
1 NSN and passing through Chile The last twilight saga Miley surprised with his new haircut


This journal entry fashion and interviews

Transcript of Friends


NSN and passing through Chile

The last twilight saga

Miley surprised with his new haircut



The arrival of Never Shout Never to Chile 3

Spring summer 5

Test 8

Miley and her new haircut 10

Amanecer part 2 12

Horoscope 14


After getting his last album "Magic” NSN decides to tour throughout America and so was:

Everyone expected output Christopher and the band on stage, there was a lot of screaming

until they were entering one of all members up to Christopher, he had a flashy outfit, started

on songs like "On the Brightside" "Love Is Our Weapon" and "I Just Laugh".

For the public all that mattered in the show seemed to be Chris, you scream repeated times and

chanted his name, take and greet the fans and the show continued with songs like "Your Biggest

Fan", "Coffee And Cigarettes" and "I Love You 5 ".

One of the most exciting moments of the night was when they played "Harmony", which did

mourn much of the public and never stopped screaming


After the success of his last album released their new album called "Magic” which so far has

been successful sales worldwide

On this new record we find songs like:

1. Magic

2. All mines

3. Life goes on

4. Sorry

5. between two words

6. Lust

7. California slang

8. Wrong side of town

9. Honey-Drew

10. The look

11. Hazel eyes


Spring summer





1) When you meet someone, you always have a kind word to say?

A) I'm just honest.

B) Sure, it's my way to brighten the day for others.

C) Yes, if I like.

2) What traits best define your character?

A) Restraint and generosity

B) Justice and accountability.

C) Competitiveness and Domino.

4) A friend and you will love the same man. How do you behave?

A) Whatever you have to do, is for me.

B) Depends on how much and what attracts me is friend.

C) As I am. And he decides who wins the best.

5) You're at a wedding and another girl is wearing a suit like yours. What are you doing?

A) I walk by your side, you see that looks best on me.

B) Nothing, because it shows that the outfit is cute.

C) I approached her and teased by the coincidence.

6) I've marked some career goals and achieving them would...

A) Use my arms, but always fair play.

B) All you could, but without stepping on anyone.

C) Anything. The law of the jungle is my law.

7) To go to work, what style of clothes you wear?

A) Mona, but comfortable. I go to work, not party.

B) Which make men and become the envy of women?

C) Depending on the mood you have when I get up.


8) The jokes you laugh the most are:

A) The ironic.

B) The ingenious.

C) The Jaimito.

9) You’re talking to some friends and a person joins the group...

A) At least greeting, I think is the minimum.

B) I try to feel integrated and I put up with what we talked about.

C) Do not give me no mind; I'll be immersed in the talk.

10) If you could star in a movie, would you choose...

A) Tomb Raider, Angelina Jolie warrior as I am.

B) When Harry Met Sally. I love the playfulness of Meg Ryan.

C) Certainly Bridget Jones, Renée Zellweger's tenderness.


MOST A: PURE GOODNESS: Look back, sure you have wings. We will not change because that

certainly need more people like you. Still, your good nature seasoned with a bit of mischief. You

will be extremely sexy.

MOST B: JUST POINT: When you're good, you're the best and you know you do not want get

serious when you avasallen. You know where the boundary between right and impolite. Keep it up!

MOST C: MISSING YOU TRIDENT: Calm down a bit! You yours too and that does not sit well

with anyone, not even you. Listen a little closer to each other and do not step so strong, you may

fall and few will be offered to help.


Miley and her new haircut

Miley Cyrus has hit a more radical change in recent months. First change the color of your

hair for a platinum blonde, then cut her long hair leaving even some parts shaved and now seems

to have decided to change your look completely

Will is going through a new stage of rebellion?

Miley has raised to his Twitter recently some images that have left much to talk about. And

I'm not talking about the photos of his new haircut! But some images of the famous in clothes

quite striking and very different from those used previously.

