHslHtt -li.'iuli^ifti'ni nt tin* MliTtmiIIOIINI* find iliyr.*,- bt>|wi>cu' to nml 4

• for mo*t of bfir•boot the red uiaa_. wtUely untouched by rheSilences of th^'Whffrma^

Foremost ..jimoDif tii*Is that of "George Cat*

utk ufhlallf* and cuntiKtii* of t•iMlppI Wait. f'atlta i m

In 1T!J6 ami In* B(

. remainder which lire still firewrved In thu Sinltb-- N'nian art' jrahiw. nt not II-HH llinti SI.OOO.OOU,

UK, In an umltTviiKhilluii, <l..n-

• hB/bfeiran.prictiri-n^ im i^ i r -SnyHa . rvni. I**- :••Ink fond of/exciw_meac noil i t n a r a r . 3rt>.?oun^1

/ i t . difflcpU^to .stick ti> ft^ R^»i3rf*« lA^tpP ^e-jpoted armost o» much tiawf f-* VJI H " * * * ^ ' ^ - ' ' ! '

. drawing .ami. pa.intinz. la wi.CTii' !bie «•*• s*-]f-_ltaukhC, aa.;h*»:di'i;it)LjiJ-* f^ciri^aj *rf law. .

One day In !•<*• a party. fl'T I&5-4** *r«B. Ilie

u-hlcti. If anythwOtTlhs ihvlr linnnrtfinre; Oitlin ~-*Iteil -In—lS7i

. nt tl>** Hee^ff^vyiity-Hix.' "I'be M*jtti#- fait* (ivi-rtiioU of thnpainlUtK*

of aimtlKvr fainmii-iirtiBt, John Mix Stanley. K'ir•"the nuiue (Irt1 ..hij_l»»__StnlUit*'»iilori dcHtTtijiMl nilimt flrt*>f StHfll^y't! rollcctloei of-iuuru Uian 1 >

• paintint;H whirl. rtMtr^f'entrir 1't _*jnnr» nt worli'among 4.T tlinVrent trlbea on the HiinUiwt'Mii-frij«rnlrl*iB. In Svw. Mexico, ('nlirornln anil Ort-K'in.

Staijit-y WIIH lu>rn in CnnnilntRUii,' N. YIt In1S14 Hixl <lif(| In Itptroit tlio satno yt'iir tlifit niiw "

which uow baiiK In the n»v«*rm»-a'it uiti*fo'rnirrly ln« ro.v'nl pnhm*. In Honolulu.

l.etttriiiliK I') Mini riiUhliy 111 lfiill

«U with the Great White'Fatft:*y ,"m .'•topped oreif In- P&teuieTpUijL ««;ia.

•oh tne-atreeta an* Jii» i^-fcatiirf.fin* forms'ainl noole^>*3tfa4f£&a; 8ie

* tP !&*• up hU. Uwi'IlracEk '. aaj •4* »»e bis life /•to making .a colle«ci<trit df ppzniair* af, lodlanic to-which would »tw*.' after :iuef « « » jrnw. S««-to«j looked ami hnwtney E'oi. •' , '

Tn« retult was his firs j««m»s s* a * Indiancountry In 1S32 and'for't^f 2*sz *Ci3ft,j^»r»' hedevoted'himself t» the warilL He Jnvf-ic.J-many.thouaands .of: miles bt' caart*4 ssid ?•» Iwgyfltack'anfoUig. tribe* whlcfe-wer» K22 %'* vi^d uid un-tamed aa they had been in jwr-rfij CTMs11. flirt/',•nd'bc found plenty of exctte=*Et; "Jiftcaitj »«f_-danftria.his work. He ja*S», B * M ^ B ^ ererj-"'.when, portraits'.of/.chiefi "iiSTwafpt™. jmast-lngs'or<he-«c»qery of j i r t

monies,IlIvattMtv tfa> Ufe*«n4 entxzsxT "«* &*-*?*&'tribes«f tb« West iXore:t.S«p iSai. a*:s "

T *f^iUti4iwdinit post* as-S C-a£?*«3;. 9^*t«i forts, '.K Bpott whose sites tmyc Kan*! ta^wiftfcot America^ -

cities,, so that eren-tf^iW Vft'-Mla-Talnabl* record -.of tjw" Ia&*5t 52^ jrtfqrtaJwine o tMsf- other fax*** *< */•* wtrff. *eiiW; -*» "

deht^of (TStitTfl* tn.hXnt / •1- Catlin not oolf p«iJitlftS/ira^r*a«. «f,:

;t(M-n he lifi.-iunp nn orplmn nnd WIJ« npiirnntlrcd ..

- 'njH'nt Ills'lirtylioiMl. In J few* he mo^- i ' tn i jn - . -tr**H ijntl the nt-xt yi?iir his Ijitcnf (j.fnljui he- _ .i:ni\ to tilu>vt \tMf]f In n Rcrroit of poptrnltfi am).Innd»cflIK*S. In 18.-1S-3JI ho mad* h\n IKIIUP InChlriiRQ 'ami 'laletia, the fftimitiH lend" miningr»*rit'<»r limTlfiTJIii, nn<\ njc ttiiii tiruo hj? first hi*-,enjn* |nten>«ted In JniUnnn. mnklnft-trlps to Fort -SnelllnK, Minn., to paint (HEnu'-^Frum •|MD;tn

• 1S42 he nipilR-ajjfj. liVmiis, lighln In tho Kant amicontinued with 111* palntlwr.^»-ilW "first IniportanC work amonK th« Indiana

- . w»§ d<tn« In lS42jchpri 'bf rinlted thu TndJun, country New Mrxjco and niail«

numy-pkturei i of -Indlani aui i ' Jndlao •cehjp».'\ The next year he was .In. w h s M s n o *

homa, jialntinK athonft the Cherokeei; the CJr

y p ,, bnfclii made s Ma; -co?i«r>a it

—dress. weap*>n«, « v ^ i•rtWes 'off rlo^hln«f~tSe*e~"he:'made a


*<je. WM* all

wiie're attractlnsliar;*-cr>:-«!E«.It seems''anf'trtiijiati* t!fc*cj

bsTe profited more fr«Tm. hi* w~For lo'bis old a w fc# *•*?*. . ^had bollt trp. i 'all be h

.r»aid not


•ell bat gave t i*» t^-rt*tloo for KB.feketf'tHax 2$ a s I&j»a"i«iit^e record ''of his life wort and,of a irfcs&t&aiiC r»re. -Some'<t tb^ni **yrp t**? *??1^ *?c Ssl ?^flt So > Sre *blcfat m p t tb* l&stftoCoa la J*ssux> 1SCQ. &st 0 w

in Texas. The-year 1S45y e w Mexico sod by this time be had painted

/S3 canTases which1 he exhibited-In .CTnclmiatl/ and Ijinlsyllie. • • - / -.-*r_- ' " _ ' _

Jn i l a j , 184C, Stanley returned.t? tfw We«t «nii "paiotrrdi the famous Sac chtef, Keokuk, the wife4

~~bf Illatv Hawk -and *Jlher notables of that trlhe.In,October, of that year .he Vlaltetl. Santa Fe Ivpaint'some-more pictures but-.lnBlead he' J inefV

•th« famous march of General Kenmey and hlsYJfratoons from Sant»i Fe tft" S3'n'Dlf»ti,laklnK

^ "part In^sereral enjra>;t*mentfl vhich itutrlo^J tiitt .... I'^a^e ^r1 Ibe Mexican -war that T*1\S futii;&t In

li^" Oolnjr north the next year«Stanley'fonnd some ,more excitement awaltine him, for h»? n.irrnHiyv*caz#$ be\ne In the- Wlilttnan' ma«Jiflfre WIIPD

,. . .tlSat faaioui* mUs?miSryV hla wife arid It others-were killed hy malcontents of the.Coyusp tribe

- He fcfld, anwther, narrow m*cape from -limit!* n *Rhorl tltiie'later when .he returned to San frnn-

, cisco to take s'certain Blilp.fbr the return toNew Torfc Tla. Cape Ilorn. l i e barely mlt«K»d

- • the ship£b|ei'ore It sailed snd'Jt'.was loHt at sea- and'i^eyirr'heard.of again, :^eit Stanityt went to

JBa.wali where bft painted th# portraits of theAunoos Klnjf Kimahsm«ba 111 and hnrqCTeea,—

-"tillitti'd Ills plrtutf's tn vnrlotiK Mtulern cltlt-sami In 18.%.'! lie'WAR iippoliiti'iLurtlst to the wi-•"IMH.ltiitii Hcnt tiy fhc. (tnv«-rr>inwit to «tplor« .aroute. fV»r 11 l Jt'.-tllfi railroad from Kt. 1'niil toI'uKi't Hound.- iV'fort' Btnrlhia'-nn this exp«id(-

. tluu-lie depujslltd ttln roilfWloii »f Iiulliin pa.ut-IIIK« I n j h e Hriilt!iH»ii!nn limrli'iitlmi./Various lit*

a (cuipts'^weri' iiiiiii*» to hnvuCn»tfrv*»t"pnM,«se thscolliTtlon for On* imtlbn but' nothlnie clime ofthem. Tlm ptrtur*** n'liinlniMl tlm pro'pt-rty ofthe-JirtlHt, Si> wlii'ii nil of thfin <'x«*i'[it fl?i» wpro

-\dpstroypd In Hit? Jmtiifiry, -IVJ.*, fire In ths Hmlth-Wnilnn, Htnnli-y HiiffiTt-'d arsfi'iit pfmonal lows.

' —A list of,i>!irl£ pniTitiTH of lliuliidlnns wouldnnt l/o cotnpMf! witly.tit fnVhnlJiiK the nameof C«lrl Itodmer, a HwUtiLnrJIdt who arcompnnledPrint1*} '.•Mux|)Tnlllnn of '\Vli*d-N»'Uwhid, when thatdlstlnifulrihird'Onunu «rlcnll»*t.irifldw his Journeyup the Mlfutourl In 1Hl\2'M, Iloilmcr not «»nly

^ "left |M)Stfrlly n prlrplc«iM hcrltintH of Indian por

- - made drawtriics «f forts, fur. iriullnt; pouts, bsttl*» SWOPS. c*tr,, whlrh nre Invaluable historicalrecords. Tn tlii»-p4<;l-nyft~t)iyr'ltn'li(ier wJilch Is r*>-produced .ub»iv« are fi\n)Wn i\ir*^ typical war-

-rlors of the nlnliiR-(from l**ft to right), a Misv *iurl f an "Oto nnd a J 'oma, •

.» . Until a few;.y«ufs asoYhere was iii)nt lo NewYork city 'an/illi«r .wfrly- palnji>r »f th« Indian

-. •'.;•' ..wtip"? *? r l t . t»k>i" rank with -that of .tha -a'rtlsU

Montngite Cary'/'a >>W'S'orker who In'lWV wltn•- ' two* companions made his way np th« MTsavurt

river from St., i-*)iil»i and durlnK the n e i t 13_• years put down. on.eonrAs scent's trtota t he fasU

r ~T VaTilsh[Ji£~frmrtrer wlifrfi ar?~nmoiW th*'moltvaluable,reconiji bMlfe'h> thnse^da/jLjjrhlcli w#

;' bare . - • ' .. ^-" *" ' r " " - V"

Others whn- niixht tw listed, e*eu - l i j a ck of> ' space prevents (llsctissloh; of their contributions,

'._ " la re : Capt. SHh Kastnnin. n_, teacher of drawing* •• a i the United *States Mll l ts r r academy a t .West.';• Point , 'who .saw ' service'.In- the Indian conntry

O and was, Illustrate *HUtnrlcsl arid—rfttatfsttcitMnfftriwftii^ir— ^wiwwUnjftUha-Jilstory,

fJondltlon and, Kuturi* Pronp*Ttsfli*| the IndianifrLbwi of thA t 'nltnl Mnt**f" iNsitcd by .the IQV-vrnmpnt An 1<LV»; fnrl Hlmar. a .'(icrman artlfct

_!wn/) llvtd nnwuu. the frwlinns ffrf,slr months In1857 and sonic of nhow palnUhjr* nrtt pn-wrvi-dJn bis adopt**, rity m r^ouls; F. O. <\. Parley,th^ 1 fading lllustrtitor nf'bm^ks and m«((fttlo#articles three qunrters nf a century af(oi andGeorge DeFor'tft Ifrunh, who In still: tiring andwbost* "%twllcn of tb«* Indian Ii«V« J^Hped to PS-tabllth the rM»kjri In an: Iniportsnt place In theart hJstwiT-of-Aw*rJca "• '

iif" "p!'''U'(' Vtinii'vevcrj'tiilnit from oft^'tt'^ldiiij; rLiius'nnil

nit! tnwih ia. KIrifts an 11_pli-(itn»-frnitH*«. In i V nicRinlmo (Ju1

I-IMIH ("iHin-lt Arcmnd Vint .*orittT nndllHVH lllW.>n||lM'l«M| StUf .

>lny olTt'rlnuN of'trulil nnd nl^ver for tin**]Trntr^fihnp;**: m m - s

•Wn .willllnr, gift 'liny, very noon—nin

\Vnll;.T li!'llt<viii\orrorCrCIlt p(IKrill)l'lit1i'>t. | f

',: siivs T^rrs. Willkrr, J>rminlit\llltill of Hut Kttid mid Hllvcr unMliW"jirt'wiitH "which nho'tmn n'*M'r- tiM+*«f\Hint ni'vtT, u-iuitfd, (ln< iitn'iHplnji'ilwniilil Iri't'ifhnfili'ritbly **nrli'tHiil.' ' r'

"Min tin- witllilnt: R»h) iulii«-n.'>Mrti.Wnlkpr fnfil. "'riti-ro'Imrt 11 tiifin'-lii

m*nri.'t»ly» whnJiiiNin n (job!

Of H Ht'Y «)f |£«l)l1 ('llff" IllttlN HO|IUMVlM'r»'

.Why, omviluy-nt a 'IMiUhftrtintiili* «"nri'rt, I npitronchi'd llip.wmntin Hll.llnitlii-V', lo mi- (in thlft niihJiTt" I.huH im<iJUT, of coiimi<—unil 11 [•••iitlt'iiutit m>xl

: bin pfMki'U, iinMlnr.'il n (.'oh-gmul Int'k-|ili*c« lm hml IHHMI nirrylnwfor SO yenm null itdikHr tlm|.ln» hmlouy niinttuT of Itfnm tit honm ht'ilfii'ud iht*. • ' ' '

Ev«ry Out 8^av«i Gold. . „.••'Vou-ptin', iiolimly tiiriiwM .*J»Ut_flwny.-

rven WIHMI It In ..inly one riifrltiH leflof n Ri-t, i»r *iin»nifT link, nr MVI-H n*il(tillftllj

1 K"

1 . 1 .



't I)til"

j< rft,



- tilto"


Initlh.VI 1tIt


It f.llllVI' 0 "

It'll full•11) 1 .••Vi


''jl'lIhnir y

IIHUn>i| IriHirm

•r In thru


I ! "i n -

fi1 1




• ' - 1 1

i r

i|.y .11l'hi'j

i,r. ti,

rlinli'ihil. 1l.lll'Hl




lit 1lllh• III\ (•!:

nwuy liny

r 1I11Vl'll't

II v«Illlll-nlielllllUH,MIHfNKt'l'l

'Hi.- i-ollorlloi) »f ullv.-r N not mi-Hi"!|ll>('|MIHI* Of till! low till) rU*'t VIllllO OfKllvcr iit-fhn |i"nwnl IIMKV Itu! Mm.\V n Hi IT IHIH. fruinrl a urn r ltd mm mavnrioitN ntftlfpiii dt'iiU'f-rtj whit. <tfi*iftKlyt-'hcr"vT-'ry Ki,u\\ prlr,^ f.'.'rniil «llvor»rflrl.'H> i*8[*»'r(iilly IMIW tluil Vlcfiirlnit -iHin Is-tH'liiK ri*v|W*tl..'..All nf'thivjEfii'l'\n mt'll*"*l tiHtj Un* JiHuy.ri'nioyi'd. vx-rt'pt ift vvry^u1 ' ' !>ts|iirii'<-ii, .wlii'o nniimimiHi.itrlI«*(«»NjrlnK« tnnru Unm HoB'd'lj VJII in* frnin n >^<'nlrr ' . •

"Mmiy [iftipiti tniiliV a p<rliii iif hnr-Inir Ihflr r».»trHnitI»nm.-rm'Hi'il," «ln»ftnld. "Oftt-n U hnn TUIIUHM nnd diiicflor IntitulN, nixl while ihcNtwiHT* donot ihlnd KIVInje It up |fup<*rH<>niil1.,v tothft B'»v( rnrni lit tiny ri> nut lljtit to

Cat Utei Autoto Get Warm in Winter

IHnniriK.iflin Abi—( rnfty jinlmulH1bm« cum -

A MJrm 1 tint mnkfs h!» hnirH* In theslley mnr the r\\j |mlt h™* tins dlRKrfer(d that snlonioltll* « UftUifH nidilit* wnnjith and tm hrm n*u\ hln din-rjivery lo appdnnt Knnt comfort thiswinter

Wtien sn auto (inrlf^ ;>f>nr<tIi<T cityhii II t\tfi ra t I MI pi t» thn ninnlujt

..... . md sti.iRKliii downfor a purr Inn nnjt. (oollni; of Ibn enKins Rtlrs the cut from Ifn comfortnbie ploct* and he dismounts to awsllanother machine

T l w « Is little- Anuw nt the fHlnebeing ^nrried nwoy by any of thesutos from which he rMsilfi his comfort i)ncf> the motor Is In operationhe hastens away

Rheumatism Alibi Not 'Convincing tb Court

t •Chlfcago,—A, KOO.1 enwj jtt rlciuras-tlsw w.ould bate been rnonT'welcomtto John- iWsdonus. nlitytliK'**, Hm otl»-VT Asj, Artlllrofld ftctfcttve hud JOsttold a Jndfife Johii wan loaning <;oal outof a car, ' .--•

-Why, jndjie." John .proletted.'.J'I*couMtt't do th»t. I couldn't climb Ina car because of my rUnutuai\»m.H „ -

"Hnn," said, the court . vL John did, and Uie Judjce commented:

"Ten data** "

.thlnk of It 'u^naaalnt Into other•hands." , / '•• . . .

One nf tne'rlcbeat smirrrs of tn-from tv\A

K*jyThe modern1* woman hna, \*njrcswa, replaced her hl-avy gold

ring, with a n«w platinumitww

alim -havf* Bilital tti^itie* minintT ofwetltlins Hnfia Inlil. awny In lilil J«welnupa for no imriKiilnr iiMn""1*

IN 5f AGG*S SHOES* «lhTt» hi' him IHM'H <i»iiiii nhu'itMW, Unit ti«> \Mi>) M K I I I I nt' I ' I I I I IMO Hhl»*'"r-*Hy U I M T O ' IN* iiiiidi' tin

in IMI rmui 1

inn. ii'i'J in

Cltj HiAIM-I fli-f.ii.

K'mi»:ii. fnr jurn riiluriiii




r r i


T'.n.'l.. •

• lUlnfalli'liVl'i! —Al l11 - jIllllUM,-oril w:Jtiui

y nf


I'nl.-iInn •

Hi "it




•11 l«n'tIt tinliliililfilHIh!;

iiiiitniini-iHt-lhnl Hit* illy liinlti(i- it ti<!\v nllllitic riH'ojiL illll

ihll»\nifii«uri'il W2M Inrlii'K fur. lliil.u'.

$150,000 Is Not .Going to the Dogi

Denrer. — AdmlnUtralloo of •tiat).i>JU eatai* that should hate(on* to th« C!I>K« waa ordered In-Trailtatnl by Out. Edwin U, John-•ou.rertntly. -' The lli)ii« Mtnle was bequeathed

lo "Slicp," lunilvetlnu shepherd dog,by hla mailer, Vrvd VI. fomaler ofUen»cr. alx .jrt'ars ago,

Shep llvwl luiurloualy for two


Under ti-ruia of the truat themoney, adiulnlsteVvd hy Die Oh>nicln tionrd of child nnd nnlinnl wel-fare, «m to to to himiele»t-do|iof t'lilorntlo.• Tho himril h.i» hililt three tins

drliililnit r*»uitHliia In l.vnvvr niulIvilnliil tln> Iliinib •frleliil»''le«glie.

• JIIM'IIII M. WIWHI, puhllc olll.mIIHT, i-lnlliiiil »ln,(«»l of the di>K>:tiimicy hail iHi'ii lnvi'>ti<d in aT i t i a iutl ili'vvro|nuv»l"cotM-iiTn. ' ' '. Tho (iivvriiur wntita to know

.wlu-thvr hiHiwIi'M iloi!» nru rrffl»-tut uiatliiimn tii-nclii* fn«n thniru«jL , -

Moit Perfect Town HatLong List 0^ Virtues

. Hnnnpr KTk. N. (*.— Inumludnu tli*"pcrfoit town" of tlM-:

l,nnt yi'itr this;'town ^lld not spt'iuta criil f»,r work relief..*i'it a lumlin'ttstiHtmo .fi»il. «• ftiri'i'l.muriyor any n.«r-hut'i nrrV»it'i|. 'f>tr n luiml^Uioniiur or

In furl, It wiiti thn fourth ycitr th*• polli-L'iuiin I'nili'd.tit ninlut nn urrfNt.

Nt'lllkiT. buii )i i>hMliii'M fttllot. tmr'n fori'i."lortiir»' Uvyti inndM In four y.mrs.

'l{lu< t o w n fltilnlii'il H i . ' j - ' i r w i t h no

^PHim^;Aml^M^4^-<^y»«MiU)<.lL turn*«.IT (H\t'» fl»lH-4ll tU UJ.Vtinis.. _.__.." ;_..._.

'I'lm Iri-iiNiiry h.i.hiur«i7 About W." "

New-Do vice to '^Visitors to City Hall

_ S t . | j iulK.- .Ma,~Vlmturi i lo Hit> v\'\f] all hi'I'M will I Hi "«»'ti'frli'iJil"~wTTrTTrTli^~-HUUUlllUlL-aiLtlll! lUll'JL(•Tliiuniiih" In .I'lniipliiifil nonii. T l m'Mi ' t r r inurnpl i" l» » <lmli-n rntiNlNtltliCof two t'lihlitotM, phirt-d on ctu'li n |da•*f it ibmrui iy h'lMllntt lu l l ' HIM JIIIIriirrlilur. Wliwi 11 pi»rmm cfirryitig avwii)it 1 u «ir Huint'tillior ubji't 't ofnliullur nlro imHJtfH btMwri'ii- ttl*V cull-t iM't * I In' i*i'ti'r| Ion proiliM_M'<i llublN lil> .^lcrtr|(i_lMiRi i imlrl im.!! n IMOI. IU t lmJjillcr'H

VINV M1 S.SINC" I INK-INConnects Up Neanderthal Man

Willi Modern.

Ilurkcloy, rjtltr.-xUlt.'uliiK In n Pitvn•Mi tho wi'Ht Hliln ctf>,Mitun( I'nruii*) Int'nlcwllni* during, tlmv mitmtmrj

Mor« I). Mr^mvn—l/hlxt'ruily "of <'nli-fornlit. ftulliropriiiiuitti, \irtiMirftn^l u-lintIn tiHh'vr.l K . lui fbii "nSjMliin l ink"Ifl till* I'volllll'iii nf rirrin..

ly iiffor ni'iulUin n lulnl\hn .Aim-rUiid; SchiHtl ofltc|ii>iircfi iiii ' lillM' I I I IUHK SI

IOIIN nf |hn. M..HMii-r'iflU pi'ri'ulprobubly link. N>Min<|t;rlliiii MMH")modern. . • • - . • . ' .

Koiir of'MM* Nki'lcloiin m i n rfptnti) ~lnexcellent"Vmidltloii* nud four "HKTH

Mir Arllmr K<-llli, nulcd IUIIIHII 1111

ri-j nit imn of Ibr nu**t Uiip'.rttiii.i itmrHilrt.iV •

• nt w-nrk In tlUi r.styv

of,-a child, nnd ri-liirnt'il thin jciir loroiiiiilftu hlK work. AJMMMIKU Ibr'rnwill' in* vnnt'rnyiTuy. nn |i» "(In1 i>s;tr'tplneo--1 of I'1IU HfH'ifnt • niru In -tlit*


(itrpH wtil^b tiHitrntt'd ttmy bud \n>«n -- •TiuTkd by "|hi'lr. klhwniiMt!--Tlifsft irr»-hlNtorli! Jift'ii ptniHt HKil rliifiH, which-


"llt i 'V,

k not fotiiul In

iij'i-nvcrltiiri^lliK brow!H HUlllU'M U|l(H'l.r-

Mint .Ilititc tinvcf Jn\v>* w«'n'> tmni«'.nm»iniMifjf.iiit'.lhi'y |iriiLni,|i|y wnlltH wllli nMliHiiiiiiiu k-,iit, HiHf IUII-'-H b'-nt. Tliny

h''Vt'rnl Inrli'-r. tuMi'ii Miriii pr«hlHt(trloIIM'll* f'tlllHllh^/tllO pI|H|, . ,

,M<:<.'tiu 11 HIIIII IIIH w<Hri won rvtrciiM*- -Hv (.low *jnri< it wuri in" fiMiiry to drillUUn NOII.I rn.'U', Wln'h (111* bonoit WITHr*mVin*»)l, KM-itl .bIo!.-l(H wi'r««,,i*fi'l around"1"-'

1 U M \ '1'lM'ftlt ()|nikH HI'ri»^ilVlT«'d. With""".r nnd wuwnt-X(jind plrici'd In .

OH'H t«r'riif^M)H ilium f r o n t —

XkiUnl ~-~V1ni*M

Here's the Champion Flying

Shell* OuMMSrown, three yenra old, photographed as ahe complntad bnn™t 8W hours pt flylnit tlm* at Hollywood,'Calif. Daughter, of W. SidneyBrown, former wnr pilot who liar continued hla fr>|njt, Jlttle'Mlm Brown aascrossed the continent twl^e, mnde one forced lamllnf. flown •through laUkUdaof weather and tbrlrrs co It, Of cou*s«-her dad do«t tha piloting.

Page 4: FromHighWater Rates Sectional Ghampionship · 2015. 2. 14. · ford: publicity. Mrs. Long . Miss Dreher. Miss Aglae ' Gates—of—Cranford, * v~ Kuentsler and Miss Lain?. - These




TBS caANroaD crritaviletaMibMI I US

Tils t'KAMOSU CUKIIVHLS, EalaUtatat) i n ]

- CartaMned yridur lite aat&«m * ciUMtiKu ('iTizr.* ASU LUHO.MK'I

.to I t l lPUBLISHED fvrnv TMURSDAT ~

. _ -Uelen »...>««. Creelarfl. Ml


MHK« r v t i l i i n . .>,,:-.•-.

Terrai Two Hollars a j*«sr' " B>M«rnJ • ! ill- ('rafif-rfd r«#l OftVe aa

. MmKirl Oaaa Matter'«**'"

Letters to the Editorttir school board in allowing for record

Dramatic dub PlajsAre WeO Received

March 13.': 11)33Editor, Oi lwnand Chronicle- .

Mr. Cloud who was recently miredthts«. dr?/smatary remarks which haveha bearing In the conduct of schoolbuslnau.

CRANFORD CJV1C COtTNCIL.E. X Sweeney, Secretary*

It l« very remarkable lndc<*l the waythe rw*°P'<.' vrnrratiy reacfed to the Jong

. bnrik-holiday-,'mi'rxciu-mrnt unywhrn-vlxlltlf- and urien thf brinks reop*-nrdno iitlTnpt to withdraw -funds. Infuel biuik» K^nrrally. rrport deapcwitsfar in rxrcAs of withdrawals. The p*-o-l»lp were RatlKflrd the move wan. for llir.(x-nt and that after thr bank holidayrmlfd eyerythliiK would be. on a «fti>rand KiiindiT bi»l» An a mutter of (act

.- Mils,confidence, wilt be th« main fijirJnir. towards bkltr conditions n"hd better

business. Wr look1 -for steady. If. slow,Improvement from now on, signs nfwhirh art plentiful.

The arlion of Oic State Hoard ofPifbllc Utilities In starting proceed-ings to compel the Plalnneld-UnlonWater Company to abondon the 'tenper cent surcharge on water bills, au-

'lliorUed In IK8 U> heip'the'Companyout of alleged financial dlfflcuJty U theflrit fruit of the eflorU of CranfordTownihlp Committee last Vail to'bringabout concerted action tqr munlclpallUn aerred by the company for reduc-i f tt

frnrn the-board of education by a sub-stantial majority and whor* stronglyxpwfsored high school - constructionprogram .was-defeated by a vpt* of 038to nfXS, atox-sr* not to be content to! Editor, Citizen and Chronicle:accept the verdict In Ihj proper spirit, j . BvenU Securing during the past three(jlh'-r defeated, members oi the board'years, arid particularly during the..oast<if education and other-worthy, citizens j lew weeks, have had a_ cha«teiB,(m

' ftttrct-Vpati'tittf ft\ffitf6wffspirii!rMany'KrncV-fully nrrcptfd, Ihr voters' rxprrss- I at m now realize.'that we have beenui ill!"Anil undoubtedly consider the'living, too much In this world, and thatniatu-r clow-d for the time being at: the realm of the spiritual world Is afleast." ^ j ter all a reality that must be reckoned

In hi* farewell address to the board, with to our sorrow. We may protestMr. Clmid • iw;tlnK In his exalted, posl-I and denounce.the wickedness of ourtlon. viw fit to make srveral extremely

ry rnnariut directed at whatU- trrrrif-d thr tnctfCA of an

ytion of vi ler rttea.Joint commltj»«i

pCttoo* that time

- 'ftWilctpajraealiave be«!n. at work andthe Public Utilities Oommlsslon hasbeen lnvMUcaUn* It la stated the sl-Jated deficit to provide tat which thetea per cent surcharge was authorisedM I mad* up la 1»1. i t would appearthat tfet •Wreharf* should now t» elim-inated and that the Company shouldMtum the money eollected Uiereunderduring tba irtar HM.

It la not probable that the ataUBeti-at* will pan tb* 'AjaemWy Bill- puttlni

, priaarlei hack where they belong In- ttoftombtr.—Why, it If hard to du-• MMn no ««ad rattan for Spring prlBMtie* ear bM bent given, yet U bainot been poatlbl* to far to do awaywith tbem. If the prtmarlea an held

' to liar, it If ftbout time to consider, «iandld«tea,, Two roembera of the

TMrninlp Committee arc to be electedV thia raar, tbe termi of Mewn. Oeorge;' »\rj0mrheMt tad nmnk MeOullough,-tMlatltoiittDbtr tl, Tbtw gentlemen, aJMWM be w-nomlnatod and re-elected

for ttey have done moat valuable workfor the Tpwnahlp and for the taxpay-era durlnj their term of office; theyknow the needs of the Townarilp andthey have ahown wllllrujnrss and theability to cut municipal expeium ilinrp-ly without reducing efllclcncy mater-laUy. We believe Messrs.. Osterhcldland MoCullouRh will be wllllnit tb runagain for the Towiuhlp Comnilttce. Ifnot Hiey should bo drafted. •

But Driver Identifie* :EliieJjeth Man as Bandit

Through Uie efforts of I'atrolinonArchie Bird of tile Cranford Police De-partment, the robbery of the JamesWentworth »f 138 Madison avenue,Elllibeth, driver of the glmbetli-Un^.

-den bus, oil r>br uury 1, was cleared ui)Monday, ^wben Wfcnt»ortli Identiflrd.aeorge^yrnleio, aue 30, of 32 Southn*!d-street, Kliiabeth', aj one of thot i f t t d ' | l b

u'riprltirlulrd. Inildloiu group, Quotlrmliln fljM-ecii at various no'nts, he 'says,"I dike this oppVinunlty to again ex-pone, the unprincipled tactics, of thisdanRerous minority amonif our eitl-».ena"; and aKuIn, "The spoiisorshlp un-dex which these newly elected mem-ber* appear to have, been Impelled In-to office Is the only disturbing feature,rtc"; and ««nln, "I know the motivesund elraierttil of this sponmrahlp and Icondemn them wholeheartedly. This isnot the first time that this unrepresen-tative group lias endeavored to wreak4

their M-lflth and personal vengeanceUpon our educational ayitem," He con-tinue*, "They apparently appear toprefer work In the dark as people, of'tlila ttrlpe are known to do."

These defamatory remarks by Mr.Cloud were spread on the mlnut™ of thelast regular meeting of the school boardand there stand an official school busl-heH If and when needed., Each member of the Cranford Cl.l


fellows but wu cannot escape the'con-uequences of our reckless and selfishdisregard of the eternal verities of life.

All of which prompts me to write thisJitter to express my profound satisfac-tion -I observe- the earnest and In

an attempt made by Mr. Cloud•mlrchand defame our character andreputation. The members of thisCouncil repsocted Mr. Cloud as a man.of character and aa President of theBoard of Education. They differedwith him primarily on tho proponedhigh school construction program. Amajority of the members believed therecould have been some other savlnusmade without.wrecking the school ays-tem, however, It was the consensus ofopinion to toko no active part eitherfor the, approval :or rejection of-therre-submitted budget. While the memberswere unanimously opposed; to the highschool project, nevertheless some votedfor the school, budget at both elections.

Mr. Cloud has rendered altogethertoo much credit to the Influence of thisbody which was organized but ninedaya prior to the first school election.He should bear In mind that there wereother public spirited, InfluenUa! iltUrnsof Onuiford who were in no Wise con-nected with this body and who havealways heretofore worked for educa-tional prugresa and who reluctantlycast, their voles agnlnst the liigh schoolproject. 6omo Of these -citizens setforth their opinions fro ii time to timeIn the Citizen mid Chronicle and It


without sayingtheir Influence


trio who »Offlcer


on the case forTseverai days, believedthat Venlalo, one of four jneri capturedwhile conducting a holdup In ElizabethFriday night, was connected with thelocal holdup arid giving up his dayoff, the policeman took Wcntwortli tothe County Jail where the Identificationwas made. The. manager; of the Mac-Cary|! Brothers .service sutlon. Northavenue, east, also identified Venbtio Mthe autoltt who drove away" withoutpaying for twelve, gallons of'gasolinesecured at the station on March a.

<-;rr!tter tlmn thnl of this tuiwly formed'Unly.

We brllyf thut from the high OIUCTof the President of the Iloiird of Edu-cation, there' should be no fifrtlicr ilr-rainnlury rciuarics directed at this ornny other irroup or individual. 11 is 111ndvisrd and wholly umu-crssary lor thehigh'office to use such words an un-principled, duntit'raus. lilcldlous olid va-rious tferoKUtory.-phrust\>logy "as slatedby Mr. Cloud This Is truly besmirch-ing mid particularly no whcn_iiuncd-

telligent manner In which the church-es of our community and neighboringtowns are reminding the people thittthe church never closes Its doors to thepeople—never ceases to serve ihe spirit-ual and material needs of Its follow-ers—and la ready always to call thewsnderer bock to Ood. , . f..

The, Lenten Loyalty program that aunited church Is sponsorlnK It basedcolely ..upon. the need for communionand fellowship with God, and an ac-knowledgement of thla claim upon bur"loyalty and devotion to the religion weprofess to belfeve.

Crowded sessions In our churches Isa novelty but It Is actually huppcnlnxright here In Cranford,' Surely life'will take on a'new meaning and we Vlllface the problems of the dny withdeepened faith In the ultimate jtrlumpli

L S l 4 i

Twit one-art plays, "The Valiant"and "-On the Razor Edge." were pre-sented to a large audience by the Cran-f 3rd Dramatic .Club at It* March as-sembly Tuesday .night.w.UW.-OailrK>.

The first offering was "The Vsjlsust."

8aaf«e«Sanfonl K_ Uaore. age 72. father of

Mrs. B. W r Randolph of Crmnford.died last Tbarsday morning at his homein Pa&dentL Cai, following an extend-ed Ulnes*. Mrs. Randolph, who hasbeen i s California for the last month,'was.present when ber fathr^ died.'

Mr. Moon, resided in , Cranford .by Holworthy Hall and Robert Middle- f htunber of yews ago.' For the last DPmass. -This same play was gives by hero yt»rs. he had been connected withthe club a number* of years .ago. The i tlw Leonard fao^is in California,fstv,- Kenneth p? Martin took the rol? f SurrtTOn (ndade the wife. Mrs. Aliceof the priest »t that lMz^T^f^^j<at&~Moarr"~tm~Qkiii65x*" •&*•ttDctioW*tifr'Tuesday™"reached a higKi.Plrank'Nldc of Paatdena and Mrs: Ran-level of performance. The worry asd'doiph of-Cranford; and'three sons,spiritual unease of the warden, the \ Iniir. William and Leonard, all ofsimplicity and uncertainty pf i l » lit- i Califcrnia. . .. / .,.-.-tie country girl, the de'termi&ed reel-! • Funeral services were hrjd Saturday,tence of the convict, the diwppotatj! in termit was m the Inglewood cem^-ni*nt of the clergyman, were adml/ably f Jery. in U» Angei<«-ijidlcated,.against the professional'sto-1 ' ^ — - .i.dlty of the prison attendants. Thenudsence had only^ words of priiue -fortoe.

rnskmndorfPuwral Mrritet for Frank Borsdorf

Mr. Baniort moved to Cranford

(lonal Itfe If we- cleave, to thn convlclions Imparted by our forebearrrsand the church which has always pro-claimed the righteousness of Ood to arebellious world.

A timely verse of Scripture to reflect,upon as Individuals la Mlcah 0-8. ."Hohas showed thee, O man, what. Is good;and what doth the Lord require of thce.but to do Justly, and Id love.mercy, nndto walk humbly with thy aod."

And In conclusion un excellent vcrsrto spread across the skies from coastto coast and. border to Soriln J s ;

h ' l Y ' r ri i n r b u tsin Is n reproach to any people." Pni-verbs U-3*. QEOHOE K. WAHNEK

•dltrrtfy-nt a dellnlli* erouu and whenrecorded oil I Ho records of an HIIBUJIpublic b'udy. .; , : . .."..—:

Tho ...Cranford Cl.vlf Council doieVuiinjulvocallt'.dlsapnran tlie-action of

- ittxioioti.s s< uoor.Mondny nliiht niarki'd the dining of

the School'.of RellgluG|s'.Educationwhich has been In prdttri'ss ut Ihc FirstPresbyterian Cliurch here for., the lastten weeks. More than'60 members ofOarwood, kenllworth and Crojifordchurclies-wero enrolled in the-aehoohPlans are uiider»ay to"nold me schooleach year, The purpewe-of the; schoolwas to train church members'for re-llgloua .leadership,' As a speclfll featureof Monday ulghfs meeting, tho Wa-kntitaiika Claw of. the First Presby-:

trrloii Church presented a Illbllcalieont entitled, -rile Jkf Ing Heart."

Members of jtlip cast were Lois Wool-sry, Alri'm Deller, ttt'rlrude Crvinerlus,.Myrtle Busen. i»rolhra Kuyser, Hur-rlet Nick and Dorothy Deller. 1

presentation, of which Spencer! of'7 Burchfleld arjenue1. who died at hisKarriDKsr. wgs the director. Mildred ! r c m » Pr.t*i, took place Saturday nightiwtrk'h was In charge of properties. a t Orsjr-s Kunral USax, Westfleld. TheThe cast follow;: . • j Rev. Matcbejt Y. Poynt*r, pastor of

Warden Holt, Malcolm. Warnock:; the CrarJcrd M'lhodat Church, wasfather. Daley. Carl H. Mason; James j m e),srg». Burial was in the Ever-Dyke. Everett Fay; Josephine Parts.Barbara Barringer; Dan, Harold DatrU:an atl<>n(!ant, William Sharpe. > frorn BrookJrn In 1830 and nude his

Equally gfiod In a diflfrem way *isjh£,mes: zkt Burchfleld avenue addreM.the second play, "On the Razor Edge.", u , „„) ^ j , ,Mir«j from twslness fora satirical »ocl«l tcmedy by Rupert; imcy y«rir. He Is turvlved by hisIfUKl'ies.' produced by Frances Stiles ; if,., Mr* Emm* Rorsdort one daugh'The sketch, for It-I* not much more ; u-r. Mn Helm Moorr, and one grand-iliair'a sketch of a certain type of hu- :iiaugh'jfr. Alice Moore, all of Cran-nianity. u Irrunenwly cfever, and was ford. ' •BlVen with a H M ond appreciation that: . . • •ccmmunlcatd thenuelves immediately! : §s HE3CORIAMto the aiidlente. At no time "was the; tn jovinj memory of our dea> Mother,line crossed which separates comedy [•• ' -Marr, C. Hall, who -departed, thisIriim farre, and to maintain this dur j t&t Uarcfi 13. 1932:(incTlon L» no easy, achievement. Thus j More and, more each day we miss her,there »as created in the mlrid of \re i Ftiends' niay: think tfce wound Is'f|«'cUtuFs.a cirtiiln sympathy .for the]' hf^»^,^«^~i f i«™«?^« ! =^'* i r e "

.^t'liriejr little know the Borrow!Lies within our hearts concealed. .


