From Passion to Prosperity: Copyright, 2013 Jennifer Oikle Creation...

From Passion to Prosperity: Copyright, 2013 Jennifer Oikle, Ph.D. NOTEBOOK for *From Passion to Prosperity* How to Ignite your Soul’s Work in the World by Making a Heart-felt Difference A 2-Part Tele-Course in Manifesting your Mission with More Power, Passion, Purpose, AND Profit with Dr. Jenn, founder of the Healing with Horse Collective 1

Transcript of From Passion to Prosperity: Copyright, 2013 Jennifer Oikle Creation...

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From Passion to Prosperity: Copyright, 2013 Jennifer Oikle, Ph.D.


*From Passion to Prosperity*

How to Ignite your Soul’s Work in the World by Making a Heart-felt Difference

A 2-Part Tele-Course inManifesting your Mission with

More Power, Passion, Purpose, AND Profit


Dr. Jenn, founder of the Healing with Horse Collective


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From Passion to Prosperity: Copyright, 2013 Jennifer Oikle, Ph.D.

*Please see your class download page for a pictorial review of this method as done with a live horse herd.

Part 1: Activating Your Magnificent MissionHow to use the Creation Matrix Method to

Jump-Start & Powerfully Propel Your Vision from Dream to Reality

The Co-Creation Success Formula

Activate Your Intention + Clear Subconscious Programming + Take Inspired Action = Successful Manifestation


The Creation Matrix Method is a manifestation method where you join with all levels of creation to more easily and gracefully manifest a heart’s desire. It is a co-creative process where you partner with beings on all levels to bring forth what matters to you most.

The Method itself is a Guided, Intuitive, Imagination Process where you settle into a quiet heart space and you ask your inner guidance a series of questions and allow the answers to flow through you. That’s the intuitive part, you ask a question and you listen for the first answer that comes into your awareness. If no answer comes, you can use your imagination to see, feel, or sense an answer.

The Creation Matrix Method is based on six concepts.

1) Everything is ENERGY

Although things certainly look solid in our world, science tells us that everything is actually comprised of energy. All things which eventually manifest in our world, start out as energy creations- or ideas that have been energetically charged with feelings. So when you learn how to consciously and powerfully intend to create and activate your creation’s underlying energetic blueprint, success unfolds much more naturally.


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From Passion to Prosperity: Copyright, 2013 Jennifer Oikle, Ph.D.

2) An Intention’s Overall Vibration is what Creates it’s Attraction Point

Our intentions are brought into creation through a process of energetic attraction. Once we create an energetic blueprint for something we want, it’s the energy of this intention that vibrates and attracts things that match with it.

So by consciously activating energies that are important for our project, we create the Heart of our Intention- which is the overall vibration of all of the energies our project holds. This vibration, the Heart, is the attraction point of our project and allows people, resources, and opportunities that match your intention to be drawn into your field, resulting in manifesting your goal.

3) You Never Have to Create or Manifest Alone

Everyone has at their disposal all levels of creation, including all beings in all realms, those we can see, and those we cannot. And when we partner with the unseen realm, who have the powers of the Universe at their disposal, manifestation happens more quickly and easily than ever before because you will have all sorts of unseen helpers prompting, prodding and supporting the synchronistic happenings to unfold that bring to life your creation.

Related Reading: Hiring the Heavens by Jean Slatter

4) An Intention Activated with a Creation Matrix has a more Stable Attraction Point than an Intention you Create Alone

Attraction points are generally very unstable because they are based on your personal ability to hold a positive energy (and not have mis-aligned subconscious programming) - which many people are unable to easily accomplish, and so manifesting often seems “hard.”


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From Passion to Prosperity: Copyright, 2013 Jennifer Oikle, Ph.D.

A benefit of using the Matrix is that now you have help HOLDING the energy of your Matrix pure and clear. Since the universal beings helping you are better able to hold the energy of your intention clear, it stays stable and makes attracting the right people, opportunities, and resources happen much more quickly and easily.

5) You Never Have to Worry about the HOW’s

When you work with all levels of creation, you can release your worries about knowing WHAT to do or HOW to do it, because when you get in the flow and trust the flow by taking action and staying open to receiving, you will always be guided to what to do next, or it will just show up in your field! The process allows mini-miracles to flow into your life which, when acted upon, result in your manifestation.

6) You Don’t have to BELIEVE in it for the Method to Work!