One of the first photographs reveals a blouse that reveals her bra, along with some very

colorful leggings and bold. The combination of clothes with hair clearly has generated a

completely different style and criticism of all kinds lloverle not stop.

The other photos that Miley Cyrus was up images of profile and front. Not only showing her

new hair color, but also has been done shaven.

Moreover, it seems that is still losing weight and is quite proud of that. He recently posted

several images can be seen clearly where your hip bones.



Amanecer part 2

Dispersed, with little desire to talk and some sleepy Robert Pattinson has come to the

presentation of 'Breaking Dawn Part 2' (in theaters November 16) in Madrid. Beside him, a

beautiful (and to the surprise of many, sympathetic) Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner (the

most talkative of the three), his companions during these five years in the saga Twilight. To the

first question (what this work has meant to him) Robert has preferred not to answer. "I think I

have told all my friends. Has been incredible," he said with a wave of sleep.

Then something more lively, explained that if I had to choose a Bella (Kristen Stewart's

character), "I'd pick the movies. Always try to save Edward. Both films Bella as real ( referring

to Kristen) is fantastic, "he said with a gesture of complicity with actress (and your partner).

With respect to the thousands of fans of 'Twilight', Robert said that "at first we did not

understand much that meant. But after seeing that so many people were following us felt a

great responsibility, as an extreme sense of duty. Fans came to the set, accompanied us to all

the sites's really nice in a world so cynical as this. "

"It's been five years of sheer madness," says taking stock of five films, "many fans around

yelling sometimes overwhelming. For example, in Germany we had 30,000 people supporting us

and screaming, that's amazing. Certainly I stay with respect for the fans and the respect that

we also have the books and stories, "says Pattinson.

And what scene in the entire saga is Robert Pattinson? "I remember on the set of 'Eclipse'

the director suddenly told me I had to put a vampire and very scary. And I thought, what

vampire, how is that done? Total, I spent three hours putting face of terror and I think it

worked, "he jokes. At his response, Taylor Lautner also added. "I was with Kristen Stewart

twelve hours in arms, it was cold, he was shirtless and I became stronger because the machine

did not work I had to do that job for me. So I suffered a lot," says Kristen provoking laughter.


Shortly wanted to add Robert Pattinson, who has spent the press conference writing on

paper, discussing things with the producer of 'Breaking Dawn Part 2' and taking gestures

complicit with Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner, much more awake than he.




His letters express recommend you have saved in your heart, for it is a good time to heal old

wounds. It's a good day to look at their roots and understand where it comes from and where it



It's a good day to take care of matters that are pending, catch up and feel there is wasting his

time. The energy is released and the doors open. You can organize your things differently.


Leverage your experience to avoid making the same mistakes of the past. Analyze the situation

well and Listen to your intuition to make decisions that will impact on the future.


It's a good day to go out to visit friends, catch up and refresh your loving feelings. Leverage



His Tarot recommend further efforts to achieve what you want. It's a good time to stock up

with energy, as the conditions are favorable and the winds blow in their favor. dynamism and

good cheer to fill with energy and desire to strengthen their bond.


His Tarot cards speak releasing your thoughts and concerns and resolve labor during the week.

Today is Saturday and the day is to change the switch and take care of you, your family and

your loves.



It is a day to spend on bills and loose hands. With his organizational skills may find the balance

between what you want and can do. Slow down and do not rush, that significantly improve



It's a good day to change the routine of the week. Eat papaya and read the newspaper without

desire. It's a good day for the sun, filled with energy and calls a new love.


His Tarot recommend enjoy the day without effort and without pressure, as they approach busy



His Tarot recommend being honest with yourself to know what you truly want. Do not hear the

reasons of others and orient yourself so passionate heart tells her.. Feel the energy, to face

what comes, and courage to move on.


His letters speak good day to enroll in the gym and not let their purposes for tomorrow. Right

now you have to do, because it must build on the momentum that has at the time.


It's a good day to go for a walk and accept an invitation that is pending. It's a good time to

open your heart to love and who want it. As read in tarot cards, love you round about.