Classified AdvertisementsRead for Profits Use for Results

0»r a i*r*. la a >M

• REAL ESTATB FOB 8ALKfeu «is i ui *W. jvat or a«U, call

ll«i«) Of.. CUauKuM (4S1L Ktw•t t Zlutu Street.

yVKSlHUta BOOKS TOf lKMSIieU ri»m for nnl . board. If dealnd;

SIT S<*ili areaue, .WeaL Telephone Crauford- s-ii»s-.u. ..,.,..-.

FOB BENTOIVES ruon hou««, ill lnuron'menli. . Ken:

»)•.«• IIS Nortb AtMiut, West.'

COMFORTABLY rurnukml txtomt torvnt . klt--.-9!J H»W« 'TIM,.Vranforil

ICMLWORTH-Urte, llffit, furoLhrt .ainl numg<. in prtrare tiome. - HulUtilr forman tit wuuun.. rii»ru> CRatirurd .S-VIS7-

uuwkffpfiis apanniirfil for rret.or duuUa ruutii. Uulvt ll»ua«, oes/

i .ml tmrir>. I l l NntllrAfraua. Wi

m i l ICKVT -H.e.i-ix.o, Imnialo*. all tapni:merit*, With faraire, Uml. fsa. Loral«(J as* Jt'ut! Hlrvtt. lmitiire 241 Xurth Avsfiue,WMI.* t-'Hanfoni 6-0352-U'.

My of 'clioh[Kiverty, mid

mma, taf,jd by the necevHIM; between pride ^withhumiliation, with riches.

lUith co.sturm'.i and sccrwry were mostuttructive. .Trie properties'were by'Oo-'al ftundolpli.

TIILK win the cait: Mrs. AlgernonFalconer., Maria 2. Carter; her daugh-r?r. Almu s: Ntnllef i''e; and-Mr. Oleason., Johri Fast.

Mr* John VV. Banker, Mrs. Carl R.11<»>, Sr. • and Mrs. Frederick Truslowkcrved us

Plri'inen were"railed out at 5:33 p. m.Halurday by a small blaze at the homeof J U Ashwcll, 53 Stratford terrace.The fire wn.i rxtlnnuLshcd before the(lepartmcnt arrived.

Cninplcte plans have been arrang-td for the card party to be given Mon-day afternoon in UnrCranfordrCastrfl)by tiie Village Improvement Associa-tion. Mrs. a . L. oriiwold, chairman ofIbcciitertainment committee, will be

cimrsc. .Mrs. Oriswald has an-nounced that games will begin at Jo'clock. • • . - . -

~~'~-"~rt'iici«o(Ho onoiNAKcAN I I U I I I M M (. , l i , , , « l ' i « i l ir 11.1,,.

l ( - ( r i J i T i h rHK'IT dUOAI.VKI) I,, Hi,- W I I M U I Com

"lilt-* tir ii, . T»mirfiii' iir. Ct^oinKi in. i|iv

Htvlluii. I Tlial Ilk*- IUIUI> i-rLllttlrli Huirt,»iiutlii,i'i i i l lnl .<I,H-I, Hiri-.ll. Inini l.lni'.ln

;i-tl ami


| 2 l a >lTlial Vlf li

all'.l J«liit,'


) rr»<iu' MI-CIII-I

' • I I .

Linden Judge Speaks ;To Cranford Rotarian*

Judge John, J. Moltwn, jr.. recorth-rof Uie Unden police court, was theguest speaker »t (4ie luncheon' meetingof the Cranion] Rotjirj- club at noontoday at Havashl's Restaunmt. Judii;Molson's. subject was "The -Judicial'

lie speaker was .cleverly liuroducVd'by Cart Wareinikl, *hostarted to speakon the subject, but .was Interrupted byJudgfe Molson, who. was entrrtalnljiit

^the members with sewral piano selcc-i UotiK.. An^ft-Wiort coniedy: skit be-

tween Uie two attorneys, thc-fclndtnspeaker discussed hU subject in a fluemanner. - • '••- .v .^ Quests included "Richart •Oirudounan

of Roselle knd Edward Wttkc andCharles Darsh of Westfleld,_•'...., -

TTie a g h SclwLP.-T^ A. will sponsora danoe April 7 in Uie koo«velt SCIKKJ:This will be the third dance .which thegroup has grren and many,of the alum-1

nl as well,as ttudefatt of Ihe high schoolhave attended Mrs. VyiUlam Nagle haabeen named chAlrman of the commit-tee In charge. The proceeds-of thesedance* are given to the Kholarsh.pfund of Uu P.-T. A. ,

nalttl as'Jatiti l'ln<Hn-tlon :t Tlialint Wotxtftlile M,

l» M.iu. ,1 «,,.

. i i if tf IaIn l.lnilrii Hlrr

HIHU'IK If rli.

l,l <al»mt'

j anili.aH^> ilraji-iialKl ai Ann N mivlluii J7 Till* l>ltliiiancit aliall laka' rffec

l l l l


tinnier airelliis'uC 111* Tuwuali'lii IVmoilltae elllie Tnwiiahlti t>r CraarDrd. New Jersey hetd «>.Man-lr II. I»J3. anil will !*• rona|J»Ve<l tor

ul f**"**" * " " ''"''"'' •"•''"«• •* anoUiw

TI'ISIIAV. M.ihl l l "UTII' |».IJ ."> **l S:3» uVI.H'k I'.. H •- ' • •

i L V i > R D I M U M .leu l la irh II la a ' I w o a a l a Oaal

DrooaaMe Flare,Cranford,' s, J.

Telephone Westflrld J-OCJJ -MMATKRMTV CASES



PhOiw-CRaniord' 6-01M-R


CAItNATIONS • :••TU11PS .*'•." '. ,



And' all other, svasunable flower*and I'ol fUnts at prifn la kcrp-

\nt *ilh the spirll'of I933.,,.

A Cencroiu Bunch ofSweet Pew,- fVeah firomthe Greenhoute, for 40CenU Thii Week-End

Weslfield Flower GrowersSprlngfleM Annar

; Near Nismahegan Park :

rpone tVEatfleld J-16M• He Delirer .


Start. Friday — 4 Daya

5-Big Ads Vaudeville-5, ' Including.''

Roxy Theatre EcseiIB—PEOPI.E—19 ,




Miss Doris WoJf at Retford avenueentertained thf Musical Momenta Clubat her home recently. Ttiere were t«nmembers present - Refreshments wereserved following the business meeting.


SAT.I* Day* Only)



.. ' -, wUh-. -



. , ' • w i t h » .



-Alteon a -BetUr Show"

LIBERTYPiaxnllttd. S. J.-_

IX w i n Oral flour, apartmrnt. aolulile forri-«Uuraul ur Miller bualneaa. 3e fl. llrlacnwni. .Vow uteil lur Imalnt-aa purlMaea. 41-Nurth j|rrnu'r. HVat. TtrlvljhuHe c'Kaafgnl

FUii-rMiDi tical«d aparlment, e lec«ator,-poroh ahad*. foiir « t | « o a u ;Aim imallrr apannum. Alao l ine

* ' "**" -»ofi*>- two "tauur oilbeal IwaUun. I t rrlnrurd *»aw».

CKaufofd «-l»IS-J. -

FOK ftKNT—End floor apartment, S -rooma andballi. -IBPIJ i:» Sim Itireei, CTanrord. N. J.

. ." " _ ,..J,_,,u,«^ls-«wK'.'V'("»^-T

STORE FOB KKNT .HTOHB. sd i It. ,-enu-al IIK-III™ : • ranrr«aaon-

••M«- I'hont t'Haiiforil «-»?J<, in«r I I*. I t.- ' '•• ' - . . , ' 3 - H

8MAIX SHOP FOB RENT <UVUU, ili.p. mllabla for lUhl mtcbanlcaj

work.' CVntral loratlbo. Ural reaaotMbla.• Box A-li. c u t CIUMO and Cbroalcia. tf

BEMSTITC'lUNOCLKASlSa and lljalDI. riaauos. aenatUcUu

aad Buuon (,'oTsrlns. Mri. t. ChrlaUsits«BM South UDIM l?anu«. CNafint Talacbooa

Unrrt S»IS • -

INVESTMENTS .» « ;DU - aailalrd iriib als pei emt oa ;our&ioD«rf . Inreatmfat of mioucaiioaed m*rltand aerurlly, |109 and up. . SrrletMt laTaati*cation Invited. Sacurltf, csr« ClUsao andChrooteic, Cranfurd, N. K • ':•

WORK WANTED—FemaleWO1IAV. Soiiich. would Ilka Iwo ilaya' part or

full lira* houwwork. Uux A-HJ, rare ofCllljcn and Chronlt'le OIBcv. •-"

WOMAN wlshra liouiewtirk liy the daj , full orpart rtlmr. no laundrj. Ttlrplioue CHsn'ord

IIELP WANTED—MateIl-DriltCTy boj. IS fran old

«-OI»l-M. '

ROOMS WANTEDor three rooma for light houie-

Elrtcrlr— rouple. Itml muat \*

-•TOU S A U t sVJSCXIXANKOL'aBrjTfUlDXK, tmh ntrj itaj. l i -;',

iluart. - rnnk A. Haraatf. »lj t , ^ 'Mreet, comer oT Woodland Atwur ~ ,i*

f'KDiCKKED \.*hlte PeeaUn 'Male ii'JlousetirokeD. S3.M up, redlsned Uui- -Ittredl JIS.M. KeuonaMe alud .*:,Cboei ImppUa. IJl.Mnp .NgHhwolJ i ,-'.,': I«O»er»Ute IIM-B. ; ' •

11OTTK0 'or balf-rottad cent nunure•oil ror-lal... .Dflltered urwAere. i•ae in. nualnjr and quanUlr.. 1'hoiif

W0K»--lVr aaaL- - I V BaJe.ami.--' " r m l s M B«w«Clllaa. u d Ckraakle .Oca.

riYS rooma aod |, jae and flecirl,-. v ;

VH advaslafe* ot both .home arid, aumncSi only expenatw of aparuneiit i lw

Cranford Arenue. ^ite rooma. Sflu.,

UNFtlLWHIU apartaent, prtrat*. | h r » rand batJi, Urye, mony.y Adults unljr; u:

or two rooma with 'use of Utelieneuii.. Union Avenue, North. - •

AI'AKTMKNT rui- rent at it) I'etilennlalnuc All ' Ifuproveuenu. he«t rurniBawaoiisble rent J&iiulre at 3tfu LVmt",Arenue, or rsli Coatirord H-tretf. ,-/ .

ATAHTUKNT for real at 1J NorUi (Jnlon A>C"'-nue, /Ira rouma aod Ulh. WUh all ImiTr.,,,mania. Newlr decoraud. tttduced j , ; iC«ulir of towa. -ail acconu&odaUons. t^n'I*. 11«IU. Ounford t-Uil-1. • „

EXrWSS, MOVING. TRUCKING '•*U. W. iU8tl.V—Vorlnc. SUrue. TmcliUiM'

Weekly abore Ulpa; Tninlu. baiiace. «u*AU ealtiaaw clieei^uHj siren. We am..,acroea-Uie hall or icroaa the cootlneat.; n <

'iul>^iaer*fljifv:^ifaionr lor aereo yeara. Tt.trlilil price at aUtiBea. mow CBuluia••.JJt. IIS Norui A»«ue. laat. i?

aOBB'.Ni a A I X I S O N . Inc.—IIOTUIS. BUr.tcftcltfa*. «hl»pto». paJiUlis ttullto, lias«)c,.•'frelshl, e tc AfenU Allied Van Lluea, li,,.We hare sened Cianfojd aod rlclullr fur Is»esrs. I U Soulh Aw., M. rhon. ClU•••SSI. , ,

uB««0«ANr8 MPBtSS-Dall, u N.» York.

kauar serf Ice a apacullr. Local uurk.


repaired for. ll.Oo. I reDSuuanrUilac, . Tatiafor/ejl7 Vsroura Tfeaner. WaaJiuiir JUai-hlm> '5»*» Mowera repaired. 10] Kdjar Areliur!Telephone CBanrord B-OaZa-K. J.;j

PAPER ANOmOANY room liapernt lodudlns celUni. • aldeirail

and border, . I5.»3 comnlelo. Uraionallepainting Tslaa. For eaUmate'call Kao 1'<->- •oratlns: »er»lre, l«0 Eaat rourth Street, I'laln.Held. Telrpbone J'Lalnlleld 0-4179. 3.:iij

WASHINO MACHINES REPAIREDEUCTIUC Waahtra repaired, factor; trained

•ertlc. on l a w WaaEen. Esperl Mrrlca onall other makes. Washers, used, for aaie,w reuoaable^ Mmn. uaed,lyi-and 1/1Ail make, for sale. Eaaj Waiter Head-

TutUe BroUiara. Phone CBaoford

LOADS WANTED•a»ted-Load or cart load of houeekold inode

rilOM-Cblcaso, III. ._..Uar<-h MndBoalon, Jlaia. „ March lsth

Houaeholcl,Iooil»alorate.-Uri»iinfani«iri6U~"S f s g n BHOa l-lataOeld. HomerflUe or .Vew-DruiMwlcfc. ' . . • . . .


Interior DrroraUiij a Specialty

Estimates Cheerfully Olv»a)

for furaiihinj'' jtjur home-^B't Ura-bl an old.faehlonejJotntt rlu cau aJford new fur-

. If fax maie s l ithttuU

u aJford new furmaie s loan with

t tasy plan.

lalttfleld Thrift A loan Oo.16 Wstchnnj Avenoe

TelPlfd. u

rcu. N.Tllisss Ml iM

.Tele»*orn CRaniont

.- •' '. T'O D A T ( i V

"The Myatery of thr Wax Muaeum"Also Herbert SUnhaJI In "ETetUnji tot

..._. •'•", F B I D A Y / C - S A T U R D A Y •',

- C o c k e y e d W o r t d , " " W h a l P r i t i G t e e - r , " a s s . \ » w . . .

Edmund LOWE


PEPPER • ^ :


li(ME8TEL. WESTFIEU) 2-l2st EVENIN6—7:00 P. M.



« 0 « . . TUES.. WED, MAR. JO. 21, JJ.

" A N I M A L

JACK-OAKttv New York"


A R L I S Sin "King'» Vacation",



fa Pereon—"Caroline Andrews" "02iiJ. TUE8.. WED.MAR. 20, 21, 22




T h e Sec ( rWlo«a Waaaai-s i u s r t LaM a n ! _'^ ' " '•



in "THE SPORT PiWtSpE"S H E E T S , G A I X A G I U K — K M . G A R C A K

"A HrArt Pouch . O r m a a ^ . . r a c k e d W t t k ThrttW . •

• T E O X E S D A r . T H l ' R S D A T — M A J t c L l - "l-a-tttt



Don't let abstinence frommeat detract iron; your

•ea food*, heth daily, willlend zest to your Lenten

orders ddiv-

Klein's MarketCHOICE

Phone* 6-1420—6-1421


M E A T S„." 10 Union Avenue

an-d Seryice'V

Schouler ConstrudionCompai

Page 5: FromHighWater Rates Sectional Ghampionship · 2015. 2. 14. · ford: publicity. Mrs. Long . Miss Dreher. Miss Aglae ' Gates—of—Cranford, * v~ Kuentsler and Miss Lain?. - These


-It CkuMny It !C«r l i n n .

.. . _ „ :wi.'*UmiM*. N.J . . * t»4y

<rf t f i Hat* i f X. J ( ffMtfatmrji.

• ^ I t ft. hr i«tt <C

IWrfBuMtla , •

, . . *ad rr**fc wtmitwU. «i *U^

i i iw uf Uve O H M I M «mr, at earli k u directed 1 afcali « m far aele bj

_,._-* reMta*. 1> «** DMrfct Owi I M , k|t>» C«wr» Bojse la to* Qtr of Blaafeia, X 1.

n m n t i t m« ttspl IUT orslum, A. D , HU.

[ a l tar» o'clock to lb* a/uroooa of UU rtay.

Bj rtitu* «T Ui* »*Mir«Ul*d wrK-W • « .<iAM tq, BH HUWtMS I llUlt etpOM *WT Wfttw U

. iMt* vmdbvs In tb* Plsutct O w l B ^ K . toU v C W n Mvmw & th* OUT o*N . / . J - . M - j - - • • . - . , ; . - : • ' • . - . • • - • • • r V - : ^ : V

TEiUUT, TUB STB HAT OriJ-RlL. A. tXi l»W.-.

at iw» «'c*<XsV tn \hm tvlUmoMi .«*f *«M 4_,JUA11 i t* ftUewh*-Uwrt or t « m ( trf taj«4 «MI

facnlnftfttr piutieulevwau. lytof **n* Win* I* UM Oil* «l

^ f w*» »M N l <, . „ _ . *):«, -,- - _[ford* tatfW OMOJ^T of Cufcaa ud'BUta of SM e n * ? . •' • - ''•"•• ' - ••" " *I. Known and d x l t p u f j M F«n of lo* »« . M,| - M . p of th* |*rot>crty «t CrtBiord, - I'aloi

V*w J*rt#y, 'pwuMl «*>4 dMded l>? B«a".Unco and AtWU » Johnson'* which

ntUsUed lo the vOct of ibe Riguaer of. . tfuuar *tlrt*m«'«r 3». i*w, and ti tauiirnfa,* No. i .VU. ttlnjr n*"« p%rtJc4i»r.7 dcscrUM*!

«> follow*'. —, Betlniitng »t ft poliit in U M *wtfcet*it*tff Hot of Johwwa Ar«nu«. <fi«Unt *wtutb»M«tiT

H from tin- roninr ron-wit tr> m* lot***i or l£e u M •duthrAMtfly line ot Mm-

Arroui with tb* wtattflr .In* ?f. KllM' Slreet, *nd nta»f«« (b^* • > - - - - • - • -• ' - * - • • • • - -•> j a h a w m

wiue. 23 f « t to * W * l :t h r y . u d p«r*ilrt-to'ttw a m «Hirw,t n t w r * vr ! ft M U i l y lta

h i A•long th* I U W 35 tt*\ Ui UM point or |ttccliuiliiff. • , :„ . '

TlMrr* ta du* ftPiTfUdntbdr JS.etYsi. wiiiiD i m * from H*i>i«»it«T i*\ti. I U S . «u4 coxa,

CV WKSLBV COLUNH, HUwiff.OTtlilEN, BolTi . . .

i Oiancvrr trf Xtw Itnej.•|*Um Tnut' Company., a

, . ._ . . «,, et ala.", cotnirialitsMU*,. •»<* Myrrla lUrfhBuir^r «l ala., iWemUnU. Hv

fa. for' Ml* ol raotttatPd prvntMrm, ": „.. I1J rlrluc uf the aVvxr-aUled wrtt (tf-flcrlfariaa (o mf tHrntnl 1 shall tipoav,for sale bytwUle vtrndue. In th« IHwrlPT Tourt Uontfl, In.LB Court no.iW lt£ th« m y of tl i»btth, N, J'.

WKPNIWDAY. THK 23-ND DAT Of- -*.-. ' » MAIUV.A-•*>.. 1JU, : , ; , .

at two o'dork tn Un ari«nuwtt of Mid day.. All tlie fulluwtnjt; tf»ct or parcf 1. of larnj and- -inUrt itrielnafUr i>anteMlarly<Me«rrlb«>tl; alt-

t*. lying and Udn« ID th« City uf EIUab«xi>Ciiunty of Union and Stau. of; Serw

- BKtilXMSO- i t a IMIUK In the ea.Wly Unauf Bellevue 8trv£tT therein dM.ant .oorthftly

. 1S7.39 ft>el from in* t-arnvr tortttd l>y tlie lntw-I-* iircUon uf Um' o«rihefly •id*» uf Jecvfy Arenu«;1 with iii« easterly Una ut Belleiu« tttrvet; an<tF ' rViimlBf"immiw"t!i'-i.etttt*MTdeKrw.t » minurnd

oaat 100 fe*?t; ihsiice (2) north 1 <l«fr««i * • 'mlitule* west 4S..r.O f«rt; tbenra (3) aouthUf«rf>M 20 nilniitr* west 100 fefll to lh« aatd

'«ait**rly lint) of Bvlleruo 'tilrrci^liMM* {ii| . atotiK-the sam» touUi 1 desrra 3* nilnutM e«Mt

4X..10 fort to lh. iwint aod Pltv* uf ltEGIN-, KINtii '•' . • " •' The alme dt^rlt'llon balnt In ircordante

wllb a Nurver tuade by llrrlwrt r. Hatlcr.X'l'".KuKinwr, dat«U April 16, last.

lieUm I'art of ihn •••n*. preraliw conveyed toMnrrb Hinhman by derd from Annie Holzben,«t ftla.. 'rvcorded July S?. IBM. In Book 1143 «t

na«« 5M., . •i il and thsiuita* pr«tniM« «• tlHtcrlbed

In MorliuiE* Bwik t>Ml for Union• County^ pas197. Known ui No. 167 Uellctue Htmt. KlU»bctlu N. J, .

. Tliyr ta dgv ipproilmatoly $21,178.49, withlnti»rt>«t fruSTTrtwuiry »th, 1933. and wwU.

— . tV WEHltBT t'«LUX8( HlieriH.BIMON T. NOKTBUUr, tkA'l.KMMCC . Few IM.18

HALK--In CbMttf*n of Nf« JeWJurs*>y ^lurtgis* and Title tiuafa

iay. -a *'«rp..-* mmplsluvnl, and Willi; A ala., dofendatua.... SI fa: 'fur aala of

l J l ' *of the alfoi^-Kiatcd writ of fltr|

xaciaiiiB'-meittlrtHL-tvtj 1 shall cipuM tut i l l * by.mbUo rnulu«. lii Uie Uuukt Court Uoom, tnth« . Court Uouw In IIIB (>|iy of tilutoth.

ii K. / . , on - ..." ' '• ' . • " '• WKp.NBHUAY, TDK HTU DAY Or 'X : • . - MAttLU. A. 1).. JM3, :

-*•'* - l i l u . ! - •„ *t,_ _a»^__uJ_« —1» aleilit. rlavsf-a t tw« ro'c iatr tn th» «ft«rn<fw of s a w u * ^AJI ilia follow ln« U%tt or Parcel of land and

'—x. IWMtnaftcr partlculaiiy deacrlbed, s i t -ov.lyl i iet'and-I«ii iaul» tiwt Buroufih of K6nllrth. In lb« (Vuuty uf folo i i ao<f Kl i te ii

- # Jeraey. ' , _______•Hhpwn atitl ltr*>l|.nnt«_d un Hwtlon Two « ( t l i «

. Jl i |» nf >t<w Ursrrsc t'nlon Comity. New Jen*T.f i U « l In -th"* OBVcej «f | l .» It«|[ l«erpor-<'«!«»rCouuty, . N*JW Jtracy. on ->«irtt__)Lwr _l|>, I»»K, t». ' w l l : - • .

~ LoUvThtrt^^nnw (a t l a n d Thirty-two (38 ) ;Block ir-veiilylutr-o U-t l . twUtf tlie Mlue pn>m:

I Ue»'nnivt>>'f-ti l_rTfim_»w Uanlilltt hyovw_ (nunKenltwurth B w t t y CnnwraUon, bearing dat»May 15, 1*1$-. and m i i r d n l Juue 0 , 1*28 lu ttifKfBlit«r'a Olbre i»f tti_ County ut L'D_DO,

Thcie U dim a|rpruilnuit«ly O. l t t l . lR. withIntertit Trota January 2^Uir 191.1, and o n t f . •


iaul brinuwan


crnalit a m •aUlUnl.-'Map 0 J U . M .Vara In KJUa-Mttown" tt»w on BU to,.the

l»-*r% OAce of in* Couaty of laa-tt a* lot•rVml %l «B B_«<.»l kiwred * 1 ' »« U|d down.

« . u l d ataft.Sald lot Mae'eTfevt front and r**r and U5

fa>« 4MH. I U W froutluf oa TTurrd A n _ H .kid lwC»lwlnf __Ali«i-ty ftfcawa tm map HI-d, "Map of WllllaaupoK b*tw«M ttUabMh-

town a__d ICU__Uwthp_it. «*_*_ C-nnty. N. J:*Hty «f whiih L_ at«_ In th* Kegi-Mv'a QOnJie County of lltjioa. .h«r# i» due avripr-^mati

Intcmt fKOi February Tth.V. WESLEY CpLUSB. Sheriff.

-iCOItl.R SCBXIDT,r'_B..-UttlV. ^ ~EUJACC » . r*ea U C U

lEItirra HAL.- la <TM.B«TJ- of S*m Jer»fy.Hctwem Uuuiat 8aTla_a fund lUrnbota. arfHtrailon. tHWplalnaiiU and Kidney Kemp, rt

al&. dr(«nd_Lnta. rt, U tut salf «f BMTtcafednlevra. ' - . ' "y'l'Uin* f- Uaf ahi>*(>-stated inrlt of Her.a* to me dlrorted 1 shall •*[«••,far sale *He rradiie. tn the Dlslrtrt Court Rooff*Court UWuse In tiw City of Clltabetl).

>';-«!.. tm . .- • • (•••WEDNESDAY. THE 5TH HAY Of

APRIL. A. !».. IMS. j .at two ii'clock la the aftentiwn of saiu day.

All .the fo-Niwtnir trart ar t-irrcl of land andlirrnitive hefflnaft-T parilruiarly dMcrllofd, »4t-uatc. lyliif and Wing In the Ttmrnnltln of l*rau»ford. In the County of I'nlun and W*t« of New

rey.U«irlnnlng at a point tn |h» Nwthwly tide

of Kin Ntrv* dUUnt Eaaltrly IM fwt from thecorwr fprittwl by the interecrUM of th« aatdKtde «f; Elm HtmH with i l» KMterly ilde "fLawn Twrecev ttvoct Northerly narallvl withMwn Terrsre JM fe*t; Ihtnnr S«Merly;p«r-alUlwltn Kl« Mrert Stt.fwl; Uivnr* HouUwtlyparallel with the ftrst coure* 109 fMt to saidHide uf Kim tHrvet: thebv* Westerly Atonf aaldtide of Elm ftlrwt 99 fcH to the iwlnt or plnf Bbtkinnlng. Betas part uf lot* US and

to qtUd'-M fcl^ittrM_.i.ufd, New J*T*fy," made Uf fTlTnkm.\t: H. civil. EmltlW unitHuntyot, Febnuryt$. 1M8. and 'Blcil in ths Itrilinr't (lUtcw of the

: f'o.iniy-tif mioo on July 23. 190!....** map nura-Iwrnl 110 D.

- 1» <hi. ttiiproilmaMy ti JSP « _*dfrom February .tit, 1«.3. anil oocta.

C. WESLEY rOLUNH, Hhrrtff,J KCIIUIDT. JR., Hol'r..


.— 8ALE—In Chaueery nf New J»»flUlt-e^n Mutual Kavlnra Fund Uarmonla, •

wrpwaUofi, ro-iplalnant. ,atid (.lara fl. l'Mer-jon. defendant. ¥\, fa, tiyr aale of morlfEafedpremUf*. ' ^ 1 __ •- t. .

By virtue of the abo*«-«tatwl writ of fierifaclaa to me dlrwtrd I Khali *x|u>*»_ for u l * hipublic Tvndiif-, In the plairtrt Court llrwm. Intlit» Court. HOUM m the City, ot Kllxabelh,?;.• J . i b n - 7 ~ " ; V " " . " " - " " • . " -~:r"~~- •••- - • ; - - ; -


at two oVInrV In the »rt*niooii-of «ald-uay.All (|IP fnlhiwlni trat-l or narcel of land and

premliM hert-lnafter- partlnilarly -dceciilied, sir-ualo. lylm and b_Jit_ Ut lh_ City of KHzaucth.Ui the County of Union and HUte o( N«w Jw»y»

lU-Klntilng at a imlut tn tba _jutherly line ofElm Htri-rt distant Wr»l_rl> nlotip Die ume 3 } .ftvt r, inche-^frtMu Ute tiiTerMCtlon wltlt tbeWFBterlj line of Cherry Htretl and at a rnrnrruf land this d*y conveyed to Janvn It. Ireland;ttenco twutherly' and i t jilht aniloi to saidline nf'ElBt RlreH and alunc said land con-Tvyd to Irvland J1S feel more or lean to thedirtalnnltne «f tllft block; Mienc* weatfr.y alonnsaid mrtstmt line 30 f*H; Ui««c» northerly a_dparallel wllh Uie first TO lime 21( fert S Inrhea.more T,r 1«HI tn lh* iwulhefly line of Elm.fttmtaforetafd; Oieoce t_*t*Tly ibutf tha sam« StTeet tt> 11M place of pe«i__lt.c.'-. Tbira la_ due appeoilmaLttr U.34MT withfnlereat from P-bruary 1st, Ift33. and roxtt.

C. WB8LIY COLLINH. tthrrm.•, JR., Hol'r.

IEilllrH HALK- In Chaurery »( New Jersey.Between Kmllworth Iluililtna and I<oan Asto*

vtallon. ».<'ofiMir*tliin ofjhe Htste. nf-.Snw Jer-sjpy, <r»mpla.Inant, and Jnseph'i Martlnkoileh. rlq t , H al., defi^tdant*. KL f». fur sale of romi

l l ! " ;lwl nrrmlsrs. ! ;By tletup t>T (li* ati<it«-itsl«l, writ nf fltrL

fnrtst tf me dlt-^ted I ahalt expose for sil* bypublic Toiiduif, In the Dbuict Court R<iuin. Inthe Court House In th»ff C" " " ' " " 'N, J.. «m

KH HALK- ID dimacrtj »t New The Times Building and Loan A»-

"of N_w Jfl'mey, coiDplaliUnt. and Ann.tte Hardy0*» kuuvn an AnretU) Hardy). H ala,.IU. IL fa. rur sale of mMit^t4

uremlMW- . __. ' ' .• By tlftiig of the.»lw1c-_Uted..wit,of fieri

favlaa to me dlr__tnl I Kh_11_ cx|rvae for aale tiy-uubile V_t.tlu», In UeJ)U4Tlrt Court l_wai_ ,ln

- CtHirl- Ho_**- In 'ih.-'Ctt*: •

WEDNESDAY. TUB 5TI! »AY OfAfRfU.A. D , I » M , .

ut two o'clock iii the. afternoon of said day...All the following tract or parrel uf land ami

jjmnUea hereinafter partlmUrly dc«rrl)>e>l. sit-uate, |y|n_ and .win* In the UprouKh of Ken IK.worth |n the County of Union end Stale of New'Tsey. . . . ., • - - . '""

Shown and dt-fgnated pn Heclloti 1, of the-iif New Hi-ugp, I'nt " • -

in th« office »r tl<B,lli'gister t# Union. County,S.'3'i R«t>L SO. 18ftH. as follows: ... LMU Nuwtwred.Thfrt^it (111) and rWtMn(M>. In Mock Fourtevn 114). — '~^~~""

AM> ALW>: Alt Ihefollowlnii tract or parcelof land aitd prtmUes herrlnafter i m r t l l r l

^ ' •

WE0.VK8DA.T,: THKJ _OTfl»At Of' MAUUI.- A. !>., 133J,

at two o'clock In the aTtiinootf ut isld day.AU IL« followlns trait or parcel uf land and

premises lufe.natter patllculsrly descfllwd, ilt^uate, I) Ins aod belnf In tbe Township ot C'ran-

"- rord. In the. County of GDlon aod State oT Newittvty. i j • •• I ' • . .

UE41INNINO «t II pal it In the, noriherly UD»or UtClellali -tre«t.- UlKtlnt elghiy inl eaeUrlyfront tin? tulersection of In* said nortberty aidet-r McCl*Ut>ir Wrect with Uie wuurly aide ofCltary Ateuuej thrnca (1) porlh twenty-ninedecree* sl& ' miiiui«_ s w l one hundred andtwenty feet;; thence nwU. ality decraea flity-four minutes eaat^ forty 'feel; thenc* aouih

' twenty nln. _t__ree»-«|i mlnutM *e_* one hun-dred and twenty feet (o the uld northerlir lineof UcClcLfka Btr*H,. lh«oce *1«O£ UM lajnettiuth sixty degrees flftyfour minute., west faru..feet lo the. point and pUcoof BKlTCfLNiXBeing, more particulariy known and dcalfnatedas Nu. 17 McClfiUD Street. • .

There Is Uue appr«_lnuttel)r I2.3M.13, "wlliitereat from Itoctimber Stb, 1I3X. and costs.- ' . C. WESLEY COLLLNB, KberttT,

. 11KBMAN p. iriKAEL. tioi't. -KDJ_CC • - ._•.-•* ree_$lT.M

8 HALR- la Chanmy of New Jeney.. ,__,.„.-_ Uarjraa ttudny and JtwOna -Budny,hla wlf..."eWBjjtalflah'u, uul WalUr (.llnU, elala., _-_eiida_l_ ft. / _ for sal* of r_Qftg**«lpremliem. ' '

i>uWk 7«nd^r ln'tlut~Di«UM Cwtt, th* Court H«ua« in l_e-CUjr of a-Uutetb,

'wjBD.VKSDAr. THJt MJfl OAT Or .- " - .MABCtf. A. D . . • l « t : _ « U . . _ : _

at two o'clock, la the sAenoos of said day,• • All UM fotlowln* tr«et«r aaxecs «f Und and

' pr._*lw^w_l!_*Jur p-rtlculaxly dt»ct1b«xl, sltT•' u«U, I j lntaod beln. In, l_e City r^.E-bubrth• tn U.t Ceunty nf UaUez a»d Bute of New- . lemrJl- . , ' . : , . _ ' : . • • ;••.•"

; B««lhnln_.:« UM wmlr, formed by the toU*-"." • MCtloo «**,-the ftroilMtlV 11M «f "l^lnt_too

' Street wtth the Weat«r_yTI>lw> «f Muft Strtel;tbmce South«ri/ loaf said line of SUtfa StreM

w~ia»^u»««snj-_4-n,' .*-i«K_-it«j_.•'/: a (Mala _ u enUtied. -JU». ot tlw' Haw'ff••"•-• H_<-^*ta« Tow. -1_ ' TUItttaiUport, .Kern]

tr."" (M> • * ala "t. ->• saflaur'a OOea^f* " - - ... -?. eaKKUWrlTSS-sSa

sxm or W to a

Stpt -/is*. 'Ceeif-tt5-.7T:^#-««a^«r-ei

! City of

"utTusTiy^tyttig anrt ji_!lijsT In ihe ~ tioui t . of KeotlworUVln th« *"ounty of 1'nlon aifJtatiT uf' N e v Jcreey; —^—•—• - ••'- — "-'* '•

n . l n j lota:~- numhered T h i r t y . i l l I3<i anilTrUrtraeren l a H In Hlodi i.uTnl.Tml n r t m i(lr.l. u laid down,I _eelai>al«l and JlUlmul.l.fJon a' crrtaln map entitled "B*__JD_iH»«-i»*-ihe/Uap>of.-N'ew Oranlr, Cnlon rounryr-NfW Jeraeir." lUrd-tn the Offlce of Hie llmUlrr ol UnionCounty, New,._eney. on Ota Twentieth, day ofHepteraber. IBM;.' . •' r •

Thera U t a approilmalely «3.S«!.J7 amU M wuh Intereat from January 131b. IBMand Irveta. ;." ' - - .

• c. wxaUrr COLUNR,ADOLI-B C-BRICH. flol'r.EI»*CC

r r S MLX—In Cbannry M V t i l m. B n n n , : Carl KUnnli., eoniiilalnanl. am

Antbony KcranUn. «t ala^ .defendants. N. fa.for tale af norttactd pnoUna. *

Bl rlrtue of the aboioalabKl writ of fieritwias to ma (UracteU 1 ihall expoac for atlv. bj.piiMle TRfdufi, In Ilia DUIrlct Court Boom. Ilb» Coprt llouae In Uia City of Illtmbelhi N.'J.

UtDAY, nis lira SAT orAI-UL A. D , t«33

at two o'clock m tha afternoon of l i ld day.All tha following trart or parnl or Ulid am

immlwa rttnlnatut partlcularlr dnalltNt; ill.uate. lylnc and btlng trl.thc City of..EllaabetliIn the County ,rtt Unloai and BUt« of Nfw

Btf<;|V.NLV(; on lue wnttily ilda of ThinA £ at a 'point distant .on* bundeMl.1 am

, „ by ba "intanycilori "oFtfta *iujutlieft:Jin. of BaatH rilrarC. with llle>weater|y a<d_>iTbtrd Xranuo; tbeoce nortliarly.jlon( ailld tUe•ft Third A.eouo twanty-dfat UP) feet lo'pout In ibe c_a_- of tba pmrUtln -all of UidouUe bulldBu eracud <m Uia properly barel>ymnrryed and proparly «djelalll« brkmtlnf 10Harry Wachlar sad wlf»; IbaBM. wattcrly «ntht lUrd V a i x Uirotidl the WMar(rT'i-lil fartltkw wan o n tnsdrad^ (IMl feetw V v d k t : Ibanca ambarty and psnOal wttliThird ATenlH twnrty«re ( S ) faet lo s bolnt.tfcerjet eaattfly and parallel to ItouUl Rtreit ooetr—dmtl lst ) feat <o tha placa of BeilanlM..

Beusj aMwn. nuo-ered arrf dealrrMe. sa Wtnuaber aU-teao (IS) cat Block * aueptla* 0«a15) teai on n _ »f Mid lol MI a nruln aa»


Motorists Paying Heaviest TaxesEver-Levied Upon Transportation

AMEWCAN Dourtau. couUnrt-•, u p fouwJlj wioiountt IB«pevulatloo. rwr Ut wauioa to c*o-•n l Ule» tiroMM} lb« !>•»«•«•pwlml MTiw cwar uapotMi j (orro W f


liBan. uiuipilwi tr«_"»>a>--

. thoattc- •u t l t t l ca , m m • U>'« sinr»ot lite tirtually anbrales. upwsnttrend ot nuxor i*hlrlf tai«s to a .ne» r«ord total f- l lmsl-0»M • ' •Uh.OW.'M tn 1H1 This ts."'«*(above ta* HJ1 tout . I1.Q1&.0OO.WUV. •and -\1% above ' U>« ISM total.;IKH.OO0.IXXIL •'. |

K—lroad tos accrual*, repneenl; itB | ta ies upon tha only com par |able mode of trmnsportstlon, saire'bwa det l lnlnj since, 192>, the 1931!total Mini «S<M>t>, or 1.1*1l euvt su ID 1331 ana »,&•* less$h*D In 1130 Tbe decline bera > u Ieae to lower vroas VereDU* rnirl net jIneomv," but motor - Teniele taxjs*.generally tllnw jalus-Uon or.iue anil Utus, while ).*e of!

' every ralirooit rareout dollar U)l1IS> went tor taxrs. the (asollne'tax, one ot 17 levies imposwi uuonmotor vehicles, took 1»« from everylasollnt dollar..The real weight of tbe «ulomo-U»» tai.burdaa, l<6. is

Scurowti "fTdlway AD*,1* National

ln or—i- to oat_a xasOce Mr the tai .SKtm wm* m M l and _ M .

_ a nean«-i_ from ElsBfcrthBond of.Pakl_ Worts tn nterenoe to

War Trk_e o s per_w _ BdnxRead * w icikres) to Hood Occ—i—He*.

MontWr report, of Jei) 0 K r - H n ;Supntr^andRjt <* Roe—*: J«U Ptvnl-

HU Oountv tBarirjeer; Suprr_tei_entWeHrh-aarl MMao—: rtrm District

fturiMUint Mstrtcvooort* Rome _ t .enA AitfjIX,JXrxsisccciv

concealed by njjajl^parmenu. Tha(Uollna tax. av«rm(tD| thgbtlrmora than to per gallon, •eeoit toth« copiumer rjiaraljr u ' l n c n u aIn the. price ot tuel. Vet the. total'' ICcoooailata a n a(u<Jjrui» tB* 1WJgubllne tax In 19S1 U MtlmaloO decline ID Croat jtuullne tax cot-at I600.M0.OOO. and Iq-iouie m lections' by ttatea. ibe* Bral In bla-•taaees this tax actually doubled' lory, u s typical trend. AlUionta

•umer. The aiennje vehicle openv- taie* brouKbi total collections to ator payi' 130 yearly ID jm'ollne new record, there bare bewD desV .tales alone.'or about two-thirds ot hue decline* ID motor ••Wile put*U t motor tax bUL / cbssea, reglatrauons. and uae> :

.Bepott ot CTsahwh Drawandtr Ooart-mltta» stating Insurant* company haw1

•cttted elate .(or.damoge to Summerand nVrd.