If you are a skeptic about using this method, that’s ok, you don’t have to believe in it for it to work. If you get started and only pretend enough to follow through, then the method will prove to you it works!

WHEN to Activate a Creation Matrix

You can set a Creation Matrix for anything you wish to manifest in the physical world…with one caveat: it should be a heart’s desire, something you desire to have, be, or do from the level of the heart.

If there is no heart or soul in the desire, the universe may not wish to support your manifestation, so your desire does need to be in alignment with your soul at this time.

For example you can use it for:

~ Small or large things, like help getting a new video camera, or manifesting a new home


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From Passion to Prosperity: Copyright, 2013 Jennifer Oikle, Ph.D.

~ Any THING, experience or STATE: things like a new car or a horse; experiences like a vacation, or a relationship; or a state, like health or happiness

Personal or professional objectives: personal like having a beautiful marriage, or professional like hosting a symposium for 100 people

HOW can you use the Creation Matrix Method?

You can set a creation matrix for yourself, or you can guide another person like a friend, spouse, or client through the process. You can also guide a group.

The EASIEST WAY to SET a Creation Matrix

My favorite way to activate a matrix is in pairs, where one person can be the guide/scribe and other person can do the creation. Then, if you wish, you can switch.

If you do it in pairs, one person will be the guide & scribe and ask the questions out loud. Then the person creating the matrix can answer out loud so the guide/scribe can write down all of the answers.

This way is very effective because a lot of information will come through and it’s best if there is a way to unobtrusively get the info in writing to review afterward.

You CAN guide & scribe for yourself and do it alone. But, unless you have an awesome memory it does help if you can also stop and write it down for yourself, if you wish.

Just a note that sometimes it’s hard for people to access their inner wisdom, if they are popping in and out, or trying to remember the next step, or if they wait till the end to remember it all- so you need to decide what’s best for you or your client or group.


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From Passion to Prosperity: Copyright, 2013 Jennifer Oikle, Ph.D.

WHERE can you set a Creation matrix?

Since the horses are magnificent energy beings, I love to do this in the presence of live horses, but you can do it any time, any place and you can always invite the energy of the horses to be with you if you can’t be with them in person.

No Rules!

There are no hard and fast rules about using this method. Just stay curious to what is truth in the moment rather than what you think is normal or needed…there is no right or wrong way with this, there is only what wants to be created through you.


Now, let’s see exactly how to activate your Creation Matrix!

Step 1: Create Sacred Space

You can do this in any way you please, if you have a typical way of clearing your mind, grounding yourself, and centering into your body you can use that.

This is also a time to call in your best self or guides.

Step 2: The Creation of an Energetic Matrix for your Heart's Desire

By dropping into your heart, you will use your breath to simply create a sphere of energy that is empty and ready to be filled.

This is your empty creation matrix. It typically looks like a ball of energy, with a grid or matrix surrounding it’s outer edge.

Step 3: Defining the Essence Energies to create a Magnetic Attraction

Once we have created the empty structure of the matrix, the next step is to fill the matrix with all of the energies that are essential or central to your project.


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From Passion to Prosperity: Copyright, 2013 Jennifer Oikle, Ph.D.

So one at a time, we will ask a simple question to determine which energies are needed for our Matrix.

And the question is this: When you place your attention on this project or goal, what is a quality, energy, feeling or characteristic that is at it’s heart? What energy is part of it’s essence?

Once you have an answer to that question, notice the color of that energy and invite it to fill the matrix.

Then continue to discover the essence of your creation by continuing to ask this question until you run out of answers, each time adding the energy and it’s color to your Creation Matrix.

You might have only 3 energies to add. Often there are more, like 6 or 10, or for a big one, even 15 or 20.

It’s important to continue until there are no more obvious answers popping into your awareness. You don’t need to rack your brain. This isn’t a thinking process, it’s an intuitive or awareness process. So it’s actually best NOT to go in with a list you’ve made ahead of time.

When no more answers come, move onto the next step.

Step 4: Calling in your Creation's Guide so you Always Have Guidance

So once you’ve filled your Matrix with the essence energies of your project, the next step is to call in the Guide who will oversee your creation.

This means you will be a co-creator and you never have to create alone…this means that not everything has to be up to you…that you can ask for help and receive it…that you can rely on someone else to oversee the project’s overall creation and trust that it will all unfold in perfect timing because someone has your back.