Anwsal rfpBrto* MUls and Co. Audl-ra, was traritlioil and OML. .Rtport and ttatafattlan by Special

""'Ming; n^n-r'"r rrcommeadlng « .at Unse ta Aagust Ante and

b e , to- ctaapMc tontraft ,{orwcrt on Ooort Reuse.'«u

RavobiUoD by Ptasnoe Oommlltee«*B*iafndtng Jurors' lm be !Uf>d at

(UO per da*, n * adoptedby FtaanceSheriff return to Ooun-

' Trcannr «Sfl0O of the HO.OOO paidHn for Jurors" fen was adoptrd.Rcsnratlon by Finance OammlUeensfntos Oountv dt HaiUiiie* wherein

slum be kept an public roonrrs ct UdsOoanty. was adopted. ':

ResotnUon by Speriol Building Oom-beatlng plant In

aod rrratnfenapBe bond to be epproiredby the County Attorney, was adopted.

by finance Ootnmiu**' of the l»uTchaii-

r thu Countr ,.f Kssvx, Also sit rislit, IIU» smliitrtMt tn suit lu th« bsi'k Unftt »r sll*y licre-iofore iletlU-slM to u w t*f. «ll wHners and u t i -ints In cummnn u u . i u i d U ixk K" WUllsnu

Map s s set furtii tit rnnner «iv«<U ttom AugUSttls, WltUlm (u J C S M I U M U . • -• ' ' .There Is due s i* imi lUi sUly l l ^ n i . t S anil

i:i:*Tflll, with liiivriwt from rvbruary llttk, lWaS,m i l r < » U . • • • '-

0 . WKHJ.rY (Ul.LINH. BIlrrilT.. AIlDIHO.S Mt\'IPr.'> Hul'r. •-.. : "

•IIKIIIKK'H HAI.K - I n Chsiiprry «f N f * J«rM>y.-lIclMivis HiiHiu-) Ku«st]«r, cumi'lsliisnt. Hint

m.rl<'M«jul»e Wrif[iii, c t s i s . , drtrndsnu. Ft.s. fur Mte iff lt.<ifM«»iiMl lirvnilafj.

i t y t l r U u r «f UIP nlHiVoilstfd writ «»f Ittrlads-) M me fllmrtnl I •hi l l .n iNnnt for H I I byKiMlfl rrtidue. !ti lliu Ittslrjrt Cuiiri Itiwoi. Inli« riiurt -Ifojiw Tn tlic (111 uf Kllutwtb, N. J .

;WEUNEHUAV. 711R 12TII 1>AV O f '

A11 ML. A. U-, 1»3U,wu n'rtfKK In tlw srUTtiirun «f ss ld dsy .l llttt fotkmlnf lnua_ut fsrrH nf U n d snd

. u l K s heretiufter imrtkuls t ly dt-wrilMMlr s i t 'ustu. l)lu|t'ftu*i WlntVMit Hi*,-liMrmiiti ut tisr-*i»oa. IH UM County o f t ' o l w «nd KUI- ofN j e r s s / t - . • • • • • •

Kmrwn.^»li(i*n «nd df»«-rlh»MJ un *. veftslnn u n uBde by Kdwln 0 . V«i)rhK t:. B , tn AU«-ust »»*» and ttlwt In t t m l O c . of ttw llsf lstcrof L'nton C o m l y , Ktlsatoil i ; N, J., •nlHInd,-rtwi l im Htv n protwrtjr' i l i twud - « r (I«rwu6dtWwttieM, Union Vauptf, New Jsrsvy. twlwiatncto New Vurk HIIIIIITMH ttSiid Cou»i>»ay," s s Intslumbers ttrn liundrrU stitl s«vsMiiy*tMa (273)nd" MionduriifiiiT; «n iT"«»wr!r i l ,TW~nT! l ) - t i rltM'k Nututwr si>vcnly-iiltie f iH| sntl luls ntim-

I M M H O huiiilr«| sml furly uus. (111). |«ru hun-dred And fuHj-tAw <tM\, two ..MttOrM. amiorty-tltrce I 2 I H , two tniiidTMl'slid forty-tuurJ44), tw.i liumln^l «ixt (iifi>''(1t«t (245) . ' ami"

, « u l iundmt u sit<) f u n y - i l t <««> In HlttckNimilwr tigti<r-l*u (?2) AI laid down on said

Synopsis of Minute* of• Board ofFreeholder*

Regular, meeting ot the. Onion Coun-ty Board of Clioaen Freeholder*, washeld nt the Court House. Elliabeth.N. J., on Thuriduy, March 2nd. a:30Pr M; : --•--•-;

Director McMone' presidlnir." Rollcall showed 23 member* present, and 3absent . - ':.. . • \

Mloutcs'ot.tho meeting of Pcbniary2nd, 1033, were approved as per print-ed copies on the members' desks.

Resolution that all bills approved beordered paid was adopted. r

Communication from A. I*. Oadiwaldof Oranford addressed to FreeholderDroescher^ complaining of condition ofiValnut avenue, wu referred to BoaUCommittee.. V

Communication tram r t mtarUn Church, complaining of snwaenuisance, was referred to PttbUeOroiidds and Buildings Committee.

tlie follgwinitwhkh liate 1**11 lirr«'ti.(ure reivatMnl fruiu Uielien uf t;iKii|4«lllanl'it murlaaae^ .

All tliat certain Uart tir- iwn-rl fif Illllll anil.ireralHrti, licrelnaft«r imrtli'ulatTy ilre*irll*d, nil-.uale. Ivlriit n,nd* beiiia In Mm lluriiuKti nr llar-wootl.. In the Umioty <>l L'liluu anil Hum ofNew Jtr»«. . - .

.UEUINMMI vt a iwilnt In tlio viiulifrly Hueif Tint* Amiutt <llnuiil'eaiterlir IM<I tiuiiilri-tlirty-neven It'iTI r .a rrmn ilm ruriier furuit'dly tJie lnl r-wtHi>u i«r n«lil avullK-rlr line ofi'lne AtHltie wlllr the t-mltir'ly'Mil* uf C.

Hlrcfll; tHrm'e rntuilna nuuUivtlyiil IIKUIUi Mill'ln«..AVWtlle line IIUIKITMI (.1001Feet lu a Inilut; thenc« eaalrrly uarallrT ttilfi

iHt l ine uf l'iiio A t f n u n riniy-tliioe I t4) t e a.a. puliKi tlirnre iwrtherly parallel wllli -tl;e

n n t vuuriw mi* ltiindrHl_ llOBi feet to a point

Communication from Borough of Ro-eile Park* requesting action on Instat-[atipn of Teletype System be Withheldintll reeslpt of •lOTmal rr«olutlnn was

-eferred to Finance Committee..-^Communication from Chaa. A. otto,

DUtrlct Chairman, lri .reference (oShare.Uio-Work Movement, was refer-red to Finance Commltteei . -

Notice from the Welfare Board olthe emergency appointees » InveaUgators, was received and filed. . \

Communication^ from Deportment ofAgriculture,' advminir of a project toeradicate bovine tuberculosis In Un

ami l>l«c« *t>r l3=fitrTir-i

e ; U

Ion County, was received and filed.Communication from State Highway

Cornmisalon enclosing copy ot «al«-ment ma4e:by the Commission In replyto (he Princeton Report, was referred

jaiuriy nrm ISI f«el"i>rtol"il3"ciii' ittmi «iaa laid dmni, dfalKitatMl aitjl .dhtlnftulalied uu a'ertalu map. «iilll«l "rtitfllon No. I, propertyjliuateti al iiaroi'md-Weelfli-id, tlulon County,New Jrmey,'tielonslnB-^w-tlie-*W Vork Hulwr-ban Und Cimipany" wade hy Main H. Vootlila.

. K . In Miuri num. mill In'Mia rilllre of IliaIWInlvr uf Tiilon lounfy >t Xllubeth, S'. J.

Tliorv la due.. ai>ltf'<ilffialely l.'.ril>.ia andIJ . tMl ! and »i .»l t : : i and> and• 1.0J7.1« and 1110.11), xlilr Inlertal from rili-ruary. Hth, 1933, ami rotta.

" ! p. JtK&Utt t"0M.lN8, Klxrflt.

Pe»a IMXLVIN J. KOErlTLKH. Kol'r.B I M A f C ' . "

I NOTICE OF BCTTLCMCNrNotice. U linretiy xlrei i , tliat UIA acrount ot

Uia lulm-rllier, AdnilnUtri lr lx of tha e a u u - o fJ.ilm K. ri iher , i l w u a e d , will lie audited anda u l n l liy Ui« MurrgltaBw and reported for aeule-nefit-, to» tile. Ucpliana' Court, v( tha Counlr -of

' VHIIIAV, THB 2 I 8 T » A T <>' AI'ttlLoat t . at ' 1 :^0 P. M.

AXIA.C. rimiKii,, AdialulalralrllCHAHLKfl f K U U L L l ioc lor ,

Ka«i Oranfe*N. t. ^Dated Marrb I I , I!I3». I> « ! • | i j e - • ' . ' • •••:.,. ' :' « • »

THE McCARTER SCHOOL• • dUNFOBO, NBW J B » RClasaes from-Kindergarten

to Ninth Grade



^ - Z19 Broad Street


—Adtcowlctlninciit—tfpm- -gpvuitoMoore of receipt of certified cop; ofresolution b| reference to present High-way ContlrilsBloi), wo* received and tiled.

Cdpy ot a resolution from Borough offiosclle Psjrk. requesting Installation ofthe Teletype,System., was referred t iFinance Committee.

Communication from Township otHillside calling attention to conditionat N. roBd Street viaduct was referredto Road'Committee. i: , . J ...

Commdnlcatlon from Barouith ot NewProvidence, calling attention to dangerous. condition at railroad overpass onSpringfield . avenue, was referred torload Committee. , '

Communication from stite'Ifighwa:Commission approving request to pro-ceed with Improvement of Salem arenue and OleruldeJrVenue, with fore*account-and ijjv^ise of. Vt&fiO on eachproject'from Township a^d.Borougha d funds, wo* referred to Rood Com-:

'OmrWnMttbtrfr^-Staie'-lblhiMy;]Cbinmissloh thsnttng ^oord for theircooperation, jwa* receded and filed.,

Copy,of a resolution from Boroughof Oarwood, rexjiesUng Centre streetbe taken over u a county road, was re-ferred to Hood Committee r*v.

Communication from J. Q. Ifolfordshowing saving* to County on automo-bile fleet Inturance, wa*| recdfed~

• f l l e d . - • • - , • • • • - . • • ' • • ; , ' . . . /

Ijroro Onion CountyTai^yersV A*«d*Uon favprtag Jurors'fee at taM per day Instead of tSi» w»sreceived and filed. ' "

Copies, of reepluaon from the. UnionCounty Welfare Board appointingFlorence B^Blocum, David ^ H . Mar-ray, Victor W. UoUa and Agnts

, Durran. ms Social Investigators of <I^AgeEeDef, w«nj received aod fUed.-: K^ TfffHiniriitfffli ftvtn CUtyoC Wnlit**h«W advising they.. nave redbrtrfaMdCity c« Moii^ld. Increasing -tttr eke.Uoa oastrW from ».vi :'a» wouldquire oddltlooal ballot baaa wo* refer.r^lt. Vt f Wflfin KMiiinlTIti* "

Copt of a' resolaOoo Iron to* KUta-

Jortn •tsbc Newark Sunday Call RevitActivities of t

Tout BOttM Kxtturion be aor#pt«d

„ Agent (rota Uarrtt Tth (o April 1st• performed by the Flnano: Commit-

ReaoiBUon by. ' .Rbsm Oanunltteereeorrunendbat *S*fl00 {portion of the

IJJOO general UMtauigiuenlrbond dat-ed April IS, i n t . issued for the. lm-pioieuunt of Kortb areoue and which

not ienuired for that purpose., be paidover to th. striking Fund, Commlaskmand held for pavmeot of the principalof the prtnetpl* of cold bond, wasadopted' ._ '- • . ''

rUeolutlon by Road Committee stmt-m TOwjuhlp of Union rude applies-

tlon for' improTTOKflt of Salem Road,and nave atreed to ruuli luutg-tMXWOInward sold munwment lo recom-mend Director and Clerk cirnile agree-mrnt was adopted •

ResoiuUoa by Finance Committee sp.propriating tSDOO for Improvement ofSalem Raad n i adopted. —

Resolution by Ftaance Committeeauthoittlng Clnk to Insert In minutesonly sach tsatlen as are eaentiallyiwcessjuy lo be officially published.

There being no further buttDesa andupon motion of Freeholder Von Dorm,luly seconded and carried^ Ui» Director

declared the Board adjourned unit!Thursday, April * h . IB1, at 3:10 P. M.

CBAS. U. AITUCtC. Clerk.

[ ,.' W«U» far ll*all»Tne pu'bllc bvallli aeni'v*' U T I from

all |o eutnl f]a*m of <rtin a day lar*>nal*lrre>l the> rr<|ulr«<l siiiinTnl •for a

Tk*o> WeiafMa] t-lOMDR. M. P. BABBITTBtmocoN cmworonisTm EAST MOAD 8TKEET

. N. J.

(The following article •upoared in am w t isaue of the Newark Sunrt«y C«UIn" the column,.:"L«adera Among Wo-men," by Josephine tawreivce.) -

Perhspi' no tr»t of character . Isgreater than- that of the fashion tnrtneh-^-mwa-uiMptiuinuiinit -tgm«ce«u responsibility. So many blu»rt UM one embitter us, the other find

us wanting. Hla Alice Ukey has donejrlther. Bhe learned early In me Uie

secret of making adjustment* and herInterest* — music, pure - -food

and lusunuice—lurnl»h the convincingApparently unrelated, these

subjects ore In reality clmwly llfikexl.Uusle come* first. • '.•""Before t left school It WM discov-

ered t had a .singing voice worth eui-•Jratlon." she explained, and somena|tte &fc In J»sotils, ,or voice or man-tier, Invoked a picture of Uie gb-l whowent lo Italy to study volcn. Tilewhlte-halmL gracious wonun who hadbeen that girl bridged the yean wltb'Sorties* POM. — .-

An only child, her father and a de-oied Mepmotlier tooiTTTpr to Europemd there a|i«/<«nd the steprnottier re-ulned for months a l a time. TheyIrrd In a beautiful world of creativeirt. ,MUs t^kcy studylnx music, her

stepmother painting pictures that_ it little fame. At Uie

tlnie of her death Mm. Lakey was one•the best known painters, of cattle

_jid landseapca \i\ Qntiotml ar( circles.The Cr»n!oltt tiomrl where. MIM takp.v

yn hss IU wall* cavnrnt with fthe•nvases, the work ~ of* tier niothpr'n^'•j'^/-.i-:!«:')r»li'A'i.''.'"':'W?';!rj^ST.'Tt^r;?'1;>w*-'

After several years, broken by tripsnnr, In Italy nnd Enulaud, the lAkeys

relurmxl to the United Mlates. M I MLakny , was preparing fnr nil u'licntUccareer' when her health fulled.

- I>lsap(M4nltnenl"For seven year*" I wa*_ air Invalid."1 Uiese seven words she parked nil

Jio defeat and sufforliut nf hnr firstreal Krlef. "When I rwovVrfMl.t novr?rwent back to public ulnnlnu. I tnuiihtiuuslc and .1 RAVO rrcluis, but • thebought of a ennwr lind to be obaii-l o n e d . " " • • ' • ' ' • ' . '

The family moved tti Crnnfortl frnm[ew York, brrsuiw quint WHJI fwuiiitlalor tlie young Invalid's wfilfarn. Asjinrlealth gradually Improved, Mlris Lakcy'ii

rager, nctlyo niliii rruchol out ftir nowMerest*. Hlio ' took chsrite uf Ulcuiusekeepliur, Ul liuve her mother frnu'or* her painting, and catering to thotastee of a fastidious father itnveharaUtrhprofcsslonal, yet cuictlng, -kno*!-.-

nf food products. "

'* knowlrdgesrfxy.ed her acceptablywhrniho bpcaintf IdciIUflod with thoCimntord VIIUK* Imprnvement; AMO-cuttlpn. Tha question of the "nationalpure food law w u being agitated "51til* lime. Dr. Harvey I), Wiley, one nf^rfinoiit-populfir'or iiiipBimltrrirwirrrrr1

Washington, accordlijg to . vlrwimlnt,rxmsented to address a Orsnford, inert-ing: He comn, his expiVM) nf thn ndult-r.ratlpn nt food and druKii rui then prtin-nod horrified a youiin IwuMikecixir,lice IJikny, and she's Ixwn riillsttxl In

hn purrs food nriny frutn tnut tiny tohU. _ ....

had 'to iriike niH chrs In the cntwemid UIOUKII' "I had appeared un lanftiilatfurms and on tho KIIIKO Ixloti

crowds of |K»pln I IOUIHI I wan hitlinrnervous. I could sing to people! but Ididn't think I -could talk lu them."

t_ j . u i m M


FLOWERS•rtWIe •eat lalasl fMsiga* la Vwaenl

RWernrJe Flower Shop.: 1st. f i l l i l «-Ua»


lof Onoa .1* tbe perfect deeaertfor the perfect bat im Sane Itafter lany hoQstty meel, or ee lb*

for ear party.'

ffesttiey Cat? litckaTeL CKaafsrsi «-U»7

Miss Lakey's eye* laurfory; "Well—my voice-1coure*." taught me how Ipublic speaking came nati

Fead Wet*

•he was a member'of the pure foodcumrnlltM of the Oeneral. Federationof Women's Clubs. In 1005 she.servedas chairman of'the food investigatingcommittee of the National Consumers'League, and held this office UU 1B13.Slw w u the only woman charter mem-ber of the t»PWjJfork Milk Committeeand a lecturer for the New York Boardof Education, speaking on clean milkand foods. In l»l» and 191B she hadcharge of Woman's Day. for the Na-tional Milk Exposition; held lnUew -York. FUr her work in connection withUie Buro food.inoyemenl she was madea inttinber of Uie National Instilute ofSocial Science* and later acted aschairman, for New Jersey of the insti-tute medal committee'..

Is there still need for reform In thematter of pure foods?

llrr rxorfsolvt! face siild. "How canyou ask?''

II atrnis that In this age the advei-Uscments and tlie coiitonu of the pack-ages . otlvcrtltnl tliin't Always match.Manufacturers can make amaalng state-menu in .their advertising, but they-liave lo watcli the label* Ittey paste onIliclr. foods and drum). Tlio connumer—

namo Is henlleaa—doesnt -rcnil thb labrl. lie thinks If guarohtceehim all that was nuvcrtisttL . Is there«UH work to be duiit! alonu pure food

"My IU> fiUls /Into three sections,"Miss Lakrfy had: fnld, when she first

ercd llii) citilcl, Huniiy room, crowd-ed with btxiks nnd pictures and the me-inemtoes'of busy yeam .

Tlie third section deal* with ln»ur- .nnco; - . —

x , hualiieM Neil .UtitU mill MIM Ukey had never

worked In nn ufflco, never kept businesshuitrn, uuvpr. IMWII tmrj of."that army of "Wttriinirwlia hitist «o "down town," reinor nliliip. Hut |i didn't occur la her to

ilfii) to accent the renuanslbtllty laidinKm her by hnr fntlwr's death. Bile'itMUiiicd tho rdltumliln " ' tho maga-y. liirr. ltiMiranctt, which l»i had fuundedlu 1 ana, nnd lu B ilioit Uineluul maden imiiii! for hormlf. In a now Held.

Iimurrtticp educjitloiial 'work held the»tn)iii»!l u|>|x-iil fur licr. Olio workedtlreh'SMly to uwure tho ap|M>lntmeiit ofan Itiimranoo. uutnmltteo In connection.will i thn Oenerol. "Foderatloh of Wo-mt'n's Clubs. In ]MI «he waa appointedclinlrinun uf a special. Insurance In- 'vratlgatlng commlttm under the Ped-emtlon's department of tlirllt; Todaythoro are Insurance chairmen In twen-

Ty-nlnu of Hie nlato fcdoraUon* of wo-men's club" nnd Miss Lokcy Is chairman

Clrnernl rfHlnrntlon,• /Hie llndn Umn t» be ucUvn In churchmork ntid 'hM'nnvnr loot lounh with theCmnfurd VllluHn liniiroyemiiut Asso-clittiun. I ur yi*arn fthe nerved a* I t s 'pri'nldi'nt und In • Im/iorary presidentnow, Hlirt In klftu n imiribcr of tho Wed-nrtndny Murnlim Club ill her liotno townund n niemtMT. uf lhn'l>..A. It. Amunu .hi'r nholniit-pOrMMluns Is a enpy of"Tlio Jiiniilo," ,nuluunipiied by Upton 'Hlndalr. . • / ' • •'- ...

"AA UUU IlKhler to another;" she says.



I- HAYA§HTS RESTAURANT/ Tclepfaooa CKanford «• •*» '



Let me give you-an sstunaU on :.your •rlririsf work.'. We will mak* anInvettlgstion sad suggest change*without anyobllgstttm to you. -PEOMFT AND EFnCIBNT vIOHK

A^BKrUONABU r l l C U• . . • / •

Tel. CBanfard l-«0W» • Wajsnrt Ave. CBA


Supplied to You Complete—Witfi Rollers, Shade _'Poll. Bnd^icle*«etn»fifcherl-^ferOnlj^- ^ _ —„

"(81***'Up to I M. WMlb and • M. liengU")


Q. J. JANSEN, Carpenter-BuilderComttUtHoa or Jobbing at Rouomble Rates

Xari«arUa Oercn far Beildlni. Doaaaged by lira

Page 6: FromHighWater Rates Sectional Ghampionship · 2015. 2. 14. · ford: publicity. Mrs. Long . Miss Dreher. Miss Aglae ' Gates—of—Cranford, * v~ Kuentsler and Miss Lain?. - These



• -~ tetaMbfcet1 liftm ciwMxiau CUHOMI-L*

I U c*A»roiu> « n u > i .

rusumro cvcuv THUIIDOT(Mm . . . . . . Craofert. «. i


T m a I n Dalian a Tear-**i .1 «*•• <r»i,f.«d Put Offlce Be

™TJetiers to the EditorMarch 13, 11)33 (he whc'/l.bourd In allowing for record

their defamatory remark* which haveno bearing In the conduct of schoolbusiness. • ' , ,. ' •

CRANFORD. CIVIC COUNCIL;".15. J.; Sweeney,: Secretary,


II ;s trr? ri-msrtab.V irjdpod trie wayf^eS)^>-e i'rjHraDy r » i r l « l In the longbkr.fc Jv^dat . ii'. cicrlU'mrnl »ny*l)*T4-

' iis;l>> ar.d m t vu . the banks mipenr-d. r.o »!>in;»t lo .a-ithdraw funds- Jn

f»«i fa*;iki fipijprtiJJ^ rrjwrt„ far .:n ettrss of withdrawals The

Editor; Cltlzrn and Chronicle:Mr, Cloud • who was recently retired

from the buirrj of education "by a «ub-•tjuiiiuj majority and whose strongly•ponMirfd high school constructionprogram mas difeati-d by a vote. of. 634-t j 17WI appears not to be content t o ! Editor. Citizen and Chronicle:.,iicirpl ihi* verdict In the proper spirit j Events bccurlng dorlnif the past threeCitlirr drfratfd rmmbrrs of the board ;>ears; and particuIflYly during the pilstof eftararlofi find"other worthy citizen*] few -weeks, .have had a chastening.*l io BpwivJfT'dJhjr_fi<tlioal4irajcct.ha-voy <'ffee»-mJon our' fgttgnioUa^aptrttgT'Many«?»M;fulIy~arr<>ptV'd the voters' cxpreiw-• of fus nnw realize that we' have been<d will juid undoubtedly condder the : l l v l n g t o o m u c h In thin world, and thatmatter cloard for thp time being at- the realm.of t | ie spiritual world. Is af-l»-jtfct. . ' . ' ter all a reality that .must be rrckonrd

' In. his farPwHI address to the- board,; with to our sorrow. We' may protestMr. Clmid .Bating'In hi* cxalti'd j>o»l-' and_ denounce the 'wtc l fdness of our

E W i r > a that aitVr the bank, hnllduy^ «xS«3 rwTTflhlrij would be' on a saf r'r

- and s**undrr.baAl*. A* a nat t er of f act' Ulii cwsfldertf* « U be tiir main sprtrnj

fov*r£& t^-tlfr' conditions n'nd betterWe lot* for *l*Rdy, If slow,

i*^yirtit from now on, stirri* ofait- plrmiful.


Tbi artjcn of the ttute Board ofUulitMt in itartirur fwoceed-

' ingx to compel trie ..ITalnJUld-UnlonWa>r Company to abandon the tenper rent uarenarfe on water bills, su-

^tbsnsrd in' 1KB to help U*o Companycut of. jUkfed. financial difficulty la theBru fruit of the'effort*, of Oranford.

ComrnlUee last Wll to bringn RMxerMd action by muoloipall-

urs atrred -bjr- the company for reduc-• Uoo of waler rates- ttuxse U1« time

Joint «om»ltt*w rePrMenUW^|S«|e1 at wort and

tbeItls«Ut«d4»)< al-

I drfleu toproride for which the• per MM M«tiu(« authorlaed

«M awdc ap t» i n t . It would appearttat Iht aknfen** aboald BOW be ellm-i d ^ and Ibat the OamfmAr should

Uii|>rliicl|ili'd, lmldjou.1hi* gpwTh at vurlous

ilon, srtw fll to.make several extrt*melytl'r»t»t/;rV remarks directed, at what!;<*' tcrmr-d: the dl.iKract-ful tactics of an

;. Quotinghe s&ys,

'•I take this'opjxtfttimlty to again .T»i* -the linBrljiajired" factica of • thisilantcroiu minority among bur clti-7cns"; and" atfutn, " which tn*se, newly elected mem-Ucrs appfar to Kave been Impelled In*to office Is the only disturbing, feature,etc";* and agaln^ "I know the motivesmid elMni'nt* of th~ia sponM)nthlp and Icondemn them wJibieheartpd|jry;' TiiU Unot- the first time that tbltuinrt'presen-tatlve fcToup has endeavored to wreak*llirlr selfish and' personal vengeanceupon bur cducatlon^Kiyateni." He con-tlnuei. -They «rt»iRenUy. appear / oprefer work In the,-3ffirt as people rofthis stripe are knowri to do." -

Them defmmalopy .remarks by Mr.Cloud Verc spread Mi*lhe minutes of thelast regular meetlnit of the school board

fellows but .we •cannot, escape the.con-Aefiuences of our reckless Arid selfishdisregard af the eternal verities of life.

All of which prompts me to write Uilirletter to express my profound satlsfnc-

J l 1 b h t1

thriraitic dub PlaysAre1 Well Received

Two. one-act plays, "The Valiant"and "On the Razor Edge," .were pre-sented to a large audience by the ibran-fjrd Dramatic Club at Its March u -i^nlily Tuesday night In the Casino. .

The first offering waj "The Valiant,"by Holworthy Hull and Robert ."Middle-'mass, This same play was given bythe club a number of yean ago. TheKev: Kenneth D. afartin took the role

DIEDSanford X. Hoar*

Sanford K. Moore. «ge"72.' father ofMrs. B. W F. Randolph of Cranford.died last TJttjpday momlng at his homein Psjede^, Cal., following an extend-

hMrs. Randolph,-wbo hasbeen In California for tbe last month,was present when her father died.

Mr. Moore resided, In Cranford anumber of years ago. For the last fif-teen yean, he had been connected withthe Leonard hotels In California. .

Survivors Include the wife, Mrs. Alice

Classified AdvertisementsReadJbr Profits Use for Results

obwrw- the- e«manner In which the church-

es of our communlly and neighboringtowns are reminding the people thntthe church never clojet IU doors to the

Ceases to serve the spirit-ual and material need* of Ms follow-er»—and Is ready always to coll thewanderer back lo God.'.'

The lienten Loyalty proifrum that aunited church Is sponsoring Is bawdtolely upon the need for communionand, fellowship with God, and ftu ac-knowledgement of this clnlm upon ourloyalty Ktld devotion to the relliilon weprofess to bellevr. - .

Crowded sessions In our churcheiTlsa novelty but It Is Medially 'happeningright here In Cmiifdrd. Surely life'will Uke op a new meaning and we V


of the prfesMit that ti^.^Ttjf_^^Ji(alia^ila>t*i--~*»o~:itaghtenr'->ta:.Pranlc Nick of Patedena and Mrs. Ran-dolph of Cranford. and three sons,Leslie, William and Leonard, all ofCalifornia. .., Funeral services were hiSU Saturday.Interment was1 in the Inglewood ceme-tery, li) Los Angeles.

. Frank BoredorfFuneral services for Prank Borsdorf

of 7 Burchfleld avenue, who died at hisHome Friday, Saturday-nightSroraysPuntral Home, Westfl*!ld.rTheRev. Matchett' Y. Poynter, pastor, ofthe • Cranford Methodist Church, wasIn charge. Burial was In the Ever*ffreen Cemetery, Brooklyn*

Mr. "Borsdorf moved. to. Cranfordfrom Brooklyn In 1030 and made hishome at the Burehfleid avenue address.He Had beenj^tlred from business, formany years. He. U survived by his

leyel of-performance. The worry andspiritual unease of. the warden, theUmpllcity and uncertainty of .the lit-*lie country gfrl,-. the'determlne'd retl-mncC of -the convict, the disappoint'•nient of the clergyman, were admirablyindlc;iled, agairot the profeuional sto-l.dlty of toe pruon attendants. TheHU(L;ence had only words of prla*e fortup. jirctentatlon, of which- SpencerHsrrrnger was the dlrt-ctor. '• Mildredijiclilch.. was * Ih^sku rfte-vt -properttRrThe-caAt follows: _ • .

Warden .Holt, . . Slalcolm Warnock;rather Dktey, Carl H. &feson; James

Fay; Josephine *I?aHs;*er; ban. Harol^ Davtsf

an attendant. William1 Sharpe.Equally.good In s .different way was

ihv. wcand play, "On the Kazdr Edge,"n satirical social ...ccrnedy by . Jlupert

Oyke, KverettHuibara ftarniiHuibara

\ Af^nMt a•J^jswr*., , U Mala eaeej laaerUea.

I- • Onr » weHe. l« a we*.

ftuu w»ot tu bur. rttit or Kll, e&u CalaesrSully Cu... CUanlViril (-MIL N.w ' '«i t i^ta airoi. . :

. FUBNI8HKD BOOMS TO' aUWTtVBXlMItU room fur real, burd If ihllrW;

217 Stinh i r n w , Vt'vtt. Tttvphoat CrsaCons31»lJd ^ c ^ *

FOB RENTHEVKN room Iwurf. all laprorr'mMu.

(4V0U. . 115 Norlli > • « , „ , . (Vol.

('OMri)aTABLV rumUbM room, lo rwl. kichra lirliUqn. _ » J X l iJl rf

— y ~ " • •

and ttifre aland as official school bus!* face, (h«<. problems of the day - w i l ltiess "ft aflrd. when;needed. -V1 ;"••/• Mwpmied faith In-thc ultimate trluiiipl:'Each 'member of tho Cranford Civ le j" ' t rulh aiid^rJjljtojur>iii«Vl|»-<>Mr:')ai

Ci«iijlclk ««afcfar«.-IJnitMti>r» hits'BeenTiloKairiife. if'WP cleave to. the- cniiviri-

f t t tm UM Boor Uiereunder

It k not prabafcl* (bat ttat fiuu Ben-•»» « • paw Uw Aawnhlr Bill putung

" * ta tber beinit Into bard to du-fpr Bprtnt prt-pg p t prt

m r baa tain ttrm, ret U baaM to do away

V li» prinatM ire held,l» Mv, it si aboat Um* to consider

Taro oenben of theto be eloctcd

f*av, Uw tarau rf Meacra. O«prgeand took MeOullough

tL Tb tM• • •• « I II —I-,™ -^>^HIV^>*(V^qe ^BHIet Bl W T" M l l ^ 1f+ J%|

Jar Our b a n dsM most valuable workfar Ilk? Toem*fa!j> and for Uy texpay-*** *srtm n » * term of oner: theykaMr Uw needs or uie Tmmahlp andIfeay ten a b o n wllllrnnesa and the***** <« «"* municipal expetuea

CouUfif ctiuittorKWmPWar* nto'fenTitoriaf'life. If'wp" cleave to. the cemvje-an>tUmpt madtrty M?...ei»ud to be-1 Mons Impartedeto us by our'forebcicn'hiunlrcn and defame oM^oharacter arid "-- "~ -'•-—•- -••• • ' - ' •reputation. The members of thisCoundl reptcctcd Mr.,Cloud'aj a manof character and as jr^sldi'tit $f theBoard 'of Bducall'ofi'.*>Tl»y "'differedwith him primarily on the proposedhi»h school construction pronram. Amajority of the members believed thereCould have been some other savingsma*- without wrecklna-tKscluxil »>•«-A ' •__' ' A a ' ' ' A tlif ' X ' • - • . - » mtern, hawever. It «a» th^SJonsensus ofopinion .to take ho activefor'the approval or rejection df the re-lubmltted budget, While the memberswere unanimously opposed to the hlgjiscliool project, nrverlliclcss some votedSot the school budget »t both elections

Mr, Cloud, tins -rendered altogetherloo much credit to the influence of thisbody which' was oi'Kiuilzrd. bill ninedays prior to.the flrii scliool rlec|.l»n.He. should bear In mind that there wereother public spirited. Influential citizen*of Oranfurd who were in no wise con-nected with tills body and *1)o; luivcalways heretofore-worked f<ir:educa-llonnl progress 'iiiid who reluctantlycast their votes ngnlrut the high school

8'umv • of „ these .cltlsens setforth tlieir opinions frum time'U> time

and the church which hiis ithmys pro-claimed the, rlghtpo/ujness of Ood to nrebellious world.

A timely verse (If ftcripture to reflectupon as Individuals Is Mleuh 0-8 "Hehas showed thci'/.O man, whiit Is cood,and wlml doth the lord require of therbut to do Justly, and to love mr-rcy, midU> wait humbly with Iliy Clod."

And In' conclusion an cxei'Ili'iitlo,spread across the skies from constto. const mid border to border—Isr"ItlKhtcxmsmw exnlteth a notion: but«ln Is u reproach to any people." Pro-verbs H-34. OEOnaB K. WARNER

•Huifhes, produfcd by Frances Stiles, j »(f,, jars. Emma Borjdorf,. one daugh-Thc ski'ttjr. for'Jt l« not much more' |er, Mrs: Helen Moore, and one grand-ihan. a skeu-li-of'n certain type of hur! daughter, Alice Moore, all of Crgn-manlly, i& Iinmcnsely clewr, .and «*as ford.ehi'n wuh a a*t ond appreciation thac^rniiiunlcutd therruti'Jvcs Immediatelyto tlif.1 audience, At no time" was theline -cr"o. Pd which' separates HibrhedyIrom farre.-anil to maintain this dis-tinction Lv no easy achievMiient,' ThusIhcrr wus crcateil In (he mind of tro

ctiitors A certain sympathy for the

• U r « , I1.W. fumUlwd .,& In prrr.l. boat. KuluUi

m«n or r«nan. (ium« I'Xanford DH1S7-,

ICK lmiiMket|)lng *|>«rltnent tot rent.•liisl" or (loubl* 'ruuiu. Uulelieliuiur•utlon and trollcjt. IK N.lnl, iVaiiiii. Wipt.

F<Ul HENT— Hfe-ruim buns«luw. all ImpftHT*.raeiiM, .wli)i.|«rag«: llrtir, 130. Lwatnl atJ H.»« Btrert. lri>|ulti 241 Sanh A.

. AVml. Trl«pi.on« CKuifunl* t-OKi-W. .

8IX room d m I W aparuii<Dl. a u l u b u fortalauraut ui other biuln««. • U rtv liflB

M.rtHim. Sow uttti tor btultiMa purpose*, l iN'urUi 4VMiur; W l T l b C S f.N'urUi

tW CSanfon


tmllr- We faeilnv Meisrs.and KcCulkVtth »rttl be•amen forllhe TO|rn»hirj"Oomniitiw.Dot Uwr abould be drafted.

^eJJ?lf|/j;n_jiiiil_jCl4ioitl«>--Btirf^hv' ' l l h t i i l i h th


BaL Driver Identifie,Eltabelh Man »» Bandit

V effort* of PatrolmanArchie Bird of the Cranford Police De-partment the robbrry of. the JamosW<nt«oilh of' IM M.djion avenue.

Uiedeo bt». en FHmurr 1, •in clearrd upMonday. •«*& .»¥r.t*orth identified,Otonrt-Vtmiio. ajre 30. of ?J iiouthReid street. EStabrln. as one of-thetrw _tta Job-—. -—

without siiyliig •thut.thc"Influcnrr was far

this tu'wly formed"biKly. - . . • ' '•-_ .:. .. . 1

^Wi' bi'llvc l|mt froin the Jiliftl Dfllcco('>|ihe l*resli|i>>ii-«>f'tl.iF Uuard of Eilu-caliDii, then* -should b*' no further de-fainnlury >r<'iiiHrkS i l lmtwl at nils orany oilier Rminr»r imliiUlual. It Is IIIadvised mid vhully .dnnn'eiuary tor thehlith offli» lo '-use such iviirdu us un-

IUCf.l(;iOI>K NC'IIMOI, CI-OSESMonday night imfrkvd' lhr closing of

the SCIIDOI of Itellnlous Eiliicntlonwiilch has been In progress ut the FirstPresbyterian Church here for the lastten weeks. Moro than SO iiiombcfs ofOarwood, Kfnllworlh and Cranfordihurchcs were enrolled in' the school.IMans jfrc' underway to hold thB-schooleach year. Tho purpose of the school>yus to train- didrr/h miimbcfs for' re-ligious leadership. _ Asjjspcclal featureof Mouduy night's meeting, ther Wa-kiuitimkii C l i f l j l

Ja'^tiliUiii''Stvmiimt faced by'the n'eces-slty. of chomuiK betwren pride withiwvi'rty, and humlljntlon with riches.Itoth costiinics.and scenery were;'tra'c'tive.' Trie pro|X;rtics were by Op-al Hiiridolph. .

This was the cast: Mr». Algernonf'nkonrr. Maria Z.'Carter; her daugh-ter, Almu s: Harmer; )ier son.' NevilleOttTand Mr. Olcason, John Past. -

Mrs. John W. Danker, Mrs. CarlHoc, Sr, and M a Prcdeflck Truslowserved aa hostesses'."

Flrenten were called out at 8:33 p. m.Uiiturday. by a small blttze at the homeut J. D. Ashwcll, 33 Stratford Terrace.The fire wns extinguished before thedepartment arrived. V

"trrfitn crrurch" presented a Blblicnlpniieant entitled, "The Seeing Heart."JUi'inbprs of the cast.wercLols Wopl-sey. Almu; iOliiW, 'prrtrude^CrciiArilu,Myrtle SuaVni Uorbthea Kcyser, HBrrrletNIck and Doroitiy-Dellcr.. .,

prltu'lliled, ( s. insidious and va-rlous clefivitliiry'pllniMMlugy.iu jtntedhy.'Vlf. Cloud 1'hls-lvtriily bcsmlrchJnfmu\iftili I h l

1'" . .'""•qulyi'i;ii!l)'

. wHrtilnrfy-sn wllni ulim-ddlnvilj at II dcllnlto BTOTiJ'ii'nd wITFii

up Hie rrwirds of anpublic body: - * -. . .. The- a ui'ifiird' civic Council doesc d


u'r Linden• II. ftOtU'

l»c lTnfd| : r s •<""'!< 4N< 'K !l..litliiirll.,.1!|,i.i« ,.r ,

tbai VeBissaooecrffotrrmencapiurrd' M.:"n "1,]ii'..>l'x'i'i;1",:; "II.V'T1,!.,''.,,,,,while cttodurUnt a holdup in KUuUirth "II"'"' "' iif.i«»u>iiiii ut" ri«n(»ni - |u"-Up

local txtoa,, acd..f,rtru: up his day ' •""-' " * ' " 'off. the' gi?£mnafi took Wciitworth tothe OjKjayi-iail wbrrr tht idrntiftcati™w»» n»<ie,' -COe manssftof the Mac-Carjr Brotoen «tn'ior station. -Northavenue, eau. abb idrtitinVd Ventiio asthe aotoist »tw drwe n a y witlioutPajififf for .t*e]iV arallcitt ofsecured! at. the station on March 8

nJ Tim llir i

tiltril ^alinI.I,,,!.,, m m

liwfcn Judge Sp^k.Rotarkiu

Judgi John J ildxtx. Jr. "recorderof the Ltndeo TJKffior _dwrt. .«->» Hieguest speaker at ibiTcSfyjiist. _ ^ i mof the Cranford ItoUry «ub at^iaontoday; al Barathii Rectaunuit. ^udieMourns K*J«t .ira* rThe ' udii-ial

, n m , |i.'.it.- u, iliBimisl-ind |irri-4lli<r JMW.

JNIUI rimf. • M - V " '3 I W T I U I nnuir-Kl I'ark Klrwl.

.iUl,|P AH-III,,. |lh- LliKhn Wrwl (alj*rtl|.iii, il l l « Mrrrir.-lKi'.<'liaii(nl andil,»l«,,,ir,l »,. Aj.n «,r o , i . ' • . .I. Tl.||i Hniinanrr aliall Ilka rUtcl


The at >

^ , TTly Introdixrdby CarlWanjsskl, *ho aarted toatxalt

v on tfae..Kibjert. txst-int. tatrorjiotedJlKiife -ttoUatSTmba w mtertaUUrigihe mtsaben «Us anYfal piano selec-tions. After a ihm comedy ikiltweeo tbe t«o attcmejr.' the lindenspeaker dtsruued iu> xabject in a fine

' " ''*• Guests :irxtaie4 Bichardof Rosene ao<!. Ba»»rd "Wlttke^andCturies Da.-*.1! af Westileid. '.: •

. I SebaorP-'T. A. wiuiponsora daon April 1 i s the BOOKMTU tchoolThis wtB be the jWrd dao« which the.Croup has gnfn and nsasy of the alum-cl w n i l as studesu of the high Kfioo!hare attended. Sirs WlTism Nagle habeen named chatrmaa or the commit-jtt* In cbarce 1T» proceeds of th«r Idance* ar» 0m to at

• • • • . . S M M * ' -

if orillu.n,. » u" " ' " ; ui™ilii« i'f Uw Tnoucli «in. r,..nahli. ,,f. Ciin»«d. Hrw-'ltiu,,. bald onMan* II lyJJ. «nj «ni I* nmdiltrxl forHiia] l<awarr, aft«r public hrarliia, at aaoUivrUfylar untliii o( Mid Tonianui ftualllw

Jl H on •fy ntl

«l Tf>milJtlpTI'KMI

a on .MAIll'll SJTII,"'If JS, • /

3»"«ilar»J'.J»l..'-'- / -AIXAH a. OINUiLK.


STOCKS ' . !CAItNATION'8 I' TULIPS . ' ' - • • *

; ." ; • ' ; NASTURTIUM


And all other seasonable ritfwert; anil I'ol Itanli at price, in kerp.

Ing with the.jplriUpf^ 1031 '

A, sGenerous. yBunch ofSweet P « y f r e » h fromthe GreenKouse, for 40CenU ll i i i Week-End

Weslfield Flower Growers. / 8prlaffleld AveaM °

/ Near Noan«J>ef»n I-ark V/ , Pbone WKatfield, S-MM • M' •'.'.- '"•• We. Deliver '


- • ' - . , ' , • - ' . - I -

K BROOrCSIDEHC'•'••' , Prooailde



Plioo* CRaitford 8-jjaj-B'

find U to* P.-T. A.



iplerior Deeorallnc a Spedalt/

E5Unul« CSerrfully Oirtn

Coinpk'te plans have been arrang-ed for the card party to be given Mon-dny uftcrhoon In the Cranford Casinoby tho Village Improvement Associa-tion. Mrs. O. L. Orlswold, chairman ofthe entertainment committee, will behi charge., Mrs. Orlswold has an-nounced that games will begin at io'clock, ""•-' " , „ . .

Starts Friday — -4 Day/

5iBig: Acts V?d.„ Including

Roxy Theatre EnsembleOn

f In "S





t.V MEMORIAMIn loving memory of our dear Mother,

Mary p. Hall, who departed thislife March 13, 1932: ... :.

More and more each day we miss her,FWends may think the wound Is

Lies, within our hearts concealed,' HER DAUGHTERS AND SON.

Mls» 5grlsT Wolf -af Retford avenueentertained the Musical Monients Clubat her home recently. There were,-tenmembers present. Refreshments wereserved following the business meeting.


18 Days Only)






SLAM "with



"Altcayi a Better Show


run »K.VT-r i i«room hrallxi apart!trie r»rrlx«ratvr, porvb ihaik, foQF"aduMa. Alao inal ler .ipannujiL Ailroom huus«,' larsv porch, two bah™i«v- l»al locaUon. 81 C r r /Telephone CRanfuril S-.194S-J.

roRbath; Apply l lo

.(too, ,p«rUi..ei.yriJruford, N. J


STORK n » KENTHTOUK. » . t 40. cmira/loralloa; not rasaoa

ablt. l'hon. I'lUnMil «.»rjj, a"n«r I I", >f.. : • •- / • , * I I

1 FOB KBNT. ''euilalile for llmt mKhanlcaJ

mirk. CAffral location. lent reasonable.Ilot A-ii/cut. Clllsen and CbKalela.' If


»H« ro<i mWlrd wlib Hi p n « o l on TOUTmouc/t bitaauihil of ungueiUon'ed nurtland iccurltr. 1100 and up. . SlrlcMat IOTWI

WORK WANTED—FemaleWOMAN. Scotch, would like two dafa'iwrt or

full Ititie lnJiiiMrw«rli._..Box.. A-113, c a « -ofrltlztn and Chronicle Offlce.

U'OMAN wlahfl houl«wurk bjr the day full orP«rt-<llm<..- iio Hundry. Tflwhou. CEanfofa

— t f - I l B I - W , • ' .' >

HELP WANTED-Mate 'WA.VTEK-D.Iltw boy. u t,ear* oW. Tele-

!•! on. crunrorj ao imM

BOOHS WANTEDWA.NTKU— Two or thnw rooma for llcht hdiut,

kwplul. Kliltrlj couple. Rml mull be

nm uut


wnlte Perelan lblr .Hauaebrokan. IJ .n up. tVllaTeed U«J -Jtred). HIM.' (eaxxuMe Hud ',,.-Cbow puDDlae. fSI.M UR. .XorUi»oU , a.• " — " • - ISH-MJI- • - '

lOTTkB> or half-rotted cow nuinure*>U for aale. PelirenNt awvnefe * ian tlw qualttr aad IOeul 2-aMK

SIONS--»» • , » •*•!." "Onliaed b »Ciuaea aM CkfoeJde aake.

ATABTMKNTS FOB«VaVn»iiM-iga-path," S

reolnu tranaponalkia.• • « « . after I 1". k.

foil advaatatfee ofwlUl ualr -expen»et(K.

Cranford A r « : *ParUO

buae and »i'.aparuoe'm IK.

irtnuol, prime, llwre <•una/. Adulta oiilr: i.rwith uaa of Utchentttv

u'e, Nunfa.

*NT for rent at J»e Centnolii IAU InproveSMala, heat furiimbl rent Inqulro al M»: Ceui,-n

Yenue, ur call Clanfonl I-H3;.

/tVABTllKNT for rrtl al IS Nona -Lota, .nu>. Hre rooms and b«lh, with. aU liuci•aenu. .v.wlr deecrabtf. Kaducrd- :Ceolw of town, aU 'comnwiaUoiia.e-.Haul. CSaatord « - 1 « M J ! , •


n'eeklz alu>» Irtpe.-—Xrunka. U a < i e >uAll eMIaulea cneerfullr siren. ' We 'OUT,

Uie bail or eifrOM m . eenlinenl. Th,

BOBBINS « A1JJ80M. Inc-Moilna. 8u.r««|«cB«». anlpplnt. CarUat inialB, biKJi,freistt. . I t Ajmu Allied Van UaesTi,',-We have aerTetJ Crsnford and riclnllr for u« • " - , « » SouUl Ate.. «. rhone 1'aanf.rj

CLECTBICAt, BEPAIB WORKWAi,TIR LANG—Declrlcal Bepaln. Vacuun,.

npalnd for 11.00. I repair anjUiInt l'«,i.foranjr Vacuum Cleaner. Wuhln«,Mathta«..*•"• «»wera repaired. MJ «a,ar AI*I.U,-Telephone CJUnford «-os«.«. J.JJ

PATER UANOCNGANT room papered Ucludins telltof, ald.«4ll

•nd border. 15.95 complete aeaamsblepalnllns rales, for eaUmale call Kaa Ur,-"••'IBS Menlce, 140 tai l /ourth Wfeel. I'UtoflelO. Telephone rUtafleld IM17B. J.JH


aenln on b a / Waahen. Xipen service onall ether maxes. Wasatn, uaed. for tale» « / reaaansbla. Hours. uaeiLj7s i"d UIAll nakaa fo. talt• «av^Wei,et' Ot.U.|uarjjr». Tuul. BrolhaSr n»aa C«anf»r«


iUraitrtct| i

ffl LB «O

for fnrnisiiiBf jrour homeIi{« fa ' an oij-fashloned

If r<w malu a loan withour conTeaienl,.«Mr plaa -

PUInfleld Thrift & loan" Co16 WatcfaaBf Avenue• Trl. rifd. w ; a - -

PtAINflEUl. N. *.UMaa.sff.4M

- • ; / : :

Telephone CBaaford tMWfit-

' ' - • ' • ' • , " • : T O

"D * X

"The Mystery of the Wax Muaeum"• " Also Herbert Marshall In "Eveointa for Sale-

: . FRIDAY — SATURDAY-Cockeyed World.--Wluit Price Olnry," and Now . . .




HON.. TUtS.. WE0.. MAR. ?», J|, 2J


wilh Aon IIardinr.t«»Ue Howard


THUR&. FRUSAT..HAR 23,- li, 25•".'> GEOBGE



In Person—"Caroline Andrews" "°-*--TU-"»MAR. 20, I), 22


IRENE"DUNNEpiiiuirs- iioiiiEs AM> A GREAT CAST

...... ••Tb8 Secret of a Waneaai Heart Laid Bare!




A'Ueart P m c h Pnuna . . . Patked With ThrillsWEDVESDAV, T i n H S D A V - MARCH a - J J



Don't let ajMtinence frommeat detract from your

t w foods, freth daily, will/fend zest to your Lenten

-meals. AH orders deliv-ered promptly. /

Klein's Market^ __CH_qiCE_M'SATS "-

Phones 6-1420—6-1421 10 Union Avenue

"Quality and Seryice'\

SchouJer ConstructiofiCompanyALTERATIONS

Stwot, Chrjmkr. mmm aad Vmen* W«*• o s u c, ALoaieH. •nsMsat Is>s»»»i isaT « • *

Page 7: FromHighWater Rates Sectional Ghampionship · 2015. 2. 14. · ford: publicity. Mrs. Long . Miss Dreher. Miss Aglae ' Gates—of—Cranford, * v~ Kuentsler and Miss Lain?. - These

' S 7 *> \ v , V7''

[ M» Anu»

%f< .ut» . 1KV«. lad'u knowni putlcularry dcarrlbeo.

aX a T&B& in I&a

M«wr fbraMsel t-j tike tnter-I Mini), m « i | j )iua uf

!«? ieittieaalerijr.. aad at; ava*-*,'. iw .iw&uwi At«cac "l*i"f««t 'to'a'I: ukaaxw •*

. •*«•*• - 3 «e«t Kf. aj^awraHtrtr.Ufja patail--1 « f*»* to** «a- 3iia *».»

a&afef a * I iiaw SS ?*•* lo

• ' ' H . » t « H . wHh=«-J>. is ix . "


crrxrr A oxucv *ur».

if Xlttat

M> ibe **fi«ty lineiiorUi#r!y

»;r rocwed tr tbHffttaiijf *idc irf Jenfy Av


(**• 144 l t d : cr. (2i twfib,, 1 de«rw«. 3T«t4. U*i»r« (31 mouth t

l (

*W«<r * * f c * tac*-r.«r »»Ar i t HrrWrt F. RiU'T, U'll

*» April it, lht¥.' .- -SMQUC jart •** u>r t t t w FrvAiMS ronvrrrd to

H u l l s l l n t a u i t f 4»rd trom Annie Hulzb«r|[.d J i j ZT, ll*£M, la Bwk 1I4S f

i*.x. -I.

|ur Cukn Cuunly. !>«««« BUlf-rue Htnvt, KJU*-

; • •

1 /ITH.4 , withVltu H»33.-t»d cuaU.

rOLUNS, SberiS. .

y»nd Till*

f?- n . | » t i t t , — * t wB r a * r . . « o . -Arf«^l»«i*. TL f i : for u l o uf

| 5 J ' 'd «cU »f florlniM fur M1« l>¥

S a w *• U># CHy of Ktlul>etli,

. n(2>noii orA. SU-

f t a a» *fta»aatt uf wM 4»r>tnua AT p»rorf ot Una utd

to zb» Beruweli <* KenU


«n H*rtltw Two of lite

f j ,4 | airefc i i > , t<«Mn* tin- utu« |trfR)-*rf M> TVISUAKI l>anicll*> I>F deed from

fc**fif- C^iriNiriuioa, tearing <UUt5;"55Ct_ Aud rorvdMl Juiw t*. ISM la Uie

rf h < of l?njott. .S * . 1U. 'With'

uutm A. TiTirr,

^ In Oi»»o«7 uf Sew

at ns ,?. •t«fc*4»iil*tit. aud Antielle

I l d k t

sUtwT writ M -flnri.mtuOl ejq«u for aalo by

U T WiOTJCt 'Cwurl Kwnn."*lii

i , JL. l» . lass:tf taw* 9 <<!« ik Ja llw afluciMuu- <*f u ld d»y.

A i t t pW t l afjimrwl of land andl t d I

» . fcj'.' f o e * OS


j «oil State

nortbrrly Ilo«fnt . eaaterly

ly aid**•«*» «d> t iwewttwlj akl^'of

j imat t - «pe liuadrait

TH* £«n( DAT Or. A. n. ua.

Iha kaianapea «f aa!4 da«j Iran or aaroea of laad and

m a u > h r m > . 1 « aavaWoiarty vacnbad. altaata. Jrtat aaj Wai aa,4aa O r ofka la* ,Cauuqr a" " ' "

r famed fcr tha (aiar-» to. of ! * • • -

r Baa ot MBarI tWfcartr fcac asld llae af Sun*

> M Si Jca« ta tt» BlrtBMM 11 » i ttlm Uack

<if Uiat M

Twa of SUaabeUpart. KX_ aaCar aa * . lairjaiar-s Offloa ata< Eaam-laoaea JtarOerir palatalMian *3 s Int a n or laas ta a

tka I'lfln l i r j - aval »rt* baaoax 1X1 faat

1 SSnM atae alal Itoa MMIat aluiatnlaa al» tasr at Ha tnattaaa a n a>w aa UKaaajap ana- * fB» yaraira «f a » I m part tot. eaataace a* laa fcaaatotfUa af a f aet

• - - - iUJSL.

»BUtirr» l i l « U Ckuoay at'NM AnVM M Manal a»ta» Iwl BinaaaU. •

.. navtaiUMl. ud Traak nuaabilLft an." n. »•. to aata ol

Bl, . lm» ef Uw tkoa-alalai artl at Ihrl(Jrl*. la an dlr<n>d I «hUl aipaaa fat taki brMbite raxhai. la Iha Dauvt Cawt laoo. latar Cturl Swat in Iha Ctt; af IIUaMk,, \ J . OK ' , '

UKOMftriAV* THE STH PAT OfA1*UL. A. U.. lt!9.k u u» aftttnpait vf-Mkl o»r

Ih. Mlmta*; ttwt at aanal rf Uaa Mlmwtaa Uniiutm panlrulvlr ikacriM. alt-Mau. ,)ff«« .ajHl Mat la Uu> {My at n t b jto lr» ITniiatr M I'm— tail mna :

t j r : . - - . • • • .to lrJmtjr.

JUtar.loUiwv. troadwrrd asor ontlpulfd u «« m i » aui» aulftal; VMap.sf li. M; ntiuuat^•na la WlaJbttBKiWB" ,-(jw« «i- el» la Uiv«<i:»«rt OUo of tba Cmatr «f Knira) aa-Mouliibmd'31 ea Bta k Wttatad " f ia. laid do*n<io •»««] M a . . . . . . . • - .. Hiiil M Win e fan fnot and twr anl 1»

ftrt 4n?. .aanft fnuiUDi un Third AvHiov.U«tt} M t«ln« •ballirlj wwma ua mal> *a<

Utim, "Ikl uf WUUaaniMt «t»«ra ntmnt-utf n u b U i ^ n ; XiaY~Cina^ ; inair:xa n>ur a( ablrJt U nlad in tHa b|iaU«'a Offlc».C *w li.uolj of lnk« <

Tlj.r» 1. din aaonnbutolT I1.M3.U. Simlateral frwa r.bmarj 7Ut 1»13. ami tort*.

<• WESLEY roLUNB. MiarlS.tjmiuui acaniDT. ju. M IEttijci' . rra

Il KAIS-In rtuawry of N m I n f )i Mutual Savlac* Fund liamMmti: a

t i r f a l o t t * . t'oan^altlani. aiul tlblnay IfHap. «t'aim. d^Mndaiila. n . fa. fur Ml* uf BKirt(at>d

B.r ilni.0 iir tlie aboTe-autMl !«rlt of n«1/ d a * to BID dlrertwl 1 ahall cipoaa. fur Mia lirJ>ut>llc vvudiiv. In Ilia Dtetrtrt t'ourt Kouai. InJht t'uurt Uuua« bi tlw t'uy of ElUauHU.,N. J., «B • ' . .

. «Cl)\«8tlAV. T i l l STH DAT Or. ' APRIL. A, ».. 1U3.

*t two uVturk ID lba afiviiMHtn of »ald day."* All .tlie foBuwlnB tract ar varr«l uf land amiMrrmUn h«rrtnarwr parlirularlr drat'rlhtd, i l l .uatr, ljttiK and bvlUK In tu§ "Twwiwtihi of (Van.T d . In Hi. CuuntT of t'ulun alid HUle of N««

it a potift to tba Northerly aidevf Elm Hlrw* dlalahl Keaurly lfre.frel tnna Uururevr fi>rnip!l hj .the Inutaertloo of the aaldauk* iif Klin Street, with 111* Kaaltrly aide iirLawn Terrace; tl'enue NorUKrly liarallet wlllt•I*** TarfaM lea twrrrhenra Kaattrtr par-'allel with b'iai j*fre«t 20 fact: Ulenre KouUuvlyParallel with tha Oral bourse 19Q fMI to iaMBuja of Cloi Htlrat; Utrnrv Wvalertr alolMtaaldsldv. »f**am Hlra«t SO tlia {Hilnt ur plaiaof KUclnnlni. ll«ios [iart 'itf'Inta 131 aod-lftloit-iu-mdou, - • - - - • - - •

I .HI I I J ^WtfTail I M * *|f. fl, Him.M. N , t lr l l Kngtarw and HurTryor.ftbn.arir

g\ liHrt, and ntrd In llw-JU*HH«T'I WOn of/thefeMnly uf I'nloH oa July 23. tUQtt, u utMi num-t>rn>4 110 D. : . " • ' • "

Tlwr* If du* appreitmatfity $3.2SO,M r«viu.Interta* fii-m f^bruiry 41)i, 1»S3, and cunta.

-- — 0. WEHLRV COLLISH: ShertlT.I.KciRtiK H CUM IDT, IK,, HMIT.EDJACC . . . TMS 117.11

.IKItlr'K-N KAL«-In (Itanrvry or New J r n » .U«li*»f-i) Mutual Hartnei Fmitl lUrmonta. a

triUon. rotnpliUiiDl. unrt I'liri «• IMor-ittfrndatil. ft . fa. for aalo of

/By vlrtiM nf the alwTV-RUltMt writ of n«rl

facUa tn m» dlrwtfd I atikll vim** f»r wtlf bypublic Tendur, In tlie District Court itmim,* VIIUi« l^uirt ..Uouia la.llM.. Cliy u(. XltaatwUi.N. J.tvn- •• . V • .


*t two u'ejuck In tha afUrnwiji. of aald day. •AU (lie r»lli.*lifi,1xa«-i or parcel of Und ami

pcmlim licrflnnftff particularly dwrrltwd, att-ualc. lyliis and .iM-lns fii Ilie City-nr RIIUINHJI.In lim ('niinly uf t'nlun aod Htata of Nf* ionty:• ReRlunlnc at*» (Mint tn th« ftuiitttrrly lln* otSim HUKIA dlatanLwwiJcrbu*ltint-ihcMmtJl£3-t«-t':» (lu-hct from tta. Intcroctlun ulUi. U*wcntfTly. Itne nf ("herty Htreet and nt a i-ortiprof land day cifiirryed lo Jimra H. Ir«liiml:Ut«nr.« Bkdutherly and tt rtclit anslaa In laid

.if- taw-S»wt pnd- aWng- *a!4- Und con-l to Irrlaml SIS feet mor.e nr )n* to th«

|l*lalofl Itn* of Uiv l>loc-k; ihranj iwtct ly alpnrtab) il.vlfl(«m lln* 30 (p*t; th«nre nortlierly and)>*ral|el with tl.t Aral rourw Ell font B Indirawant ur tea* to the. aoutherly line; Of Elm Mnwtaforwld; thoae* eaitcrty aloof tb* aaaw.-SOMt to tb* pUc* of B«irini.litf.

Ttwra U dua appcoxlmaU-fr | | ,S4Clt withntfretU final hbruary Int.- 1133. md rosU.

0. WEHLKV CULUNB, HbtrllT.RORCE HCn4!II»T. JR.. Holr.. '

w*cc —J-£MI'H HALK-lnCharinrr "f N«« Jmry.

Itetwom Ketlllvrortlt, Halldlnx and Loan AMU-elatloa, a curiMirallon :nf the Hlala nt New tier-ex, ciHliplalnant, and. inarph Marlllihailrh| rtr>., r l i l . . ihrmdanla. IX fa. for u la of .imirl-

'. lly . tlrtue at ll>« fttora-ala'led fwrlt tit fivrlarlaa In ma <HrM'te». I Khali evimia'fur.aaie bjmlttlc reudufr, lo tlia IHslrlpt Cjiurt Ituum. In

the Cimrt Housa In tho Clljr of RllsaMh.S; J,. fin


two o'cfarli In thi) aftomimn nf aalil day.All the fiiUiiwuiB txart or liarriil »r Und anil

,Uoa hfrelnarter particularly di-afrttied, sit-rij-lne and Ittlni In llio Hiiraughof Kenll-

Worth in thaXoiiiitj of UDlori and Klat* of New

Htmwrn- and di.alpnal Hwtlon I. of theip of New Orann. Union Cuuniy. N. J., IlleU

III Iha office nf Uio UrKlltrt of Union County,>: J . flf|>t. !0,,l«»». aa /.illow.:. -' Lota.' Nnmlwred. Thlrtoiti (HI and roiirteanI4).ln Mock rourtxn <!<>• » 'AMI ALSO: All Ure follnwUm tract or parcel

of land and. Dmnimt • -Jhiato, lylns and b^|niilii.lriBllot-

at* nf Xot-JcrKau: iLi-iu..: ; i i i i : ™_^jBelli* lota numbei-ed Thlrtr-alK "(MT and

Thlrtr-aeTm (311 In Block numlwr«d rifte^HJir.f. u laid ikiwit, deal«]^li)Sul-l)edp* a cntaln map entitled "BectfetfStJnwDf-.tfcfrMap ol1 New OnmCf, Union Couniy. ><W Jer-sejL^JUad hi tit* Office of UM KtwUter or I'nloiijPouoty, New Ikncy. on the Tw«utleth diy ofSrptrraber. !*»«. . -• There IT due approximately M.dfll.fcT .and$3.211.*o. -.Itb lutortal from Jinuary S&lh, 1933,end cotta. ; . •

0; WEHLEY COLLINS Bberiff.APOLTH t'UMtlca. Sol't.t l t X Pnf lt>.»9

Mia-Bira-B RAL*-Tn tlaniWy of New Jtfity.'- Between "Carl Klehnle. . comnlatDant. andAtrthon* eVraotoa. et ila.. defeodanta. ' ft. fa.for aale nf nortmsui pr*n>a«s, ' '• / .

- By Tlrloe of toe abota-aUted writ of Bertfaclat to me dtnetad I anall elpoae Tor aala bypublic vrnrtue In ttia Jllitrlct Oiurt Rotno Inthe Court tfouae lo tha n t r nf EHnbcllt. N 1 ,


af two o'cJork lo Uia afternoon of aald dayAll the following tract or varcel nf land and

premiaea tMreuiartcr particularly devribed, alluate lylnc aad being In tno f lly of XllaaUthID tha County of Unioa and ftuie of NewJersey

BSMVM.Vl, oo tha wnbt ly >ld« of Tlilrdat a pulnt dlaUnl oaa hundred and

of Houtk Hlrarl with Iti. unUgrlr alila ofTklrd ATrnue; tbtoc. dottlMtlj aloat aald alda»f TfiW-Aieoiw-rtaBtj-ll»a IB) r«it to apoint ih'tha'-caatct hf tba paHUIon wall of UiadouUe bulldtoj «racl«t «a ii» WOPCTt) harany• m r a e d anil propart? adjolnloi- odorKliii uUarrj Wacfclar and wlf.; Uianca-ielUrlji «lrljcht aotiari'to Tbinf A»enlM Ulroucn tb« ecnUrM aald pamUm wall m« hnndrad (IU) factH i potnt. I k n mulhtrir and jiarallal withThird A»eni>« twaatr-ara ( S ) fact lo a point,toanr* aaaterlr and parallel to South fltraat anelnmdrrd.HH) faat lo the plara of BoiruilM.

Bainx kalrra, numbrrad and oVaicnaM u Mtma^«t aidilnn (ID) on Block * merpUsi «'»tSI faaf on raar-aC aaM tot M t certain Mtp•olhlat - M « of aL. • . WDlIlM Tirm «t

Ma i m t a J U t ta Utt JMitirXoak*

UpholstererFred Kantner

^ 4 5 South Union Ave. .High Grade Furniture

and Drapery Work

Motorists Paying Heaviest TaxesEver Levied Upon Transportation

A MEJUQAN BOtansta.~^^ \a^\ rouaQly oue-fourtB tiie tpopulation, pay tn adttoioa l» gen-era! laxea probably tbe beatnestspsciat ictias evai lmpo»«l 'uponafiy Ions pi transponauvut; - — • ;

tben'tlc aisiisUeia, tells; l i e story .ol ibe' nrtuailj untiro«Bii_q1i '»r<ttrena ot motor vehicle taieirfp .a ^ne# record fatal'estimated ai t V IOI5.OW.tWO In 1«SS This is ' .-•* 'above the 1831 total. Jl.M5.000.(KHl.and t J * - above tae ISM


tas aeeruala, trpreseni ilag taiea upon toe only mode of transportation. Hive:teen oafcllninl1 slnee lit*. U>e 1S3I'

Iota than In 19J1 and 3(U>% ' • "than JP H30 The docllna hart araadas'to k>«u crma r»»*nu« and net iIncome, but • tnotot tehlcla t a u alonenillj dlarenartl >ltb« talua-Uon or «•• and tbua. wbU* «.K of!• • • •7 rmilroad ro»«nua. dotlw i ( I193S want for taiM. the RAaolinatax, one s i 17 Imrloa Impoiod uponmotor vehlclei. took t*o fwrn everrcaabilot dollar. ' : .. The real witetlt of tba automb-Urt l u burcftto. a*er«<)ag )<6. laconcealed by •man pajTnenu.' The

l ' l

Boure»ii ••Railway Aga," National

tn order to obtain JusUoefor tha tsjt-payara was noelred and filed.

Copy of a resolution trom JGUaabeU)Board of Public Worka in reference toOne-way TrafBo oa portion of BdgarRoad waa rcferre4 to Road Oonaittee.

tatnUdy rtporis of JiUl CMunlttaa;Superlnlandent of Roads; Jail Phyat-ctsn: County Bngineer: Superintendentof Weights and Measures: FUlh District•Court; Tnlrd DUtrlcV Court; Home Kx-


gasollae tax. aTaractng''. more IhaaDo pot gallon, seems to

tha consumer merely an increaseIn the price of fuel. Yet Uie ti,»«l Econotnlsls are studying tne 1DIgasoline tax tq 18J1 la estimated decline In grins gasoline t u . col-

. at 1600,000,000. aad la;some iu- lections py states, ihrf lnt In ins-stances this tax actually doubled lory, aa a typical trend., AllbouiB

- sumer- The arorage ^ b l c l s orrera- tftiw. tiroughl'tdtal colimions to a 'tor ' pays : 130 yearly In gasoline hew record. therf,Ti»»» tmta deaV

. taxes alone^or about-:twrKlilrda of Qlte declines ID motor vniiicle iiur- -the motor tax bllL ' ' ' . . caassa. rairlitrsuons. and us*.

Af tho'Oimu ur KMCK. Alan ail rlilit. lltla andlulvreat In and hi ibtf Imck aln^t ur all^y hcra-lofarv d«illi'at«l to vaa uf'all uwnera and I*HI-aiita In cumiwio uu. aald lilmk "E" WUUaiaaMap aa act furtn In fnrmar dv««U from Aufuatu.II U'lilUni In JrMa 1U1>U.

Tlicra la ilue appruxlibaltflr ll.KU.TS and|:i£t.Ba, wllii iulcrcat rrom IVbrnary l&lli, l»aa.uinl'citala. . <

' V. WHIUCV lULLl.Vrl. MhirlTT. .C. ~AI»IlIHON «Win,-rtol'r.K P U t C f

SIIKHIr'1'K HALS—In ihauorrr of Ntw Jem.>.IN-IMM.II Hamuvt Kuvaller. ct>ni|,Ulnanl. ami

I'hlrlf) Uul»ii WrKlil, H .!• , . ilifnidanu. II.ta. tut fcHlv nt mitrlKaliiHl liFcmlMA.

l l y tlrlllii of tilt, nlHtvi..Mlali:d writ of ncrlfnclaH Iti me (llnTtnl 1 ltiall.oxlK>*.'.rQt;Mlt! >>ypul)llr \vattu<r In tl.« llialrli-l t'liurt fliiom, InIhu Unirl In Ilir (Ilv-uf Klli . l . l l l . >. 1 .


HAT UfH.. .Hi_|J, ,

at inn u'rlrM-k In lli^aft*tiiw«r »1 said day. ^All Uia liilMiwliitf lr«ct t,r iwri-vl nf laud and

ptnulMta lnjruln«tl«r pnrtlcularly df-acrllwl. alt-nat», lyliif and Inline In Ilia noriiuxh or Ukr-MOIMI. -In |1M Lountr of1 Dillon aud t*!ata ofXtwjeraw. .. • '

Known, almwn and df-arrllwd * nn a ctrtalnihap mado by KowlnH.-Voot1l».' r. I . lit Aua-ntt i m -andJHnt to.llt* oHHu v< 1I» HflUltFor union Cnnuiy, KUaauvUi, N. J., ntltlad,"DacHini Kor>l>"t» allfialad at (i.rwiiod-WraiBold.fnloii County, N«» lenu, uslougliiiId New* York Hiibiirlian Laiid Company," aa lutaniiiul«T. IDO liuudrwl and utwity-two (3I>|•arjd—tww liuiidiwt amf^aY^nly tltfwi -4K2I—in-III'M-K .\umlKT apirruty-tilna tin) and luta niuu-nera two lilliidrMl and flirty-ona 1341). two hun-dred aiitl fully-two 1H12I, two IIIIIUIKHI amirorly-tlirrt ISta). tHo>.hvindrml and fuity'twurt!M!), twti limidrad *liil jli,rly-n«a . U t i l j andtwo luiiidtftl and' furtyliuX...(i!4ulL ...In .IIJiHrkNiiiiitwr tlut>ly-l«vu (Alf as lnld down nn aaldttiap. . ' •' ••< • | ) •. '

Kirfl'tliiK - tlia folluwlnif dMH-rtlwd prrmlsrawlilcll liate Iq^n hrrctiifora roltawd Iroiu Uiellm of ciiiiiplaliiant'a inortBage:—. . . . —

All that rvrlaln tract .i<r pati'H of land andftimrMlrttHti. r i i m r n a p H r .

uate, lyliig and bvlnif In Ilif-Hnrouiili i,r (lar-wood, lil.tho t'oiinly uf I'nluii ami .Nlata .urN.w J.,r«f>. , . . • v • .

llEMilNMM! at a Imlnt In Ihu aouthtily. llnrI'ltiv Ainitnrrtilniaul raslvrly - two hundrtd

tr-Hrvrii (r>Tl rt-H Iroiu lll« ciiriH-r furjnultir tu« luturiwtllifii uf .juld aoiitlivily .line i,l1 1 - ^v.m.H with ihu 4-mlMly ilni. of Qnilir

. . . j i i i i«r,,iliitl»In Hald Hue of 1-lritf Airuu^ tine hundred (1IMI)feet lu.-«. lKiliilj_.lhent«_.i'a'«K-r|j. parallel wllhaald llnp uf I'liio Avvnii* T'lrly-threv HM fr>tto a poinlirtliraco iturllirrly parallel willi ll;aflrat ruuriw ona.litiiidrixl 41W} fftM to a Iwlnlhi nalil tuititlitrly IHi*-4>fr Pine Avenue; thenc«

u i tiiiuf Uir i t X t l X y j j i Li«rrn»*iaBinr

" ' l l-firm.rl* ami

Ihnw (3J frvt ur'Liil_^n tin Illuck 112aa laid dinru.'dt'flihiBtfdaud dlaUtifeulaliHhjMl aTrtaln map rtilllled "Mtt'tlwii. No. .1 , . |irop»rtyilfuated ' at. OarwiHMl-Weatflfld,' Union County,

jyew Jrrae/,J bclonxlUK t«i the .N'ew Vnrk Hulmr-ban Land Cfttniiahx'' mau« hy K4wln H. Viwrhia'.f\ b., In Aiiguat 1II0V. nlnl ill Hie-iinlqe-iif-'Thv-Bea-lalrr uf Inlira I'ounu at t31ianeth. S i .

Therfi la due appruiluiately 1'iii^lll andH.IM.I! and l l . O H . n aad <1.0SI.I« and11,0^7.18 and, with* liitefeet froin Feb-ruary ll l l i , m s . a n d ro«u. . - -

- C WBHLICV CDM.INH, Bhfrtll.MKI.VIN J. K0EBTLKI1, Hol'r. . -6UJ41C " ttn 13134

NOTICE Of StTtLIMINTN'olloa la * hereliy. xlten,. that tint «rr4unt of

tha •ulacrlhaf. AdndnlatralrlK. t}t the fwlale ofJohn X. FVihcr. daeuaed, will lie audited ami•Uled by tha Hurroffate. and feported for aeill*-mvnt 1(1 Ilia .Orpluna' Oiirt of 'the County of

niiDAr. TIIK ! i«T IIAV o r Ai'UiLnext, at 1 30 I* M ,

v AUA.r rixiiRitAdnlliletralrlf.

CIIAULKD r. KIIHALL. Ifoctor.f > 4 OranJB, V J

Paled l l l n H 14, I»U.reel ti » . 4U


Gassei from Kindergartento Ninth Grade


OPTICIAN. 219 Broad Street


Syrtopiu of MinuteaTofBoard of Freeholder*

Regular meeUnii of the.,Uiilon Coun-ty Board of Cliojcn Precfioldcln wailicit) at the Court Houao, Elltaboth,N. J., on Thtifi«ayv March 2nd. 1833,at: s:30 p:~u: -; - -; .-—-.-•-•.—

Director McMalin presiding. Rollcall showed 23 memben present, and 9

t j lMinutes of the' meeting of February

2nd, 1S33, were approved a* per print-i'fl r'nplna nri tlm mfimrura' dflrj .

Resolution that all brlla approved beordered paid waa adopted.' Communication from A. P. CMchwald

of Crantord .nddraued to Freclioldcr•roeacher. complaining ot condition ofWalnut avenue, waa referred to RoadC o m m i t t e e . . - — ~ - -•—-- ••: •- •—•—. • ,

Comnmnlcation .from T i n t Preaby-tetlaii Church, complaining of wnpkonuisance, WM refetrcd' to Public.Oroundi and Building) Committee,

selle Pnrk-requestlngTBCtaon on Inslal-Intlon of Teletype Byntcm be wllhlieldunill receipt, of formal resolution.wasrofcrrcd to Finance CotnmltteoV^- ; -

CommuijJcaUon from Chas., A. OUo,Jr., District-Chairman, In relcrcnce toShare-thfJrWprit MovemMit, wiw refer-rgd to Finance Committee. . _^

Notice from tho ^Welfarer"Bbard~6(the emergency appointees us QiviisUgs.'-tom, was received and riled. S ' * •

CcntllunlcaHoii >from Department, ofAerlcullare, advising of a project toeradicate bovine tuberculosis' In Un-ion County, wo» received and illeu.

Communication from Stato HighwayCohirruaoion encloelng copy .of statc-tnent rnade by^he CornmlMlon In reply,to the Princeton Report, wait referred

1 : CAcknon;l«liimfjnt f r o m aovcr nor

Moore of receipt of ccrtlflcd copy ofresolution In reference to present High-way CommlMlon, waa received and filed.

Copy of a resolution trom Borough of'ROMllo ParH-roqUCTiting Installation ofthe Teletype Syitem, was referred toFinance "Committee. ' . '

Communication from Township otHillside calling attention to conditionat N. Qroad Street viaduct was referredto Road committee. : ;' -'

Communication from Dorough, of NewProvidence, calling attention to danger-ous condition at railroad overpass onSpringfield avenue, w u referred toRoad. CotnmiU**.

CommunlcatlbQ from State HighwayCommission approving request to pro-ceed with Improvement'^of Balcm ave-nuo and Olenslde' avenue, with forceaccount and u » uae of IJSflO.on eachproject from/Township and Boroughaid fondar-wai referred to Road Com-mltiw.

Cpmmlsclon thanking Board for their1

cooperation, was received and filed.Copy of a -resolution from Borough

of Oanrood, requesting Centre streetbe taken over i s a'county road, w u re-ferred to Road Committee.

Communication from J. O. Mulfordshowing savings to County, on automo-bile fleet Insurance, waa received andfiled.'

Conununlclatlon from Union CountyTaipayeTfl'AiwclaUoh'favoring Jurors'fee of KM per day Instead of tti» waareceived and filed.

Copies of resolution fgun Jhe~ttal«iCounty ; Welfare -Board . appointingFlorence B. Sloeum, David J. a Mur-raj, Victor W. UotU- and Agnes D.Durrah, «sv8odal Investigators of OldAge "Relief, were received and died,)

Communication f m n City of Plain-field advising they have redlstrictedCity of Plalnfleld. Increasing the elec-tion districts from U to » would re-quire adtUUonal ballot boxef'.wu refet-red to election wmtnlttae*.

Copy of a resolution from the XUztvM b Taxpayer!' AMaclation commeodr

were recdTetf and ordered nied." Report'of HlxabtUi Drawbrtdto Oommltue atatlni liuurance company have•ettled claim for dAmafe to- Summeratnet bridge, wai reoalved and nied.

Annual report of.MUla and Co. Auditon, wat received and nied.

Report and RMolutlon by SpecialButldtnf Commute recotnmendinctrnalon of tone to Auguat Armce andSon*!1 Inc., to complete contract lorplumbing work on opurt House, waaadopted

Resolution by Finance Committeemommendtng Jurors' fee* be fixed atW.BO per.ilsy, was adopted.

Revolution by Finance Committeerecommending sheriff return to Coun-ty Treasurer ts.000 of Ute 110,000 paidhuh for Jurors' fee* was adopted.

Resolution by Finance Committeedesigning County depoattorlee whereinshall be kept all public moneys of thisCounty, was adopted.

Resolution by Special Building Com-mittee, recommending heating plain inCourt House Otenslrm be. acceptedwhen contractor has furnished a releaseand- maintenance bond to. Mi .approvedby the County Attorney, waa adopted.

Resolution by Finance Committeerecommending duties of the Purchaj-Ing Agent from Uarch Tthto April l i tbe performed by the Finance fommlt-

Resolution by Finance J Committeerecommending 125.000 portion, of theM00.O00 general Improvement bond 'April 15. i n t . Issued for the Im-provement of North aveoue and whichIt not required for that purpose, be paidover to the ainlting Fund Commissionand held for payment of the.principalof the principle of *ald bond, wasadopted. •• .

Resolution by Road Committee stat-ing Township, of Union made applica-tion for Improvement-of Baiem Road,and have agreed to. eoiitfiiml* (311,000toward said. Improvement to recom-mend Director and Clork eiccute agree-ment was adopted. - -

Resolution by Finance Committee ap-propriating »2S,000 for Improvement ofBolcm Road was adopted.

Resolution by Finance Ooinmlltceauthorltlrig Clerk to insert tn minutesonly >uch mattora aa are essentiallynecessary to be offlclslly publlslied. '_ ..There, being no further business and

upon motion of Freeholder Van Doren,.duly" seconded and farrlail, the DirectordecUred the Board - adjourned untilThursday, April 6th, 1W3, at 3:10 P. M.


WiiTrToTTniiiTSThe public licuUli Hi'.rvUn juiya.rroin

•li to Glulit K)n"Kf" o t witliir s <lay Iscnrislilermlntifi rcfpilrml ninoiiiit. fifr appriMin lo drink...' . -

IThone Wralfleld I-IOM


' 2M KAHT BROAO rlTREETNear Kim Street


l_ J,

BRENNAN &TOYEPlumbing, Heating, Tinning

tM gOUTB AVK, K, CKANTOBO• ' • ' • • . W a t I '

FLOWERSfor aO ocesuiotai

ArUstle aad latlwiaaaiaaa './ . . .M s l g M In |f»Deral


Riverude Flower ShopTat, ( t a M a.iu|

The Duh That CbeenWESTFIELD .


i lc« Oraam I* the perfect deaeertJor the pertest bosUea. B s m ttalter any holiday* mtal. QOM Ibf:

refreshment for any baity, '

Fha»e fer Tiimtt J '

WesttieldCapdy KitchenTa OUntard t-Wfl

Cinsr IhsaM Afa. — I H i l l MLCBANFOBO

Newark Sunday Call RevitActivities of i

(The following article appeared in arecent issue of the Newark Sunday CallIn the column. -Uatders Among AVo-meiC by Josephine Utwrenco.)

Perhaps no test of diameter Isgreater than that of the fashion In»tvW)fr-%ia m i l l dUappolntm«nt..«ndaceepU responsibility. So many of uslet the one embitter us, the other findus'wanUnn. Miss Alice Lakey has doneneither. She learned early In life thesecret of making adjustments and hertriple ;-: Interests — music, 'pure foodand Insurance—furnish the convincingproof. Apparently unrelated, thesesubjects are In reality closely linked.