Calling in your guide is simple enough and is done with asking an easy question and allowing the answer, the question is: Who is to be my guide for this creation? What being is offering to assist?


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From Passion to Prosperity: Copyright, 2013 Jennifer Oikle, Ph.D.

Now it might be a being or guide you are already familiar with such as power animal, horse guide, or an angel friend. But it could also be something that is new to you. So once more, keeping an open mind is very important.

If you are not familiar with working with guides and you ask this question, but nothing comes into your awareness, then you can use your imagination to select a guide you’d like to oversee your project.

We also check to see if there is more than one guide, because sometimes there is a team.

If you discover more than one guide, then also check to see what the roles of each team member are.

Step 5: Calling Forth your Project's Helpers so You Never Have to Do It Alone Again!

So now you have your primary guide to help you and it’s their job to call in all the helpers you need to get the job done…these are almost like energetic worker bees who delight in poking, prodding, and making connections happen so that all of the people, opportunities, and resources you need show up in perfect timing.

Again, this is a simple step and only requires you asking your primary guide to call in your helpers…so go ahead and ask and then notice what color(s) the helpers are as they flow into the grid around your matrix.

It is always interesting to note how your matrix feels different with the support of these beings AND how you feel different by acknowledging the support of these beings.

Step 6: Setting your Meeting Space for Ongoing Action & Direction

The Creation Matrix isn’t something that you just set and forget, it’s an ongoing co-creation PROCESS which requires that you continue to show up and work the magic from your end, as you allow the magic to be worked on your behalf from all levels of creation.


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From Passion to Prosperity: Copyright, 2013 Jennifer Oikle, Ph.D.

So to finish the initial creation matrix process, you’ll find out from your primary guide the best ways to work with them in the creation of this project.

So we ask a few questions to make the follow up process more concrete...we’ll ask:

1) How often should I tune in for guidance?2) Is there a time of day when it is best for me to tune in?3) Is there a specific place or location in my home where I can tune in

easiest?4) When I tune in, is there a particular method I can use to most clearly

receive your guidance?5) What is the best way for me to anchor the energy of this matrix into my

awareness after this process? Should I write it down, draw it, create an altar, post an image, etc.

6) Is there anything else I need to know?

Step 7: Anchoring Your Creation to Become a Powerful Intent Antenna

With the previous step we are essentially done with creating and activating the Creation the Matrix, but now we want to anchor it into our reality. So far, it’s been done energetically and in our imagination, so we take a final step to make it more concrete.

Anchoring can be as simple as writing down everything you got.

Or, I highly recommend drawing, coloring, or painting your matrix with it’s energies and guides so you can place it in the room you’ll communicate with your team, as an awesome visual energetic reminder or an antenna for what you are working toward.

You don’t have to be an artist to do this, anyone can take some crayons and work with the energy on a piece of paper.

Another really fun way to anchor the energy of your matrix if you have the time, or the inclination, is to paint the image of your matrix with it’s colors on a horse. When you do this, the horse will help you embody and anchor the energy of your matrix within you, breathing it into life. This is also really fun to do with a group.


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From Passion to Prosperity: Copyright, 2013 Jennifer Oikle, Ph.D.

I also highly recommend setting up a specific place where you will tune into guidance, and making a little altar of sorts, with whatever sacred objects are relevant to you and your project- to serve as an Intent Antenna. You can put your picture or drawing there.

Step 8: Following up by Showing Up and Working the Method

Since the Creation Matrix is a method, a process of co-creation, this means we’ve got to show up and do our end of the co-creating…which in this method, simply means we take the time to show up and get our guidance, so we can take only inspired actions.

When we take inspired action from guidance, they are effective actions and effective actions are efficient, which means that there ends up being less work to be done, because we’re only doing what’s in the flow of creation, moving us toward our vision and goal.

So the idea is to come to your sacred space at regular intervals and ask what is your next step… and then take that action…and then come back and see what is the next step, and onward to your goal.

Communication with your guidance team is typically easiest if you set a similar time and similar place so it was basically an appointment that both sides can begin to reply on, at whatever interval your guidance recommends.

If you have more than one Matrix active at one time, you could say, take your three projects in, and sit down, and, maybe you have a piece of paper with each project on it.  And whatever questions you might have that day for each project, you sit in your sacred space of creation, and you ask your questions and you write down your answers.