Music comes flrat."Before I left school It was discov-

ered -1 had~ a tinging rotee worttr cuttlvatlon," she r»plnlned, and .somemagio "trick In words, or voice or man-ner, Invoked a picture of the Ktrl whowent: to Italy to study voice: Thewhite-haired, gracious woman who hadbeen that girl bridged the years witheffortless ease.

An only child, her father and a de-voted stepmother took her to Europeand there she and lM> stepmother re-niatoed for montha:ac a time. Theylived in a beautiful world of rVrattveart, Miss Lakey studying music, herstepmother painting.. pictures v thatbrought her no little fninr. At thetime of her death Mrs. Lakey was oneof the best known painters ot cattleand landscapes In imtlorrW art circles.The Cnulfortf home .wtlitro Miss UkeyUves^-has Its • 4h{lls' covered with finecanvases, -the work, of_' her mothers

After several years, brokeu by tripshome, "in Italy and England, the. Lakr?ysreturned to the United But™. MLwLakey was prrpnrlnu for an upr.rn.Uecaner when her health fullrd.

ntuppotntinentFor seven years. I was nil Invalid."

In these seven words she p'licked allthe dot rat niid surfriiitiK "1 h«r firstreal grief. "When I rrcovrmt I novnrwent back to public nlniilnK, 1 tnuuhtmuslo and • I gave rKitnls, but thethought,of a cnrnrir hnd U> uti aban-donrxlX' ; ; - . - . - . , - . . , . .-

The family moved to Crnnforil frimiNBW York, becauu tjulnl wan OSMMIIIUIfar the young Invalid's wolfarn. As herhoalth gradually Improved, .Mini Lakey'"eager, active inlnd-rrmchod out for nowInierttsts. Sho took charge of thohousekeeping, to leave her mother frr-afor her painting, and'entering to thetastes of a fastidious .father gave horan unprofessional, yet exacting, knowl-edge of food prpdtifjta. : ' ' • • . .

This knowledge served her acceptablywhen she became .identified wllh theOranford Village -Improvement Asso-ciation. • The' question of Uie nationalpure food law was'being ag'ltatrxt atthis time, Dr. Harvny D. Wlloy, ono of

Washington, accnfdlng to viftwpuuif .consented to address al Crnnford meet-rig, l ie came, Ills cxpiiw nf UIB ndull-

eratlon of food and'dnJga a* UK!!Used horrified a, ydiiim: liouirAlice Laki-y, unil Hhn'rf Ixmtt cnltileti Intho puro food Bnny frotirthat day t«this. " —

.''I had to mako nin«chos In tliFcouncand UiouKh I had npprarcd on ittrKitplalftirms aud on tho otrme Itvlnrccrowds, of pmple I found. I witu ntthorniirvou^.' Icould s l iwto people, but 1didn't tlUnk I could talk Ut them."

y, and I

Miss Uk«y s eyes 1ory, "Well—my voice icourse, taught me how Ipiibllo tpeaklnc came natlspoke.11" ". . • ' . . .

. rae« Wt* .She did. Indeed. Prom 190* to lfXMI I : - ' - * — ' — •— - — ^ - — • - • • . - - • • \ " M " r il-pr \j-~ ' • T ---'"— ' — ' ^ - i n t

•lie was a member of the pure loadcommittee of the Crsneral federationof Women's Clubs. In IMS she servedaa chalfman of tha food Investigatingcommittee of the National Consumers' <League,- and held this office till 181].She was the only woman charter mem-ber of tne New YoraTMuk Committeeand a lecturer tor the New York Hoard _of Education* speaking on~ clean milkand foods. In IRIS and 1919 sho hadcharge of Woman's Day for the Na-ll(iifla~MlUt~KxpoalMon,-h«ld-in -Ne»York, For her work'In connection withthe puro food movement she was madeU ifleinbor.of llio National .Institute) ofSocial -Science* and later acted aschairman for New Jersey of the Insti-tute medal committee. •'-,-,

la there still need for reform in thematter of pure foods r-

lier expressive fare suid, "How canyou ask?" . . •- It seems thai In this age the adver-tisements and the contents of the pack- ,niif* advertised don't always match.Maiiufiicturpra can make amasing state-ments .In thrlr advertising, but-theyhave to watch tho InbtHs they" paste ontheir foods nnil drugs. Tlin consumer—wliosii midilH name Is heedless—doeantmad tho label,.. He thinks It guaranteeshim nil that was. advertised. Is there•till work to bo done along pure food

"My life, falls.Into three sections,"Miss Lakey had said, when she firstentered thu qulett stinhy room; crowd-vd Wllh books and pictures and the me-mrmtoea of busy years.

The; third section deals with Insur-iilco/ ' _ '

litnlnras.NsxtUntil Him MISA Lakey had never

worked In an uince, never kept buslnesehours, never been, one, of that army ofwomen who must go "down town;" rainor shine. Hut It didn't occur U> her torefuse to accept th» renpumlUUIty laidiipou hnr' by her father's death. Sheuuauniwl tho editorship of Uie maga-KIIUI, liiMiraltce., which hn Irad foundedIn 1IULI, uml In a short time had maden iiuniir for licriwlf In it jmy field,

liiMiiMincr> cdiicuttniuil work held Uie>troim™t appeal' for.' hor. She worked

lu secure thn apimlntment olan InHurance oommltteo In connectionwith Uin Cleneral Frtderalion ot Wo-men's Clubs, In IW1 slm was appointedclmlnimn ol a special, Insurance) In-vcstrga'tlng coimhlttee under the Fod-erntlons de|»rlmrmt of-Uiritt. Todaythere are insurance chairmen In twen-

'ty-'iilnu of the utofti federations of wo-ineii's clubs uml Miss Lakey In chairman

oiv-lnsunuice In theGeneral Federation

Mhe finds tlnw tu be active In churchwork7aiyl him nevnr lonl touch with the

; Tjrunfonl Vlllmn Iniprovcment Asso-clutltm. Iwr years sho servedi as Itspresident' rind In huliornry presidentnow. Mhn In alMi u-memlxtr of theWed-Mfwlny Mornliii(Uliib In hor home townund it member of Hid U, A. II. Amonglier i:hoicnnt" iKMnitsslons In a copy of"The Junglo," autographed by UptonHlndalr,.

"An Dim IlKlitcr Ui anatlicr," AM sayn,nlKiilflcaiitly,

HAYASHrS RESTAURANT•' • Tsiepliooe CKsnford « - H ) 7 .




Let me give- you an estimate onyour wiring wntk. W* will make aaInvestigation and suggest changeswithout any obligation t o you.


" t«L CsUafwd 4-H4*211 Walaat Ava," CBANTOstO


H0HAND WINDOW SHADES_Mea.uredlo Fit YOUR Window-T^

Supplied to You Complete—With Rdllera, Shade—'Pulb ahd^ideg Hematitcherl—for Qd

" (Bbni Up U. J f t WWth a n d V p . Uaglb). , -«r'. • / • ' " • ' . - . . ^ , '

CRANFORD WINDOW SHADE COMPANYM tmxcuKr Avcwwt' Phene- o-lsa* CBAAFOKD. if. j.

G. J. JANSEN, Carpenter-Builder. _, Conttruction or Jobbing at RcMonabU'RalM

tarpaalla Oeren far Buildings Damaged I


Page 8: FromHighWater Rates Sectional Ghampionship · 2015. 2. 14. · ford: publicity. Mrs. Long . Miss Dreher. Miss Aglae ' Gates—of—Cranford, * v~ Kuentsler and Miss Lain?. - These



Booster Garwood rageFirst National Bank

Re-openedWednesda;Buiinei*. Showt Marked Im

provempnt; No RestrictionPlaced on Depo*it* or Withdrawnlt. '

'With the re-opening of the FirstNational- Bank Wednesday "morning,buslneat In Oarwood showed a decidedImprovement. Depoatton kept the bankofficials busy, throughout the daywiving oVpostls of cash and checksaccumulated during the last ten dar»Only two withdrawals were reported tohave been made Wednesday morning,and these were for small amounts

The bank was re>opmed ytaterda:after John Richardson, cashier, bid re

. celved a Ulegram from the FederallUtervt Bank in Hew York st#Ung that

' UM local institution Had bam (rantedpermlavlon to conlinut buttnttt Musual. Mo rMtrtcUont wart placed on'•luidrawalt, awordtaf to an aif-ndanoMntat mad* bjr bank offldals, al-though •ftw «fttbdra«nUi.Jhave 'been

KIrii\ m tht ionaJ tatOUiUcet~ \ - " m* tank « M doNd In oonjuncUon* \ wWl «0 ettwt, in N«v limy Saturday,_ \ l*Ut* «. br an^offldal prodanutlon

\ | W B Ornntr A. tony Moor*, on. Ifgeday, March I. flw bank boUdav «M

i tztwdtd UkMlntttlr br a Prwtdentlal

C^Bh,Oanf«Titr»H.\Tb»ll»», B, W.TUUHM V-Ur. mtOlMr ••nrlett:

Oaeond sod fourth SundaystOBtt), at » iO«.i Sunday

10 a. m. fcitmh wnrk* atY* Ftoptts Bervtw it


T M M l n R WomMt'aTuaaday evening "

' avenue.. The Bev. P, B. Oaaklll,. pasto\" Sunday achpol at 9 a m , regular trr

vlon at 7'JO p m Holy Oommunfoil,•eoond Sunday of the month at 8:30a, m. Lenten services, Wnln'rndiiyaranlnga at 7-JO o'clock.

The Oarwood Presbyterian Church,Spruce avenue, The lie*. Hubert T.Oraliam. pastor, Sunday, school atM 5 a. m , aervlcen at II a. ni. OtirU-tlan Endeavor Sunday. evenings at

. p ni, followed by scrvlcr* at 9 p nl>iiten aervlcea Wednesday• o'clock. ... .


Uon With M.Petals. OttwftmTint riaee fat later.

Patrol Goalee*.

A treasure hunt wai a feature of therrgular meeting of Bof Scout Troop 75Friday night, under the leadership ofHerman. Wendi_ Jr, and Chartes Brad-thaw. The hunt was won by SeoulWilliam Engtuer. At the ineeUng itwas decided that the R*cruil Patrol un-der t*e leadership pf.WHllanvSehroli,would be officially known at the How-Itxer Patrol.

The standing of the pstxolt In the In-ter-patrol contest was announced byCharles Brtdthaw. The Lion Patrol Itstill occdpTtng. first place withpoints, 'with the Beavers b>place with. M points. The Unknown Pa-trol, with W points and the Howitaen,with 47 point*, occupy third and fourthplacet. respectively.

The HowlUer Patrol it. still rated, astbe strongest basketball team, havingbeaten the Unknowns M-u in a fastgame Saturday morning. The BeaverPatrol ellncbed second place by apoint victory'over the lion Patrol In aCam* that had the



The JUndlng of the teams:Won' Lett

Howltter Patrol .......I 0Beavr Patrol.......,j ilion Patrol .„ I 3 xaUnknown Patrol ,...jt>., S. joooSaturday the Beawriwlll fight it

out with Uie-Howltier-s. while the Un-known'! Will entertain the Uon«.

Recruit* John OTJea and J. Cree be-came tenderfoots at Friday's meeting,bringing the total number of registeredto tWrtr.

Thursday, Friday and Saturday thetoouU worked unceasingly on Uie shackon Center street, dismantling It early

Vaccination CodsPupilt to 6e Given Free Diph-

theria Treatment; TnuteeaT a k e ' St'aVnd AgainstChange in FiacaJ Year.

First in Attendance

. Ganpood ac&oois ranked flm amongSBC a i a e s atSat* (Satneta la UnionCotmry i s vrvr^rrrr Osiicg February

to tbe mnrffhrjr report re-

days'pcaaSbatf attendance. Oar.averaged » . » er cent for

. . . - " j who was in first-pjs« mJajBaary.A rerommendttion that the Board of j in puacsualiiy, Garwood was third

Education pay for the coat of. the to*- j tar u i m a a wss M10 per cest perFT day. Cark Towsthip was

: wttb 40Q9 per in'thc varflriattfin of Oar- \wood schoolpuptit (or diphtheria, sub-mitted by Warren W, Haisey. Supervtt-

^ S ^ I ^ ^ T . " ! ^ Mid-Week Lenten SenriceWiB Be Held Tonight

was unanimously pasted FridayThe action was taken at the regular |monthly meetin* of tbe Board of Cd-|ucatlon held In the Franklin SchooliPresident Richard ,Hund oflfclawdJ

the pupUs have paid the:doctor3* fee.^o be vaccinated^ but Mr.jHaUey pointed out &st wifb prevailiW >'condition* several children would pro- jbably have to forego this safeguard U>health because of the extra coat, .

The Board Instructed David Tulloch.he district clerk, to send a letter to

Uie assemblyman from Union County.;

Ltf«_it, Dwtrac-

Chun*, wffl

Center street.At-the men 1 reutu Monday night:

Uie topic will be toe ttard in a aemtof the buic n **ty of man. "A nrmif ofSecurity." Op Taeaday eTenlng the

year of the schools-be repealed. The!-EsUaiiA hiaia Who D a m fpraenl Bical year brglrui July 1. but; tbe tbirt &under the new legislation it would staxi] vatstn 01 the

1 to conlormjf i^tJat mtmJti-mthUmeasu>el» became] V k t r a Quintet» Annex«r are collKted to June and. under] EatJT Victoriese new set-up, the' schools would &ej -

Saturday morning; Herman Wendt, Jr.

Pgor men woe picked up br Chiefof Ponce Albert AsfafleM ThUHdaymorning after they had built a lire ontbe floor of the Bel Factory on 8outhavessne. They cave their nama asOearge Dtett 51: John Bulherland. 52;Prank OVeOl. 4S, and James Carroll.» , all without homes. Mr. ,3*11 re-futed to preaa chargea. and the •quar-tette were given two. hours to get outof town. "

be gfft"ffrr fl^rtfr awranfiat Oak atreet was broken into Satur-day night, the window being brokennear the latch to obtain entrj, FrankSeveridgr; the owner, said nothing- wasmbadng. " - ' ,


GIRL SCODT MEWSThe meeting waa opened by the

tinging of three Girl Scout tonga, en-titled -Scout Hymn," "A True OMScout to Be," and "Oray Shadowt,"

Proceeding Uda, CapUrin Taylor toldeome good newt. Dr. Ktocj, of Weet-fleld.wlir honor us by gtvtag a PintAid Course every Tuesday, for tenweeka. This la to help Scouta thathave nearly completed, with.Class, and those worUnjr on First Claaa

msmm JBT...IntheBorooghof

•acluax latowt aad•Id al« i n ua> Stan aa

xoanax luaca ta, UM.•1 1 .-d«<* u ik* aWniii. 41 dw Bsnatk Ian. «a«r af 1

af aanar « M a«*Tbe Mid laada.

First Aid Merit badg*.At we g»thaf to to our patrol cor-

ners. Captato Taylor decided that eachpatrol would dramatize a Oirl Scoutlaw.' This worked considerably well anddUowtas; thlt "Oolng to Jerusalem"

OK Enttf/mth page)

and Charles Bradthaw worked throughOUl tM dayr when the •cogts wereschool, If bring UrgHy through their'ItorU that the work has so far pro

gretaed. The actual building ofcabin In the mountain will it»rt whrnhe additloiul lutnlier needed l>


StAnrieYWiUPre»entMid-Lenten Entertainment

. - • • - . f •

ThgJ~ annual mld-lentr n pntertai;rat In HI Alirwi Church will be held

MTtiursday rvrnlnii, Mnrch 23, Ui (he" [form of mi Aimrtrur Radio Nlitht. un

[ilertil l >p«ruiorihl|i of the Holy, NairnBncinly.. TIIP (.'fjinriilJLU* Included, tbpIti-V^ John M. WsUli. Spiritual Din

Viclrix WiU SponsorBaaketball CUme, Dance

Two~uulintti«ll nuiiint a l u l a dan..will be-held under the sponsomlUp ofUie Vlctrlx AUUetlr.Club Friday. March24, according to Juhnny IlatlyaA, IrudrrOf Um local orgaiilattlon, Thi- btiy>luive played.rach wrrk, farly d(>nRtli>Ktheir tervlcve fur HIP benpnt of thednenieticy Kcitft*r Thr |irwTi<dii obtalnrd from UM' dnnci- wlllix' w i l In

a banquet^Ui iiirmlwrs offurnishingUie loam. . ..

The Oarwtxxl CuuiKll rndnrsni thl<.affair at a recrht IHWIIHB, iilvuig tlipclub tilt necessary ix-nnlt itt a f ractlunOf Uie usual nM a* n mriuuri< of appre-claHun. for tlic iplrndld work of UmVlctrlx tlirouiihout Iho winter

Yitrluu* cAiiinilll<Ti fur Uie entcr-talnmciit WITL> annouiicrd by ManagerUanyus at 'fumlay itlglit s games-Check room nxrimltUT James Wyret,John Chlnchar and Wlllkin, Parkas^Hour cummlllrv, Victor Mllkcalct, Jo-ariili Jabloiuki and Hamuel Krvml,UrkrU. Jolui ll«n)as. Prank Sot Us and

V V f e t M J ^

l(ii. Lran Jnblnn/ikl. rhslrrrian: Prankllrnurt,..Thomas lirittaln. I'udrin ODraliiiiiiurK Col»rll "Ilif production(•<Kirli(M|\|jy Willlnm Oerty. " i

Tlie IMilallvr'-'tiruKnun, which wast n Mnular mrrtuiK of the

nlftht, rutislsU In ' aUlrut,: -Larry McCabe

In these times. Withscnedule, taxes are paid one monthprior to the opening of- the ftwal year,Ulowlni-.lhjLiliird of Education to pa;its way rtKht along.

Oarwood led the county In attend'ance for the month of February,cording to the report submitted .byWarren W. Halsey For the six schoolnionlfu completed, Oarwood has occu-pied Or>t place three tunes, secondulace twice, and third place once.

Although having rather a disastrouswaun. the basketball team' repreaent-

rcl in several rcclta-flcrty Hill bn hNirit Frwtlricka will tell a bed

tiinn story tiiitlrr\the: imeudonym of

ttii iiulUUui) at. Sir. Wry-uWer,- fripIH act In an

•kit. Vincent Wopprecht and JackDufnan* will offer a bla\kf»ce' comedyInl rludr. the IVtrowllland Joe. will rtn<rtttln wl

rt, Ralphtap dan-

Hotcant Wepp-


- -louUTWusKi carl Bonn and Harold•Unr P l k

•Ilir girls will uke thrlr aland againstthr Pluiuflrld Mitroont In the earlierpart Of the evening's entertainment,Uie Srulon later engaging the VanityFive, a quintet hailing from KUtmbtth.Music for dancing will be furnished byFun's Prollckera. Tlckettj-are priced atforty centt. i " -\

clng and banjo jwtcctiona,will oBcr a banjo solo, Vl'rrelit; wl|l appear as "Tlieiro." naluli ivtrotelll will

Mtq." -Two nkekhMi are also to beTlin cwt of "in A Oerman Beer

OnrUen," will include Nick Fredr|cksfPerdle Sduiell. John Arnold, Priutkllraun. Max drown, Harry Kngtehardtund William^ Kersena. Tl» other skitwll be presented in jhe fornT-ot a achooi,room tketcb. In" which Max Brown willbe teen u Prafeator Dummalhead;John McCabe, Versey: Vincent Wep-prtKlit, logr: Frank Schak. Vacky;chrtsUan BuUoch. Hena; Bam Colwell.Backfire; WtUUnn—Barry, ArcblbaUfand Jack Dugan. Ravtlll.

WUUam Barry, Jr, wul entertauT

ing Oarwood gained a name through-out Uie county for gsmenesa. All. ot Ib*first and KCOB4 teaios of last year gra-duate4-makihg - It neoMtary tir boihta t«m of raw material. The localbuys wen also handicapped In thatthey played no teams Uw taint *1» atf ^ d trf Ing fcrrred to play ' ynn~munltles such u Union, Linden. Rah-*ay, Cranford and Westfltld, defeatingUnion- and Cranford. The inmrove-ucnt. In the local team throughout tbe

«*wil may be seen from games playedwith Uie Alumni. They played thisteam five time*, losing tbe first by alarge score, ending Uw second on tbesmall end of a 31-1B Wore, snatchingvictory to the third by n-JS. decisivelywinning Uie, fourth by a 31-tt marginand getting tven better In the nfth,winning by Uw score of Jl-U.

Mr. Halsey pointed out Mm t»n«nt«of the game, naming several local boyswho have made good" In "other locali-ties. Frank EiifoslW-was captain of


Chapman Andre w_ and Jamea Pellsde the second team at Roselle Park,

while Jimmy Wyraa referaed all secondteam games In Jefferson Hglh School.Louis Pelualo Is a itar on Uie WettfleldY. M. O. A. Uam, while the local Vlc-trlx team It made up almost' entirely otOarwood school graduaataj, 1

Frank Rolh. the only visitor at themeeting, made a short talk. ',

The organisation meeting will be held.April s. ,. • .. . v : ~ r : i

played in "he Unrote Scbool for thebenefit of tbe BDergeacy. Relief. TbeSeniors ran roughabod over tbe teamrFpreentlnc Soutb {unr by a M-34score- Loula Pehaia u r o l tbe West-Beld-JT, M. CV A. seals. nSIed 9P the

» 1 ^ y ( ( 1 f t t t o l tSteve Banyaf betng JUK, behind withseventeen. Wbltebead. with fen tal-lies, led tbe vkltort.

The Otrls defeated tbe Polygon quin-tet by a a^a margin. Drake led tbelocals wttb foorteen potnta, Cuddllppand Cbampefia cedt g4*a^tfy four tal-gUet toiead the aoactti.inary* battle, the Jtefto

by a « M acore.f h l t e M

VFW (lie pnlisi—loatedthrougt


Krcard had fourteeny d rtfor the locate. Mcttagb anMSnc tbe vis-itors with Oie.

The, rlaajw to be bdd for CalboUchigh achool atodesita atttedtog tbepublic schools, tonneriy announced forWednesday, aitjernoons. will also beheld Monday *renii*s rdr tboae whofind It Impossible to attend tbe after-noon 11 •Iran, according to announcement by Father WalttL

The Children of Mary win bold theirnmf** social •"^ •y evening initfati

ot Thursday.A motion picture show Wat given to

about 100 Sunday Scrxni pupils TAjee-^ Xt

tVUMAL OROIMANCI MO. M7AX oaDUtiXCS u d u p asa rwUaal Uw

XtaeUai Plsulcts of UM awaudi of darnedw< u promt, roc UM ••uUUtUMit ot.XUc.UM PUUKM aid Urn BraadUT Un« Uwnfor.

M rr DanaucED t» u» tutor uut council«f Uw.Jtatwt* 1 Gevwoo*: - . • . - - . —

aacnoN NO. 1 -TIM ibm tttakm dbuicu «r UM BonmatiC d t < U an tmtlu MU-

h i B

Watar Oaa.'Na. t lax aigiOT • j

~ aaad u d Curb No. Uw. T. m a t .W. T. m a tA." K l a m fA. B. Hamr

nrar. das aadWalar Caa. No. t l

.c. aaad No. IIF. T, nanatalr. T. Battata


C w w d tt, u < UM HSM a n tmtlIWlML m u W> ladMM >U O> tha tutli

H I d tttl U f U Urnn:

MM >U O> tha tutli Bonnarttttla U» foUowUs bouililsrMisst

naicTNo. 1 _a w •> UM UunKtloa of UM e n l n

U» af UM rtsbl oC ««J o( Ik. Cattnl HiUrasdC n r n j rf X— toniM UM Craaford tnra-* i» I IH Mat UM Oouiioirj Jlalt of UM Bor-•uiu tt Oanraoil; i t a n . r a l i t l i along Uw

m liao «f u a Hattt of war ft. ttw ceurii•slUMd Caapur ot Sim Uan to UM Town«r Watfand UM, «1«> Mas UM touadur llaiu•r UM a«m«s of Usrionl; U W M MuUurlraloat UM bouadsry 11B« bttwoio UM TOWB .ofWMOU4 aad UM Boras* oT Usrwood roUow-Us UM Mraral cotmw Umof 1 u> UM i m e l k a o(. a i d bmdOT Uaa wua UMamor flae-of a»twr ««au«i UMOM aatttly'amor flaeof a»twr ««au«i UMOM •aatttly*kw UM M n Rpraco Arwu to UMMat «r lanwinnn 'tl'mtt man Uaa aCHprax Arcaw Mtk UM boiuuaur lisa M wUM aam«b or Oamoa aad UM TnraaUl ofCimatedi a a m aorUMHUrlT tlooi UM nld

Hoarar Ma. Ur. U. UcKonu - -f. U alcKaaas

Balnmr TsUar.Sawar No. M

W. HeOodaldw; McDonaldA. a. kalsiar0.A. a. aaudor.Ansrilns CamAKtlln* r

Father Walsh donated'the Him.Troop Four. Junior Catbolic iajlt

ten of America, jumuqwl to tbe Ben-Wettneld High team thlt year, Johnny der U«D«1iU- .Hich School. Sandayc n n r i c n l P ' a f f i a e ^ i r f l r t t - i m a t J f T i y

rvening. and pretfnted a one-act play"jMTTniLBtih^tj

fold aad UM Bonusb of Ganraod, U _» » —Uao of UM tltM of <rsr of Uu.Cnml Rail-road CaMpaarof Now Jaawr U Uw point aidClan of tadanaw.. , • ^

Durnucr NO. i. J th» Intmaclloii oT Uia canlro

Ua> at k m AtoaiM wttn t|M boundur linoof UM Batons* of Uaraood and UM Towaalilpaf Oanford; UMnca imxiir aJoos UM eanmlino of soron Aiaano ta Uio Inutaoclloti of aiidcaatn Uao wUa UM_bMndur Una •ot UM Tonof WaatnaUf and UM Baroiidi of uarwood;UMOC* aoulhaaautlr abas aald baundaT lino•f UM T o n of WoaUold and tbo Borouch ofGannMd to aa anslo. point la UM aanMi UMOCOaortofa—rtr slaos UM boundaiT Una of UiaToasanl* or Cnnfard and Uia Borousa of Oar--^—•- Uiaaco aotUnroatarlr aloof UM oootr*

• — — - i batnc sloo UM bound:l>.nford .nil I h . Rnr.

an Uloraacllao wim _ .««tra Uao of aankbi Avaaua: UMUC* nortb-•ajutlr aloas UM oanu* lino of Banlln Aia-saa bates alao UM boaadarr Una of tat Ttrav-"aua af Cnnfoid sad UM Bontufb iof Olnmodu aa lalaraacUoa. of. UM.aaaM_w&I

Hula aallaTlsHart. IWUTU

Me. Baad Mo. Uat OiudaUi:

WUaoo M. Battls .x Bsnanjr Tallojt anrar Mo. U

Jjuiiu UrUMAlton. Call* ™" Mr Cotla

•sbwar VaUar, Sowar No. U

•Uttoo VonlnrsMtuoo VaolurmWm. HohaaaWSL Boaaaaa „Tlooaora BehUnTnaodora Schlatarnd. Manaann ,Irad aUniuanttWm. PoattsWBL DoaUs ,Allaoo f>rr*^llAllaon-CampbaU


benefit of^jhe a m of tbe BenedictineConvent.

Tbe St. Annet Society is makingplans for a spagbetu sopper to be heldImmediately after lent. •

TO 8SKVK ON J f S TWliliam Ai«er. I l l WUlow avenae.

h u been a m on tbe atxtband final panel of petit Jurors for tblsterm of Uve oconty oborta. Jurors se-lected on tbls panel wO acrre fromMarch Jo to tbe cod of tbe term.

ao oTBpriwo•t taataalat.

, < UM Maw with tIM remitfOBiM aad UM point and. placi

I • »UI In UM raoUCHlna of U»c «jr af Uw Central BaUroad Cuapur

New ianor «a«o U U latamoud bj UwMIaa of UM caUn Uoa of Caduf Btraot

6e tSe'aniiouucer,Viola Flrmbacli being, the'accarhnanlaiTlckeu. which are priced at mty c?nU.are obtainable frotB any member.

BOROUCill BRIEFS'Trustees for trie Oanrood Building

and Loan Association elected at theannual meeting Monday night in tbeBank Building Include W. M. CoakBa.\V, It Coililin. C. H. JUhb, A.

meeting U a* iinpiinTkflnri wig be bsM

•n» Oarwood Civic Republican Lot- bert MueUfr and Fnust Oaorge.rue wlfl hold IU Uajch social meetiiw ' Tlie ladles' Aid 3oc»ty at Oat Out-tomorrow/night In the Franklin 8cliool. wood Pn»tit<rtao Clmreb win. boat aAn elaborate program'bat been plan- luncheon tatty ae/noon. Tbe ragalarned, Including Oe*rg(t Durow. >TxalUt; -'•" '"

* Mildred Kllfech,' a new-<otner to Oar-wood, % very talented singer and dan-osr, who hat won several prlsCavarious theatrical contests through

"the Stale/ liteiiltt being- a radio •»«note, having been heard < % mmajor

',8*wni OcnMed actasol taaeban at-la| MtatM «a'-Saccta|( grren ar Dr. Mart at_,_t*^^_—^. -.-*.-.:-.. ^ Jetfttabo' s1%b


Tlie First National Bankof Garwood»-

Open ssms&p®**??'

For Business In All Departments



Garwood Bank for Garwood People

-: Member of FedcrmlReaerTeSTrtaa• • : ' ' • ! . • • ' " . - • • ' - • V . - . . , ' • S I ; \ « J ; . 1 . - : . - • . • ' - ' / • • . • . ' ' •


___ w CadW BtnotUwnn aoro.w^aioaa uld mJa^Uon of Uiacauto tUM or Cadai Blnal sad alons UM eaalnUna at O d u gtnol to UM lataraacUoa of UMuld caatn Uao of Codu Mioat "Ili •>» | -r ' w -llen af UM aoiilhotlr atda Uno of roant Arawn;tkacoaaaiUrUaloatUM pcoJocUonotUM aouH.rttj oUo Uao or roorUi A>onua balna" also UMInuadur Uaa at UM Tanablp ot Cranford andta* Boroua« 4t Oanaaad; to a point In Brook-aUo flacai. laaaco aarUMft) alone UM bound-arr-Uno botvaaa UM Taaqabb> of cnnfaM ud.UM aonwstl or Oanraod to an UtonacUon wUn- boasdar* Uno balwaaa UM Tom of WaaUI.U

Alln OacsottBoaaa goctulUaa Corn. ITBaeU.> rarronunt Co. _ t tBacUt, PattonUiw Ca. _ » IBtaing Sun Bmlnf Co. 11

Boalaweo. Inc.BdwardloaaBdw«rd Koaa

Coacnu Baad Xo. U.Baal, ' • Annia'aat.Baal. T. Anala, gal _ ^ 1 _~ "' "" " Mo. M

aaa»t UM boanaMy Uao of UM Taara ot Waal-taM u d UM Barowk of Oanraad la u taiar-aacUanarttkllMoMtiouat of UM rltfcl at waraf UM Casual aallroad Caasiuv of Saw Mwr;I b M aSarlT abac aald ojaira Uao of UMfKM at war at U» Caalol BaBraad Coanaurof - ew Amar.ia UM IsunaeUaa af aald oaamU— n n UM liiajlilaaa of UM <au> IbM tlM a t l t r a a aad UM.ntU aad «laca of ta«a.

™!Mit-7J-i—"amrlsSris5rr~"-"~"T^'""•atlnaan « UM auamcMi of UM-CTSO.

Baa af UMJtaM at «aj rf UM Casual aaltaaM

s^^ggsffHarHliJa: i*» «aaUaar, aaala paka aatal.sbM In Finn. An-1

'alar. Coo. Mo. I t . -.' .'• ~.;•^mkss^m^^^^^^fss^smssi

1 OBwaad la ta* n u t a d } aids U»a-»t

IbM at towtt Axooo sad IMaa? Ma« abb Uw botuoBrr U »Br U »

of Crutatd aad UMat Carajaod. la UM caelia Mna aTCadst

— aMIkarbr alau aaUa aad the prfJacUoe.

i of -WtiaJtt a f n f 1 aOaaaasajr at (Sea-JanarfJao,sart_fiiatt»_!irt af tti

Page 9: FromHighWater Rates Sectional Ghampionship · 2015. 2. 14. · ford: publicity. Mrs. Long . Miss Dreher. Miss Aglae ' Gates—of—Cranford, * v~ Kuentsler and Miss Lain?. - These

K e n i l w Q T t h P a g e r


RaBwar VaUiiHonor .No. t l

i Budafjacob JWndl -, i

amff and Houatrarnlllie, Boad and

lurk No. It •Bum and Bourn

UK. No. t lgolptt tianart —

giwor and Boon*CM. No. 41

I Jacob Bporo .|jacob BDoro -

DoVir No!*!*

EJ5?»trHim No. U

Bahnar valiij-« « « NO. t l

. Bmadbock - i



._SH-|Mn--Data XaeknrUn .

Joa. aatoOalBWo»alk I


- i *Coocnla Boad and

_ Una Con. No. 55•Gloria Uaikotf _ _ _ - — 4 *•Uio; llarkwt .«-.—•*—"—4*™ r Uo.«rhro ...»»

1 Uuorrliro . J*

sti-stt-sn-us5II1II-5I9M95I|.9;i-5U-tS>6IIA • ,_,3I1ASI1A141-14*141-14* • . . •

Ida W. CaMnil — —1»- jUno Bortbr .— -MCaaa. Bandtra -1*.....joa A. Blorum II

Halo Batdek , —It .,

g^rc andSidf l t t No. *5 .

CoamU Boad No. 54A.' F WllllaMaon •' ITBaton Aklu ... __—.!•WooUteM tnutCo. - , ... I*

" " s n m and 'BUnalk No. SI

. Coacrfti Road No. »t.Harit KcOonouab _ . — I I

« m r aodBUkrwalk No. SJ

Coacrrto Road No. t t

(tat. B. Culm '.—Xtinn Manball ... t t

MUT Uranllakl — Road and

Curp. Uu and— Wa« Con. No. 44

ftaeroii Road No. SI


t-t11-1111-14mi l l




^Hfrtti Road - aod_ . Una Con. No. 51loaorf o* Coll

BKrar, OaT aod_ Watar Con .

1 frank Chlvonna —luorbon B. l m « .IHorbirt B. Anna .• llorlMrt H. Astra .lu.rb.rt B. Anna\ Rjdorado Dajt <^

" VaUir". „ - * No. SSf Xldorado Mr. Co...\ Kldorado IHr. Co. .

~* lofaoo DlT. Co. , n -Balnraj Vailir——

I . Bowir No. II , .k H. I . Bun. Land Co. 51f N. V. Sub. Land Co. .—. »li lUhwij Vailir

Sanr -No. 41 .,.••'-| John f. McCann —J» .

[' N! Y.' Bun. Land Co.-__~~5J. .

; a. B. Bosii Co! - ~ ^ ~ ™ 5 J

' V' VConcmo*Wlnsa a n ™, CoibNo.ltI p. VrSoneiaa .t p . V . Bonesas .-- Me. .Boad and

Curb No. i t


.. us-m



1ISS1111119*l l l l

—li l t1*111IM1*11




CoarnM Hood. Curb ', and UM and WaUT " .

j (ion. No. t t .Conertu Road No. U

Uarwood Bronat an* . . . .Iron- Worln . .«. 1*: Concrau load, , ,_.

inn No. Ifwalnt; BUMS . ^JtBonha Bcfcautms — It

^.Wator Con, Nil 41Mary -Paafcurlca - 1I-, .DaoM Lanual UHaobura. Inc. Mf«UU BuaM _ _ _ — . _ — 1 >naMa X. King —; 9*

He. Boad and .CurB No. 19

Janua Aklaa _..._,.__ t t ..M. I), Bhirnuta ,,,,,.—4* Vupl — _ ~ _ . _ 4 *A. Koto .




mi? i**r$"i«-^"r""t^1J.'il!"-?™"*."*.»VT'*";^

IIW»«4II t»

IUU. lit!


111.41I1IU114 I«

lti.M- Ml It

II If .

- II M111*1114

. 1» !•HIMIII«


tunt t f l l

HIM149 11






11.14• I.M

1>I 3*

/ w mItl-M*

,. V. BonMia ..... 5* Hit


Bmr No. t lbam Ilium «Jhtua Uluin ..*-rf^"-——••

E57 T. Bub. Land Co. _ _ _ t tf Francis -B'Arcr _™~^—.'•••ErraocU D'Arw . . . - tt; nary B. Dlilman „..»-. - t t





net15*4 ,



Concrilo Bead NO. 54

Unm and, Bldowalk No Mt-Oeorio J. ClirUunaa —1f Ooo. J. Cnrlaunao '

or andJoWani NO 15

Concrau Boad No. 6«


J51 151


lfl* ana:-" .'.BUnialk ho S5

p Concrilo Boad No 51

I Poo l TomlUoo t tL-\, . Uiwor and

§lJ?Xi-L Butowalk No *5B •'''<: '«s*«ilo Boad No. 54

. Good .

. Qood ..._. Uood . .IBcbaoKr . .

I Bloom .I Bloom'.

I Bloodsood .

I MorlanI TatandorlI YasndorfI Yastndorf



' M*4tlrit-mtti-ttsiii-mtn-sts131-14*1M.MS-4I>-SM-MI-4IT



inn115 4*l l l llit*

lit 41II • •15141114




It IIlistll.Uitn

mtinnttsi*i t*MLS*

D. Bochtoliln _ 41rrank Ulo«nck|r — . — t t

Me. Road and" ""CurB No. 11 - •

Hooautio BOH . _ _ _ 4 1Illoinpo • i. "4»-"-Uc..Hoad and

<Mrb No. IIA. flirmana _ . . _ . ^ _ , ~ ~ t lM. IM CUlo ... _.._—41

Me. Road andCurb No. 11 ..

Carl Andanoo, KiL 41MJcca ._- . . ^-:—41.Concriti Road and . .

llaa Con: «b.rwC. TronlaraMl : 41

Concroti Road andnaa Con. No. 5J ^

C. LlndMomn H Z H T - J lUao. Oloocknrr ..........._.~49

Curb and UulUr No, AtBwnr and Houao

Con; No. t l ,w.A. Karior * _ i j _ _ i _ | « _

Bmr •nd'u'ouao •'.

a,i^^nl*J»a—.=J»-. h w No. 45 ~

nuih Mioban , *.~..51Nick CurrlWllo' „ l»l

Hrmn. |Uaa andWaiar Con. No.. 11.

Nick Currlnllo ^.._.-..—SIgroar. «M and ,

' i WaUr Con. No. J i .;niocoma BoMtto _ _ _ 51

rrlu Huubn u i f T«i i l t«r-^^=B.- . .

Me. Boad No. 410. Zaltklo ...—, _~- . -5 lIIUIIIp I'ollak -__- . .~ i . . - l l

«l,«tr TallarBiwir No. t l -

Till lour>ull BK. Co. —511-hUllp I-»U«k 'JH«u»,l. Malplati . "Artbttl—diuleh— ' * -

Rabwar Vailir.Burn No It

Maria Muxarla . - - "Wn. Ayrio .«.- « — 9*

Concroli Wins* andCurb No. St •

<iuala llrandrtll »Oonerrti Wlnci snd

Curt fan ItBowir, Oa* and

Wktir-Con. No. II •'u.rj Blolua ... 5J.Vlntoato - Hporaoaa '~^~-rJ-

Ralmar VaHir"iow»r •Alfred Bponu ,—-..JlTho lour Kte. Co. •>-»*frank I








mimi .

m i

I*II1*11• IIIIMl


l l l lIMliJll1*11

HIM" tt*S

U51HI 41It.II



Si t1411IS.ll1*119t.alllllllitl


11»ttl4. It


Mt•l it

I Mt i l l19.1*





1111• 14JS

< l »L l l





TCoUectiooi Total^19IZ87inF«br«ryj

T ^ month ofrtl to


rVbruary totalled l lBUsi , according toUie monthly report of Oollector JohnK. Butler submitted at Uie meeting ofUw Mayor and Borough Council Tues-day night in the Borough Halt Of thisamount,MUIS wa» for im ta»e* and$1083.74 tor HJl-Unes. OUier receiptsIn Uie current account were: Installsments, M1BM; Interest and cost*. 111,-01: bus line tax, WM; tux searches,tSV>; motor vehicle tax. IU1.15: prop-erty red«emed, $J«a.7«. snd sundries.t»3S, making a total of BJMM. . TheJanuary palanee waa WOM T, makingUw grand total in thU account. 111.-

putHirseroenU in thU account were:Interest on sewer not**, si**.**, andinterest on current loans, POM,.mak-ing a total .of IIIJ«*S. The, balance InUw bank on rVbruary 58 was I10J71T7.

Receipts in' the trust account were:Sever- astepmenta. MMW: sidewalkasswimrnts M-30. and Intereat andcost*,. 115.13. making, a total of Hrt.4B.The balance, on hand January 31 was


making Ui* grand- total

uie abstU* rtirk Trust Contpany inpayment of a note, leaving a balance ofrijB».t» In Uie'bank Wbruary aa.