A Heads Up on Receiving Guidance

Sometimes we might feel like we aren’t getting any guidance or answers when we sit down and ask…and that’s fine. There may be no action to take in that moment or it could be that your guides work best by prompting you in other ways or at other times. So if you are having trouble “hearing” your guidance when you sit down and ask, then your role becomes about paying more attention to your gut


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From Passion to Prosperity: Copyright, 2013 Jennifer Oikle, Ph.D.

feelings and taking action on them immediately without delay…like when you feel like you should call someone, or go a certain place, or do a certain activity…if you get the prompting, do it. That’s your guidance team trying to help set you up for success & synchronicities!


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From Passion to Prosperity: Copyright, 2013 Jennifer Oikle, Ph.D.


Below is a word-for-word script that you can use to guide yourself, others, or a group through activating a Creation Matrix.

Please note that you do NOT have to use it exactly as it is written. In fact, once you know the steps yourself, you’ll find that you will shorten the process and flow through it the way that is perfect for YOU!

Step 1: Create Scared Space

*Please note that you may do this step in any way you wish…I’ll provide just one example of how I sometimes do it.

Go ahead and get comfortable in your space. And when you are ready, close your eyes.

Let’s take a moment to come into the present moment with a big, deep breath. And with another big, deep breath, that fills up both of your abdomen and your lungs, allow yourself to open completely to this moment. Allow everything that is not of this very moment to flow out on your breath.

And with another breath allow all of the energy to flow down your body and into your feet. Feel your feet anchored securely on Mother Earth and notice the very space under your feet, the very part of Mother Earth underneath you that is offering you support.

And with another breath once again allow all of the energy to flow down your body and into your feet and now down into the earth. And this time imagine that as you breathe in, you are drawing in the supporting, nurturing energy of Mother Earth, up from the earth into your feet, up your legs and torso and into your heart.

Take a big breath right into your heart space now and just notice how that feels.


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From Passion to Prosperity: Copyright, 2013 Jennifer Oikle, Ph.D.

And from that heart space, let’s open a circle of divine wisdom, inspiration, and creation. We ask that our highest and best selves guide us on this journey today. We call in the presence of any helpers that normally assist us, including any angels, beings, or horses that you already know, in spirit or in body. Go ahead and call in your herd or any horses you work with as well.

And we ask that the Horse Collective join us now, including all horses on the planet that wish to help uplift humanity, all horses on the spirit side that wish to support us, and the Unicorn and Pegasus energies, as well as any horse guides that are with us.

See if you can feel or sense the presence of these wonderful beings surrounding us now.

And if you cannot feel them now, just know that they are there and all is in perfect order and you will be guided for your highest good and the highest good of all you are meant to serve.

Step 2: Creating a Matrix Container

All right, let’s now set our intention to generate a creation matrix for a specific project or goal you have in mind.

You can state that clearly in your mind or out loud, “My intention is to generate a Creation Matrix for…fill in the blank.

Now just breathe for a moment, and bring your full attention to this goal or project and what it means to you…for a moment, just imagine that this vision is already fulfilled and notice how you will feel…

As you begin to notice, drop down into the feeling space of your heart, bring your attention to your heart, and smile, knowing that you are moving towards this beautiful creation, which is now assured, because all of creation will be supporting you.

And with another big breath in and out, we are going to create the Matrix container for your project, so breathe in and when you breathe out, imagine that with the


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From Passion to Prosperity: Copyright, 2013 Jennifer Oikle, Ph.D.

breath of your heart, you are generating a sphere, a circle of light. Or notice if your Matrix wants to be another shape.

You might see your ball of light in front of you. And if you wish, you can hold your hands out and feel it as your heart-breath creates it.

Now ask with me, how big does this energetic matrix want to be? And see your sphere grow to the full size needed to hold the energy of your creation. Maybe it’s a size that fits in your hands, or maybe it grows as big as you, or the room you are in, or even bigger. Just ask and notice.

And now as you continue to breath, allow the outside of the sphere to form, like a matrix, or a grid of lines or a net surrounding your sphere…and if you wish, you can notice if your sphere has a color right now. And notice if the grid lines have a color, the same or different, just notice.


STEP 3: Adding Essential Energies

Now, we are going to fill this matrix with the essential energies of this project or goal. By doing this we will create a unique energetic signature or vibration which is the Heart of your Project- that becomes it’s Attraction Point.

Remember, you don’t need to know your projects essential energies, we’ll just keep asking the question until there aren’t any more answers.

So once more breathe into your heart, and when you place your attention on this project or goal, what is a quality, energy, or feeling that is at it’s heart? What energy is part of it’s essence?

Just notice the first word, idea, image, energy that comes to mind…and ask what color is this concept or energy…and then just invite that energy with it’s color to fill your matrix.


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From Passion to Prosperity: Copyright, 2013 Jennifer Oikle, Ph.D.

Now notice where that energy and it’s color is coming in from. It might be flowing from above, maybe your hearts, or hands… just notice as you allow it to fill your Matrix sphere.

And we’ll repeat this a few times to invite all of the energies which are an essential part of your projects energetic blueprint.

And so once again, breathe into you heart and when you place your attention on this project or goal, what is a quality, energy, or feeling that is at it’s heart? What energy is part of it’s essence?

Just notice the first word, idea, image, energy that comes to mind…and ask what color is this concept or energy…and then just invite that energy with it’s color to fill your matrix.


Again, what is another energy that is a part of this project? Notice it’s color and invite it into your Matrix.


Another time, what is another energy that is a central to this project? Notice it’s color and invite it into your Matrix.


And again, is there another energy that is part of this project? Notice it’s color and invite it into your Matrix.


And once more, is there another energy that is essential to this project? Notice it’s color and invite it into your Matrix.

Good- now place your attention on the matrix with all of the energies and what do you notice?


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From Passion to Prosperity: Copyright, 2013 Jennifer Oikle, Ph.D.

Perfect. Just see all of the beautiful colors of the energies swirling together and becoming a beacon of light, an energetic blueprint of creation.

*If you were doing this alone, you would continue to ask this question until there seemed to be no more answers.

STEP 4: Discovering the GuideFor now, we’ll move onto the next stage, discovering this creation’s Guide.

So, still with your eyes closed, feel your matrix in front of you, breathe from your heart in acknowledgement of it’s unique energetic essence, know that this is yours to create in the world, but that you are never alone in it’s creation, you always have support. See how that Truth makes you feel.

And from that openness to being supported, to having help, let’s discover who your primary guide is for this creation.

So breathing through your heart, simply ask with me: Who is my guide for this creation? What being is offering to assist?

Just notice the first thought, word, idea, feeling that comes to mind…it could be a Being you are familiar with, with a name you know, or it could be someone or something unexpected, just notice: Who is willing to be the primary guide for this creation?

Most people will have an answer pop into their awareness, but if nothing comes, that’s fine, you can invite someone to help…simply ask a being to be your guide and see if you sense an answer yes.

Sometimes there is more than one guide, there could be a team of guides. And so now wonder with me…are there any other beings who wish to assist with this creation? And see what you notice.


Now thank these beings for assisting you in co-creating this sacred mission at this time. And see if they have an answer.


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From Passion to Prosperity: Copyright, 2013 Jennifer Oikle, Ph.D.

Now, if you have more than one guide who stepped forward, ask with me: Who is the primary guide, the point person who will be the overseer of the whole creation?

And now ask the other guide or guides if they can tell you what their role will be? How will they help and support you?

STEP 5: Calling the Helpers In

Next, we’re going to ask your primary guide to call in the Helpers- the beings whose role it is to work behind the scenes to help make things happen, to create synchronicities.

So, this is simple enough, ask your main guide to go ahead and call in the helpers now. See the energy of the helpers flow in toward your matrix and notice what color or colors their energy is. As you notice, see that color(s) fill in the grid lines of your Matrix, the web on the outside of your sphere, with their support.

Notice how your matrix feels now that this energetic support is wrapped around your creation…notice how YOU feel in your body now that this support from all levels of creation is wrapped around your intention.


STEP 6: Setting Meeting Space

Alright, before we finish, let’s find out from your primary guide the best way to work with them in the creation of this project.

So if you still feel the presence of your guide, great, if not, ask them to come forward again.

And let’s now ask a few questions so you can best connect for ongoing action and direction on your creation. Just notice the first thing that comes to your mind for each question.

Let’s start with: How often should I tune in for guidance?


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Is there a time of day when it is best for me to tune in?

Is there a specific place or location in my home where I can tune in easiest?

When I tune in, is there a particular method I can use to most clearly receive your guidance?

What is the best way for me to anchor the energy of this matrix into my awareness after this process? Should I write it down, draw it, create an altar, post an image, etc…

Is there anything else you want me to know now about working with you?