No receipt* °r disbursements wererecorded In either the capital or Uwdepeodencl, relief account In February,and tho tfoances In these accountswere W.40 and WOO. respecUvely.


(Conlinuti Inm aqrxDOoi. v*9*>

_s played.

lng Uwjilanlst, _ . . . : _ ^ : _ ' . . 1

The meeUng waa cloned by the shig-ing of the "Tap*."

.. . Agnra KarlUky.Oarwood has a troop q( Olrl BcouU

lo be proud of.. It I* affiliated with UieWcstfleld Council. There are abouttwenty-live girls who g « together eacliweek for instrucUon as well as fun.

At Uie last rally held In WestfleldUiere, were tlx girls who received thesecond class badge: Doris Nead, DorisKemp, Sylyla Camlnsky. Prances Mon-gesku. Marti PaveU. and DoroUiy M*l-c h o w . "'" "•"""•••• ' •"''" " " " • " ' • "

AlnwsiiBU.the.oHi»r;members have^jsHd the tendarfoot test and are-progressing rapidly. . . .

' 1 s t AprU 1 ^ '.- :-.--

Us* of the Harding School after Ip. m. was ordered stopped by Uie Ken-llworth Board of education at It* reg-ular monthly meeting-Monday night Inthe school. The action was taken asan economy measure.

The meeUng was largely given overto a discussion of ways and mean* ofWrtatnlng money, sixteen thousanddollars, due from the state was expect-ed to be paid before Uie .meeting, butbecause of the general banking situa-tion. It failed to materialise. It Is notknown when Uie money will be avail-able. • • ' • • ' .

President Frank «nngir brought outUie fact Uiat this fas Uie Istt meetingprior to uie organlseUbn- meeting, andspoke highly ol Davtd II. Illgglns andwniuun U Hohde. the retiring com-missioners., Doth also spoke briefly,stressing economy and staling Uw dc-alreablllly of Uie Hoard retaining theservices of Uie District Clerk snd theschool nurse,. Louis N.. James, andWarren K. Wood,' newlyVrieeted trus-

lt'.was reported that although Uie'Roselle.Park Doard of Education turn; out rOtnUworth itudenUattending Uie school In default uf tui-tion, no action has as yet been taken.

All members were present at Uiemeeting, and It was voted/to hold thereorganlullon meeting April 3. limnedlately prec '"-- J — ' " "

Zoning of BorongliTo Be Discussed Soon

Ordinance May Bo Introduced ,nt Next Meeting; Fire Or-dinance Alto to Be Invetti-

" gated. • /The Kenllworth Mayor and Counci l /

probably wlU dlsouu In detail a sontru/ordinance at the next meeUng, acoord-Ing to steps taken at Tuesday rjjgnr*'meeUng In the Borough Hall. Council-man Charles Vltale suggested <ftat someaction be taken immedUUey on thetoning of the Borough, a / Uie matterlutd been discuated for several months,but no definite steps/had been Ukentowards passage of aft ortllnsnce,>4sy--or Oswald NltscMfo reported Uiat helutd discussed Uj* project wlUi Uie Bor- -pugh Engineer and tliat-«<*is actionwould be taken at an early date.

' Fire Chlfi Harry Oocens and WUUamnhode asked Uie. Mayor and Councilto tak/steps to prevent the UnitedEnglrteeiing CorporaUon from dump-Ing-'damaged matches and cardboard

<ks ol. book matches outside of Uielr-

eUhg Apil .the regular meeting.

mXTII IN ATTENDANCF.KenUworUV ncnools ranked ilxth In

attendance and twelfth In punctualityamonr Union county school districtsduring the month of February, accordI th thl t l s d thi

i m


i n

during the month of February, accordIng lo the, monthly roport rclessod thisweek W Dr. A. U Johns^Q. county s(|.perlntendent'of' schooU.' KenllworUi'i.percehtage In attendance win 03.71. anilthe per'pupil day. average was 00J5per cent, qarwood rajiked Drat In al-Tendance 'with 0»J» per cent mid ClarkTowiuhlp-Orstih puiktusllly with .00011.

DOBOuou nuntrsThe tchool bank has not beoii troub- the.present banking erlslST-ao-oordlng to an announcement by W. J.Deans. The), local Institution receivedtoOMi In deposits Uils wwkj to bring.the total - to~4warl)t- *-•*

.The two men reported that pUsa of,»u*h refuse were lighted.and proved tobo a fire hasard to Uw entire nrtghbor-liiwd, o n ihe suggestion of CouncU-man Vltale, Chief Conns will presentInformation to the Council at Its nextmeeting, as to Uio fire ordinance* ofnearby towns and boroughs, with UWpurpose of vasting a "local ordinance toempower fire Inspector*.so that theymay correct the dangerous sltuaUon.

Chief CO'MIIS also aaked-tlist a nswact of.UrMjMLjurfiu»«iJo>_ths^flr<ttruck" as Uw present tires are badlyworn. He'atatnd Uie Urea now on Uwtrurk liavn been In use more than nUWyriars.- ' • •• '. " • -"' - ' T

Mayor Nltschke's objection to pay-ment of two small bills for electric,

used In sounding Uie alarms tod t h t

I9t 191MIDI

l l l ll l l l

1*11l l l l1151 -

15IJIl l l l

IAThe children lnvIA are jendeavoring

to improve their, healUi habits by Uk-lng; regular care of Ihelr-weth, carry-ing a"'handkerchief, and keeping theirhands and nails dean. 'Ah Improve-ment has been noted in the appearanceof the teeth, and we hope to continuethis checkup, so that these little careswill become hablUJ;. The children whoreceive four Blarsat the end of theweek are permitted to go home flv*minutes earlier on Friday afternoon.• During a reading lesson the childrenin IA read Uie stury "trfttie Bambo"

IK) - W m i — » • * - 4 W W *JF—mmwt —• •-Two new famlltrs have.biwn granted

fobd cards, according Ui an .nnoiinc*-ment by W. J. Deans, Director o(_M«nlclpal lUillef, .;T h e monllily dinner jifHhe Kenll-worth Oommunlty Church will bo heldTuesday evening, Marcti 28 In theparish hall.

IKiwnr used In sounding Uie alarms tvolunteer- firemen on the grounds thatthey had not- been presented at theproper Ume gavo rise to much dlscus-»lon l»twn«i cltltens and coundunen.with the final threat that unless thecouncil paid Uw clalmJhfcslMn wouldnot. lie u«ed~ In Uie future. The) bWfinally was paised by a separate, reso-lutlim.

Former Coundlman Walter Vetitenl d l l d




>Sfo»t children enjoy Uita story,it lends to their lmagiriaUon. Duringa discussion of (he loaon someone sug-gested that It be dramatlted. Thechildren planned Uie story and decided

,h»<?v.utrBnnr No. t l .

Malcolm BUtlir .^.~«»—-^5t.Rabwar.Vallir.

B.»»r No. UJanMO Donoran —I —™5?R\ M. Booddtr 1*—: *l

Bldmalk No. 51 .Me. Boad No. M •

Rooa Valonllnn —.-5I

ra- ia, aod Joornn vuls t l

• u n n w ni , M, -»»™

AoloncUa Lanxa ,-—--Mllloa. Hunter . — - I *

abwar VaUir „ .Romr No. t l •

Joa. I. Buachor ...- -WBiwir and, .".- ' -. .

Bldnalk No. UCnnenu a ^ s d ^ M ^

Mar*. llaUUluai '. It..

C 'c^«1Road*"No: 54 __





Tl4*-Ml. 141-144

15* » t 'MBtU-UI






JI r i•is.»


.11M l






trpon"tla piwaiure. . ........A forest scene was painted on brown;

paper by Michael" liarchol and HelchBubenas, ProperUe* needed, for UWplay were brought by various, childrenIn Uie class; ' .

The .following Chltdren played the

* rOI.ICT WARN rEDDURH'*. Peddlers' licenses . which expired

March I must be rrncwnd nl once, ac-cording to Chlff of Police OoorneConklln. A drive Is being startedurain.t IIIMII who ncddln without the

laBfcS—l BtTW p. • • . ^ • — . ^ f r " m*---^^M»T* — — ii ^ —

neceaaary foe being imlil thn Borough.AH house-to-house ppddlers will bestopped.- . ' .-••'- _ . ..•

TJoir HCenses.also expired March 1.-

WM|aewiit-«tJJittniwtlM and j e l l e dtho nttrntloii of m»mbei™ of the coun-cil KwJ-lho mayor to the minute* of aminting held last AprU wtwn a bill forU|o paympnl of tlmier, Kllng and Cou-ilert wiu up for discussion. The for-mer councllthan read, Uie i minutesshowing that he had not voted In favorof the payment o( this bill, as had pr»-vloualy been reported. • • - •

Councilman John CJraf, chairman oftho police and fire committee, tubmlt-lr<l tho rc|KirL» of his cominltt«es rratlvrd and filed. Hovcntnm ar-rr«U wrre made during the past twomonUis by tho police, according to tho

Uio Bparks Circus. .We are now goinic.tb mike a three

ring circus on th« floor. • • 'The children are. working hiird oh

iliolr spnliwg. Beveral received a hun-ren piayeo «•« dred per tent on Krlday. They urn:

nwry "UlUe Bambo"! Marian Schneider, nruce Oldford, Juneard naarowj Tigers, John Wansi. I Fonfcnelll, M M flchiitterl,; John I'st-l-Mlsko Mildred Parker and Mary I rick, Michael Osuch, Vera

irpurt.: Thrrevnres '!•»«> occurred ilm-Ing 1033 with a total damage of »3,B5O.II wiis reported:

(Ihalrmnn VlUle of the highway^!Om-tnlttee' irpurted that Uie streeU ware in

atowackTry ,

I Helenth R a

sucli, Vera N u l f r a ..OoH* Nash, Frederick

't'^-s'i i^-.J!

[Caraulo forraro .IntU.BUutr.

, p»mlua 1



lu-ist. i - ttr-tu

ii , StlH1 ll-ts

ri , MM

tn-xrt-JaUojNos t* ' - 11-9A


' IMl

IMlIMl 4



Jrxillla TilUlbirS •Sck4»£an Bocte

Carwmd On. Co.ConeroM Xaaoj ^ a a -. B«w»r Coo, No, *4

Chaj. L. Jokaaon ——.~Concrft. Road aa«

Bomr.Coa. » • . : * i _ r •Chaa. B..CalTof .'i^>"-vir^il _

CanenU Boad andUaltirul BWalli Co. —~—'»,Cannolo Peallo - "John BWtlna _ — ~ - S S

Coaerita Road No. t lCOMTOU Boad. Oaaand WaUr Con. No. SI

iko X. WraaV »'Okrwosd Dov. Co j l

^ g a m o d m». Cs.

Hart. Mfli—I*""


141-M5 JIM

ttu. «**waj Tata

• m m s», = = B


J Ibalu Co. .J BiaJU Co. •

MLsWCf- -Mm.i BofaaM .

n K. oort





n i-n4os-nsoi-rw





~ M.W15t»4l.J*

U I O W S H U B U ' M " . ~ » r . ' •- T h e dramatteatlon was given to .the- Bomano. Adrlsna W!ov«r, Jennie" Y«n

. n e onuu. . . , kow1 U u U Harlln. tiarmln«.auerrlero,John "auerriero, Margaret Banje, Mil-dred Begasse. " "•

• • • • • ' .

•In'Mr*. Wlikon's 3B UW children areitudylng. about life on the desert. Inconnection with thU the camel U belnicstudied now, and here are «-few of thebest stoitai so far: ..

THB BHIP OP THE DBBBBTilorn»"'nwi trw r*jn«i u called. Uw

ship of UW desert," because he carries

oUier secUon of Uie das*. It wa* en-Joyed by the audience as well a* byUie players. .:'" -:—

After Uie dranutliaUon two songs*rere sung by Jean Mantolco , UMianKlemek. Ulllan Narchol, JlmmW Ksil-nowskj, Michael Waxchol and AnthonyB U n o o s . • • • . • , «

• " • . • • • * . • :

The children of I and >B have drawnseries c/ picture* to Illustrate some







of Uie ttitogs Uw wtn<l can do, such as

ren flying klWaX,wlndmlll belhf.Mown;

ship of UW desert. because he carrieloads Of goods serous the aca.of sajir)The pack camels are used for carrying

and a barn wWj>*e*ther vane Udllngd l U of wind The best picturesand a barn > e * t h e r vane U gdlrecUon of wind. The best pictureswere drawn by BBrritoo Nordstrom,Harriet Schneider, Doris, ColweU, Wal-ter Werme, DWwy Btatujr. Ogden WU-son. Rudy UsItowtggBroid »*&£*>'l i W h o l Arthur SttJ*i»f**li;»^~

I M l

Oarwood Pit. Co- ."" J.^sr

^•ss*?.tsrsu- m-n*_' turn

IMIM• onil


son. Rudy UsItowglei Warchol. Arthur SrUgbneae and Bdwmnt Sanjolons),

The eonstroetloo of Uw UUle dollhouse la nearing completion. The fln-Ishing touches are being placed on the

— • - -- •-- hope^o

lilalnU hail Dwii received. It Is plan-ned to lako some action to repair UtortriiW* us son as funds are availablefor the, purchase of cinders. .

Tliff. counfll went on record as favor-ing the Joining of the Union CountyWater; Uaguo WIU> Mayor NIMchfccuplioliitlng hlnuelf and CouncilmanVltale to represent the Borough In theIcanue. _ • ' • - . . . ' •

Councllmsn William nowarrreportedthat the, garbage collection was Ulnghandled ' naiufaetorlly by Uie unem-ployed, although wme^OTBoulty wasencountered early In March.In gettingcltlnsru to have tlielr garbage out onthe ihprtilngs'WIien it was to b*"c»l-lectod... } ' • ,'-'• :

A resohiUbri Introduced by Council-man Tllden Faldenburg named theCltlsen and Chronicle as UW offldalpaper of the"Borough,' '.'.':.

Evl I. Polkck Open.

• com-

Una. a anas.Banna* On. Co. .

BUWUSf 9, MlUgoV

1 i n n » a w o w • * of^a^ • • , - i —

it*rt to paint It. This _ ^ _been buUt of orange crates.mlttee working on It sr*:-Chairman,Edward Sansolooe; ~ helpers, OgdenWilson. 'Jack Sansolone, Vrank Cree.Junior BUHweU. Joseph Bedle andAdolf Orossman. -The building of UUshouse Is being done In connection witha unit of t»rk on "The Home."

0 0 *

The children In 2A. nave been making• drewpsnde. In our parad* we haw*> band and Uw band leader. We hate*Iic^*Krjr*,aglr*fle,lrlorses.ciunels,elephant* sock* psonkey riding on Uw

X' -

carried .byUie nackcamels,- ;. . : iVjWilllam

WATZRIMO THB CAMBefore.. starting on'»r Joutney_ the

camels drink as much as tin gallons ofwater. 'He store* this water In his twoitomschs. He can'go without-waterfor three or four days.-

Isadora Camlsky... . , . " • • ' .' .'•: . . " I

. . • 8 B - B :" - ^ ' . ' • ' • ' "The Friday assembly last week was

i iken^charge- of by - »»-« , - -Lto/UOuerriero read the Bible and made.theannouncements. A short one-art playwas given. The plsy was adapted fromour reading book* and produced InTour scenes. Trw UUs Is "Hsndy AndyOoe* for The Mill.": Frank Ragoneaetook the part of Hancly Andy; JohnOrisko, JBquIre Egan; Ruth WUson.Postmistress; Michael Olowscky, Mr.Duffy; Customers, Joseph Petrocelll,Mildred D'Arey, Evelyln Jones andBeanor Barry.

Two ptano solos w e n played by An-gelina Lodlsco, "LeghUy Bow" and"Soog at Uw How."

Ear) t ' Pollack,, former Boroughclerk, ha* lopened iaw_ offices in Uwbuilding next to police headquarter* onKenllworth boulevard. Mr: Pollack, aformer ' president of the KenUwofthBoard of education, ha* had offices at'«0 Broad street, JDlxabeUi, wjth Attor-ney Frank B. Weirwr, nosejle" Boroughrecorder. , ' *!-.• •--.'»' ' '-.. •' '

lib. Pollack I* a graduat* of the Bo-aelle'Psrk Sl fh School and reoolred,Uie L. U ' B V defree ftqim toe New Jer-fiby-VkW School.'He ( i i admUM tothe "New Jersey "Bar during the IXayterm of U»>Supreme. Court In t l » . * »attorney at law snd solicitor In chan-cery, and at Uw AprU term'lln 1KB wasadmitted as counsellor at law andCer in chancery.


Reginald E. OurtU of I6Ui street hasbeen selected to serve on Uw sixthpanel of petit Jurors for this term ofUw county, courts'. Jurors on the lastpanel willVgln service* March at and»erv» to Uw end of Uw term.

»-' ~J

Page 10: FromHighWater Rates Sectional Ghampionship · 2015. 2. 14. · ford: publicity. Mrs. Long . Miss Dreher. Miss Aglae ' Gates—of—Cranford, * v~ Kuentsler and Miss Lain?. - These


GhnrehesFor Lenten Services

, _ . \ i

Preabytenana Report New Sunday School Attendance Rec-L» c_~:-i nu-___ « m • r "Nv


ord — Special Programs Planned for'' ' ' Coming Meeting!.

„ , i * Open to BBetween Uw Age* of 14

andlJ Tean.

At Uie regular meeting of Uie Holy,,Jame Society of St. Michael's Church

- , Monday nlfht In the recreation room*of the parochial school, plan* were dls-

Receiving the Grace, of God In* Vain


All Cranford churche* reported c*-|Othfr« are to be received at servicesuclly attendances at Sunday service* | during the coming jveekA f j v a u ap*clly attendances at Sunday service* | during jLhc cor

—Ttilf h - marlTTd thr rrr"tirt -Wmntar~rn">ITfrn1lTrii w» " r

_Lent. "The Uiree churches -participate -piT'cenV.'ing In the Lenten loyalty Program— —***t} « u ti#v <«fvi»w.ti « w / * & * r / m s> *^a,* *JMI*T--

First Prrsbyterlan, Oranford Methodist«nd Trinity. Episcopal—reported ^ ban-

^ ' W crowd* at Uie "Family Pay" ser-vices In the morning and the "Men'*

one hundred

The theme of the morning -.. .<vSunday" wilt be 'Stewardship." T»ie evenlng service has teen designated a)"Missions Night.'' in connection withthe latter service there will be an ex--- : - - —-. - — — - —.-- the latter service there will be an ex-

Nlght" program at night. At the Flint j hloltlon of curio* from various foreignPresbyterian Church a new . Sunday j muuildh fields ** well a* curlos'made bySchool attendance record wa» recorded j native Indiana,when 008 children responded to roll lection will becall In liie varloui classe*.

first prMbytorian ChmthBeventr-ekht^mtn-wert-in-attefld

ance at the Men's BIWe ClaM Sundaymorning, while In the Sunday School anew attendance" record of 009 f u es-tablished. ' The Sunday School vealhaa been aet at Ml.

At the morning aervlce, which w»i. designated u "Family Day," the Rev.

William It. Sloan uaed aa hi*'text 0an Inspiring sermon, John 14:3, "In W>

•.. Father'! Houae." A dlitlnctly pteulntfeature of the morning aervloe waa therestoration- of U» family pew when

* parenta and children wen together. -Inawne Instance* three generation! were«ltUng in the ume pew. ' l i p cVowdiaaaemWed with nidi rapidity at tilemoraine acrvlM that th* ushers weret u n l to find accommodation*. Jhtrs

. chain but to to placed la tlw atilei,TIM attendance iurpaued even Uw for-

Sunday matttt wai retarded a*l i n k «tHt," and m tun and 100

or a total Of t » person* winn» atnftaf «f tlw men. ted

oir « rtr i r tand

fcy a taan'* aba*, «•*H. a t Sebabtl a u c a vocal tolCHMrff Bad and Alf Stvenaon, a m ,a**9*cUint»Uberioi>lb* tvtninf pro-«twn. TW Men* choir *»ng, "HiejOaf of Um, Uf abepbtrd tt," during

. UKBfftrtaxi A Ttofrtflti chairman of the

- - ; asilsnOa, WUatW tilt appreciation of' " -- tdl«oa>Hltt«torUularge attendance

j, -'< at ttt» ferric*. Prad-Luw explained- v * • Hforit of UM Men'* Bible Clau of

Um ebarthaod Invited an nan to at-•saaaMasi • * • & _ - • - -' - - ' - ^ , • . _ • *

••Mar nMniar » t » : « o'clook.* » 6 WJOtn^WapottW to I t p,


. for roluntatni (or an• (Nan* to bt *Uged

Included In the col-— .^ aome" Indian ruga own-

ed by Mr.-amfMri. O.E. tund of Hill-creat avenue,—Bund*y~*reflmirihTT(av. MatchettY. Poynlel, the pa»tor, began a »erte»o/.LenKn iwwtlnga with the EpworthLeague, Hit aubject Sunday waa "Per-•onality of Je»u«." The apectal meet-Ihga will be continued during tent,

TnVXenton cottag* prayer meetingwill fee held at > o'clock-tonight at the'home of lit. and Mra. N«ld, jM Sev-eiln Court. The meeting Tueadaynight-will be at UM borne of Mra, JohnHohl and next Thuraday night at thehome of Mr, and Un. June* A. Strong.Uut week't meeang at the borne ofair, and MnrBtepben -flcblapak, mSoutn Vtiita aVeoue, i u wejl attended.

Mr*. John Hm, 30» Central avenue.«nl«rtain*d the" Mloionary AuxiliaryMonday evening. Routine' .bualneu»M tranaacted. ,

The Sunday School board met Tue>-«WU«MatJMBf»hdM

A cabaret <how wUl be held ,EaiterMonday night, April IT The name csMthat aiicceaafully ataged a. minstrelahow last fall will parUclpate In thecabaret entertainment. . \

The bridge and pinochle tourna-raehW. which have been going, on "forUie put two month«, will tnd'at theApril meeting, at which Ume Uie handball tourney will atart.

Following the bualneaa „which t u In charge of Prealdent Edward P. Sullivan, an addreia on"ChrlaMan Education and Catholic Action,"was given t>y P. V. Maboney of St.CaUierlne't R a Church of HUlalde.

-ItefreahmfnU were aerved after UIFmeeting.

By Ker. mUam T. Bcfanoa. Jr.raster «r Uw Cah-ary tVathcru Onrch

1 Cortnthlgrut «•], ."We then, uworkera togettier wlUi him, beseech youalao that ye receive not the grace- ofOod In vala" '

If a man ploughs hU field. jtawa_hl

cussed for Uie starting of a Junior HolyNameNBociety The new organisationwill be open to boya between Uie ages *• » "*»** i«uw>i> *"» uriu. KJWS_UJSof 14 and 17_,,Fft<Clsdck..flhearii*--wa* Me&*nd-ctfttvaTes~(ne"growlns; giilftnamed"chairman.of Uie committee In -•-• "—• *•— — •-•- •-•- —ehargeof 1 W » » organization.

The annual,Communion breakfastwill be held Sunday, May M, followingthe 8 o'clock Mass^ .'—• -..— •••-.

A cabaret show wUl be held ,Easter


ir0 crop> blM

Arthur Brown. lOtAldta »treet.Th* seoond tplsMb of the "Supreme

Court of Slewardtblp BelaUon*" t upresented in UM Methodist Church la*tnkjht by members of Uie Presbyterian•nd MeUiodUt churches. The flrit partof Ui* play K M staged last woek at UiePreabyterlan church, TW productionto attracting large crowd* each week.

Calvary Lutheran Charch"The Bubitltute on the Oro»" win be

th* subject for Uie weekly Lenten ser-vice In Uie Calvary Lutheran Church

100 Are ExpectedAt Annual Breakfast

. Mlsi M. A. Bntry of Vienna, Austria,will b» the principal speaker, at the•econd" annual OommunJon Breakfastof Uie Young ladles' Sodality of SaintUlchael'a Church Sunday. Mtm Emerywho Is on a lecture tour of the Halted

?r>«P»aaT^tiire'r ln~tn«i

<L«-.ii!cta*-tonl«htraccoTdlrigItov. WUllam r. Behrenn, pmtor.

Church school teachers and offlcerawUJ meet, tomorrow evening to makeplan* for Uie annual church schoolE i t 1 T

/director of UM!Church;. which U.U3

,. »erv1ce. m e program mi l becalled "Darkness, Doivn, Day,"

St. Michael'* Churth"OUd't WUl m« £nd of Man," will be

the (ubject of the un ion to be preach-i Tuesday night by Uw Rev. Jame*

1*. McDonald, paitor of St. Michael'*~ - " T h e rpsary and benedictien

.man^Ts?r«P»aaT^tiirer lntn«Uague of. NailonV Jler. topic will be'International Idealism of the Catholic

ha» been in vain. If give* apint of hit blood to <ave a friend andhla Mend dica, fill' aacrlflce haa beenIn vain.- If parent* bring a child Intothe world, nourish It, educate ir, make.«acrlflce> for It, and that child turn*out to be agodd-for-nothlng, their labor and aacrlnces have been In vain.

Tlw labor and aacriOcei made by UieSon of Ood for the ton« of men far ex-ceeds any labor and ucrlflce'that theycan make. .When we comider Hla lifeand paaalon we cannot escape that factIt la true., of course, thaf other* havelived nobly and have died u martyr*,tut none haa lived as nobly as Uw Sonol Ood and none has died with the aimof the world.beartng him down.

Th\tragedy of Uie matter Is that Uielabor ai d aacrlUcea of Christ may alsobe In- vain, it surely will be In vainfor. the on$ who'doe* not accept thtfact that it\was for him that Chrlatlived and died and rose again, and re-fuws to his life on this faith--fashion).._. ,

We must reallavthat when our Lord»ajs.."And I/If I b\lift«d up from Uieearth, will draw all ken unto my»elf,"He Is speaking of,_jnnif,jjjid me. In Oilsreference to the magnetic power of Misoucinxlon.^ehrUt lndudia us among

personal faith, we receive the grace ofGod In vain.

Bat we cannot atop there. W« mosjgo a step further, we must translatethat faith into scaoo._We.jnu*t-ilv«a-OBrHOanTlft"

To say we believe In Uie CMrist andthen by our action* to show our Indif-ference' to Christ's precepts and exam-ple make* the whole thine a mockery.People like thU do more harm to theChurch than frank unbelievers. Youhave met them and you have beardthem. Remember' Uie man who said.Yes, I am a member of such and sucha church, but r never go," That manas much a* said he came to Jesua anddid not find Him to be what He'claimedt o b e . ' .. ' . • . '•• . '•

You have alsp met Uie person whoseems to-thlbk that Christ could nothave meant him when He said peoplewere to be forgiving. The hurt done tothem by such and such a person hasbeen too grievous It hi* claim. He for-gets that there are usually two sidesto a question. If » person steps on myfoot, it may be that my foot waa In Uwway. or that a third person JoaUed theoffender so that he could not do other-wise. The unforgiving person may say,"Who care*?" Jesua siya, "Ye navedone it unto Me."" I fall to understandhow the man or woman who claimsfaith in Christ can recall Uie Savioron Uie'Cross, hi* flesh quivering withpaln.-praylns; to Qod, "Father, forgivetliem, for they know not what they do "•and still hold »grudge -

Wk^-Known QoaJHw TTo Speak mHatnfieM

The Halnileld Itoetin* at Out Befl-gloaf Society of Friend* oflet» a aniaiof addressee for those "-totemta* t»learning- more of QuabriaDL Tomprominent members of. Uie • mend*(Quaker*)/are to be at Uw lartUnsHouse, watchung- avenue at-Baat Thirdstreet. Plalnfleld, at »:U oUoefc on thefollowing evening*:

Tuesday. Mkreb ?L.%^a~Jauaker.u by 4 Archibald anitb,PrlDclpal o f Friend*' Academy. LorastValley, Long Island,

Wednesday, March 22, "Mystical Ap-pjcoach to Life.'' by Hden B. MJus.' for-mer pastor of Riends* Church, Brook'lyn, and supply- pastor at PresidentHoover's Church In Washington. -

Tuesday, March M, "Religion Seek*Economic Security far All.".by HowardE. Kenhner, for three yean rpr*?'*?and organter of Dry force* In theEast and Middle West, now on Uie edi-torial staff of Jame* T. White & 0a,New York publisher*. •:.-

Wednesday, March 39, f A ChristianClvlllzaOon," by; Jesse HI Holmes, grad-uate of Nebraska -Colege and JohnHopkins University and professor ofPhilosophy at Swsrthmore College.

aU _ . v imeetings.1


An lnviutloir has been extended) to* Interested penoiu to.attend U«ese

iUngs." There it no admission or

Women.'The other speaker will be Edwin president of the New YorkProvincejif Uie Human Club. He willspeiik on "Catholic Leadership Amongthejjtymen." '

More than 100 members of Uie societyare. expected to receive Holy Com-munion at the 8 o'clock Mass. follow-ing which Uie members of the SaintTheresa i Guild will scrve._breakfa*t

Thei'daily mansea, hoW «t 7 and 8o'clock each:-morning, have been wellattended, according to the.ltcv. Me-

-ia twelve churche* in the, and Mai BUilyn.r. John-

• « t Huwior In charge Qt<Ui* cam- nwnoca, accoraing to the nev. MB-paign, m pntiat and extended Uielr j Donald A Jargejjrowflju*o-wa*4n-at-

^iratUnn Jo member* and- friend* ori*enaiOic«"at Tuesday night1* servicetoe church. - . i when the Oev. John M. Nuberg, asslat-

•Ur Uw text Of hi* evening sermon, j nut pastor, preached oo "The Church, tba Rer. eioanUued torlnthlans, 4:8,1 WiUiout 13oundarl««." r

"We Pwach Ohrlit." ••! ' "* " - . . —iUiout 13oundarl««. i .

We Preach Ohrut." ••! ^Jix—-T e iaUt"'» of the Crosa are held at 719SundayNnight I* "Mission Night" ut o'cjncaj each "Friday .evening""for adults

he church and a/special Drocnun has and S:30Vclock e»rh Friday afternoonthe church arid a special program ha*been arrangn)-by Uio Woman'* Asso-cUUon. Mlaa Kftterldge, a member ofUie Foreign Board V Missions, will beUie guest speaker, site will tell of UiePnabyteruui Missions wbldi slic hasvisited recently; >J „ \ •'•• '

The church auditorium will be di-vided ' to . represent various countrieswhere! Presbyterian mlsslonarles^arc

_QEen>llyr, The various—acctlbe marked wiUi Uie flag* of Uio rc-apecUvs countries. Woman usiiera willbe dressed In Uie costumes or Uie coun-try represented by Uie4r;*Ktt(m.:; "7

imd 5:30'o'clock em-h Friday afternoondurlnif Lent for Uie children.


Lesson-sa u j c t of the

in -all Churches ol

In tho-parochlaj school. During thebreakfast Mlas Jackie Tamburel, well-known radio singer,- wrll present a pro-gram of sohga. Mlas Mary Itadllnskl,• member of Uie Sodality, will give anumber of piano solos.

The member* of the/Saint Theresa'sGuild who will have charge of thebreakfast v e : Mr*. Daniel Arnold,Mr*. Harry Jame*, Mrs C. A. Ryan,Mr*. Frederick Shearns, Mrs; WilliamWeber, Mrs; Edward Krantxman. Mr*.Oeorfe,Rourke, Mrs. M. A. Donovan.Mr*. John Sheehy, Mr*. Bernard Crow-Jey arid.Mrs. H. 0. Bateman.

St. Michael'. PupiJ.

—_ .....Jcmiu that whocoeWr'' wouldbelieve In Him would have eterAl Ufe,which means abiding fellowship with"

"-"' ' :' "" Vit the

Ood.Let me remind you also that

benefits of Uie Holy Communion comeonly to those who believe that wheriChrist rtaid "given and shed for you,"He included them. too. In our cate-chetical Instruction we learned that he*ho believes these words, "given andslied for you for the remission of sins,"has what they say and mean, namely,lhe_t«mlssion-orahs; In short, Uiesacrament call* for personal faith. Solo C h i t ll f i

* for personal faith. Soloo, Christ calls, for jiersanal faith In

— . Ifcwe do not,our faith is a dead thing and, u fara* we' are concerned, Chrtot died invain. On Uie other hand. Chrlat didnot'die in vain for us If we live ac-cording to HI* spirit, "in much pa-tience, in afflictions, in necessities, indistresses, to stripes, to Imprisonment*,In tumults, in labor* In iratching*, infa*Ung»;. by pureness, by knowledge,by long *uffering._by kindness, by UieHoly^host,by love unfeigned, by the

John Allen la Named 'Chriitian Endeavor. Htmd

John 'Allen was elected president ofthe Young People'* Chri*tlan EndeavorSociety for the ensuing year at the an-"••-* meeung of U» »od«ty Thursday

,>j_Uiepower of Ood . Tu^ UM this Lenten season to

strengthen^ our faith, to renew ourcourage, and to receive new power thatwe may la >li things show that we

jftfraiavvs»w'Esitpffieroiicertnamed were: '.Vice-presi-dent, Muriel'Ickes; secretary, FlorenceMlskelly, and treasurer, Thomaa~Mae-<Meekin. The new officer* will be ln-atalled March 28. . .:

Plans were advanced for UM society'sfirst annual dinner which will be heldUie latter part of March. The groupsponsored a, musical service Sundaynight Joseph Kulmayer, violinist, andFrank C. Woodruff, pianist, were guests.

. TwoPalthes


plays, "Paint -andh Road to Con-

Margaret Greene GuildWill Obterve Anniveraary

The Margaret Greene Guild-of theFirst Preabyterlan Church, will hold itsbirthday dinner at J:45 o'clock Monday jevenmgrMifch JO, in Uie church. A•pedal program la being arranged forthe alfalr. . :

The dinner ,wlU; be hi charge of Mrs.W. J. Green, Mm JL_ H^drldgal jar*-*-WrNledr«IvMr»,a«F. Cheney, Mrs.D. Neol, Mrs. H. Cowpcrthwajto andMiss Helen Ktasse. .

The Ooldwi Te,t Is: "The counsel ofI -

nl his lu-url to all gencraUoiu" (Psalms

naugh," wU| be presented1 at 8:15o'clock tomorrow night in Uie parochialschool auditorium by pupils of eighthgrade Of St. Michael's School. Dan-cing wlU follow Uie special St.rick'* Day entertainment.. Taking part In Uie first play. "Paint

and Patches," will be: Ericui»yii-uL-iti |Vi| in - a j | vnUrCilPjl O{ •"•"* • »»*M"»I ***** a/v> - fuiv i3fJIUIlUVIll>,Christ, SclcntUt. on Sunday, March 28, •J»mei'B

w»i»n- -»««• DiBattlsta, V « -1W3. - ' onlca. Bracken, Loretta McMahohAm

•J»mei'Bw»i»n- -»««• DiBattlsta, V«

onlca. Bracken, Loretta McMahoh..AmJ * ' O S J

Baptist RevivalStart* Sunday Night

Starting. Sunday night. March ilV aTO weeks' revival service, will be held

at the First .Baptist Church, accordingto an announcement made Uu» weekby the Bcv. H. IS. Hutching*., the pas-tor. TheBev. " ~

Aiuoiut nictitations which comprisele .Xcsspii-Sermwi ;i*~U\i .following

froin .ilio - - ' ••

-CKapter of DeMoIay, will attend Uie U i e Lord, thought* of pca«««Ung service and at II o'clock will evil, to give you ^Jota-wiU...other clwter. Uir^ughput ye eJ.«ll «ek m^nS

^ T T J " J -IS? ""«*•"*««• J* """' •««* »»>•*J Mill » ; '

W5irtjt»^iitt.l tlilnk toward you, salUi" "" " ' ' I not of


r i i e wew. QieerTRourke. Oeneyleve Roberts, Rose Oaffney, Tony Pl-caro, Wllflam Bateman, James Han-nott and Joseph ElKoury. All


Mrs. Walter J., Miller, president or.Uie Woman's AandaUon, |uu extended

-»n all.women ,to.attend-the aervioe. Special music will be pre-sented by Uio church choir, ;

Cranfont Metbcjdja* Church"Man's Uie Church" waa Uie

aubject of an Interesting addre*« pre-sented- at UM apecial-=MeW Ntsht"nwetlnc'ln theChurch Sunday.

. —Cranford MethodUt

heart" IJcremlah 39:11,1]).The U-ssun-sermou also liiciudce the

following poasaiie from the ChristumScience, tcitbook, "Science and Healthwith Key to Uie Scriptures" by MaryBaker Eddy: "God's thoughU are per-fect and etoniiil, are substance andLife. Material And temporal thought*nrejiuinan. Involving error,.and wwxOod, Spirit, Is Uie only cause,' they hick

Tlie* .temporal and ma-1 o f " •'•••

•ervlre, wtilcfi_ . . arge of

CapJ. Junes R, Dryderu . j They jjre.but counterfeiuTor,,Tne Cranford MettwdUt , Clrurch, ual and et*nial" <D aaa) • 'which is cooperating In the Lenten j ' • '• ? •Loyalty Program, reported a capacltyl •• ' •-•-attendance .at th^morelngLjervlof

—wWchwai'Family Day" at Uw church;Several penon* -were received Into fullchurch membership at UM service

iwugh" I* a* follows: Thomas Harfdrd,Anna nyan and Harry Bremer,.

The plays have been coached by Sis-ter Loretta and the Rev. John MN u b e r g . •••;•' ' .." '. ;"• :: ".

CIIBiSTIAN ENDEAVOR NEWSMiu Marjorle Mlskelly was In charge

of tlie Intcrrhodlate League of UMPint' Presbyterian Church Sundaynight Her topic wa* "What Is a Cms-tlan?" |__Tb« Union Count/ Christian Kndeavor will havo. a* rally at ~

be held every night during the two-week period, ..

Special musical jjrograw**trtf^tirf • h v t t t j i '4*afr4tA«" A*in_a~ OA^.1 — _ —&._!_ _"

meetings, will begin, at 8:30 -o'clockpnch. night instead of 8 o'clock, Uiepastor said. . ; . - . . '

d a v o r will havo. i rally at ROMIICMonday. March 2a Several membersof Uie local society will t t d U

'ja'pUltMtiphy Uie ici-nifer* to a deen "'>*lk'. 'I'lflHial wia.dom, based upon faltb raUicr roan oaraaaoo. . ^, " „ „

nday. March 2a Several memof Uie local society will attendmeeting.


HESSJROS,Hunibing, Heaiinf,, Tinnins

I *-«U

SPECIAL PBOGRAM FUOAYRadio fans who have llaknedfto the

Happy . Hour .Service, over 'StaUoaWAAM. Newark, wUl have, an oppor-tunity (o see and hear UK entertain-ers at 8 30 o'clock Friday night In UieFirst BapUit Church. 100- High street.•here Uie group, under the dlrecUonor John Siott, win present an hourtentertainment. The Rev. H. M. Hutch-Ings, pastor of Uie .church, ha* extend-ed an UivluUon to the general publicto attend Uie aervlce.

United Synagogue. Delegate,. To Meet in Newark April 2

The fourth annual convention of UieNew Jersey branch of the UnitedSynagogue of America will take placeon Sunday, April 7,1033 at tStvt a. m.

:«t the Oheb Shalon SynagWe, High»nd Klnney .treets. Newark. Thecon-XlffiUon ftUo-laat-Uiroughout-ttio'day"luncheon will be served to the dale.'M t e s , . • • • \

.The general purpose of the conventUon have all Uie communities helpeach other under & common leader-ship and to receive. Uie inspiration ofunited action on problems that affectall Uie communities. Such action 1*imperative especially at this time ofeconomic and spiritual crisis.

Hection wUltake place to succeedthe following officers: President, Dr.Chartoi.x, Hoffman, Newark; * chair-man of Executive Board, Morris Sherm s ^ O r a n g ^ r t c f c p r e a l d t D l

_ UBBAKT HOCM(Dally except Soadaya ai\ legal holidays.) \

B:30 a.m. tonoon.2:30 p. m. to 5 p. m.

• ; 7:S0 p. m. to»p. m.

I a: i

II a. m Hwiilm pman -(Holy >»-••—••'-,day o{ ttw month*.

• a


ucqtro £ ovoo rooma Otm •

TeL CBantord C-U1Tm Narik Avaaw.IL

m n T T f i w a lJersey city; SolC h l Sff

iynjJ77y Ooldowsky

Lubuh, Hoboken'sey city; Sol Lubuh, HobokenCharle* Suffron, Perth Amboy; JacobLevinton; Camden; tresaurer, SamuelSchlechher, Newark.' and secretary, DrfSSiiSBSaO

ladi. U . d . (a trrfgatioa . 'Iniiru has developed Irrigation more

highly than'any other land. BecauseboUi the Cangea and the-Iodus Howdown from' mountains covered" wlUiperpetual mow and tee, it it posslbloto Irrigate a fifth of all Indla'»'cuUI.rated urea.—TJaa Logic. \



m DWBau regauar

The quidc,

avoid traffic confettion.Forlnrorm*4iona<>dUcke«*,phooe

.-•, •-, Cnuifert"-'— A


c• P. M. «xceptta»i finndan

• BtttarilA*tmKBar. K. W. BkfaanSs

Sunday *ervlee»—Bunday s t i x i s aymomtng senrice n «. a; g sen

to* *crTiccuT:tf p-tie n g . T p. m.