Is there anything else you want me to know now about the success of this creation?

Is there anything else?

Great, thank your guide and let them know you will tune in soon.

Come back to the room with a breath, wiggling your hands and toes. Disconnect with a heart breathe. And when you are ready, open your eyes.


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From Passion to Prosperity: Copyright, 2013 Jennifer Oikle, Ph.D.


An easy-to-use way to record what happened as you created and activated your Matrix for ease in future reference.

~ Step 1: Creating Sacred Space

Did anything remarkable or unusual happen during your setting of space?

~ Step 2: The Creation of an Energetic Matrix for your Heart's Desire

How big was your Creation Matrix?

What color was it?

What color were the grid lines?

~ Step 3: Defining the Essence Energies to create a Magnetic Attraction

List the essential energies (and their color) that make up the Heart of your Project

~ Step 4: Calling in your Creation's Guide so You Always Have Guidance


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From Passion to Prosperity: Copyright, 2013 Jennifer Oikle, Ph.D.

Who was the main guide for your Matrix?

Were there additional guides? If so, what are their roles?

~ Step 5: Calling Forth your Project's Helpers so You Never Have to Do It Alone Again!

What was the color(s) of your helpers?

How did the Matrix feel with their support?

How did you feel with the addition of this support?

~ Step 6: Setting your Meeting Space for Ongoing Action & Direction

How often should I tune in for guidance?

Is there a time of day when it is best for me to tune in?

Is there a specific place or location in my home where I can tune in easiest?

When I tune in, is there a particular method I can use to most clearly receive your guidance?

What is the best way for me to anchor the energy of this matrix into my awareness after this process? Should I write it down, draw it, create an altar, post an image, etc…


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From Passion to Prosperity: Copyright, 2013 Jennifer Oikle, Ph.D.

Is there anything else you want me to know now about working with you?

Is there anything else you want me to know now about the success of this creation?

Is there anything else?


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From Passion to Prosperity: Copyright, 2013 Jennifer Oikle, Ph.D.


~ Step 1: Creating Sacred Space

Create space any way that stills the mind, brings you to the present, and grounds you in the body, while opening space for all guidance to flow in.

~ Step 2: The Creation of an Energetic Matrix for your Heart's Desire

Through the heart, breathe into being an empty energy matrix, or container with a grid around it.

~ Step 3: Defining the Essence Energies to create a Magnetic Attraction

One at a time, discover and call in all of the energies which are essential to your project, notice their color, and have them enter your Matrix with the question:

Breathe into you heart and when you place your attention on this project or goal, what is a quality, energy, or feeling that is at it’s heart? What energy is part of it’s essence?

Continue until no more ready answers come.

~ Step 4: Calling in your Creation's Guide so You Always Have Guidance

Discover the overarching guide to your co-creation with the question: Who is my guide for this creation? What being is offering to assist?

Check to see if there is more than one guide and if so, their main roles.

~ Step 5: Calling Forth your Project's Helpers so You Never Have to Do It Alone Again!


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From Passion to Prosperity: Copyright, 2013 Jennifer Oikle, Ph.D.

Have your main guide call in the helpers for your project. Notice the color of their energy as their energy/color flows into the grid lines of your Matrix.

See how the Matrix and you feel with the addition of this support.

~ Step 6: Setting your Meeting Space for Ongoing Action & Direction

Check in with your main guide to see how to best co-create with them for this project by asking the questions:

How often should I tune in for guidance?

Is there a time of day when it is best for me to tune in?

Is there a specific place or location in my home where I can tune in easiest?

When I tune in, is there a particular method I can use to most clearly receive your guidance?

What is the best way for me to anchor the energy of this matrix into my awareness after this process? Should I write it down, draw it, create an altar, post an image, etc…

Is there anything else you want me to know now about working with you?

Is there anything else you want me to know now about the success of this creation?

Is there anything else?

~ Step 7: Anchoring Your Creation to Become a Powerful Intent Antenna

Bring your Matrix into the physical with some activity: writing, drawing, painting, etc. Create a sacred space to tune into your guidance.

~ Step 8: Following up and Following Through

Show up in the time, space, and frequency which your guide recommended to tune into guidance so you can take inspired action that is effective and efficient.


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From Passion to Prosperity: Copyright, 2013 Jennifer Oikle, Ph.D.

Stay open to clues and cues, promptings and proddings that are asking you to take action which will open avenues for your creation to manifest.