Prayer and praise mectfaic Ttevening t p. m. w are wefcet

Sunday Ifaii*. T a.CbOdna* turn. iM

yfollowed bjr mBrlliai

Ttiaday. 7:«_IX na. St. Amxs

B*. Mm** JLM.M. OnacHc

•m. W. K.W:M A. sst-saadkv

A. t l - f tMie WooMai «.-«• pJ a:M R

IMHlgn streetBar. B.

nomrnanPililipErkman, Jr


roteg an an ranter

Plumbing . | Heatingti— CBaafttd a-Ufl



. f-


, »t . ' - invite you to > '

COME TO CHURCH, ' Next Sunday .


LET US PAY OUR VOWS UNTO THE LORD(William B. Biaati " frmtiinii. i n u • m u« - « • n -™^n», t nonn)t< Bern* !&***"' »>-!«•-• » *

lHatehett r. Paynter - I



BURGLARYTetephone CRanfotd 64)508

Standard tumber & Supply GoUSES

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Cedar and izj

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Con»ult the RealEstate and

Page 11: FromHighWater Rates Sectional Ghampionship · 2015. 2. 14. · ford: publicity. Mrs. Long . Miss Dreher. Miss Aglae ' Gates—of—Cranford, * v~ Kuentsler and Miss Lain?. - These


of the Week -in and About Town

Men'* League to Have ~Annual Banquet March 23

of Bryant avenue wss| 0 0 by juris? L. 1.. Loveland in

on » charge,st crortty^ «oi-Th* eotnplsint was filed by John

• of the Society" fof Prevention oir to Animals. ' * '

». John Kish of 23a Third avenue.was slightly injured last

ay evening when a car in whichriding, operated by her hus-

. was in a collision with a taxicabby Charles Rose ol 13 NorthEast, Both cars ~ were daaa-

No complaint was filed.

rvirw Anthony ol 146 West ThirdRoselle, and Ira Ketlle of 40

andy Place; have been issued sum-to apear in police court at 8

ckfciicsdayntKlH as a result of anbile collision early Sunday

on South avenue. Both drlv-I filed complaints. Sergeant Law-

Bonneli issued Uie summons. .

_• '"- PCKELV PERSONALFred W. Park ol 315 Mttn.street is

to ilia hi rnf-lllneM.-

e'. Western Electric kearny Works |n'B Glee Club made Its. third public I

ranee at the annual' ladles'.)entertainment of the CrafU-j

^ l ' s Club of • Newark' Lodse. "TJo. 7.f»nd A. M.-Frtday night. The entire!.

; present. The quartette, corn-ed cf .Torn Leinen of Harrison,arjes Bejer of East Orange. Emerson}}„ arjd' Jili E\"erkson,_J>pth of Cfran-i&a&o'tirig.r^Trfe^'glee :c1ub'"K>;ut'l'dei''i direction of. George Stllck; of. Crnn-

Jwnes W. Barrett is confined to tilshome'. 2 Pine street, because of illness.

C. C. Van Nuys of 231 Walnut avenuereturned Tuesday from a short visit InWashington, p . C. • »-••' . •

sirs. Frank Crumhack ot 214 Northavenue West ehtertamed at luncheonand bridge Friday "afternoon.

Miss- Ethel Mockler of New YorkCity visited with Mr. and Mrs. JamesW. Barrett Monday night.

A daughter. Margaret Olivia Tombs.was born MarchS lo Mr. and Mrs. Wil-liam Henry Tombs 'of 6 RiversideDrivK • • • : ' ;

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Malioai of 113New street have announced the birthof a' daughter; Mane Joan Mallozzl, onMarch 11. •

Julius W. Larsen, who? haa been con-fined to his homr. 119 North avenuiWest, for the three days because of Hl-ness^ Is unproved today.

Miss Esther Hinman was hostessat a bridge party Tuesday night at 'thehome of Miss Cora WakefWd ofCentennial avonue. • ... „'• Mr.'and Mrs. Louis Leopold.'of 214North avenue, West, entertained Sun-day In honor of.Mr. mui*Mrs, FrederickCassanese-of New York.


-Recognition of Soviet Russia"- will IUie subject of the debate' between

! junior and senior" classes of Cran-ed High School Monday evening,

at 8 o'clock in the Cleveland'

ounoement made Unlay. '

student Bt~trieCofneH.College of En-.Ktnecrlng,]lms been elected to member-shijl lii Slgnia Phf'Slgma fraternity. -

Miss Helen Hennjng uf. New Yorkwas the week-end guest of her brotherand slstcr-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs.. JohnR. Hcnning or 203 North avenue, West.

Mrs. E. M. Wlld_of 15 ClnremontPlace and Miss Margaret Hansel of 7

The ill , Cafrnel Oulld of the Cran-Sord district comprising .also Oarwood.

ing. - 'Mrs. W. A, Irelapd of JUI. High street.

who"ETaqrbeen confined to the ElizabethGeneral hospital after an operation for

xlr25 to raise funds for1 chjirify In;|*Hc form_of "physical relief. . j

In 1932 the Outld proved a., valuable |upplemenl to the St. Vincent de Paul'•ocjety and spent approximately $3,000i supplying 7S families, 100 adults, and ,

!10 children with food, shelter THnfNothing. -'- .- -

The chairwomen for the drive will(Mrs. Ryan and Mrs..Miller In Wesl-

Mrs.' McAghon ah? Miss Kln-In Roselle, Roselle Park, Miss

l in Garwoofl and Mrs. B. A: Doyle;

0 Cranford- . i

*itrs. Fred C. Lindert of Brooklyn,

Mrs. Hunter Crenshaw of Charlottc-ville, Va, has returned to her home af-ter spending several days with:- JVlrs.Lord P. Keleher of 113 South Unionavenue. . . ' ,

"" Miss Esther 1 Hinman OT~I02 Onionavenue. North, attended the Junior classplay at N. J. C . New Brunswick. Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard D. True ofBoonton, have, announced Uie birth ofa son, Calmer Dexter True, born March

•6. Mr;, True was formerly a memberof ihe faculty of Cranford High School.' Miss Phyllis Stllck of West Hollym

\ Gill. Dean of Rider CollegeJ. Miss Umlert Is a graduate of Cran-' MUss Gunhlld Erickson of 35 ConcordI ford Hich School. cla» of 1S28. and street who has been ill for the past ten

• Rder Collrw. cln5S of 1930. .She Is a <lw- returned yesterday :to her flutlMmembrr of the.. Eta Upsllon, Gamma •'» secretary to Principal Ray Clementsorority-and is*;at present (acuity rep- -.ot the high school. —resentativc of the sorority.* Miss Lin- | Mr. and Mrs. Lord F. Kclelicr, Jr.

jdert taught for one_vear at Browne's : and their son, Lord F. ^cleher. 3rd. of^Business College: Brooklyn, before Uk-•:r-Ncw-York-.were- Uie week-end guests of

ng hrr pn-r-nt p~!ttinn V njrinr ! Mr. Keleher s mother, Mrs. Lord'rF.Mr. Gill, Placement Director of Rl- i Kclcher of 113 South Union aVenue^ attended Trenton High School, '• Mr. Keleher celebrated his birthday

Lre—University nnd .with Ills mother.!

i i l a jx t t e College. No date has been! Miss Cornelia Hoffman will arriveset for the "wedding*. ' ' "':'"' '.'.. I from Pehn llajl today "UC'»iii.'nfl~tne;™~"" .'. ,r ' ... }spring h o l i d a y with"~rrer~parTruis7~MT^ r

Mils Ella Dohrman, daughter of Mr. t an(j Mrsi Ft. V. Hoffman pP4 Burcli-and Mrs. A. F. Dafrrirran of -507 Urrderf field avenue. SCss KatherlrK' Hoftman.Placf, has_been chosen as .a delegate ;'who la attending Dickinson College,Jrora Wilson Pollcge where sh6 Is a; wlllspcnd the week-snd here with, hermember of Uie Junior class; to the-An-* parents. " - . ' . - .nual Convention of the Alliance Fran'caise of thu J'nlted States and ConadaJ Miss dertfudo Danforth of the.Cran-Tbe conici&i -vill meet April 22 at - ford Beauty^Studio will attend thc-irr*the Plata II0I&.-JNW York. Monsieur i ternatlotiali convention ol beauty shopPaul Claudel^jl Jtary president, will j owners at the Hotel Pennsylvania in

jxak. • ..'••' ! New YOrk Hty from Monday through;. ' M i s s Dohrmnn was graduated from. Thursday. I ;.Cranlord High School with the class of ; — — — ~—' . _ . _ .UBO and wasnamed on the first Itonori- Y. W . C. A . S C H O O LU at college, for Uie past semester.She was also, chosen to serve on theMay riiy pageant committee.

Rugs, Oriental and Domestic, thor-

BEAUTY CULTUREAll Graduates Are .tofgloyed '

Deferred Payme^TlanSend for

Ornso's Beauly Parlor GliarantlfeCoal C o .


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Electrical AppU»iice» Repaired j C O_K E..4>f KADIOS-AND Tt'piJS TESTED

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E. P. Chamberlain"US NOETH AVK. E,


DeonocraU Favor Plumraer, .Cooper for Conunitteemen

The twtiity-ronrth armuaJ dinner of JWsJUr K. Cooper ' and Joseph A.tne Men's Vngue nl'.tfr- First Presby- Plumincr probably .will be fai-ored bytcrtan'ChurT*. »iiicn" will be"'Sive* on! the Crinford Deroocnati* Clvib. lnc-f as•niursciay evening. M*rcrV S3. promises for To*-nshlp. Commlttec-to be or* of the greatest events in the j men In the Spring, primary accordinghistory of. the" I<e«gue. . j to the consenius o{ oplnlon-»t a. mirU

Dr.. yi'lillmm L. Tucker." p«iipr'o» the.; Ins of the Democratic Municipal Com-~ ' 'y^r**n ChiiT**li RjLjIfel&tJ^LoxVyjWl-Monday nl^ht * i the^ honie^uf

gueu upeaker- i i - A Mci3l-pauiuciriaT)Druilrma^'Jam«'\S"BarretC" " Democratic organization, appoint-

ment of poll clerks for the comtngyew and discussion of "candidates torthe Board of PrcehPlders also weretaken up at the miwtlint • •

In vtew of the fact that one of thecainpalgn bills remains unpaid,.* com-mittee consisting of L. Welrsbach. Mi-chael Slant and Mrs. Anna Ryan- hadpeen appouited recently by the Demo-cratic Club to "ascertain the financialsituation of the onranliation. The•natter »•»» discussed Monday 'nightand the committee authorlzrd to re-port to the club that the bill, would bepaid as soon SB unpaid pledges of Uielast campaign were received by theMunicipal committee. These Include

armid,' genial Scotch president of theLeague, will act- as •tuastnuuter. Dinnerwill be'served toy the Woman s Asso-ciation of the church and willbe by the WariiftrVrsI popular' radioartists cf Station WOR. Newark:

In view of the present economic con-ditions, tickets for \tr affair have be,enreduced to one dollar.' •

Wednesday Morning Club;. .Heari Dr. A. LJohnison

Dr. A« L. Johr.Mm of Cranford. Coiin;ty Superlntendvnt of Schools, gave an'iiitcrestiin talk on "Indian \V«apon«"at the Philanthropic Tea of the Wed- " c o n l r , b u uon» from pon clerk,nesday Mornin,! Club y«l*rday after-J *» t n m om Q( ) h e

noon at llu- home of Mrs. P, W. Tomp- ; cidicUtas In the last election,kinsof Tuxedo Place. Br.- Johnson ' •; 0 1 ^ , 0 Municipal Chalrtnan Bar-one of the three-men In this country- ^

has a ooniplvu^ collection of In-dian tomahawks and displayed ninnyot thrm to members of the club.

Followlnii Dr. Johnson's talk, Mrs.

MofrisonShare in Estate

Under the terms of the will of JunoA. Walah, late of Brooklyn, which wasdied for probate. In aurrog»U'i Court;Brooklyn. la»t week. Barclay, Carol andJean Morrtwn, ton and daughtera otMr. >nd Mn. Samuel.A. Marruon ot311 Cttlno urenue, are named u Irga-

The deceased J M * »n_ uncle_of Jth»

According to the tems oi the will,they will receive one-third ot the In-come from a trust of a tixth.ot the es-tate until the age ot 30 when the prin-cipal, will be paid. The principal Issubject to Ml increase >t the death ofthe widow. Mr. Walsh, who died Feb-ruary W, left, an estate formally de--dared "mo« than $10,000." Mrs. Adel- ja V Walsh, the widow. I* left 110,000 janil the Income from half the residue., ;

Siiter .Win* Joumaliim Award

Miss Lucy FMrman of Florida, a sis-ter of Mts. D. C. N. Collins of 333 Wai-nut avenue, lias been awarded, the

' Qeorge n>rt Milton fund prUse for

/ •

Craiilord trust Company. • - ' . >



. . . - • • : ' • • . . . S I N C E , " . •"••••

1 9 18


j fett. Mr. Barret told members of thespecial, committee, that, If desired; he

, . . (Conllnued from pao« anm, Accprdtn, to an .."""'nt QniM ^.Wiuirr_ A „ o f t w n .received here this week. Tile award. ty was later onoinlm-il and a paid di-

dwhich Is supervised by the University -' " ~ "",' *""~"T."J~JJ :""Z,special. comnmuT, mui, u umrru, HC , _. . „ . . „ * u %«,.- •„ m* r*Ct<jr. Mn. KUUi Hml, waa cngag™.w ld fumls.,. complete .port cf the 1 ^ . ^ *fZ 'SUT^ £2 ?»"-™ »ow fl.? «"«!«. »"" .IW°1832 campaign for publication. Mem-

Pilul Robtnsou ot WY'stfleld prrscntfd!.bers of the commuter, however, said"that it was thctr opinion that >uch was

ii irroup *f three pano selections. . J _ I ^ J ,„ , i . . .•„•,•ASHtlng Mrs. Tompklns as hostesses \- not. desired by the club.

wre.Klrs. Daniel Burr. Mrs. C D . Mar-KOC. Mrs. E.'K. Lovrtaiid and Mfs. C. II-•tcrrett.- •; . . *,


Shuetze—HabUh . . 'Nuptial* Solemnized

The marriage of Miss Ilertha H»-bLih to- Ewald J. Shuctjie took place at2:30 o'clwk Tuesday afternoon at thehome o f the Reverend Olive Patch ofSaint Mark's avenue. Westfleld. TheRev • Patch performed ihe ceremony.which was attended by close friends.

Mrs. Julia Unscrcr Dunham of West-flelrl attended the bride-and Dr. ChiirlcsT. Decker.-also of Wrstfleld, was-best!man. . . . . . °' • |

Upon trie couple's return from a wed-illBB trip they will make their homo atthe Brooksldc. Mrs. Shuetae Is.owneruf the Brookslde Hospital, Cranford.and Mr. Shuetn- |* resident manager.

S # ^ ll ' l » n Morn. 4ml Kv». '. •',•'

Ecole Frangsiie de WeitfieldHi H. CH18TNUT STREET. Tal. W I i l b l i M I I I J

woman writer of .the Boulh who hai B r o w n l ( 1 , p, ,^, W | l h „ U ) U I l n r l n b , r .done most for her «x. m p 0 ( ,„„ g l r l ,

Miss Furman writes of U10 Kentucky Members of Uie council include: Mfu.inountainei'rs and; forjmjny y»ar« was;_|,obert crane, recordltw secretary; Mra,

, Hay^irs, -i-urrFrriHHullmj were

and Mlu Maniartt Hants. *—'-'——I'ruop J, Mrs. Oorli lV[Uin>«tk<r «cd

elPund Naomi Cuuutuck. u -Mrs. Oke

connected'with the Hlndman Settle-

JUtunla: Ttnop B. Mn it»iit»mid Mn. Laurentlne AunixK ami Out'oUiy Krnst, lusutanu. Hrmrn_» p»-»No. 1, Mra. Terrell, and Mrs V u U n -fl" * n t l M | M A n n n'0II1»I l lon- »*»»»«-.«"•*:. I1"*. No. i. Mr,. Els. VTalih a ^M t*' r . u P o ; 1 " r ' "*"••"•

1'1"' iwesenuUmf***** ih«n j ^ ^ , .iiayjirs, -rurrdnxindlng .Vere Z i

menl Bchool In Kentucky where she. 1 ( i r y . ^ P 0 ' Syk<!s, treasurer; Mrs.|"Sf'uutlng Jur,Trouble,'• hygathered material for her. work. Bile Is w w ' Diickley, Mr». Rognr C. Aldtlch, "'"U'ers »as a future of ttw «v«roac»well known in Qmnford where m»nyof M l 1 L g A Morrison Mr» Mt»r» Crnlg. j "•"(•rwinnwiu, The" play s a i « n u nhj-r,.uiiok*3r«^ln^!e PHb y ^ ^ byAmong Miss runnsli's.books in;Ilia II- xerflll. Mrs: Joseph A.' I'iumnwr? Mis.t*"*- .•tarreH.". The. cjut-|nt<u»Sciil I t abrory 4 licro ore: "Oueer Women." chnrlM E. Kallenbnch; Mr». C. 11. 8tcr- H.U.; Lunaus, -Mrs. •ftrrlll .Mra. a S ."Olass Window." and "Mothering oiY.rtUt. MIM QrrtrudD Almy. MIM Char- [ t b u d M E JPerllrBK." • • ' . ' ' * . (lotto Walibn.'MlM Kallieflnx'Otvrite.

= h H L M H h BWIl

IUISINKSS MEN TO MEETThe7CranT6Fd"nuBinesS"M<'ns Asso-

ciation will meet Tuesday night at thehome~i)f"The presldemrCliBTlcs elect ofneers for the ensuing year.Other mutters of Importance, to. allmembers also will be discussed a.t themeeting.' AM members -are requestedlo attend. .

Nlny Porcella. age ?.. of Holly streetiis slightly Injured"J:3d"o'clock

Monday inoVnlng when she was knock-ed doWn by a car driven by"" Ha/£lKlngsbury of 18 Aldi'n street.


— .I i Offering Yofu ah'


Bonat Permanertt; — -'/Wave : 1 :.....

On Long Bobs, the endi permanentlycurled ...,.:....—:...:.... —

•"'•'.' ( Any Other~Thre« Itemi $1,00 ). . OPEN TUESDAY



Mrs. John H. Low, Mnr J highbury and Mrs. Tttllatorro.

j Tho caplailii and UiMr hrluera are:I Troop a,. Mrs. I>ora Young; Trimp 3.TMIss KaUicrlno Clreclie atid MIM Mar-

garet Qgdon, assistant; Troop i, MmHum Neal, and Mlu Dprotpy Hmllh


'••"'- • ' " ' -'-:'-WaLIAM.'J. TAYLOR, Manager



Strictly Jersey Fresh White Eggs, xloz. •* 25cFRESH WESTERN EGGS, dozen : 20c


FULL CREAM tHEESE, lb, l.^...:....r,...,30c

RELISH CHEESE, lb. .::...,..^.^:..30e


• j i _ • - . • • . . • " . . ~ r - i '• * • ' • • ' . • • • „ . * ' • ' : ' * - • . - • ' * * . " " ' " i . • • • ' • • ' • . ' - • - : '

Old Fashioneid Shelf jCpred Cliieese, lb. 30c

Circle BtaiidB^yeitges, targe B^

ROLYATCOFTRE, lb V ^ 1 ^ IffePREMIER^OFFEE;:ib;i'^_..^ii^.:iae'CHASE * SANBORN COFFEE, lb. _ 3 3 cTOMATOES^ lar^e cart, tolid i^ck, ^ :'-;.f - - -2 cMi;:;T;:..::v:..:i_:;.,...,.ui.!:.:_.;;fficGiBB^^PQRK&BEANS,^tomato j ~

, sauce, large can," 31 oz., 3 cans .,-'^i:2ScSTANDARD WHITE CORN^ 3 cans 20c

LARGE JAR SPAGHETTI,^../Italian Style-,...,.;,^ '.-^.t

. TAGGARTS SODA CRACKERS,•lightly aalted, 2 lb. package .

^IVORY SOAP; medium bars, 3 for tP. &ts . SOAP, medium bar*, 5 for :.,UBBY'S DE LUXE PLUMS (Italian

• ...',. Prtinea), 2 cans',;;,.,'.....!.':-....-......:'.:.-. ~2&i.


National Bread Fbher's Bread

1O% Off on each Register-Check—Save Iheraf- - - a TELEPHONE - ORDERS OIYKN rBOMR ATTENTION

ltob«ru nnd Mrs. E. JTlie st'tfnery was i!<»n*t>mt*<i by !lUiiirrU and Rayruuml Aumack. "its*.Aumock assisted lu plannlns; th« p*7^ductlon. '

TTciup 5, uf which Mn PrnnrpKltrrIs captain,'won th« winir mntescuiul >hmlowKrai>lui. by th» gtrts a.were iireacrfted during tin •tralsc





MAR. 20



P-N » C K StVCNINUS. <t»

c .n . i . • w• I I I . WIB t U1.

Curtain ]-:MADULIS. 10*

CHUDIIlll, l »

ALL • ( * ! *—wf»t«vgw~


RsMmUions msj b* mad* si M. I). llrmfW. IS North Art,.

March Clearance Salei>r


• Special .:.:...;:.. $6.95


^ ^ * ? S ' ^ S U S $1.95to$2JS: WKCAItRYOHLY ONE'Or' A STY VS.

Dordthy Gabbttt Shoppe.13 North Avenue, West' • ' . TKealre BuMnc






17 NORTH AVE., E. ' «

; • - n u ckurrroajD «-«TJ7 (Oppodi* afaaiw) COB. A U » M SX.

«««««•«>« X »»**0»


> PAPER HANGING .•csMutbU PricM la CrsflM. MaiUIni snd T I B M J Htafe



-r FUNERAL-^DlRkCTORS1M Daba An. Ksrtt TsL*-«MI CsUKVaSsK H. X

Page 12: FromHighWater Rates Sectional Ghampionship · 2015. 2. 14. · ford: publicity. Mrs. Long . Miss Dreher. Miss Aglae ' Gates—of—Cranford, * v~ Kuentsler and Miss Lain?. - These

' The Fable ofBecoming Beach-

Broken'86 '


I I I,S truly wild In rr In il.'iir«ll IOIMMI.IU ihu Jim of thellrwili, O|.|K.irliiiiliy kti.K-ka onreat' i-vi-ry (MIII'II li.»..r .mid er**ry-

ll.lnjt ttirim «.iil uri'til' aftiT.Oint, un-IIHS lliir l*.nr Ittmtniy lntl>|>«'rm In beIn II.i. Imrk |.nrt •>; HII- II.HIM', at IMIllno. - - .

• VrUilii It IN that .If you will grub^ N'MI hlrlp Htin.fMt ftfiy fjri'Ht KIIH-II-

llve Minliil. m V .MiilmKMiy' l>f»k, yourli.d on Ilia ivrwii tin* llngi-rlng Kvl-

KiilfiTtita, Iin ' jllli*, ('lilKitt'rii and |in-iiii'4llnt« rciiiiitt HIIII n Ktrap buvinga Ilii'ltli* nl mie i-nil.. Ill oilier Word"tlie liii|MirtHiit IVnmiiiiKt-s Who Nit III••h'vnti'd Hpltinil*ir and riili'llii* Worldl>,v I'lione .evolved from orin*ry' vICId*llvlnc In •mull Towns. Mom of IliPinaliirti't! nut H-llb a Village l. unie onIlium und what win-NUpfmiied !.to hea Iliinillriip turned nut to be the.prln-rlpul-Ifoaaty. .. .

The - ra'rtoua Forma aaaumed by.'alittle mtuilry TadjHile before it be-come* Din maJentlCCIIyHull Fro* bareficlled the Interest 'it Many whowrite for a Living, but llotjrella andTarklngtun never told the. Half of It

. Kriry self-maritr Hufua puts on'a^ D r a u a aa he more* In Bpectacular

Kaahloo from the Spring Wagon tothe Itolla-Itoyce and It Ja only fair to

- A l l if Uils m«h leads up to a Oon-•IdereUob^of the Case of lien nicker,who starUd from Nowhere and rannow dlsUaguarii between real RusalanCaviar u d . U f t k l n d that la blasted•way frotn 8tur*w>a found In Chesa-peake Day. V . ' . . ' • ; -

\ H « flnda Hlmsslf thinking.' If you could have UJteu s Peek atlittle Il«nny, trotting airing the BoardSldewalts of Ilaacora (kmteKdurlng thePuff-aim* Period, and-al«>d up hlaBand/ Locks, the honest Freckles andth« Ostrifb Neck,, you would\haves»ldt "Here Is a U d who will gu.on•ad on, Working for Two Dollars sDay, until at' last h* will have MoneyNenough to permit him to Join the Oddreljowa.*

That would have been a. reasonableHoroscope and that la how If startedlo Work .out- Bonny completed his K.Iucaitlon when he could spell moal ofUw t«ng Worda In tlie Hack Part orthe Rlith Header, and went to workIn t l * only Factory which linil daredto open up In Dascom Ctrnutr ll«bought a pair of overall* and prwiwii-«d to get thein.»» soiled aa poaalbleabd for seVeral Viiira wna Jiut oiie ofthe Hands. He nua merely im Aiit Ina Hill or * Dee In n Ilk.' or I. MinnowIn a Orlt*r"wtrtrtniTFr"Wii.v ymi rareto look at It. Tin' only PlflVrviire be-tween him anil tlii> nihor.Sluvea mi IheI'ay-llollh'vrnjH tbnl; iifdT ', ivorklnnHoura lie Homi'tinti-M rru.l l!(Mtkn In-ali'lld of gn l i ig ln Hi.' lllllhir.l Mullmid Nevenil tlliii.«:'i:iiii£ht. liiniKi.lf luII... A<l of TllluklllK,.

Aliinjs lil.oiil Hii' Illni' (lint It., (Treaniliegan (o In ..I In .S'.I.III .Wilier, In-m rtilib.'d hluiMpir nil i.vrr uni> ,Mm-iilog anil (lot a rl.iKi- sliiivi> nud wentnut mid got Mi i r r iH. - The Viiungfft-•> " ' " • • ' • " ' • I1 '" ' " " i : '" '" in - ' i -

Those of you who, the Ituto-gravore Settlor! and Hare seen theKnap-Shot of Mr, and Mrs. IV Stunrant nicker and their Impecuniousflueate on the (leach, Somewhere [n-Florlda. will be lnterrated to knowthat they now have 100 t'alre of WhileShoes, 14 Wardrobe Tninka. a (.'"IdCocktail Shaker and Neuntathenla.Tha smart little l.uniheons staiwl liy-TeaalejjmJrUhJy apoken of by allthose who are partial to Free Pondand any Caddy "on the Kaat Cbant.will tell you Hint Itennr ran piny anyOli|h In his Hug eicept the J4'o<and ithe.-iriina,

MOI1A1.: The" Income Taiea itoo^Hlgh. " .

cnlli'il Ti'HKli-. ' thill lU'lni: her It.'illNitnu', nnil IIIT 1'iirvnlN wonhl hiivoh.'.'M nil i-'lKlit I f 'Mir i in i l k n o w n howtib krop HiitiMi' mill I'II IIIIII n. . | lui>n nl ln i -Kly , "• • •'"•. :

iiL^-iuiUim rrnui r, tlifclliillclliiu nt'il_.lj.iiu. A'W'cliiUijitjml^nlftrliy. ill niiilfiyii-|':n»y";'l'avi'«'lSa"which won* Ho t'jiMj- (lint It tookiil IIKIT liiMUlltlit liiirc n,.('l'i'iili Tilln hy' I'.C.II.

You know alioiil thi<nlhiT II.•" 111lnic the Kite, N.'Ml.iii In'lnu h|t |..v III.'A|>l>lo lll|d Wlilt iti-lllli'cHiiliTi'iiTTSr In"a 'Tea Ki'lll.' W.'ll. om< ilny II. hup|n nod that liiMiii)' wnn tllikiTluit withBOIIIP «S HIP Miii-tlttiory ttnil Ilio 11.'miInippeneil to4 h> vrorkhij;, nnd- It oo-curtrd to liliu tluit If (lie IHTKC Ulneua4*.miltiR m>. under n CUR Action couldIte thrown Into a Ittli'rnl Stiulrvi!.r hyHUlmtltHUniE an Autonuitlc Approachfor Ilil. Ivaiitt conirnlltil l^vor, the Oi-pacltjr would Jiftiloiil'ili*!!. nniT the ta-bor of.'One MBLU wmihl he aaviMl. Any-one wlip haa* niHile-iiut a.n. Inrotne Tuiltrturn will KrHip the 8>cnltlcnm*(i~ ofthe ab(\re. " - •

* Tha Oiaguttlngly Rich,-''lleuny. m a d e aouuv' Kki'trhi>a . ant]

•e.nt them lu ami sol n .i'mi-itt nnd"liullt a'unalt MoilVland lH><iui J'ro

idmp. Mii order .u»" Injure future Suo-rew be look Palm I'.^iu-iki' hl« Shirt"even Uiore humble ami Iuvulii'|ilcuou9than that, of Hwit-y lord. " _ , ' " ' '

Of CuflW.. Hie SniiH'l In Jui t anbard lo gut***'ai* the Plot of. a Movie.It turned out Hul'8,0110 ^arlnrlea lu^arloiin ptirla of the . World . wuutedto tme (be IliviMi''Rlid In i^rdcr In'

per D a i per Machine, which as n •1<I heuie for* liettiuk* i-otlalentl hna; on , nil 6f;t l iv oilier elaiidanl•t.rifta, itveh aa lUx'tleirglng, 'lteautyI torturing or Kitting real Money furpop Corn . .' i • ' • • ' . • '

Ml' the People. In lh« Universe be-.gnu IhrowlUfC tSaree Money at llcnnjmid Tt"« le sndjrvi'ry ;tlino tli*y"^ookIn aciotber Stir.rkxt- ttip "quainr^oW'lilrtbplace. btitau-to sm'eli_,wliir»e tothem T3irj had ao much of tlie Neetl-ful tnat they '«rereiio*««»Hn«.ly Michand, the QoIBi win' no eaay that Dennyliad. practically jio Business Hours, aothey suddenly nullzed. to Uiclr Uor-

ror, that Uiey belonied to that <H«r»r>utahle Hrrtlnn o / Hoclelj known asthe Idle lllch. H.< they bog-siTnalng alot of [Vrfemery and aubacrfbM tnr IMagatlni»a telling" about Ihe I>l'lof*a of ithe night blooming HiMMidpfa.*

Iln-y kn'w that they would hate tofollow Precedents and get to withthe dang Ihry bad two YoururMersand Teaale had HIM natural Imllna{Ions of a Slotlier and aliiifl'tcmlHIP Idi'a of turning tli*»m over'to Hlre4lli.lp. but what rotild ulie .I.IT IJke-

Memorial to Marquette

Itubi. liiiHlmnd and lie'anddi-ned by the 'lh»w:ht that hewould Imve lo avoid bplug dm friend-ly with the'WIfe or el»* It .would raim»'I'nlk. 'IhPf «ir*'a Hard Life aheni'4of Iheni. lint On*y rould notDIM ' IfievJtnMj' l/rgf to move up toll.'nd'iuarti'ra nmt pull tlieSo Hie two Prairie Chlrki-iie got readylo be a rotiple of floMf1!! Pli**ifnanta.

Acting Llkajiha Beat Ptopla.

Nest »o dlaravnr Klltnbeth (neeTHNMII') trying lo O'tle heraiOf. Intothe Itellef Hint «!"• enjoypdKmoke through II..' None and lettingHiu World* know what Nii.ture had donefor her below HIM Knei-a. Hhe no.t.mger.iitvmpteil to keep Tnb on HenJamln. They occupied arpurale Apart'uieiita, with a Long* Walk In betwrea^1 llenjamtn Kllrker, anon to be-knowiIn the PuMfc Prlnta as a Hlurtevant*Flicker, bad Joined a, Bridge Clubwhere he waa Meal TfcUftt for a lotof Iloys who wore' Tortolao-Xhell(llmsea and Npata and bad aeen Hot-ter Days, One Reason for his- punkPlaying' waa that .be had to smokeCigars which made him dluy. IIbad been brought up on Lottie F<eeand ha had no Chance with a Suj.prCorona IHU he was a game Illril andtook his Punlahlneot,

lo the meantime Hie Offspring were.

wfllch waa lnl«irlou«ly tralnlnc tiierato be aahtmad of tlielr iinriiiith pnr-

i '

America One of World'*Bit Market for NuU

In (tm |H>nnut crop, Ahtvricnim hn?»•evlnt't'd nn nptlditli* for pnulurtlnnand ('tiiimiiniitfntt thai l§ airpllrnhle tr>fovr otlipr fmnlB. In noma yenm thetulnl crop or (he BiMithiTii and mMttlt-ptiNtrrn nlntCM linn IMTII imtr» tlmn •Mitlon |Miitf»tlH nnd ypt-nmny tnlMInuttntcp pouijitii luiVo ht>4>n liii|jnrl*iMi In(lit! mi tup jrnrH to nil tho ii^niiiiiit forrniiKt-i'dj «ulled ninl miinllifl pi'ttmtLt.nhtl fi»r tin* in*!* tif pt'uniit ull« irin| Uf*prudui'tti. ' • ' " . .

Alnmwt tltc mnvinH. cn>(i in; whichim-rli'itti Krowcrti Inivir Ifrvn nhlc to

—•op up (vllli i|u» piit*t< H-t't hy Aiiit-rf-.••an Hi'lft'lltc.-* U tln> ptyan, -Snutlinl-ni\ii( furrm-Tn luivi> icuiirdrd. KccttllnifplniitliiK" unrf In ni|''ti(lnn ttiiv«r uurMtnlulnni; tlin• ruHlviiItt! or mi nilh'd Im-t<ru\i*d -vnrliMU'N utitll Ittiportt hurt* <ltvij't'iim'd M prr font from, priswnr, tnitW l t t i I ' n f i * *

1* * " > - a * i . . — • > _ . . - - — _ ' i - . ' .

•ra-tir ur c•upply of luiporti'd pennula. I'hlnn,mid Inrjte ijiimi-lllli'M of li.iih. Khi'lli-it. nml unihcll.'ilwithiulR, wfille. our l.iirKt'ttt Hlocka ofHhclli'il .vtiitnuta coni«> from Kriini-tvitie|HiiW^>f-ihr'*^EthKirriTtionc^rrrri~_SL'Altt-^U"Ujr^uid_±urk«i,v_fiirnl»h iifwlih" ll.lberla,' llrnull liuta are |inviluced your nfler yciir hy niiimv N'ttturelimn on (ho frjnjto of the wllils nlouj)the*lAriuuiin.\..,_, . *

The Black For..!Tile Illnrk forvat In. of c»uF*<>. tha

IIIOHI .llmliiail'ihedrriilure i«if llii.lrnIt prrmMita file a|i|n*nrHnre of a.timjr

leni rutnpnrt from the atnnmil of '-whjrh (he traveler looks' on' one.aide-over III.' liron.l Itlihio In th« furawny Viiagef, and on t.ho other,'to -th»Swablan Jura.. It la a ..Ilitrlct diiirto -tbtr (Icruiiiii heart, for many fm'lHint It wna here their rm-e .wn» crn-

i . l l ' la alaonoUble aa tlie sii!ir13Lof one,of-the.greatest, oV^Se^greates^of Kiiropean rivers. Ihe r>nnuhe. whichaoine declare rlm'a from a aprlnt Inthe ganlena of FiiratenherK palace ati)onsue<i'blncen. hut which mnre ae-curate jexpUirftH.ui ..luiya- .iiniits fnmiIhe entire alupe of this part of

"Sisnins" and "Sllpul.tloo". Sl'icnltlS'* our liAlne romVa tlon-n,to

ua from the diiya when education w"aami llmiUMl thitt the only -JUgnnturekn.nyn.q to inmtt. pc'ple was their"aliei),| _comini)nly , a rnwa. -^Stlpula-lion' la drrlvXRi from tlio I.ulln "atli>-ularl." whlcti-Kwa back 'to' ."stlpulii,"J))>'anltiB.»jt'ilk or sH.*,_And w? gr«*uji|H>scd to iinve tjilj wortlsWIioi theclrcuinittance that Ihe Honiara brokea. thin stick briMivn makean atgrvvtucnt mutually;

__. ._ . ._•• BedTim. - _Helen was ylslllnK In a to)vn_<jji,,,

Jtrrat flocka of birds. umke theirillicitly tjJsdnuwsr'•p "Wttjr do they fliake inch\ funnynoise?" alie"»»lied.'. t-

The birds are -lust getting-readyfor 'Hid,1* her Mother re-plle.1.

••tea," the suwll. boy of the housespoke up. "I £"•« they are puttingon their nighties ut>w."

Thl* i i l «.T Hiriry llerli ;. n-i'il|.t..r vi i'a rci i-ntl> erei tedIn Marifi»tt» part. <i irj; l!i4. in h'.n,,'r ofJn'coVa Mnrqilette^Fri'tieh .lesiljtpMeat arul fni»tt,t »f ESir AiiMir;r*n ImJlnna and a ninipaiilitn of Hie Kroiich ex-plorer, Louis J»tt*t. -

Lights of New York Bv


John Rurrytu/tr* aid&rlit it t{it •u«c*fW»n t*

rntefj by Anting Wt":;.;*T

uth*r -'-*r.ic ' titani)i!Kv lit*

hm! op in « ' ' U S * 5111 Hhnnuhat; (wM h*r:

Iimtrutttr mi.ijit lrt'ns'i.n for brixi^Hnjwri WHS tb.-it'till 111 ust rut ton*.

In tb« back of itte tiuvA » L # ;II-**I^1 Jlabel which, cvu'i: -\nwrwTii-n ^irt-kr;

further priMif tbaE tci..* i?,fistiK<liiT TM -4hud hvtfii tnruu^o- ebx»r-

from the Itbmrj.' IR**way from CTrviiiriiPs t.»

.tile imyt'» hint ntiijat B.inputs ii.Tibh!'*! V t 'tij'one puye b. i'.l Otlvft

**t[iui friiui "Alice tau<* wrlttpo'*>«{..'tll^hmuij.. It «a


Is 1**1 - i

s ilu Pryor. Jr- «•nt Into it bunlli'r«. Hut uu« i

dlil not wUh

lite othor \ix\-e

oitlI thwvlHilldl

'rleva.**lst» In

t\ ri;.brother, T•wti-j^ira•flrst 'wife'

u> III* laEttni*;*

One of, lh*» nitwse 6picture* I ever n n L* %

i11 urn, The 1114athese pktur*» was «

ifrr "rw

- ^ y Vitilera who now fta» i&* ilia~ Vitilera, who now

A cbarltabl* -oevjasst^oto a New-Torlt woman for »



where her Iof tke |

Take* at Least f\_

cttpes from IScdtt'* euurtThe juilce rthan SI, tu*Xh&T« thatth«a to Si^-nd i a* iLrf •-••tattoo. Dnt th* JH !^y a

the OtlKt lU» V*who pleaJekl RX 'r« t j 4. aflC vtolatj'jXE; a l^re j th* •s

bwn piK-kv-i si-:J *rvi*

ri'UU -fthlrh he hnd tint worn for rnnnj3« irH, n plilr of pin Mtripv, lavetnlerlrnu^'Tx. Irdin Hit* KIIIDC <>i>orh, nnj at»)l. 'sitk' JiJit. which had Rt-t-n better(jii3«. TIH'SC Rhi* cuntrlltutoiJ to the.ruii-st' niifl-lt XMIH not long before nhercrcivci n warm note of tliankH.

. 'You will .he* luippy in lfurn.'*~itr*-.'«'i. "that HIP- cttuhen ymi-wi kindlyM'tit un .wtTi* tlit-'-.cntirtO-l'if iirfr Iivlnjtnlj>«* lo pet a miin (incn)|»lillvcd ahuifatImtntnlUitP worU, Ho* In n o w grt'tit'lyi-tirHiiracciJ, nn ho hits Bi'ciirt'U h JobdrHitii; 0 hcnrwi.',*' • :

A rich ninn of Mnnhnttiui tTi?d a.^i-ftrtrnlt. of his wife, .an t'xi-t't^iiKlyI'tlnln uniiinn. done by 11 faslilonuhlej-mlnt-pr. It plt-fHt'd IHT Krvntlr, as theriiilnior retfuced hrr wt-lk'tit and pa«t-ty iniprovt'd lioth her form .ami tea-^ur st, ' Tlie MimfKiilnnitc Hhowt l thepicture to a catiilid friend: p«|t«ld his•ftpinlnn; j »t It,- ' ' " • • : • • -

•>• **Ahtl! Mid tltp frlpnd; "MT.vj.tererl

JFliit nn npprpcijii'fTin, not ft liketiesH.**'

nnd«t.Siiic|nir Lewis; iitnl his

rk 1111:

JT IMMJU. It 'UsuJill.v

vt: "Mijln' Strwr^romplete tt novel

Frnnk-\Vjko(T and l^miictl 'l\>[|l>'nojw-o of ihi* (trentfst younif^ipriuters Inthld n^p ot Hp-w-d. luiv« I H W serin/ '-New York .trttfHiiiT recently in" tliedaytime and rai'fnj-' nyninst each O*/WTon Saturday evenlniiH. . They yttie Oljuiple Kiniea and - boat nit? fas!

Jboat nit?

- -'-J.• C I»3J-• P«H «¥n"tTlc»tt».— WN'U s/rvlc«.


Cheerio Chapters Fun for All the ChildrenEdited by DOROTHY EDMONDS


..'Don't think this foolish of Him,you

He acted with reason, and this Is

(Provide tba rnlaalnK worda. Tharwill rhyma In palra If c'orrtct, theUjit lln*' a'lwaya rbrnilna; alao wllntha flrat two.) " ' -Solomon Slnrks waa a circus——tie waa sometloies' up' aod •ome-

• •• times -^-- . ' • . - - 'Ih.e^crowda'were —— 'And high the ^ ~While the price of admission broke

t h e — . • ' • • : . • ' . -

And then one nTgbr as tbe peo-ple ——'••• , . ' • ' . ' ' •

The clouds broke looae'and It suredid — ' -

' The animals —The skies Juat — 'And u> flnlah It all the tents took

Solomon Marks was" calmer than

the mobs In tHe managedwisest —

He herded them

And he covered Ilieni up wlleleptiant'a —r-. • . j


For firemen ——A!nd wogona the - : — , - .AU bringing the bose that would

dampen the — .

Solomon Murka with' the- roles of

Shouted tp all- a simple -<—Toahorten the -i—r .Moisten tha

o v e r t h e • . ' •'•'" / . •

Hoses were turned with obedient

And water,, was loosened Just all/thai they

Till soaking c l e a r —The people of

/Sputtered out from the hay thatthey wished to, be ' ;

Solomon Marks with his head likea . ll-

Ordered, the llrcmc.n then to har*

Out rushed tbe —


Cut out the parts drawn hereand paste on stiff cardboard. Taketwo hear* cardboard strip* or thinblocks of wood and allt them as thoflifure shows" for places for the -camel's feet. Join tbe parts of thecamel toxether by means of bras*fasteners. When-the feet are Inserted In the-stc'ps • • shown nndfastened there wltn Rlue, by mov-ing the"strips or blocks in oppositedirections the camel will appeur

made In the .same way. You canhave a whole circus parade if JOQlike. ' , .

Then Into the —— *And Bared were their lives as the

battle was '-. ' _

ADI] now In the circus joull still. ..see the •

That cleverly suved fife circus and

For trlie Jo,hisyHe hasn't aTo lire ntTn/lierfl, but only n •

C. 1111. Wfilern«o»r Union.


to every,

•aijle ind Iho "wi>»r>S Hide.

4(Jreat American Disease" IsEasily/Corrected.

By EtyiTH M7 BARBERScyunU .tfiit'stlorifl. In ruj;urd .io_tlie_

qm'stlun* M constIpution, which husbei!n cnllwl tlie>Kretit Airiorlvuri dlsunsth-ttuve vinM* m me rm'iUly.

Tlitj/ttrnt poliit>'innde Is. that*ijnIpj*» there -ts •m\n* tVruiiiilc dercct.

nt lor ran be nvofdcfi or curedHT dlt'U•-'•(•roptT lllt't. tUlWl'VtT,

not alwjtja tht Biime Tor one personfor tuiotln'r. Tlie majority'-of

sons lliii) that n diet containing "inse," "tluid," "cellnlolse" inmnount tttlmutntvs th»food ahuiR tho nljini'iuary, tfnc;prrfod of time Ion,:the niitrliiicnt to bt> - ^4*«8 t>twHtgh- to HHHW/4t'ttt'ornioht or tp pntrJO1. /The cnmhlnutlon.of ttie nntiirni .ncUl I whJt'h nawiti-

occur In \*mwti\U\yf/nin\ fruit's whichnre filKh In tXra'NnijShnni' Bids In thisresult. . / '

"other fcftid vf illui'stlv« tract- iipoii"'-wlilch tlbrads foods have n contraryeitVct. "nfey tend to pack-and to pro-vent thf^pussage of throuifhthe allnittiUiry.canal. Persons of IIIIN

rjtj'tx1 whtltv tivolil^tiK'food of this sortwhy. ke«p In excel lent condition. '. -

Mothers should watch the results ofdiet .In the'cnae of children very care-fully, because It Is In.eurl.v yenrs thnthabits of digestion are ^oHned. -JU'K-ulnrlty in menl times nnd Ib the Mint?,,set tW evacuating the colon" ureboth.eiceetltngl.v -r-lmport nil Cut hurtlesshould, bej given \i.r< stldoin and ulways' under the direction of ft nhjsiclnn, ' Or fe t t i on qf e»nij,ltion by diet

How It Started1 By Jean Xewlon y

"To Be One's Own Ancestor" .>'(/^\Ul sert blcn sou puys n'a pa's

V^ besom d'uieux.^ yTranslated, this quMc gem read?^ ."lie who-serpeSyHiis1' ctiuntry 'well

does not neetf ftny"ancestors."- Ijo wroir A'o^ire"ln~T743 r nn«l "In:;so doing hny^rystalUed in speech nnidea—whlclK tlnda expression In theIdiom oj/ti dnzeii lan^unices.

Thlsyiuen, freely Interprett**'.,'* ttfato'avt'rnfje up fur the luck ofnncL'stors Is to h« your ownbj [MTfoniiIns services at

/Hivh ontstnnillnj; -Value to the coun-try or community that one's status willrequire n« petHuree,

_<& 1913. Uirll Rvnillcatc—WNU Sarvlcd,

should be_ the llrst attempt. Some-;tlmoa In the.second typo of'constlpu-'tlon tulneral oil Is fount] to tie a remp.lywhich tuny also evpntimlljr be a cure,niter K?M-"' t-aWtS-havo -been started.-

- In Inter life sometimes a chnn^e. ofllvinu "conditions. Bometimes merely achnnge-of water, or worry or-exclte-

.-i'lltlon of ' eongU.patJoti" ' An: -excellenlremedy whicir-lsTflot actually a cathartlc nnd yet whjcb (tires the sameresults la two level teuspoonfuls ofunit ills.ii.ln'.I io- a quart of wittar, tnken half «n hour~ before breakfast.'Some persona llnd lubewaruL water-,better, but- Just as many, gel the sameresult* 4wltti cold or even Ice water,wjilch riB pleasanter to taite Iti combi-nation ^vlth salt. Another remedyfor pcrtibns. who can, take roughage

-Is the "use .of a8araj[!ir(_Jn t'evelablegelatin which r>assW througb the di-gestive tract .without being nffectedbj the dlgestl-e Juice, and for thisreason iinshcs the other foods with It.

There ore a great many Ihcorrec;!

ndoan about certa in foods beln« nm-Btlpuilnn. Milk fa often Dlamed.ttii'just ly . There are a' few things, slid.a» apple skins and blnckbprrles, n-liichaeeiu to have nn as tr ingent effect upon *the lining of the i l lKMtke tract wliidic a u s e s It to Ug1it«n. .. ,...,.1

T h e beat prevention of constipniiDnin.a diet containing pien.ty of fruit nndVCyetnbles- -eiMibed or row. Most pi>rs o n s llnd the Inclusion of whole"t.i'ir

verse. A diet recuJrited to tlie Ivldtial Is the best prevention of corpntlon. • t ' .• •*• ; ^Apple Prune Belty • -~ 2 cups' sflet'd npplea

1'cup stewed prunes-•. 4fc. cup Bijjiar .

1(14 teaspoon clnnnuion '\% cups.bread crumbsU cup liquid from stewed pruneX-3 Clip lemon juice.

—. Arrnhye the upples, prunes ;crumbs In layers In o buttereiHiikdish*, sprlnkllrif; each layer with

mlU'il, Just before milling rhe^'tup lay-er of. crumbs^ pour t h o ' p r u n e .a n d - l e m m H i i i c e oVer'nlL Unbt; !nimodernte oven (350 degrees ) untii ^ples -are tender. :; '_'_"'"• '

They're Trying to Cheer Up the Depressed

. Soostor James Sficfarlape of .West, Virginia, and a group of W e n d , s t a r t , n i ! t r o m , f - .I'M fraternity hauw In New Tors city for a tour of the country In an uutotractor f0-the K5S»v „ ?chivr and l« tur i W on th* forCotten m»u. ,1 eft t., r.rtt. la front of their ton "ohlcle \ « f

bo3. Scnatotfj J,tws Slacfarlane, Judge Pierce tieynoids-Court anj Joseph DuVcut


2 cups whole wheat flour.2 qups white Hour s ;~I jcup "sTiuar. „I ;teaspoon salt"'1 teaspoon sodft *-*- . '2 tenspoon- bakltig powder.

•" I package dales• \\ c u p n u t s ' ' . •

1 2 cups, sour milk or '1% cuand ,!/4 cup sour crenm .

Mix dry Ingredients . together.. fuM \dates.^Tf^Jiave^ee^. washed,.s^nedanil. smalls pieces, and' cfiop[Wnuts:' Stir sour milk qukUlv t*t tdry ingre'llents. PUT lo hre:nt tmiwell creased and bake In a slow iiV(1D-27r> degrees PnlironheiL lntr« 1- r itat end of haklngT' Un ce ahotit rthour.

ft 1933. Boll a

TO 'SOFT COOK" egys pa,iujit€i"se In boiling wuttr '

und let stand on tbe hot hurnrthe hack or the range two mliIhe epK white »I(1 be Jelh htthe jiilk soft, making a di^i^dt' *palauhle food

•*' • • •

Soda should ne\er be usedff<tf ^Ing eimtnelcd pans/ A little <-\plied, ultb a soft cloth will n uthe stWina and the pan should *>•oushly rinsed afterwards with [of warm water.

' • • • ' * " " • ' • • • . • - " ' . . .

Apple pudding"Is a'quick; anilpudding to make when yuojwvthot oi*cn, ns It,can be made on tthe"stove by^lewlng opples.^mother fruit) fn a pudding Oi'-h: iUtUe water and sugar- and i;uthen cover with a' softr doiiiihsame as for dumplings, and coy*"tight wltn a close cover and siviu15 miniitesr ' -

Awoc!»tw ,W.NUMrvlc.

" • • -


i.1 s'l-ih«r- .

Page 13: FromHighWater Rates Sectional Ghampionship · 2015. 2. 14. · ford: publicity. Mrs. Long . Miss Dreher. Miss Aglae ' Gates—of—Cranford, * v~ Kuentsler and Miss Lain?. - These


Was Hi» Face Red?

« • * NtouVm M u t » ft*** \ •;•DOKSI AW ^M.£ TH»: I. "WAT


A TENSE MOMENTISmwii-Mi'ii uri* tiut |Hnir vvrul.In thlt ''l.iy. Mm. S.tut»kina—

*»r. wrukMr*. Shiii'kiiit—Ain't It |hi» truth.

Ml** Itrwn,. 'nu-n-'Pt my liu»))n..<lii'r c\i in work tt!lHv«. oVloi-fc lit

tho imtrnini:. i;iu ntT aX. tlvr In the ft ftyou

(>• htis'p tHlkintf tu .)ou IK•it

(vns lu^injt lltig hU cliiMi tl1'IINt,'. lir»'**«Mit, H\u\ fUttiri'

"NOW 1 Mill k'lTI> >"»! Hith» mild, •'S!)i l.t l )Ml'tf i Njitil 'I nut » %»rjhni»t»mnr> .limn,1 Whiil (rnttvIhtti U P ? " '

J n c k l e l lrnwti , Ht w}intn thr «w « t lit

Kinlli» o n t i l l ruott., Hint would' IH> | .n>

OF THE FORCE Poocb Punning

j couuf B«I CP A



My Kiew PO<S—


Axom the Concrete w vHWli>, liunth'. II |«n'i II lill-ilUllmll '

IUr MarkThi' l.i.-nl .•.ili-rii'r"iii'IHiTi'ii n

ill (hi' luiiuo .if Ml«» SIIII| .>IIII., "Wil l vim nlk'n Inr ll'f" iiiilil Hit' I I I I

rliT. '-• 1H" i-l.r r»rll i l invil . "Wlliit

ulillll L ilnV". "Himi I In- hiMik,"' wilil (ln> rlirrl iT. .

!•> Iijii4a pi IMif iii' ymir linv


there coirve* to me.At times A little " .',

ol-'stopLike. 3t*i\clmO in

>«'!< I I I ; , h i i t i l l j i t i i l I ' l l , I I ) , t i ' l i r i 'I I I » , H i ' , - '-••

l i l l l l ' l ' , W l l l ' , 1 I l l i ' r i l i r l l T N -11111• I t l l ' . l l ' . l I I I * I l l l l l k . I l l ' IIII.VV W l l l l l K i l l ' t i l lH l l l l f l l . . l . b v l i . U H l y * l i i r " l i l M I l l i ' V i - l

r i i i i . u ' i i i i H J i i c i i i i i ' . r m n i l H i mIlll'l I'llll'll'll III Illl' ll.U.k" Will' IhK

I ITIIV I I . " A i m w i - I Hj . l l l i ' . . ' • " • •

nice DI«J •-• •

trtffic cop."

•IViiflirr Wlllli', Imiii ymi mi (jiiiulrimi' fur ntn>lllK iiHiiy fnmi "Mi IHHII

A GOOD GUESS • Wl'lll \\ liili'i my»ii'lf Why? >

Wljl l l '- ' l ' l l l lNI' l. ilii'lin IIIJ lil'l-l IOIliin'k <>r n IMIIIII i.ill'. -lllnlMi. Turiililn.

y«H 11111 >> | i IIIyml 'my Hi ,

Miiillli.-Snlry,' I'VII |ir'Miil«iil In,|l tli.l.liiiiiiirii '«'nl*lnik;*-n. —rWIINII1 l.nlH/r. . .By GEORGE STORMBOBBY THATCHER-Guest Of Honor





V Q U C O T An I'.mtly Hl..r


fuiirlli t ) | i l« l wlllilM 11 moMill) ('nilyiill imii'ililiili'V • •

T y p l m ( i ir l t - i i i ly) n i l . yi'Hl 1'ui nr-.WIIVH ri irlv In' Ilii* Hiiirfilliu.



(JIIIH 10 Il4t-Hi.i' Mini MM Im'i-n mi'..

r fttlil' K'tLi w U l m u l. |U'#H—Y«'« , . uinl .j'lii . l ifruhl lin will ,PACES.



SIVjATTER POP—So, Willian^ Revi»e^ Hii EiUmnte By C, M. PAYNE

Vim wiy JOII IIIMI yiiur iiioiii'y un

ilirrfi wjm 11 IIHIII 111 my

F'alal Atcuraryl l .w 1II1I >»n 11,m j.Mir


Mr. M v i j , ! , , ), \


, yntififc wlft iifftdUmulilv * ninTT fttfurTm\y tfnil ihJ' tiiiitlfra you ntv

wild will (fo tiitt Mtit;i —ISTIIX LOOKING

' - , . ( , Wanl.d a Choli-*Vifiitll To) l>ii nrriiiil^if K'jll tt to


h m[i!liil nupllivr. I II tin l>ravf millmy MIMIIIUK t.ilt I Hint K-^'IK !'•

!rt tlii'lii 1'i.lni lift • b n l i y nn me Ilkalh»> OUI- mi you I want •

• 11 i < ' 1 J 1 1 1 1 t 1 - r I

twoae,-stm. sttiwwa, AHO BEB. we S(«BO(ota TISMJACSUO UOM etT*UK BPttstKOiiues of rnc. "Ac

/ ' n t «ecu> B irpsiotOOOOI-L

h.:ar Mnri.' la imirrli'.l. Oldflml tin. I'JiHi Ntic haM l u r i looklnic Torfor v

".Nn Sin-« looking aruund linrdne-ner uuw."

-me wcr «wrn "Sit, ikn -wocux »*5 -nutettssto men

CMC. A«o mtU. OCNt.

C*»h and Carry -,Vtrtit fin 1'nI (In 'Iwl^ri «(n<e)-- [

) hut wutt ii ^1'inli rfnl 1 tire. YMT wt litIn wild tk U\x\.v nHilllnic "" Hi** f* Ft

HIM) liave t-iitiiv out *ltJiiiUl | LKIL<IIHI~YIK I tmm piilr) uj; bi l l—

V Hi & itflu l.lKdlttr, Munich,

Th« Non Rvs^dvr•D'n* Mini miNMtiiiin n^rl nil thr

1 Uf hi IM (Mir.rlu |i> auliscrltH) for f' i,»LA A t K>k lljf<nt In ti»t

•nurt CV*T 10 tilluw tiJruBelf ip IMKOUMI

=H^ >-

Page 14: FromHighWater Rates Sectional Ghampionship · 2015. 2. 14. · ford: publicity. Mrs. Long . Miss Dreher. Miss Aglae ' Gates—of—Cranford, * v~ Kuentsler and Miss Lain?. - These


Leads League BowlersCranford A. C, Upseta Apt*

tin's Express Pinmcn to.... •.-.'.:,-EJ\4,;Twp• \Veek .Tie for:"'''' '••yViiai'Plaoc':'' ".' '••**• " . '

" ' The upset of Au.»l|n's Express bowl-.j>r» Mumluy._raj(hi_Jr£__t|ie^;untoja_L

^"•"^X^C/riTn'mic'fr-'piitc'e*. -thrr^Men'* lilblr!Cla.' .rpin twppler. lii,fti«t place.In thi:.Cranfuid liuullni. LeaKue landing ah il#c ..ten teams enter tht iinal week ol ithe laJit round of the. tourney. The

•church. team untl Auntln>..outllt have'"• been In ir-tH' for first, place for-the hutt ^

two week*. 'Hit- Bible ClaAfi bowj»"l.\.winm-iv. i«f the, first round In theL"wt<.ue tourney, look two of the three({Kine.. in their match Thurftdtty' night

. ullh the Ramblers to outncoie Austin'st e a m . " . " . - ' . .

. Tile olhfrr upset of the week at theCasino alleys wan the whltewoAhlntc olthe Rrpubllean Club representatives* by

Hie lower1 bracket South aiders. The1 lohs throws the Republican* from• fourth to wvrnlh place In the league,

while the ftuulli Hlders. .mounted from't'lghlh to a tie for fifth place. The-Jankers, who defeated the Lions ClubIn all three games of a match playedFriday-riiglit, hold the other leg of thefifth place position. • .-"'

8cholz, with a score of 218, was highfor the week. Other bowlers who re-ported 200 or above for the week are:Weslghan, S10: MlcheL2O,6;. Austin, 203,and PITttJJIo, J03. •... Auitfha Express representative* willhave an opportunity to go Into tintplace' tonight when they meet theMernhanta in me"t—t—t.--....-.

JfflE CRANFORD CITIZEN AM? CHRONICLE, THURSDAY. MARCH , ^ , 0 . ,if b A aW •*»•"•»»** * _KMaa > ' . }• . - . ••. •— ' *" " ^ ^ » f » a a a l a a a a a a a a a ^

Bible Cia«iAintln'a Etprettfran/ord A. |.\t'aaino :Ilahkera


Second RoundWoo Lost

10 -II- « Jfl

J 13-



Anaih.iliatn,: S

Republican CloliMerthanU '•Itamblrra .... „ . ...

.Vimlng Games:Tonliht: Aui>ili.'i Etpreaa ra.

MrnlmnU. ' . . .lOprii allrrs Friday and Mon-

'day lu'play off postponed

DOWNS CALDWELLf(.'<mli$ued from ftftge one/

t.H1 ff.ui line and (»iit* trotti art inn torut CtaiithiiYh Nad to one point.

• ' Attain ("jr. filths wa*. th*1 waft of. Ihefiloinrnl by ftwWtlng" tile n*'t with ujji.-riw-t- Jontf-ran i1 .shot a M then /ol*UMUIH up. with H foul ahot. Ml.W, a

PARKERS LOSE(Continutd from page one)

... — MUl reverberating around the »pa-! clous gynv when Grime* again flippedIn « two-twlncer af t*r Plcatos paw to

I «iv* Cranford the lead for the firstA tew

d for the flritlater the first:


front ,.'(•rise, and


217 Roosevelt School Pupils" Third Period Honor Roll


cent. of enrollment '•' »-- i ' : — • - 1 - *

ert*.' BSMrley u w i a o w aurora* VQatrr.Dick Orosyenor, Kred Jooes, VtrfiniaiLake, Edwin Latane-.. Doris ICeWIBfaaWMarion Reiner* and Alvto Zalonfa.' Grade SB: Special Honor BoO—War-ren Crane, Kenneth' Keyser and KB*JtMn. - •

school,"*ef« riftrned" ori-'u . ^.-«v. .vumu _™ ^"c'a^ioully"'^ a ' ) d 5p>>daJ h 0 f J 0 r ro" t0T "^ MTi tr, ymiam Schcli William Tyree,•nnfTrd'. txmai Or• marlfJng prriui announced thl» week.: James Skinner and Richard Vander->

jped in i-perfect -ona O r a d c 'A. taught by MIM McAllister;! made. -..- . • . _ 'Pork ahead once tnon-l^™"* Weniy-six' pupils on the honorf Orade 7A.;naij)gJPork ai«»d once "^^^j^iMW)<tHi?f)or,toa..uriatr"4TrfJronor"Koii^V«» Kofac antf Ruth

' o n o ) n r r ' | &'hrr classes in the number Ui receive | Schade. Special Honor Roll—Charles. . . . „ . , - . .' . ' honorable menUoa \ _ -| Albury,, Jack HenrUng, John Schneider,Vliurlm OrifSths broke Utt once .and I Followiri* are ule n'imes of the pu-jP*"1 Sverison, Josephine Boitlnto,

attempted to score but Fleming fouled I Pl!* by classes, on the honor roll*, for j Anne Hart. Edna Miller andhim rh.rh- A.-*—.. • • "••' • • the thud marking period: elhofl.

Kindergarten: Robert Bandelier. - O r B d« ^ Honor.Roll-H'eggy Wet-Roll—Alex Bell,

ler, Harold Davis, Pran-

„ . _ « . . vKm jntatTEarl T. Regar of 185 north Lei

avenue ha< been selected to serre, the sixth-and toat panel vt petit ta\tor~tatrxemr~eit-me'caStf°'eaL._'Jurors on the final4panel wilt yen*from March the end at the pra-entrterai. .

, „ ..mi onoi. Miller, a clo regained .then.-jil'dterhard..retaliated with, a foul by UXHUIK In IBshot. but. Ihwlrh p u y h f same on Jce came back with a Beid

him Charlie dropped in both shots[d*«nly togive'Cranford an 8-5 lead. .

• Vanclo again ' engineered the oldailing game and then toMed In an<

other mid-court heave to cut Cran-forci'n lead to One point. A fe* -***:-yrds lal»r-l«...knotted the.rountat 8-»!l: ma Key»r, Eunice Lang, Ron a-fcjil nhot For the-remainder of; David Leber and Ellis W«;bb.

'tlie'.half neither team waa able u> score'! ' m,,^ gr'a<je7 PlaylaTlie Uilrd quar"j-r was much »<•>••»' '

lively with . foulithroughout Onclo regained the

Robert Bandelier j O r s d e 7 B : Hon01^ J

iSr^^a^L.^^ma K..v— -*.,- --• — -- H"'"-«^ s Mirkovlch, Orace

IVetJen and Laura .

Rita AfalreJi

. - iMi .-inf ijame on Jcei/'y pavlM(< U> Clrlflltryi »ho registeredHiiother two-jmlnter. AJI a clo-tln- g fl-lure, inisi roimeclcd with one of hlaferxatlorial one hand nlioU to..makethiT 1«al Kiorc read: Cranford 34—

I lie scorr ] 0-0 In Cranfurd's favor.— m - .* .w-w in t-Taniord's favor,Fleming lied It up affain with a foul

But JPicaro dropped in a pfi'tosse* to put Cranford aheu

The box score:Crsaful

<• I

Ileahi. i. .Hwlrli. I * ,< liwM-r. If

1 H

. « , r i tourney/ The alleys willbe openfrtday.and Monday nlghu forthe playing of postponed games,

flummarl«i_ of gamtJ-playoddurliigwlait week are a* follows:




l.rm-li, ,rr ,MIMUfaiH111)1.

. Hlill.uuj,.•>MUea».( j

, ,rr. If ., If .

iiick'e, Eifcen Martens. Janet Shaw,Carol Trumbauer, William Worman,Jam* Leber and Shirley Parson, flpe-

w •'.r*e t cial Honor Rol(—Et/irt Susen. Beiiy...... .uiu mieaa Wyck'-i-sicrken. Oourlloii Mould, Charles Pani-

off stole the ball In mid-court a n d j . ^ C a r o l l N-telMn a n d rjobby Camp-drlbbled down ahead of tfie .crowd toj^.u . ' . knot the score again. I . r h l r i i K r a d f ; . Honor Roll^-Donald

Thft third quarter wa.. In 1U waning O a , t c ) n r B ,*by Laurton. Hans Anger-momenu wlien Wajclo connected w H h ! n ] l w l t . r ^ i t o , fluc^\,orWt>J, B r o w na foul shot to give Coach * » W« men j O |a d > . , , > I l s t . n m , v jllnc"--j^It. Viviana. 13-12 advantage. ^Charlie Orimths vWrth/M'arllyn Wadman. Helen Anne]dooled- defense will, i W a r , l n s k 1 , Bcalle.JVita'n, Babs Butch-'wondcrfol exliibltlonol^ dribbling t/)- t .r aI]1i • | t o r l ^ »„:.-„ „_. . .score from under the net,' making •'—'score "H--I3 "I" i*'.-'<—--- •

. . . . . . La-|Prlngle: Ma-

. Marj- Crum-Shlrley Johnston.

-' Roberts, Hua-"" Prems. Spe-

~; Crumback,_ . . . . t J Johnston, Ruth

Eleanor.. PreuM, Atiitln Rob-


. SIBe


~r JMoaon.

fflrt (Ii' « Itl


-»» 111 III

League are requested, U> meet at 6o'clock Monday evening at the,according to a nnnnounennent todayby Paul Anger, president of the Lea-gue. Team captains, especially, havebeen " "

t-i aim Aiarlon Allen. Special' Honor~y.. in;m under the net, making t h e : ^ ) ^ , , , ^ . H j , D U . ponald. Qmten,score M-.I3 '-In Cranford* favor . .^J l i i j>- j v t t^^^i? im&' ! Wi3C7mu! ',ms4-uamfvm>a: -. . • K/iwen, Kawiy Burley.'Hans'-Aiiger-

Till, was the ..turning point of .tlw-i n/uel l (,r i D u r o t , ^ U r o w n , June Oun-]» " m an<l s " o r U y " " " "* U s l quartefJ vma^,,; oiadis Jenienlu*. Shirleyhad.gotiJnder way, Charlie duplicated | Kai.«maii-Jan,« -P,wt,,-Barbara- SmlthV.hj5J'-ffvlout-teat-'»-"icrea»e-hiT-te-aiirs"LalJrll Trelehi^r w..i tm--^ -- •••'iead. . • '

the final meting of the

' i Wadman HeU'n AVanclo regained one of the points 1 Ualchvt and Man

pn a foul ahou but ^!he«r. finding! pOUrth grade.

, i^auravTrelchler. Vlyiau Wrth, Marilyn; VVadman. HeU'n Amie Warsinajtl* Babbs

.eroMarl'«. c. I DDU.U. |H I , , . . .


reoniiAKi MCIKWL ncruRTCranford ranked seventh In attend-

ance and eleventh In punctuality amongUnion Oouhly School districts during

'th"e~ month of February, according toUf monthly report released, this weekujr Dr.' A. L, Joluison, county superin-tendent of schools. Cranford » jiercen-tagdln otleiiii/uice woa IKU9. In punc-tuality, Cnin/ord's per pupil per dayaverage was .0024. Oarwood rankedAnt In attendance with" 95.28 per centolid Clark: Tvwiuhlp first ln punc-tuality with .0008—".

« i ^ne«r. finding ^^ Mlvim uy M r 8 J ^ I , .[himself uncovered within scoring dis- 1 t . r 5 t o n : ilmor noi^.viary Louk* Wet-lano-, swished tlie net with .a perfect j , , n . C o n s t i l n t . ( . - Klein. Lucille Sclsoh,«hol, f'lcaro couuted again a, few «.«- o l e r l n TJM,, Scowile Hagcr and Palmeraids later after Orlmes. had put him &.„„,<)„. s ^. c ) l l i H o n o r B o | I_Kath-In .-»i..|0Il.WIUi-a-j)rrfert-p«a.;- - ; l y n ,,U), G l i i d ) . s ^^.^ stoben Tut.j Sc

.At thU itage of the con(e«t thei-,,pSnawnien becanw de«,*r,te but C tf

Jt «»«uj<* meiAen. Itobert Tut--...-.-" " • . " « coriiest ther,,p Rob,.,-,, vvinkel, Louise Klusch

Shawmen became de»|*rate. but Cran-j Ek..imr S u s ( ,n Bobert Miller. Charte.fords stonewall defe.Me tlworted tlieiri j.-tt*r**io. Harold Chamberlain, Marjfiery scoring project. i«» I M . . . ' I - - ' -

Clmrili. -rinnwi.- . . . .

Just be- j

....u au»i .unmake thethe final jtecondj ticked away Just belore the final whistle Wajcio • toused Ia foul shot.

The -box scorescoCraafcra-

(I Pit,


Lee Mlliw of 3'8 "Elliabeth '.avenue.Oranofrd, laat week wju presented witha gold oervlcc ciliblem by (he nmnuijo-ment of the Western Electric KcurnyWorks in honor of hb fl I trcnlh serviceannlvrKsary. Mr. Miller.hiut hud liveyears experience In utriwj.-i jiha»ej< ofthe telephone ' opcralhiK buslncsn . InKentucky with the Cumberland Tele-

l ^ f f

arEvepshows how things CANbe good-looking aswell as practical

.... . . . ,V iu chamberlam, Mar;-.--<• •--/»»•• . i Louise WVaJen, Constance Klein, Lu

Charlle.-Orifnths added Craliford* e l] it. Nvliolh alenn Dos6i simUk Halast- Uirce :polnu on a foul shot and a e,,r alvi PulI l l l.r s^^,,,,^teld goal u.,moke the score 23-14 asj r u u n ) , Vade , taught by MIM Dono-the nni.i • v a n . Ualwr Koji_-ije|en Higble,, Lurtt

HI11U, Ljura Hoch, Jeanne—Tournleifk-rnlce flolinqmAU -Annamarle Doerlux-Mr. Ruth. Pegu. Richard Miller,Roderick Srnlth, Clark Hanley. RobertUuuher. William Hamilton. 'RichardSiilkr.. Jain Moorheud. and. Stewart-

{ Hoiiilami Special Honor Holl—<HelcnSperry, Marie Myers, Cliorlei Messerve,Uuvld Ilrown. Wlillsni Pavelka, Helen

gblc, Lura IJlntx Laura Hach, ClarkHanley, Robert Butc|icr,'WJUloin Ham-

1:lton. Jeaiin? TouriUiT. Bernlco Holrn^liuist. Annamarle ipoerhoefer, Ruth

^ .Richard MUlcr1, ftodertck-anith.F{fc(iard Satter—Jooll.Moomead anS


• • • • - • ' ' •i

'••••'• '.i'\

II. m l , , , .


'"'(H- Kii«.N

«i-iii AU

to shoulder -match«'gh on fiie iU|t,.r


Roscllc. ... .... .atiiT» range. Several

members of the (enm were handicap-ped by having to use an unfauilliarraiine In the postal match and foiled to.

..._.i_U.ienjotajs<l the Western EJeclrlc coni-. '.- Pany at Its Hawthorne Works where he

was engaged in enitlneei ing litiii Uii- :--^^w.'-»w*2t>rlor^-h1irToinlirgJEi,

1KB. Mr. Miller is now engoittHl In iin I—— t>*-U.itin«pwiBrrii'6rrnfTiS^uIiii71

I f j ' t *>»««•-•>«>' the WesterElectric Keitruy Wprki. '

iled tThe-"Ettia•:-. Armofy '_ was

Thursday. Ruben Harris shot£•£•<" both matches with

."?>«_ Ackiand.ltedLnim:tobut scored on|y •»>< amri«

^unavailable uuthigh


Look at theu NEWPLAVOH-SAVINC PERCOLATORSHova llaiol'tailng covar . . . p'Opar •'*•

• . . , . . , bfood. Hot beltem . . , n«jvar-hinpa oit,lid . . ..non-

y ... i Cvp SM lor lho.'» who | | .a .- \-M braw lillla mid oflan.

?Cvp JCSiP. eCtip I C p IJCup

•Ms ftja,' ».»• $I.M *---

J^BCiUi»jiU»^uetr»«Mrbut his 84 foiled to countselli?;''Ii r? "


.ncron contributed ail 8flIn UwTkMlal and Oatcrheldt an.84.Nielsen scored M and aeon OUra an8(1 and Pal 6'Dea a BO against RoMlle.Hie five high Rosclle men shot, as fol-lows: *. diibert, T»;. Carlson, M:Longltl, 91; Wolferu, 87, and MaryFinch, M. for 451 ''against Cranford's4S1. Tlus'is a change from the countychampionship* last spring. • wju?n.c Ro-aelle defeated rv» -(«;-••— • '



'arol Caldwell. Lu-Dorcos •••• Rlrehackretla Duckworth, Dorcas' ftlrehock,

Hope HtnU, Betty Jncobscn, Bernlct!Malrc, Patricia Phllllppe, Marjofie Bucand Agnes Trembly. Special HonorRoll^Marcella Hits. Florence Bande-ller. Leslie HimltInfi R l r h M ^bv Kettl ' ohm> K«ttler.. Philip McOlnniRackmyer, Caroid Cajdwell,Ouc-Jtworth D

Ginger Bremd Mix

Devil'* Food Mix

Watermelon Rind

Pin Money Picldes

Canned Freth Phmes

' / Rice Dinner

J.HMcMAIfONHiglvGrade Grocer

Phoneai CBaaford *-lM»—«.|«a

« > » » . WeM Oruwe; 7 p. m .anx* *». Hamatojv Tbwnshlp

Qn»»J» IV Hleh SchooU <aejn;.«-,,r V ^ " - *«»> Side OJew*;

] > . m . Caai ~BT Prep Scfco-:-Bait; j»-»um~ii««i» Ooooeptlon '-:-

I cUir> tx. Boscers Prep. •' j p.«p,'C5aai-"A" Prep Schonis .».|

cal>; SL BatjSktt « Htm Schoo:4 PL in. GTOOJJ n High School?*

OaJj.; .»liajei Cranfonl-Fori Lee -,}|winner Kieyport-GJouceater.

T.3O ft. m, Oronp m High Sd'.ocjSnail; wiaxxr «lettJ3nings-W<v^.Til

Warn n . winner Bound Brook'-IUE. I{Xton T i l l " ' 1 '

• FRESH KILLED TURKEY,8-10 Lba., Per Pound '..

FRESH LONG ISLAND DUCKS,Per Pound ... . ,' . '

SMOKED HAM/Per Pound• a- round .... ,._.

LEG SPRING LAMB,Per Pound ...._ ;


21cBROOKFIELD BUTTER, ' / .A- pnata, A€*M*•-- 2 ib»... - • •-•'.- ' - __nKJv2 DOZEN FRESH CRANFORD EGGS, C f l ^J—(Friday and Satonky Only) JW




Hlw Btnuty . j f c ,

*y«»J..Niw bourns..

AJBEANST2 Pound* for .... __i_

McINTOSH APPLES,8-Quart Carton* _-. —

FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT,••'• 7 f o r „ : . •'


ce Malrc,Rue and

.20 for . __,BANANAS, Extra Lige,

^ i Per Dozen

Qrade-jix,. taught by'-Mn.''Morris:'Honor Roll—Sarah Brown. Ula Joms.Bobby Sterrett. June Skinner. Kather-jIne Thoaqisoa. Marlon Jcmlson, Elsie'Hansel and Elfrletia Wor \


nor Koll—Robejt Ratli. Althea Fire-hack.' Qllv.e Cumstock, Sarah BroWn.Katherinc_ilioinps(ii». itla Jorns,.Bob-b)' Sterrelt, June Sklnnct D i M

VERB'S tbi refrigerator aenjaiiopX oltht year.. <ae new 10* GeneriTT

Ebctricl Before you invest, a pennyia refrlgersdoo, inspect this grestnew auptr-ialue. • The new 10* G-E .foam nota ic* outer. o » « " » - I™"-1 •

..^~-,v wsnon jeumon. Elsie; a«wiuper-vaiue.*Thenew IOWG-E,Hansel and Eh-rleda Wurman. Special{- I****— nota ica Cuter, consumes leVi-1

hack ™K» ar« glJaminic oorcliin >-'•• -•

r.^ ~r- "*** »pnng, wjicn Rp-selle defeated Cranford by about1 fiftypoint*. Little time was left to anyj (work forwards 'qualifying for higher I itoranks. Paul.Anger won his'third'bararid Hallowell-reached the sharpshooternftljrdaM rank. Cameron »'^-..>

nc_ilioinps(ii». itla Jorns,.Bob-b)' Sterrelt, June Sklnnct. Doris Ma-lun. Elfrieda Worman, Marlon Jeml-son. Elizabeth Vaughn, Marjorle Truni-bsuer.- Ulllan Heflderwn «ia Eli

scarcely hear Jc New mlltutl cabux9 gleamias porcclsja inside jsndoatji i beautinuly madera in appear-a T h ' s a new stainl loatji i beautinuly madera in aance; There's a new stainless(mziag chamber thai


ughn, MarjHeflderwn

' ' • - ' • : •

pance; Theres a new stainless(mziag chamber thai cannot

'btf rust • •• oew foot-pedal'ofteoer. .new a d j u s t b l l


t ch%'doorld


neron.; a_ hr» ; Batli( promarksnun. al-. Honbr.

tmg In postal ..match parry.ui!h tpnuamy,lor sharp- i

i TWs afternouu tho team e.i-ahoot off a p t l

Grade six. tau<ht-by .uu» goenro.:[mi..r .Roll-Margaret Leavitt. .Mar-

Diradourlan. MarRaret! Preuss.St'llna Haogemen.jh r SchTerry.

K,. u m i c i i n meser, Owen. Mc--•- -pr—Muaii iw «uamy,lor sharp- wililanw. James Re», Angellne RM*.•*3Pg*g5 I TW* »"*rnouu tho team ex- B c U n , Haimensen. Beatrice 8arofln,pecta foahoof off a postal match with Margaret Leavitt.'Margaret! Preuss, An-Stamford. Conn. High 8chool. .--. . ^ Racier, • BarbVa ,Bro«n. Monrawt

. . . . . n .wwi.peasi doorroar... new adjustable.sliding

.4 Ymn MfMtmtt mtcbamictt /lilmrt.

^ ^ . ^ ^ ^wRu-ojuaiorol flat-top design.; priced as low u $99.10(tAxa tax and delimyA As little ai 27dowa and $7 a month put* a C-E Tfetour kitchen tomorrow, lorestiguc I

*?9 good of you to iel^phpnewliilelWasill.,


•: * •.;*


Coal CompanySuccessor to


Practical <u can tVt,; (Au •«(.*/ "Wear.Ever" Sauce Ppta.Cnotl i twri lm t

h O John; K. MtJ,I Knight. Harrj-1. £

f KrughU Roy 1sUcturlng Knight, Roy F. Lilly; secre-tary. Harold J. Oook, treasurer, Ray E.

iHiifpcnn);; tiler K i t lYrhun t

_t|Kranke. Mao l!fi*ahcUi i^ankliSTTSel-',' j-iteemed | eh Maihci, Jane McOlnnLs. Ifrances_t.' Esteemed McPiiall. Carol Morrison, Betty simp-,'Lilly; son. Fred. Schroder. William Tyree,

Barbara Waters. .Mildred Omcner andWUllam CiarrolL Special H n B l


. . . .IIMUUQ xyree,<»v«.-treasurer, Ray E i Barbara Waters. .Mildred UmtWE and

iHijrpcnn)-; tiler. K. i t TVrhune;..truj-. j William CarrolL S«eelal irpnor Roll—tee\ucrbert B. Oiiuld; rcprnentaMve.(.AIvin Booth. AileV Black. Janiceto Qrarid Lodge. Oeorge II JWey: al-JBarrws, Vallera Cooshors, Mercie|Irrnale reprcjenUtme. • Herbert., aLFrankeji_JLlarjH--aP- **- ••'•"- ~"Could, ami delegate to State Cunvea-1 dunvaldsen. HelenUo'n.:cWon»'M.';Riiey..- " ' . • «>••--•-' - "

oheered me a lotTm much better."

ithei.jane JJlc.iCarol Morrison, Marguentef

»ot »QI. «<t. -,.. r^ fa~\ \"

•- nVIsitllESulwth Chamber

HMOD of Comntercw '


1115 CAUOPINC HaU MMDMa* tat arm*


n£n«1(J,» i o leapt in toad, wahi^,

, !^bma **» wa, almt £„,

TuiO W::n

^ ^ R T B E H E R E